European Newspaper Award – Trends 2021 + Call for Entries 23rd Competition

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The Jury

EuropEan nEwspapEr award t h e 2 2 nD C o M P e t i t i o n

The 18 jury members came from eleven countries: Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Great Britain and Germany. They are journalists, scientists and designers.

The jury of the 22nd European Newspaper Award:         

Silvia Brenes Pietro, EINA Barcelona, ES Prof. Jordi Catalá, Barcelona, ES Walter Jensen, Art-Director, Bergens Tidende, N Sónia Matos, Art Director, Público, P Marco Grieco, Art-Director, Expresso, P Theo Dersjant, Fontys School of Journalism, NL Martin Huisman, Art-Director, Het Nieuwsblad, B Marianne Bahl, Art-Director, DK Søren Nyeland, Art-Director, Politiken, DK

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Kevin Wilson, Art Director, FT Weekend, GB Alie Veenhuizen, Art Director, Leeuwarder Courant, NL Gaudenz Bock, Art Director, Südwest-Presse, D Sven Gallinelli, Art Director, NZZ Regionalmedien, CH Prof. Dr. Martin Zimper, ZHdK/Cast, CH Kevin Loftus, Art Director, The Mayo News IRL Björn Heselius, Principal Designer, Nitor, S Marianne Hartz, Art-Director, Lebensmittel Zeitung, D Prof. Joachim Blum, Media-Consultant, D

B o o K s o n n e w s PA P e r D e s i G n

newspaper Design 22 the results of the 22nd european newspaper Award ISBN 978-3-9820790-3-5 USB stick € 38,50

newspaper Design 22 The yearbook has 20 chapters and more than 1,400 illustrations. The first chapter gives an overview of the main award winners. It also documents all the winning pages from the 20 categories of the competition. This year, the focus is on the categories Cover and Cover Story, News Pages and Concept/Innovation Print and Online. Overall: The yearbook provides an overview of the current trends in newspaper design and concept in Europe.

newspaper Design and reading research 200 pages thread sewing, hardcover ISBN 978-3-00-048574-9 € 49,50


newspaper Design and reading research The aim of the book is to show the expanded possibilities that the printed newspaper has to assert itself with readers and to stand out from other media. The basis of the book is research into reader behaviour. For this purpose, a modern eye-tracking camera is used, which documents the behaviour during newspaper reading. From the results, one can deduce what the reader-friendly newspaper must look like. The easiest way to order the books is via

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