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15 Die Zeit

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21 Data Journalism

21 Data Journalism

Die Zeit

EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar


CAteGorY weeKLY newsPAPer

front-page concept

Die Zeit was one of the fi rst German newspapers using poster-like cover pages. Above the fold a single topic is presented in a visual way. The appropriate story follows on the inside that might run over several pages.

Blooming books

“Reading books is still trendy”. The blooming books in the picture speak for themselves. The cover was chosen on the occasion of the Leipzig book fair.

the beginning of the end

“Are things changing?” And the subheadline adds, “Never before has Donald Trump had fewer support- ers. Never before have his decisions been more confusing.” The combination of headline and picture is perfect.

Contrast of yellow and blue

“The power of the quiet ones”: “Why the quiet and modest among us are chronically underestimated – and what escapes the world of work‘s notice, and not only them,” reads the subheadline. The topic is visualized by a yellow canary against a blue background – a striking primary colour contrast on the cover.

Bott icelli with a mask

Sandro Bott icelli‘s painting “Birth of Venus” is shown with a mask. “The new normal,” is the headline. And the subheadline asks, “The step-by-step abandoning of the restrictions is splitt ing the country. Who will be allowed to get back to normal and who will still have to wait?”

 Jury statement

Die Zeit has been a success story for years now. Within a span of fi ve years the number of subscribers has risen by 19.75%. Their secret: the newspaper is in a permanent state of progress concerning their contents and design. Years ago, their front pages with their spacey presentations of cover stories had already become exemplary for a great number of European newspapers. New sections such as ‘Controversy‘ have been introduced. Every week full-page infographics are published. Their online medium off ers data-journalistic projects. Despite their continued changes and improvement, their design still follows a clear concept, with pictures as lead-ins to each story. The general impression is that of an excellently made newspaper in the areas of concept and design.  About the newspaper

Die Zeit is published in the Nordic format with a circulation of 532,453 copies (IVW 3/2020). The number of subscribers rose by 13.2% within a single year. The newspaper employs 189 editors and 14 layout designers.

insects in farming

“Useful Insects,” reads the headline on the topic of insects that play an important role in farming. The map of the world indicates how many tons of pesticides are being used worldwide.

Vanilla in detail

“The queen of spices,” states the headline. A single vanilla plant is placed in the centre of the page, accompanied on the left by three commercially used varieties, on the right by the development stages from blossom via pollination up to the dried pod. At the bott om of the page a map of the world shows the cultivation areas and the production output.

the return of patriarchy

“Controversy” is the head of a new section for opposing arguments on current issues. The present topic introduced by the heading “Patriarchy is dead. Long live patriarchy!” is visualized by a female hand reaching through a high stack of towels.

Disputed sunday opening hours

The picture of a key in the centre of the page serves as an eyecatcher to the disputed issue on Sunday opening hours for shops. And it visually forces the two articles off ering diff erent opinions apart from each other.

infant delinquency?

Paradoxically, it is a single blurred fi ngerprint that brings the disputable question into focus whether children can be criminals. Two authors share their opposing views with the readers. A service box at the bott om provides extra information.

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