European Newspaper Award – Trends 2021 + Call for Entries 23rd Competition

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EUROPEAN NEWSPAPER AWARD t h e r e s U Lt s o f t h e 2 2 n D C o M P e t i t i o n At A G L A n C e

Plus: Call for entries 23rd Competition Deadline 1 november 2021

Trends 2021 Print +Online Content 02 – 03 04 – 05 06 – 07 08 – 09 10 – 13 14 – 15

The Jury · Trends 2021 List of Winners Contacto Het Parool de Volkskrant Die Zeit

16 – 17 18 – 19 20 – 21 22 – 23 24 – 26 27 – 31

Multimedia Storytelling Movies · Animated Films Data Journalism Photo-Reportages Photography Plus: 23rd competition

The Jury

EuropEan nEwspapEr award t h e 2 2 nD C o M P e t i t i o n

The 18 jury members came from eleven countries: Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Great Britain and Germany. They are journalists, scientists and designers.

The jury of the 22nd European Newspaper Award:         

Silvia Brenes Pietro, EINA Barcelona, ES Prof. Jordi Catalá, Barcelona, ES Walter Jensen, Art-Director, Bergens Tidende, N Sónia Matos, Art Director, Público, P Marco Grieco, Art-Director, Expresso, P Theo Dersjant, Fontys School of Journalism, NL Martin Huisman, Art-Director, Het Nieuwsblad, B Marianne Bahl, Art-Director, DK Søren Nyeland, Art-Director, Politiken, DK

        

Kevin Wilson, Art Director, FT Weekend, GB Alie Veenhuizen, Art Director, Leeuwarder Courant, NL Gaudenz Bock, Art Director, Südwest-Presse, D Sven Gallinelli, Art Director, NZZ Regionalmedien, CH Prof. Dr. Martin Zimper, ZHdK/Cast, CH Kevin Loftus, Art Director, The Mayo News IRL Björn Heselius, Principal Designer, Nitor, S Marianne Hartz, Art-Director, Lebensmittel Zeitung, D Prof. Joachim Blum, Media-Consultant, D

B o o K s o n n e w s PA P e r D e s i G n

newspaper Design 22 the results of the 22nd european newspaper Award ISBN 978-3-9820790-3-5 USB stick € 38,50

newspaper Design 22 The yearbook has 20 chapters and more than 1,400 illustrations. The first chapter gives an overview of the main award winners. It also documents all the winning pages from the 20 categories of the competition. This year, the focus is on the categories Cover and Cover Story, News Pages and Concept/Innovation Print and Online. Overall: The yearbook provides an overview of the current trends in newspaper design and concept in Europe.

newspaper Design and reading research 200 pages thread sewing, hardcover ISBN 978-3-00-048574-9 € 49,50


newspaper Design and reading research The aim of the book is to show the expanded possibilities that the printed newspaper has to assert itself with readers and to stand out from other media. The basis of the book is research into reader behaviour. For this purpose, a modern eye-tracking camera is used, which documents the behaviour during newspaper reading. From the results, one can deduce what the reader-friendly newspaper must look like. The easiest way to order the books is via

Trends 2021 EuropEan nEwspapEr award t h e 2 2 nD C o M P e t i t i o n

newspapers: in Demand in Print and online The European Newspaper Award aims to improve the exchange on the concept and design of newspapers in print and online. The competition is very well established, with 164 newspapers from 25 countries taking part. More than 4,000 entries were received in the print categories and 312 in the online categories. These are the trends:

news flow and setting their own thematic priorities. This raises their own profile and readers find distinctive content.

4. Long-term trend 2: in-depth reporting Newspaper articles tend to get longer. Large topics are divided into individual pieces. A topic can then be carried over two to three pages. They do not have to be daily topics, they can be longer prepared service topics or regional focus topics.

1. Classical media: in demand in the crisis as seldom before The Corona crisis created a great need for serious and reliable information. The classic media like television and newspapers have profited from this.  More users for tV news programmes: The TV news programme Tagesschau had 11.78 million viewers at the end of 2020. A year before, it was only 9.8 million.  Circulation increase in print and online: The weekly newspaper Die Zeit has a circulation of 532,453 copies (IVW 3/2020). The number of subscribers increased by 13.2 per cent within one year. Die Zeit now has the highest circulation since it was founded in 1946.

newspaper Design 22 Only a few selected projects can be presented here. The best overview of the trends can be gained from the yearbook. It has 20 chapters and more than 1,400 illustrations. The best way to order is via the bookshop at

5. Long-term trend 3: visual journalism In many newspapers, visual journalism is used rather selectively. Keywords are visual storytelling, alternative storytelling, infographics and photo reports. This content is then embedded in the overall layout. The Fuldaer Zeitung is one of the few newspapers in the German-speaking world that goes even further: the front page and up to four topics per day are prepared in a particularly visual way. This makes it easier to absorb information. Contents are presented in a clear and reader-friendly way.

6. Cover and cover story are used more often In connection with the switch to the tabloid format, newspapers have also started to visually present the most important story of the day on the front page and continue it inside. Examples are the Handelsblatt, the weekly VDI nachrichten and the nationwide newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza from Warsaw.

 rising e-paper circulation: The e-paper circulation of German newspapers is currently more than 2.14 million copies. This means that every eighth newspaper is used as an e-paper. 65.8 per cent of e-paper readers are under 50 years of age and thus younger on average than print readers. Regional newspapers: E-paper accounts for 77 per cent of total digital sales, while website paywalls only account for 8 per cent. Nationwide newspapers: They already generate 32 per cent of total revenues with their paywalls. (Source: ZMG).

7. Podcasts well established The Hamburger Abendblatt in particular has podcasts on a wide variety of topics. Others, such as the Kurier in Vienna, and Die Zeit have successfully launched podcasts on individual topics such as true crime.

2. Continued engagement in print and online The current usage trends mentioned above show that the newspaper model is by no means at an end. The digital transformation is in full swing and editorial teams are still equally committed to print and online. This means that print is by no means neglected by most newspaper publishers. In the online sector, new formats such as videos and podcasts are being used successfully.

Overall: There is no decline in the creativity of newspaper makers. The path taken towards visual journalism in print and online will be continued.

3. Long-term trend 1: newspaper as a daily magazine It has often been mentioned here as a trend: Newspapers are becoming the daily magazine. Years ago, Scandinavian newspapers were pioneers in this field. Currently, it is newspapers from the Netherlands that publish their current topics in print and online with a high level of creative effort. Examples are the main prize winners de Volkskrant and Het Parool. The normal news flow is being shifted more and more to the news websites. In print, a smaller number of topics are presented. This means that newspapers are increasingly detaching themselves from the big

Many thanks to all participants! Great projects have been awarded again! Many thanks to the jury! Congratulations to all award winners!

Norbert Küpper Organizer of the European Newspaper Award telephone +49 21 59 91 16 15


Results of the 22nd Competition European Newspaper Award List of winners European Newspaper of the Year Local Newspaper: Contacto LUX Regional Newspaper: Het Parool NL Nationwide Newspaper: de Volkskrant NL Weekly Newspaper: Die Zeit D Online: Judges‘ Special Recognition News, Corona Crisis Financial Times


Cross-Media Projects Adresseavisen N de Volkskrant NL Podcasts Hamburger Abendblatt D 1.1. Cover- and Coverstory Local Newspaper Bieler Tagblatt CH Dziennik Zachodni PL Fanaposten N Hallingdolen N Polska PL 1.2. Cover- and Coverstory Regional Newspaper Ara ES E15 CZ Estado de Minas BRA Kleine Zeitung A Main Post D Rheinische Post D Südwest Presse D Thüringer Allgemeine D 1.3. Cover- and Coverstory Nationwide Newspaper ABC ES Berlingske DK Die Welt D Gazeta Wyborcza P Handelsblatt D Kurier A Politiken DK Público P 1.4. Cover- and Coverstory Weekly Newspaper der Freitag D DVZ D Expresso P Fileleftheros GR FT Weekend GB Handelszeitung CH Horizont D Katholisches Sonntagsblatt I NZZ am Sonntag CH VDI nachrichten D Verlagsgruppe Bistumspesse D Weekendavisen DK Welt am Sonntag Kompakt D 2.1. Sectional Front Pages Local Newspaper Bieler Tagblatt Diario de Noticias Madeira Polska Magnes Pforzheimer Zeitung Goiena Puntua Sindelfinger/Böblinger Zeitung The Mayo News 2.2. Sectional Front Pages Regional Newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung Augsburger Allgemeine Badische Zeitung Bergens Tidende Fuldaer Zeitung



Savon Sanomat FIN Schwäbische Zeitung D Stavanger Aftenblad N Stuttgarter Nachrichten/Zeitung D Sunnuntaisuomalainen FIN Turun Sanomat FIN RND D 2.3. Sectional Front Pages Nationwide Newspaper Berlingske DK De Tijd B Die Welt D Gazeta Wyborcza PL Helsingin Sanomat FIN Het Financieele Dagblad NL Politiken DK Público P Salzburger Nachrichten A Trouw NL 2.4. Sectional Front Pages Weekly Newspaper DVZ D Expresso P Fileleftheros GR Horizont D Lebensmittel Zeitung D NZZ am Sonntag CH The Sunday Times GB Weekendavisen DK Welt am Sonntag D 3. News Pages 3.0. Refugees ABC ES Augsburger Allgemeine S Bergens Tidende N Gazeta Wyborcza PL Hamburger Abendblatt D 3.1. Terror, War ABC ES Berliner Morgenpost D Fileleftheros GR Kleine Zeitung A Kurier A Nordkurier D 3.2. Natural Disasters ABC ES Expresso P Fileleftheros GR Frankenpost D Pforzheimer Zeitung D The Sunday Times GB Trouw NL 3.2. Natural Disasters (Online) Tamedia Verbund


3.3. Environmental Protection Bergens Tidende N de Volkskrant NL Express D Expresso P Fileleftheros GR Frankenpost D Katholisches Sonntagsblatt I Pforzheimer Zeitung D Südwest Presse D VDI nachrichten D 3.3. Environmental Protection (Online) DK Financial Times GB 3.4. Elections 3.4.1. Elections in General ABC ES Ara ES Die Presse A Dolomiten I Expresso P Gazeta Wyborcza PL Hamburger Abendblatt D Kurier A Landeszeitung Lüneburg D Main-Echo D The Mayo News IRL

Polska PL RND D 3.4.2. Elections USA Augsburger Allgemeine D Expresso P Fileleftheros GR Gazeta Wyborcza PL Handelsblatt D Heilbronner Stimme D Stavanger Aftenbald N The Sunday Times GB 3.4.3. Elections (Online) Financial Times GB Funke Mediengruppe D Politiken DK 3.5. Corona Crisis 3.5.1. Corona Crisis in General ABC ES Badische Zeitung D Express D Fanaposten N Frankenpost D Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger D Lebensmittel Zeitung D Mindener Tageblatt D Weser-Kurier D 3.5.2. Corona Crisis Front Pages Berliner Morgenpost D der Freitag D Diario de Notícias Madeira P Dziennik Zachodni PL Estado de Minas BRA Frankenpost D Fuldaer Zeitung D Gazeta Wyborcza PL Goiena P Hallingdølen N Helsingin Sanomat FIN Het Financieele Dagblad NL Kleine Zeitung A Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger D Kurier A Nordkurier D OÖNachrichten A Politiken DK Polska PL Público P Rheinische Post D Savon Sanomat FIN Südkurier D The Mayo News IL 3.5.3. Corona Crisis Photo report ABC ES Bergens Tidende N Fædrelandsvennen N Hallingdølen N Politiken DK 3.5.4. Corona Crisis Infographics ABC ES Allgemeine Zeitung D DVZ D Fileleftheros GR Het Financieele Dagblad NL RND D Savon Sanomat FIN Stuttgarter Nachrichten/Zeitung D The Sunday Times GB Trouw NL 3.5. Corona Crisis Online Judges‘Special Recognition Financial Times GB Ara ES Der Tagesspiegel D DK Helsingin Sanomat FIN Tamedia Verbund CH The Sunday Times GB ZHdK CH 3.6. Prominent deceased Express D Gazeta Wyborcza PL Hamburger Abendblatt D


Politiken DK The Mayo News IRL The Sunday Times GB 3.7. 30 years of German reunification ABC ES Augsburger Allgemeine D Berliner Zeitung D Der Tagesspiegel D Heilbronner Stimme D Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung D Mitteldeutsche Zeitung D Nordkurier D Rheinische Post D RND D Südwest Presse D Thüringer Allgemeine D 3.8. Brexit Berlingske DK De Tijd B Die Welt D Kleine Zeitung A Mindener Tageblatt D Politiken DK Público P The Sunday Times GB Trouw NL 4. Photography 4.0. Photographic Series De Tijd B Trouw NL 4.1. Portrait Berliner Morgenpost D Bieler Tagblatt CH De Tijd B FT Weekend GB Katholisches Sonntagsblatt I Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung D NZZ am Sonntag CH Savon Sanomat FIN Stuttgarter Nachrichten/Zeitung D Sunnuntaisuomalainen FIN Trouw NL 4.2. Cut De Tijd B Handelsblatt D Horizont D Kurier A Main Post D Politiken DK Salzburger Nachrichten D Trouw NL 4.3. Sequence ABC ES Fileleftheros GR Pforzheimer Zeitung D Südkurier D Trouw NL Weekendavisen DK 4.4. Atmosphere Bergens Tidende N Bieler Tagblatt CH Braunschweiger Zeitung D der Freitag D De Tijd B Fanaposten N Politiken DK Público P Salzburger Nachrichten A Stuttgarter Nachrichten/Zeitung D Sunnuntaisuomalainen FIN 4.5. Perspective ABC ES Express D Handelszeitung CH Kurier A Savon Sanomat FIN Weekendavisen DK 4.6. Picture Page Allgemeine Zeitung Berner Zeitung De Tijd


Dolomiten I Die Welt D Frankenpost D Hallingdølen N Leipziger Volkszeitung D Main-Echo D Main Post D RND D Südwest Presse D 5. Photo-Report Expresso P Gazeta wyvborcza PL Hallingdølen N Helsingin Sanomat FIN Main Post D Politiken DK Saarbrücker Zeitung D Salzburger Nachrichten A Stuttgarter Zeitung D Weekendavisen DK Weser-Kurier D 6. Visualization Allgemeine Zeitung D Badische Zeitung D Der Tagesspiegel D De Tijd B Die Welt D Dolomiten I DVZ D Frankenpost D Hamburger Abendblatt D Heilbronner Stimme D Helsingin Sanomat FIN Het Financieele Dagblad NL Kurier A Main-Echo D Mindener Tageblatt D NZZ am Sonntag CH Politiken DK Rheinische Post D Salzburger Nachrichten A Schwäbische Zeitung D Südwest Presse D Sunnuntaisuomalainen FIN Trouw NL Welt am Sonntag D 7. Visual Storytelling ABC ES Berliner Morgenpost D Fuldaer Zeitung D Handelszeitung CH Kleine Zeitung A Landeszeitung Lüneburg D Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung D Main-Echo D Mitteldeutsche Zeitung D Pforzheimer Zeitung D Politiken DK Rheinische Post D Stuttgarter Nachrichten/Zeitung D Sunnuntaisuomalainen FIN 8. Alternative Storytelling Ara ES Berliner Morgenpost D Dewezet D Die Welt D Dolomiten D Horizont D Pforzheimer Zeitung D Politiken DK Sindelfinger/Böblinger Zeitung D Südwest Presse D Stavanger Aftenblad N The Sunday Times GB Verlagsgruppe Bistumspresse D Welt am Sonntag D 9.0 Infographics Ara ES Augsburger Allgemeine D Berliner Morgenpost D B.Z. D De Tijd B Handelsblatt D Handelszeitung CH Het Financieele Dagblad NL

AiMs of the CoMPetition The European Newspaper Award aims to foster the exchange of information on the concept and design of newspapers in Europe. There are three objectives:

newspapers all over europe report on their successes in the newspaper Award.

1. think tank Publications in trade journals, on and in the competition yearbooks encourage creativity and idea development. 2. reveal trends The results of the competition give every newspaper maker the opportunity to compare his or her product with others and, if necessary, to make improvements to the product.

Vorarlberger Nachrichten, A

Westfalenpost, D

Luxemburger Wort, LUX

Gazeta Wyborcza, PL

Público, P

Handelszeitung, CH

3. Advertising on one‘s own behalf Newspapers report on the awards they have won. In doing so, they underline their claim to quality and at the same time advertise on their own behalf.

List of winners NZZ am Sonntag Politiken Público Südwest Presse Stuttgarter Nachrichten/Zeitung


9.1. small infographics ABC Augsburger Allgemeine De Tijd Dolomiten Handelszeitung Kurier


9.2. infographics Maps ABC Ara Berliner Morgenpost Expresso Heilbronner Stimme Het Financieele Dagblad Main Post Mitteldeutsche Zeitung Stuttgarter Nachrichten/Zeitung


10. illustration der Freitag De Tijd Expresso FT Weekend Fuldaer Zeitung Gazeta Wyborcza Helsingin Sanomat Het Financieele Dagblad Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ am Sonntag Politiken Sunnuntaisuomalainen The Sunday Times Trouw Turun Sanomat Weekendavisen Welt am Sonntag


11. supplements 11.0. weekend supplements Ara ES Bergens Tidende N Expresso P Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger D Politiken · Historie DK Público P Schwäbische Post · Südwest Presse D Stavanger Aftenblad N Trouw NL 11.1 supplements for special occasions Berliner Morgenpost Der Tagesspiegel Fædrelandsvennen RND Salzburger Nachrichten Trouw


11.2 Magazine supplements DVZ FT Weekend Magazine Gioena Puntua Handelszeitung Helsingin Sanomat Het Financieele Dagblad Hospodarske Noviny · ProcNe! The Sunday Times Trouw Werbe Design Akademie


12. special Pages Berliner Zeitung Die Welt Estado de Minas Fuldaer Zeitung Handelsblatt Main Post Salzburger Nachrichten Sunnuntaisuomalainen Turun Sanaomat Verlagsgruppe Bistumspresse Weekendavisen


13. typography Berliner Zeitung Handelsblatt Deutsche Handwerks Zeitung 14. Concept / innovation Print 14.0. new editorial series, new Concepts Berliner Zeitung Braunschweiger Zeitung Express Hamburger Abendblatt Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Kurier Landeszeitung Lüneburg Main-Echo Main Post Mindener Tageblatt Neue Presse Pforzheimer Zeitung Politiken Schwäbische Post Südkurier Trouw Vorarlberger Nachrichten #vorarlberghältzusammen Weser-Kurier Westfalenpost



14.1. special editions, Jubilee editions Der Standard A Die Presse A Die Welt D Handelszeitung CH Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger D OÖNachrichten A Salzburger Nachrichten A 15.0. Concept / innovation online 15.0. Multimedia storytelling Ara ES Arab News UAE Axel Springer Akademie D DK Expresso P Financial Times GB


Gazeta Wyborcza Helsingin Sanomat NZZ am Sonntag Politiken Público Rheinische Post Südkurier Tamedia Verbund ZHdK


15.1. Movies Expresso Financial Times Neue Zürcher Zeitung


15.2. Animated Movies Finanical Times de Volkskrant Neue Zürcher Zeitung Trouw


16. online and Crossmedia 16.0 web design for screen and smartphone Mindener Tageblatt 16.1 typography Cross-Media de Volkskrant Helsingin Sanomat 16.2 Cross-Media Projects Judges‘Special Recognition Adresseavisen Judges‘Special Recognition de Volkskrant Arab News Fædrelandsvennen Handelsblatt Politiken 17. infographics online 17.0 Data Journalism Ara de Volkskrant Der Tagesspiegel Financial Times

Funke Mediengruppe Gazeta Wyborcza Helsingin Sanomat Het Financieele Dagblad Neue Zürcher Zeitung Público Rheinische Post Südkurier Tamedia Verbund 17.1 infographics online Arab News de Volkskrant Der Tagesspiegel Der Standard Financial Times Helsingin Sanomat Politiken Rheinische Post



17.2 Animated infographics Financial Times Neue Zürcher Zeitung Publico


18. Podcasts Judges‘ Special Recognitions Hamburger Abendblatt Der Tagesspiegel Der Standard Handelsblatt Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Kurier NZZ am Sonntag Politiken Sindelfinger/Böblinger Zeitung






19. iPad- and smartphone Apps no Awards 20. social Media Handelsblatt Mindener Tageblatt Politiken Rheinische Post


Contacto EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar C At e G o r Y L o C A L n e w s PA P e r

Migration route “Migration reportage” is the keyword of this cover story. It deals with migrants‘ attempts to cross the Mediterranean and head straight through Europe for Great Britain.

friend in north Korea “John, North Korean Leader‘s best friend,“ runs the headline. Both attended the same school in Switzerland, and both were only thirteen when they smoked their first cigarette.

 Jury statement

 About the newspaper

Contacto is a perfect name for this paper since it serves as a cultural contact medium for the Portuguese speaking community in Luxembourg. Beside reports from Luxembourg, it covers a wide range of international topics. The front page is designed like a poster with the cover story in its centre. Further articles can be presented by smaller headings. Inside pages often juxtapose large and small photos, sometimes followed by pages with lengthy background texts. Of perfect layout are the double-page infographics with facts and figures on current issues. On the whole: a state-of-the-art newspaper in the heart of Europe.

The weekly newspaper Contacto is produced for the Portuguese speaking community in Luxembourg with a circulation of 21,000 copies in tabloid format. The editorial staff consists of five editors, two layout designers and seven correspondents. Some of the journalists and designers also work for media in Portugal and international newspapers.


front pages with emphasis on pictures Usually, a picture is placed in the centre of the front page. Teasers referring to further topics appear at the bottom of the page. The circular logo is derived from the letter ‘C’. The yellowish orange is a friendly and warm colour, distinguishing this newspaper from other publications.

Covid-19 – risks for the future This double page shows the results of a survey among 250 top-level executives and management consultants on their estimation of immediate consequences of the pandemic. Here are some examples: 1. 68,6% Escalation of the global economic recession. 3. 55,9% No recovery for certain industries. 5. 48,7% Mobility restrictions across borders. The graphics at the bottom point out those firms that profited the most from the pandemic. The figures are given in million Euro.



29 de janeiro de 2020

75 years of release from Auschwitz The lead-in reads: “On January 27, 1945, Soviet troops forced their way into the then largest concentration camp and rescued prisoners who had survived the terror that had lasted for years. Six million Jews were killed during the holocaust. In Auschwitz alone, more than one million men, women and children found their deaths: they were hanged, gassed, shot, died from starvation or illnesses. Learn for yourselves what life was like in those camps of horror.” The pie chart on the top left indicates the prisoners from Luxembourg. On the left the camp is shown from a bird‘s eye view, on the right you can see a map of Europe marking out the largest concentration camps.

Prisioneiros luxemburgueses

Casernas dos prisioneiros 1 Câmara de gás e crematório 2 Receção e registo 3 Armazéns e oficinas

Principais campos nazis de prisioneiros


Campo de extermínio Campo de concentração Campo de trabalho T Campo de trânsito Centro de eutanásia


4 “Arbeit macht frei” 5 Cozinhas 6 Orquestra 7 Hospital SS

Em Auschwitz


No dia 27 de janeiro de 1945, as tropas soviéticas entraram naquele que era o maior campo de concentração e resgataram os prisioneiros que sobreviveram a anos de terror. Seis milhões de judeus foram mortos durante o Holocausto. Só em Auschwitz morreram mais de um milhão de homens, mulheres e crianças: enforcados, gaseados, baleados, de fome ou de doença. Saiba como era viver neste “campo dos horrores”.

Auschwitz foi o maior campo de concentração Nazi. Mais de um milhão de homens, mulheres e crianças morreram neste campo. O local era constituído por 22 edifícios de tijolo, e foi sendo expandido ao longo do tempo. No seu pico, no verão de 1944, ocupava uma área de 40 Km2, com mais de 40 subcampos espalhados por várias centenas de quilómetros. Neste ano, havia 135 mil pessoas no complexo de Auschwitz, que correspondia a 25% dos prisioneiros nos campos de concentração.

Total em todos os campos







Mortos Fonte: Livre d’Or

8 Gestapo 9 Armazém bens confiscados 10 Administração 11 Bunker de castigos


Campos principais

12 Muro de execuções 13 Experiências médicas 14 Casa do comandante X Valas de execuções

Auschwitz I


Auschwitz III (Monowitz)





50 metros





Birke nau


















T T Sófia T


Roma 10


T Atenas


11 12

13 Campos de trabalho no norte de África 14

Manhã: meio litro de "café", que consistia em água fervida com um substituto de café, ou "chá", uma bebida à base de ervas.

Os prisioneiros recebiam três refeições por dia com baixo valor nutricional.

O dia de trabalho começava às 4h30 no verão e às 5h30 no inverno.






Rotina diária





1942 / outubro de 1944

Continuou a funcionar como campo de concentração para prisioneiros de várias etnias, mas passou a funcionar também como campo de morte imediata, com o assassínio em massa de judeus.





T Paris

1940 / início de 1942 Funcionava sobretudo como campo de concentração – um sítio de morte lenta devido à criação deliberada de condições de vida desumanas, como a morte por fome.







Auschwitz II (Birkenau)

Auschwitz I 1944

Evolução das funções de Auschwitz:

O regime alimentar e o trabalho pesado contribuíam para a proliferação da fome e de doenças. Um prisioneiro que sofresse da doença da fome era apelidado de "musselman" e podia facilmente ser selecionado para ir para as câmaras de gás.



75 anos da libertação de Auschwitz

Paula Cravina de Sousa, Sibila Lind, Carlos Monteiro


29 de janeiro de 2020



Meio-dia: Um litro de sopa, cujos ingredientes principais eram batata, nabo e pequenas quantidades de sêmola, farinha de centeio e um extrato alimentar. Os prisioneiros recém-chegados não a conseguiam comer ou faziam-no com repugnância.

A sirene soava duas vezes – uma para os prisioneiros acordarem, outra para os guardas fazerem a contagem dos prisioneiros. Em 1944, a segunda sirene foi abolida, para maximizar o tempo de trabalho. 6h








Jantar: Cerca de 300 gramas de pão preto, servido com cerca de 25 gramas de linguiça, ou margarina, ou uma colher de sopa de marmelada ou queijo. O pão servido à noite deveria cobrir também as necessidades da manhã seguinte, embora os prisioneiros famintos normalmente consumissem a porção inteira de uma só vez. A pausa para almoço durava em média uma hora, e era feita entre as 12h00 e as 13h00.

h 13


Antes de anoitecer, os prisioneiros regressavam ao campo de concentração. Muitas vezes, carregavam os corpos daqueles que morriam ou eram mortos durante o trabalho. h 15


h 17


À primeira sirene Às 19h00 era feita a chamada da noite, os prisioneiros tinham e depois os de regressar aos prisioneiros seus barracões. iam jantar.

h 19



Às 21h00 soava a segunda sirene para anunciar o “silêncio noturno”.

h 22





Het Parool EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar C At e G o r Y r e G i o n A L n e w s PA P e r

focus on local topics The newspaper is focussed on the Amsterdam region, which explains the presentation of local topics on the front page like the collapse of a quay wall.

emphasis on culture The cover story on the right deals with a movie changing between fable and documentary on nature. In “Sidik and the Panther” director Reber Dosky returns to his home country to concern himself with the traumatic history of the Kurds.

 Jury statement

 About the newspaper

Het Parool is focussed on the Amsterdam region. This is why strictly local topics are dealt with, such as the collapse of a quay wall, and form the cover story. Infographics explain how damages like that could be prevented and what is done in cities with comparable problems. It is a cover-all reportage bringing a problem into focus and offering a solution. “Het Parool” also emphasizes cultural topics. On Saturdays the following sections are presented: news, Amsterdam, sports, art, music, media, books, history, science. On other weekdays the supplement PS is a playing field for creative topics. Beside a relaxed layout, each article shows details chosen with loving care: small infographics, service boxes, quotes and, last but not least, portraits of the authors. On the whole: an exemplary newspaper, perfectly aimed at their target group.

Het Parool is issued in Amsterdam in tabloid format with a circulation of ca 59,000 copies. 60 journalists and six layout designers work on the editorial staff.


Corona on the front pages “Hou vol” – “Stick it out!” is the motto. On the occasion of the Corona crisis the editors have designed a series of front pages meant to support the readers‘ stamina in times of the lockdown.

food made from insects “Other mammals eat insects, too,” is the headline of this cover story. A factory breeds regrowing raw material from the larvae of the black soldier fly for cattle feed and surrogate meat. In the interview the head of the company pointed out that “Eating habits always need a lead time. Just remember what people thought about sushi when it was first offered.”

Male hormone problems “Man, het zijn je hormonen” – “Buddy, it‘s your hormones,” reads the headline. The plastic muscle man illustrates hormone problems with men. On the inside page the ‘he-man’ has become green and is imbedded in green things – dumb-bells, apples and broccoli – clues as to the style of living and the nutrition that are also responsible for the hormone balance.


de Volkskrant EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar C At e G o r Y n At i o n w i D e n e w s PA P e r

Cross media: faces behind the masks De Volkskrant sets the standards with print and online media in the area of visual presentation of contents. “When the masks are thrown off the faces start to speak,” is the headline of a multi-media story dealing with the situation of doctors and nurses at an intensive care unit during the Corona crisis. On the website photos and quotes of the nursing staff can be found plus an article describing the situation. Link:

 Jury statement

 About the newspaper

The editors of de Volkskrant rely on visual journalism which is consequently employed in both print and online media. On the front pages topics of the day are presented as visuals. The inside resembles a magazine layout with lots of white space. Daily events dominate the choice of topics like with all other media. But “de Volkskrant” prefers a more creative grasp in print and online, a different way of approaching a topic, so to speak. In this way, aspects can be found which are not presented in the same way in other media. For example, nursing staffs with masks had been the standard photos on an international level. De Volkskrant, however, shows them without the masks to make their faces speak to us. Congratulation to the great team of journalists, photographers, designers and online specialists that produce such an exemplary and creative newspaper every day.

De Volkskrant is a nationwide newspaper in tabloid format issued in Amsterdam with a circulation of 400,000 copies. They employ 65 journalists, 4 photographers and 12 layout designers.


Alternative storytelling for a clear overview “A European battle about 1,100 billion Euro”. The topic is Europe‘s budget planning for the coming seven years. A Euro coin broken up into pieces like in a puzzle is used to visualize the issue. The portraits show the four most important politicians in the appropriate discussion. At the bottom of the page, the four issues are presented which cause enormous pressure on the negotiation: – the budget‘s amount – the expenditure – the income – new charges.

Visualization of building land “The government slackens their rules for building land”. This cover theme is visualized by a sod of grass. The issue, however, is a controversially discussed chemical named PFAS, and the headline on the inside page accordingly asks, “How dangerous is this substance really?” Instead of a single complex article, three smaller text items have been chosen headed by individual questions with the numbers 1 to 3. Above the article are three quotes from experts.

Policy – clearly structured “Will the Netherlands become a game changer?” asks the headline on the topic of a trade agreement between the EU and Canada. Right in the centre of the double page, a timeline is placed informing about the events during the past ten-year negotiation period. The four text blocks below deal with relevant issues on this topic.


restitution of cultural assets “What are these museum pieces still doing in the Netherlands?” is the headline on this double page on the restitution of cultural assets to their home countries. Five of those pieces are presented here and described in small text blocks. A typical example of a relaxed magazine layout.

de Volkskrant cross media: reconstruction of a surfing accident The tragic accident happened in the summer of 2020. Five surfers lost their lives because of inclement weathers at the Dutch coast. The lead-in states, “For the first time, parents, brothers, sisters, friends and partners talk about who Sander, Joost, Pim, Max and Mathijs were and what they drove towards the water.” In order to underline the tragedy in a visually pithy way the photos are black and white against a black background. At the end of the story the five surfers are presented in portraits and small articles. Link:

de Volkskrant animated film: homeless “Niet thuis” – “Away from home” is the heading of a three-piece animated documentary series about people who have lost their homes. A situation which might happen to anybody, but what actually triggers it off? The fate of becoming homeless is demonstrated with three individuals: a successful TV / film director, a drug addict and a disorderly adolescent. To protect their anonymity the form of a animated movie has been chosen. Link:


de Volkskrant data journalism: Difficult social climbing The lead-in informs, “New research has evidenced that the place of birth in the Netherlands may be crucial for one‘s future income level. See for yourself the unequal distribution of the chances among children and their outlook on life in their places of birth.” The newspaper got hold of giant data

de Volkskrant infographics online: floods made by climate change The newspaper drew up detailed flood maps of coastal towns. They are based on improved height data revealing an even greater global climate threat through the rise of the sea level. Floods on the coasts will be more devastating than hitherto estimated. Link:


record concerning the incomes of more than one million citizens of the Netherlands between 32 and 38. It contained their places of birth/upbringing, their gender, their parents‘ income and a possible migration background. The story makes use of animated infographics. Link:

Die Zeit EuropEan nEwspapEr oF THE YEar C At e G o r Y w e e K LY n e w s PA P e r

front-page concept Die Zeit was one of the first German newspapers using poster-like cover pages. Above the fold a single topic is presented in a visual way. The appropriate story follows on the inside that might run over several pages. Blooming books “Reading books is still trendy”. The blooming books in the picture speak for themselves. The cover was chosen on the occasion of the Leipzig book fair.

Contrast of yellow and blue “The power of the quiet ones”: “Why the quiet and modest among us are chronically underestimated – and what escapes the world of work‘s notice, and not only them,” reads the subheadline. The topic is visualized by a yellow canary against a blue background – a striking primary colour contrast on the cover.

the beginning of the end “Are things changing?” And the subheadline adds, “Never before has Donald Trump had fewer supporters. Never before have his decisions been more confusing.” The combination of headline and picture is perfect.

Botticelli with a mask Sandro Botticelli‘s painting “Birth of Venus” is shown with a mask. “The new normal,” is the headline. And the subheadline asks, “The step-by-step abandoning of the restrictions is splitting the country. Who will be allowed to get back to normal and who will still have to wait?”

 Jury statement

 About the newspaper

Die Zeit has been a success story for years now. Within a span of five years the number of subscribers has risen by 19.75%. Their secret: the newspaper is in a permanent state of progress concerning their contents and design. Years ago, their front pages with their spacey presentations of cover stories had already become exemplary for a great number of European newspapers. New sections such as ‘Controversy‘ have been introduced. Every week full-page infographics are published. Their online medium offers data-journalistic projects. Despite their continued changes and improvement, their design still follows a clear concept, with pictures as lead-ins to each story. The general impression is that of an excellently made newspaper in the areas of concept and design.

Die Zeit is published in the Nordic format with a circulation of 532,453 copies (IVW 3/2020). The number of subscribers rose by 13.2% within a single year. The newspaper employs 189 editors and 14 layout designers.


insects in farming “Useful Insects,” reads the headline on the topic of insects that play an important role in farming. The map of the world indicates how many tons of pesticides are being used worldwide.

the return of patriarchy “Controversy” is the head of a new section for opposing arguments on current issues. The present topic introduced by the heading “Patriarchy is dead. Long live patriarchy!” is visualized by a female hand reaching through a high stack of towels.

Vanilla in detail “The queen of spices,” states the headline. A single vanilla plant is placed in the centre of the page, accompanied on the left by three commercially used varieties, on the right by the development stages from blossom via pollination up to the dried pod. At the bottom of the page a map of the world shows the cultivation areas and the production output.

Disputed sunday opening hours The picture of a key in the centre of the page serves as an eyecatcher to the disputed issue on Sunday opening hours for shops. And it visually forces the two articles offering different opinions apart from each other.


infant delinquency? Paradoxically, it is a single blurred fingerprint that brings the disputable question into focus whether children can be criminals. Two authors share their opposing views with the readers. A service box at the bottom provides extra information.

Multimedia Storytelling EuropEan nEwspapEr award C o n C e P t, i n n o VAt i o n o n L i n e · C At e G o r Y 1 5 . 0 .

Politiken, DK Loneliness in the Corona crisis This is the newspaper‘s comment on the topic ‚Corona‘: “Isolation, fear, restlessness, creativity, hope, ups and downs. Behind twenty lighted windows are twenty different individuals caught up in the same unreal reality: I am starting to feel lonely.“ The story can be viewed and read under the link:

rheinische Post, D 75 years since the release of Auschwitz In their letter of application the editors wrote, “75 years ago the Soviet Red Army freed the Auschwitz concentration camp where more than one million people had been murdered by Germans. Five survivors of the holocaust talk about their expulsion from their home towns and countries, the horrors of the camp and why they still believe in the good in mankind.” Link:

Gazeta wyborcza, PL opinion poll among 100 young Polish women “Our photographers and journalists travelled across Poland and talked to young women – students, those in and those seeking employment, mothers, and educators in smaller and bigger cities – about topics of importance for them in the year 2020.” Link:


tamedia Verbund, Ch 77 questions of the topic of sleep This multimedia story answers 77 questions about sleep. The answers are grouped under the following 8 different headings: Basic Knowledge, Dreaming, Sleeping Disorders, Body & Psyche, Extremes, Right or Wrong? Bedrooms and Snoring. Each heading is illustrated, some answers go with smaller pictures. The structure is clear and easy. A highlight is the two-column page make-up. Link:

helsingin sanomat, fin the home of the codes “Finnish codes have been part of the Web programming right from the start. Our story presents five codes from Finland that have changed discussion, information and communication. The visuals are a combination of example codes and Gifs reminding

of the early aesthetics of the Internet. The faces of the coders themselves are printed in roughly rastered illustrations which transfers the readers back to the early stages of the Internet.“ Link:


Movies EuropEan nEwspapEr award C o n C e P t, i n n o VAt i o n o n L i n e · C At e G o r Y 1 5 .1 .

financial times, GB is QAnon a game run awry? The Financial Times examines the backgrounds of QAnon in a ca 15-minute film. The authoress Izabella Kaminska explains the existence of QAnon within the world of online games and the anonymous Web. “It is not a conspiracy, but a way of how to hack reality.“ Link: https://

neue Zürcher Zeitung, Ch reconstruction of the explosion in Beirut After the explosion eyewitnesses uploaded hundreds of videos in social networks. Neue Zürcher Zeitung analysed three of those videos and established the precise place from where they had been made. The footage delivered material about the extent of the destruction and what exactly happened during the first seconds of the fatal explosion. This visual examination enables the readers to get a first impression and a deeper understanding of the event. Link:


Animated Films EuropEan nEwspapEr award C o n C e P t, i n n o VAt i o n o n L i n e · C At e G o r Y 1 5 . 2 .

trouw, nL Corona story intro What you can see in all four pictures is the keyboard of an old-fashioned type-writer, each with four shadowy figures above it. With each punching of the space-bar the space between the figures – from left to right – becomes wider until all four are wellseparated from each other. A visualization of the process of social distancing as one of the major rules during the pandemic. The heading runs, “How does Rutte care for discipline?” neue Zürcher Zeitung, Ch how the Us election system works Every four years the world is occupied with the US election system and wonders why it is so intricate. In this educational video NZZ takes the readers on a travel through time and helps them understand the US election regulations and procedures. Link:

financial times, GB “the songbird‘s silence” by Ben okri The newspaper commissioned the author Ben Okri to write a short story for children. “The songbird‘s silence” is based on the problem of deforestation and endangered species. The animated film after the short story is part of the FT donation appeal for the nature conservancy association of the Zoological Society of London. Link:


Data Journalism EuropEan nEwspapEr award K At e G o r i e 1 7. 0 .

Der tagespiegel, D what streets do Berliners want? Over 21,000 people told the Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab what scares them on the streets – and what Berlin‘s cycle paths should look like in the future. The most important results have been turned into graphics. It is primarily a combination of photos and bar charts. Since it is particularly about the design of cycle paths, the alternatives are presented in 3-D graphics. Link:

tamedia Verbund, Ch effects of climate change on switzerland The Tamedia team has used animated graphics to show weather data in colour and graphically. One graph, for example, shows how temperatures have been increasing from 1950 to the present. Maps of Switzerland can be used to show the change in average monthly temperature from 1961 to the present. Link to the project:


helsingin sanomat, fin 24 hours in a legendary petrol station “Eltsu 24” – 24 hours in Helsinki‘s most legendary petrol station is a visual report that shows what happens in a petrol station in one day. You scroll and then see how many cups of coffee and how many donuts are sold, how many customers and how much money comes in. These details are on coloured boxes at the top. At one point during the day, the employees of the petrol station are introduced.

In addition to everyday scenes of a petrol station, there are photo sequences and close-ups, for example of the Schnitzel knocking or the donut frying. At the very end, there are the statistics: on that day, the petrol station had 1,474 guests, 720 cups of coffee were drunk, 93 donuts were sold and the revenue amounted to 13,107 euros. Link:

tamedia Verbund, Ch Danger areas in switzerland The Tamedia team has compiled the existing data of the cantons with regard to danger areas. You can distinguish between floods, avalanches, landslides and rockfalls. You can zoom into the map and also find your own district or building. You can see directly whether you live in a danger zone. This information is of course also important if you want to buy a property or building. Link to the project:


Photo Reportages EuropEan nEwspapEr award C At e G o r Y 5 .

Main-Post, D the forgotten war Till Mayer, editor with MainPost, has been travelling the battle area in Donbas in East Ukraine since 2017 on a regular basis. He observes and documents the everyday experience of soldiers and civilians through his camera. The double page features a number of pictures, all of them in black and white to give the drama of the war its due documentary appeal. The large picture in the middle serves as an opener into the story.

hallingdølen, n Man and beast The eight-page reportage gives an insight into the work of a taxidermist. It starts with a double page presenting the taxidermist surrounded by his workshop equipment to convey the special atmosphere of his place of work. The following pictures show him at work and present a choice of finished products.



hamburger Abendblatt, D Photographs in comparison Photographer Reto Klar visited the refugee camp Moria for a couple of times and came back with the conceptional idea to ask the refugees for their last cellphone photos taken in their home countries and compared those with photos of the refugees‘ present situation. The photos, naturally, show the difference between their former and present lives under the impact of life in the camp. The photographer‘s idea is to give them back what they seem to have lost: their dignity.


Hamburger Abendblatt

Montag, 14. September 2020

Der Unterschied könnte kaum größer sein. Noch vor sieben Monaten war die Irakerin Nadia Atia aus Bagdad eine schöne und stolze Frau. Das aktuelle Foto (r.) ist Ende August im Flüchtlingslager Moria entstanden. Atia leidet, weil sie im Camp eine Fehlgeburt erlitten hat. Sie ist Christin und ihr Mann Atheist. Sie flohen, weil ihre Liebe im Irak nicht toleriert wurde. Heute sagt sie, hätte sie gewusst, was sie in Moria erwartet, wäre sie lieber im Irak geblieben.

Zwei Leben zwischen Heimat und Hölle Die Flüchtlinge in Moria zeigen ihr letztes Handyfoto aus glücklichen Tagen EINE FOTOREPORTAGE VON RETO KLAR

: : Monatelang waren sie vergessen, jetzt hat das Feuer im Flüchtlingslager Moria sie wieder in die Schlagzeilen gebracht. Männer, Frauen und Kinder sind über Nacht auf der Insel Lesbos obdachlos geworden. Doch wer sind die Menschen und was ist ihre Geschichte? Noch bevor das Lager brannte, war unser Fotograf Reto Klar mehrfach auf der Insel. Zuletzt Ende August. Er suchte nach Antworten und fragte die Flüchtlinge nach ihren letzten Handyfotos in der Heimat, um zu zeigen, wie sie früher waren und was die Zeit im Lager aus ihnen gemacht hat. Um somit jedem von


Auf dem oberen Foto sitzt der 16-jährige Sarwar Mohammad aus Baglan in Afghanistan inmitten seiner Freunde. Da ist er noch glücklich. Dann fiel sein Vater im Kampf gegen die Taliban, seine Mutter starb kurz danach an einem Herzinfarkt. Mit seinen drei Geschwistern ist er geflohen, acht Monate lang lebte er in Moria. Wie viele fühlte er sich nie sicher im Camp.

ihnen ein Stück seiner Würde zurückzugeben. Sie kommen aus Herat in Afghanistan, aus Damaskus in Syrien, aus Bagdad im Irak und Kinshasa im Kongo. Die Gründe, warum sie im Flüchtlingslager von Moria gelandet sind, könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein. Sie alle eint, dass sie die Freiheit gesucht haben. Dafür sind sie um die halbe Welt gereist, zu Fuß, mit dem Flugzeug, mit Schleppern in Lkw und klapprigen Bussen, auf nicht seetauglichen Booten. Sie eint auch, dass ihre Reise, ihre Flucht vorerst im Flüchtlingslager von Moria endete. In ihrer Heimat hatten sie Berufe, Wohlstand, Freunde und Verwandte, viele von ihnen hatten ein

glückliches Leben. Bis der Krieg, die politische Situation oder auch die herrschende Religion sie in die Flucht trieb. So wie den 16-jährigen Sarwar Mohammad aus Baglan in Afghanistan. Sein Vater kämpfte gegen die Taliban und ist gefallen. Als kurze Zeit später seine Mutter an Herzversagen starb, flüchtete er mit seinen drei Geschwistern. Während er im sogenannten Dschungel, im Wald um das Lager herum, lebte, waren seine zwei kleinen Geschwister drinnen allein. Seine ältere Schwester ist in einem Lager bei Athen. Nur vom Zaun aus konnte er Kontakt zu den Kleinen halten. Niemand weiß, wann und wo die vier Geschwister sich wiedersehen werden.

Quasam Mohmmadi (30) war Bauarbeiter im Iran, verdiente sein Geld. Doch als Afghanen waren er und seine Frau Sakina Rahimi (29) ohne Rechte. Deswegen verließen sie das Land. Vor sechs Monaten erreichten sie das Lager. Dort standen Mord und Diebstahl auf der Tagesordnung, sagt die Mutter. Ihre Tochter Fatima (7) vermisst am meisten die Schule.

Lida Kakar ist erst 15, die Schülerin aus Herat in Afghanistan lebte seit neun Monaten im Camp. Zwei ihrer Onkel arbeiteten für die Regierung und sie musste mit ihrer Familie das Land verlassen. Für Lida war es das Schlimmste, dass es für sie im Lager zu gefährlich war, das Zelt zu verlassen. Sie möchte Pilotin oder Polizistin werden und in einem Land leben, in dem Frieden herrscht.

Wie aus einer anderen Zeit wirkt das Bild. Als sich Abdol Kofi Rommo und seine Frau Taghrid Homed in Aleppo kennenlernten, gab es noch keinen Krieg in Syrien. Das Paar verschlug es nach Moria, wo ihre Tochter Fatemeh und Sohn Mohammad zur Welt kamen.

Politiken, DK Behind the stage At the beginning of the Corona crisis photographer Mads Nissen was lucky to get in close personal touch with the Danish minister Mette Frederiksen who allowed her a thorough insight into her work.


Für ein Familienfest hatten sich die fünf Kinder von Mahmad Nor Almosa Trainingsanzüge angezogen. Sie lebten in der Nähe von Damaskus, wegen des syrischen Bürgerkriegs entschieden sie sich, das Land zu verlassen. Mahmad Nor Almosa und seine Frau Asma Alafish, die Kinder Anwar, Nimar, Mariam, Ilin und Jod litten während ihrer acht Monate im Lager am meisten unter Ratten und Schlangen, eine Tochter wurde gebissen.

Nadine Ifunga (32) stammt aus dem Kongo, sie lebte seit November 2019 im Camp, weil ihr Mann von der Regierung verfolgt worden sei, habe sie das Land verlassen müssen. Von Kinshasa flog sie nach Istanbul, mit einem Boot erreichte sie Lesbos.

Photography EuropEan nEwspapEr award C At e G o r Y 4 . 2 . P h o t o G r A P h i C C U t

trouw, nL Visualization of an “angular liberal” Johan Remkes, manager of the nitrogen committee, is known for his policy of producing less nitrogen in the Netherlands and also known under his nickname “angular liberal from Groningen”. The oblong photographic cuts appear as a literal rendering of Remkes stance.

salzburger nachrichten, A Clint eastwood will be 90 This page appeared on the occasion of Clint Eastwood‘s 90 th birthday. The full-page portrait of the actor is largely covered with a white translucent printed area so that only part his face is clearly visible. This interaction of visible and almost invisible parts creates suspense and is a clever means to arrest the reader‘s gaze.

handelsblatt, D Concentration The portrait of Carlos Ghosn, cropped at the top and the two sides, reduces his face to the essential expression of fierce determination, according to the headline under the photo, “Revenge of a fugitive”.


C At e G o r Y 4 . 3 . · s e Q U e n C e

trouw, nL everybody is out running The Corona crisis sent more and more people out on jogging tours and pushed the author in a defensive situation since the recommended distance of 1.5 metres was seldom obeyed. The picture pages contain numerous same-size photos of individual runners on the same ground, taken from the same diagonal position and in the same place. The overall impression is that of a structured ornament.

südkurier, D emotions in spite of masks The actress Birgit Nolte-Michael can be seen in this photo sequence expressing twenty different emotions which can be identified in spite of her mask. First row from left to right: confused, despaired, angry, mad. Second row: lampooning, sad, sceptical, impatient.

Pforzheimer Zeitung, D Conductor as sequence Next to the large lead photo of conductor Douglas Bostock, a sequence of smaller photos show him during a performance or rather a rehearsal since we observe him working hard with the music and his orchestra for the best possible sound.


C At e G o r Y 4 .1 . · P o rt r A i t

stuttgarter nachrichten, stuttgarter Zeitung, D Portrait specialist Martin Schoeller belongs to the best known portrait photographers in the world. The article on his works classifies him as “a master of the close-up shot”. The reduced layout corresponds perfectly to to documentary appeal of the photos.

stuttgarter nachrichten, stuttgarter Zeitung, D female images The lead-in informs, “2,000 interviews in 50 countries – the Ukrainian journalist Anastasia Mikova and the French photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand met women from all over the world to talk with them about their lives, their experiences, emancipation, and motherhood.” The photos, all of the the same size and cut, are arranged as a series. An excellent idea is the individual caption for each portrayed woman.

Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung, D ten portraits for ten decades The LKZ aims at portraying a representative of each decade from infancy to old age. Their outlook on future will be taken into account, but also their past and their wishes for the present. The extreme photographic cut is well chosen, the black and white photos look like historical documents.


Call for Entries 23rd Competition PA r t i C i PAt i o n i n t h e 2 3 r D C o M P e t i t i o n

Award of Excellence We hereby honour the

Award of Excellence We hereby honour the

aper Award with the European Newsp in the categor y per design for exemplary newspa

Infographics Online · Data


aper Award with the European Newsp in the categor y per design for exemplary newspa

s · Front Pages

News Pages · Corona Crisi

Newspaper Award (2021). in the 22nd European 25 countries took part than 4,000 entries. 164 newspapers from and selected from more came from 11 countries r designer Norbert Küpper. The 18 jury members and conducted by newspape The competition is organised sectional front pages, categories: front page, storytelling, are given in the following storytelling, alternative Awards of Excellence visual orting, hy, photo-rep , special pages, news pages, photograp y, supplements, magazines n, visualization, typograph social media. infographics, illustratio data-journalism, podcasts, concept, innovation, online,

Theo Dersjant Fontys School of Journalism The Netherlands

Björn Heselius Principal Designer, Nitor Finland

Marianne Bahl Art-Director Denmark

Professor Joachim Blum Media-Consultant Germany

Alie Veenhuizen Leeuwarder Courant The Netherlands

Kevin Loftus Head of Design and IT The Mayo News, Ireland

Silvia Brenes Pietro EINA Barcelona Spain

Walter Jensen Art-Director, Bergens Tidende Norway

Marco Grieco Art-Director, Expresso Portugal

Sven Gallinelli n Art Director, NZZ Regionalmedie Switzerland

Gaudenz Bock e Art Director, Südwest-Press Germany

Theo Dersjant Fontys School of Journalism The Netherlands

Björn Heselius Principal Designer, Nitor Finland

Martin Huisman Art-Director, Het Nieuwsblad Belgium

Pages 5 part 2 5.5.indd

Marianne Bahl Art-Director Denmark

Alie Veenhuizen Leeuwarder Courant The Netherlands

Professor Joachim Blum Media-Consultant Germany

Kevin Loftus Head of Design and IT The Mayo News, Ireland

Silvia Brenes Pietro EINA Barcelona Spain

Walter Jensen Art-Director, Bergens Tidende Norway

Marco Grieco Art-Director, Expresso Portugal

Sven Gallinelli n Art Director, NZZ Regionalmedie Switzerland

Søren Nyeland Art-Director, Politiken Denmark

Gaudenz Bock e Art Director, Südwest-Press Germany

Professor Jordi Catalá Universitat Central de Catalunya Spain

Marianne Hartz el Zeitung Art-Director, Lebensmitt Germany

Professor Dr. Martin Zimper Arts Zurich University of the Switzerland

Sónia Matos Art Director, Público Portugal

Martin Huisman Art-Director, Het Nieuwsblad Belgium

Kevin Wilson Art-Director, FT Weekend United Kingdom

22.03.21 13:29

Søren Nyeland Art-Director, Politiken Denmark

Professor Jordi Catalá Universitat Central de Catalunya Spain

Professor Dr. Martin Zimper Arts Zurich University of the Switzerland

Sónia Matos Art Director, Público Portugal

Kevin Wilson Art-Director, FT Weekend United Kingdom

Urkunde 22 Kat 17 Infographics

21.03.21 21:55

Urkunde 22 Kat 03 News


Newspaper Award (2021). in the 22nd European 25 countries took part than 4,000 entries. 164 newspapers from and selected from more came from 11 countries r designer Norbert Küpper. The 18 jury members and conducted by newspape The competition is organised sectional front pages, categories: front page, following the in storytelling, are given storytelling, alternative Awards of Excellence hy, photo-reporting, visual , special pages, photograp magazines ts, pages, news y, supplemen n, visualization, typograph social media. infographics, illustratio data-journalism, podcasts, concept, innovation, online,

Gazeta Wyborcza

Marianne Hartz el Zeitung Art-Director, Lebensmitt Germany


Helsingin Sanomat

Online 5.5.indd 14

If a submission is awarded a prize, there will be a certificate. There are no cash prizes.


the european newspaper Award was founded in 1998 by newspaper designer norbert Küpper. the media also calls the award “oscar of the newspaper branch”.

further instructions  On the website and in the Upload Centre you will find further instructions on how to participate.

Deadline  The closing date for entries is 27 October 2021.  Late submissions are possible until 10 November 2021.

Participation fees  A maximum of 4 submissions can be made in each of the 19 categories and also in each sub-category.

the main prize european newspaper of the Year is awarded in four categories:  Local newspaper  Regional newspaper  Nationwide newspaper  Weekly newspaper The main award is judged on concept and design. The interaction of print and online plays an increasing role. It is possible that the jury will also award main prizes for online-only projects.

 Early-Bird

Deadline Wednesday, 13 October

280 Euro

 Standard

Deadline Wednesday, 27 October

330 Euro

 Late

Deadline Wednesday, 10 November

380 Euro

Deadline: Arrival of the submission to us.  For submissions from students half of the regular fee is charged.

two complete newspapers as Pdf The jury needs two complete newspapers in Pdf format from the following period:

request an invoice  To be able to write an invoice, we need the exact company address. If in doubt, ask your accounting department for the correct address.  When you register in the Upload Centre, you will also enter an invoice address there. We will then send the invoice automatically.  It is also possible to request an invoice by email:  Participants within the European Union: We need the VAT ID of your company. Wikipedia gives an explanation about this number:

 Daily newspapers: Saturday, 4 September 2021 and Wednesday, 8 September 2021. Special issues, anniversary issues are not allowed here! If your newspaper does not appear on Saturday, send a Friday edition.  weekly newspapers: Two different copies. These submissions must have been published between 1 October 2020 and 13 October 2021. Special editions, anniversary editions are not allowed here! Awards of excellence  Awards of Excellence are presented in different categories for print, online and cross-media.  Entries must have been published between 1 October 2020 and 13 October 2021.

 After you have requested an invoice, you will receive it by email, usually within 24 hours. Payment must be in our account by 30 November 2020. Questions? email to


Pa r t i c i pat i o n i n t h e 2 3 r d c o mp e t i t i o n

The categories of the 23rd competition in print and online: Please note the information on the categories on Awards of Excellence print categories:

Awards of Excellence online categories:

1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4.

15. Concept, innovation online 15.0. Multimedia storytelling 15.1. Movies 15.2 Animation films

Cover and coverstory Local Newspaper Regional Newspaper Nationwide Newspaper Weekly Newspaper

16. Online and crossmedia 16.0. Web design for news websites 16.1. Typography cross-media 16.2. Cross-media projects

2. Sectional front pages 2.1. Local Newspaper 2.2. Regional Newspaper 2.3. Nationwide Newspaper 2.4. Weekly Newspaper

17. infographics online 17.0. Data journalism 17.1 Infographics online, animated infographics

3. News pages 3.0. Refugees 3.1. Terror, war 3.2. Natural disasters 3.3. Environmental protection 3.4. elections (local, regional, national, European) 3.5. Coronavirus 3.6. Prominent deceased 3.7. European Football Championship 3.8. Summer Olympic Games

18. Podcasts 19. Social media

4. Photography 4.0. Photographic series 4.1. Portrait 4.2. Cut 4.3. Sequence 4.4. Atmosphere 4.5. Perspective 4.6. Picture page 5.

Works on these topics can be submitted not only in print, but also online and cross-media: 3. News pages 3.0. Refugees 3.1. Terror, war 3.2. Natural disasters 3.3. Environmental protection 3.4. elections (local, regional, national, European) 3.5. Coronavirus 3.6. Prominent deceased 3.7 European Football Championship 3.8. Summer Olympic Games

Photo report

6. Visualization 7.

Visual storytelling


Alternative storytelling

Please use the same numbering here as for the print categories.

9. Infographics print 9.0. Infographics 9.1. Small infographics 9.2. Infographics with special emphasis on maps 10. Illustration 11. Supplements 11.0. Weekend supplements 11.1. Supplements for special occasions 11.2. Magazine supplements

Sorting into categories The jury is always looking for the best category for each work. Therefore, it happens that works are sorted into other categories.

12. Special pages 13. Typography

Student works Student works can participate in all categories.

14. Concept, innovation print 14.0. New series, new concepts 14.1. Special editions, jubilee editions

Local pages Local pages can participate in all categories.


PA r t i C i PAt i o n i n t h e 2 3 r D C o M P e t i t i o n

naming the Pdfs in print and online categories At the beginning is the number of the category, then the number of the competition, followed by the name of the newspaper. Entries will be presented to the jury in alphabetical order. Therefore the correct newspaper name is important. Abbreviations, in-house names etc. are not allowed.

1 1 two complete newspapers have to be submitted Two complete newspapers must be entered as Pdf files. It is best to use the epaper edition of your newspaper. One page will then be less than 1 MB in size. These two issues can be saved in a single Pdf file.

2 Print Categories 1 – 14 Works in all categories will only be submitted as Pdfs. Sort the pages into the competition categories and correctly name each Pdf as shown here. Do not submit the same work in different categories.

23_Newspaper Name_all_pages_01.pdf 23_Newspaper Name_all_pages_02.pdf 1.4_23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf 1.4_23_Newspaper Name_02.pdf 3 1.4_23_Newspaper Name_03.pdf 2.4_23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf 2.4_23_Newspaper Name_02.pdf 3.4_23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf 3.4_23_Newspaper Name_02.pdf 3.4_23_Newspaper Name_03.pdf 4.0_23_Newspaper Name_A01.pdf 4.0_23_Newspaper Name_A02.pdf 4.0_23_Newspaper Name_A03.pdf 4.0_23_Newspaper Name_B01.pdf 4.0_23_Newspaper _23_Newspaper Name_B02.pdf 4.0_23_Newspaper _23_Newspaper Name_C01.pdf 2 _23_Newspaper Name_C02.pdf 4.0_23_Newspaper 4.0_23_Newspaper Name_C03.pdf 7_23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf 7_23_Newspaper Name_02.pdf 7_23_Newspaper Name_03.pdf 9.0_23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf 9.0_23_Newspaper Name_02.pdf 1._23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf Number 23 stands for of Category 23rd competition or Subcategories

newspaper name

3 Print Categories 1 – 14 No multi-page Pdfs! Left and right pages must be converted to double pages. This happens either during the production of the Pdf or in Photoshop.

Attention: in Adobe reader no real double pages can be created! Please read the notes at the bottom of this page!

Explanations to individual pages only if it is necessary and as a note within the Pdf.

Numbering for several submissions per category

how to create double pages Double pages must be created as such. This is done either during the production of the Pdf or in the software Photoshop. With this software, left and right pages are assembled into a double page. It is not possible to create double pages in Adobe Acrobat.


PA r t i C i PAt i o n i n t h e 2 3 r D C o M P e t i t i o n

how to participate in online categories We want to treat all projects equally and present all submissions to the jury in the same style. Therefore please follow the rules listed here as closely as possible. Please use the upload center for submission:


Upright format for each project


Indication of category


Name of newspaper


Email contact


Description of project in English if necessary.







Category 16, Adresseavisen,

Functioning link: Shorten long sequences of signs by using Check the link of the Pdf before transmission. Paywall: Supply six access data for submissions. Add the access data directly to the link. Valid through to 31 January. A Screenshot needs to be the opening page of the project.


Screenshot of the article’s opening image


Screenshot of the article’s opening image

«Teppefall» Teppefall is the sequel to Silkeveiene. A long form


article about the hunt for drug sellers on the hidden parts of the Internet. There were more images and «Teppefall» videos avaliable for Teppefall, but the use of com-

Teppefall is the sequel totypography Silkeveiene. A long form puter estethics, code and encryption article about the hunt for drug sellers on the hidden

effects is still key in the design of this story.

parts of the Internet. There were more images and videos avaliable for Teppefall, but the use of com puter estethics, code typography and encryption article11219093.ece

6 7

effects is still key in the design of this story. article11219093.ece

User name: mister x Password: 1234567

how to participate with cross-media projects Cross-media projects need to be submitted as online-categories. Send your pages as Pdf indicated to the according category.

Give each Pdf-document the name of the category and the name of the newspaper. Please write the name of the newspaper correctly, for example: The_Mayo_News The_Daily_Telegraph

One Pdf-document per each project.

16.0_23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf 16.0_23_Newspaper Name_02.pdf 16.1_23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf 16.1_23_Newspaper Name_02.pdf 17.1_23_Newspaper Name_01.pdf


After the name of the newspaper, number the projects consecutively.

Only Pdf-documents are admitted. Word-documents can be stored as Pdf.

PA r t i C i PAt i o n i n t h e 2 3 r D C o M P e t i t i o n

this is how the papers are submitted: Upload submissions in the 19 categories and two complete newspapers as Pdf in the upload centre.

1 Use the upload centre:

2 Create an account and provide the required information.



Here you can register, create your profile and upload your entries in our upload centre. During registration you can also request an invoice.

3 If you still have an account from the previous year, you can register again. We can also send you a new password.

No account yet? Create an account.


Start Do you have an account? Please log-in. Email



Password Log-in

Do not send your submissions as individual pdf files, but put them in a single folder and zip the files. Then upload. Up to 600 MB can be done in a single upload. If you have more data, just do a second upload. Film files can also be uploaded in this way.

Forgotten your password?


Files that have been uploaded can no longer be changed by you. If you want to add something, you can make another upload. If necessary, you can also upload the data again completely. We will then delete the old files.


Imprint Publisher: Norbert Küpper · Office for Newspaper Design · Gutenbergstr. 4 · 40670 Meerbusch · Germany Email: · telephone +49 21 59 91 16 15

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