ENA 22 European Newspapers of the Year

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22. Competition

European Newspaper of the Year


Newspaper Award

N e w s p a p e r D ES I G N & C O N C EP T

About the competition: The European Newspaper Award is organised by newspaper designer Norbert Küpper. The competition aims to improve the exchange of information on the subject of newspaper design and newspaper conception within Europe and to contribute to new, creative solutions.

Concact European Newspaper Award c/o Norbert Küpper Gutenbergstraße 4 · 40670 Meerbusch · Germany www.newspaperaward.org Email nkuepper@newspaperaward.org Phone +49 21 59 91 16 15

Jury European Newspaper Award The jury of the 22nd European Newspaper Award The 18 jury members came from eleven countries: Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Great Britain and Germany. They are journalists, scientists and designers.

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Silvia Brenes Pietro, EINA Barcelona, ES Prof. Jordi Catalá, Barcelona, ES Walter Jensen, Art-Director, Bergens Tidende, N Sónia Matos, Art Director, Publico, P Marco Grieco, Art-Director, Expresso, P Theo Dersjant, Director Fontys School of Journalism, NL Martin Huisman, Art-Director, Het Nieuwsblad, B Marianne Bahl, Art-Director, DK Søren Nyeland, Art-Director, Politiken, DK

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Kevin Wilson, Art Director, FT Weekend, GB Alie Veenhuizen, Art Director, Leeuwarder Courant, NL Gaudenz Bock, Art Director, Südwest-Presse, D Sven Gallinelli, Art Director, NZZ Regionalmedien, CH Prof. Dr. Martin Zimper, ZHdK/Cast, CH Kevin Loftus, Art Director The Mayo News IRL Björn Heselius, Principal, Designer, Nitor, S Marianne Hartz, Art-Director, Lebensmittel Zeitung, D Prof. Joachim Blum, Media-Consultant, D

Jury European Newspaper Award

Trends at a glance Press release

22nd European Newspaper Award: Grand prize winners from Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Germany. The best newspapers in Europe this year come from Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Germany. A total of 164 newspapers from 25 countries took part in the 22nd European Newspaper Award. There were more than 4,000 entries in the 20 categories of the competition. Large number of submissions in print and online. Newspapers from most European countries also participated in the 22nd European Newspaper Award. There was no decrease in the number of entries and the high quality impressed the jury. 312 online projects from 11 countries. The quality of online submissions has increased. 312 projects from 11 countries were submitted to the jury. There were significantly more multimedia and data journalistic projects submitted compared to the previous year.

Trends at a glance

Hauptpreise Neben den Awards of Excellence gibt es vier Hauptpreise. Der European Newspaper Award wird von jeher in die Categoryn Lokalzeitung, Regionalzeitung, überregionale Zeitung und Wochenzeitung gegliedert, weil diese vier Zeitungstypen unterschiedliche Ressourcen und Zielgruppen haben. European Newspaper of the Year, category local newspaper: Contacto, Luxemburg European Newspaper of the Year, category regional newspaper: Het Parool, Niederlande European Newspaper of the Year, category nationwide newspaper: de Volkskrant, Niederlande European Newspaper of the Year, category weekly newspaper: Die Zeit, Deutschland Online: Judges‘ Special Recognition News, Corona Crisis Financial Times, GB Cross-Media Projects Adresseavisen, N de Volkskrant, NL Podcasts Hamburger Abendblatt, D

Categories at a glance 7 Awards of Excellence print categories: 1.

Cover and Coverstory

1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4.

Local Newspaper Regional Newspaper Nationwide Newspaper Weekly Newspaper

2. Sectional front pages 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.

Local Newspaper Regional Newspaper Nationwide Newspaper Weekly Newspaper

3. News pages 3.0. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.7. 3.7. 3.8.

Refugees Terror, war Natural disasters Environmental protection Elections (local, regional, national, Europe) Coronavirus Celebrities deceased 30 years German reunification Brexit

Awards of Excellence online categories: 5. Photo Report 6. Visualization 7.

Visual Storytelling

15. Concept, Innovation Online 15.0. Multimedia Storytelling (“Snow-Fall” projects) 15.1. Movies 15.2 Animation films

8. Alternative Storytelling

16. Online and crossmedia

9. Infographics print

16.0. Web design for news websites 16.1. Typography cross-media 16.2. Cross-media projects

9.0. Infographics 9.1. Small Infographics 9.2. Infographics with special emphasis on maps

17. infographics online

10. Illustration

17.0. Data journalism 17.1 Infographics online 17.2. Animated infographics

11. Supplements

18. Podcasts

11.0. Weekend supplements 11.1. Supplements for special occasions 11.2. Magazine supplements

Both Print and Online common categories: Works on these topics can be submitted not only in print, but also online and cross-media: 3.0. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4.

Refugees Terror, war Natural disasters Environmental protection Elections (local, regional, national, Europe) 3.5. Coronavirus 3.7. Celebrities deceased 3.7. 30 years German reunification 3.8. Brexit Please use the same numbering as for the print category.

19. iPhone and smartphone apps 20. Social media

12. Special pages

4. Photography

13. Typography

4.0. Photographic series 4.1. Portrait 4.2. Cut 4.3. Sequence 4.4. Atmosphere 4.5. Perspective 4.6. Picture page

13.0. Typography print

14. Concept, Innovation Print 14.0. New series, new concepts 14.1. Special editions, jubilee editions

Student works Student works can participate in all categories. Lokal pages Local pages can participate in all categories.

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper European Newspaper of the Year, Kategorie Lokalzeitung: Contacto, Luxemburg

European Newspaper of the Year, Category Local Newspaper: Contacto, Luxembourg

Jury Statement: Der Name Contacto ist gut gewählt, denn die portugiesischsprachige Community in Luxemburg hält durch diese Zeitung Kontakt zu ihrem kulturellen Umfeld. Neben Berichten aus Luxemburg wird ein großes Spektrum internationaler Themen abgedeckt. Die Titelseite ist immer als Poster gestaltet mit der Coverstory im Zentrum. Weitere Artikel können durch kleinere Überschriften präsentiert werden. Auf den Innenseiten sieht man oft den Kontrast von großen Bildern, auf die auch Seiten mit langen Hintergrundtexten folgen können. Sehr gut gemacht sind die doppelseitigen Infografiken, mit denen die Fakten zu aktuellen Themen erläutert werden. Insgesamt: Eine sehr moderne Zeitung im Herzen Europas.

Jury statement: The name Contacto is well chosen because the Portuguesespeaking community in Luxembourg keeps in touch with its cultural background through this newspaper. In addition to reports from Luxembourg, it covers a wide range of international topics. The front page is always designed as a poster with the cover story in the centre. Further articles can be presented by smaller headlines. The inside pages often show the contrast of large pictures, which can be followed by pages with long background texts. Very well done are the double-page infographics, which explain the facts about current topics. All in all: a very modern newspaper in the heart of Europe.

Über die Zeitung: Die Wochenzeitung Contacto wird produziert für portugiesisch-sprechende Mitbürger in Luxemburg. Sie hat eine Auflage von 21.000 Exemplaren und wird im Tabloid-Format produziert. Die Zeitung hat fünf Redakteure, zwei Layouter und sieben Korrepondenten. Einige der Journalisten und Designer arbeiten auch für Medien in Portugal und internationale Zeitungen.

About the newspaper: The weekly newspaper Contacto is produced for Portuguesespeaking citizens in Luxembourg. It has a circulation of 21,000 copies and is produced in tabloid format. The newspaper has five editors, two layouters and seven correspondents. Some of the journalists and designers also work for media in Portugal and international newspapers.

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, local newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper European Newspaper of the Year, Kategorie Regionalzeitung: Het Parool, NL

European Newspaper of the Year, Category Regional Newspaper: Het Parool, NL

Jury Statement: Het Parool konzentriert sich auf die Region Amsterdam. Darum kommen auch rein lokale Themen vor, wie der Einsturz einer Kaimauer. Daraus wird dann die Coverstory. Mit einer Infografik wird gezeigt, wie man solche Schäden verhindern könnte und was vergleichare Städte unternehmen. Es ist eine Rundum-Berichterstattung, die nicht nur das Problem aufzeigt, sondern auch die mögliche Lösung. Het Parool setzt außerdem einen Schwerpunkt in Richtung Kultur. Samstags gibt es diese Ressorts: News, Amsterdam, Sport, Frei, Voraus, Kunst, Musik, Medien, Bücher, Geschichte, Wissenschaft. An anderen Wochentagen ist die Beilage PS ein Spielfeld kreativer Themen. Neben einem aufgelockerten Layout hat jeder Artikel liebevoll gestaltete Details: Kleine Infografiken, Faktenboxen, Zitate und nicht zuletzt Fotos der Autoren. Insgesamt: Eine vorbildlich gemachte Regionalzeitung, die genau auf ihre Zielgruppe abgestimmt ist.

Jury statement: Het Parool focuses on the Amsterdam region. This is why purely local themes are also present, such as the collapse of a quay wall. This then becomes the cover story. An information graphic shows how such damage could be prevented and what comparable cities are doing. It is an all-round report that not only shows the problem but also the possible solution. Het Parool also focuses on culture. On Saturdays there are these sections: News, Amsterdam, Sport, Free, Forward, Art, Music, Media, Books, History, Science. On other days of the week the supplement PS is a playground for creative topics. In addition to a relaxed layout, each article has lovingly designed details: small infographics, fact boxes, quotes and last but not least photos of the authors. All in all: an exemplary regional newspaper that is precisely tailored to its target group.

Über die Zeitung: Het Parool erscheint in Amsterdam im Tabloid-Format. Die Zeitung wird geheftet. Sie hat eine Auflage von ca. 59.000 Exemplaren. 60 Journalisten und sechs Layouter arbeiten in der Redaktion.

About the newspaper: Het Parool is published in Amsterdam in tabloid format. The newspaper is stapled. It has a circulation of approximately 59,000 copies. 60 journalists and six layout specialists work in the editorial department.

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, regional newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper European Newspaper of the Year, Kategorie überregionale Zeitung: de Volkskrant, NL

European Newspaper of the Year, Category Nationwide Newspaper: de Volkskrant, NL

Jury Statement: Bei de Volkskrant setzt man auf visuellen Journalismus, der konsequent in Print und Online eingesetzt wird. Die Titelseite werden die Themen des Tages visuell präsentiert. Im Innern findet man ein Zeitschriften-Layout mit viel Weißraum. Die Themensetzung wird wie bei allen Medien auch bei dieser Zeitung durch das Tagesgeschehen geprägt. Aber de Volkskrant bevorzugt sowohl in Print als auch Online die kreative Idee, die andere Herangehensweise an ein Thema. Dabei werden oft Aspekte herausgegriffen, die andere Medien so nicht haben. Beispielsweise wurde weltweit Pflegepersonal mit Masken gezeigt. Bei de Volkskrant werden die Menschen ohne Masken gezeigt, um die Gesichter sprechen zu lassen. Man hat damit einen anderen Zugang zum Thema gefunden. Gratulation an das großartige Team aus Journalisten, Fotografen, Designern und Online-Spezialisten, das jeden Tag eine so beispielhaft kreative Zeitung macht!

Jury statement: de Volkskrant focuses on visual journalism, which is consistently used in print and online. The front page visually presents the topics of the day. Inside you will find a magazine layout with a lot of white space. As with all media, the topics of this newspaper are influenced by the news of the day. But de Volkskrant prefers the creative idea, the different approach to a topic, both in print and online. Often aspects are picked out that other media do not have in this way. For example, nursing staff wearing masks was shown worldwide. At de Volkskrant people are shown without masks to let the faces speak. One has thus found a different approach to the topic. Congratulations to the great team of journalists, photographers, designers and online specialists who make such an exemplary creative newspaper every day!

Über die Zeitung: De Volkskrant ist eine überregionle Zeitung, die in Amsterdam herausgegeben wird. Sie wird im Tabloid-Format gedruckt und hat eine Auflage von ca. 400.000 Exemlaren. Bei der Zeitung arbeiten 65 Journalisten, 4 Fotografen und 12 Layouter.

About the newspaper: De Volkskrant is a nationwide newspaper published in Amsterdam. It is printed in tabloid format and has a circulation of approximately 400,000 copies. The newspaper employs 65 journalists, 4 photographers and 12 layouters.

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper


European Newspaper of the Year, nationwide newspaper


European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper European Newspaper of the Year, Kategorie Wochenzeitung: Die Zeit, D

European Newspaper of the Year, Category Weekly Newspaper: Die Zeit, D

Jury Statement: Die Zeit ist seit einigen Jahren eine große Erfolgsstory. Innerhalb von fünf Jahren ist die Anzahl der Abonnenten um 19,75 Prozent gestiegen. Ursache: Die Zeitung wird inhaltlich und gestalterisch permanent weiterentwickelt. Bereits vor vielen Jahren wurde die Titelseite mit der großflächigen Präsentation der Coverstory ein Vorbild für viele Zeitungen in Europa. Neue Ressorts wie „Streit“ wurden eingeführt. Jede Woche erscheint eine ganzseitige Infografik. Im OnlineBereich gibt es datenjournalistische Projekte. Bei aller Veränderung und Verbesserung setzt man gestalterisch trotzdem auf Kontinuität und ein insgesamt ruhiges Layout, bei dem die Bilder den Einstieg in die jeweilige Story bilden. Insgesamt: Die Zeit ist eine konzeptionell und gestalterisch herausragend gemachte Zeitung. Ein Beispiel für erfolgreiche Erneuerung auf allen Ebenen.

Jury Statement: Die Zeit has been a great success story for some years now. Within five years, the number of subscribers has increased by 19.75 percent. Reason: The newspaper is constantly being developed in terms of content and design. Many years ago, the front page with its large-scale presentation of the cover story became a model for many newspapers in Europe. New sections like “Streit” – “Controversy” – were introduced. A full-page infographic is published every week. In the online section there are data journalistic projects. Despite all the changes and improvements, the design still focuses on continuity and an overall calm layout, where the pictures are the introduction to the respective story. All in all: Die Zeit is a conceptually and creatively outstanding newspaper. An example of successful renewal at all levels.

Über die Zeitung: Die Zeit erscheint im Nordischen Format und hat eine verkaufte Auflage von 532.453 Exemplaren (IVW 3/2020). Die Anzahl der Abonnenten stieg innerhalb eines Jahres um 13,2 Prozent. Die Zeitung beschäftigt 189 Redakteurinnen und Redakteure sowie 14 Layouter.

About the newspaper: Die Zeit is published in Nordic format and has a paid circulation of 532,453 copies (IVW 3/2020). The number of subscribers has grown by 13.2 per cent within one year. The newspaper employs 189 editors and 14 layouters.

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

European Newspaper of the Year, weekly newspaper

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