The Newtonite Newton North High School, 457 Walnut St., Newtonville, Mass. 02460
v Monday, Oct. 18, 2021 • Volume 100
‘Friday Night Lights’ spotlights gender disparity
Dance team performs their routine during the halftime of the Friday Night Lights football game Friday, Oct. 1. Maxwell Lu Students donned 12th man t-shirts that read “The Future is Female” in an effort to support gender equity in North athletics as they watched football face off against Wellesley and girls’ volleyball play Melrose in the annual Friday Night Lights games, Friday, Oct. 1. by
This gender equity initiative was spearheaded by special education teacher Nicholas Capodilupo, the football coach, along with the team’s captains, who released a video the morning of Friday Night Lights. The video encouraged students to support North’s female athletes and attend the girls’ volleyball game against
Rachel Kurlandsky
Melrose that was held in conjunction with their game. Players distributed the 12th man t-shirts in support of gender equity that same day during lunch. Many students wearing these shirts packed the Reggie Gym that night, cheering on girls’ volleyball in their 3-1 victory. “The insane attendance and pos-
itive crowd at the girls’ volleyball Friday night game was an amazing testament to the student body showing up for a team that might not traditionally get that type of support,” said English teacher Kate Shaughnessy, who coaches junior varsity girls’ volleyball. Capodilupo said he became inspired to pursue the gender equity issue after students brought forth their concerns. Many of these concerns were raised last school year, when North’s athletic department administered an equity survey for athletes to complete. “Football has long been associated with toxic masculinity,” said Capodilupo. “We wanted to make it known that we are 90-plus men on a field that support our female athletes.” Capodilupo said that he intended to use football’s influence to promote female athletic programs. “We have the biggest team in terms of numbers,” said Capodilupo. “With that comes a sense of responsibility and influence we can use for the greater good.” According to Capodilupo, he first discussed the initiative with his team, who expressed overwhelming support. Although he came up with the idea, Capodilupo said, “The kids were ultimately the driver of this. If
they weren’t willing to participate, I wouldn’t have done it.” Athletic director Mike Jackson added that the players brainstormed ideas of their own. “We as captains felt that we should have something to push for ourselves. It wasn’t the administration,” said senior Nathan Leone, a captain of the football team. Capodilupo and Jackson met with several female coaches to gather their input. According to Capodilupo, “Our first step was bringing in more voices. We had two males talking about gender equity, so we brought in various coaches and worked with them.” P.E. health, and wellness teacher Lauren Baugher, who coaches girls’ softball, said that Jackson reached out to her for her opinions regarding the Friday Night Lights initiative. She praised the football program’s care in addressing some of North’s long-standing issues. “We have a system that’s broken in many facets––not only as a school, but as a community and country,” said Baugher. “I totally applaud the football team for taking on this initiative.” Shaughnessy added that she reacted with enthusiasm when she first heard the proposal. v continued on page 7
COVID-19 protocols plan to foster safe environment Shira Lobron As more students received vaccinations and as infection rates in Newton decreased, a return to normalcy this fall seemed in reach. However, as summer was ending, the surge in new cases created a need to maintain and add COVID-19 restrictions. Continued protocols from last year include universal mask wearing, encouraging students to eat outside, plans for voluntary weekly testing, setting quality standards for the ventilation systems, and conducting contact tracing. North also instituted new protocols for its full in-person start. In order to participate in extracurricular activities, students must submit proof of vaccination or participate in weekly COVID-19 testing, according to the Newton School Community. Vaccinated students are encouraged to test weekly as well when it becomes available. by
“The whole process for submitting proof of vaccination was really easy. We just had to insert a picture of our vaccination card into a Google form,” said sophomore Sophie Mathewson, a student athlete. “I think it was a really smart idea, because it gave me a lot of reassurance that organized sports are safe.” Teachers are now required to be vaccinated by October 15. “I think it is a good idea. I think it puts people at ease, and I am pleased about the rates we have of vaccination at our school,” said history teacher David Bedar. According to nurse Heidi Bochain, surveillance testing is a definitive way of restricting the spread of COVID-19. “Symptoms can kind of mimic other illnesses like a cold or the flu, so testing takes some of the guesswork out of it,” said Bochain. Weekly testing will also be taking place at some point this year, but will
be administered differently from last year. Instead of students and faculty dropping off their COVID-19 tests at the film lecture hall, employees from Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC), the company that manages the tests, will be coming around to English classes Monday through Thursday to test those who gave consent to participate in the pool testing. Students will be alerted only if they have a positive test. However, testing has been postponed indefinitely. “CIC is contracted to do testing in many school districts across the state which means that CIC is providing the staffing and the supplies to do the testing. What they have found is that there are significant staffing and supply shortages,” Vice Principal Amy Winston said. In order for testing to begin, more staff would need to be hired by CIC, and elementary and middle schools would need to be fully staffed first.
“Part of it is that the state mandated program requires that the testing be done at the school building and not at home. At home testing is more efficient, but for now, that is what the state is requiring, that the testing be done in the building,” added Winston. Test and Stay is a new program offered to only unvaccinated individuals who are close contacts, but want to remain in school as much as they can. Through Test and Stay, students receive rapid COVID-19 tests each day they are in school for seven days past their exposure. Students can also be tested if they are experiencing symptoms during the day. “We’re trying to make it as easy as possible for people to participate so that we can increase our participation,” said Winston. “Newton North had one of the highest [test] participation rates in the district last year, but it still was not considered high enough to be
a successful surveillance program. What the public health people decided was that we really needed to try to bring the testing to the students,” said Winston. Students can still receive vaccinations at most pharmacies and parents can still submit consent to test their students. Ventilation quality verifications have been happening since last fall. “The city brought in an outside agency to measure the air flow in every individual space in the building,” said Winston. To ensure proper ventilation between checks, there are carbon dioxide monitoring devices on the roof, so if any wing of the building has too much, an alarm will go off. The main piece of feedback Winston had for students was to wear their mask properly and over their nose, “If kids want to be able to do fun things, they need to do the responsible piece, too,” said Winston.
Teachers weigh effects of virtual education learning loss Grace Beecher As politicians and educators across the country are facing the problem of learning loss after a turbulent semi-virtual school year, North teachers are working to catch students up before moving on with this year’s curriculum. The district is putting their trust in the teachers’ ability to get students caught up and remain optimistic due to encouraging MCAS scores, according to Toby Romer, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education & Special Programs. “We actually had some improvement in English scores and did not see the level of decline in scores in math that other districts saw, so those scores are helpful to put in context the extent of the problem,” said Romer. “I am completely confident that teachers are going to be able to meet students where they are, by
and meet their needs.” However, teachers are still left uncertain about where their starting point for the year is. “What students do or don’t know requires some diagnosing, and teachers have had to figure out ‘oh, wait a minute, when I say Reformation and they look at me with glazed eyes, that’s because they have no idea what I’m talking about,’” said history department head Gregory Drake. Math teacher Selena Giroux said, “Students were not as focused in online school, and they were distracted by other technology and missing those basic algebra functions, so now I feel like I have to reteach what was taught last year but in a new way.” To compensate, the math department is doing pre-assessments to inform math teachers on where students are before starting a new unit, according to Giroux.
Students had less time to develop essential skills last year, according to some teachers. “Writing is a skill that takes practice,” said Giordano. “Getting students comfortable with different types of writing might be our biggest deficit.” Students also said they feel concerned about the repercussions of virtual learning. “With everything that happened with Zoom last year, I feel like we’re behind,” said junior Isabella Tang. “I think that teachers assume we learned a lot last year, and we didn’t, so they’re expecting us to know things and we don’t,” said junior Molly Bailen. Many teachers are looking at WIN-blocks as an opportunity to catch students up one-on-one. “I definitely already see myself saying, ‘Come to my WIN! Come
to my WIN!’ to help with the gaps in specific students so that they feel that they have some extra support,” said Giroux.
Drake added, “WIN-block does give me a chance to sit down with students and really delve deeply into topics that they’re curious about.”
Check inside for this year’s club listings!