January Special V98

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The Newtonite v Monday, Jan. 13, 2020 • Volume 98

Newton North High School, 457 Walnut St., Newtonville, Mass. 02460

Slow school Wi-Fi New coach seeks improvement leads to frustration for remainder of hockey season

Maya Demissie Following several hours of a complete internet blackout last Monday, Jan. 6, students and faculty expressed frustration with the unpredictable Wi-Fi. According to administrative technology specialist Phil Golando, a problem accessing external resources caused the shutdown. Last year, a hardware failure caused an internet blackout for an entire school day. “The school Wi-Fi can be really spotty at times,” said sophomore Natalia Sawicka. “It works in some classes and not others. Sometimes you’re in the middle of an in-class essay and it’ll just quit on you. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it.” According to Golando, the recent Wi-Fi troubles are partly due to the increase in classroom internet usage. “As we have more of a reliance on web-based tools and not local servers, internet access becomes more of an issue because you can not access the tools you are used to using,” he said. Overall, however, Golando said “the Wi-Fi works, and it works well, and I have not heard of problems with the Wi-Fi recently.” According to director of information technology and library services Steven Rattendi, the inconviences students experience with the Wi-Fi stem from a variety of reasons. “There could be a whole ton of issues from the individual device to the network. There’s lots of factors that could feed into why any one student has an issue,” he said. He added, “I don’t know what the particular complaints are that the students have, and I don’t know if they are reporting them to the by

techs in the building.” According to Rattendi, the network company used by the entire school district, Cisco, is meant for large corporations and “should be able to handle everything that we’ve got going on at North.” Science teacher Arielle Miles said she still runs into problems with the erratic Wi-Fi and it can make certain lessons more difficult. “I hand out the packets, try to access the website, and a bunch of hands go up. ‘It’s not working,’” she said. “I try to work one-on-one with the fix, go into settings, try to change something and that takes up a lot of time, wastes a lot of time, and disrupts the flow of what was planned.” She added, “It can be disappointing.” Junior Cristian Gaines agreed, saying that the inconsistent Wi-Fi can interfere with schoolwork and make using technology in class difficult. “I’m trying to print something out and the printer’s not connecting, I can’t get to my Google Docs, or I’m trying to show something to a teacher on my Chromebook and it ends up not working. That’s just frustrating,” Gaines said. He added, “It doesn’t make much sense to me if we’ve invested money into other technology that we still somehow have this low-quality Wi-Fi. It’s been bad the whole time I’ve been at North. I haven’t noticed much improvement.” North currently has 150 wireless access points, or physical sources of Wi-Fi, that were put in place last summer to prepare for the Chromebook rollout. The old access points were replaced after five to ten years of use, according to Golando. He added that each student and

Ian Dickerman Junior Jake Urquiola carries the puck across the rink during a game against Walpole at the John A. Ryan Arena Saturday, Dec. 14. North lost 8-0. Check out page 9 for a Q&A with new head coach Daniel Doucette.

teacher in the building should be able to use three devices worth of Wi-Fi at once. Vice principal Amy Winston said the wireless access points go through routine checkups. “Parts get replaced all the time as things get outdated or parts get broken,” she said. She added that the biggest upgrade was made last summer to prepare for the Chromebook rollout. Golando said issues with the Wi-Fi mainly occur when multiple students attempt to connect to the

network at once. However, not all experiences with the Wi-Fi are negative. Spanish teacher Chris Wood said the Wi-Fi shouldn’t be taken for granted given the size of the school. “Generally speaking, in the ten years I’ve been in this building, the Wi-Fi’s been good. I actually think it’s remarkable how good the WiFi’s been,” he said. “I can’t remember a single class in ten years in which I had to abandon the lesson. For the most part, I’ve been able to pull it together.”

Still, freshman Emma Kellstein said she also has experienced multiple occasions where she is unable to finish online homework because of the Wi-Fi. “In French class, Schoology will cut out and the Wi-Fi won’t work,” she said. “Computers just won’t work when we’re trying to do stuff and it’s generally the Wi-Fi’s fault.” Nevertheless, Rattendi said that students shouldn’t experience much difficulty connecting to the Wi-Fi, and if they do, they should report it to the IT department.

MLK speech contest encourages students to voice beliefs Sophie Murthy The annual Martin Luther King Jr. speech competition brings a mix of both angst and excitement as sophomores prepare to improve their public speaking skills and advocate for a topic they care about. The finalists, sophomores Tanya-Lif Gunnarsson, Samuel Braithwaite, Oliviah Espady, Zak Glick-Macalalad, and Ethan Situ, will present their speeches b-block, Friday Jan. 17. This year’s judges will be principal Henry Turner, counseling department chair Beth Swederskas, Riley House dean Michelle Stauss, METCO counselor Elvin Cardona, English teacher Emily Lew, and junior Elizabeth Elvin. English department head Melissa Dilworth said the judges want to approach the competition with the same expectations. “One of the things that we hold most near and dear is that this is really to honor Dr. Martin Luther King,” she said. She added, “We want to emphaby

Custodians Meet the people who keep North running. Page 6

size that you have to write about something that you know, where you can use your own voice, like he did, to make a meaningful change.” Sophomore Kira Young said that the speech unit will prepare her for the future. “It helped with having enough confidence to get up in front of people and give your speech, which a lot of people don’t have,” she said. “In the future, being able to speak in front of people is important.” Elvin, last year’s winner, said that the speech unit was great because it pushed her and her peers to step out of their comfort zones. “There were kids who I’d never heard answer a question go up and present something so articulately because they got their confidence and could make the speech their own,” she said. She added that she enjoyed the speech unit last year because it has a real world application in the future. “In the real world, you have to talk to so many people you don’t

College Recruitment Student-athletes seek further competition in college. Page 8

know,” she said. The speech unit is also an opportunity for students to practice the skill of advocating for what is important to them. English teacher Colleen Moore said, “The sophomore curriculum is about hearing lots of different voices and experiences. The speech unit is a chance for students, instead of reading and hearing about others, to speak up.” According to Moore, teachers split the speech unit up into three phases: brainstorming ideas, writing the speech, and practicing delivery. In the first phase, teachers use past speeches, rhetorical devices, and the three rhetorical appeals to teach how to write a speech. In the second phase, students work on organization while writing the speech. In the last phase, the focus is on enunciation, pacing, volume, emphasis, tone, and gestures to help with the delivery of the speech. Sophomore Emma Symonds said the most helpful thing she did in class was presenting to various

Cheer Cheer team relies on close bonding during season. Page 10

partners and hearing feedback. She added, “I also practiced my speech in front of my parents a lot outside of class.” Students spent varying amounts of time outside of class preparing. Young said she spent one to two hours preparing, whereas sophomore Javier Bonilla said he spent around four hours. Bonilla added that he prepared by recording and listening to himself perform his speech. Elvin said she also recorded herself performing her speech to prepare for the finals last year. “I have like 50 videos I used to figure out how I was going to walk on stage, how I was going to talk into the microphone, or how I was going to make eye contact,” she said. Elvin added that meeting one-on-one with her English teacher during X-block was very helpful. For some, having the speech unit be a competition added unnecessary stress. Young said, “I spoke to a lot of people who were inter-

ested in going to the finals because they wanted to make an impact. However, a lot of people felt like they had to go to the finals because their siblings did or there was more pressure on them.” But others, like Symonds, said the competition was a valuable opportunity to share an interest. “I wasn’t stressed out about winning. I really just wanted to talk about my topic. You’re still talking in front of your class and the competition didn’t really make a difference.” Although she enjoyed winning the competition, Elvin said she valued going to the finals more because her story would have a greater impact. “It’s really important because not only could I spread my message to my teachers or just the 30 kids in my class, but I could really reach so many people,” Elvin added. “I think what’s more important about the competition is that at the end of the day, there are some really important lessons that can be learned for everyone.”

Albums of the Decade A look at the sounds that defined the past ten years. Page 11

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