P18 CIGARETTES How value lines can help you maintain tobacco sales CATEGORY ADVICE TOBACCO18 SEPTEMBER betterRetailing.com Tobacco remains an important footfall driver despite nextgen competition and dwindling margins. JASPER HART looks at how value lines and brand loyalty drive retailers’ sales MANAGINGTOBACCOANDACCESSORIESlowmarginsinescapablethevap-tobaccoremainsstrongbusinessinde-pendentconveniencestores,importantoffer.you’vegot£1,500areaand4.5%marginit’sstupidyou’devenyouneedpeoplebuyingwhenit,”saysLightfoot,SoloBaillieston,Glasgow.“It’sPayPoint,youstockthefootfall.”IRIgurescategory’s£15.6bn,roll-your-owntobaccoandmadecigarettesmakingupand52%that,respectively.shiftnext-genretailerstheonestendentrenchedpreferenc-enabledrationalisetheironsalesstockwhatsell.“WedidrangereducedRYOrange32lines,”RichardInglis,WelcomeinSouthampton.“Everythingfastseller,simplifiedhavephenomenallyforourstafftheyknowgot.”Nicholls,Dringhousessays the sales few select lines, his range volumescomprehensive. from and Silver, Dual and Tobacco, Leaf 70% my although we less everything. Eventually, reduce our will market,” HOW IMPORTANT IS TOBACCO? 23 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 STRICTLY FOR TRADEUSERSONLY SHOP CRIME P2 BACK PAGE How you can prepare your store and staff for the colder months ahead Police force criticised for allegedly ignoring offences less than £400 in value P4 WHOLESALE Retailers lose out on peak summer sales as chilled delivery woes continue WINTER SALES P3 • Independent retailer slams court over two-year fight for compensationshoplifting SYSTEMJUSTICEBYFAILEDTHE Rama (L) and Subhash Varambhia

ON the high street near where I live, I certainly don’t struggle for choice when it comes to independent convenience stores. There are five perfectly decent stores, but there’s one family-run shop in a nearby residential that I will always choose to give my business where I can. It’s further away, but the journey is always worth it. What makes this store stand out? It offers a unique range of products that aren’t available from any of its rivals on the high street, such as an expansive US soft drinks selection. It also has a number of European snacks. My favourite, however, is the ice cream freezer filled with range of Ben & Jerry’s and Häagen-Dazs flavours I never knew existed. The RRP is £5 on average, offering what I presume are decent margins. I’ve not found these flavours in any independent convenience store or supermarket I’ve ever been into. I thought this was a hidden secret until I discovered the freezer nearlyemptied on a recent visit, probably caused by the heatwaves we’ve been having. I’m not using this as an excuse to talk about my sweet tooth, but to instead highlight that retailers don’t have to spend loads of money to stand out. A food-to-go wall or beer cave are all impressive when done well, but not every retailer has the space or resources to have these in their shops. The independent retailer near me demonstrates that it’s not necessary to have a major refit or layout change. You can still stand out by keeping everything simple. The next time you do a review of your shop, I recommend looking at existing products and thinking about how you can make them more unique. attitude to prolific offending a ‘real worry’ 02 03 04 05
41,206 Audit Bureau of Circulations July 2021 to June 2022 average net circulation per issue Retail Express is printed and distributed by News UK at Broxbourne and delivered to news retailers free by their newspaper wholesaler. Published by: Newtrade Media Limited, 11 Angel Gate, City Road, London, EC1V 2SD; Phone: 020 7689 0600 Reproduction or transmission in part or whole of any item from Retail Express may only be undertaken with the prior written agreement of the Editor. Contributions are welcome and are included in part or whole at the sole discretion of the editor. Newtrade Media Limited accepts no responsibility for submitted material. Every possible care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information. No warranty for goods or services described is implied. Subscribe online at overseasprint/retail-express.newtrade.co.uk/our-products/1yearsubscription:UK£65;(EU)£75;overseas(non-EU)£85 Retail Express’ publisher, Newtrade Media, cares about the environment. News reporter Noemi 07597@NoemiDistefano_Distefano588955
Acting editor Alex 020@AlexYau_Yau76893358 Editor – news Megan 020@MeganHumphreyHumphrey76893357 Editor in chief Louise @LouiseBanhamBanham Senior features writer Priyanka 020@PriyankaJethwa_Jethwa76893355 Features editor Charles 020@CharlieWhittin1Whitting76893350 Deputy insight & advertorial editor Tamara 020@TamaraBirchNTBirch76893361 Production editor Ryan Cooper 020 7689 3354 Sub editor Jim 020Findlay76893373 Sub editor Robin Jarossi Head of design Anne-Claire Pickard 020 7689 3391 Designer Jody Cooke 020 7689 3380 Junior Designer Lauren Jackson Production coordinator Chris Gardner 020 7689 3368 Head of marketing Kate Daw 020 7689 3363 Senior directoraccount Charlotte Jesson 020 7689 3389 Head of commercial Natalie Reeve 020 7689 3372 Business delivery manager Ifzal Afzal 020 7689 3382 Account manager Marie Dickens 020 7689 3366 Senior Account managers Barry Lavis 020 7689 3372 Lindsay Hudson 020 7689 3366 accountantManagement Abigayle Sylvane 020 7689 3383 Managing director Parin Gohil 020 7689 3388 Head of digital Luthfa Begum 07909 254 949 sayour Alex actingYau,editor Standing out doesn’t require major investment Londis frustration YOU CAN STILL STAND OUT BY SIMPLEEVERYTHINGKEEPING LONDIS retailers have reported issues with deliveries reaching a peak at the end of July to the start of August.
other affected
ALEX YAU RETAILERS in Southampton have slammed local law enforcement, claiming police will not investigate a crime under £400 in value. One store owner told Retail Express that “crime is through the roof” in their store following several assaults on staff. They alleged local law enforcement would not prosecute offenders unless they’re within the top �ive shoplifters. “If you’re below that and you steal anywhere up to £400, they’re not investigating anymore,” they said. “Even if you know the person’s name, you have ID and you’ve got full CCTV. That’s a real worry.” However, Paul Patel, of Dibden Purlieu News, praised the police for their promptness in dealing with a recent shoplifting attempt and said the issue was on the leniency of court Southamptonprosecutions.Police disputed the claims, adding that they would take action on proli�ic offenders, regardless of the crime’s value. Acting chief inspector Sarah Nicholson said: “We know that shoplifting and antisocial behaviour can have devastating impacts on communities and business owners, and we work hard to ensure those who need our help are supported.“Inorder to serve our community in the most ef�icient way possible, we do prioritise offenders who pose the greatest threat, risk or harm.”
For the full story, go to andbetterRetailing.comsearch‘PMP’
SHRINKING margins on pricemarked packs has prompted criticism that suppliers are passing the “burden of in�lation” onto retailers. Recent pricing revealed that the margin on Dairy Milk and Monster Energy has shrunk by 4% and 16%, respectively.According to one source, the margin shared between wholesalers and retailers has also shrunk. Unitas Wholesale managing director John Kinney said: “Suppliers need to back independent retail to protect overall market share.” One owner said delayed Anretailer tive Thetime.issues Booker temporarily stopped promotional allocations to maintain availability. Frozen deliveries also stopped on 18-20 July due to the heatwave.
wholesaler, costing fuel and
come as
RETAILERS have urged suppliers to provide clarity over product shortages following reports of worsening availability.Overtwo years, the pandemic, driver shortages, Brexit and now the Ukraine war have left retailers struggling to get hold of popular items, including Inch’s Cider, Coca-Cola and some KP snacks. Alan Mannings, of Shop on the Green in Kent, said: “Communication is key, but it’s so poor. When you don’t know why a product is unavailable, it causes frustration.”
Features writer Jasper Hart 020 7689 @JasperAHHart3384
The five biggest stories this fortnight 01
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For the full story, go to andbetterRetailing.comForandbetterRetailing.comsearch‘availability’thefullstory,gotosearch‘Londis’
delivery resulted in them having to send staff members home.
For the full story, go to andbetterRetailing.comsearch‘Conservative’
Prime minister race Availability issues Margin squeeze
CONSERVATIVE hopefuls vying to be the next prime minister have outlined how each may help small businesses, should they win. Rishi Sunak promised to maintain the current 50% reduction in business rates, but is yet to outline plans to alleviate rising trading costs. Liz Truss has promised to suspend the Climate Change Levy, payable on all electricity and gas bills. Truss also pledged to reverse the 1.25% National Insurance hike, which her rival Sunak put in place in April.
had to secure stock from an alterna-

yourselfexpress the heardyourcanwherecolumnyoumakevoice Do you have an issue to discuss with other retailers? Call
Retailer ‘failed’ by justice system over shoplifting 020alex.yau@newtrade.co.uk76893358
“My orders went in during May, but that doesn’t guarantee me the stock. Everybody is experiencing the same problems and it’s very worrying. Come September, I think there’s going to be a lot of people running around for stock, so I’m already thinking about where to source items. Already, Christmas is going to be tough as it falls on a Sunday and mid-week is better for trading.” Bal Singh, Nisa, West Midlands the victim of shoplifting. I appreciate he’d like to receive his compensation and I’m sorry for any distress the wait is causing him. Attempts to take deductions from the defend-
anpenanseveralfaultedinmakingpaymentstimes,thedefend-twassubjecttoasus-dedcommittalorder“TheNationalCompli-ceandEnforcementServicearrangedforanar-restwarranttobeissued,althoughthishadtobere-turned.“I’msorryitmaytakemuchlongerthanI’dlikeforMrVarambhiatore-ceivehiscompensation,andIknowhowfrustratingthiswillbeforhim.Again,Iassurehimthatcompen-sationowedtovictimsdoesn’texpire,andHMCTS will continue to pursue it, no matter how long it takes, until it’s paid in full.”
Commenting further on the Varambhias �ight for compensation, a HMCTS spokesperson told Retail Express: ““We take the recovery and enforcement of �inancial penalties very seriously and are committed to ensuring penalties are“Offenderspaid. who fail to pay can have property seized or payment taken from their future earnings or bene�its, and can ultimately be sent to prison.” Other retailers told Retail Express they also had frustrations when dealing with the court system. Ferhan Ashiq, of Levenhall Village Store in Musselburgh, East Lothian, said previous experiences had made him sceptical of reporting crime. “During the pandemic, I had to go to court as a witness for an incident where my staff were abused in the shop. The defendant didn’t turn up to one of the dates and it was a total waste of my time. “Then, a combination of the ‘pingdemic’ affecting staf�ing and an incident where my son had burned his face meant I couldn’t turn up to a hearing, and a warrant was issued for my arrest. I was also getting letters telling me to turn up on certain dates, only to be sent other letters telling me these dates had“Thechanged.circumstances preventing me from turning up to the hearing were out of my control, but the court said it would deal with my contempt-ofcourt hearing after the abuse case, meaning I had to spend more time in court and spend more money on solicitor fees.”
Natalie Lightfoot, Londis Solo, Glasgow “I’m worried about seasonal out-of-stocks, but, to be honest, Christmas was a washout last year, so I concentrated my efforts on building my profits this summer. Symbol groups need to start communicating problems with availability as soon as possible. I’ve ordered 400 tubs of Celebrations for Christmas, for example. If I only received 100 of those, it wouldn’t be great. Cadbury Christmas Puds were another great seller last year.” Nishi Patel, Londis, Thamesmead Natalie Lightfoot
“We’ve put our preorders in, but I think whatever happens, we’ll be okay. At the moment, we’re just living day-to-day with delays and availability problems, but we are finding ways around it all the time. One bonus for us will be the football World Cup in the run-up to Christmas, where we sell a lot of alcohol. Our symbol group do update us with emails on out-of-stocks, but we are all so time poor to juggle everything.”
ASDA: Supermarket chain Asda has permanently closed its first Deal Depot – a cash and carry to rival Costco. The concept, trialled in Bristol from the end of 2019, traded to businesses and members of the public with no membership fee required. It sold products such as alcohol, confectionery and household staples in bulk size. For the full story, go to betterRetailing.com and search DELIVERY:‘Asda’Retailers face further competition as rapid grocery service Getir has unveiled a rollback to 1990s prices during August. The discounts, on staples such as confectionery and bread, see many prices halved. “We are rolling back the cost of products to give our consumers the opportunity to buy at an affordable price,” a spokesperson said.
ALEX YAU AN independent retailer is still �ighting for compensation from a shoplifter, two years since a court ordered payment from the offender. In 2020, husband and wife Subhash and Rama Varambhia, of Snutch Convenience Store in Leicester, were victims of a shoplifting offence when Jordan Allen stole £78-worth of spirits from their shop. Subhash sustained bruising to his arm when confrontingInAllen.acourt hearing at Leicester Magistrates Court on 23 June 2020, Allen pleaded guilty to one count of theft and two counts of common assault. He was sentenced to 24 weeks of prison and ordered to pay £500 in compensation to the Varambhias. A restraining order also prevented him from going near the However,store.two years on from the sentencing, the Varambhias are still �ighting for their compensation. Subhash told Retail Express: “The fact I’ve still not received payment needs to be pushed under the noses of the people who need to know the reality. So far, the offender has avoided the �ine. Meanwhile, we as victims, are out of pocket and are distressed. The justice system has failed us. “We have found the court system unhelpful and there are periods when the offender is free. Retail crime is costing millions of pounds”Subhash had raised the him.tressandreceiveIthethatsaid:win,whichawasrecstatedexecutiveServicebysubsequenttheall,issuewithhisMP,LizKend-whohadenquiredaboutissueonhisbehalf.AresponsesentHMCourts&Tribunals(HMCTS)chiefNickGoodwinthatthefailureineivingthecompensationcausedbyAllenhavingmedicalcondition,cannotbedisclosed.TheresponsefromGood-seenbyRetailExpress,“I’mverysorrytolearnMrVarambhiahasbeenvictimofshoplifting.appreciatehe’dliketohiscompensationI’msorryforanydis-thewaitiscausingAttemptstotakede-ductionsfromthedefendant’s bene�its have been unsuccessful. As he’s de-
Subhash Varambhia sustained injuries as a result of the confrontation 020 7689 3358 email alex.yau@newtrade.co.uk
WHOLESALE: North of England wholesaler Parfetts has chosen to open its eighth depot in Birmingham. Parfetts joint managing director Guy Swindell said the move was “an important milestone in the development of Parfetts and our symbol groups”. The firm has existing warehouses in Aintree, Anfield, Halifax, Middlesborough, Sheffield, Somercotes and Stockport. For the full story, go to betterRetailing.com and search ACTION‘Parfetts’ONCRIME: The UK’s leading retailers have written to police and crime commissioners in England and Wales, urging them to prioritise retail crime in local policing strategies. The letter, which has 106 signatories, expresses increasing concerns about rising levels of violence. It calls for police to find ways to make reporting crime easier, as well as a demand for better investigation of reported crime.
Are you worried about delays to seasonal stock?

For the full story go searchbetterRetailing.comtoand‘businessrates’
For the full story go searchbetterRetailing.comtoand‘PostOffice’ Hall & Partners – Claimed retail data 52 weeks (April 2020 to March 2021). & be
18+. 533777 TNL 250K Orange Page Ad for RE 240x172mm AW1.indd 1 10/08/2022 12:06
A PROPOSAL to digitalise business rates could side line local authorities and give more power to central government, an expert has warned.Thegovernment launched a consultation on digitalising the system, which could re sult in HMRC administering theColliersscheme.head of business rates John Webber said: “It does beg the question about the long-term role of local au thority finance.”
HUNDREDS of post offices across the UK have been left without a working printer after a rollout of new ink cartridges caused breakdowns. The problems came after the Post Office (PO) distributed trial ink cartridges across its 11,500 branches. A PO spokesperson said: “We advise postmasters to use ink from our previous supplier, and we are sourcing new print ers for those impacted.”
Eden Farm delivery issues ongoing Local store rescued Business rates change
Another retailer reported receiving four messages from Eden Farm, informing them it was unable to deliver their order scheduled for the next day. The firm introduced a £5 delivery charge last year, but one retailer told Retail Express that service levels had notably decreased sinceEdenthen.Farm Hulleys failed to comment as Retail Express went to print.
A CONVENIENCE store has been saved after its commu nity raised £3,200. Ellis Stores, run by Ste phen and Linda Ellis in Lin colnshire, was facing closure after its air-conditioning unit broke during last month’s heatwave, resulting in thou sands of pounds worth of chocolate stock being lost. However, donations to a fundraising page helped them restock their shelves. “It’s good to know there are people out there who don’t want to see their local shop failing,” said Linda.
of arecustomerslikelytobuyScratchcardswithaLottoticket “Offering a SCRATCHCARD to my LOTTO and EUROMILLIONS players increases my sales as many of them decide to give it a try.” Muntazir Dipoti, Todmorden News BOOST YOUR SCRATCHCARD SALES *Source:
Procedures apply. Players must
ALEX YAU INDEPENDENT retailers continue to be frustrated by ongoing delivery issues at Eden Farm Hulleys, with the wholesaler accused of pro viding no explanation. Five retailers in England and Wales reported issues with the frozen and chilled specialist over the peak sum mer period, with one retailer switching supplier as a result of the issues. One impacted retailer told Retail Express: “Eden Farm needs to be shamed more as their deliveries are hor rendous. I ordered a new ice cream freezer through Eden Farm and had to wait two weeks for the ‘free’ stock to be“Whendelivered.Iorder frozen food, it’s in stock, but by the time I get a delivery, they are out of stock. They still let you se lect a delivery date, but can’t fulfil it. “When I was waiting for my ‘free’ stock, I was also wait ing for three different frozenfood orders. When they were all getting delivered, I had three empty freezers running and was paying staff to work over“Thelunch.wages alone cost me an extra £80. I got no apology from Eden Farm.”

CONFECTIONERY supplier Perfetti van Melle has achieved £100m in UK sales. Best known for its Mentos, Fruittella, Smint and Chupa Chups brands, the supplier is currently the largest supplier of sugar-free sweets in the UK, with its sugar-free range currently experiencing 22% annual growth. It has also taken a signi�icant step in its sustainability journey by replacing the plastic sticks in Chupa Chups with paper sticks. It says this move will eliminate around 5,000 metric tons of plastic per year. Additionally, the supplier will be launching interactive audio advertising for Fruittella, which celebrates its 90th birthday this year.
New limited caramel Toblerone launched Rebecca Robert, freezing before use. shoppers.”
OLD Jamaica is offering a range of prizes for its Unitas wholesale customers as part of its latest marketing campaign. The �irst 100 customers who purchase a case of Old Jamaica at Unitas depots win a free promotional PoS kit and a one in �ive chance to win a four-case package of Old Jamaica centresfocusedtheretailersatoncreditownersAdditionally,drinks.10storewillwin£500storeorvoucherstospendOldJamaicaGingerBeerUnitas.Theseopportunitiesforcomealongsidecampaign’sconsumer-aspect,whichonthe‘goldenhour’
ASAHI Super Dry has become a global partner of City Football Group, which includes Premier League champions Manchester City. The partnership sees Asahi Super Dry become the new of�icial beer partner of four City Football Group clubs: Manchester City, Melbourne City in Australia, Yokohama F Marinos in Japan and Sichuan Juiniu in China. All four clubs will serve Asahi Super Dry at their stadiums from the beginning of their respective league seasons.Topromote the partnership in Manchester, a ship called The Pride of Manchester City sailed down the Manchester Ship Canal with a shipment of Asahi Super Dry, skippered by former Manchester City players Shaun Wright-Phillips and ShaunThereGoater.willalso be a series of giveaways and competitions for Manchester City fans.
Thatchers’ Blood Orange sales success
AU VODKA has entered the frozen category with the launch of alcoholic ice lollies. Available in a Blue Raspberry �lavour, the lollies (5% ABV) have an RRP of £2.99. They are available to order from the supplier’s website for consumers, with trade customers also encouraged to get in touch with the supplier. The lollies are transported in liquid form and require freezing before use. This marks Au’s second launch outside of �lavoured vodka following the launch of a Blue Raspberry ready-todrink (RTD) can in July. The supplier said in a tweet it has presold one million cans.
STORCK has launched a limited-edition White Chocolate variety of its Tof�ifee brand. The launch comes as Tof�ifee is the third-fastestgrowing brand in the boxed chocolate category, according to IRI. It is available this month to grocery, convenience and wholesale in 125g boxes with 15 pieces. Andy Mutton, managing director at Storck UK, said: “With white chocolate performing well with continuous growth (+14% vs previous year), this new launch will drive excitement within the confectionery category as well as incrementalRebeccasales.”Robert, marketing director at Storck UK, added: “The new limitededition pack not only taps into the popularity of white chocolate, but also makes the perfect product to share with family and friends, capturing the attention of existing Tof�ifee customers as well as recruiting new White Chocolate Toffifee launched
Unitas offers prizes with Old Jamaica
Au chills out with new ice lollies
BrewDog’sCityon-pack promo
PVM hits £100 m sales milestone
JASPER HART BREWDOG has launched its ‘Access all areas’ promotion, giving customers the chance to win various prizes. Until 31 October, promotional packs of certain BrewDog lines will be available with a QR code for customers to scan to enter into a free prize draw. Participating packs include four-packs of Punk IPA, Hazy Jane, Lost Lager and Punk AF; 10-packs of Lost Lager; 12-packs of Punk IPA and Hazy Jane; and the Mixed eight-pack.Prizesinclude bar tabs at BrewDog bars, free beer, subscriptions to BrewDog and Friends, vouchers, t-shirts and glassware. There are more than 13,000 prizes up for Alexgrabs.Dullard, head of customer marketing at BrewDog, said: “We want to reward our customers for their continued loyalty, while also driving trial with new shoppers. That’s why we are launching ‘Access all areas’ – the biggest giveaway we have ever done, available to customers on our hero packs across all areas of our business, from grocery to convenience as well as on-trade.“Witha simple entry mechanic, thousands of great prizes on offer and a widespread marketing campaign, we’re hoping the promotion will help drive overall footfall and beer sales for our customers, throughout the remainder of the summer and into the autumn. “It also provides an ideal opportunity to reach additional shoppers with the busy August bank holiday approaching.”
time of day and runs for �ive weeks from the beginning of August following a £500,000 investment from Old Jamaica’s distributor, Refresco.
THATCHERS Cider‘s Blood Orange variety has been the most successful new cider launch in the off-trade this year, according to IRI Worldwide.Sinceitslaunch at the end of February in a 500ml bottle and 440ml cans, Thatchers’ Blood Orange has added £7.5m in value to the cider category, the supplier said, citing the market research company’s �igures for total perry and cider sales. In support of the variety, Thatchers has been running a new multimedia campaign across TV, cinema, social media and out of home, which concludes this month. Thatchers Blood Orange is also attending more than 25 major summer festivals, including Camp Bestival and Barcode Festival.
Asahi partners with Manchester
MONDELEZ International has launched a limitededition Toblerone variety, TobleroneAvailableGolden.fromthis month, Toblerone Golden has a caramel �lavour and is intended to be a seasonal gift. It is also aimed at younger adult shoppers who have an appetite for caramelised white chocolate. Caramelised white was the biggest new chocolate development in 2021, with a retail sales value of £18.5m. Claire Kamara, brand manager for Toblerone at Mondelez, said: “We are con�ident that Toblerone Golden will help the brand to reach even more shoppers and allow retailers drive additional sales this year, given that the caramelised white �lavour is 18% incremental to the chocolateMondelezcategory.”willsupport the launch with a PR campaign and in-store retailer support.
PRODUCTS06 23 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterRetailing.com

A MUST-READ FOR PROFIT-DRIVEN INDEPENDENT RETAILERS The Retail Success Handbook HOW TO BE A TRUSTED RETAILER, AND KEEP CUSTOMERS LOYAL RETAILING RESPONSIBLY August 2022 Proven tips to improve staff well-being and retention Clarity on key legislation, including HFSS and Natasha's Law Practical advice on underagepreventingsales p1 RSH Cover.indd 1 11/08/2022 11:42 The Retail Success Handbook: Retailing Responsibly Everything you need to know to run a legally compliant, ethical store This unmissable edition of The Retail Success Handbook will give you the key information about the newest rules and regulations affecting the convenience channel, alongside practical, achievable and detailed advice on what you can do to make sure your store is compliant. This issue includes: A guide to complying with key legislation, with a focus on preparing for HFSS How your store can help in the fight against illicit products Youth access prevention techniques, tools and strategies How to play your part in the circular economy Customer care and staff welfare advice DON’T MISS OUT Order your copy from your magazine wholesaler today or contact us on 020 3871 £4.99Only6490COSTLYMISTAKESLEGAL Onnow!sale

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23 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022PRODUCTS 09betterRetailing.com
VALEO Snackfoods has launched a range of sugarfree Fox’s Glacier sweets in a pocket-sized carton, Fox’s Glacier Moments. The launch is part of a signi�icant investment in the Fox’s brand, which saw a 45% annual increase in growth in the four weeks to June this Glacieryear.Moments are available at an RRP of £1.15 in Lemon, Mint & Elder�lower and Strawberry & Banana Smoothie varieties. They are sweetened with natural stevia instead of sugar. Russell Tanner, marketing director at Valeo Snackfoods, said: “Fox’s is well positioned to move into the health-conscious confectionery market, and as each sugar-free sweet is only eight calories, it makes for the perfect longer-lasting, permissible sweet treat.”
New Fox’s sugarfree Marssweetslaunches new look for Tracker bars
MARS Chocolate Drinks & Treats (MCD&T) has unveiled a new look for its Tracker cereal bar range. The new packaging highlights the ishealthieringredients.grainsmessagingunder-100-calories-per-barrange’sandtheoatsandwhichmakeupabar’sTherebrandcomesasthebiscuitsubcategoryworth£714.3mandgrow-
JASPER HART RELX International has launched a new initiative committing to high standards and quality products for its vape customers. The brand said as ecigarette use has seen wider adoption in the UK, the need for better quality testing in the industry has become increasingly important. As part of the commitment, Relx said it maintains rigorous testing and quality standards that follow all laws and standards for e-cigarette products.Theinitiative has seen the brand set up �ive labs over the past three years to create a full-scale quality testing system that enables it to conduct advance research into e-cigarettes and vapour products.Itsstandards procedures include physical and chemical stability requirements, impurity and pollutant limit requirements, and stringent requirements for the amounts of certain compounds and materials used within e-liquids and e-cigarette devices. The production process incorporates 58 inspection procedures before it begins manufacturing a product. During manufacturing, all devices are subject to 18 rigorous quality control steps.
Boost partners with Leeds United BOOST Drinks has extended its partnership with football club Leeds United for a further three seasons, as well as becoming the club’s �irst Gold Tier Partner. The partnership gives Boost increased branding in Leeds’ Elland Road stadium across the West Stand, Player Tunnel and with three external banners, which will give the brand exposure among matchday fans and also through live Additionally,TV.Boost ranges will be available in Boost fridges in four of the of�icial Leeds United retail stores.
Relx pledges high standards ing by 7.1% annually, with the average shopper buying into the category 9.7 times a year.Michelle Frost, general manager at MCD&T, said: “We believe Tracker was the �irst UK cereal bar, launched in 1986, and we believe a combination of the new packaging and price will attract a younger consumer to the brand.” launches

CHICAGO Town has been taking an experiential marketing campaign across English festivals this summer. The UK’s leading frozen pizza brand (according to IRI �igures) will be showcasing its Deep Dish range at Victorious festival in Portsmouth over the August bank holiday weekend. It previously appeared at Tramlines, Kendall Calling and Boardmasters. As part of the campaign, samples of Deep Dish pizza will be given out to festivalgoers. They will be able to choose from Four Cheese, Pepperoni, vegan Cheezeburger and a festival exclusive Sausage & Blueberry, inspired by Chicago. Chicago Town is also offering free pizza vouchers to attendees so they can continue to eat Chicago Town pizza when they get home.
PRODUCTS10 23 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterRetailing.com
SOFT drinks supplier Cawston Press has launched ‘No jiggery pokery’, its largestever advertising campaign aimed at highlighting the brand’s use of pressed fruit in its whichmissionedresearchpling,mediafeaturesTheingredients.campaign,whichout-of-home,socialadvertisingandsam-comesoffthebackoffromYouGovcom-byCawstonPress,foundthat63%ofsoft drinks consumers would prefer if �izzy drinks were made with more natural ingredients.LauraHedderman, head of marketing at Cawston press, said: “We hope to encourage the population to really consider what they choose to consume, and challenge the soft drinks industry to do more when it comes to transparency and real ingredients.”
Chicago Town Pizza hits the road
SNACKING company Robert’s Dorset, previously Proper SCT, has relaunched with a new name and recyclable packaging across all its products.Thecompany’s rebrand began in August 2021 and is focused on highlighting its Dorset heritage and use of high-quality ingredients. Retailers interested in stocking Robert’s range of crackling, nuts and fudge are encouraged to email trade@ sct-sct.com. The company’s products are made to order, providing its customers with fresh products and bespoke rangingAdditionally,options.it has a range of gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan and allergen-free options. Robert Parkin, founder of Robert’s Dorset, said: “We’re for everybody. Whether you like classic tastes or are more daring, have allergies or are vegan, Robert’s Dorset is for all.”
JASPER HART MONDELEZ International has unveiled its 2022 Christmas range. New launches include Cadbury Festive Favourites in a recycled cardboard octagonal carton, which includes Mini Snowballs, Puds and 10 Cadbury chunks at an RRP of £5.99. The supplier has added Cadbury Mini SnowBalls 110g bar to its range (RRP £1.49), combining Cadbury’s popular bar format with last year’s number-one sharing novelty treat. Also launching is the Dairy Milk Winter Crisp, available in a 360g block at an RRP of £3.99, and a White variety of Cadbury Jingly Bells, with an RRP of £1.49. The Cadbury Dairy Milk Advent Bar features 25 individually numbered chunks of Dairy Milk for shoppers to consume in the lead-up to Christmas Day, with a resealable wrap to maintain freshness (RRPMondelez£3.49).has also launched the Cadbury Chunk Collection, which includes individually wrapped chunks of Cadbury White, Dairy Milk and Dairy Milk Wholenut, at an RRP of £5. Also available is the Cadbury Dairy Milk Tin, in a small £5.99 format and a large £12.99 format. Mondelez is also launching a new version of its Heroes tin, with a built-in game called ‘Who am I?’ to add value and drive sharing occasions. Other new launches include Cadbury White Santa, Oreo Festive Colours with red, white and greencoloured cremes, and Toblerone Selection Box, which features four 100g bars and a mix of Toblerone Tinies in various �lavours.
Vocation marks Life & Death upRelentlessbirthdayteamswithAitch
COCA-COLA Europaci�ic Partners (CCEP) has unveiled Relentless‘ latest on-pack promotion in partnership with its brand ambassador, rapperRunningAitch.until December, the promotion sees codes available under the ring pulls of Relentless’ range of 500ml cans and four-packs, including its recently launched Zero Sugar variants. Shoppers need to enter these at com/AITCHPROMO_22relentlessenergy.to be entered into an online free prize draw. Ten winners will enjoy a backstage experience with Aitch, while 10 runnersup will receive tickets to his UK album tour and exclusive merchandise.PoSmaterials will be available to retailers from my.ccep.com from the middle of August and Relentless is highlighting the promotion via social media.
Werther’s launches salted caramel line Pepsi Max Taste Challenge returns
Dorset snack brand
‘No jiggery pokery’ with Cawston Press
Xmas range
STORCK has added a new line to its Werther’s Original range, Werther’s Original Salted Caramel Cream Soft Caramels. The new launch taps into the growing popularity of salted caramel. It has become a popular �lavour trend across a range of categories recently and has seen 19% year-on-year growth in value sales within the sugar category. Andy Mutton, managing director at Storck UK, said: “With the increasing popularity of salted caramel as a �lavour, Werther’s Original will help drive growth within the category. This new product provides retailers with an opportunity to tap into trends, offering their customers an exciting new �lavour which will appeal to a wide range of shoppers.”
PEPSI Max has brought back its Taste Challenge for the �irst time since 2019. The challenge sees people across the UK participate in a blind taste test to determine which out of Pepsi Max and the UK’s biggest-selling fullsugar cola line tastes better. In 2019, 65% of participants preferred the taste of Pepsi Max. The Taste Challenge is touring the UK throughout August and September, with more than 30,000 taste challenges expected to take place. It will also be supported by a full advertising campaign including TV, cinema, out-ofhome, shopper and digital ‘Pop�izzahh’ advertising. The latter includes British comedian Michael Dapaah.
VOCATION brewery is celebrating seven years of its �lagship beer Life & Death with three new varieties. Life & Death Session Edition (3.5% ABV) contains Vocations Classic IPA hopped with Citra and Mosaic, brewed to be more sessionable; Life & Death Hazy Edition (6.5% ABV) uses the original recipe and is brewed with �laked wheat, jumbo oats and more Citra hops; and Life & Death Gold Edition (7.4% ABV) consists of Vocation’s Classic IPA hopped with Citra and Mosaic, and brewed with more malts for more body and a more resinous �inish. The three beers are available via Vocation’s website in 440ml cans.

Look out for this logo in any of our products to find the latest information, insight and advice. Visit HFSS.www.betterRetailing.com/HFSSWe’vegotitcovered.IfyouhaveanyquestionsaboutHFSS,orNewtradeMediaproducts,pleasecalltheteamon02076893363 * 2022OctoberinforceintocometorestrictionsHFSS High fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) legislation is coming*, and we are here to help

The supplier estimates that if every Ariel Pods user switched to the new packaging, it could save up t o 6,500 tons of plastic per year in Europe.
Greenall’s launches new paper bottle Treasury teams up with Snoop Dogg
Kind chooses love with new promo
Greenall’s is also teaming up with climate organisation Ecologi so that for every new bottle purchased in the offtrade, a tree will be planted in an area of the world most in need.
Ariel cardboardlaunchespackaging
HEALTHY snack bar brand Kind has launched limitededition bars in support of the charity Choose Love. Kind has partnered with Iranian artist Majid Adin over the new design for the charity, which provides support for refugees and displaced people around theTheworld.new design is appearing across Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt, Caramel Almond & Sea Salt and Maple Pecan Almond varieties in single and multipack formats. Having launched at the beginning of August, they will be available until the end of September. Through the partnership, Kind will also be donating £50,000 to Choose Love.
BRITVIC has announced that Tango has agreed a long-term partnership with The Prince’s Trust, the UK’s largest youth charity supporting young people with employment and education opportunities.Thepartnership includes an on-pack takeover across Tango Orange and Dark Berry Sugar Free singles and multipacks, with 5p from each pack sold being donated to The Prince’s Trust. A QR code on-pack leads to a designated landing page sharing further information about the partnership, as well as a referral button to sign up to a Prince’s Trust course or an option to donate. The partnership runs until 30 September and is supported by paid digital advertising, in�luencers and PoS.
ARIEL has unveiled new cardboard packaging, which it is describing as a �irst for UK laundry products. The new Ecoclic box is FSC-certi�ied and made from 70%+ recycled �ibres. It is a part of Ariel’s commitment to reduce virgin plastic in the fabric care business in Europe by 30% by 2025, and is also available for Fairy NonBio, Bold and Daz brands.
KP SNACKS has added Butterkist Crunchy Orange Chocolate Flavour Toffee popcorn and Nik Naks Scampi ‘N’ Lemon to its range of £1 price-marked packs (PMP). The varieties’ addition brings the total number of KP £1 PMPs to 35. Nik Naks Scampi ‘N’ Lemon has also returned having been absent from the range as a multipack since 2019 and as a single since 2008. Nik Naks is growing by 5.3%, while Butterkist is the most popular popcorn brand in the UK, with a 35.4% marketCurrently,share.£1 crisp, snack and nut PMPs are worth £221.8m and are growing in value by 17.1%. Within that, the KP Snacks £1 PMP range is worth £70.5m and is growing by 16%. Matt Collins, trading director at KP Snacks, said: “As costs of everyday items continue to rise, consumers will be searching for greatvalue products, so PMPs will be an increasingly important format. We are delighted to be supporting our retail partners with a strong and growing £1 PMP range designed to excite shoppers and drive impulse purchases. “We are also catering to shopper demand by bringing back Nik Naks Scampi ‘N’ Lemon as a £1 PMP. The return of this well-loved �lavour after so many years without it will engage and ignite interest from shoppers, boosting sales for retailers.”
GREENALL’S, The Original London Dry Gin, has become one of the �irst UK gin suppliers to launch in a paper bottle format. The new 70cl bottle is now available for UK trade customers across all channels to order. Made from 94% recycled paperboard with a food-grade pouch, the bottle is �ive times lighter than a normal glass bottle, its carbon footprint is six times lower and its water footprint is four times lower.
Ariel has also launched a wider campaign to encourage a switch to cold washing temperatures, as nearly 60% of laundry’s carbon footprint comes from heating water while a machine is in use.
TREASURY Wine Estates has partnered with US rapper Snoop Dogg to launch new wine Cali by Snoop. The supplier intends to recruit non-traditional wine drinkers to the category with the launch of the red wine, which has an RRP ranging from £9 to £11. Cali by Snoop wines feature Snoop Dogg’s pro�ile on the label and �ive collectable corks, each featuring a unique image of the artist. Treasury is supporting the launch with a large-scale marketing campaign including out-of-home, in�luencer, digital and in-store marketing. It also plans to launch a rosé variety of the wine in February 2023.
TO celebrate the launch of Paramount+ in the UK and Ireland, Walkers has partnered with the streaming service to launch limited-edition packs across its Walkers Max, Sensations, Wotsits, Squares, Monster Munch and Quavers ranges. The limited-edition packs feature designs from some of the prominent �ilms and series available on the platform, such as Walkers Max x Mission Impossible, Walkers Snacks X Star Trek and Walkers Sensations x The First Lady. They also offer customers a free month-long subscription to Paramount+. Screentime is the most popular snacking occasion, with more than 50% of the total share of savoury snacking occasions.
INSPIRED Pet Nutrition has expanded its Harringtons pet food range with the launch of high-protein Meaty Treats. Available in Chicken Fillets, Duck Jerky, Beef Meatballs and Chicken Sausages varieties at an RRP of £2.50 each, the treats are free from arti�icial colours and preservatives and contain a minimum of 70% meat. Additionally, the Beef Meatballs are wheat-free, while the other �lavours are grain-free, making them suitable for dogs with sensitive digestion. The launch of Meaty Treats comes as the dog treat market has grown by £32m in the past 12 months to be worth £394m.
Harringtons’ new Meaty Treats
Tango partners with The Prince’s Trust
Walkers partners with Paramount+
KP adds to £1 PMP range

NEXT?HAPPENSWHAT Keep a look out for 6ExpressRetailonSEPTEMBER
2Use secondary sitings at the till and crossmerchandise with other categories, such as food to go, to boost impulse sales.
SANDRA SAYS “CRISPS, snacks and nuts drive impulse sales if you stock the right range and formats. To ensure Avtar is maximising opportunities to drive impulse purchases around the store we’ll increase cross-category merchandising and add a secondary siting at the till. Nuts are exempt from HFSS legislation and perfect for this as they partner well with other categories, such as alcohol. We’ll also be introducing new products to cater to different missions.”
FOCUS ON ARJ PATEL Premier Cavendish Square, Swindon 1 Vertical blocking: To make Arj’s crisps and snacks fi xture easier to navigate, we’ll display his bestselling brands vertically, blocking similar products together.
1 Offer choice: To give shoppers more options, we’ll merchandise the bestselling McCoy’s lines within the meal deal. Choice is the biggest barrier when buying a meal deal.
1Maximise your space by focusing on a core range of top sellers plus a selection of new products to keep the fixture exciting.
2 New formats: We’ll introduce multipacks and increase sharing price-marked packs to help Arj capitalise on a strong growth area and offer his customers more choice.
3 Secondary sitings: We’ll add KP Nuts at the till point, as they’re exempt from HFSS legislation, and within the BWS fi xture to boost cross-category purchases.
RETAIL EXPRESS joins KP SNACKS at two retailers’ shops to improve their range to meet shopper missions “WE’RE based in a residential area in Swindon and have a mix of customers, from young children to elderly. We have a post office in store and there’s a couple of schools nearby. CSN is a category we’re always focused on and looking for ways to improve, as it’s a category where we’re able to compete with the multiples. We want to further increase our sales and we’re excited to make some changes.”
3 Ease of shopping: We’ll relocate Arj’s nuts range to the same fi xture as crisps and snacks, and merchandise to follow a flow of ‘good, better, best’ to improve ease of shop.
2 Blocking brands: To help customers find the products they want quickly and boost impulse sales, we’ll group formats and brands together, such as sharing and £1 PMP bags.
ACTION PLAN call 020 7689 0500 or scan the QR code
ADVICESUPPLIER 1323 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterretailing.com In partnership with Promotional feature Worth £3.6bn and growing by 6.2% year on year, there’s plenty of opportunities to capture sales of crisps, snacks and nuts (CSN).
2.3x On average, one in five convenience baskets contain bagged snacks 1 in 5 SEIZE OPPORTUNITYSNACKINGTHESANDRASAYS To find out more about how you can improve your sales,
ACTION PLAN FOCUS ON AVTAR SIDHU St John’s Kenilworth,Budgens,Warwickshire Arj and Avtar followed KP Snacks’ expert advice over a six-week trial period. We tracked their sales data and will share how they got on in the next issue.
“WE’RE in an affluent area and, as a result, premiumisation within CSN is a key shopper mission – but consumer habits are changing quickly, and value is important to many shoppers. From the visit today, we’re hoping to look at the category as a whole and the role it can play within other categories, such as food to go and as part of a meal deal or merchandised in the beers, wines and spirits (BWS) area.”
“SHOPPERS have a range of missions and the changes we’ll make to Arj’s range will help him meet as many of these as possible. To help, it’s imperative we ensure Arj’s fixture focuses on a core range of top-sellers, which are easy to find, so customers can pick up what they need. We’ll introduce some of our bestselling lines, such as KP Nuts, we’ll vertically block the range to improve shopability and secondary site them to boost impulse sales.” ADVICE HALL Senior category manager, KP Snacks
3 Maximise opportunities,promotionalsuchas meal deals and price-marked packs, to offer greater value to shoppers.

Aman Uppal, One Stop Mount Nod, Coventry
switching to vaping
OWN LABEL: Would you stock supermarket brands? “FREEZERS and chillers are a priority. I increased supply of water, ice lollies and soft drinks to meet customer demand. I also re-arranged my shop moving certain items, such as chocolate and other confectionery items, to the stock room where it is cooler to avoid waste.”
David Lomas, Lomas News, Bury
What do you think? Call Retail Express on 020 7689 3357 for the chance to be featured Freezers and chillers are a priority “WE bought in extra stock of drinks and ice-cream lines and made sure we were stocked up with slush, cups and straws. Chocolate went in the fridge. We don’t have air conditioning, so every morning we’d do our best to manage the temperature of the shop with our fans.”
COMING UP IN THE 26 ISSUEAUGUSTOFRN Pricewatch: see what other retailers are charging for medicated confectionery and boost your own profits Growing a store and raising a family: how to create a strongChilledwork-lifesuccessfulbalanceandfresh:howtocreateaofferinthisgrowingcategory + STAY INFORMED AND GET AHEAD WITH RN www.betterRetailing.com/subscribe ORDER YOUR COPY from your magazine wholesaler today or contact Kate Daw on 020 7689 3363 3,451 retailers’ sales data analysed for every issue 69+ unique retailers spoken to monthevery 71% of RN’s storiesnewsareexclusive At RN, our content is data-led and informed by those on the shop floor
COST OF LIVING: How are you supporting struggling customers? “THE cost-of-living-crisis is impacting the whole industry. However, we try to help our shoppers by prioritising price-marked packs. That’s less margin for us, but it gives them more of an opportunity to get the items they want, which is what matters most to us.”
“I AM not actively encouraging them to stop smoking, but I have noticed that many customers are moving away from tobacco because of its high cost. Many are switching to vaping – disposable vaping, too. Because of its accessible price, they sell well in my store.”
“NO, I don’t think it looks too good on the shelves. I used to stock some Tesco-branded products in my shop. But because there is a Tesco outside my shop, it seemed as if I had just picked up from their store instead of getting them through the wholesaler.”
Shailesh Patel, Jans, Cockfosters, north London
HEATWAVE: How did you prepare for the second heatwave?
Graham Doubleday, Doubleday Newsagent, Ashton-under-Lyne
“I USED to review my delivery charge to HND customers every year, but then I decided to freeze my delivery fee and haven’t increased it since the pandemic. With in�lated newspaper prices, I can’t ask my customers to pay more, as I would lose them.”
Dipak Shah, H & R News, Surrey
Mayur Patel, Weekes News, West Sussex
Mark Dudden, Albany News, Cardiff “NO, I wouldn’t. I don’t think they would be a good �it for my business. In addition to that, I don’t have room in my store to add more products or drop some from my current mix of wholesaler own-label lines or brands for supermarket items.”
Graeme Pentland, Ashburton Village Store, Newcastle upon Tyne “AS a retailer, I have an opportunity to introduce vaping products into my community and persuade people to move away from cigarettes, which is something I believe in. I am seeing other retailers doing the same thing, which is hugely positive.”
TOBACCO: Are you encouraging customers to quit smoking? I decided to freeze my delivery fee
I don’t think it looks too

Fill in your details at: www.betterRetailing.com/competitions
TO ENTER BARR Soft Drinks is giving one lucky Retail Express reader the chance of winning a Rubicon bundle worth more than £600, including four cases of product, to celebrate the launch of a new brand campaign. PoS and display units are also available to create in-store theatre and drive incremental soft drinks sales. Retailers interested in ordering PoS should email trademarketing@agbarr.co.uk with their request and store details.
This competition closes on 20 September. Editor’s decision is final. Middlesbrough(GoConvenienceVueLocal),
WIN a bundleRubiconworth£600
There are all sorts of challenges facing the country, availability.deliveriescustomerwhetherwhatwewe’reincreaseWegetaskissues,aenergyinflcost-of-living,includingwages,ationandrisingbills.Withcombinationofwehavetowherecanwethatmoneyfrom.can,ofcourse,prices,butifgoingtodothat,havetoincreasewe’reoffering,that’sservice,or
I’VE been having an issue on the margin of pricemarked products (PMP) over the past year or so. I’ve noticed that the PMP on some core impulse lines has remained the same, yet the cost price has gone up by nearly £3 per case, impacting the margins we make on these products. Certain suppliers have always been bad at giving us a decent margin, but it’s gotten worse recently. I don’t want to name suppliers, as this is a separate conversation I would like to have with them on my own. Nobody from my wholesaler appears to be interested in commenting on the increase and how it’s impacted us. I don’t know whether the wholesaler has forced this, or whether it’s the supplier to Iblame?appreciate that everyone in the convenience industry is facing challenges from the cost-of-living crisis and that costs are going up. However, it’s not fair that our own pro�it has to suffer as a result. A fair compromise would be adjusting the cost price in line with the PMP. Our customers are facing their own issues in terms of cost pressures right now. There’s a balance we need to maintain with the RRP so we don’t lose them to a cheaper competitor nearby. Anonymous retailer
Lots of little things make a big difference Get touchin facebook.com/betterRetailingbetterRetailing.com@retailexpress 020alex.yau@newtrade.co.uk76893358 ‘Our margins are dueshrinkingtocost-price increases’due to cost-price
15betterRetailing.com 23 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 Letters may be editedLETTERS
The understandstaff that if the store is at risk, their jobs are at risk. We need to drive sales and go that extra mile for customers, whether it’s helping pick out a product or taking five minutes to talk to them. These are things I’ve always done, but it’s important now more than ever. The long-term effect of what we’ve done over 25 years has meant we’ve not been hit too hard. Our sales are strong, but that’s because our work in the community over a number of years has been really good. There’s not a quick, overnight fix, but you have to start somewhere. It’s not one single thing, it’s 25 things. Little upgrades you can make will have an impact. Get the staff and shop looking the best they can, improve cleanliness and presentation, improve customer service, and make sure your staff appreciate the store as much as you appreciate them. These things don’t cost a lot, but they mean a lot. Customers won’t come into a store full of miserable faces. It’s about putting things to one side, putting on a smile and giving the best service you can. We’re all doing our bit, but everyone’s got their own challenges at the moment. I’ve got to make sure my staff are in the right place to come to work. The more you look out for them, the more they look out for you. If staff look down, I try to see and I ask them about it and see if I can make them feel better. It might be inconvenient to give them time off, but they’ll give you the benefit next time. It’s a total team effort and looking out for every detail. If the staff are performing at a high level, then we get more customers and increased sales revenue, so it’s about getting the best and most cost-effective solution. It’s not one thing, it’s accumulated things. So, at the start of the day, clear your mind and get in the right place to do your job. You’ll know if someone isn’t on the right level, so just ask the question. You might be able to make a difference or, at the very least, you show that you care.
LLANIDLOES recently became the first town in Wales to install a control bleed kit, which is accessible 24/7. We purchased and donated it to the town. It’s one of those items that you’d gladly donate to your community in the hope that it could be a lifesaver, but you also hope that it will never be used. The kit is sited at the Llanidloes football field in Victoria Avenue and is next to an existing defibrillator. We also got a message from Lynne Baird, of the Daniel Baird Foundation, congratulating us on the donation. ‘We donated the town’s first bleed kit’ Trudy @trudydavies1964News,WoosnamDavies,&DaviesLlanidloes–
Each issue, one of seven top retailers shares advice to make your store magnificent

and the support available to
“From a consumer perspective, it’s being involved with the community and showing them we’re responsible. We have an age limit on energy drinks, for instance, and won’t sell them to anyone under the age of 16. This is a personal choice, but shows our customers we’re being responsible. We also try and be as environmentally friendly as possible, so we try to source local where we can. On vaping, we also don’t stock any products that look like they could attract a younger audience.”
JTI UK has partnered with RETAIL EXPRESS to help educate retailers on the importance of responsible retailing. In part one of four, find out what it means to be a responsible retailer, what you can do on youth access prevention, you
Scott AberdeenshireMcLeish,Graham,Inverurie, RETAILER VIEW
INDEPENDENT retailers are key members of their communities and have a duty to their customers to operate responsibly. One of the most important aspects is ensuring those under the age of 18 do not buy alcohol, tobacco or lottery tickets. It is crucial that retailers ask for ID whenever they have doubts about a customer’s age. Being a responsible retailer also involves reporting any suspected illicit tobacco sales that are occurring. According to Kantar, 37% of smokers have recently bought some form of illicit tobacco1, with the issue particularly concentrated in Greater London, where 48% of smokers have purchased illegal tobacco2. Responsible retailing is also about being conscious of environmental impact. Every store is different, but JTI UK suggests retailers review energy efficiency. For example, installing energy-efficient refrigeration to help reduce instore energy consumption is a good first step. Introducing light sensors, a ‘switch off’ policy and converting to digital paperwork will also help reduce environmental impact.
“BEING a responsible retailer is more than regularly training your teams. It’s about looking at the message you’re sending to your customers. For example, retailing responsibly can be how you treat your staff. I treat them as I want to be treated, which involves strong communication and listening to their ideas.
BEING IDsretailers25PASSof-agelicences,proofaboutwithfollowtimes.ucts,sellingtostore,WITHRETAILERRESPONSIBLEAYOUTHACCESSPREVENTIONstaffbusyrunningaitmightbetemptingnotapplybestpracticewhenage-restrictedprod-particularlyduringpeakButit’sawaysbettertoprocedures.Retailersneedtobecleartheirstaffandcustomerswhat’sacceptedasvalidofage,suchasdrivingpassportsandproof-cardsthatcarrythehologram.AChallengeapproachcanhelpsupportinthisvitalarea.“Retailersneedtocheckcarefullyandpaycloseat-tentiontoanytamperingandcheckthedate,”saysIanHow-ell,fiscalandregulatoryaffairsManageratJTIUK.“It’softenusefultohaveanoteonthetillofthedateofbirthfortoday’s18-year-olds.”JTIUK’sbusinessadvis-erscanprovideindependentretailerswith‘NoID,nosale’packswhererequired.Thesecanalsoberequestedvianoidnosale.com.Eachpackin-cludesastatutoryA3tobaccoagenotice,postersandotherin-storedisplaymaterials,CitizenCardapplicationformsandabest-practiceguideforstorestaff.Italsoincludesarefusalsregister.Arefusalsregisterwillpro-videadditionalinformationtoshowyouareenforcingaproof-of-agepolicy.Regularlycheckandsigntheregistertoseeifanyofyourstaffmightnotbemakinganyrefusals.Thiscouldindicatetheyneedmoretraining.Keepanyrecordoftrainingyouprovideandrunrefreshertrainingeve-rysixmonths.Runthesemoreoftenifthereisachangeinlegislationtoen-sureyourtrainingremainsasup-to-dateaspossible.

Improve your sustainability credentials Sustainability is an important part of retailing, and one some customers will view as an aspect of retailing responsibly. Offering products loose, installing refill stations and making sure plugs are switched off when not in use will have a positive impact on the environment.
JTI business advisers are also available to help retailers operate responsibly in store and in their communities. They offer a bespoke, personable service to every trading channel. Retailers can ask JTI business advisers about youth access prevention, tackling the illicit trade and sustainabilityBeingsupport.sustainable is an important part of retailing. The sustainability support JTI UK can assist with includes costeffective ways to decrease a store’s environmental impact, such as reducing plastic bags or introducing refillable options on selected goods. Retailers can also choose to sign up to receive digital paperwork from JTI UK, rather than receiving it on a till roll.
Become a responsible retailer Know what IDs are accepted Understanding which IDs are accepted in the UK is important to youth access prevention. Driving licences, passports and cards that carry the PASS hologram, such as the CitizenCard, are accepted forms of ID. Check the date and have a till prompt when the product is scanned with the current date for today’s 18-year-olds.
Ian Howell, fiscal and regulatory affairs manager, JTI UK SUPPLIER VIEW
“RESPONSIBLE retailing plays a crucial part for independent retailers in the day-to-day running of their store. By following responsible-retailing guidelines, retailers will build their reputation as a reliable and conscientious part of the community and build trust with customers.“Weknow how challenging responsible retailing can be at times, which is why we’re on hand to support retailers – whether it’s providing advice on how to tackle illicit tobacco or educating staff on the importance of checking IDs. Our business advisers can help in these areas, and can help stores implement the best practices and processes to ensure they run smoothly.”
Retailers can visit jtiadvance.co.uk or talk to their JTI business adviser for support, guidance and advice on retailing responsibly
HOW JTI UK CAN SUPPORT YOU STAFF training is imperative to being a responsible retailer. Retailers have access to several training guides on JTI UK’s trade website, jtiadvance.co.uk, as well as useful downloads within the business tools section, including Responsible Retailing Tips and a Retailers’ Guide. Retailers should train their teams on youth access prevention and the consequences not following procedures can have on a JTIbusiness.UKhelps to fund the ‘No ID, no sale’ campaign, which provides retailers with materials and advice to remind teams and customers that valid proof-of-age is required when buying tobacco, nextgen products and other agerestricted lines.
172323 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterRetailing.com In partnership with 1Kantar research for JTI, 2Kantar research, 3gov.uk/government/statistics/measuring-tax-gaps
Join the fight against illicit trade HMRC estimates the total cost of tobacco smuggling, in terms of lost tax revenue, is more than £51bn since 20003, highlighting the importance of helping to tackle the illicit trade. JTI UK offers advice retailers about the rules for selling not only tobacco, but other age-restricted products. tipstop

CATEGORY ADVICE TOBACCO 18 23 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterRetailing.com Tobacco remains an important footfall driver despite nextgen competition and dwindling margins. JASPER HART looks at how value lines and brand loyalty drive retailers’ sales

CAN WE REALLY CLAIM THIS CAN IS THE MODERN WAY TO CONSUME NICOTINE? YES WENICOTINECANPOUCHES YOU’VE GOT VELO VELO.COM/FREE-CAN Winner Nicotine Pouch Category. Survey of 9,897 people by Kantar. This product contains nicotine and is addictive. For adult nicotine consumers only. For trade use only. EMPTY CAN AND RECYCLE

ALREADY an increasingly expensive category, tobacco continues to shift towards value segments across FMC and RYO. “Overall, we’re seeing continued movement towards lowpriced propositions across the entire category as consumer demand for value continues to drive tobacco purchasing patterns,” says Tom Gully, head of consumer marketing UK&I at Imperial Tobacco. “As part of this shift, the lower price tiers now account for the majority of sales, with the sub-economy segment making up 63% share of FMC, and the economy segment accounting for 56% of RYO, with these value segments growing at 3% and 5% year on year, respectively.” Gully adds: “Looking at the RYO category in particular, we can see the consumer drive for value remains a big factor, with the economy segment accounting for 56% of sales, and midprice and premium products comprising 32% and 12% share, respectively.”GemmaBateson, sales director at JTI UK, reports similar figures. “Price remains a key factor for existing adult smokers, with 80.7% of all sales volumes currently in the value and ultra-value FMC and RYO sector,” she says. Inglis says customers’ shift to value has moved the dial on his tobacco sales away from RYO. “Our customers are people who definitely want to smoke cigarettes, and RYO has become a victim to the vaping trend, because that’s the more economically minded shopper,” he says. TO VALUE The value of cigar sales statthe £292m

“Tobacco accessories, including filters, papers and lighters, provide an important opportunity for retailers to benefit from impressive margins and incremental sales,” says Gavin Anderson, sales & marketing director at Republic Technologies. “The right range of brands and effective PoS give retailers the potential to make sure their store standsLightfootout.”says his RYO shoppers buy certain accessories to replicate the feeling of menthol cigarettes. “Inserts and papers do well, and specialist papers such as Highlanders rather than Rizla,” he says. “You need that product to link with everything else for RYO customers.”
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WITH RYO and FMC almost level pegging in market share, a robust accessories offering is key to making the former segment a success for retailers. Republic Technologies cites IRI when it says tobacco accessories are worth £327m and have grown by 4% annually. Of those sales, more than half (£189m) come from convenience stores.
“This includes making sure their product range links into the key trends at play, such as the rising demand for value, and meets the needs of their customer base. No two stores are the same, so it’s important to take time to consider what customers are buying most frequently, or not buying at all, and then adapting the range“Also,accordingly.ensuringthey maintain stock levels at all times is essential within tobacco. Running out of a product is a costly error within a category that is driven by brand loyalty. Therefore, ensuring both the store owner and their staff know to keep an eye on stock, both on store shelves and in the stock room, is really key to avoiding missing out on sales.”
Imperial’s Tom Gully says a clearly positioned accessories range signals the presence of a tobacco range to a shopper.
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Tom HeadGully,ofconsumer marketing UK&I, Imperial Tobacco SUPPLIER VIEW Farmers Weekly is one of the top 60 performing titles in the UK, with a rich history steeped in heritage and tradition. We sell over 11,000 copies of Farmers Weekly at retail each week throughout the UK, just over half of which are sold in independent newsagents.
Given that the majority of Lightfoot’s customers shop for cigarettes, having his accessories range adds value to his RYO sales. “RYO shoppers tend to be repeat purchasers, so having a good variety of products, with a fully stocked display, will keep them coming back,” adds Anderson. “We work with retailers to highlight their bestselling and new products to help them drive impulse sales. Our compact displays, including branded countertop units, can benefit retailers here as they grab shopper attention.”
“TO truly take advantage of the sales on offer within the tobacco category, we strongly recommend retailers take it back to basics and focus on getting the fundamental elements of effective retailing right.

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CIGARS AND CIGARILLOS MARKET SHARE OF FMC AND RYO TOBACCO Roll your own Factory-made cigarettes Growth of cigar retail sales volume in the past year statthe 10.3% 42% 58% Summer?Guess who' backforslimitededition Stock up while you can limited edition Carnivalpapers For Tobacco Traders Only
CIGARS and cigarillos have experienced solid growth recently, with the important caveat that they have done so from a smaller base than cigarettes and RYO. “There are not too many established categories that can say their retail sales value has increased by 10.3% over the past year, but that is certainly the case with cigars, and it now stands at just under £292m,” says Alastair Williams, country director at Scandinavian Tobacco Group UK (STG UK). “Cigar volume in the same period has also increased significantly, growing by 9.2% to 430 million cigars, underlining the growing importance of the category to retailers. Williams adds: “This stellar performance is largely driven by the fast-growing cigarillo segment, which already accounts for 46.3% of all cigars sold in volume terms, and totals just over £98m in annual sales.” Lightfoot says cigarillo growth is stymied by overall marketing restrictions on tobacco. “People need to know what they are,” he says. “People still come in and ask for packs of 10 cigarettes –once you explain it’s rolled in a cigar leaf and can be menthol, they’re interested. Most people buy them because they’re in 10s or are menthol, not for any other reason. More people are buying packs of cigarettes and trying to make them menthol than buying a menthol cigarillo.” While the push to value is apparent across tobacco, Williams advises stocking cigars as a premium option for seasonal occasions (for example, Henri Wintermans Half Corona is a strong Father’s Day and Christmas seller). Retailers can also take advantage of margins between 15% and 18%, far ahead of traditional tobacco.

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HEATED tobacco, the category’s most recent development, tries to straddle the traditional and next-gen categories us ing heat-not-burn technology. Tobacco sticks are inserted into electronic devices and are heated when activated. According to Mark McGuin ness, marketing director at JTI UK, heated tobacco is worth nearly £2m a week in traditional retail, with annual growth of 43.6%.
“While more than a quar ter of adult smokers will ex plore smoke-free products in 2022, 58% haven’t yet found a satisfying alternative to cigarettes,” says Kate O’Dowd, head of commercial planning UK&I at Philip Morris Limited (PML). “Complementing vape and nicotine pouches with a real tobacco alternative will generate new revenue streams and enable retailers to of fer a more rounded smokefree portfolio to meet consum er Currently,needs.” the heated to bacco market is limited, but this helps reduce retailer headaches about which prod ucts to stock and, importantly, helps them avoid stocking il licit products. London-based retailers have access to JTI’s Ploom, which is only available in convenience from select accredited retailers in Lon don, alongside its Evo tobacco sticks, while the only other major supplier-backed launch is Iqos from PML. “Having only launched in the UK in late 2016, awareness of heated tobacco remains low, but momentum is building,” says O’Dowd. “The number of stores selling [Iqos-compati ble sticks] Heets has increased sixfold since January 2017. PML is now selling almost 50 times the volume of Heets each month than it did on average in It2017.”isworth bearing in mind that this growth comes from a low base, so retailers looking to stock heated tobacco should be ready to highlight how it stands apart from both tradi tional tobacco and vaping, and also know the most popular flavours. While Heets is available in 10 varieties and Ploom in seven, sales of tobacco-fla voured heated tobacco account for 52% of sales, with menthol flavours accounting for a further 44%. “SALES have gone up by £4,000 a week on tobacco, mainly thanks to growing our overall sales by a third through deliveries. It’s gone from about £6,500 to £10,500.“Before Kensitas Club rebranded and changed its pric ing, I had one customer – now I’ve bought eight outers in the past two days, so am selling 35-40 packets a day. It’s in my top-five delivery items alongside bread, milk and scones. We have Richmond on offer at £9.15, about £1 cheaper than other cigarettes. We’ve not upsold it, but if we were out of stock of another line, we’d offer it. “People are buying far more cigarettes than RYO from me. This morning I got 45 tobacco packets in and maybe three or four were RYO. Our tobacco range hasn’t really increased, we’ve just bought more of what was already there. It’s good for margin to push customers to vapes, but if someone asks for a pack of Club 20s, you won’t convince them to move to an e-cig without them half thinking about it already. If they’ve come to talk about it, it’s fine, otherwise, we won’t convince someone to switch.”
Martin Lightfoot, Londis Solo, Baillieston, Glasgow RETAILER VIEW

“WE gave up our tobacco company gantries a while ago and use a Navarra vending option, which has reduced our range. It’s small compared to most shops and isn’t great from a tobacco company’s point of view because we’re not interested in stocking new lines, it’s not worth it. Five of those lines are RYO, which seems to meet our customers’ requirements. “We have some cigars and cigarillos, but they’re not a big market for us. We try to keep it simple and go with volume sellers. Small, niche lines used to be something we’d mess around with, now they’re not worth our time or money. The market’s changed and we need to be brutal with how we operate our cost systems. “Customers want your main brands or are interested in your cheapest pack of 20. I don’t think people are as brand loyal as is often said, smokers will have two or three brands they’ll buy. They like their favourite, but they aren’t going to walk down the road to buy it.” WelcomeInglis,Harbour Southampton
CATEGORY ADVICE TOBACCO 28 Sales of UK convenienceaccessoriestobaccoin(totalcategoryworth£327m) statthe £189m
SUPPLIER VIEW MARKET SHARE OF ECONOMY, MID-PRICE AND PREMIUM RYO TOBACCO Economy Mid-price Premium 32%12% 56% Find out more about the companies listed here and many more on our betterRetailing.com Supplier Directory for independent news and convenience retailers. From FMCG suppliers and back-office services to shop equipment and trade support, we are adding new suppliers every week Visit: bit.ly/supplier-directory or scan the QR code above.

AW: “Rising costs have played a significant role in this shift, however the pandemic also played a role in this. Smaller pack sizes offer better value for money and limits risk for the Cigarsconsumer.”have traditionally offered far better margins than cigarettes. How can retailers protect their margins as customers shift to value products? What are you looking for in terms of supplier support? HG: “The margin makes a difference to whether we’ll stock a cigar or cigarillo product. If suppliers and sales representatives explained the margins you can get from cigars, I’d be more inclined to push these SS:products.”“Sales have been consistent with cigars, but our relationships with sales reps determine whether we’ll stock a product. If a rep offers a sample of a higher-margin product and it goes well, we’ll continue to stock it.”
Earlier this month, SCANDINAVIAN TOBACCO GROUP and NEWTRADE INSIGHT engaged in a retailer panel to discuss whether value is impacting convenience store cigar sales In partnership with “CIGAR sales will remain stable in the next 12 months and value hasn’t played a huge role so far. It’s a tough one, as cigar customers tend to be brand loyal. Despite this, and as the cost-of-living crisis continues, I think one or two customers might change to a cheaper brand with a similar taste – it’s hard to say for certain, though. We would need to see more information about the value trend and how we can offer value to better understand where the market is going. A lot of customers have been reluctant to change their preferred cigar product, unless we’re running a promotion or they see a significant difference in price, but if we’re offered a sample from sales representatives, we’ll trial it. We’re also able to lower the RRP to see if customers are open to trying the new line. Having a strong relationship with our sales representatives and any incentives or reward schemes make all the difference and is usually the main driving force when it comes to stocking a new product.”
Harj Gill: “It’s not been a huge change, but own-label or rollyour-own tobacco has become more popular. We’re in a middle-class area, so the demand for value hasn’t hit us yet. It’s only the beginning of the costof-living crisis, though, so things might change.”
THE search for value has been a trend in cigars for some time now, according to Alastair Williams, country director at Scandinavian Tobacco Group UK (STG UK), as evidenced by the success of STG UK’s Moments Blue brand, which offers a quality smoke at a low price, but interestingly most of its sales go through the grocery channel.Inaretailer panel run in association with Retail Express’ Newtrade Insight service to discuss the impact of the costof-living crisis on consumers’ tobacco choices, Harj Gill, of The Windmill Select & Save in Birmingham, said: “Buying habits have certainly changed compared to a year ago in several categories, a shift we expect to grow over the coming months.”Sachin Shah, of H & R News in Camberley, Surrey, says the rise of tobacco RRPs has seen customers buying value lines. “We’ve noticed customers shifting to products where they get value, but from a similartasting product,” he says. Williams adds: “The current cost-of-living crisis won’t be going away any time soon, so it’s sensible to assume the importance of value products will only increase across all categories.”
Sachin Shah, H & R Camberley,News,Surrey
Alastair Williams, country Scandinaviandirector,Tobacco Group
SS: “Cigar sales have always been stable. We have our regular customers, and we haven’t seen much of a shift towards value yet. We’ve seen that shift in the wider tobacco category, but cigars have been quite resilient so far.”
AW: “When it comes to margin, retailers may not be aware, but cigars typically offer up to three times the margin that cigarettes do, so they are great profit drivers. Moments Blue offers up to 18% margin when sold at its RRP.”
2923 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterRetailing.com cider NEWTRADE INSIGHT PAID FEATURE
Harj Gill, The Windmill Select & Save, Birmingham KEY TAKEAWAYS
Are you seeing more regular tobacco customers looking for value now compared to the start of the year?
“BRAND awareness and our relationships with sales representatives who offer incentives are most important to us when it comes to stocking a new product. We’re more likely to stock a brand or cigar line if there’s an incentive to do so. Education is nice to have on some categories, but it should come as part of a package. We use trade websites, but usually when we need something specific or there’s a competition running –offering value is not just for the consumer, but for the retailer, too. Following today, I’m more clued up on STG UK’s range and there’s more potential for them to increase brand awareness and highlight margin we can achieve by stocking them. I wasn’t aware of how high some of them were. Cigars aren’t impacted by the plainpackaging legislation, which immediately helps them to stand out in the gantry. There’s scope for STG UK to work more with independent retailers to increase brand awareness and help us drive sales.”
Sachin Shah: “Tobacco is largely being led by price, but because of the nature of tobacco, people will always go for it. But they’ll shift to lines where they get value for a similar Alastairtaste.”Williams: “When it comes to cigars, I would encourage convenience retailers to consider our Moments brand as it offers a quality smoke at a low price and undertrades in the convenience channel, despite being a credible option for adult cigar smokers looking to save money.” How important is value when it comes to the cigar market? What’s triggered this change? HG: “We have some regular cigar customers, so sales are stable. We haven’t seen a huge increase in the demand for value within the category, but under the current economic climate, and it is expected to rise in October, it will be interesting to see whether this changes.”
“CIGARS remain a versatile and resilient category, but it’s clear that for the category to succeed, any new innovations must be consumer relevant. It’s about retailers and suppliers offering a range that resonates with the consumer. I also believe the category requires stimulus and innovation, but it’s got to be the right thing for the market and the consumer. It also needs to be something that affords independent retailers a strong margin opportunity. We also need to be mindful of the current economic climate in regards to packaging and access points to consumers and make sure retailers can afford to give consumers a choice of a recognisable brand, but also alternative, more affordable options, too. From today, we’ve been reminded of the importance of face-to-face interactions between retailers and trading partners as a way of adding value. In many respects, it’s going back to basics with our interactions, but enhancing it with other initiatives.”

UNIVERSITY terms are soon to start, bringing a host of students new and returning to towns and cities across the country, and broadening the customer base for retailers with stores in these areas. However, even if your store isn’t in a traditional university town, there will still be young adults – aged from 16 to 35 –living, studying and working within your catchment area, and they will be looking for certain products. If your store can provide these – and make it known that it does so – then not only can you increase sales of these products, but can also grow customer footfall and the incremental sales in other categories that they will bring. “Since we introduced disposable e-cigarettes, I’ve definitely seen an increase in younger people coming into the store, and while sales of disposables have risen by 200% in the past six months, they’re buying other things as well,” says James Stead, from White’s Spar Calver in Hope Valley, tentlookcustomersaroundThereDerbyshire.isanunderstandingretailersthatyoungeraremorelikelytoataproduct’ssugarcon-comparedtoitspricetag.
“Younger customers don’t think about getting something cheaper as often,” says Nico Ali, from Premier Scotch Estate in Jarrow, Tyneside. “They’re not as interested as older generations in pricing.”
While it is worthwhile retailers bearing this in mind – if they can bring in younger customers, their basket spend is likely to grow – it is also likely that this could change as the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite deep. While they may not be as focused on saving as other generations, younger customers will still be looking for affordable options that allow them to socialise at home. “With cost-of-living increases, many students will be looking to entertain at home instead of going out through the week. Larger packs and sharing bags are ideal for student parties and for flatmates to open and enjoy in front of the TV for quiet nights on the couch,” says Claire Hooper, marketing director of Calbee UK. “Multipacks are ideal for cashstrapped students looking to stock up on snacks to fuel their study sessions. They’re also perfect for lunch and snacking options in between lectures and long days on
CROWDTHEATTRACTINGcampus.”YOUNGER CHARLES WHITTING finds out how retailers can gain footfall and sales from freshers’ week and young adult customers THE YOUNG OPPORTUNITYADULT

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“Understanding the formats that students want most has always been central to Red Bull,” says a spokesperson for Red Bull. “Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml is our most familiar and bestselling line. Ideal for a range of campus occasions, we believe this is the perfect pack size for functional energy consumption, and fits most consumers’ energy needs, containing the same amount of sugar as a glass of apple juice and the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee.”
QUICK AND EASY EVEN when they’re not grabbing food on the go, younger customers tend to look for ready meal options over the ingredients required to cook a full meal from scratch. They are also more likely to pick up meal solutions on a shorter-term basis, meaning they will make smaller, more frequent visits to a convenience store. Monisha Singh, shopper marketing manager at Kepak Consumer Foods, says younger shoppers are more likely to use convenience stores for evening meal missions than other shoppers, with a focus on chilled ready“Fifty-onemeals. per cent of 18-to24-year-olds sometimes spend a bit more on products that are easy to prepare and cook,” says Singh. “Convenience retailers can optimise sales by providing a range of easy meal solutions for students who are less confident at Vinaycooking.”Mistry’s Nisa Local Moor Lane in Preston, Lancashire, is located directly beneath the student halls at the University of Central Lancashire, which houses almost 40,000 students and staff. He has a large food-to-go offer that includes eight Rustlers lines, which sell well to students on a mission for quick and easy meals, a demand that extends beyond term time as well. “You could say that students are a bit of a captive audience, but we have a residential shopper base, too, and they also buy lots of Rustlers,” he says. “Rustlers products have always sold really well and being such a well-known brand, it acts as a bit of a beacon in the chiller.”
Rustlers recently expanded its Cook in Box range in the convenience channel with the launch of a new addition – the Peri Peri Chicken Tenders Burger. With southernfried chicken tenders and a peri peri sauce, the new Rustlers Cook in Box product taps into on-trend flavour profiles sought by younger shoppers seeking convenient food-to-go solutions.
Calbee UK’s plant-based Harvest Snaps range of vegetable and pulse baked snacks are vegetarian and vegan friendly, gluten-free, with all green and amber GDAs. Baked not fried, and coming in at under 100 calories, they are available in two flavours – Sour Cream & Chive Lentil Rings and Thai Sweet Chilli Lentil Puffs – and in single and sharing packs, as well as multipacks.
YOUNGER customers are usually on the move more than other customers, and are more likely to look for food and drink they can grab on the go. This means drinks machines and pre-heated food can make your store something of a destination for younger customers that can drive incremental and cross-merchandised sales on top of their own purchases. These customers will be more likely to return at another time for top-up shops.
“For young adults, being able to ‘grab and go’ from a friendly local retailer is one of the key purchase drivers. And when they’re working or relaxing at home – or in the case of students, in their student accommodation – another key driver is meals ‘at home’ and snacking,” says Louise Reynard, commercial controller at St Pierre Group. “St Pierre has a range of individually wrapped morning goods that are perfect with a hot drink, which makes crossselling easier for retailers, too.”
3323 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterRetailing.com cider CATEGORY ADVICE YOUNG ADULTS
As well as food and drink machines, retailers should also consider the importance of singles in snacks, confectionery and drinks, as younger customers look to grab a lunch on the go or a pick-me-up as part of their day. While it’s true there will be demand for multipacks, particularly as they prepare for big nights in around the weekend, retailers should be aware of the potential for singles to drive significant sales among the younger generation.

“Younger people are a lot more health-conscious than they used to be,” says Stead. “We get younger people coming in after sport looking for healthy products such as protein bars, and we have a section dedicated to healthy “There’sproducts.”aheavier reliance on chilled and ready meals compared to older generations, while cakes and frozen food don’t sell as well with younger people,” says Jack Matthews, from Bradley’s Supermarket in Quorn, Leicestershire. “Younger adults are also bit looser with their money, but that’s largely down to purchases in alcohol, which the older generations don’t tend to purchase as much.”
“One of the trends that’s quite big and growing in younger customers is for energy drinks and chilled coffees,” says Patel. “Any store with a large young population, the energy category is a huge opportunity, and they should stock a wide range of these products.”
There are a range of different kinds of products and categories that young adults buy more than children or other customers, but they also have different spending habits and preferences that retailers should be aware of.
“The younger generation look at the sugar content in the drinks before they purchase,” says Kirti Patel, from Londis Ferme Park Road in north London.“The drinks with less sugar sell really well with the younger generation. They’re very aware of how much sugar is going into their products.”
“While students are looking for low-cost options, health plays an important role for many. The better-for-you category is predicted to grow to around £420m by 2024 from £381m at the end of last year,” says Calbee UK’s Claire Hooper. Retailers looking to attract younger customers should consider introducing a few of these products into their range to see how their customers respond. But it is critical they raise awareness that they are doing this. With high fat, sugar and salt legislation coming in, and Natasha’s Law legislation already in place, stores that are havens for healthy eating and drinking can attract a loyal fanbase.
ANOTHER considerable difference between younger customers and the rest of a store’s demographic is an increased focus on healthy products. This includes free-from alternatives such as dairy-free milk options and gluten-free alternatives, but also includes functional drinks, low-sugar options and protein bars.

KELL_04_517 Krave Cookies & Cream Retail Express Advert 260x339mm Jul 22 HIGH RES v2.pdf 1 21/07/2022 09:43

CATEGORY ADVICE WORLD FOODS 36 23 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterRetailing.com LYDIA WILKINS explores the opportunities out there for retailers looking to stock food and drink products from around the world THE WORLD IN ourturesaingthroughissinestheirerencesonconsiderinhavingTHESTOREYOURconceptof‘worldfoods’issomethingofamomentthesun,andretailersneedtotheimpactitishavingcustomers’purchasingpref-andhowthatwillaffectownranginginstore.Exposuretodifferentcui-fromallaroundtheglobeatanall-timehigh,whethertravelorthebroaden-on-tradeoffer.Thismeansvarietyofflavoursandcul-aremakingtheirwayintokitchensanddemandforingredientsfromconveniencestoresisontherise.“Theworldfoodanddrinkcategoryisperformingpar-ticularlywell,withconsumersdesiringatasteoftheexotic.Withexposureoffoodsfromacrosstheglobeatanall-timehigh,Britishshoppersarelookingforavarietyofflavourstofilltheirpantrieswith,”saysKevinButterworth,marketingdirectoratSymington’s.“Themarkethasbeenincreasinggreatlyovertheyears,withmoreconsumers
When it comes to what shoppers are buying, there is a huge variety of products to choose from. Whether it’s ingredients from Southeast Asia or confectionery products from Japan, Australia and the USA, the volume can seem daunting for retailers. In today’s climate, where the need for representation is in greater demand by consumers, to remain authentic is arguably what all brands should be doing – at the least to be more attractive to a shopper, at a base level. “Trends such as scratch cooking, flexitarianism and consumption of world cuisines are here to stay. At-home lunches and dinners will grow as hybrid working remains,” says Anna Beheshti, head of marketing at Tilda.
WHY SHOULD YOU STOCK WORLD FOODS? Tilda’s advice to retailers on maximising rice sales Ensure shelves are fully stocked and regularly re-stock, so you don’t miss out on valuable sales. Ensure prices are clearly displayed to make the shopping experience as easy as possible. Provide a selection of pack sizes and formats to cater for multiple shoppers and occasions. TipSTOP
demanding authentic flavours.”

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WHILE many world foods can prove popular throughout the year, there are always going to be internationally significant dates that can have a massive impact on sales of certain products if retailers get their ranging and promotion arranged in good time. In some instances, it will be seasonal, with warmer, heartier world cuisines likely to be more popular in the winter. But there are religious, cultural and national holidays that retailers should be preparing for by getting the right amount of stock in, but also making sure to promote heavily in the lead-up. “Eid, Ramadan and Diwali provide a great opportunity to highlight the convenience and versatility of the rice category as a base for many festive meals that are often enjoyed with family and friends. “Stocking larger packs of dry rice is key to maximising sales, particularly for retailers in large Muslim, Hindu and Sikh communities,” says Tilda’s Anna Beheshti. Chris Smith, marketing communications manager at World of Sweets, adds: “A good occasion that retailers can construct an American confectionery offer around is the 4 July for Independence Day. Retailers can take advantage of the holiday by encouraging customers to create a fun blue, red and white pick ’n’ mix to resemble the US flag. American confectionery can be sold all year round due to its ongoing popularity.”
US “Oneconfectionerysignificant consumer trend around world foods is the popularity of American confectionery products,” says Chris Smith, marketing communications manager at World of Sweets, which has partnered with several US brands including Sour Punch, Red Vines, Warheads, Tootsie Roll, Pez and Dubble Bubble. “We have noticed the demand for American confectionery has skyrocketed in recent years, leading to an increase in the sales numbers for stores that have introduced US treats to their selection.”
Meal “Mealkitskits work well because they make it easy, especially for young professionals – they like that stuff and are happy to pay a premium for that. The margins aren’t necessarily great, but the kits have four or five bits in a box and a customer knows they’ve got to follow the instructions and off they go,” says Sidhu. “The margins aren’t massive, but they are standard within that range. It’s a viable alternative and people want to have a bit more control of their food as well.”
TildaTilda has recently released ready-to-heat Masala Rice. It has also recently launched a new Asian-inspired rice called Indonesian Fried Rice.
SodaWarheadsCans will also be available from World Of Sweets in five different flavours.
Avtar Sidhu, St John’s Kenilworth,Budgens,Warwickshire RETAILER VIEW
IT can feel like too vast a project to consider where to start with world foods, but by talking to customers and other retailers, analysing local demographics and reading up on trends in trade press, it’s possible to find categories that are doing well, as well as those that might be seeing interest fading. Abdul Arain, of Al Amin Stores in Cambridge, says: “If you’d asked me this question a year ago, I would have said Mexican food is making a comeback, but I think, at the moment, West African types of food like jollof rice are big. Maybe because people are writing about it in newspapers and it’s on social media, there is a great interest in that type of food. “It’s something which is happening, a lot of flavours are beginning to come through. Availability issues depend on who you buy it from. We don’t have an issue with our wholesalers. We have a little international confectionery, not too much. Some of it is American, but we also have British and Asian products. American Coca-Cola and Fanta varieties are quite big.”
US “We’vedrinksgiven American sweets and drinks a massive spot in the shop now – soft drinks are 11-12% of the business now and American drinks have pushed that to where it is now. We’re doing a lot of Fantas, Calypsos and all different types of American drinks. We’re trying to get more in, looking at Kool Aid and other mixed drinks, expanding American lines we’re doing. We’ve ordered Prime Hydrate for the end of the month,” says VeganPatel.and vegetarian options “One trend which seems to be growing from strength to strength is the demand for more vegan and free-from products to maximise consumer health,” says Symington’s Butterworth. “Based on our research, we believe health will continue to be the primary motivator behind people eating less meat, with 86% of plant-based meals eaten by non-vegans. Consumers are driven by naturalness, but are also looking for products that are easy and quick to prepare. Ingredients that combine key trends are potentially the most interesting.”
COUNTRIES TO CONSIDER “WE do have a dedicated international section. Within that, there’s a mix of Mexican, Indian, Indonesian, Far Eastern and Thai. There’s just a mix of the constituent bits you can have, whether that’s ready-made meal kits or spices and rubs. Within the chillers, we have cheeses from countries all over as well as ready meals and bits and pieces. “Even on the gluten-free and dairy-free aisle we’ve got an international range. I’d say it’s performed very well for us. People are happy to try different cuisines and add a bit more variety and trade up to different types of flavours. As eating out becomes more and more difficult with the cost-of-living squeeze going on, people still want to imitate that sort of thing at home. They can’t go out, so they’re going to try and imitate it at home.”
RelaunchingNerds in September with UK-compliant packaging, the following will be available from World of Sweets: Rainbow Nerds theatre box, and Grape & Strawberry and Melon & Cherry impulse boxes.
Naked Ultimate Noodles While tapping into the demand for vegan products, this launch provides Southeast Asian flavours.
The cost-of-living crisis is important to keep at the forefront of our minds, especially as this will influence shopper habits over time. And retailers should also think about how their customers want to use these global cuisines and whether they’re looking for options they can make and enjoy with ease, or if they’re looking to cook things from scratch and delve into the primary ingredients. Nishi Patel, from Londis Bexley Park in Dartford, Kent, offers dinner solutions like Chinese noodles. Avtar Sidhu, of St John’s Budgens in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, has a range of meal kits that he says are “cost-effective, inexpensive and suit a range of budgets”, but he also offers a range of ingredients as well. “Rather than knowing it’s been made somewhere, some customers would rather make it themselves and have a bit more control of it. People are more conscious of dietary requirements, and what you eat is what you are,” he says.

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In the next issue, the Retail Express team finds out how retailers are preparing for HFSS. If you have any problems you’d like us to explore, please email charles.whitting@newtrade.co.uk
“WE’VE done a lot of our winter presells already, but that’s more down to supplier agreements and when they like to do the preordering. So, a few weeks ago, we preordered everything we were looking for to prepare for winter and Christmas, such as mince pies, and that will start arriving from September onwards. It’s a gradual thing, though. “Being part of a symbol group means our promotional lea�lets and lines will be re�lective of the time of year and the season. They naturally become more relevant. We’ll stop stocking barbecue charcoal and switch to coal and winter fuels. We’ll reduce our salads and get more into root vegetables. “But a lot of it is weather dependent and you are really playing it by ear. You know what the plan is for winter and plan accordingly, but if the weather’s still glorious in late September, people won’t be cooking casseroles.”
“WE’VE ordered our presells and we’ll start getting stock coming in from September. We’ve ordered the stuff we think we’ll need. Every year, we get advent calendars, but there’s been a drop in sales for them in recent years, so we’ve been a bit conservative with them this time. “People don’t know what going to happen this winter when it comes to drivers and costs, so people are looking at ordering things when it’s available on promotion rather than preordering too much in advance. I’ve certainly not preordered as much stuff as I would normally. Everything is going up in price – costof-living and electricity bills – and the price-marked stuff has gone up, too. People can feel prices are going up, but it’s across the board, so it’s not just my shop. People will feel the pinch, but we don’t know what’s around the corner, so we’ve got to take that risk on.”
“WE try to get better every year for winter in terms of supplying logs and kindling. Around September, we create more space for sugar, tea and coffee, and we reduce the amount of tinned food on the shelves. There’s lots of variety in tea and coffee nowadays and we Brits like to have a lot of tea and biscuits, particularly in winter. We usually change the slushie machines out for a coffee machine as well. “We also do a lot of cleaning to make it nice and clean in September prior to install. Anything that needs to be washed is washed. It’s much easier to wash it and then dry it in the back yard while it’s warm. We don’t buy too much in advance because availability is good with Bestway and Booker, so there’s no point putting too much capital into that. But we ordered the Christmas cards and gift wraps three months ago. Those are things we do way in advance.”
Dave Londis,Hiscutt,Westham Road, Weymouth, Dorset2
We’re starting to look at phasing out our summer lines. What are retailers’ plans for winter at the moment?
– Alpesh Shingadia, Budgens Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex
Nirav DesfordModhvadiya,Shop&Post Office, Leicestershire1
23 AUGUST-5 SEPTEMBER 2022 betterRetailing.com
Hitesh Modi, Londis BWS, BuckinghamshireChesham,3
Summer is still in full flow, but RETAIL EXPRESS finds out where retailers are with their preparations for winter