New York Lifestyles Magazine May 2024 - Dr Samantha Harte

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Breaking Boundaries

Physical Therapist DR. SAMANTHA HARTE


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6 | OUR CITY, YOUR LIFE | MAY 2024 38 41 45 46 An Interview With Interior Designer Tova Kook Alessia Genova: Towering Skyscrapers To Sun-Kissed Beaches The Huron: A Greenpoint Gem Getting Back To Nature In A Yurt From The Publisher Dr. Samantha Harte Our Mother’s Day Gift Guide Profile: Jill Wright 8 12 17 19 Life & Style: Celebrating The Moms & Beyond Fashion & Beauty: Peachy Keen 22 24 Experience Bali High Long Island’s Gold Coast The Pendry Manhattan West Hotel Scottsdale’s Artistic Side 26 30 32 34 FEATURES STYLE TRAVEL REAL ESTATE & YOUR HOME 19 Contents ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 54 59 61 Our Annual Mother’s Day Brunch Selections Restaurant Review: The Alderman Great Bites: The UES’s Maz Mezcal 64 65 66 On The Big Screen On The Small Screen From The Bookshelf: May Releases For Avid Readers Mindie’s Musings: Respecting Boundaries A Day At The Spa: Pampering Metro Moms 48 51 Entrepreneur’s Corner: Jorge Hernandez & June Bleich A Tribute To Meera Gandhi Memorial Day In NYC My New York Story: Meagan Jain Time Out With…Frank Schilling Sean Patrick M. Hillman: The Final Word 72 74 76 79 81 82 HEALTH & WELLNESS NEW YORK, NY FOOD & DRINK 46 34 12 Private Local Vets vs. Corporate Practices 69 PET LIFESTYLES



In The City That Never Sleeps, May has arrived and you know what that means; fairly soon pet parents and their furrever ones will be heading for weekend and summer home destinations starting at the end of this month.

And since that tradition has held for decades, we are dedicating the June issue of Pet Lifestyles Magazine to all things summer celebration! Whether it’s tips and tricks to train your dog for those weekend getaways, new gadgets to make your pet parent journey more productive, or fun snack ideas for your furrever one; this issue is basically a how-to guide for summer fun with your pet!

This time of year, also marks the start of kitten and puppy season in New York. Our local shelters and rescues are overflowing with beautiful, loving furrever friends that are looking for their loving family. Please consider visiting the adoptables at both Animal Care Centers of NYC ( and Best Friends Animal Society (www.BestFriends. org) to see the latest puppies, kittens, dogs, cats and rabbits up for adoption today! Remember: Adopt. Foster. Donate. Volunteer.

Stay pawesome!

Vol. 10 #5 | May 2024

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Dr. Samantha Harte

Photography by Sidney Paiva

ISSN 2474-770X




s we step into the embrace of May, we find ourselves at the threshold of a season filled with vibrancy, and the promise of warm beginnings. May, often heralded as the unofficial start of Summer, embodies a sense of transition and renewal unlike any other month. It is a time when nature awakens from its slumber, painting the world in hues of green and gold, and infusing the air with the sweet fragrance of blossoms.

This month beckons us to welcome the outdoors and revel in the beauty of the world around us. It is a time for picnics in the park, lazy afternoons by the seaside, and enchanting evenings spent under the stars.

In this issue, we celebrate the spirit of May and the essence of summer. Our cover, Dr. Samantha Harte, welcomed her new beginning fourteen years ago, when she transformed living a sober life. This extraordinary story is poignant as we learned when she made that decision for change. In her medical practice as a physical therapist, Dr. Harte has a deep-rooted passion for helping others overcome challenges and reclaim their independence. Through innovative interventions, she has helped patients overcome the limitations of injury and harness the brain’s innate capacity for healing and regeneration through her Strong Harte Fitness, where she tailors physical therapy programs.

This month, of course, we celebrate mothers on May 12th. The day is a wonderful time to express gratitude for the extraordinary women who have shaped our lives with their love, guidance, and unwavering support. Whether it’s a heartfelt gesture, a tender moment shared, or simply a warm embrace, we honor every mother for the profound impact she has on our world. Look at our special Annual Mother’s Day Guide for the perfect gift and then read on to make a reservation at one of our favorite brunch spots to celebrate a special lady.

We also pause to pay tribute to the brave souls who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. Memorial Day stands as a solemn reminder of the courage and selflessness exhibited by those who have defended the freedoms we hold dear. It is a day to honor their memory, reflect on their legacy, and renew our commitment to upholding the values for which they fought so bravely.

But beyond its allure, May holds a deeper significance in the rhythm of our lives. It is a time for setting intentions, pursuing passions, and embarking on new adventures with a renewed sense of purpose.

As we navigate the days ahead, let us remember to approach each moment with gratitude and wonder, embracing the simple pleasures that the upcoming warmer months have to offer. Whether it’s the first sip of a refreshing drink on a balmy afternoon or the feeling of sand between our toes, let us cherish these moments of bliss and allow them to nourish our souls.

We haven’t forgotten our regular features of travel, health & wellness, arts & entertainment and so much more. Here’s to May, the gateway to all the possibilities it holds. May it be a month filled with sunshine, laughter, and the kind of memories that linger long after the month has passed.

See you next issue….

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In the world of physical therapy, Dr. Samantha Harte is a name synonymous with innovation, expertise—and compassion. With a career spanning two decades, she has left an indelible mark on the field, revolutionizing how we approach rehabilitation. Beyond her clinical practice, Dr. Harte is also an accomplished author whose groundbreaking book Breaking the Circuit: How To Rewire Your Mind for Hope, Resilience and Joy in the Face of Trauma is garnering acclaim for its insightful impact on the lives of countless individuals.

This former addict knows what she says. Dr. Harte has come to realize that, whether we’re addicted or not, we all suffer from some degree of soul sickness. We navigate love and loss throughout our lives with little or no guidance, often fumbling our way through with self-sabotaging behaviors. Despite her initial resistance to the wellknown Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, Dr. Harte eventually reimagined them so that they worked in her own life. In the process, she discovered that the spiritual concepts in each step have universal application and can help people learn new ways of navigating adversity—not just addiction.


Dr. Harte’s journey into physical therapy began with a deep-rooted passion for helping others overcome physical challenges and reclaim their independence. Through innovative interventions, she has helped patients overcome the limitations of injury and harness the brain’s innate capacity for healing and regeneration through her Strong Harte Fitness, where she tailors physical therapy programs for individual client-patients to strengthen bodies to regain flexibility and mobility.

Now fourteen years sober, she continues to bridge the gap between mind-body wellness and believes that challenging work starts on the inside and radiates outward. She wants her clients to turn their physical and spiritual pain into power so they can live a life full of joy.

Dr. Harte is a living embodiment of her personal and professional experience. She often calls vulnerability her superpower and sees her soul work as the necessary bridge between the life she had and the life she has created. She continues her practice in the fitness industry, breaking boundaries and forging new paths toward healing and wholeness.  Here is the rest of her story…

You never realized your mother was living in a loveless marriage. In fact, you’ve said, “She juggled lies to feel alive.” How did this affect you when you found the truth?

When I initially found out about her extra-marital affairs, I believed in my bones that she was justified. She had painted a picture of my father as a terrible husband, but great father. Since he spent most of his time in the basement, my mother’s word ruled. What she said, how she felt, and the decisions she made were backed by the self-righteous anger that, as a child, I stood behind. As I got older, though, I saw her oversharing as reckless to my younger self, blurring the lines between parent and friend, truth and lies. This would later set the tone for all kinds of selfjustified behaviors that were harmful not only to myself, but to the people around me.

Do you believe this sparked your angst, resulting in your destructive behavior?

Once I left home and set off to Boston University, I wrestled with a ton of anger and confusion about my childhood. I wondered why my father was so emotionally absent and I questioned why my mother painted such a dark picture to her young girls, which of course was not our burden to bare. It’s impossible to know what kicked off my addiction, but here’s what I can say: Though it runs in my family, there has never been a single study that links a cause-and-effect relationship to genetics and active addiction. What science has uncovered, however, is the deep link to a culmination of trauma, small and big, to active addiction. So, was my mother’s lack of boundaries the cause of my addiction? No. But did it contribute to a lack of safety and a practice of self-abandonment as a child that played out into my adulthood? Oh yes.

What were your biggest challenges during your recovery process, and how did you navigate them?

Early recovery was extremely difficult. Remember, addicts are not just dealing with weaning off physical dependency, but for the first time (possibly in their lives), coming up against the emotional turmoil and heartache that fueled the addiction in the first place. Every person who clinked their margarita glass pissed me off. Every small feeling felt like it would swallow me whole. The most excruciating part of early recovery was the voice inside my head. She was loud, cruel and unrelenting. I let her rule my life for several years before I had the kind of surrender required to make real change. Until then, I just hung on for dear life and borrowed other people’s hope whenever I could.

Do you ever think your old behaviors will ever re-emerge?  My old behaviors re-emerge all the time! Not in the form of a physical relapse, but in the form of an emotional one. Peoplepleasing, perfectionism, and numbing: Those behaviors are so deeply ingrained because they were the tools that kept me safe in childhood and are now harmful in adulthood. When I feel afraid, my default is to control the world around me, especially the people, places, and perceptions. In this state I feel anxious and obsessive about “figuring it out.” The beauty of time in recovery is that the threshold for this emotional state becomes less and less tolerable—and lord knows, I didn’t get sober to be miserable. So, when the old behaviors show up, I self-regulate, self-examine, and pivot.

Although your book addresses tragedies and traumas, the book is more about your triumph. For a couple of months in early recovery, I continued to smoke marijuana. Eventually, I whispered to my sponsor that if everyone says sobriety means nothing mind altering from the neck up, then it must mean weed too. I started my day count over and ever since February 28th, 2009, I have not put a single drink or drug in my body. However, I must differentiate physical and emotional sobriety. Once addicts get physically sober, their work has just begun. Now, all the pain they have been anesthetizing is right at the top of their throat, and without new coping skills and a lifetime of practicing new behaviors, all bets for a new life are off. It took five years of physical sobriety, holding on for dear life to control at all costs, before I hit emotional rock bottom and finally reimagined the 12 steps to change my life for the better.

In what ways do you advocate for addiction awareness and support others who are struggling with similar challenges? Every day I speak openly and honestly about addiction and living sober. I help addicts and non-addicts both in my personal and professional life navigate pain, cope with uncertainty, and seek out joy. I speak at recovery meetings and corporations about mind-body wellness being an inside job. I also host a podcast called The Truth About Addiction to dispel the stigmas and myths associated with this condition and educate others on a modern take of the 12 steps as a blueprint for living. My book is my greatest project to date, which tells my personal story from heartbreak to hope, and how anyone- addict or notcan use the 12 steps to turn their pain into power.

How do you maintain your sobriety and prioritize your mental and physical well-being in your daily life?

I work on my spiritual fitness every 24 hours. Knowing that life is in session and things get hard, I make sure to plug in soul care. That can look like any number of things: yoga, time in nature, belly laugher, dance, self-reflection and authentic conversation. I seek joy like the air I breathe. I seek stillness so I can tap into my intuition. I love movement and always have, which releases natural feel-good chemicals and puts me in my body and out of my head. I take my physical and mental wellness very seriously, and I literally plug myself into my own calendar the way I plug in my annual physical. Nourishing my body and spirit are non-negotiable. It’s not a habit, it’s a lifestyle.

What advice would you give to those who are supporting addicts through their recovery journey?

To those struggling: You are not bad. You are a good person who made bad choices. You found a solution to your problem, which was unmanageable pain, and it’s completely understandable. But now that solution has become a problem in and of itself, so you’ve got to hang on long enough to do the inner work and heal. It’s not going to be easy, but you are worth it. Read my book and work the steps. They can be a guidepost for how to get through life, no matter how hard it gets. I was a diehard cocaine addict who now has 15 years sober and a big, beautiful life. If I can do it, so can you.

To those supporting them: Hard as it is, you cannot fix or save the addict (believe me, I’ve tried.) The best thing you can do is focus on your own healing. You, too, have a broken heart that needs your attention. Work the steps. Find out who you are when you are not the caretaker. Do what makes you laugh. Uncover your pain. Discover what brings you comfort in the uncertainty that is life. Eventually, with practice, you will come to know peace whether the addict is using or not.

For more information on Dr. Samantha Harte, visit




According to Britannica, “The official Mother’s Day holiday arose in the 1900s as a result of the efforts of Anna Jarvis, daughter of Ann Reeves Jarvis. Following her mother’s 1905 death, Anna Jarvis conceived of Mother’s Day as a way of honoring the sacrifices mothers made for their children.” Some 124 years later, Mother’s Day is one of the most welcome “holidays” on the calendar. Primarily because it revolves around celebrating the woman who gave birth to you; exactly what Anna Jarvis had wanted.

Mother’s Day has long been known as the “Black Friday” of the restaurant world. Historically, it is the busiest day of the year for the hospitality industry as everyone wants to celebrate their Mom. This year, however, primarily due to inflation, projections show that people will be spending less money at restaurants in favor of showering her with gifts alongside a home cooked feast.

Gifting occasions can be extremely special, especially for a coveted day like Mother’s Day. And, as usual, we have some fun and unusual ideas for those gifts for you.

If you are looking for an incredible skin care product to help Mom’s skin feel smooth, silky and nourished, Purdori should be your go-to. Not only does Purdori use the most advanced technology and science to create their products, but they also carefully select and extract the purest essences of potent natural ingredients to craft simple, clean formulations that get results. $48 - $289 at

Of course, on Mother’s Day, a sweet, delicious treat that literally melts in her mouth might be the perfect gift! Last month’s feature cover, Maryellen’s Cake Pops, fills this need in ways we could never describe. Just don’t forget the milk! 10-piece Mother’s Day Collection. Info: $49.95 at


As this year alleges to be wrought with mosquitos and cicadas, we felt a unique gift with practical application would be in order. So, whether having a backyard gathering or hanging by the pool with the kids, mosquitoes ruin these outdoor moments. Thermacell’s best-selling and portable E55 Rechargeable Mosquito Repeller keeps mosquitoes away by creating a 20-foot zone of protection. No need for chemical sprays or lotions as its heat-activated technology actually repels mosquitoes in the air, not on your skin. Get mom the E55 for only $29.99, up to 25% off, at Amazon and other major retailers until July 31, 2024. Info:

With Cinco de Mayo on the horizon, we wanted to honor Mom this year by suggesting a spirited gift that is not only incredible from a flavor POV, but also comes from a special, Father-Daughter owned family distillery. According to the Noel family at NOËL Family Distillery, “Tequila is a labor of love—cooking the agave for up to 30 hours! But oh how we love it!” Whether you are making Mom a margarita or a paloma, either NOËL’s Blanco or Reposado is the perfect Tequila to use! Both small batch tequilas are smooth and easy to drink. Info: Visit to find your local store and more.

Sometimes we all need a little help in the style department, regardless of our age and/or size. For that beautiful, yet curvy Mom in your life, we would suggest an amazing new book that has come out by style expert Linda Peavy. She believes that looking your best at 50 and beyond can be just as easy as looking your best at 20, yes, even if you are a curvy woman. Linda has answered a few prayers with her new book, The Cultured Curves Guide to Style for Mature Curvy Women, Volume 1. The book provides a roadmap to developing an effortless style for mature women, including tips and suggestions on fashion, make-up, and skincare, and even leads on where to shop! Info: $29.88 at

What's a Mother’s Day celebration without flowers? Shower your mom with the fragrance of her favorite Hawai‘i flowers with this special gift set! This set includes these Hawaiian products that Mom can relax and unwind with:

• NOHO HOME - Puakenikeni Soap

• Aloha de Mele Lei Ers greeting card

• Ao Organics Hawaii - Mango Lip Balm

• Manoa Chocolate - Hawaii Island Milk Bar 50%

• NOHO HOME Soy Candle – Gardenia

You can get this robust and beautiful gift, as well as many others, starting $53. It’s important to note that ManaUp is an organization that helps to grow businesses based in Hawai’i, including those in Maui where the devasting fires hit last year. Info:



Jill Wright, the visionary woman behind the Grow Like a Mother Company, is dedicated to empowering mothers to craft fulfilling and sustainable lives. With four children of her own and a busy schedule encompassing time management, writing, speaking, and podcasting, Jill is trying to redefine what it means to be a good mother while being a strong self-advocate. Having personally experienced the struggle of balancing work and family, Jill advocates for selfcare tailored to everyone’s needs.

We sat down to learn more about Jill and her innovative approach to Motherhood.

Tell us about your mission with Grow Like a Mother Company?

I’m deeply passionate about serving moms by helping them to create their desired life in a sustainable, personalized way. I am a mother to four children aged four through fourteen, a time management strategist, celebrated author, professional speaker, and host of the  Grow Like A Mother  Podcast. My mission is for moms everywhere to realize that they can create the life of their dreams and make it all work without working so hard!

How do you effectively manage your time to ensure that you fulfill your professional responsibilities while also prioritizing quality time with your family?

I see so much mom guilt stemming from being overwhelmed with getting it done right/ perfect and yet always feeling like they fell short somewhere. The truth is that what works for me won’t necessarily work for you, or what works for the mom down the street might not work for me.

Over the past twenty years, I’ve spent much time studying time management and productivity. What I have come to know is that each of us has certain ways of operating, which, combined with our specific type of work, home life, and other responsibilities, lends itself to differing styles of time management.

For example, some people work well under pressure but might get easily distracted. Others might work well as a team but need help making decisions. Our approach to building each of these moms’ time management frameworks will be completely different.

I remember all the details for everyone in my household and business, but I never ask for help. In my case, the tools that I find work are creating solid boundaries and systems (in my home life as well as in my business) and having only three to-dos on my weekly calendar to allow me the freedom to pivot based on my fluctuating energy, and to delegate the tasks that don’t have to specifically be done by me to someone else I can trust or train to take on the task.

© Christina LH Photography

What strategies and techniques do you share with mothers as a Time Management Strategist?

My top tip for any mom is to develop a weekly planning strategy. Whether digital or in an old-school planner like I use, take 10 minutes each Sunday and prepare for the week ahead. Put in all your weekly recurring tasks and appointments. Put in any special occasions or dates marked on that monthly calendar view. See how much free time you have, and from there, choose three things you can commit to getting done that week. By narrowing down your focus to three things, you automatically prioritize based on your values and what will make the most significant impact. Having only three to-dos gives you lots of flexibility regarding scheduling them and the freedom to move them if life throws you a curveball.

From there, my second favorite tip comes into play: Do the thing that you are most likely to put off first. In addition to the forward momentum, you get by completing something you have likely been procrastinating on, you remove huge stress, and even if you don’t accomplish as much as you thought you would that day, at least you got the big one.

Our society has gotten away from “it takes a village to raise a child.” Why do you believe support systems and communities are incredibly important for mothers?

It takes a village to raise a mother. We aren’t meant to do it alone, and we aren’t meant to do it all. The idea that mothers can and should be the default parent, carry the mental load of the family, manage all the household chores, and work outside the home to earn a living is ridiculous. Society tells us from an early age that this is not only expected but possible, so we go out like the good girls we were raised to be and aim for perfection in all areas.

Perfection is a horrible lie and the worst target to aim for because it’s unattainable. We need to acknowledge our priorities, agree with the other people in our lives about the division of labor and responsibilities, and lean into the help and support of those who love us. Not only should we say yes to offers of help, but we should actively go out and ask for it. It’s the only way to avoid burnout.

Can you share some self-care practices or rituals that help you recharge and maintain your physical, mental, and emotional health?

How much time do you have? Again, this is something that needs to be uniquely considered and curated from person to person (do you sense a theme yet?). My offering is this: Set aside one hour a week (maybe while you are doing your weekly planning!) dedicated to self-care. It doesn’t need to be the same day or time each week. Pick an hour that works for you this week and put it in your planner like a non-negotiable appointment.

Then, pick up a pen and make yourself a list of what you consider restful, healing, energizing, and happiness-inducing. This can be an ongoing list you add to as you think of things because the first attempt will probably be weak. As mothers, we often struggle to identify activities that fill our cups.

Show up at your self-appointed time this week without expecting what you will do and choose something from your self-care list. Tune in and listen to what your body needs. Is it a nap? A walk outside? An ice cream? Do you need alone time or social connection? Do you need to move, read, or laugh? This is how we start to prioritize and enjoy our self-care practice.

For more information on Jill Wright, visit

© Avii Photography © Chelsea Trigg Photography



Mother’s Day has morphed into a celebration of all the fabulous females out there in the world, mothering and mentoring—and we wouldn’t have it any other way. So, for May, I’ve curated this smattering of sparkle baubles, cozy comforts, and heartfelt gifts that feel every bit as special as the wonderful women in our lives.


The Cashmere Fringe Wrap from Brochu Walker is the multi-tasking wrap that’ll take Mom from cool evenings on the beach to the plane—and even cocktail hour. It’s perfect in every way, and this Bisque Melange hue is an all-season beauty. Info:


Imagine a relaxing al fresco lounge next to a meadow of freshly cut grass. On the table is an oversized bouquet of Turkish roses and magnolia. Well, you can gift that bright burst of joy to any of the mommas in your life with Future Society’s Solar Canopy.  Info:


On the other hand, there’s something almost sacred about subtle scent, and the  CORPUS body butter is utterly breathtaking. The scent is beguiling but light, with gentle notes of Bergamot, citrus, and cardamom. It’s vegan and plant-based, and it’s the gift to get if you’re looking for a sure thing. Info:


A cute denim jacket is a spring staple, but these Ingrid+Isabel momma and babe versions are a worthy upgrade. I especially love this Mother’s Day gift if there are plans for a spring family photo session. Plus, they have a devoted nursing and postpartum collection. Info:



It’s essential to be hands-free in the spring and summer to better hold your Aperol spritz. I’m loving Patricia Nash handbags for this season—plenty of cream, wicker back, and basket styles. Even the umbrellas are cute! Info:


The cashmere for Lilysilk’s Short Zip-Up Wool Cashmere Hoodie is gathered to The Good Cashmere Standard® benchmarks for sustainability. As a bonus, this hoodie has that oh-so-special coziness, making it a special gift. Info:


This pop of color from  I Love Tyler Madison is pure sunshine. Say ‹hello› to the Kamala Bomber and goodbye to cloudy days. The vegan silk moves with you, so it›s as comfortable as it is fabulous. Info:


If you’ve got a momma in your life that swooned for the solar eclipse, consider the Royalty Star and Moon Earrings from  Thomas Sabo. The vintage-inspired design gives a boho elegance, but the sterling silver with 18k yellow gold plating makes for an affordable splurge. Info:


The Tradizionale  Mar Soreli Ballet Flat is available in endless colors and feels like something a goddess on Mt. Olympus would wear. It›s a light, comfortable shoe, but that rich velvet gives it enough wow factor to pair with a cocktail dress or jeans. Info:


Mom will love the subtle hints of vanilla and patchouli that exudes a flirty, floaty romantic feeling to notes of tuberose, jasmine, orange blossom, and magnolia in this cult classic child Extrait de Pafum—a favorite of Hollywood’s celebrity crowd. The ultimate California girl fragrance is beloved—after all the fragrance elements are fresh from the Hollywood Hills. Info:


Skip the bouquet of roses and get Mom (or Nonna!) a rosé bouquet instead. Created by Sacha Lichine, the muse behind beloved rosé brand Whispering Angel, The Pale is a gem of a Var region of Provence bottle for under $20—perfect for buying by the case. Info:


If her holiday wish list reads like a gourmand’s dream, then this 17-piece Viking Knife Set is perfect. Add a few seasoned salts and unique simmering sauces, and you have the makings of a fabulous gift basket. Info:




Meet Pantone 13-1023, better known as Peach Fuzz. This gorgeous shade is like a warm hug for your senses, that’s all about embracing and enriching every part of you—mind, body, and soul.


According to Leatrice Eiseman, executive director at the Pantone Colour Institute, Peach Fuzz reflects our desire “for nurturing, empathy, and compassion.” It’s an optimistic color. Eiseman points out that the last few years have been filled with economic turmoil and global strife, causing many to reflect on their current lifestyles and make significant changes. “The past has happened; there’s no going back,” she says. “Now we’re thinking, how do we want to live our lives?” Peach Fuzz is intended to be inspiring and nurturing.”

The best thing about Peach Fuzz is its wide availability making waves across fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products, infusing a refreshing and soothing element into wardrobes. Designers, manufacturers, and retailers have embraced this color.

The appealing peach hue softly nestled between pink and orange inspires belonging, an opportunity for nurturing, and an air of calm. It offers us a space to be, feel, heal, and flourish. So, consider me sold. Best of all, it can be worn with far more than you’d expect. Need more proof? Peek at some of my favorite finds for the Spring into Summer.


Take the seaside along wherever you go with this Isla Wicker Shell Clutch. It also features a gold chain to convert into a crossbody.  Info:


It’s safe to say these retro peach-tinted sunglasses will remain a hot commodity for the remainder of 2024! Info:



Can’t choose between a hoodie and a sweater? You can have both with this Soft Touch Hooded Pullover Sweater! Great for cool nights. Info:


A perfect peachy concoction of pink opal, baroque freshwater pearl, and peach + lemon quartz beads. It will brighten any day. Info:


Dress it up…or dress it down. Either way, it’s a winner with this bold peach shade. Info:


An excellent lip gloss in Orgasm that creates a mirror-like shine with a peachy-pink golden shimmer. Info:


A perfect peachy concoction of pink opal, baroque freshwater pearl, and peach + lemon quartz beads. It will brighten any day.  Info:


What’s sweeter than biting into a juicy peach on a hot day? We’d have to say Peachin’, a shimmery powder blush which always feels creamy and weightless. Info:


For a sheer touch of color and a natural look, try Light Peach and look as if you spent the day soaking up the rays. Info:


It’s a Peach! The stylish sneaker that you can slip into every day. Tie your laces once for the perfect customized fit, and then enjoy a hands-free wearing experience with all-day comfort and support. Info:




Perhaps you are like me, having seen the film (or the original play) of Rogers & Hammerstein’s classic South Pacific and heard that siren song “Bali H’ai.” With those lilting lyrics, “Bali Ha’i, come away, come to me,” acting as an earworm for me whenever someone mentions that Indonesian paradise, I knew it was time to find out what Bali’s lure is.

Flying into Denpasar, Bali’s international airport, puts you on the southern tip of the island, a quick ride in slightly nutty traffic (the jockeying between cars, trucks, and scooters is a remarkable sight all over Bali!) to gorgeous Jimbaran Bay. That’s part of the Bali Sea, an offshoot of the Indian Ocean in the Southern Hemisphere, and a true tropical paradise.

It’s hot and humid here, especially from November to March, which is also the rainy season. Think about New York in August, and plan to visit in the dry season from April to October for a more comfortable climate, still warm but much less humid and almost always sunny.


Then, imagine this: being immersed in a giant tub full of hot water and rose petals in a luxurious spa perched high on a cliff, with views that go on forever. That’s the Spa on the Rocks, just one of the delights found at Ayana Bali Resort, the luxurious clifftop enclave that embodies the idea of Bali Ha’i.

I stayed on the clifftop in the Ayana Villas, ultra-private houses with one to three bedrooms, complete with a private backyard pool, expansive garden, and a personal butler on call. Stunning vistas are everywhere, and a long sandy beach awaits at the bottom of the cliff, reached by calling your butler for a golf cart ride down (and back).

And then there’s that special private spa, reached by climbing about 800 steps. The reward for that up-anddown exertion is an incredible three-hour “Ocean Ritual” treatment that has it all, from massages and facials to that sublime rose-petal bath, relaxing with a Champagne flute in hand and those spectacular views of Jimbaran Bay.



Ayana’s Balinese wellness treatments don’t stop there, for the main spa is also a place of rejuvenation and exercise, with Thalassotherapy water treatments, Balinese healing sessions, wellness retreats featuring local gurus, yoga instructors, and much more. There are more than ten swimming pools scattered across this vast resort, with the River Pool and the Segara Indoor-Outdoor Pool being particularly spectacular.

Ayana is a city in itself, from the on-site Hindu temple, where a local priest (puja) is on hand to perform a blessing ceremony just after checking in, to the Saka Museum, a fascinating architectural beauty on the property, which opened in 2024 and is filled with Balinese art, history, and incredible OgohOgoh sculptures (be sure to take a guided tour).

There’s also the famed Rock Bar that’s carved into the cliffs overlooking the sea and always jammed with people, first as sunset approaches and long into the night as DJs spin tunes that keep the party going. Add in more than 20 places to eat and drink scattered across the four segments of the Ayana “Estate,” including Ah Yat with fantastic dim sum and Kisik with flavorful Balinese seafood, plus an organic farm on the property, and it seems you never have to leave this place. The farm tour is fascinating, especially paired with their traditional herbal remedies class. But there’s much more to Bali than this enchanting place, so exploring beyond Ayana is definitely in order.


It’s easy to take trips from Jimbaran Bay to some of Bali’s most iconic places, especially via, the top-notch tour website that offers vetted private guides and group tours. With pickup and drop-offs at Ayana, it’s simple to head up to Ubud, where experiences like seeing the Monkey Rain Forest, visiting that city’s famed markets, and having spiritual moments with the Hindu ritual at the Tirta Empul Water Temple (be ready to get very wet there) await. I spent a day full of fascinating experiences up in that lush jungle region, then shifted to the water for some real action adventures.

Part of Bali’s lure for me was the legendary scuba diving found here, with tales of giant mola mola fish, tiny nudibranchs, and massive manta rays luring me toward the famed island of Nusa Penida just off the southern coast. Bali Diving Academy had just the suitable day trips to help me find my Zen in Bali. And while those elusive mola mola did not appear, the waters are full of mantas, sea turtles, stunning coral gardens, and more (you can snorkel here, too, if scuba is too intense). Plus, I did the craziest, fastest drift dive I’ve ever encountered, feeling as if I was powered by a rocket, shooting through a spectacular coral garden on a wild ride dive I’ll never forget.

So, does Bali fulfill the fantasy I first encountered watching  South Pacific and hearing it “singing through the sunshine, sweet and near as can be”? Completely, and it truly is that “special island” of my dreams.

For more information about Ayana Bali Resort go to; for Bali Diving Academy, visit; to Book tours and private guides, visit




My passion is to travel where architecture enhances topographical beauty; a calling that often leads me to France, where the sheer beauty, permanency, and history of castles and chateaux delight me as much as the actual landscape. Here, on Long Island, we’re lucky that former travelers with means constructed their own such luxurious retreats, often with walking paths and water views of our northern and southern shores. The following destinations showcase those realizations and are super-easy-to-access by train or car, via Long Island Expressway and/ or the pretty parkway routes.


The one-lane bridge leads to 216 acres with six marked trails (leashed dogs welcome), woods and fields, rose gardens, a pond, a Great Lawn, and a pedestrian-only road leading down to Hempstead House Beach from which there are incredible expansive views of the Long Island Sound. There are picnic and checker tables, benches, and a playground, and four spectacular structures. Financier Howard Gould constructed the massive, limestone 100,000 square foot Gould Castle around 1900, and modeled it after Ireland’s Kilkenny Castle. (Restrooms are open, here.) His wife didn’t like it, so he built the 40-room Hempstead House, at half the size, though the first and second floors measure 1.5 acres! In 1917, mining tycoon Daniel Guggenheim bought the property; subsequently, he gave 90 acres of it to his son, Harry, who built Falaise, a French Norman waterfront mansion, where he and his third wife, Newsday founder Alicia Patterson, lived. Daniel’s widow, Florence, downsized to Mille Fleurs; she offered British refugee children the use of Hempstead House and donated 162 acres to the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences. In 1971, Nassau County acquired 127 acres of the original estate, plus the 90-acre parcel that Harry bequeathed, and established the non-profit Sands Point Preserve.

Getting there: Long Island Expressway, Exit 36 North. (Searingtown Road leads north—with name changes—until you reach Sands Point Preserve.) Or, take the Long Island Railroad to Port Washington, plus taxi or bus N23.

Info: (Check the calendar for tours, concerts and events at Hempstead House and docentled tours at Falaise.)



A century ago, Otto Hermann Kahn built the country’s second-largest home on 443-acres on the island’s highest plot overlooking Cold Spring Harbor. He hired the Olmsted Brothers of Central Park fame to design his formal garden, eight reflecting pools, and three fountains. After 1934, when Kahn passed, the property had various uses and was ultimately abandoned. In 1984, developer Gary Melius purchased the castle and 23 surrounding acres; he’s devoted years and $40 million to restore the Gold Coast manse’s original opulence. Today, it’s popular as a hotel, wedding, and events venue; for lunch, brunch and dinner at the OHK bar and restaurant and for scheduled historic mansion tours. Listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, it’s also affiliated with Historic Hotels of America.

Getting There: Drive Northern State Parkway to Exit 39, Round Swamp Road to Oheka Castle. Or take the LIRR to Cold Spring Harbor and a cab. Info:


This estate is a magical tree museum with botanical gardens and plant-lined walkways leading to the banks of the scenic Connetquot River. The Tudor Style manor was the home of William Bayard Cutting; in his memory, his wife, Olivia Murray, and daughter, Olivia Bayard James, gifted the property to New York State. There are garden and house tours and the Hidden Oak Café in the original family manor, offers tea, pastries and a lovely garden view.

Getting there: Drive LIE or Northern State to Sagtikos Parkway south, east (left lane) to Heckscher Parkway to Route 27A East. Or the LIRR to Great River, on the Montauk line.


The Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum is an idyllic weekend destination. The 43-acre grounds house a museum, a planetarium, a seaplane hangar, and Eagle’s Nest. Visitors can tour William K. Vanderbilt II’s Spanish Revival-style, 24-room mansion with exterior iron grillwork, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Museum galleries showcase Willie K’s. collection of fish and marine life. When the collector opened The Hall of Fishes to the public, in 1922, he arranged for artisans from the American Museum of Natural History to create the nine wild-animal and marinelife dioramas. Willie K. was also a pioneer race car driver who built Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, a prototype for a toll road, for his races.

Getting there: Drive on Northern State Parkway, to Exit 42 North to Centerport. Note, it’s just a few miles east of Oheka Castle. Or, take the LIRR to Huntington. Info: vanderiltmuseum.or

© Neil J. Tandy



Arevolution has been happening on Manhattan’s West. Hudson Yards, the High Line, and the Vessel started the seismic shift in the makeup of the blocks from Ninth to Eleventh Avenues, and then The Edge and City Climb joined the transformation. What was once a maze of train yards and run-down industrial buildings has become a center of commerce and brand-new places to live and work

Then the new Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station arrived on Ninth Avenue, chic restaurants like Casa Dani from Spanish three-Michelin-starred chef Dani Garcia opened on 33rd between Ninth and Tenth, and this neighborhood’s transformation was just about cemented.


The Pendry Manhattan West Hotel’s arrival has brought a practically perfect place to call home while visiting the Big Apple. The Pendry brand is an offshoot of the famed Montage International Hotel Group that began in San Diego. The hotels (now 12) have a sleek, relaxed design vibe—call it California chic—that The Pendry Manhattan West personifies. From its rippling glass façade to the welcoming modern lobby design and mid-century modern room/suite furnishings, this is a seriously relaxing place in the center of the big city.

Find it on West 33rd Street, where Dyer Avenue bisects Ninth and Tenth Avenues, just around the corner from the Moynihan Train Hall (an easy walk from the New Jersey Transit trains or LIRR) and dive into all it has to offer. Choose a king or doubledouble room or splurge on a Skyline Alcove Studio with views of the big city’s unique urban landscape.

Everything about the rooms is luxurious, from the incredibly comfortable beds made up of Fili d’Oro linens to the marble-and-wood bathroom and massive TV set. But there’s no time for TV here (unless you’re in the mood for 24-hour room service and a bingeing session), for there’s much to do without even leaving the hotel.


Zou Zou’s restaurant is a must-visit dining spot inside the Pendry, so much so that scads of locals have been joining out-of-towners to sample executive chef Juliana Latif’s exemplary Eastern Mediterranean fare. So be sure to make a dinner reservation, then dig into swooningly good Fattoush, Manti, and her dips to die for – ember-roasted eggplant, green tahini, and more. If the Whole Lobster Kebab is on offer, it is a must-have, and don’t miss the flavorful Grape Leaf Sea Bass. Latif’s clever melding of cuisines from Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, and other cuisines is an absolute delight to experience.

Slide into  Bar Pendry for a classic nightcap, for naturally, they have a Manhattan on offer, made with Woodford Reserve Double Oaked bourbon, or perhaps start your night with one of their seasonal cocktails, crafted to use fresh ingredients and designed to taste like summer sun or winter cool. We’re partial to the Napa Valley Newton Chardonnay they pour by the glass, and there are even intriguing nonalcoholic quaffs for those who like a clearer head.

With its winning location amid one of the most transformed neighborhoods in Manhattan and the rest of the city just a stroll away, including nearby Jacob Javits Center or Madison Square Garden, this is a perfect hotel for a home base when business or pleasure lure you to the West Side.

For more information about the Pendry Manhattan West Hotel, visit


Call it spring or call it spa season. Either way, it’s time to visit New York’s Sullivan Catskills. The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and our charming small towns are springing to life. Get outdoors on two feet or two wheels; we have dozens of trails. Indulge in our spas or exercise studios. Dine on our Catskill-icious food and sip on our craft beverages. Stay in a full-service resort, intimate inn, glamping dome, or a luxury treehouse.

Mini vacays… longer stays,
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Scottsdale is full of surprises, as a recent visit revealed to me. For the last time, I visited the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, my focus was on the outdoors – going way to the northern end of Scottsdale to play rounds of golf at the famed Troon North Golf Club and Boulders Club, horseback riding across the Tonto National Forest, and hiking through fields of spring wildflowers.

But this time, the history and artistic culture of this small city founded in 1894 drew me back, as well as the rumor of wineries making high-quality quaffs in a very unexpected landscape. I found all in this welcoming place: exemplary cuisine, delightful spa and wellness experiences, and, as expected, dry, sunny weather.

The first surprise was learning that Scottsdale is a sustainable city dedicated to preserving water from the Colorado and Salt Rivers. A river canal runs through it, with a meandering path perfect for walking, biking, and horseback riding. It’s a central element of Scottsdale’s vibrant downtown scene, with the Soleri Bridge “true north” installation created by artist Paolo Soleri anchoring the city’s many fascinating outdoor art displays.

All that art gives Scottsdale a distinct cultural personality, from sculptures to murals to a wacky giant rabbit (John Randall Nelson’s “One-Eyed Jack”). Add in the fine art galleries that dot the city’s Old Town/Main Street section, including the Native Art Market created to showcase Native American works, and visitors can spend all day immersed in widely diverse artistic explorations.

For a fascinating look at Old Town and its artistic gems, book a one-hour tour with JoyRidesAZ and take an open-air electric slow ride around this original section of the city. Filled with history and personal touches, getting a good grip on what makes this city tick is easy.



Another Scottsdale surprise comes in the form of three unique museums. Architecture lovers won’t be surprised by visiting UNESCO World Heritage site Taliesin West, where legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright spent his winters for the last 20+ years of his life. Set alone in the northeast foothills of the desert, Taliesin is filled with Wright’s design genius both inside and out. It’s a must-do pilgrimage for anyone who loves beautiful buildings and outdoor landscapes.

In the city is Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West, a beautifully curated collection of artifacts and artwork centered on the Wild West experience central to the region’s history. Fascinating docent-led tours are offered daily, giving inside insight into the museum’s incredible compendiums, like the do-notmiss Abe Hays Family Spirit of the West Collection and the Richard A. Gates Collection of Native American Jewelry. Paintings, sculptures, and other artworks round out this well-curated museum experience.

And the most exciting museum of all is MIM, the Museum of Musical Instruments, near Taliesin West in the city’s northeast. Entrancing from the moment you enter, MIM immerses music lovers in instruments from all epochs and cultures, with each massive section broken into geographical regions and specific places. Diving into various musical instruments means seeing ones you’ve never been aware of, hearing them played by virtuosos, and marveling at this perfectly curated museum.


Discovering Scottdale’s last surprise of my trip had me skeptical until I learned that Arizona has three designated AVAs (American Viticultural Areas, designated by the U.S. government). With that imprimatur, I knew I had to keep an open mind as I experienced Scottsdale’s “Wine Trail.” Centered primarily on Old Town, the wine-tasting rooms of LDV Winery, Merkin Vineyards, Aridus Wine Company, and others welcome visitors with both flights of wines grown and bottled in Arizona as well as food designed to pair with the varietals.

With vineyards further south in the Sonoita/ Elgin and Willcox AVAs and the north Verde Valley AVA, LDV Winery’s wines range from Grenache, Syrah, Petite Sirah, Viognier, Tempranillo, and other varietals suited to the dry and sometimes high-elevation climate. LDV Winery’s “Signature” Petite Sirah is particularly delicious. It is a deep red wine with dark, dense berry flavors and soft tannins.

Pairing Arizona wines with fine food is easy in Scottsdale, especially at the hotspot restaurants that create elegant and approachable dining experiences. The Mission in Kierland Commons offers excellent Latin-influenced tastes, as does the iconic El Chorro with its gorgeous garden and seasonal fare. Farm & Craft’s healthy choices are so good that the place is always packed. Happily, all have Arizona wines on their lists, creating an authentic local dining experience.



With so many choices of hotels in Scottsdale, picking a favorite isn’t easy. But for families, especially during the Christmas season, when it transforms into a winter wonderland to wow the kids, the massive Fairmont Scottsdale Princess is the place. Throughout the year, the luxury hotel sports six pools, a lovely spa with a Sisley-Paris Spa tucked inside for a wellness fix for the grown-ups, and even a summer camp experience for kids.

On a smaller scale, the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia is a cozy, quiet slice of Spanish-influenced heaven, with pretty villas, dark sky nights filled with stars, and delicious tapas, paella, Jamon Iberico, and more culinary delights. It also has the massive Joya Spa, where wellness treatments abound. Plus, this slightly wacky and over-thetop place designed by Sylvia Sepielli is Scottsdale’s last surprise, for the 31,000-square-foot spa has a large hammam, a purification room, meditation center, and a 55-pound quartz crystal designed to absorb negative energy; the whole thing must be seen to be believed!

For more information on Scottsdale, visit; for information on the Myriad Public Art Installation, visit; for Talliesin West, visit franklloydwright.west.



In the world of interior design, where creativity meets functionality, Tova Kook stands out as a beacon of innovation and sophistication. With her keen eye for detail and a passion for aesthetics, she has carved a niche for herself in the industry, transforming spaces into captivating works of art.

Tova Kook’s journey into the world of design was sparked by a deep-rooted passion for art and beauty. From a young age, she found herself drawn to the interplay of colors, textures, and forms, seeing the potential to create something extraordinary out of the ordinary. This innate curiosity and creativity laid the foundation for her future endeavors in interior design.


Armed with a strong desire to pursue her passion professionally, Tova pursued a formal education in interior design, honing her skills and expanding her knowledge base. She immersed herself in the study of architectural principles, design theory, and the latest trends, equipping herself with the tools needed to excel in her chosen field. Tova’s dedication to her craft and thirst for innovation set her apart, allowing her to develop a unique design sensibility that would later define her signature style.

For Tova Kook, interior design is more than just arranging furniture and selecting color palettes; it is a form of artistry that involves storytelling and creating immersive experiences. Her approach is rooted in a deep understanding of her clients’ needs, preferences, and lifestyles, allowing her to tailor each design project to reflect their unique personality and vision. Whether it’s a cozy family home, or a chic urban loft, Tova infuses every space with a sense of warmth, elegance, and character.


At the heart of Tova Kook’s design philosophy lies a commitment to timeless elegance and attention to detail. She seamlessly blends elements of modern and traditional design, juxtaposing sleek lines with luxurious textures and subtle accents. Tova’s interiors exude sophistication and refinement, yet they remain inviting and livable, striking the perfect balance between form and function. Her use of color, lighting, and spatial arrangement creates harmonious compositions that captivate the senses and elevate the overall ambiance of a space.

Over the years, Tova Kook has amassed an impressive portfolio of projects spanning residential to hospitality spaces. Her designs have garnered acclaim for their innovation, style, and craftsmanship. Each project reflects Tova’s unwavering commitment to excellence and her ability to translate her clients’ dreams into reality.



Tova Kook’s journey as an interior designer is a testament to the transformative power of creativity and passion. Through her visionary approach and impeccable execution, she has reshaped the way we perceive and experience the spaces around us, leaving an indelible mark on the world of design. As she continues to push the boundaries of innovation and aesthetics, Tova Kook remains a beacon of inspiration for aspiring designers and design enthusiasts alike, proving that with talent, dedication, and a touch of artistry, anything is possible in the realm of design.

We recently met with Tova Kook to learn more about this fascination woman and her innovative designs.

Tova, tell us about yourself!

I am the founder of TK Designs and the wife and mother of three children—Abby, Ethan, and Arielle who live on Long Island. I was a former design student at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC. Before that, I acquired a fine art degree in Art and Psychology from Queens College. I happen to also be a Parsons School of Design dropout, but that’s a story for another time!

I am a true Capricorn who feels most alive when I am working. I am ambitious, goal oriented, and have a wacky wild side. To quote Lisa Stardust, she describes Capricorns as “hardworking, persistent, creative, honest, reflective, protective, and sensitive.” Because they are Earth signs, she adds, they “relish the material and physical world.”

I try to approach my design projects with a full understanding of the relationship between color, space, and proportion. Focusing on transforming interiors into sophisticated but comfortable environments for everyday living. I strive to seamlessly blend the needs of my client with my own unique vision.

How did you get into interior design?

It happened without even realizing it! When I was in 3rd grade, my parents switched my school, and I had a hard time sleeping at night. I would wake my parents. Eventually I was sent to therapy, and the only way this doctor was able to crack the insomnia cycle and get me to stay in bed, was the bribery of 20 gold stars I would receive if I stayed in the bedroom. This resulted in a newly designed bedroom for myself. My parents hired an interior designer, and I had a blast choosing yellow and blue wallpaper and matching bedding to go with it.

Later in high school, I studied abroad in Israel, and my parents had bought an apartment in Jerusalem. I was assigned to meet with the interior designer from time to time and make decisions. Still not thinking I was to purse interior design, after getting married, I had too much fun decorating my apartment. At the time, the direction was to become an art teacher, but I realized soon enough that I did not want to teach, but rather wanted to create so I went to design school. After going to the Fashion Institute of Technology for interior design, I feared I would not make it in the design world. I had a client here and there, but corporate life was not for me.

I returned to teaching high school art. One day the principal asked me to hang up more artwork in the halls because someone impressive was coming in for her daughter’s interview. It turned out to be a real estate developer who approached me, noticing the art I creating. We got to talking, and before I knew it, I was hired to be one of the interior designers for one of the hotels she was working on—The Williamsburg Hotel.

© © Marco Ricca © Adam Macchia

What prompted you to incorporate your art works into your designing homes?

I had made a painting years ago that reminded me of a living room we had just completed for a house. I could not find the right piece to put up, and knew this painting would look amazing. I decided to bring the painting to the house just for the photoshoot, and the client ended up loving it, and buying it. Before I knew it, other clients were requesting paintings, and random Instagram followers as well.

Any top design tips that you can share?

When choosing a paint color, always look at a sample on two different walls, and in the morning and evening.

Remember the 70/30 rule! Seventy percent of a room in one style, and thirty percent in another. Mixing styles creates an eclectic personalized space.

Always test your fabrics out. Pour ketchup on a sample, then try to take that stain out to see if the fabric is actually stain resistant as it claims to be.

What is your favorite room to decorate and why?

I love designing boys’ bedrooms. I love to choose a theme and run with it.

Do you have a secret skill?

Aside from being a fine artist, I would say my secret skill is getting people to open up. Throw me the most private, complicated person, and you will find I can understand them, and resiliently work with them.

What is your favorite current trend?

Lime wash and Roman clay wall finish. I am also loving the white Plaster furniture, lighting, and pottery we are seeing all over in fun curvaceous styles. I cannot get enough.

Share your favorite weekend activity?

No questions: it’s painting with my kids and bike riding.

Tell our readers your favorite home decor store?

Home Goods! I just love the thrill of a good find, purchasing inexpensive pieces I can bring home, paint on top of, reupholster, cut up and just mutilate.

For more information on Tova Kook, visit

Where do you look for design inspiration?

I look for inspiration in Europe and from European designers’ work. I love sourcing from the invisible collection. One architect that stands out is JeanLouis Denoiot. My husband and I took a trip to Paris and stayed in the Nolinski Hotel, a boutique hotel Denoiot designed. I love everything he did in the hotel. The furniture, painted clouds on the walls, curtains, and rugs are all intricately layered with detail never looks like it’s too much.

A second architect I take inspiration from is Cristina Celestino. I love her daring use of color. This past summer, my husband and I took a trip to Ravello, on the Amalfi Coast, where we stayed at Palazzo Avino. I normally do not like most shades of pink, but Celestino is that good, and I stayed in her pink hotel just because she did it. By the end of the trip, I cased up on the color.

© Marco Ricca © Kirsten Frances



Tihany Design—one of New York’s most prestigious design ateliers—has announced that Partner Alessia Genova has assumed full ownership and management of Tihany Design. Ms. Genova began her career at Tihany Design’s Rome office in 2007 shortly after graduating from Politecnico di Milano, served as Senior Designer for 10 years and became Studio Director in 2017. Adam D. Tihany, Founder & Principal of Tihany Design named her the first-ever Managing Partner, in 2020 and, subsequently, Partner.

Manhattanites have long been familiar with Adam Tihany and his studio’s interior designs in some of the city’s most venerable hospitality venues. The atelier transformed the 35th floor of Mandarin Oriental New York, and Office NYC, a stunning post-Prohibition bar. It oversaw the design of eight Maccioni family projects — including Le Cirque 2000, Osteria del Circo and the contemporary Italian restaurant, Sirio—and Per Se with Chef Thomas Keller. With Chef Daniel Boulud, the studio collaborated on three restaurants, including the current signature interior of his flagship restaurant, Daniel, for which food enthusiast Alessia Genova was very much a part. She claims: “Design is like cooking. You can follow a recipe, but it’s the extra ingredients — the passion, dedication, and a little madness — that bring the dream to life.”

What New Yorkers may not know is that since 2012, Tihany Design has built a long-term partnership with The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida, one of the country’s most notable oceanfront resorts. Together, they have been transforming its public areas and private accommodations, venue by venue, space by space.


Ms. Genova oversaw their most recent project at Flagler Club, the exclusive 21-room boutique “hotel-within-ahotel,” on its top two floors. As Founder Adam D. Tihany noted: “Our collaboration is as energized as ever, with Alessia leading the renovation of the ultra-chic Flagler Club.” Ms. Genova’s luxury hospitality & lifestyle projects showcase sensational custom interiors for prestige hotels/resorts, restaurants, and private clubs, as well as ultra-luxury estates and cruise ships, where she pilots the “story” for each project with skill and executes it with style.

At Flagler Club, the visionary professional had direct oversight of its redesign. The project reconfigured the original 25 rooms to 21 accommodations, including more two-bedroom, two-bath suites. Its elegant contemporary décor showcases custom-made carpets, warm wood pieces, and tropical artwork in the club lounge, where small groups of cream to pastel solid-colored settees and side chairs, which frame oval-shaped marble coffee tables, and mid-century round pedestal tables, are set atop a brown and white geometric patterned carpet.

During the decade since The Breakers/ Tihany Design partnership began, they also launched HMF, a chic restaurant/lounge that pays tribute to the classic Palm Beach cocktail culture of the 50s and 60s off the central lobby, with its high ceilings and custom-designed carpet; reimagined Flagler Steakhouse, a cozy American chophouse; did the makeover of the Seafood Bar, with its nautical décor facing the ocean and grand aquariums; and crafted interiors for Henry’s Palm Beach, in town.

The atelier also refreshed resort guestrooms, the lobby, the Ponce de Leon Ballroom and Gulfstream Meeting Rooms, re-designed Main Street by The Breakers, a contemporary boutique and café and the resort’s 25 poolside bungalows at The Breakers’ Beach Club.

Outdoors, the 6th floor rooftop terrace overlooks the hotel’s legendary fountain and long, palm tree-lined entry drive. Here, the sleek and calming décor combines white upholstered furnishings accented by turquoise and green striped, solid coral and floral-patterned pillows, that repeat the interior color palette.

Custom-designed furnishings are the hallmark of the bedrooms, with their bold sculptural carpets, upholstered headboards, make-up tables, chaise lounges and leather, foot-of-bed trunks, that open for storage. Leather appears in the walk-in closet as straps on the luggage rack and on a chest of drawers. Even the curved double vanity in the marble floored bathroom is unique. Up to the minute technology in the bedroom includes remote controlled blackout shades.

The private retreat is named for Henry Morrison Flagler, a partner with John D. Rockefeller in the original Standard Oil Company (Exxon), who founded the resort hotel, circa 1896. The magnate turned his vision towards Florida in the 1880s and transformed South Florida into a vacation destination by developing the Florida East Coast Railroad and hotels from Saint Augustine south to Palm Beach, where The Breakers immediately became—and continues to be—a posh, 140-acre winter retreat for the “who’s who” of society. In the mid-1920s, a second fire destroyed the wooden beachfront hotel and Flagler’s brother-in-law, William R. Kenan, Jr., president of the Florida East Coast Hotel Company and the Florida East Coast Railway Company, built the grand, Italian Renaissanceinspired palace that still entices guests. Flagler heirs continue to own the resort and invest about $30 million annually to preserve its historic integrity and continually update the AAA Five Diamond property listed on the National Register of Historic Places.




Acclaimed architect Morris Adjmi designed The Huron with its signature thoughtful engagement with history, distinct interpretation of industrial forms, and creative expression of materials. The H-shaped two-tower configuration, with its long, linear connected lobby, is reminiscent of a ship with two smokestacks. A brick podium conveys the textures of the neighborhood, while the gridded façade is an expression of the craft that once anchored Greenpoint. Oversize industrial grid windows, manufactured in Germany and assembled in Italy, maximize direct waterfront views and abundant sunlight in each home.


The Huron’s timeless interiors feature palettes and details which juxtapose industrial details and sophisticated design elements. Residences boast ceiling heights of 9’5” and up. Wideplank European-engineered oak hardwood floors and a best-in-class VRF climate control system demonstrate unprecedented attention to detail.

All kitchens feature honed Italian Dolit marble with imported washed walnut wood cabinetry and Miele appliances. Select residences feature an inset marble waterfall island and wine refrigerators. The primary bathroom connects imported honed natural stone tile with a custom white Caesarstone vanity top and refined matte black hardware. The secondary bathroom unites the industrial feel of blackened hardware and accent gunmetal fixtures with the delicate touch of graphic white marble and deep blue textured tiles.


The Huron offers 30,000 square feet of coveted private amenities and is directly adjacent to the promenade with playgrounds and landscaping. An 8,000-square-foot private park and the Treehouse Playground are situated above a brick base that connects the East Tower and West Tower. Additional passive and active recreation spaces for children include the Explorer’s Room, a children’s playroom, stocked with KiwiCo® crates and kid’s furniture, and the Nook, a casual hangout outfitted with table games, state-of-the-art TV, and plush seating.

A spectacular 50-foot indoor saltwater pool infused with healing crystals overlooks the East River and Manhattan skyline through oversized windows and an abundance of sunlight. Wellness amenities also include a state-of-the-art fitness center equipped with Peloton® Bikes, a Movement studio with full-length mirrors, a ballet bar, and TV, and men’s and women’s locker rooms with saunas.

Two rooftops on the West Tower and the East Tower feature impressive private outdoor spaces with astonishing views, ample lounge furniture, commercial caliber BBQs, and a sprawling passive lawn. There will also be a Resident Lounge with a pool table, fireplace, and TV, a Dining Room complemented with a cozy fireplace and a catering pantry for entertaining, along with beautiful coworking spaces with pods, integrated booth seating, a TV, and a conference table.

Remaining inventory includes waterfront units with ample outdoor space along with studios priced from $750,000, one-bedroom residences from $900,000, two bedrooms from $1,310,000, and three bedrooms from $2,375,000.

The Huron will offer a 24-hour concierge, a package room with refrigerated storage, bike storage, and additional storage space. An attended parking garage on-site and a pet wash add further convenience.

The Huron is approximately 25 minutes from Midtown Manhattan. The Greenpoint Ferry stop, and the G train are minutes away.

For more information on The Huron, visit or contact




Yurts! Have you ever dreamed of living in one? A yurt is a round cylindrical dwelling capped with a conic roof that’s been in use for at least the past few thousand years. Originating in Central Asia (Genghis Khan and his horde used them), the yurt was valued by its native progenitors for its portability, durability, and structural soundness.

Today’s yurts retain the same overall design principles as their East Asian ancestors, but they include modern materials like clear acrylic windows, high-strength steel cables, and UV-resistant marine quality polyester siding. Nowadays you can get a yurt with French doors, windows, gutters and skylights. Yurts can be found high up on mountains serving backcountry skiers, nestled deep in the woods housing campers and hikers, and next to rivers as the primary residence of former insurance executives.


Yurt design has been pushed far beyond felted wool mats and sapling roof struts. The modern yurt can be decked out with high-efficiency curved glass windows, spaceage insulation, and clear translucent vinyl skylights. Modern yurts can be built to withstand heavy snow fall or optimized to handle hot tropical climates. So, have we piqued your interest? Here’s one yurt you just might want to call your own.

Situated on 37.5 acres of land directly connected to the Appalachian Trail, this luxury yurt-style home in Poughquag, New York in Dutchess County, is a nature lover’s dream. Experience sunrises and sunsets yearround from your extremely private home on a hill. The two yurts, designed by architect Matthew Smith, are connected by a gracefully curved breezeway that allows for separate but connected living.


The main yurt features a welcoming layout encompassing a chef’s kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, and spacious bathroom. Each room off the main living area is accented with their own antique pocket doors. Expansive windows off the living room provide panoramic views of the valley below, showcasing the charming red barns of an animal sanctuary and rolling hills extending to the horizon. In the kitchen, a large walk-in pantry is a homemaker’s dream, and the marble countertops are complemented by a handmade butcher block island that reveals a hidden induction oven, emphasizing both functionality and style.

On the lofted second floor, the master bedroom takes center stage, strategically positioned beneath a rounded skylight that allows you to sleep under the stars. A smaller yurt adjacent to the main structure serves as a versatile space, currently utilized as a guest suite with amenities like a freestanding black bathtub, washer-dryer, and wood-burning stove.


The aesthetic seamlessly combines modern features with natural elements and is inspired by the minimalist philosophy that simplifying one’s surroundings can lead to increased happiness, clarity, and a sense of inner peace. Built in 2017 by Home Enrichment Company, a high-end builder, this home is extremely well made with thoughtful details in everything from the structure, the mechanical systems, finishes and fixtures.

The property features an inground pool, perfect for laps in the summer or to unwind after your adventures in nature. This is the perfect summer retreat, a blend of tranquility and recreation. The property is perfect for a homesteading hobbyist, with a greenhouse and chicken coop on-site.

Beyond its architectural appeal, this yurt-style home is eco-conscious. The round shape of the roofs promotes natural convection currents, enhancing heating and cooling efficiency. With 12 percent less wall surface than traditional houses, the property exemplifies sustainable living without compromising on luxury.

Additionally, the owner sourced many of the materials from historic buildings and homes that were being redeveloped or torn down. Every other fixture and finish were meticulously selected and sourced from high-end local vendors.


This one-of-a-kind property is a harmonious blend of luxury living, sustainability, and a deep connection to nature. From the architectdesigned yurt-style home to the greenhouse, chicken coop, native wildflower maze, and  creek, every element contributes to a lifestyle that is both sophisticated and environmentally conscious.

For more information on this Yurt-style home, contact Christina Weiss at 415-302-8372; asking price is $1,150,000.




Wellness coach, author, and speaker Mindie Barnett answers your questions about life, navigating these stressful and uncertain times, and steering you down a more straight forward path. We welcome your questions and invite you to contact Mindie at:

Mindie is available for in-person and virtual wellness therapy sessions via her Executive Health by Mindie Barnett wellness coaching practice. Her expertise is in interpersonal relationships, overcoming depression, coping with anxiety and avoiding and overcoming burnout among many other wellness areas. Life coaching and career coaching are also areas she excels in. For more information or to schedule a session visit

Dear Mindie,

I have an issue planning my son’s bar mitzvah with my ex-husband. We get along for the most part, but his mother, my ex-motherin-law, is still a thorn in my side, causing a log of drama as we begin the party-planning process. She has always been controlling and caused a lot of turmoil when we were married, as she never respected my boundaries. In addition, my ex never stood up to her, so I was left to have difficult conversations with her.

We’ve been divorced for several years, but when events about our children arise, I find myself back in the same boat, handling his mother. She continues to come to me when she wants to do something with the kids or be involved with things about the kids, and I don’t always prefer her help. Now that we are preparing for the first big event post-divorce, she’s coming at me in full force, and I am feeling my anxiety rise as a result. I don’t know how to make it through the next six months of planning. Please help me!


Party Pooper

Dear Party Pooper,

I hear you! That is a tough spot, but the good news is you can release yourself immediately! While your ex-mother-in-law will always be a part of your life as she is the grandmother of your children, she doesn’t have to be in your life if you don’t want her to be. She is an ex, too, and while I recommend always maintaining respect and empathy for her for the sake of your kids, you do not owe her any direct day-to-day contact with you or to impose on your life and cause you angst. That access ended the day you received your divorce decree. You can certainly have a relationship with her should you choose to, but I would advise pulling back on the ropes tightly for now, as it sounds like she doesn’t know how to do things mildly.

I would talk with your ex-husband and share that you are planning your son’s bar mitzvah with him, not his mother. I would share that if he wants her involved in his part of the planning, that is fine, but he should be her point of contact, talk with her, and then meet with you to plan things alone. Perhaps she can be assigned one of your ex-husband’s tasks; the main point is that your exhusband should be her contact, and you should be left out of it. As far as you are concerned, you should see her as a special guest at the party.

f she reaches out to you, I would redirect her to your ex-husband and tell her to communicate with him. If she does not respect your wishes, I would simply ignore her outreach regarding the party planning, and in time, she will give up.

You are not obligated to be her liaison in the nuclear family you once maintained with your ex. You should not feel anxiety over this woman, and your ex-husband should have the responsibility to handle his own mother. My guess is that he’s happy you have remained in that role, even though the two of you are now divorced. If she’s as overbearing as you allude to, I would imagine he, too, does not want to be bothered with her requests.

But she is his family and his responsibility. The only anxiety you should feel should be over what party theme or cake flavor to pick. Happy party planning. You can now change your name to “Party Pizzazz.

Love,  Mindie xo

© Chris Ruetten



Call it first-class indulgence or the ultimate in upkeep, but nothing says “Happy Mother’s Day” like a fabulous spa experience. Whether a planned day of personalized treatments or a generous gift certificate, the payoff comes when Mom becomes hooked on “me” time and looks and feels phenomenal. And because this is New York, you can find the perfect spa gift at any price point.


Created to make spa treatments “affordable for everyone,” Manhattan’s myriad Skin Spa locations dot the online map like tiny beacons, beckoning you to a variety of top-flight services that won’t break the bank.

Casting its net over a broad demographic, every location has its own personality while featuring the same extensive menu; the variety is almost overwhelming, running the gamut from waxing, massages, facials, and sunless tanning to body polishing, laser hair removal, and innovative technology for tightening, sculpting, and cellulite reduction.

Always searching for the unique, I decided to try the Himalayan Salt Hot Stone. A lover of traditional black stone massages, I wanted to see how the smooth, pink Himalayan stones compared—especially since Skin Spa is one of the few places in New York to offer this treatment.

Described to eliminate detoxification, the treatment boosts rejuvenation and relaxation. The Himalayan massage offers immediate gratification as the stones are placed on key areas of your back—sometimes directly on your skin, sometimes atop a light fabric. Since the stones can be warm, the therapist consults you about your comfort level and adjusts the heat accordingly. The 60-minute service also involves a meticulous shoulder-to-feet Swedish massage. Plus, you get the benefit of the salt itself, which is wonderfully therapeutic on several levels. Notably, the only product used throughout is coconut oil.

My therapist explained that coconut oil—known for its outstanding hydrating qualities—is used because Himalayan stones are more sensitive to lotions and oils and will disintegrate over time. Coconut oil is the only one that can be rinsed off to preserve the pink stones’ integrity. What I did not discuss with my therapist was the post-massage euphoria in which I experienced not only freedom from muscle tension but relief from my allergy headache.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Skin Spa’s mantra is evident in its membership, which comes with numerous perks, including a treatment. Check them out for Mother’s Day Info:


Several years ago, I visited Kimara Ahnert New York, on the Upper East Side, and was instantly taken by her handpicked makeup artists, who worked their magic. I returned recently and the feeling is the same. I am, you see, hooked on the Oxygen Facial, the makeup, and the woman who created a world of facial options and delights: Kimara Ahnert.

I understand why she’s so in demand as a makeup artist, creator, and skincare phenom: her warmth, generosity, and ability to relate one-on-one to clients—skills she has shared with her staff. In addition, she’s totally on top of all aspects of the cosmetic and skincare industry.

Ahnert contends women are more tuned in to how they look throughout their day. Today, products are more advanced and offer more significant benefits if used correctly. Makeup trends come and go, but confidence in knowing you look beautiful is what Kimara Ahnert offers clients—many of whom are A-listers.

Non-celebrities like me tried the most popular skin service: the 60-Minute Oxygen Facial. Does it live up to its hype? Let’s just say a week and a half after treatment, I was still getting compliments from friends who never noticed or commented on my skin. (Those wishing to up the stakes even more can go for the 75-Minute Double Detoxifying Oxygen Facial.)

My transformation began with my aesthetician and a discussion of skin issues, followed by a skin analysis that would guide her as she customized my facial. From there, it was a cleansing followed by exfoliation, accompanied by the softest of massages, so soothing that I drifted off a bit during the masque application. Then came the main event: a highly concentrated molecular blast of oxygen. A sweep of breeze with a hint of fine mist is the only way I can describe it. Addictive.

Then, just before sending me out to the world, I was introduced to the Kimara Ahnert BB Tinted Primer, which can be used as a lightweight foundation. Thankfully, the line of products and services (which include waxing, makeup application lessons, Microcurrent Technology Treatments, and LED Light Therapy) are perfectly priced for Mom. Info:


Overlooking Manhattan, The Mandarin Oriental Spa is an oasis in the skies of Colombus Circle. The Asian-influenced spa with natural elements (bamboo flooring, elegant orchids, soothing fountains) and museum-quality design (Japanese paper treatments) is a testament to the rich heritage of Eastern rituals, evident in every corner—from the feng-shui-approved layout and the exotic menu to the use of Ayurveda-based products and the warm welcome customs. These authentic elements create an immersive experience, allowing guests to truly embrace Eastern culture.

It was time for me to unplug and experience the rejuvenating effects of a massage. The spa menu is a treasure trove, offering a variety of treatments from hydra-facials to massages. I opted for The Oriental Essence, a massage designed to alleviate the strains of modern life, perfect for those of us who spend our days glued to screens. This tension-relieving massage, using customblended oils and movements inspired by traditional Asian therapies, is a holistic treat for the entire body, with a special focus on the stress hot spots of the back, neck, and shoulders. I recommend this treatment, especially for busy Moms who find themselves attached to their cell phones and computers.  Info:

The Flanders Hotel Ocean City’s most historic and prestigious boardwalk hotel, known as “The Jewel of the Southern Shore”, was built in 1923. This serviceoriented Ocean City, NJ hotel, which was placed on the Nation Register of Historic Places in 2009. The Flanders combines the elegance and hospitality of yesteryear with modern amenities to offer the finest in luxury accommodations. All suites in our Ocean City hotel have private bedrooms and full kitchens, equipped with refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves, coffee makers and stove tops, along with irons and ironing boards.

Located on the Ocean City Boardwalk, our full-service NJ beach hotel is a seaside destination that provides the following amenities:

• Spacious Banquet and Meeting Space

• Emily’s Ocean Room (featuring family friendly dining)

• The Shoppes at The Flanders (featuring clothing, jewelry, accessories)

• Divine Images Salon & Spa

• Outdoor heated pool (largest in Ocean City)

• Fitness Center

• 24-hour business center

Ocean City, known as America’s Greatest Family Resort, is one of the best beach towns in South Jersey. The Flanders, with its premier accommodations and prime location, is a landmark known throughout the region, state and nation. Vacationers have marveled at the towering structure as one of the great hotels along the Jersey Shore while local residents and business owners are reminded of the glory and memories provided by the resort. Because of its status as the grandest of Ocean City, New Jersey hotels, the community is fortunate that this architectural gem has survived to the present and continues to remain an important part of Ocean City’s past and future.



Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate her than by treating her to a delightful brunch? It’s a time-honored tradition to shower moms with love and appreciation; taking her out for a special meal is a gesture she’ll surely cherish. When planning your brunch outing, consider your mom’s preferences. Does she have a favorite cuisine or a go-to brunch spot? Perhaps she enjoys classic eggs Benedict with crispy bacon, or she prefers a stack of fluffy pancakes drizzled with maple syrup.

Whatever her taste, choose a restaurant that caters to her culinary desires. Be sure to opt for a warm and inviting venue to engage in meaningful conversation without feeling rushed.

Of course, company is the most essential element of any Mother’s Day brunch. Take this opportunity to express your gratitude for all the love, sacrifices, and support your mom has given you throughout the years as you raise your mimosa or freshly squeezed orange juice in a toast to the woman who means the world to you. So, this Mother’s Day, treat your mom to a brunch she won’t forget, and tell her how much she means to you.


Located at New York’s Pierre Hotel, Perrine NY  offers seasonally inspired fare and daily specials of vintage Pierre classics. Executive Chef & Culinary Director Michael Mignano’s elegant dishes are enhanced by expertly prepared meat and seafood entrées. Why not bring the best to the person who brought us the best to celebrate one of the most influential people in our lives?

Perrine NY has created a sophisticated Mother’s Day brunch to bring every mother a smile. Three chefs have developed unique Mother’s Day recipes reminiscent of favorites from their own mothers. Led by Executive Chef and Culinary Director Michael Mignano and joined by Chef Vincenzo and Chef Abhinav, the three culinary masters have collaborated to feature a mom inspired Farmstand Market Brunch in New York City.

The restaurant will feature dining in or al fresco on the terrace (weather permitting). Brunch will be served in the elegant Rotunda, where the Farmstand Brunch menu will feature exquisite breakfast pastries, savory main courses, and seasonal delicacies. Spring-inspired floral centerpieces on the tables and a curated collection of musical tunes will complete the ambiance for a unique and unforgettable Mother’s Day. Every mother will receive a Lemon Blueberry Bundt Cake to take home as a parting gift.  Info:


Daniel Boulud’s Le Pavillon stands as a beacon of culinary excellence and refined dining. Inspired by the storied history of the original Le Pavillon, a legendary French restaurant that graced Manhattan in the mid-20th century, Boulud’s modern interpretation pays homage to its predecessor while carving out its own legacy.

Le Pavillon’s menu is expertly curated to highlight the finest ingredients sourced from local purveyors and seasonal markets. Each dish is a symphony of flavors and textures, meticulously crafted with Boulud’s signature creativity and attention to detail. From delicate seafood offerings to succulent meats and decadent desserts, every bite is an experience in culinary sophistication.

Located in the soaring skyscraper One Vanderbilt, Le Pavillon shines as a testament to It’s a must-visit for those seeking a taste of classic French cuisine. The Michelin-starred restaurant will present a special Mother’s Day brunch (and dinner) menu this year. This brunch is a treat for the senses, created by Chef Boulud, with luxurious options like Soft Scrambled Eggs with caviar, Poached Lobster, Wasabi-glazed Ribeye, and more. All this is enjoyed in an oasis from the city, with live olive trees and plants throughout the restaurant.  Info:

Perrine NY/Courtesy of Perrine Le Pavillon/Courtesy of Le Pavillon


Everdene is a culinary gem that promises an unforgettable dining experience in the heart of the bustling city. Named after the iconic character from Thomas Hardy’s “Far from the Madding Crowd,” this restaurant embodies timeless elegance and sophistication. Located inside Virgin Hotel,  Everdene is preparing to serve some Mother’s Day Specials that will delight, including Shrimp Omelette, Quattro Formaggi Agnolotti, and Grilled Faroe Island Salmon.

The service at Everdene is impeccable. Attentive staff anticipates your every need and ensures a perfect dining experience. From the moment you’re seated to the last bite of dessert, you’ll feel pampered and well taken care of.

Info: everdene


Nestled in the Upper East Side,  La Goulue  is a delightful culinary haven that transports diners to the heart of Paris with its authentic French cuisine and charming ambiance. When you step inside, you’re greeted with an elegant yet cozy atmosphere, complete with classic bistro décor and warm lighting that sets the perfect mood for an intimate meal or a gathering with friends.

The menu at La Goulue NYC celebrates traditional French fare, expertly crafted with premium ingredients, and executed with finesse. Each dish is a testament to France’s rich culinary heritage, from Escargots and Foie Gras to Coq au Vin and Steak Frites.

La Goulue will be serving a special brunch that is sure to impress. You’ll be able to choose an appetizer and a main, with classic brunch options including French Toast (homemade brioche, mascarpone cream, blueberry jam) and Croque Monsieur (brie and black truffle, mache salad, and French fries).

One can only visit  La Goulue  by indulging in their impeccable selection of wines and spirits. The extensive wine list features a curated selection of French wines, perfectly complementing the flavors of the cuisine and elevating the dining experience to new heights.  Info:


La Marchande  offers a delightful culinary experience that blends traditional flavors with modern flair. This charming eatery, located in the Wall Street Hotel, exudes warmth and hospitality from the moment you step through the door.

Treat Mom to a meal inspired by the bounty of Spring, including Chevre Omelette,  French Toast, and perfectly prepared Hanger Steak. In addition to its delectable food and welcoming atmosphere,  La Marchande boasts an impressive selection of crisp whites and full-bodied reds. The wine selection is carefully curated from around the world. La Marchande  is a hidden gem that offers a culinary journey like no other.


Everdene/Courtesy of Everdene La Marchande/Courtesy of La Marchande La Goulue/Courtesy of La Goulue


Red Rooster Harlem is a renowned restaurant located in the vibrant neighborhood of Harlem in New York City. It was founded by celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson and is known for its contemporary take on comfort food, blending American, African, and Swedish culinary influences. The restaurant has become a cultural hub, attracting locals and visitors with its lively atmosphere, delicious cuisine, and commitment to highlighting Harlem’s rich cultural heritage.

Red Rooster will create its elevated soul-food favorites for Mother’s Day brunch this year. Treat her to fantastic eats— Biscuits, Jerk Chicken, and all the fixings—served with a side of live jazz. And, if you time it right, you can catch a performance of the Gospel Experience by the Sing Harlem Choir Collective. Info:


Blu on The Hudson, which faces the Hudson River waterfront, is a gem on the Jersey side. The menu, coupled with a magnificent view of the Hudson River views and delectable cocktails, is a destination to whisk mom out of Manhattan’s hustle and bustle on Mother’s Day.  Blu  will serve a special weekend brunch with Cheddar, Cornbread Muffins, and Chips & Caviar. Look for Ricotta & Strawberry Pancakes, Crab Cake & Artichoke Benedict, and Steak Frites for the main course.

Also available is Blu’s  dinner menu which is seafood-forward and accented by house-made pasta, a world-class steak program, beautifully crafted desserts, flawless cocktails, and an extensive wine program. Blu on the Hudson is a hotspot for locals and destination diners from Manhattan and throughout New Jersey. Info:


Friend of a Farmer is a cozy restaurant in New York City’s Gramercy Park neighborhood. It is known for its rustic farmhouse decor and comforting American cuisine; its focus is on fresh, locally sourced ingredients. The restaurant offers hearty soups, salads, sandwiches, and entrees like roast chicken and meatloaf. Friend of a Farmer is famous for its brunch service, where guests can enjoy Fluffy Pancakes, Eggs Benedict, and Omelets. The welcoming ambiance makes it a favorite spot for locals and visitors looking to taste traditional American fare in a charming setting.

This Mother’s Day, the restaurant is whipping up a healthy menu that includes favorites like Blueberry, Apple, and Lemon Ricotta Pancakes, plus heartier options like the Southwestern Omelet, Avocado Tartare, and Sheperd’s Pie. The outdoor seating area is super cozy.  Info:


Yao Restaurant is a popular spot known for its contemporary Chinese cuisine. It is in FiDi and offers a diverse menu featuring traditional dishes with modern twists and innovative creations.

Located downtown, Yao presents a diverse menu featuring traditional dishes with modern twists and some innovative creations. Its elegant ambiance, attentive service, and highquality ingredients are first-rate.

This Mother’s Day, if you and your mom are in the mood for authentic Chinese flavors, a specially curated menu by Executive Chef-Owner Kenny Leung and Co-Owner Thomas Tang has been crafted and sure to please. Look for Fried Crab Meat with Shrimp, Grilled Angus Short Rib, Fried Rice with Scallop and, of course, dessert. Info:

Red Rooster Harlem/Courtesy of Red Rooster Harlem Blu On The Hudson/Courtesy of Blu On The Hudson
Yao/Courtesy of YaoNYC
Friend Of A Farmer/Courtesy of Friend of a Farmer

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lush plants, trees, and a kaleidoscope of colourful bird life. East Winds is home to what many consider the island’s finest beach shared only by a small number of like-minded travellers. Guests at East Winds can expect personalized care, exclusive adventures, and an all-inclusive service, as well as the most authentic of Caribbean experiences.

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The Alderman is a unique high-end American hub that opened last September in the Motto Times Square Hotel. It is self-proclaimed as an “elevated American diner,” but it oversimplifies what they are doing. It’s quite elegant—think of a Mad Men vibe where gentlemen sip martinis during lunch and ladies linger over big salads and a shared large dessert. The hotel mimics this as it excels in being comfy, cozy, and chic in the middle of the city’s most tourist-driven area.

The Motto and  The Alderman take pride in being well-priced and offering a lot of bang for the buck. Everything on The Alderman menu is large enough to be shared, and uniqueness abounds even in the most quintessentially All-American dishes! The pseudoSputnik-style ceiling lamps, cozy brown booths, and brown tiled floors and walls will scream, “This is New York,” but the pace is leisurely.

When we visited  The Alderman recently, we were thrilled to find unique appetizers like the amazing Grilled Sunchokes with Sweet Onion Puree, Cumin, and Parsley,  as well as super innovative sides, including Charred Garlic Greens with Sherry Vinaigrette, Parsnip Gratin, and Black Salsify with Fennel Puree. They were so addictive that we thought we’d forget the entrees and stick with the appetizers. We found the Charred Garlic Greens to be one of those rare healthy items that we’d want to return to repeatedly!


Start the evening with some terrific raw bar items that have become extremely popular. These include a Half Maine Lobster with Pickled Shallots and Brown Butter, and Poached Shrimp with Bloody Marie Sauce.

We are glad we did not skip the entrees because they were just as groundbreaking! The Stinging Nettle Dumplings with Braised Fennel, Black Trumpet Mushrooms, Nutmeg, and Dried Orange were both sweet and tangy, and the more traditional Steak of The Day was a pound of marinated flank steak in a Chermoula Sauce with Grilled Onion. Even the burger is one of a kind—it’s officially called a Smash Burger and is served with Red Buddy Cheese, Pickled Pink Sauce and Hot Mustard on a brioche bun. Duck enthusiasts must check out the Roast Normandy Duck with Juniper Glaze, Parsnip Gratin, and a Candied Citrus Reduction for a vibrant and satisfying taste sensation. The Crispy Piggy with Red Chili Fermented Cabbage and Carrot Puree are just as remarkable.

Executive Chef Steven Hubbell excels at cooking a wide variety of cuisines, mastered over the years at everything from Modern American to Indian eateries and back again. He came to  The Alderman after running the kitchens at  The Farm On Adderley in Brooklyn,  Alta  in the West Village, and  Junoon locations in the Flatiron District and Dubai. He says, “Before moving to New York, I was in Chicago, where I opened  Veerasway, a Modern Indian restaurant.”



Hubbell has enjoyed his time at his latest gig and tells us, “The Alderman has been such a fun project. The design is reminiscent of the early New York supper clubs. With that inspiration, I want the menus to reflect not only the history of this city but also the direction in which we are headed: local produce, sustainable farming practices, and humanely raised animals. We have come full circle despite the relative youth of New York’s culinary history. At  The Alderman, we do our best to stay seasonal and offer items at their peak season to keep them precious. Since I am from the Midwest, I like to incorporate some of that early American influence—cheese balls, Jell-O molds, and diner desserts like banana cream pie and chocolate pudding.”


Hubbell states that he is all about the farm-to-table experience and is proud of his unusual choice of vegetables: “I love parsnips—it’s such an underutilized vegetable. The parsnips come from Finger Lakes Farm, and the Sunchokes come from Lancaster Farm. Much of our produce, dairy, meats, and fish are locally sourced, organic, hormone-free, and pasture-raised. When it isn’t possible to source locally, we partner with producers and growers who follow the same protocols and ethos as we do.”

Desserts are just as incredibly delicious. In addition to making their own ice cream,  The Alderman’s cakes, like Banana Cream Choux, are house made. The Triple Chocolate Mousse is a total fantasy. It is placed in a blue ceramic bowl and topped with small dark chocolate chunks, a scoop of white chocolate ice cream, and latticepattern cookie leaves topped with fresh peppermint and confectioners’ sugar. A stunning creation!


Chef Hubbell agrees with our take that  The Alderman is a winner because it is in the lobby of a retro hotel just a few minutes’ walk from Broadway theaters, shopping, and galleries. He concludes, “I love retro design. Like the menu, it acknowledges our history while looking towards the future. The timeless design allows us a range of classic and contemporary references.” Try  The Alderman  for yourself; we guarantee you will find it refreshing and different!

For more information on The Alderman,  visit




What comes to your mind when you think of Mexican food? Is it fast-food places like the ever-processed Taco Bell (a.k.a. Taco Hell) or food poisoning central, otherwise known as Chipotle; or do you think of a more refined, family-oriented restaurant? One of my alltime favorite restaurants in the world, and most certainly my favorite Mexican restaurant, the Upper East Side’s Maz Mezcal. I have been eating there for over 35 years. I have known the family that opened, and still owns, this incredible eatery almost as long. In all of that time, I have never had a bad meal at Maz Mezcal. Ever. And I can tell you exactly why…the family that owns it.

I could sit here and wax poetically about how many of their dishes literally melt in your mouth, leaving behind a euphoric feeling the likes of which you will not find at any other Mexican restaurant. Or about how their margaritas are some of the best I have ever had in my life, especially with one of the most robust tequila and mezcal menus I have ever seen. I could sit here and tell you about how every single meal at this amazing restaurant are the things that legends are made of. The fare is authentic, packed with flavor that isn’t overpowering, but blends just right as if you are listening to a symphony. But I would rather focus on this incredible family, the experience of being a Maz Mezcal customer and why it is an adventure you have to go through for yourself to understand just how special this place truly is.

Please bear in mind, when I refer to a “meal” at a restaurant, I am referring to the entire experience from the minute you walk in, until the minute you leave. Every time I have gone to Maz Mezcal, I feel like I am home. And I am not the only one.

After Eduardo Silva was honorably discharged from his service in the 101st Airborne, he and his father opened a series of restaurants. In 1972, they opened a place on East 86th Street in Yorkville called El Sombrero, which became one of the most popular restaurants on the Upper East Side until it closed due to construction in 1987. That year, Eduardo and his wife, Maria, opened Maz Mezcal, which would expand in 2001 to include a larger bar. I will dive deeper into why Eduardo and Maria are the secret sauce of success in a moment. So how did this love affair with this phenomenal Mexican gastronomic destination begin?

It was less than a year after they had opened. I remember being about 11 or 12 when the mother of a Saint David’s School classmate asked me if I would join them for dinner one night at this new Mexican restaurant on 86th Street between 1st and 2nd avenues. All it took was just one meal at Maz Mezcal to forever change my palate; leaving me clamoring for more of those delicious, warm, rich flavors the familyowned and operated restaurant is known for. I became a regular, even at that young an age.


Flash forward about 12 years; my wife and I moved to an apartment two blocks from Maz Mezcal. Needless to say, I ate at the restaurant once a week for over five years. Two of our neighbors, who are still two of our closest and dearest friends, Eric Parness and Rachel Reiner, would join us all the time. I remember Eric and I used to run to Maz Mezcal on Saturday afternoons just to grab a quick lunch. It really was like I was living in a delicious dream…


Speaking of a dream, let’s talk secret sauce. One afternoon in 2005, I found myself at the restaurant. Being the ever-inquisitive person I am (and people wonder why I became a journalist?!?!), I saw an opportunity to talk to Eduardo about the restaurant. I just had to know how it was possible, in all my years as a customer, that each and every dish tasted the same every time. Eduardo’s answer? “Every day, I am in the kitchen with my staff. They are my family. Most of them have worked here since the beginning, or their children now work here. They are all trained to make our food the way I make it. I also eat here every single day to make sure the look, taste and feel of the dishes are the same, every time.”

One thing that Eduardo left out was that he and his wife, Maria, treat the restaurant, staff, and customers like they are blood relatives. Literally. And that makes the experience at Maz Mezcal even more enchanting.

During the pandemic, on July 20, 2020, Eduardo Thomas Silva Coronel passed away due to cardiac arrest. He is survived by his beautiful, loving wife and partner, Maria and his daughter Gabrielle (who is now married to the head of beverage, Conor). And because we were in lockdown, I didn’t find out until a year later. As I sit here typing this, I am fighting back the tears thinking of all of the amazing conversations I had with Eduardo, the laughs, the memories of Yorkville, the lessons on Mexican cuisine, and so much more.

Last month, my co-publisher Bill Mason and I decided to stop in to see Maria and enjoy a meal. It felt as if it was 1987 again…except this time, since I wasn’t eleven, I had a strawberry margarita, Cadillac-style (with a float of Cointreau). Since Eduardo passed away four years ago, Maria still runs the restaurant the same exact way, except now with Gabrielle and Conor. And while he may no longer be there physically, Eduardo’s spirit is still very much in every dish, cocktail and conversation that happens there. As someone who genuinely loves this family, I would not want it any other way.

Maz Mezcal is located at 316 East 86th Street and can be found online at

Over my lifetime, I have likely celebrated Cinco de Mayo more years than I care to admit. With friends pumping testosterone and throwing back margaritas and tequila shots like I smoke cigarettes (yes, I know it’s awful), the rallying cry of the evening inevitably becomes, “Cinco de Drinko!” What most don’t know is that the day marks Mexico's victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. But ask any patron on May 5th why they are celebrating the occasion and I guarantee you very few will know the real reason why Cinco de Mayo exists.

To help you celebrate this year, I thought I would bring back a couple of recipes that are great to use when having friends over to celebrate and can help you drink responsibly, salsa and guacamole. Of course, you need to either purchase tortilla chips, or make them at home to serve with these great sides.



4 avocados, peeled, pitted and mashed

2 limes, juiced

1 tablespoon of sea salt

¾ cup diced sweet onion (Vidalia or Malibu)

4 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

3 Roma (plum) tomatoes, diced

2 teaspoons minced garlic

1 pinch of cayenne pepper or ¼ of a diced jalapeno pepper (no seeds)


In a medium bowl, mash the avocados, then stir in lime juice, and salt. Mix in onion, cilantro, tomatoes, and garlic. Stir in cayenne pepper or jalapeno. Refrigerate for one hour for best flavor and consistency or serve immediately.



3 Roma (plum) tomatoes, diced

1 sweet onion (Vidalia or Maui), diced

3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

½ lime, squeezed

1 teaspoon of sea salt


In a medium bowl, mix the diced tomatoes, diced onion and chopped fresh cilantro. Add sea salt and lime juice. Refrigerate for an hour. Many people include jalapeno in their salsa, so if that is what you want, please add one pepper, seeded and finely chopped. Buen Provecho!





The Fall Guy is Ryan Gosling’s Barbie follow-up and a real action-packed wild ride, a homage to all the Hollywood stunt performers who take the fall for the actual stars of summer blockbusters (and to the 1980s TV series of the same name, too). Our favorite females—Emily Blunt and Hannah Waddingham—costar in this comic look at what goes on behind the scenes as action movies come to life for the big screen.


Not yet rated


The never-ending saga of the  Planet of the Apes continues with a new chapter long after Caesar’s takeover of Earth and the humans that inhabited it. Now, there’s a new order, but some question how the world is structured. Will apes and humans finally coexist in peace? See it in IMAX to find out!

We’ve loved the Mad Max post-apocalyptic action flicks for more than 30 years, as the genius of Australian writer-director George Miller’s original idea has morphed along the way. Mad Max isn’t even on this next thrilling ride, as this time, the story looks at young Furiosa and her life before the tale is told in  Mad Max: Fury Road. Anya TaylorJones leads this time, with Chris Hemsworth along for the wild ride.


Not yet rated


The fat orange cat returns as Garfield returns to the big screen in this animated comedy designed for the whole family. He’s just the same lovable pussy that Jim Davis created so long ago, this time voiced by Chris Pratt, but when his long-lost dad reappears, the story takes some wild twists and turns. Listen and laugh with vocal talents Samuel L. Jackson, Hannah Waddingham, Ving Rhames, Brett Goldstein, Bowen Yang, Nicholas Hoult, and Snoop Dogg as this giggle-inducing adventure rolls out.

In his newest flick, writer-director John Krasinski (A Quiet Place) leaves horror behind for family comedy in this charming look at some imaginary friends (IF, get it?) who return to the life of a grown-up man (Ryan Reynolds) and his young daughter. Cailey Fleming stars as the girl who can see everyone’s imaginary friends but is not quite ready for the zany situations that ensue. Listen closely, for the IFs have voices you’re sure to recognize, from Steve Carell to Akwafina to Emily Blunt (who happens to be married to Krasinski in real life)—and many others!








This adaptation of Blake Crouch’s sci-fi novel of the same name stars Joel Edgerton as a physicist whose life is suddenly flipped. Turns out he’s been swept into a parallel universe! Weirdness and unexpected twists await in this strange series that also stars Jennifer Connelly and Oakes Fegley as the family he has left behind in the other world.



Jeff Daniels stars in this adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s 1998 novel, as conceived by David E. Kelley (Big Little Lies). Daniels is an Atlanta businessperson whose life is crumbling around him as the series begins, but he’s determined to right the ship and sail off into the sunset successfully. Will he come out of it alive? You’ll have to watch all six episodes (with three directed by Regina King) to find out if he makes it. Diane Lane and Ami Ameen costar.



Benedict Cumberbatch stars in this emotional thriller as the father of Edgar, a boy who mysteriously disappears. Set in 1980s NYC, this dark series follows the father’s strange journey through the search for his son, as he encounters Eric, the monster who lives under his son’s bed. This odd mystery springs from the mind of BAFTA winner Abi Morgan (The Iron Lady) and is sure to keep you wondering just what is real and what is fantasy.




Ready for Jerry Seinfeld’s return as an actor? We know we are, and this comedy origin story about how Pop Tarts began is also his cinematic directorial debut, which he also cowrote. Add in his outrageously talented cast of comic actors—Melissa McCarthy, Hugh Grant, Amy Schumer, Bill Burr, Jim Gaffigan, Dan Levy and James Marsden—and this is one movie that’s obviously a tasty treat!



In a world where AI has taken over, Atlas Shepherd (Jennifer Lopez) is humanity’s only hope for survival. In this actionheavy science-fiction flick, she’s up against it, fighting for her life, as well as that of the planet. She’s got an all-star cast to help her out, including Simu Liu, Lana Perilla and Sterling K. Brown, as well as our favorite bad guy, Mark Strong, along for the ride.




Welcome, book lovers! As the seasons change and flowers bloom, so too does our literary landscape burst forth with new releases, and hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Now that Spring is well underway, these books mark the start of beach-read season. In this column, we’ll embark on a journey through the pages of the latest releases, exploring fiction, non-fiction, and everything in between. We’ve got something for every reader’s palate. So, grab your favorite reading nook, a cup of tea, and let’s dive into the captivating world of books together.


There are many miles from the business school and basketball court at the University of Southern California to 50 million viewers for the final episode of a TV show called Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck has lived every one of those miles in his own iconoclastic and joyful way.

Frank, funny and open-hearted, You Never Know is an intimate memoir from one of the most beloved actors of our time, the highly personal story of a remarkable life and thoroughly accidental career. In his own voice and uniquely unpretentious style, the famed actor brings readers on his uncharted but serendipitous journey to the top in Hollywood, his temptations and distractions, his misfires, and mistakes and, over time, his well-earned success. Along the way, he clears up an armload of misconceptions and shares dozens of never-told stories from all corners of his personal and professional life. His rambunctious California childhood. His clueless arrival as a good-looking college jock in Hollywood (from the Dating Game to the Fox New Talent Program to co-starring with Mae West and escorting her to black-tie social functions). What it was like to emerge as a mega-star in his mid-thirties and remain so for decades to come, an actor whose authenticity and ease in front of the camera connected with audiences worldwide while embodying and redefining the clichés of onscreen manhood.

In  You Never Know, Selleck recounts his personal friendships with a vivid army of A-listers, everyone from Frank Sinatra to Carol Burnett to Sam Elliott, paying special tribute to his mentor James Garner of The Rockford Files,  who believed, like Selleck, that TV protagonists are far more interesting when they have rough edges. He also more than tips his hat to the American western and the scruffy band of actors, directors and other ruffians who helped define that classic genre, where Selleck has repeatedly found a happy home.  Magnum fans will be fascinated to learn how Selleck put his career on the line to make Thomas Magnum a more imperfect hero and explains why he walked away from a show that could easily have gone on for years longer.


From critically acclaimed author Kit Frick, this electrifying suspense novel explodes convention to deliver two interlocking thrillers in one, following a pair of sisters into a family’s dark past and illuminating how a single choice can drastically alter the trajectory of our lives.

Jane Connor is resigned to being the “plain Jane” of her family—pragmatic and dependable— so unlike her beautiful and impetuous younger sister Esme. When Esme calls Jane during a flash summer storm, announcing she’s left her high society husband, Jane is shocked to learn that her sister wishes to stay with her. Could this be an opportunity for them to become close again? The only catch: Esme needs a ride from the city to their small Connecticut hometown, and Jane is terrified of getting on the highway…because of what she did when they were teens.

Jane must either let Esme stand on her own two feet for once or jump to her flighty younger sister’s and her choice cleaves her life in two.

In one reality, Jane can’t overcome her fear and tells Esme to crash with a friend. Twenty-four hours later, her sister is missing. Tortured by regret, Jane dedicates herself to piecing together Esme’s life before her disappearance, unraveling a web of lies, broken relationships, and, finally, the truth.

In the other reality, Jane swallows her fear and offers her less-than-grateful sister a ride. But while Jane hopes living together in their childhood home will be healing, Esme is aloof and increasingly reckless. The tension between the sisters builds until they are finally forced to reckon with the explosive secret from their past that could destroy their fragile bond—and both their lives.

With a rollicking pace and shocking twists and turns, The Split captivatingly explores how little we know the ones we love—and how one small choice can change everything.



From the beloved, critically acclaimed  bestselling author comes a spectacularly moving and intense novel of secrecy, misunderstanding, and love, the story of Eilis Lacey, the complex and enigmatic heroine of Brooklyn, Tóibín’s most popular work twenty years later.

Eilis Lacey is Irish, married to Tony Fiorello, a plumber and one of four Italian American brothers, all of whom live in neighboring houses on a cul-de-sac in Lindenhurst, Long Island, with their wives and children and Tony’s parents, a huge extended family that lives and works, eats and plays together. It is the spring of 1976 and Eilis, now in her forties with two teenage children, has no one to rely on in this still-new country. Though her ties to Ireland remain stronger than those that hold her to her new land and home, she has not returned in decades.

One day, when Tony is at his job and Eilis is in her home office doing her accounting, an Irishman comes to the door asking for her by name. He tells her that his wife is pregnant with Tony’s child and that when the baby is born, he will not raise it but instead deposit it on Eilis’s doorstep. It is what Eilis does—and what she refuses to do—in response to this stunning news that makes Tóibín’s novel so riveting.

Long Island is about longings unfulfilled, even unrecognized. The silences in Eilis’ life are thunderous and dangerous, and there’s no one more deft than Tóibín at giving them language. This is a gorgeous story of a woman alone in a marriage and the deepest bonds she rekindles on her return to the place and people she left behind, to ways of living and loving she thought she’d lost.and more importantly—life


A novel of America’s forgotten leading lady, the central figure of a movement that defined a nation—from the New York Times bestselling author of The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post

Young, brazen, beautiful, and unapologetically brilliant, Margaret Fuller accepts an invitation from Ralph Waldo Emerson, the celebrated Sage of Concord, to meet his coterie of enlightened friends. There she becomes “the radiant genius and fiery heart” of the Transcendentalists, a role model to a young Louisa May Alcott, an inspiration for Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Hester Prynne and the scandalous  Scarlet Letter, a friend to Henry David Thoreau as he ventures out to Walden Pond . . . and a muse to Emerson. But Margaret craves more than poetry and interpersonal drama, and her restless soul needs new challenges and adventures.

And so she charts a singular course against a backdrop of dizzying historical drama: From Boston, where she hosts a salon for students like Elizabeth Cady Stanton; to the editorial meetings of  The Dial  magazine, where she hones her pen as its co-founder; to Harvard’s library, where she is the first woman permitted entry; to the gritty New York streets where she spars with Edgar Allan Poe and reports on Frederick Douglass. Margaret defies conventions time and again as an activist for women and an advocate for humanity, earning admirers and critics alike.

When the legendary editor Horace Greeley offers her an assignment in Europe, Margaret again makes history as the first female foreign news correspondent, mingling with luminaries like Frédéric Chopin, William Wordsworth, George Sand and more. But it is in Rome that she finds a world of passion, romance, and revolution, taking a Roman count as a lover—and sparking an international scandal. Evolving yet again into the roles of mother and countess, Margaret enters the fight for Italy’s unification.

With a star-studded cast and sweeping, epic historical events, this is a story of an inspiring trailblazer, a woman who loved big and lived even bigger—a fierce adventurer who transcended the rigid roles ascribed to women and changed history, all on her own terms.




Ever since I can remember, we have brought our pets to small veterinary practices. You know the type—when you walk in, they know you and your pet’s name, and even the receptionist remembers your pet’s history. It always made medical care for our pets a lot easier and more comforting. Today, the world of veterinary medicine is much different. And like many things, it has not improved with age.

To be honest, caring for a sick pet is not the easiest thing. They cannot communicate how they feel or where it hurts. So having a solid vet who knows your pet is so important. And, lest we forget, most veterinary practices are owned by either a limited partnership between two or three people or by one person. They tend to be family-owned and operated businesses except for the recent smattering of open corporate or venture-backed practices, like BOND, VEG, Small Door, and more.

So, what are the prime differences between corporate-owned (or venture-backed) practices and their more family-driven counterparts? Usually, like in every other business sector, the former is more stringently structured with little to no flexibility for fur patients or pet parents. In other words, compassion often gives way to corporate policy or fear of legal liability at these corporate outposts.

In smaller, family-oriented practices, veterinarians spend more time training their staff on the ins and outs of animal medicine, providing an apprenticeship. At corporate-backed practices, typically, they are more concerned with appearances than care, and if you dare to depart from this norm, you are usually shown the door. Of course, not all of them behave this way.

So let me give you a few examples of experiences I have gone through to illustrate my points:

Bond Vet

When we adopted Brioreo, a corporate-funded practice, BOND Vet opened right around the corner from our apartment in the East Village. On Bri’s “Gotcha Day” (the day she was officially adopted), we decided to give them a try. When we went for her initial appointment, they were new to the neighborhood, so they seemed to put their best paw forward. Boy, did that change rather quickly once they settled in.


Last year, Brioreo was dragging her butt on the sidewalk, which is indicative of the need to have her anal glands expressed. Anal gland expression is the single most common procedure done at vet practices that is also often done at the grooming salon. It was a simple procedure that would be an easy trip down the block and then home. It was anything but easy and resulted in my departing BOND and taking several of their clients with me.

At the location, I explained what was needed. A vet tech took Bri into the back room. More than ten minutes later, which already left me concerned, the vet tech came out with a vet explaining that Brioreo was acting out and they were having a difficult time expressing her anal glands. Knowing how odd this is, as Bri is always an easy patient, I offered to go into the room and hold her while they did the expression (something I had done many times in my life across the many dogs I have had). They claimed there was a liability issue with me being in the room with them. They then asked me if it would be okay to put Bri under sedation or to give her a severe (their words, not mine) sedative to relax her.

So, let’s be clear about this. They wanted to sedate my dog to clean out her anal glands, a procedure that a dog groomer can do in minutes and likely only had a few hours of training to achieve. Yes, they asked if they could sedate my dog. Not realizing they were dealing with someone who understands veterinary medicine, I responded by asking if they thought it was a more significant liability to give a dog a sedation cocktail that could potentially kill her versus just letting me comfort my dog as they conduct the simple procedure.



They didn’t seem to understand, so I asked them to bring Brioreo out to me. I explained to them that if they can’t even be bothered to do the most basic procedure without harming my dog, why would I trust them with anything related to my pet? I said it loudly enough so the rest of the waiting room could hear me. Their response? Radio silence. When I finished my following sentence, they handed me Brioreo’s leash, and the rest of the folks waiting to see a vet followed me out the door. This is just one example of the behavior I have witnessed the staff exhibit at this location.

Then, two weeks ago, my upstairs neighbor ran into an issue wherein her dog had debris stuck in his tear duct. Not knowing what it was and concerned her dog was focusing on his eye so much, she called BOND as they are closest to our building, and her family vet is closed on Saturdays. The receptionist at BOND East Village stated that they didn’t have any vets coming in until Wednesday of that week and were closed Monday and Tuesday. And, no, it isn’t just their East Village location that seems to be the problem. The same experience happened to a woman named Marla on the Upper East Side at the Yorkville location. How can you call yourself a veterinary practice if you can’t even get licensed veterinarians to your locations?

How is it possible that you can’t secure veterinarians when Warburg Pincus and Talisman Capital Partners poured an additional $50 million into the business less than six months ago? One would think that with that level of cash on hand, you could fulfill the most basic obligation of your business—seeing patients.

You see, BOND was initially conceived as a CityMD-like urgent care clinic for pets. Then, with some initial success, the chain decided to attempt to be all things to all pet parents. This has yet to work out well for BOND in New York. If you look at the Google and Yelp reviews for their locations throughout the city, the lion’s share are not positive reviews. Yet in other cities, if you do the same search, BOND serves their fur patients and pet parents well. Granted, New York has twenty-two locations, whereas most of their other cities have between two and five locations.


To contrast this argument and ensure folks don’t feel I am unfairly singling out BOND, look at Veterinary Emergency Group, or VEG for short. VEG was launched to help pets and their pet parents resolve urgent pet medical issues. In other words, VEG is precisely what it purports to be: an emergency vet clinic. They have not, to my knowledge, waded into the complicated waters of traditional veterinary medicine as a practice. Yet despite a similar financial backing model, VEG delivers excellent care with minimal negative sentiment in the market. Another neighbor, fed up with BOND, asked me for a recommendation for an emergency pet visit, and I suggested the VEG location in Chelsea. Not only were they able to diagnose the problem and resolve it quickly, but the tender loving care with which they treated both pet parents and pets was terrific. The same goes for Small Door, wherein most Small Door reviews are positive! So, what happened to BOND in New York? I will get back to that question in a minute.

I want to tackle the 800-pound gorilla in the room…the alleged veterinarian shortage. That is the only defense I can think of concerning the scheduling mistakes and shifting clinic hours, which seems to have become the norm for BOND in New York. The fact is that right before the pandemic, we started seeing a slight shortage of qualified vets in the city. During the pandemic, the situation became a little more problematic. However, once the lockdowns were over and business began to open back up, virtually all twenty-five veterinary practices I called in Manhattan reported no problems sourcing qualified vets. VEG’s ranks seem to be okay, and so do Small Door.

Back to my earlier question, “So what happened to BOND?” Perhaps my initial premise of veterinary practices needing to be small business operators is incorrect. After all, if VEG and Small Door can manage to act like mom-and-pop vet practices, why can’t BOND? Perhaps the issue is not where the money comes from but who is spending it and how. At least, that is the only logical conclusion I can come up with, given the facts mentioned earlier. And given the reviews in other cities, perhaps BOND needs to look at the management of their locations in the New York market a little more closely—just my two cents.

The net net is simple: When it comes to your furry one’s health and wellness, you need to use your gut instinct as a pet parent. It is that straightforward. But please don’t make the mistake of going to a “big box” vet practice just because they have their own app or a more modern facility. The reality is that with pets, the care is more important than the aesthetic or “cool factor.”

If you feel a veterinary practice like BOND is better suited to your needs because of convenience or whatnot, that’s great. Suppose you need the TLC that typically comes with a small business practice, great. In either instance, please be vigilant about understanding your pet’s needs and medical care. It can mean the difference between taking your pet home to love on them or sending them over the Rainbow Bridge.




What happens when a woman is diagnosed with cancer? For most, the challenges of treatment and doctor follow-ups are grueling, so much so that most women put makeup and hair on the back burner.

Until now, a nonprofit organization based in Long Island has eased the burden by offering free makeup consultations and lessons tailored explicitly for women undergoing cancer treatment. Founded by four Long Islanders who witnessed the struggles of loved ones battling cancer and saw a need, The Basic Six aims to address the unique cosmetic needs of cancer patients. Patients say the service is life changing as they don’t see a cancer patient in the mirror but a brave and determined warrior. The program provides women with the cosmetic tools they need to replace what cancer therapy depletes aesthetically.


Cancer treatments often include challenges related to skin tone, texture, and compromised immune systems. The Basic Six focuses on techniques for common concerns such as loss of lashes and eyebrows, uneven skin tone, and changes in facial appearance due to steroid use. They provide products for foundation, brows and lashes, eyeliner, cheeks and lip color, and a head covering, whether a hat, scarf, or wig, to address hair loss.

The Basic Six’s licensed cosmetologists are certified by the American Cancer Society and say traditional makeup resources often fall short in adequately dealing with these concerns. Jorge Hernandez, a founding member and licensed cosmetologist, said, “It’s vital that cosmetologists who work with people undergoing chemotherapy understand the intricacies of cancer treatment side effects and practice special hygiene considerations for compromised immune systems. When you are undergoing cancer treatments, you can’t just go into a department store or makeup shop and assume the staff knows how to advise you safely.” Hernandez owns a Long Island salon, one of the locations where sessions occur.



The Basic Six guides patients through a simplified beauty regimen that empowers them to reclaim their sense of self. They contact local groups and organizations to offer services before, during, and after treatment so patients feel supported at every step. The organization’s approach focuses on simplicity and accessibility. Patients are taught a manageable routine for women with limited energy due to chemotherapy. The team even guides purchasing wigs and teaches practical techniques such as the T-shirt turban. This approach utilizes a sizeable seamless T-shirt, creatively cut into various components, offering versatility and comfort for patients with hair loss. By repurposing materials commonly found at home, The Basic Six ensures that cost-effective solutions are accessible to all patients.

June Bleich, a co-founder of The Basic Six, says, “My daughter has been undergoing breast cancer treatment, and it breaks my heart to see her struggle. I’ve seen firsthand how the overwhelming cosmetic side effects of cancer treatment can have such a negative impact on a woman’s psyche. In six short minutes, following six easy steps and using only six inexpensive products, every woman can replenish the cosmetic losses that treatment caused. Nothing speaks to a woman more honestly than her mirrored reflection.”

The team is also adapting and expanding its services. The cosmetologists work to stay informed of advancing treatments and are actively involved in training and certifying additional cosmetologists in their specialized routine. By equipping more professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge, The Basic Six aims to ensure that its services are accessible to more patients.


In addition to makeup consultations, The Basic Six offers support through the presence of therapy dog Molly during sessions. Trained to respond to both English and Spanish and currently learning ASL, Molly provides comfort and companionship, offering holistic support to patients to ease the psychological impact of cancer on individuals and their families.

The team has also brought in a medical expert to lend a hand. Dr. Lyle S. Leipziger, MD, FACS, Medical Director of The Basic Six, has cosmetic and reconstructive surgery expertise and can guide patients seeking information on enhancing their appearance and self-esteem. Through his involvement, Dr. Leipziger brings clarity to the turmoil of cancer treatment. His presence adds a layer of reassurance, providing patients with a trusted source of information and support.

As adults are being diagnosed with cancer younger than ever, The Basic Six wants to help patients maintain a sense of well-being. They see mothers diagnosed with cancer often have the same concerns: survive for and protect their children, continue their routine in life, and look healthy. Women usually struggle between paying for necessary treatment, buying food, or feeling deserving enough to buy a new lipstick. This team wants them to know that taking care of your cosmetic self during treatment is necessary, not a privilege. Recognizing the emotional toll of cancer diagnosis and treatment, the organization aims to provide patients with the essential tools and resources to cope effectively throughout their journey.

For more information on The Basic Six, visit



Meera Gandhi, CEO and founder of The Giving Back Foundation was featured on the cover of March 2024’s edition of New York Lifestyles Magazine.

In the feature article, Meera Gandhi spoke of the many mental wellness initiatives of the Giving Back Foundation including the weekly video podcast, 3 Tips, offering solutions on a variety of modernday challenges we face, with tools to live a more positive worry-free life. On the magazine cover, Meera says, “We all need love and kindness to thrive.”

Her 3 Tips Instagram series has been revived and most recently her new book 3 Tips: The Essentials to Peace, Joy and Success (published by Rupa India), has soared to #3 on the Indian bookseller chart!

On Thursday, April 4th a magazine cover party was held in NYC where 200 of Meera’s closest friends were invited to celebrate Meera and each other. Seen at the celebration were Steven and Kimberly Rockefeller, New York Deputy Mayor Dilip Chauhan, Akaki Gochava, Timur Jorin, Gloria Starr Kins, Kamlesh Mehta, Neeta Bhasin (founder of Diwali at Times Square), Fern Mallis (founder of Fashion Week), Kunal Sood (CEO Deepak Chopra Foundation), celebrity photographer Neil Tandy, R. Couri Hay, Anna Rothschild, Juliet Hanlon, designer Helen Yarmak, David Hrysk, Indu Jaiswal, and the list goes on…

The theme of the evening the work undertaken by Meera Gandhi and the Giving Back Foundation. For more than a quarter of a century Meera and the Foundation have provided educational opportunities and grants to empowerment. Her vision now is mental wellness initiatives to heal all lives.

During the evening it was suggested that The Giving Back Foundation is in talks with the New York City Mental Wellness Department of the Mayor’s office to introduce some wide sweeping legislature in schools to enable mental wellness support in the form of yoga, meditation, and talks warning of the dangers of bullying and destructive behaviors.

Indeed, it’s a beautiful brave new world Meera Gandhi is working towards with the support of all! Meera is living up to her motto, “We are to the universe only as much as we give back to it!”

Welcome to New York Lifestyles Magazine
Atmosphere Raj Pardasani & Jude Elie Miriam Belov, Steven Rockefeller Guests gather Kimberly Rockefeller, Meera Gandhi, Kayla Rockefeller Timur Gorin, Meera Gandhi, Akaki Gochava Ross Guttler, Ajay Shrivastav, Marilyn Ng Meera Gandhi, Helen Yarmak



Memorial Day holds profound significance in New York City, as it does across the U.S. It is celebrated on May 27th and is marked with various events and traditions that honor the sacrifices of those who have died in service to their country.

While Memorial Day is primarily a day of remembrance, it also unofficially marks the beginning of summer. Many New Yorkers take advantage of the long weekend to enjoy outdoor activities, barbecues, gatherings with family and friends, and much more.

Here is our list of not-to-miss events for a memorable day.


One of the longest-lasting Memorial Day parades in the country, Brooklyn’s 156th Memorial Day Parade will take place on May 27th at 11:00 am. The march, which honors all fallen soldiers, takes place from 78th Street and Third Avenue to 101st and Fourth Avenue. Post-parade, the U.S. Army leads a 21-gun salute at Fort Hamilton.


The Little Neck Douglaston Parade in Queens is not only the largest in New York but also the largest nationwide. Little Neck is the start, and Douglaston is the parade’s finish.

Other observances around the city include ceremonies at Manhattan’s Soldiers and Sailors on Memorial Day on Riverside Drive (89th Street), which begins at 10 am. Staten Island also holds a parade on Forest Avenue at 10 am. Lastly, the Bronx’s parade takes place on City Island.


Though Fleet Week has only officially been celebrated since 1982, it has been a beloved spring activity in New York for many years before that. Each year, the United States Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard host the week, which features active military ships and scheduled guided tours.


Permanently docked on the Hudon River, the Intrepid Museum is fascinating with its historic military and maritime exhibits. Start your exploration with the aircraft collection, a mesmerizing array that spans from the legendary Concorde to the sleek lines of supersonic spy planes. Enterprise, the world’s first space shuttle takes center stage--a must-see for any space enthusiast.

The museum experience, however, is about more than the incredible aircraft on view and the amazing technology behind it. While navigating the museum, keep an eye out for the stories woven into the exhibits. The tales of heroism, sacrifice, and dedication echo through the corridors, adding a profound layer to the technological wonders on display.


Memorial Day is the perfect time of year to explore American History.

One of the best places in New York City is the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island? You’ll find that many of the heroes who served in past conflicts are descendants of those who came through Ellis Island. Hop aboard a ferry that will deliver you Liberty Island and Ellis Island and a peek into U.S. history.


Weather permitting Central Park is a beautiful place to spend an afternoon. While there, you have plenty to do: walking, biking, carriage rides, renting a rowboat, and grabbing a hot dog and pretzel, too. Or do as so many do and pack a picnic. There’s no shortage of space available to stake out your little corner of the park.


A day trip to Coney Island is worthwhile. Not only is there a beach but loads of fun can be found at Luna Park. Both visitors and locals flock to this amusement park to enjoy the many attractions, most especially the Cyclone which reaches a maximum speed of 60 miles per hour, carries 24 passengers, and boasts a total track length of 2,640 feet. As the second-steepest wooden roller coaster in the world, the Cyclone features a plunge measuring 85 feet at an uncompromising descent angle of almost 60 degrees. After the thrills head over to Nathan’s Famous for the world’s most popular hot dog.


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Meagan Jain, a painter and mirror designer based in New York City, believes in the fulfilling power of art. Being an artist was never something she envisioned for herself until she was in graduate school. As a child, she was surrounded by art, watching her uncle redesign furniture, and seeing her aunt’s paintings hanging in her childhood home. A self-taught artist, Meagan’s path has been filled with unique and innovative ways to pursue an artistic life.

Jain works across several artistic mediums, whether hand-crafted mirrors or oil on canvas, and explores themes of women’s rights, the aging process, and how women’s role in society evolves throughout their lives. She began her career teaching art at senior communities. Seeing the transformative power of art and being motivated by her desire to dismantle and rebuild societal norms surrounding the body, she created femalefocused empowerment workshops such as the Vulva Self-Portrait class and the Sage Experience. Meagan now focuses on creating mirrors and paintings in her Brooklyn studio.


While pursuing her master’s degree in gerontology and studying aging, she found a way to intertwine her artistic inclinations with her chosen field of study by visiting assisted living communities and nursing homes with art supplies. “Getting to see and be a part of how art gave older adults a voice,” she said, “showed me how impactful sharing art can be.” This revelation led her to begin a nonprofit that connected young and older adults through art.

Shortly after graduating, she was hired to paint her first mural and took the opportunity as a positive omen for a possible career. Seeking to find artistic excitement and adventure, she moved to New York City to continue her creative pursuits. “There’s so much texture to life here. Living here has pushed me to become a better artist,” she explained.

Jain also finds inspiration through the works of spiritual modernists such as Hilma af Klint and Agnes Pelton. “When I first saw Klint and Pelton’s work, I felt connected to something I’d never felt before,” she said. “Seeing their work permitted me to explore spiritual symbolism. I use reflective surfaces so people can interpret the work through their reflections. Each piece she creates is a way to move beyond linguistic barriers and develop a sense of openness and fluidity.

Courtesy of Roco Fenoglio


While many believe the most challenging part of being an artist is finding inspiration, Jain says the real challenge lies in overcoming self-imposed obstacles. She stresses the importance of making “bad art,” as opposed to making no art at all and focusing on the process of creating with no ego involved. “When we produce something, we want the outcome to be exactly what we envisioned,” she explained, “but making art is a process of experimentation and being flexible. You can always try something else; if that doesn’t work, try again. It’s all about following your creative curiosity.”

By incorporating mirrors into her artwork, Jain invites viewers to engage with their reflections and initiates a deeper dialogue on feminism and women’s bodies. “Having the viewer reflected in my work introduces an aspect of introspection and personalized interaction. I want my work to ignite curiosity and conversation,” she said. Jain’s “Silhouette Mirror” ranges from eighteen inches to four feet tall and comes in rose gold, silver, and gold colorways. “The Luminary Mirror” pays tribute to Goddess worship, a practice of the Neolithic and Paleolithic eras.

Jain’s “Portals” also play an integral role in her oeuvre. This symbol is a visual representation of personal evolution, allowing the viewer to reconsider their reality in moments of frustration or stagnation and reminds the viewer that every moment offers us the opportunity to choose the lives we want. “They are portals of potential,” she explained.


Jain hopes for her art to be accessible to a wide range of viewers, whether in galleries, stores, hotels, or residential homes. Having always admired female artists, such as Judy Chicago and Niki de Saint Phalle, her goal is to emulate their trailblazing paths. “So many women have chartered the way,” she said. “I am honored to be a part of the next generation of female artists who continue to push boundaries that help create a more equitable and empowered society.”

For more information on Meagan Jain, visit

Courtesy of Roco Fenoglio Courtesy of Olivia Steuer



When life serves you lousy Champagne, make your own bubbly is Frank Schilling’s philosophy. When sampling sparkling wines to serve at his Cayman Islands restaurant,  Mykonos, Schilling wasn’t satisfied with anything on the market. So, he made his own. The sparkling  rosé, called Aphrodise, is made from the Xinomavro grape grown in northern Greece and Macedonia.

A noble, popular wine grape in that region of the world, Xinomavro is rarely used in sparkling wines; Aphrodise is the first bubbly version to be produced on a large scale. Characterized by tiny bubbles, they’ve found that people who usually dislike rosé or Champagne enjoy Aphrodise. “It’s imminently drinkable,” says Schilling. “You can guzzle it and feel great as you’re drinking, and you feel pretty darn good after.”

A serial entrepreneur, Schilling has hardly had a linear career path. After making a fortune in domain names early in the Internet age, he became a restaurateur on a whim and now a vintner. “I always say we’re the Forrest Gump of the Champagne business because we’re bumbling into everything we do,” he said, laughing.


While building out his restaurant  Mykonos, a large 320-seat venue on Grand Cayman’s Seven Mile Beach, during the height of the pandemic, Schilling realized that it would be a struggle to find a single source of sparkling wine to supply all those mimosas at brunch. When they finally did find a source, it was expensive and of poor quality.

They began tasting different varietals and stumbled onto the dark red Xinomavro grape and found that some vintners had started experimenting with a blonder version perfect for sparkling wine. They tweaked it and found it was a bit sweet. Finally, they produced what is now Aphrodise.

Most importantly, people liked it. “We started to share it, and people liked it,” Schilling said. “And that’s how we kind of bumbled into the business.”

He sent ninety bottles to friends for a birthday party in Ibiza; the recipients insisted they’d never use more than ten bottles. “These grown men in their 40s and 50s started drinking this stuff, and in a day and a half, it was all gone, and we knew we had a winner. It’s a true story.”

Next, Schilling debuted the wine at a Las Vegas wedding trade show to introduce the product. People lined up, one hundred deep, all day long for samples. A well-known wedding planner with a booth nearby invited the Aphrodise team to work with them, and they’ve now signed a partnership deal.


He also never expected to own a restaurant. During COVID and his daily walks, he noticed a vacant building that drew his attention. He thought it was perfect for a restaurant—in fact, the pandemic had scuttled a dining spot already in the works there, and the building was available. So, Schilling bought it with some neighboring properties and cobbled it into a “giant glass box” along the main drag.

He named it Mykonos because of his experiences there, places that are convivial and celebratory but enjoyed by local families as well as tourists. “I wanted to create a venue that was a destination and a gathering place. And we did. We built something very residential, truly beautiful.” The Finishes are sophisticated, and the space can accommodate a large crowd, which is not that common in the Cayman Islands.


Schilling has started many different businesses over the years. “I’ve tried lots of things. Not everything worked, but many things did,” he said. Among his many business interests is a 120-acre parcel of land in Malibu that he intends to sell via auction.

“I bought it years ago, and I’m not doing anything with it,” Schilling explained. It’s along the stretch of Pacific Coast Highway over Encinal Bluffs. “It’s a beautiful land, but out of all the projects I want to do, building the ‘Iron Man’ house in California is not one of them anymore. I’m East Coast-centric now.”

For more information on Aphrodise and Frank Schilling, visit




First, and foremost, let me open by apologizing to my Jewish neighbors in New York, and across the country. I feel like someone needs to apologize since none of our elected officials are (where are you Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul?). The meteoric rise of antisemitism in our city and country is not only disgusting, it is pure evil. If you think this is just because of the cowardly October 7th Hamas attack against Israel, and the Israeli response, guess again. Between endless threats of violence against anyone of the Jewish faith, antisemitic protests hijacking our streets and college campuses, and a noticeable lack of any semblance of enforcement of hate crimes, I am embarrassed and angry. And you should be too.

For a city and state that is constantly beating the inclusion drum, spending millions upon millions of our hard-earned tax dollars pushing, and enforcing, so-called DEI (Diversity, Equality and Inclusion) policies, and has had two black mayors, how is it possible that there is so much hatred and animosity toward any ethnic group or religion? Last time I checked, Jews are people too. So why is this happening right now?

Yes, the October 7th attacks by Hamas, and Israel’s retaliation, is partially to blame for the rise in antisemitism. Yet, Israel’s military response to Hamas is no different than when the United States launched her offensive on Iraq after the September 11 attacks. And while “Death to America” was being chanted across parts of the Middle East, you didn’t see Americans being hated and shunned across the globe. Instead, you saw countries coming to our aid, supporting our endeavor to fight global terrorism. So why is Israel and her people facing such violence and hatred all over the world?

Many news organizations are now reporting that there are rumors that someone, or a group, is funding this massive surge of antisemitism across the nation, with specific focus on New York and college campuses throughout the US. If those rumors are true, then we need to find out who or what this organization is IMMEDIATELY. Why? Because history is literally repeating itself and we need to stop it. NOW.

Prior to World War II, the lead up to the Third Reich taking over Germany was riddled with protests and antisemitic propaganda. There were accusations back then that someone, or some organization, was behind the violence and hate against Jews spreading across Germany. As it turned out, it was the Nazi party that was pushing the narrative that eventually led to the concentration camps, and the horrific deaths of millions of Jews.

This is 2024, so how could this possibly happen? I mean with all of the virtue signaling that happens on what seems to be a minute by minute basis, how could people who feign to care about everyone express such hatred for anyone? Well, that is actually easier to answer than you think. And it evokes even more anger in my soul.

At some point in the last 15 years, our public school system changed the curriculum to soften the lesson plan for the Holocaust, the Civil War and even September 11. The justification? They wanted to be more humane and not scare the children. Are we kidding?

I remember learning, and seeing, some incredibly horrific images as a kid when I learned about wars in Vietnam, Korea, etc etc. Where were our safe spaces back then? Oh, that’s right… WE DIDN’T NEED THEM.

In many cases, especially in the NYC Public School system, a lot of children don’t even know what the Holocaust is. They also have little to no understanding of the Civil War, except that it was a dispute about black slaves. Then we get to September 11 where MANY children know so little about the attacks, other than the World Trade Center fell. I wish I was kidding. I am not.

If our children don’t understand the annals of the past; specifically, if so many don’t even know what the Holocaust was, then what would they care about protesting against a religion and culture they likely don’t even really understand? They wouldn’t. Let’s get back to that earlier comment about the rumors and the causality. If someone is willing to pay these people to protest and march (as the rumors have repeatedly stated), are you really that surprised that they are? Call me jaded…but I sure as hell am not.

Lastly, let’s look at the COVID-19 pandemic for more. You can’t forget that the large percentage of college students who are about to graduate this month didn’t really have a high school graduation because of the lockdowns. That is a seminal moment in so many peoples’ lives. And now many of them are in danger of losing their college graduation because of the protests and hate speeches. Just look at Columbia University. Because of the tent city that was erected, the clear hatred for the Jewish people and fear of more violence, the university has told students to take their classes from home for the remainder of the year. All because the colleges and universities refuse to offend people spewing hate speech and antisemitic messages. Yet another failure of enforcement and the further decline of any semblance of grace, professionalism and manners for the Big Apple. And all that does is lead to even more discontent and hatred toward our Jewish neighbors. Yet it isn’t their fault. It is in fact that fault of the people who refuse to call this what it is…pure hatred. And yes, hate crimes are punishable by law. It would be nice if our Mayor, City Council and Governor bothered to care.

Folks, there is clearly an agenda at play here. No, I don’t know what it is or who is behind it. But what I can tell you is that if you are Jewish, make sure you are staying vigilant as you walk the streets of New York. You never know what kind of safe space seeking, progressive hypocrite is lurking around the corner with a baseball bat to defend Diversity, Equality and Inclusion…as long as, in their minds, it doesn’t include the “Children of Abraham.” And, yes, to quote philosopher George Santayana, “Those who do not learn history, are doomed to repeat it.” Truer words, today, were never spoken.


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