2021 November/December APTA New York Newsletter

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2021 Fall BOD Report The Fall Board of Directors Meeting was held on October 16th, 2021 in a hybrid format. Below is a summary of the Motions approved and some discussion topics. Please refer to the Fall BOD draft minutes on the website for more detail. The following Motions were presented and approved: • That the Board of Directors Procedure Manual Article I. Organization, Section D. Constituency, be amended by adding “the Federal Affairs Liaison” so that it would read: All committee, advisory panel, and task force chairs, the Federal Affairs Liaison, and the Executive Director serve as consultants to the Board. The Presiding Officer is the President or Vice-President in the absence of the President. • To approve the NYPTA 2022 Proposed Budget • To replace the previously established Minority Affairs Committee Procedure Manual with the NYPTA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Procedure Manual. • To make editorial changes to all NYPTA manuals both Chapter and District with the exception of Chapter bylaws, to replace gender biased pronouns, including he/him/his/himself and she/ her/hers/herself, with gender neutral terms, including they/them/their/theirs/themselves, when referring to generic subjects. • To approve funding of up to $5,500 as a Special Project for updating the APTA New York website by October 31, 2022. This amount includes a one-time flat fee of $4,995 for the Premium Homepage Package through Community Brands design services, with additional funds allotted to account for sales tax.

Generative discussion: • The Federal Affairs Liaison explained how the funding policy was changed so that there was more flexibility in funding participation to increase engagement. Funding for the FAL is the chapter’s responsibility every other year. Discussion continued on how the list of participants could/should be developed. • Discussed a recommendation of an Ethics Liaison for the Chapter with an appointment by the Board. A motion will be brought to the Winter BOD meeting. • There were 83 conference attendees this year with a revenue of $3500. Course recordings will be available at the close of the conference for a fee. • Discussed creating a formal policy for complimentary registration for Past Presidents. • Discussed the qualifications of who can run for Chapter Office. Reiterated that Board experience or leadership experience is not a requirement for running for office. The only requirement is that the Chapter member has to be in good standing for 2 years. • Discussed the Workers Compensation PT/PTA Payment Differential. Only four states have a payment differential. In addition, the NYS fee schedule is lower than other states. The Board is not in support of the payment differential. • The HOD Nomination form has been revised and is available online with a December deadline. Discussed having a later deadline for submissions to avoid last minute applications


APTA New York | November/December, 2021

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