September 2023 Natural Awakenings Magazine Jacksonville - St. Augustine Florida

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Enjoying the Journey

Throughouthistory, humans have embarked on pilgrimages in pursuit of wealth, good fortune, divine enlightenment or other blessings, and these journeys could be considered the earliest manifestations of the type of adventure travel known today as spiritual tourism—some places qualify by virtue of their natural beauty or due to some historical, mythological or religious significance. For a trip that fosters mind-bodyspirit self-care with a generous portion of adventure, we’ve got plenty of inspiration for you in this month’s feature story.

Yes, travel can be an amazing way to invigorate the senses, stimulate imagination, refresh your mental framework and invite in new ideas and personal insights. I fondly recall the summer of 1976 when I was 13 and my mother shared the most marvelous news that my aunt Carol and uncle Leon, who lived by the ocean in Jacksonville, North Carolina, had invited me to visit for the summer. What a surprise for me, the oldest of seven children and right hand to my single mom working two jobs. Needless to say, the promised adventure felt like a miracle!

From the first moment I laid eyes on the Atlantic Ocean, I felt a closeness to our expanding universe like I never had before. It energized and enraptured me, and taking a deep, enlivened breath, I ran right to the water and jumped in. Body surfing felt like second nature to me. The gently rolling waves rocked me and eased my mind. I’d found a special place for my inner being to rest; soothed, calmed and comforted.

Even now, I still say that summer changed my life, and I’m forever grateful for my dear ones reaching out to gift me a much needed respite and an extraordinary opportunity for communing within. Many times since then when I’m at a crossroads, I find my heart beckoning me to the ocean for some ionized fresh air and clarity.

Wherever the path leads you this month, we hope that you find inspiration along the way to fill your soul with a passion and delight for life and the world around you. You’re sure to find plenty to nurture yourself and your loved ones in this issue, too. Let’s embark together on a new day and all that it has to offer. We invite you to explore the possibilities with us!

Happy Trails, John and Trina Voell, Publishers


We are delighted to have Nathan Crane and Sylvie Beljanski, of the prestigious Beljanski Foundation, grace this month’s front cover. Crane is a researcher and holistic cancer coach, inspirational speaker and bestselling author. Beljanski. a lawyer by trade, is a health advocate for holistic medicine, public speaker, internationally known author and entrepreneur. The Beljanski Foundation’s mission is to study and share knowledge of effective, non-toxic natural solutions that work alone and in synergy with traditional Western medicine to cure cancer and other chronic diseases the natural way.

Be sure to attend the Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference, Winning the War on Cancer, from October 13 to 15 at the Southbank Hotel by Marriott Jacksonville Riverwalk. We will be glad to see you there! See ad opposite page.

2 Jacksonville / St. Augustine HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET JACKSONVILLE/ST. AUGUSTINE EDITION Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
from the publishers

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue you’ll find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.




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4 Jacksonville / St. Augustine 14 11
25 14 TRAVELING WITH PURPOSE Nine Destinations for Spiritual Enlightenment 18 STEPHEN COPE on Finding Your Calling 20 SAVOR THE PRESENT MOMENT How to Add Mindfulness to Mealtime 22 UNDERSTANDING LIGHT POLLUTION Environmental Concerns and Achievable Remedies 24 TAI CHI AND FEAR OF FALLING 26 MEDICAL TOURISM Navigating the Risks and Rewards DEPARTMENTS 6 news briefs 9 business spotlight 10 therapy spotlight 11 business spotlight 12 health briefs 18 wise words 20 conscious eating 22 green living 24 fit body 26 healing ways 28 calendar 30 resource guide 10

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5 September 2023
12276 San JoSe Blvd Suite 713 JackSonville viSit uS online! iS Here Future tHe Combining body, mind, Spirit and SCienCe to help you aChieve peak performanCe and reaCh higher StateS of health, ConSCiouSneSS and Self-aCtualization. 904.323.4411 cookie deMarziani lilly caStro oWnerS & PractitionerS lyMPHatic drainage energy Work & reiki alSo oFFering: Salt tHeraPy eeSySteM™ Pain relieF cHronic diSeaSe anxiety relieF Seizure reduction trauMa relieF iMProved viSion Better SleeP More energy greater cognition & MucH More treatMent BeneFitS:

What is Wellness Special Event

The Jacksonville Health & Wellness Center will host What is Wellness from 5 to 8 p.m., September 16, at the Jacksonville Gem and Mineral Society. The keynote lecture by Brian Clement, co-director of Hippocrates Wellness and author of The Self-Healing Diet, begins at 5 p.m., followed by Q&A, book signing and a whole-food, plant-based potluck from 6:45 to 8 p.m.

He and his wife Anna Maria Clement, Ph.D., LN, have spearheaded the progressive health and wellness movement for more than 50 years. Participants can meet the experts and receive free prizes and specials.

Personal health designer Caroline Bryan will assist attendees one-on-one about concierge health consultations using plantbased nutrition protocols, superfoods, detox, fitness, products and therapies.

Admission is free. Bringing a potluck dish is welcomed, but not required. Location: Crown Point Rd., Jacksonville. For more information, call 904-268-6568 or visit and See ad page 15.

Max Meditation and King Solomon Healing with Angel Latterell

Attorney and transformational coach Angel Latterell, JD, PMP, LAP, owner of I can help with that! Metaphysical Options for a Joyful Life, is conducting a grand opening with an autumn series of guided meditation classes using the Max Meditation method in St. Augustine and the beaches with a BOGO special (bring a friend to meditate with you for free). She is also gifting the first seven clients that sign up, an amazing 14-week King Solomon Healing series at one-third its regular cost. (Book a free consult on her website to find out more about the King Solomon series.)

The Max Meditation series kicks off at the Mystic Light Center, in St. Augustine, on August 31, then moves to Shine Massage & Spa, at Jacksonville Beach, on September 13 and 27, then Mystic Light Center again September 28. October, November and December Max Meditation dates and locations are available on her website.

Max Meditation is a system of meditation appropriate for all meditation experience levels. It is even effective for someone that doesn’t believe they can meditate. All classes and sessions Latterell provides give her clients tools they can use, everyday, to reduce stress and anxiety, access inner strength, practice gratitude and intentionally manifest more of what they want in life. The ultimate goal—to live a joyful life.

Tickets are $25. Locations: 2825 N. 10th St., Ste. A2, St. Augustine; 353 S. Sixth Ave., Jacksonville Beach. For more information, visit See ad page 17.

Grand Opening of Higher Love Healing

Moly Hines, certified Level 2 QHHT practitioner, is the owner of Higher Love Healing, now open at 4210 Valley Ridge Boulevard, in Ponte Vedra, offering Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, which allows clients to access transformative healing power and divine guidance from their greatest source of love and wisdom, the Higher Self. A free Grand Opening event, Intro to Hypnosis, from 1 to 4 p.m., September 24, offers a group past-life regression workshop. Attendees will participate in light trance exercises, much like guided meditation, to experience how natural and easy hypnosis can be. The group event is not a QHHT session, but all will receive a special rate code for an individual QHHT session.

QHHT was developed by famed hypnotherapist and past-life regressionist, Dolores Cannon. It is a journey using the deepest level of hypnosis, which accesses the theta brainwave state. Benefits may include physical healing, releasing emotional traumas, spiritual guidance, eliminating fears and phobias, breaking addictions, career direction, improving relationships, stress reduction, developing self-love, aligning with one’s life purpose and strengthening intuitive connection.

For more information or to register, call 586-872-6236 or visit See ad page 16.

Have an Open Mind To Be Happy Vladimir

Kautsky, spiritual facilitator, en ergy crystal healer, certified hypnotist and healing dowser in St. Johns, says, “Your spiritual higher beings are in constant contact with all levels of your consciousness, waiting for a connection, as you are not a human being with spiritual experience, but a spiritual being with human experience. Now it is time to

6 Jacksonville / St. Augustine
news briefs
Angel Latterell

discover your sources, who you are, and why you are here. And all Starseeds are welcome.”

Kautsky shares, “Shamanic journey or, guided meditation, is an ancient tradition of traveling within oneself for consultation, guidance or spiritual healing practiced by shamans for many centuries.”

“My sessions integrate guided lucid dreaming, deep hypnosis, spiritual facilitation, shamanism, healing dowsing, sound therapy and crystal healing since 2006. It involves your connection with the spiritual world for your guidance, healing, messages and past-life experiences directly from your higher spirit beings, including ancestors, ascended masters, deceased relatives, gods, goddesses, archangels, soul, healers, spirit guides, power animals, angels, cosmic families, aliens, etc. And I use my pyramid for some sessions so that you can change or improve your living/well-being after one to three sessions,” advises Kautsky.

For more information, visit

Carpenters Tribute Show

Top of the World—A Carpenters Tribute, fronted by singer Debbie Taylor, will be performed at 6 p.m., September 9, at the Thrasher-Horne Center. Her Karen Carpenter vocal resemblance is astonishing, backed by a seven-piece, multi-instrumentalist band of professional industry musicians that have had amazing careers of their own.

In reproducing the complex arrangements created by Richard Carpenter, the attention to detail, paired with saxophone, trumpet, flute and many more instruments, completes every song to perfection. There is also a multimedia slideshow to accompany the music.

Admission is from $29 to $59. Location: 283 College Dr., Orange Park. For tickets, call 904276-6815 or visit See ad this page.

Toxic-Free All-Natural Facials

May Mananya, esthetician and owner of The Ceremony Room - Facial Studio, is providing a new facial using nothing but 100 percent organic ingredients derived from nature. She says, “Many are not aware that most med spas use products that are harsh on the skin, and harmful in the long run. For those interested in improving the health of their face in the long term, the natural way, my services are a game changer!”

Her massage also focuses on the lymphatic system to drain toxins from the face and encourage oxygen-rich blood flow, keeping things moving and preventing stagnation that can lead to inflammation and other issues. She also offers gua sha and infrared therapy treatments.

One aspect of The Ceremony Room is educating clients about adopting daily skin care rituals, and Mananya excels at developing these custom routines based on their skin’s current state, rather than the skin type. This gives the ability to address the client’s current needs in order for their skin to be the healthiest. She also applies a wide range of modalities that naturally lift and strengthen facial muscles, while also encouraging cell renewal.

Location: 24 Cathedral Pl., Ste. 400, St. Augustine. For appointments and more information, call 904-788-0914, DM @TheCeremonyRoom on Instagram and Facebook or visit The

7 September 2023
Debbie Taylor May Mananya

Don’t Ignore Dangers of Mold

At Balanced Healing of Jacksonville, Juliann Abecassis, AP, DIPL.OM, says, “I am dedicated to providing you with the best care. You’re not just a number. You will be treated like family, with respect and empathy. I will always do what is best for you. I’m here to support you through your health journey.”

Balanced Healing is the premier mold and mycotoxin clinic in Northeast Florida. Mold is very prevalent in Florida and often goes unnoticed until someone in the household or workplace starts to feel sick. Mycotoxins are toxic chemicals that certain types of mold produce which can wreak havoc on our bodies and cause a plethora of symptoms ranging from urinary changes, bloating, joint pain, brain fog, lethargy and chronic fatigue, headaches, insomnia, allergies, lowered immune function, rashes, mental emotional changes and in extreme cases, has been linked to cancer, Parkinson’s and dementia.

Abecassis advises, “Mold is a serious health concern that many people don’t know they’re dealing with. They just know they feel really sick, but their doctors keep telling them everything is normal.”

Location: 8825 Perimeter Park Blvd., Bldg. 204, Jacksonville. For appointments and more information, call 904-420-8139, email or visit

The Missing Link to Healthy Living Headwaters

Health, the office of William Nields, M.D., provides Bemer Therapy, developed in Germany, backed by scientific research more than 20 years ago and used by more than 1 million people worldwide. Nields advises, “Healthy microcirculation is vital to the cardiovascular system, and vasomotion is a process in the microcirculatory system that assists the heart in delivering blood to the smallest vessels in the body. Improving healthy microcirculation through the targeted stimulation of vasomotion is the primary goal of Bemer physical vascular therapy. Healthy microcirculation allows nutrients, oxygen, supplements and medicines to get to the cells and waste to be removed from the cells, which can impact every aspect of the body.”

Bemer devices use a pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) to deliver a patented therapeutic signal that improves the impaired pumping movements of small and very small vessels to promote

needs-based distribution of blood. It enhances general blood flow; nutrient and oxygen supply and waste disposal; cardiac function; physical fitness, endurance, strength and energy; concentration, mental acuity, stress reduction and relaxation; and sleep management.

Location: 1539 Parental Home Rd., Ste. 5, Jacksonville. For appointments and more information, call 904-290-6028, email Connect@ or visit

Dig Local Network Promotes Composting


2015, Dig Local, Inc., and Beaches Local Food Network partnered to provide access to sustainably grown and local food, resulting in multiple community gardens, farmers markets and education programs for children and adults. At Dig Local Network, they believe that there are sustainable routes to a future where everyone can eat better.

Approximately one-third of household waste is made up of organic materials that can be composted. There are composting options in Jacksonville that are clean, easy to manage and reduce the amount of trash and greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information, email or visit DigLocal. org/compost.

Classic Neighborhood Street Fair

TheLive Like Locals

Jacksonville Fall Fest and Pop-Up Market: Baymeadows/Southside will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., September 30. Their Jacksonville brand is creating better opportunities for vendors and small businesses to connect with the community.

The family-friendly event features games, crafts and music. Kids can paint pumpkins in the free crafts station, and there is a playground onsite. At the fall-themed photo station, the Live Like Locals Jacksonville official photographer will be taking family portraits.

Local makers, artisans and vendors will showcase their unique products to get a start on holiday shopping, with snacks, lunch and decadent desserts for sustenance from vendors and food trucks.

Location: 7915 Baymeadows Circle East, Jacksonville. For more information or to RSVP, visit

8 Jacksonville / St. Augustine
Juliann Abecassis William Nields

Winning the War on Cancer

Major Upcoming Conference in Jacksonville

Maison Beljanski was initially named Natural Source International, Ltd. until the purchase of the building in the heart of New York City that became known as Maison Beljanski, offering the Beljanski® Products. Hailed by people worldwide that have sought support in coping with cancer and other chronic diseases, it’s an exceptional line of plantbased supplements developed by Dr. Mirko Beljanski, for more than 26 years, stemming from his legacy of 40 years of cutting-edge, pioneering and revolutionary research.

The company attests that as the body has the power to repair itself with the proper support, specific extraction procedures can yield selective extracts that will not harm healthy cells, but support eliminating unhealthy ones. Rather than advocating for an either/or choice between conventional and natural treatments, Maison Beljanski emphasizes the importance of combining both approaches to achieve optimal health outcomes, thus offering a comprehensive and holistic solution for individuals seeking

improved health and overall well-being.

Along with providing healthy products, Maison Beljanski gives back to society and community through philanthropic efforts such as supporting cancer research and related educational events. By offering seminars and workshops, and organizing conferences, they equip people with helpful information for them to confidently take charge of their own health journeys.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the company’s operations is its unwavering commitment to rigorous scientific research and work with esteemed scientists and researchers. This dedication ensures that all of its innovations are backed by sound science, instilling confidence in both healthcare professionals and individuals seeking natural alternatives.

Maison Beljanski is the platinum sponsor of “Winning the War on Cancer”—The Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference, taking place October 13 to 15 in Jacksonville. This project results from the partnership between the nonprofit Beljanski Foundation, Panacea Community and Healing Life International.

The main purpose of the conference is to fund a new breakthrough cancer research program on breast cancer stem cells (BCSC), the presence of which is a critical contributing factor to the recurrence and metastasis of breast cancer. Unlike regular cancer cells, which can be targeted by chemotherapy and radiation therapy, BCSCs possess the unique ability to evade these treatments, leading to tumor regrowth and metastasis. Hence, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the biology and behavior of BCSCs is imperative for devising more effective breast cancer treatments.

Conference attendees—cancer patients, caretakers, doctors, coaches and experts along with others wanting to learn about preventing or healing cancer using functional and integrative medicine—will learn how to prevent and heal cancer using natural, holistic and integrative methods from world-leading doctors and cancer conquerors. The event will be marked by education, inspiration, community, networking, presentations, workshops, technology, scientific breakthroughs, entertainment, fundraising and a “dress to impress” gala dinner.

The Beljanski Foundation aims to study the combined effects of three botanicals— Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria and green tea extract—in inhibiting breast cancer stem cells. This novel approach presents promising possibilities, but further research is necessary to understand any potential limitations or side effects.

By providing scientists with essential samples for their research programs, Maison Beljanski strives to make a meaningful impact in the ongoing fight against cancer. With a strong commitment to scientific rigor and excellence, the company strives to empower individuals with safe and effective natural solutions for different health challenges, staying true to its mission of advancing holistic approaches to wellness.

Natural Awakenings readers receive 10 percent off in-person or virtual tickets for the conference with the promo code NATURAL AWAKENINGS. Location: Southbank Hotel, 1515 Prudential Dr., Jacksonville. For more information or to register, call 212-308-7066, email or visit and IntegrativeCancer See ad page 3.

9 September 2023 business spotlight

Nutrition as an Approach to Optimal Health and Wellness

Thyroid and general nutrition practitioner, hormone and weight-loss specialist, and life and certified metabolic balance coach Tina Kozman, B.Sc., M.Ed., says, “Nutritional consulting and counseling is not a therapy per se, but is rather an approach to health and wellness that focuses on the interconnectedness of nutrition, lifestyle and overall well-being. One of the initial benefits clients enjoy by working with me is the ability to sleep more deeply and soundly; they wake feeling rested and refreshed. They lose weight as a result of proper nutrition and keep it off without feeling deprived. They stop experiencing heartburn or uncomfortable bloating, have less cramping and agitation around their cycle, reduced hot flashes and they feel more energized through the day. Most clients receive compliments on their glowing skin and notice a more radiant complexion. The best part is they end up having a much better understanding of the types of foods their bodies need to thrive and have less intense cravings for sweets or salty foods because they learn how to provide their bodies with adequate nutrition.”

Clients receive a cookbook that provides simple recipes they can incorporate in daily meal preparation, exclusive discounts on supplements through an online store and access to a supportive online community.

She advises, “A holistic nutrition practitioner recognizes that weight-loss efforts need to go beyond simple calorie restriction and exercise, taking into account the complex hormonal interactions within the body and the importance of balanced nutrition to support hormone health and weight management.” A holistic approach focus-

es on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods that nourish the body and provide essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.

“My clients are always impressed with how simple and easy it is to lose weight, while supporting thyroid and hormonal health. They start noticing results within two weeks and are absolutely thrilled, especially if they have tried and failed at other weight-loss programs. Anyone can do it, from a busy mom to an executive and anyone in-between, and all weight-loss plans are completely based on the individual, which is why my clients experience such a high level of success,” advises Kozman. “I don’t guess. I test, using blood work and specific metabolic blood work markers, to populate a variety of nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods that support the structure and function of the cells for optimal health and well-being, as well as to help support weight loss and healthy weight management. Fully integrated online services help save time while still providing exceptional service in the comfort of your own space. My counseling and consultations can be provided regardless of where you are.”

Kozman is planning an upcoming Masterclass focusing on the three pillars of weight loss and optimal thyroid and hormonal health.

Book a complimentary 25-minute discovery call at tina-374/30min. For more information, email Tina@TrinityHealth. ca. Learn about upcoming Masterclasses at IG; @trinityhealth20. See ad page 17.

HEALING ENERGY TEDBy Reiki • Reconnective Healing The Emotion and Body Code Divine Healing • Amethyst BioMat • Healy (904) 613-7608 Jacksonville, FL therapy spotlight
Tina Kozman

Life Force Energy Wellness Center

Through a free private membership association, they are dedicated to the optimal wellness and vitality of members. Clients can lie back for two or more hours and experience the technology that generates life-enhancing energy fields. Scalar sessions naturally and effortlessly allow them to tap deep into their own inner resources to recalibrate, rebalance and restore.

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) generates bio-active, life-enhancing fields, including scalar waves, which can provide our bodies the ultimate fuel for improving circulation, oxygenation and increasing cellular energy. At optimum energy levels, the body can rejuvenate and recalibrate itself back to hemostasis.

Sisters Lilly Castro and Cookie DeMarziani, founders of Life Force Energy Wellness Center, have a passion for healing through natural ways connecting mind, body and spirit. “Our desire is to provide a hyper-healthy environment assisting your own body’s natural healing mechanism, so you can have a healthy beautiful life!” they affirm.

Lilly, a licensed massage therapist with certification in myofascial release, has been an integrative bodyworker, reiki master and holistic health coach for 30 years. Cookie has been a Reiki II practitioner for 20 years, volunteering with hospice, participating in reiki shares and private sessions.

The salt therapy room is a natural, holistic, drug-free therapy that can aid with asthma, allergies, sinus infections and sinusitis, psoriasis, eczema and acne, coughs, colds and flu, COPD, emphysema and bronchitis, ear infections, cystic fibrosis and more. Pure sodium chloride (salt), which is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, is dispersed into the air of the salt room. The particles penetrate deep into the lungs, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli to aid with respiratory issues.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) can reduce or prevent fluid retention, filters toxins and stimulates the immune system. Reiki/ Therapeutic Touch is a universal life force that helps maintain balance and harmony. Post-surgery MLD helps prevent fibrosis, which is the development of thick, fibrous scar tissue under the skin as well as reduces swelling, bruising and pain.

Life Force Energy Wellness Center recognizes that all healing requires a change in consciousness, and their intention is to facilitate that transformation through education and healing services. They offer packages and special pricing for veterans, first responders and children under 10 years old.

Life Force Energy Wellness Center is located at 12276 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 713, in Jacksonville. For more information, call 904-323-4411, email or visit LifeForceEnergy See ad page 5.

11 September 2023 (904) 351-8216 Call: Tammy Hostetler Providing emotional and spiritual support for those at the end of life, and their families. Advance directives, vigils and much more. Group Sound Healing MA#64596 MM#42199 Private Sound Baths & Reiki Healing Reconnecting Body, Mind & Spirit Healing Therapies by Intuitive & Heart Centered Healers Neurological Deep Therapeutic Trigger Point Isolation Myofascial Release Cupping & More! 904.349.7045 806 3rd Street Suite D Neptune Beach FL business spotlight
“Our desire is to provide a hyper-healthy environment assisting your own body’s natural healing mechanism, so you can have a healthy beautiful life!”

Impacts of Radio Frequency Radiation

The introduction of 5G mobile phones and infrastructure has given rise to concerns about their safety, as more than 1 million new antennas will be required in the U.S. Currently, the Federal Communications Commission and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection consider only the thermal effects (tissue heating) from electromagnetic frequency (EMF) exposure as potentially harmful.

A group of researchers led by Ariel University, in Israel, evaluated the non-thermal effects of exposure to EMF radiation on biological systems and human populations by reviewing in vitro [outside a living organism] and in vivo [inside a living organism] studies, as well as clinical studies on electromagnetic hypersensitivity and the epidemiological evidence for cancer due to the action of mobile-based radiation exposure. Although data derived from these studies was inconsistent, the researchers found supporting evidence that this radiation may contribute to cancer, endocrinological, neurological and other adverse health consequences. The researchers call for a more targeted, interdisciplinary research effort by national governments to ensure public health.

Children’s Physical Activity Declined Since Pandemic

In a new systematic review and meta-analysis published in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers found that children’s physical activity has been greatly reduced by the COVID-19

pandemic. The researchers looked at data from 22 studies that included 14,216 participants ranging from 3 to 18 years old. The data showed that children’s total daily physical activity decreased by 20 percent (17 minutes), irrespective of pre-pandemic baseline levels, and the reduction was larger for higher-intensity physical activity. This reduction represents almost one-third of the daily dose of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity recommended for young children and adolescents.

These effects are largely due to social distancing policies and related school closures, which affected 1.5 billion youth worldwide. Under lockdown, children no longer had access to regular physical activities, recreational facilities or outdoor recess, and online learning increased sedentary screen time, disrupting healthy habits. Physical activity affects not only physical health, but also psychosocial functioning and mental well-being.

The study’s results align with another meta-analysis showing that the pandemic increased the prevalence of youth depression and anxiety symptoms, highlighting the tremendous challenges that public health officials face to revive young people’s interest in physical activity since the pandemic.

Sucralose May Damage DNA

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener 600 times sweeter than table sugar. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved its use in baked goods, beverages, chewing gum, gelatins and frozen dairy desserts. A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of North Carolina found that ingesting sucralose may cause the formation

12 Jacksonville / St. Augustine Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine Gainesville • Florida for more information: (800) 606-6685 License No. 2425. The Florida Commision for Independant Education. Accreditation Classics Integrated with Traditional Chinese Medicine® Are You Ready for a Career Change? Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Earn a Master’s Degree in
health briefs
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of a genotoxic chemical called sucralose-6-acetate. Genotoxicity refers to the breaking up of DNA, resulting in damage that could potentially contribute to health problems. Researchers also found trace amounts of this dangerous chemical in sucralose itself, even before it was consumed and metabolized.

The study included eight projects that exposed human blood cells to sucralose-6-acetate, which researchers found induces the expression of genes associated with inflammation, oxidative stress and cancer. Exposure to certain concentrations of sucralose-6-acetate and sucralose also appeared to impair the gut lining, and sucralose-6-acetate inhibited certain enzymes, which could interfere with the body’s ability to metabolize medications.

Rise in Children With Autism

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released updated statistics on the rate of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which has been on the rise. The data is based on reviews of developmental evaluations and records from medical and educational service providers.

One in 36 children was diagnosed with autism by age 8 in 2020, or about 2.8 percent of children, up from one in 44 children in 2018 and one in 150 children in 2000, when the CDC first began tracking ASD prevalence in this country. Autism was also 3.8 times as prevalent among boys as girls, and for the first time the prevalence was slightly lower among white children compared to other racial and ethnic groups, which is a reversal of racial and ethnic differences observed in the past. However, Black children with ASD remain more likely than white children with ASD to have a co-occurring intellectual disability.

The CDC partially attributes these patterns to improved screening, awareness and access to services. They highlight the importance of accessible and equitable ASD diagnostic treatment and services for children of different backgrounds and call for more research to comprehend the emergence of diagnostic differences across states.

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Throughout history, humans have embarked on pilgrimages in pursuit of wealth, good fortune, divine intervention, spiritual enlightenment and other blessings. These journeys could be considered the earliest manifestations of one type of adventure travel, while today some of these would be defined as spiritual tourism.

The notion of “spirit” refers to both our conscious and subconscious minds. A spiritual practice, then, is any activity that enables us to step away from the noisy parade of life and explore our emotions, where any concept of the human spirit resides. This spiritual self-care includes any ritual or practice that helps connect us with our most authentic higher self.

Travel can be an amazing way to explore metaphysical interests with new people, sites and scenes, in order to invigorate the senses, stimulate the imagination, refresh the mental framework and invite new ideas and personal insights. Some places qualify for spiritual travel by virtue of their natural beauty, or due to some historical, mythological or religious significance. For a trip that fosters mind-body-spirit self-care with a generous portion of adventure, check out these sacred sites.

Mount Shasta

This Northern California treasure is believed to be a powerful spiritual vortex that has long captured the imagination of spiritual seekers. By some accounts, Mount Shasta is reputed to be the Earth’s root chakra, in keeping with the belief that, like the human body, planet Earth possesses chakra energy centers.

14 Jacksonville / St. Augustine

This majestic mountain, which is associated with healing, transformation and spiritual awakening, is a stunning backdrop for the many spiritual retreats and workshops offered locally that include meditation, energy healing, yoga, sound therapy and other restorative modalities.

Spiritual guide Andrew Oser, who has led Mount Shasta retreats for decades, says, “I can help you allow Mount Shasta’s transforming energies into the core of your very being, and by utilizing my direction to harness the mountain’s heightened vibration, you will feel it almost magically dissolve all of your fears.”

Sedona, Arizona

Surrounded by red rock canyons, whimsical forests and waterfalls, Sedona’s natural beauty inspires spiritual reflection. It is also part of one of the most powerful energy vortexes in the world and a New Age Mecca for those seeking transcendence through energy healing, yoga, sound baths and a host of other spiritual offerings.

From venturing to the bright turquoise waters at Havasu Falls nearby to visiting the Chapel of the Holy Cross, there are many activities in Sedona for those wishing to connect more deeply to nature and themselves.

Bali, Indonesia

Known as the “Island of the Gods”, Bali is a captivating destination with a serene, spiritual ambiance. Nestled amidst lush greenery and terraced rice fields, the town of Ubud, in the uplands of Bali, enjoys international recognition for its spiritual offerings and welcoming vibe for those seeking inner peace and self-discovery. Holistic healing options in Bali include energy therapies, sound healing and traditional Balinese massage. Yoga enthusiasts will be delighted with the varied class options, immersive programs and specialized workshops. Along with

15 September 2023
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wellness spas offering rejuvenating treatments that harmonize the body, mind and spirit, Bali offers beautiful meditation areas for quiet contemplation.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Spirituality runs deep in the Peruvian culture, from the ancient temples of the Incas to the living history of shamanism in the Amazon jungle. Machu Picchu has long been a revered site, and historically the place for worshipping the sun, the main Inca deity. Seekers can explore Machu Picchu on their own or participate in guided spiritual meditations—either way, it is a beautiful destination for a mindbody-spirit getaway.

For those seeking a deep mystical experience, Peru Sacred Tours provides a safe haven for spiritual advancement with the individualized attention and guidance of indigenous practitioners, including the herbalist shamans of the rainforest, Q’ero Inca priests of Cuzco or Moche San Pedro shamans of Chiclayo.


Egypt is considered a land of majesty and mystery, attracting treasure hunters, history buffs and adventure seekers, as well as those searching for spiritual transformation. This world-renowned destination has a long history of spirituality, with a colorful tapestry of beliefs and practices. The ancient Egyptians were convinced of the existence of a spiritual plane, while also maintaining deep reverence for the natural world, and these concepts continue to inform contemporary Egyptian culture and spirituality.

In recent years, there has been a surge in demand for spiritual tours in Egypt, particularly for meditation workshops in iconic places like the Great Pyramid of Giza, Valley of the Kings, Mount Sinai and Nile River. One of the more well-known tour guides is Freddy Silva, a leading researcher of ancient civilizations, sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness, as well as the bestselling author of The Divine Blueprint.

Varanasi, India

Varanasi may be the world’s oldest city, settled more than 4,000 years ago. Located on the banks of the Ganges River, it is regarded as the spiritual heart of India, with a tradition of Hindu mythology, as well as Buddhism. Religious, humanist and secular visitors frequent the evening aarti ceremony, when sadhus [sages] show their devotion by raising flaming lamps amid the aroma of incense.

If this strikes a chord, renowned author and spiritual teacher Andrew Harvey is offering a 14-day pilgrimage to the artistic, historical and spiritual soul of North India in November. He is the founder and director of the Institute for Sacred Activism, an international organization that inspires people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming effective, practical agents of institutional and systemic change.

Kyoto, Japan

Imbued with the rich heritage and history of Zen Buddhism, this enchanting city is an ideal destination for seekers to explore close to 2,000 Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, as well as the iconic Golden Pavilion, where centuries of devotion and wisdom have been housed. Many of these sites also provide inspiring settings for quiet contemplation, meditation and discussions of The Buddha’s teachings.

The traditional tea ceremony offered at numerous venues around the city is a refreshing, meditative practice that cultivates a sense of tranquility and connection to the present moment. Kyoto is also home to exquisite Japanese gardens that illustrate the profound relationship between nature and spirituality in this gentle culture.


As there are many sacred sites in Italy, a guided experience or wellplanned itinerary may help facilitate an immersive spiritual journey. This is a labor of love for Phil Cousineau, author of more than 40 books, teacher, editor, independent scholar, documentary filmmaker, travel leader and storyteller. His lifelong fascination with art,

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literature and history of culture has taken him on journeys around the world.

Author of The Art of Pilgrimage: The Seeker’s Guide to Making Travel Sacred, Cousineau has stated, “To shine the light of your own natural curiosity into the world of another traveler can reveal wonders—to remember the mysteries you forgot at home. What matters most on your journey is how deeply you see, how attentively you hear, how richly the encounters are felt in your heart and soul.”

In partnership with Sacred Earth Journeys, Cousineau has prepared a guided tour in November entitled The Sweet Life of Mythic Italy, which will explore sacred locations in Rome, Perugia, Assisi, Montepulciano, Florence, Verona and Venice. To learn more, visit

Stonehenge, England

Every year, more than a million people make the spiritual voyage to Stonehenge, in Wiltshire, England. Archaeologists are still seeking a plausible explanation as to how the stones weighing multiple tons were transported to the site. This ancient masterpiece of prehistoric engineering remains shrouded in mystery to this day.

There is further spiritual charm in myths around the purpose of Stonehenge. People ask, “Was it intended as a funeral monument, an astronomical observatory, a tool to predict the seasons or a sanctuary where the sun was worshipped?” Stonehenge is believed to be an epicenter of Earth energy with as many as 14 ley lines converging on the site—powerful channels of energy associated with places of ancient and primordial significance.

It is plain to see that when we are ready to invest in our spiritual well-being in a fun, mind-expanding way, many mindbody-spirit travel options abound.

Kiki Powers is a health writer, blogger and national speaker specializing in plant-based nutrition and healthy green living. Learn more at

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Stephen Cope ON FINDING

Specializing in the relationship between Eastern contemplative traditions and Western psychology, Stephen Cope has been a scholar-in-residence for more than three decades at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, the largest residential yoga center in North America. He also founded the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living, a global network of scientists that researches the effects and mechanisms of yoga-based practices. Cope is a classically trained pianist, dancer and psychotherapist, as well as the bestselling author of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self, The Wisdom of Yoga and The Great Work of Your Life. His latest book is The Dharma in Difficult Times: Finding Your Calling in Times of Loss, Change, Struggle and Doubt.

Why is it important to find our calling?

In classical yoga, there’s a view that everybody has a vocation. The earliest myth that supports this dates back several thousand years to the Vedic tradition in India and involves the god Indra, who is said to have cast a vast net over the entire universe. At each vertex of this net there’s a gem, and that gem is an individual soul whose job is to hold together the net at that point. This introduces the view that each of us has a responsibility to contribute our gifts in such a way that we hold together our little piece of the net. If we don’t, the net starts to unravel. Dharma is Sanskrit for sacred vocation or sacred duty, which comes from the root dhri, “to hold together”. It’s this fascinating notion that we have


First: What lights you up? This is an energetic experience in our bodies when we come close to the occupation or endeavors that are important to our soul. Get familiar on a day-to-day basis with what lights you up, then slowly move toward those things and integrate them into your life.

Second: What duties do you feel called to? I don’t mean those onerous things that are imposed on us by our culture. I mean a duty that if you don’t do it in this lifetime, you’ll feel a profound sense of regret and self-betrayal.

a responsibility to our own idiosyncratic genius, which sustains not only us by providing a fulfilling life, but also the whole world by taking care of our corner of the world.

How can we find our life’s purpose?

The practice of yoga and meditation is about increasing our connection with the subtle, internal world. Thoreau called it the distant drummer. While our culture constantly draws us out and distracts us, Eastern contemplative traditions invite us to quiet our monkey mind and listen inside to that still, small voice that is attuned to our deepest needs and to the way the world works. It’s that awake, or enlightened, part of the mind that can connect you to your true calling.

There are three questions that people can ask themselves.

Third: What problems or difficulties are you facing in your life right now? Difficulties can point you to something that might be your dharma. Marion Woodman, a good friend and feminist who was diagnosed with bone cancer in her mid-60s, decided to close her psychoanalytic practice and devote the rest of her life to being in relationship with the cancer, investigating it as her calling. Very often, somebody’s calling is something really difficult they’re experiencing, like an unhappy marriage or dissatisfaction in career, and their dharma is to investigate what this means for their life.

How do we follow the still, small voice when it feels like we’re stepping off the cliff?

Robert Frost stepped off a series of smaller curbs that added up to a cliff. He was concerned, as we all are, about security, making money and keeping his family safe, so he became a teacher. But there was a point at which he had to give up teaching and follow this deep voice that said, “Poetry is

18 Jacksonville / St. Augustine wise words

your calling.” He was 38 when he made the final decision to let go of other sources of income, and when he did that, his poetry came alive.

What advice do you have for fulfilling our life’s work?

In the Bhagavad Gita [Hindu scripture], there are four pillars of dharma. The first is discernment—finding your calling in this lifetime. The second—the doctrine of unified action—is to bring everything you’ve got to whatever you decide is your calling. Third is to let go of the outcome, also known as relinquishing the fruit. The ancient yogis discovered that if you’re grasping for a particular outcome, it takes you out of the moment and into some future fantasized moment. By letting go, you empower yourself to be more present to the possibilities of the moment. The fourth pillar is to turn the whole process over to God or to something bigger than just yourself. My friends who don’t believe in a higher power or god understand that concept of dedication to the planet, to humanity or to all beings.

Are you hopeful about the future?

Very hopeful. The contemplative traditions discovered that human beings who were jivanmukta , or soul-awake, were special versions of human beings in that they had capacities of compassion, lovingkindness, joy, generosity and selflessness. Those qualities, which are developed in the practice of yoga and meditation, add to the common good. I’m hopeful that as we become everything we can be, we will have the capacity to solve some of the huge problems that we have. As reckless as we are these days with our world, human beings have very often risen to the challenge of complex dilemmas and resolved them. As we come together, we start manifesting unified action. The power of human beings working together for the common good is almost limitless.

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Sandra Yeyati is the national editor of Natural Awakenings.

Savor the Present Moment


Recipes That Enrich Mindful Eating

The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute, in Aguada, Puerto Rico, offers a mindful eating class that invites diners to practice with a bowl of Ann Wigmore’s Energy Soup—a recipe by the institute’s founder containing an array of vegetables, legumes and grains. “It’s fulfilling, nutritious and cleansing, all in one,” says Executive Director Carolyn Marin. “Key in what makes this a mindful eating meal is that while it is pulsed in a blender, it is not a liquid, and it requires chewing. Also, it is served at room temperature, which helps with mindful eating and proper digestion.”

There is a sharp difference between grabbing a fast-food burger at the drive-through and paying full attention to a home-prepared meal. For many of us, busy schedules and harried lifestyles get in the way of a more introspective dining experience. Mindful eating—the practice of slowing down, appreciating the present moment and becoming consciously aware of the ingredients, flavors, aromas and textures that we consume—can be a worthwhile meditative endeavor.

“If we’re mindful of what we eat, when we eat and how we eat, we are supporting the vibrancy of what our bodies are so capable of,” says Dr. Carrie Demers, medical director at the Himalayan Institute, in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. “Studies show that when people stop to sit down and chew their food carefully,

they not only eat less, but they actually get more enjoyment out of their meal. Food tastes better when we are actually present with it.”

“When we slow down, we become more aware,” says Shawngela Pierce of Seek Within You, who leads spiritual retreats in Sedona, Arizona. “Sometimes people eat out of habit, but when we become more mindful, we start to notice patterns that, once understood, can help us harness a whole new way of eating and living.”

Mindfulness can begin before we even sit at the dining room table, “when we aren’t distracted by watching television or something else, and we take the time to think deeply about what we are preparing,” Pierce says, adding that calm focus can even help us when shopping for ingredients at the farmers market or grocery store.

While soft music plays in the background, students of the mindful eating class are instructed to slowly pick up their spoons, place a serving of soup in their mouths, set their spoons down and unhurriedly chew 30 times. “They look out at the ocean, breathing carefully, eating consciously and slowly, taking their time and getting their body out of fight-or-flight mode and into healing mode. It can be very emotional,” Marin explains. “Mindful eating also aids in digestion because the person is chewing the food fully and allowing it to spend more time in the mouth, where digestion begins. Many of our guests have experienced noticeable improvement with acid reflux, stomach aches and nausea.”

Four Aspects of Mindful Eating

Marc Demers, head chef at The Himalayan Institute, says there are four aspects

20 Jacksonville / St. Augustine conscious eating

of mindful eating—right food, right time, right quantity and right attitude or environment—each of which can be individualized and honed to deepen awareness and improve health. Here are his recommendations.

RIGHT FOOD: Eat fresh, whole foods that are easy to digest and give energy. We need mindfulness to notice which foods support us and which cause indigestion, mucus or fatigue.

RIGHT TIME: Our bodies naturally digest better in the daytime and when we feel hunger. Stop eating at least three hours prior to bedtime. We need mindfulness to notice the difference in digestion between eating ice cream at 3 p.m. and at 11 p.m.

RIGHT QUANTITY: Eat just the right amount of food—enough to feel satisfied and fuel the day’s activities, but not so much that we feel lethargic or sleepy. Mindfulness helps us notice our hunger and fullness, as well as how we feel after we eat.

RIGHT ATTITUDE OR ENVIRONMENT: Sit down in a peaceful place, ideally with people we like, rather than eating while driving, working or walking. Don’t eat when stressed or angry. If we are upset, it is better to take a moment to mindfully breathe and calm the nervous system before eating. The goal is to welcome the food with gratitude and openness.

Take It Slow and Steady

For those struggling to commit to mindful eating, Pierce says, “Start practicing mindful eating with the food that you enjoy the most. Don’t try to do it all at once. Just try one meal each week as a start. Make it a priority. Set a reminder if it helps. Have fun with it. Make it a playful practice. Say, ‘Today is going to be my mindful eating day.’ That opens the gateway to something that will become an integral part of your spiritual life.”

Veronica Hinke is a food historian and author of The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining and Style and Titanic: The Official Cookbook. Learn more at

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Understanding Light Pollution


humans. Human-made lighting threatens approximately 30 percent of nocturnal vertebrates and 60 percent of nocturnal invertebrates, and it “is increasingly suspected of affecting human health,” writes scientist Christopher Kyba, lead author of the report.

At Montana’s Medicine Rock State Park, visitors have a rare opportunity to look up at the night sky and see an awe-inspiring display of planets and constellations, as well as the Milky Way, our spiral-shaped galaxy that contains about 100 billion stars, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It is a magnificent sight, but those of us that live in or near cities with artificial lights beaming out of buildings and cascading over parking lots and highways may never get the pleasure.

“Because of light pollution, up to 80 percent of people living in North America are unable to see the Milky Way where they live,” says Sabre Moore, executive director of the Carter County Museum, in Ekalaka, Montana. “Medicine Rock State Park is designated as an International Dark Sky Sanctuary, and the Carter County Museum has committed to safeguarding it in perpetuity.”

The park’s sanctuary certification was issued by the nonprofit International DarkSky Association, based in Tucson, Arizona, with a grassroots network throughout the world. The organization offers five dark-sky designations based on stringent outdoor lighting standards and relies on the help of community stakeholders, such as Moore, who serves as a volunteer dark-sky preservation advocate. At Medicine Rock, she helps host sky-parties for people to enjoy the celestial show and learn about the negative impacts of light pollution.

Threats Posed by Artificial Lighting

The skies around cities are hundreds, if not thousands, of times brighter than they were 200 years ago, according to 2017 research published in Science Advances. In addition to robbing us of the Earth’s nocturnal skyscape, outdoor illumination negatively affects many plants and animals, including

The mechanisms by which these life forms are affected vary. For example, when birds migrate, they fly into buildings that are lit up at night. Scientists estimate that at least 100 million bird deaths in the United States annually are related to light pollution. “Bobcats and bats rely on the cover of darkness for their survival and are also being affected,” says Moore, adding that artificial light interrupts human circadian rhythms, thereby affecting our REM [rapid eye movement] sleep, which is vital for our well-being. The flight patterns of night-active insects are disrupted by outdoor lighting, which partially explains their declining numbers worldwide.

A Simple Switch Saves Turtles

It is possible to reduce these negative impacts, as the Sea Turtle Conservancy has proven. By getting people to modify the positioning and types of lights used in buildings along Florida and Texas beaches, the nonprofit has been able to rescue loggerheads, leatherbacks and green sea turtles from the brink of extinction.

Female turtles have evolved to instinctively lay their eggs on the beach, allowing the hatchlings to emerge at night and head toward the light of the horizon into sea. Humans, however, have interrupted this natural course with artificial light emanating from the windows of high-rise condominiums, garden spotlights and outdoor lamps.

22 Jacksonville / St. Augustine green living
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“When hatchlings erupt out of their nests in the middle of the night, the bright horizon today is in the direction of the land. They go the wrong way into roads, parking lots, swimming pools or dunes, where they are run over by cars or subject to predation,” explains David Godfrey, executive director of the conservancy.

Researchers have discovered that lights with longer wavelengths that are amber, orange and red in color do not disturb the turtles, as opposed to outdoor fixtures that emanate shorter-wavelength blue and white light. According to Godfrey, the good news for these sea creatures is, “LED can be programmed to emit the specific wavelength you want.”

The conservancy works with coastal counties, beachfront property owners and others to switch to turtle-friendly lighting, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation often provides grants to pay the retrofitting costs. As a result, Godfrey reports, there has been increased nesting in areas with changed lighting and greater survivorship by the hatchlings.

“We are saving tens of thousands of hatchlings every season, and homeowners are seeing a reduction in their utility bills. People love it. They’ve found the longer wavelengths are more pleasing to the eyes,” Godfrey asserts. “Since we know that light pollution affects various other forms of wildlife and humans, the managed use of lighting at night is something that everyone should pay attention to.”


Tips to Address Light Pollution

n Avoid blue-light fixtures.

n Turn off unnecessary lights in the evening.

n Use dimmers, timers and motion detectors.

n Close curtains and blinds at night to stop indoor lights from beaming to the outdoors.

n Visit Lights Out: Recovering Our Night Sky, an exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History,

After sea turtle-friendly lighting

in Washington, D.C. (NaturalHistory.

n Get involved at, a citizen-scientist group that monitors light pollution.

n Support dark-sky designated areas (

Sheryl DeVore is a frequent contributor to national and regional publications and has authored six books on science, health and nature. Learn more at SherylDeVore.

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Photo by David Godfrey Photo by David Godfrey sea turtle-friendly lighting

Tai Chi and Fear of Falling

Poor balance, reduced strength, flexibility and sensorimotor coordination can contribute to the risk of falling. One of the methods used in fall prevention consists of increasing muscular strength and improving body balance. Tai chi, a Chinese martial art, has been used for centuries as a fitness exercise. It offers substantial potential benefits, particularly in reducing the incidence of falls.

Dr. Peter Wayne, research director of the Osher Center for Tai Chi and MindBody Research at Harvard Medical School, says, “When you observe tai chi, the slowness that you see from the outside can be deceptive.”

Stephanie Watson, executive editor of Harvard Women’s Health Watch, advises, “Compared to the pumping intensity of spin or Zumba, a tai chi class looks like it’s being performed in slow motion. Watching the gentle, graceful movements of this ancient Chinese practice, it’s hard to imagine that tai chi can burn off a single calorie or strengthen muscles.”

However, according to Wayne, tai chi is roughly the equivalent of a brisk walk (depending on the intensity). As a resistance training routine, some studies have found it similar to more vigorous forms of weight training. It can also improve balance in people with neurological problems. A

recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine found the program particularly effective for balance in people with Parkinson’s disease.

Wayne points to a study by Fuzhong Li at the Oregon Research Institute that evaluated 256 elderly people from 70 to 92 years old, to compare how they benefited from tai chi and seated exercise, respectively. “They reported greater than a 40 percent reduction in the number of falls in the group that received tai chi,” according to Wayne. “This is a very significant finding. Older people with thinning bones are at very high risk for fractures; a fall related to hip fracture, for example, is associated with

24 Jacksonville / St. Augustine fit body

a 20 percent increase in mortality within one year, and very high medical costs.”

The practice of tai chi is a sustainable form of exercise with a multitude of direct and indirect health benefits. The meditative and physical aspects of Taoist Tai Chi arts involve deep stretching with a full range of motion and continuous turning of the spine. This exercises the whole physiology, including muscular, skeletal, nervous and circulatory systems, as well as tendons, joints, connective tissue and organs. This whole-body approach has a beneficial effect on many conditions from stress and sore backs to deeper health issues such as depression, chronic pain and multiple sclerosis.

Exercise is important for everyday health, but one exercise in particular helps

prevent falls and broken bones in seniors, according to recently published research. Dr. Robert Wermers, a Mayo Clinic endocrinologist, says tai chi is a low-impact balance exercise that can reduce falls and prevent life-impairing bone fractures in seniors. He explains, “Any type of non-impact balance exercises two or three times a week is beneficial, but only one has actually been shown to prevent falls, and it’s tai chi.”

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“They reported greater than a 40 percent reduction in the number of falls in the group that received tai chi.”

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Medical Tourism


Many Americans have experienced sticker shock upon receiving a medical or dental bill, whether or not they have health insurance. As healthcare costs continue to rise in the United States, patients are grabbing their passports and turning to medical tourism—the act of crossing borders to obtain quality medical care at a lower cost.

“We have a great healthcare system in the United States, but it is priced out of the market for millions of people at the bottom of the economic pyramid,” says Josef Woodman, CEO of Patients Beyond Borders, a medical tourism resource. He estimates that to date, 2.1 to 2.4 million Americans have intentionally crossed borders specifically for medical care. Approximately 65 percent of those people sought complex dental treatments.

The town of Los Algodones, Mexico, located just over the U.S.-Mexico border near Baja California, has approximately

300 dental clinics. Known as “Molar City”, the town is a mecca for people looking for more affordable dentistry. U.S. travelers also head to Costa Rica, Turkey and Thailand for elective cosmetic surgery, bariatrics, infertility treatments, orthopedic medicine, cardiology and cancer care, or to obtain low-cost pharmaceuticals.

Add holistic treatments to the list, says David G. Vequist IV, Ph.D., the founder and director of the Center for Medical Tourism Research at the University of the Incarnate Word, in San Antonio. “People are very interested in how Asian countries naturally combine both alternative and traditional medicine. Philosophies like ‘food as medicine’ are commonly used in treatments there,” says the 15-year scholar of medical tourism trends.

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According to Vequist, “The best Mexican hospitals are using the same standards that we have in the U.S.” In 2009, for example, when Mexico’s General Health Council set out to create national hospital certification standards in their country, officials followed protocols established by Joint Commission International, an influential U.S.-based nonprofit that has served as a global driver of health care quality improvement and patient safety for the past 20 years.

Nevertheless, it is important to understand that complications may arise during a healthcare procedure regardless of where it is performed. Vequist cautions that the farther a patient travels from home, the more likely they will be exposed to bacteria that is unfamiliar to their body. Also, traveling in a pressurized airplane after complex surgical procedures should be avoided, and seeking medical care outside of a patient’s regular care network may break the continuum of care, leading to miscommunication and errors in the transfer of medical records.

“Although global health care isn’t for everyone, those who try it will find the quality is the same or better than at home, with modern facilities at a fraction of the cost,” says Paul McTaggart, founder of two specialized travel agencies—Medical Depar-

tures and Dental Departures—that help patients become informed about the best and most appropriate clinics and doctors around the world for their medical needs. They also book appointments, forward medical records and make travel arrangements.

McTaggart vets medical providers outside of the U.S. by verifying doctor credentials with local regulatory authorities; measuring web reputations; conducting onsite inspections when possible; posting authentic, patient-verified reviews; removing partners that consistently receive poor reviews; and checking the web for legal and other claims against hospitals or clinics.

Woodman advises that extensive research of foreign hospitals, clinics and providers is crucial for a positive medical-tourism outcome and cautions against making a decision based solely on cost. “There are some bad actors out there that advertise mostly on price to attract U.S. patients. If a clinic advertises that you’ll save 80 or 90 percent off U.S. healthcare prices, be wary—that’s way too high of a discount.”

Other red flags include clinics that are located in strip malls or a lack of verifiable credentials for a provider. “A medical tourist needs to be a little more adaptable and critical of their surroundings,” Woodman says, adding that even if they’ve

made the trip, when the circumstances seem off, a patient should never feel pressured to go through with the treatment or procedure.

Jonathan Edelheit, president of the Medical Tourism Association, recommends using healthcare providers that are certified or accredited by international organizations like Global Healthcare Accreditation. “Be careful of trusting any website,” he warns. “Some medical tourism facilitators are middlemen or agencies that receive a commission. Some will refer you to the best provider, but some will refer you to a provider that provides the largest commission, but who isn’t the best.”

Edelheit believes that with proper research and planning, cost-effective, quality health care is possible. He reminds travelers to avoid countries where the U.S. Department of State has issued a travel advisory, and he recommends speaking with several patients that have gone through the same procedure to get a firsthand review and manage expectations. He asserts, “The value you receive and being able to immerse yourself in another culture and integrate a vacation is something that most medical tourists treasure and cherish.”

Julson is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings.


27 September 2023 Do daily stressors take a toll on your body? Or maybe you spend long hours sitting in front of a computer screen? Luminous Therapeutics specializes in treatment of chronic pain, injuries, postural imbalances, post surgical and traumatic edema, and more. We offer various modalities of medical massage therapy such as myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, cupping, manual lymphatic drainage, etc. Above Athletic Center 14797 Phillips Hwy • STE 206 Jacksonville • FL 32256 (904) 321-9065 Call or Email to Schedule MA91263 | MM43912 Lisa Verbitskaya LMT, MLD-C ECKANKAR The Path of Spiritual Freedom • (904) 725-7760 12125 San Jose Blvd South Mandarin Library Presented by ECKANKAR Jacksonville A GROUP DISCUSSION ON
& Reincarnation you got here, how to learn from past lives, how to correct karmic patterns, and a special spiritual exercise to help you. Monday • Sept 18th 6:30PM All are Welcome!

calendar of events


Tai Chi Open House – 10:30am & 7pm. The practice of tai chi is a sustainable form of exercise with a multitude of direct and indirect health benefits. The meditative and physical aspects of Taoist Tai Chi arts involve deep stretching with a full range of motion and continuous turning of the spine. Riverside Park United Methodist Church, 918 Park St. TaoistTai 877-398-1108.


Tai Chi Open House – 10:30am & 7pm. The practice of Tai Chi is a sustainable form of exercise with a multitude of direct and indirect health benefits. The meditative and physical aspects of Taoist Tai Chi arts involve deep stretching with a full range of motion and continuous turning of the spine. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 5616 Atlantic Blvd. 877-398-1108.


Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. Kundalini yoga, an ancient yogic technology, is referred to as the yoga of awareness, it awakens you to your fullest potential. By stimulating the Kundalini energy that rests at the base of your spine, one may begin to control the rise and fall of this energy, balancing your chakras and helping yogis find the source of inner strength, peace, and balance. $15. 4236 St. Johns Ave. 904-381-8686.

Spirit Messages – 3-5:30pm. Learn how to tell the difference between Spirit Messages and your own thoughts. Online Zoom class. $41. 407247-7823.


Pranayama & Meditation – 3-4pm. Through guided breathing, you will increase the oxygen to your brain and all your internal organs which facilitates physical healing. The class will be held outside if the weather permits. Please bring your own mat and accessories. $15. 4236 St. Johns Ave. 904-381-8686.

Yoga Nidra – 4:15-5:15pm. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation. The goal of yoga Nidra is to achieve a state of samadhi (intense concentration), enlightenment, or bliss. The class will be held outside if the weather permits. Please bring your own mat and accessories. $15. 4236 St. Johns Ave. 904-381-8686.


Tai Chi Introduction – 10:30am & 7pm. The practice of Tai Chi is a sustainable form of exercise with a multitude of direct and indirect health benefits. The meditative and physical aspects of Taoist Tai Chi arts involve deep stretching with a full range of motion and continuous turning of the spine. Riverside Park United Methodist Church, 918 Park St. TaoistTai 877-398-1108.

Iron Deficiency Unmasked – 12-1pm. Iron deficiency is a condition that often goes unnoticed but can significantly impact our health and well-being.

Dr. Pinto will discuss the factors that can lead to iron deficiency, including dietary choices, underlying medical conditions, and lifestyle habits. Attendees will learn how to recognize red flags and take action to address the issue proactively. Free. Y Healthy Living Center Baptist North, 11236 Baptist Health Drive, Jacksonville. 904-202-6940.

Deep Dive into Balancing Female Hormones

– 6pm. a live session with Arnold Kolozvari of Revive Fitness on Instagram to delve into Female Hormones. Whether you’re curious about Understanding the Significance of Hormonal Balance or want to gain insights into common symptoms of hormonal imbalances, this session promises to be informative and engaging. Instagram Page @ The_Functional_Metabolic_Doc.


Max Meditation: Find Your Calm and Clarity – 7:30-9pm. First time and frustrated meditators encouraged. No experience necessary. The Max Meditation System is a method of meditation that anyone regardless of experience can participate in and feel the benefits from. $25. Shine Massage & Spa, 353 6th Ave. S, Jacksonville Beach. Angel 503-660-8610.

ty – 10am-2pm. Celebration marking 15 years of dedicated healthcare service at Health Pointe Jacksonville. IV Vitamin Drips limited to 16 spots, all must be prescheduled. Food Truck Delights. Health Pointe Jacksonville Acupuncture + Wellness Clinic, Belfort Road, Jacksonville.

Health Pointe Jacksonville turns 15: Open House – 4-6pm. Celebration marking 15 years of dedicated healthcare service at Health Pointe Jacksonville. discover the benefits of acupuncture, experience relaxing wellness treatments, and gain insights from knowledgeable staff. Health Pointe Jacksonville Acupuncture + Wellness Clinic, Belfort Road, Jacksonville.


Beyond Health Expo – 10am-4pm. Explore a wide range of exhibits, workshops, and presentations that focus on enhancing all aspects of your health and wellness. From physical fitness and nutrition to mental and emotional well-being, this event covers it all. Free. Adam W. Herbert University Center, 12000 Alumni Drive, Jacksonville. Beyond

Spirit Messages – 10:30am-1pm. Learn how to tell the difference between Spirit Messages and your own thoughts. Online Zoom class. $41. IFSK. org. 407-247-7823.

What is Wellness Special Event – 5-8pm. The keynote lecture by Brian Clement, co-director of Hippocrates Wellness and author of The Self-Healing Diet, begins at 5 pm, followed by Q&A, book signing and a whole-food, plant-based potluck from 6:45 to 8 pm. Admission is free. Potluck dish welcome, but not required. Crown Point Rd, Jacksonville. 904-268-6568.



Tai Chi Introduction – 10:30am & 7pm. The practice of Tai Chi is a sustainable form of exercise with a multitude of direct and indirect health benefits. The meditative and physical aspects of Taoist Tai Chi arts involve deep stretching with a full range of motion and continuous turning of the spine. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 5616 Atlantic Blvd. 877-398-1108.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Seminar – 6-8pm. Gear up for an empowering Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Seminar starting with a dynamic 10-minute warm-up session to get your body ready. Learn how to stay strong and safe while enjoying a delightful culinary experience, live music, and a fun-filled environment. Free. Four Friends Fitness, 8106 Old Kings Road South, Ste 4, Jacksonville. 904-613-6609.

Tibetan Singing Bowls – 6:30-7:30pm. Gentle yet powerful vibrations of the Tibetan Singing Bowls, Quiet your mind & release stress in your body, restoring your normal frequency to the disharmonious part of the body. Come home with sound. $30. 4236 St. Johns Ave. 904-381-8686.


Health Pointe Jacksonville turns 15: Block Par-

Karma and Reincarnation – 6:30pm. Discover how you got here, how to learn from past lives, how to correct karmic patterns, and a special spiritual exercise. South Mandarin Library, 12125 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville. 904-725-7760.


Tai Chi Introduction – 10:30am & 7pm. The practice of tai chi is a sustainable form of exercise with a multitude of direct and indirect health benefits. The meditative and physical aspects of Taoist Tai Chi arts involve deep stretching with a full range of motion and continuous turning of the spine. Riverside Park United Methodist Church, 918 Park St. TaoistTai 877-398-1108.

Twin Hearts Meditation – 6-7pm. The phases of the meditation are physical exercise, invoking divine blessings, relaxation/cleansing and energizing, self-introspection, and inner reflection, activating heart chakra and crown chakra, achieving illumination, releasing excess energy, and expression of gratitude. Free. 4236 St. Johns Ave. 904-381-8686.


Tai Chi Introduction – 10:30am & 7pm. The practice of tai chi is a sustainable form of exercise with a multitude of direct and indirect health benefits.

28 Jacksonville / St. Augustine

The meditative and physical aspects of Taoist Tai Chi arts involve deep stretching with a full range of motion and continuous turning of the spine. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 5616 Atlantic Blvd. 877-398-1108.

The Astrology of Libra and the Fall Equinox – 6-7pm. Learn the deeper meaning of the Libra season and how it’s a portal to the dark half of the year through the Fall Equinox. $25. 4236 St. Johns Ave. 904-381-8686.


Kundalini Yoga – 9-10am. Kundalini yoga, an ancient yogic technology, is referred to as the yoga of awareness, it awakens you to your fullest potential. By stimulating the Kundalini energy that rests at the base of your spine, one may begin to control the rise and fall of this energy, balancing your chakras and helping yogis find the source of inner strength, peace, and balance. $15. 4236 St. Johns Ave. 904-381-8686.


Intro to Hypnosis: Past-Life Regression Group Workshop – 1-4pm. Attendees will participate in various light trance exercises, much like guided meditation, to experience how natural and easy hypnosis can be. Past lives, current lives and probable future lives may be explored. Free. Higher Love Healing, 4210 Valley Ridge Blvd, Ponte Vedra. Register at 586-872-6236.


Max Meditation: Find Your Calm and Clarity – 7:30-9pm. First time and frustrated meditators encouraged. No experience necessary. The Max Meditation System is a method of meditation that anyone regardless of experience can participate in and feel the benefits from. $25. Shine Massage & Spa, 353 6th Ave. S, Jacksonville Beach. Angel 503-660-8610.


Max Meditation: Find Your Calm and Clarity – 7-8:30pm. First time and frustrated meditators encouraged. No experience necessary. The Max Meditation System is a method of meditation that anyone regardless of experience can participate in and feel the benefits from. $25, bring a friend for free. Mystic Light Center, 2825 North Tenth Street #A-2, St. 503-660-8610.


Classic Neighborhood Street Fair – 10am-3pm. The family-friendly event features games, crafts and music. Kids can paint pumpkins in the free crafts station, and there is a playground onsite. At the fall-themed photo station, the Live Like Locals Jacksonville official photographer will be taking family portraits. 7915 Baymeadows Circle East, Jacksonville. For more information, RSVP to

Psychic / Mediumship Class – 2-4:30pm. Where, when and how to use your Psychic / Mediumship skills in your everyday life. $40. Orange Park, call for location and to register. 407-247-7823.

29 September 2023 GROW YOUR BUSINESS Secure your growing space! Text us today. (386) 736-3838

ongoing events


Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Classes – 6-7pm. Classes are held virtually online lead by our top instructors utilizing state of the art visual aids and activities to keep it fun and engaging while presenting the latest evidenced based material on each topic. $35 per class.


Yoga Therapy Certification Program – 6pm. 1st SunFriSat. Course meets monthly: Friday (6-9pm), Saturday & Sunday (11am-7pm) in a Zoom online format. IAYT-accredited Clinical Yoga Therapy Certification Program expands professional development for certified yoga teachers and prepares them to use yoga therapy to increase health and well-being.


Weekly Meditation – 1-1:30pm. Silence means letting go of thoughts. Stillness means letting go of desire. Simplicity means letting go of self-analysis. transform many interconnected attitudes, such as fear of failure, craving for success, and reluctance to be yourself. Free. Y Healthy Living Center Baptist North 11236 Baptist Health Drive Jacksonville.

Bridges of Harmony Chorus – 7pm. a premiere group of women of all ages and backgrounds from across Jacksonville is currently looking for new female members. Murray Hill United Methodist Church, 4101 College Street, Jacksonville. Bridges 904-337-9068.


Saturday Silent Sitting Meditation – 9-10am. Join in for Saturday Silent Sitting Meditation in person or online at Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville. Meditation is the foundation of Buddhist practice and we hope that you can take advantage of this opportunity for Shamata Meditation that can bring peace and tranquility to our lives. Free. Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville, 4168 Herschel Street, Jacksonville. 904-357-0663.

Practice Meditation – 1:45-3:15pm. Inviting the community to come join Collective Guided Weekly Meditation sessions at the Hindu Society of NE Florida for 45 mins covering established meditative practices, followed by 15 minute of sharing experiences and discussion on spiritual topics. Free. Hindu Society of North East, 4968 Greenland Road, Jacksonville. 904-268-7630.

community resource guide



Dr Christine Yastrzemski, NCCAOM, AP, AP2255 Dr Sarah Thomas, DACM, AP AP4183 4337 Pablo Oaks Ct, Bldg 200 904-373-8415, Jacksonville

cian specializing in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. We offer the highest quality of care while customizing treatments that best suit your needs.



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Meditation, energy healing, coaching & classes teaching you the science of self care through mindful means. Proven techniques and daily practices to access a life of joy & abundance. See ad page 17.


Melina Stroumpis, Certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner

386-319-5577, Volusia/Flagler

The Body Code taps into the body's inner knowing to release imbalances contributing to mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual issues. Effective for anxiety, PTSD, sleep issues, chronic pain, atigue, and much more. Donation-based sessions. Pay what you can. Suggested $40-$90. See ad page 10.


Amy Zygart, PharmD


Coaching program that helps stressed-out healthcare professionals reclaim their peace, energy and love for life again! See ad page 13.



Ted Kostek

7500 Plantation Club Dr, Jacksonville 904-613-7608

Certified in Reconnective Healing, The Emotion Code, The Body Code, Reiki Master. Powerful healings, with great compassion and care. Clean chakras, aura, entity removal, in-person and remote sessions for humans and animals. See ad on page 10.



Dr Jon Repole, DC, CFMP 9957 Moorings Dr, Ste 403 Jacksonville (Mandarin) 904-268-6568

Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. Find the cause of your health challenge. Our office will create a doctor-supervised, custom-tailored, health program that will include the following: meal planning, supplemental prescriptions, detoxification guidance, food/lifestyle coaching, exercise prescriptions, accountability, online patient portal and more. We utilize the most advanced diagnostics testing available to aid both our diagnoses and treatment. See ad on page 15.



1585 3rd St North, Jacksonville Beach 904-853-5497

Jax Beach’s community organic grocer, local food and essential items. Order online for curbside p/u.

30 Jacksonville / St. Augustine



MA0010746 MM005595

Healing Waters Clinic & Herb Shop

26 Clark St, St. Augustine 904-826-1965

A holistic center specializing in pain relief and chronic health issues. Certified in neuromuscular and deep tissue bodywork, myofascial therapy, craniosacral balancing, East-West herbalism. Offering attunement energy healing since 1978. See ad on page 26.



Moly Hines, Certified Practitioner 4210 Valley Ridge Blvd., Ponte Vedra

Journey to the part of you which holds all the answers, your Higher Self. Access a flow of divine guidance and transformational healing, using Dolores Cannon's unique and gentle method of regressive hypnosis. See ad page 16.



Brian Dean, LMT MA36835 MM41272 315 10th Ave South, Jacksonville Beach 904-246-2206

Professional energy work and myofascial release massage. Reiki, meditation, white light, mediumship, massage, meditation and Reiki classes. Continuing education for FL LMTs. See ad on page 23.



Lisa Verbitskaya, LMT, MLD-C 14797 Phillips Hwy Ste 206, Jacksonville

Luminous Therapeutics specializes in treatment of chronic pain, injuries, postural imbalances, post surgical and traumatic edema, and more. We offer various modalities of medical massage therapy such as myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, cupping, manual lymphatic drainage. MA91263, MM43912. See ad page 27.



• Karen & Herb Bandy, Allan Byxbe, Certified Teachers 904-375-9517


Regine de Toledo, Certified Teacher 904-826-3838

The TM technique is an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based practice for eliminating stress, increasing well-being and expanding consciousness. Certified Teachers give individual instruction and ongoing support.



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Come and experience the Energy Enhancement System designed to create an hyper healthy energy field around the human body. Clinical studies have shown the potential of bio-scalar energy to boost cell regeneration, immune function, and neurotransmitter function. Enjoy a session in our Salt Room for respiratory wellness and healthy skin. We can't wait to meet you. See ad page 5.



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