Relationship & Urban System

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Introdution In the begining, I want to find is there some general rules can explain millions of cities in the world, although most of them are losing their identity in globalization. Space is constructed by society and society is formed by the individual. In this assignment, I started from the point of individual reletionship that different people share the same space and the space also some function changes based on different relationship. We are not live in the vacuum, we are connected with each other. From the presentation progress, my analyzation developed from the narrow concept, accommodation, the living system to the macroscopical concept, the urban ecosystem. The ten words try to build up the framework to think the urban space and system from the relationship. Also fill the specific role and place to enrich the frame.

From the presentation Develop Youth


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In the first presentation, I have the fixed idea that I seperate the life period by ages and put the specific role in the differnent period, like the family role as the start and then the partner role in school. However human is complex, the individual relationship is complex as well. Most of the time we have multiple roles and handle various relationship. After the class, I inspired by the idea that "city is the process, the same as learning or design". Thinking life is also the process from childhood to elder, we treat relationship with different attitude in different life stage. When we are children we explore the relationship like how to act based on the others action or the environment. We would develop some kind of close relationship when we grow to the youth. In the middle age we may strenthen the relationship because of some business collaboration and job requirement, earning the money to sustain ourselves. And in the end of life we can enjoy the relationship we built before and the next generation will have the same process with us.


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In fact, I have already noticed the coexistence of individual relationship. Take dwelling function as an example. The first diagram is about the same function with the similar relationship of partner. We live together with parents, classmates, girl or boy friends, which like the kind of cooperate. This relationship can happen whenever of our life. In urban spce place changed because of the role always changing. Domitory fulfill the need of students, the lodgings may fulfill the migrant workers or the citizens can not afford the housing price and the hotel can fuifill the tourists most of the time. The second diagram is about time. We may live in some natural place, in bungalow, in village. When we need to find the jobs we may move to the city and live in the apartment, in highrise buildings. After enough capital accumulation the whole family have the choice, moving to the villa. The last one is about space. Take school as the example. Inside the boundary of school we have canteen to provide food, library to study and cafe, some social place to chat.



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The five words I pick try to cover as much as more individual relationship and each relationship influence the urban system creating a redefined space.

The cubic is dynamic combined the relationship, urban system and specific role. Individual would have multiple relationship and act as different role in the same time in the same place.

GENETIC Wiki: Genetics, in biology, the science of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms. Genetic, used as an adjective, refers to genes. Genetic disorder, any disorder caused by a genetic mutation, whether inherited or de novo. Genetic mutation, a change in a gene. Heredity, genes and their mutations being passed from parents to offspring. Genetic recombination, refers to the recombining of alleles resulting in a new molecule of DNA. Genetic (linguistics), in linguistics, a relationship between two languages with a common ancestor language. Genetic algorithm, in computer science, a kind of search technique modeled on evolutionary biology

A The information in the gene control our charecteristics, the diseases we will suffer, even who we are. Our human always share the same gene information with other creatures. It is uncontrolled and all planned well before the birth


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The genotype we got from our parents and the traits we display. Usually, our traits are random. With the technology development and the completeness of HGP, we can detect the gene to avoid the rare disease.

Redefine Genetic relationship is unchangeable and most connected by blood. The role involve this relationship are lineal consanguinity. However, genetic relationship can also be connected by marriage. And couple sometimes combined by chance, under this circumstance, the random relationship may be transferd to the genetic one. This relationship may be the first close relationship of the life. Most of the parents would accompany their children through the childhood. Family member could have a strong sense of belonging.

For Human Our gene contains the information from the ancestors and specialize the different race. With marriage and birth bond, individual can convey their genetic information to next generation and may form unique family character. The gene of human can be treated as an individual and also can be turned into a total. In 1990, the human genome project(HGP) was launched, which analyze the gene details of all the human beings and can provide some advice to the special treatment, also understand ourselves better.

For the System To the whole system human may be share the same genetic relationship with other creatures. As research shown, the gene has 99% similar between human and mice. As life has the same origin, creatures share familiar genetic relationship with each other. This type of relationship can be definied the foundation to the other relationship. Also in the urban system genetic relationship is the regulation creatures gathering.

HABITAT Wiki: A habitat is an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species of animal, plant, or other type of organism. The term typically refers to the zone in which the organism lives and where it can find food, shelter, protection and mates for reproduction. It is the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species population. FOREST
























In the landscape ecology, there is the patch-corridor-matrix model to analyze the landscape in different places. Matrix is the container, the foundation. In the matrix there are some different kinds of patch. In my understanding, we give evaluate to the patch. Sometimes the patch may offer the habitat space. Corrider which can be natural path or the planed road connect different patch.




Different habitat place in the natural system




Redefine As I mentioned above, the genetic relationship lead different kind of individual gathering, which likes an order. The relationship create the space in the urban system, that is habitat. Habitat contains the context of genetic, household and diversity. From the genetic relationship, we can think about family and species. The space for human genetic is called household that family member live together. Habitat is the general concept to combine the creatures in the urban system.

For Human In the habitat, human fufill the physiological needWhen people set up a family, they first should have their shelter to sustain the life. This place is household. In modern society, habitat space cover the function of accommodation, communication, spirit and physics survive.

For the System The bunit in eco-system is biocoenosis and different type has different habitat space. This is ecosystem diversity, the context of ecological diversity. The fishes live in the water and the reptiles live in the earth. The difference of habitat conditions resulted in the formation of species diversity.



adjective made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision; unfamiliar or unspecified, odd, unusual, or unexpected. noun an unknown, unspecified, or odd person.

The sketch is inspired by the movement of two partical in the universe. Because of universal gravitation, whatever exist would all attract with each other under the force. Particals are light and can be moved by the universal gravitation our human can not move but we have another influence. We meet stragers in the streets or share table with stranger in the restaurant. Sometimes this relationship is called the destiny.

Redefine This type of relationship may be set up by chance, like the pedestrian you meet in the street. You would have the plan of how to get the destination but you cannot predict the person during the trip. This type can be transferred. Random relationship are familiar with chaos phenomenon of physics.

For Human The most common relationship we built is in the outside space. When the time you go out your home, the people you meet is all random relationship. In the restaurant, people eat behind you. In the bus, people sit beside you. In the road, people pass by. In some extent, random relationship share the same space to do same thing with various purpose. According to some religious reason, this random relationship is also called fate. Like something must be happened and somebody must be developed a relationship with you. In this way, random relationship can be transferd in another type.

For the System From small particle to whole system, each elements are always in the random relationship. Objects attract with each other based on the gravity law. The predation of animals is also in the random relationship.

INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructure refers to the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or other area, including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function. It typically characterises technical structures such as roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, telecommunications (including Internet connectivity and broadband speeds), and so forth, and can be defined as "the physical components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions."

Start from where we live, the lifts in our buildings are the indoor infrastruture, which make skyscraper be accessible. Inside the lift we can not expect the people we meet everyday. Outside. The streets link different part of the city and we can take whatever transportation we want. Beside the urban transportation, there are many creatures we ignore in daily life also moving from here to there. The grass, the trees and even the flower can be their infrastructure.

Redefine The random relationship most happen in the infrasatructure in urban system. People with the same destination or the purpose gather in the same place, share the function also sometimes afford the risk in the public space. Infrastructure provide the mobility to the citizens and make all elements be accessible in urban space. What about the other creatures? Our human build our own environment our road thus we should keep some space for other creatures to build their own during the construction. Like keep enough green space or urban park, the reptiles can construct their path in the soft soil.

For Human The transportation infrastructure we choose to arrive our destination like bus and metro. It is a mobile space for the space itself and tools for human. The transported role in the city like highway and overpass. It is the objects provide a place to let citizens move from there. The gathering place in the city such as square and park. These places always connect streets and neighborhood, like a buffer place between dynamic and static ones.

For the System Even some elements out of the infrastructure can be transportation space. Underground, reptiles can move in the earth. The grass, ants can utilize it for carrying the food. The trees, birds can stop on them and fly to other places and the reptiles also can move in the trees to the upper place. `

CHOICE Wiki: Choice involves decision making. It can include judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one or more of them. One can make a choice between imagined options ("What would I do if...?") or between real options followed by the corresponding action. For example, a traveller might choose a route for a journey based on the preference of arriving at a given destination as soon as possible. The preferred (and therefore chosen) route can then follow from information such as the length of each of the possible routes, traffic conditions, etc. The arrival at a choice can include more complex motivators such as cognition, instinct, and feeling.

Make choice equally

Redefine Choice relationship is two-way and each side are equal. Everyone can join in under mutual permission. People involve this relationship share the same objects or thoughts sometimes like roommates, friends or partner.

For Human Choices relationship always accompanies us in our lives. Like it basic meaning, choice means you should do the desicion. In childhood we chose friends that we could play together. In middle age,we choose our partner who can help us finish our task or make profits. The marriage is also the important choice relationship. The choice relationship always in the dynamic situation because individual mood will be different based on the environment.

For the System In nature, there is also a choice. The leopard picks the antelope which can not run fast as food. Ants choose aphids as producers of their own food. Wolves choose solitary animals to chase and kill. These are the choices of nature - survival of the fittest. In urban system, most of the environment are artificial, citizens, governers or planners build the food chain and food network, so they choose the creatures which can live in the system.

COLLABORATION Wiki: "A Collaboration is a purposeful relationship in which all parties strategically choose to cooperate in order to achieve shared or overlapping objectives." In "Collaborative Leadership: Developing Effective Partnerships for Communities and Schools", Rubin explains "(b)ecause of its voluntary nature, the success of a collaboration depends on one or more collaborative leader's ability to build and maintain these relationships.�Collaboration is very similar to, but more closely aligned than, cooperation. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group.Teams that work collaboratively can obtain greater resources, recognition and reward when facing competition for finite resources Individual benefits is as important as cooperate benefits

Listen to the voice of the partner Strategy before technology

Collaboration can make the world better

Learn how to get out of the way

Collaboration benefits each other

Lead by exmple Intergrate into the flow work

Adapt and evolve Measure what matters Persistence

The diagarm explain the charateristics of collaboration space and can fulfill the advanced need.

Create a supportive environment

Redefine Collaboration space let people complete something together.They can cooperate to rent a house, study or earn the money.This space also occurs in the market which different segment provide different things and can fulfill needs of each sides, like the gift economy or the barter economy.

For Human Most of human actions can be finished by cooperating with each other in collaboration space. The place where we study together is called school, the place where we live together such as dormitory or apartment and the place we work together is called company or design studio. There are also collaboration between human and other creatures in the city, like guide dogs with the blind and the sled dogs with the Eskimo.

For the System Some animals are born to be cooperate, which called symbiosis. In our body the escherichia coli live with us. In the water the clown fish and the sea anemone cooperate together. In the grass the ants stocking the aphid to produce something like sugar. In urban, animals may cooperate with people unconsciously. Birds would eat crumbs left by citizens in the streets.

CONTROL Wiki: In psychology it can refer to one’s perception regarding her/his ability to achieve outcomes (Perceived Control), the ability to select one’s thoughts and actions (cognitive control), the ability to regulate one’s feelings or attitudes toward something (emotional control), one’s ability to act on prescribed behaviors (motivational control), the amount of control one seeks within a relationship (control desire), the ability to inhibit thoughts or actions in favor of others (inhibitory control), selecting one’s social environment for one’s benefit (social control), the attempt to regulate impulses or attentional processes (Ego control), and the ability to regulate how much effort one invests into a goal (effortful control).

The control relationship of individual most in business control to make the max benifits

Stone Channel

Paving Raining Pipe

Flower& Grass

The control relationship in urban system control. Citizens can control environment. Like the drainage system in the street.


Redefine One part of the relationship take charge of it and plays the initiative role, the other part plays the passive role. This relationship may be unequal in some extent, like the boss and the employee for economical reason. Also control relationship occurs for management and sometimes it is conditional that the control side would no longer exsist if the be controled side disappeared.

For Human Control relationship is another dependence. The one who control or controlled is connected by the profits. The employer control the employee based on the workforce value. People just pick what they need and this is the exchange process. This relationship exist in the market like the invisible hand and also the value control the price of the products.

For the System Animals are controlled by each other through the food web.One kind of animals are controlled by their own natural enemy for the mortality rate. There is a classical case that people capture all wolves in the mountain and the sheep would lose their balance of birth rate and mortality. Eco-system is a organic system. Each elements are controlling and controlled by others.

ENERGY In physics, energy is the property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object. It can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed. The SI unit of energy is the joule, which is the energy transferred to an object by the work of moving it a distance of 1 metre against a force of 1 newton.

TOP LEVEL CONSUMER Carnivores-meat eater




The energy flow with the food chain

Capital as another type of energy. The energy flow proposed by David Harvey.


PRODUCERS Make their own food, sugar

DECOMPOSERS Return nutrients back to the soil

Redefine Energy in city can be defined as sun energy input and capital accumulation. To human it is the accumulation of money with technology development. To guarantee the profits, the employer would control the staffs they recruit and the partners they cooperate. Energy as heat or capital, can provide all creatures to survive.

For Human Besides basic survival condition, people need money to exchange products. Under this circumstance, capital is a type of energy for human. Capital space are bulit above workforce. Migrant and domestic workers earn their lives in company and capitalist have enough wealth to accumulate. Different hierarchy got different value.

For the System Sun is the initial input of the system and the energy transfer by the food web involved all creatures in the city. In urban water system, the hydrophyte absorb the carbon dioxide and produce oxygen with sun energy. And shrimp eat plants and would be eaten by other big fishes. This action complete energy transfer. Energy transfer would be completed in each small artificial urban eco-system and finally entered the human activity places.

PONTENTIAL Wiki: Potential generally refers to a currently unrealized ability. The term is used in a wide variety of fields, from physics to the social sciences to indicate things that are in a state where they are able to change in ways ranging from the simple release of energy by objects to the realization of abilities in people.

Human is complex and we have many potential emotion that we did not realize and can not control. Potential existence is always the large part of individual.

What we show to others is the little part of oursleves. Under it, the potential one decide who we are.

Redefine Compared with previous relationship, this relationship is passive, unconscious or not yet happen. The pregnant parents. When you have any accident in the daily life, the one who helps you. When you pass away, the grave beside you.

For Human This relationship is imaginary of the future. The potential relationship has many possibility and it can have good or bad tendancy. Everyone has the potential to be the CEO, teacher, astronaut or even president. Also everyone has the potential to be sent into prison. The potential also exist in the accident happened by chance. The doctor who saved you in your unconscious time is potential one.

For the System It is the relationship we do not have in the present time. Creatures still have evolution now and may be in the future there are another intelligence lives. As mentioned above, our creatures shared with familiar gene and we may have potential information relationship, which can cure some human diseases.

TRUST Wiki: In a social context, trust has several connotations.Definitions of trust typically refer to a situation characterized by the following aspects: One party (trustor) is willing to rely on the actions of another party (trustee); the situation is directed to the future. In addition, the trustor (voluntarily or forcedly) abandons control over the actions performed by the trustee. As a consequence, the trustor is uncertain about the outcome of the other's actions; they can only develop and evaluate expectations. The uncertainty involves the risk of failure or harm to the trustor if the trustee will not behave as desired. Vladimir Ilych Lenin expressed this idea with the sentence "Trust is good, control is better".

Different elments in the urban system, the dots can be individual or some specific place as well.

The potential relationship link the dots. These links may happend in the future but trust in the tendency.

Developed the social network, invisible but can be trust.

Redefine Potential relationship may be sometimes invisible for the individual, the trust space is also potential exsitence. It is the social trust. Individual trust the governent, policy decideded and they are protected by the governers. The sense of security

For Human Trust space is the developing result of potential relationship. Hospital is the trust space, when patients have the accidents they have to trust the doctors the staffs who take care of them. Shopping mall is the trust place, the consumer accept the sales the recommodation even they only know each other in few minutes. Trust space in the urban sytem is perfomative.

For the System Not only human trust each other but also other creatures trust. The urban park, the pound in the city and some green space is the trust space of system.

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