The number of those seeking the services of The Bridge (East Midlands) during the global pandemic is astounding, with a 72% rise in 2020-21, compared to 2019-20
Demand for homelessness and welfare support grows
or over 25 years The Bridge has been striving to build resilient and compassionate communities often supporting those most vulnerable and most in need of support in our society – in particular, those with complex needs, ex-offenders, young people, and those entrenched in rough sleeping. Along with addressing the immediate housing and accommodation issues, it is part of the charity’s mission to support clients holistically; assisting individuals to tackle the root causes of their housing crisis, including health and wellbeing issues, in order to create positive and sustainable futures.
Delivering not one, not two but 12 different services, which include advice, support, assistance, and accommodation interventions to the homeless and those at risk of housing crisis, The Bridge also provided adapted services in response to the rising demand for services during and after the global pandemic. It has been no easy feat, but with support from local individuals and the business community, the team set up a free phone 0800 number, ensuring everyone could access support and information when they needed it most, as well as an extensive programme of foodbanks, deliveries, welfare support, and advice.
Much of their work is preventative, particularly in their Youth Homelessness Services, including talk2sort Mediation Service and Single Access Point, which have won national awards. Whether an individual is in need of a food parcel, or requests long-term support for complex housing needs, they strive to offer every client the same warm welcome and respect. With their services more vital than ever before and demand growing daily, you can discover ways in which you and your business can help by visiting or calling 01509 260 500.
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