Ho Ho Ho!
How to be Happy in Spain! Official Advice, As If You Need It.
Tarotscope ‘16! Elaine predicts your year
New Year Parties Clubs, Pubs & Public
What’s On The Box Santa? Christmas TV Highlights
Jewels of the Isle Richness and importance of Pitiuses waters highlighted in new Department of the Environment publication. 15 rare and protected ‘Jewels’ listed for special attention.
Balearic Sea waters are home to a biological richness of the highest order and some proof of this is in the 50 protected species to be found around our coast, including marine plants, fish, molluscs,
echinoderms (spiny skinned sea creatures such as Starfish) and mammals. The Department of the Environment has published a list of the fifteen most important and most threatened to raise awareness about the need to preserve these species. It also calls on the public to contact the Species Protection Service if finding injured or dead animals on the list, by calling 971 784 956 or by contacting especies@dgcapea.caib.es.
Continued inside on page 9.
Photos: left Patudo (bigeye) octopus, which can reach nearly metre and a half long. By Paco Valdés, Right: Posidonia meadows surround the Balearics and are home to among many other creatures the Seahorse, of which there are two species in our waters, neither of which exceed 15cm in length. By Jorge Jimenez
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
News Weather Tuesday 19o
Wednesday 18º
Thursday 18o
Friday 17º
also online at theibizan.com
End to Puig d’en Vallis’ Treacherous Approach Improvements to a stretch of about 430 meters of the road into Puig d'en Valls have been put out to tender. The proposal excludes the first fifty meters from the Jesus roundabout as the Furniture Factory warehouse on the junction prevents work on that section. The works have been allocated a budget of 605,000 euros and will include a bike path and landscaping much of the access road. The successful contractor will be allowed a non-extendable period of 14 weeks for completion of the works. Currently, the road has a variable width between two and four meters, but after improvement it will be extended to a width of about 11 meters along its entire length, 6 meters for two way road traffic as required by law, plus the cycle lane and a a two meter wide path for pedestrians who currently have to walk on the road in what is acknowledged as a very dangerous situation. The new road will keep road traffic away from bikes and pedestrians with 400 meters of fencing and be illuminated by 18 LED low consumption streetlights. Plans indicate an impact on 1,500 square meters around the road, though there are no costs indicated for compulsory purchasing necessary in fulfilment of the scheme.
Saturday 18º
Sunday 16º
New Police Chief o
Monday 18
Tuesday 18o
José Luis Garau Carmen, until now head of the Police Intervention Unit Valencia (IPU, the riot police), has been appointed head of Ibiza’s Police. He is expected to take up his post during January. The previous commissioner, Jose Luis Santafe, voluntarily resigned on December 9 after nearly two years as head of the National Police, which has its headquarters in Ibiza
Town. Garau’s appointment was confirmed last week. According to what they state to be unofficial sources, The Diario de Ibiza say the new commissioner’s intention is not to stay in Ibiza for too long due to his wife working as a professor at the University of Valencia. In over 15 years of experience in the IPU of Valencia he Garau has received several awards including the Police Medal of Merit.
Much Needed Emergency Response Vehicle for Santa Eulalia The Mayor of Santa Eulalia, Vicent Mari, made a presentation of Santa Eulalia’s new emergency response vehicle to head of the borough’s Civil Protection volunteers, Mariano Bonet. The event was also attended by several of the volunteer responders that give up their time in delivering this important service. The pick up truck cost 32,000 euros and the intention of the volunteers is to equip it with a defibrillator, medical supplies and other items essential in first response to emergencies, making use of its greater speed than the other vehicles available to them (a fire engine for extinguishing small fires and a six-seater van with rescue equipment). The new pick up will also be able to traverse land inaccessible in their currents vehicles. This year Santa Eulalia’s Civil Protection volunteers have given in excess of 2,300 hours responding to situations under the direction of the Government’s General Directorate of Emergency Services who operate the 112 telephone line. This is in addition to the hours set aside for training courses and activities, all of which are unpaid in their own time.
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Gerts Gets Ferrous Filters
Drought results in high Iron levels in water supply
Santa Eulària City Council has invested 90,000 euros in providing new filtration equipment for the water supply network of the Santa Gertrudis area. The filtration equipment is required due to the current high levels of iron in the water supply, which is in turn due to the falling water table as recently reported in the Ibizan to be reaching crisis levels. As explained by the council, the presence of iron in water occurs "naturally", but with the drop in Ibiza’s aquifier reserves the level has been increasing to unacceptable levels. "When the water table is higher, the concentration of iron is lower because more is dissolved in
Aerial view of Santa Gertrudis, which is affected by high Iron levels in its water supply. Cr.X Durán liquid, but following last year’s drought we found that iron levels were increasing, so the decision to install this filtering system was taken." They also insisted that "at no time did iron levels exceed the limit," though it is noted that their statements came without the publication of any figures as to what levels were found, though they did state that the heavy metals are "well below 100 micrograms per liter, where the legal maximum is 200". They also note that the quality control and safety of the water is under the governance of the Department of Health, which collects its own samples and "when it detects values above the recommended" states what corrective measures should be taken, "including the possibility of issue a warning that the water is unfit for certain uses, a situation that has not occurred since the higher than usual iron levels were detected for the first time.” In addition to the new filtration equipment, Santa Eulària has now received a stretch of 1.5 kilometres of pipeline "which will receive water from the desalination plant as this becomes operational".
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
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Ibiza’s Crematorium could be open February The works that have been taking place on the new Santa Eulalia crematorium are coming to an end and it could be in service as early as February 2016. Mayor Vicent Mari visited the building last week and explained that the installation of the equipment and all necessary building works has been undertaken. According to the company responsible for its management, the facility has the relevant permissions to start services within two months. During the visit, the Mayor took a tour around the two storey building and confirmed that it has all necessary machinery and equipment needed, missing only small furnishings and decorative elements to create an inviting and relaxing atmosphere as possible for relatives in the circumstances. The project has involved an investment of 587,000 euros financed by the adjudicator of the service, which is located in the old building for funeral services built within the cemetery. Due to the increasing demand of this service, the startup is hugely important to residents on the island who have had to deal with the expense and stress of having to travel to Mallorca or the peninsula for such services to date. Therefore, according to the contract award and approved by the Council in September 2013, the general rate of incineration will be around 1200 euros and 700 for residents in the municipality. Some studies indicate that the actual cost may be close to 6000 euros. The concession is for 20 years and the company who manage the incinerator will have to pay a fee of 10,000 euros quarterly, in addition to a payment "in kind", the figure of which will allow staff at the crematorium to develop 2,000 hours of work for the City Council in the municipal cemetery. As it was announced in October, in addition to this procedure, the Council is investigating the possibility of expanding into a third phase of the current installations of the cemetery, in order to cope with the demand that is caused by the increase of population in the municipality. In the same project, they are looking at the possibility of including a space for funeral directors providing care and transfer of the deceased. There are around 500 deaths logged on the island per year, of which about 150 are people living within the Santa Eulalia municipality.
12775, That’s Our Number …. Fat Pay Out by the Fat One 2nd, 4th and 5th Prize winners in Christmas Lottery
Members of a San Antonio lotto consortium have won second prize in the annual Christmas lottery, equating to a minimum of 12.5 million euros to be distributed among themselves. The winning number, 12.775., is purchased each year by consortium head Juan Limones and distributed via the Peña Sevillista football club. Each share purchased will be worth 125,000€. Some, such as the club’s vice president Antonio Guerrero, have purchased multiple shares. The Guerrero family bought four tickets, so they have been graced with 500,000 euros. One winner, the owner of a San Antonio bar, bought his winning ticket just five minutes before the start of the televised draw. Another winner, Silvia Limones, is daughter of the organiser and one of Ibiza’s deputies in the Balearic government. Silvia learnt of her win during an open session of Parliament’s Environmental committee. Just minutes after learning of her windfall Silvia took the speaker’s stand in parliament and delivered her planned speech to convey San Antonio’s environmental budget plans, and then continued in the session to respond to opposition challenges. "I'm thrilled," said Silvia to the Diario de Ibiza, “particularly for my father who is a very generous person." Ibiza faired very well in this year’s lottery also recording fourth and fifth placed winning numbers.
Cover Photo Our thanks to Carol and Tina of Cala llonga for their photo of this rather superb Sandman. Pictured next to their no-snow show, Tina told us that the creation was inspired by our recent fabulous weather. “Realising it was just not going to snow, we decided to do the next best thing and make our very own Mr. Sandman. It was good fun, (thank you Mr. G. for lending a hand with the shovel), and it was nice to have a few curious beach strollers stop and take some photo/selfies with our new and really SANDsom friend!” With puns that bad you could come work for us Carol. :-)
Ibiza Deputy Silvia Limones learns of 2nd prize win on the floor of parliament. Cr G Bosch
Employees and Clients of La Granja Costa celebrating their second prize share. J.A. Riera
Spanish Election 2015 As reported by El Pais, English version by Susana Urra
Popular Party wins Spanish election but will find it difficult to govern Fragmented scenario makes coalitions necessary, but finding partners will not be easy
Spaniards have decided to end over three decades of twoparty rule by the Popular Party (PP) and the Socialist Party (PSOE). Instead, their voting choices in Sunday’s general election have created a highly fragmented scenario that will require coalitions over the next four years. “We are going to participate in this political change. It all begins today” Ciudadanos leader Albert Rivera While the incumbent PP has managed to attract the most votes, its 123 seats are a far cry from the 186 it obtained in 2011 and the 176 it required for an absolute majority. (Continued on page 16)
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
New Year is taken very seriously in Ibiza, and it looks like this year may be a particularly big effort if bookings are anything to go by. Both of our supporters the Royal Plaza Hotel and Villa Mercedes have already sold out completely for their always popular New Year’s Eve dinners, and so we can offer you no more than their very best wishes for the new year, but we’ve plenty more to keep you partying pre and post midnight.
Noche Vieja ~ Spanish Style
Most businesses will close at lunchtime and families kick off the celebrations with another big meal all gathered around the table together. It is traditional to watch the special televised event from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid leading up to midnight. At the stroke of midnight eating one grape for each chime of the bell, which represents the twelve months of the year, is considered to bring good luck for the forthcoming year. Many say you should make one wish for each grape/month along with each chime. For most Spanish people it is all about family until midnight and the public festivities do not get going until later. This is reflected by the start times of the many municipal events around the Island .
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also online at theibizan.com
San Antonio
00.30—New years eve party, welcome in 2016 with dancing, music and good company in he tent at the fountains
San Jose
00.30 – New Year’s Eve party with Ivan Domenech. Sant Josep 00.30 – New Year’s Eve party, dancing and music with Good Times at the municipal centre in Cala de Bou
La Cava
The perfect place to start the night for those attending the Vara de Rey party plus those looking to dance the night away at Pacha, La Cava are offering a special new year menu for 65€ including drinks. At time of going to print they have a few tables available so our advice is to not hang about!
Public Parties Ibiza Town
00.30 - New Year's Eve party in the Vara de Rey, with DJ Jordi Cardona playing disco funk, rock and pop until 5a.m. Hot chocolate will be served.
Hostal La Torre
Regular readers will know that we have been raving about La Torre’s sublime skills on the food front, and this chic boutique are offering a very special all inclusive deal with accommodation over new year. 3 nights accommodation with the drinks inclusive new year menu for 380€ or 2 nights for 300€. Given that price is for 2 PEOPLE, it gives the level of bargain break that belies its quality. Read our full review here http://bit.ly/Ibizanlatorre
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
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La Casita
La Casita didn’t get their Michelin stripes for nothing and a look at their menu for New Year is the best evidence you could wish for as to what makes this hilltop hideaway a very special place to see in the new year. We understand their party goes on for quite some time, in part perhaps due to the sheer number of courses on offer, but also just because that’s the way they do New year, in fine style. Call for pricing & reservations 971 330 293
Menú Noche Vieja—Restaurante La Casita Música en Vivo Aperitivo Mango al cava Cuvée rose “ y Cuvée Brut “This” Borgo Molino Salad with fried scallops and lobster Mango - Balsamic vinaigrette Cappuccino of chest nuts cream with truffle
Ibiza Rocks House at Pikes
The institution that is Pikes will always be a great choice for the biggest of big nights out, but this year they have excelled themselves with a double top of both the Melon Bomb boys in the booth with the groove, and Rock Nights for those with a plectrum preference to which they wish to bang their heads. Melon Bomb line up: Paul Reynolds, Scott Gray, Corbi, Andreas .Rock Nights line up: Colin Peters, Lola Von Dage, Wild Wolf, Tiki Boy , Canovas Of course Pikes being Pikes there will be all manner of the usual unusual happenings dotted here there and everywhere - including Sunny’s bathtub karaoke—and that’s just how we like it, eccentric ‘n’ eclectic, electric ’n’ electronic, but always epic. Ticket only—available via https://xceed.me/events/ibiza/12696/rock-nights-melonbomb-presents-new-years-eve-at-pikes-hotel
Medallion of monk fish on celery pure with saffron sauce
Stevie D’s
Lemon sorbet perfumed with Marc de champagne
For those who prefer to Pub! Not everybody wants to go to the fuss (or pay the prices) of Ibiza’s clubbing scene and for those who prefer pub to club Stevie D’s is the best place to end—and start your new year celebrations. End 2015 with a party that will be more Chas n Dave than trance n rave at Stevie D’s traditional New Year Party with the bar opening at noon and the party going through Spanish midnight, and undoubtedly repeating the New Year celebrations when Big Ben strikes 12 in the UK. Whether there at night or not, see below as it has to be the place to start your 2016 on Friday ….
Beef fillet “Rossini” Grilled duck liver with bacon, Sauce of port wine Pommes Macaire, vegetable of the season Sweets variation for Sant Sylvester! Coffee and Digestif Cotellon and Grapes for luck!! Veltins de barril Viña Pomal Reserva Centenario Rioja Setzer Weissburgunder “Pinot Blanc” Raimat chardonney Cava Anna de Codorniu Brut Nature
had some hair of the dog, what do you need next? That’s right, the day demands a dip in the briny, though this being Ibiza and the plunge being at Gracioneta rather than Skegness, we predict an altogether more civilised affair—as reflected by the mulled wine, hot soup and chocolate awaiting your egress and who knows, perhaps you’ll even get one of the prizes for longest, oldest etc offered up by organisers Putumayo and Tulp. Then in true Ibiza fashion it’s just around the corner to the bar to get the party started. All over again. 2.30pm, Meet at Putumayo : 3pm Plunge followed by mulled wine/Gluwein, hot chocolate, hot pea soup Then 4pm party at Putumayo with live music. See advert front page. http://bit.ly/dipper16
At 2am Goulaschsoupe
Call for pricing & reservations 971 330 293
Stevie D’s Fried Breakfast
That’s right, we’re back at Stevie D’s for the best reason possible on New Year’s Day. The reason? Bacon. Stevie D’s are not only serving a proper. Full, fried hangover British Breakfast, they are even offering you a discount if you finish it. Madness. Or is it? Only one way to find out …. (full info on opening times etc. in their advert on page 11)
And Finally …
It’s getting late, you’ve been partying for 24 hours, we know just what you’ll be wanting next ….. DC 10. what else?
The Big Dipper
New Year’s Day Plunge ‘n’ Party by Putumayo and Tulipan. Here we go then, you’ve dealt with that hangover, you’ve
Not Finally? …
Still not done, we’re sure you’ll find something ...
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
Page 6
also online at theibizan.com
What’s On The Box Santa? th
29 Dec
Insightful & interesting. Beckham’s on the Box
David Beckham: For the Love of Football 9:00pm, Tuesday, 29 December 2015, BBC1
David Beckham achieved great things in a glittering football career. But he never played in the frozen wastelands of Antarctica, nor did he join in with a community kickabout in Papua New Guinea or at a refugee camp in Djibouti during his Manchester United, Real Madrid and England heyday. For this special documentary, old Goldenballs is having a ball. He’s playing seven matches across seven continents and, along the way, meeting people who share his deep love of the beautiful game – but not his enormous wealth. Then, he plays an emotional farewell match at Old Trafford alongside a host of international footballing legends. Like its host, this documentary is a real winner…
30 Dec
I ‘proclaim’ Sunshine on Leith as my pick of the day
and Ally (Kevin Guthrie), back from Afghanistan, get involved with nurses Yvonne (Misfits' Antonia Thomas) and Liz (Skins' Freya Mavor), while Liz and Davy's parents (Peter Mullan, Jane Horrocks) have their own problems. The superb cast do full justice to the Reid Brothers' stirring singalong anthems.
10:00pm, Wednesday, 30 December 2015, BBC4
This classic thriller often crops up in arguments about the best film that Alfred Hitchcock made. Some say Psycho, some The Birds, many North by Northwest. But Vertigo was voted best film of all time in Sight and Sound magazine’s latest poll. Leading man James Stewart abandons his niceguy image to play a private eye with a fear of heights who develops an obsession with the woman he’s been hired to spy on (Kim Novak). It all plays rather like a ghost story, but one without a ghost, and not only boasts a strangely depopulated San Francisco shimmering in the sunlight, but one of Bernard Herrmann’s more evocative soundtracks.
New Year’s Eve
The Queen
4:30pm, Tuesday, 29 December 2015, ITV
From the moment she first appears on screen, Helen Mirren becomes the Queen in this movie about the fateful week that Princess Diana died in 1997. In a performance that rightly won her an Oscar, a Golden Globe and a Bafta award, Helen Mirren gets the voice, appearance and body language of Her Majesty exactly right. Focusing on the response of the Royal Family to the outpouring of public grief that overtook the nation following Diana's death in Paris, Stephen Frears' film takes a look at the Queen's relationship with her new PM Tony Blair (Michael Sheen) and her domestic life with Prince Philip (James Cromwell) and the Queen Mother (Sylvia Syms). Funny, witty, and superbly written, this is a riveting watch and surprisingly moving.
Simply the cutest TV you’ll ever see—Panda Babies
Monsters, Inc
4:20pm, Wednesday, 30 December 2015, BBC1
Frozen Sing-A-Long
6:10pm, Tuesday, 29 December 2015, Sky Movies Disney
The makers of Toy Story delivered the mesmerising goods again, with this rib-tickling riot of colour, comedy and cutting edge computer animation. John Goodman and Billy Crystal voice the two key characters, the bear-like Sulley and his little green one-eyed bundle of a pal, Mike. Their job is to frighten children (whose screams provide the power for their firm of Monsters Inc.), but modern kids are getting harder and harder to scare. Also, these monsters are really more like cuddly toys than scary creatures and, when one little tot follows them back into their secret city, the slapstick fun really starts. Clever, cute and full of chuckles, this is a perfect piece of family entertainment. Kids will be entranced and grown-ups will be, too - in-between appreciating all the in-jokes and smart banter.
We couldn’t have Christmas without Frozen, the Snow Queen adaptation given a glossy, girl-power makeover by Disney – a billion-dollar global blockbuster that won two Oscars. And now the entire family can join in with the memorable tunes in this sing-a-long version of what is already regarded as a classic. When Queen Elsa runs away because her power to turn things into ice proves destructive, her sister goes in search of her…
Panda Babies
8:30pm, Thursday, 31 December 2015, ITV
Sunshine on Leith
4:35pm, Wednesday, 30 December 2015, Channel 4
This rousingly feelgood Edinburgh-set musical inspired by the gritty songs of Scottish folk-rock duo The Proclaimers quickly got dubbed McMamma Mia! Adapted from a stage show, it weaves 13 Proclaimers numbers into a sentimental but delightful tale. British squaddies Davy (George MacKay)
Vet Steve Leonard’s Christmases have all come at once in this magical documentary as he visits China’s leading panda centres to meet the most precious animal babies in the world. At nursery and playgroup, he sees first- hand how panda nannies care for these critically endangered animals, from blowing their noses (well, they can’t do it themselves!) to tapping their bellies to help them, er, go to the toilet. He gets up close with a couple of young twins who love to play fight, is chased by a toddler who’s hungry for carrots and, at big school, Steve blends in with the locals by donning a panda onesie (yes, really!). Surely the cutest programme on television this Christmas.
Mrs Brown's Boys D'Movie 9:15pm, Thursday, 31 December 2015, BBC1
Fans of the sitcom will be in seventh heaven with this bigscreen outing for Brendan O’Carroll’s blowsy Dublin market
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
trader, although those who don’t know the original may be left rather cold. As matriarch Agnes’s family rally round to save her stall from developers, expect the usual antics plus a motley troupe of blind trainee ninjas, an alcoholic solicitor and a barrister with Tourette’s. You have been warned!
also online at theibizan.com
Page 7
Party Perfect Carly S
New Year Live
9:00pm, Thursday, 31 December 2015, Channel 4
From anarchy with Alan to fabulous fireworks, here’s 2016! As ever, we’re spoilt for choice in terms of New Year celebrations! Alan Carr gets the party started at 9.00pm on C4 with his New Year Specstacular, in which he’ll welcome in 2016 with celebrity guests, sketches, audience participation and, most likely, some bizarre boozy beverages, then it’s over to Jools Holland for his Hootenanny (BBC2, 11.10pm). If grizzled Canadian rockers are your thing, turn to BBC1 for Bryan Adams Rocks Big Ben Live (11.30pm, ex Scotland), in which Bryan performs either side of the midnight bongs and the fireworks over the Thames. And those of you who see in the New Year with a shaken-not-stirred Martini will enjoy The Nation’s Favourite Bond Song (ITV, times vary).
New Year’s Day
You might think it's hard to feel festive when the sun is shining in a bright blue sky whilst turquoise crystal waters lap at sandy beaches, but you're wrong. Despite the warm weather, this little island is definitely feeling festive. Each town has its tree and decorations lit, there are events happening all over the place and the schools are adorned with creative Christmas crafts. I've just returned from my daughter's Christmas party at Es Vedranell school and it was lovely. In the foyer, next to the pet turtles, is a huge poster Christmas tree decorated with photographs of the students and teachers creating or displaying the dough sculptures they did for their November homework. Hanging across the ceiling are letters spelling out the schools name and the hilariously named (to English speakers with a childish sense of humour, like me, anyway) theme for the school year 'un fart d'art'. I'm told by my daughter's fabulous teacher that this means 'loads of art', but still chuckle when I see it. The child in me will always love toilet humour. Hung across the ceiling of the corridors are Christmas stockings the kids decorated at home with their parents (the school is big on involving parents, and I love it! Last week I got to go in and make Christmas crowns with my little girl's class, which was great fun! I also learnt that giving 2 year olds stickers and something to decorate with aforementioned stickers occupies them for at least 15 full minutes. That's an eternity in toddler time!) and the walls bear home made posters and photos of the little ones doing various activities. The Christmas Party was held in the playground and hall. All parents contributed food or drink to be shared and collected our children from class to eat and play for a while before the main event. After food, we gathered in the hall to watch three teachers wearing big circles and the headteacher Sandra wearing a square perform a skit where they all danced in to Happy then through a round door cut from a painted sheet hanging from the ceiling. Whilst the circles all fit through with ease, poor Sandra Square got stuck. After some deliberation (in Catalan, but easy enough to follow, it was after all aimed at under
threes!) and various attempts by the square to fit through the round door, the circles decided that it wasn't their friend square who needed to change, but the door. They cut the door to size and square slid easily through. A lovely little message about acceptance, working together and celebrating differences, which was performed with great comic timing and enthusiasm by the staff! After this, the staff led the kids in singing the Miss Poppy song. Miss Poppy, who is a creation of the school and wonderfully portrayed by Sandra, is a kind bespectacled old lady who flies in from London each week to give English lessons to the children. As the song ended, Miss Poppy entered smiling, waving and carrying a big bag of presents. We parents had taken in a book for our children the previous week and, after saying hello to the children, who enthusiastically waved and said hello back, she led them in a second rendition of her song and called them up one by one to receive their gifts. It was a beautiful detail and very creative way to incorporate the school English programme into the Christmas celebration. My husband and I particularly enjoyed it as it was the only bit we completely understood every word of! It was fantastic to see the children, staff and parents having fun, smiling and interacting and I'd like to say a huge thank-you to Sandra, Vali and all the teachers and assistants at Es Vedranell for a wonderful morning. Moltes gràcies i feliç nadal!
toilet-roll factory that he can’t afford a proper present for his son, Joe. But then Len invents a new type of toilet paper and suddenly he’s a billionaire! Len buys a mansion, hires Warwick Davis as his celebrity butler, gets himself a gold-digger girlfriend (Catherine Tate) and lavishes gifts on Joe. However, what Joe really wants is some attention. Warwick Davis is hilarious, while Walliams also pops up in an amusing cameo as Joe’s disgusting dinner lady.
Wouldn’t be Christmas without some Die Hard action
Billionaire Boy
7:00pm, Friday, 1 January 2016, BBC1
Christmas is looking bleak for the Spud family in this heart-warming adaptation of the David Walliams children’s book. Dad Len (John Thomson) has so little money from his job at the
Wreck-It Ralph
4:30pm, Friday, 1 January 2016, BBC1
Wreck-It Ralph (voiced by John C Reilly) is the building-smashing bad guy in a 1980s arcade game called Fix-It Felix Jr, but he's really a big softy at heart. And in Disney's jaunty Oscar-nominated animated fantasy, he just aches for a chance to be the hero who saves the day. So he breaks out of his game and sets off on his quest, only to unleash mayhem across the arcade that threatens to pull the plug on a series of games, including his own... Viewers with a taste for sweetnatured fun will relish the film's toothsome comedy and hard -core gamers will be sure to have a blast picking up all the injokes.
Well tickle my toys it’s been a busy few days but that’s me done for another year. I hope you’ve enjoyed the best of the box with me and I’ll see you same place next year. Don’t forget to be nice not naughty, and as I always say, be good to your elf! No really, they get right cantankerous if you’re not. Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas One and All.
A Good Day to Die Hard
9:00pm, Friday, 1 January 2016, Channel 4
Bruce Willis' wisecracking hero John McClane is back for his fifth screen outing, 25 years after the character's iconic debut. This time, McClane travels to Moscow to track down his estranged son, Jack (Jai Courtney), who is actually an undercover CIA spy and McClane's inopportune arrival blows his mission to whisk a Russian whistleblower (Sebastian Koch) to safety, beyond the reach of an oligarch's private army. McClane can't resist getting involved and father and son proceed to team up, bickering and bonding amidst the flying bullets as the convoluted plot sends them to an ultimate showdown with the bad guys at the Chernobyl nuclear plant.
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
also online at theibizan.com
Page 8
Tarotscope ‘16 Elaine takes a look at the year ahead …
The Ibizan’s regular Sage of the Page Elaine has cast her cards forward to give you the heads up on what in the coming year you may need to steer clear, hold dear, or fear. For readings or more information contact Elaine on:-
Aries, March 21 - April 19, The Star
Facebook; tarot from the heart
Email; tarotfromtheheart@gmail.com
mailto:tarotfromtheheart@gmail.com (links are live in online issue)
Cancer, June 21 - July 22, Temperance
What a lovely beacon of light to guide you on your personal journey throughout 2016. You may have experienced a rollercoaster of life experiences recently, so this card comes as a blessing to confirm that better times are ahead and that your true ‘Star Quality’ will shine through. Hope is the message of this card so be assured that you’ll be able to wish upon this Star throughout the year and see how your dreams become manifest. You will have good friends and mentors cheering you on so conquer any lingering fears. Happy New Year Aries!
Nothing in excess is implied by this card, and in many ways this is true. You can push your physical body out of whack by over indulging in the good or not so good things in life, therefore on a mundane level you’re encouraged to get your act together in 2016. Let’s go deeper with this card; it’s also time to clear out the mental rubbish you’ve accumulated over the past years. The falsehoods and fears you’ve allowed to fester and to open up to be a clearer channel for what’s good for you, in Mind Body and Spirit. Happy New Year Cancer!
Taurus, April 20 - May 20, The Empress
‘How may I serve?’ should be your mantra during 2016. This card is a healing blessing, encouraging you to reach into the heart of any matter and offer wise counsel to those less fortunate or going through a tough time. 2016 is a year when you’ll complete a phase of your life; when it will be less about how you personally gain and more about how you can encourage others. Don’t feel that sacrifice’s will be in vain; on the contrary, you’ll derive a great deal of happiness and joy from helping others. Happy New Year Leo!
How fitting that this card was drawn for you Taurus as she represents your sign in the TAROT deck and therefore the power of this card is amplified during 2016. She is indeed Lady Bountiful and will ensure that as a new path opens for you, you’ll be able to reap the harvest of previous hard work. Love and beauty becomes heightened and many of you will fall in love or even think about starting a family. Your image will be something you’ll also want to invest in. How do you look? Fabulous! Happy New Year Taurus!
Gemini, May 21 - June 20, The Lovers
How fitting that this card was drawn for you; The Lovers is associated with the sign of Gemini and it represents the choices we make in life. 2016 will be a year when you’re faced with decisions that must be considered carefully. Childlike qualities come to the surface and you may be dealing with tantrums from your inner child or wonderment and excitement at what life can offer. Getting the balance right is crucial. You’ll be at a crossroads several times this year; it is important to feel passionate about your decisions. Happy New Year Gemini!
Leo, July 23 - August 22, The Hermit
Virgo, Aug 23 - Sep 22, The Hierophant
Also known as the High Priest, this card represents how, when we go through challenging times, a little faith and a good dollop of selfconfidence can make all the difference to the outcome. During 2016 you will feel at times that you’re being challenged personally and professionally, but that is so you become clear and firm in your objectives. Nothing wishy washy here; you must stand by your beliefs and be prepared to fight your corner using your wits, charm and wisdom and by not storming in with all guns blazing. Happy New Year Virgo!
Libra, Sep 23-Oct 22, Wheel of Fortune
This card reminds you that nothing is ever still. Even when in quiet contemplation you are sitting on planet earth as it rotates around the Sun at warp speed. As 2016 begins it will seem that not much has changed Libra, but in fact things are shifting and by Spring the speed at which projects and plans progress will leave you feeling dizzy at times. You’re on a personal evolutionary journey this year where you’ll be casting off old doubts and some shaky acquaintances; making room for new and exciting developments and friendships. Happy New Year Libra!
Scorpio, Oct 23 - Nov 21, The Magician
This could prove to be a magical year for you Scorpio, so long as you focus and pay attention to underlying messages or the sub plots that are playing out in certain life scenarios. This gives you the edge when weighing up the many options open to you in 2016. If you work in sales you will have a bumper year where your intuitive ability helps you to second guess your client’s needs, which in turn rewards you handsomely. The Magician puts the magic back in life and urges you to develop any creative talents. Happy New Year Scorpio!
Sagittarius, Nov 22 - Dec 21, Justice
Karma, divine justice or what goes around comes around is highlighted in 2016. You’ll experience a sense of satisfaction, especially if you’ve been unfairly criticised or maligned and will enjoy seeing the chickens come home to roost in a certain scenario. However, the deeper meaning here is to see that there are no rights or wrongs, only opinions and different viewpoints. Don’t get caught up in retribution, let it go, move forward and work on bringing good times back in your life. It’s a great year for budding or professional writers too. Happy New Year Sagittarius!
Capricorn, Dec22-Jan19, High Priestess
She silently bears witness to events that have happened in life and is asking you in 2016 to learn from these experiences. The good ones see as a chance to be grateful & to share your good fortune; the challenging ones to grow in stature and take responsibility for what you’ve manufactured as an opportunity for your soul to grow. She is giving you alluring qualities & heightened intuition where you can attract almost anything you desire. Her message is to use your seductive power wisely. Be careful what you wish for. Happy New Year Capricorn!
Aquarius, Jan 20 - Feb 18, The World
A new era begins for you in 2016 Aquarius, your world is expanding and you will find international destinations and people will have a huge impact. This is a card of great success so look forward to a most fortunate year! Hard work is the key here as this card is also associated with Saturn, the zodiac task master. However, in this aspect he also promises great rewards to those who are dedicated to fulfilling their goals or mission. This is a fabulous year to start or expand your business, so what are you waiting for? Happy New Year Aquarius!
Pisces, Feb 19 - March 20, The Fool
The card of creation which represents the Soul who is fearless and trusts, with no concern for the outcome, but only that the journey is enjoyed and understood. The number of this card is zero, where we began from; the great void. It is also referred to as Key number 22, the journeys end, and as such is a master number or sign of self-mastery. 2016 is therefore a significant year for you Pisces. A year where you are fearless, a seeker of knowledge and who radiates love, just as the creator intended. Powerful stuff. Happy New Year Pisces!
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January Sunday Jan 3:
San Antonio 12.00 (noon) - The Grand Musical held at the Cine Regio. A Christmas spectacular for all the family. (see flyer) San Jose 17.00 – Arrival of the King’s Page, delivery of the letters Sant Josep San Jordi 17.00 – Children’s activities and the arrival of the Kings Page, delivery of letters CEIP San Jordi San Jordi 19.00 – The Magic of Christmas with Albert, CEIP Cala de Bou 17.00 – Arrival of the Kings Page, delivery of letters & auditions for children to participate in the parade.
Three Kings
Tuesday Jan 5:
Nicole Torres
January 6th is the Feast of the Epiphany and the twelfth day of Christmas. It is when the Three Kings of the East arrived in Bethlehem and presented their gifts to the baby Jesus. For this reason, this is the most celebrated day for children and when they usually receive the bulk of their presents, which the Kings leave for them in their homes. The eve before, on 5th December, most towns hold processions with Gaspar, Melchor and Baltasar sitting atop their own float, greeting the town’s residents and throwing kilos of sweets to all the children. In the province of Granada, in the small town in Sierra Nevada, the Three Kings actually ski into the village, while in coastal regions like Ibiza they arrive by boat. Many parents often bribe their children into being good around this time of the year, with the threat that the Kings will leave them a piece of coal (made out of sugar) instead of any presents. And the day won’t be complete without something good to eat either. It is tradition to eat a Roscón de Reyes on this day, which is a doughy sweet roll shaped into a ring, inside
it there is a small baby Jesus) or toy is hidden. Whoever ends up with the trinket is considered blessed and gets to wear the paper crown that comes with the Roscón. There is also a bean inside and whoever gets that is joked about and in some houses has to pay for the Roscón!
Ibiza Town 18.30 – Kings Parade. They arrive at the port and go through the town, ending in the Vara de Rey. San Antonio 18.30—Kings Parade, starting from the ferry terminal along the front and don’t forget your bags! San Jose 20.00 – Kings Parade and gift giving Sant Josep San Jordi 20.00 – Kings Parade & gift giving, CEIP Sant Jordi Cala de Bou 18.00 – Kings parade and gift giving Cala de Bou
Events & Kings Parades
Ibiza Town 18.30 – aerial acrobatic show in the Vara de Rey. San Antonio 18.00 – Talent show, all ages and talents welcomed in the tent at the fountains. To participate in the show send an email to festes@santantoni.net before the 4th Jan.
Saturday Jan 2:
Ibiza Town 10.00 - party for seniors in the Peace Park, with chocolate & churros and dancing led by Juanjo and Silvia. 12.00 - concert from Quin Delibat! in the Mercat Vell. San Jose 21.30 – A night of Rock with MRC and Face the Maybe (Ibiza-Barcelona), marquee Sant Josep
Wednesday Jan 6:
Sunday Jan 10:
Sant Jordi 12.00 – Dancing in ‘Pou des Carbo’ (Ses Salines),
Sunday Jan 24th:
San Augustin, 13:00—Burns Lunch—See advert below
Jewels of the Isle to stress that it is it is not at all common and also listed as an endangered species. It can reach six meters in length and is found mainly in the coastal ledge in waters up to 200 meters deep, but also offshore. There is no data on its population numbers.
Continued from the front page ... Some of these species are known to have significant populations around the islands. This includes the Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta), which is present in all the islands of the Balearics and has its condition currently classified as “unfavourable”. Also evident in our waters are several species of dolphins, including the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and the bottlenose dolphin (Turiops truncatus). These three form part of a group of nine marine mammals with protected status that are found in the Balearics and are under various levels of threat. The seahorse, a tiny animal that can be found mainly in the seagrass meadows, is another protected species in the seas off Ibiza and
Formentera. There are two different species of long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus), very similar to each other. Among the crustaceans protected by law there is the Cranca (Marja squinado), a crab remarkable for its huge long legs. legs long. The Department says, "it is a very rare species, subject to restocking programs" and therefore classified as threatened. It lives lives in rocky, sandy or seagrass funds. The legendary and well-known White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is known to visit our shores, though to avoid panic it is important
Posidonia. Many of these animals live in the seagrass meadows, also included in the cata-
logue published by the Government. Posidonia is protected by the Bern Convention, the Habitats Directive of the EU and the Royal Decree 139/2011. The Balearic prairies occupy about 750 square kilometres, of which the Pitiusas are considered the most important.
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
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Community & Agenda Postbag Just The Ticket.
“One to Remember” 5 Minute Fiction Story, by Vera B.
I've always wanted to make love on Christmas Eve under the tree and this is my first chance. Billy and I began dating in January four years ago and married in June. I won't say that we hadn't...indulged before then, but we hadn't gotten to the holiday season before he was sent overseas. He's back now and tonight's the night! My pounding heart is almost silly. He's been home from Korea for two months. We've had sex every day since then. But there's always a fantasy, the thing you'll remember with a smile in your eighties. For me, under the tree on Christmas Eve is the ultimate...at least until I do it. “Nighttime's fallin', all the world is still; Cupid's callin' every Jack and Jill...” I plug up the Christmas tree and the room begins to glow in the colors from the lights that speckle on the walls. I move to the hi-fi, looking for the vinyl disc for the song I've been singing all day. Put your arms around me, honey, hold me tight... ”Dance with me,” he says, pulling me close and floating me through our small apartment. I manage to manoeuvre him to the tree and we crumple to the floor. “I love you so much, Billy,” I whisper. “I love you too, baby,” he says in a sexy growl. “Always?” I ask, closing my eyes and giving in to the Euphoria, my Christmas fantasy fulfilled. “Always.” My eyes open with difficulty and I see a room I don't recognize but there's a small Christmas tree to my left and I smile. “Billy,” I call. “Yes, baby,” he answers to my right. I reach out my arms to him. “Dance with me.” There's a snicker across the room and I squint at four people—a stern-looking, middle-aged woman, a chubby man and a younger man and woman. Billy takes my hand and pats it. Our hands are wrinkled and bony with age spots...old. How is that possible? I'm confused and worse, I'm in pain. I wince and try to shift to a more comfortable position in...a hospital bed? The grip of Billy's hand tightens, as if he's trying to give me his strength, and he tells the people across the room that it's time for them to leave. The older woman comes forward first. There are tears in her eyes as she leans over me. “Good night, Mummy. I love you,” she says, putting her arms around me. Leni, my little girl. The chubby man is her husband and the young man and woman are my darlings, Bradley and Elora. Memories of all our Christmases together flood my mind as they say good night to me then their grandfather. A nurse comes in and pokes and prods and I blink, my brain becoming fuzzy and confusion collecting. Billy walks everyone out of the door. I can hear a little of what he's saying—one last night...not to be disturbed. I hear the door close and he turns out the lights. The only illumination is the coloured shimmer from the small Christmas tree. He wheels over the table on which it's sitting and I feel as though I'm lying under it. I hear an old, familiar song. Put your arms around me, honey, hold me tight. “Close your eyes, baby,” he says. “Close your eyes so you can see me.” I drop my eyelids and he approaches me, as strong and beautiful as ever. He bends down and kisses me. “Oh, my Laura, I love you,” he sighs. “Always?” I ask in a weak voice. I feel a tear from his eyes splash on my dry cheek. “Always.” - end -
On the 21st October I booked two flights to the UK leaving Ibiza on 18th December travelling via Palma. Our first leg was with Iberia booked on-line at a cost of £127,20 (176€ approx) with discount. I received a confirmation but didn't receive any e-tickets. Last week I was becoming a little concerned so I tried telephoning Iberia, couldn't get through, so I went to the office in the airport where the man was extremely helpful and told me that as I had paid with a UK credit card they couldn't send me the tickets and the reservation was cancelled, even though the card has a Spanish address. Oh! So now what? He then offered to re-book us on the same flight. My first thought was at what price, not doing it on line and being so much nearer to the departure date. To my amazement the price was 34.75€ each a saving of 106,50€. He then explained that if you happen to be over 65 years of age, and book your tickets at the airport, not only do you receive the residents discount but you also receive a special pensioners discount. So it sometimes does pay to be a member of "the grey economy". One of us soon found a sway of disposing of the amount saved!! Name and address supplied.
Cala Pada Travellers
Dear Ibizasun team, I have been walking my dogs along the beaches around Cala Pada and noticed a very large group of travellers camped out on the beach. I don't mind when they are just there for a few days but they have been there for weeks and total devastation which include, rubbish, live fires, 1000s of dogs and to top it off human faeces under every tree. I don't have a picture but i feel something should be done. Most of the travellers are from the Netherlands, i spoke to them and they were very rude and did not care. I wish you a merry xmas and new year regards Jonathan Simons
Ed: I guess that a few decades back we would have referred to the group as hippies. What do our readers think, does the Ibiza of 2016 have the same capacity to welcome travellers/hippies?
Live rock music Claire B Sant Josep
2 rock bands are playing in Sant Josep on January 2 at 9.30 pm. Face The Maybe from Barcelona and local rockers MRC. The gig will be in the tent next to the Town Hall. Free entrance.
Secret Ibiza Books Claire B
A new series of guidebooks on Ibiza has just been published by Secret Seeker, written by island resident Rob Smith, founder of The Ibiza Walking Association. Four books on Ibiza are currently available: Secret Walks: Ibiza North Secret Walks: Ibiza South Secret Beaches: Ibiza (2nd edition) Secret Kitchen: Ibiza The books are beautifully produced, printed on glossy paper and embellished with hundreds of colour photographs and illustrations. I was only given copies of the walking books to look at, but the whole series has been produced to the same high standard and design format. The walking books each have 192 full colour pages and include 18 walks covering the best walking routes in the area with lots of colour photographs of views and places you can experience on the walks. Each walk has an easy-to-follow map, step-by-step directions, and important information such as a difficulty rating, the length in both time and distance, the total height gain on the walk and the maximum height reached. Also included are ratings on panoramic views, nature and beauty and family suitability. Each walk starts with an overview of what to expect and includes tips of things ‘Not to miss’ as you go, plus ‘The Pitstops’ where you can stop for some refreshments at recommended establishments on the way or at the end. Many walks are enhanced with ‘Extra Step’ articles on the area, which provide additional insights on a range of subjects that include nature, history, architecture, ethnography and more. And there are lots of tips for shortening and lengthening walks and joining more than one walk together to form a more substantial walk, as well as detours and shortcuts that take you to secret beaches or incredible viewpoints. It's the first time in over 20 years that walking guides have been produced on the island and they’ve been thoroughly researched from a local perspective too, giving some stunning insights into places to visit off the beaten track. Each of the Ibiza books is available in English, Spanish and German. They’re a great addition to anyone’s bookshelf, beautiful to browse through and read about what Ibiza has to offer away from the main tourist trails. Or use them to plan your next day out or adventure on the island. A Smartphone App is planned to accompany the walking
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
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Tues 29th - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Weds 30th - Bingo, Bingo, Bingo (win your New Year spends!)8pm 5€ a sheet, total paid out. Bar: 12 – late
Thurs 31st New Year’s Eve – Free pool table all day and night, traditional pub new year’s eve party – let the new year in with us! Bar: 12 – late Fri 1st New Year’s Day - Hangover breakfast (20% off breakfast meal if you completely finish it), full football & sports programmes. Kitchen: 12-6. Bar:12–late Sat 2nd – Full sports programme. Kitchen: 10-6, Bar:12 – late
Sun 3rd – Stevie D’s Birthday – 1st drink gratis on Steve! Killer pool,1€ entry, total paid out, 7pm. Kitchen: 10-6. Bar: 10 – late
View from the Pew …. Magi Rev. Dr Peter Pimentel
Paradoxically, Jesus was born sometime before 4 B.C! We know this because the Gospel of Matthew says the birth of Jesus took place during the reign of King Herod of Judea, who died in 4 B.C. Those who created our calendar got their calculations wrong! The first Century text known as the Gospel of Matthew says: Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” “We have seen his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Mt 2:2) The ancient Greek word Matthew uses is magoi (“Magi” in English) and it refers to Persian astronomers / astrologers or scholars. It is sometimes simply translated in our English bibles as
“Wise Men” or “Kings”. Matthew’s Gospel also says that: After listening to the king, the Wise Men went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. (Mt 2:9) This is surely strange behaviour for a star!! A planetary conjunction, a comet, a supernova, or a so-called new star, high in the sky above, could not possibly guide someone on the earth below to a precise location. That simply makes no sense. However, in the Bible, and in other ancient texts both Jewish and Christian, angels are often depicted as stars and associated with stars or astronomical signs. Bible scholar Dale Allison, in an article in Biblical Archaeology Review, has convincingly shown that the first readers of Matthews Gospel would have understood the star as
books (for Summer 2016), so you can follow the route on your phone without needing to take the books with you. Each book costs €15. They are available online from Amazon as well as from a number of bookshops and outlets in Ibiza and
an angel. In 7 B.C Jupiter and Saturn were in triple conjunction in the sign of Pisces. An extremely rare event that Magi (astronomers / astrologers) would have noticed and interpreted as an angelic sign. (M. Kidger, The Star of Bethlehem: An Astronomer’s View, Princeton University Press, 1999). Sunday Services during January: 9:30am (traditional) & 10:30am contemporary on 3rd Sant Rafel. 10:30am on 10th Santa Eularia. 10:30am on 17th Sant Rafel. 10:30am on 24th Santa Eularia and 11:30am on 31st Can Truy. The English-Speaking Church on Ibiza & Formentera. See website for locations & information. Tel 971 343383 chaplainibiza11@gmail.com www.ibizachurch.org
are also for sale on The Ibiza Walking Association Sunday walks, with a special discount for Ibiza residents. For more info and to find out where you can buy them from see:
Mon 4th - Monday night premiership football. Bar: 12 – late Tues 5th - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Weds 6th - Bingo, Bingo, Bingo (win your January spends!) 5€ a sheet, total paid out. Bar: 12 – late Thurs 7th - Free Pool table all day and night, Killer pool, 3pm - 1€ entry, the total paid out. Bar: 12 – late
Fri 8th - Bring & Buy Sale. Call for Table.
Quiz night (winner receives 8 pints) and Play your cards wrong 8pm. Kitchen: 12-6. Bar: 12 – late Sat 9th – Full sports programme, Kitchen: 10-6. Bar: 12 – late Sun 10th - Killer pool,1€ entry, the total paid out, 7pm, Kitchen: 10-6, Bar: 12 – late Mon 11th – Monday night premiership football. Bar:12– late Tues 12th - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Weds 13th – Bingo, Bingo, Bingo, 5€ a sheet, total paid out. Bar: 12 – late Thurs 14th - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Fri 15th - Quiz night (winner receives 8 pints) and Play your cards wrong 8pm. Kitchen: 12-6, Bar: 12 – late Sat 16th – Full sports programme, Kitchen: 10-6. Bar:12–late Sun 17th - Killer pool,1€ entry, the total paid out, 7pm, Kitchen: 10-6, Bar: 12 – late Mon 18th – Monday night premiership football. Bar: 12–late Tues 19th - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Weds 20th – Bingo, Bingo, Bingo, 5€ a sheet, total paid out. Bar: 12 – late Thurs 21st - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Fri 22nd - Quiz night (winner receives 8 pints) and Play your cards wrong 8pm. Kitchen: 12-6, Bar: 12 – late Sat 23rd – Full sports programme, Kitchen: 10-6. Bar:12–late Sun 24th - Killer pool,1€ entry, the total paid out, 7pm, Kitchen: 10-6, Bar: 12 – late Mon 25th – Monday night premiership football. Bar:12– late Tues 26th - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Weds 27th – Bingo, Bingo, Bingo, 5€ a sheet, total paid out. Bar: 12 – late Thurs 28th - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Fri 29th - Quiz night (winner receives 8 pints) and Play your cards wrong 8pm. Kitchen: 12-6, Bar: 12 – late Sat 30th – Full sports programme, Kitchen: 10-6. Bar:12–late Sun 31st - Killer pool,1€ entry, the total paid out, 7pm, Kitchen: 10-6, Bar: 12 – late Mon 1st – Monday night premiership football. Bar: 12 – late Tues 2nd - Free Pool table all day and night. Bar: 12 – late Weds 3rd – Bingo, Bingo, Bingo, 5€ a sheet, total paid out. Bar: 12 – late
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
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can access the health and social services you may need now or in future. “If you fail to register, then you can’t expect support from the Spanish system later. Some of the most tragic cases that we see in our Consulates are the consequences of people having moved to Spain – often years earlier – but not signing up on the padrón or integrating into their local Spanish communities.” Nine out of 10 people say they are registered on the padrón, which implies that one in 10 survey respondents have yet to do so. More than half say they have a Spanish will, and over 50% have a Spanish driving licence. Two thirds are registered for Spanish healthcare, with another 13% having private medical insurance. But an alarming 16% admit they have failed to provide for their healthcare in Spain, leaving them at serious risk of difficulties in the event of an accident or illness. Spanish food proves popular. Nearly a quarter say they eat a Spanish meal every day, and eight out of ten do so at least once a week. Only 6% say they eat a Spanish meal less than once a month.
Speaking of ‘happy in Spain’, you couldn’t get much happier than this bunch of cheeky chaps. Posted recently on facebook by Legsakimbo plucker Chris Farley with the caption “Legsakimbo, Roy Jones, Denny Bolton , Geoff Davies, Chris Hooker and me, straight from Amsterdam. 20th July 1986. Started in Sgt. Peppers the next day. We arrived off the ferry about 10 am. We asked the first person we saw " Can you take a photo mate?" it was Jimmy Bramley and luckily he could!” Chris doesn’t look to have aged a bit, and his wife told us he still wears those lucky shorts on “special occasions”. Legsakimbo indeed.
Discover the secrets to a happy life in Spain
Integration is the key according to Embassy survey.
Some of the secrets to happy living in Spain are revealed in a new survey by the British Embassy on how expatriates adjust to a life in the sun. Integration into the Spanish way of life is the key, the survey reveals. More than half of the British residents who responded say they speak Spanish regularly with friends and neighbours, enjoy Spanish food, use the Spanish healthcare system and employ Spanish tradespeople. The adjective ‘happy’ is the word that they most commonly use to describe their lives in Spain, followed by ‘relaxed’ and ‘content’. But some Brits admit to getting by without learning Spanish or registering on the padrón, and fail to make Spanish friends or keep up with Spanish news and politics, all things that appear to help others get more out of living in Spain. Almost 1,600 people responded to the British Embassy’s ‘Integrometer’ online survey into levels of resident integration. Two-thirds live in Andalucia or the Comunidad de Valencia, where there are some high concentrations of British residents and integration is often low. Further significant numbers live in the Canaries, Murcia, the Balearics, Catalunya and the Madrid region. Commenting on the survey, British ambassador Simon Manley said: “It’s great to see so many Brits saying they are happy and content in Spain as a result of their efforts to integrate into local life. I would definitely urge others to follow their example. If you are settling here, the first and most important thing to do is to register on the padrón. That way you
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
Shebizan Welcome to the last Zips It Up of 2015. After another successful year for Zips It Up I wanted to thank you all for reading every week. Here’s looking forward to 2016 with even more fashion and lifestyle stories coming your way. 2015 has been an eventful year for many. Athlete and father of the Kardashians Bruce Jenner became Caitlin. Swifty hooked up with Calvin and managed to fight and win a major battle with Apple. Space in Ibiza announced that they are to close following the 2016 season after an incredible couple of decades in Playa D’en Bossa. Sad news for many, including DJ Carl Cox. Fashion came full-circle with the revival of the 70s and 80s. Gigi Hadid became the most successful model in world and flew the flag for ‘normal’ sized girls across the globe with hips, bum and boobs. Zayne left One Direction and One Direction called it a day… for now. Everyone prayed for Paris after a year of atrocities against Parisians, and the war against ISIS continued. Adele came out of hibernation with a classic bob and subsequently took over planet Earth. We witnessed possibly ‘the end’ of the X Factor? And finally, following a ridiculous new Bond film hitting the big screen, Star Wars returns, reducing grown men to 10 year olds, with light sabres dominating everyone’s Facebook profile pictures. Was it a good year? I need a bit more contemplation time to answer that one! In this last 2015 edition, I have a special treat for all girls wanting some beauty advice in time for the new year festivities. Introducing my guest Beauty Editor and contributor Marianna Mancini, and her ‘Ask Aurora’ make-up feature. In this instalment Marianna delves into Lashes, and she’ll return in the new year with more tried and tested beauty products for you, starting with Lipsticks. Looking forward to working together! Thanks for stopping by. Amanda x
Ask Aurora—Perfect Peepers
This month lash santa brings you the ultimate guide to perfect holiday peepers. 'Tis the season to be jolly after all, and whether you're planning on partying the month away or just want to "maximeyes" your baby blues, gorgeous greens and greys or beautiful browns, we have all the answers right here.
Inspirational Clothing. Sophia V.
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Everyone needs a little pick-me up sometimes, whether it’s an inspirational quote online, a self-help book, a form of exercise, music or whatnot. With the cold weather, and the mad rush towards Christmas, sometimes it can all be overwhelming, and spirits can dampen. Being a fan of the books by Rhonda Byrne - The Secret, The Power and The Magic, I love reading about the law of attraction, and when you’re feeling crappy, how to change your way of thinking. It focuses on how to get what you want in life, counting your blessings, and believing that what the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Sometime, we may need a little boost, and we all have certain things that can lift our mood. Why not wear inspirational clothing. The majority of the time, when we feel confident in ourselves, we feel good
inside. Here are some great items that can be worn, to send out those uplifting quotes to others. Jumpers. There are lots of jumpers that have quotes on, in all different colours and styles. There are even Christmas slogans for this time of year. Even if the quote leans more to the humorous side, you can bring a smile to someone’s face. T-shirt and vests. There are lots of tshirt and vests with messages, slogans and pictures on, again in a variety of styles. Dresses. Casual dresses especially have feel-good quotes across. Caps. There is a wide selection of caps which have messages on, and can look great teamed with a casual outfit. Here are some of my favourite quotes which I found online, on clothing: Dreams don’t work unless you do. Work hard, dream big. You can do it. Thank God, it’s Friday! Dance. Dream. Believe. Don’t give up. Gratitude Attitude. Life beings at the end of your comfort zone. You can find inspirational clothing online, if you do a Google search. There
We sent out our little elves to track down the ultimate eye-popping mascaras and, boy, have we got some crackers for you to pull! We've chosen our secret six below. (prices are approximate) 6) Revlon photo ready 3d volume - blackest black - £10.99 It really is blacker than black and promises 100x thicker lashes. With two coats, carefully applied, the impact is certainly high and it stayed put all day long. Removal was a little tricky, so patience is required, along with lots of cleanser! A-rating 3/5 5) L'oreal mega volume collagene 24h - extra black - £7.99 Without a doubt the blackest of the bunch. You could forgive the slight clumping for the dramatic effect 2 coats can give you. Lashes were plumped up with luscious lift. Impressive, long-lasting & fairly easy take-off! A-rating 3.5/5 4) Lancome hypnose star - black - £22.50 Simply staggering length and volume from the french fashion house's best-selling beauty musthave. A little smudgy, a little sticky and takes some lifting off, but truly worth the effort and the designer price tag! A-rating 3.5/5 3) Benefit they're real tinted primer - mink - £18.50 I had to include this little gem because of it's incredible lengthening properties. Can be worn alone or under mascara for the ultimate false lash effect.
are lots of items available. There are also shops that print slogans on your clothes for you. You can find stuff for children too, which sends out positive messages to them. Other than clothing, I also like the inspirational wall pictures, cups, coasters, signs, key-rings and more. In San Antonio, there is a shop below the Tanit which sells a lot of these items. There is also a store in the centre of Ibiza which sells all of the above, including lucky charms, Buddha’s, elephants and more. The wall decoration quotes are also brilliant. And remember to count your blessings, not your problems.
But the real bonus is that, because it's mink, a quick sweep through your brows with the brush gives a super sculpted, defined look! A-rating 4/5 2) Boots no7 dramatic lift - black - £13.50 This baby has it all. A curved brush captures every lash from corner to corner and even gives those pesky bottom lashes the fullest figure. The upward curl from just a single coat instantly brightens and awakens even the puffiest of peepers. Two coats and you will literally stop traffic! A-rating 4.5/5 But there can be only one winner and this one definitely deserves the crown... 1) Bourjois volume glamour max holiday - black - £8.99 Fanned out, feather like lashes are only a stroke of genius away. Quick-drying, no clumps, no smudges and it removed effortlessly, despite its remarkable stamina. This little beauty will triple your lashes in one swoop. Elizabeth taylor will have nothing on you. Quite simply, this is lash perfection at your fingertips. Aptly named for the time of year, put it at the very top of your list! Coming soon - ask aurora brings you the latest lip-smacking beauty finds to see in the new year!!! Happy holidays ;) ax
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
Jezza’s Sports Report ... 2015, the Year of Football Incomprehensibility Hi, Sports fans and hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas break and are looking forward to the New Year, new broom an' all that! This is my last report for the next few weeks as Our Ed is taking a well earned break until our next edition, first week of February. So, as we didn't publish last week, lots to get through, as usual, but first off, bit of sad news really for all you footie fans who were born in the '50's/'60's (my era) and were brought up on ITV's The Big Match (with that other legend Brian Moore) and the BBC's original MOTD, pre Gary Lineker. No doubt you will remember Mr Football, Jimmy Hill, who sadly passed away recently and the football world will never forget him as not only did he instigate the abolition of the players maximum wage but he served football in general with distinction as a player (Fulham), manager, chairman (both at Coventry City), TV presenter and administrator. Who will ever forget that jutting bearded chin and that particular voice as he ranted on but he had such a forceful personality and had so many innovative ideas including the installation of the very first allseater stadium (at Highfield Road) as well as being the first person to introduce shirt advertising, that everybody took note and followed suit. A legend sadly missed, without doubt. Another footie legend who has gone to that stadium in the sky and from the same era was Don Howe, who will be remembered, I'm sure with rever-
ence and fondness by all Arsenal fans, and t'was good to see both gentlemen fondly remembered at most Prem grounds recently. Moving on
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as I must and speaking of TV, great to see Andy Murray voted the Beeb's Sports Personality of the Year as he thoroughly deserved the accolade after his Davis Cup exploits allied to his own performances this year but I'm not with the apparent majority who feel he should be knighted (too young), not just yet anyway, maybe a CBE as a compromise for the moment?
England are in South Africa currently playing the Proteas in an enthralling 1st Test in Durban and as I write, appear to have the upper hand after
both first innings as they now are, at stumps on the 3rd day of 5, 261 runs ahead with 7 wickets remaining having bowled out SA for 217, and wouldn't it be superb if they could go in to the 2nd Test(of 4) with a 1-0 lead, especially against the world's No 1 ranked team.
Rugby Union
After the weekend's results in the Premiership, still looking good for leaders Saracens as they continued their 100% record with a 26-16 win over Wasps. Exeter are in 2nd as they demolished Sale 33-17, with Leicester in 3rd having beaten bottom team Newcastle. As for the rest, there was a magnificent game at Twickers in front of 70,000 as Gloucester shared 78 points with Harlequins, London Irish recorded their first win of the season with a surprising 25-23 win over
R.I.P Jimmy Hill. A true mover and shaker, and for many of us over a certain age, our formative years ‘face of football’. Northampton and Bath got back on to the winning trail with a 21-14 win over Worcester.
Lots of unanswered questions in the Premier League, the main one being does any team actually want to win the League this season as both 1st and 2nd teams at Xmas lost at the w/end. Trailblazers Leicester looked very lethargic as they suffered a 1 -0 loss at Herr Klopp's Liverpool, to record only their second loss of the season as well as being their first scoreless result while Arsenal, who looked sure to take over the leaders mantle, crashed 4-0 at Southampton. What a great Xmas pressie for well-known Ibiza socialite
and man-about-town Disco Dave, a Saint thru' and thru', as t'was his first appearance at a Saints match this season so maybe Koeman should ask him to stay awhile! 3rd placed Man City came thru' with a predicted scoreline at the Etihad as they swamped Sunderland 4-1 but at a cost, as they look to have lost skipper Kompany for another lengthy period thru' injury and you have to feel sorry for manager Pellegrini regarding his future employment as tout le monde think that Pep Guardiola is on his way. I'm not so sure, as there appear to be two other Prem clubs after his services, namely Chelsea, after their sacking of Jose, and Man Utd so there's bound to be a managers merry-go-round in early 2016. According to the
Hannah Time!
Exciting times in the Ibizan Pool league as the league’s founder of banter and self proclaimed ‘best player in the league’ (these two facts are connected) jumped ship to become a fish. Pictured here in a photo from the world’s oldest crappiest cell phone, Darren (right) is pictured with Fish boss James Blundell (presumed drunk), following the transfer for an undisclosed fee. Asked why he made the move Darren said “because I Cod”.
The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
also online at theibizan.com
The Guide ...
UK press United's van Gaaal will probably fall on his sword, maybe as early as this afternoon if the Blues, now under the guidance of old friend, affable Guus Hiddink, pull off a surprising win at Old Trafford, although personally, I don't see either event happening! Both clubs have a point to prove, as the Red Devils are in a bit of a slump at the moment having lost 4 on the trot, (3 in the PL) culminating in a 2-0 loss to Stoke at the weekend while the Blues at least have taken 4 points from the last 6, after their most recent 2-2 draw at home to on-a-roll Watford, along with Leicester and Crystal Palace, the teams of the season so far. The Eagles, currently only 2 points from the Top 4, shared the points with Bournemouth, on a bit of a roll themselves while Tottenham are getting their act together after a 3-0 home win over Naaarwich and that result poses another question, how can the Canaries go to Old Trafford and win comfortably one week and then lose so easily at home the next? Sums up this whole unpredictable season so far, methinks! Elsewhere, the points were shared in the battle of the Claret and Blues as looking-doomed Villa at least saved a point agin West Ham, Newcasle lost again at home this time to Everton 1-0 and having gone to the Lane in their previous match and beaten Spurs 2-1 it begs the same question yet again! Finally, at last, a win for beleaguered Swansea as they beat West Bromwich at home 1-0 to ease their plight at the danger end. That covers the last w/ end's results so now, gonna have a
quick bite to eat as I await this afternoon's results which will no doubt change the league positions yet again, so bear with me, just for a mo! STOP PRESS! Here we go then and just to get you going: Toffees 3 Potters 4 – amazing game with Stoke going 2 up then Everton staging a comeback to 3-2, then Stoke back to 3 each and then winning it with a last minute pen; Baggies 1 Magpies 0 – a rare goal for Fletcher (ex Man U) wins it for West Brom; Canaries 2 Villains 0 – 3 easy points for Naarwich but dismal for Villa; Eagles 0 Swans 0 – scoreless at Palace whilst 4 points from 6 for Swansea; Hornets 1 Cockerells 2 – Watford's amazing run comes to an end but good 3 points for Tottenham; Gunners 2 Cherries 0 sends Arsenal to the top of the league Red Devils 0 Blues 0, sparks the most tragic phone in show in Radio 5’s history Hammers 3 Saints 1 leaves them in 7th and 12th respectively. Plus the Foxes v.Light Blues (?) on Tuesday and Black Cats v. Reds (?) on Wednesday so here's hoping for some great games and good luck to all (except Man U!!) So, that's it, my sporty friends, for another year, yours truly will be back in February and all it leaves me to say is Happy New Year or “¡Malts Anys i Bons!” from me and “'er indoors who must be obeyed!” (and please, if you're driving, keep off the booze!) Jezza
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The Ibizan, Tuesday 29th December 2015, Issue 815
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Election ‘15 (Continued from page 3)
The PSOE came in second with 90 seats, its worst result ever. In November 2011 it won 110 seats in what already amounted to a crushing defeat to the PP. The conservative incumbent, Mariano Rajoy, was the last of the main candidates to make a public statement after the Sunday ballot. Speaking a little after midnight, the prime minister insisted on the need to reach deals in the new scenario. For his part, Socialist candidate Pedro Sánchez thanked the more than five million Spaniards who voted for him “in the face of the attempt to make the PSOE disappear.” “A new political era is opening up in Spain that leaves imposition behind and opens up a process of dialogue and agreements,” he said, in reference to the PP’s loss of its
absolute majority. “History has been done. The future is ours.” The strong results by the newcomer parties Ciudadanos (40 seats) and most particularly Podemos (42 seats, or as many as 69 counting the party’s regional brands in Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia and the Basque Country) have created a new playing field that will make it difficult to reach stable government agreements. The new parliament will not only have more pieces – they will also be harder to connect because of their patent incompatibilities. As the final results of the vote came in, many Spaniards began celebrating the changes but also wondering just how governable their country is going to be from now on. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is going to have a very hard time forming a strong enough coalition to create a government. Even if
Ciudadanos was willing to support it – and leader Albert Rivera has said he is not – its 40 seats would not create a strong enough majority. But an alternative, left-wing government to the PP would require an alliance of more than three parties, including the PSOE and Podemos. But Podemos’s Pablo Iglesias has yet to confirm whether he is willing to support the Socialists, many of whose voters have switched allegiances in favour of the younger anti-austerity group. To make the situation even more complicated, the PP does obtain an absolute majority in the Senate Instead, on Sunday he avoided speaking of pacts, but said he was willing to “reach out” to other parties in exchange for the constitutional reforms that Podemos supports.
Ciudadanos has said that it is not willing to support a government that includes Podemos or any separatist parties, but will instead work alone from the political centre. “Millions of Spaniards have decided that Spain is going to change,” said Rivera in his post-election speech to followers. “We are going to participate in this political change. It all begins today.” In any case, Spain’s two main parties have gone from jointly repre-
senting over 80 percent of voters to speaking for no more than 50 percent, confirming all forecasts about the end of Spain’s political duopoly. To make the situation even more complicated, the PP does obtain an absolute majority in the Senate, which could predictably place hurdles in the way of any legislation proposed by a government of a different political stripe.
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