Ibizan 850 eissue 27th October 2016

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Photo: Cat Milton; after the madding crowd, Benirras October 2016

Damning Evidence In Luke Rhoden Inquest Doctor; “you are killing him, you have to stop” Police; “I know what I am doing”

An Ibizan Doctor has given damning testimony relating to the circumstances in which Luke Rhoden died whilst under Police arrest in September 2014.

Luke Rhoden, 25, from Wigan, Greater Manchester, was in Ibiza celebrating a stag weekend. Mr Rhoden had been arrested following disturbing behaviour at his hotel, Ibiza Rocks in San Antonio. He died from a cardiac arrest after Police had bound his hands and legs together with plastic ties. Speaking through an interpreter at the UK inquest, the Doctor present on the scene, Dr Akoskin, said: "They were putting a stick to his neck and because he was kicking with his legs they put plastic cuffs on his legs to restrain him. "They put a baton on his neck and I said to them: 'You are asphyxiating him - you are going to kill him.' "They said: 'I know what I am doing' but I say again: 'you are killing him you have to stop'. I said it at least three times. "Those three times he was losing power. I said: 'Stop putting pressure on the neck' but it was too late. "He was lying on the floor thrashing his legs. His heart rate was showing at 160 beats per minute and I told him to stop and be quiet or the police would be more aggressive. "I was saying he needed oxygen but he was quiet like he was dead and there was no reaction. He was like he was losing power, he had no power. He was very strong moving to begin with." Asked how long the baton was pressed against Luke's neck,

Dr Akoskin added: "About 5 minutes. It is very very very dangerous. It is on the artery. "The police officer could hear me very clear when I said: 'You are asphyxiating him'. He turned to me because I was the only person talking to him but he said: 'I know what I am doing.' I have up to 12 people in worse states than this man and they do not die. The inquest continues. Right, The Ibizan reporting on Luke’s death in 2014.

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850


links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Ibiza Time May Become a Real Thing! 8pm Ibiza will be 6pm UK The Balearic Government is asking the Spanish Parliament to approve a new law that will keep the Islands on permanent Summer Time. The Islands do not wish to turn the clock back one hour along with the rest of Spain (and the European Union) this coming Sunday. If agreed, it would put Ibiza 2 hours ahead of the UK in winter months, and 1 hour ahead as at present during British Summer Time.


Thursday 24o

Friday 23º

Saturday 22o

Sunday 23º

Monday 23º

Tuesday 23º

Wednesday 22o

The proposal was initially put forward by the small MES Menorca party referred to by El Pais as “eco-nationalists”. Their idea struck a chord in the Balearic assembly and the motion gained support across the house, with all political colours signing up in agreement. Highlighting the effect of the time change they point out that on Sunday, the sun will go down at 5.45pm in Mahón, at 5.52pm in Palma de Mallorca and 6pm in Ibiza. This is nearly 50 minutes earlier than Western Spanish cities such as Lugo, in Galicia.

Lack of Sunlight "Causes Depression and Insomnia"

In a statement issued by MES, they list various reasons for wanting to step out of sync with the rest of Europe. They consider that the daylight saving change has the effect of reducing people’s exposure to sunlight, something they say is “key” to people’s health and state of mind. They go as far as saying the resulting one hour reduction in sunlight “causes mood alterations leading to depression and insomnia.” Well that certainly would explain a lot about the U.K. In addition to the perceived health benefits, the argument extends to include the detrimental effect on people’s ability to follow outdoor pursuits and sports. They claim that the current situation results in unnecessary energy usage and that a later dusk would assist the economy in encouraging winter tourism and giving a push to retail sales. El Pais’ report of the initiative, which has been widely covered in Spanish press, says that there has been social pressure to adopt such a change for many years. “The movement Illes amb claror (Islands with clarity, in the Balearic dialect of Catalan), which supports adapting to solar time, has been gaining significant support on social media in recent years. The group demands adapting the vital needs of citizens to solar schedules, not to the schedules of large corporations.”

Sync with GMT is "obsolete"

The regional government has concurred that living on a time zone marked by the Greenwich Meridian is the result of “obsolete political decisions of an industrial nature.” The document supports “a rational, logical and natural timetable” because “modern society needs the hours of daylight to adapt to its leisure time.” Now, the regional assembly is echoing this call, noting that the Balearics are the easternmost region of Spain, and thus the place where the sun rises and sets the earliest. Note: One look at page 7 and the current Political situation in Spain and it seems rather improbable that Ibiza’s clock demands will make it to the top of the Government’s priorities by Sunday. That said, as it stands we can’t tell you with absolute clarity whether you should be turning the clocks back Sunday night or not.

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Correction; Cherry Pick

Sharp eyed, and given the extent of the clanger even the ocular-ly challenged, will have noted an editorial blunder in last week’s issue 849. In our coverage of the Pacha sale, we (don’t know why I’m suddenly using our and we, it was solely my fault) mistakenly described the status of the sale as a completed transaction whereas the correct description is one of an impending sale. The important point is no contracts have been signed. Long term Pacha regular DJ Graham Sahara, was the to pick up on the point. Graham said “did you read the interview with Ricardo? He never said he’d sold it, he’s close to selling it, but pen hasn’t been put to paper yet.” I could only rather feebly give Graham the following response. You can cherry pick the one you think most likely. I had an inside tip and gambled on the sale being announced overnight whilst at print, I went with the finality of 'sold' so I could claim ‘you read it here first’ in a few weeks time I was in a blind panic hurry with printers screaming at me and regretted the wording the second i sat back and looked at the text I had just sent over. (Clue: It is the last one.)

Pirate Taxi Prosecutions Doubled in 2016.

VIP & Concierge Services Most Heavily Fined.

223 proceedings issued against Ibiza Pirate Taxi trade in 2016, double that of previous years. Fines have been issued of 897,423€ 70% of fines are levied at commercial businesses. Illegal ‘concierge’ minibuses amass greatest penalties.

In the ongoing fight against the Ibiza Pirate Taxi trade, it was announced by the Consell de Ibiza that in the year to date it issued 223 proceedings for breaches of regulations regarding the provision of public transport. This is more than twice the average amount of Ibiza Pirate Taxi prosecutions in previous years. The total value of financial sanctions issued is 897,423€. Of those fines issued more than 70% are against legally constituted companies. This may come as a surprise to many people who consider the Ibiza pirate taxi trade one of independent operators, however the Consell state that it highlights the extent of control over which commercial businesses now have in the pirate taxi trade. A meeting was held between the Consell, 5 municipalities, police and guardia civil, holiday and tourism trade associations. During the meeting the Minister of Territory and Mobility, Pepa Marí, thanked all involved for their assistance and collaboration to combat this problem. During the campaign, the Consell’s transport inspection service Transport Council of Ibiza, with the support of the Government of the Balearic Islands and the local police and Guardia Civil, inspected a total of 739 vehicles. The processed 223 complaints were comprised of interventions by the Guardia Civil (94), the transport inspection service supported by the police (85), and the local police (San Jose 29, Ibiza 8, Sant Antoni 5 and Santa Eulalia 2).

Details of the cases opened 28% were to cars driven by individuals. For this grouping the total sum of 62,372€ of fines were issued. 39% were to minibuses. The highest number of penalties were issued to companies with vehicles of up to 9 seats. These operate on an often seemingly legitimate, but totally unauthorised, basis of renting a vehicle with driver, typically in the concierge and VIP sector. This group were highlighted by the Consell as being a “more professional pirate”. The 87 sanctions levied totalled 348,087€ 18% were to establishments, for example hotels, restaurants and villas, performing passenger transport vehicle. These fines are where the company infringed certain conditions: e.g. they cannot charge for transport, the route must include as a departure point or destination the establishment itself, and must only carry customers of the establishment. 41 penalties were imposed for a total of 164,041€ 15% are for other violations of the transportation regulations. The Consell stated that this was mainly comprised of people who had obtained authorisation to undertake public transport in other areas of Spain where it is easier to obtain authorisation, but that these licences were not valid to work in Ibiza. The Consell believes that this is not due to any misunderstanding of the regulations, but that companies are doing so with the sole intention of using the licence from another area to work in Ibiza during the summer months. Despite stating that they considered the intent to be present, it is notable that the 33 prosecutions under this category resulted in a far lower average level of fine than the other groups with just 13,233€ total issued.

Additional Measures The Minister explained that since the intrusion in the passenger transport is becoming ever more professional, the Inspection service has been continuously strengthened both in training and resources. This year they have appointed additional inspectors and introduced electronic tools to facilitate and expedite the imposition of sanctions. Pepa Marí also highlighted the need to continue to improve the public transport service. Specific mention was made of the controversial Taxi GPS system, which has already been launched, but is still pending approval of the rules of use, which will make it more effective. Various other initiatives were mentioned as being important in the fight against illegal taxis, including an increase in seasonal taxi licences and the permanent presence of police at Ibiza airport to deter the pirates.

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

San Antonio: Armed Police Arrest Two Terrorist Suspects

Two Moroccan Imams arrested in San Antonio. They face charges of supporting the terror group known as ISIS and more recently DAESH

25/10/16; Text Nick Gibbs, Images J.A.Riera

Two Moroccan Imams have been arrested this morning by the Civil Guard on suspicion of supporting the terrorist group Islamic State, as announced Tuesday morning by the Interior Ministry. Both of the religious leaders, aged 31 and 35, preached at the Masllid al Fath mosque in San Antonio and are said to have "great influence over Ibiza's Islamic community". Giving details of the operation the Interior Ministry stated that the two men, identified only by their initials, JR and AEM, were noted to have increased their internet activity in 2012. It is stated that this was at the same time as the rising of 'the Arab Spring' and the mass exodus of foreign fighters to join the ranks of the terrorist group Daesh in Syria and Iraq.

The Mosque from where the two arrested men preached. Photo J.A.Riera

The statement continued to talk of concerns of investigators, stating they were worried by "the high level of influence that both individuals had on the members of the Islamic community of the island, and considered of a particularly serious nature, their influence over children attending classes taught by themselves in the mosque".

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

It is claimed that the Imam actively supported and promoted terrorist groups on his public social media, posting links to propaganda including videos and other publications. The arrested pair are known to have preached adoption of the ultra-conservative Salafi ideology. Salafism is considered to be the most rapidly expanding Islamic sect in Europe. Its literal translation is 'early Muslim', reflecting their desire to return to a fundamentalist interpretation of the origins of Islam.

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All Change For The Ibizan In Winter Months It will be all change from November as we look to fulfil our objective of continuing to publish a print edition during the lean close season months. From November to March we will print a monthly, 32 page edition. The publication schedule will be the first Friday of the month. The Ibizan will be available from most Newsagents and News Kiosks throughout Ibiza and Formentera, plus some additional outlets. The 32 page edition will be on sale at 1,00â‚Ź There is also the option to have The Ibizan delivered/posted to anywhere in Ibiza or Spain at 2,00â‚Ź per issue, or to the rest of Europe for 3,00â‚Ź

Police were photographed removing evidence from the home of the arrested men.

Whether or not the two Imams arrested would be considered to be representing the ideology of Salafism or not is beyond our understanding of the ideology, however the Ministry said that their preaching including the fostering of hatred, segregation and even violence against those they called "enemies of Islam". They also repeatedly praised those Muslims who have decided to travel to areas of conflict to join the Jihad. Since Spain adopted level 4 terrorist alert in 2015, there have been 156 arrests of suspected jihadists, including the 2 today. The Guardia Civil operation included posting armed officers in a cordon around the arrest locations. It was undertaken with the assistance of state security officials from Morocco. The Diario de Ibiza have published a secondary report stating that a group of Moroccans had gathered close to the mosque. Some were speaking in defence of the Imam, stating that he was in no way radicalised. Others were of the view he was and said they no longer attended the mosque because of his extremist views.

Comment Editor's hat off. Personal view. Today may be a good day to remember the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty'. I don't say this because I have any sympathy with hatemongers, far from it, I'd have a few in IWR strung up let alone ISIS. I say it because it is essential if we are to avoid becoming no better than them. One reason for saying this is to highlight a difference in approach between the U.K. and Spain in the content of official statements released alongside arrests. Those of us who grew up in the UK were used to a media where an arrest would be made with little more than a statement from police along the lines of 'convincing evidence'. It would not be until trial that you would find out more. In Spain it is normal that official statements detail what that convincing evidence is. I am not saying either way is right or wrong, they are just different. If you grew up with the UK way, in Spain you need to remind yourself you are hearing the case for the prosecution only at this stage, with no counter balance for the accused. Justice is an equal to democracy. Both are flawed, but if we lose sight of either we become them, and then we really have lost the war.

Copies will also be provided to our advertisers and some other bars and cafes for the use of patrons. The online edition will continue to be provided free of charge, and is available for download or on-screen reading.

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Tourism ‘16 Nick Gibbs

Juan, but we take their figures with a pinch of salt) have shown an increase in occupancy over the previous year. The most notable success is in San Jose, including the in vogue resort of Playa d’en Bossa. Ibiza’s Southern state have taken occupancy from the lowest position in 2014 and 2015, at 77 and 78% respectively, to now leading the way with a whopping 92% capacity.

The Balearic Statistics institute have released their figures to the end of September, revealing some very interesting information on the 2016 tourist season.

Peak Season Occupancy

We took the average of the occupancy rates from July to September over the past 3 years— except for San Juan that is, who give the impression they are not the most favoured municipality at Stats HQ. As is commonplace with much data issued by the

Average Room Rate

Among the most startling of the figures released is the increase in

Peak Season (Jul-Sep) Hotel Occupancy by Municipality Area








Sant Josep de sa Talaia








Santa Eulàlia del Riu




Sant Antoni de Portmany






Sant Joan de Labritja 95%

92% 90%

89% 87% 86%



Eivissa Eivissa San Juan San SantJose Josep San Antonio de sa Talaia Formentera Formentera Santa Eulalia


70% 2014

institute, San Juan have gaps in their figures in years they have not provided the information. All municipalities (except San



the average room rate around the municipalities since 2010. Low season statistics can give skewed returns and so we took

250 €

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Eivissa Sant Josep de sa Talaia

227 €

Formentera 200 €

Santa Eulàlia del Riu 175 € 170 € 160 €

Sant Antoni de Portmany Sant Joan de Labritja 150 €

August as the true barometer 100 € 97 € of what Ibiza is 91 € charging, is able to charge, 50 € in the context of peak demand. Ibiza Town 0€ 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 leads the pack with an increase Average August Hotel Room Rate by Municipality of 90% in just 7 Area 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Change years—and an Eivissa 119 € 127 € 148 € 147 € 152 € 183 € 227 € 90% average room Sant Josep 92 € 81 € 76 € 105 € 163 € 223 € 170 € 84% rate of 227€ Formentera 98 € 105 € 112 € 163 € 168 € 192 € 175 € 79% reflecting the many luxury Santa Eulàlia 92 € 107 € 110 € 109 € 118 € 142 € 160 € 73% hotels in the Sant Antoni 75 € 75 € 73 € 75 € 75 € 96 € 97 € 29% capital. Sant Joan n/a n/a n/a n/a 90 € 105 € 91 € 2% Aside from San star tariff has increased by 75% ence becomes a gulf. Juan who haven’t bothered to In the 5 star sector our hotels in just one year. send the figures in again, bless charge an average of almost Insane numbers, kind of makes ‘em, it is only San Antonio who 100€ more per room per night. you understand why San Juan do not reflect the barometer shift More astonishing still, Ibiza’s 5 don’t bother with it all. in Ibiza’s seemingly never ending march towards total VIP. Average Room Rate by Classification (& Annual Change) San An’s 29% increase, is 44% Sept 2016 Balearic Islands Eivissa-Formentera behind the next on the list Santa av Rate an change av Rate an change Eulalia. Whether this is a reflec5 Star 211 € 27% 307 € 75% tion of a strategic decision to 4 Star 97 € 13% 127 € 27% maintain their hold in the lower 3 Star 75 € 16% 91 € 0% cost end of the market, or is a 2 Star 61 € 15% 66 € 5% consequence of their troubled 1 Star 64 € 20% 83 € 28% reputation leaving them no other 350 € choice, is open to debate. Balearic… 307 € Eivissa-…

The Ibiza Factor

Figures comparing the Pitiuses to the rest of the Balearic Islands, show in stark contrast that the Ibiza Factor has a cash value in the tourism world. Ibiza’s average room rate at the various quality standards of Hotels is higher from one star to five. Again it is in the upper echelons of VIP that the differ-

300 € 250 €

211 €

200 € 150 €

127 € 97 €

100 €

91 € 75 €

61 €66 €

83 € 64 €

2 Star

1 Star

50 € 0€ 5 Star

4 Star

3 Star

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 5

Food & Drink History The tower of Torre de sa Sal Rossa, which protects the old salt jetty, will be the setting for a dramatised tour held throughout the morning, and Antoni Ferrer Abarzuza will be giving an introduction to the history of the salt pans in the exhibition hall at “La Nave” salt pans. Nature The nature park of ses Salines d’Eivissa i Formentera is the nature reserve with the greatest wealth and value of all the Pitiuses Islands for its enormous biodiversity and unique ecosystems. Guided tours of the salt pans interpretation centre will be highlighting its most iconic features.

I Feria De La Sal Ses Salines

“Yebisah supplies wood and salt to most of Africa”

Al-Makkim, 11th century

The famous Mediterranean trio of wheat, wine and oil, as the region’s most iconic products, wouldn’t be complete without one of its historically most highly prized and distinctive ingredients, salt. In Ibiza the convergence of the Mediterranean Sea, particularly rich in sodium chloride (31 g/l, twice the concentration of the Baltic Sea), coupled with long hours of sunshine and a huge flood-prone coastal plain have enabled the Ibiza salt pans to thrive. In the ancient world, the importance of salt as a food preservative led to the creation of the salt pans by Phoenician colonisers, who were avid great producers of salted fish, and they are still active today. Salt was the island’s main source of wealth, providing income that formed the basis of the economy and enabled the university and the local government to operate. Improvements on the island, such as the defensive walls and towers, were paid for with the income from salt.

On the 29th October the island celebrates its richest commodity by holding the events listed below starting from 10am: Salt pans and salt collectors Until the 1950s, collecting salt was done manually by gangs of salt collectors. The festival will open with a smoke signal like the one that used to summon the collecting gangs, followed by the screening of vintage film footage in the exhibition hall at “La Nave” salt pans, with commentary by a former worker. The main festival event will take place at 1 pm with a demonstration of manual salt collecting by a gang at the salt pans.

Tradition and gastronomy Country dancing by the Grup Folklòric at Sant Jordi at Pou des Carbó, a heritage site that has supplied water since 1735 right through to the present day and was used for salt collecting work. This will be followed by the ancient Christian ritual of “Salpassa”. In which the local priest would go round the houses in his parish at Easter time, leaving a little holy water and salt on the doorstep. At the end, there will be a demonstration and talk about the traditional uses of salt as a preservative for olives, bones and dried fish. To finish, everyone will have the chance to taste a traditional dish prepared with salted bones, known as “ossos amb col” (bones with cabbage), a warming winter meal. Parking is free and transport is free between the different locations. For the exact times and locations of these events please check the programme available to download on the Ibizan website http://theibizan.com/

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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Constitutional Court Overturns Bullfighting Ban

Spain’s highest court has declared Catalonia’s Bullfighting ban null and void. The court’s decision was that bullfighting must be protected as part of Spain’s national heritage and in that context, a ban could only be implemented by central government.

Declaring the decision beyond the authority of the Catalan regional parliament is likely to exacerbate the already highly-strung tension between Madrid and Catalonia. Some have criticised the Catalan ban as being more to do with a politically motivated agenda and a wish to assert their authority, than any focus on the issue of animal rights. Supporters of the Catalan initiative to ban bullfighting will point towards their campaign at the beginning of the decade that gathered 180,000 signatures petitioning for a debate on the issue. Their campaign is considered to be the major driving force that resulted in a law to ban bullfighting in 2010, subsequently implemented in 2012. There has been strong reaction on both sides of this most divisive issue. “In the Spanish state, it's unconstitutional to ban the public torture and murder of an animal. Enough said," tweeted Gabriel Rufian, a Catalan separatist lawmaker in national parliament. Meanwhile Alicia Sanchez-Camacho, president of the Catalan branch of the ruling conservative Popular Party that took the ban to court, said she "welcomed" the decision. She tweeted that the party would "continue to defend" freedom and bullfighting. Even animal rights party PACMA criticised the decision as politically-motivated. "Once more they have been found to use animals in a political war," said party member Ana Bayle. "They don't know anything about animals, nor do they care." Spain has seen many demonstrations opposing bullfighting in recent years. Though Catalonia is the first to attempt to impose a legal ban, Castile, Leon, A Coruña and others have banned, or placed restrictions on bullfighting events.

Supporters of bullfighting are trying to preserve what they consider an art and an important part of Spanish culture. Known as aficionados, the pro bullfight supporters have welcomed the court’s decision. Simon Casas owns a bullfighting management company with rings in Madrid, elsewhere in Spain and France, and is a former matador himself. He said “Bullfighting is a form of culture under supervision of Spain's culture ministry, it's an artform that is part of the identity of some people and it was totally absurd that a political institution - the Catalan government - was able to ban it". "The debate wasn't about liking or not liking bullfighting, being for or against it, it was a constitutional issue and the court sorted it out."

Bullfighting Around Spain As seen in the infographic above, provided by Statistica.es and based on Government figures, the level of bullfighting varies considerably in Spain’s regions. The Canaries and Catalonia both have prohibition orders in place and so are at zero, and the northern most border regions have a relatively low level of bullfighting. It is in the large central provinces where bullfighting is still most common. In 2015, there were 72 in Madrid and 80 in Andalucía. There was one bullfight in the Balearic Islands in 2005.

Plaza de Toros de Ibiza Ibiza had a bullfighting ring, to many people it is equally famous for being the location of the 1978 Bob Marley concert. It was located on ground, which is now a car park in front of Ibiza Towns hotel Royal Plaza. Denis Ibicenco (probably just a FB name!!) was kind enough to provide some info.

Then and now. Top Ibiza’s Bullring. Photo source Ibizaisla.es and we didn’t have time to ask so we hope they are nice people. Above, the park that now stands in its place, named after Bob Marley who famously played at the Bullring in 1978.

The Ibiza Bullring opened on 17 Sept 1961 It was last used for bullfighting on 22 Sept 1985. It was demolished during the 90s (unclear so best bet) Asked why it ceased operating Denis said “debts of the owners, then criminals, spontaneous market, drugs, etc... “, so pretty well Ibiza standard then. And the Bob Marley concert - 28 June 1978.

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 7

News Spain’s Administrative Structure ... National Government

17 Autonomous Regions (e.g. Cataluña)

(regions consisting of only 1 province, such as Baleares, combine the regional & provincial administrations) 50 Provinces (e.g. Baleares , and Girona below)

Spain’s Parliamentary Deadlock Set To End Rajoy set to become Spain’s leader at the weekend. Nick Gibbs

Consell Insular (e.g. Ibiza)

8,000 Municipalities (Ayuntamientos)

The head of state in Spain is the Monarch. Government is divided between the Judiciary (courts), Executive (the Government and its Ministers) and the Legislature. The Legislature is comprised of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate There are currently 350 Deputies for which elections are held every 4 years. Four senators are elected for each province, with the exception of the insular provinces, in which the number of senator varies: 3 are elected for each of the 3 major islands inc Mal-

lorca, and 1 for IbizaFormentera, 1 for Menorca etc. In addition, the legislative assembly of each autonomous community designates one senator, and another for each one million inhabitants Spain is divided by Region, Province and then Municipality. Along with the Canary Islands, the Balearics have an additional level of Government, the ‘Consell Insular’ not present on the mainland. There are more than 8,000 municipalities (ayuntamientos).

Providing there are no last minute surprises, Spain’s situation of parliamentary impasse will come to an end on Saturday. Following inconclusive elections, no party has been able to form a government leaving Spain in a political limboland for the past 10 months. When acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy attempted to form a Government with his PP (Popular Party – think conservative) earlier in the year, the opposition PSOE (socialist party – think labour) were joined by other minority parties, which resulted in Rajoy being outvoted. For some time it looked as if there would be yet another election, due to be held on Christmas day, however there was no greater confidence that this would provide a conclusive majority government than in the previous hung election. The changing factor now is that the PSOE has said they will abstain from Rajoy’s repeated attempt to form a government, which should leave the way clear for the PP to take control, at least a control of sorts. There are still some hurdles to jump through as some of Spain’s formalities and parliamentary procedures must be observed. A first vote will be held in congress on Thursday. It is expected Rajoy will lose. The second vote will take place on Saturday and it is then that Rajoy is expected to win. At the second vote on Saturday he will only need a simple majority, (i.e. more than anybody else), as opposed to the first vote on Thursday when he would need an absolute majority, (i.e. more than everybody else combined.) He will need 170 votes. He will get 137 from his own party, 32 from the emerging centre-right Ciudadanos, and another single vote confirmed from the minnow canaries coalition. It may be tighter than Russell Brands trousers, but none the less, it will be enough and enable Rajoy to be sworn

Pictured above; President of the caretaker government Mariano Rajoy during his address to congress in Wednesday’s investiture session. Rajoy used his speech to stress the “urgency” of forming a Government. He said that after ten months of political deadlock it was essential to take decisions on pensions, social dialogue, education, financing & corruption.

into office on Sunday and thus end a political stalemate that has had no signs of ending. The decision by the PSOE to break the deadlock has caused considerable dissention in their own ranks with the threat of expulsion to those who do not honour their decision. Seven PSOE members from Catalonia have said they will vote against Rajoy in protest. This could leave the PSOE with a difficult decision as should they expel the dissenters, they would lose a sufficient number of seats to allow the Podemos group to overtake them and become the second largest party in congress. Despite Rajoy’s ability to form a government, it will be one of far less power and effectiveness than that of his first term. There is no ongoing commitment from Ciudadanos in guaranteeing support within a formal political alliance and so the government will have to seek arrangements on a vote-by-vote basis to get new legislation through parliament. He may take some comfort from the distraction of the resulting bun fight between the PSOE and, what El Pais have described this week as, an “increasingly divided Podemos” as they fight it out to be the top dog opposition group in the Spanish congress.

“Increasingly divided” Podemos spokesman in Congress, Inigo Errejón (left), and Secretary General Pablo Iglesias.

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 8

Halloween Pikes

Claire B and Nick Gibbs. Ibiza Halloween is taken very seriously – we don’t need much of an excuse for a party here and the island’s creative’s come out in force with their ghoulish costumes and theatrical makeup. Do not dare to go out without making an effort! There are parties for kids, parties for grown ups, parties that are definitely strictly for grown ups, parties before Halloween, after-Halloween parties, and this year for the first time there is even a party for dogs. We have listed all the Ibiza Halloween parties and events around the island that we know of so far. For the very latest updates see the online version here

San Antonio, 9pm 31st


Babylon Beach Family Party Santa Eulalia, 1pm, 31st

Babylon's much talked about family friendly Halloween party returns from 13:00 on 31st October - which will also be their end of season closing party! All are welcome for a fun filled, family friendly afternoon & evening - with fancy dress a must for adults and children! Expect pumpkins galore, a delicious spooktacular menu & blood bath cocktails. Music will be conjured up by our resident DJ's George Solar (Babylon Beach) & Willie Graff (Pacha funky room) plus live music ensuring you Babylon zombies have a thrilling afternoon & chilling evening with us to end the season.

La Torre - Halloween Sunset

Pikes has been throwing fantastic Halloween parties for the last few years and it never disappoints. On Monday October 31 the party starts at 9pm going on until late, usually very late. This year they have again arranged a broken bodies BBQ for the early birds. The food is available from 9 to 11pm, by when the serious affair of Halloweening is usually getting into gear. -11). Tickets for the party that put the cool into ghoul, and the hit into witch’s tit, cost 15₏ and are available via their website BUT sorry to say by the time you read this they may have sold out. The final release was on Wednesday and they were selling very fast—so if you want one do not hang about. The Brothers Grim are closing the 2016 season with a Halloween party bang and a seriously gruesome line-up over 4 rooms. In Freddie’s Chamber are Justin Robertson, Bushwacka, Justin Harris, Melon Bomb, Jon Woodall B2B with Simon Morell and Blondewearingblack live. In the Bat Cave is Andy Wilson, DJ Callum B2B with Riccio, Bones and The Guiricencos live. Room 12 has Harley Maxwell’s Hip Hoperations, Warren Xclnce, Frankie Stew & Harvey Gunn, Jack Anderson plus a special guest. And finally in The Spider’s Nest there’s The Brothers Grim and Ruby Murray.

Cap Negret, San Antonio, 6pm 31st.

Nestled in the seafront rocks just north of San Antonio, Hostal La Torre will be mixing their inimitable brand of bohemian chic with Halloween freak in their party from 6pm on the 31st October. They are offering a special Halloween menu at 35₏, and if you haven’t yet eaten there, do put La Torre on your to do list, the food is simply fantastic. La Torre is a great bet for those wanting to start their spooking early and to our knowledge, the only Halloween sunset party on offer. They will have special themed cocktails, a candy bar, and James Reid will be on the decks. Bookings for dinner on 971342271, or to go along just for the drinks and party, no booking is necessary. Find them on the map here


Boutique Hostal Salinas Salinas, 3am, 1st

There will be plenty of spooky Halloween fun & games planned for all - watch out for those vampire bats & sneaky witches hiding in the cobwebs! Table reservations recommended - +34 971 332 181


Hard Rock Hotel

Playa d’en Bossa, 29th, 11pm The Hard Rock Hotel has its Hardrock Ween on Saturday October 29. There are 2 parties – one during the day for children and families and one at night for adults. Trick or Treat is for the whole family from 11am to 6pm, with a host of monstrous activities. The Monster Ball Night is for adults only from 11pm and features special guest DJ Xicu Portas. Both events are free to enter and valet parking is available. The hotel is also offering a number of special dinner and room packages that also includes access to the spa and a drink at the party. The dinner package is 50₏ per person (with discount if you dress up), the 1 night room package costs 250₏ for 2 and 2 nights is 350₏ for 2.

As ever, Hostal Salinas are the late, late, show. The party starts at 3am (unfashionably early) and goes on until 6pm on the 1st of November. (Text from event) "The anticipation has been mounting for news on our annual Halloween bash at Boutique Hostal Salinas. The Monster Mash Morning Session has mutated into something truly supernatural. Halloween is a time for islanders to let loose, it's when the professional party people convene and friends unite. We are very much looking forward to seeing you at the haunted hostal and we have made every effort to make this years party more memorable than the last. We have enlisted some of our finest to help build the vibe, roll call....." Room 1 - Vitalik Recordings in the Twilight Zone Alfredo, Bushwacka, Clive Henry & Alex Arnout, Ryan O Gorman & Luca Cazel, Salvatore Stallone, David Phillips, Jaime Fiorito, Andy Baxter, Karlos Sense, Nick Stim, Antz Room 2 - Lo Cura Lounge in the MicroRave Ray Mang, Amp & Deck, Motoehaus, Simone Laino, Andy Livesey, Jon Woodall


Cala de Bou, 7pm, 28th Smugglers have decided to come early for Halloween and are holding their party on Friday 28th October. With a ‘free punch from Nige’ to welcome you (strange welcome but there you are), they also have a special selection of Halloween cocktails and offers on beer, cider and wine. There is a prize for best costume, though the locals will tell you, you will have to come up with something pretty damn special to outdo DJ Wild Bill who will be smashing it until the smashing is done.

The Fish

San Antonio, 9pm 31st The Fish are keeping their plans close to their chest. Presumably an axe impaled chest. Deduce what you will from their devilish ditty. It's that time of year again, come join us if you dare; For the streets are cold and the night is dark; And terror fills the air. We have the things you want; And we have the things you need; You may not know it yet; But on Halloween you'll crave these things indeed. Don’t thank us now; For the night of your life; Just plan what you’re going to wear; However once you’ve taken your first sip; You shall not have a care‌


San Antonio, 9pm, 31st Entice are the latest to confirm their Halloween party. On the night itself and advertised from 9pm until 4am, it’s a further welcome addition to what is becoming a great San Antonio Halloween pub-crawl. Entice have DJs Dami and Rory Verrill providing the soundtrack.

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Pacha & Bambuddha

Jam Shak

On Monday October 31 Pacha presents the Bambuddah Infamous Fetish Halloween Dinner Ball. This year the Bambuddha party that started it all, has had to move into Ibiza Town to be held at Pacha—it had to happen, it has gotten too big and crazy for its own good. In the main room the DJs are Clive Henry, Alex Arnout, Moc Pauli and Samir. In the Funky Room are Pippi, Willie Graff and Paul Powell. There is the traditional Halloween dinner from 9pm. The cost for the dinner is ₏85. The whole of Pacha’s main room will be filled with tables to seat 450 blood thirsty, fetishy ghouls, which will be cleared at 1am. The tables that is, not the fetish ghouls who are encouraged to stay much, much longer. Ain’t no fiend like a VIP fiend, and after dinner guests can continue using the VIP areas to party in comfort until dawn! For those intending to suck their blood requirements elsewhere, Ibiza residents and Bambuddha card holders will be given free entrance until 02:30, after which entry is ₏30 (includes one drink). Dress code is full costume – fetish, depraved, religious, weird, fantastic. And be warned – no costume = no entry!

On Sunday October 30, Jam Shak has a kid’s Halloween costume contest and what is probably Ibiza’s first ever Halloween costume contest for dogs. There are prizes for the scariest and cutest costumes. Free to enter but donations will be accepted for Ibiza’s animal shelters, presumably to cover the cost of treatment needed for all the traumatised dogs.

Ibiza Town, 9pm dinner, 1am party, 31st

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San Antonio, 3pm, 30th

Stevie D's

San Antonio/San Antonio Bay, 4pm, 31st

Amazing guest judges and DJs are promised, plus great food and drink will be on offer as usual, so get creative, get your dogs and kids in costumes and go and join in the fun! From 3-7pm.


Marina Botafoch, Ibiza, 1am, 1st

Stevie D's Ibiza Halloween party starts at 4pm on the 31st, with children welcome to join in the ghoulish goings on. There is a prize for the best costume and we asked which kind of music they were playing, but apparently it is not a witch, they have gone vampire with Count Chipula staking his reputation through his heart felt tunes for loons. He wants to suck your blood, so don't say we didn't warn you. No event page as yet but you can find everything you need here


We love Heart, a great venue that offers something special, somewhere with that little extra something to make a night special, but without any elitism—a great addition to Ibiza’s nightlife. Heart is also throwing a Halloween Party this year, combining it with their closing party on Monday October 31. Expect bleeding hearts, broken hearts, heart attacks, stakes through hearts, and possibly heart steaks— we’re not sure if the kitchens are open or not. Powered by Open Lab, it will feature Matthew Dekay, Davi, Robert Miles and Hraach. From 1am until dawn.

The Ghost Train

Santa Eulalia, 4pm, 31st Ibiza Mamas, actually no start that again, not Ibiza Mamas, the Green Witch is again organising a ghost train for children in Santa Eulalia. Last year’s was a big hit and so you will want to be quick to book your ticket on the insane train from Santa Hellalia. Spells are still being cast to confirm the full itinerary, but the motion potions have revealed the first stops of the train of terror. We talked to the Green Witch earlier, and here is what she cackled back, “the train is leaving Can Xarc at 4pm full of ghosts, skeletons, spiders and jacko laterns....zombies too. “First they stop, just outside Santa Eularia at the Restaurante Cami del Rei, that place is haunted, but they are funny ghosts ...will u be ready to meet them ??? “Trick or treat !!!â€? We left her pulling the legs of newts, but a kind lady at Ibiza Mamas was able to confirm the price of 15â‚Ź each with drink. Search Ibiza Mamas on FB

Maxim’s Rock Bar Cala de Bou, 8pm 31st

Maxim’s are doing a bit of monstrous multi-tasking with a combi-zombie Halloween and end of summer party. They promise Scary Bodypainting, as if there is any other sort, Terrifying Tunes, to be fair that’s pretty well business as usual at Maxim’s (sorry Jane), Creepy Cocktails and Frightful prizes for best fancy dress.


Puig Des Molins, 11am, 29th For those who really want to take the macabre month to the next level, the Ajuntament d’Eivissa are staging a special event at the Puig des Molins museum Necropolis. On Saturday 29th they are holding workshops (grave digging?), theatrical performances and historical presentations. The events start at 11am and the last, which is restricted to age 12 and over, starts at 9pm. To reserve a place please call 971399232

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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Community & Agenda Tarot-nope With due apologies to all those I know look forward to their weekly tarotscope, we have to advise that Elaine is taking a well-earned holiday and so we will not have a tarotscope this issue or next.

View From The Pew Alien Life

Rev. Dr Peter Pimentel

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has approximately 100 billion stars. Our galaxy , the Milky Way, is just one of about 10 billion galaxies in the observable universe! If we say therefore that on average each galaxy has about 100 billion stars (like our own Milky Way) then we have something like 1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 stars in the observable universe. The universe is immensely bigger than just the observable universe. We can only observe that part of the universe that is within 13.7 billion light years away from planet earth. This is because the universe began 13.7 billion years ago. Light from stars farther than 13.7 billion light-years away has not had time to reach us! Each star is a sun like our own and we now know that planets orbit such stars as they do in our own solar system. Stephen Hawking has launched a search for alien life beyond our solar system. Astronomers will be listening out for potential signals coming from advanced civilisations in outer space. The project is called Breakthrough Listen. It will use telescopes to listen out for possible

signals from planets that orbit the millions of stars closest to earth and the 100 nearest galaxies. Interestingly, this great project will not throw caution to the wind. The project will not broadcast signals into space. It will just listen. Why? Stephen Hawking explains why. “A civilisation reading one of our messages could be billions of years ahead of us. If so they will be vastly more powerful and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria.” What a thought! According to the Bible God is more intelligent and powerful than any alien civilisation could be. God is the designer and inventor and creator of the universe. God could justifiably think of us as much less significant than bacteria. Fortunately, the Bible informs us that God is love and that God desires to be known by us. God reaches out to us at our level through human words and supremely through a human person. The Bible says: Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. (Hebrews 1:1-2) Service on Sunday, 30th October, is 11.30am followed by lunch at S’Hort de Can Masia. The English-Speaking Church on Ibiza & Formentera. See website for locations & information. Tel 971 343383 chaplainibiza11@gmail.com www.ibizachurch.org

Cinema. Showing at Teatroespana Sta Eulalia 20-30hrs Thurs 27th - Sun 30th Oct The Girl On The Train. (2016 Mystery/Thriller PG 15 1hr 52mins) Stars: Emily Blunt, Haley Bennett, Rebecca FergusonStars: Emily Blunt, Haley Bennett, Rebecca Ferguson. A divorcee becomes entangled in a missing persons investigation that promises to send shockwaves throughout her life.

Contra Cancer Christmas Fair. Brian Whetton

The Association Contra Cancer Ibiza & Formentera are holding their bi-annuial Christmas Fair on Sunday 11th December. If you haven't already, then you may shortly have a visit from a member of the Association, asking for donations to help make this important fund raising day as successful as it has been in the past. Two years ago the event raised tens of thousands of Euros to help people on Ibiza and Formentera who are suffering from, or effected by someone suffering from, cancer. The organisers are looking for donations of furniture, good quality clothing, electrical goods, toys for Santa's Grotto, jewellery in fact anything that can be sold or raffled. If you have any items you wish to donate, or if you could perhaps spare an hour or two on the day of the fair, then please call Lyn on 971 346094 or 677 630514 One of the most poplar stalls is the one selling Home Produce. If you would like to make a cake, jams, marmalades etc then this would be much appreciated. Please contact Barbara on 971 1196211 or 648 533297 for info on collection/ delivery details. More details regarding this extremely important event will be in your ibizan nearer the date.

Food for Ibiza Needs You Claire B

Food for Ibiza is looking for volunteers with their own car for the winter season. They are doing a food drive once a week and need people available to pick up food packages in Santa Gertrudis/Ibiza and deliver them to San Antonio/Santa Eulalia. It’s a volunteer job and they can’t offer any payments or money towards petrol. However, you will be helping the charity and its recipients and collecting a whole load of good karma points for your very own karma bank. Food for Ibiza is a local charity run by volunteers to feed struggling families in Ibiza and Formentera and are always grateful for food and cash donations to fund their work. If you have lots of food to donate, contact them and they can pick it up from you. nina.foodforibiza@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/foodforibiza

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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Can Jeroni Autumn Events The cultural centre of Can Jeroni will present different shows this coming autumn in different mediums such as music, theatre, cinema, or dance. Activities taking place during the ‘Sábados Culturales’ series until Christmas are listed below: Saturday 29th October 21:00 - (DES)ESPERA Theatrical company ‘Gestual Trapo y mocho’, Mallorca Corporal theatre where characters juggle while walking on the wire. Entrance is free until full capacity. Saturday 5th November - 21:00 - VODA (agua). Jaume Compte Nafas Ensemble. Mallorca Traditional Balkan music. Entrance is free until reaching full capacity.

ArtFutura Ibiza Town

Claire B

The cultural festival ArtFutura comes to Ibiza for the first time on 28, 30 and 31 October in the auditorium at Can Ventosa. It’s the 27th edition of ArtFutura, a festival of digital creativity, which presents projects and ideas from ‘new media’, such as virtual reality, interactive design, digital animation, video and special effects and has been held in other cities around the world, including Barcelona, Buenos Aires, London, Madrid, Paris, Sao Paulo and Torino. The 2016 edition is dedicated to ‘virtual reality, augmented reality and its transition to a 3D internet’. The organisers of the festival say: “In 2016 Virtual Reality is no longer a futuristic utopia, but a growing industry. On the other hand, 3D Internet is the overlap of the digital world and where the virtual amplifies the physical world and adds information to the physical.” The audiovisual program of ArtFutura is shared by all participating cities and includes the latest contributions in the field of digital creativity. As well as Ibiza, this year ArtFutura will be in Alicante, Bangkok, Barcelona, Berlin, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Granada, London, Madrid, Mexico DF, Miami, Montevideo, Murcia, Paris, Palma (Mallorca), Punta del Este, SaintBrieuc, Santiago de Chile, Tenerife, Torino and Zaragoza, so it’s quite a coup for it to be coming to the island. The program consists of 7 thematic presentations: ‘Premiere

Live Music Claire B

Saturday October 29, local rockabilly band The Frigolos play at the closing of Chingon in San Antonio. Starts 9pm. Chingon is at Carrer de Burgos, 10 in the San Antonio Bay. Saturday October 29, FEA - Forces Elèctriques d'Andorra, an experimental rock group from Mallorca play in Es Polvori in Dalt Vila. From 7pm. Es Polvori is below the Baluard Santa Llucia in Dalt Vila. More info on Facebook - F/E/A a Es Polvorí (Eivissa): https://www.facebook.com/events/1141991009182230

ArtFutura’ 2016, which is a selection of the most prominent and powerful programs, lasting one hour; ‘Towards an expanded reality’, a special program on the theme of the year, which includes the most outstanding new 3D virtual reality, music, video games, comic, advertising and augmented reality; ‘Artworks’, a new section dedicated to new media installations and documentation by the new recording and editing systems; ‘3D Futura Show’, which includes highlights of international works of computer animation and reflects the evolution of this new creative field, with works by major studios, specialised schools and freelance artists; ‘Future Graphics’ short, viral, video and other works in the search for new aesthetics and languages; ‘Feeding the Web’, a program dedicated to messages and audiovisual works produced directly for the web, and ‘PlayGround’, ferociously fast minidocumentaries designed to be consumed through the smartphone and shared virally. It is open to all and entrance is free, and has the support of the City of Ibiza and the Abel Matutes Foundation. It is open on Friday October 28th, Sunday 30th and Monday 31st in the morning from 9.30-13.00 and in the afternoon from 17.0021.00. More information about the festival plus a taster of what you can expect to see is @ http://www.artfutura.org/ v3/en and the full schedule including times of what is being shown when is on the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/artfuturaibiza.

Friday’s @ Hotel Montesol Ibiza Town

Claire B

New for Friday evenings in town is ‘Friday’s’ at The Hotel Montesol. The idea behind the event is for people to drink, eat, dance and have fun. There is a special Friday’s menu with different options to choose from at a price of 40 euros (drinks not included). Plus a selection of specially developed Friday night cocktails. Piti Urgell is in charge of the music, the DJ responsible for the music at Flower Power in Pacha, so expect soul, funk, rock & roll, pop and reggae. The first one was last week, and even the torrential downpour that engulfed the town that night did not dampen the party spirit. When I got there at about 10pm the party was in full swing, and it was a party, with an eclectic mix of Ibizan residents of all ages, enjoying the vibe and the music. Whilst I was there, there was plenty of reggae being played, with a waltz thrown in for good measure. It was a great, fun atmosphere – my only complaint was that they were charging more for drinks than normal, which is not what you expect in winter. However, they certainly pulled in the crowds for the first night – let’s see if it continues. On Fridays from 6pm until midnight in the Café Montesol on the ground floor of the hotel.

Saturday 12th November - 21:00 - Family Theatre. ‘Solos’. Ymedio Teatro. Jaén A poetic family show to not take life seriously. Saturday 19th November - 21:00 - Screening of the documentary: Elmyr de Hory, el arte de la falsificación José Luis Mir, director of Ibizan films gives us a first look of his work about the life of Elmyr de Hory, a great painter and counterfeiter that lived in Ibiza. Saturday 26th November - 21:00 - Dalí ha mort. The La Llarga Teatre Company. Mallorca. A surreal trip through a rollercoaster of feelings.

Saturday 3rd December – 21:00 - Family Theatre. Chachas sense fronteres. Menorca. A show that mixes cabaret and musicals with a great amount of humor and dance. Entrance is free until reaching full capacity. Saturday 10th December – 21:00 - Contemporary music/ theatre: El gusté s nostre. The La Fornal d’Espectacles Company. Mallorca Theatre for good taste. Entrance is free until reaching full capacity. Saturday 17th December – 21:00 - Music. Novecento: El so italià al cinema. Tugores Trio. Mallorca. A journey through Italian music in films with pieces by composers such as Ennio Morricone, Nino Rota or Nicola Piovani.

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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Shebizan Hola Zipsters. I’m home from my Balearic break in Mallorca and Ibiza. It’s always touch and go at this time of year. Yep, it rained, but the sun also shone and I’ve come home with a “genuine” tan. I’m back into the GMT zone, but having looked at my watch last night, it was still on ‘Ibiza time’. Balearic government officials are asking the Spanish Parliament to approve a new law that will keep the islands on permanent Summer Time. The islands don’t want to turn the clock back along with the rest of Spain and the EU in late October. If their plan is successful, Ibiza and Mallorca will be two hours ahead of us here in the UK during the winter months. Sounds incredibly exotic. Why are they doing this? Because lack of sunlight causes depression, insomnia and lack of outdoor leisure time. Sunshine is the key to people’s health and state of mind, they say. This might explain why the UK can be a depressing place. My S.A.D. has just kicked off again. Some may disagree, but having sat in San Antonio last weekend, hiding from the monsoon conditions (totally hacked off in my flip flops and sunnies), I will soon feel ‘less hacked off’ during wintertime in the Balearics because I’ll only have to look at my watch to know it’s still summertime. Mmmm. Us Brits tend to miss our flights back to the UK from Ibiza 9 times out of 10 anyway. Can you imagine the confusion this will bring? An Airport Hotel will have to be built. With a pool party, no doubt. Anyway, onto this week’s blog and we check out the new craze for FREDDY leggings – jeans to improve your bottoms, investigate the Star Print Biker and another stupid trend – the Sock Boot. It’s an occasionally silly Zips It Up this week, to end October on. Read Amanda’s fashion blog http://amandazipsitup.com/


OK. How many girls wish you could find the ultimate pair of jeans or leggings to shape your bottom into a rounded, pert curve that even Kim Kardashian would be envious of? Well, prepare to feel gorgeous and desired. These garments are flying off the shelves and rails, as women go crazy for FREDDYS. Introducing FREDDY Ireland, a sportswear and denim brand specialising in shaping hips, bums, waist and thighs. Incorporating miraculous new technology, they are available in different colours, washes, lengths and details. Everything mixes and matches with the softness and comfort of jersey, an undisputed excellence of Freddy. So they’re comfortable too. The technology results from extensive research, certified by

The Sock Boot

The sock boot – which became a major trend following Kanye West's recent Yeezy fashion show – has now been replicated everywhere by high street brands. If you want the real Yeezy Season Knit Sock Ankle Military Boots you will have to be willing to pay a mere £1,200 for them, or for at least fork out £50 to get a similar high street pair that are in any way decent. But fear not, because some savvy fans have worked out how to get the look without spending any money at all.

numerous patents, and includes: - a silicon strip inserted inside the belt to improve adherence to belt line; - an ultralight silicon membrane, inserted in the hip/thigh area, for a modelling effect; - an insert on the buttocks with a special anatomic and curved shape, designed especially to produce a push-up effect; - a special conformation of the crotch that, together with the materials and seams used, adheres perfectly to the line between the buttocks producing a further push-up effect. As well as gym pants and sports leggings, you can find leather, faux leather plus black and blue denim jeans, which girls are literally going nuts for at the moment. WR.UP® is readily becoming the most sought after pants for celebrities too. Britney Spears, Hilary Duff, Abbey Clancy, Lea Michele, and Eva Longoria were just a few of the names recently photographed wearing them. I of course am the next on the list, as my friend Nicole Ivison-Hatch stocking them at her shop Left Bank Six. I ordered the leathers, popped over to Ibiza for a week, came back and she’s completely sold out, with a waiting list as long as a very long arm! Keep your eyes peeled though. I’ll be squeezing into mine as quickly as you can say Ready Freddy. Left Bank Six, 55 Elm Road, Leigh-On-Sea, Essex, SS9 1SP 01702 716113 Check out Nicole’s page on Facebook and Instagram

It all started with Instagram star Shay Cherise. The 22 year old got her DIY head together and recreated the sock boot using just socks, sandpaper and glue. With a pair of pointed heels, Shay puts socks over her shoes and snipped holes for the heels to go through. She then glued sandpaper to the bottom to prevent the soles from slipping. Not long afterwards, thousands of Shay’s followers caught the DIY bug themselves, sharing pictures. Of course, they may look OK in filtered pictures, but what about the reality? Here are my answers to your “essential”

DIY Yeezy Sock Heels questions: Where can I get the socks? H&M and Forever21. I recommend men's dress socks and women's thigh high socks. What did you put at the bottom? Sandpaper sheets. You can use any non-slip material though. How long do they last? They can last from one day to a couple of weeks depending on what material you apply to the bottom of your socks. I can see this going very wrong and looking rather silly. But perhaps a good way to spend a rainy afternoon. Best of luck.

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

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Page 13

Local Life The Pauline Quirke Academy Open Day Carly S

The Star Print Jacket

Those of you who know me will be aware that I love a star print anything. Bag, shoes, dress, you name it. And I have just come across the ultimate star print leather jacket – biker style. Louisa Johnson, the youngest ever X-factor winner, was seen wearing this leather jacket from Scotch & Soda as she posed for promo shots recently. Priced at £410, I personally wouldn’t be wearing it in this season’s ridiculous ‘off the shoulder’ trend. The singer was promoting her new single, ‘So Good’, which is out this Friday. Proving that she has what it takes to lead style-wise, Louisa rocked the edgy jacket with an equally ontrend red velvet co-ord. The resulting look was cool and full of character, seriously catching my eye, even though her music does nothing for me whatsoever. Louisa’s leather jacket can be bought from Shopbop.com, but as usual, here at Zips It Up, I’ve found the cheaper alternatives. If leather is not quite your thing, Mango have a great bomber style star jacket at a mere £60 and Moschino at ASOS has this leather version for just £150. You could always customize an old biker jacket with star patches, a la Bros style. But stitching leather without a machine is going to be tough, if not impossible, so Moschino is the way to go here.

On Saturday 22nd October, over 100 children accompanied by family and friends turned up to the launch of The Pauline Quirke Academy of Performing Arts Ibiza. The atmosphere was electric, lots of excited young faces turned up not knowing what to expect! The children were split into age groups and got to sample classes in PQA’s core modules comedy and drama, musical theatre and film and television, whilst the parents had the opportunity to take a peek at their children in action during classes. Heather Smith, Principal of PQA Ibiza said “I am delighted to provide young people in the area with such a unique performing arts experience. We teach a comprehensive range of

skills, which are useful for everyday life, not just a career in the performing arts. I am so excited to see what the future brings and want to thank everyone for their support!” PQA Ibiza is enrolling now, classes run on Saturdays from 9.45am-1pm.

Find us at Palacio de Congresos de Ibiza, Av. Dr. Camacho 9-11, 07840 Santa Eulalia del Rio, Ibiza. For more information or to book a free taster session call 0034 657 237 906 or visit

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2enCzjz Sony Playstation: http://bit.ly/2eOsDB8

Microsoft Xbox: http://bit.ly/2edh6Jq Sky Store: http://bit.ly/2eARlkI


Buy Your Very Own White Island

One of the most frequent questions we have been asked in recent months is when the movie White Island will be available. We still can’t answer most of the other favourites about street traders, VIP culture and whether we like living here (?!), but at least we can cross this one off the list as the film is available in a whole host of alternative formats, streams, downloads and even a good old DVD. Based on the book by Ibizan resident author and all round good guy Colin Butts, the film has had a cinema screenings throughout the UK, alongside a filming of Carl Cox’s final night at Space. If social media is anything to go by, the film will be topping the Ibiza charts based solely on its sales to the many locals who performed as extras during the filming. For those of us who have forgotten what Asda even is, here are the online options. Google: http://bit.ly/2eeSBOJ iTunes: http://apple.co/2dUqXkl

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 14

The Guide ...

Transport & Storage



Pharmacies. For Details Including Out Of Hours www.COFIB.es ITV . To Book A Vehicle For An ITV Online http://bit.ly/ibizanitv

Medical Centres. Information & Online appointments

New Freephone Number For The Samaritans in Spain

Administrational Assistance/Support Available Flexible remote admin support available incl. web, social media, office organisation and much more. For more info: W: absolutelyshelleykay.com E: info@absolutelyshelleykay.com T: +34 666 655 612

Tel 971 348 271 Mob (Eng) 638 923 119 www.theibizan.com editor@theibizan.com Editor: Nicholas Gibbs Bes Media Holdings 1999 S.L., c/ JaĂŠn, 2, Cala De Bou, 07829, Ibiza

Booking Deadline: Mon 5pm (ask for later), Copy Deadline: Tues 5pm, Print: Weds, Distribution: Thurs, Online: From Thurs.

Dep. Legal DL 1-303-1999

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

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Page 15

Sport Ibiza CC v. Lodsworth CC Saturday, October 15th. Lodsworth win by 2 wickets.

American GP

Guest" reporter "Disco" Dave Reynolds

Hamilton wins 3rd straight US GP

Rosberg insists he won’t settle for the safety of second place and will push for wins over the final stretch. He made a late charge over the final 10 laps to shave nearly five seconds off Hamilton’s lead, but never threatened to Hamilton won his fourth U.S. overtake him for the win. Grand Prix in five years on Sunday, Hamilton had been plagued by bolting from pole position and poor starts all season and had won cruising to an easy victory that cut won only three of his previous Rosberg’s lead to 26 points with eight races from pole position this three races left. season. He finally got the jump he Rosberg still holds a relatively needed with a burst off the line comfortable lead heading to next he’d been missing. week’s race in Mexico City where Rosberg was pushed third when Red Driver Championship Standings into Bull’s Daniel Ricciardo cut under his Nico Rosberg Mercedes 331 inside and edged 1 him out at the top 2 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 305 of the turn. Ricciardo finished third for second U.S. 3 Daniel Ricciardo Red Bull 227 his Grand Prix podium in three years. he won last year. Two seconds and Once comfortably in the lead, all a third in the final three races will Hamilton had to do was hope he be enough for Rosberg to earn his didn’t run into problems. “I was first season title. concerned the whole race the car The Mercedes duel now heads into wasn’t going to make it … right up a stretch of races Rosberg domito the line,” Hamilton said. nated last season when he reeled Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel finished of victories in Mexico, Brazil and fourth. The Haas F1 team’s RoAbu Dhabi. He’s failed to finish main Grosjean finished 10th, earnonly one race this season and has ing the rookie American-led team only four others that didn’t end on a point in its debut appearance in the podium. its home race..

Jack Wharrie

Greetings pool fans; we have a quiet week of pool to talk about this week after 4 teams had to postpone their matches meaning that the only matches played were The Social vs Maxims and Illusions vs The Fish. We’ll start with a new team to the league this season: The Social, a group promising to bring a fresh batch of banter to the league kicking off their campaign with an even match

against Maxims, going into the break both teams were even at 3 frames apiece however The Social came back with more resolve securing the win after two doubles with Maxims taking the last one to earn a point. Now over to our other new team the season: Illusions who took on another team of title hopefuls in The Fish with pretty much the same result as last week, the only difference being that the captains Joe and Max

were able to take the final frame of the night to make it an 81 victory for Illusions. In other news there’s been a change of team in the league after Stevie Ds decided it would be best to go forward with one team, withdrawing their B team from the competition and leaving their spot open for our first replacement of the season: Flaherty’s Irish Pub who will face the Boulevard Spaniards on their home turf in their opening week.

Lodsworth, a small hamlet outside Chichester, West Sussex, boasts a church, St Peters, a village hall, a pub, a population of around 690 and a cricket club but notable Lodsworth resident Sir Ranulph Fiennes was not amongst some of the population who'd traveled to Ibiza to watch a weekend of cricket and enjoy the Ibiza life. With the lure of cricket and sunshine on the White Isle ,partying until dawn and beer prices in the pavilion cheaper than their local pub, The Hollist Arms back home, it transpired to be an amazing two days of cricket. Struggling for an 11th man, Andy Mills, the landlord of the village pub, stepped up to the plate for Ibiza who lost the toss and were put into bat by a Lodsworth side that set there stall out early with brisk, fast and nimble bowling, keeping Ibiza to 57 for 3 at drinks. Needing to increase the run rate, but as is so often after drinks, Sam Feasy was dismissed LBW for 13. However with a steady 40 from newly elected Club secretary Charles Bromley and 29 from Robin Parmenter they pushed the score on to respectable 167/8 after the allotted 30 overs, opening bowler Will Hannam doing most of the bowling damage, ending on 4/16. Robin however couldn't stay for the Lodsworth innings as he and Graeme Cooper were off to the peninsula to represent Spain in an over 40's (or in Robin's case. over 60's!) competition. Furthermore, an urgent phone call also saw the loss of Feasey and so for most of the second innings Ibiza were reduced to 9 men, however, at drinks, things were evenly matched with Lodsworth on 86/4 and the chase was on. The visitors slowly chipped away at the lead but just as they were getting a head of steam up, some slick bowling from Paul Cruttwell (4/21) meant that at the end of the 28th over Lodsworth were 161/6, just 8 runs from the win. The visiting spectators were in high spirits and sensed a victory, but up stepped Steve Hadlow who bowled a superb penultimate over, a wicket and no runs, 161/7, Hadley finishing with 2/23. Could Ibiza hang on or would Lodsworth manage the 7 needed off the final 6 balls to win with Ibiza skipper Graham Boe taking the responsibility but he was punished with a 4 off the first ball of the last over. 3 to win then WICKET!! Lodsworth 164/8 but with the last ball remaining Lodsworth Captain Cruickshank faced his opposite number. A deathly hush fell over the crowd, This was it. Death or Glory .Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more. (Henry V, Act 3). Could Cruickshank summon up that Dunkirk Spirit shown by the famous village occupant or would Boe draw deep down into the reserves from his Pacha nights to see off his opposite number. Boe bowled it short. The hardy thwack of ball against willow sent it over the boundary for 4 and a win for Lodsworth by 2 wickets and amid scenes reminiscent of a promotion from Championship to Premier League the Lodsworth locals ran onto the pitch to hold their captain high. A fantastic game of cricket, played in the right spirit and the jugs of cheap ale flowed in the pavilion afterwards. Thanks to all who came to support, to Lyn for providing and organising the sandwiches, including a new tuna bocadillo treat, and the umpires who stood in the sun for 5 hours during this thrilling game.

v. Lodsworth CC Sunday, October 16th Ibiza CC won by 40 runs

Jeremy "Silver Fox" Parmenter Chairman - Ibiza CC

Part 2 and Ibiza CC looking for swift revenge in their last home game of 2016 with Lodsworth looking for a whitewash! Ibiza batted first, and it looked as if the visitors were heading towards said goal having the hosts tottering at 53 for 6 with the top 5 only scoring 23 between 'em! But, cometh the hour, cometh the men with Skipper Boe, looking to make up for his last ball loss on the previous day, taking the game to the opposition and scoring a priceless 34, ably assisted by opening bowler Paul Cruttwell (32) and Paul Slater (24 no), eventually increased the final score to a respectable 155 for 8 at the end of the 30 overs. Lodsworth then batted, probably thinking after scoring 165 the previous day, we can do this, but they hadn't taken in to account Ibiza's opening bowling partnership of Cruttwell (4/13) and Hadlow (2/16) who had the visitors on the ropes at 24 for 5. Although J Lamb and O King then put together a useful partnership of 51 for the 6th wicket, they never really recovered and with Ibiza's tails up, eventually succumbed to 115 for 9, giving Ibiza sweet revenge and a mutually acceptable 1-1 draw over the 2 days. As per the norm, a great w/end of cricket, played in the right spirit with enthusiasm by all and lots of beer drunk in the "clubhouse" with barman Sylvestre rubbing his hands with glee. Our thanks to Lodsworth CC and their loyal fans for visiting our island for the first time and we hope they enjoyed the experience enough to come again soon. Thanks also to Sylvestre, Montse and their staff at San Agustin, as well as Club Treasurer Lyn for her usual commitment throughout the year, all who played for Ibiza CC throughout the season, the umpires, our loyal fans, Robin "The Hood" Parmenter for his match reports and last, but by no means least, Disco Dave, our venerable scorer. So, it's off to Beni in November for our usual 2 match tour with hosts Alfaz and wishing all The Ibizan readers a wonderful Xmas and Happy New Year.

(Continued from page 16) guarantee their passage to the k/o round, Arsenal hit 6 past Ludogorets as I thought they would, as mentioned before Man City lost at Barca and Tottenham were saved by 'keeper Lloris as they drew 0-0 at Bayer Leverkusen, whilst in the Europa, a crumb of comfort for Jose as Man Utd put 4 past Fenerbahce to stay on course for the next round while Southampton struggled in the San Siro as they lost 1-0 to Inter Milan. 'Tis the League Cup ( or should I say the EFL Cup) 4th Round on Tuesday with the pick being Tottenham at Liverpool and ironic once again that the two managers I mentioned at the beginning should come face to face on Wednesday at OT as United take on City, no doubt more hassle for one or t'other! New look Chelsea, 3-4-3-1, head to West Ham in an all-London derby but watch out for a shock or two, especially at Bristol City where Hull are the visitors and Reading at Arsenal.

Rugby Union

It was Europe again for the English teams last w/end. Firstly, in the Champions Cup, Saracens top their group after a 44-26 home win over Scarlets, Leicester beat Racing 92, Dan Carter et al, 27-17 at home, Northampton were stuffed 41-7 in Castres, Exeter went down by one point out of 37 at Ulster, Wasps drew 20 apiece in Toulouse, thanks to a last minute penalty and Sale prop up their group with 2 losses from 2. In the Challenge Cup, Bath ran out winners over local rivals Bristol at the Rec in a typical West country derby,, Gloucester won 37-8 at home to Treviso, Worcester lost by a point in a 49 point thriller at home to Brive, as did Harlequins by the odd point from 71 at Edinburgh while Newcastle put 50 on Grenoble to lie 2nd in their group. Elsewhere, congrats to the NZ All Blacks as they beat Australia, yet again, this time by 37-10 to create a new record of 18 international wins on the trot.

Rugby League

Switching codes and England warmed up for the forthcoming 4 Nations Tournament with NZ, Australia and Scotland (didn't know the Scots played League, but there you go!) by putting 40 points on France in Perpignan with Ryan Hall taking a brace to record a first win for new manager Wayne Bennett. Cricket Who says Test cricket is dying! Look no further than England's nail-biting victory in the 1st Test against Bangladesh in Chittagong. It all came down to the morning of the 5th and final day with the Deshis needing 33 to win their first ever victory over England, and Cook's boys needing 2 wickets. No need to worry tho' when England have a matchwinner in Durham's Ben Stokes, as not only did he take 4 wickets in the 1st innings, but he hit 85 in England's 2nd innings and then took Bangladesh's last two wickets in one over to win not only the match but quite rightly, the Man of the Match. Congrats too to 'keeper Jonny Bairstow as he broke Zimbabwe's and ex-England manager Andy Flower's record of 1045 runs for a 'keeper in a calendar year with 1091, so far, of his own. Onwards then to Friday's final Test at Dakka and hopefully a 2-0 Series win, before moving on to India and what I fancy will be a much more daunting task for Cook and his mates.


Congrats to England's Kyle Edmund for reaching the semis of the European Open and thereby breaking in to the world's Top 40. Having beaten World No 7, Valencia's David Ferrer on the way, disappointment though as despite taking the first set against 3rd seed and eventual winner, France's Richard Gasquet he couldn't keep it up and lost by 2 sets to 1. Disappointment too for Johanna Konta as she missed out on becoming the first British woman since 1984 to reach the season-ending ATP Finals for the world's Top 8 players as Svetlana Kuznetsova won the Kremlin Cup in Moscow to knock Konta down to 9th. Just a thought, tho', wonder if there was any drug-taking there in Moscow especially with a Russian player in Russia. Note to one's self: Don't go any further down that road Jezza or you might get yer knees broke!!! On that note, until next week…….Jezza

The Ibizan, Thursday 27th October 2016, Issue 850

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 16


Messi, Running City Ragged on way to a Hattrick

Humiliation For Pep And Jose! Jezza’s World of Sport Football

Carlos Alberto, Brasil's Captain of their 1970 World Cup Winning side, died on Tuesday aged 72. Alberto is credited with scoring one of the finest team goals seen on the world stage during their 4-1 victory over Italy in the 1970 world cup final. As far as legacies go, most of us would be happy with his. R.I.P.

Well would you believe it, irony upon irony! Two of arguably the best managers in the world returned to the clubs that they fashioned in their own image, where they won title after title and cup after cup, only to be humiliated by their previous club's performances. First, Pep Guardiola returned to Barca's Camp Nou in the Champions League to see his new club, Manchester City spanked 4-0, including a Messi hat-trick. Then on Sunday, Jose Mourinho, once the darling of Chelsea's fans (me included!), returned to the Bridge in the Premier League for the first time as manager of another PL club, Manchester Utd, to see his new side concede the fastest goal in the PL this season (34 seconds) and go on to be spanked too by the same score, 4-0. Talk about ironies! Even worse for Jose was that 3 of his previously disillusioned Chelsea players caused most of the havoc, Hazard, Costa and Moses. As for Pep, his recent little wobble in the PL is fast becoming a large one, as his team were held to a 1-1 draw at home to Southampton, resulting in their winless run continuing to 5 matches, in both PL and CL. I reported at the beginning of the season that he wouldn't find the PL easy and that forecast appears to be taking shape. Nevertheless, City are still top of the PL, but only on a 1 goal diff from Arsenal, who could only draw 0-0 at home to Middlesbro', and Liverpool who won 2-1 at Anfield against West Bromwich. Hot on that trio's tails are both Chelsea and Tottenham, only a point behind after the Cockerells toothless 0-0 draw with Bournemouth. Elsewhere, previously high-flying Everton surprisingly lost 2-1 away at

Burnley, giving the latter a double over both Merseyside clubs, Watford shared the points but no goals at Swansea, champions Leicester got back on to the PL winning trail with a 3-1 at the KC over Crystal Palace, Shaqiri scored a brace of stunning goals for Stoke in their 2-0 win at Hull, who only a few weeks ago were in the top 4 and are now languishing in 18th, while bottom club Sunderland were beaten by a 94th Hamilton Back On Strutting Form. Too Little Too Late? P15

minute winner at West Ham. In Europe, and the Champions League, Leicester made it 3 wins from 3 with a 1-0 home win over Copenhagen to almost (Continued on page 15)

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