Ibizan 858 eissue 11 May 2017

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Robert Miles dies in Ibiza hospital aged 47. Obituary, His Life & Career, The Story Behind 'Children', plus Local & Industry Tributes. Page 7

Brotherly Love Rueben brothers purchase further 258,000 square metres of Ibiza land. Exclusive Statement confirming their “respect (for) the heritage and beauty of the land�

Nick Gibbs

Brothers David and Simon Rueben, whose property empire includes swathes of London and several plots in

Ibiza, have closed a deal on the purchase of a further 258,000 square metres of Ibizan real estate. The purchase was reported in the national UK press following which The Ibizan contacted the Rueben brothers London based holding company who have provided an official statement relating to their intentions and

Ibiza connections. The brothers have paid in the region of 5million euros to purchase the land from the Costa Tur family, though the exact final price is subject to outstanding real estate transfer taxes. The land adjoins their existing Ibiza (Continued on page 2)

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

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News (Continued from page 1)

property and is designated as an area of special natural interest. Aside from a proposal to renovate a currently unused finca on the existing land, there have been no development plans submitted. However the company is in ongoing discussions with Sant Josep town hall regarding the parking situation at Cala Comte. As reported below, Cala Comte is one of many of Ibiza’s coastal areas where the pressure of summer parking is causing chaos and is a particular concern to ambulance and fire services who are unable to gain access in an emergency. The brothers first purchase of land in 2005 included that of Cala Bassa Beach Club and the Sunset Ashram bar and restaurant. The sale caused considerable alarm among local residents who feared the purchase was indicative of forthcoming development. An online petition by a group entitled New Earth Movement gained 4700 signatures to its declaration that “constructing luxury houses with more cement and dust is ugly” and that protestors should “send the Rueben brothers our message”. In a report published by The Sunday Times it was stated that the Ruebens “have no immediate plans to build on the land” and continued to cite an unnamed source as saying any large scale development activity was “at least a change of government away”.

Editorial Comment It would have been easy to rehash the Sunday Times report, complete with its unsubstantiated ’source’, or even more inflammatory some of the local posts regarding the land sale, all of which have taken an entirely negative stance. But we decided not to do that. We decided to contact the Rueben brothers holding company to seek their comment. After all, the scaremongering at the time of the original purchase does not seem to have yet been borne out. We have been in communication with an official spokesperson for the Rueben brothers who has issued the following statement.

The Rueben brothers are amongst the wealthiest people in Britain with combined assets of 14 billion. They made their fortune trading aluminium in 1990’s Russia and have since invested in a substantial property portfolio.


he Reubens are long term investors in land and real estate across the globe, and do not take short term views on their investments. They have been visiting the island for over 30 years, and it is somewhere that they have always enjoyed. They will continue to respect the heritage and beauty of the land that they have purchased, and look forward to spending more time on the island in the coming years.” It is to be expected that any land purchase by a property holding company would raise concerns among the local community. There is an ongoing and ever increasing fear of over-development of our island resulting from the global success of ‘brand Ibiza’. The need to preserve what remains of the islands fragile natural environment

Cala Comte Closed To Cars The Sant Josep town hall has agreed to close the area of the cliffs of Platges de Comte to traffic for safety reasons and to protect the already degrading coastline. The move comes after the landslides, which occurred last year on one of the beaches, and a car that fell off the cliff. In the first phase, large boulders will be placed to cut off access to the west coast where there are most coves and the risk for people on the beach is higher – this will take place over the next few weeks and is supported by the local police. The second phase will be to cut off the east access. The cut-off point will be at the roundabout and vehicles will be able to park on land 26,000 square metres located to the left of the road.

is forefront in many of our minds. Though it is unlikely the statement issued by the Rueben brothers will have the effect of convincing the people of Ibiza that they need have no fears for the future as far as the land purchased by them is concerned, it is surely a positive and welcome notice. They have taken the opportunity to confirm their respect for the heritage and beauty of Ibiza, and it will give us some comfort in that they have a relationship with the island dating back some 30 years – notably during decades they would have found it far easier to turn a development profit than they would in the current political climate. For now, it is good news and perhaps, until we have cause to think otherwise, we could see advantage in investment being made by those with sufficient pockets to do good. Also, we must be careful not to direct our energy in opposing people that to date have done nothing to warrant that opposition, when there are so many breaches and abuses of property development regulations being undertaken under our noses and by our own people. Ask me whether more harm has been done to our island cumulatively over the past few decades by its own people or outside investors and I frankly wouldn’t have a clue which way to guess. In this issue, we also report on the ongoing farce of the Casa Lola/Paola situation where a landowner has blatantly ignored all regulations over a 7-year period, and is now building yet another unlicensed property. Some may say I am being naïve in putting store in the statement issued by the Reubens, but I would counter with asking ourselves why they would bother making any statement at all if there is a hidden agenda at play. And as for the Sunday Times source that “large scale development activity was at least a change of government away”, it would take a brave Government of any colour to allow development on a protected natural area in the current climate. The Es Vedra goats come to mind. All in all it seems to me that there is plenty to occupy ourselves in getting our own house in order without wasting our efforts on the houses of others that may never be built.

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

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News 77 Year Old Man Killed in Car Crash A 77 year old man has died following a car accident on the Santa Eulalia road. The cause of the accident is still unknown it appears that two cars have collided sideways on the Santa Eulalia - Sant Carlos road causing serious injuries. The man suffered cardiorespiratory arrest and paramedics were unable to save his life. Two women were also injured in the collision, the first was transferred to the Policlínica Señora del Rosario, her condition is ‘reserved’. The second female, age 73 was transferred in a very serious condition to Can Misses.

Motorcycle Crash A 26 year old Italian man has been injured in a crash on Avenida Ses Païsses when his motorcycle collided with a car. The driver of the motorcycle was transferred to the Policlínica where he remains in ICU with a fractured vertebra and internal injuries.

Mosquito Control

San Antonio West End. Photo wiki-commons. Inset Lala the Police Dog and below part of her first drugs find.

The Summer Night Squad The first week of the summer night squad (ENEV) is being hailed a success by San Antonio Town Hall. The special task force is charged with cleaning up the West End in the context of mounting calls for action to be taken against the prostitutes, pickpockets and illegal street sellers that thrive in the area. Their role extends to ensure the opening times and music regulations etc. of businesses in the area are observed. During the first week of the campaign there have been 12 actions taken for breaches in municipal regulations, which include prostitution and PRing 2 complaints have been lodged for violating law 4/2015 (known as the gag law) There have been 19 traffic violations filed, 3 drink driving stops and 7 vehicles towed. Moreover, Lala the police dog has had her first collar (groan) from her West End patrol in detecting 20 pills and 4 bags of unnamed substances.

The town hall has created this new team ENEV, which comprises of seven agents and two officers to work a special shift pattern allowing four policemen to be walking the streets of San An every night. From now until August, the ENEV will operate from 21:00 until 06:00, and in September 22:00 until 06:30. Some of the team’s specific functions include monitoring public spaces, dealing with street vending, controlling the closing times of venues with music and inspections.

Police Dog Handlers Course Sant Antoni council have reported that 18 agents of the San An Local Police force and 10 others belonging to other bodies are undertaking a dog handling and care course given at the Sant Antoni station. The training agenda, established by the Secretary of State for Security, includes matters such as training, the main races for use in defence, security procedures in the management of dogs, conditions of search and detection of narcotic substances.

The Consell de Formentera has started a campaign to control mosquitoes and chironomids (non-biting midges) in the Ses Salines Natural Park. Issued in a statement, the Consell de Formentera will initially allocate 23,000€, although it does not rule out extending the treatment if necessary. The control of mosquito populations in the area, is carried out in a preventive way by acting on the insect larvae through biological treatments, which are natural insecticides. The weekly treatments will run to mid-October.

Cala de Bou Brit Fall A 33 year old British man has reportedly fallen from the 2nd floor of the Sirenis Seaview hotel in Cala de Bou. The event took place on Wednesday morning at 04:30 and the man was transferred to Can Misses with polytrauma, including a possible fractured pelvis. He is conscious and his condition is stable. Reports in the Spanish press suggested alcohol and drugs were involved.

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

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Food & Drink San Antonians have the treat of JazzYbiza for the next 4 Sundays in the glorious setting of Villa Mercedes overlooking the Marina. Playing on the 14th, 21st, 28th May and the 4th June the performance starts at 20:30 continuing until midnight. For bookings see Willa Mercedes advert.

Pintxas 2017, Hostal La Torre Take the Crown, Tapas Take the Taste The Art of Pintxas, It Has Come A Long Way Since Bread and Ham.

Donnegans, home cooked fayre, sports, drinks deals, family friendly fun and a great line up of live music , great-tastic

Donnegans Opening, Wednesday 17th May Cala de Bou Who doesn’t love Donnegans? Answers on a postcard but I can’t think of a single soul and after all that’s no great surprise – what’s not to love? A great range of even greater priced home cooked fayre, sports, drinks deals, family friendly fun and a great line up of live music guaranteed to get even the grumpiest grandpa singing along. So that’s all great, but on opening night, it’s greater than great – whatever that is – great-tastic, I’m going with great-tastic. Patrons will be treated to tasting portions from the Donnegans menu, and there is a baby Guinness for all. Fun and free stuff. Brilliant, sorry, I meant great-tastic.

Villa Mercedes Sunday Jazz Sessions with Peter & Winni from JazzYbiza

We think the people behind San Antonio’s Pintxas festival must be very clever people indeed. Not only were they wise enough to choose one of our favourite restaurants as the overall winner, they also judged another as winner of the special Sabors (flavour) award. Hostel La Torre walked off with the overall trophy and Tapas Restaurant with the ‘Sabors’ award – not too shabby an achievement in their first year participating.

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

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Food & Drink

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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News Airport Expansion Environmental Impact Report The expansion of the private jet facilities at the Eivissa airport will entail cutting and clearing about 17 hectares, according to the project's environmental impact report, published in the Official State Gazette. They do point out that these 17 hectares mainly affect abandoned vegetable gardens with overgrown vegetation". The report details all the actions that will be carried out to minimize the impact on the flora and fauna of the surroundings of the airport. The project will affect 41 pines, 13 palm trees, 23 fruit trees, 18 cypresses, 2 eucalyptus trees and more than a hundred gandul plants, considered an exotic species. These specimens will either be transplanted in the new location, or removed and replaced by other vegetation. As for the effect on the fauna, the biggest impact could result from the clearing and felling of woodland that surrounds the 17 hectares. The presence of endangered or unique species is not foreseen in the area, although they do emphasise that during the fieldwork it was verified that in the zone there is an "important presence of bees". The new facilities will reach 80,000 square metres and house a total of 58 private aircraft. The forecast is that the work, which has a cost of 8.2 million euros, will last 13 months and be undertaken in two consecutive winter periods, starting in November this year.

Discovery of Rare Bamboo Coral Off Ibiza Coast Scientists from Oceana (the Spanish institute of Oceanography) and the university of Bari (Italy) have published information for the first time describing a bamboo coral (Isidella elongata) forest located 400 metres deep in the Channel of Mallorca.

Guardia Civil attend a previous illegal construction by Ordóñez in October 2016, and right inset, the new construction underway without the necessary permits.

Owner Builds Illegally Again Ordóñez starts building third construction illegally. The entrepreneur Francisca Sánchez Ordóñez, owner of Casa Lola and Casa Paola, two controversial constructions for their accumulated illegalities, has begun the construction of another house in a wooded area between the es Cubells road and the one that leads to Porroig, without having the full license. The town hall approved the proposed work last November, after the Insular Commission for Planning and Heritage (Ciotupha), under the Consell, reported favourably on the project. However, as confirmed by the Consistory, the developer has not yet submitted the project execution, a condition essential for the issue of the work permit (in addition to payment of the fee) and to the start of work. According to the second deputy mayor, Angel Luis Guerrero, under these conditions, "the works should not have started." In fact, when asked by the Diario de Ibiza, Guerrero said that he had no record of the beginning of these works (he did not receive any reports), and that he will send an officer to verify the facts and order "its paralysis”. So far, the foundation of the house and the pool has been laid. The house, which is located on common rustic land (although it is in a wooded area), is being built in the middle of a road that connects the es Cubells road with Porroig and forms part of routes 7 and 12 of the cyclist network. The property has installed two ‘hurdles’ that cut through this track, with a sign that prohibits access "to anyone outside of the work," although they have been semi-open. In any case, the works cut off the path and the cyclists have to pass between the raised columns to follow routes 7 and 12, which are signposted. Guerrero reported that this path does not figure in the "inventory of municipal roads" and, therefore, the city

cannot act. "If it is not inventoried, the technical services point out that it is a matter between owners: whether or not there is a right of passage". The town hall has not received any complaint for this.

Casa Lola And Paola In October 2016 works were being undertaken on a project (Casa Paola) that had, in April of 2016 been suspended by the Guardia Civil for its illegality. At the time, the Diario reported that Angel Luis Guerrero would be filing a criminal complaint with the Prosecutors Office for disobedience, adding to the one already issued to Sanchez, in 2013, which has seen no conviction to date. Casa Lola received its demolition order of 1833m2 illegal works in 2016, 6 years after the file was initiated in 2010. Despite the cessation, they broke the seal and works continued so the town hall filed the second criminal complaint in 2013. Demolition was approved having gone before a Judge in Palma and the order consisted of: 8 ground floor units totalling 933 metres 342 metres of covered terraces 414 metres of uncovered terraces 2 pools of 84 and 68 square metres respectively A cistern under construction of 36 square metres Several walls and interior divisions to enclose the plot Since then, and just weeks ago, a new structure was erected to cover an area of land within the property. Sánchez Ordóñez faces a heavy fine, which will be calculated on the value of the buildings raised which stood at 1,400,000€ last October, according to the calculations of the Consistory. He will also be liable for the demolition or cost of if the town hall have to implement the order. It is worthy of note, that as of October 2016 she had not been issued with the fine. Sánchez Ordóñez served 2 years in jail in 2008 for defrauding the tax office of 867,649€.

Formentera Hash Find A concerned neighbour alerted the police this week after seeing a suspicious package on the beach of es Pujols in Formentera. The police went to investigate and found a bale containing between 20 and 25kg of Hashish washed up on the shore. The Guardia Civil were alerted and their helicopter was dispatched to check the area where the bale was found for any further packages, however none were located.

"Bamboo coral populations have declined by more than 80% in the Mediterranean and are severely threatened," explains Ricardo Aguilar, director of Oceana Research and Expeditions in Europe and co-author of the article. "The forest that we have found in the Balearics is one of the largest clusters of bamboo coral in the Mediterranean because of its size and density... it reaches densities of more than 2,500 colonies per hectare, while in nearby areas impacted by Bottom Trawling it will barely reach 30-60 ". The study has been published in a scientific paper in The European Zoological Journal. The forest is situated between the submarine mountains of Ausias March and the Bank of Oliva. It is an area within the Channel of Mallorca that Oceana proposes to protect, located to the east of Ibiza and Formentera and that has several submarine mountains.

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

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Robert Miles’ single ‘Children’ sold 5 million copies in its first year.

Robert Miles dies in Ibiza hospital aged 47. The DJ, producer and impresario is best known for his 1995/6 hit ‘Children’ which is considered hugely influential on the rise of trance in the following years. Recent projects have included Ibiza’s Openlab radio station. Tributes paid after Italian Miles loses 9 month battle with cancer. DJ Robert Miles, best known for his trance hit Children, has died at the age of 47. It is understood Miles died in Ibiza’s private Villa hospital following short battle with metastatic cancer. The news was broken by producer and longtime friend Joe T Vannelli, who was reported by the BBC saying "The tragic news of the death of a very talented artist of our time makes me incredulous and upset. "I will miss the fights, brawls, criticism, judgements but especially your talent in finding sounds and melodies unparalleled. "Children is an instrumental and dance anthem, one of the most ever loved tracks. With Robert Miles a part of my life dies with him." Tributes have been paid by many leading lights in the dance music world, alongside those of close personal friends. Among those close to Miles in Ibiza, Ibiza music industry promoter Danny Whittle said “Last night my family and I lost an amazing friend and brother, he faced everything with so much dignity, I was with him when he received the news that he had Cancer and he was so much braver than me all the way through.

The Children Story Dubbed by the BBC as “the hit written to save clubbers' lives”, Miles wanted his biggest hit to help stop Italy's "Saturday night slaughter" Children’s unique mellow sound prompted the birth of one of electronic music’s many sub genres ‘dream house’. Miles has been quoted as saying the sound was a very deliberate choice, and though it was initially written as an emotional reaction to seeing images of the child victims of the war in Yugoslavia, the track then took on a different life - and a different motivation. Miles wanted to make it big to help save the lives of clubbers. In the mid 90s Europe’s clubs were playing hard and fast sets

“So last night he passed with courage right to the end. There is a huge hole in our lives now that we have to fill with amazing happy memories. Amazing friend, brother and best RV navigator a guy could have. “I love and miss you Robert Miles you were so very special to me, Sally and little Dan. Wish I could hug you now.”

Life & Career

Roberto Concina, who later adopted the stage name Robert Miles, was born to Italian parents Antonietta Lauro and Albino Concina in Fleurier, Switzerland on the 3rd of November 1969. He moved to the small Italian town of Fagagna as a young child where he became a proficient pianist. He started working in the music industry from 1984 and by 1990 had saved enough from his work as a club and radio DJ to open his own recording studio and pirate radio station. In 1994, Miles wrote a trance/chill-out piece based on acoustic guitar chords and soft synthesizer effects, "Children", which was later developed into what was dubbed the first ‘dreamhouse’ genre track featuring its distinctive piano theme on top. Children notched up over 350,000 sales within a few weeks of release, and the single received an unprecedented "Essential Tune of The Week", three weeks in a row on the then hugely influential Pete Tong show on BBC Radio One. Children’s instrumental composition gave it pan-European appeal and it topped the European charts for 13 weeks. The single went Platinum in many countries including the UK where it peaked at number 2. which, in combination with the fuel of drugs prominent on the dancefloor at the time, were being blamed for a huge spike in car crashes during the after club hours at weekends. The problem was so bad in Italy that they coined an expression "stragi del sabato sera" - Saturday night slaughter. In an article released by the BBC following his death, Miles says he wanted Children to be an option for DJs to put on as the last track of the night. The article continues “It had a soft beat, slower and far less frenetic than the music that would have preceded it. The full-length version started without any instruments at all - it began with the natural sound of a thunderstorm. “But it was the piano riff that really made Children different. It was mournful, a sound that triggered deep emotions. To listeners, the children of the title were not literally the world's under-16s but their own younger selves.

By 1997 Children had sold over 5 million worldwide and critical acclaim followed with a Brit award as best international male newcomer in 1997, a world music award as best selling newcomer , and various others. Children was followed by further hits with ‘Fable’ and ‘One and One’ which reached number 7 and 3 in the U.K. charts respectively. Fable was also noted for its use in the Hollywood film ‘Ever After’ and One and One followed Children in capturing the European imagination holding top spot in the Euro charts for 6 weeks over the Christmas period of 1996. Miles also released his first album ‘Dreamland’ in 1996, followed by his second 23am in 1997. His next single ’Freedom’ released in November 1997 featured Kathy Sledge of Sister Sledge. Miles took his career in a different direction from 1998 when he split from his prior record and management company to set up his own independent label S:alt Records (the S:alt standing for suitably alternative) Though not attaining the commercial success of his previous work, Miles’ music continued to receive critical acclaim and tracks from his third album Organik were used in several films including The Bourne Identity. Organik remixes was released in 2002 and included remixes from a competition he had held on his website alongside those of established artists such as Future Sound of London. In 2004 his appropriately titled fourth album ‘Miles Gurtu’ was released as a collaboration with percussionist Trilok Gurtu. More collaborations were forged on his fifth album ‘Th1rt3en’, released in 2011. Guest artists included Robert Fripp, Dave Okumu, Jon Thorne, Mike Patto and Davide Giovannini, who worked with Miles in producing an album of ‘electronic soundscapes’. Miles’ connection with the film industry surfaced again in 2012 when he was commissioned to compose the soundtrack for a film documentary featuring the photography of Life Magazine. In 2012 he also established the Ibiza radio station Open


A few of the many tributes being paid to Robert Miles in the press and across social media. Pete Tong on Twitter "Sad to hear Robert Miles passing. RIP, thanks for the music." Danny Rampling on Facebook “RIP Robert Miles sad to hear of his untimely passing. Thank you for the music.” Judge Jules on Facebook “Very saddened to hear of the passing of the producer of one of my favourite records of all time. Robert Miles RIP. Your Children lives on” Armin van Buuren on Facebook “I'm just really in shock about the passing of Robert Miles at the age of 47. His music (and not only his amazing track 'Children') has meant a lot for me in a time when I was developing myself as an artist. I wish his close family and friends my condolences. Thank you Robert for everything you've done for music. R.I.P.” Lab. Originally based in the Ibiza Music Factory and latterly moving into the old Global Radio studios, Open Lab was launched as an alternative station renowned for their eclectic content of experimental music, arts and cross-media technology. In a statement, the station said "Robert was more than just an artist, he was a pioneer, a creator, an inspiration, a son, a father, our friend." It added "Throughout [his illness] he was strong, determined, incredibly brave and did everything he could to fight this horrendous disease." “To those in the right frame of mind, the track brought feelings of nostalgia, calm and longing, like the regret of remembering a beautiful dream. Not for nothing was the track's parent album called Dreamland. Miles once described the reaction the first time he played the track: "I lifted my gaze and saw a sea of hands reaching up high and a smile stamped on every face," he said. "A girl approached me in tears. 'What music is this?' she asked me. I don't think I shall ever forget that moment, when I realised that my feelings had been conveyed through my music. My dream turned into reality." Italian authorities and parents are said to have welcomed the release of the track. The BBC article concludes that “his track had changed dance music forever - and perhaps also changed the lives of certain clubbers who thought twice about exhaustedly staggering into their cars on hot nights in mid-90s Italy.”

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

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Agenda Mambo Opening, Friday May 12th Sunset Strip San Antonio (see advert front page)

Ibiza Music Summit Ibiza Town / Playa d’en Bossa Claire B

This year the Ibiza Music Summit (IMS) celebrates its 10th year with the theme ‘A decade of connecting our culture’. IMS Ibiza is a three-day educational and inspirational thought leadership platform and leading authority on Electronic Music held annually in Ibiza. The summit runs from May 24-26 and will take place at The Hard Rock Hotel and includes a carefully curated programme of inspiring talks, masterclasses, networking opportunities and cutting edge events. Speakers include Bernard Sumner from New Order, Dixon, The Black Madonna and many more, plus visionaries from digital platforms Facebook, Spotify and Resident Advisor. As well as the summit, there’s a party in Dalt Vila, the IMS Legends Dinner and an official opening party in Pacha. A delegate badge costs €400 and gives entry to everything except the Legends Dinner, plus lots of club nights on opening weekend. Ibiza residents can get 50% off the cost of the delegate badge. Email with your proof of residency to receive a discount code. info@internationalmusicsummit.com

Dalt Vila party – May 26

As well as the summit there is a party in Dalt Vila on Friday May 26 and the lineup features a series of back-to-back performances, packing in more DJs than ever. This is open to everyone and tickets are available now for €50 (included with the delegate badge). The line-up is: 23.00-00.00: Maceo Plex B2B Tale of Us 22.00-23.00: Seth Troxler B2B Miss Kittin

If there is one thing better than a party, it is an excuse to start the party early and Mambos opening is as good as you’ll get to do just that. Though some of the clubs are still a week or two away from opening their doors for the summer, perhaps that institution that is Mambo is a better indicator that summer is here. Not shy on coming forward, Mambo have lined up Darius Syrossian (pic above) to head up the Friday opening ably supported by a band of local heroes including Jason Bye, Andy Baxter and that happy chappy Danny O. Ample opportunity to soak up your first sunset sensation if you haven’t already done so before heading off for the later lounge at Plastik.

21.00-22.00: Pete Tong B2B Nicole Moudaber 20.00–21.00: Dixon B2B Kenlou (Masters at Work) 19.00-20.00: The Martinez Brothers B2B Kenlou 18.00-19.00: B.Traits B2B Jesse Rose 17.00-18.00: Manu Gonzalez B2B Lollino (BURN)

IMS Legends Dinner – May 24

This year IMS recognises and pays homage to Ricardo Urgell founder of Pacha Ibiza and the worldwide Pacha Group with the prestigious IMS Legends Award. Naturally the dinner will take place at Pacha from 8pm. Tickets cost 150€ including a 3-course meal, wine and water.

IMS Opening Party – May 24

The official opening party takes place in Pacha after the Legends Dinner from midnight with special guests Masters at Work, The Black Madonna, Agoria and Alex Kennon performing. Tickets cost 36€ and are available from here: http://bit.ly/IMSopening Full details of the full summit activities and tickets from: www.internationalmusicsummit.com

Plastik Opening, Friday 12th May San Antonio(see advert front page) Plastik is the perfect pre party bar of choice for those with a nose for where to go. Call us easily impressed, but boys do love their toys and we are bowled over by their brand spanking new LED wall, which adds a real feel of Miami to downtown San An. Plastiks 2017 resident DJ Jay Barker will be setting the scene with no less than Tom Crane and Griff guesting for the opening party. Will everyone stop getting shot? No, not if you’re at Plastik, it never happens, you’ll never stop getting shot.

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Agenda From the Bestiari Medieval de Mallorca with Saint George and the dragon, demons and musicians Rota Temporis from 21:30. Part of the Medieval Festival.

Swag Ibiza Pre Opening Party – 23:30 Residents free entry all night with Nurai Dj and Dj Kace

San Antonio La Clique at Ocean Beach Club

Thursday May 11 – Monday 14 Teatro Espana, Santa Eulalia The Boss Baby, Castellano 18:30 Denial, English with Spanish subtitles 20:30

With DJs Sarah Main, Lisa Chadderton and Maxine Hardcastle and live performance from Natalie Warren. From 12-9pm. 10€ in advance, 15€ on the door.

Live music for the HRH Road Trip Ibiza @ The Zoo Pirate party from 18:00. Outdoor: Pool Frolics, Air guitar comp & Shenanigans. Plus Lagerstein unplugged, Last Great Dreamers unplugged and Bonfire unplugged. Live: Death Valley Knights, foam party conga, Lagerstein and Wolf. Free entrance for residents (with ID).

Friday May 12

Sant Rafael

Ibiza Town

Dinner, show and funny crazy costumes. Come in Fancy dress and get a free glass of cava

Live music heavy metal covers band Methead At Sa Questio, from 22:00. Free.

Medieval Festival, from 6.30pm on Thursday and each day after from 10am to midnight. Runs to Sunday 14th.

Music and fire show At the Parc de la Reina Sofia at 21:30. Part of the Medieval Festival.

San Antonio Live music for the HRH Road Trip @ The Zoo Stop Stop, Degreed, Last Great Dreamers and Bonfire. From 21:00. Free entrance for residents (with ID).

Mambo Opening Party, Sunset Strip, San An, See Article Plastik Opening Party, see article

Saturday May 13 Ibiza Town Santos Ibiza Opening Party ’17 - 13:00 With music from Victor Agüero, Rayco Santos, Alex Kentucky, Oriol Calvo, DJ Pippi and Melon Bomb DJs. Free.

Ants Pre Season Warm up – 15:00 With Andrea Oliva, Francisco Allendes, Nic Fanciulli, Patrick Topping, Paul Rodriguez and Tapesh

Medieval Festival, from 6.30pm on Thursday and each day after from 10am to midnight. Runs to Sunday 14th.

Cas Serres, Ibiza Town, Dirty Dancing Sing-along Correfoc (fire-run) in Parc de la Reina Sofia

Freaky Night La Belle Ibiza – 20:00

Sunday May 14 Ibiza Town Medieval Festival, from 6.30pm on Thursday and each day after from 10am to midnight. Santa Eulalia Carrera de Mobylettes, Go-Kart Santa Eulalia 09:30 – 13:30 Free admission and family friendly.

San Antonio Live music for the HRH Road Trip @ The Zoo Thirteen Stars, Deathwish, Motoheadache and Bonafide. From 9pm. Free entrance for residents (with ID).

Jazz at Villa Mercedes, see article page 4

Monday May 15, San Antonio, Live music from Wind Rose @ Ground Zero

Tuesday May 16 San Antonio, Cine Regio, Alien Covenant, English Spanish subtitles – 19:45

Wednesday May 17 Cala de Bou, Donnegans Opening Party, see article page 4

Thursday May 18 Cala Llonga Hippy Market, Beach Promenade from 6pm

Medieval Festival Ibiza Town Claire B

The annual Medieval Festival in Ibiza Town began on Thursday May 11 and continues until Sunday May 14. Held to celebrate Ibiza’s World Heritage Site status, it’s an entertaining cultural event that attracts over 100,000 visitors every year. The streets in and around Dalt Vila are decorated with colourful flags and banners for the event as the town becomes a huge open-air street market and theatre filled with minstrels, artists, bird handlers, artisans, metalworkers, spice traders, dancers, chocolate makers and the like, turning this part of town into a thrilling spectacle and a mass of colours, smells and flavours from several continents. There are food stalls galore, including barbecued meats and traditional Ibizan specialities, plus free live entertainment and performances in various locations throughout the town during the festival. Every day there’s a medieval jousting on horseback show in the Parc de la Reina Sofia at 11am and 7pm. During the festival there are numerous cultural events and an abundance of street entertainment, with more than 17 local, national and international entertainment groups and touring entertainment shows, performing acrobatics, music and theater, with characters touring the walled city and the spaces and streets of Dalt Vila. The medieval market has 150 stalls, of which 60 are products from local artisans and there are 15 trade workshops (3 participatory), demonstrating blacksmith, pottery, rattan, incense, wood arrows, Arabian calligraphy, paper and foundry trades. The cultural program includes theatre, concerts and puppet shows taking place every day of the festival from 11:00 to 14:30 and 18:00 to 23:00. Plus there are 4 exhibitions: Leonardo da Vinci inventions, the Gutenberg press, an exhibition of weapons and a History of Ibiza exhibition, taking place in the Sala del Refectori, just off Plaça España. In addition, all the cultural facilities and museums in Dalt Vila are open for free for everyone to enjoy. On the Friday night there’s a music and fire show in the Parc de la Reina Sofia at 10pm. On Saturday night at 22.30 there’s a Correfoc (fire-run) in Parc de la Reina Sofia, from the Bestiari Medieval de Mallorca with Saint George and the dragon, demons and musicians Rota Temporis. There are also lots of activities designed for children – puppet shows, exhibitions of battles, medieval games, the jousting shows and up to 5 daily shows for children. 10 zones have been established for the festival throughout the town, including the main streets, squares and the bastions in Dalt Vila, and the detailed programme shows what is happening when in each area. This year there are 2 free bus services during the festival to connect the main car parks in the town at Gesa, Multicines and Gorg to Soto, which is near the Parc de la Reina Sofia and the entrance to Dalt Vila. They run from 10.00-15.00 and from 17.0023.00. See the programme for route details. The festival continues throughout the weekend every day from 10am until midnight, ending on the Sunday evening. The programme is available online here in Catalan and Spanish, but for the first time this year the booklet has also been printed in English, available from tourist information offices and info desks at the festival:

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 10

Community Mercadona Teams Up With Ibiza And Formentera Food Bank Weather Friday 23o

Saturday 23º

Sunday 24o

Monday 23º

Tuesday 24º

Wednesday 23º

Thursday 23o

Spanish retailer Mercadona has signed an annual collaboration agreement with the food bank of Ibiza and Formentera (Banc dels Aliments Eivissa and Formentera). Through the agreement, the supermarket chain will donate one ton of food and personal care products to the bank each year, depending on its specific distribution needs. Jaume Ródenas, vice president of the food bank, thanked Mercadona for its "work and dedication to serving the needy", and said that the aim of this collaboration is to "collect as much food as possible to help the most disadvantaged people and families." Mercodona works with several institutions and charities throughout Spain and the Balearic islands, including food banks and the Red Cross. In 2016, the retailer donated over 6,500 tons of food to different causes. Source: esmmagazine.com

Boats to Ibiza Town Figueretas / Playa d’en Bossa Claire B

Aquabus – until June 30 Ibiza Town


Playa d’en Bossa























15:15 17:00


The boat services from Ibiza Town to Figueretas and Playa d’en Bossa have begun again for the summer. Both Aquabus and SeaBus are running services again this year and it’s one of the best ways of traveling between the resorts and town, with fantastic views of Dalt Vila, the port and town as you arrive. There are restricted hours at the moment but both will have increased frequency during peak season.





SeaBus – until May 31





Playa d’en Bossa

























Ibiza Town



Ticket prices:

13:15 16:15
















SeaBus 4€ single, 7€ return; Aquabus 3€ single, 5€ return (both have reductions for children).


Dirty Dancing Sing-Along Sat 13th May, Cas Serres Auditorium,18:30 Dirty Dancing comes back to life with an active audience screening by Ibiza Broadway. A Sing-Along version of the all time classic musical film featuring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey on the screen. Outside the screen, a team of animators will perform in syncronisation with the movie and bring the story back to life. Ibiza Broadway’s team of singers and dancers are: Mercè Barreda - Lisa Houseman, Jéssica Prat - Baby Houseman, Jonathan Avilés Johnny Castle, Beatriz Ferrer - Penny Johnson The film is screened in Castillian Spanish audio, English subtitles and karaoke lyrics during some of the sing along songs. Tickets cost 6€ and can be purchased at Cas Serres Auditorium between Monday 8th to Friday 12th from 17:30h to 19:30h or reserve by calling 680-104-856.

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 11

Community Butterflies Released Las Mariposas de Ibiza has freed 40 Papilio Machaon butterflies on the Santa Eulalia River, next to Pont Vell. Around 300 people, mainly children, attended the event where the company released 20 females and 20 males, they had intended on releasing some of the Monarch species however were unable, as the species are not indigenous. Las Mariposas de Ibiza raise butterflies to release at events such as weddings and David Solozano, Company Director and his CoFounder Jose Maria Roca stated to the Diario de Ibiza that the release was “to assist in the repopulation of that species”.

Photo: Vicent Mari

HRH Road Trip Ibiza San Antonio Claire B

The HRH Road Trip rides into Ibiza again this year from May 10 to 14 with a number of live gigs taking place over the 5 days @ The Zoo in San Antonio, providing a rare opportunity to see some great live rock bands on the island. And the good news is that Ibiza residents can get in for free! Line-up: Friday May 12, Sleaze @ The Zoo From 9pm. Stop Stop, Degreed, Last Great Dreamers and

Bonfire. Saturday May 13, Pirate party @ The Zoo From 6pm. Outdoor: Pool Frolics, Air guitar comp and Shenanigans. Plus Lagerstein unplugged, Last Great Dreamers unplugged and Bonfire unplugged. Live: Death Valley Knights, foam party conga, Lagerstein and Wolf. Sunday May 14, Closing Party @ The Zoo From 9pm. Thirteen Stars, Deathwish, Motoheadache and Bonafide. Ibiza residents can get free entrance to all the gigs with proof of residency. For full details see Facebook - HRH Road Trip

12th May 2017—18th May 2017

ARIES – Knight of Cups A peace offering is graciously accepted as you feel that it's time to bury a hatchet. Show how honest, understanding and caring you are and others will respond positively by meeting you half way. Acknowledging that situations could have been handled better in the past is a sign of wisdom. Romantically for some, this Knight brings a new admirer! TAURUS – The World This week you’re free to develop new opportunities as they continue to flow your way. Having learnt from past mistakes, you don’t intend to repeat them. Don’t worry how your plans will materialise, just trust they will and be ready to act. You’ve now begun a new cycle in life, one that promises to enrich it on many levels. GEMINI – Four of Wands (reversed) You feel let down or disappointed that a situation you hoped for didn’t materialise; just remember that everything happens for a reason. Maybe the timing wasn’t right, or the people involved were unable to commit, or would eventually prove unreliable. Pick yourself up, dust yourself down; you’re not starting again just refining! Social plans could be cancelled or prove disappointing. CANCER – Two of Pentacles Like ocean tides, the ebb and flow of finances can be influenced by lunar energy to which you are very susceptible. Therefore, I suggest you curb any unnecessary outlay until the full moon in June. Cancerians are sensible when it comes to money but when they spend, they like quality, which comes at a price. Unforeseen expenses could crop up. LEO – King of Swords This week, an interesting and dynamic individual could sweep you off your feet and if its romance, it hits you like a tornado! For ambitious Leo’s, career success and a particular life goal is within your reach. However, you must remain passionate and focused on your dream. You love telling people how to do things, but don’t be too forceful. VIRGO – The Hermit This card indicates that it's time to release any emotional trauma from your past and to get on with healing yourself; through mind, body and soul. Meditation, Tai Chi swimming and yoga will all help this process, so listen to what your body needs. It’s important that you have some ‘me’ time as part of a much needed nurturing process. LIBRA – Justice Get to grips with health matters and decide on a diet that suits you. You’ll feel more balanced about situations that have left you feeling sensitive and out of kilter recently; a sense of harmony is restored. Any Libras who write for a living; it’s time to use your mind/imagination and begin a project which will improve your bank balance. SCORPIO – Nine of Swords This week start the process of conquering your fears by not letting them get the better of you. Swords represent our thoughts; so much of what you fear is created in your mind and may NEVER happen. Don’t allow negative thought patterns to dominate your life, as there is nothing to fear, but fear itself. Keep your thoughts positive. SAGITTARIUS – Five of Pentacles If you’re concerned about money, help arrives in the form of an unexpected gift or rebate. This card represents the Cavalry, coming to your financial aid in the nick of time. If you’ve been generous to others in the past, it’s your time to be rewarded. As always, your own attitude counts; what you give in life, you get back. CAPRICORN – Seven of Cups All becomes clear regarding a situation that's bothered you for a while - providing much needed insight. You may have been strung along, but it suited you at the time, plus you’ve had your own reasons for going with a particular scenario. Boredom could set in this week making you want to cut loose and chase some real happiness. AQUARIUS – The Tower There is, somewhere in your life, a false ideal or belief that requires dismantling. This needs great courage on your part as it will have ramifications in all your relationships, work and play. If you don't begin this process, events can be taken out of your hands. The result will be the same, radical change. This is an amazing opportunity. PISCES – Six of Cups People from your past turn up or contact you out of the blue indicating happy reunions and also a reconnection of feelings where they're concerned. This card indicates pleasure on a deep and nurturing level and as a result, you’ll enjoy life more than usual. Any recent disappointments fade away this week and you’re more than happy to help others.

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 12

Shebizan Amanda Zips It Up Amanda O’Riordan

Greetings Zipsters, You can tell summer is coming, because I am now snowed under with fashion shenanigans. As well as writing for new luxe Ibiza website, ICON IBIZA, you’ll find me every week in The Ibizan on the white isle. Plus, you can hear me every Friday on Radio One Mallorca. Phew. People often ask where the best ‘go-to’ inspiration is, whilst researching fashion news, and of course the ultimate source is my own personal holy bible – Vogue. The June issue doesn’t disappoint, with one of my fashion icons, Alexa Chung, gracing the cover. In the British edition, Chung gives fans a detailed look at the longawaited collection, which will be unveiled in its entirety on 30th May. Accompanying the cover story, Chung’s collection receives further focus in a second shoot for the issue. Best friend Pixie Geldof models a multi-coloured crepe dress and leather heels from the Alexa Chung collection. Pieces that will undoubtedly be dominating fans’ shopping lists, as they gear up for the launch at the end of the month. Myself included. Chung, 33, a contributing editor at the magazine, says: “This is a moment in my life where I felt I could dedicate all my attention in one direction. Age has something to do with it … I’m young enough and excited enough to start something new, but old enough to think I could pull it off.” I can’t wait. Available from May 31 at Alexachung.com and Style.com. Onto this week’s issue, where we check out a new physique for men, re-visit the original girl band and talk denim, but not quite as you know it… Amanda x Read Amanda’s fashion blog http://amandazipsitup.com

The Dad Bod

What do Simon Cowell and Leonardo DiCaprio have in common, besides global fame and fortune? They both boast a ‘Dad Bod’. The Dad Bod is the latest trend in the male physique. Whilst, historically, women and girls might have craved six-packs that could grate cheese and biceps the size of tree trunks, now a cuddly torso and gentle paunch is all that’s required. Apparently, it’s to do with female vulnerability - those OTT muscular bodies are quite frankly intimidating. And I couldn’t agree more. Don’t mistake this for craving someone obese though. We’re not talking an overweight guy, just not one with washboard abs, either. The “Dad Bod” is a sensible balance between a beer gut and working out. The Dad Bod says ‘I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink at weekends and I enjoy eating a slice (or four) of pizza A US report claims that this physique is non- threatening, comfortable to cuddle and honest, in the sense that it probably won’t undergo any drastic transformation within the next 20 years. You don’t have to be an actual dad to have the Dad Bod either. It’s perfectly acceptable in your 20s. There’s a special something about the dad bod that makes boys more human, natural and attractive. There has been a positive reaction to this newfound appreciation for curvy men after many started posting their “less than toned” pictures on instgram’s ‘Colgatedadbods’. Where will the trend take us to next? Could the ‘Mum Bod’ be the lusted-after shape for 2018? Somehow, I doubt it, sadly.

Bananarama (and all things ‘80s)

Last week, the “original girl band” Bananrama announced their reformation, after splitting in 1988 to start families. After almost 30 years, the girls are back with a soldout UK tour. For those of us who remember the trio first time around, in addition to their pop-punk persona it was that 80s wardrobe the girls rocked that lives on in the mind. I, for one, hope that fashion is back on tour with Bananarama. Of course, we all know that there has been a revival in 80s fashion in recent years. Looking at various outfits the girls wore back in the day, I can’t help noticing parallels to 2017’s designer spring / summer collections. Oversized checks were seen at Louis Vuitton. Yohji Yamamoto featured bondage style straps just like Siobhan’s braces. And Dolce and Gabbana are clearly secret super fans with their combination of polka dots, waistcoats and shoulder pads. The 80’s icons’ style legacy was all about ‘high wasted mom jeans’, statement belts and oversized tailoring. Be brave. Time to ‘shaggy perm’ your bleached locks (with black roots) and become a pop-punk princess all over again.

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Extreme Jeans

Over two thirds of planet Earth’s population own a pair of denim jeans. Over and above all others, it’s the one garment best known and trusted by generations. Sure, we’ve had colour and wash variations, and size and shape evolutions. Hell, we’ve even seen denim jumpsuits and dungarees, but get ready for EXTREME JEANS. While a pair of ‘skinnies’ or ‘boyfriends’ has been our go-to for as long as I can remember, they’re not cutting it anymore, apparently. Denim has had a make-over. Embellished, shredded and oversized, please take centre stage. Vetements kick started the re-think back in 2014 when they cut and pasted pairs of Levis for their collection. They were not only instantly identifiable but also super flattering, even if they did set you back a whopping £800. They were a hit with the fashion set and now Vetements have advanced the concept a step further. The people who made the DHL Tshirt style item have customised their jeans and created the ‘Bare Butt Jeans’. They do exactly as they promise, thanks to a zip on the rear centre seam. Once again made in collaboration with Levis, they have a hefty £1,295 price tag. Bell kick flares, waistless dungers and even ‘single leg’ jeans. Perfect if you only have time to shave one leg. Last month’s Coachella festival featured Rihanna in a pair of thigh high split leg jeans, worn with this year’s camel toe boots. Not keen… As usual, Rihanna takes everything to the next level and the high streets follow. But is taking jeans to the extreme practical? I can’t imagine many Glasto revellers enjoying these flapping around their legs, carrying half the field’s mud in tow, letting in all that customary rainwater? My advice, get to work with a pair of scissors at home and destroy an old pair of denims until you have practically nothing left, and voila, your very own pair of extreme jeans.

Page 13

It's Good to Talk Again Kate Stillman Dear Kate, Dear Kate I am not sure what to do, a friend of mine has just found out she has cancer, the prognosis is not good and she is here in Ibiza with no family and has sworn me to secrecy as she doesn’t want them to worry or her friends her to be overly sympathetic and what she calls patronising. So the upshot is that only myself and one other good friend in the UK are aware of her situation. Now whilst I completely respect her wishes and understand her reasons for wanting to keep this a private matter I am finding it very hard. I know this might seem selfish because she is the one who is ill but part of me can’t help thinking that she has asked me to keep a very difficult secret which I feel comes with a lot of responsibility. I worry that I am going to have to go away for a month in September, I have no idea what her state of health will be then and how able she will be, so who will look after her if she needs simple errands done or some more practical help at home. Also she is my best friend and I feel that I need to talk to someone about all of this but at the same time want to keep my promise to her, I feel guilty writing this letter but on the other hand I also need some support to come to terms with whatever the future may hold as well as managing the present. What do you think I should do? Yours Anonymous.

Dear Anonymous, Thank you for your letter and sorry to hear that you are having to manage such a difficult situation which feels confusing and as if its pulling you in different directions. You ask what I think you should do, in many ways what I would do is unimportant, the relevant thing is what you should do, what feels right for you and what feels right for your friendship. undoubtedly you are in a difficult position on a practical level but I wonder what stops you from asking your friend what she intends to do in September? It is a reasonable question and may well bring a lot of other issues to the forefront that have been pushed aside for a while. Obviously if her health deteriorates people will realise that something is wrong and questions will probably get asked so it is important that the two of you have an agreed plan for how you are going to handle that time. In the mean time it seems to me that you are doing exactly the right thing in contacting someone who is not only knows neither of you but also is someone that you can talk to with out having to worry about their feelings, you need to be able to look after yourself and have somewhere where you can express your feelings so that you can remain strong for your friend and give her the support she needs so please keep in touch via private e mail or through the column. I wish you and your friend all the best. Warm regards, Kate

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 14

Sport (Continued from page 16)

altho' the Swans did themselves a great service on Saturday with their 1-0 win over Everton. Mind you, Big Sam and Palace aren't quite safe yet as they're only 3 points clear. As for the title, after such a running battle with Tottenham, Chelsea need 2 wins from their last 4 games, with 3 at the Bridge, to guarantee the title but as I've said so many times before, it ain't over 'til Diane Abbott sings. Mind you Tottenham didn't help themselves on Friday as they lost at West Ham 1-0 to bring to an end their 9 game winning streak. Interesting shoot -out for the last 2 Champions League places altho' my Euros are on Man City and Liverpool, with Man Utd winning the Europa League and giving England 5 CL places. So, at least Arsenal are guaranteed a Europa League spot as even if they lose the FA Cup Final they're in it come what may (Tee,hee Mnsr Wenger, maybe it is time to go!)

Spanish GP

STOP PRESS- PREMIER LEAGUE Just seen that Middlesboro', needing at least a draw to have a chance of staying up, have now been relegated as they lost 3-0 to champions-elect Chelsea at the Bridge. As for the Blues, they now just need one win from their last 3 games, to claim the title and their second in 3 years. As an after-thought, they're now going for the fabled Double as, having beaten Tottenham 4-2 in a magnificent FA Cup Semi (which I had the privilege to attend!) they're off to Wembley again (me too!) on the 27th, to take on a resurgent Arsenal, after their superb extra-time 2-1 win over Manchester City.

Champions League Looking very much like a Real Madrid/Juve Final at the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff this year as the former stuffed Atletico 4-0, starring yet another Ronaldo hattrick (his 47th career one!) at the Bernabeu last week and the Old Lady saw off Monaco 2-0 with away goals but we shall see later this week. Talking of Real, really close in La Liga as although Barca are top on goal diff, Real have a game in hand with the Catalans only having 2 to go!

Cricket England got off to the best of starts for this international ODI summer as they hosted Ireland in two matches. First off, at Bristle, it became a bit of a mis-match as Captain Morgan's boys found it a bit of

Rhian Gibbs: Barcelona Grand Prix Probably my favourite in the F1 calendar, it’s usually hotter than you can imagine and that’s not just the weather! This weekend sees the return of our ‘local’ race at the Circuit de BarcelonaCataluyna (formally known as the Circuit de Cataluyna) in Montmelo. Ferrari has the best overall track record here and Raikkonen the fastest lap, will it be enough… The race weekend starts with qualifying at 14:00 Saturday 13th and the race itself on Sunday 14th at 14:00.

a canter as they bowled out the men in green for 126 and then eased to victory within 20 overs. On to Lords for Ireland's debut at the old ground and altho' they made more of a fist of it, scoring a much better 230 odd, England weighed in with a 4 wicket win, featuring 70's from Roooot, Bairstow and Morgan. With these two ODI wins, England must be in good shape, as hosts this year, for the upcoming Champions Trophy.

Rugby Union And what a finish to the regular Premiership season with a lot at stake on the last matches, culminating in Wasps topping the table after a pulsating 35-15 win over champions Saracens, Exeter coming second, only on points diff, as they beat Gloucester, and Leicester joining them in the play-offs as they beat Worcester, giving us the play-off semi match-ups of Wasps/ Leicester and Exeter/Saracens. Although agonising for Bath as they went down 27-24 to Sale, missing out on the p/offs, by coming 5th they at least made the Champions Cup next season, as did Harlequins despite their 22-20 loss at Northampton, who, together with Newcastle and Sale make the European Challenge Cup,

Ibiza Cricket Club IBIZA CC vs SPORTING ALFAS CC (Benidorm) 29/04/17 35 overs per side - Result: Ibiza (188 all out) beat SACC (172/9) by 16 runs Ibiza batted first and lost quick wickets to a shaky 35/4 before Andy Holmes (49) and Jim Harvey (28) stabilised the innings to reach 92/5. Adam Johnston (28) and Max Hughes (27) then helped the hosts to a more competitive 188 all out in 32 overs. SACC bowlers the evergreen John Braithwaite (3/39) and youngster Jake Sunderland (2/14) had the most success, while Ben Fletcher and Darren Walker contributed one wicket apiece. The visitors started their innings slowly and were some way off the required run rate at

44/3 off 17 overs, before Ben Fletcher scored a rapid 70 to get them back on track. He was well supported by Phil Pennick (25), Richard Stephens (19) and Jake Sunderland (25), but once they fell, SACC still needed 24 to win off the final over, and fell 16 runs short. Ibiza bowler Paul Cruttwell produced an excellent opening spell with 5 maidens and 3 wickets for only 2 runs to apply the early pressure, and was supported by Graeme Cooper (3/36) with Jim Harvey, Mike Amos and Andy Holmes on one wicket each.

30/04/17 30 overs per side - Result : Ibiza (168/5) beat SACC (124 all out) by 44 runs Ibiza batted first again, given that SACC veteran Geoff Evans had celebrated his 70th birthday and stag night the evening before! Openers Adam Johnston (52 retired) and

while Gloucester, guaranteed at least that, could make the Champions Cup if they beat La Rochelle, top of the French league, in the Final of the Challenge Cup.

Rugby League Bit of a topsy-turvy season so far in the Super League, as Castleford lead the table after 10 wins from 13, with Hull in second and surprise package Salford in 3rd. After their miserable season last term, good to see 2014 champions Leeds back in form, in 4th , while last year's champions Wigan are 5 points off the pace in 5th. That's it for this week, off to Menorca on Thursday with 'er indoors – who must be obeyed! - to take part in the small matter of the Balearic Cup, our annual cricket jamboree with our bigger sister islands of Menorca and Mallorca, so here's hoping for yet another trophy to put in our new cabinet at San Agustin. Also good luck to my ole mate Jose, as his Man U team go for glory to reach the Europa League Final, later this week. Until next week, enjoy the sun and have a good 'un…… Jezza

Skipper Sam Gooda (32) set up a solid 60 run stand, before the run scoring was continued by Chris Prentice (22 not out), Andy Holmes (16) and Steve Hadlow (16). They finished on a respectable 168/5, while SACC bowlers Chris Redhead (2/46) and Jake Sunderland with Darren Walker contributed a wicket each. Considering the party night out spent by the visitors, they did very well bowling and fielding to contain Ibiza! SACC then batted and openers Jake Sunderland (44) and Phil Pennick (34) got them to 85 before both fell rapidly. After that they lost more quick wickets with only George Metcalfe (16) resisting, and eventually subsided to 124 all out, 44 runs short. Ibiza bowlers Dight Everton (3/21) and Andy Holmes (2/16) did the most damage, and veteran Jeremy Parmenter with Mike Amos obtained one wicket each.

In spite of the celebratory nature of the weekend for the visitors, they competed well as is always the case against Sporting Alfas, and either game could have gone their way in both these friendly but competitive fixtures. Many congratulations to Ibiza's long term cricketing opponent Geoff Evans for his upcoming wedding in June, and thanks of course to tour organisers Kevin Laundon and Phil Pennick for returning year after year to give Ibiza much needed match practice before the Balearic Cup. We look forward to the return fixtures in November, the famous season ending Benidorm tour! It only remains to wish the whole team the best of luck for their upcoming annual fixtures against Mallorca and Menorca from 12 -14 May. RPHood

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 15

The Guide ... Transport & Storage




Medical Centres Information & appts

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Classified Room To Rent San Antonio In Private Home. Balcony. Bathroom. A/c. Wifi. TV. Fridge. Use of kitchen and laundry. 1 or 2 persons. April to October. Must like animals. Only with firm work contract or 4 months advance. 667251773

FOR RENT. One bed s/contained apartment in Siesta, Santa Eularia, ideal for 2, available now for short/term summer seasonal rent. Small private complex with comm pool. For details please contact: (00 34) 630 120641

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Mov: 638 923 119 theibizan.com editor@theibizan.com

Bes Media Holdings 1999 S.L., c/ Jaén, 2, Cala De Bou, San José, 07829,

The Ibizan, Issue 858, 11th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 16

Sport Real Madrid on their way to another Champions League Final

Jezza’s World of Sport Jeremy Parmenter

Hi, there Sports fans and a big welcome to our visitors from afar, who appear to be arriving in their droves, proof, if it was required, that our summer season is well under way. It's also been such a long time since I last brought my regular readership, all 2 of them, up to date on world sports, my middle digit (which I use exclusively for the Ibizan!) almost didn't know what to do! Anyway, good to be back and lots to get thru' so here we go.

Football Gotta start this report with the ups and downs of the English football season and without going in to too much detail, this is what happened over the w/end: The Championship Newcastle Utd pipped Brighton to the league title but only by un point but both are automatically promoted so not only good to have you Geordies back in the Premier League but also great to see the Seagulls in there at last. So, congrats to Rafa and Chris Hughton but com-

miserations to Rotherham, Wigan and Blackburn, all who have been relegated. Shame for my mate Ian in Sant Josep but you need to get rid of the chicken people and no doubt, a huge sigh of relief for Caribbean Dave as Notts Forest escaped by a goal diff of 1! As for the play-offs to the Promised land, could be interesting with Huddersfield taking on Sheffield Wed and Reading agin in-form Fulham, highest scorers with 85 goals, all battling to get in to the Prem. League 1 Sheffield Utd win the title and Bolton return to the Championship. Play-off Final now between Bradford and Millwall. Relegated: Port Vale, Swindon, Coventry and Chesterfield. League 2 Portsmouth are champions and go up with Plymouth and Doncaster with Hartlepool and Leyton Orient relegated out of the Football League. Por ole Jeff Stelling of Sky Sports fame! National League Lincoln, after their FA Cup exploits, deservedly go up in to League 2 as champions and Tranmere and Forest Green in the Play Off Final.

Champions! Newcastle, Sheffield United & Portsmouth Celebrate Winning The Three Tiers of English League Football

Premier League Relegated: Sunderland so far, just desserts really after toying with relegation for so many seasons and hopefully, they can rebuild and come back stronger. After all, the Premier League really needs a North East derby! Middlesboro' could go down tonight if they lose to leaders Chelsea – see STOP PRESS and as for the last relegation place, well, it's really between Hull and Swansea, with only a point between them with two games to go, (Continued on page 14)

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