Ibizan 859 eissue 18 May 2017

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Barruguet Festival of Family Theatre in Santa Eulària, It’s Brilliant, see Page13

Pirates Are Back In Consell’s Sights. Bigger Fines & New Strategy, page 3

1 Landlord, 1 House, 110 Worker Beds, = 44,000€ Per Month Rental Income. San Antonio Landlord Divides 900m2 Villa Into 50 Bedrooms With A Total Of 110 ‘Worker’ Beds Rented at 400€ Per Month Each The Property Was Previously A Private Home, It Has A Bathroom Ratio Of 1 Per 10 Residents, And Potential Rental Revenue of 44,000€ Per Month, 264,000€ Per Season.

Ibiza’s property crisis continues to attract the attention and interest of the Spanish media. This week the popular current affairs and lifestyle television programme, Ana Rosa, released an investigative report highlighting some of what the NouDiari termed “abuses” of the situation caused by the accommodation shortage.


biza’s rich used to hide their money under mattresses, now they get rich from mattresses.” Anon

In the report, undercover journalists are shown posing (Continued on page 2)

The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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News (Continued from page 1)

as workers looking for accommodation. In Ibiza Town they are shown accommodation where the tenant is charged 400 euros for a very basic bunk sharing a room with several others. The owner says there are 10 people living at the apartment, netting him 4,000€ per month. In another case the journalists visit a property where

Basic Bunk: 400€ & No Access To Living Area the German landlady has eight wooden cabins—what we would call summerhouses—in her garden. Each rented for 1,500€ per month. She says they are legal and declared to the treasury, however a lawyer speaking on the programme says that such licences would be impossible to obtain. In perhaps the most startling report of all, they are shown around a Villa in San Antonio by the owner of the property, who has subdivided the 900m2 into 50

Funding will include the acquisition of five 3D mammograms. Inset Zara Boss Amancio Ortega

5 Million Euros Donated To Fight Breast Cancer Amancio Ortega, Spanish tycoon and founder of Zara clothing company to donate to the Balearic Health Services The investment, which will be applied in seven projects, will allow the latest technology in the detection of breast tumours

Shedding Light: 1,500€ per ‘Cabin’ bedrooms and 11 bathrooms, some of which are squeezed into the smallest of spaces. The property, that was previously used as a private family home, now has 110 beds available, each rented at 400€ per month. During the report the owner talks of the accommodation only being available to workers, and only those who respect the peace and quiet. He asserts this by telling how he evicted 3 workers the week before for causing a disturbance.

The Amancio Ortega Foundation will donate five million euros to the Balearic Health Service for the renovation and acquisition of new, more advanced, equipment for breast cancer care. Balearic President Francina Armengol, Health Minister Patricia Gómez, and the Foundation's Director General Óscar Ortega, have signed a protocol of intentions for the donation covering the acquisition. Armengol thanked the Foundation for this donation "which will serve to buy equipment for the diagnosis of a disease that too many women suffer across the islands". The Minister of Health explained that the funds would go to "seven projects of technological adaptation for the treatment and diagnosis of breast cancer with which public hospitals in this community will be able to obtain greater efficiency and better clinical results". Gómez has indicated that thanks to this donation, "the investment that was expected to take place in more than one legislature can be carried out in a very short time, to update the equipment with the latest technology that exists today at an international level." The amount to be invested has already been defined by the Servei de Salut according to the current needs of the public hospitals.

Project 1

The Sums: Landlord Backs A Winner Should the owner let all of the available accommodation he stands to earn 44,000€ per month, 264,000€ on the six month season. But it seems that is not quite enough for the landlord. He then charges each tenant 35€ 'expenses' on top. See the Telecinco report at http://theibizan.com/news/ibiza-property-mattressmillionaires/

includes the acquisition of five 3D mammograms with new tomosynthesis and the update of the conventional mammography 2D of the University Hospital Son Espases, where mammography with tomosynthesis is already available. This project, at an estimated cost of one million euros, ensures at least one updated digital mammograph and a three-dimensional mammograph with tomosynthesis in each hospital. calculated at 335,000 euros, includes the provision of high-end ultrasound imaging (including elastography) with full dedication to the study of the breast in public hospitals in the Balearics. With

Project 2

this plan, three new teams are acquired and three are updated.

Project 3

will allow hospitals to have 3D automatic ultrasound. A budget of 900,000 euros will be awarded to all the centres of threedimensional automatic ultrasounds and a comparative research project will be initiated between the classical screening and the 3D alternative from the point of view of effectiveness (diagnostic rates, interval tumours, recall rates) and efficiency (activity, waiting lists, screening coverage). provides for the updating of community hospital tables and the adaptation of devices and biopsy tables to the new equipment, which will allow greater precision and comfort in the technique of puncture. This project has an estimated cost of 120,000 euros. includes the review and technological updating of breast study analysis elements in magnetic resonance equipment (coils, specific antennas, and sequencing and analysis software). This project is calculated at 150,000 euros. proposes an update of radiotherapy equipment . The proposed update strategy, with an estimated cost of 1,961,000 euros, would affect three linear accelerators and includes the expansion of the Eclipse planning system. involves the design and implementation of an automated corporate tool for the Tumor Committee. This project, with a cost of 500,000 euros, will provide specific management tools for tumour committees

Project 4 Project 5

Project 6 Project 7

adapted to the Balearic information systems. Specifically, it

proposes the design, construction and implementation of a multicentre application that will be able to manage the agendas and data, especially the centralised visualisation of the diagnostic tests by image, with common codification, registration of the decisions of the Committee and its inclusion in the electronic medical history.

The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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News Tourist Attractions Reopen

Santa Eulalia’s Speed Gun The local police of Santa Eulalia have revealed their new piece of equipment, the first speed gun on the island. Its initial use will be focused on more sensitive urban areas such as schools, sports centres or streets with lower speed limits and however as it can be mounted to cars and motorcycles, it may be found anywhere. The gun is unaffected by neither inhibitors nor can it be located by radar detectors used to avoid fines. Fines can range from 100 to 600€ and up to 6 points on a driving licence. At the moment, six agents and two officers have received training in Barcelona which allows them to legally use the gun, however more agents will be trained in the future.

The internet is awash with companies offering chauffeured transport in Ibiza, but the Government says many are abusing regulations by using mainland licences.

New Approach & Big Fines in War on Pirate Taxis. Chauffeur Services Also Under Scrutiny. The regional government is to approve a decree aimed at further targeting of the pirate taxi sector focussing on the advertising of services as opposed to simply catching them in the act. Fines will range from 6,000€ to 12,000€ for advertising illegal services, and this monitoring will be conducted between June and September. There will be 12 inspectors who will work with the support of the local police and Guardia Civil. Those pirate taxis operating at airports have again been identified for special attention where increased controls and inspections are to be introduced. Whereas the existing control of pirate taxis has concentrated on catching illegal drivers in the act, the new regulations extend to the monitoring of websites through which illegal transport services are offered. In addition to the heavy fines, the new laws will increase the time that vehicles used for illegal activities can be immobilised. Alongside the policing of pirate taxis, the regulations also include the granting of greater flexibility to some services provided by the legal transport companies. Specifically with

the aim of ensuring the minimum legal level of cover can be maintained on contracts when there is unplanned demand in the peak season. To this end companies will be able to subcontract services in future.

Clampdown on ‘Sham’ Mainland Chauffeur Services

There is also to be greater control of companies offering hire cars with drivers that are based outside the Balearics. National regulations stipulate that such companies can only have 20% of their business outside their own home territory, however it is felt many in the VIP chauffeur sector take advantage of the less stringent registration regulations in other areas of Spain when their actual intent is to operate entirely in Ibiza and other tourist areas. A register is to be made of all vehicles offering hire with driver however there was no further information as to what steps would be taken to police the regulations. Full details of the plan will be unveiled next week through a new committee established for the task of implementing the new laws.

Three monuments of Ibiza have reopened and information leaflets are being distributed. The Sal Rossa defense tower, the Cova des Culleram (Sant Vicent) and the windmill of Puig d’en Valls will be open Tuesday to Sunday between 10:30 – 13:30 for a period of 6 months as announced by Cultural Minister David Ribas. At the same time the Consell has published almost 20,000 leaflets in various languages on these and other Ibizan monuments, such as the Molí d'en Simó (Sant Antoni), the Molí des Raspallar and the Molí d'en Porxet, although they are not open to the public yet. While the attractions are only open for 6 months at the moment, it is anticipated that they will open one day a week all year round for school groups, pensioner tourism and other groups, thus utilising their educational purpose.

The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 4

Food & Drink

There is steak, and then there is a Josper Grilled Rib Eye Steak.

Fresh Ibiza Sunset Strip, San Antonio

Nick Gibbs

“The best produce, cooked well, will deliver the best flavour.” I can’t pretend to have come up with that line myself, and if you think you’ve heard it before you may well have done, and quite recently. This single sentence summation of what food should be all about was made by one of the host chefs in a top end Michelin kitchen during the finals of Masterchef recently. Quite a simple premise however when it comes with the kudos of a couple of Michelin stars you have to take it seriously, and if you want an Ibizan example of that principle in practice, you need look no further than Fresh. Relative newcomers to the Sunset Strip, Fresh’s first season in 2016 earnt them a place in the affections of the locals. Offering the same spectacular vistas as their better known neighbours, but with a more informal, and friendlier feel. Fresh also has another similarity to those high end

Michelin London kitchens, that being their Josper Grill. If you have not come across the Josper grill before, ‘seal’ is the optimum word. Very much the ‘in thing’ in the best kitchens from London to Barcelona, the Josper grill is sealed tight to cook using all of the retained barbeque smoke.

in the mouth cut that I would describe as being in the centre of anglo-hispanic taste. I have definitely moved away from the British ‘all fat is bad’ outlook, and happily come to realise that whether you choose to eat it, keeping some fat on the cut enhances flavour hugely. There is little doubt that the British supermarket style of beef so lean it looks to have come from Olympian cows, leads to a bland flavour. I doubt the Fresh Chefs could bring themselves to serve such an abomination to the taste buds if they tried, and thank the sweet baby Josper for that. Both the burger and steak were served with fries that were perfectly salted, that special dry salt coating they can achieve in the kitchen but you’d never get from the condiments on the table. Your doctor probably wouldn’t approve, but as s/he isn’t here we’ll forgive ourselves the indulgence. The steak also comes with a ‘cute’ (please note that is my wife’s description) serving spoon of homemade cheese sauce. This little spoon of, how to describe it, “ultra-cheese”, such is the taste, is Leicester crumbly in texture, but with the full flavour of the very ripest Brie.

Strawberry Mojito

Though meat patties have come a long way in recent years, it is rare the humble bun would be review worthy, but the Fresh burger comes encased in a lovely crispy bread roll worthy of an artisan accolade. You can tell the moment you bite into it that it is the very best cut of meat in burger form. Elevated by the tangy cheese, fresh salad and fried onion, it is, as the menu says, a true classic beef burger. A simple meal, cooked exceptionally well.

I have to make mention of the Strawberry Mojitos as it gave me something of a road to Damascus revelation in beverage form. I have always been slightly suspicious of newly flavoured classics in everything from chocolate bars to crisps to cocktails, but such was Manager Louise’s enthusiastic recommendation it would have been churlish to refuse. Note to self, always trust Louise’s recommendations. Whatever mixing mastery took place behind the bar leaves me as much a changed a man as the day I had my first bag of marmite crisps, or fruitcake cheese. There are always exceptions to the rule and Fresh’s Strawberry Mojito gets on my list. It comes served in jam jar, which is as welcome in being a nice little style touch, as it is in being voluminous in capacity.

The Rib Eye steak would have received my one criticism, really quite petty but something of a bugbear, in that it was served without a steak knife. But then you realise there would be absolutely no point. A butter knife would have sufficed. So moist and tender, a melt

You will find Fresh at the Marina end of the sunset strip, just along the way from Mambo and next door to Savannah. See advert for full information or contact them via their facebook page below.

Fresh Josper BBQ Burger

Rib Eye Steak



The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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Food & Drink

The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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News Santa Eulalia Special Beach Patrol Santa Eulalia local police have launched a special beach patrol in which dedicated officers will patrol both the beaches, parking areas and coastal vicinity. Announced by the Santa Eulalia town hall in a statement that said their work will cover both the morning and afternoon shifts “in an effort to improve security and provide a more immediate response where Police attendance in required.”

Cala Comte Cliff Parking Closed With Immediate Effect The most serious offences, defined as destroying in excess of 10m2 of Posidonia, will be punished with fines up to 450,000€ under the new proposals

The Posidonia Prairie Protection Act The Minister for the Environment Vicenç Vidal, anticipates that the decree for the protection of Posidonia could be in effect for 2018. The initial draft has been

presented and there are 20 days to finalise the definitive drafting of the decree. Once this is complete it will be sent to the Consultative Council to be finally approved by the Cabinet.

Sanctions of up to 450,000€ The draft proposes sanctions ranging from 100 – 6,000€ for minor infractions, then from 6,001 – 100,000€ for serious in-

Spain to increase roadside alcohol tests in bid to protect cyclists Measures a response to alarming increase in serious accidents and deaths in recent years Photo right: hundreds of cyclists attend the funeral of Daniel Vinals who was killed by a drunk/ drugged driver in Ibiza in April: Vicent Mari As reported in El Pais, J.J. GÁLVEZ, English version by Nick Lyne.

Spain’s General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has announced tougher measures to protect cyclists following three serious accidents in the last two weeks involving drunk drivers that killed three riders and left 11 others injured. The body responsible for road safety in Spain on Tuesday unveiled a plan that will see increased roadside controls for alcohol and drugs on Saturday and Sunday mornings, the times when large numbers of cyclists are out and about. Spain’s Interior Ministry says there will be an additional 130,000 alcohol and drug checks on drivers out at these times and that tougher sanctions will be applied to wrongdoers, among them driving bans for anybody found to be over the limit for a second time in two years. Once those bans have been served, they will have to undergo psychological and physical assessment before being allowed back on the roads. In the last seven years, the number of accidents involving cars and bikes has doubled “The DGT and the ministry are concerned about cy-

fractions, which are termed as "the destruction of an area of more than one square metre of meadow, and less than 10 square metres", and then an upper level of very serious with fines ranging from 100,001€ 450,000€ for “accredited breaches involving the destruction of more than 10 square metres of Posidonia". The criteria used for measuring the type of infringement will be the Law 42/2007 on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity and on Balearic Law 5/2005 for the conservation of spaces of environmental relevance (LECO).


clists,” said Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido. More than 400 cyclists have died on Spain’s roads in the last decade. In the last seven years, the number of accidents involving cars and bikes has doubled on both urban and non-urban roads. Academics and experts on road safety say that Spain’s infrastructure has failed to keep up with the growing numbers of cyclists now out and about, and that awareness campaigns are required, both for drivers and bike users: a recent survey suggests that more than a third of cyclists do not know the rules of the road. The DGT says it will also be monitoring Spain’s roads with a special emphasis on cyclists. This will be done using helicopters and unmarked cars, while at the same time, the authority will run awareness campaigns, as well as putting together more detailed figures on accidents involving cyclists.

The document also regulates the installation of fixed moorings with ecological buoys, with authorisation from the Balearic Conselleria of the Environment. For the installation of these permanent systems, the holder must request administrative authorisation from the Demarcation of Costas, which will only be granted if the holder receives a favourable report from the managing body, in this case, the Balearic Conselleria of the environment.

From Thursday 18th May San Jose town hall have issued a directive that with immediate effect the open ground car parking at top of the Platges Comte cliffs will be closed. The move comes following increasing concern regarding the safety of parking and the environmental damage being caused. The mayor of San Jose, Josep Mari Ribas Agustinet visited the scene on Thursday along with Ibiza Consell president Vicent Torres (pictured). The council have made an agreement with an adjoining property, to use 26,000 square metres on their land for car parking. (Although we cannot be 100% certain, we are confident this is the property owned by the Rueben brothers as reported in edition 857). The council also noted that this land has been used as an informal overspill car park for some years. In a second phase which will not be implemented this summer, San Jose plans to close another car park in Cala Comte located next to the restaurant Illa des Bosc. The local police have issued a report in which they warned of the increasing danger of using the land, the mayor also referred to instances where cars have fallen over the cliff. “The presence of vehicles will cause more erosion” he said “and we must consider the environmental and visual impact of what has become anarchic parking on this stretch of coast”.

The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 7

News Airport Cleaning Staff Strike

The Almundania Dos will complete the journey in two and a half hours

Trasmediterranea Launch New San Antonio to Gandia Ferry Route On June 16th Trasmediterranea have confirmed that the fast ship ‘Almudaina Dos’ will service the route, making the crossing in only 2.5 hours. The planned daily connection between Sant Antoni and Gandia will commence on June 16th following its successful trial last Easter. In a press statement, Trasmediterranea Commercial Director Miguel Pardo said, “the new service has been very well received by passengers, travel agencies and the wider tourism sector. Our trials last Easter exceeded expectations and we hope that the success continues.”

many historical monuments and business and shopping facilities, whereas Gandia beach is the centre for tourism. One of the reasons for its less well-known name maybe that Gandia has always enjoyed a reputation for being a centre for domestic tourism, the majority of its visitors coming from Madrid, though in recent years the area has started to attract a much wider source of visitors. For more information

Staff of the former airport cleaning company KLE started their indefinite strike on Tuesday, as the company has still not paid them for the equivalent of 3 months’ work. Despite protests and previous 24hr strikes, they have not reached any form of agreement with KLE. While the strike is effective at the airport, both staff and the director of facilities Robert Llamas, had agreed a ‘minimum service’ which the workers were providing 3 members of staff working each shift. According to a report in the Diario de Ibiza there is video footage showing members of the other cleaning company, Valoriza, emptying bins - a task KLE workers state have never undertaken before. As a result of this action, the KLE staff have not only asked for the resignation of the director Llamas for “breaking the cleaning strike”, they also say they will not comply with the ‘minimum service’ and will be filing a complaint against AENA for the strike-breaking.

Guanyem Donation

The KLE workers have however, shown their gratitude for the 5,000€ donation given by Guanyem to assist in payment of mortgages and rent. They also say they have the support of the passengers using the airport and an information desk with piggy bank set up. Despite this councillor Fran Ramirez lamented “It is not enough for people who have not been paid for three months and have had to go to Caritas for their children to eat”. After only two days, the airport is showing the signs of the strike with unclean bathrooms, dirty floors and bins unemptied. Photos sent to the newspaper by Wozza Wharrie of Cala de Bou.


2 Car Fires In A Week Pricing Gandia Though the name of Gandia may not be as familiar as its neighbour Valencia, it is a sizeable city with a population of over 200,000 and thriving commercial and tourism sectors. Known by its two main zones, Gandia city is home to its

We searched for a crossing departing San Antonio on the 26th of June, returning a week later on July 2nd. Our booking was for 2 adults, 2 children, a dog, and a family saloon car, and selecting the Balearic resident discount. The returned quotation of 277,44€ seems incredibly good value compared to other ferry services, so good in fact that we can’t imagine it will stay at that level for too long. By comparison, booking the same dates and details on Balearia’s Ibiza to Valencia ferry came in at 399.87€, almost 50% more than the new Transmed route.

Firefighters were called to put out a vehicle fire on Wednesday morning on the Ibiza - San Antonio highway near the speed camera no one was injured in the blaze. Last Saturday saw another car fire in which a German couple were travelling to the airport on the Santa Eulalia road near the go-karts, when their car caught fire. The blaze was so intense reaching more than 700 degrees, that the fire completely destroyed the vehicle and damaged the road. As a result, firefighters had to remove melted pieces of the car from the area. The couple were not injured in the blaze.

The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 8


May 24th will see Eden open its doors for an exciting season of incredible acts, big new residencies and special parties. At the forefront of San Antonio’s nightlife for nearly 20 years, Eden Ibiza will kick off the summer with a massive party and a suitably massive line up including: Apollo 84, Dale Howard, Doorly, Fatima Hajji, Flashmob, Jesse Perez, Kydus, Leftwing & Kody and Seff. But it’s not all about superstar DJs. We love our local heros at on opening night Eden has no less than 40 of them ready to rock our San An world: Andy Baxter, Andy Joyce, Carl Hanaghan, Dale Nolan, Danny Barry, Danny Sullivan, David Korg, Daxonsax, Dermot C, Drew Moreland, EJ, EPI, Folli, Fowler, Gavin James, Grant Collins, Jack Dee, Jason Bye, Jay Barker, John Jones, Jordon Murphy, Juanito Chanclas (whoever that is), Ken Fan, Loeca, Nick Holmes, Nunkii, Otti Fabian, Pat Hickey, Rara, Raul Ridney, Roots & Sanchez, Rory Verril, Ross Donworth, Ryan Wallace, Sam Dungate, Sophia Essel, Son of 8, Spacetek, Tom Crane and Zack Le Nez. And it all comes in beautiful, gorgeous, Void – but don’t worry if you hear a buzz, nothing wrong with the sound system, it will be the one in the air around Eden this year.

Groove Odyssey San Antonio/Playa d’en Bossa 19th-22nd Claire B

Legendary house and disco pioneers Groove Odyssey have their first 4-day Ibiza Weekender event GO Ibiza 2017 from May 19-22. The weekender will host 4 days of daytime and sunset pool parties, boat parties and club nights in association with Void Acoustics who will be setting up their crisp sound all around the main daytime venue, The Beach Star in San Antonio Bay. Club nights are at Eden, Es Paradis and SWAG in Playa d’en Bossa. GO Ibiza 2017 will see the best house and disco DJs in the world playing at the uplifting weekender, including Joey Negro, DJ Spen, Paul Trouble Anderson, Anane Vega, Mike Dunn, Terry Hunter, DJ Spinna, John Morales, Monique Bingham, Bobby & Steve and many more.

Pool Party Opening

Ibiza Rocks Hotel San Antonio, Sunday 20th Do Not Sleep Presents Cuckoo Land with Catz ‘N Dogz, Josh Butler, Latmun, Max Chapman, Raffa Fl, Jamie Roy, Drew Moreland & Pat Hickey and Tim Bandits. From 2-10pm.

swag Opening Playa d’en Bossa Saturday 20

with DJs Danny D and Kace. From 23.30pm. Free for residents all night.

Acid Sundays

Heart at Las Dalias San Carlos, Sunday 21 from 12:00/Midday sets from Hot Ice Ibiza, Igor Marijuan and Megablast.

The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 9

Hï Opening Playa d’en Bossa Claire B

S.O.S. Strictly Old Skool San Antonio Various 21-25 May

Strictly Old Skool is back again this weekend for 5 days of old skool mayhem! The opening party is at Rio, San Antonio on Sunday 21st May from 22:00. Expect to see K-Klass, 2 Bad Mice, DJ Faydz, Daz (808) and others. The second day’s event, Monday 22nd is Rejuvenation at Eden from midnight with Stu Allen, Marc XTC and Monsoon among others, if that’s too late to start there is a pre party at Paradise Bar from 22:00. Tuesday 23rd sees the Strictly sunset boat part with Marc XTC, Stu Allen and Rob Tissera from 18:00 followed by an after party at Blue Rooms from 23:00 with Si Frater and DJ Vibes. Wednesday 24th is turn of Es Paradis to host from midnight. The line-up includes Slipmatt, Dream Frequency, Shades of Rhythm and Baby D (both live PA) and the pre party again at Paradise Bar from 22:00 with X Ray and Midland Breakz. SOS finishes the week with their closing party at The Beach, San Antonio from 16:00. Slipmatt, Altern8, Jonay Amador, Faydz, Awesome 3 feat Lynne Tait, X Ray / Gap, Shimmy Mac and Si Frater will all grace the decks. Tickets at

The opening party that everyone has been waiting for takes place on Sunday May 28 in Playa d’en Bossa when HĂŻ Ibiza opens its doors for the first time. This will be the hot ticket on the island this summer as everyone and their dog will want to see what they’ve done to the club that was formerly Space. Sneak previews from friends in the know have revealed substantial transformations, which include tropical gardens, VIP tents with toilets and bars and lots more. But all will be revealed soon. The opening night features Apollonia, Andrea Oliva B2B Davide Squillace, Bas Ibellini, Bedouin Black Coffee (pic below), Djebali, Joris Voorn, KĂślsch, Luciano (pic left), Matthias Tanzmann and Nic Fanciulli, plus Ibiza regulars Anna Tur, Igor Marijuan and Paul Reynolds. From 8pm. They’ve already scored some Brownie points with a cool video trailer to whet everyone’s appetite, which states that every opening party needs “crazy friends, wild rabbits, fancy dress, mixed drinks and summer vibesâ€?, not forgetting the music – I’m not sure about the wild rabbits but then anything goes in Ibiza! And if you haven’t seen the trailer yet, then take a peak at



Bora Bora Opening Weekend

Playa d’en Bossa May 25 to 27, free admission Not content with a single opening party, Bora Bora are having three. For those who like to party open air with a bit more old fashioned down and dirty about it.

Circoloco Opening

DC10, Ses Salinas Monday 22 from 16:00


Opening Party May 21 Defected have announced the huge lineup for their season at Eden, San Antonio. The formidable programme of 20 dates, kicking off on 21stMay every Sunday until 1st October, will be headlined by MK, Dennis Ferrer, Derrick Carter and Claptone plus lots more including Amine Edge & Dance, Sam Divine, Low Steppa, Miguel Campbell, Josh Butler, Franky Rizardo, Sonny Fodera, Jacky, DJ Spen and Karizma. Joining forces with D-Vine Sounds, Flow, Origins, Jacky & Friends and Frequently Flying, both rooms at Eden will host global DJ superstars and fresh new talent spinning the world’s best house music. The opening party on 21st May will host house heavyweight and hit-maker MK, DVine Sounds head Sam Divine, DFTD’s new recruit Jackyand of course Defected boss Simon Dunmore in Room 01. In Room 02 will be local legends Andy Baxter, Jason Bye and Manu Gonzalez to bring the Defected party back in true Ibiza style. Not only will Defected be taking over Eden, the official pre-party will be held at the world famous CafÊ Mambo, making San Antonio the only place to be every Sunday.

Put your wallet somewhere safe, very safe, and get messy. Thursday - Anna Tur, Cristian Viviano, Davina Moss, Eder Alvarez, SHAWNECY, Taia. Friday – Iban Mendoza, DjOliver, Javi Munoz Saturday - Rafa Ariza, KI Rynsky, David Prim, Salva Di Nobles, AndrÊ Vicenzzo

The Ibizan, Issue 859, 18th May 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 10

Community Weather Friday 22o

Saturday 23º

View From The Pew Sunday 23o

Resurrection & The Age To Come Rev. Dr Peter Pimentel

Monday 24º

Tuesday 24º

Wednesday 24º

Thursday 24o

Friday 24o

Saturday 25o

From Easter Day (which took place on April 16th) until Pentecost Sunday (on the 14th June) followers of Jesus worldwide celebrate his resurrection. The Jews in the time of Jesus divided space-time into two ages: “this age” (in Hebrew olam hazeh) and “the age to come” (in Hebrew olam haba). The language of the two ages is also reflected in several passages in the Bible. For the first Christian communities, in the first century AD, the resurrection of Jesus from death was an event that took place on the borderland of this age and the age to come. It is an event, we would say nowadays, on the borderland of this space-time reality and the supernatural realm beyond this space-time. The first-generation of Christians did not experience just the dead Jesus come back to life. If that were all, the dead Jesus resuscitated, then it would have been just a spooky event with very little significance. If that were all, Jesus back to life with his earthly body, that would not be resurrection. The first-generation of Christians experienced an all-together wonderful event: an event from “the

age to come.” Jesus had a body from beyond this space-time reality. The Bible uses several phrases to describe the resurrection body such as: “a heavenly body”, “a glorious body”, “a spiritual body”. Jesus once said: am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26). Jesus makes the extraordinary claim that those who follow him will, like everyone else, die physically but they do not die spiritually! They do not simply cease to exist. They have an unbroken continuity of personal identity. The relationship they have with Jesus is never severed. Jesus said to the thief crucified alongside: oday you will be with me in paradise!”



Church service this Sunday 21st May is in the San Rafael church at 10.30am. The EnglishSpeaking Church on Ibiza & Formentera. See website for locations & information. Tel 971 343383 chaplainibiza11@gmail.com www.ibizachurch.org

Age in Spain

Information and crisis support for English-speaking people Age in Spain is the new name for the older people’s charity which provides a national information and casework service in Spain for English-speaking people and their families. Age in Spain


he sooner people get in touch, the easier it is to prevent a crisis. With the right information and support, people can retain their independence longer and make informed decisions about their future in Spain.”

Judy Arnold-Boakes M.B.E.

specialises in helping people to plan for retirement in Spain and with managing later life change and crisis. Previously known as ACASA (Age Concern Acción Social y Assistencial), Age in Spain has been helping British people in Spain for over twenty years. “We want to reach out to more English -speaking people who live in or plan to retire to Spain”, founder Judy ArnoldBoakes MBE explained. “Many people plan their retirement in Spain without addressing the possibility that they might lose independence through illhealth or isolation. When things go wrong, our casework service provides

Services An Information service on aspects of life and living in Spain to help people plan ahead Easy to read Information Guides on common issues A Casework service to help people who are losing their independence or who are at crisis point.

intensive support, including financial help from UK charities where available. But, the more we can help people avert crisis through realistic planning, the better - so we are developing our information service too”. Age in Spain w o r k s alongside Age C o n c e r n España and o t h e r organisations which help English speaking people in Spain. The Age in Spain website explains how to get help and how to volunteer. Donnella Quian, the Casework

Contact Welfare/info enquiries to Donnella Quian +34 971 934 085 (Office hours 10.00-14.00 Mon to Fri) Email info@ageinspain.org

Website www.ageinspain.org

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ageinspain

Manager, is currentñy looking for more Caseworkers in Murcia, the Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca and the Costa Brava. The Infoline phone number is +34 971 934 085 (10.00-14.00 weekdays) Age in Spain is also inviting other welfare organisations in Spain to promote their organisation by registering their contact details on the website and by using this link

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Community 18th May 2017—24th May 2017

bit.ly/AiSRegister. Judy Arnold-Boakes urges anyone who is having difficulty in managing to get in touch. ¨The sooner people get in touch, the easier it is to prevent a crisis. With the right information and support, people can retain their independence longer and make informed decisions about their future in Spain.”

How It Works

Age in Spain’s Casework service is provided by

trained volunteers, led by Casework Manager Donnella Quian. It makes an independent assessment of the client’s situation and works with Spanish and UK organisations to bring the maximum benefit to people who need help. It acts as an agent for over twenty UK charities that can give grants to British people in Spain. Its UK partners are Age UK, the Soldiers’ Charity, the RAF Benevolent Fund and Seafarers UK.

ARIES - Two of Swords You’ve been uncertain about what direction you should take for a while and also may be questioning the motives of certain associates or friends. If you feel you’re being manipulated weigh everything up and look beyond the obvious for clues. This card is about reconciliation; make peace not war and decide to who you wish to hand the olive branch. TAURUS - Queen of Pentacles A woman relative or friend helps you with some sound advice, especially when it comes to relationships. Her counsel is wise, so think twice before ignoring it. Business wise, she also stands for a female boss or powerful colleague who it’s wise to treat with respect. She’ll share her knowledge, but only if she thinks she can trust you. GEMINI - Judgement Time this week to weigh up what’s important in life and to make decisions that change your life direction. Maybe family and loved ones should become your priority and not work. Or even the reverse could be true. It’s a time to take your responsibilities seriously and to choose wisely; don’t judge or be harsh on yourself or others either. CANCER - Eight of Cups You’ve no energy to sort out others emotional failings, so it would be wise to avoid other people’s dramas for a while. You don't need to be anyone's emotional punch bag, so don't. A period of being alone will bring some peace. Single Cancerians who are looking for love and had almost despaired of finding it, watch this space! LEO - King of Cups A love interest for some who’s a genuinely nice person and yes, they do exist! Someone who’s sensitive and in touch with feelings and doesn’t play games. For others, he’s the bearer of good news especially in business and again, doesn’t play games. If he’s your straightforward, uncomplicated boss or business partner, he’ll help you with an ambition. VIRGO – Two of Pentacles Watch your outgoings this week as it’s seems you just can’t help yourself when it comes to spending all your hard earned cash. This card warns that there’s more money coming out of your bank account than is going in. You are urged you to rein it in, as an unexpected and costly expense is on your financial horizon. LIBRA - The Ace of Cups A beautiful card for your week Libra indicating new beginnings; a fresh start and for some a new romance that promises to be more enduring. New ventures begun now are more likely to succeed as you'll be more aware and intuitive of the needs of those you come in contact with. They in turn will be impressed by you. SCORPIO - The Wheel of Fortune Its all systems go as this card indicates a fortunate turn of events that will leave you feeling more than satisfied about how certain situations turned out, and excited about the new opportunities coming your way. Certain decisions are taken out of your hands and you’ll be glad of it. Time to enjoy life and not take it so seriously SAGITTARIUS - Ten of Swords Watch health matters this week; don't overdo things or run yourself into the ground. There's a part of you that longs to change some part of your life or a situation, but you don't know how to go about it. This is not the week to deal with any of it. Take heart though, as you are through the worst. CAPRICORN - Temperance This card’s your wake up call to veto others negative thoughts and opinions that seem to be impacting your life. Hang around with the positive folk and it will become infectious. Artistic or creative Capricorns get recognition of their skills, which could lead to promising opportunities. You succeed by ditching old habits and embracing new and remembering everything in moderation. AQUARIUS - The Devil Work demands may get in the way of your social life; however it’s important to have a good life/ work balance. If your mind-set has become stagnant do something creative to change it. Serious amounts of money is often associated with this card as it represents the Midas touch, just don’t be a slave to routine in order to get it! PISCES - Knight of Pentacles You’ll find yourself at a crossroads this week Pisces especially when deciding what's the best way to handle a business concern. Is it really worth the trouble, or should you throw more money at it? Think carefully about your next move and don't be rushed by associates who are pressing for action. Don’t respond with a knee jerk reaction.

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Shebizan Amanda Zips It Up Amanda O’Riordan

Welcome to Mid-May Zipsters. It may be raining in London, but the temperatures are soaring in the Balearics. I’ve been researching summer wardrobes and this caught my eye for the guy’s summer options. I’m a sucker for the ‘playsuit’. I find them super cool and comfortable as well as practical and flattering. You probably thought they were strictly Ladies wear only. But nope, in typical Zips It Up fashion, we’ve discovered the Playsuit for Men. The ‘RompHim’ looks like the garment from hell and the thought of going to the loo is just too much for men to bear. You may well have seen this trend before? Sean Connery AKA James Bond nailed the look back in the day, of course. It comes in pink, blue or ‘splatter paint print’ chambray.

Spanish Designers

London, Paris and Milan are cited as fashion capitals of the world, The Spanish fashion scene has, in the past, been a runner-up in trend-setting stakes. But this is beginning to change with the help of luxury Spanish fashion houses like Loewe, Delpozo and Manolo Blahnik, as well as Queen Letitzia of Spain also doing her bit to help push Spanish style to the forefront of the fashion psyche. From the sleek style emanating from Madrid, to the chic, laid-back aesthetic unique to Barcelona, and the cool, Mediterranean bohemian as seen in the likes of Ibiza and Formentera, Spain boasts a wealth of sartorial signatures. Spain's fashion is strongly affected by the sea. The Mediterranean has a powerful influence on everything the Spanish do, from the food to the clothes. Here are 7 must know Spanish brands ...

1. Sunad

Gobi burgundy stripe shirt, £113.73, Sunad

The low-down: Sunad (which is 'dunas' spelt backwards - the Spanish word for dunes) is a collection of gorgeous shirts and shirt dresses designed by two friends Ana and Palmoma, who are inspired by the colours of the desert. Best for: Slouchy shirts and shirt dresses in neutral tones as well as floral and striped patterns, and the odd tie-waist jumpsuit, all made from natural materials and priced between £100 & £120.

The dudes behind this project are friends from business

school who came up with the idea after a few beers. Ha! They will be available from August and have been shown at Madrid Fashion Week, so I fully expect to see blokes rocking it on the dance floors of Ibiza and the beach bars of Mallorca. This week we check out the very best in the current crop of Spanish fashion designers. Enjoy, x Read Amanda’s fashion blog http://amandazipsitup.com/

2. Nice Things Paloma S.

Tie-back dress, £119.12, Nice Things Paloma s.

The low-down: Nice Things was launched in 1995 by Paloma Santaolalla and Miguel Lanna, and taken over in 2012 by their daughter, Paloma Lanna, who is upholding her parents' pledge to create clothing for women of all ages, and allow the company to grow organically over time. Best for: Printed shifts, waist-tie and slip dresses that will look great over jeans as well as on their own, very wearable patterned tops and blouses, loose-fit shirts and wide-leg trousers. The brand also does very well in the jacket department, offering up an array of great transitional cover-ups, from kimono-style jackets, to embroidered coats and lightweight parkas.

3. Bimba y Lola

Coral flounce sweater, £170, Bimba y Lola; Roman sandal, £140, Bimba y Lola; black trousers, £98, Bimba y Lola

The low-down: The brain child of two sisters, María and Uxía Domínguez, Bimba y Lola was launched twelve years ago as an accessories brand, intended to rebuff trends and created quirky pieces with a touch of irony. Fastforward to 2017, and the brand boasts 226 stores in 13 countries and has added shoes, bags and read-to-wear to its repertoire. Best for: Prints, on prints, on prints. Fabulous dresses (from £115), trousers, skirts and shirts (all from £120)

that are equally as suitable for a spring event as they are for work, interesting knitwear, brightly coloured bags, and footwear that's the perfect mix of playful and cool. And of course jewellery - from unique earrings to chunky cuff bracelets - that's perfect for pepping up your more neutral pieces.

4. Cortana

Pablo long dress, £521.81, Cortana

The low-down: Spanish designer, Rosa Esteva, takes an artisan approach to creating beautiful dresses and jumpsuits in relaxed feminine silhouettes, for everything from daytime gallivanting to after-hours soirees. Even Esteva's simplest check and gingham pieces withhold a certain luxury. It's all in the cut. Best for: Romantic evening dresses, dreamy water-colour prints, linen tops and trousers and sleek denim. Pieces start at around £115 for a top and £270 for dresses. Estava also creates ethereal bridalwear.

5. Masscob

Cotton trousers, £204.87, cotton shirt, £182.22, Masscob

The low-down: Headed up by couple, Marga Massanet and Jacobo Cobian, Masscob was launched in 2003 with the intention of reviving and respecting artisanal values and finding ways to adapt new technology to respect these values rather than the other way around. Best for: Folksy blouses, dresses and skirts that call on a warm Mediterranean-inspired colour palette of oranges, blues, reds and purples. And while floaty, boho pieces are what the brand is known for, Masscob's outerwear is also not to be missed.

6. Valentina Garí

Check trousers, £54.83, Garí; check top, £46.40, Valentina Garí

The low-down: Barcelona-based designer, Valentina Garí, worked in the fashion industry for several years before deciding to go it alone and launch her own line of clothes, featuring soft colours and fresh fabrics with a bit of movement, providing a simple collection of comfortable, easy-to-wear clothes. Best for: Silky shirt dresses and separates, sweet gingham two-pieces that you can wear together or on their own, and floaty jumpsuits.

7. Formenteraguamarina Kaftan, £46.40,

The low-down: Dolores Luque launched a blog called Formenteraguamarina in 2008 as an outlet for her missing her home of Formentera while she was working in a bank in Palma de Mallorca. As her following grew, so too did plans to create an online boutique. Best for: This is your one-stopaffordable-holiday-shop. Cool kaftans (from £30), basket bags (from £25), lemon and violethued espadrilles (from £65) and simple swimwear (look out for the berry, teal and navy swimsuits for £60).

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Agenda shown are below, see FB for more details "Amor en tiempos modernos", de Germán Mairén "Georgia & the timemachine", de Daniel Utrilla "El mal amor", de Sergio González-Román

"Runner", de Herminio Cardiel "Caracol", de Román Reyes http://bit.ly/2pOtUNw

The Barruguet Family Festival 2017

Santa Eulalia, 23-28 May 21 shows performed by 17 companies, tickets are on sale now at the Teatro Espana between 4 -8€. There will also be free activities including circus workshops, free shows and the garden playroom. The Barruguet* Festival of Family Theatre takes place each year on the fourth weekend of May in Santa Eulària Three days filled with culture, magic and fun for all ages, including very young children, as it even features shows for babies and toddlers. Each year’s programme presents a wide range of genres: theatre, puppets, clown, circus, dance, music, street theatre

Due to the diversity and versatility of our venues, which include unconventional spaces, organisers can include on the programme medium-large scale to very small scale performances. The festival has excellent information available in English, Spanish and Catalan, including a fully translated programme of events. Image from ‘Mr Parfum’ www.festivalbarruguet.com *The barruguet is a legendary character, which can be described as being very naughty and a little rogue...

Fiesta Sant Isidro Sant Josep, 21 May from 11:00 Celebrating the Patron Saint of the Farmer, the Grup Folklóric have put together a display of farm equipment, a fair of Ibizan produce and handicrafts, indigenous animal fair and the sale of local agricultural products. At 19:00 there will be a car parade followed by mass at 19:30 and a procession celebrating San Isidro. Grup Folklóric Sant Josep will close the celebration with a performance of ball pagés in the church square. (Traffic will be temporarily suspended for approximately 20 minutes from 19:00 for the car parade. )

Day by Day Saturday 20

BSF Fashion Show – Moda Adlib, Puerto de Ibiza – 21:00 http://bit.ly/2qB7KeY

U2 tribute in Ibiza, Campo de Futbol Puig den Valls – 21:00, free admission see flyer above

Sunday 21

Fiesta Sant Isidro, Sant Josep from 11:00 see article

Tuesday 23– Sunday 28 Barruguet Family Theatre Festival. Santa Eulalia, see article

Wednesday 24

Ibicine 1st Edition Ibiza Film Festival, Doctor Fleming, Ibiza Town - 20:30, free admission. Short films

IMS College Free Event For Students Playa d’en Bossa Claire B

A day before the International Music Summit (IMS) gets underway there’s a free day of networking and education for students: IMS College presents Burn Residency Sessions. It takes place on Tuesday May 23 at The Hard Rock Hotel from 12.00 – 17.30. The event will provide networking, education and workshops created for music students, budding DJs, upcoming producers, young industry thought leaders and IMS delegates. IMS College aims to bring together the next generation of bright industry minds for an intensive 360-degree learning experience that will give a new wave of electronic music creators and professionals the tools and knowledge to assist their careers. With the ethos of ‘learn by day, party by night’ IMS College is ‘a crash course in the electronic music business’. It will be a specially curated day, which will take the format of a range of seminars, workshops and interactive sessions covering many aspects of the music industry. From press and promotion to A&R and career advice, all with the aim of giving attendees an opportunity to learn, develop their existing skills and equip them with vital tools and knowledge to help further their career. The day will see a full programme of events that will include: Pete Tong lecture and Q&A session with one of IMS’ founders. Point Blank DJ workshop featuring Berghain resident DVS1. How to cut through the noise in the blogosphere seminar presented by Neighbourhood PR. Brand Synergy workshop led by Inder Phull, 2016’s IMS Visionaries competition winner and founder of the creative agency, technology company and global network KRPT. A live A&R session by one of the industry’s biggest major labels, where representatives from Warner Germany, Parlophone UK and Warner Australia will A&R and advise on tracks that are presented. ACS – All about Ears, Play Safe Now, Hear Tomorrow - a practical guide and help on how to protect your ears and hearing. Technical production workshop from Berklee College of Music, led by Nacho Marco. IMS Partners: Ask Any Questions; Ben Turner, Mark Netto & Danny Whittle will field questions from the floor on any subject or topic. Many more high profile DJs and dance music industry leaders to be announced. The day is primarily aimed at music students. Free entrance for students - proof of full time education must be supplied on the day. Holders of the IMS College/Burn Residency wristband will also be given the opportunity to purchase a heavily discounted IMS Ibiza badge for 100€, giving the full delegate experience. Entrance is also free for IMS delegates. Attendees should arrive by 11.30 to register and receive their wristband. http://www.internationalmusicsummit.com

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Sport (Continued from page 16)

Golf: Welcome Back Ian Poulter! Great to see Ryder Cup legend Ian Poulter come storming back to form in the Players Championship at Sawgrass, Florida. Given a wild card entry as World No 197, and not having won a pro-tournament for at least 4 years, Poults wowed the crowd and was well in contention for the first 3 rounds culminating in a 1 under final round to tie 2nd with South Africa's Oosthuizen. Not so good for Rory Mac though as he carded a 2 over par to finish tied 35! Good news as well for Masters winner Sergio Garcia as although not doing so well at Sawgrass, his recent form has elevated him to World No 5 above U.S.A. golden boy Jordan Spieth now at 6.

Football: Chelsea “Campeones” Again As Hull Are Relegated.

Michy Batshuayi slots home a late winner and with it the Premier League title for Chelsea with two games to spare after a hard-fought 1-0 win at West Brom. .

Chelsea duly won the Premier League title on Friday evening as, needing only 3 points from their last 3 matches, they did it at the first attempt, beating West Bromwich 1-0 at the Hawthorns. With this they sealed their 2nd title in 3 years and their 5th since Abramovich took over the reins at the Bridge. Much of the credit must go to manager Antonio Conte in his first season in charge. With the Blues heading to Wembley on the 27th against Arsenal, Conte now looks to emulate fellow Italian Carlo Ancelotti who did the famous Double of League and FA Cup in his first season back in 2010. In the meantime, looking to create an all-time Premier League record of 30 wins in a season, Chelsea took on Watford and recorded their 29th as they won 4-3 in a rip-roaring encounter at the Bridge on Monday, having made 9 changes. After the weekend's results, Hull were finally relegated as they lost 4-0 at Crystal Palace, whilst good to see Swansea stay up after their 2-0 win at already relegated Sunderland. Elsewhere, it's getting really tight for those final two Champions League places in 3rd and 4th, as Liverpool won 4-0 at West Ham to stay in 3rd on 73 points, Manchester City won 2-1 at home to Leicester to maintain 4th spot—but only a point behind with a game in hand.

Meanwhile Arsenal, still harbouring thoughts of an incredible 21st consecutive season in the Champions League, look to be the outside bet with 2 games to play—but by the time you read this that may have all changed! Great to see that Man Utd made it to the Europa Final. They will now take on Holland's Ajax at the end of the month with a place in the Champions League waiting for the winners.

Ibiza Cricket Club

hope. In reply Ibiza never got going and after falling behind the run rate tried to push on with disastrous results. Adam Johnston was unlucky to be stumped but his dismissal started a collapse which saw Dave Catterall take 5 wickets for 12 runs and Ibiza eventually limp to 118 all out. Ibiza were determined to bounce back but Match Day 2 followed in a similar vein to the previous day when Mallorca won the toss, put themselves in and posted a big score of 281 for 8 with the irrepressible Ben Vickers power hitting his way to a fine 143 after being dropped a couple of times on the boundary. It could have been a lot worse for Ibiza but some good bowling in the last 15 overs, including another 4 wickets from veteran Jeremy Parmenter and a further 3 from Balearic Cup debutant Steve Hadlow, stemmed the flow. Requiring 7 runs per over to win proved too much as Ibiza stuttered badly in reply as things went from bad to worse with big guns Johnston, Gordon & Feasey all departing in quick succession. Mallorca finally bowled out Ibiza for a paltry 71, thereby securing a massive 210 run win. Sunday's Final saw Mallorca once again prove too strong for Menorca and after posting 241 all out, the hosts couldn't come up with a suitable response eventually being all out for 79 meaning that Mallorca won the Balearic Cup, the first time for a number of years. As always Menorca CC put on an amazing weekend which was

Ibiza’s Balearic Cup Does Not Runneth Over, (Due To

Lack Of Runneth Per Over) Martin Makepeace

Ibiza returned from Menorca licking their wounds after 2 heavy defeats despite fielding a strong team in this year's Balearic Cup. New Captain Sam Gooda will have plenty to think about for the 2nd half of the season. Match Day 1 ended in a 121 run defeat for Ibiza when Menorca posted 239/8 after being put into bat. The overcast & swirly conditions could have been a defining factor however the home side seized the initiative with 17 year old Jamie Davies scoring a majestic 104. Ibiza didn't help themselves with several regulation catches going down but Jeremy Parmenter bowled well and took 4 quick wickets which gave the visitors a small glimmer of

Promotion Contenders

In the Championship play-offs, the first legs both ended in draws with Reading slight favourites over Fulham as they have the away goal in their 1-1 stalemate at the Cottage, while Sheffield Wednesday take Husddersfield back to Hillsboro' after their scoreless draw. In the League 1 play-off final it's Bradford v. Millwall. In the League 2 semis, it's advantage Blackpool after their 3-2 home win over Luton, and all to play for in the other fixture as Carlisle shared 6 goals with Exeter.

Forest Green Rovers

Huge congratulations to Forest Green Rovers, from the small village of Nailsworth in Gloucestershire, as they beat Tranmere 3-1 in the National League Play-off Final to take their place in League 2 for the first time in their history. A real Boys Own story as you think Brighton, Bournemouth etc.

Champions League Final Back to Europe again and the CL Final should be a real cracker in Cardiff in June as Real Madrid, gunning for back-to-back Titles and their 12th title, held off Atletico despite losing 2-1 to go through and will meet Italian giants Juventus, affectionately known as “the Old Lady of Turin”, who saw off Monaco 4-1 on aggregate. Methinks a case of best attack against best defence but I'm putting my 50 centimos on Real.

La Liga

It is still so tight in La Liga as leaders Barca and Real are only separated by goal difference at the moment. Both won at the weekend with both scoring 4. Real smacked 4th placed Sevilla 4-0 at the Bernabeu and Barca won 4-1 in Las Palmas. Real hold the trump card with their game in hand against 13th placed Celta Vigo who have lost their last 5 La Liga matches. Draw or win there and win their last game and the title's yours, Cristiano! 'Tis all for this week, sports fans, as I'm off to bask not only in the sun but the reflected glory emanating from a certain stadium just off the Fulham Road, no doubt to be joined by Ibiza Cricket's Blue faction of Neil, Sam, Max and Jim! …...Jezza

enjoyed by the large touring parties in the beautiful Balearic sunshine. On the pitch Ibiza will try and take some positives from a tough weekend and bounce straight back when the season resumes in September.

Photo: Down but not downhearted, the Ibiza Cricket Team on Tour in Menorca.

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The Guide ... Transport & Storage




Medical Centres Information & appts

http://bit.ly/ ibizandoctor

Classified Room To Rent San Antonio In Private Home. Balcony. Bathroom. A/c. Wifi. TV. Fridge. Use of kitchen and laundry. 1 or 2 persons. April to October. Must like animals. Only with firm work contract or 4 months advance. 667251773

FOR RENT. One bed s/contained apartment in Siesta, Santa Eularia, ideal for 2, available now for short/term summer seasonal rent. Small private complex with comm pool. For details please contact: (00 34) 630 120641

Office Space To Rent – 2 Minutes To Ibiza Airport! ***Modern Offices**Great Location ** 2 Minutes From Ibiza Airport! *** Modern And Spacious Offices To Rent Near Ibiza Airport. For More Details Please Contact: oficinaalquiler17@gmail.com editor: Nicholas Gibbs Dep. Legal DL 1-303-1999 Telf: 971 348 271

Mov: 638 923 119 theibizan.com editor@theibizan.com

Bes Media Holdings 1999 S.L., c/ Jaén, 2, Cala De Bou, San José, 07829,

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Sport Tight As A Wheel Nut, The Vettel & Hamilton Show

Jezza’s World of Sport Jeremy Parmenter So good to be back on our little paradise isle after our Ibiza Cricket sojourn to Menorca for the Balearic Cup! Lovely island but give me Ibiza any day!

Tennis: Murray Bombed Out Yet Again!

Spanish Grand Prix Hamilton takes the victory but look out for the pink peril, Force India continue solid streak Rhian Gibbs

The Spanish Grand Prix at the newly name Circuit de Barcelona-Cataluyna may have seemed at points dull – it was a little, and the F1 coverage didn’t show much of the ‘rest of the pack’, but Hamilton and Mercedes did stand out in not only drive, but strategy as well.

Driver Championship Standings 1

SebasƟan VeƩel




Lewis Hamilton




ValƩeri BoƩas



Hamilton was on pole and despite losing the lead almost immediately, he worked hard to fight back and take the chequered flag, with a little help from a stunning 2.2s pit stop and the strategy to boot. It’s worthy of mention that Mercedes driver teamwork assisted Hamilton and hats off to Bottas for holding off Vettel for as long as he did – especially as it cost him a power unit and DNF. Ferrari’s Vettel made a sensational getaway to take the lead and his teammate Raikkonen was sandwiched between Verstappen (Red Bull) and Bottas (Mercedes) heading to-

wards the first corner. Three abreast was always likely to end in disaster and it was Bottas who clipped the tyre of Raikkonen sending him into Verstappen; the suspension damage for both forced them out of the race. Vettel pitted for a set of softs lap 14 which gave Hamilton the chance to push, it wasn’t enough and with a set of mediums he re-joined after Vettel, who was stuck behind Bottas. The German eventually got past Bottas retaking the lead, and pushed. Vettel set about building his lead over Hamilton before the latter pitted at the end of the virtual safety car period, caused when Stoffel Vandoorne ended up in the gravel at Turn 1 after banging wheels with Felipe Massa. Hamilton came out on soft tyres 24 seconds behind Vettel, but Ferrari reacted immediately by pitting next lap and rejoining side-by-side with Hamilton. Vettel had the lead once again but the Brit fought back and five laps later Hamilton was once again in the lead. Vettel took P2 and Red Bull’s Ricciardo picked up his first podium of 2017, P3. Force India will be tickled pink again with both cars in the ten – Perez took P4 after his impressive start and Ocon a career best P5. Hulkenberg secured his best result for Renault P6, with Sauber’s Wehrlein producing a stunning drive to cross the line seventh, only to be demoted to P8 for failing to stay the correct side of the pit entry bollard. Sainz, who was pitched onto the grass when he went side-by-side with Magnussen as they exited the pits, was therefore classified P7 for Toro Rosso. Alonso, who started seventh for McLaren, saw the chequered flag for the first time this season with P12. Ahead of him was Sauber’s Ericsson, P11 and Massa in his Williams P13. Magnusson finished P14, with Palmer for Renault P15 and Stroll for Williams P16 – not a good day for Williams.

Next Race... Monaco, Sunday 28th May, 14:00

What on earth has happened to Sir Andy – after such a great 2016 he seems to be going through a mid-life crisis this year. It all started at the Qatar Open, where he lost the Final to Djokovic, then the Aussie Open losing to Zverev in the 4th round, which continued to Indian Wells, beaten by the world 129. Then came Monte Carlo, beaten in the 3rd round, then Barcelona, where he lost in the semi, and now Madrid having been beaten in the 3rd round by the world 59 Boric. With Rome, the French Open and then Wimbledon, he really needs to get his act together and quick, especially as 2 of his nemeses, Nadal and Federer, are having such good seasons. Talking of Madrid, great to see Rafa back on form, as having destroyed Djokovic in straight sets in his semi, he went on to beat Thiem 7-6,6-4 in the Final, to record his 5th Madrid title.

Rugby Union: Hail Saracens, B2B European Champions! With the British and Irish Lions almost on their way to Kiwiland, what a boost for Tour Manager Warren Gatland, as a host of his England picks including Itoje, the Bros Vunipola and European Player of the Year Farrell, won their second successive European Champions Cup. This time it was won by beating Clermont Ferrand in a superb advert for European rugby at Murrayfield, to join past back -to-back winners Leicester, Toulon, Toulouse and Leinster. Superbly led by England's Owen Farrell at fly-half, Sarries ran out 28-17 winners and are now going for the fabled Double Double, starting off against Exeter in the Premiership play-offs starting this weekend. Not so good for Gloucester though as they lost out to La Rochelle in the Final of the European Challenge Cup and missed the chance of going through to next season's Champions Cup. (Continued on page 14)

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