Ibizan 877 eissue

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Closing Saturday 14th October Thanks to all our customers for another fantastic year

Final Fix! We give you everything you need to know to get a final fling in Ibiza or a cheap as chips break to the UK. Includes all flights in October and November to all UK and Ireland destinations.

The rental platform Booking.Com have begun removing apartment listings from its website that have not been registered with the Tourism Department and do not have the relevant licences. The company has sent an email to the owners of the homes that have not yet received the licence number, reminding them that, according to the rental law ap-

proved by the Government in July, this number should appear on the pages of the establishments within Booking.com . "With the amendment, the Balearic Government requires by law to show the licence numbers of apartments and houses on the pages of the corresponding establishments

within Booking.com, " says the company in this email: "To date, we have not received any news from you, and this registration number in the aforementioned registration or compulsory number Driat does not appear ". Therefore, "we have proceeded to close your establishment on Booking.com ", concludes the platform, which

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

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News (Continued from page 1)

Driver Arrested After Crashing Stolen Car Agents of the Local Police of Sant Josep arrested a man who was driving an alleged stolen car after he crashed past the barrier and finished on the beach of es Pouet. The event occurred on Monday 2nd at around 11.50pm, in the bay of Portmany, just on the San Antonio/Sant Josep border. The town hall stated that the driver crashed against a

wall with a white Peugeot 307 denounced as stolen and ended up on the sand. The accident occurred at the streets of Cala de Bou and Sol Sortint. The male was arrested and placed at the disposal of the Guardia Civil.

A&E Exceeds 500 Patients in Weekend The emergency department of Can Misses hospital attended five cases of drug poisoning last weekend, coinciding with some of the main closing parties. The emergency department surpassed 500 cases during that weekend. On Friday, September 29, doctors saw a

leaves the option that once the licence number is available, the property can be "reopened" by including it. More Housing For Rent Lucas Prats, President of tourism promotion, was pleased by the measure adopted by the portal "In the tourist fairs we told the Booking.Com managers about the need to work only with legal accommodation, but they did not take us seriously". Juanjo Planells, president of the hoteliers of Sant Antoni, believes that "this is good news". "And we must remember that the residents have also suffered the consequences. The action of Booking.com affects more than two thousand homes, which now, when re-entering the market, are likely to have a downward effect on the price of sales and rentals.� Juanjo Riera, president of the hotel management company Pitiusa warns that the disadvantaged have not been just entrepreneurs: "Illegal tourist accommodation has made the rental housing market so expensive that in the end it has been impossible for residents and workers who came from abroad." In addition, he believes that "one of the things that have caused tourismophobia have been the problems of coexistence between residents and tourists in the same building."

total of 182 patients, a figure that dropped to 159 on Saturday. On Sunday, the number of attendees rose again and stood at 179, reported Can Misses. Thus, the average number of cases handled per day during the closure weekend was 173 due to "the increase of population to attend the closing of discos". Patients who arrived at the hospital with drug poisoning only accounted for 0.9% of the total number of patients seen in the emergency department during those three days.

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 3

European News 1 Year Suspended Sentence for Mugging 80 Year Old Man A man arrested for violently trying to steal the Rolex watch from an 80-year-old man in the neighbourhood of es Viver acknowledged the charges against him and accepted a one-year prison sentence. The accused, a man of Italian nationality, has been convicted of committing robbery with attempted violence in a speedy trial held by the Court of Instruction number 3 of Ibiza. In addition to the prison sentence, the convicted person will have to compensate his victim, who did not suffer serious injuries, with an amount that has not yet been determined. The prison sentence has been suspended on condition that the convicted man, who has no criminal record, does not commit any other crime during the time the sentence lasts. The events occurred on Monday about 5pm in the afternoon. Two men managed to retain, until the local police arrived in Vila, the alleged thief. The police received notice that a man of Italian nationality was immobilised by two people in the street Carlos Román Ferrer, in es Viver, because he had tried to steal the watch of a tourist. According to the town hall, when the agents arrived at the indicated street they saw that two people a man on the ground. According to witnesses, the arrested man attempted to steal the watch from the tourist and, in the struggle the victim fell to the ground and suffered minor injuries to his hand, wrist, elbow and leg. He was attended to by paramedics.

88yr Old Hit On Pedestrian Crossing

An 88-year-old man was injured on Wednesday after being hit by a car on a pedestrian crossing in Sant Antoni. The Local Police breathalysed the driver of the vehicle who gave a negative result. An ambulance transferred the injured man to Can Misses hospital. Medical sources indicated that the victim suffered multiple contusions and a head trauma, though was conscious when paramedics attended the scene. Agents of the Local Police of Sant Antoni denounced the driver for infractions relating to vehicle documentation.

78yr Old Woman Hit On Pedestrian Crossing

A 78-year-old woman has been hospitalised after a BMW X5 hit her on the pedestrian crossing in front of Fita, Avenida de Sant Joan. According to the Diario de Ibiza, the X5 reversed while she was crossing and hit her, knocking her to the ground. The woman was transferred to the Policlínica Nuestra Señora del Rosario where she remains admitted. The Local police are investigating the cause of the accident.

7.5yrs Sought For Narco Network Boss The Public Prosecutor's Office is seeking a sentence of seven and a half years' imprisonment for a British man who is accused of being the supplier to a group of suspected drug traffickers. According to the public prosecution, the accused, ‘DAC’, was distributing cocaine, keta-

New Vehicles for Ibiza’s Firefighters The Ibiza Fire Station can finally increase its workforce said Miguel Vericad, insular councillor for the Environment. "The idea is to be able to expand it and add 10 troops each year ", although he didn’t specify how many years they would continue the recruitment drive. "The intention is to cover the shifts of the future sub-sections of Santa Eulària, Sant Llorenç and Sant Josep", commented the minister. "The fire station is undersized for the needs of an island that receives more than seven million tourists a year," he said. Ibiza’s fire station has 40 members of staff divided into 4 turns. "Today, we have the difficulty of reaching two simultaneous interventions. The need to expand the workforce has been demonstrated and the new law gives us the reason", defended the fire chief, Miguel Sevilla. "In addition, after the Montoro law, we had two or three years in which someone retired and only covered 10% of the positions. We have not been able to expand until now, with those ten new firemen that will be added every year," said the fire chief. "In summer we would need even more support. The rest of the year we have two or three calls daily, in summer we have longer callouts," said Sevilla. He went on to say “When we find two simultaneous calls, we must divide the team. Right now, we have five firefighters in each turn to go out in an emergency."

The fire department are also going to expand their facilities, "The demolition of the Sa Coma facilities has now been tendered and, once demolished, the bidding for the construction of the new fire station will begin," explained Vericad on the new fire station that he plans to build in Sa Ca Coma.

mine and cannabis around the island, and acting together with a person with the initials ‘CD’, who is currently missing, and with ‘JRG’, who was sentenced in July 2015 to six years and one day in prison. In brief, the Prosecutor pointed out that ‘DAC’ was the one who provided the former with the substances they allegedly later sold. The accused lived in a hotel in the area of Playa d'en Bossa in 2015 where Guardia Civil agents found large

amounts of MDMA, cocaine and ketamine prepared for sale. The drug was distributed in 12 suitcases, according to the prosecution, and in different bags that, presumably, would be distributed to other sellers. In addition to the sentence of seven and a half years in jail, the public prosecution asks for the accused a fine of 150,000€.

New Vehicles A new truck was presented to the department on Thursday, costing the Consell 715,000€. The councillor said "The performance within narrow streets, such as those in the urban area of Vila, will be much easier thanks to this truck with its smaller dimensions," said Miguel Vericad, “We have planned a renovation of the fleet of vehicles of the fire station of Ibiza”. The new truck compliments the existing two which have more than 30 years of use and is not the only truck that the Consell has acquired. Two more trucks were bought this year however one of them will arrive early 2018. Soon we can count on another vehicle, specializing in rescue in vertical and early next year, we will have among our effective a mother truck." "We're going to order light vehicles and smaller-sized fire trucks," enumerated Seville.

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 4

Ibiza Food Tourss “D

iversity is something Ibiza is never short on. From hippy to VIP, spiritual to hedonist, ancestral Ibicenco to fresh of the ferry extranjeros, we really have got the lot. And of course it follows that such a diverse group will have wide ranging interests and outlooks too. In that respect Ibiza Food Tours may well be unique. The brainchild of Walking Ibiza founder, the original Sole Brother, Toby Clarke, the concept is as simple as it is brilliant. Toby takes you on a guided walk around some of Ibiza’s Town’s hidden gastronomic gems. On the way you learn a bit of our island history and eat and drink lots of fabulous things. Where it becomes unique, is that I cannot

Text & Photos Claire B

I’ve had some amazing experiences in the years that I’ve lived in Ibiza, but one of the best I’ve had to date was going on an Ibiza Food Tour in Ibiza Town. The brainchild of Toby Clarke who is behind Walking Ibiza, it’s a great idea and a natural extension to offering guided walks. Instead of heading out into the wilds of the island, you walk around parts of Ibiza Town, learning about some of the history of the areas you pass and sample some of the amazing food and drinks that are on offer along the way. I joined a party of 4 people on a Wednesday morning with tour guide Vinny. Our meeting point was by the sailor’s statue in the corner of the port at 10.30, where after introductions, we were told all about the statue.

Bar Peixet

think of a single person who would not enjoy it. From clubber to conservationist, pure-bred local to lager-lout, who wouldn’t want to do it? You will probably want to add it to your own ‘must do’ winter list, but you also now have the perfect response to every ‘what can we do’ question. From a visiting relative to a hen weekend. Ibiza Food Tours fulfil every brief. Brilliant. This is our Claire’s report on her tour earlier in the year. There are several different tours available, mornings and afternoons. A full schedule and online booking is available on the website.

https://ibizafoodtours.com/ Take it away Claire ...

Heading along the waterfront to our first stop at Bar Peixet we learnt more as we went. Breakfast was provided in the form of the 4 different coffees on offer, 2 types of ensaimada (one with a delicious, sweet, pumpkin filling which was gorgeous) with a bottle of brandy on the side for those wanting to turn their coffee into a carajillo (coffee with brandy). Well, we were sampling local delicacies, so when in Rome! Next was a stroll through some of the narrow streets in La Marina, through the tree-lined Vara de Rey, pausing to hear about the statue in the middle, en route to our next stop, the delightful tea shop that is…

Queriendo-Té. Owner Felix who took over what was his Aunt’s sweet shop made us an infusion from local herbs and plants – thyme, rosemary, fennel, lavender, herbas and sweet and bitter chamomile – served in tea pots and cups and saucers with a jug of local honey for those who had a sweet tooth and 2 types of turrón. The shop is a cornucopia of bits and pieces, probably handed down from Felix’s Aunt – sweet jars, boxes of tea, display cabinets full of teapots, teacups and other curios, old photos, pictures, mirrors, chandeliers and a grandfather clock – it was a feast for the

eyes, just as the tea was a feast for the palate. Undoubtedly the best tea shop in Ibiza! Next we were off to …

Forn Vadell the oldest bakery, where we had freshly made magdelenas (a kind of doughy biscuit coated in crispy bits of sugar filled with almond paste) and slices of flao, the local flan made with goats cheese and mint, both gorgeous. We were even treated to a brief peek into the kitchen where we could see the men at work rolling out dough amongst the machinery and ovens used to create their breads and pastries – fascinating! Having indulged in pastries and coffee and tea, it was nearing midday, and time to head off to the Mercat Nou (New Market) for some savoury snacks. Our first stop was …

Su and Lu’s Pescadería where we marvelled at the array of fish in front of us – everything from lobsters, to tuna, sardines, boquerones, salmon, oysters, octopus and lots more – until our beautifully prepared snacks came, beautifully presented on a piece of slate. There was 2 types of salmon, one cured with beetroot and vodka, the other with whisky, boquerones (anchovies in vinegar) and some smoked sardine, which was my favourite (although it was all delicious). A short walk up the isle and we arrived at …

La Casa de la Jamones where Margarita offered sobrassada and

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 5

Food & Drink were well and truly awakened by this time and we were whisked off to …

Bar le Bodeguilla butifarra for the meat eaters amongst us and slices from a lovely handcrafted goats cheese with a slice of membrillo (quince jelly) and a small cup of local white wine – all lovely. Another short hop and we were at …

Salazones Virtudes for some bacalao (dried salted cod), which was served with tomato, green olives and drizzled with olive oil. It wasn’t to everyone’s taste in our group, but I liked it and the tomato and olives served to take away some of the saltiness. From there it was a short 5-minute walk to …

Moniberic for some jamón (cured ham) and cheese tasting. Half of our group were vegetarians so

With drinks on order, pinxtos of seafood cocktail arrived, as we marvelled at the array of old farming implements, photographs and other paraphernalia adoring the small but perfectly formed bar. A dish of hot pulpo frito (octopus - their bestselling dish) and a huge portion of freshlymade tortilla arrived before us. We liked the place so much we decided to stay for an extra drink and were rewarded with another plate of food – the waitress didn’t know what they were called and we couldn’t locate them on the menu, but they were like a cross between a croquette and a Spanish-style scotch egg – a filling of chopped cooked egg, minced pork and some finely chopped vegetables, wrapped in a thin piece of pork loin and coated in breadcrumbs and lightly fried – different and very tasty. A stroll to the edge of the Plaza del Parque meant we could walk off some of our food, ready to sample the delights of the …

Poma Sideria

we were lucky to be able to sample both the jamón and cheese, served with a drink of our choosing, in my case a glass of vino tinto, which was the perfect accompaniment to the food. We were given 3 types of jamón which was cut freshly for us and you could see and taste the difference from the cheaper Serrano to the more expensive Iberico and Bellota where the black pigs roam and feed naturally in the woods and eat a lot of acorns. As a result, I now understand the difference and what I’m getting and paying for when I buy jamón. We also had 3 types of cheese – an aged Manchego, a smoked cheese and another one that I can’t remember, but it was all beautifully mature. Our taste-buds

the Asturian cider bar. We were taken outside and shown how to pour the cider from a great height to aerate it to improve the flavour. To our relief we didn’t have to do that ourselves - they have ingenious little machines where you put the bottle in place, press a button and it siphons out the cider and delivers it into a glass at just the right height to serve the perfect glass of cider. Not only did it taste great and smell beautifully of apples, but it was such fun to take it in turns to our your next glass. At 6% it was quite strong, but some jamón croqetas (croquettes) arrived and a plate of fried potatoes with 2 types of sauce – a strong ali oli (garlic mayonnaise) and a very spicy bravas sauce to balance the strength of the cider. It was all great, but I loved the spicy sauce – think Spanish-style chips and curry sauce (I’ve already been back to the bar to get another fix). And we all enjoyed the cider so much that we stayed and ordered some more. Slightly behind schedule now, it was time to go up into Dalt Vila for a quick ice cream at …

Punto Gelato where their homemade ice-creams (some are vegan) went down a treat in the July heat. My pistachio and chocolate were both spot on and apparently they have a shop in Playa d’en Bossa too, which I’ll have to seek out.(ed – it is next door to Hotel Garbi, highly recommended, and readers of a certain age will remember it as being Lynn’s Tea Shop.) Our tour ended with a shot of local hierbas (an aniseed flavoured liqueur) in the Mercat Vell (Old Market) by the entrance to Dalt Vila. A lovely ending to what had been a fantastic tour around the town. We visited 11 establishments in 5.5 hours – normally the tours take about 4-5 hours but our group loved some of the places so much that we stayed a little bit longer than was scheduled. Ibiza Food Tours organise morning/afternoon tours and afternoon/evening tours and some of the places you visit may change depending on the time of day and day of the week (some are shut at certain times). The tours are limited to about 6 people to keep them manageable and by the end you’re sure to become pals with your companions, so it’s a great way to meet likeminded food-loving people. What I liked is that you are taken from place to place and in each establishment the food just arrives (you are asked when you book for specific dietary requirements and the food on offer is adjusted accordingly) so you get to sample things that you might not know about or would normally chose. Plus you learn a lot about Ibiza and its history and food as you go. I thought I knew Ibiza Town pretty well, but having done the tour I realised that I didn’t. But I now know some great new places for buying food in and places that I can hang out in when I’m in town. And one of the things that I love about this little amazing island is that there are new, fantastic places to be discovered all the time if you take the opportunity.

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 6

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 7

Community Parking Change In San Antonio Drivers to place time of arrival clearly visible A maximum of two hours in Blue parking zones Free Parking Sundays and holidays

With effect from the 6th October, you must write your time of arrival on something – they suggest card, paper or material, where it is clearly visible in your windshield, and you have a maximum of two hours from that time. The change applies to the already established blue zones and will run from October to May, Monday to Friday from 10am to 1.30pm and from

5pm to 7.30 pm. Saturdays are from 10am to 1.30pm and on Sundays and public holidays parking will be free. During the summer, June through to September, the times will change to Monday to Saturday, between 9.30am and 2pm, and from 4.30pm to 8pm. Again, Sundays and public holidays will be free. Local police will be checking along with the traffic wardens. Delivery vehicles loading and unloading, taxis (where the driver is present) and emergency vehicles are exempt from the new parking regulations.

Farewell Letter From Lottie Bogotti

Saturday 30th September, saw the closing party of Lottie Bogotti in San Carlos, Ibiza. However, the closing party was a closing down party as Lottie Bogotti has closed down forever. It is also the leaving party for Lottie and I as we will shortly be returning to England. The shop has closed due to several cumulative reasons, including the tyrannical education system in Spain, born of EU law, that bans home schooling no matter what the child's needs or in what setting the child is happy and thrives. The town hall's recent closure of the second hand market at Cala Llenya and promise to reopen it as yet another all-new tourist market has also played a hand in the decision. The rumour is that the town hall has decided second hand markets are for thieves who wish to sell off their ill-gotten gains. Words cannot describe the sadness at this attitude. Do they also think Lottie Bogotti was a den of thieves? The truth is, the market was the best thing about the island, offered cash-poor and often starving residents a rare opportunity to make some food money over the winter, was by far the most wonderful social scene in Ibiza, offered ordinary people the chance to buy good

things at low prices and enabled the recycling of massive volumes of otherwise discarded clothing and housewares. Doesn't the town hall realise that wearing brand new formaldehyde-dipped clothing made in China by slaves isn't everyone's badge of honour? Sadly, what is created by the people and for the people and the things that bring joy to our lives seem to be enemy number one for the people in control. Thankfully, England isn't as prejudiced and happily hosts countless second hand shops, car boot sales, flea markets and antique fairs. And home schooling is widely practiced perfectly legally. That's the thing about the British: they don't like being told what they can and cannot do. Try and tell them 'No!' and they'll turn on the heels and go. Sadly, Ibiza seems set to lose the creative individuals that have, for decades, made it famous. Clearly, that's what is wanted, or is it the rebellious use of cash they don't like? Conformity seems to be the future. To those who could not attend but who have supported the shop or us over the years, thank you. Hannah and Lottie xx

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Sankeys Sabados Closing Party

Music On Closing Party Part 2

7 Oct 23:59

7 Oct 18:00

Basement | Overart

Terrace (from 1800h)


Marco Carola (all night long)

Page 8

Amnesia Closing Party

The Final Countdown

Hï Closing Party

10 Oct 23:30

8 Oct 20:00 - 12:00

Circoloco Closing Party

14 Oct 23:59 - 12:00

Secret special guests


9 Oct 16:00


Darius Syrossian

Jamie Jones

Seth Troxler

Josh Butler

Loco Dice

Jamie Jones

Mihalis Safras

Guy Gerber

The Martinez Brothers

Better Lost Than Stupid (Davide Squillace, Matthias Tanzmann & Martin Buttrich)

Matt Jam Lamont

Andrea Oliva

Tania Vulcano

Eats Everything




Ilario Alicante

Jimmy Switch


Ellen Allien


Kellie Allen

Mr Doris

Kerri Chandler

Hector Couto



Nic Fanciulli


Luca Donzelli

Jay Nortown



Loco Dice


Marcos In Dub

The Odyssey DJs

Steve Lawler

Gerd Janson

Les Schmitz


Fiesta & Bullshit DJs


Damian Lazarus

Bas Ibellini

Marcel Dettmann

Main Room | Curated by Woomoon Records

Anika Kunst Eneko De Celis

Main Room (from 2300h)

Isbel & Jon


Pedro Vicario

Joey Daniel

Spektrum | The Odyssey





TUI (Thomson)






TUI (Thomson)




TUI (Thomson)


TUI (Thomson)


TUI (Thomson)


TUI (Thomson)



East Mids


East Mids


East Mids

Thomas Cook

East Mids

TUI (Thomson)




TUI (Thomson)


TUI (Thomson)

Glasgow International


Glasgow International

Thomas Cook

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Thomas Cook


TUI (Thomson)


Glasgow Prestwick


Leeds Bradford


Leeds Bradford


Leeds Bradford

TUI (Thomson)



London City Airport

British Airways





London Gatwick

























































x x











London Gatwick


London Gatwick

TUI (Thomson)


London Southend





London Stansted






London Stansted






London Stansted















TUI (Thomson)









Thomas Cook



TUI (Thomson)








TUI (Thomson)

































x x

x x


x x

x x

x x

x x

















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x x




Glasgow International




Glasgow International



















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x x






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x x

x x

Sat 04

x x



x x

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 28 29 30 31 01 02 03


x x

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Damian Lazarus











































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x x











The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017


links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 9

Final Fix 2017

here is one last chance to indulge yourselves in Ibiza’s summer season. The weather is still fantastic, on the most part, and the planes are still flying, on the most part. despite the problems of Ryanair and in a much bigger way Monarch, there are plenty of option available for those wanting a last hurrah on the white island travelling from the UK, and bargains to be had for Ibiza residents wanting a trip in the opposite direction.

Royal Plaza

If your budget does not stretch quite that far, we found 4 nights at the Royal Plaza in Ibiza town for a ridiculously reasonable £260. That isn’t the cheapest hotel available and if you really wanted to go as cheap as possible, accommodation is available for £110, as long as you want to keep it really , really, basic. Your £260 at the Royal Plaza will be extremely well spent in indulging yourself in old school service standards and using a mini bar that you will undoubtedly clear out, your enjoyment and comfort is their ethos.

Closing Party Luxury

Though certainly not the cheapest option available, life would be pretty dull if we spent all our time bargain hunting. We found 7 nights, flight and accommodation and many other creature comforts included at the 5* Aguas de Ibiza Lifestyle and Spa for £1038 for 2 people. Flying out from London Stansted Sunday 8th at a civilised 5.25pm, this will have you arriving in time for the Hi closing, onto DC10 Monday and as many more during the week as you can handle unless you prefer to kick back and enjoy the spa facilities, and why not. See inset for what the Jet2 holiday people say

Flight Only?

A truly hard-core clubber might consider a £100 round trip which would enable you to step off the plane, go directly to Clean, contemporary lines and unique design features set this modern hotel apart on the dazzling east coast of Ibiza. Plunge into a pool with underwater music, relax in feng shui-inspired rooms and admire the rising rock of Formentera from the scenic roof top terrace. Attention-to detail is key at the Aguas de Ibiza Lifestyle & Spa. You will discover this from the moment you wake under innovative light sensors to trying expertly mixed cocktails at the chill-out bar or being pampered by luxurious Clarins products at the oasis-like spa. The Vi Cool restaurant is just as exclusive, offering creative concepts by a twice Michelin-starred chef. Exclusive additions that will enhance your Indulgent Escape Look forward to added luxuries only available with Indulgent Escapes. You will receive an exclusive 25kg baggage allowance and two complimentary drinks per person to enjoy during your flights, as well as priority lane security pass at your outbound UK departure airport and private transfers in resort to ensure a comfortable journey. You will also receive a complimentary leather travel wallet, certain to prove useful on your Indulgent Escape. - See more at: https://www.jet2holidays.com/beach/ balearics/ibiza/santa-eulalia/aguas-de-ibiza-lifestyle-andspa?holiday=99&duration=7&airport=1&date=08-102017&occupancy=r2c&board=1&iflight=428080&oflight=4 28077&rooms=39400&gtmsearchtype=Search+Results#st hash.jJietDPC.dpuf

Amnesia closing and providing you have sufficient stamina, you could go straight back onto the plane. Straight off the plane into the club is pretty damn cool, but remember it only remains so if you let people ask you about it. Banging on about your own coolness, just isn’t cool.

Ibiza To UK

We have presented the complete availability of flights to all parts of the UK up until the summer schedules finish on the 2nd November. Prices vary hugely. Sky scanner shows the cheapest available during the month at only £14, whereas the highest price currently listed is an eye watering £399—and that is direct. Strangely the prices seem less when starting the trip in the UK which says something about the whole closing weekend dilution across what is now several weeks. Football First There maybe other reasons for returning to the UK for a quick break, but I can’t think of any that come as close to being important as football. I have booked a flight from Ibiza to London Stansted on the 21st October, returning 3 days later for under £30 which insanely is less than the price of leaving the car at Ibiza airport.

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 10

Community Weather Week to 11th October 2017 ARIES – Two of Cups

Love is certainly in the air for Aries this week. Your popularity is at an all-time high you feel reassured by the affection that comes your way. If you’re forming new business alliances; you should be on the same page and will be quite happy planning for a new venture. Those you’re closest too will be happy to support you.

TAURUS – Knight of Pentacles

Saturday 7


Real Feel 28º

Wednesday 11


Real Feel 31º

Younger members of your family or friends need support and are looking to you for inspiration. This may be intrusive at times but you will be rewarded by seeing how much they flourish under your guidance. If you’re put in the position of mentor; give them encouragement. Some will be thinking or relocating in order to pursue a financial ambition.

Sunday 8


Monday 9


Friday 13

Real Feel 29º

Thursday 12

Real Feel 27º

Sat 7

Sat 14




Tuesday 10



Saturday 14


Real Feel 30º

Real Feel 31º

Real Feel 30º

Real Feel 31º

GEMINI – Six of Cups

People from your past turn up or contact you out of the blue indicating happy reunions and also a reconnection of feelings where they're concerned. This card indicates pleasure on a deep and nurturing level and as a result, you’ll enjoy life more than usual. Any recent disappointments fade away this week and you’re more than happy to help others.

CANCER – King of Cups

For some he represents a love interest that is sincere towards you in their feelings and is also sensitive and kind. He’s a good adviser, offering practical assistance to problems and won’t play games. For others he is a straightforward boss or business partner, helping you with an ambition. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces men are your good friends and allies.

LEO – Four of Cups

A tempting opportunity is on offer; however, you would be wise to wait for a while before making a commitment. Something better’s on the horizon which may be more to your liking; so don’t make hasty decisions that you'll regret later. This is especially so regarding your closest relationships; are you fully committed or just going along with a situation?

VIRGO – The World

You’re beginning a new cycle in life which indicates personal success; you’re firing on all cylinders. Having worked hard and gone through the ‘apprenticeship’ stage, you’re now the ‘master’ of your world. It’s all piecing together rather nicely. Thoughts or plans regarding long distance travel need to be investigated further, as it could be the trip of a lifetime.

LIBRA – Seven of Wands

If you feel your back’s against the wall and are feeling under pressure, don’t worry as this card indicates that you have the strength and perseverance to see off any opposition comfortably. You’re willing to work hard towards a personal or professional goal so won’t mind the extra time needed to see dreams become a reality. Stick with it!

SCORPIO – Ten of Wands

Don’t take too much on or you'll find yourself regretting it. Be mindful that Rome wasn't built in a day. Yes you do have deadlines to meet, but by being more methodical and less muddled you’ll get better results. Take time to chill out with friends and loved ones. Meditation, Yoga or any calming practice will be helpful this week.

SAGITTARIUS – Six of Wands

This is an excellent week to further your career interests, but don't let all that success go to your head. Your will fail to impress someone important if you behave in an arrogant or high handed manner. Sure you're good, but if you're fighting off competition from other Leo's, it'll be a bun fight! Success with dignity shows real leadership.

CAPRICORN – Knight of Swords

You may be challenged to stand up for your principles and some will seek to question your motives. At times you feel that you're lying on a bed of nails; others around you can be so prickly! There’s no point in antagonising allies so have a cool approach to dealing with conflict. Creative types stun associates with their inventive thinking.

AQUARIUS– Ten of Swords

You may be having an intense time at the moment and finding it difficult to contain your emotions for good or bad. If you feel you’re hitting a brick wall, take time to gather your thoughts. Don't be tempted to over-analyse situations; mentally you need rest. It may not seem like it at the moment; but life is gradually improving.

PISCES – Justice

Practice your skills in discernment and weigh up what you’re being offered either career wise or personally. You’re at a pivotal point where the decisions you make now will have far reaching consequences. If you’re feeling adventurous, a new life beckons and you must decide what or who you take with you; and what or who you leave behind.

View From The Pew Doubt

971 343 383 www.ibizachurch.org chaplainibiza11@gmail.com

Service Sun 8th 10.30am Chapel of Lourdes Santa Eulalia, see web for info

Rev. Dr Peter Pimentel

In the last paragraph of Matthew’s Gospel, Matthew says, with breathtaking honesty, “When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some of them doubted.” Then Matthew records Jesus as saying: “I am with you always even to the end of time.” These words come from a biography of Jesus written by an eye-witness and disciple of Jesus just a few years after the life of Jesus. It is one of four first century biographies of Jesus. One very important fact about these biographies is that there is no signature at the end and no indication at the begin-

ning as to who the author is. There is no title page. That may seem strange until we realise that the authors of these biographies of Jesus were well known members of the Christian communities. The authors most likely read their Biographies themselves to the Christian communities. The biographies were received as reliable because the authors of these texts were known to the Christian communities as eyewitnesses and disciples of Jesus. The first century Christian communities knew that this Biography was written by Matthew, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. A Christian

leader, born in AD 60, known as Papias, says: “Matthew for his part compiled and collected the sayings of Jesus in the Hebrew language and everyone translated them as he was able.” Back to the breath-taking honesty in this Biography. An honesty that supports historical reliability. Just before the risen Jesus says to the eleven disciples, “I am with you always”, Matthew says: “When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.” Today we often feel that we can only go to church or pray if we have very strong beliefs. Perhaps we have many ques-

tions or perhaps we’re not sure what we believe or maybe we find it hard to believe some things in the Bible. But Matthew’s Biography makes room for doubt in worship. Even in the wonder of a resurrection appearance of Jesus, Matthew reports that some of the eleven have doubts! Even though they saw Jesus and worshipped him, some of them had doubts! Sometimes it is our doubts that draw us deeper into the great mystery of God. The important thing, is the journey with Jesus, whatever our doubts, and Jesus says to us: “I am with you always even to the end of time.”

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 11


Amanda O’Riordan

Welcome to October. I usually solely associate this month with Halloween and (depressingly) the clocks changing, but for the past few years a huge charity movement has also occupied a huge chunk of October. Go Sober For October and Stoptover is about giving up the booze and fags for this month, all in aid of Cancer research. It’s a great idea, and just imagine how slim and healthy you’ll be before Christmas. When of course you’ll throw it all out of the window. Also in the news, this was the final instalments of the 2017 Fashion Weeks, Paris and Milan. I watched the L’OREAL Paris fashion show which featured Cheryl – post baby Bear – and Dame Helen Mirren on the catwalk. Cheryl looked like a disaster, in an outfit so unflattering it appeared she had got dressed in the dark. Topped off with the worst lippy I have ever seen. Half Red and half Purple. Girls, now hear this! A gynaecologist has urged women everywhere to go commando after branding UNDERWEAR a serious health risk. Apparently, UNDERWEAR may be doing you more harm than good.. Should we ditch the daily undies? Unless we're trying to avoid a VPL in a very tightly-fitted dress or a pair of skinnies, most of us wouldn't think about going about our daily business underwear-free. Or would you? Whether the reason is comfort or the fact that we live in the freezing UK, putting on our sexy matching undies, Spanks or miss-matched knickers and bra is just part of the morning routine. Speaking to a health magazine, a doctor revealed a stern warning. "It’s not good to always have a lady’s intimate area locked up. It needs air like all other parts of your body." Helen, on the other hand, looked amazing and effortlessly cool, making me pray I looked like her, even now. It goes to show how the younger generation still have much to learn from their elders. Onto this week and we check out what to wear in October, as well as delivering some disappointing news for Sex & The City fans, plus an alarming warning about lace knickers!

The Danger Of Underwear

The End Of Sex & The City I’ve been holding out for the third instalment for ages, and now Sarah Jessica Parker has dropped a bombshell on all Sex and the City fans. Our icon Carrie Bradshaw has shared the disappointing news that a third film will not be made. "It's over, we're not doing it," Sarah Jessica says. "I'm disappointed. We had this beautiful, funny, heart-breaking, joyful, very relatable script and story. It's not just disappointing that we don't get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie." The actress, 52, and her fellow co-stars Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon have all previously hinted that they

Knickers can lead to heat and sweat building up a lot more quickly, which ups your chances of contracting an array of unwanted infections.. And your choice of undies fabric can even make things worse. It’s best to rule out the likes of lace and silk pants, as the fabric is no friend of lady parts. What a bummer. Literally. As well as infections and rashes, skin irritation can occur when one repeatedly wears lace undies.

crotch. But like anything in life, it's all about balance, because going commando all the time can be harmful, too. Skinny jeans and no knickers are a no-go, for example. You run the risk of irritation and chafing. Lingerie experts at DORINA UK — a gorgeous underwear brand that specialise in comfy yet pretty undies found on sites such as Very, ASOS, and Amazon — explain how long we should wait between underwear shopping sprees. DORINA's expert explained that while there's no 'sell by date' as such, there is a guideline we should try and follow: "In general, every woman should consider replacing their underwear whenever they do a seasonal wardrobe make over, so around every six months, but women who wear more synthetic underwear (such as polyester, satin and lace), should change their pants every three to four months."

Breathable fabrics (trusty cotton) are much easier on the were reuniting for a third film, and were open to the idea of making another one. We have all been in fashionable anticipation ever since. I’ve read rumours that SJP and Kim hate each other. However, Sarah Jessica set the record straight on her relationship with Kim, insisting there was no bad blood between the pair. "It used to really confound me and really upset me, because looking at the family of Sopranos, nobody ever questioned the relationships of the men on that show, and nobody ever said to them, 'Did you hang out this weekend with each other?,' or 'Did you give each other Christmas presents?'"

What To Wear This October

Harvest Festivals, going Sober For October and Halloween. But what should we be wearing to look completely fitting and gorgeous over these transitional weeks?

It’s an awkward month - the clocks will change in a few weeks and it’ll be 100% Winter. So let’s the salvage the last days of prettiness.

Well, I’m officially announcing that Autumn Florals and Metallic boots are THE outfit to be seen in. Sounds odd but it looks awesome. The metallic boots really freshen

October is all about late autumn,

Gucci - see What to Wear This October

up the wintry coloured florals. Metallic boots can be ankle, kitten heel or mid-calf and rouched. Just make sure they’re in full view. The autumn floral must be in midlength dress form – just like Gucci’s latest collection .- main photo top of page. Mix those prints and make sure

SJP added about SITC: "These were people that I grew to love and admire. Was every day perfect, and were people desperately, hopelessly in love with each other? No. but this was a family of people who needed each other, relied upon each other, and loved each other. And this sort of narrative, this ongoing catfight, it really upset me for a very long time." To be honest, SITC No.2 was pretty rubbish so No.3 could’ve been a disaster. Sequels very rarely work. Nevertheless, I feel more than a tinge of sadness. I’ll have to content myself with re-runs on Sky Gold and surf the SJP shoe website instead.

the length comes to below your knee and arms are full length. Think sassy school-mistress. Here are my pick of the best boots and dresses on the high street this week. Don’t forget to match your boots with a clutch bag too, plus large gold hoops.

Boots by Topshop £59 Knee High Boots by H&M £59.99 Rouched Boots by Nast Gal Dress by House Of Windsor £65 (that’s mine) Floral Dress by Warehouse £59 Dress by Gucci POA

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 12

Agenda Ongoing Arturo Calce at B12 Gallery, Ibiza, until 1st November ‘Asymmetrical Response’ by Cory Arcangel and Olia Lialina, at Art Projects and Lune Rouge, Ibiza, until 16th December Bloop Festival open air gallery—outdoor murials, San Antonio & Ibiza town Cuban artist Otamendi presents ‘Iliminati’ at the Club Diario de Ibiza, until 13th October Save Posidonia Festival, Formentera, from 12th— 15th October

5th Ibiza Music Video Festival 2017

Photography exhibition of Iñaki Vinaixa at Lamuella Ibiza, San Lorenzo, until 23rd October, daily from 9.30am-4.30pm, free entry

The 5th edition of Ibiza’s music video festival takes place on the weekend of the 20th—22nd October.

A Place Where Nothing

featuring photographs, sculptures and paintings from national and international artists. Free entrance Florence and Daniel Guerlain collection , until October 8. In July and August the opening hours are Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 2pm and Tuesday to Friday 6pm to 9pm (closed on Mondays).

Sat 7 Yoga Puppets for Kids with Harriett Piper, Espacio Colibri, San Lorenzo, from 11.30-1.30pm, by donation Ecological Market, San Jose, 9am-1pm, organic food & craft market Mercat de Forada, Can Tixedo, Buscastell, 104pm, ecological and local produce market with live music

Friday 20th From 7pm onwards-Screening of all nominated music videos at New Algarb in Playa d’en bossa.

Saturday 21st

7pm - Can Jeroni, San Jose

8pm—Awards 8.30pm— Break for drink and nibbles 9pm—Screening of Bowie The Last 5 Years with the presence of Francis Whately, producer director of same, with Spanish subtitles. This is the first big screening of this documentary in Spain and is in support of the IFCC Cancer charity.

Sunday 22nd 11am—Screening of the shorts and documentary nominations at the Hotel Garbi, Playa d’en Bossa

Formentera 12th—15th October A year ago, the Consell de Formentera began designing the Save Posidonia Project as a promo onal campaign taking advantage of this year's sustainable tourism. The fes val will be held from the 12th to 15th October and includes more than a hundred ac vi es to raise awareness and protect this marine plant, which is so important in the coastal balance of Formentera and the Balearic Islands. During those four days there will be sports, cultural, educa‐ onal and environmental ac vi es, according to the Minister of Tourism, Alejandra Ferrer, who recalled during its presen‐ ta on that "the Fes val has been organised within the cam‐ paign 'Discover Formentera in October ', so many tourists can enjoy it too”.


1.30pm—Networking lunch at the White Ibiza Beach Club. This is for all judges, speakers and nominees. Invitation only Screening of Dr Emily Caston's 50 Years of British music videos.

Save Posidonia Festival

Blade Runner 2049, Cine Regio, San Antonio VOSE, English with Spanish Subtitles. 6.30pm and 9.30pm, Tuesday 10th October

Ever Happens Exhibition MACE is open in June from Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 2pm and Tuesday to Friday 5pm to 8pm with times changing slightly in July and August. Check the website for more information: http://www.eivissa.es/mace

Colours Of Ibiza Exhibition, P-Gallery, Ca na Negreta, from July 14th until October 14th, 10-2pm and 4.30-8.30pm, A collective exhibition

Ibiza Burlesque Festival, Santos Ibiza & Tropicana Ibiza Coast Suites in Playa d’en Bossa, with the Bass & Tease burlesque gala at Heart from midnight till 7am. More info and tickets @ http://bit.ly/2xcOO7H

Military Exhibition, Santa Eulalia Town Hall Square, Santa Eulalia, with military vehicles, weapons etc., from 4pm Concert by Unidad de

Among the sports ac vi es there will be kayaking, kitesurfing, windsurfing and paddle surfing, there will also be different ac vi es rela ng to the world of medita on, and more specifically yoga. Most of the ac vi es will take place in the centre of San Francesc, between Plaza de la Cons tució, Avenida Porto‐ Salé and Jardí de ses Eres, where stands will be set up to house exhibi ons of ar sts and cra smen related to Posido‐ nia.There will be a fashion show for designers from Formen‐ tera, which will end with an underwater parade that will feature Gemma Mengual and Cris na Piaget modelling. There will also be an audio‐visual space in the square with several projec ons related to the environment, as well as exhibi ons of sustainable mobility, ar s c performances of live pain ng, the cleaning of beaches and concentra on of sailboats, all with sustainability as their focus. There will also be a Posidonia Forum on Friday October 13th in the Hall of Culture (cinema) where organisa ons, admin‐ istra ons and leading personali es of the tourist and envi‐ ronmental world will offer lectures and later debate the fu‐ ture of tourism and the environment of the island. ¡One ac on, global effect! See their website for more details https://www.saveposidoniaproject.org/en/

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 13

Agenda David Marqués night, Can Ventosa, Ibiza, 8pm, free entry Screening of shorts, trailers, different sequences etc. by Marqués Blade Runner 2049, Cine Regio, San Antonio VOSE, English with Spanish Subtitles. 6.30pm and 9.30pm

Wed 11 Punta Arabi hippy market, 10—7pm, with kids zone, grill terrace, live music, today Andrea Mir is live from 2-4pm in the tent

Cala de Bou Fiestas Cala de Bou, Sant Josep, Sunday 8th—Saturday 21st October The Cala de Bou fiesta is with us again starting on Sunday with the Petanca tournament organised by the Cala de Bou Petanca club. Below are just a few of the events taking place

11am—mini train excursion to Santa Ines, places are limited and booking essential 9pm—flamenco show by students of AV and Lola Pachon

Friday 13th 7pm—Exhibition of exotic animals with La Tropicana 8pm—Got Rock, Magic Albert also perform-

Concord Ladies Night, La Casita, 7.30pm Aperitif followed by 3 course dinner, 45€ call Michael on 649111234

Sun 8 Mobylettes racing for Sant Rafael fiesta, can Juanito marge (KM1 of Santa Eulalia road), 9am

Saturday 14th 8pm—dance show by students of Studio 64

Sunday 15th 2.30pm—’comida popular’ with music and more

Thursday 12th

Música de la Comandancia General de Baleares at the Ibiza Congress Centre, Santa Eulalia, from 7pm, free with limited places

ing a ventriloquist act

Saturday 21st Pensioners dinner, Restaurant Can Bernat, booking essential The full brochure is available to download on the below link. To reserve a place for the mini train or pensioners dinner please call 971 804114 or send an email to aavvcaladebou@hotmail.es

Artisan market, church square, Sant Rafael, 10.30am Concert with the Symphonic Band of Ibiza, Can Ventosa, 12noon, price to be confirmed Closing Party @ Hï with Jamie Jones, Loco Dice, Guy Gerber, Steve Lawler, Andrea Oliva, Nic Fanciulli, Kölsch, Housekeeping, Mr Doris, Agoria, Bas Ibellino, Dublin, Solardo, wAFF and Melon Bomb., from 8pm

‘Fragil’ Dance Spectacular with Leonor Leal & Michio, Palacio de Congresos, Santa Eulalia, 8pm, 12€ advance, 15€ on the door

Mon 9 Open mic with Victor Gresely on piano, Sa Qüestió, Ibiza, 8pm Live music at Teatro Pereyra, Ibiza, 8pm, free entry

Tue 10

Fabiano Pax, Villa Mercedes, San Antonio, from 9pm Flamenco show, Es Caliu, Santa Eulalia, 1pm,

Thu 12

Tixedo, Buscastell, 104pm, ecological and local produce market with live music Vaquer concert, Es Polvori, Dalt Vila, Ibiza 5pm, free entry

Ibiza Light Festival in Ibiza Town. Photo above. Lots of interesting installations and happenings in and around the port of Ibiza and La Marina once it gets dark. Full info on Facebook – Ibiza Light Festival and @ http://bit.ly/2wutMlz

Hippy Market, Cala Llonga, Beach Promenade, from 6pm Plenty of free parking and music Fiesta Sant Teresa, Es Cubells, with bouncy Castles and kids workshops, 5pm Querencia Flamenco @ Villa Mercedes, San Antonio, from 9pm

Fri 13 Ball Pages’, Traditional Ibicenco dancing, Plaza de Es Martell, Ibiza Port, 9.30pm Ibiza Light Festival in Ibiza Town. Lots of interesting installations and happenings in and around the port of Ibiza and La Marina once it gets dark. Full info on Facebook – Ibiza Light Festival and @ http://bit.ly/2wutMlz

Sat 14

Ecological Market, San Jose, 9am-1pm, organic food & craft market Mercat de Forada, Can

Fiesta Nacional de España, October 12th Within Spain it is known as National Day, Outside of the country you may often see it referred to as Hispanic Day - because that is what Google calls it and Google tends to boss such matters. We’ll stick with the locals - Fiesta Nacional de España,is an annual national public holiday in Spain and commemorates Christopher Columbus first setting

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017


links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 14

(Continued from page 16)

away point is not the end of the world so looking good for all the English clubs in their Groups. In the Europa League, Arsenal look well set as they beat BATE 4-2 and stuttering Everton drew 1-1 at home to Limassol.

Premier League: City Dom Blues

In the Premier League, despite losing Mendy and Aguero, Pep's Man City sent out a warning to the rest of the Premier League as they dominated Chelsea at the Bridge but, having said that, could only score the one goal, a real belter from de Bruyne, as the champions defended well. So, City stay top by a one goal diff, despite Man Utd's 4-0 thumping of pointless, winless and goalless Crystal Palace at OT while Tottenham jumped in to 3rd, as they won 4-0 at Huddersfield with man-on-fire Kane scoring yet another brace. Elsewhere Arsenal, now in 5th, won 2-0 at home to Brighton, Burnley won 10 at Everton, whose season is going downhill on a match basis, this their 4th loss in 7, Liverpool continued to showcase their chronic lack of firepower with a 1-1 draw at Newcastle, West Ham at last moved up to 15 as they won 1-0 at home to Swansea, Watford continued their good position, with a 2 all draw at West Bromwich, Stoke won 2-1 at home to Southampton and, finally, Bournemouth shared the points with Leicester on the South coast with a scoreless draw. Finally, no Premier League matches this weekend as 'tis the final Group matches for qualification for next year's World Cup in Russia with England only needing a win against either Slovenia at Wembley on Thursday (ITV) or in Lithuania (ITV) on Sunday to go through as Group winners, while Scotland, in the same Group, really need to win both their matches, against Slovakia and Slovenia (both on Sky Sports) on the same days. Northern Ireland, already guaranteed a play-off place, are at home to world champions Germany and then in Norway (both on Sky Sports) whilst Wales take on Georgia in Cardiff on Friday (Sky Sports) and then their final match, the big one against the Republic of Ireland. So, good luck to all, I'm off to the mainland next week for a few days of R & R with “she who must be obeyed!” and some friends so next week's diatribe will be via La Rioja! Until then…Jezza

Ibiza Cricket Club

Ibiza CC vs London NZ CC 29/09/17 30 overs each: Result LNZ 103/3 beat Ibiza 99 all out by 7 wickets. Robin Parmenter Ibiza hosted the sociable and laid back London Kiwis and their Chairman Gerard Walsh for the 5th consecutive year, and began the double header by batting first. Skipper Sam Gooda (13) and Shahid (20) negotiated the opening overs well, but once they departed, several wickets fell together, and a reasonable total looked beyond the home side, thanks also to accurate bowling and sharp fielding from the Kiwis. However, Jonathan Dudding struck several welcome boundaries in his 29 and helped Ibiza post a below par 99 all out. The visitors' bowlers maintained constant pressure on the batsmen, and Skipper Gerard Walsh stood out with 4/26, well supported by Vance Thompson (2/8), and Sam Martin (2/10). The Kiwi batsmen set about reaching the target energetically, typified by opener Devon Nightingale with an aggressive 43. When he

Jack Wharrie After a very productive meeting last night we have some new modifications for this year’s league. Before I get into these changes I’d like to announce that we have three new teams joining us this year along with the return of Father Jacks under their new name, which gives a record high amount of teams with a total of 14. The teams along with their captains are: Bar Me Roberto Ibiza Campoli); Bar Javi (Jose Mena); Boulevard (Jason Martensz); Boulevard Spaniards (Danny Sarah); Flaherty’s (Tuathlaith Murtagh); Illusions (Manuel Rubio); Jacks Irish Pub (Paul Merrall); Stevie Ds (Steve Darlington/ Jeannette Jeanette Brady); Sticky Fingerz (Ed Murphy); Storeroom Eleats (David Hughes); Storeroom Knights (Jack Wharrie); The Fish (Joseph Joseph Blundell/Neil Tobitt); The Ship (Luke Hunt) & The Social (Chris Lyons). One of our starting points this season was table size. After a few ideas were suggested and denied the general consensus was the desire to move towards standardizing tables across the league over the next couple of seasons, with the size chosen being the 7ft table. So I’d like to ask the bar owners to see what availability they have in their bars in regards to getting a smaller or bigger table, so we can reconvene and have more data for this issue next season. Anyway, onto the changes that will affect this year’s league: Match days to be moved to Fridays: Main reason to move is so that we avoid collision with the pintxos which screws fixtures up every year, also with a lot of people who are still working during the winter they have days off over the weekend or only have half days, this gives them more liberty to stay out and have a few more beers after the match. The Deliberate foul rule has be removed, 2 shots are given for any foul and there will a free ball on the first shot of every foul, so in other words it will be legal to hit first and/or pot any ball (barring potting the black out of sequence). Only 1 rearrangement allowed to be made per match. Team which would have been present has a bit more say on when rearranged game takes place. Once a date has been set and clearly agreed to by both sides: If a team doesn’t make the second attempt then points will be awarded to the team present for the second attempt. (Barring emergency situations: someone

fell, the score was 62/2, then became 78/3, but the watchful no. 3 Chris Hamilton (26 not out) ensured there would be no batting collapse and took the Kiwis to 103/3, winning comfortably by 7 wickets in 21 overs. The Ibiza bowlers tried hard, but only Steve Hadlow (2/20) and Dight Everton (1/23) obtained the wickets to fall.

30/09 30 overs each: Result Ibiza 87/9 beat LNZCC 83 all out by 1 wicket. The Kiwis batted first this time, and once again openers Devon Nightingale (41) and Vaughn Robertson (19) struck some lusty blows to set the visitors up well. But once their wickets fell and the score was 66/3, no other teammate managed to reach double figures, and their remaining 7 wickets fell for just 17 runs. This was also thanks to a much improved fielding and bowling effort from Ibiza, led by an impressive 5/8 from Paddy Mills, 3/35 by Paul Cruttwell and 2/4 by Steve Hadlow. It was then Ibiza's turn to bat and reach an apparently modest target of 84 off 30 overs. Skipper Sam Gooda looked good for his 29, supported by Paddy Slater (12), and at 41/1 off 13 overs, the task did not seem complicated. However, the Kiwis tempted the Ibiza opener once too often, and he was caught

Malaysia Grand Prix Verstappen wins with ease Vettel storms through, but no podium Vettel & Stroll crash after the race Rhian King Malaysia’s last F1 race saw a new driver added to the stats. Despite Hamilton being on pole and Vettel starting from the back of the grid due to a problem with his car, the Brit could do nothing when Verstappen in his Red Bull made light work of overtaking him at the start of the race, and the rest as they say is history. Verstappen took the chequered flag comfortably, the day after celebrating his 20th birthday. Vettel made a fantastic charge into fourth place after starting from the back row, finishing ahead of Valtteri Bottas, but Ferrari team-mate Kimi Raikkonen couldn't start because of engine problems. Vettel was involved in a crash after finishing. The Finn did not make it to the grid in time for the start and eventually retired, but his team-mate got away well, moving up to 13th in no time. Hamilton also had a good start, staying ahead of Verstappen early, but the Dutchman scored an overtake not long after, with the Brit seemingly bothered by battery issues. Team-mate Ricciardo added to Red Bull's good start with a superb pass on Bottas, and he soon turned his attention to Hamilton. Further back, Fernando Alonso held up Vettel for a while, but the German moved into the points. Vettel reached the Mercedes man just before pitting, trying

the undercut and easily beating Bottas to fourth place. The Ferrari man had his work cut out for him reaching the top three, with the gap at 10 seconds entering the last 20 laps. At the front, there was a scary moment for Verstappen, with Jolyon Palmer and Kevin Magnussen making contact just as he overtook the pair under the blue flag. He navigated it well, however. Vettel reached Ricciardo with time to spare but was held up by Alonso under the blue flag—his response "Hey what a... Come on, Alonso. Really? I thought you were better than that." After a short battle, the Aussie started to pull away once again, with Ferrari telling Vettel to back down. The race seemed destined to play out without any late drama, and it did until after the race, but while TV cameras followed Verstappen on his way to the win and his celebration lap, Lance Stroll made contact with Vettel, who ended up with one of his wheels on top of his car. The collision took place after Vettel crossed the finish line. Hamilton increased his championship lead to 34 points by finishing second, but Ferrari will be happy with Vettel's sensational comeback nonetheless. Footage released after the stewards decided no action should be taken, clearly show Vettel at fault while the youngster kept his line. Hamilton retains his lead in the title race but it’s all to race for now with just 4 races remaining.

We’re in Japan this weekend, Sunday 8th

to hospital; etc, in which case the match can be rearranged another time). With the expansion to this year’s league we will be adding a few midweek games to the calendar so that we don’t end up running until the end of April. These midweek games will be set for the 7th of November; 28th of November, 16th of January & 6th February, but as with other fixtures can be modified to suit teams needs. A new idea brought up during the meet was the idea of introducing football cards on the nights, so I will be supplying our own Pool League variation using playing cards, the bars will have to have a deck on hand. All people interested in playing put a euro into the pot, 20 cards are shuffled, one is picked out until there’s a match with one picked. The player wins a tenner and the bar takes a tenner. We have also changed the format of the Dave Spurway memorial cup to a one-day/weekend event in one bar as opposed to the stretched out way we had. This year we will be hosting the first version of this in Flaherty’s; we will be sourcing an extra table which will come out of the entries and a portion of the bar takings goes to charity. Entries will stay at 10€ and the limit for entry will be the start of the Christmas Break, with the tournament taking place in February. The end of league party will no longer be going to the bar of the winners of the competition. Instead the host bar will be drawn out of a pot before the start of the league out of the entered teams that year and the winners will receive the trophy along with free entry to the next year. The team that hosted the previous year will not enter the following year’s draw. Also seeing as the Dave Spurway Memorial Cup will be settled over one weekend we will be adding playoffs to the MVP award with a seeded tournament of the best 8 players to be held on the day. (Quarter finals: 1 frame; Semi-finals; 3 frames; Finals 3 frames) Finally, to give teams more of an incentive to bring more players out to their matches, teams will be required to turn up with 6 players, any less and games will be ceded accordingly instead of names out of a hat. So if a team turns up with 5 players they will lose the last singles and doubles games and if a team turns up with 4 players they will lose the last two singles games and the last doubles game. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ibizanpoolleague/

in the deep, after which Ibiza proceeded to copy the visitors' earlier collapse, falling from 41/1 to 61/9! Indeed the game looked over for the hosts, who still needed 23 runs to win, but the experienced Martin Makepeace (12 not out) and Dight Everton(11 not out) managed to keep their heads and inch towards the target, assisted by a couple of dropped catches from the Kiwis. They finally got to 87/9 in the 28th over in a tense and competitive encounter, winning by 1 wicket! The Kiwi bowlers were as good as the day before, maintaining intense pressure on the batsmen, and the fielding was sharp and energetic, so Ibiza had to work hard for their win. LNZ bowler Vance Thompson stood out with 5/22, supported by Sam Martin (2/5), Nick Kyle (1/18), and Devon Nightingale (1/7). As always, it is a real pleasure to host LNZCC, and the games played are almost always intense, often going down to the wire, but this only adds to the banter and beers after each contest! Many thanks to Gerard Walsh and his sociable teammates for returning to Ibiza once more and long may this friendly rivalry continue.

The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 15


Directory Emergencies Fire


Local Police


Guardia Civil (Police)




British Consulate



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Guardia Civil Eivissa Guardia Civil San Antonio

Medical Centres. Information & Online appointments http://bit.ly/ibizandoctor


For Details Including Out Of Hours www.COFIB.es

Alcoholics Anonymous


Narcotics Anonymous


Homeless Shelter


Doctor Nurse (ATS) Home Visit




Rosario Clinic


Del Mar Red Cross Clinic


Can Misses Hospital


Transport Airport (information)


Iberia/Air Nostrum


Air Europa


Ryanair Easyjet

Town Halls Ayuntamiento de Eivissa Plaça d’Espanya, 1, www.eivissa.es (+34) 971 397 500 fax: (+34) 971 397 506 Ayuntamiento de Sant Antoni de Portmany Pg. de la mar, 16, www.santantoni.net (+34) 971 340 111 fax: (+34) 971 344 175

Info & Contacts Editor: Reg: Mov: Web: Mail: Fiscal: Dir: Subscribe: Advertise:

Nicholas Gibbs Deposito Legal DL 1-303-1999 (+34) 638 923 119 theibizan.com editor@theibizan.com Bes Media Holdings 1999 S.L., c/ Jaén, 2, Cala De Bou, Sant Josep de sa Ta laia, 07829, Illes Baleares, España http://theibizan.com/contact-us/subscribeibizan-subscriptions/ http://theibizan.com/advertising/

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Motoring Advice N332 are a group of Guardia Civil Traffic Police providing motoring advice in English.

ITV To Book A Vehicle For An ITV Online


Ayuntamiento de Sant Joan de Labritja c/ de l’Ajuntament, 4, www.sant-joan.com (+34) 971 333 003 Fax: (+34) 971 333 117 Ayuntamiento de Santa Eulàlia del Riu Plaça d’Espanya, 1, www.santaeularia.com (+34) 971 332 800 Fax (+34) 971 332 959 Ayuntamiento de Formentera Plaça de la Constitució,1, 07860 www.formentera.es (+34) 971 321 087 Fax (+34) 971 322 556

+44 8712460011


British Airways


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Mediterranea Pitiusa



Locum Chaplain


Teatro España (Cinema)


Motor Vehicle ITV (MOT)


Aqualia (breakdowns)


Aqualia (customer care)


Endesa (customer care)


Endesa (elec breakdowns)


Town Halls Consell Insular


Ibiza Town Hall


San Antonio Town Hall


Santa Eulalia Town Hall


San Jose Town Hall


San Juan Town Hall


Taxis Taxi Stop San Antonio


Airport Taxi Stop


Radio Taxi Ibiza


Radio Taxi San Antonio


Taxi Santa Eulalia/San Juan


Formentera Town Hall


Medical Centre


Guardia Civil


Municipal Police




The Ibizan, Issue 877, 5th October 2017

links are live in the online edition at theibizan.com

Page 16

Sport Jezza’s World of Sport

Jeremy Parmenter

Cricket: They Thought It Was All Over, It Is Now!

What a way for England to finish off their summer as they completely overwhelmed the Windies in the final two ODI matches last week, to complete a 4-0 whitewash in the Series. Taking a 2-0 lead in to the match at the Oval, and even without the suspended Stokes and Hales (I haven't got the space or indeed the time to go into the why and wherefore, but, suffice to say, what the hell were they both doing drinking at 2.30 in the morning in a dive in Bristol!) England went 3-0 up by winning by 6 runs on the D/L method, despite a valiant 176 by the Windies Evin Lewis. Moeen Ali was yet again the star of the show, smashing 48 off only 25 balls as he shared a match winning stand of 77 with Jos Buttler. On to the Ageas in Southampton for the final match and England showed their real class with a stunning 9 wicket win, featuring a brilliant 96 from Jason Roy and an even better 141 not out from Jonny Bairstow, his 2nd ton of the Series. On the domestic side, Essex deservedly won the County Championship and Warwickshire and Middlesex, last year's champions, were relegated to Div 2, some will say controversially, as Somerset stayed up by a point and Yorkshire by 2. So, that's it for the cricket season in England, next up is the big one, the Ashes down under starting in November and let's hope Root's team can retain the little urn!

Rugby Union: Exeter Downed

Yet another topsy-turvy weekend in the Premiership as league leaders Exeter were beaten 20-13 at resurgent Leicester and we now have new leaders in Northampton as they have completely turned round their season, after yet another win, this time 30-22 at home to Harlequins. Bath came up trumps at Wasps 25-9, their third consecutive loss, Newcastle in 2nd beat London Irish 29-17 to continue

Now in its 7th year, the Ibizan pool league gets underway for another winter wonderland of bar based banter back and forth across the baize. With a record 14 teams participating, the league’s supremo Jack Wharrie introduces what promises to be an exciting season to come. Page 14.

Flying high in the sky, Jezza’s Chelsea beat Athletico on their own turf. vail. Take nothing away tho' from Dunne as despite a surge from McIlroy, he kept his cool throughout the final round and came in with a superb 61.

Rugby League: Castleford Face Leeds In Final

Two brilliant, closely fought Semis took place last week in the Super League with league winners Castleford beating St Helens 23-22 with a golden point in extra time to take their place in the Final this weekend while close at Leeds too as the Rhinos beat Hull 18-16 to book their place. Should be a cracker, as they say, as Cas have been the standout team of the season while Leeds have certainly found their form from last season.

Football: England Looking Good In Champions League their good form, Saracens won 25-3 at Worcester, and finally, Sale stunned Gloucester with a 57-10 demolition up north.

Golf: McIlroy Finds His Form

What a finish at the British Masters at Close House (?) as Dubliner Paul Dunne won the title for the first time by 3 shots but great to see runner up Rory Mac come back in to form, altho' mebbe a little too late! His final two rounds of 64 and 63 were a joy to watch and proof that form can fade but class will pre-

What a week for the English clubs in the CL as, apart from Liverpool, all won their second Group matches, topped by Chelsea's stunning 2-1 win at Atletico Madrid, the first time the Spaniards had lost at home to an English club in 20 years! Man City, at home, won 2-0 against Shaktar, while neighbours United won at CSKA Moscow 4-1 and Tottenham thumped Nicosia 3-0 in Cyprus. As for the 'Pool, despite dominating the match, they could only draw 1-1 at Spartak Moscow but an

(Continued on page 14)

The FA have come under fire for ’ruining’ a paper plane competition. Many irate fans expressed their anger by leaving the event early. Dave ‘kneecap’ Walker of round the Old Kent Road echoed the sentiments of many, “I paid good money to come and see some airborne origami, only to find they had double booked with some other bunch of ‘erberts,” he whined, “bloke in front of me said it was football, load of crap I said, why ain’t they playing football if it’s football, getting in the way they was, messing with the airstreams” he rambled.

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