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Read Our 4 Page Tourist Guide with Resort Maps, Things to Do & Places to Go, from page 7

Summer Like It Hot  The Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET)

has predicted that summer 2018 will be a scorcher, with average temperatures climbing well above our already sweltering summer sun.  This Sunday’s San Juan Fiesta is set to END the day on 27° with a real feel of 37°. Towards the end of June the real feel is predicted to be pushing 40° AEMET predicts that in the next quarter temperatures will be higher than the average 24° registered historically,

though they say rainfall will be similar to previous years, around 87 litres per square metre spread over the 3 month period (it sounds like a lot, but trust us, it isn’t). Announced at a press conference by María José Guerrero of AEMET, she spoke of the trend in temperatures "to go up, in average value, until mid-August”, after which they are predicted to return to normal levels. On the night of San Juan, AEMET predicts temperatures of 27 degrees at the end of the day, a sea temperature of around 23 degrees and a balmy 21 degrees during the

night. Guerrero said that the higher temperatures are due to African air intakes, which may also bring more of the unwelcome ‘mud rain’ that is disliked by everyone except the car wash owners. Seemingly undeterred by a pretty poor track record in predicting weather next week let alone two months ahead, the AEMET spokesperson said that "as of the second fortnight in August, some days of instability will be interspersed with some showers or storms with strong winds."

Mega-Yacht Titania For Rent, A Bargain At 630,000€ Per Week

Las Mimosas, Cala de Bou, If This Is Ibiza Changing, We Like It!

It has its own mini-disco, 50 televisions, a grand piano,

 Las Mimosas Boutique Hotel and the adjoining Mimos

and even a lift. It sleeps 12 and has a crew of 22.  More information & gallery on the back page.

Restaurant are new to The Bay

 Full low down and food review on pages 4&5

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One of the accused arriving at court. Toni Escobar.

In The U.K. Press Victim of alleged sex attack says she engaged in a sex act with one of the two Charlton players prior to assault

By Gerard Couzens For Mailonline, 20:10, 18th June 2018

 The 19-year-old woman 'confessed to kissing Reeco Hackett-Fairchild on a sofa'

 Sources said she then admitted to 'kisses and sexual things' with Charlton player

 She insisted she had failed to mention it to police because

she was nervous  Comes amid probe into alleged sex attack at a hotel in Cala de Bou, Ibiza A British 'victim' of an alleged Ibiza hotel sex attack says she engaged in a sex act with one of the two Charlton players arrested over the incident before the 'assault' took place. The 19-year-old woman confessed to kissing Reeco HackettFairchild on a sofa before the alleged sex attack took place at a hotel in Cala de Bou on the Spanish holiday island. Well-placed sources said she then admitted during a subsequent court quiz to 'kisses and sexual things' with the Charlton forward when she was asked to ratify her initial police statement before the judge. Asked to define sexual things to Mr Hackett-Fairchild's defence lawyer Jaime Campaner, she replied: 'Oral sex' and insisted she had failed to mention it in her police statement because she was nervous. It comes as it emerged that a lawyer acting for Mr HackettFairchild will try to overturn bail conditions later this week which included the handover of his passport and a ban on leaving the island. But if his appeal fails he and non-footballer Olusola Odejayi, 26, could face a months-long fight to clear their names and return home even if they end up escaping prosecution. An alleged 19-year-old British victim identified Mr Odejayi to police, claiming he was the man who forced himself on her while Mr Hackett-Fairchild held her down. The judge who quizzed the two men and a second Charlton player, Karlan Ahearne-Grant, who has been allowed to return to the UK described the suspects' version of events as 'credible and coherent.' Carmen Robles Zamora also admitted to 'reasonable doubts' a sex attack had taken place in a written explanation of why she was releasing the trio instead of remanding them in jail after their court appearance last Thursday. She highlighted her concerns as it was reported locally Karlan Ahearne-Grant's mobile would be sent to Madrid so police experts could try to recover recordings erased from the phone that could prove key to the case. The 20-year-old is being investigated on suspicion of a privacy offence but not a sex crime and has to sign on at the Spanish Embassy in London twice a month as part of his release conditions. Appeals are expected to be lodged later this week when a specific court has been assigned the case. The appeals are seen as crucial to determining the mens' immediate future. The lawyers of the two men forced to remain in Ibiza are expected to focus on the judge's comments about their statements and what they see as a key omission by the alleged victim in her police and court statements regarding what she did with Mr Hackett-Fairchild. The men have made it clear from the start that what happened at that hotel was consensual. Last Thursday's court quiz, which took place behind closed doors as is customary in Spain in the early stages of a criminal investigation, took place at a duty court. Carmen Robles Zamora said in her written ruling justifying her

Santa Eulalia Parking Plan Santa Eulalia has released details of a further 290 parking places in the town. This brings the total of new parking spaces available since the start of the borough’s pedestrianisation programme to 1,200, at a cost of 180 on street parking places lost. Of the 290 places announced this week, 200 are proposed adjacent to the Tres Torres hotel (marked with a pushpin in the map above). The remaining 90 places are spread between 2 new car parks that are already open., both located in the town centre.

car park has a capacity of 60 places with some reserved for disabled drivers. It has a blue zone and green zone which the council say will “encourage rotation in the main economic centre of the town, but also guarantee residents advantageous parking.”


The second of the facilities is smaller, with 30 places designed as short term parking and so all in the blue zone. This parking lot is located next to S'Alamera, on the site of the former Los Estabros. The entrance and exit are at the beginCan Espanyol ning of Carrer Sant Joan. It has two places reserved for peoLocated between Camí de Missa and Carrer Sant Josep, the ple with disabilities. decision to release the arrested men and go against the wishes of a state prosecutor who wanted them remanded in jail ahead of a possible trial: 'Although the victim's statement has credibility and was made when she was very upset, the report by the forensic doctor does not show any type of injury or even bruising on her thighs and genital area when the victim has stated she was a virgin.' Contrasting that with the 'credibility and coherence' of the men's version of events, relayed to her during a closed hearing at a court in Ibiza Town after they were taken from a police station in handcuffs, she said: 'For these reasons there are reasonable doubts of the existence of the commission of the crime which has motivated this current judicial investigation.' The document also makes it clear that Mr Ahearne-Grant is not being probed on suspicion of participating in the alleged sex attack, but over two recordings on his mobile phone which he subsequently erased. The reason he is said to have made the recordings - and exactly what he took footage of - has not been made clear. Local paper Diario de Ibiza has reported the phone would be sent to Madrid for police analysis as part of attempts to recover the erased footage. The incident which sparked the three arrests is said to have happened at a hotel in Cala de Bou near the party resort of San Antonio after the alleged victim and a female friend met them at a bar and agreed to go back to their hotel. The judicial investigation will now seek to determine the involvement of each of the three men in the incident and clarify if police have been given an accurate version of events by the alleged victim, her friend and the three men. Local reports last week said one of the men - thought to be Ahearne-Grant - told police and the judge he was in another room with the alleged victim's friend and got involved in an altercation with the other two men after hearing noise and going to investigate. Mr Ahearne-Grant, born in Greenwich is a forward who signed with League One side Charlton as a 17-year-old in September 2014. He has made more than 60 appearances with the club in Championship and League One football and has played for England at U17, U18 and U19. Redbridge born Mr Hackett-Fairchild made his professional debut with Charlton in August last year, and hit the net twice in 12 appearances. He has previously spent time with Dagenham & Redbridge and Dulwich Hamlet. A Charlton Athletic spokesman said: 'The club have been made aware and are looking into this matter. 'Due to the ongoing investigation we will not be commenting any further at this stage.'

Consul Hold Brexit Advice Session  British Consul Lloyd Milen visits Ibiza to discuss Brexit and how it affects UK citizens in Spain  Monday 25 June at 18.00 at Morna International College, Carretera Sta. Gertrudis, KM 3.5, Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera, 07814, Islas Baleares. Ibiza will be hosting an event with the British Consul General Lloyd Milen and the British Vice Consul Lucy Gorman, to talk about Brexit and how it affects British citizens living in Spain. They will be talking to residents at the event about any concerns they have around Brexit and to provide an update on the progress of Brexit negotiations and respond to any questions and concerns they may have. The event will be held at Morna College on Monday the 25th of June at 6pm. No registration is needed, you can simply turn up on the day. More advice for UK citizens living in the EU can be found at the official U.K. Government website here: https://bit.ly/29AkybQ

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Restricted Access to Cap de Barbaria Lighthouse The Council of Formentera have reactivated the traffic restrictions regulating the access of motor vehicles to the lighthouse of Cap de Barbaria. From Monday, June 25 until September 30, visitors must leave their car or motorcycle in a car park located at KM 6.5 of the road and continue on foot. "After the positive experience of last summer, we reregulate access to the Cap de Barbaria lighthouse with the aim of avoiding crowds and preserving this natural landscape and the tranquillity that surrounds it", explained the Minister of Mobility, Rafael González. A temporary barrier at KM 6.5 of the Cap de Barbaria road will be installed and during peak hours from 11am1pm and 6pm-10pm, a guard will be situated there to inform visitors of the restriction and allow people with reduced mobility access. In the adjacent land, a car park with capacity for 60 cars and 100 motorcycles is available so that visitors can leave their vehicles and from there to walk or bike to the lighthouse.

500 visitors per day According to data from the department of Mobility, last year on average more than 500 people visited the lighthouse daily. In the moments of maximum affluence, the average of about 280 visitors was recorded simultaneously, although there were peaks of up to 400 people walking around this spot.

SOS Refugees and Proartso Protest  38,000 official deaths in in the Mediterranean since 2000 The association Ibiza Conscience, through SOS Refugees Ibiza and in collaboration with Proartso have protested across three beaches in Ibiza displaying the number 38,000 the number of official deaths in the Mediterranean. The initiative was carried out during the week in three different beaches: firstly, the volunteers of SOS Refugees Ibiza showed a 38,000 in giant numbers on Santa Eulalia’s beach. Then, they moved to Talamanca and, finally, they concluded in Playa d'en Bossa. In a statement they said, “We have attracted the attention of bathers in these three beaches, Santa Eulalia, Talamanca and Den Bossa, bathing by the same sea that is the deadly trap of so many thousands of people, that the only thing they seek is an opportunity to get ahead, a decent future for them and their children”. “It does not matter if they are displaced from war, "economic migrants" or if they have received the status of "refugee", nobody puts their children in a boat if the land they leave behind is not even more dangerous than the sea in which they play life.”

Consell Impose 65,500€ in Fines to Pirate Taxis Vila Aim To Make Ibiza for Illegal Transport Pedestrian Friendly The Executive Council reported on Friday that 12,000€ has already been paid in fines issued to pirate taxis and those providing illegal transport in Ibiza. Last week, the Consell agreed to impose fines for a total of 65,500€ to 16 drivers and transporters who either were caught acting without the corresponding permits or have agreed to voluntarily pay the fine that was imposed to them on the day, with any resulting economic reduction. Of these files, seven have already been closed by voluntary payment. The insular body has imposed fines of 6,000€ and 4,000€ for very serious transport infractions. 4,000€ has been imposed on a vehicle that carried out a private transport of passengers from Ibiza to San Jose. The fine of 6,000€ is for the driver of a vehicle that circulated from Playa d'en Bossa to Sant Antoni, offering discretionary public transport in a 9-seater vehicle in exchange for 15€, without having the corresponding administrative authorisation.

The City Council of Ibiza has presented three projects to make the city "friendlier for pedestrians" and that will be subsidised by the Island Council. This is the implementation of urban routes adapted for the blind, as well as two school routes for children and the elimination of architectural barriers that remain in the city. Councillors of Urbanism and Mobility, Elena López Bonet and Juan José Hinojo, respectively explained that the routes for the blind will connect the main points of the urban area of Vila and acoustic traffic lights that will be activated by the user will be installed. The pavements of the sidewalk will also be adapted when approaching a street or crossroads. The budget for this initiative is 178,000 euros. As for the 'school roads', the City Council of Vila will implement two routes so that primary students can go to school on foot, thereby leaving the car at home, or in specific parking areas. The first of these roads will go from the sa Real roundabout to the Consolación school, while the second will run from the beginning of Avda. Pedro Matutes Noguera to the Poeta Villangómez school,

The numbers were 3 metres high and there were pictures of boats, shipwrecks, illustrations and graphics that, without needing to talk, contextualized their parade with the number of lives lost. A poem was read at the end of each beach, "Home" by the Somali refugee Warsan Shire, both in Spanish and English and finally a minute’s silence held - a minute of prayer in honor of those 38,000 souls and all who have perished. On the last day, in Playa d’en Bossa, with the collaboration of members of Proactiva Open Arms, a group of activists simulated the harsh reality of the arrival of a refugee boat on the coast. It included people pretending to drown and being "rescued" by another group of activists who were waiting for them on the shore to hug them. This performance may seem extreme, but they wanted to make the reality visible on the day, raising awareness that this tragedy is experienced every day of the year by millions of people, of which a large part are minors. They continue to act with their double objective, direct help there and awareness here.

passing through the Cas Serres school. These routes will be clearly marked in colour on the ground for children to go through, accompanied by monitors.

Campaign To Help Keep Music Live In Ibiza  Opinion, by Claire B You may have heard or read in the papers recently that there’s a clampdown on the volume that music can be played at in bars, clubs and venues generally at the moment. Whilst none of us want to be living next to somewhere that is pumping out loud music day and night, the recent changes are having a negative effect on the live music scene in Ibiza. The decibel limits being imposed on music are difficult to control when musicians play live. As a result, several venues on the island are currently not able to offer live music. I recently interviewed Andy McKay at Ibiza Rocks who told me that they can’t legally put on live bands any more at the venue as it’s impossible to limit the volume or impose this on the performers who have come to the island, plus the Acoustic Plan that (Continued on page 6)

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Food & Drink suites came in at only 171€ per night, the suites at 225€. That sounds a very fair price for the quality of accommodation, but add to that it includes breakfast and Las Mimosas current promotions of a free Spa Day, and free car hire, and it starts to sound something of a bargain. To put it in some kind of context, a twin room only at Ushuaia for the same week was almost exactly double the price—we all have our own ideas of luxury, but I know where I would rather stay.


Las Mimosas ~ Review


he recently refurbished Las Mimosas truly is a secret hideaway in Cala de Bou. Set just a few metres behind the main road to Port Des Torrent, yet in a setting so tranquil you could be in the middle of Santa Agnes. The 4* boutique hotel boasts 10 spacious junior suites and 7 larger suites, a spa, gym, pool & bar, plus the attached Mimos restaurant.  Text Rhian King, Photos Nick Gibbs There has been much discussion of Ibiza’s metamorphic

changes recently, not all of it positive. There can be little doubt that Las Mimosas, a 50 bed boutique hotel and its attached Mimos restaurant, is an example of that change. Last year it was a nondescript budget hotel. The kind of place that if it were not for the kids clutching smartphones, you would find it hard to tell which of the last 4 decades you were currently in. So is change good or bad? We went along to find out.

Las Mimosas Hotel

Hotel manager Nore gave us a tour of the accommodation and facilities. Las Mimosas is an all suite hotel, 10 junior suites and 7 suites. The suites all have a sea view, and junior suites all have a spacious terrace or balcony. The design is contemporary cool, but it is the details and personalisation that sets Las Mimosas apart from its corporate chain hotel counterparts.

Tariff What price luxury? Well I was surprised when looking online today that for the last week of June the junior

Whilst taking our tour we bumped into Lucy Dyer, the Mambo group wedding planner. Lucy was showing the hotel to a young couple and later told us Las Mimosas is already proving a popular choice for those wanting to hold their wedding in Ibiza. “The 50 bed size and all suite design is perfect for a wedding party takeover”, she said. “Our clients want a venue that is quiet and private, but not isolated. It has a real family feel, but with the level of quality and comfort that people want for their celebration.” I have little doubt Las Mimosas will become a very popular wedding venue.

Spa & Gym Next on the tour was the intimate and very stylish spa and private gym with adjoining treatment rooms. There is a separate public entrance and all facilities are availa-

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Food & Drink ble to the public independent of the hotel itself.

Mimos Restaurant

Nore left us in the very capable hands of our waitress Astrid, who it soon transpired had a talent for Cocktails too. It was a hot day and having asked for what seemed

and a slight creamy nuttiness to the salad, then you get the zingy crunch of the pomegranate seeds – this is a dish with popping flavours.

Pulpo Carpaccio & Kalamata Olive Vinaigrette The octopus carpaccio is served on a large board with celery, red pepper, rocket and parmesan shavings. The key to this dish is to get a forkful with every ingredient on it or mix and match. Each ingredient when added to the octopus gave a different taste sensation, the pepperiness of the rocket, the cool crunch of the celery or smooth creamy parmesan – all worked effortlessly together. As seasoning is a personal thing, Chef leaves that to you.

first and devoured without two of us even getting a taste. Their review was “brilliant, super cold and very chocolatey”. I guess if you like chocolate and sweet desserts, that’s all you need to know!

Cheesecake with Mandarin Sorbet The cheesecake is dainty compared to the starters and mains we had enjoyed, but don’t let appearances deceive you because it was perfectly balanced and gorgeous. The

Lentil Tabbouleh

the perfect summer cooler of a white wine spritzer, Astrid asked if we would like to try her own Spritz creation, a most refreshing Cava based cocktail with limoncello, white rum, lemon juice and a little strawberry syrup. We also had another delicious drink combining limoncello, vanilla syrup, an egg white, lemon juice and Rioja—both looked as good as they tasted, something that would carry through from the drinks to the food.

Homemade Focaccia This was a firm favourite with the small one in our group, enjoying piece after piece of this Italian homemade bread dotted with sundried tomatoes. Served with a selection of premium oils and wine vinegars.

(main photo facing page) This salad is a mountain of green lentils, finely chopped red and green peppers, cucumber, avocado, cherry tomatoes and beetroot with a sprinkling of micro herbs and leaves. Fresh, the best way to describe this dish is simply fresh. The ingredients complement each other effortlessly and the portion size is generous to say the least, unless you’re a real lentil lover, this may be a salad to share as a side.

Fillet Steak Merely described as fillet steak on the menu, this dish is a crowd pleaser. The steak is cooked to your liking (of course) and placed on a bed of potato ‘crisps’ and fried spinach, served with roasted courgettes and red pepper, sweet potatoes and whole roasted garlic cloves. The steak itself was melt in the mouth and seasoned perfectly, the fried spinach delicious and the potato ‘crisps’ innovative and very moreish.

Burratina with Pomegranate, Pine Nuts, Mint Pesto and Avocado Burratina is a type of mozzarella with a creamier centre, the mint pesto was drizzled on top and when you cut through the centre, the velvety middle oozed out. The avocado is perfectly ripe and soft, the pine nuts add bite

After the feast of starters and mains we had tasted, we thought we would be fairly reserved on ordering desserts, but on hearing the specials, resistance was futile.

Goloso de Chocolate A chocolate lovers dream. Chocolate cake with a dulce de leche cream and stracciatella ice cream. This was served

dense creaminess of the cheesecake is brought to life by the fresh zesty mandarin sorbet, our forks kept going back for more.

Apple pie—Las Mimosas Way It’s hard not to use the term deconstructed, because in effect that is what it is, but with a twist. The apple pie base is crumbled on a plate and topped with apple pie ice cream. The best way to describe the apple pie ice cream – it’s exactly what it says it is – apple pie. A rich and decadent dessert suited for those with a sweet tooth.


So is change good? Well one of the most common complaints of change in Ibiza has been where that change excludes people outside the VIP set. Las Mimosas doesn’t do that at all. It offers a taste of luxury at an attainable price. The various plates in our meal started at just 7,50€, the Lentil Tabbouleh looks a million dollars, but is just 12€. Even the Fillet Steak is a ‘normal’ 25€ but for residents the news is even better as you all enjoy a 10% discount. Las Mimosas does not exclude us, it offers us something better than it was before. It is a great addition to Cala de Bou and should be seen for what it is, a forerunner of what the Bay must become. The only downside is that it will not be a secret hideaway for long. http://lasmimosasibiza.com/

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News (Continued from page 3)

is required for a venue makes it impossible to specify what equipment will be used at each concert. Over in Playa d’en Bossa, the first of the open-air acoustic Dorado Live Shows that have been running successfully for the last two years at Santos, was not allowed to take place by the police. The concert of Iván Ferreiro had to be moved at the last minute to the nearby indoor venue, Swag. At the time of going to press the remaining concerts scheduled over the summer will go ahead, but it’s unclear where. In Es Canar, the legendary concerts at Chirincana in on Wednesdays are also not happening this year. These are just three examples, but I’m sure there are more venues that I don’t know about that are not offering live music any more because of the risks involved or have been prevented from doing it.

Keep it Live, Poison Ivy, Photo by Ferran Nogués

Associació de Músics d'Eivissa The Associació de Músics d'Eivissa represents musicians on the island and is fighting against recent clampdowns and to keep music live. They are currently collecting signatures for a petition, the aim of which is to support “live music in appropriate places and times, as well as to support live music from local bands as a cultural asset and product to diversify the tourist offer”. All the collected signatures will be taken to the Consell d'Eivissa and they will once again request that this issue be discussed at the next Mayors’ Council. The last date to sign is June 30. The petition is available for signing at the following places on the island.  Ibiza Town: Malanga Café, Elpasaje Rock Ibiza bar, Sa Tapeta, Suministros Ibiza, Cas Musicaires, AA.VV de San Pablo (Casas Baratas).  Sant Antoni: Boulevard, Eddie’s Place, Rest. El Patio, Cafetería Bar Bahía (by the bus station).  Sant Josep: Can Jordi, Hotel Bahia Playa, Chiringuito Cala Escondida Ibiza, Restaurante y bar Can Bellotera, El Kiosko, AA.VV de Cala de Bou, Destino.  Santa Eulalia: Hermanos Parrot (Ibidecsa), Nimmo’s Wild Rover Irish Bar, Chirincana, Banana Studios. For more info on their campaign you can contact them via their Facebook page or via email at info@musicseivissa.com Dorado Live Shows also has an online petition ‘In defense of live music in Ibiza’ which can be signed by anyone, anywhere in the world: https://bit.ly/2K0p0mK

If you can, please try and sign one or both of the petitions. It affects our ability to experience live music on the island, especially in smaller venues, and also affects the livelihood of many of the island’s musicians as there are less and less places that will take the risk to put on live music for fear of being fined or shut down. Less live music on Ibiza also affects the year-round cultural diversity of our island.

Family Fundraising Appeal After Mystery Injury Leaves Young British Tourist in Coma  Josh Darcy suffered a fractured skull and ma-

jor head injuries following what a source close to the family has said to be a mystery injury.

Josh was on the second day of his holiday in Ibiza when he was found unconscious in the street. There is as yet no indication as to how he suffered the injuries however he was taken immediately to the Rosario clinic in Ibiza Town where he has remained on life support and in a coma state since. His family came to Ibiza to be by his side and have launched an appeal to help cover their costs of staying here, and potentially the medical costs which may not be covered by insurance. Writing on a gofundme page, Josh’s stepmother posted this appeal. “Our lovely Josh Darcy has had an unfortunate accident whilst on his second day of holiday in Ibiza. This has resulted in him suffering a fractured skull and major head injury. He immediately underwent a long operation and is in a coma in intensive care, in hospital in Ibiza, and is on life support. “His immediate family have flown out to Ibiza to be by his bedside at this tragic time. His mother, father, sister and their respective partners are with him each day. I am his fathers wife, providing as much support as possible along with his mothers fiancé and his sister’s fiancé. “As with any popular destination, peak season is expensive, so in order for his parents and sister to continue to be here during this time, we are looking for help from anyone to assist with the accommodation costs here in Ibiza. Donations will also help with any care that Josh needs if/once he can travel home. “We don’t know how long Josh will be in intensive care or how long it’ll take for him to recover, and therefore it is unknown how long his family will need to stay here. “Any help received would be greatly appreciated at this very worrying time. Thank you all in advance for the well wishes and kind donations. All donations will be

Josh Darcy has remained unconscious on life support since he was found on Tuesday

sent to his father to pay for basic ongoing accommodation and basic food requirements. “The family are presently in an apartment until Wednesday 20th June and we are searching for their next base, if anyone can help with accommodation for the mother, father and sister to Josh please do let us know, it needs to be in Ibiza town which is walking distance from the hospital. “Thank you you in advance.” It is understood that 4 of the 6 family members in Ibiza are now being accommodated by a local family, with the other 2 in a hotel. On Wednesday 20th June, an update was posted by Caterina Darcy who said, “Josh has now been taken off sedation. There is little progress on his recovery at this stage. I’ll keep you posted as and when I have any news. Thanks.” If anybody can help with accommodation for the family, ideally close to the Rosario clinic, please contact us and we will put you in touch with the family. To donate to the family fund https:// www.gofundme.com/7pd56-help-josh

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Ibiza Town & Figueretes

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Tourist Guide

 Father Jacks Our east coast home-from-home. Figueretes finest Father Jack’s offer just about everything you could want in a proper pub, just with added sunshine. Guinness on draught—of course, but also Kilkenny Red Ale and Strongbow from the pumps. Plus, and though it might not be a big one for tourists, it certainly is for us residents—proper pies pasties & sausage rolls. With 5 big screen TVs and 4 satellite streams, whatever your sporting preference, if it’s on, they’ve got it.

 Vara de Rey 22 Vara de Rey 22 dental surgery combines the best technology, equipment and talent bringing you first class dental treatment from specialists you can trust – including emergency appointments. Services also include facial aesthetics, a range of treatments using fillers and botox. For more information see their website http://www.varaderey22.com/

 Ilusions Pool Café Think ‘Cool Hand Luke’. Ilusions is a proper old-school Pool Hall with fantastic premium tables and an equally a-list range of Tapas on which to nibble while you play. We don’t want to get sexist about this, but it is the thinking man’s choice while the missus is shopping in Ibiza Town. You’ll be happier, she will be happier, just don’t think too much about your accruing credit card bill while you enjoy a game.

Es Calonet (cala Tarida)

Welcome to Ibiza

 Freo’s Finest “Snuff, Puff, and Party Stuff”, possibly the best and certainly the most accurately descriptive business strap-line we’ve heard in Ibiza. Poppers, seeds, mushroom kits, and more bongs than the collected works of Cheech and Chong. Plus they offer home/hotel delivery—smoking!

 Royal Plaza The Royal Plaza offer a taste of traditional 4 star quality and service from the days before corporate branding made hotels anonymous. If you are already here you can’t take advantage of the superb accommodation—but remember it for next time. You can however enjoy a meal on their rooftop terrace with unrivalled views over the Dalt Vila. Special, very special.

San Antonio Bay Food & Drink  Little India, Authentic Sri Lankan & Indian Restaurant The restaurant that puts the Bom in the Bay, Chef Vipula puts his Sri Lankan heritage into every delicious dal, beautiful biriyani and majestic madras that leaves his kitchen. Unsurprisingly, it can get busy in the summer months, so if planning ahead a booking on their website is a good idea. If exhausted by a hard day on the beach, a take-away service is available to be enjoyed back in the hotel – expect neighbourenvy as those glorious smells waft across the balcony.

 Aperture, Cocktail, Music & Sunset Terracce In the heart of San Antonio Bay, Aperture Terrace is something of an Ibizan secret, a hidden gem. Invisible from the street, just a few footsteps upstairs take you to a chic retreat that could be a million miles from the hustle & bustle below.

On behalf of all of us who live and work in Ibiza, most of whom earn our living directly or indirectly from the tourism sector, we welcome you to the Island. The Ibizan has been our island English language newspaper since 1999. We now produce a monthly tourism special edition, which you will hopefully find available in your Hotel reception. The monthly special is a much bigger newspaper entirely focussed on you the tourist, It includes resort guides to all of the major tourist areas, a huge agenda of things to do for the month, and an insight to the Island history and culture. In this, our regular weekly edition, the next 4 pages are provided as a compact guide—with useful maps and information on our supporting advertisers—restaurants, clubs, bars, shops and much more besides. You will also find lots of useful information in the agenda pages, clubbing and food & drink. For more information, and an online version of the monthly special if you cannot find one in your accommodation, go to our website theibizan.com We hope you will have a fantastic time, and will be on the way to becoming one of our many frequent flyer visitors.  Nicholas Gibbs, Editor

All the beach club charm, without the competing hordes or the annoying travel, Aperture is accessible luxury on your doorstep. Book a bed by day, dip in the pool and delight at the menu, or make it your sunset choice for cocktails where the only crush is the ice in your mojito. Just don’t tell everybody.

 Johnny’s Pub, Established 1993 Johnny’s is a Bay institution. Popular with locals and tourists alike, they are open for food to eat in and takeaway from morning through to late—usually very late, and at some point on your holiday, you’ll be glad of that. We locals can’t have their exceptional English breakfast (above) as often as we’d like, but you’re on holiday, so indulge yourself. Just 4,75€ gets you double British sausage and bacon, double egg, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, fried slice, toast and tea or coffee—plus a portion of jam for reasons we’ve never fully understood.

 Relish Restaurant & Lounge Bar Just footsteps from the beach of Cala De Bou, the restaurant and bar extends into a large covered terrace, gardens and a private pool for the exclusive use of relish patrons. Plus on Sundays Relish offers a traditional Sunday Roast. Relish pride themselves on a simple philosophy - good food, cooked well, fairly priced.

Booking with immediate confirmation is available on the website.

 More Great Food You’ll also find great food in Donnegans Irish Pub, Playa Bella and Kumharas—all of whom are listed in the entertainment section. Also we have to recommend going local during your stay. Nothing beats a long lazy lunch of fresh cooked paella on the beach with a jug or three of sangria to wash it down.

Entertainment  The Watersports Shop A most welcome addition to the lower bay road (carrer des calo) in 2017, the watersports shop have a huge range of bookable activities on and under the water, for individuals and groups. Browse their range of jetskis, stand up paddle, seadoos, speedboat trips, and the awesome hoverboard and flyboard sessions, from the comfort of their shop, and then take the activity from any of their four beach concessions—which makes them one of the biggest watersports operators in Ibiza. If not near the shop you can also book online via their website. See ad right for details and location.

Peppers2 Party Bar Dance till dawn? You betcha, and we don’t want any of that ‘I’m too old for all that now’ nonsense either. In Ibiza there is no such thing as too old, and Peppers2 is a fine example of an all night party bar that will see everybody from barely legal to rather regal bopping the night away. See the agenda for special events, but every night you are guaranteed a warm welcome from Chaz and the team. Take a cocktail or two on the terrace, then head inside to show us your moves.

 Donnegans Irish Pub It is hard to know what category to list Donnegans, as they do (Continued on page 10)

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Look Out For Our Bumper Edition In Your Hotel R theibiza logo indicates venues s

Ibiza Town

Playa Den

Es Canar

Santa Eulalia

Cala Llonga

The Ibizan 885 22nd June 2018

r Monthly Tourist Special Reception, or Online at an.com showing the world cup


San Antonio Bay

San Antonio

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Tourist Guide No trip to Ibiza is complete without a sunset on the strip, and if you want to do it in the finest style, Mambo has to be the place to go. Their terrace enjoys spectacular views of the sunset, and you’ll be entertained by some of the world’;s top DJs with Mambos nightly pre-party warm up.

 Mar 5 MAR 5 is an elegant venue near the port of San Antonio. On the first floor the restaurant has a wonderful terrace where you can enjoy their Argentinian grill menu. Serving the very best cuts of meat and delicious fish along with their famous homemade desserts - a treat for the palate. The ground floor is for lovers, lovers of gin and tonic and a party, and if you are with somebody you love, all the better. Open until 05:00 am, it offers a variety of musical alternatives: from R & B, House and Techno to Flamenco or Salsa. Summer hours; kitchen 7pm-3am, Club 7pm-5am.

 Tulp Beach Café Tulp Beach Café is located right on San Antonio’s beachfront Promenade. An oasis of bohemian chic laid back cool, it is our default choice for daytime calm, and a regular one for nigh time fun too. Tulp offer an extensive drink and cocktail selection, and a menu to suit every appetite from a tasty tapas to Dutch and international meals. Tulp has spectacular sunset views, and cosy front row booths can be booked online via their website. See front page advert for details.

 La Cantina Portmany  The Flower Power Parade many things, and do them all very well. Day and night it is a bar with a welcome as warm as the draught Guiness and magners are cold. They show all sports including hurling, and have a great menu of reasonabl;y priced home cooked food from snacks to full meals. But it is perhaps their entertainment that really sets them apart. With a regular line up of live performers with the common denominator of making sure everyone has a great time. Check our agenda and their facebook for events.

 Playa Bella Cabaret Terrace

metres. Cast all thoughts of a British barbeque aside– Ibiza’s best grill restaurants, of which Sa Brasa is undoubtedly one, take the concept of charcoal grilling to another level. The emphasis is all about providing the very best quality cuts of meat, and fresh fish that may well have been swimming within sight of the restaurant earlier the same day. You need to have a grill meal at least once while you are here, but if you do it early in your holiday our bet is you’ll be back for more.

Fancy some good old family cabaret? The Playa Bella apartments kick off with nightly cash Bingo hosted by our own mister thriller from Aston Villa, Chip, and once your eyes are restored to their regular horizontal position, the night continues with a roster of live cabaret featuring everything from tribute acts to comedy to drag and some very talented musical acts. All this takes place on their beachfront terrace which also has a great range of food available day and night.

 Mariposa Pool Bar & Restaurant, Cala Llonga

 Ibosim Brewhouse


Tough to know whether to list Ibosim brewhouse in ‘food & drink’ or ‘things to do’. As bars are hardly in short supply in Ibiza, and Ibosim offers so much more, we decided on the latter. Ibosim is the first and only beer produced in Ibiza. Visit the brewery and enjoy a worthy range of craft beers on the taproom terrace, or take it a step further and ask about their brewery tours. Ibosim are 50m from Port des Torrent beach.

Only In Ibiza  Grow Submarine, Head Shop

The idea of ‘living the dream’ under the Mediterranean sun becomes reality at the Mariposa. Nestled in the hills behind the Cala Llonga village, and with spectacular views out over the bay, the Mariposa team and regulars will give you the warmest of welcomes. Start your day with a bacon and brie toasted sandwich and café con leche, followed by a dip in the pool, and sip on some cocktails from your poolside lounger. Heaven.

Santa Eulalia

San Antonio

There can be little doubting the vegan credentials of Los Otros, as not only do they offer a fine range of Italian food, the owner is an authoritative author of vegan cookbooks too. The setting is magical. Just meters from the water on the marina front of Santa Eulalia, your visit will have the reassuringly relaxing soundtrack of the clinking masts of moored yachts.

 Sa Brasa, Grill Restaurant, Santa Eulalia Though you can see Sa Brasa’s exact location on our map below, as long as you are in the right general area the incredible aroma of the grills will guide you the last few

David’s is renowned for its Italian-French cuisine and they have a vast menu, including 35 different pizzas to choose from, plus the option of turning any one into Calzone. But if pizza’s not your thing, they also have a selection of pastas, salads, fish and meat dishes to tempt you. David’s also offer a takeaway service and a menu del dia for 12.50€, available till 8.30pm .

A visit to one of Ibiza’s huge super-clubs may be on your holiday to do list. But seasoned clubber or not, you’ll enjoy a night at Santa Eulalia’s only late night club—a munch more intimate and friendly affair than it’s bigger sisters. Located directly on Santa Eulalia marina waterfront, if you dance til dawn you will also be treated to the spectacular sight of an Ibiza dawn rising over the sea. Sunset is for your mates, sunrise is for your soul-mate.

 Viva Cala Llonga

 Los Otros, Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurant, Santa Eulaia

 David’s Pizzeria

 Guarana Nightclub, Santa Eulalia Marina

The days of the straw donkey are as dead as a dropped donkey. What Grandma really wants as a gift from your Ibiza adventure is the latest in acrylic bong technology. Don’t know what to get your mates at work—how about some matching grinders? Of course it doesn’t have to be a gift, what better way to fill that last space in the suitcase than with some stock from Grow Submarine’s extensive range of cannabis culture stock? From Rizla’s up, though we warn you that attempting to board a Ryanair flight with a full hydrophonic growing system may incur excess baggage fees.

Food & Drink

La Cantina is a bar and restaurant right on San Antonio’s fountains square. A local legend, it has stood in the same spot and run by the same family since way back when it was by some way the biggest building on the waterfront in what was an unrecognisable San Antonio. With a pedigree of such distinction, you won’t find a better place for a traditional Paella or some fresh caught local fish. But it also offers far more. The La Cantina kitchen is also home to 3 specialist chefs each taking care over their respective Thai, Indian and TexMex division.

At last the summer season is here again and so is the Thursday evening Hippie Market in Cala Llonga. The market takes place every Thursday evening from 6pm with an array of locally hand crafted articles such as clothes, jewellery, trinkets, pottery and much more, produced by some of Ibiza's finest artisans all at reasonable prices. Located on the promenade it's a perfect place to wander along under the evening stars while listening to live music, looking for a perfect gift, souvenir or personal treat. In addition to this there's a wide variety of international bars and restaurants for you to enjoy and a safe playground for the little ones. There's ample free parking just a few metres away.

Food & Drink See adverts on facing page, front page & food and drink page for contacts, hours, and location.

 Tapas Restaurant and Lounge Bar One top tip to start with—it is best to book. Tapas is one of the most popular places to eat in San An, and in the height of summer you may have quite a wait to get seated if you haven't booked in advance. Tapas is all about global flavours, but served in a traditional Spanish Tapas style of small plates perfect for sharing. They have a fantastic range of vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and dairy free options on the menu too.

 Mambo

Entertainment  Eden Eden’s no expense spared refit has resulted in a club at the forefront of its peers, but retaining the legendary status as one of Ibiza’s seven-sisters superclubs. That no expense spared also ran to a Void sound system that is not only one of the best in Ibiza, but worldwide. A flagship Void install, in the right hands the music at Eden will make you feel music as you have never felt it before. See our ‘At Night’ and ‘Agenda’ sections for what’s on.

 Plastik Plastik holds top spot as San Antonio’s premier pre-party bar. Putting the VIP experience within reach of non-VIP pockets, it is the perfect place to experience some style for a night out, or as a party starter for later clubbing. Plastik’s masterful resident DJs are joined most nights of the week by headliners from some of Ibiza’s biggest club nights.

 Viva Tennis With 5 top quality courts (2 clay, 3 artificial grass), a bar, pool, sun-terrace and beautiful garden Viva Tennis is the essential destination on Ibiza to play tennis and relax with friends. Whether you are a complete beginner or regular player their team of international coaches can improve anyone’s game.

The Ibizan 885 22nd June 2018

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Community Weather Saturday 23 Friday 22nd—Thursday 21st June 2018 ARIES – Ten of Wands You're feeling overloaded and about to explode so why take so much on? Find someone you’re able to delegate the small stuff to. If your thoughts are chaotic, give yourself time out this week. Yes, you do have a lot to accomplish, but it will get done. Being less muddled gets better results. Seriously, take time out to chill out. TAURUS – Four of Swords Legal matters and the art of negotiation becomes the main focus of your week. Intuition is telling you to be wary of others intentions whatever they offer; there's no need to be rushed into any decision. Take your time; your strategy needs to be well thought out if you're too out manoeuvre those hoping to get the better of you. GEMINI – Knight of Swords You may be challenged to stand up for your principles or to take on those who seek to question your motives. At times you may feel that you're lying on a bed of nails; others around you can be so prickly! If a cool understanding approach doesn’t work, think creatively outside the box and stun associates with your inventive thinking. CANCER – Temperance Finally you’ll be given recognition and praise for what you have been diligently working on recently. Introduce a more harmonious and balanced routine into your day to day life; as it’s true that what you project on to others is a reflection of your own inner world. If any discordant situations arise, handle them right and you will be alright! LEO – King of Wands The element of fire that’s associated with this card, promises a week of increased energy and creative ideas a plenty. You’re also able to take these ideas and convert them into something tangible, so get going! This signals a productive time ahead; with Fire sign men; fellow Leo’s, Sagittarians or Aries as your best allies in business and in love. VIRGO – Eight of Wands It’s a great week to expand a business idea and to talk to a select few about the exciting new opportunities coming your way. If you need investors; you’ll offer convincing arguments as to why they should jump on your bandwagon. You're confident and that's infectious! If you’re a creative type; others will be impressed by your talents. LIBRA – Seven of Wands You're battling to get a straight answer from someone; however, getting that will be quite difficult. Be skilful in your choice of words; you may have go around the houses to get the response you seek, even though you'd much rather take the direct approach. You hear words of love from an admirer; are they from the right person however? SCORPIO – Three of Pentacles A great week to consolidate business opportunities; you’ve plenty of enthusiasm and are excited about your future prospects. This is especially so if you are working as part of a team. If you’re looking for funding then meetings will go well and you’ll be able to convince those in positions of power or influence that you can do the job. SAGITTARIUS – Five of Pentacles If you’re worrying about finances, help is on hand in the form of an unexpected bonus, gift or rebate. This card always comes out when you deserve a break. You’ve helped others in the past and the universe finds a way to bring something to you. Remember, your own attitude counts; what you give out in life, you get back. CAPRICORN – Six of Cups People from your past turn up or contact you out of the blue indicating happy reunions and also a reconnection of feelings where they're concerned. This card indicates pleasure on a deep and nurturing level and as a result, you’ll enjoy life more than usual. Any recent disappointments fade away this week and you’re more than happy to help others. AQUARIUS – Three of Cups You’re here to be happy and this card reminds you of that fact! The best way to ensure this happens is to spend more time with those who bring you joy. If you've not caught up with friends or family lately; now's the time to do that. Golden opportunities, abundant times socially, financially and career wise through plentiful networking opportunities. PISCES – Ten of Cups Your social life picks up this week so expect more than your fair share of visitors, although you’ll want to get out and about. This is such a happy card whose energy reminds you to celebrate and appreciate friends, family and the good times. Others show generosity on many levels, plus expect more than your fair share of romantic opportunities!


Sunday 24

Real Feel 39º

Wednesday 27


Sat 22 21:24 28º

Thursday 28

Real Feel 37º


Real Feel 37º

View From The Pew Angels or ‘bele Elohim’

Friday 29

Tuesday 26


Saturday 30


Real Feel 39º

Service Sun 24th, 10.30am The Chapel of Lourdes Santa Eulalia

sion of angels: “A stream of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.” (The Bible, The Book of Daniel, chapter 7 verse 10). The numerical words (“a thousand thousands” and “ten thousand times ten thousand”) is an ancient Near Eastern way of saying “infinity”. An infinity of angels! We also have here an example of a literary device in ancient Hebrew called by scholars “parallelism”. This is when the second line is an echo of the first line. The echo


Real Feel 38º

Real Feel 38º


closer to the point to say that God begets them. Angels are “sons and daughters of God” we would say today. Angels eternally proceed out from God. Beyond this space-time universe the angels eternally proceed out from God and as sons of God they share the divine nature. Another book of the Bible describes this sublime effulgence of angels. The Book of Daniel probably written in its final version in 164 BC in Aramaic and Hebrew. The book contains a magnificent vision of “the Ancient of Days”. The vision is highly metaphorical and pictorial but includes the proces-


Real Feel 38º

606 509 542 www.ibizachurch.org

Rev. Dr Peter Pimentel Angels in the Bible are sometimes called in Hebrew bene Elohim which is translated as “sons of God”. So, e.g., in the Book of Job (composed in Hebrew somewhen in the mid-6th to mid-4th century BC) we read: “The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” (The Bible, The Book of Job chapter 38 verse 7). Some translations of the Bible into English have “angels” or “heavenly beings” but a literal translation of the Hebrew bene Elohim is “sons of God”. The angels in the Bible are not, strictly speaking, created by God. It would be

Monday 25

Real Feel 37º

Sat 30 21:24

see web for info

explains the meaning of the first line. So, the stream of fire that issues out from God is the infinity of angels. An infinity of angels proceeds out from the Infinite One. The last book of the Bible called The Book of Revelation or The Apocalypse written in Greek but full of Hebrew idioms towards the end of the first century refers to Daniel’s vision: “Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands.” (The Bible, The Apocalypse, chapter five verse 11).

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Dorado Live Shows Playa d’en Bossa Claire B

Radio 1 Weekend 2018 XTRA Takeover BBC Radio 1Xtra has announced that the station will be heading to Ibiza for the first time to take over Ibiza Rocks on Saturday 4th August. Hosted by Charlie Sloth and DJ Target, event goers can expect DJ sets from

MistaJam, DJ Charlsey and Sian Anderson as well as bringing some of the hottest acts to the White Isle with performances from:

B Young, Bugzy Malone, Kojo Funds, Lady Leshurr, Lotto Boyzz, Nines, Not3s, Ray BLK, RAYE, Steel Banglez, and Wretch 32 Listeners back home will be able to tune in to all the action on BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra (7-11pm GMT) as well as being able to watch all the performances from 1Xtra in Ibiza on the 1Xtra YouTube channel and the best of the show on the Radio 1 iPlayer Channel. Mark Strippel, Head of Programmes, BBC Radio 1Xtra said, “Ibiza has increasingly grown in prominence as a destination for the British Black music scene, so it’s only right that 1Xtra brings its own summer celebration to a big Saturday night audience on 1Xtra and Radio 1.” DJ Target said, “The magic of Ibiza is something that grabbed me the first time I visited the island and having DJ’d there over the last few years and seen the massive growth in the music that we specialise in at 1Xtra, I just cannot wait to get out there with this huge line up of artists and shut it down. It’s going to be historic!”

Charlie Sloth said, “Ibiza has changed a lot over the last five years with rap and grime being embraced on the island in a huge way. So 1Xtra making its first appearance at the legendary Ibiza Rocks is huge and crazy exciting!” BBC Radio 1Xtra has a strong emphasis on live music and since the launch of BBC Radio 1Xtra in August 2002, the station has played a central role in bringing the best in contemporary black and urban music to the mainstream, championing British artists when few others were, and now stands as a multiplatform station with 1.11 million weekly listeners. Meanwhile,

Annie Mac Is Back

Annie Mac has announced that as part of Radio 1’s summer activity, she will once again be returning to the White Isle of Ibiza for a weekend of amazing music and spectacular sunsets! They’ll be getting the party started at the legendary Café Mambo on Friday 3rd August (7-11pm) and will be back there to wrap things up on Sunday 5th August (711pm). Annie will be joined by the Radio 1 dance family - Danny Howard, Pete Tong, B.Traits, Benji B and Monki - as well as some very special guests!

The first of the Dorado Live Shows begin at Santos on June 13, with an acoustic show from Iván Ferreiro. Spanish singer-songwriter Iván Ferreiro is from Galicia and was the voice, leader and songwriter of the popular Spanish pop-rock band Los Piratas. There will be 8 Dorado Live shows on Wednesdays over the summer. Now in its 3rd season, they’re flying the flag for live music in Playa d’en Bossa. Each show will feature an acoustic concert on the outdoor stage next to the beach and the pool, with tunes supplied by resident DJ Colin Peters. From 9pm. Tickets are €20 and include an Estrella Damm beer and a Jägermeister shot from here: www.santosibiza.com Complete line-up:

June 13: Iván Ferreiro June 27: Dorian July 11: Sidonie July 25: Surprise guests (TBA) August 8: Los Planetas August 22: Arizona Baby and Uncle Sal September 5: The Parrots September 19: Russian Red The Aftershow party continues at Rock Nights @ Pikes in San Antonio from 11pm.

dressed as Playboy Bunnies. And maybe hotel playboy Tony Pike will be there too! The opening night on June 13 sees DJs Colin Peters, Silvia Superstar, Lola van Dage, El Cartel, Dani Less, and Fat Gordon providSan Antonio ing the soundtrack. Claire B From 9pm in the restaurant for dinner and The Rock Nights opening party is at Pikes on June 13 and is the official Aftershow party cocktails, with the party starting inside for the Dorado Live Shows. This will be the 5th consecutive season of Rock Nights at the from 11pm. Every Wednesday until legendary Pikes Hotel, and 2018 sees the party celebrate its 13th anniversary, so these September 13. Guest list only at guys know how to throw a party. This season, Rock Nights is inspired by the mythical www.rocknightsclub.com Playboy Mansion parties. After the death of founder Hugh Hefner last September, Rock Nights wanted to pay tribute to the Playboy universe, and what better place than Pikes Hotel, where founder Tony Pike is the authentic playboy.

Rock Nights At Pikes

Festive Atmosphere

The party will have a festive atmosphere where the crowd’s attention isn’t just focused on the DJ box. There will be plenty of different areas to keep one entertained, including an original and fully functional Playboy pinball machine! There will also be antique TVs showing the Playboy channel, an altar dedicated to Hugh Hefner and a roulette wheel where the winners receive prizes from the Rock Nights Girls, who this year will be

The Ibizan 885 22nd June 2018

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Page 13

Moments of Ibiza AT EDEN, San Antonio Renaissance, Yoshitoshi and Cutting Edge all announced as brand residents Summers in Ibiza are all about those special moments, the ones that make your hairs stand on end and the ones that make you feel like you’re in party heaven. That’s the idea behind exciting new night Moments of Ibiza, who launch with a full season of house and techno fun at Eden this summer with help from some of the most vital brands in dance music including Renaissance, Sharam's Yoshitoshi label and London, Amsterdam and Ibiza party crew Cutting Edge. Their immersive party kicks off at San Antonio hotspot Eden on July 9th and runs each Monday (excluding August 6th) until September 24th with regular world class guests like Danny Howells, Darren Emerson, Dave Seaman, Dense & Pika, Kevin Saunderson, Nick Curly, Booka Shade, Mathew Jonson and many more all providing the musical thrills.

Renaissance Are Back

This new night kicks off with a real bang with the news that Renaissance are back on the island. The celebrated house brand is known around the world for its grand sound and production to match, having hosted seminal parties all over the globe since the nineties. Another huge named signed up for the season is Sharam, one half of Deep Dish and now a venerated techno producer who run this own influential Yoshitoshi label. As well as turning out plenty of club hits, he is someone with a long and rich history of

holding iconic parties in Ibiza. Completing the brand partnerships for this bold new season is Cutting Edge, the fresh and energetic party that hosts in London, Amsterdam and Ibiza and has Tough Love as residents, the UK house sensations who have topped charts with their vocal led, bass heavy and modern blend of grooves and moods.

The Venue

The venue for all this is Eden, the most celebrated club in San Antonio with a next level sound system, high spec lights and lasers that really help you get you lost in the middle of the dancefloor and immersive visuals like no other. Moments of Ibiza have got a close knit following who really know how to party and that’s why it is one of the most vital house, tech and techno nights on the White Isle. It’s a party that focuses on the details and wants you to have a night to remember, and with the quality line-ups they have secured that will be the case each and every week.


It all kicks off with a Cutting-Edge party on July 9th featuring Tough Love, Wade, Miguel Bastida, Martin Ikin, Ross Roberts and Mikey, while the rest of July sees the world famous Renaissance Ibiza brand host a special event with DJ supergroup 3D aka vital veterans Danny Howells, Darren Emerson and Dave Seaman as well as Ibiza based duo Audiojack. It is then the legendary Sharam and his Yoshitoshi label who take over on the 23rd with Spanish tech titan Coyu, UK techno pair Dense & Pika and fast rising talents OC & Verde all playing, while Tough Love returns again on July 30th with Tough Love, Volkoder and Sooney amongst others.


August welcomes two more Yoshitoshi events with Sharam and a mix of guests like Polish party starters Catz 'n Dogz, Ukrainian Artbat, OC & Verde, Victor Ruiz and Reiner Zonneveld, and a second Renaissance party

The Queen Ibiza

with 8Bit boss and Mannheim house pioneer Nick Curly and Detroit mainstay Kevin Sanderson, who never fails to raise the roof with his soul infused house and techno.


Meanwhile, September is another big month with Renaissance bringing Get Physical's melodic house masters Booka Shade, timeless techno producer Mathew Jonson and Leftroom boss Matt Tolfrey, plus more from Tough Love and Low Steppa, a final Yoshitoshi party with Sharam and as special guest to be announced, then a huge closing party on the 24th. This is set to be a sizzling season that covers many musical bases and offers plenty of memorable Moments of Ibiza.

The Queen Ibiza, the Ibizan tribute band to Queen, debuts this Saturday June 23rd with a concert that will take place at 10.30pm in Ca n'Escandell organised by the Neighbourhood Association of San Pablo. This will be the first concert open to the public with free entry. The Queen Ibiza is formed by Brigitte Bobet on voice; Luis Raich del Cerro, on drums and musical direction; David Keiper on guitar; Quico Martínez on bass and Yeshe Ryser on piano. The band was created last January after Bobet published an ad on social networks to find musicians for her band. The name of his show is 'A night with the Queen' and includes the most successful songs of the band led by Freddie Mercury. On July 7th, The Queen Ibiza will also offer a concert in front of the Royal Plaza, in the old bullring, to mark the festivities of the Es Pratet district.

Win a DJ residency

Do you want to be a resident DJ at Club Solardo at Hï this summer? Hï Ibiza and influential Manchester duo Solardo have launched a competition to support new DJ talent as they look for Ibiza’s next rising star. The winner of the competition, which will be judged by Solardo, will be given the opportunity to warm up for the duo each week at their new residency at Hï. To enter upload a 45 minute mix with competition art to your Soundcloud and send the link to djcomp@solardo.net

The Ibizan 885 22nd June 2018

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Shebizan  Amanda O’Riordan Summer Solstice, longest day of the year, the future King’s birthday, plus MY birthday; all of the above takes place on 21st June. All of my adult life I have stretched my birthday antics out for as long as possible. Most of June in fact, and why not? This year, I kicked off the celebrations with the summertime Hacienda Classical festival in home turf of Hampstead Heath, followed by a weekend cruising the south western coastline of Mallorca. I managed to forget how old I am by engulfing myself in holiday reading, getting lost in a great book. Whatever Makes Them Dance by Lindsay Wesker What is masculinity? What is being a man? What is 'being manly'? Are all men really the same? It’s is a love story about a man who does not like being single. He prefers being in a relationship. He prefers having someone to bounce ideas off. Without giving the plot away, it’s a story about a number of things. It's about love. It's about friendship. And it's about the different ways one can live life. You might know Lindsay as one of the infamous DJ founders of the pirate radio incarnation of Kiss FM, now broadcasting on super smooth digital radio station MiSoul. Author, Director and DJ, I thoroughly recommend his book for your Balearic holidays this summer. Paperback version: £5.25 www.Amazon.com Onto this week’s instalment of Zips It Up and there’s no escaping the World Cup or Love Island, so we delve into the fashion side of both. Plus Acid House is back! Read Amanda’s fashion blog http://amandazipsitup.com/

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The Most Stylish World Cup Jerseys

Now we all know that the World Cup 2018 in Russia is underway. But the game itself isn’t the only exciting thing - the fashion on the pitch is worth taking in too. Nigeria’s kit h (top below) as made headlines over the past few weeks. The cheerful Nike-designed piece has sold a record-breaking 3 million units already, but it’s not the only country that boasts a stylish footy kit. There’s a classic number from Argentina and eye-catching print from Croatia. I quite fancy the idea of donning a blood red Spain shirt with a pair of shorts this summer. Or perhaps even going down the sexy route and wearing one over bikini bottoms. Here’s my pick of the best:

 Argentina

The baby blue and white stripe combo adds a tender side to a manly sport. Call it classic.  Australia The shirt has a history. Former Australian soccer player Mark Viduka asked fans to turn its stadium into a “sea of gold” 13 years ago. And now, the colour has become the signature of the team’s jersey. The sleeves boast cool stripes, almost like a tattoo.  Colombia Whilst many countries in the World Cup are wearing red colours, Colombia’s canary yellow shirt is easy to spot. Sassy too, thanks to the jagged blue and burgundy print around the arms.  Croatia Croatia is proud to be Croatia, and that’s great stylistically, too. The Central European country put its red and white checker-

Love Island Fashion Love it or hate it, you can’t ignore it. Yes, the new series of Love Island is dominating the UK’s screens, only a touch behind the World Cup. And fans are already obsessing over what the cast is wearing. The reality show on ITV2 has become a ‘summer fashion catwalk’, inspiring viewers’ seasonal wardrobes. One of the key fashion trends is the kimono, and not just the swimwear variety. For those of you living under a rock, asking “what is a kimono?” – it’s a traditional Japanese fulllength, thin robe, now popular in “boho” culture. Now of course, kimonos are not exactly new on the Balearic boho scene, but take a guess where they are a brand new arrival? You’ll never believe this one: The Kimono landed at Lidl UK stores nationwide this Monday June 17, as part of Heidi Klum’s new summer collection at the budget retailer. Her #LetsLoveSummer range delivers boho festival fashion to all ages, and each piece proves to be truly Instagram

Acid House Fashion Since streetwear has become so mainstream, many suppliers have moved on to new edgier grounds. What’s next? Well, Acid house is it. To the deep basslines and squelching synths of Acid House, Louis Vuitton men’s artistic director Virgil Abloh, and grime star Skepta have been channelling late 80s & early 90s Manchester. Though just a snippet of Manchester’s history, the defunct Hacienda club has proved inspiration for Abloh, who recreated the famed nightclub for a fashion party back in January. The designer joined Skepta at the Parklike Festival this past weekend, which took place on the home-turf of raver history. It’s where graphic artist Harvey Ross Ball’s iconic smiley face went from being a by-word for house music to a coded image for anti-establishment. We’re starting to see nods all over the place to the iconic Happy Hardcore look. Another high-end designer name is to thank for this burgeoning trend new: Anya Hindmarsh. Back in September last year during London Fashion Week, the accessories label presented a spring summer 18 collection complete with stamped and padded leather smileys. For those in the know, here are a few other examples on the high street right now, from Toppers, to Zara, to H&M. Think eighties and early nineties, think yellow, think platform, think hoody. Accieed.

board coat of arms print slap bang on its jersey. It makes for a flashy, can’t-miss-it moment on the field. Comes with the Nike swoosh symbol, too!  Peru For those with minimalist tastes. The South American country boasts a simple white jersey with a thick red stripe that cuts diagonally across the chest.  Russia The World Cup hosts shirt comes in Sovietshade red with two easy stripes on the sleeves.  Japan Japanese design culture is known for process and tradition, and that shows in the country’s soccer jersey. The white pattern is made to resemble sashiko stitching, a functional yet decorative technique for reinforcing fabric that was used in Japan from the early 1600s to the late 1800s. And then there’s three lions on a shirt…. And of course, those fifty years of hurt. The less said about this, the better.

worthy, awash with eye-catching patterns, colourful fringes and flowing fabrics. Other highlight pieces include paisley shorts perfect for festival fun, plus maxi dresses made for sunset drinks and poolside lunches. Prices in the range start from £2.49. The kimono costs £11.99. On the subject of budget shopping, Primark always nail it with their super popular ‘themed collections’, and now they've launched a Love Island 2018 range that will be literally everyone's 'type on paper'. I’m loving the slogan hoodies with phrases such as 'speak to me after Love Island'. No doubt another popular product will be the striped T-shirt embellished with two flamingos, with 'future islander' written on the front. Not that I’ll be wearing that. 'I should have been on Love Island' swimwear will also be available for avid fans. There are bags, jeans and water bottles too, which seem to be popular with all ages. Love Island truly does seem to be conquering all.

The Ibizan 885 22nd June 2018

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Agenda Cinema Al Fresco  Claire B As the temperature starts to rise in the evenings on the island, the number of outdoor film screenings increase, and this year there are plenty of new, interesting and cult films on offer. And there are more locations this year than ever before! Cinema Paradiso has been doing outdoor screenings for a few years, and this summer there are regular films being shown in Dalt Vila and also at Amante Beach Club, Nobu Hotel in Talaman-

Sat 23 Sant Juan Festival, Sant Juan 9pm -4am, Artisan Market with an Artistic Creative Market of recycled products, Carrer Antic Ajuntament, Sant Joan 10.30pm, Concert ‘Mayor Tom’, Plaça d'Espanya, Sant Joan 11.45pm, The Puppet Parade and Ritual of Four Elements,

beach on July 3, La La Land in Parc de la Pau on July 17, Across the Universe (VOSE) on Figueretas beach on July 30 and Moulin Rouge at Es Pratet on August 21. All these are free and start at 10pm. There are some gems being screened this summer – here’s a taster of some of what is to come:

 Studio 54, Tuesday June

ca and in Cala Llonga. Cinerama Dorado continues at Dorado in Playa d’en Bossa this summer showing cult films on Friday nights and expands into San Antonio at the newly opened Paradiso Art Hotel on Tuesday nights from June 26 with Studio 54. The City of Ibiza is also continuing with its Cinema A La Fresca series, with free film screenings all over Ibiza Town, including on the beaches in Talamanca and Figueretas. You can see West Side Story on Talamanca

26. Cinerama Dorado @ The Paradiso Art Hotel, San Antonio.  Streets of Fire, Friday June 29. Cinerama Dorado @ Dorado, Playa d’en Bossa.  West Side Story, the classic musical from 1961. Tuesday July 3 at 10pm. Cinema A La Fresca, Talamanca Beach, 10pm. Free.  I, Tonya, Thursday July 12. Cinema Paradiso in Dalt Vila.  American Graffiti, Tuesday

Plaça d'Espanya, Carrer de Sa Cala i Feixa des Foguerons, Sant Joan 12Midnight, Lighting of the Bonfire of Sant Joan, behind the Church. Audio-visual projections by Bambooo.de in the Church Square, Sant Joan 12.15am, Music with DJAMAL playing disco, funk, soul and house, as well as DJ Iain Donanchie, Carrer Antic Ajuntament, Sant Joan 12.30am, Javi Box & The Selectors DJ’s playing 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, Plaça d'Espanya,

Sant Joan

July 17. Cinerama Dorado @ The Paradiso Art Hotel, San Antonio.  Bladerunner 2046, Thursday July 26. Cinema Paradiso in Dalt Vila.  True Romance, Friday August 31. Cinerama Dorado @ Dorado, Playa d’en Bossa.

 Rhian King Ibiza’s outdoor cinema’s are growing—Cala Llonga, Playa d’en Bossa and now San Antonio have joined the evergrowing trend. Perseonally, if you are going to watch a classic, epic or even family friendly animation, I can’t think of a better way to do so—al fresco. Some request a donation to charity, others an entry fee (which varies according to the venue), but where ever you go, it will change your cinema experience. We’ve compiled a list of some that may be of interest—we particularly like the family orientated Cala Llonga beach. VOSE (Original version, Spanish subtitles)

San Antonio

2pm, Parade of Puppetson streets - Carrer Mossen Vicent Ferrer i Guasch Plaça d´Espanya 9pm, Traditional ‘Macaroni’ Contest, Plaça d'Espanya, Noche de Sant Juan, 9.30pm, Live Music from Sant Juan ‘Rels’, Plaça d'Espanya, 10am – 4pm, Artisans Market 10.30pm, Live Music with ‘Sa with ecological products, Sant Bluesmafia es Saligardos’, Joan Plaça d'Espanya, Sant Joan 1pm, Ball Pages by the Colla World Cup 2018, England v Labritja Group, with Bunyols  Panama, 2pm and Orelletes offered by the Sant Joan Town Hall, Plaça de  San Juan Market s´Esglesia (Church Square)

Sun 24

Placa Nord, behind the church 13th July, ‘Django Unchained’, 10pm, VOSE 27th July, ‘Dunkirk’, 10pm, VOSE 17th August, ‘La La Land’, 10pm, VOSE 31st August, ‘Minions’, 10pm, Spanish version 14th September, ‘V For Vendetta’, 10pm, VOSE

Cala Llonga On the beach, a charitable donation is welcomed. All showings start at 8.45pm 22nd July, ‘Grease’, VOSE 29th July, ‘Jungle Book’, VOSE 5th August, ‘Ice Age’, VOSE 12th August, ‘Mamma Mia’, Spanish version 19th August, ‘Moana’, VOSE 26th August, ‘Secret Life of Pets’, VOSE

Nobu Hotel *includes seat, headset, popcorn and glass of cava 27th June, ‘Molly’s Game’, 10pm, VOSE, 30€*

Baluarte de Sant Pere, in the Dalt Vila

 Funky Monkey, Guarana, Santa Eulalia

Mon 25  Brexit Advice Session, Morna College, 6pm. See news for more information

 Las Dalias Night Market  World Cup 2018, Spain v Morocco, 8pm


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All showings start at 10pm unless otherwise stated *includes a bean bag, popcorn and a drink 12th July, ‘I, Tonya’, VOSE, 16€* 19th July, ‘Godfather II’, VOSE, 16€* 26th July, ‘Into The Wild’, VOSE, 16€* 16th August, ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, VOSE, 16€* 23rd August, ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’, 9pm, VOSE, 16€* 23rd August, ‘Get Out’, 11.30pm, VOSE, 16€* 30th August, ‘Patticake$, 9pm, VOSE, 16€* 13th September, ‘Animal Kingdom’, 9pm, VOSE, 16€* 13th September, ‘True Romance’, 11.30pm, VOSE, 16€* 20th September, ‘American Made’, 11.30pm, VOSE, 16€* 27th September, ‘Molly’s Game’, 9pm, VOSE, 16€* 27th September, ‘The Big Lebowski’, 11.30pm, VOSE, 16€*

NEW FOR THURSDAY Paddy Slater Live at Peppers 2, see advert centre pages

The Ibizan 885 22nd June 2018

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Agenda Adda Gallery Opening  San Antonio  Claire B Saturday June 23 sees the grand opening of the Adda Gallery hosted by the Paradiso Ibiza Art Hotel from 5pm until late, with the inaugural group exhibition ‘Technicolor’. Curated by Anna Dimitrova, ‘Technicolor’ is a collective exhibition in which the idea of light and energy takes form in a vibrant and full of life manner.

Mega-Yacht Titania For Rent, 630,000€ Per Week The exhibition features work from the artists Enric Sant (Barcelona), Fefe Talavera (Brazil), GR170 (Barcelona), KENOR (Barcelona), NasePop (Argentina), Nuria Mora (Madrid), PRO176 aka Profécy (France), Smithe (Mexico), @Spok (Madrid) and Uriginal (Barcelona). Collectively, they contribute a diversity of different points of view that are integrated into one common dialogue, in which each one reflects on the relationship of music and their artwork - where the vibrations of sound, color, light and other sensations travel to create a context of beauty and intensity. Until July 20. Adda Gallery is at Avenida es Caló 70-76, San Antonio Bay, next to the Paradiso Art Hotel.

Charter company Expansion tell us that The Titania is the only mega-yacht that can be rented in the Balearic Islands, it comes in at a cool 630,000 euros a week. The Titania is 73 metres in length. It was manufactured by Lürssen and designed by Peter Instom. Launched in 2006, it has had a complete interior refit this year, with the designers seemingly going for a style somewhere between the homestyles of Hyacinth Boquet and Alan Partridge. Nice.

The 12 berth guest and owner accommodation enjoys every luxury, including a total of 50 televisions, a grand piano, a mini-disco and even a lift. If renters wish to entertain, the main deck can hold up to 100 people, and other services include a gym, massage suite, and a 14 metre high inflatable slide and waterpark. The ship has a crew of 22, including a professional chef. The ship is valued at 75 million euros and its owner is the British mobile phone tycoon John Caudwell, who rents it to finance its maintenance.



owever much we may aspire to ‘live the dream’ under the Mediterranean sun, there are a few things from our native land that are commonly missed among the British & Irish community in Ibiza.

Internet Not so long ago, Ibiza had universally poor internet service, which in some areas offered little more than dial up modem connection speeds. Things are changing, and those parts of the Island covered by Fibre Optic enjoy

300mb speeds that exceed those back in Blighty—but there are still many areas of Ibiza that have very patchy service at best. Satellite and 4g internet reaches the parts fixed connections cannot, and though other services are available, that offered by Fusion has the added advantage of operating through a UK VPN, giving access to all UK location reliant services without any additional software or connection gizmos.

Television Our refusal to give up sports & soaps has meant UK Satellite TV has been available in Spain for many years, however all of Satellite Solutions, A.H. Satellite and Fusion, also offer a range of alternatives including IPTV running through your internet connection, and multi channel boxes that take your TV beyond our native shores to global services with the sports fan’s reassurance of ‘if it’s on, you can get it’.

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