The Ibizan 890 10 Aug 18

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Read Our 4 Page Tourist Guide with Resort Maps, Things to Do & Places to Go, from page 7

No point pretending, a lot of this week’s news is pretty grim. We have yet more tragedy, with another all too young tourist death in San Antonio. We have yet more disgraceful behaviour, with one British tourist setting a new record for the fastest hooligan-

ism off the plane, and another drugged up Briton attacking the Can Misses medical staff as they try to treat him. We have yet more new regulations, and whether the new target of illegal boat rentals is a sounds decision or not, we certainly sense a collective feeling of exaspera-

tion at the never ending production line of new rules coming out of the Consell and Town Halls. Yet through all of this the Ibiza resident community continues to shine in its inimitably glorious way. If the news pages depress you, go to Community on page 15 for an uplifting tale. We come one.

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News on my life I have received. I do not drug anyone and I only drink soda. I do not have any drugs or alcohol.” Maycon says that due to the accusations “his future work in Ibiza has become very complicated”. He says he is in Ibiza making a documentary about Jack Sparrow, which consists of going to different places and photographing himself with people. He insists that he does not work for any club.

There Is No Complaint Filed

“I Am Not A Sexual Predator”, Ibiza’s Jack Sparrow Denounces Facebook Accusers The man who has been publicly outed on Facebook as being ringleader of an Ibizan date rape gang has hit back at his persecutors, making an official complaint to Santa Eulalia police. The man in question is 31 year old Brasilian Maycon Ferreto, who sports a pirate style of dress many have likened to Jack Sparrow, the character played by Johnny Depp in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. On July 30, a British tourist on vacation in Ibiza published on her Facebook profile a very long post in which she explained that in a nightclub in Ibiza a man characterized as Jack Sparrow had spiked (added drugs to) her drink. The young woman goes on to describe feelings of paranoia for the rest of the night, saying she felt “observed” by other men and that “she was very scared” because there were “hundreds of guys in plain clothes just hanging around, by the toilets in corners, by the bar and on their phones”. She says they were “looking at me”. Her post has been shared 21,000 times and already has 7,200 comments. According to reports in the Diario de Ibiza, who state they have documentation from Maycon in their possession, a few days later on August 4, an Ibiza resident wrote another post on his profile with a photo of the same man, stating “It’s not a joke! If someone from Ibiza sees this boy in any club, who apparently is abusing girls, seems to go with a group of people who plan sexual abuse. ” On August 7th that same resident posted a picture and a video of Maycon stating “Warning!! In Ibiza!! This apparently is the bloke who is spiking drinks in Amnesia, Privilege & DC-10. Please be careful.” In the video clip Maycon is seen putting a drink to a girl’s mouth – dependant on how you wish to interpret it, offering it or forcing it upon. You hear another girl say ‘Jack, she doesn’t want it’, and though the clip is very short he appears to take heed. Both these additional posts had huge reach and comments.

Police Denuncia On August 6th Maycon went to the Police in Santa Eulalia to denounce both the young woman and also the local resident. The complaint includes “the slanderous and defamatory messages that have been poured into the social network” and adds that “he fears for his safety and that his life is in danger.” Maycon Ferreto explained to the Diario de Ibiza that he is “no sexual predator”. “They are ruining my life and I am afraid of the threats

The Civil Guard has confirmed to the Diario de Ibiza that Jacinto Maycon Ferreto Anderson has not been reported for harassment or sexual abuse or any other crime. Although there has been no proof offered beyond the accusations of the original post, the consequences of the claimed defamation are difficult to stop, since they have been shared almost 50,000 times. The Diario concludes that “the seriousness of the accusation and the feeling of insecurity that has generated especially among the British tourists who are in Ibiza has made at least two British publications, and echoed the news warning their readers that “a sexual predator” It’s loose in the clubs of Ibiza”. The Spanish daily newspaper continues to say that “In all the profiles that Maycon has open on the Internet (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) It can be seen that the young man dresses himself as Jack Sparrow for years. He started doing it in his native Brazil and has numerous photos in which he appears accompanied by women, men and children. Also it has been characterized of other personages carried out by the actor Johnny Depp, like the madman’s haberdashery in ‘Alice in Wonderland’.” We contacted both the author of the original post, and the local resident author of the secondary posts. Neither have chosen to make comment at time of going to press.

Editorial Comment: Whatever the rights and wrongs of the case, it does seem odd, perhaps a sad reflection of our times, that given the seriousness of the accusations reports have been made to Facebook, but not to the police.  Below right, the original tourist post, below left, the secondary ‘resident’ post.

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News Drugged Up British Tourist Assaults Multiple Staff At Can Misses A&E  Report Thursday 9th August 2018 Described as a big man, very drunk and aggressive, and by his accent we assumed he was British, the staff at Can Misses accident and emergency unit continued to try and treat the man who had been taken there by Police who picked him up in the port of San Antonio. Even their restraints of tying him to the bed did not work – and during his stay and specifically his flight from the building he assaulted and injured several staff including a caretaker, a security worker and medical staff. The patient arrived at the Emergency Room yesterday at two in the morning, held by the Civil Guard and the Local Police of Sant Antoni. Besides being under the effects of drugs, the man, described as quite large, was very aggressive. The Police explained to the hospital staff that they had retained the subject shortly before, in the area of the port of Sant Antoni. According to the story of the agents, the man had caused a stir in the port of the town where, under the effects of drugs, he was very aggressive and threatened anyone who approached him with a sharp object. Realizing that they were going to stop him, the man tried to flee, for which he jumped from a wall about three meters high. When they managed to restrain him, the agents took him to the hospital’s emergency department to be treated for both the possible injuries of the fall and the agitation he showed. From the first moment, the emergency staff considered it necessary to tie the patient to the stretcher, due to his condition and the aggressiveness he showed. That’s how he stayed all night until this morning he tried to flee. The man, who was not in police custody, has taken advantage of the fact that he was released to escape the facilities, assaulting all those who stood in his way. Finally, several members of the security service intercepted him when the man, who was naked, was at the height of the old Can Misses, in the zebra crossing. There they have restrained him and taken him back to the Emergency Room.

 See our community ‘thank you’ initiative for the staff of Can Misses Accident & Emergency department on page 15

(Con nued on page 6)

Anwaar’s Family Plea For Answers The family of 24 year old Anwaar Lahrichi-Greenwood have made a plea for information following the tragic discovery of his corpse floating in San Antonio marina on Sunday 5th August. A letter was sent to The Ibizan on Friday 10th Augustby Anwaar’s cousin Syan Angol. Syan says “As you can imagine we just want to know as much as we can regarding his final movements. We have attached a statement from the family.”

Family Statement “We are the family of Anwaar Lahrichi-Greenwood. You may have read of his untimely death whilst here on holiday in Ibiza. Anwaar was a 24-year-old son, brother, nephew and cousin. He was also an active member of the community in the UK working with disadvantaged and vulnerable children. His ambition in life was to open a foster home. He was wise beyond his years, caring and gentle. His untimely death is a tragedy for his family and the local community he lived and worked in. We his family would like to appeal to all The Ibizan readers for information relating to Anwaar’s last hours. Anwaar was found drowned in San Antonio bay in the harbour on Sunday 5th at 11:40am. His night began on Friday 3rd at Ocean Beach. He was later thought to have left Soul City in the early hours of Saturday morning. He was also witnessed outside Eden at approx. 5:30am having sustained injuries, possibly in a fight. No further sightings have been confirmed since this time. We are appealing for help filling in the timeline of Anwaar’s last movements. However insignificant you

may think your information is please contact the family on the Instagram page @justiceforanwaar, by email, or if preferred via The Ibizan at The family would like to thank the Ibizan and the readers for hopefully shedding some light on Anwaars last hours to bring them comfort and closure.”

Floating Corpse Confirmed as 24 Year Old British Tourist  Our report Saturday 4th August. Police have confirmed that a body found floating in San Antonio marina today is that of a 24 year old British Tourist that had been missing for 2 days. Police and Guardia Civil have now taken over responsibility for investigating the circumstances of the death. They have stated that the body shows evidence of some “bumps and scrapes”, but nothing that would give any indication of a cause of death. Members of the public reported the sighting of a corpse floating in San Antonio harbour earlier today. Port police took control of the incident and recovered the body.

Second Unidentified Corpse The discovery follows that of a man of Asian origin said to be in his 30s, also found dead floating at the small Es Pouet beach in San Antonio last week. police are still asking for assistance in helping to identify the deceased person.

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Agenda Perseids Meteor Shower Reaches its peak Sunday 12th August from 10pm-10am the following day

grain of sand.  Experts suggest there may be an average of 60 to 70 meteors per hour but increase to between 150 and 200 at certain times of the night.  Photography is not easy, especially on a mobile phone.  The meteor shower can be watched live over the Internet thanks to the Observatorio del Teide in Tenerife and Sky-Live-TV. To enjoy the meteor shower, find a dark place free from light pollution, allow 30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark and enjoy.

Figueretas Fiesta & Fireworks  Claire B


ccording to NASA meteor expert Bill Cooke, this is probably the most popular meteor shower of the year and the best shower of 2018. The meteors showers peak will be visible both nights of the 11th August and 12th August, however the 12th is likely to be the better show. As there will be a new moon on the 11th, visibility will be at its best, the Perseids are also rich in fireballs, so the show will be even better. Mars, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter will also be visible.

Perseid Meteor Shower Facts  Pieces of comet debris heat up as they enter the atmosphere and burn up in a bright burst of light, streaking a vivid path across the sky as they travel at 37 miles (59 km) per second.  When in space, the pieces of debris are called "meteoroids," but when they reach Earth's atmosphere, they're designated as "meteors." If a piece makes it all the way down to Earth without burning up, it graduates to "meteorite."  Most of the meteors in the Perseids are much too small to reach Earth they're about the size of a

The fiesta for the neighbourhood of Figueretas continues until August 15. There are activities and concerts from local bands in the evenings on the promenade and a firework display on August 15 at midnight, which can be seen from the beach or the promenade.

Fiesta highlights  August 11-15: Workshops and activities for children. From 7-10pm. Plaza Julià Verdera (by the beach). Free.  August 11: Ball Pagès folk dancing @ 20.15h. Karaoke @ 21.30h.  August 12: Concert from The Shots. 9.30pm.  August 13: Concert from Contra-Band. 9.30pm.  August 14: Concert from Poison Ivy (9.30pm) and Niu de Born (10.30pm).  August 15: Concert from Bluesmafia I Es Saligardos. 9.30pm.  August 15: Fireworks on the beach at midnight. The fiesta is part of the annual Festes de la Terra (Fiestas de la Tierra or Earth Festival) that takes place within Ibiza Town and the Figueretas area. The full programme is online in Catalan and Spanish:

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Food & Drink Ibosim Brewery & Cooperativa Integral d'Eivissa ‘17 Hierbas’ Colaboration  Saturday 11th August, 6pm-midnight, Ibosim

Brewhouse, Port Des Torrent Ibiza’s craft ale brewery Ibosim have joined forces with the Island’s co-operative agricultural society to create their own special edition version of Ibiza’s own Hierbas liqueur. On Saturday 11th they are presenting this year’s very special tipple at their brewhouse bar in Port Des Torrent. To mark the occasion they are offering their own ‘hoppy hour’ (c’mon, that’s pretty good punning for nonnative English) with a pint of Rosemary Rural Ale or Garrova Porter for the price of a half . Lovely stuff. You can also pay using ECO currency—despite reading the CIE website, we’re still not 100% sure exactly how that works, but it sounds intriguing—find out more about the ECO currency and all the work of the CIE including their Mercat de Forada weekly produce market, here, For more information on Ibosim and the Saturday presentation event, go to cervezasibosim/

Hierbas Workshop  Fluxà Ibiza, Jesus, Santa Eulalia The Fluxà family will show you the craft distilling process in a traditional distillery and you will be able to make your own Ibizan hierbas (pronounced yerbas), the island’s most highly valued liqueur. The workshop includes a tour of the botanic garden where you will see more than 20 types of aromatic herbs, more than 10 varieties of chilli peppers and native fruit

trees such as carob, cherry, plum and almond trees. During this tour we will get acquainted with the 17 aromatic herbs needed to make Ibizan herb liqueur and you will learn to identify fennel, thyme, rosemary, lemon verbena, lavender, rue, eucalyptus, chamomile, juniper, oregano and many other plants. You will pick the right herbs and learn all about the distilling process. You will then mix your picked herbs and make your own artisan herb liqueur. At the end of the workshop, each participant will have made a bottle of artisan Hierbas to take home with them. The workshop lasts 2 hours, children are welcome, and the languages spoken are Spanish, English, German, Dutch & French. The workshops are held Monday and Tuesday from 9.30am+-11.30am and Thursday from 7pm-9pm. Cost 29€pp.

Make Your Own Hierbas Once you have gathered the ingredients it is not as difficult as you might think—though do expect a fairly rough first batch, you’ll spend a lifetime refining your own family blend. Follow our D.I.Y. guide here. https://

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News New Record For Ibiza’s Fastest British Hooligan Arrest? Briton, 18 yrs, Arrives Drunk, Kicks Cars, goes Straight into Jail An 18 year old British tourist has set a new bar in becoming the worst kind of idiot in the shortest possible time. According to a report by San José police, the young man was arrested on the road just outside Ibiza airport in a heavily intoxicated state. He had only just arrived in Ibiza and was carrying his suitcase along the shoulder of the road leading from the airport to Sa Caleta. According to the statement of witnesses the man was attempting to stop traffic, and kicking the cars as they slowed to pass him. He also hurled an object at the back window of one vehicle, smashing the glass out. He was with one other young man, whom the Police statement said was also heavily intoxicated, but did not indicate he was involved in the crimes.

San Antonio Mobile Speed Trap San Antonio have announced the acquisition of a new mobile speed radar gun for the use of Police in the municipality. The Town Hall state that they requested funding for a mobile radar unit from the Directorate General of Traffic two years running in 2016 and 2017, but were denied on both occasions due to a lack of funding resources.

Illegal Boat Rentals Next in Line For Balearic Clampdown The Balearic Government will toughen sanctions against the illegal rental of boats and will use the new legislation designed for tourist rental properties to incorporate the illegal and unregulated trade. The crackdown was announced by the General Director of Ports and Airports, Xavier Ramis , after a meeting held yesterday with representatives of the employers of maritime companies of the islands (Apeam). The objective is to develop a sanction system that resembles the one that has been set for the tourist rental of houses in time for enforcement in Summer 2019. The meeting was held to analyse the recent start-up of the register of vessels that are engaged in this nautical charter activity, and in which 2,722 are already listed. But Apeam contends that this figure accounts for only half of the 5,000 plus it estimates are operating in the Balearics. The president of the association of maritime excursions, Santiago Mayol, and his counterpart in the nautical charter, José María Jiménez, said that the new registry in which all vessels operating must appear, will be a very

They therefore decided to proceed and purchase a unit directly from the municipal coffers. The unit will be operational immediately after the Police officers has completed operational training, and the radar will be used “throughout all areas of the municipality”.

Cala de Bou Medical Centre Closed by Police The ‘Eurosam’ medical centre in Cala de Bou has been closed by the Ministry of Health & Police. Two inspectors of the Ministry of Health of the Balearic Government, accompanied by two agents of the Local Police of Sant Josep, went yesterday to Eurosam Clinic,

useful tool when it comes to prosecuting those acting outside the law, and applauded the interest in this issue by the Government. The director said that fines for a serious offence range from 500 to 10,000 euros, and that they will be reviewed to have a powerful sanctioning regime that will stop those illegally trading in the sector already and deter new charter boats from entering without their vessels and business fully registered. The representatives of Apeam highlighted that legal companies are registering a significant decrease in their activity this summer, despite the fact that the anchorage areas of the islands are full. They say this can only be due to “a good part of the demand being absorbed by those who act outside the law”. They also pointed out that one of the irregular practices used to avoid detection is that of the barqueo, which means that the charter boat never comes into port, and that those renting the vessel are taken to it on a zodiac or similar tender. In working this way, the charter vessel avoids port costs and damages the environment, as waste generated must be dumped at sea.

in Cala de Bou, to record the current status of the medical centre, and communicate the formal closure to the owner. The business had already vacated half of its premises in the Ses Fontanellas Plaza building, but was continuing to operate from premises that have been subject to a bank foreclosure, which has yet to be enforced. At the time of their attendance there was only one patient in attendance. Police said they left without problem. Ministry of Health officials contacted the owner, demanding their attendance, however after they did not make an appearance in approaching 2 hours, the building was closed and administrative staff told to leave. The building was not sealed as it still contains equipment claimed to be owned by previous business owners, who have an opportunity to collect it.

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Tourist Guide Santa Eulalia Food & Drink  Los Otros, Vegan & Veg Restaurant, Santa Eulaia There can be little doubting the vegan credentials of Los Otros, as not only do they offer a fine range of Italian food, the owner is an authoritative author of vegan cookbooks too. The setting is magical. Just meters from the water on the marina front of Santa Eulalia, your visit will have the reassuringly relaxing soundtrack of the clinking masts of moored yachts.

 Smoker’s Delight Restaurant, Santa Eulalia Smoker’s Delight can make the rare claim to bringing something truly unique to Ibiza’s world of food. The restaurant smokes all their own food on the premises using 100% natural wood pellets in an offset smoker. The method - Low and Slow. The result – just about as succulent and flavoursome beef, turkey and salmon as you will ever taste. Vegans are well cared for including the smoked organic Tofu, the tapas tasters offer a perfect lite bite, and a full night menu that is, well, smoking. The salads look amazing, but our recommendation has to be the Beef Brisket Merienda. A chunk of smoked beef brisket, horse reddish, pickles, mustard and bread.

 Mariposa Pool Bar & Restaurant, Cala Llonga

View of the Dalt Vila in Ibiza Town’s Historic Heart

The idea of ‘living the dream’ under the Mediterranean sun becomes reality at the Mariposa. Nestled in the hills behind the Cala Llonga village, and with spectacular views out over the bay, the Mariposa team and regulars will give you the warmest of welcomes. Start your day with a bacon and brie toasted sandwich and café con leche, followed by a dip in the pool, and sip on some cocktails from your poolside lounger. Heaven.

Welcome to Ibiza


On behalf of all of us who live and work in Ibiza, most of whom earn our living directly or indirectly from the tourism sector, we welcome you to the Island. The Ibizan has been our island English language newspaper since 1999. We now produce a monthly tourism special edition, which you will hopefully find available in your Hotel reception. The monthly special is a much bigger newspaper entirely focussed on you the tourist, It includes resort guides to all of the major tourist areas, a huge agenda of things to do for the month, and an insight to the Island history and culture. In this, our regular weekly edition, the next 4 pages are provided as a compact guide—with useful maps and information on our supporting advertisers—restaurants, clubs, bars, shops and much more besides. You will also find lots of useful information in the agenda pages, clubbing and food & drink. For more information, and an online version of the monthly special if you cannot find one in your accommodation, go to our website We hope you will have a fantastic time, and will be on the way to becoming one of our many frequent flyer visitors.  Nicholas Gibbs, Editor

 Guarana Nightclub, Santa Eulalia Marina A visit to one of Ibiza’s huge super-clubs may be on your holiday to do list. But seasoned clubber or not, you’ll enjoy a night at Santa Eulalia’s only late night club—a munch more intimate and friendly affair than it’s bigger sisters. Located directly on Santa Eulalia marina waterfront, if you dance til dawn you will also be treated to the spectacular sight of an Ibiza dawn rising over the sea. Sunset is for your mates, sunrise is for your soul-mate.

 Viva Cala Llonga The Cala llonga Hippy Market takes place every Thursday evening from 6pm with an array of locally hand crafted articles such as clothes, jewellery, trinkets, pottery and much more, produced by some of Ibiza's finest artisans all at reasonable prices. Located on the promenade it's a perfect place to wander along under the evening stars while listening to live music, looking for a perfect gift, souvenir or personal treat. In addition to this there's a wide variety of international bars and restaurants for you to enjoy and a safe playground for the little ones. There's ample free parking just a few metres away.

San Antonio Food & Drink  Tapas Restaurant and Lounge Bar One top tip to start with—it is best to book. Tapas is one of the most popular places to eat in San An, and in the height of summer you may have quite a wait to get seated if you haven't booked in advance.

 Mambo No trip to Ibiza is complete without a sunset on the strip, and if you want to do it in the finest style, Mambo has to be the place to go. Their terrace enjoys spectacular views of the sunset, and you’ll be entertained by some of the world’;s top DJs with Mambos nightly pre-party warm up.

 Mar 5 MAR 5 is an elegant venue near the port of San Antonio. On the first floor the restaurant has a wonderful terrace where you can enjoy their Argentinian grill menu. Serving the very best cuts of meat and delicious fish along with their famous homemade desserts - a treat for the palate. The ground floor is for lovers, lovers of gin and tonic and a party, and if you are with somebody you love, all the better. Open until 05:00 am, it offers a variety of musical alternatives: from R & B, House and Techno to Flamenco or Salsa. Summer hours; kitchen 7pm-3am, Club 7pm-5am.

 La Cantina Portmany La Cantina is a bar and restaurant right on San Antonio’s fountains square. A local legend, it has stood in the same spot and run by the same family since way back when it was by some way the biggest building on the waterfront in what was an unrecognisable San Antonio. With a pedigree of such distinction, you won’t find a better place for a traditional Paella or some fresh caught local fish. But it also offers far more. The La Cantina kitchen is also home to 3 specialist chefs each taking care over their respective Thai, Indian and TexMex division.

 David’s Pizzeria

Tapas is all about global flavours, but served in a traditional Spanish Tapas style of small plates perfect for sharing. They have a fantastic range of vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and dairy free options on the menu too.

default choice for daytime calm, and a regular one for nigh time fun too.

David’s is renowned for its Italian-French cuisine and they have a vast menu, including 35 different pizzas to choose from, plus the option of turning any one into Calzone. But if pizza’s not your thing, they also have a selection of pastas, salads, fish and meat dishes to tempt you. David’s also offer a takeaway service and a menu del dia for 12.50€, available till 8.30pm .

 Tulp Beach Café Tulp Beach Café is located right on San Antonio’s beachfront Promenade. An oasis of bohemian chic laid back cool, it is our

Tulp offer an extensive drink and cocktail selection, and a menu to suit every appetite from a tasty tapas to Dutch and international meals. Tulp has spectacular sunset views, and cosy front row booths can be booked online via their website. See front page advert for details.

Entertainment  Eden Eden’s no expense spared refit has resulted in a club at the forefront of its peers, but retaining the legendary status as one of Ibiza’s seven-sisters superclubs. That no expense spared also ran to a Void sound system that is not only one of the best in Ibiza, but worldwide. A flagship Void install, in the right hands the music at Eden will make you feel music as you have never felt it before. See our ‘At Night’ and ‘Agenda’ sections for what’s on.

 Plastik Plastik holds top spot as San Antonio’s premier pre-party bar. Putting the VIP experience within reach of non-VIP pockets, it is the perfect place to experience some style for a night out, or as a party starter for later clubbing. Plastik’s masterful resident DJs are joined most nights of the

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Tourist Guide

calo) in 2017, the watersports shop have a huge range of bookable activities on and under the water, for individuals and groups. Browse their range of jetskis, stand up paddle, seadoos, speedboat trips, and the awesome hoverboard and flyboard sessions, from the comfort of their shop, and then take the activity from any of their four beach concessions—which makes them one of the biggest watersports operators in Ibiza. If not near the shop you can also book online via their website.

 Peppers2 Party Bar Dance till dawn? You betcha, and we don’t want any of that ‘I’m too old for all that now’ nonsense either. In Ibiza there is no such thing as too old, and Peppers2 is a fine example of an all night party bar that will see everybody from barely legal to rather regal bopping the night away. See the agenda for special events, but every night you are guaranteed a warm welcome from Chaz and the team. Take a cocktail or two on the terrace, then head inside to show us your moves.

 Donnegans Irish Pub It is hard to know what category to list Donnegans, as they do many things, and do them all very well. Day and night it is a bar with a welcome as warm as the draught Guiness and magners are cold. They show all sports including hurling, and have a great menu of reasonabl;y priced home cooked food from snacks to full meals. But it is perhaps their entertainment that really sets them apart. With a regular line up of live performers with the common denominator of making sure everyone has a great time. Check our agenda and their facebook for events.

 Playa Bella Cabaret Terrace

 Ibiza’s spectacular, and largely unspoilt, North Coast week by headliners from some of Ibiza’s biggest club nights.

 Freo’s Finest

 Viva Tennis

“Snuff, Puff, and Party Stuff”, possibly the best and certainly the most accurately descriptive business strap-line we’ve heard in Ibiza. Poppers, seeds, mushroom kits, and more bongs than the collected works of Cheech and Chong. Plus they offer home/hotel delivery—smoking!

With 5 top quality courts (2 clay, 3 artificial grass), a bar, pool, sun-terrace and beautiful garden Viva Tennis is the essential destination on Ibiza to play tennis and relax with friends. Whether you are a complete beginner or regular player their team of international coaches can improve anyone’s game.

Ibiza Town & Figueretes  Father Jacks Our east coast home-from-home. Figueretes finest Father Jack’s offer just about everything you could want in a proper pub, just with added sunshine. Guinness on draught—of course, but also Kilkenny Red Ale and Strongbow from the pumps. Plus, and though it might not be a big one for tourists, it certainly is for us residents—proper pies pasties & sausage rolls. With 5 big screen TVs and 4 satellite streams, whatever your sporting preference, if it’s on, they’ve got it.

San Antonio Bay Food & Drink  Johnny’s Pub, Established 1993 Johnny’s is a Bay institution. Popular with locals and tourists alike, they are open for food to eat in and takeaway from morning through to late—usually very late, and at some point on your holiday, you’ll be glad of that. We locals can’t have their exceptional English breakfast (above) as often as we’d like, but you’re on holiday, so indulge yourself. Just 4,75€ gets you double British sausage and bacon, double egg, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, fried slice, toast and tea or coffee—plus a portion of jam for reasons we’ve never fully understood.

 Little India, Sri Lankan & Indian Restaurant

Vara de Rey 22 dental surgery combines the best technology, equipment and talent bringing you first class dental treatment from specialists you can trust – including emergency appointments. Services also include facial aesthetics, a range of treatments using fillers and botox. For more information see their website

The restaurant that puts the Bom in the Bay, Chef Vipula puts his Sri Lankan heritage into every delicious dal, beautiful biriyani and majestic madras that leaves his kitchen. Unsurprisingly, it can get busy in the summer months, so if planning ahead a booking on their website is a good idea. If exhausted by a hard day on the beach, a take-away service is available to be enjoyed back in the hotel – expect neighbourenvy as those glorious smells waft across the balcony.

 Ilusions Pool Café

 Aperture, Cocktail, Music & Sunset Terracce

 Vara de Rey 22

Think ‘Cool Hand Luke’. Ilusions is a proper old-school Pool Hall with fantastic premium tables and an equally a-list range of Tapas on which to nibble while you play. We don’t want to get sexist about this, but it is the thinking man’s choice while the missus is shopping in Ibiza Town. You’ll be happier, she will be happier, just don’t think too much about your accruing credit card bill while you enjoy a game.

 Royal Plaza The Royal Plaza offer a taste of traditional 4 star quality and service from the days before corporate branding made hotels anonymous. If you are already here you can’t take advantage of the superb accommodation—but remember it for next time. You can however enjoy a meal on their rooftop terrace with unrivalled views over the Dalt Vila. Special, very special.

In the heart of San Antonio Bay, Aperture Terrace is something of an Ibizan secret, a hidden gem. Invisible from the street, just a few footsteps upstairs take you to a chic retreat that could be a million miles from the hustle & bustle below. All the beach club charm, without the competing hordes or the annoying travel, Aperture is accessible luxury on your doorstep. Book a bed by day, dip in the pool and delight at the menu, or make it your sunset choice for cocktails where the only crush is the ice in your mojito. Just don’t tell everybody.

 Relish Restaurant & Lounge Bar Just footsteps from the beach of Cala De Bou, the restaurant and bar extends into a large covered terrace, gardens and a private pool for the exclusive use of relish patrons. Plus on Sundays Relish offers a traditional Sunday Roast. Relish pride themselves on a simple philosophy - good food, cooked well, fairly priced. Booking with immediate confirmation is available on the website.

 More Great Food You’ll also find great food in Donnegans Irish Pub, Playa Bella and Kumharas—all of whom are listed in the entertainment section. Also we have to recommend going local during your stay. Nothing beats a long lazy lunch of fresh cooked paella on the beach with a jug or three of sangria to wash it down.

Entertainment etc.  The Watersports Shop A most welcome addition to the lower bay road (carrer des

Fancy some good old family cabaret? The Playa Bella apartments kick off with nightly cash Bingo hosted by our own mister thriller from Aston Villa, Chip, and once your eyes are restored to their regular horizontal position, the night continues with a roster of live cabaret featuring everything from tribute acts to comedy to drag and some very talented musical acts. All this takes place on their beachfront terrace which also has a great range of food available day and night.

 Ibosim Brewhouse Tough to know whether to list Ibosim brewhouse in ‘food & drink’ or ‘things to do’. As bars are hardly in short supply in Ibiza, and Ibosim offers so much more, we decided on the latter. Ibosim is the first and only beer produced in Ibiza. Visit the brewery and enjoy a worthy range of craft beers on the taproom terrace, or take it a step further and ask about their brewery tours. Ibosim are 50m from Port des Torrent beach.

Only In Ibiza  Grow Submarine, Head Shop The days of the straw donkey are as dead as a dropped donkey. What Grandma really wants as a gift from your Ibiza adventure is the latest in acrylic bong technology. Don’t know what to get your mates at work—how about some matching grinders? Of course it doesn’t have to be a gift, what better way to fill that last space in the suitcase than with some stock from Grow Submarine’s extensive range of cannabis culture stock? From Rizla’s up, though we warn you that attempting to board a Ryanair flight with a full hydrophonic growing system may incur excess baggage fees.

San José Cala Tarida  Fat Billy’s Beach Bar Welcome to Fat Billy’s Beach Bar, a word from our sponsors ... “We're located a few steps away from Cala Tarida beach in Ibiza. Enjoy our services in a cool, comfortable, relaxing and family friendly setting during the afternoon or evening. Taste our delicious and healthy fresh food menu, which has options for children, vegetarians and vegans. Sit back, relax and indulge in an exquisite cocktail, chilled soft drink, fresh smoothie, juice or alcoholic beverage from our bar.”

Cala Conte/Cala Tarida  Buddha Buddha A venue with two distinctly different personalities. The Buddha Bar is a great locals haunt and ideal for a pit stop on the way to or from the beach. Good food, great prices, modern but unfussy. Walk a few metres into Buddha Buddha, the restaurant and sunset terrace, and you are in a completely different world. A shabby chic style, contemporary but comfortable, spectacular views, and a modern and very well considered Asian Tapas menu.

The Ibizan 890 10th August 2018

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Shebizan  Amanda O’Riordan Welcome to an insanely hot week in London. Now, I’m not usually one to complain about the heat - in fact generally it’s something to embrace. But this UK heatwave has proven difficult to live with. Along with a newfound inability to handle the booze thanks to the de-hydration. I'm also unable to function due to sleep deprivation caused by the intense heat. So, I’m (trying) to drink only a couple of times a week during the summer. I can deal with that. But with the temperature at night not dropping below 21, havoc has been wreaked on my normally sound shut-eye. So, I top up the caffeine, up my undereye concealer dose and sweat through the day, hoping for respite. Onto this week’s round up, and we check out Serena William’s fashion range, Victoria Beckham’s Reebok collection and beware of the skinny brow. It’s back, says Rhianna.

 Read Amanda’s fashion blog http://

Serena Williams Fashion Range Serena Williams, the tennis star, has turned fashion designer. Her label - titled simply, Serena – has just landed and is available exclusively via her website Serena has previously collaborated with sports giant Nike and American retailer HSN (Home Shopping Network) but this time she’s gone it alone. The range - which has been two years in the making includes a selection of athleisure pieces alongside "practical" daywear, including denim, blazers and dresses, ranging in price from £26 to £188. Select pieces also feature motivational messaging revolving around selflove and confidence. "I am beautiful. I am strong" - which Williams comments acts as a "friendly reminder", in case you happen to be having a tough day. The range features high-end fabrics with a high-end quality feel, and you don’t have to pay over the top to buy-in. The 36-year-old, who welcomed daughter Alexis Olympia into the world last September, previously spent two years studying at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, generating confidence in her design abilities. The launch of Serena coincides with Williams playing in her first major tennis tournaments following maternity leave - an empowering message for new mothers.

VB For Reebok Last year, Victoria Beckham announced her collaboration with Reebok. Since November 2017, she has been drip-feeding clues, via her Instagram, about what we can expect. The biggest hint was a series of snaps with basketball star Shaquille O'Neal. The images showed off their MASSIVE size difference, as well as a sneak peak of the Victoria Beckham x Reebok t-shirts, all inspired by the sports legend. For those who don't know, Shaq is considered one of the greatest players in NBA history and stands at an impressive 7 ft 1. And now, the range has just dropped, basketball style. The collection is a mixture of unisex items, comprising six t-shirts, two unisex hoodies and one pair of sporty socks - all in black and white with the odd splash of red. The minimal tees and hoodies feature the silhouette of

Shaq shooting hoops on the front, along with his jersey number 34 on the back and a list of his accomplishments. Each item also features a subtle 'VB' logo on the sleeve. The t-shirts are priced at £110 a pop, a hoodie is £160 and socks are £40. VB says “When I think of Reebok, I think of the 90s and basketball – and therefore of course I think of Shaq. For me this capsule really represents a celebration of that era, Reebok and Shaq’s shared history in basketball, and the great heritage pieces I discovered in those archives." The Beckhams' eldest son, Brooklyn, is a ‘well known photographer’ now, and at just 19 has already released a photography book and shot campaigns for Burberry. And so, it made perfect sense that the budding photographer would shoot his mum's Reebok collection. Victoria posted a series of images shot by her son with the caption: "Love seeing my Merch Collection through @BrooklynBeckham eyes". Shop the collection on her website and Dover Street store.

The Return Of The Skinny Brow I just bought this month’s Vogue and was shocked to see Rihanna on the cover sporting skinny brows. Are we heading for a micro-brow revival? It is worth noting that Rihanna is also wearing hi-vis Prada gloves and is balancing a bouquet of fuchsias on her head in the Nick Knight-shot image. So it’s all a bit tongue in cheek. But it’s her eyebrows that have raised mine. I am one of the victims who championed the 90s micro brow look. Twenty years on, I desperately regret overplucking my brows back then. So, the Rihanna photos trigger particularly painful memories. Unfortunately, history suggests that micro brows could be due for a comeback. The spindly look was big in the 1930s, as seen on Marlene Dietrich, in the 60s, via a more natural incarnation on Mia Farrow and in the 90s, as modelled by Pamela Anderson. Logically, the next likely instalment will

therefore probably fall on or around 2020. Yikes. Some say that micro brows look powerful and creative – but from my perspective they are not flattering. They overexpose our features, reducing balance and harmony. In Rihanna’s case, the look seems to have been temporary, probably created by squashing her existing brows with glue, then covering them with concealer and foundation before drawing on two new lines. In real life you would have to wax or pluck yours off. But you could find that it unbalances your face and the hairs might never grow back. Which happened to me. So, there you have it – tweeze with extreme caution!

The Ibizan 890 10th August 2018

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Wax Da Jam San Carlos, by Claire B There are 2 remaining Nightmares On Wax presents Wax Da Jam 2018 events at Las Dalias. There’s a full live band show on August 16, plus DJs, amazing food, market stalls, vinyl fairs and more.

Thursday August 16th: In da garden - Nightmares On Wax (live show), Buckley, Kazim Kazim Kazim. In da club - Nightmares On Wax (DJ set), Negghead. Thursday September 6th – Closing party: In da garden Andy Wilson, Adam Regan (Leftfoot). In da club -

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Nightmares On Wax (DJ set) B2B Simon Dunmore (Defected, Glitterbox), Negghead and Shovell on percussion. Full of gratitude from the huge reception and success of smash LP ‘Shape The Future’, Nightmares on Wax returns with the Ibiza staple that celebrates the island’s original essence of hedonism and community spirit. Las Dalias will be the only place to see Nightmares on Wax Live in Ibiza this year, as well as extended sets from DJ E.A.S.E, keeping it completely exclusive to Wax Da Jam. One of the key areas of change George Evelyn (a.k.a Nightmares On Wax) targets in his LP is our planet’s burgeoning plastic pollution. Oceanic Global, a nonprofit that sees art, music and emerging technologies as tools to educate and drive change, estimates that by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in our ocean by weight. Galvanised by innovative steps made by Oceanic Global on the island, George will show his support by banning plastic straws at all Wax Da Jam events – a key step outlined in the foundation’s guide, The Oceanic Standard. As well as pushing for action that will better our environment, Wax Da Jam will continue to incorporate Last Night A DJ Saved My Life – a charitable organisation that creates opportunities for the dance music industry to make a positive impact on children living in crisis. Last summer’s collaborative efforts from Wax Da Jam events, Nightmares On Wax and Las Dalias meant they achieved their target of building a water well in Ugandan village Kasebwela, with 330 people in the community now having access to clean drinking water. “As an ambassador it’s my duty to raise awareness and support. When you party with Wax Da Jam, you’re helping children in need for years to come.” And it doesn’t end there with the children’s charity, as one week after Wax Da Jam’s September closing party, George is set to scale Mount Kilimanjaro, with the proceeds funding a local special needs home. Anyone of the age of 16 and over is welcome to enjoy great music, local food and market stalls, and so much more. At Las Dalias in San Carlos, 8pm – 4am. There's a special price of €15 for residents with ID on the door. Tickets from:

Made In Italy

Wednesday 15th August Made in Italy’s 24th anniversary party @ Blue Marlin. The entertainment brand Made in Italy has been one of the White Isle’s most renowned movers and shakers, embodying the spirit of Ibiza’s nightlife. With DJ Ralf and Bushwacka and Blue Marlin resident Paola Poletto. From 4pm to midnight

The Ibizan 890 10th August 2018

In Print & Online Since 1999

Ibiza Preservation Foundation 10th Anniversary Claire B

Los Olivos estate.

Celebrate 10 years of the Ibiza Preservation Fund (now the Ibiza Preservation Foundation) at an exclusive event on August 22. Join their cofounders, board and leaders to celebrate the IPF’s achievements to preserve Ibiza and Formentera’s land and sea. Deliciously Sorted Ibiza will present the evening of dining, drinking and dancing in a very Spanish style at the beautiful

‘Balearic Flamenco’ show by Ibiza legend Paco Fernandez (pictured) Exclusive performance by Ibiza lovers and legendary DJs BLOND:ISH All spirits and event cocktails provided by Pernod Ricard with Absolut, ABSOLUT ELYX , Avión tequila, Champagne G.H. MUMM and Havana Club

Ticket includes:

Elrow Pool Party Playa d’en Bossa, Ushuaïa Claire B Mid July saw the spectacle that is Elrow take over Ushuaïa for the first time, with a pool party with a difference. Elrow is known worldwide for its spectacular themed events and performances full of creativity, imagination and lots of fun. The theme for this first one was the Sambadrome of Brazil, which brought a wild Brazilian street party to the jungle. The venue was

Paella and BBQ catered by La Grande Bouffe Ibiza with locally-sourced organic produce A goodie bag Tickets are €50 for residents and €95 for nonresidents. Money raised at the event will support the IPF’s key programmes. They include Posidonia protection, promoting Ibiza produce, creating a sustainability centre and leading a campaign to make Ibiza and Formentera free of single-use plastics. More info on Facebook - Ibiza Preservation Fund. August 22 at 19:30–23:59. Finca Los Olivos Ibiza, Carretera Eivissa–San Antonio, Km 6.5. Numbers are limited. Purchase your ticket at: events/ipf-10years/

completely decked out with giant flowers and animals everywhere, with constant entertainment on the pool, on the stage, giant creatures wandering around in the crowd, confetti canons and lots more. Music was provided by Andrea Oliva, De La Swing, Eats Everything, Fisher, Kölsch and Marc Maya, and the DJs on the wildly decorated stage looked like they were enjoying themselves as much as the punters in the venue. It was my first time at an Elrow party and it did not disappoint – the production and the entertainment were second to none – it was impressive and lots of fun. Elrow returns to Ushuaïa on August 22 with the ‘Triangulo de las Rowmudas’ theme - the Rowmuda Triangle – and it is sure to be another fun party.

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Fresh, San An Hip Hop Hip hop to celebrate Youth Day Punta des Moli, San Antonio San Antonio will celebrate International Youth Day a day early on Saturday 11th August, one day before the official date of the 12th August with hip hop music, basketball and graffiti. These activities are part of the second edition of the ‘San An Fresh’ which is celebrated on Saturday from 5pm in sa Punta des Molí, next to the basketball courts.

The rap, hip hop and trap festival, organised by Alejandro Rodríguez Lexus and Santi Tully Soner in conjunction with the San Antonio Town Hall, also has the collaboration this year of the Consell de Eivissa through the Estiu Jove, allowing the programme to be bigger than last. The celebration will begin at 5pm with 3x3 basketball games. At 7pm music will begin with the performance of the Ibizan rapper Siker. At 7.45pm, Barcelonese Mr.À and Acros will take the stage for their hip hop with reggae touches and Catalan songs. At 8.30pm it will be the turn of the Ibiza group St.Sharks, made up of Lexus and Soner, who will perform with AM Beats. Forty minutes later (9.10pm) music from the Square Squad and Dj Some will begin and at 9.50pm, Amel Lady Soul and Mosfonic will perform. The festival will be closed with the headliner, the Madrid artist Aka Jere and his brother B da Brain, who will present their latest work 'Aeternum', accompanied by Dj La Ley. The festival will dedicate a space to the art of graffiti artists Hosh, Sune, Rastro, Mono and Sick. The entrance to the event is free and the association 'RqueR' will have a stand where they will sell food and drinks to raise funds for animal charities.

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Community Weather 10th August— 16th August 2018 ARIES – Three of Wands Your creative talents are being recognised by colleagues and associates and you are being encouraged to develop your knowledge and to explore new skills. International travel is indicated, and you’ll want to plan a trip to for business and pleasure. Some of you will even think of relocating to foreign shores and are lining up useful business contacts. TAURUS – The Moon The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; should be your mantra this week. This applies to any illusions you've been recently attached to; look at situations as they really are not how you’d like them to be. Don’t doubt your intuition this week, it is not fooling you and you’d be wise to go with your ‘hunches’. GEMINI – Two of Cups This card highlights the importance of relationships; it's all about feeling the love this week and you will want to reciprocate in kind. Equality in relationships, whether in business or pleasure; are important now and you’ll expect back what you're giving out. Do remember however, that the trick to a successful relationship is to give the other person their space. CANCER – The Magician You’ll be at your most industrious AND clever this week and will turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse, as the saying goes! The Magician in you manifests the situations and results you desire. Which is why you must exercise discernment and moderation in all your decision making; it doesn’t only affect you, but also those close around you. LEO – Three of Cups You’re here to be happy and this card reminds you of that fact! Spend more time with those who bring you joy. If you've not caught up with friends or family lately; now's the time to do that. Golden opportunities, abundant times socially, financially and career wise through plentiful networking opportunities. News you’ve been waiting for comes through at last. VIRGO – The Hermit This is the ninth card of the TAROT and therefore signifies completion of a cycle. The figure stands on top of a mountain; he’s alone but not lonely, shining his light so others can see the way. It’s your week to be a shining example to others; to be a peacemaker not an agitator; a healer of hearts no less! LIBRA – Eight of Disks You will, by the end of this weekly forecast, be reaching for the smelling salts as there is so much to do in so little time. Mind you, I wouldn't complain; although you're busy, you’re raking it in financially. People like what you're doing and are willing to reward you accordingly. Look ahead to see where you'll need extra help. SCORPIO – Nine of Wands If you feel in a bit of a rut and life’s a tad stagnant, then this is the week to spring clean your attitude and make decisions that see you taking more risks than usual. Get with the plot over a career matter; others are calling the shots so you must speak up in order to get your point across. SAGITTARIUS – The Star Oh to be you this week! This card is a wonderful affirmation that you’re on the right path, so go ahead and dream your dreams as they will soon become your reality. If situations have stagnant in an important area of life, you’ll now see hopeful signs of progress. You’re supported by the heavens so have faith in your vision. CAPRICORN – Seven of Swords You've a big heart and are kinder to others than you are to yourself at times; because of this, some might try to take advantage of you. Sleep with one eye open and watch that competitors don't attempt to steal your ideas as you attract jealousy though your success. If you’re battling with officialdom, expect a few frustrating moments. AQUARIUS – King of Wands The element of fire that’s associated with this card, promises a week of increased energy and creative ideas a plenty. You’re also able to take these ideas and convert them into something tangible, so get going! Fire sign men; Leo, Sagittarius or Aries are your best allies in business and in love. Financial good news is on its way. PISCES – King of Cups Someone’s subtly trying to get through to you; maybe you’re a bit over the top at the moment and need to be less abrasive and listen more. Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio men offer the best advice this week. If you follow their advice and are guided by them you’ll have an ‘ah’ moment of clarity when dealing with difficult situations.

Saturday 11


Real Feel 35º

Wednesday 15

Sat 11 20:54

Sunday 12

30º Thursday 16

Real Feel 31º


Real Feel 31º

View From The Pew Love Power


Friday 17

31º Real Feel 31º

I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing. If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love. Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, Doesn’t have a swelled


Real Feel 35º

606 509 542

 Tyke Fortier on behalf of Rev. Dr Peter Pimentel How does our love compare to God´s extravagant love! How easily does the word LOVE roll off our lips? Is love an emotion, an attitude, a commitment…..or all of the above? What is the Biblical definition of LOVE? (1 Corinthians 13:1-7,1213 – The Message) “If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if

Monday 13

Real Feel 34º

Sat 18 20:45

Tuesday 14

Saturday 18


Real Feel 33º

Service Sun 12th, 10.30am The Chapel of Lourdes Santa Eulalia see web for info further ahead

head, Doesn’t force itself on others, Isn’t always “me first,” Doesn’t fly off the handle, Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, Doesn’t revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.


Real Feel 34º

……….We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.”

The Ibizan 890 10th August 2018

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Community We Come One Can Misses A&E Appeal  Nick Gibbs I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again, you can’t whack the Ibizan resident community when it comes to a call to arms. As per the front page, it has been a pretty grim week for news and not the first this year, but I was particularly upset by the story on page 3 of the drugged up Briton who assaulted Can Misses hospital staff as they were trying to treat him. I mean while trying to treat him, can you imagine a worse example of the type of lowlife that leads to the Turismofobia that has become ever more prevalent in recent years. When faced with this type of example it is difficult not to see the radicals’ point. I popped a post out on Facebook, thinking we might make some kind of community thank you/apology ges-


verworked & Abused. And frankly a lot of it is our fault. Have you ever been to Can Misses A&E? Even if not, chances are you've been to an A&E unit somewhere sometime. Can Misses is no different to most in many respects - it is a tough environment to choose to work in. But it is different in having an annual influx of nonnative speaking absolute scumbags abusing their service and abusing them as individuals. I have had the misfortune to have spent 2 overnights in Can Misses A&E in the last couple of years, one in the waiting area, one behind the scenes.

On both occasions it was, I am very sorry to say, British tourists that presented by far the worst of the worst. From blatant attempts at scoring some gear to just downright disgusting drunken behaviour I have never felt the need to say I am ashamed of our people in the way I have sitting in Can Misses. This week a drugged up British bloke ends up assaulting several of the A&E staff medical and support - and despite all temptation I would have had to let the twat run off, they got him back into the A&E while he continued to assault them, to continue his treatment. That is some kind of dedication right there.

ture to the staff at Can Misses. I didn’t really know what the response would be, but in the Ibizan community’s true to form fashion it was of course brilliant. I thought I might get a few people wanting to participate, but within a few hours of putting it out there I had received responses from over 100 people, all feeling the same way. Fantastic as always. Below you can see my original text, and how you can contribute if you would like to.

So anyway, I was wondering if anybody else would be interested in joining me in offering them some form of thanks, some recognition that we are not all complete scumbags and that we value hugely the work that they do. Just a gesture of some flowers, tin of quality street and a thank you or some such. I thought it might be particularly welcome right now because of their press statement this week re staff shortages too. Who knows, one day you might be glad that a nurse thinks of the British community here in a more positive light.”


ollowing a very positive response, including many people quoting their own similar experiences in A&E and their own debts of gratitude to Can Misses, we set up a page on our website where people can give their thanks, with or without the suggested 5€ donation. The page will be open for contributions until Thursday 16th August, after which the total amount raised will be given to a community representative to obtain and deliver some appropriate gesture on our behalf.


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Tanit Nights Concerts  Claire B For the last few years the Tanit Nights Festival has brought some amazing cultural events and performers to Ibiza and this year is no exception. There are 5 world music concerts scheduled to take place in 2018. The remaining concerts are: August 11: Syrian group Broukar  August 12: Polish group Kroke  August 26: Valencian singer Mara Aranda  September 2: Irish group Dervish (photo above) They all take place at 10pm and are held outdoors in the space below the walls of Dalt Vila next to the old Comandancia Militar building now housing the Universitat de les Illes Balears. If you buy tickets for more than one concert you can get a discount. Tickets on the door cost 15€ or you can buy them in advance for 10€ from:

Sun 12  Indian

Sundays, Kumharas, San Antonio, from 9am,

 Cala Llonga Fiestas—see article

 Sunset Malecón @ Cubanito Ibiza Suites, Cala Gracio, San Antonio. DJs and a live band during the sunset on The Malecón, the rooftop bar. Polish group Kroke, Tanit Nights Concert, Dalt Villa, 10pmsee article for details

 Ibiza Quills Creative

Workshop, La Galarie Elefante, 10am-12noon. Two Poets and a Painter. With the artist Charlotte Mensforth and poets Nora Albert and Virginia Feelgood. Enjoy their conversation over Elevenses of cucumber sand-

wiches and a Bellini. Donations €15

 English Speaking Church of Ibiza & Formentera Sunday Service—details at

 Funky Monkey, Guarana,

Santa Eulalia, See Advert in At Night Section

 San Juan Market

Cala Llonga Fiestas Thursday 9th-19th August, Cala Llonga

of Spanish pop music

Saturday 11th

 12.30pm, Solemn Mass with performance from Cantaires de Cala Llonga Choir  6.30pm, Procession of decorated carts

Cala Llonga Fiesta is again upon us. If you haven't yet been to Wednesday 15th this pretty little bay with a lot to offer, you really must, and  11am, Antique Motorcycle Exhibition, in front of Sa Tanca what better time than their own fiesta. We’ve listed all events and activities below for your ease and hope you find  11am, Sandcastle contest time to visit this family friendly, tourist orientated bay.  12noon, Children’s games and foam party

 9am-9pm Volleyball Championship, Cala Llonga beach  6pm, DJ Jordi Tur & Diodo Sax & Percussion

Sunday 12th  9am-9pm, Volleyball Championship, Cala Llonga beach  6pm, Hippy market on the promenade  7pm, Batucada by Atutiplen  9pm, Cinema on the Beach, Mamma Mia (in Spanish)

Monday 13th

Mon 13  9pm, Flamenco Show by

Querencia (2 bailaoras (women) and the international bailaor (male) Jesus Olmedo)

 Cala Llonga Fiestas—see article

Thursday 16th  Market with live music from the Beatles Songbook Band

Fri day 18th

 7pm, Guided Walk, 3 hours, aged 12+, meeting at Cala  6pm, Hippy market on the promenade Llonga Beach, email registration  9pm, Flamenco Show by Querencia (2 bailaoras (women) Sunday 19th and the international bailaor (male) Jesus Olmedo)  10pm, ‘Naufrags’ Circus and Clown Show, by La Industrial

Tuesday 14th

 9pm, Concert by Los Canallas del Guateque—greatest hits

 African Roots music with Ablaye Sack, part of Nits Amples, in the square behind the church in San Antonio, 9pm

 7pm, Traditional dances of Ibiza  9pm, Voximusic Band Concert  Vargas Blues Band, Concert 10.30pm

 Las Dalias Night Market  Paddy Slater Live Folk at

Peppers2 every Monday. Free. See advert San An Bay page

Tue 14  ‘The Incredibles II’, Cine Regio, San Antonio, 6.30pm, VOSE

 ‘Mission Impossible Fall-

out’, Cine Regio, San An-

tonio, 9pm, VOSE

 Cala Llonga Fiestas—see article

 Wordslam—performed

poetry, Tuesdays, outside of the San Miguel Church, 5-7pm, free

 Open Mic Session hosted by Paddy Slater, Donnegans, San Antonio Bay, from 10pm

 Flowers Pool Party, Aper-

Teatrera, 60 minutes

ture, San Antonio Bay, 6pm

Wed 15  Punta Arabi Hippy Market  Cala Llonga Fiestas—see article

 Live music with Nacho

Lezcano and Samuel Perez, part of Nits Amples, in the square behind the church in San An 9pm

 Fiesta in Figueretas, with

fireworks from the beach at midnight

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.