The Ibizan 891 17 Aug 2018

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Read Our 4 Page Tourist Guide with Resort Maps, Things to Do & Places to Go, from page 7

The Real San An We’ve been getting pretty tired of all the same old prejudices and ill informed opinions being thrown at San Antonio just lately, usually from people who don’t even know the town. In this week’s issue we go for a family night out in search of the real San Antonio, and take a wander through the West End. It’s time to open your mind, from page 4.

“F**k him, he deserved it” Within minutes of the attack that cost Conor Spraggs his life, our eye-witness talks to a gang boasting that they were Conor’s attackers. They show no remorse, and say he “needed a kicking”. Full story page 3.

10th Anniversary for I.P.F.

St Bartolomé Fiesta, 24th Aug

Ibiza Preservation Foundation have been working on initiatives to help protect the Island’s eco-systems for 10 years. Our special feature highlights their achievements, and how to celebrate with them in style. Page 16

The highlight is a spectacular firework display over the Bay of San Antonio at midnight. Everything you need to know including how to get the best spot and the legend behind the celebration on page 12

The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

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News Ibiza Crime & Fatalities 2018, Is It Really That Much Worse?  Editorial by Nick Gibbs

man pressure indicator.

I must start by saying that one death is too many. For the family and friends of those who have died in tragic circumstances this year there will be no relevance or comfort in any statistical relationship to any other fatality or trend over time. In writing this article I remain mindful of their personal loss and grief. My objective here is not to prove any point. Certainly not to argue that we are not in the midst of a particularly difficult time. But just how much worse are things in 2018? Are they worse? I am routinely seeing comment on our social media distribution of articles along the lines of this being so much worse than anything that has gone before. My objective is to present a few points of consideration. Information I think people should take into account before we all get too carried away. I repeat I am not trying to disprove the severity of the issues we face, just giving you some information you may want to consider before deciding how much worse things truly are.

2. News Feed?

August vs August I turned to the newspaper editions for August 2014, my first year in the editor's chair at The Ibizan. In 4 editions we reported on: 1 death by fall, considered a potential suicide.  1 death by body found floating in Ibiza Town port.  1 death in Police custody of Luke Rhoden  2 further deaths by fall  2 deaths by road traffic accident  1 death after a man had his arm severed travelling in a car of drunk/drugged party-people. Also in the news was the controversial 'Don't Walk Home Alone' campaign, based on the problems of violent attacks, especially on the San Antonio Paseo. The campaign was a joint initiative by San An Town Hall and The British Foreign & Commonwealth Office. It was aborted on the grounds of creating fear and giving the Town further unwelcome bad publicity. It is no scientific test, but it does show a similarly awful series of incidents over a recent peak season period.

So Why Does It Feel So Much Worse? I do have a few ideas on that. Of the points below some may apply to you, and particularly how you access media, some may not.

1. Additional Negativity? The August comparison shows a similarly appalling series of fatalities. Perhaps it feels that much worse currently because of the compounding nature of additional negative news regarding the many restrictions being enforced, and the ongoing problems of street crime and human pressure. These additional issues have always been present, but they are much more prominent this year. This is in part due to the responses of disgruntled groups affected by the changes and so actively campaigning against them, and in part because some of those issues are ones that are relative to our ever climbing hu-

This really only applies if you look to the Ibizan for much of your Ibiza news. I do not think it will apply as much to locals, but I do think it might explain why it feels a lot worse to some of the people posting comments such as "what the hell is going on over there this year" - there have been a lot of them. Changes in our format and publishing means we are now publishing individual articles much more frequently. For example back in 2014, all the fatalities above were reported in a single weekly newspaper. One 'hit' of bad news. Now we publish individually, and in some situations several articles for one story, so you might be getting 10 'hits' of bad news where you used to get one. That would inevitably feel worse, but it doesn't mean it is worse.

3. It's Hot? Not as flippant as it sounds. We do all get more tetchy in August, emotions flare in the same way tempers do.

4. Statistically It Should get Worse, Without Being Worse. The maximum number of people in Ibiza on the peak August day in 2017 was 374k. In August 1997 it was 235k. This is an increase of 60%. In any given population is is reasonable to assume that if there are 60% more people, there would be minimally 60% more crime. Also the British tourism market continues to climb by around 5% a year in the long term.

5. Comparison To What Standard? I am surprised when I see some comments from people I know in the U.K. along the lines of "what is going on in Ibiza?", "It's all going to pot in Ibiza". Comparing 2018 Ibiza to previous years Ibiza is one thing, but I am afraid I start to get a bit twitchy and defensive when I see anyone in the U.K. comment on perceptions of some Ibizan social decline. From all of the feedback I get from friends and family, from U.K. news, and from my own visits to the motherland, I think those concerns and attention might be better directed to Britain's issues of social exclusion, racial tension and urban violence. I'm sorry, but however bad Ibiza is, and I don't think it is anything like as bad as all that, it is still a hugely safer place to be than the U.K. I took my family including my 8 year old son into what the majority of our knockers would say is the 'worst part' of Ibiza on Sunday night. I had a camera costing a couple of grand slung around my neck. I did not question any issues of safety and felt comfortable and relaxed for the duration. There are areas of the U.K. I would not take my family at any time, and would be reluctant to visit myself. So what I am saying here is that a bit of balance wouldn't go amis. Ibiza could afford to 'get a whole lot worse', and still not be bad by international standards.

Can That Explain It All? Sadly, I do not think it does. I do think the factors above should make us question the severity of how much worse

it really is this year, and I definitely do not think it is anything like as much worse as some people feel. But there is one factor that I still find very concerning outside of a purely numbers based statistical comparison between the years.

Violent Crime & The Importation of Violent Crime. An obvious difference in the fatalities in 2018 compared to 2014, is that minimally 2, possibly more, of this year's deaths have been as a result of violence. In 2014 only 1 was violence (debatable), the rest all due to excess, stupidity or accidental tragedy. This is a far too small sample to draw any conclusions, but I would certainly fear an Ibiza that imported the increased severity and normalisation of violence ever more evident in the urban U.K. Of course none of us would want that, but it would certainly mean the consequences of Ibiza's difficulties in the area of law enforcement and street crime were being played out for much higher stakes.

And Finally ... Tricky this. I think it is a point worth making, but I don't want to have my own 'Ratner' moment as a result. This issue does not affect the amount of bad things happening, but it does affect the proportion of negative vs positive news. Perhaps we all have to make a collective acknowledgement that it is grim news we are drawn to read? I have the unusual insight of comparing the interest in and attention given to good news/bad news via our own website articles. We also work very closely with the Diario and I have access to their data also. On the evidence of the years I have been doing this job, I am left with no doubt that for many of us, the worse the crime, the more tragic the circumstances, the more appalling the details, the more we are interested. I do not think this is something we should beat ourselves up over, I even think there is a natural survival instinct good sense in our being this way, but I do think it is something we should acknowledge. It is that natural human desire that makes the tragedies the front page news. It was why in our winter editions I used to love having Cat Milton's wonderful Ibiza landscapes as a ying and yang on our front page. Good and uplifting news is never so far away if you go looking.

Summary It is a bad year for tragedy in Ibiza, but perhaps not so much worse than any other year. We need to have empathy for the victims of every tragedy in their own personal loss, but keep in perspective that Ibiza is a very safe place to vist and to live providing normal and sensible precautions are followed. For the very last time, by objective is not to prove anything to you or convince you of anything. It is simply to ask you to question whether the drama and severity of this 2018 being the worst year ever is justified. In my mind at least, it is not. I know from past experience that this type of article will receive some responses from people wanting to argue over specific facts and details, and from those determined in their view that there is some hidden agenda or purpose in my presenting this information. Though I do of course respect your right to question anything and everything, I probably won't get involved in those Rabbit hole discussions. In this case I am simply presenting these thoughts, consider them or dismiss them as you will. Either way, thanks for reading :-)

The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

In Print & Online Since 1999

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News Conor Lee Spraggs Killed in Gang Beating on s’Arenal Paseo  Early report of the death of Conor Lee Spraggs, 12th August 2018. See development article right. Further details have emerged relating to the death of a young man on San Antonio Paseo in the early hours of this morning. Witnesses of the events have said that the young man killed was walking alone on the Paseo (beach promenade). Their version of events is that he picked a fight by goading a group of seven people, five men and two women. An earlier witness report said a minimum of three of the group were involved in beating the young man. Police named the victim as Conor Lee Spraggs. He was on holiday staying at the Bergatin Hotel, less than 10 minutes walk from the scene of his death. Conor was 23 years of age, not 20 as stated earlier. Though detailed witness statements have been provided to the Police, they have said that the search for his assailants is ongoing. Police stated that until the results of an autopsy that could be completed as early as Monday, they could not speculate on whether the blows Conor received were directly responsible for his death.  Time of Death There is some ambiguity in the emergency services 061 report, as it states that his time of death was 3.30 a.m., but their emergency call was 4.00 a.m. This may be a simple typo. Our eye witness reports state that he was receiving CPR at 4.30 a.m., and that the CPR lasted approximately 20 minutes.

Emergency on B.A. London to Ibiza Flight British Airways flight BA2724 that departed from Gatwick airport at around 10a.m. today, returned to the airport soon after raising a 7700 general alarm. The plane was due to land in Ibiza at 12.20pm, but after only 40 minutes flying the plane turned around and headed back to Gatwick. At the moment the causes of this emergency are unknown but apparently the plane was been surrounded by fire trucks as soon as it hit the ground.

This 7700 emergency follows another recent flight that departed from Ibiza to Glasgow also declared a general emergency shortly before landing at the Scottish airport. The code 7700, activated by the pilot, means "general emergency", which covers a wide range of possible situations from a fire, to technical problems, to a passenger health emergency.

 Two of the men arrested in connection with the killing of Conor Spraggs arriving at Ibiza Court. Pic: Diario de Ibiza

"F**k him, he deserved it, he had it coming" Lads' Boast After Conor Killing  Within minutes of the attack that cost Conor Conor’s death, prior to the arrests now made in connection Spraggs his life, our Eye-witness talks to a gang boasting that they were Conor’s attackers. They show no remorse, and say he “needed a kicking”.  6 young British men arrested, 4 for participating in the attack, 2 for failing to aid.  £11,000 raised for repatriation of Conor’s body.

Boasting A reliable and credible local resident known to the Ibizan has given us eye witness testimony from an encounter with a group of young people boastfully claiming they were the ones who had attacked Conor Lee Spraggs. Our witness walked past the scene of the attack on the San Antonio s’Arenal paseo while paramedics were still with Conor, but they feared he was already dead. “I have worked in hospital emergency departments before” they told us “and know the signs. It didn’t look good at all, but I walked straight by and continued around the paseo.” Our witness was walking from San Antonio in the direction of the Bay. Near to Hotel Hawaii they came across a group of young people. “They were very happy, laughing and joking, enjoying themselves, which is nothing unusual late at night on the Paseo. I asked them if they knew what had happened back along the promenade, why there was an ambulance. One said, fuck him, he needed a good kicking, and they just laughed about it”. I asked the witness whether there was any indication how many had been involved. “They all seemed to be revelling in it. Saying similar ‘fuck him’ and other abusive things. They were even saying what they had done ‘did you see it when I..’ kind of thing. But the last thing I expected when I asked the question was a confession, so it all came as a bit of a shock. I wasn’t thinking about the need to focus on who was saying what”. Our witness then told them how serious the situation looked to be. “I said I think he is dead you know, but it didn’t change them at all. One said ‘fuck him, he deserved it, he had it coming. They just carried on laughing about it. There wasn’t any indication of remorse at all. I don’t know if that is because they didn’t believe it, or they really were that unconcerned, but if they are that callous God knows what they are capable of, so I left and continued on my way home”. We talked to our witness early the same morning of

with the case. The Witness has also conveyed testimony to the Police and we would expect them to be involved in an identification process.

Court Appearance A total of six young British men have been arrested in connection with the death of Conor Lee Spraggs. Four have been arrested in connection with participating in the attack. They have been named by the British press as Lewis Nolan (18), Kyle Coen (18), Jordan Weston (21), and William Peake (18). 20-year-olds Matthew Walshaw and Mark Cooper have been arrested on suspicion of ‘failing to assist’ Spraggs, a law in Spain that places a legal responsibility on individuals not to ignore a person in need of medical attention. It has been confirmed from multiple sources that, in addition to Conor Spraggs, there were 5 men and two women present at the attack. There is no explanation given by the police as to whether they are still seeking the two girls, or whether they have been ruled out of any further action being taken. We are aware that prior to the arrests Police had obtained CCTV footage which helped them in their identification of the suspects, though it is unclear whether this film included the attack itself. The arrested men have appeared before a Judge at Ibiza court. The Judge will now hear further testimony before it is decided what, if any, charges may be forthcoming.

Repatriation A fundraising appeal has been set up to cover the costs of repatriating Conor’s body to the U.K. The crowdfunding appeal on was started by friend Bradley Pearce in Conor’s home town of Stevenage. At time of writing over £11,000 has been donated by over 400 donations. The appeal has a target of £12,000. On the page, Bradley wrote: “Conor was tragically killed on his last day of his holiday in Ibiza. We are trying to raise enough money to fly his body home so he can be back with his family and put to rest in his home town. Conor was a gentle soul with a heart of gold, who is going to be deeply missed by family and friends and anyone who knew him.”

The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

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The Real San Antonio “L

et me set the scene. It is Sunday the 12th of August. It is very hot. It is the very height of the peak summer season and all the crazy dynamics that come with it. We decide to take an evening off and go on a wander. When I say 'we', I mean my wife Rhian, our 8 year old son Blue, and myself Nick Gibbs.

When I say 'evening off', well kind of. We thought it might be fun to take the camera and a notepad, and ask those we come across on our travels what they were loving right now about summer in San An. We didn't want to end up with just a list of big club nights or self-promotion, more personal stuff, whatever was putting a smile on people's faces. To try and keep things as natural as possible we asked everybody to tell us the first thing that came into their head. I hope you enjoy the responses.

Stop 1: Relish Restaurant Our first port of call was in the Bay for a late late lunch and more Spritzers than the podiums in the 70s Olympics.

 One reason to love Relish: Quality of service, particularly in the details. Also, a very practical reason for today's purpose, huge car park and view of water taxi jetty.

Bruce & Kate Axworthy, local residents also taking a late family lunch. What are you loving Bruce? "Taking my dog Lottie swimming in the sea near our place. She is a rescue dog and only came to us recently. She absolutely loves it."

sunlight streaming down through the leaves. I thought to myself, wow, even going to Lidl is fantastic here. I love it, I feel like I am in the right place, I am meant to be here." Doesn't sound crazy at all Adam, I think many people will totally get what you mean. And how about Joanna, what are you loving? "This one will sound crazy for sure. I was at an after party this week with my friends. I just started to cry. But please, I was not drunk or crazy or anything like that. It was just, I don't know, perfect. I gave up everything to come here. I sold everything I had, and it was a big risk. The thing is, I don't cry. I have not cried for years. I don't really know what happened, but I know it was because I was happy." I was filling up myself by the end of that. Crazy? No, in fact I feel sure a lot of people reading this will be thinking back to one of their own 'perfect storm' moments when everything came together to make that very special Ibiza bond, and I expect an awful lot of those moments were at after parties. Bruce and Katie, clearly loving life, and Adam and Joanna showing all the signs of that Ibiza loving feeling. Couldn't have asked for a better start to project loving - so it's off to the water taxi and the cooling breeze of the bay for the jaunt over to San An marina.

Stop 2: Joe Spoons Given it is half way up the West End, Joe Spoons is not a logical location for our first visit in San An, but that hike past all the temptations en route is worth it for two very good reasons. First, one of our longest Ibiza friends and Spoons' daytime manager is finishing work at 9pm, and we don't want to miss him, Second, and it is a biggie, Joe Spoons has without question or competition the best air conditioning of any San An bar. Which is the more important reason? It would not be fair to rate friendship against fresh air, but given the number of times I have walked through that door wilting, then to see Simon's hand go to crank the cool up to the max before I've even reached the bar, I think we both know it would be a tough call.

Loopy. "What am I loving, erm ...", Libby jumps in. "Well you met me ..." Loopy. "Yes, I was just gonna say that, that is exactly what I was about to say ..." They have a cuddle and smiles that tell me Loopy is not in trouble. Libby. "We met in Tropi this year, and as soon as we saw each other ..." Loopy. "That's right, and now we're together, in love" Me. "What, real instant, love at first sight?" Libby & Loopy in unison as if to emphasise the answer, "Yes" Brilliant stuff. Tough act to follow for Simon. Big Simon, Resident, Santa Gertrudis, and Worker, San Antonio West End, since forever Me "What have you got Si, what are you loving in your world?" Simon "Had a brilliant party for one last night" Me "Anything printable?" Simon "I shouldn't think so" Me "Stupid question. Shots?" And we move on, but can't leave Joe Spoons without a mention of ... Mr Spangles, worker (elsewhere), and with what some would say was a foolhardy sense of optimism, due to be going on shift in half an hour. Lovely Guy. We had a good, if somewhat disjointed, chat. Didn't specifically ask him what he was loving, I suspect the answer was 'everything'.

Stop 3. Tropicana / Tropi Just a little further up the Santa Agnes main drag hill of the West End you come across the Trance stronghold that is Tropi, and inside the Trance Generalisimo himself, Oscar Costa. We hadn't seen Oscar for ages, so though my brain processes the jarring and juvenile nonsense of a noise that is trance as some kind of ear punishment, we had to stop and say hello. It would be a dull old world if we all liked the same stuff though right? I love that specialist places like this exist, and Tropi is one of those that will have regular tourist visitors every year coming back again and again.

 One Reason to Love Joe Spoons: After air con & Simon of

Adam Mate and Joanna Maslewska, both Ibiza workers, Joanna in her first year. What are you loving Adam? "Well I don't know if this is good enough, or if it will sound crazy, but yesterday I was walking to Lidl supermarket. The sky was so blue and I was walking under palm trees with

course, I'll go for the totally unfashionable act of an unplanned session drinking (downing) proper strong, proper ice cold, Vodka Limons with a sense of purpose that says 'whatever today was, it now isn't, anything could happen'. I don't often get to see Joe Spoons at night when in full on party mode, but from what I do see in the day and evening another thing to love about Spoons is the family feel among the staff. I get a sense that they all know the best and worst of each other, that functional dysfunctional old school Ibiza worker love. For two of them it has gone even further than that ... Loopy & Libby, San Antonio West End Workers Me. What are you loving Loopy?

Oscar Costa, Original Native Born Ibicenco, Trance Guru, and Betrothed of Ria Jessop Once Oscar had finished telling Blue stories of his babysitting for him when he was very small, we got onto the question of the moment, what are you loving this year Oscar?

The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

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West End Walkabout "It is fantastic. I have got my own Trance party Tranceformation. It is what I love, I've wanted to do this always. We have a party every Thursday across the road at Tropicana. You should come Nick?" "But Oscar, I just don't like the noise. I love Trance people, I just don't like the noise they make." "You're crazy man, you don't know what you're missing. It's the best." I'm sure Oscar and I have had this conversation before, and I'm sure I remember the same look in his face - somewhere between pity and incomprehension. "Let's take a photo Oscar." "But it's not open now Nick" "It will be fine, just sit on the step and look moody" If you ask me it's still that look of pity/incomprehension more than moody, but done, we move on.

Stop 4, Delilah's Welsh Bar Delilah's is San Antonio’s sole Welsh representative among the many flags flown from bars along the drag. For me it only needs to fulfil one requirement to gain my custom. Which brings us neatly to ...

 One Reason to love Delilahs: The Merthyr accent. I just

can't get enough of it, and though it seems there are few others like me who put it up there with French in the sexy voice stakes, it does it for me every time. (I should mention that my wife is originally from a village a short way from Merthyr, so it does kind of legitimise my loving it) Delilah’s boss Beth, herself a Merthyr girl and one of the friendliest faces on the strip, was not in for our visit, but I need have had no fear as of course standing in her place was another Merthyr Tydfil original... John Hood is as London as the last train from Liverpool street, and I often feel just as relived to see him (see reasons to love, below), but tonight was not to be as John was, very unusually, not in the bar. Shame to miss him, but we were pleased to chat with two lads from Plymouth and you can't get much more southern than that.

 One reason to love the Boozer. For me it is stuff like talk-

ing to someone who knows what Rock Eel is, and what word has to be repeated twice before you say Savaloy, for anybody else, the pool table room is a good bet.

What are you loving Ben? "Easy, no question. Definitely seeing Richy Ahmed at Ushuaia yesterday. I've loved his music for so long. Brilliant, insane, to get to see him and the whole package at Ants was superb." I will mention that there was a very enthusiastic 'loving it' story from another chap in the Boozer, however details must be withheld. All I am at liberty to say is that it involved 'dancing with a woman who had the most beautiful bum I've ever seen'. As we left we noticed that Mr Spangles had decided against that shift start, instead deciding to take a nap on the terrace opposite. Good call.

Stop 6. Ruby's Indian & Balti Scott Fowler's Ruby's restaurant fulfils that essential British need for proper Indian food. And I stress the word proper. All homemade from Naans to Samosas to all those fiddly bits that make all the difference, with the curries indistinguishable from your favourite UK curry house growing up. I say indistinguishable, though that may actually be a little unfair on Scott. Our request for a mild curry with some bread and rice for Blue was met with a far tastier and altogether just better quality looking plate than many offer as the obligatory bright orange children's korma. As a dad who really dislikes the laziness of the nuggets and chips approach to the children's menu section, it is great to see that kids are getting the same effort and attention as adults. Plus dad got to eat the very tasty leftovers.

Leah Russell, Merthyr born Ibiza worker. Me. "Tell us what you're loving Leah" Leah "We love the Tropical party at Eden. Its brilliant it is, we have a great laugh and they look after us. The music, all the decorations, it's a great night." Me "Will you say something sexy for me in Welsh Leah" Leah "Rwyf am fynd i'r toiled" Me "Phwoar" My wife Rhian "what did you say?" Leah "I want to go to the toilet."

Stop 5. The Boozer, West End Next on our meanderings was the bastion of the cor blimey, the geezers gaff, the first and only Boozer.

Ben Edmondson, Plymouth, tourist, on 2nd visit to Ibiza.

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The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

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 One thing to love about Ruby's. Proper. I just can't stress that enough, proper curry.

Scott Fowler, proper curry facilitator, family man, and mildly enthusiastic Sheffield Wednesday supporter. What are you loving this year Scott? "You know for the restaurant at least I think I'd say families. Every customer is important to us, but it just feels really good that we are getting so many more families come to eat this year. I think it's to do with getting known and our reputation getting out there. It's the busiest year we've had." Despite the general good cheer, Scott declined my request to cross his heart and hope to die that he would set up an immediate home delivery service round to the bay. Don't worry though, I'll keep working on it.

Stop 7. Kilties Scottish Bar Blue's curry request has left us a bit later than expected and so we are now heading down the West End with it gearing up to full party mode. For an eight year old this does present a few sights to be seen, and with the gusset fashion of the day seeming to be based on the concept of 'right up it, go on, right up there' I think I was having as many bewildering moments as Blue. Looks so uncomfortable, though I guess many would say a safety pin through your ear was more so. It is by now around 11p.m. and all friendly enough. Kilties is one of the West End institutions that you would want to include on a night out. Jane and Michelle are Kilties royalty, a double act that will shot til you drop, and they told us of a party inside that were just perfect for the 'loving it' theme. Accepting the risk that I may have to explain to Blue why that man over there had a light up penis-nose, or why that girl seems to have accidentally forgotten to wear any clothes, the Hen party was duly rustled up ...

 One thing to love about Kilties. It is a proper pub but I have

to mention the attached chip shop, also 'proper'. Though I sadly can't get my Rock Eel or Savaloy (Oi Oi), I can get haggis, curry sauce and chips, which is no bad substitute. Shari Miller, the Hen, ex of Kilties & soon to be Mrs Adams. Tell us about your Ibiza love story Shari? "I used to work at Kilties and met my future husband in 2015, when he was on holiday." Michelle from Kilties Chips in "Aye, and don't forget to say I fixed up the first date" "We fell in love, real love, and our baby girl, Luci, was born on Christmas eve 2017. I am celebrating my hen party back where it started and we will be married in September. Michelle did fix it up. Kilties love".

which at now past midnight had definitely moved on from its PG parental guidance, and though not yet anything of a hardcore 18, would certainly warrant a 15 certificate. Rhian and Blue therefore went straight onto Bondi on the altogether more family friendly fountains for milkshakes, while I indulged myself in a brief bump n grind at the West End's home of everything that isn't house, Soul City. I do love that place - and it seems around midnight is a mighty fine time to go; dancefloor busy, I'm guessing 50 or 60 people, but room enough to be your own master of when and who to be bump, though I'll admit it would be another hour before it got to its optimum grind time. Anyway, I've no wife nor time for either tonight, so after my quick fix I returned to spend ten with Julian Cobby at the door - a man who knows the West End better than anyone. Julian is joined by camarera Macarena while we are having a chat. Now I think of it, I don't know Julian's actual job title. He just kind of is Soul City. Julian takes a very diferent approach than many others in his role. He speaks of a respect that tourists have saved up and paid a lot for their once a year holiday. He sees his job as trying to help make it a good holiday, and by giving them that respect and treating them well, he reaps the dividends of good positive attitudes in his customers, so a better club environment, end result everyone is a winner. It seems to work whatever it is, as Soul City always feels a good place to me.

helping each other. That is what I love".

Stop 10. Tulp Beach Cafe, s'Arenal Back to the family and having met again at Bondi we decided on the obvious choice of a nightcap venue - Tulp Beach Cafe, perfect for families at any time. With a walk along the Paseo ahead of us, the August crowds and with them the attention of the inevitable street traders, our 10 minute walk could easily turn into twice that and risk ruining the atmos. No problems, only solutions, so we took the backstreet approach of walking the beach shoreline. At this still relatively early hour everything was still well lit and I couldn't understand why we were the only people avoiding the madding crowd and at the same time having the pleasure of the sand between our toes and sea lapping our feet. We had it all to ourselves, and ambling along s'Arenal was a simple but none the less great pleasure of the evening.

 One reason to love Tulp. I think that all things considered

Tulp is my personal number one spot for cocktails. Great quality ingredients and mixing, very good pricing and a setting that just says 'drink cocktails here'.

 One reason to love Soul City. It is the only place I can expect to hear Grime on a normal night of the week.

Stop 8. The Corner Shop Had to give a quick hello to Danny Graham who has opened The Corner Shop, toward the bottom of the West End. It is full of all those creature comforts and cravings from home and I hadn't yet had the chance to pop in.

 One thing to love The Corner Shop. There are thousands of reasons, all stacked high on the shelves around you. See those crumpets in that picture. My crumpets.

Macarena Briones Gonzalez, Soul City Camarera and Tings Tell us what you are loving Macarena? "I love that since I have come to work in Ibiza I have friends from everywhere around the world. It is fantastic."

Danny Graham, Ibiza resident and businessman. Tell us something fantastic Danny, what are you loving about this year? "I can't think of anything. I've gone a blank. Er ...." We were a bit unfair on Danny really in what was a flying visit. That said, we urge all readers to visit the corner store and express love through hugs. Here is a link for anybody that doesn't know where it is. TheCornerShopIbiza/

Stop 9. Soul City, West End Our need to leave Danny's quickly was evident when we turned out of his corner shop into the main drag West End,

Julian Cobby, the face of Soul City, Ibiza Resident. Tell us something that has made you happy recently Julian? Before answering Julian has to handle a guy that is trying to 'gift' him a balloon. I had seen Julian chatting to him, giving him some advice, when i went inside. Now the same guy was keen to show his gratitude with the gift of a balloon. I mean for all its lowlife aspects, it was actually quite a sweet gesture. It reminded me of a cat delivering a mangled dead bird to its owner. Like 'this is all I've got to give, I don't know why you wouldn't like it, I like it'. Having dealt with the guy expertly and discretely, Julian could see I was loving the West End street cabaret. "We get it all Nick, you wouldn't believe it, but you see among it all it is the good people do that stands out to me, that would be what I'm loving this year and every year." Julian explained a recent situation of a bag lost by a tourist, with her identity etc life inside it. The bag had been found, given to Julian, by when the tourist had left and Julian had asked another Soul City customer to take it back to the UK and return it to the owner. "Then I receive this Nick" Julian shows me a message full of love and appreciation, a positive testament to good human nature, from the owner of the bag. “It's great isn't it, just little things really, but people being good to each other,

Nico Reiners, superstar DJ, Tulp manager, Ibiza resident and the only Belgian I know with a thick Yorkshire accent. Nico is normally smiling, however since a large slice of chocolate mousse was dropped on my camera recently it is giving me a huge amount of jip, and this is the one photo of four that came out. You'll just have to imagine him smiling. Tell us something fantastic Nico? Tell us something you love? "It's my day off on Tuesday". It might not be the most romantic or eloquent of the night, but I think it will strike a chord with most Ibiza workers - we'll take it.

And So The Night Ends ... We found ourselves the best seat in the house, i.e. the one by the big fan - it was still really hot - and met a lovely family on their holidays with a young girl around Blue's age. We had a chat, some laughs, a drink or two, and then at an hour that may be surprising to people in the UK but is far less so living in the Med, we sauntered off home happy in having had a good night enjoying San Antonio and the Bay. The ‘loving it’ project was good fun too. It was great to hear people's positive stories and it was only a shame we could not get to more of our favourite places. I think I will rename this article ‘Loving it Part 1’ & let's see where it takes us next. I hope that this article will have given you a little of the feel of the real San Antonio. The San Antonio we experience. I have not attempted to explain the town away, to reveal hidden depths, nor to promote it. For us this was just a Sunday night with the addition of a camera and a positive question, which I hope demonstrates one simple truth. Go to San Antonio with an open and positive mind. Give it a try, you might end up amazing yourself.

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Tourist Guide Santa Eulalia Food & Drink  Los Otros, Vegan & Veg Restaurant, Santa Eulaia There can be little doubting the vegan credentials of Los Otros, as not only do they offer a fine range of Italian food, the owner is an authoritative author of vegan cookbooks too. The setting is magical. Just meters from the water on the marina front of Santa Eulalia, your visit will have the reassuringly relaxing soundtrack of the clinking masts of moored yachts.

 Smoker’s Delight Restaurant, Santa Eulalia Smoker’s Delight can make the rare claim to bringing something truly unique to Ibiza’s world of food. The restaurant smokes all their own food on the premises using 100% natural wood pellets in an offset smoker. The method - Low and Slow. The result – just about as succulent and flavoursome beef, turkey and salmon as you will ever taste. Vegans are well cared for including the smoked organic Tofu, the tapas tasters offer a perfect lite bite, and a full night menu that is, well, smoking. The salads look amazing, but our recommendation has to be the Beef Brisket Merienda. A chunk of smoked beef brisket, horse reddish, pickles, mustard and bread.

 Mariposa Pool Bar & Restaurant, Cala Llonga

View of the Dalt Vila in Ibiza Town’s Historic Heart

The idea of ‘living the dream’ under the Mediterranean sun becomes reality at the Mariposa. Nestled in the hills behind the Cala Llonga village, and with spectacular views out over the bay, the Mariposa team and regulars will give you the warmest of welcomes. Start your day with a bacon and brie toasted sandwich and café con leche, followed by a dip in the pool, and sip on some cocktails from your poolside lounger. Heaven.

Welcome to Ibiza


On behalf of all of us who live and work in Ibiza, most of whom earn our living directly or indirectly from the tourism sector, we welcome you to the Island. The Ibizan has been our island English language newspaper since 1999. We now produce a monthly tourism special edition, which you will hopefully find available in your Hotel reception. The monthly special is a much bigger newspaper entirely focussed on you the tourist, It includes resort guides to all of the major tourist areas, a huge agenda of things to do for the month, and an insight to the Island history and culture. In this, our regular weekly edition, the next 4 pages are provided as a compact guide—with useful maps and information on our supporting advertisers—restaurants, clubs, bars, shops and much more besides. You will also find lots of useful information in the agenda pages, clubbing and food & drink. For more information, and an online version of the monthly special if you cannot find one in your accommodation, go to our website We hope you will have a fantastic time, and will be on the way to becoming one of our many frequent flyer visitors.  Nicholas Gibbs, Editor

 Guarana Nightclub, Santa Eulalia Marina A visit to one of Ibiza’s huge super-clubs may be on your holiday to do list. But seasoned clubber or not, you’ll enjoy a night at Santa Eulalia’s only late night club—a munch more intimate and friendly affair than it’s bigger sisters. Located directly on Santa Eulalia marina waterfront, if you dance til dawn you will also be treated to the spectacular sight of an Ibiza dawn rising over the sea. Sunset is for your mates, sunrise is for your soul-mate.

 Viva Cala Llonga The Cala llonga Hippy Market takes place every Thursday evening from 6pm with an array of locally hand crafted articles such as clothes, jewellery, trinkets, pottery and much more, produced by some of Ibiza's finest artisans all at reasonable prices. Located on the promenade it's a perfect place to wander along under the evening stars while listening to live music, looking for a perfect gift, souvenir or personal treat. In addition to this there's a wide variety of international bars and restaurants for you to enjoy and a safe playground for the little ones. There's ample free parking just a few metres away.

San Antonio Food & Drink  Tapas Restaurant and Lounge Bar One top tip to start with—it is best to book. Tapas is one of the most popular places to eat in San An, and in the height of summer you may have quite a wait to get seated if you haven't booked in advance.

 Mambo No trip to Ibiza is complete without a sunset on the strip, and if you want to do it in the finest style, Mambo has to be the place to go. Their terrace enjoys spectacular views of the sunset, and you’ll be entertained by some of the world’;s top DJs with Mambos nightly pre-party warm up.

 Mar 5 MAR 5 is an elegant venue near the port of San Antonio. On the first floor the restaurant has a wonderful terrace where you can enjoy their Argentinian grill menu. Serving the very best cuts of meat and delicious fish along with their famous homemade desserts - a treat for the palate. The ground floor is for lovers, lovers of gin and tonic and a party, and if you are with somebody you love, all the better. Open until 05:00 am, it offers a variety of musical alternatives: from R & B, House and Techno to Flamenco or Salsa. Summer hours; kitchen 7pm-3am, Club 7pm-5am.

 La Cantina Portmany La Cantina is a bar and restaurant right on San Antonio’s fountains square. A local legend, it has stood in the same spot and run by the same family since way back when it was by some way the biggest building on the waterfront in what was an unrecognisable San Antonio. With a pedigree of such distinction, you won’t find a better place for a traditional Paella or some fresh caught local fish. But it also offers far more. The La Cantina kitchen is also home to 3 specialist chefs each taking care over their respective Thai, Indian and TexMex division.

 David’s Pizzeria

Tapas is all about global flavours, but served in a traditional Spanish Tapas style of small plates perfect for sharing. They have a fantastic range of vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and dairy free options on the menu too.

default choice for daytime calm, and a regular one for nigh time fun too.

David’s is renowned for its Italian-French cuisine and they have a vast menu, including 35 different pizzas to choose from, plus the option of turning any one into Calzone. But if pizza’s not your thing, they also have a selection of pastas, salads, fish and meat dishes to tempt you. David’s also offer a takeaway service and a menu del dia for 12.50€, available till 8.30pm .

 Tulp Beach Café Tulp Beach Café is located right on San Antonio’s beachfront Promenade. An oasis of bohemian chic laid back cool, it is our

Tulp offer an extensive drink and cocktail selection, and a menu to suit every appetite from a tasty tapas to Dutch and international meals. Tulp has spectacular sunset views, and cosy front row booths can be booked online via their website. See front page advert for details.

Entertainment  Eden Eden’s no expense spared refit has resulted in a club at the forefront of its peers, but retaining the legendary status as one of Ibiza’s seven-sisters superclubs. That no expense spared also ran to a Void sound system that is not only one of the best in Ibiza, but worldwide. A flagship Void install, in the right hands the music at Eden will make you feel music as you have never felt it before. See our ‘At Night’ and ‘Agenda’ sections for what’s on.

 Plastik Plastik holds top spot as San Antonio’s premier pre-party bar. Putting the VIP experience within reach of non-VIP pockets, it is the perfect place to experience some style for a night out, or as a party starter for later clubbing. Plastik’s masterful resident DJs are joined most nights of the

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Tourist Guide calo) in 2017, the watersports shop have a huge range of bookable activities on and under the water, for individuals and groups. Browse their range of jetskis, stand up paddle, seadoos, speedboat trips, and the awesome hoverboard and flyboard sessions, from the comfort of their shop, and then take the activity from any of their four beach concessions—which makes them one of the biggest watersports operators in Ibiza. If not near the shop you can also book online via their website.

 Peppers2 Party Bar Dance till dawn? You betcha, and we don’t want any of that ‘I’m too old for all that now’ nonsense either. In Ibiza there is no such thing as too old, and Peppers2 is a fine example of an all night party bar that will see everybody from barely legal to rather regal bopping the night away. See the agenda for special events, but every night you are guaranteed a warm welcome from Chaz and the team. Take a cocktail or two on the terrace, then head inside to show us your moves.

 Donnegans Irish Pub It is hard to know what category to list Donnegans, as they do many things, and do them all very well. Day and night it is a bar with a welcome as warm as the draught Guiness and magners are cold. They show all sports including hurling, and have a great menu of reasonabl;y priced home cooked food from snacks to full meals. But it is perhaps their entertainment that really sets them apart. With a regular line up of live performers with the common denominator of making sure everyone has a great time. Check our agenda and their facebook for events.

 Playa Bella Cabaret Terrace

 Ibiza’s spectacular, and largely unspoilt, North Coast week by headliners from some of Ibiza’s biggest club nights.

 Freo’s Finest

 Viva Tennis

“Snuff, Puff, and Party Stuff”, possibly the best and certainly the most accurately descriptive business strap-line we’ve heard in Ibiza. Poppers, seeds, mushroom kits, and more bongs than the collected works of Cheech and Chong. Plus they offer home/hotel delivery—smoking!

With 5 top quality courts (2 clay, 3 artificial grass), a bar, pool, sun-terrace and beautiful garden Viva Tennis is the essential destination on Ibiza to play tennis and relax with friends. Whether you are a complete beginner or regular player their team of international coaches can improve anyone’s game.

Ibiza Town & Figueretes  Father Jacks Our east coast home-from-home. Figueretes finest Father Jack’s offer just about everything you could want in a proper pub, just with added sunshine. Guinness on draught—of course, but also Kilkenny Red Ale and Strongbow from the pumps. Plus, and though it might not be a big one for tourists, it certainly is for us residents—proper pies pasties & sausage rolls. With 5 big screen TVs and 4 satellite streams, whatever your sporting preference, if it’s on, they’ve got it.

San Antonio Bay Food & Drink  Johnny’s Pub, Established 1993 Johnny’s is a Bay institution. Popular with locals and tourists alike, they are open for food to eat in and takeaway from morning through to late—usually very late, and at some point on your holiday, you’ll be glad of that. We locals can’t have their exceptional English breakfast (above) as often as we’d like, but you’re on holiday, so indulge yourself. Just 4,75€ gets you double British sausage and bacon, double egg, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, fried slice, toast and tea or coffee—plus a portion of jam for reasons we’ve never fully understood.

 Little India, Sri Lankan & Indian Restaurant

Vara de Rey 22 dental surgery combines the best technology, equipment and talent bringing you first class dental treatment from specialists you can trust – including emergency appointments. Services also include facial aesthetics, a range of treatments using fillers and botox. For more information see their website

The restaurant that puts the Bom in the Bay, Chef Vipula puts his Sri Lankan heritage into every delicious dal, beautiful biriyani and majestic madras that leaves his kitchen. Unsurprisingly, it can get busy in the summer months, so if planning ahead a booking on their website is a good idea. If exhausted by a hard day on the beach, a take-away service is available to be enjoyed back in the hotel – expect neighbourenvy as those glorious smells waft across the balcony.

 Ilusions Pool Café

 Aperture, Cocktail, Music & Sunset Terracce

 Vara de Rey 22

Think ‘Cool Hand Luke’. Ilusions is a proper old-school Pool Hall with fantastic premium tables and an equally a-list range of Tapas on which to nibble while you play. We don’t want to get sexist about this, but it is the thinking man’s choice while the missus is shopping in Ibiza Town. You’ll be happier, she will be happier, just don’t think too much about your accruing credit card bill while you enjoy a game.

 Royal Plaza The Royal Plaza offer a taste of traditional 4 star quality and service from the days before corporate branding made hotels anonymous. If you are already here you can’t take advantage of the superb accommodation—but remember it for next time. You can however enjoy a meal on their rooftop terrace with unrivalled views over the Dalt Vila. Special, very special.

In the heart of San Antonio Bay, Aperture Terrace is something of an Ibizan secret, a hidden gem. Invisible from the street, just a few footsteps upstairs take you to a chic retreat that could be a million miles from the hustle & bustle below. All the beach club charm, without the competing hordes or the annoying travel, Aperture is accessible luxury on your doorstep. Book a bed by day, dip in the pool and delight at the menu, or make it your sunset choice for cocktails where the only crush is the ice in your mojito. Just don’t tell everybody.

 Relish Restaurant & Lounge Bar Just footsteps from the beach of Cala De Bou, the restaurant and bar extends into a large covered terrace, gardens and a private pool for the exclusive use of relish patrons. Plus on Sundays Relish offers a traditional Sunday Roast. Relish pride themselves on a simple philosophy - good food, cooked well, fairly priced. Booking with immediate confirmation is available on the website.

 More Great Food You’ll also find great food in Donnegans Irish Pub, Playa Bella and Kumharas—all of whom are listed in the entertainment section. Also we have to recommend going local during your stay. Nothing beats a long lazy lunch of fresh cooked paella on the beach with a jug or three of sangria to wash it down.

Entertainment etc.  The Watersports Shop A most welcome addition to the lower bay road (carrer des

Fancy some good old family cabaret? The Playa Bella apartments kick off with nightly cash Bingo hosted by our own mister thriller from Aston Villa, Chip, and once your eyes are restored to their regular horizontal position, the night continues with a roster of live cabaret featuring everything from tribute acts to comedy to drag and some very talented musical acts. All this takes place on their beachfront terrace which also has a great range of food available day and night.

 Ibosim Brewhouse Tough to know whether to list Ibosim brewhouse in ‘food & drink’ or ‘things to do’. As bars are hardly in short supply in Ibiza, and Ibosim offers so much more, we decided on the latter. Ibosim is the first and only beer produced in Ibiza. Visit the brewery and enjoy a worthy range of craft beers on the taproom terrace, or take it a step further and ask about their brewery tours. Ibosim are 50m from Port des Torrent beach.

Only In Ibiza  Grow Submarine, Head Shop The days of the straw donkey are as dead as a dropped donkey. What Grandma really wants as a gift from your Ibiza adventure is the latest in acrylic bong technology. Don’t know what to get your mates at work—how about some matching grinders? Of course it doesn’t have to be a gift, what better way to fill that last space in the suitcase than with some stock from Grow Submarine’s extensive range of cannabis culture stock? From Rizla’s up, though we warn you that attempting to board a Ryanair flight with a full hydrophonic growing system may incur excess baggage fees.

San José Cala Tarida  Fat Billy’s Beach Bar Welcome to Fat Billy’s Beach Bar, a word from our sponsors ... “We're located a few steps away from Cala Tarida beach in Ibiza. Enjoy our services in a cool, comfortable, relaxing and family friendly setting during the afternoon or evening. Taste our delicious and healthy fresh food menu, which has options for children, vegetarians and vegans. Sit back, relax and indulge in an exquisite cocktail, chilled soft drink, fresh smoothie, juice or alcoholic beverage from our bar.”

Cala Conte/Cala Tarida  Buddha Buddha A venue with two distinctly different personalities. The Buddha Bar is a great locals haunt and ideal for a pit stop on the way to or from the beach. Good food, great prices, modern but unfussy. Walk a few metres into Buddha Buddha, the restaurant and sunset terrace, and you are in a completely different world. A shabby chic style, contemporary but comfortable, spectacular views, and a modern and very well considered Asian Tapas menu.

The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

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Shebizan  Amanda O’Riordan Welcome to mid-August and I’m back on the heavenly island of Mallorca. (Ed—boo, hiss) It’s that time of the year when absolutely every flight seems to have a three-hour delay. Following the very warm temperatures all across Europe, the inevitable storms arrive, causing every airline to struggle with a backlog of late arrivals and departures. I thought I’d be safe flying with BA, while Ryanair pilots were on strike, but it took an excruciating 12 hours, door to door, from home in London to here in Mallorca. On top of that, upon arrival my car battery was dead, and I had to get a taxi (first world problems, I hear you cry). It was a strain on the old ticker, as the Balearic taxi drivers resemble suicidal Formula One racers. But let’s face it, it would be weird if there was ever a summer without delays, passport control queues and pilots going on strike. All the more time to read a good book, and my recommendations this month are The Secret DJ which is an insight into the life of an anonymous DJ’s antics on the white isle (we had fun guessing his identity). I’d also recommend Ibiza-based novel - and great poolside reading – One Day In This Promised Land, by Ryan Greenpike. It features of intertwined short stories about various White Island characters, from the party rep, to the drug dealer to the starry-eyed clubber, all on the island of Ibiza. Having been married to a DJ for over 20 years, and spending every summer in Ibiza during that time, these books contained more than a few stories that felt very close to home. I’d thoroughly recommend both books if you’re heading away in the coming weeks. Onto this week’s blog and we check out how to tackle ‘chub rub’, find out how tiny the dental floss bikini really is, and most interestingly, discover the top ten bestselling fashion items of the year so far. Enjoy.

 Read Amanda’s fashion blog http://

Chub Rub It’s a problem we’ve all experienced, but probably never as much as this sweltering summer – it doesn’t matter what size or shape you are – when we sweat, we sweat. And for many of us, when that happens our thighs start to chaff. The recent heatwave in the UK has left women from all over suffering with ‘chub rub’ – with many taking to social media to complain about their sticky situations. You could squat forever, separating your thighs, and still suffer from this hideous side effect of heat. Even with the much sought after thigh gap – your thighs will rub together. Online fashion store, PrettyLittleThing is selling antichafing bands for £8 – and they promise to solve your ‘style over comfort’ dilemmas. But beware – they’re not pretty in the slightest. The black stretchy bands should be worn around the top of your legs. They form a slinky layer that stops the skin on your inner thighs rubbing while you walk. Why they’ve chosen black, instead of neutral “flesh coloured”, is beyond me. The bands come in sizes L - XXXL and are the perfect fit for curvier women who want to avoid the painful red rash that can develop in the heat. The fashion brand – which is apparently a favourite with

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The Dental Floss Bikini

THEY say less is more – and that is generally true with sexy bikini trends. But here we are talking “even less”. In fact, Dental Floss springs to mind, as we feature our final bikini fashion this summer. The Floss bikini trend features the smallest of swimwear with tiny ties that look like they could snap under the slightest pressure. Not for the faint hearted (or those susceptible to pressure). Resembling the string, paper knickers beauticians give you for a spray tan, these miniscule bottoms are perfect for an (almost) all over tan. The Love Islanders proved that bikini bottoms requiring a magnifying glass are bang on trend this season, but it’s a massive no from me. I’ve seen them everywhere in Magaluf and San Antonio this summer. I couldn’t feel less comfortable at the sight. Nevertheless, here are the stars who love nothing more than their disappearing swimwear… If you are looking to steal the style of the stars, you can do it without breaking the bank. Because, let’s face it, there’s barely anything to buy. This look has been popular on the beaches of Brazil for well over 40 years but it’s only in 2018 that us Brits appear to have felt brave enough to bare so much flesh. Perhaps the climate change has some positives?

Lyst Top 10 Best Buys 2018 Fast-changing fashion trends can be hard to keep up with - but how many of these must-have pieces do you have adorning your wardrobe? I know it’s only August, but before we start concentrating on autumn/winter wear, let’s check out the most popular items that summer 2018 has delivered. The top ten best-selling items of 2018 have been revealed in a new report, and far from being wardrobe staples, they include a pair of rubber sliders, a £270 belt and some futuristic-looking high top trainers. I don’t know whether to be proud or embarrassed to admit – I have them all. That's according to, who have published the latest instalment of their quarterly index, listing the most sought-after pieces of the season. The report, produced in partnership with The Business of Fashion, ranks fashion’s hottest brands and biggest products. Topping the list of best-selling products is Louis Vuitton's classic Neverfull bag - but with a price tag of £920 and upwards, clever shoppers are snapping up 'preowned', or second-hand models on eBay. The popular tote was closely followed by a pair of metallic sneakers from Golden Goose, sequin-covered ankle boots and a pink bomber jacket from Acne. A pair of high-top trainers, a sports hoodie and a pair of Topshop Joni jeans also made the list.

According to the global fashion search platform, Spanish fashion house Balenciaga is officially the 'hottest brand in fashion', beating luxury label Gucci to second place. I have the crazy huge Balenciaga trainers, which are like walking in moon boots. Meanwhile, on-point French label Vetements climbed two places to take third position and Off-White - the brainchild of Louis Vuitton's latest recruit Virgil Abloh has maintained its place in the top five hottest brands. It beat Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana and Kanye West's label Yeezy to take one of the top spots.

The top 10 hottest products on the Lyst Index ~ Clockwise from Top Left 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Louis Vuitton's pre-owned Neverfull bag Golden Goose Superstar metallic sneaker Gucci 'Pursuit' rubber slide (£180) Acne pale pink Clear bomber jacket Gucci GG logo belt (£270) Maison Margiela sequin ankle boots (around £2,000) Balenciaga Speed trainer (£495) Off-White black brushed diagonal hoodie Topshop black Joni jeans (£36) Loewe leather trimmed woven rafia tote

Kourtney Kardashian and Kylie Jenner - claim that My only concern is that they fall down as we walk. The these genius bands will help solve those ‘red raw rashes’ – embarrassment would be worse than any chub rub could and it seems whatever the Kardashians do, other mere muster. mortals follow.

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Beach Cinema, Moana Sunday 19th August, Cala Llonga This coming Sunday 19th August at 9pm (subject to sunset) bring the family, a blanket or towel and settle down under stars on Cala Llonga beach to enjoy the latest presentation from Viva Cala LLonga. This weeks film is Moana, (in English with Spanish subtitles) an animated film perfect for all the family, kindly sponsored by Amante Beach Club and Kids in Ibiza. The show is FREE, however there will be the opportunity to make a donation if you so wish. Popcorn and sweets will be on sale and there is a wide variety of shops and bars should anyone like any liquid refreshments. Also remember that every Thursday evening from 6pm there’s a Hippie/Artisan Market on the Cala Llonga promenade with live entertainment from 830pm. There's ample FREE parking just behind the beach look for the P's.

Beach Cleanups  Claire B

St Bartolomé Fiesta & Fireworks Friday 24th August, San Antonio

The Nature Project and Casita Verde are organising a number of beach cleanups during August and September to help stem the flood of rubbish and plastic that ends up on the island’s beaches and in the sea during the summer months. As well as collecting rubbish, the team also raises awareness of consumerism, recycling and the need to take care of nature, through their Awareness Stand and by talking to people on the beach about how to dispose of their rubbish responsibly. To make it a fun event there will be art and performances too. Let’s unite in support of our island to do our bit for the environment and make changes happen.

Even though this is not the town’s official patron saint’s day, Sant Bartolomé is the most fervently celebrated fiesta in the Sant Antoni de Portmany calendar. Last years festivities included children's parties, Ball Pages (folk dancing), traditional fire jumping and the Great Mascletá (firecrackers to welcome the Saints day). The highlight is a spectacular firework display over the Bay of San Antonio at midnight. The fireworks are visible from pretty well anywhere around the bay—but if you want to be sure of a good view in advance, look for the Moli windmill—if you can see that you will have a perfect view.

Next cleanups

Sant Bartolomé

 25th of August at Cala Benirras. 18-20h.  15th of September is World Cleanup Day and there will

 Nicole Torres

be lots of activities organised throughout the day in Ibiza for this. More information about where and when will be announced soon. The Nature Project on Facebook - The Nature Project:

According to legend, the people of Sant Antoni held wor-

ship at a Holy Cave before the church was built in Sant Antoni. Sometime around the 17th century the Holy Cave came to be known as the Cave of St. Agnes, due to the fact that a carved wooden figure of this saint was found inside the grotto. When it was placed there is unknown, but legend has it that on the day of Saint Bartolomé a sailor who was facing death at sea, prayed to the saint that if he lived he would leave the image at the first port he found. He arrived in Sant Antoni and gave the image to the priest who took it up to the Holy Cave. After being found, the icon was taken to the Sant Antoni church but it repeatedly and unexpectedly appeared in the Cave, so the baffled people of town decided to leave it there. Today it is the church of Santa Agnes de Corona. So since then, Saint Bartolomé is celebrated in honour of Saint Agnes.

Casita Verde on Facebook - Casita Verde: https://

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always attracts such an amazing crowd.

How was your first Ibiza Rocks gig of the summer?

Lovely Laura & Ben Santiago Local Legends Interview by Alexandra Ellis, Photo at Ocean Beach

What are your plans for Ibiza this year? BEN: Lots and lots! Our biggest news has to be our Ibiza Rocks dates which is such an honour for us to be working there alongside so many great artists. Outside of that we have quite a few dates at Cafe Mambo, a Saturday at Pacha in September, plus Eden in August for the legendary Scouse week. We also played the Privilege opening party which was a first for us and it was an absolutely incredible experience. Aside from all of this, I also have some great stuff going on with Melon Bomb. We are delighted to be back at our spiritual home of Pikes where we have our monthly parties,

plus we have a few dates at Glitterbox, and a great daytime party at Tanit in September which I'm really looking forward to. LAURA: I can’t really add to this, Ben has pretty much covered everything! It’s certainly a change from our usual summer with also extra dates off the island at some great festivals so it should be an exciting season for us! Where is your favourite venue on the island to perform? LAURA: Ooh tricky question as I love each venue for different reasons. I also keep changing my mind depending on how great a gig I’ve just had! For now, I’m torn between Mambo and Ibiza Rocks, haha! BEN: It's a tough one as each venue you really are spoilt for choice, but I think Pikes because it is one of last places left that still holds that true original Balearic spirit and

BEN: To be honest I was very nervous and didn't get a chance to relax and enjoy it as much as I had hoped for. It was strange because I haven't felt nervous for years, but it was such a big deal for us and we really wanted to make a good impression, the nerves came out of nowhere and completely got the better of me! Thankfully everything went well and everybody that came had a great time so hopefully moving forward from here I can relax and enjoy it a bit more! LAURA: I’m with Ben on this. I was so concerned with doing a good job and not wanting to let anyone down that I somehow forgot to enjoy myself! Having said this, the whole experience of working with Ibiza Rocks was an absolute pleasure and their sound / management team are amazing. Looking back, it was a great first gig of the summer! What was the first gig on the island you both played? LAURA: I have a vague memory of us playing together at Es Vive hotel years ago in our first summer here together – and me being really nervous for some reason!  What made you fall in love with Ibiza? BEN: Her spirit. There's no place like it in the world and like so many others, I am truly in love with this island. LAURA: I could list so many obvious things that make Ibiza so special, but most importantly there is this underlying energy here that really pulls you in – and pulls on your heart strings too! I remember my first few visits here years ago and I knew then that Ibiza meant more to me than just a holiday / work destination. I felt she had an important place in my future – I didn’t know how, but I just felt this strong connection with her and felt so at home here. She’s an island like no other If you could go back and re-live any event here that you’ve done where/what would it be and why? BEN: I used to love playing at Amnesia with my good friend Sean Hughes. Once I had finished my set, we used to get wasted and run around that venue like immature schoolkids getting up to all sorts. Good times! LAURA: Haha! I remember those nights Ben – those were the nights I used to stay at home, well out of the way!! For me, I would love to re-live playing on the Space terrace again back in 2009. They were truly high moments in my memory.

The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

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Community Weather 17th August— 23th August 2018 Aries - The Fool Freedom and trust will be big issues this week. You value your personal freedom so think long and hard about aligning yourself to anything or anyone that might cramp your style. Trust that you’ll make the right decision based on the facts you have; maybe there’s no right or wrong here, so just feel the fear and do it anyway! Taurus - Strength This is a power card and matches up with the fact the Sun is in Leo as a Lion is often depicted on this card. There’ll be no stopping you, as you’re on track to complete an important business deal to obtain what you desire. Health wise, a niggling worry no longer gives you cause for concern; you receive reassuring news. Gemini - The Moon Last week you were looking forward to what the future holds; now however, you’re quieter and more reflective. Don’t doubt recent decisions or fear the worst; let your intuition guide you. Take off any rose-tinted classes and see situations as they really are and not how you’d like them to be. Set aside fears regarding your ambitions and banish selfdoubt. Cancer - The Hanged Man Be patient as everything comes to those who wait. You cannot force events to happen so take it easy this week. This is the best time to study or do research for an important project; you can make headway by being diligent. You must also put yourself first this week, so don’t make any unnecessary sacrifices for others. Leo - Two of Cups (reversed) Relationships are not easy this week; including friendships as well as those with your nearest and dearest or colleagues. There’s a parting of the ways for some of you. Maybe the situation’s run its course and it’s time for you to accept it and move on. Yes, you will be sad for a while but be this too shall pass. Virgo - Five of Cups Emotions are close to the surface this week, making it harder to cope with situations you thought were manageable. You’re at an emotional crossroads, there’s no going back; it’s time to look forward and believe that better times are ahead. The past cannot be changed so there’s no point lamenting over what might have been or trying to change others. Libra - Three of Wands Set your sights on furthering ambitions this week Libra; especially if you are dealing with people or projects that are overseas. The fiery energy of the three brings you extra dynamism and the will to push through plans that bring you acclaim or a wider audience. You also get a breakthrough regarding a property matter. Investments made now bring dividends. Scorpio - Eight of Wands A great week to forge new alliances, especially as they will help you career wise in the long term. It’s time to set your sights higher when it comes to fulfilling ambitions. New opportunities are on the horizon so it will pay you to go out and socialise with those who find you good company and want you on board. Sagittarius - Two of Pentacles Yes, the festive season’s nearly here, but that’s no excuse to go out spending money you don’t really have! This card advices prudence in your financial affairs; it would be unwise to borrow or lend money this week, as it will leave you short. Also, an unexpected expense could blow your funds, which is why it’s wise to be careful! Capricorn - Eight of Swords (reversed) If you’ve received news recently that really shook you up, then be assured that this week you hear about something that gladdens your heart. It may not solve all your problems immediately, but at least you know that the worst is over. We all go through tough times; but you’ll have learnt about your strengths and overcome your fears. Aquarius - Knight of Swords If you must confront others regarding their actions then make sure you know all the facts before wading in. Loved ones or associates are easily provoked, which could lead to arguments. You’re in no mood to slack off so expect to get a lot done this week however, avoid being bossy. Best to work by yourself as much as possible! Pisces - Three of Swords Not the easiest week; you’ll either be caught in the middle of stressful situation or will find yourself having to do battle with someone who’s pushing your buttons. Because you’re under pressure, be careful not to have a scattergun approach to airing your grievances. Others will not take so kindly being compared to the real culprits of your displeasure.

Saturday 18


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Wednesday 22


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Sat 18 20:45

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Thursday 23


Real Feel 42º

View From The Pew Hearing God


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Friday 24

30º Real Feel 42º

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 Tyke Fortier on behalf of Rev. Dr Peter Pimentel What am I going to do with the rest of my life? Should I take this job, or is there something better on the horizon? Who should I marry? Should I move? Life is a never-ending series of choices. Can we know whether we are making the right decisions? Should we consult our horoscope? Maybe we should call the psychic hot-line? Do we go with what the experts are saying or rely on our gutfeeling? Should we look to the stars or should we seek the Maker of the stars? How do we know if we´re making right decisions in

Monday 20

Real Feel 39º

our lives? We need confirmation by hearing from our Creator. The most difficult part of hearing God is the fact that it takes time to learn to discern God´s voice – and it takes a humble heart. “……and the sheep follow Him, for they know the Shepherd´s voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger….” (John 10:4b-5) So how can we know whether we´re hearing the voice of God? The Bible gives us five basic filters through which every possible leading should be judged. We are to carefully examine the intentions of

Sat 25 20:35

Tuesday 21

Saturday 25


Real Feel 42º

Service Sun 19th, 10.30am The Church San Rafael see web for info further ahead

our hearts and the words of godly people through the use of these five keys: Scripture: “All Scripture is inspired by God. (2 Tim. 3:16) The Holy Spirit speaking to our heart: “I will put my laws into their minds, and I will write them on their hearts and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach everyone saying, `know the Lord,´ for all will know Me, from the least to the greatest of them” (Heb. 8:10-11) The Prophetic: “Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utteranc-


Real Feel 40º

es. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good” (1 Thes.5:1920) Godly counsel: “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:15) The Peace of God: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful” (Col. 3:15) Many times the Lord will confirm His direction to us through three or more of these keys, especially when we are in the process of making an important, lifechanging decision.

The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

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Community UD Ibiza Promoted To Segundo B

 UD Ibiza will play in Segundo B despite losing in the play-offs. They take the place of Lorca FC Ibiza Town’s UD Ibiza football club have paid 483,000€ to occupy the position of Lorca FC, who have

24yr Old Brit Dies After Cliff Jump Accident A 24yr old British tourist, Paul Gardner of North Shields died on Tuesday afternoon when diving into the sea from a height of about six metres on Cala Gració beach. Apparently, the young man had jumped from the rocks into the water a few times already, before the fatal dive when he lost his footing, which caused him to hit the rocks. The event occurred around 4.30pm and everything indicates that the young man died on the spot. A boat from the of lifeguards moved him to the beach where a team of SAMU 061 were waiting. The man was already in cardiorespiratory arrest and despite all the efforts made, the paramedics of the 061 could not do anything to save his life.

been removed from the division by the Royal Spanish Football Federation, for “not meeting the economic requirements”. UD Ibiza had already officially shown their interest to occupy the possible vacancy and confirmation was posted on Twitter that they had already paid the required federation rights. The RFEF had requested a report to ascertain the clubs with the most ‘sporting rights’, a circumstance which favoured UD Ibiza. "U.D. Ibiza has 101 points (88 league and 13 from the play offs), ahead of Cadiz CF B, who have 84 points total and Real Jaén CF, with 75" explained the circuit federation.

UD Ibiza’s first match will be away against Sevilla Atlético on the 26th August, the 2nd September will be their first home game against Atlético Sanluqueño.  Segundo B is the third tier of Spanish football after La Liga and Segundo. It is equivalent to the English League 1—kind of. As is their way, the Spanish league structure and promotion and relegation process is very complicated. Suffice it to say it is a great achievement.

He had been celebrating his birthday with friends at the beach. The Guardia Civil are investigating his death.

Intensive Care after

British Man Dies After Falling From 6th Floor On Sunday 12th at around 10pm, a 40-year-old British man died after falling into the interior patio from the sixth floor of the Tánit building, located next to the marina of San Antonio. The victim did not reside in the building and according to the Guardia Civil, had no fixed address, occasionally sleeping on the street. He had also received help from the charitable organisation ‘Food For Ibiza’ on several occasions. The Guardia Civil are investigating his death.

Ibiza Rocks Balcony Fall A 22 year old British tourist has been admitted to the intensive care unit of the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinic. His condition is described as grave, following his fall from a first floor balcony at Ibiza Rocks hotel in calle Cervantes in San Antonio. 112 Emergency Services received notice of the incident at 4am, and on arrival found the man to have suffered multiple injuries and an open head wound. He was immediately taken to the Rosario clinic and admitted to intensive care. There is no information yet available as to the circumstances of the fall.



To Book A Vehicle For An ITV Online

Stolen Car A silver/grey Volvo C40, on English plates, reg number YJ63 YTB has disappeared from outside a house on the outskirts of Cala Llonga. The car is right hand drive with automatic transmission so it’s not too difficult to spot. If you should happen to see it, or know of its whereabouts, please contact the owner on (0034) 647 885619

Medical Centres

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The Ibizan 891 17th August 2018

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Environment Celebrate with IPF

 One of the IPF projects: Planting almond trees and working with the San Antonio Cooperative

in a joint initiative

Ibiza Preservation Foundation 10th Anniversary More than €1 million raised, 40 projects financed and collaborations with 24 different entities 10 years of commitment to preservation and environmental sustainability in Ibiza and Formentera The Ibiza Preservation Foundation (IPF), previously the Ibiza Preservation Fund, celebrates its 10th anniversary of working to achieve a sustainable future for Ibiza and Formentera by supporting local environmental initiatives on land and at sea. The IPF was created in 2008 by William Aitken, Ben Goldsmith and Serena Cook out of concern for the unsustainable development of the islands. They wanted to contribute to preserving the islands they love and give something back to Ibiza. More than €1 million has been raised, 40 projects financed, and it has partnered with 24 different entities over the past 10 years with the aim to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the islands by promoting the conservation of its natural resources. The work of the IPF centres around three priority areas: working in partnership with other associations to deliver projects to preserve the islands and encourage

sustainability promoting a lively and productive rural environment and, finally, supporting projects that protect threatened marine species and other valuable natural resources so the waters remain clean and full of life. The IPF works by raising funds from people and entities around the world concerned about the future of Ibiza and Formentera. They connect experts, local players, NGOs, companies or public entities to achieve the best results; collaborate with local, national and international organisations to preserve the environment, support environmental causes and promote a process for change by commissioning studies and facilitating debates.

10 years, 10 achievements  Oil and gas projects in the Mediterranean Sea have been stopped by establishing and financing the creation of Alianza Mar Blava  Protection for posidonia has increased through collaborations with GEN-GOB Eivissa and the Adessium Foundation to achieve greater legal protection for this marine habitat, and through the Manu San Félix and Vellmarí Association project to map posidonia meadows thus monitoring their evolution.  The IPF has helped to preserve Ibiza’s almonds by planting 800 new trees in a project with APAEEF

Celebrate 10 years of the Ibiza Preservation Fund at an exclusive event on August 22. Join their cofounders, board and leaders to celebrate the IPF’s achievements to preserve Ibiza and Formentera’s land and sea. Deliciously Sorted Ibiza will present the evening of dining, drinking and dancing in a very Spanish style at the beautiful Los Olivos estate. Ticket includes:  ‘Balearic Flamenco’ show by Ibiza legend Paco Fernandez (pictured)  Exclusive performance by Ibiza lovers and legendary DJs BLOND:ISH  All spirits and event cocktails provided by Pernod Ricard with Absolut, ABSOLUT ELYX , Avión tequila, Champagne G.H. MUMM and Havana Club  Paella and BBQ catered by La Grande Bouffe Ibiza with locally-sourced organic produce  A goodie bag Tickets are €50 for residents and €95 for nonresidents. Money raised at the event will support the IPF’s key programmes. They include Posidonia protection, promoting Ibiza produce, creating a sustainability centre and leading a campaign to make Ibiza and Formentera free of single-use plastics. More info on Facebook - Ibiza Preservation Fund. August 22 at 19:30–23:59.

(organic producers association) and the Consell d'Eivissa, as well as co-financing an almond de-hulling machine with Sant Antoni Cooperative.  An initiative to improve water management has been launched. In 2015 the IPF commissioned a study by the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) to gain an understanding of the state of the island's water resources. This served as a precedent for the creation of the Water Alliance, where public administrations, business and tourism associations and water companies are represented together with the agricultural sector and local NGOs.  Support for the creation of a marine reserve in Tagomago, within the framework of "The Sea, A Shared Responsibility" project.  Farming and local produce have been promoted through various initiatives that have fostered various collaborations to support indigenous breeds and the creation of a land bank.  In 2017, IPF coordinated an important study with the UIB on the social and environmental carrying capacity of Ibiza.  Protection of the Ses Feixes wetlands by supporting and collaborating with GEN-GOB and Amics de la Terra. The IPF has collaborated with 24 local and international environmental organisations, and raised more than €1 million in funds. "This decade of work for the preservation and protection of the islands’ environment is the basis of what the IPF intends to do now and in the future. This annual report is the commitment we have with our islands and their inhabitants. Preserve and take care of the land and sea so that future generations will have to enjoy," concluded Sandra Benbeniste, IPF executive director.

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