SpaceX Website Redesign Day Brief Nicky Hope Brief 4 Design Boards
Brief Spend no more than a day creating a quick redesign of the SpaceX website. Help it evolve from the somewhat niche, technical identity it currently holds, into something more exciting and accessible.
Research The most accessible and appealing websites tend to utilise hyperbolic superlatives and large scale imagery to create an exciting and impressive presence and aesthetic. Apple crowned this style, and have mastered it.
Method The redesign utilises SpaceX’s own dramatic real and concept imagery to easily create an engaging visual, and the tone of voice has been transitioned to simply explain the impressive successess and aspirations of the company.
Design Technical but contemporary typography is paired with dramatic imagery, varying colour themes and large areas of white space to help create an appealing and exciting, but easily accessible and highly usable user interface.
Experimentation Full size imagery can exacerbate feelings of excitement and drama, but an allowance of white space helps create a more complex and breathable digital environment.
Before & After
Conclusion A rapid brief that helped explore the methodologies involved in creating exciting, engaging design; and allowing said design to be equally accessible to all those who visit it.