VolTrekkers Service-learning Award and Training Scheme Service-learning is a pedagogy that combines academic curriculum with meaningful community services. VolTrekkers is a programme organised by SAO and supported by Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation ( 香 港順龍仁澤基金會) aiming at providing solid service-learning experiences to our students and fostering them to become global citizens. Students can develop and implement their own service plans with the support and guidance of SAO.
Students who achieve the highest degree of impact on society and learning reflection will be eligible to join an overseas service-learning trip organised by SAO.
Intended Learning Outcomes Communication Skills
Able to communicate with people from various backgrounds in Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) and English
Organisational Skills
Capable to fully develop the idea and implement it
Social Skills
Willing to compromise and interact with people with diverse opinions. Be a responsible and upright person with strong team spirit
Research Skills
Master the research skills (e.g. data analysis skills and IT skills)
Problem Solving Skills
Able to identify the crux of the problem and generate and implement appropriate solutions
Leadership Skills
Be a leader to lead a small team to execute the project
Demonstrate empathy and concerns for the community