HSMC Student Orientation Booklet 2018 (Eng/繁)

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鳴謝 Acknowledgements 衷心感謝以下部門的協助,此迎新刊物才得以順利完成。

We are grateful to the following units for their contributions to this booklet. 校長室 President’s Office 商學院 School of Business 傳播學院 School of Communication

決策科學學院 School of Decision Sciences 人文社會科學學院 School of Humanities and Social Science 翻譯學院 School of Translation 校園發展及管理處 Campus Development and Management Office 一年級生學習中心 First-Year Study Centre 資訊科技服務中心 Information Technology Services Centre 圖書館 Library 教務處 Registry 財政處 Finance office 學生事務處 Student Affairs Office ( 編撰 Editor)



目錄 Contents 1.

校歌 (College Anthem )



目錄 (Contents)



校長歡迎辭 (President’s Welcome Message)



成為恒管人.踏上恒人路 (Be an HSMCer )



iGPS -理想畢業生特質 (iGPS - Desirable Graduate Attributes)



新恒管人指南 (Tips for New HSMCers)


I) 智能 / 思考能力 (Intellectual Competence)


II) 共通技能 (Generic Skills)


III) 個人發展 (Personal Development)


IV) 投入社群 (Social Engagement)


你的學習伙伴 (Your U-life Partners) - 一年級生學習中心 ( First-Year Study Centre)


- 資訊科技服務中心 (Information Technology Services Centre)


- 圖書館 (Library)


- 教務處 (Registry)


- 學生事務處 (Student Affairs Office)


- 住宿書院 (Residential Colleges)



常用聯絡表 (Useful Contacts)



校園設施 (Campus Facilities)



新恒管人校園地圖 (Campus Map for New HSMCers)



校曆表 (Academic Calendar)



2018 恒管迎新活動巡禮 (HSMC Orientation Series 2018)



2018 恒管.迎新日活動流程 (Rundown of Student Orientation Day 2018)



校長歡迎辭 President’s Welcome Message

各位新同學: 歡迎加入恒管大家庭! 我衷心恭賀你們在恒管開展新的學習旅程。 在首幾個星期,許多事物對你來說可能都是新鮮和不一樣。 請放 心,恒管的職員、老師、以及同學已準備好隨時幫助你,讓你順利而愉快地過渡到大學生活。 恒管其中一個獨特之處是其「博雅 + 專業」教育模式,並配合 iGPS「期望畢業生特質」框架(包括:(i) 智能/ 思考能力、(G) 共通技能、(P) 個人發展和(S) 投入社群),旨在培育學生成為具備明辯思維、創新思考、人文 關懷、道德價值和社會責任感的世界公民。 恒管重視學生的全面發展,採用「學生學習為先」(Student Learning FIRST) 策略,致力為每位同學提供有助於心 智與個人成長的轉化式學習體驗: 一年級體驗 同學透過參與一系列豐富的學術性及聯課迎新活動和工作坊,讓你們輕鬆過渡至大學的教育模式和適應新的 學習生活。恒管的「一年級學習中心」將會為一年級學生在某些指定一年級基礎科目上提供學習支援服務。 實習與國際交流 恒管透過為本科生提供本地、 區域或國際的實習體驗,以及海外學習機會如交換生計劃、暑期海外學習團等, 讓同學拓闊全球視野。

住宿書院制度 住宿書院生活是本科教育不可或缺的一部分,也是結合生活與學習的豐富體驗。鼓勵同學附屬四個住宿書院的 其中一間,並積極參與住宿書院活動。 服務學習與投入社群 恒管在同學的學習過程中注入充裕的體驗式學習機會,例如社區服務和服務學習,讓同學透過服務社區實踐所 學,更深入了解各種社會需求和問題。 科技智慧 恒管積極推動學生全面使用智能科技, 成為協作、道德和負責任的資訊科技使用者,應用於學習、服務、溝通 和工作。 恒管亦大力推廣將科技、人文和管理共融。 在恒管,學習可隨時隨地、在不同的環境與維度進行。你們可在眾多的學習機會中探索那些最適合自己的發展。 我相信,憑藉積極主動的態度和有目標地把握這些學習機會,你們將有一個非常豐盛的大學生活 體驗。 校長 何順文




Dear new students,

Welcome to the HSMC family! I would like to express my heartiest congratulations to you embarking on a new learning journey at HSMC. For the first few weeks here, you may find many things new and different. I want to assure you that our staff, teachers and fellow students will stand ready to help your transition to university life as smooth and pleasant as possible. One distinctive feature of HSMC is its “Liberal + Professional” education model which incorporates the iGPS “desired graduate attributes” framework: “I” = Intellectual Competence; “G” = Generic Skills; “P” = Personal Development; and “S” = Social Engagement, with the aim to nurture students to become responsible global citizens with critical thinking, innovative minds, human caring attitude, moral values and social responsibility. HSMC attaches great importance to our students’ all-round development. With the “Student Learning FIRST” strategy, we are committed to providing every student with a transformative learning experience that contributes to their intellectual and personal growth: First Year Experience Engage yourself with the series of enriching academic-related and co-curricular orientation activities and workshops which will help you ease your transition to university education and familiarise yourself with the new study life. To provide better learning support to Year-1 students, our First-year Study Centre offers tutoring services for selected first-year foundation modules. Internship and International Exposure Expand your global perspectives through the internship learning experience locally, regionally or internationally, as well as other overseas learning activities such as exchange study, summer study tours, etc., which are offered to all undergraduate students. Residential College (RC) System Residential life is an integral part of undergraduate education and an enriching experience combining living and learning. Be affiliated with one of the four RCs and participate actively in the RC activities. Service Learning and Community Engagement Apply your learning while serving the community, and gain a deeper understanding of societal needs and issues through ample experiential learning opportunities, such as community services and service learning, made available to you in your course of study.

Technology Intelligence HSMC actively promotes the smart and comprehensive use of technology among students. Be collaborative, ethical and responsible users of IT for learning, services, communication, and work. HSMC also intensively promotes the integration of technology, humanity and management. At HSMC, learning can happen at anytime and anywhere in different settings and dimensions. There are many opportunities for you to explore that will best fit your development. I trust that your proactive attitude and purposeful participation in these learning opportunities will make your university life an immensely rewarding experience. I wish you a fruitful learning journey at HSMC.

Simon S.M. Ho President p.6


歡迎各位新同學! 今日,各位新生首次以「恒管人」的身份來到恒管校園,相信你一定被熾熱而充滿活力的校園 氣氛所感染!在此,我衷心感謝恒管學生會及學生組織的眾幹事、籌委、組爸媽,還有協助學 生事務處統籌迎新日各同學及校園生活導師,一直盡心竭力地安排林林總總的迎新活動予師兄 妹,務求令他們盡快適應恒管的生活。 升讀大學課程,是求學生涯中的一個新旅程。同學既要適應新的學習模式,也要主動認識新朋 友,更要做好時間管理,善用時間參與各項個人發展活動,如:

• • • • •

「上莊」學習籌辦活動、團隊溝通; 參與工作實習,認識工作文化,為事業打好基礎; 成為住宿書院宿生,體驗恒管住宿書院文化,學會獨立及享受群體生活; 到海外交流,體驗各地文化,風土人情,開闊視野; 參與服務學習計劃,了解社會問題,把知識融入服務之中,助己助人。

為了協助你開啟學習的新旅程,我們特意設立迎新網站: http://orientation.hsmc.edu.hk/en/home/, 讓你可簡單直接地掌握學院的活動與資訊。 今天,是各位新旅程的開始,同學可為自己訂立在恒管的目標,揀選適合自己的發展路向,好 好裝備自己。最後,期望各位新生能像封面的帆船一樣,向著目標,乘風破浪,勇往直前!

學生事務總監 Orientation Website 迎新網站




Be an HSMCer and on the road to U-life My warmest welcome to all of you! I believe you will enjoy the lively and vibrant atmosphere on the campus from today onwards. Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank all the leaders and committee members of HSMC Student Union and Student Associations, as well as SAO’s student programme officers and campus life mentors for their concerted effort of organizing a wide array of welcoming activities for new students. Progressing to university is one of the milestones in your study journey. You probably have to adapt to a different mode of study. You would also broaden your social circle by making new friends. To get the most out of the campus life, having good time management skills is vital. Here are some suggestions of activities/roles which you should not miss during the course of your study in HSMC:

To serve as leaders of student organizations and sharpen your communication skills

To participate in internships, understand the workplace culture and plan for your future career

To experience living with fellow students and learn to be independent by residing in the residential college

To actively participate in student exchange programmes for enhancing the cross-cultural exposure and developing a global mindset

To keep abreast of the social issues and integrate learning with services by taking part in service learning schemes

To assist you in the journey ahead, we have created an orientation website (http:// orientation.hsmc.edu.hk/en/home/), from which you can stay updated of various activities and news of the College. Today marks a new beginning of your journey! Do seize the chance to set goals, plan for your future and equip yourself with knowledge and skills during the time in HSMC. I wish you every success, like a sailboat riding the wind and waves printed on this cover. Rebecca Chan Director of Student Affairs


iGPS - 期望的畢業生特質 恒管採用獨特的「博雅 + 專業」教育模式,並配合 iGPS「期望的畢業生特 質」框架,把優質教學和學生全方位發展作為最優先目標。 恒管旨在培養學生具備以下「期望的畢業生特質: iGPS」: (1) 智能 / 思考能力:在相關學科上建構堅固的知識基礎,具備能力作明辨思

考,善於分析及主動解決問題,並投入終身學習。 (2) 共通技能:具備以下範疇的共通技能: (i)

語文能力,包括英語及中文 (廣東話及普通話)



(iii) 人際溝通 (iv) 團隊合作和領導才能 (3) 個人發展:具備自我認知、道德價值觀、情緒管理、個人效能、工作態 度及品格。 (4) 投入社群:具有服務社群的意願,有改進社會的承擔。 iGPS 的 i 代表學生, GPS 是全球定位系統的簡稱,寓意恒管的學習經歷可引 領學生發展成才。



iGPS - Desired Graduate Attributes HSMC identifies quality teaching and students’ all-round development as its highest priorities. It adopts the “Liberal + Professional” education model incorporating the iGPS “desired graduate attributes” framework. The College aims to nurture students to possess the following “desired graduate attributes - iGPS”: (a) Intellectual Competence: a solid foundation in relevant academic disciplines, and the acquisition of the ability to think critically, to solve problems analytically and proactively, and to engage in life-long learning. (b) Generic Skills : the development of skills in : (i) languages in both English and Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) ; (ii) use of information technology and data analysis tools ; (iii) interpersonal communication ; (iv) teamwork and leadership. (c) Personal Development: the development of self-awareness, ethical values, emotion management, personal effectiveness, work attitude and character. (d) Social Engagement: the willingness to serve the community and a commitment to acting for the betterment of society. The acronym iGPS also carries the symbolic meaning of “i” and the “GPS”; with “i” referring to the individual student and “GPS” taking on the metaphor of “Global Positioning System” which can guide the development of the student through the diverse educational experience at HSMC.



新恒管人指南: (I) 智能 / 思考能力 強化學習 堅固的知識基礎是發展個人思考能力的重要基石,而豐富的知識基礎是需通過個 人努力學習而累積。學習是一個漫長的旅程,即使進入大學的你已經歷過無數次 考試,但進入不同的階段,就需要調節不同的心態及方法。大學的上課時間較中 學少,但並不意味著學習時數減少,而是學習模式改變了。大學教育要求同學更 主動、更自主地參與學習的過程。以下的學習策略,同學不妨參考一下:

自主學習 大學課程每星期一般只上課約 18 小時。但同學每上一小時的課,就需要用大概兩 小時作為備課及溫習之用。功課要求會較中學時更有深度和寬度,不少更需要以 小組形式完成,故同學應學懂如何及早籌謀、分工合作。 自我期望 新階段開始,可為自己訂立一個明確的學習目標及期望,然後努力去實現。然而, 同學不必太執著於跟同學比較,所謂「勝人者力,自勝者強」,能夠不斷自我成長、 自我完善即可,毋須為自己加添太大壓力。 主動求教 每位同學來自不同成長背景, 亦有不同性格及能力, 學習上有差異是正常不過的 事。因此,當學習上遇到困難,應主動向教授或指導老師 (Personal Tutor)請教,或參

與由「一年級生學習中心」舉辦的導修,我們的教授及高年級生都十分樂意跟同學 傾談,並提議合適的方法,讓你盡快適應大學的 學習模式。你亦可向你的師兄師姐請教,聆聽一 下「過來人」的經驗;朋輩間亦可以組成學習小 組(Study Group),互相交流學習心得。

想了解更多有關一年級生學習中心的資訊,可參考第 47 頁 。



iGPS for New HSMCers: (I) Intellectual Competence Strengthening Learning A solid knowledge foundation is the basic for developing intellectual competence, while a solid knowledge foundation needs to be acquired by active learning. Learning is a long journey. Although you experience numerous examinations before entering university, you may need to adjust the attitude and approach as you enter a different phase. The time spent in class in university is less than that of secondary school. It does not mean that students can reduce their study time and contrarily, students should beware that model of learning has changed. University education requires students to be more proactive and independent. Here are some learning strategies for your reference: Self-learning University programmes, in general, require around 18 hours of class per week. Nevertheless, students are expected to spend about 2 hours for preparation and revision for every hour they spend in the classroom. Compared with those given in secondary schools, assignments require much depth and width of knowledge and many of them are group work. Therefore, students should learn how to plan, allocate the workload and cooperate with one another. Self-expectation At the beginning of a new phase, you may want to set a clear academic goal and strive to fulfill your expectations but you need not to be too keen on comparing with your classmates. “It is only force you show when you defeat others; but strength when you overcome yourself.” It only matters whether you have improvement. So there is no need to push yourself too hard.

Seek Help It is common that students from different backgrounds and with different characters and abilities perform differently in study. When you encounter difficulties, you shall seek help from professors or personal tutors or the tutoring session organized by the “First-Year Study Center” which conducted by the senior year students. Our professors and the senior year students are welcome to discuss with you and give you suggestions to help you adapt to the way of learning in university. Meanwhile, you may also ask senior students for their experiences. Forming a study group with your peers can also facilitate the interflow of learning experiences. More information of the First-Year Study Centre, please refer to p.47.


什麼是 GPA 和 CGPA 同學在修畢每一單元後,該單元的成績將被評為下頁表中的等級(Grade),取得相應 的「學業成績點數」(績點)。「累計學業成績點數」(CGPA)是根據同學完成每一單元 所取得的「績點」累計而成,並由教務處紀錄直至同學完成整個課程。教務處將於 每學期考試完結後,通知各同學其最新的「累計學業成績點數」(CGPA)。

What is GPA (Grade Point Average) & CGPA? The overall grade that students obtain for each module will be converted into a gradepoint-average on the basis of the table on the next page. A Cumulative Grade-PointAverage (CGPA) for each student, derived from the grade points obtained in each completed module, will be kept by the Registry as students’ progress throughout the programme. The Registry will inform students of their CGPA at the end of each semester, after the examination period.



學業成績等級、學業成績點數及其所代表的解釋羅列如下表: The course grades, grade points, and their interpretation are set out in the table below: 等級



Grade Point

A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D Fail

4.00 3.70 3.30 3.00 2.70 2.30 2.00 1.70 1.30 1.00 0.00

說明 Broad Interpretation

Outstanding 表現優異

Good 成績良好

Satisfactory 合乎要求 Marginal 尚待努力 Unsatisfactory 力有不及


學術誠信 正面及積極是大學生應俱備的學習態度,除此以外,維護學術誠信亦同樣重要。大學教育的目 的不僅是為了提高學生的知識及學術水平,更是為社會培育一群具高尚品德、對社會負責的新 一代。在校園內維持高水平的學術誠信,對整個學術界,甚至社會都有著正面的影響。就個人 層面來說,怎樣做才能維護學術誠信? 首先我們要先了解什麼是學術誠信及其重要性。

什麼是學術誠信? 學術誠信是學術界堅守的道德操守。為維護學術誠信所秉承的價值觀,我們不應欺騙、抄襲、 未作聲明卻使用他人作品、捏造資料等。為維持高水平的學術誠信,作為學術界的一份子,我 們應當 :

• • • • •

在追求知識的同時應以誠待人; 成為可信賴的人,願意相信他人、與他人協作及分享研究成果,以激發他人的潛能; 在追求知識的過程中,採用明確準則、做法及程序,以及時常應持公平的態度待人; 尊重不同意見及思維,以擴展學術研究的領域; 盡責地堅守個人學術誠信,並適時採取行動以抗衡任何違反學業誠信的行為。

有關學院的學術誠信政策,可參閱學生手冊 2017/18 。

學術誠信的重要性 堅守學術誠信不是單純為了遵守學校規則,更牽涉到同學們在校個人操守的問題,更真實地反 映出你是個怎樣的人及你的個人誠信水平是如何。學院期望每位學生時刻堅守學術誠信,這是 有效學習及優良學術成就的必要條件。 為追求高水平的學術誠信,同學們應當:

• 確保所呈交的作業不論是什麼範疇,均屬個人原創; • 確保所呈交之資料與數據均真確無訛(即並無篡改或虛構成分);及 • 正確標示一切引用他人著作的地方,包括文字、意念、藝術作品及研究成果等。 請同學恪守學術誠信的操守,成為一位有誠信的恒管人。 下載學生手冊 2018/19 Download Student Handbook 2018/19



Academic Integrity There is no doubt that the positive and active learning attitude is the requisites for university studies. The aims of university education are not only to enhance students’ knowledge and academic excellence, but also to nurture students with high moral standards; and to prepare students for responsible citizenship. A high standard of academic integrity of the universities generates positive impacts on academia and society. From the personal perspectives, what should we do for maintaining the academic integrity? Before we go, we should know what academic integrity actually is.

What is Academic Integrity? Academic integrity is the moral code of academia which includes values such as avoidance of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresenting other’s work, or fabricating information. For upholding the high standard of academic integrity, every individual of the academic community should : • Be honest with each other in the pursuit of knowledge ; • Be trusty so as to believe in others, collaborate and share with others to explore their potential height ; • Be fair to all by adopting clear standard, practices and procedures; and engaging in fair interaction with others ; • Be respectful to a wide range of opinions and ideas to extend the boundary of knowledge ; and • Be responsible for safeguarding personal integrity of scholarship and research; and take action against wrongdoing. About the Policy on Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism, see the Student Handbook 2017/18.

The Significance of Academic Integrity Academic integrity not only obeys the rules, but also associates with your conduct within campus which can reflect the type of person you are; which speaks to your personal integrity. The College expects that all students will uphold academic integrity in face of any situations, which is essential for effective learning and academic excellence. In the pursuit of high standard of academic integrity, you should • Submit your own work in all areas of your study; • Ensure the presented information and data are accurate (i.e. not fabricated); and • Acknowledge all sources of the work of others properly that include the words, ideas, artistic products and research findings, etc. Please be an honest HSMCer and commit to the Academic Integrity.

Reference: The center for academic integrity (CAI) . (1999). The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity. Retrieved 5 August, 2015, from http://www.academicintegrity.org/icai/assets/FVProject.pdf .




新恒管人指南: (II) 共通技能 - 聯課活動 iGPS for New HSMCers: (II) Generic Skills Co-curricular Activities 學院旨在為同學建構「博雅+專業」的學習環境,以助同學達至全人發展, 畢業後能成為社會 優秀的人才。 學院投放大量資源為同學爭取豐富的學習體驗, 以擴闊同學視野。活動包括海 外實習計劃、海外交流生計劃、學生大使計劃、義工隊活動等;及其他針對同學不同方面發展 的活動, 供同學選擇。 務求為同學提供自由又多元的學習環境。 學院期望同學能透過參與多 元化校內及校外活動以增強他們的共通技能, 如人際溝通、團隊合作及領導技巧等。 歡迎同學踴躍參加,並時刻留意 eCampus 的最新資訊。

Our College aims at providing a "liberal +professional" learning environment to our students; in which to foster student's whole person development and to cultivate outstanding graduates. The College invests substantially for acquiring a wide range of learning opportunities to broaden the horizons of the students. Different activities are provided to students including Global Internship Programme, Students Exchange Programme, Student Ambassadors Programme, volunteer teams and other specialized development programmes etc; so as to provide a supportive and diversified learning environment. The College wishes that students’ generic skills, such as interpersonal communication, teamwork and leadership, could be enhanced through joining multifarious internal and external activities. Welcome to join us and please stay tuned for more on eCampus!

海外實習計劃:英國廣播公司 Global Internship Programme: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)


無止橋團隊: 無止行 Wu Zhi Qiao Team: Wu Zhi Xing


海外交流生計劃 Students Exchange Programme, To HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Finland

非學術的畢業要求 Non-Academic Graduation Requirements 除了滿足課程的學術要求外,學院亦要求學生在畢業前參與各項活動,以滿足所定的時 數,包括社區服務 (CS)、課外活動 (ECA)、體育活動 (PA) 及資訊科技能力測試。有些 課程還要求學生在畢業前通過中、英文水平測試等。詳情請參閱你的課程手冊。

To encourage students’ all-round development, the College requires students to take part in certain activities outside classrooms, to fulfill the students’ graduation requirement, including Community Service (CS), Extra–curricular Activities (ECA) and Physical Activities (PA) and Information Technology Proficiency Test. Some programmes may also require students to pass the language tests before graduation. Please refer to the Programme Handbook of your programme for the specific requirements. 畢業前需累積的總時數 Total hours required before graduation


學士 一年級入學

學士 二年級入學

學士 三年級入學

Degree Yr 1 Entry 20 10 10

Degree Yr 2 Entry 15 7.5 7.5

Degree Yr 3 Entry 10 5 5


新恒管人指南: (II) 共通技能 - 語文能力 iGPS for New HSMCers: (II) Generic Skills Language Competency 語言是人與人之間重要的溝通渠道,透過語言,我們能有效地互相交流意見及想法。因此, 具備良好語文能力成為了在學術及職場中脫穎而出的不二法門。有見及此,學院竭力提供不


Language is our primary source of communication which allows us to share our ideas and thoughts with others effectively. In this sense, a defined level of language competency is the essential element for being successful at academic study and their future workplace. The College strives to equip students with English and Chinese language skills (including Putonghua and Cantonese) by providing different kinds of assistance.

語文考試費用退還 Reimbursement of Language Test Fee 為鼓勵同學在畢業前具備標準的語文能力,同學若能於國 際英語測試系统 –雅思考試 (IELTS) 及 普通話水平測試 (PSC) 中獲得一定水平, 便可申請退還相關考試費用。

To encourage students to master their language skills before graduation, HSMC students with satisfactory International






Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) test results can apply for the reimbursement of test fees.




英語研習中心 及 中國語言及文化研習所 English Language Centre (ELC) & Institute for Chinese Language and Culture (ICLC) 中國語言及文化研習所 及英語研習中心, 透過舉辦專題講座及工作坊、多元化的學 習資源,以及專業的指導服務,為同學提供一個舒適和輕鬆的語言學習環境。

ICLC & ELC provides a cozy and relaxing environment for students to engage in language learning through specialized workshops and seminars, various learning materials, professional consultations etc.

英語研習中心 English Language Centre (ELC) Location: A202-205, 2/F, S. H. Ho Academic Building (A) Tel: (852) 3963 5028

中國語言及文化研習所 Institute for Chinese Language and Culture (ICLC) Location: A206, 2/F, S. H. Ho Academic Building (A) Tel: (852) 3963 5570


Email: iclc@hsmc.edu.hk /




Email: elc@hsmc.edu.hk


新恒管人指南: (III)個人發展 交朋結友 不論去到甚麼地方,當人面對新生活、新環境時,我們都希望能認識新朋友,好讓自己能透 過新朋友而獲得精神上及實質的支持。通過與朋友間交流與接觸,讓你從中能相互學習,亦 能了解自己多一些,以增強自我認知。增強自我認知幫助 我們找到個人發展的方向、推動學習、有助你面對困境時 有效地評估狀況。這不但讓你成為更好的人、更能讓你成 為更好的伙伴、更好的領袖、更好的學生。交朋結友成了 增強自我認知及個人發展的關鍵。 如何與新朋友建立友誼呢? 以下是一些建立友誼之法,不妨參考一下: ● 第一印象: 有禮、主動、友善,是第一印象的必要條件。 ● 認識自己: 了解自己多些,你會更容易認識到能和你好好相處的朋友。 ● 保持聯絡: 當認識到新朋友,應主動保持緊密聯絡,不要老是等別人主動聯絡你。 ● 提升能力: 如自問社交能力不濟,其實能力是可以提升的。何不參加一些溝通能力、 社交能力的工作坊呢? ● 爭取機會: 多參加課外活動,不但能學到更多知識,更能透過這些場合認識更多志同道 合的朋友。 ● 學會欣賞: 每個人都想被欣賞,你能欣賞別人,朋友自然願意和你相處。 ● 做回自己: 不要心急,建立友誼是需要時間的,千萬不要因想得到別人的喜愛而刻意改 變自己。 ● 主動聆聽: 初認識新朋友時,切忌滔滔不絕,應多聆聽,從對方觀點看事物,多了解不 同人的想法。 ● 接受不同: 「若要人似我,除非兩個我」,最投契的朋友也有意見不合的時候,應尊重 彼此的不同。



iGPS for New HSMCers: (III) Personal Development Building Friendship When entering a new phase of life or facing a new environment, we always hope to meet new friends who bring us support. Healthy social connections enhance your selfawareness by learning from others and soliciting friends’ observation and feedback. Self -awareness points you in a direction for growth, impels you to learn, and assists you to gauging difficult situations. It does not only make you a better man, but also make you a better friend, a better leader, a better student. Building friendship is crucial for the enhancement of yourselfawareness and personal growth. How can we make new friends then? Here are some ways to develop friendship: ● Give a good first impression: Being polite, active and friendly are essential for good first impression. ● Get to know yourself: Knowing yourself better helps

you to meet friends who could get along with you. ● Keep in touch: Instead of waiting for others to take initiative, you should step out to

contact new friends. ● Enhance social skills: Indeed, social skills could be improved. If you are not

confident of your social skills, then why don’t you join the workshops to enhance your communication and social skills? ● Create the opportunity: In addition to learning more, you could meet more friends

who have similar hobbies by participating in more extra-curricular activities. ● Learn to appreciate: Everyone welcomes appreciate from others. Friends could get

along with you easily if you know how to appreciate others. ● Be yourself: It takes time to develop friendship, so be patient and be

yourself. Do not change yourself for others. ● Listen actively: Avoid being too talkative in your first meeting. Instead, you should

listen more and put yourself in other’s shoes to understand different viewpoints. ● Accept differences: “There is no other person like ‘me’ unless there is another

‘me’ .” Even your best friends would have different views, so you should learn how to respect the differences between each other.


尊重他人 朋友間相處貴乎尊重與包容。懂得體諒他人、時時刻刻設身處地為對方著想,以平等的心態對待他人。 你自然便能「相識滿天下」。

尊重他人 朋友間的相處總離不開一些玩笑,更甚是身體上的一些接觸。一些過火行為或會讓對方感到受冒犯、侮 辱或威嚇,更有可能被視為性騷擾的行為。 以下是可能構成性騷擾行為的例子:

• 不受歡迎的性要求:例如持續不斷向對方發出性方面的邀請、淫褻的動作、觸摸、抓弄或故意摩擦他 人的身體;

• 為了獲取性方面的好處而提出的不受歡迎的要求(錯誤使用權力):例如明示或暗示若對方在性方面 予以合作或容忍其性要求,便會在學業成績方面得到好處;

• 不受歡迎的口頭、非口頭或身體上涉及性的行徑: 例如向他人開與性有關的玩笑;不斷追問某人的性 生活狀況等;及

• 涉及性的行徑,使環境存在敵意或具威嚇性:例如在課室或住宿書院高談與性有關的或淫褻的話題、 展示與性有關的不雅圖片。 根據《性別歧視條例》,性騷擾在教育和僱傭範疇中乃屬違法。除屬違法外,性騷擾的行為對受害者的 心理帶來不良的影響,對校園或是整體社會而言也是一重要道德議題。請謹記你的一言一行,不論是有 心或是無意都均有可能讓他人感到受冒犯。將心比己,任誰亦不喜歡被冒犯。因此請尊重他人、時刻關 注他人的感受。

向「性騷擾」說不,維護校園公平原則 學院以《性別歧視條例》為基準,致力為教職員、學生或其他與學院接觸的人士提供平等機會及消除在 校園中任何形式的歧視行為。如遭遇或知悉任何有關性騷擾行為,可向你所信任的人士求助或報告予學 院的平等機會委員會。 恒生管理學院平等機會委員會委員的聯絡方法 : 姓名





經理 (協作及新項目)

3963 5580




3963 5101


下載恒生管理學院防止性騷擾的政策及程序 Download the Policy Guidelines & Procedures for handling Sexual Harassment Complaints



Respecting Others Cultivation of friendship is all about respect and pardon. If you can always put yourself in other’s shoes and treat other people equally in all time, it is just a piece of cake to have nodding friends all over the world.

Respecting Others Jokes and physical contacts are common in social interaction with friends or classmates. However, your friend may be offended, humiliated or intimidated by some of your inappropriate behavior occasionally. With reference to Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO), the following behavior including, but not limited to, in legal definition may be regarded as sexual harassment:

• Unwelcome sexual advances – e.g. sending unwanted invitations persistently, leering at a person or at parts of his/her body, massaging a person or deliberately brushing up against another person.

• Unwelcome requests for sexual favours (Misuse of authority) – e.g. suggesting explicitly or implicitly that sexual co-operation or toleration of sexual requests may foster a person's academic results;

• Unwelcome verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature – e.g. making sexual jokes to others; and questioning one’s private life of sexual nature.

• Conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile or intimidating environment – e.g. delivering sexual or obscene remarks around the classrooms/Residential Colleges or displaying sexually offensive pictures or posters. Under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO), sexual harassment is illegal in all education institutions and the workplace environment. Despite of an offence against the law, sexual harassment may create serious emotional consequences for the harassed individual; and which is a serious issue of the campus and the society. Others would be offended by your intended or unintended behavior; and that will definitely not be welcomed by others, so please care one’s feeling under any circumstances.

Say “No!” to Sexual Harassment to uphold the principle of equal opportunities on campus. The College is committed to equal opportunity and to eliminate any form of discrimination against all staff members, students and other person who have dealings with the College in compliance with the Equal Opportunities Ordinances which come into force in Hong Kong. In case of possible sexual harassment, you should tell someone you trust; or report the case to HSMC Equal Opportunity Committee immediately. Contact members of HSMC Equal Opportunity Committee: Name




Ms. Josephine Liu Dr. Tom Fong

Manager (Collaboration and New Projects)

3963 5580



3963 5101


(Organization Development)


保障個人私隱 作為大學生以後,你將有更多機會認識不同文化背景的人士及參與校內校外的活動。通過這些交流 及參與,你或多或少會接觸到他人的個人資料。例如你被選成為某學會的會長或委員,你便有機會 接觸到你學會成員的一些個人資料,如他們的名字、性別、學生編號及出生日期等。這些資料均屬 個人私隱,除本人以外,第三者絕無權隨便披露。如將來你需要收集他人的個人資料,你可遵循以 下《個人資料(私隱)條例》所提出的原則來進行收集。

第一項原則 ─ 收集個人資料的目的及方式 必須以合法及公平的手法收集,而收集的目的必須直接與使用該等資料的資料使用者之職能或活動 有關。所收集到的資料不應超過該項目的實際需要。 第二項原則 ─ 個人資料的準確性及保留時段 資料使用者必須確保所持有的個人資料是準確及最新近的。資料的保存時間,不能超過使用該資料 的原定目的之實際所需。 第三項原則 ─ 個人資料的使用 除非獲得當事人同意,否則個人資料只可用於收集資料時所述明的用途或與其直接有關的用途。 第四項原則 ─ 個人資料的保安 資料使用者必須採取適當的保安措施去保護所收到的個人資料。 第五項原則 ─ 資訊須在一般情況下可提供 資料使用者須公開所持有的個人資料之類別 (不是資料內容) 及所作之主要用途。 第六項原則 ─ 查閱個人資料 當事人有權查閱及更改其個人資料。 就自身而言,每個人均享有私隱權,我們可以選擇向他人披露甚麼資料,或何時、以什麼方式將個 人私隱傳送至他人。正當地行使自身私隱權可讓自己的私生活免於因他人把資料外洩而被侵擾。因 此在將個人私隱,如身份證號碼、出生日期、登入 eCampus 密碼等提供予他人前,請三思。 學院重視校內師生及職員的私隱。作為資料使用者,我們貫徹遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》,亦 要求校內師生及職員在使用、保存及 / 或披露他人的個人私隱時遵守條例的規定。 有關恒生管理學院處理個人資料(私隱)的指引及程序,可於以下 QR code 下載。

下載恒生管理學院處理個人資料(私隱)的指引及程序 Download the Policy Guidelines & Procedures in Compliance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance



Protecting Personal Data Being a university student, you may have more chance to meet different kinds of people and join internal and external activities. Through the interaction with others and participation in different activities, handling others' personal data is unavoidable. For example, if you were elected as the president or committee member of one society association, you would have the access right to the personal data of the members, such as their names, gender, student ID or date of birth etc. These are classified as privacy of a person and in which the right of privacy belongs to that person (the data subject); and no one has right to disclose the data without the permission of the data subject. If one day, you may have to collect, use, store or dispose one's personal data, in compliance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinances, following principles must be upheld. Principal 1: Purpose and manner of collection Personal data must be collected in a lawful and fair way, for a purpose directly related to a function / activity of the data user. Principal 2: Accuracy & duration of retention Personal data must be accurate and updated; and should not keep for a period longer than necessary. Principal 3: Use of personal data Personal data must be used for the purpose for which the data is collected or a directly related purpose. Principal 4: Security of personal data Appropriate security measures must be applied to personal data. Principal 5: Information to be generally available Data users must let the data owners know the kinds of personal data they hold and the main purpose for which personal data are used. Principal 6: Data access to personal data The right of access to and correction of their personal data must be given to the data subjects. From the personal perspective, everyone has the right to enjoy privacy. You have right to decide when, what and how to transfer your personal data to the third party. It could avoid the privacy harassment which caused by the disclosure of the personal data by the data user, on condition that you exercise your right to privacy properly. So, please think twice and ensure the purpose before transferring your personal data such as your HKID No., date of birth and password, to others. The College respects personal data privacy and as a data user, we are fully committed to implementing and complying with the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and required all students and staff members to comply with the Ordinance when collect, use, store or dispose one's personal data is needed. For more details, please download the Policy Guidelines & Procedures in Compliance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance from the QR Code on previous page. Reference: Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (2012). Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Retrieved 13 Aug, 2015, from: https://www.pcpd.org.hk/tc_chi/data_privacy_law/ordinance_at_a_Glance/ordinance.html#1


新恒管人指南: (III) 個人發展 – 時間管理 同學進入大學後其中一樣要適應的是如何分配自己的時 間, 大學跟中學不同,沒有密密麻麻的課堂時間表。可 是,提交報告、 考試及功課均設有一定期限,同學應及 早分配時間,以免被一個接一個的「死線」所困擾。及早 了解怎樣能有效地分配時間,將成為你大學生涯成功與 否的關鍵!以下是一些助你掌握時間的辦法: 評估自己使用時間的習慣 試記錄一星期所做的事情和所需之時間,一星期後看看是否需要因應目標及優先次序而作適 當的調節。 趕走「時間竊賊」 相信你也曾試過有「這麼快就一日了,還有很多事未做呢?」的感覺,時間在不知不覺間被 「時間竊賊」偷走了,例如:上網閒聊、過量上莊事務、工作分心、不懂拒絕別人的打擾等 等。我們應自覺有「時間竊賊」的存在,並利用「預先計劃,即時行動」來應付「時間竊賊」。 「應做的事」和「想做的事」 在有限的時間下,應學會分辨什麼是「應做的事」,什麼是「想做的事」,並羅列必做清單, 編排好你心目中的優先次序,按步就班根據擬定的時間表行事,你會發覺時間在你掌握之下 更見充裕,不但能準時完成工作,更能安心休息和玩樂!



iGPS for New HSMCers: (III) Personal Development Time Management One thing that students have to master in their university life is managing time. Unlike secondary school, universities do not have fixed timetables for everyone. There is, however, always a time limit for submitting reports, sitting examinations and turning in assignments. Students should plan their time to avoid being overwhelmed by one deadline after the other. Knowing how to manage your time as early as possible is critical in your successful university life. Here are some ways for time management:

Evaluate your habit of using time Try to record what you should do in a week and the time required. At the end of the week, check whether you need to adjust the time for each task according to your goals and priorities.

Get rid of “time thieves” You might have the same experience that “the day is ending but I have done so little?” Time is stolen by “time thieves” such as online chat, excessive extra-curricular activities, distraction during work and failure of rejecting others’ interruptions. We should be aware of the “time thief” and deal with it with the strategy of “plan early and act now”.

“Things I should do” vs. “Things I want to do”. With limited time, we need to distinguish “things I should do” from “things I want to do”. Compile a to-do list and arrange your priorities. Stick to the schedule and you will find out that far more time is in your control. Completing your work on time, you can rest and enjoy your leisure time without any burden.


新恒管人指南: (III) 個人發展 – 壓力管理 對於大學新生而言,面對全新的上學環境、全新的課程、全新的同學以及全新的學習模式, 感到難以適應及壓力是可以理解的。假如你最近曾有焦慮感、失眠、精神難以集中或逃避社 交場合,也許你已經出現負面的壓力反應,表示你需要進一步學習如何管理你的壓力。 面對壓力,不需逃避,應設法管理壓力!以下是一些管理壓力的方法,不妨一試。 適當進食及休息


來正面影響。 定期做運動

定期運動除了可強身健體,更為你帶來更靈活的腦筋,助你應 付壓力。



短期目標 有效管理時間

安排每天的日程,使學業、家庭及社交方面都有合理且適當的 時間分配。












如感到壓力愈來愈大,無法舒緩,請立即尋求適當的協助,或可到學生事務處尋找專業輔 導。


電話: 3963 5174 / 3693 5593



iGPS for New HSMCers: (III) Personal Development Stress Management Given a new study environment, new curriculum, and new classmates under a new learning pattern, it is normal for freshmen to feel stressful and frustrated. Nevertheless, if you feel tense or anxious, suffer from insomnia and loss in concentration, or even try to avoid social activities recently, it may be signs of stress reactions . All these mean that you need to pick up some stress management technique. Do not avoid stress. Address and manage it. Here are some stress management technique that you may want to try. Maintain a balanced diet and take enough rest

Problems cannot be solved without rest and food. Maintaining a balanced diet and taking enough rest would help.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise leads to a healthy lifestyle, brings joy and satisfaction, and helps in coping with stress.

Set a reasonable and achievable short-term goal

Prepare a step-by-step plan to pursue your goal. A small step today results in a big leap tomorrow.

Manage your time

Plan your daily schedule to allocate time on study, on family and social life.

Build a social network

We can always learn from others. A good social network could be the biggest support, as you may gain insight while spilling your problems and stress to your friends.

Think positively

Focus on the gloom side only magnifies misfortune. Therefore, think about something positive once a day to make you happy.

Smile more from the bottom of your heart

Smile more to make the world a better place.

If the feeling of being stressful persists, you should seek help immediately. You may also come to the Student Affairs Office (SAO) for professional counseling.

For any assistance, you may contact Personal Growth & Counseling. Tel: 3963 5174 / 3963 5593


新恒管人指南: (III) 個人發展 – 職涯策劃 iGPS for New HSMCers: (III) Personal Development Career Planning 職涯策劃並不是單純一而暫的過程,而是需不斷自我探索及體驗的旅程。學院致力為同學提 供職涯規劃及就業準備的相關活動,期望同學可通過參與各項多元化的活動,盡早為就業作 好準備。

Career planning is not merely a short-term process but requires ongoing selfexploration and experiential learning. The College encourages and supports students to develop their future career through a variety of programmes which have diversified learning components to suit different needs. Welcome all freshmen to join us!

就業準備工作坊 Career-related Workshops

職業博覽及招募講座 Careers Fair and Recruitment Talks



職業導師計劃 Careers Mentorship Programme

Student Mentee will be matched with a business professional as a Careers Mentor to obtain career advice and learn from their experience. 職業導師為商界專才,可為同學提供第一手業界資訊及經驗分享。

一對一就業指導 Career Advisory Session

A 45-min one-on-one meeting with the Careers Officer to receive career advice and build up a competitive resume. 與學院就業輔導主任進行一節四十五分鐘的面談,內容包括就業輔導及履歷表撰寫。

實習 Internship

Internship provides student an opportunity to gain working experience and facilitate career planning through on-job training. We support students with internship information through the online platform - HSMC JINESS Job Portal. 同學可透過在機構實習了解職場文化和為未來就業作規劃。學院設有專屬求職平台,定時發 佈最新實習空缺資料。 職業博覽及招募講座 Careers Fair and Recruitment Talks Students can meet with company representatives to have an in-depth understanding towards the company and the corresponding job vacancies. 機構代表會在校園和同學交流及介紹所屬機構的特質和招募空缺的細節。 就業準備工作坊 Career-related Workshops

A series of Career-related workshops to help students understand the aspects of job seeking technique for internship and graduate job. 一系列的工作坊從履歷表撰寫到面試技巧,逐步為同學提升求職技巧。

職業博覽及招募講座 Careers Fair and Recruitment Talks p.38


新恒管人指南: (IV) 投入社群 - 積極參與 iGPS for New HSMCers: (IV) Social Engagement Active Participations 恒管旨在通過推動社會和公民參與,促進學生個人成長。校方鼓勵同學參與社區活動, 可為建造美好社區共同努力,亦期望同學藉參與及籌辦不同類型社區服務活動來增強 自身公民責任感。 多元化的項目已在校園內展開,其中包括義工隊、無止橋團隊及其他服務學習計劃。其 他由學生主導的社區服務團隊,如社會服務團及扶輪青少年服務團亦會不時在校內舉 辦社區服務活動。學院也致力聯繫不同類型的社福機構、志願團體和非政府組織,以有 效凝聚社區及學院資源 ; 更擔當橋樑角色,協助同學策劃及開展社區服務項目。 The College aims at facilitating students’ personal growth through promoting social and civic engagement. We encourage students to involve in the community and commit to act for the betterment of the society and wish to strengthen students’ sense of civic duty through joining and organising various community services programmes. A variety of programmes have been launched, includes Volunteer Team, Wu Zhi Qiao Team and several service learning projects. Other student community services groups, such as, the Social Service Group and Rotaract Society which are initiated by the students that organizes different kinds of community services activities on campus every year. The College maintains a network among social institutions, volunteer groups, and nongovernment organisations in order to match up the resources and needs of the community and the College and student can start to plan their service project. Consultations are provided by the Student Affairs Office to assist students in planning and implementing the projects.



恒管義工隊: 食出感情探訪活動 HSMC Volunteer Team: Cooking for the Elderly

社會服務團 : 童心行 Social Service Group: Childlike Hearts

無止橋團隊: 甘肅馬岔村建設項目 Wu Zhi Qiao Team: Ma Cha Village Centre Construction Project


新恒管人指南: (IV) 投入社群 - 積極參與 iGPS for New HSMCers: (IV) Social Engagement Active Participations 「順龍仁澤學義同行」服務奬勵及培訓計劃 VolTrekkers Service-learning Award and Training Scheme 學院旨在裝備同學成為公民領袖所需的價值觀、學問、技能、批判反思能力等, 亦 期望同學透過參與服務計劃以自身知識回應社會需求,貢獻社會。學生事務處於 2016 年起獲「香港順龍仁澤基金會」贊助及支持,推出「順龍仁澤學義同行」服務 奬勵及培訓計劃 (下稱「計劃)」,為恒管學生帶來更多服務學習機會,培養同學成為 世界公民。 The College strives for enhancing students’ personal growth and prepare them to be responsible civic leaders, through instilling the set of core qualities including values, knowledge, skills, critical and reflective thinking, etc. We encourage our students to contribute the society by bringing their knowledge that address community needs. With the support of the Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation Limited, VolTrekkers Service-learning Award and Training Scheme (“the Scheme”), first launched by Student Affairs Office (SAO) in 2016, aiming at providing solid service-learning experience for

students and fostering them to become global citizens.

詳情請瀏覽此網站 Scan above QR code for details.



在學生事務處的支援下,同學不再單純是社區服務項目的參加者, 他們更是行程策 劃者、項目籌辦者及項目執行者。 表現優秀的同學可獲香港順龍仁澤基金會資助參 與海外服務學習計劃。 Participants of the Scheme, work alongside the SAO and local service partners, will not only engage in community caring projects, but also itinerary design, service planning and project implementation. Outstanding participants would be sponsored by Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation to participate in oversea service-learning programmes.

恒管 x 亞洲大學服務學習交流計劃


As a planner

HSMC x Asia University Service-learning Exchange Programme 恒管同學為到港交流的亞洲大學學生策劃行程 及籌備相關的服務學習項目。 HSMC students are responsible for planning the itinerary and co-ordinating the service-learning projects for inbound exchange students of Asia University.

As an organizer 籌辦者

teen 添 team 開心 Lunar New Year Party with Ethnic Minority Children 由計劃參加者自行籌辦, 教授有關春節的文化習 俗及傳統,以增強少數族裔兒童對社區的歸屬感。 Organized by participants of the Scheme, aiming at strengthen the senses of belonging of local ethnic minority children towards the community through imparting them the Lunar New Year customs and traditions.

執行者 刷亮小窩居 Household Maintenance Services to Elderly 由計劃參加者籌辦及執行, 為長者進行家居維修 及送上關懷 。 Implemented by participants of the Scheme to demonstrate their care and concern to the seniors through providing household maintenance services.


As an executor

新恒管人指南: (IV) 投入社群 - 積極參與 iGPS for New HSMCers: (IV) Social Engagement Active Participations 同學亦可選擇加入校內的學生組織,成為「莊員」、甚至主席,成為校內學生領袖,服 務學院。校內學生組織多樣化,一定有適合你的選擇。 You may also join different in student organisations; to be the executive member, or even to be elected as the president of the organization to serve the College and classmates. With more than 50 student organizations, you must be able to find ways to connect and get involved ! Here are student organizations of different nature.



Students' Union Hang Seng Management College Students' Union - Union Council

恒生管理學院學生會 - 評議會

Hang Seng Management College Students' Union


Editorial Board


Students' Associations Students' Association of Actuarial Studies and Insurance


Students' Association of English


Students' Association of Applied and Human-Centred Computing

應用及人本計算學學系 系會

Students' Association of Journalism and Communication


Students' Association of Asian Studies


Students' Association of Management


Students' Association of Business Administration


Students' Association of Management Science and Information Management

管理科學與資訊管理學 系會

Students' Association of Chinese


Students' Association of Supply Chain Management


Students' Association of Corporate Governance Students' Association of Data Science and Business Intelligence


Students' Association of Translation with Business


數據科學及商業智能學 系系會

Student Resident’s Associations Student Residents' Association of Mosaic College of HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges(SRA1)

賽馬會博文書院宿生會 幹事會

Student Residents' Association of Amity College of HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges (SRA3)

賽馬會樂群書院宿生會 幹事會

Student Residents' Association of Wellness College of HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges (SRA2)

賽馬會康活書院宿生會 幹事會

Student Residents' Association of Evergreen College of HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges (SRA4)

賽馬會綠延書院宿生會 幹事會

Clubs and Societies Accounting Society


Drama Society


Art Society


Finance Society


Band Society


Information Systems Society


Board Game Society


Marketing Society


Christian Fellowship


Psychology Society


Cultural Fun Society


Rotaract Club


X-encounter Society



你的學習伙伴 : 一年級生學習中心 關於一年級生學習中心 為提供優質的學習支援及體驗予一年級生,教與學促進中心於二零一 六/一七學年成立「一年級生學習中心」,為選讀特定一年級學科 (如電 腦、統計、經濟學等)的同學提供導修服務。

中心每週為特定學科提供一節兩小時的導修,以面授及服務台模式進 行,由本校高年級生指導,無須收費。所有修讀特定學科的學生均可參 加。 服務時間 本中心的開放時間為第一及第二學期的星期一至五,暑假、星期六、日

及公眾假期除外。 地點 何善衡教學大樓(A 座) 3 樓 309 室

如要獲取更多特定課程及導修的資訊,請瀏覽: http://ctl.hsmc.edu.hk/en/first-year-study-centre 聯絡我們 電話: 39635073/39635011 電郵: ctl@hsmc.edu.hk



Your U-Life Partners : First-Year Study Centre (FYSC) About FYSC To provide better learning support and experience to the Year 1 students, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) has established the First-Year Study Centre since Academic Year 2016/17 to provide tutoring services for selected first-year foundation modules (e.g. Computing, Statistics, Economics, etc.). A 2-hour tutoring session conducted by senior year student for each selected module will be held weekly. The tutoring sessions are open to all students in the modules and are attended on a voluntary basis, free of charge. All sessions are face-to-face, in help desk format. Service Period and Hours The Centre serves every semester 1 and 2 (excluding summer term) from the first day of class to the end of examination period. It opens every Monday to Friday, and closes on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays. Location Room A309 on the 3/F of S.H. Ho Academic Building (Block A) For further details of the serving modules and service hours, please visit the page of FYSC http://ctl.hsmc.edu.hk/en/first-year-study-centre Contact Us Tel. No.: 39635073/39635011 Email: ctl@hsmc.edu.hk


你的學習伙伴 : 一年級生學習中心 教與學:果效為本教學(OBTL) 甚麼是果效為本教學(OBTL)? 果效為本教學有別於傳統的內容為本教學。它以學生為中心,不再只從老師的角度 思考,注重學生透過學習能夠達到的成果,使學生能夠學以致用。(John Biggs & Catherine Tang, 2007) 果效為本教學由三個重要的元素組成 (一)預期學習成果、(二)教學活動及(三)學習評 估。三個元素互相緊扣和配合,以達到理想的學習成果。





學習評估 行動

預期學習成果: 除列明學生需要學習的內容,亦清晰指出學生如何及需要達到的成果。 教學活動: 透過精心設計的教學活動帶領學生完成預期的學習效果。 學習評估: 使用不同工具評估及反映學生能否順利完成所訂立的預期學習成果。



Your U-Life Partners : First-Year Study Centre (FYSC) Teaching and Learning: OBTL What is Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) ? Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) is different from traditional teaching, it does not just regard teaching as a process to transmit content to student in teachers’ perspective. It is a student-centred education approach, not focuses on what the teacher is going to teach, but what is the outcomes of teaching. (John Biggs & Catherine Tang, 2007) The successful implementation of OBTL is based on three main components (i) Intended-Learning Outcomes, (ii) Teaching and Learning Activities, and (iii) Assessment Tasks, which are precisely defined and constructively aligned with each other.

Intended Learning Outcomes : Not only tells students what they are supposing to be learning, but explicitly stated how they learn and to what standard. Teaching and Learning Activities : Well devised teaching and students’ learning activities lead students to achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes.

Assessment Tasks: Tools to evaluate and demonstrate evidence that the Intended Learning Outcomes have been well achieved by students. p.50

你的學習伙伴 : 資訊科技服務中心 學生個人電腦帳號 •你會獲發電腦帳號(Windows,Gmail 等)以便使用不同的資訊科技服務。務 必小心保管你的帳號及密碼,不與別人共用戶口,避免資料外洩。在使用資訊 科技服務時,必須遵照由資訊科技服務中心訂立的指引及規則。

eCampus eCampus 是學院的主要資訊平台, 提供學校通告、學生組織的宣傳、個 人資料、課程註冊資訊、時間表、預約訊施等。為確保獲得最新的學校 消息,請定期瀏覽 eCampus 平台 https://ecampus.hsmc.edu.hk。

電腦室 校內設有多個電腦室, 歡迎同學使用。有關電腦室開放時間及地點等詳情,可 於資訊科技服務中心網頁 https://itsc.hsmc.edu.hkfacilities/computer-laboratories 內 查閱。

網絡服務 你可於校園內使用個人流動裝置連接學院的無線網絡,或全球大專院校的 Eduroam 無線網絡。詳情可瀏覽 https://itsc.hsmc.edu.hk/user-services/wifi。

Smart IT 資訊科技服務中心提供 Smart IT 工作坊和學習資源,助你提升資訊科技能 力,成為 Smart IT 人材。 詳情可瀏覽 https://smartit.hsmc.edu.hk。

其他資訊科技服務 資訊科技服務中心還有更多資訊科技及影音服務,歡迎瀏覽 https://itsc.hsmc.edu.hk 了解更多。

或致電 39635160 (電郵: itsc@hsmc.edu.hk) 聯絡我們。



Your U-Life Partners: - Information Technology Services Centre User Accounts You will have computer accounts (Windows, Gmail, etc.) to access different IT services during your study. It is crucial to keep your accounts safe to protect your own information. DO NOT share your accounts with others. You must abide by the rules and regulations as stipulated in the ITSC website. eCampus eCampus is HSMC’s main portal where you can access to useful information and services (e.g. College announcements, course registration, facilities booking). Please login to eCampus periodically to ensure you receive the latest updates from the College (https://ecampus.hsmc.edu.hk).

Computer Laboratories The College has a number of computer laboratories. Please visit the ITSC website via https://itsc.hsmc.edu.hk/facilities/computer-laboratories for locations, available software, and opening hours.

Campus Wifi You may access HSMC-Wifi with your own mobile devices in campus,and Eduroam Wifi in other universities. Please visit the ITSC website on how to use campus and Eduroam Wifi services (https://itsc.hsmc.edu.hk/user-


Smart IT •ITSC offers many IT workshops and learning materials for you to build up IT skills and become a Smart IT user. Please visit https://smartit.hsmc.edu.hk.

Contact ITSC ITSC offers many more IT and AV services in HSMC. You are most welcome to visit the ITSC website (https://itsc.hsmc.edu.hk) for details. Or contact us at 3963-5160 (email: itsc@hsmc.edu.hk).


你的學習伙伴 : 圖書館

Your U-Life Partners : Library 歡迎使用恒管圖書館 Welcome to the HSMC Library 恒管圖書館採用學習共享空間概念,透過整合服務、科技和空間設計,為同學營造獨 特之學習環境。恒管圖書館提供一系列學習空間、24 小時研習區、自助借還書機、 多功能打印機等,配合豐富的館藏,幫助同學追求知識。 HSMC Library adopts the Learning Commons model to bring together services, technology and space designs to provide a unique place for students. The Library provides different types of Study Rooms, 24 Hours Study Area, Self-check Machines, Allin-one Printers and so on, along with plenty of Library Collections for students to pursue knowledge.

新手上路 Get started 恒管圖書館是你在恒管的研習生活中不可或缺的伙伴。你只需攜帶學生證親臨圖書 館,即可體驗各種服務。你亦可瀏覽圖書館網頁以獲得最新資訊。如有需要,歡迎透 過以下方式,與圖書館保持聯繫。 During your studies at HSMC, the Library will be an integral part of your educational experience. Bring your Student ID Card when visiting the Library to explore our services. You can also visit the Library website in order to get the latest information. You are welcome to keep in touch with the Library using the following channels.


圖書館 Instagram

Library Homepage

Library News

Library Instagram


https://library.hsmc.edu.hk/ ebulletin/




你知道嗎 … Do you know…

Loan Privileges

My Library Account


本科生可外借 30 項資料, 限期為


利用 SearchPlus 一站式搜尋介面,

28 天。 研究生可外借 50 項資料, 資料、檢視逾期罰款和提出預約


限期為 60 天。


Undergraduate and Postgraduate students can borrow 30 items for 28 days and 50 items for 60 days respectively.

"My Library Account" can be used to renew loan items, check library fines and place hold on loan items.

Subject Guides

Opening Hours

Online Tutorial







This is a good starting point to find key resources on specific subject for your study.

Please refer to the library's opening hours for daily, Public Holidays and adverse weather conditions.

Online tutorials are designed to assist you in learning about the use of library facilities and resources.

SearchPlus is a one-stop search interface to find resources available in the Library and beyond.

想知更多?請瀏覽圖書館網頁、親臨圖書館服務台、致電 3963-5310 或電郵至 library@hsmc.edu.hk Want to know more? Please visit our website, come to our service counter, call 3963-5310, or mail to library@hsmc.edu.hk .


你的學習伙伴 : 教務處 (https://registry.hsmc.edu.hk/) 由你加入學院開始,你的學系及教務處便會從旁協助你解決學習及學術上的事情。 我們明白同學剛進入大專院校,由領取學生證、選科、制定個人上課時間表、畢業 要求,以致申請學業成績報告及學業證明文件等,都與中學大不同,因此需要重新 學習及適應。我們在這迎新刊物中準備了一些簡短的資訊,希望可以幫助大家了解 學院的制度和要求。我們十分鼓勵同學瀏覽教務處網頁及閱讀上載於該網頁的「學 士學位課程學務守則」,以取得詳盡的資訊。同學們亦可向我們查詢、聯絡你的 Personal Tutor 或所屬學院/學系的 Academic Advisor 以尋求協助。我們會透過 eCampus 及電郵公佈最新的修訂及會影響你學習進展的重要資訊,請同學謹記留意。

教務處網頁 Registry Website

Your U-Life Partners: Registry (https://registry.hsmc.edu.hk/) Right from the moment that you are admitted to HSMC, your Department/School and Registry are there to help you resolve issues related to your study. We know how tertiary institutions are different from secondary schools in terms of getting your Student ID card, module registration, compiling your personalised timetable, meeting graduation requirements, and applying for transcripts and other academic certification, so you need to learn and adopt to practices that are new to you. We have included some brief information in this booklet to help you understand the College’s governance. We strongly recommend you to browse the website of Registry and read the Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes that have been uploaded there to get detailed information. You can also send your enquiries to us, contact the Personal Tutor assigned to you or talk to the Academic Advisor for Students designated to your Department/Schools for seeking assistance. We will announce the latest amendments and important information that may affect your study progress on eCampus and via emails. Do check them out.



你的學習伙伴 : 學生事務處 Your U-Life Partners : Student Affairs Office 為配合學院的教育目標,學生事務處致力通過全面性的聯課活動及住宿書院的生活體驗。給予同 學一個充滿挑戰的學習環境,提供全面的學習支援。我們最終的目標是希望能成為促進同學的成 就及協助同學裝備自己,能貢獻社會。 In support of the College’s education goals, SAO strives to create a supportive and challenging learning environment by providing a full range of co-curricular programmes and residential life experience. Our ultimate aims are to foster student success and to equip our students to make contribution to the society.

Career Planning & Development • • • •

• • • •

Local and Global Internships, Full-time Jobs and Campus Work 本地及環球實習機會、全職及校園工作 Job Portal 網上招聘平台 Career Mentorship Programme & Career Advisory Session 職業導師計劃 及 一對一求職就業指導 Careers Fair, Recruitment Talk & Career Training 招聘會、講座及就業培訓

Exchange Programme 學生交流計劃

Exchange and Incoming Students Services

Buddy Programme 「老友記」接待國際學生計劃 Integration Activities 文化共融活動 Short-term Study Trips 短期文化學習之旅

Personal Growth & Counseling • • •

Counseling 輔導服務 Psychological Assessment (By Clinical psychologist) 心理評估服務﹝由臨床心理學家主理﹞ Mental Wellness & Personal Development Workshops 心理健康及個人成長工作坊


Physical Education •

Management of Sports Facilities 管理體育設施

Physical Education Class 體育訓練課程

College Sports Team 學院校隊

Sports Workshops & Fitness Courses 運動工作坊及健體課程

Student Development & Campus Life Student Development Programme 學生發展計劃:

• •

College YMCA 學院青年會 HSMC Volunteer Team 「恒義」義工隊

Peer Mentor Scheme 朋輩導師計劃

• •

Student Ambassadors Programme 學生大使計劃 VolTrekkers Service learning Award and Training Scheme 「順龍仁澤學義同

Campus Life Enrichment & Service 校園生活拓展:

• • •

College Assembly 學院月會 HSMC Cultural Groups 恒管文化小組

• •

Student Activities Fund 學生活動基金

Support to Student Organizations 學生組織支援 Support to Students with Special Education Needs (SEN) 特殊學習需要學生支援



Student Finance & Resources • • •

Scholarships & Awards (Both academic and non-academic) 獎學金和獎項(學術及非學術領域)

Financial Assistance & Emergency Support 經濟資助及緊急援助

Student Insurance 學生保險

Locker Service 儲物櫃租借服務

Vetting and Recording of ECA/PA/CS hours 審批及記錄同學 ECA/PA/CS 紀錄 Reimbursement of Test Fee 語文考試費用退款 Support the SAO office administration, publicity and promotion work 支援學生事務處行政、推廣及宣傳工作

Residential Colleges • •

RC Application 住宿申請、審批、安排

Living Learning Programmes and Initiatives 住宿書院生活計劃


Handle Student Cases and Incidents 處理宿生個案 Daily Operation of RC 住宿書院日常運作

你的學習伙伴 : 恒生管理學院賽馬會住宿書院 Your U-Life Partners : HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges 我們期望藉著學生住宿書院的成立,促進學生的自我研習及管理,爲人際及文化交流提供更多機會, 並透過體育康樂活動,爲同學的全人教育發展揭開新一頁。 We believe that the Residential Colleges provide an environment favorable to self-learning, selfmanagement, maximizing opportunities for social and cultural exchange, as well as sports and recreational activities that can foster the all-round personal development of students.

主題 Main Theme of Learning Experiences 住宿書院讓不同背景的同學聚首一堂互相學習,藉著體驗和分享豐富他們的成長歷程。四間住宿書院

以培育學生成長爲共同目標, 建立共同的平臺以促進學生發展,每所住宿書院亦以不同的主題作爲 發展主軸,各有特色。 The Residential Colleges offer residents not only a dynamic community of friends from diverse background, but also a wealth of enriching learning experience. Each Residential College has its own theme of learning experience, namely and Cultural Diversity, Healthy Living, Community Service and Sustainability.

書院院長及副院長 Masters & Associate Masters of RC RC 書院

Theme 主題

Staff Name 姓名

Position 職位

Mosaic College

Cultural Diversity 多元文化

Prof. LAM Chee Keung, Kevin 林自強 教授 Dr. Chan Chi Kit 陳智傑 博士 Dr. FUNG Kai Yeung, Paul 馮啟陽 博士 Ms. WONG Mei Ki, Maggie 王美琪 女士 Dr. CHENG Ka Ming, Ben 鄭家明 博士 Dr. CHAN Chi Ming, Victor 陳志明 博士 Dr. SONG Zhaoxun, Howard 宋昭勛 博士 Ms. CHEUNG Pui Sze 張佩思 女士

Residential College Master 書院院長 Residential College Associate Master 書院副院長 Residential College Master 書院院長 Residential College Associate Master 書院副院長 Residential College Master 書院院長 Residential College Associate Master 書院副院長 Residential College Master 書院院長 Residential College Associate Master 書院副院長

博文書院 Wellness College

康活書院 Amity College

Healthy Living 健康生活


Community Service 社區服務

Evergreen College

Sustainability 可持續發展


RC Website p.58

常用聯絡表 Useful Contacts Service Units

Tel No. 查詢電話

Office Location 辦公室位置

Emergency and 24-hour Security Hotline 24 小時緊急熱線 Campus Development and Management Office 校園發展及管理處

3963-5166 Opening Hours 開放時間

3/F, Block M 7 days & 24-hour 24 小時

3963-5100 Opening Hours 開放時間

M246, Block M cdmo@hsmc.edu.hk (Mon - Fri) 9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (Sat) 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Sun & Public Holidays) Closed 休息

Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務中心


M805, Block M

Opening Hours 開放時間

Library 圖書館


(Mon - Fri) 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Sat) 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (Sun & Public Holidays) Closed 休息 G - 2/F, Block A library@hsmc.edu.hk

Opening Hours 開放時間

(Mon - Fri)

Registry 教務處


N101, Block N

Opening Hours 開放時間

(Mon - Fri) 9:00 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. (Sat , Sun & Public Holidays) Closed 休息

Student Affairs Office 學生事務處

3963-5560 Opening Hours 開放時間

M603, Block M sao@hsmc.edu.hk (Mon - Fri) 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Sat , Sun & Public Holidays) Closed 休息

Sports and Amenities Centre 康樂活動中心


Block B

Opening Hours 開放時間

(Mon - Fri) 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays) 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

HSMC Jockey Club Residential Colleges 恒生管理學院賽馬會


G/F, Wellness College

Opening Hours 開放時間

(Mon - Fri)


M612, Block M

Opening Hours 開放時間

(Mon - Fri) 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays) Closed 休息


住宿書院 Personal Growth & Counseling 成長輔導


Email Address 電郵地址


8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (G/F) 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (1/F) 10:00 a.m. - 7:00p.m. (2/F) (Sat) 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (G/F, 1/F) (Sun & Public Holiday) Closed 休息 registry@hsmc.edu.hk



9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays) Closed 休息



校園設施 Campus Facilities 何善衡教學大樓 [ (A) - S. H. Ho Academic Building ] Library 圖書館 / Language Centres 語言學習中心 / Classrooms 課室 / Crema Coffee 自家烘培咖啡專門店 / Student Co-op Shop 學生福利合作社 / Fung Yiu King Hall (Conference Hall) 馮堯敬堂 (即時傳譯會議廳) / Decision Sciences Technology Lab. 決策科學科技實驗室 / Translation and Interpretation Lab. 翻譯及傳譯實驗室 / Behavioral Laboratory 行為實驗室 / Financial Trading Lab. 金融交易實驗室 / Roof Garden 屋頂花園 / Virtual Reality Centre – Virtual Reality and Big Data Analytics Laboratory 虛擬實境中心 – 虛擬實境及大數據分析研究實驗室

康樂活動中心 [ (B) - Sports and Amenities Centre ] Indoor Swimming Pool 室內游泳池 / Canteen 餐廳 / Multi-purpose Room 多用途活動室 / Chinese Restaurant 中菜廳 / Dance Studio 舞蹈室 / Fitness Centre 健身室 / Sports Hall 室內運動場 / Offices for Student Union, Associations and Societies 學生組織會議室

利國偉教學大樓 [ (D) - Lee Quo Wei Academic Building ] Auditorium 演講廳 / Multi-media Training Centre 多媒體培訓中心 / Radio Broadcast Training Centre 廣播培訓中心 / Classrooms 教學室 / Computer Lab. 電腦室 / Communications and Public Affairs Office 傳訊及公共事務處 / Academic and Administration Offices 學系及行政辦公室 / College Chamber 學院會議廳 / Podium Garden 平台花園

M 座 教學行政大樓 [(M) - Academic and Administration Building ] “Rendezvous”「約薈」 / “The Always”「有恒軒」/ SCOM TV Studio SCOM 電視錄影廠 / Campus Development and Management Office 校園發展及管理處/ Centre of Teaching & Learning 教與學發展中心 / College Hall 學院禮堂 / Classrooms 課室 / Academic Offices 教學辦公室 / Student Affairs Office 學生事務處 / JINESS 英才網 / Computer Lab. 電腦室 / Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務中心 / Finance Office 財務處 / Human Resources Office 人事處

N 座 教學行政大樓 [ (N) - Academic and Administration Building ] Registry 教務處 / Alice Lam Lecture Theatre 林李翹如演講廳 / Radio Broadcast Studio 電台廣播錄音室 / Classrooms 課室 / Computer Lab. 電腦室 / Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office 發展及校友事務處 / Executive Development Centre 企管發展中心




Campus Map





HSMC Orientation Series 2018 Date


15 & 16 Aug (Wed - Thu) Registration Day 15 - 17 Aug (Wed - Fri)

Application for Residential Colleges

21 Aug (Tue)

Student Orientation Day

22 Aug (Wed)

Contingency - Student Orientation Day

23 Aug (Thu)

Release of Residential Colleges Admission Result

23 - 31 Aug (Thu - Fri)

Orientation Day/ Camps of Students' Associations

29 Aug (Wed)

Orientation for Exchange and Incoming Students

31 Aug (Fri)

Welcome Reception for Mainland Students

01 Sep (Sat)

1st Semester begins

01 Sep (Sat)

Move-in of Residential Colleges' Residents

05 Sep (Wed)

Briefing for Freshmen: Financing Your Studies at HSMC

06 Sep (Mon)

Convocation for New Students

10 - 14 Sep (Mon-Fri)

Endorsement on Student Status on Completed MTR Application

13 Sep (Thu)

College Assembly #01

3-7 Sep (Mon-Fri)

ITSC Workshops (https://itsc.hsmc.edu.hk/orientation-2018/)

Sep (TBC)

Library Workshops

Sep (TBC)

SU Clubs and Societies Orientation Activities

28 Sep (Sun)

Application Deadline of FASP/ NLSPS

6 Oct (Sat) (TBC)

President Reception for Parents, Teachers and Students

25 Oct (Thu)

College Assembly #02

8 Nov (Thu)

College Assembly #03



Rundown of Student Orientation Day 2018 Time


Morning Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am

New Students’ Registration

9:00 am - 9:30 am

Warm-up Activities before Opening

9:30 am - 10:00 am

College -wide Welcoming Session – Opening

10:15 am - 10:45 am

School Session

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Academic Program Session and Lunch

Afternoon Session 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Student Life Fair organized by HSMC Students’ Union (SU) (til 6:00 pm)

2:15 pm - 4:45 pm

Campus Hunt X HSMC’s Got Talent X Student Life Fair

3:45 pm - 4:45 pm

Senior intake students sharing


Lucky Draw and Closing


Orientation Website

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