SAO Newsletter 7

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內容 p.3 - p.11

焦點故事 


p.12- p.15

學生成就 


    

2016 2016


2) &




p.16 - p.20

. . . . 精彩活動回顧

p.21 - p.34

內容 p.3 - p.11

焦點故事 


p.12- p.15

學生成就 


    

2016 2016


2) &




p.16 - p.20

. . . . 精彩活動回顧

p.21 - p.34

To create a multitude of student activities, all student organizations create diversified activities for students through which students can enjoy their campus life and gain valuable experience and precious memories by organizing or participating in these events.

Dance Society Annual Performance Dance Society successfully staged our second Annual Performance with more than 80 participants at Yuen Long Theater on 26 April, 2016. We practiced for more than 120 hours with various dancing styles in order to provide a good show to all HSMC students and other participants. To make it more enjoyable to everyone, we also invited guest teams from other local universities, which definitely reached the climax of the show. Annual performance is not only a great opportunity to perform on stage, but also a platform to exchange dancing skills and techniques. Some parts of the performance were choreographed by our own which were very memorable and beneficial to all dancers. Brilliant performance always needs intensive training and practices. It is tough but everyone can be a dancer if you are willing to try, it is all worthwhile! In the coming year, Dance Society will organize more activities like dancing workshops and training courses, to help HSMC students explore their interests. We hope to see new faces in next annual performance and share happiness of dancing together.

We dance, we inspire!

Ho Tsz Kwan External Vice-President Dance Society

Blood Donation Day by HSMCSU In cooperation with Hong Kong Red Cross, Hang Seng Management College Students’ Union organized the ‘Blood Donation Day” on 15 and 16 February 2016. With the active involvement of staff and students in HSMC, the College was awarded a trophy of “Highest Number of Donations” in Hong Kong. Representative of HSMCSU was invited to attend the Annual Donor Award Ceremony on 5 June and receive the trophy on stage from Dr KO Wing-man, BBS, JP , Secretary for Food and Health.

[恒管捐血運動] 恒管學生會與香港紅十字會於 2016 年 2 月 15 日 及 16 日在校園合辦了兩天捐血日, 得到教職員和學生的大力支 持,令恒管榮獲「參加捐血人數最多之學校」的獎項。 獲紅十字 會邀請, 學生會代表與學生事務處同事出席了於 6 月 5 日假九龍灣 國際展貿中心的週年捐血頒獎典禮。學生會代表上台接受由食物 及衛生局局長高永文醫生頒授的獎盃,以答謝恒管師生。



’ Our College adopts a “liberal+professional” education model to our students through which to foster student’s whole person development and to cultivate outstanding graduates. Below are the valuable experience that the students gained from their joyful university life.

Proud to be a HSMCer Seize Every Opportunity & Leave the Comfort Zone HSMC has given an opportunity to redefine myself. In the past four years, I participated in different activities like Student Ambassador Programme, Exchange Programme and Internship Programme. I believe growing up can’t stand alone without leaving one’s comfort zone. If you don’t step out, you never know how high you can fly. Here you can find dynamic opportunities from different interests, all you need to do is to seize every one of them and explore one’s potential.

Tsang Wai Yan (BBA) Recipient of : Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15 - Outstanding Performance Scholarship - Distinguished Award (2012/13, 2014/15) The Incorporated Trustees of Ryoden Development Charitable Trust Scholarship (2014/15) On exchange: Edinburgh University Participant of: Student Ambassador Student Mentor Programme Career Mentorship Programme


義工服務給我的學習體驗 在過往一年, 我參與了校內和校外大大小小的義工活動。當中最令我最印象深刻 的是在去年暑假, 我參與了無止橋在內地甘肅馬岔村民中心建設的義工活動,所 經歷的事依舊歷歷在目。在過程中除了可以親身了解內地貧困農村的境況和幫助 村民建立家園之外,也能運用自己學科上和急救的知識。 同時也擴闊了自己學科 以外的知識,令我有很大的滿足感和得到莫大的裨益, 而是次義工之旅令我認識 了內地,遠至土耳其的朋友,是一個既充實又難忘的暑假。

關智鍵同學 (BBA) /



Global Internships

Yu Wing Shan, Cindy BBA / KPMG LLP Singapore

I was fortunate enough to have a 4-month internship with the Pacific BMW in LA. I was able to oversee the dealership operations from the back office to the front line and experience a range of departments. I started in the accounts team then moved to sales, customer service and parts. This helped me to realise that every department was inter-related. I even participated in test-drives learning about customer service, sales skills and products display. I was able to use my design skills in preparing for posters, training materials and orientation Prezi. I feel that this internship is very helpful to me in achieving my career goals. I also enjoy learning about American working culture, which is fun and efficient. This internship is such an important milestone in my university life.

In May, I completed a 4-month internship in auditing department of KPMG Singapore. I learnt a wide range of skills such as final testing, consolidation, stocktaking and statutory audit. My internship strengthened my accounting and auditing knowledge and allowed me to put what I learnt in class into practice. For example, in an inventory count at a client’s inventory warehouse, I needed to check if they had effective control of their inventory. My seniors did not just delegate tasks to me, but also explained the rationale behind to deepen my understanding. Moreover, I improved my problemsolving and communication skills, through preparing for and handling tasks myself as well as meeting with clients.

Tam Ka Man, Kay BJC / Pacific BMW, Los Angeles, USA


透過這次公開比賽令我了解到校外甚至海外劍擊運動員的實力,亦從他們身上學 到不同的實戰技巧和策略, 藉此進一步了解自己的不足。另外得到這個獎項亦大 大增強了自信心,讓我確定自己的定位,衷心感謝恒管劍擊隊的所有隊友。

趙倩彤 Chiu Sin Tung (BBA) / 劍藝會二十週年邀請賽 - 女子重劍 F 組季軍得獎者

雖然 Byjoss 並非是我第一個比賽, 卻是令我印象最深刻的。 整個比賽由早上 9 時 一直進行到晚上 6 時, 是我比賽歷程最長的一次。首幾場比賽體力較佳,表現相對 不錯。 但隨著一場接一場的淘汰賽,在四強賽時我的體力已開始不足,速度和反應 亦隨之而下降。 雖然最終取勝,但亦明白到自己有很多不足之處。來年,我會參加 更多的比賽,以增加經驗,繼而改善自己的缺點。

鍾寶強 Chung Po Keung (BBA) / Byjoss 劍擊隊制邀請賽 2016 (第一季公開組) 花劍第一名


Study Tour to Washington DC and America Elections Organized by the Hong Kong America Center, “Study Tour to Washington DC and America Elections” connected students from HKU, CUHK and HSMC together to the United States to have a taste of American culture and the US political campaigns. Bell (BJC, Year 3) and Tsz Ying (BBA-MGT, Year 1) found the 15-day trip a very fruitful and remarkable experience - They were given valuable opportunities to meet the professionals, visit national landmarks, and engage in political rallies and think tanks in Washington.

“During the tour, we stayed in the dormitory of George Washington University, where I could embrace the campus life in the US. We also visited the US Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House and places that helped us understand the US Presidential and Congressional elections. Other activities gave me exposure to the culture and life experience of the people I met, which I could never gain from books.” Tang Tsz Ying (BBA-MGT, Year 1)

“The study tour has broadened my horizons - it provided me valuable chances to learn from governors, retired politicians and journalists about the US political system. Besides meeting the professionals, we enjoyed Broadway show Kinky Boots, a baseball game and some museums in Washington during the trip. All of these were great experience as I could interact and exchange different ideas and feelings with the locals.” Zhu Jiamin (BJC, Year 3)


Summer Cultural Trips Participants

“I quite enjoy my summer exchange programme at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) which enriches my knowledge. I attended two classes in the University, including Chinese history and business ethics. For class on business ethics, I learned a lot from the professor who besides delivering theorems, would throw us questions on dilemmas between moral and economic growth. She pointed out that balancing ethics and authority was important. We needed to respect and help the poor. Moreover, while I was at SJTU, I took a ‘she-hua” course which combined photo and painting technique and was a unique course in the University. Although the steps were complicated and required a lot of skills, the end product was full of national characteristics and distinct layering. I felt exhilarated because I had my own and special painting from now on.” Chan Kit Wai (BBA, Year 2)

“I love this summer abroad programme. It is so amazing to be with a lot of students from different countries! It is my first time in Taiwan and also the first time that I meet many students from different countries, even communicating with them (so excited!). I think the programme is more meaningful than expected. Not only I learnt knowledge about business, worked on entrepreneurship projects and visited the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, I also encountered different cultures and even improved my language skills by talking with other international students.” Lin Huamin (BBA-MGT, Year 2) (far left)


Asia University Exchange Programme 恒管與台灣亞洲大學合辦服務學習交流計劃

10 位恒管同學與 12 位台灣亞洲大學同學於今年 7 月 17 日至 30 日,一起參與了在香港及台灣兩地為期兩星期的服務學習 交流活動,當中包括到訪台中教養院、育嬰院及老人院、為智障人士及老人服務機構。香港方面,兩地同學一起參與生命 歷程與盲人生活體驗活動,並到安老院進行關懷活動,走訪天水圍社區以了解貧窮人士生活和在元朗調查少數族裔人士在 港的生活情況。整個活動讓同學在服務他人的同時,亦了瞭解到港台兩地在不同弱勢社群支援上的異同。

就讀管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士二年級的朱惠 敏分享,在服務和體驗過程中,她學到了很多與 人溝通技巧,因為足夠的溝通才可以讓彼此了解 雙方想法,再作調整,令活動更順利地進行。同 樣就讀管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士二年級的林 靖芯認為,在十四天的義工服務中所得的經驗令 她獲益良多,因為需要負責安排亞大同學在港 7 天的行程,大大小小的事也要仔細處理、分工合 作,令她明白團隊配合的重要性。


2015 /16 Best Student Award Chan Ka Yee (SCM)

Certificate of Merit Chan Yuet Fai (SCM)

Certificate of Appreciation Leung Hon Nam (SCM)

Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS)

First Runner-up Ng Shing Chun (SCM) Chui Hoi Man (SCM) Chan Ka Yan (SCM) Lau Tak Sing (SCM) Shek Tin Pui (SCM)

The 14th CILTHK Essay Competition

The First Runner-up CSR Report Lau Hoi Yee (BBA) Lee Ho Yin (BBA) Lee Ting Ho (BBA) Li Chung Lam (BBA) Wong Ming Ho (BBA)

AIA - CSR report competition


My Favourite Presenter Wat Kwok Yin (BBA)

EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2016 Ma Tsing Basketball League

Weekends Men Term 1 Group B Second Runner-up Assists Leader Lee Chun Wai (DSBI)

Point Leader Ho Long Yin (BBA)

Our Basketball Team


Third Runner-up Cheung Wang Hin (BBA) Wong Kai Cheung (BBA) Cheung Tsz Kit (BBA)

2016 Duathlon Series (Race 2)

AIA Business Sustainability & Risk Management Case Analysis Competition Outstanding Award Team Kan Shing Yui (BBA) Kwan Chi Kin (BBA)

First Runner-up Yu Hoi Lam (BBA)

Beset Proposal Leung Chin Wai (BBA)

The Most Creative Team Award Lam Man Ting (BBA) Chong Oi Shan (BBA)

ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2015 p.14

Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme 2016/17 Gold Medal Chan Wing Kin (BBA) Sliver Medal

Chan Yin Siu (BBA)

Bronze Medal Tang Wing Yin (BJC)

Champion Lau Wing Sum (BJC) Lo Oi Man (BJC)

The MPF Marketing Challenge

Kwong Tung Fai (BJC) Leung Ho Wai (BJC) Lam Ka Man (BJC)


As you may be aware, the Career Planning and Development team has been offering one-on-one Career Advisory Session to students in support of their career pursuits. Students could raise their career concerns during the session, which may include, but not limited to the followings:  enquiries on career direction;  job market information;  resume and cover letter writing skills;  interview skills;  job searching skills, etc. To facilitate student’s reservation of the session, an online booking system is now made available to all. You could easily register for a session through our website. Date and time: Round the year, visit our webpage for the available timeslots Duration: Around 45 minutes per session Venue: Room 603, 6/F, Block M Eligibility: Students from all years are welcome

Let’s see what our students say about the session! Anthony YUEN (SCM, Year 4)

“The Career Officer I met at SAO is nice, helpful and friendly. At the one-on-one advisory session, I was given a lot of professional advice regarding my career path, my choice of internship as well as future development. All in all, I appreciate the support provided by the Career Officer a lot!”

Ives LI (BBA-BAF, Year 4)

“I had great experience with the SAO in the past three years. I learn about the career advisory sessions from posters and career talks, and take the chance to meet with quite a number of Career Officers by attending the sessions. Not only they make my CV look better, they have also given me a lot of personal career advices like a friend.”

Remember, career preparation is never too early! Visit our webpage and book a session now! Our Career Officers look forward to meet you and answer your queries!

Student Affairs Office (SAO) announces various scholarship information on eCampus around October annually. Starting from this year, all the scholarships will be open for application. Qualified students are required to apply for the scholarships by themselves. College will select the most suitable student(s) to receive the scholarships. For the scholarships that are designated to very restrictive target group or requirement, invitation would be sent to qualified students accordingly. 學生事務處每年十月在 eCampus 發放獎學金的訊息。由本學年起,所有的獎學金將公開接受申請。合資格的學 生須自行申請。學院將揀選最合適的學生接受獎學金。對於一些針對特別對象的獎學金,本處將以電郵方式邀 請合資格的學生申請。 More details, please refer to below website. 詳情可瀏覽以下網站:

Types of Scholarship 獎學金類別:

1. Merit-based (Academic Achievement) 表彰學術成就 2. Merit-based (Non-academic Achievement) 表彰非學術成就

Scan this QR code for details. 掃瞄此 QR code 以獲取詳情。

3. Exchange / Internship Specific 鼓勵學生到海外交流/ 實習

Application Procedures 申請獎學金程序: 1. Download the application form from eCampus 於 eCampus 下載申請表 2. Submit the completed application form and the required supporting documents to SAO on or before the deadline 截止日期前將填妥的申請表及相關文件一併交回本處 3. Undergo the selection procedure

甄選程序 4. Awardees will receive notification through email or phone call from the SAO



Student Finance Office (SFO) provides two financial assistance schemes, namely Financial Assistance Scheme for Post -secondary Students (FASP) and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS), to HSMC local full-time students in the 2016/17 Academic Year. 學生資助處於 2016/17 學年為恒管的本地全日制學生提供了兩個學費資助計劃,分別為專上學生資助計劃 (FASP) 及專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃 (NLSPS) 。

Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) 專上學生資助計劃 Application Form and Guidance Notes on FASP are available at Student Affairs Office. For detailed information please visit 申請表格及申請指引可於學生事務處索取。如欲了解有關詳情,可瀏覽學生資助處網頁 :

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) 專上學生免入息審息計劃

To be in line with the arrangement of SFAA, no hardcopy of the Application Form and Guidance Notes on NLSPS will be distributed on campus. Applicants for the NLSPS are advised to download the necessary information from the SFO’s website. Here are the links for easy reference. 配合學生資助辦事處的安排,學院將不會派發專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃的申請表格及指引。 有意申請的同學需直接到學生資助辦事處的網頁下載。

Here are the links for easy reference. 有關網址如下: Application Form (申請表):

Guidance Notes (申請指引):


Please download the application form via this QR code.

Please download the Guidance Notes via this QR code.

可掃瞄此 QR code ,

可掃瞄此 QR code ,



Application Submission 申請表格遞交安排 For current students: The submission deadline for current students is mid-June every year. Applications submitted to the SAO after the deadline are considered as late submission. As required by the SFAA, an explanation letter detailing the reason for the delay should be submitted to the SAO for verification before submitting the application directly to the SFAA for consideration. Applicants are advised to bring the completed application form and all the supporting documents to the SAO where staff could help to do basic information check. Note: Students who applied for the above schemes in the 2015/16 Academic Year and wish to receive financial assistance in the 2016/17 Academic Year, have to apply for it again.

For newly-admitted students: Application forms should be submitted to the SAO in mid-September. Further details will be announced in due course via your HSMC email account, e-Campus announcement and the posters around the Campus.

舊生: 透過學院遞交申請表格的截止時間為每年六月中。 所有在截止日期後遞交的申請, 一律作遲交處理。根據學 生資助辦事處的規定, 遲交的申請需附上一封經學院確認的解釋信, 詳述延誤的原因。有意遞交申請的同學 請於辦公時間內帶同解釋信及填妥的申請表格和有關檔案到學生事務處,本處職員會為同學的申請作基本的 查核。 注意:在 2015/16 學年曾遞交申請表,並希望在 2016/17 學年再次獲得此項資助的同學必須重新遞交表格申 請。 新生: 同學可於九月中遞交申請表格予學生事務處,詳情將在稍後通過您的恒管電子郵件帳戶、eCampus 及學院範 圍內張貼的海報公佈。


Hours required before graduation 畢業前需累積的總時數 To fulfill the students’ graduation requirement, students 學生需要完成 3 種不同類型的時數,以滿足學生 are needed to complete the following hours in 3 畢業要求; different aspects:

Undergraduate student

Year 1 Entry

Year 2 Entry

Year 3 Entry





ECA 課外活動




PA 體育活動




CS 社區服務




How to claim the hours? 如何申報時數? For internal activities, those organized by HSMC such as Student Affairs Office, various departments student organizations, the participation record will be kept by the activity organizer and submit to SAO after the activity. Students do not need to submit the application form to SAO individually. Keeping the record of participation and activities details are recommended for further vetting.


For external activities, students need to download a form (ECA: SAO_SFR_Form 1, PA: SAO_SFR_Form 2, CS: SAO_SFR_Form 3) from SAO website (http:// After the completion of the activity, students should fill in the form with the signature and official stamp of the activity organizer to certify the participation. If not applicable, students could provide the supporting document to verify participation, for example, certificate of participation issued by the organizer with student name, activity details, official signature and stamp. Lastly, please submit the copy of the supporting document(s) with the completed form to the "ECA/PA/CS hours collection box" in Student Affairs Office (M603).

校 外 活 動 , 同 學 要 先 到 學 生 事 務 處 網 站 下 載 (http://

Download the Application for Activity Hour (ECA/CS/PA) 下載申報活動時數申請表

動等,主辦單位會在活動完結後, 將同學出席活動的記錄 轉交到學生事務處處理。 學生無需自行遞交表格到本處。 建議同學保留該次活動的出席記錄和活動詳情,以作核對 之用。 及填妥相關表格。 在活動完結後,學生應提交 表格給組織活動的負責人請求簽署並加以蓋印作實,以證 明同學已參與此活動。如未能提供,學生可提供附有學生 姓名、 活動細節和正式簽署及蓋印的有效證明文件次之副 本(如證書)。 最後,請把填好的表格連同所需的證明文件 副本,遞交至學生事務處(M603)的 ECA / PA/ CS 時數收 集箱。

職業同樂日 “Career Fun Fair” was held for the first time with the objectives of educating students more about career planning, familiarizing them with our career services and promoting the upcoming careers fair in an entertaining way. Through a series of funny games, students became more aware of the importance of career preparation. The fair was a time of great fun and a great way to prepare students for the annual Careers Fair.


為了讓同學們明白事業規劃的重要性, 使他們更了解我們所提供的服務及宣傳 每年一度的恒管招聘展覽會,我們首次 舉辦「職業同樂日」,希望透過遊戲,以 輕鬆歡樂的方式,加強同學們對求職就 業的準備。

2016 恒管招聘展覽會 2016 Held on 8 – 9 March 2016, The HSMC Careers Fair 2016 featured a record-breaking of 1,000 job vacancies offered by 55 employers in different sectors. Over 2,000 students were attracted to visit the Fair. Students seized the opportunity to gain the first-hand career information and many of them submitted applications on the spot.

2016 年 3 月 8-9 日舉行的恒管招聘展 覽會共有 55 家機構提供 1,000 個職位 空缺, 吸引了 2,000 多名學生參觀展 覽會。學生們把握機會, 了解第一手 求職及行業信息,許多人更即場遞交 申請。


Welcome Lunch (13 Jan 2016) 歡迎午宴 (2016 年 1 月 13 日)

Cantonese Class (Jan-Feb 2016) 廣東話班(2016 年 1 月至 2 月)

Spring BBQ (14 Mar 2016) 春季燒烤聚會(2016 年 3 月 14 日)

Orientation Activities (13-14 Jan 2016) 迎新活動 (2016 年 1 月 13-14 日)

Chinese New Year Celebrations (3-5 Feb 2016) 慶新歲 (2016 年 2 月 3-5 日)

Global Café – International Cuisine (27 Apr 2016) 國際美食會 (2016 年 4 月 27 日)

Hong Kong Tour (23 Jan 2016) 香港遊(2016 年 1 月 23 日)

Admission to "Masters of Hong Kong 2016" (19 Feb 2016) 觀賞 2016 年度「香港馬術大師賽」(2016 年 2 月 19 日)

Farewell Lunch (16 May 2016) 歡送午宴(2016 年 5 月 16 日)


Visit by Institut de Management et de Communication Interculturels (ISIT-Paris) (27 Jan 2016) 法國 ISIT-Paris 到訪 (2016 年 1 月 27 日) Visit by Carthage College, USA (19 Jan 2016) 美國 Carthage College 到訪 (2016 年 1 月 19 日) Visit by National Taipei University (15 Feb 2016) 國立臺北大學到訪 (2016 年 2 月 15 日) Visit by Cottey College (USA) (16 Mar 2016) 美國 Cottey College 到訪 (2016 年 3 月 16 日) Visit by University of Ulsan (22 Mar 2016) 韓國蔚山大學到訪 (2016 年 3 月 22 日) Visit by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (7 Apr 2016) 芬蘭哈格赫利爾應用科學大學到訪 (2016 年 4 月 7 日) Visit by Asia University (Taiwan) (6 May 2016) 台灣亞洲大學到訪(2016 年 5 月 6 日) Signing Ceremony of Academic Cooperation Agreement between HSMC and Riga Technical University (23 May 2016) 恒管與拉脱維亞里加科技大學簽署學術交流合作協議書 (2016 年 5 月 23 日) Seminars for MBA students from Lipscomb University, USA (24 May 2016) 美國利普斯科姆大學工商管理碩士學生到訪參加講座 (2016 年 5 月 24 日) Visit by Gordon College, USA (10 June 2016) 美國高登學院到訪 (2016 年 6 月 10 日) Visit by Whittier College (3 June 2016) 美國惠蒂爾學院到訪(2016 年 6 月 3 日)


朋輩導師計劃 After a series of training, all peer mentors were ready to serve our students. In the graduation ceremony, Peer Mentors shared their learning experience and received the certificates presented by Dr. Tom Fong, Associate Vice-President (Student Development and Campus Services). 經過一連串的培訓,朋輩導師已準備好, 隨時可協助有需要同學。於「朋輩導師計 劃」的畢業典禮上,他們分享本年度計劃 中的學習經歷,並上台接受由協理副校長 (學生及校園發展)方永豪博士頒發的證 書。

情誼祖父母計劃 Sentimental Grandparent Scheme aims to promote cross-generational harmony and to enhance the awareness of our future pillars of the society about the living of the elderly. Scheme participants attended the sharing dinner held at S.H Ho College, CUHK on 25 April 2016.

「情誼祖父母計劃」旨在積極促進跨代共融,使長、青 兩代能經常互相交流及瞭解長者人生經歷。參與計劃的 恒管同學於本年四月二十五日出席假香港中文大學善 衡書院舉辦的計劃分享晚會。



The First HSMC Athletic Meet was held at the Ma On Shan Stadium on 24 March 2016. It was cool and rainy yet all athletes were in high spirits. Over 100 students and staff joined in individual and relay races.

第一屆恒管陸運會於 2016 年 3 月 24 日假馬鞍山運動場

HSMC invited athletic teams from Lingnan University, New Asia College and The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of CUHK, and Hong Kong College of Technology to join the invitation relay. Moreover, HSMC management, alumni, Student Union, staff and Athletic Society competing in the 4 x 50M VIP relay, was one of the highlights of the Meet.


After delivering the speech, the President Simon S M Ho presented prizes to the winners, which was an exciting moment for the participants. The Meet could not have taken place so smoothly without the 80+ student volunteers, the Chief Judge, Mr. Go Chi Hang, and the enthusiastic participation of all the athletes, showing HSMC’s spirit of “We Run For U”. Finally, heartfelt thanks were given to Dr. Cheung Wah Keung, an alumnus who sponsored this Athletic Meet.

舉行。當天天氣清涼,下着絲絲細雨,但無損各健兒的 鬥志。當日共超過一百名同學和教職員參加各項個人項 目和接力項目,運動場上,各運動健兒全力以赴,以最

恒管邀請到多間友校運動員蒞臨作接力賽,包括嶺南大 學、 香港中文大學的新亞書院及專業進修學院及香港專 業進修學校。嘉賓接力賽有恒管的管理層、 校友、學生 會、教職員和田徑學會, 進行 4x50 米的接力,是賽事 其中一個焦點。 何順文校長於致辭後, 進行各項比賽頒獎儀式,運動員 和觀眾都十分興奮。本屆陸運會得以順利完結, 實在有 賴超過 80 名同學義工、 總裁判長高智恒教練和全校師 生的參與,深深體現了“We Run For U” 的精神,也特別嗚 謝校友張華強博士贊助第一屆恒管陸運會!


Hang Seng Management College places high emphasis on whole person development, sports development is perceived as an essential perspective. In addition to providing various sports facilities and training courses, HSMC keeps exploring opportunities for students to participate in different sports competitions. Starting from September 2016, HSMC becomes an Associate Member of The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China (USFHK) and our students will be able to participate in the selected inter-varsity events in the coming academic year. USFHK, formed in 1961, is an associate member of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, in which currently consists of 11 member institutions. It aims to organize sports competitions among tertiary institutions, to cultivate and promote sportsmanship among college students and to promote academic standards among physical educators by providing professional activities for members. USFHK also nominates athletes to participate in Summer Universaide. As a new member to the Federation, HSMC will take part in 6 competition events: aquatic meet, athletic meet, cross-country, karatedo, squash and taekwondo, with the view that we will participate in more sports items later. PE Unit will represent the College to participate in the Federation and start recruiting players now.

恒生管理學院一直重視同學不同發展需要,而體育亦是全人 發展一個重要元素。校方除提供不同體育設施及訓練課程 外,亦一直努力為同學尋找更多體育比賽機會。恒管將於 2016 年 9 月起正式加入香港大專體育協會成為附屬會員, 同學將在新一年可正式參與大專盃部份賽事。 香港大專體育協會於一九六一年成立。是中國香港體育協會 暨奧林匹克委員會成員之一。其宗旨是透過籌辦體育比賽培 養大專同學的體育精神。大專體育協會每年均舉辦多項不同 之賽事及統籌世界大學生運動會香港區工作。現有 11 名成 員院校。 在加入大專體育協會初期, 我們可參與陸運會、水運會、越 野賽、空手道、壁球及跆拳道,期望日後同學能參與更多比 賽項目。校方準備組織不同之隊伍參賽上述項目,體育部現 開始進行招募。



Which residential activity impressed you most? It is believed that many residents may say “High Table Dinners”. Yes, but are there any other residential activities in the Residential Colleges? The Residential Colleges is a place for cultural interaction, wellness awareness, community caring and green lifestyle promotion. Thus, the Residential Colleges organized various activities to strengthen the relationship among residents and enhance their sense of belongings to HSMC and the Residential Colleges. In February 2016, the Joint Residential Colleges Chinese New Year Fair was held. In that evening, we did not only have lion dance performance, but also each residential college set up their game counters. Team spirit was boosted and the joyful ambiance were shared among Residential Colleges and the residents. After the mid-term exam, the Joint Residential Colleges Tug of War, Soccer Competition and Basketball Competition were organized successfully by the student residents. The players played the games for their Residential College and their supporters cheered up the team during the games. When the mass move-out day was approaching, 4 newly established Student Residents’ Associations worked together to organize their first recycling campaign at the Residential Colleges and there were around 170kg recyclable items collected finally. Lastly, the Residential Colleges will have various kinds of residential activities, workshop and seminars in this residential year. We are looking forward to all residents’ participation to brighten up their residential life.


最能令你留下深刻印象的住宿書院活動是什麼?相信大部分宿生都認為是高桌晚宴吧!不過,除了高桌晚宴,還 有什麼活動值得回顧呢? 住宿書院是一個文化交流、康健身心、服務社群、支持環保的地方。去年,住宿書院舉辦了大大小小的活動,除 了氣派十足的高桌晚宴外,還舉辦了不少動靜皆宜的活動,藉此增進宿生間的友誼,加強宿生對學院和書院的歸 屬感。 在 2016 年 2 月舉行的新春聯歡會,不但有舞獅表演助慶,而且各住宿書院的宿生設立遊戲攤位,為新的一年打 響頭炮。 中期試後,住宿書院還舉辦了書院際足球比賽和籃球比賽,健兒們競爭激烈,而支持者熱烈打氣,震撼萬分。 到了退宿前,新成立的四個宿生會合辦他們首個大型回收活動,共收集了約 170 公斤可回收物,成功完成首次活 動,為四個宿生會帶來鼓舞。 住宿書院在本學年繼續舉辦不同類型的活動,期望宿生們踴躍參與,令住宿書院生活變得多姿多采。


「恒管.迎新日 2016」- 籌備工作 “First Encounter” for Campus Life Mentors (校園生活導師 - 簡介會及訓練)

Student Affairs Office recruited over 100 Campus Life Mentors (CLM) to lead freshmen to participate in various orientation activities in August. To foster the team spirit of CLM, SAO organized a “First Encounter Session” on 24 May, providing information and training to all mentors. 學生事務處招募了超過 100 位的校園生活導師,於今年 8 月中的「恒管. 迎新日 2016」帶領新生走遍校園參與迎 新活動。學生事務處已於 5 月 24 日為組爸組媽安排簡介 會及訓練,建立團隊默契。

“HSMC Grand Prix” - Group activity for Campus Life Mentors to understand teammates’ strength, to unleash their creativity and build their team’s Formula 1. 「恒管格蘭披治大賽車」: 透過分組活動, 組爸組媽可 從中認識組員,了解各人的長處,發揮創意及團隊精神, 設計自己組的一級方程式。


廉政大使計劃 2015/16 ICAC Ambassadors Programme 2016 - Closing Ceremony 廉政大使計劃 2015/16 閉幕禮暨「愛. 廉結」周年聚會

HSMC ICAC Ambassadors attended the closing ceremony on 11 June 2016. Each of them was awarded a Certificate for their active participation in the Programme.

恒管廉政大使出席了6月11日於廉署總部舉行的閉幕禮。 每位廉政大使均獲頒發獎狀,以嘉許他們積極參與。

Chinese New Year Celebration with Gee Dor-dor (智多多) and Wa La-la (嘩啦啦) 「廉潔進寶」

Students were invited to write a Chinese New Year blessing with an integrity message on “Fai-Chun”. Participants took a group photo with Wa La-la with their “Fai-Chun”. 廉政大使邀請同學在揮春上寫上與廉潔有關的賀年字句。 參與活動的同學手持自己的墨寶與嘩啦啦合照 。


學生大使計劃 2015/16

SA Training Camp

Business Etiquette Workshop

Presentation Workshop




To strengthen the team spirit among the SA team, a 2-day-1-night training camp was held on 10-11 January. 為協助學生大使建立團隊精神,2016 年 1 月 10 日至 11 日舉行了 2 日 1 夜的訓練營。

In February, we invited Mr. Desmond So, host of TVB Pearl’s lifestyle and luxury programs Dolce Vita, to give a 2-hour training course on establishing a confident and winning professional image. 今年 2 月,學生事務處邀請了《明珠生活》節目 主持蘇頌輝先生講解商務禮儀的要點,教授學 生大使有關建立自信及專業形象的技巧。


獎學金及學術成就獎頒獎典禮 The annual Scholarship and Award Presentation Ceremony held at the Auditorium, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building on 19 March 2016. Over 830 scholarships and awards were presented to more than 518 students in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements and remarkable cocurricular performance in the academic year 2014/15. The total scholarship amount awarded is over HK$5.4 million. Over 400 guests, including donors and representatives from organizations, HSMC senior management, teaching staff, fellow students, as well as their families and friends, gathered to share and witness this joyful occasion.

2016 年 3 月 19 日在恒生管理學院利國偉教學大樓舉行 獎學金及獎項頒獎典禮 2016,本年共頒發 830 項以上 的獎學金及獎項予 518 位同學,總額超過 540 萬港元, 以表彰他們在 2014/15 學年傑出的成就及表現。 今年有超過 400 嘉賓出席典禮,當中包括捐款人、 機 構代表、學院代表以及親友。 他們聚首一堂,共同分 享及見証這快樂的時刻。

A Group photo of Donors, College representatives, scholarship recipients and their families and friends 捐款人、學院代表、得獎同學以及親友們合照


獎學金頒獎典禮 The 2016 Joint Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund and Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund was held on 19 April at the Central Government Offices to give public recognition to the awardees’ remarkable achievements. This year, a total of 228 HSMC students were awarded in the Self-financing Postsecondary Scholarship Scheme, namely Outstanding Performance Scholarship, Best Progress Award, Talent Development Scholarship, Reaching Out Award and Endeavour Scholarship, with scholarship / award amount ranging from HK$10,000 to HK$80,000, totaling to HK$4.62 million. Student representatives attended the ceremony to receive the honour from Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education, in the accompany of Dr Tom Fong, Associate Vice-President (Student Development and Campus Services) and Ms Rebecca Chan, Director of Student Affairs. Congratulations again to all the awardees!

香港特別行政區政府獎學基金及自資專上教育基金聯 合獎學金頒獎典禮於 2016 年 4 月 19 日在香港政府總 部舉行。 今年,恒生管理學院共有 228 位同學獲得自 資專上教育基金獎學金,金額由 1 萬至 8 萬港元不等, 總數達港幣 462 萬元。當中包括卓越表現獎學金、最佳 進步獎、才藝發展獎學金,外展體驗獎及展毅奬學金。 學生代表在協理副校長(學生及校園發展)方永豪博士 及學生事務處總監陳寶瑜女士的陪同下,從教育局局 長吳克儉先生手中接過證書。再次恭喜所有得獎同 學!

A Group photo with College representatives and awardees 學院代表以及得獎同學合照

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