REVIVAL & HEALING TESTIMONY Confession means to repeat with our lips and from our hearts the things God has said in His Word. In times of sickness or need, we boldly confess His Word. ‘Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise’ (Hebrews 10:23). Please join us for ministry at our Revival & Healing meetings, on the second Sunday of every month at 6.30pm. Pastor Rajinder Buxton
t started in September 2016. I hadn’t been feeling well; I’d been sweating excessively, I’d been having difficulties sleeping at night, indigestion symptoms, a painful burning sensation in my chest, tiredness and headaches… and I put up with all these symptoms for a few months before I finally decided to consult my GP. He referred me to the Endocrinology department at Charing Cross Hospital for some tests. They noticed a small left submandibular lymph node and a small thyroid nodule in the midline, and carried out repeat thyroid function tests and scans.
Healed of a hyperactive thyroid by Sylvie Zokou
The doctor prescribed medication that has the side effect of neutropenia (ie. severe sore throat, mouth ulcer and flu-like symptoms). I really didn’t want to take this medication once a day because of its side effects, so I informed the doctor, who wrote in his report: ‘Patient chose not to take this’. Instead, I decided to submit a prayer request at a Tuesday night prayer meeting. I wanted Jesus to heal me without medication. I was very reluctant to take these tablets and refused the idea of becoming dependent on them. This caused me to rise up in my spirit in prayer, refusing both the sickness and the medication. I was declaring the Word of God for my healing, and the hyperactive thyroid had to bow down at the Name of Jesus and go! During my visit to the doctor, I enquired about the deficiencies that were in my blood, and was informed that my blood count was low. Afterwards, I started to take my God-given authority to command specifically for this sickness to leave me, and for my blood count level to rise
up in Jesus’ Name. I pleaded the blood of Jesus over myself and declared: “I will not have (this sickness) and I will not live with it either.” I kept doing that regularly, even up to the day of my next appointment, when I was to receive my results. The consultant opened the Excel sheet (on his computer) to show me my results, told me he’d be back in a few seconds, and then left the room. Immediately I laid my hand on his computer screen, commanding and declaring that my results and blood tests would be all fine. When he came back, he said: “Your blood tests results are good” and showed me the deficiencies had been corrected. He encouraged me to continue taking the medication as they were “solving the issue”. I told him: “Actually I didn’t take any medication.” He looked at me and smiled. I gave him a gospel tract before leaving, which he thanked me for. On the report to my GP, the consultant wrote that he had ordered a follow-up appointment for thyroid function and blood tests in three months’ time, and added: “It would be nice to see these episodes settling without need for treatment.” I had the yearly follow-up checks and again was asked the same question: “How are you coping with the medication?” to which I replied: “I don’t know, because I never tried them.” So, they decided to grant me a total discharge, as my thyroid had been functioning normally for the last two years. I have no symptoms; everything else is normal. God is faithful and Jesus is the Healer, the Great Physician. There is power in His blood, and by His stripes I am healed.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this and similar articles do not constitute medical advice. ECC recommends that you follow the advice of your medical practitioner, and that you do not stop taking prescribed medication unless instructed to do so.
GRAPEVINE magazine • Issue 100 • OCT/NOV 2019