Course Line Startup Venture Cafe Rotterdam Credit Points
In this course we asses the student on (K)owledge, (I)nsights, (A)pplication, (A)nalysis (S)ynthesis en (E)valuation. The student must show he/she is able to perform the assigned work on the third (the highest) competency level. Meaning, he/she: • Has advanced knowledge of an area of work or study that implies critical insights into theories and principles. • Is able to tackle complex and unstructured problems. • Is able to improve methods and adapt standards to the situation. • Is able to design strategies that are integrated with professional practice. • Can work in an unfamiliar, more complex and (partially) unspecified context. • Can work independently in complex situations.
Exam Methods
Share in Final Mark
Individual Assessments
Weekly assessments.
Every Thursday afternoon at CIC Rotterdam Venture Cafe.
Minimum 5.5
Individual Report
A student needs to attend 20 assessments or more, out of 26 assessments at CIC Rotterdam Venture cafe, otherwise he/she fails this course.
Progress Report.
Monday 19 June 2017. Via aNewSpring.
Not available.
A student cannot take a resit for the weekly assessments.
Resits Individual Assessment
Minimum 5.5 Individual Report
Progress Report.
Monday 3 July 2017. Via aNewSpring.
Weekly Assessment
Student:______________________ Startup: __________________ Studentnumber: ______________
Criteria Competencies: 10 and 11 (Grow). Objectives: • The student will represent his/her startup interests in both direct contact with clients, investors and competitors and indirectly (research and promotion). • The student will develop him-/herself as a professional entrepreneur. The assessment consists of: • A meeting between student and coach on Thursday afternoons at CIC Rotterdam. • The student partaking in the Venture Cafe Rotterdam on Thursday afternoons at CIC Rotterdam. Dates:
1 September 2016 8 September 2016 15 September 2016 22 September 2016 6 October 2016 13 October 2016 27 October 2016 3 November 2016 24 November 2016 1 December 2016 8 December 2016 15 December 2016
12 January 2017 19 Januari 2017 26 Januari 2017 2 Februari 2017 23 februari 2017 9 March 2017 16 March 2017 23 march 2017 6 April 2017 13 April 2017 20 April 2017 4 Mai 2017 8 June 2017 15 June 2017
A student needs to attend 20 assessments or more, out of 26 assessments at CIC Rotterdam Venture cafe, otherwise he/she fails this course.
Join the other meetings of Venture Cafe Rotterdam as often as possible.
Progress Report Share in Final mark
Student:______________________ Startup: __________________ Studentnumber: ______________
Motivation Grade
Competencies: 10 and 11 (Grow). Objectives: • The student will represent his/her business interests in both direct contact with clients, investors and competitors and indirectly (research and promotion). • The student will develop him-/herself as a professional. Chapter 1
Founder Statement
Chapter 2
Baseline Assesment
Innovation. Vision. Market Type. Customers. Business Model Prototype. Growth goals, on a monthly basis, for the 2016 and 2017.
• • •
Motivate and account for choices. Articulate SMART.
Who are you as an entrepreneur? What are your strengths and weaknesses? How do you plan to grow into a professional entrepreneur? What does the inclusive ecosystem of the startup looks like? How do you plan to grow the inclusive ecosystem of your startup? Wat are the strengths and weaknesses of the startup team? How do you plan to grow into a professional startup team? How do you organise your startup team? How do you plan to grow your startup?
• • •
0 points: Chapter is absent. 5 points: Chapter is incomplete. 10 points: Chapter is complete, but the content is not always clear, and contains irrelevant information. 15 points: Chapter is complete, the content is clear, but contains irrelevant information. 20 points: Chapter is complete, the content is concise and clear, and contains no irrelevant information. 0 points: Chapter is absent. 5 points: Chapter is incomplete. 10 points: Chapter is complete, the baseline assessment is a personal account, but the content is not always clear, and contains irrelevant information. 15 points: Chapter is complete, the content is clear, the baseline assessment is a personal account, but contains irrelevant information. 20 points: Chapter is complete, the content is concise and clear, the baseline assessment is a personal account, and contains no irrelevant information.
Motivate and account for choices. Articulate SMART. Chapter 3 Evaluation
(How) did you grow into a professional entrepreneur? (How) did the startup team grow into a professional startup team? (How) did the inclusive ecosystem of the startup grow? (How) did you grow your startup?
• • •
Motivate and account for choices. Articulate SMART. •
0 points: Chapter is absent. 15 points: Chapter is incomplete, or not a personal narrative. 30 points: Chapter is complete, the evaluation is a personal narrative, but the content is not always clear, and contains irrelevant information. 45 points: Chapter is complete, the content is clear, the evaluation is a personal narrative, but contains irrelevant information. 60 points: Chapter is complete, the content is concise and clear, the evaluation is a personal narrative and contains no irrelevant information.
The Progress Report consists of max. 3000 words (appendix not included). Feel free to use infographics and visuals. The Progress Report reflects your personal journey. Therefore this report will decidedly differ from Progress Reports of other team members, when you work in a startup team. !3