Practice the connection between value proposition and business model.
Improve your value proposition and business model based on all the work and pivots you did in this course.
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Take your business model prototype, customer profile and value map.
Grab a flip-over sheet.
Grab post-its.
Brainstorm iterations.
10 min
Put these five questions on a flip-over sheet:
1. Could there be another radically different value proposition for the same technology?
2. Will you keep the same customer segment, or will you shift to an entirely different, maybe larger, market segment?
3. Do you need to change or clear the benefits your value proposition created because the customer profile changed?
4. Do you have fit between your new customer profile and the newly designed value proposition?
5. Could your refine your customer profile, or do you need to describe an entirely new one because you switched customer segments?
Discuss each question
30 min each
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Silent discussion: Each individual writes his/her ideas on sticky notes.
Discuss the sticky notes and organize them around themes that you see evolving if necessary.
Have you discovered iterations?
Iterate business model prototype
60 min
Redo your business model, based on the iterations found.
• Prototype a new revenue model, select channels and define relationships that could be adopted with customers.
• Add new key activities, key resources, and partners required for the model to work and use that to estimate the cost structure.
Assess new business model prototype
30 min
Assess your business model.
Write down the seven questions to assess a business model on a flip-over sheet: • Switching Costs, Recurring Revenues, Earnings vs. Spending, Game-changing Cost Structure, Others who do the Work, Scalability, and Protection from Competition.
Each individual team member rates the questions on a scale from 1-10.
• Each team member explains his/her rating in a short pitch. Why did you award the • score? Based on what?
Discuss as a team the outcome of the rating: GO/NO for the new improved • business model prototype.
Get out of the building.
Complement this exercise with getting insights from the field and experiments that produce evidence for your decision. •
Discuss the sticky notes and organize them around themes that you see evolving.