Create a test, run a test and learn from the results.
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Grab the customer profile, value proposition, or business model you want to test.
Download the test cards and learning cards at
Start testing.
Extract Hypotheses
as long as it • takes • • •
Use the value proposition canvas and/or business model canvas to identify what to test before you “get out of the building”.
Define the most important things that must be true for your idea to work.
Every team member does this exercise individually first.
Than all team members get together to compare and discuss their results, and choose the hypotheses to test.
Prioritize Hypotheses
as long as it • takes • •
Rank the hypotheses in order how critical they are for your idea to survive or thrive.
Every team member does this exercise individually first.
Than all team members get together to compare and discuss their results, and form the priority list.
Design Tests
as long as it • • takes • •
Structure your experiment with the simple test card of Osterwalder.
Start with the most critical hypothesis.
Every team member does this exercise individually first.
Than all team members get together to compare and discuss their results, and design the testing card.
Prioritize Tests
as long as it • takes
Prioritize your test cards. Rankt the most critical hypotheses highest, but prioritize cheap and quick tests to be done early in the process, when uncertainty is at its maximum. Increase your spending on experiments that produce more reliable evidence and insights with growing certainty.
Run Tests
as long as it • takes
Start performing the experiments at the top of your list.
Capture Learning
as long as it • • takes •
Structure your insights with the simple learning card of Osterwalder.
Every team member does this exercise individually first.
Than all team members get together to compare and discuss their results, and design the learning card.
Make Progress
as long as it • takes •
You have validated your hypothesis: expand to the next building bock of your customer profile, value proposition or business model.
You have invalidated your hypothesis: Go back to the drawing board of your customer profile, value proposition, or business model and pivot.
You need to learn more: Design and conduct further testing.
Make room in your agenda for at least 3 tests per week.