c BTRY 1-38 EA Famity Readiness Group tl-,a'"'
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October 2010
o From the CommanderDear Steel Rain Famity,
I'd tike to take a moment to introduce myself to you alt and thank you for the opportunity to [ead your Sotdiers. I came to Chartie Battery on 20 Juty and I was born and raised in Virginia Beach, VA and graduated from the United States Mititary Academy and commissioned as a 2Lf in the Fietd Artittery. I have been stationed at Fort Bragg, Fort Sitt, Fort Monroe, and now at Camp Casey. I have been deptoyed twice, once each to Afghanistan and lraq. Prior to taking command of Chartie Battery I commanded HHB, 21Oth Fires Brigade for 14 months. My tovety wife, Tierra, and I have two chitdren, Ava (3) and Xavier (2). We are excited to be a part of the Steet Rain Famity and dedicated to taking care of your Sotdier white he is here with us. September was an interesting month. We had three 3-day work weeks due to various hotidays, one being Chusok, the Korean equivatent to American Thanksgiving. Atthough the battery had a tot of time off, we stitt managed to get a tot of work done and have some fun a the same time. Our Sotdiers participated in the 1-38th FA Best Section Competition and atthough we did not win overatt, we posted some of the highest scores in the battalion. We were the first unit in the division to be evatuated under the Division's new Emergency Deptoyment Readiness Exercise, which tested our abitity to alert, marshat, and deptoy the battery. We have spent counttess hours preparing for two major inspections that witl take place in the beginning of October as wetl as getting ready for our Live Fire Exercise, atso fn October.
Amidst att of the hustle and bustle, we took some time out for the Sotdiers and famity to visit the Demititarized Zone, a.k.a. the DMZ. This was a great trip where we got to see the Sotdiers at the front tine of the Korean conflict. We took pictures and witt share some with you in a few pages (if you take a took behind the two btue houses, you can see a group of North Korean tourists). Finatty, we are excited to pubtish the first Steel Rain FRG Newstetter. A speciat thanks goes to Mrs. Nikki Ayres, our FRG Leader who worked hard to put this letter together. We witt pubtish a letter monthty to keep you abreast of what is going on with your Sotdiers here in Korea. But don't forget, you can atways check the battery Facebook page at www. facebook. com /steetrainbattery. I hope you alt have a great month! Watch out for ghosts, Spidermen, Princesses, and att of the other tittte peopte running around. 1
Training, Events and Holidays FRG
Meeting Oct 6
Famity Day at Rocket Vattey Oct 22
o FTX Oct 15-22 o Strong Bonds Marriage Retreat Oct 27 -29 Days e
off in October
olumbus Say F{olidny qf,ct
1 1-
Warn{on Family Day Oct ?9
Ways to Stay Active
o Casey Enctave 3 on 3 Basketbatt Tournament Oct I -
starting at 1pm
{arey Gym Must sign up and attend coaehes ffieettng on
*ct 5 at 6pm
For rnsre'info cati 730-?372,
Seorak Mountain Hiking Satunday
Zip Line Adventure Saturday 10173 Call ths eAC for rnore infc on both trips 730-46CI1
Battery DMZ Tour Hightights
Famity Hatloween Fun at the CAC [very Saturday in October at 2pm There witt be games, costume contests, trick or treat and giveaways!
Oct 30 at 3;30pm witt be the big party with trick or treating at variaus barracks!
Pumpkin Carving at the CAC Oct 25 - 29 from 5-7pm Kids ages 5- 12 Sign up by Oct ?2
Scare-a-thon Bowting Sunday CIct 31 from 12-6pm Hattoween Aero- ba-thon Satunday Oet 30 at 9:30am Carey Gym
BOSS Hatloween Party
Saturday Oct 30 from 7pm - Zam $5 admission at the Gateway Ctub There will be a[[ you ean eat finger food, costume contests and prizes.
Shout Outs to the fottowing sotdiers:
We say farewet[
Austin SGT Lop*z 55G Conrr:y PFC Connetly 5GT Banningtcn 56T Gam Thank ycu alt far your hard vrork and best nf luck in the future! SFC
And we wetcome the fotlowing to the Steel Rain Famity: SGT Willett FVZ Koh SGT
o Happy Betated Birthday to:
A'iden Gerby turned 2 on Sep 9th
t5G Piers*l: Sep14 GabrieHe e arba{[o tunned 10 on Sep ?0 Douglas ffuLter turr"led
.' "l-
I an Sep ?1st
FFC Cardoza: Sep 2?
Mrs. l-indsay Pierso[: Sep 27 Mrs. Sarnaritha Futnam: Sep ?8 Mrs. Tiffany Jones: Sep 3e
o Birthday Wishes to: Auniana Cardoza turns 1 cn Oct 1st lvXrs"
Martha Young: Oct9
$mith: Oct 1C
PVZ Koh:
FFe Jang: Oet 18
[rik Velascc turns 2 Oct 'tgth Hannah Gorby turns 7 on Oct Z0th
?Lf Ayers: Sct 26 Mns. T'ierra Maull: Oct ?8 fu1rs.
Janiee Ailen: Oct 30
All The Extras
o Football season is here! Try this dip for the next game: Bacon Cheddar Ranch Dip Xb oz of sour crearn 1 packet l-lidden Vattey Original Ranch dip Mix
', 4 az shredded Cheddar cheese ' /4 cup [or mone] crisp cooked crumbted bacon 1
Chips for dipping
1. Combine sour cream and dip mix.
2. Stir in cheese and bacon. 3. Chitt at least
4. Enjoy!
Artittery Quote of the Month "Arti[[ery conquers and infantry occupies. " - J.F.C. Fuller Meaning of the Korean Ftag , White background symbotizes peace The btue and red circle is catted 'Taegukgi', the origin of all things in the universe
, The btue part is called 'Eum' and represents the negative aspects of batance and harmony The red part is called 'Yang' and represents att the positive The 4 trigrarns atso represent the concepts of opposite and balance
'Geon' Heaven
Final Words I am atways tooking
for hetp!
if you have any ideas,
quotes, facts, photos or shout outs to share or are interested in hetping regularty ptease email me at: nikkay0S@yahoo.com Nichole. k. ayres@us. army. mi I www. facebook. com / steetrai nbattery
Thank you PFC Cardoza and PFC Sanfittipo for your hetp with the shout outs. V/R, Nikki Ayres 010-5850 -2713 C BTRY FRG Leader
Things to look forward to in the coming months:
'. Battery BBQ
:. !\/31- Memorial
' '
Trip Battation Holiday Party Battery Holiday Party