The Astrological eMagazine February 2012

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Lead Article

Biochemistry in

Ancient India PROF. B. SURYANARAIN RAO (This article is reproduced from our old records specially since January 30th happens to be my great grandfather Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao’s Birthday - The sacred Ratha Saptami day. In rememberance, we are reproducing ‘his genealogy’ on page 27 of this issue.)


HE GREATEST DISCOVERIES and inventions of the modern generations, are already lying prefigured in the unlimited ocean of Aryan Sciences, A credit which belongs to one nation for what it has achiceved should not be grudged to be given to it if it makes good its claimsIndia has long been before the intellectual world. The Vedas and Puranas the Yogas and the Sankhyas, the Grammar and the Logic, the Mantras and the Tantras are not the work of invention of any laterday priestcraft. They are perfectly incapable of bringing into existence that which with all the attempts of the world have not been able to do Before the Mohome-dans came to India» the Greeks had already admired the wonderful literature and sciences of India, Three thousand years ago —or more properly five thousand years ago, India showed signs of intellectual decay while other nations were trying to make a name in arts and sciences on the ruins of their Aryan predecessor. After the war described in the Mahabharata it appears certain that the Aryans in India lost considerably their intelllectual and physical supremecy. We can well account for this- Duryo-dhana’s fall meant the fall of a great and consolidated & prosperous empire. In the ruinous war that was waged for 18 days, between the Pandus and Kurus almost every prince and chieftain of any pre-tensions in India must have taken tome part or other in this famous war and although Pandus finally overthrew the legitimate Sovereign Duryodhana they did so at a great sacrifice of relations and friends. Nations were ruined and there must have been anarchy for a long time which followed this epoch until an apology for peace and prosperity pre-vailed The best men in arts and scien-ces must have perished in the THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

convolu-tions of this fearful war, and thus the prosperity and intellectual pride of India attained through vast series of generations must have received a rude shock from which, we are of opinion, it never fully recovered. It would be absurd, therefore, to say that India knew nothing of physical sciences before the dawn of History, Mahabharata, appears to be admittedly 5,000 years old, and if this is taken for granted—as it must be then we have an older and more valuable book in the shape of Ramayana com-posed by Valmiki—bearing the proud title of Muni-Pungava. He calls it adikavya or the first epic poem and this must certainly have been immensely old and highly respected when Vyasa wrote and composed his Mahabharata, Brahma-tutras and his immortal Bhagavadgita and the 18 Puranas. Vyasa’s acknowledgement of Valmiki’s superiority, and his nondisputing the proud title of Audikavi, given to Valmiki is certainly the best testimony we have, and we can rest assured that if Valmiki was duly appreciated and respected by Vyasa, he must have been a most wonderful personage to exact intellectual homage by its greatest giant- Valmiki exhibits a profoundity of research into terrestrial and celestial phenomena that is considered almost impossible to guage the intellectual reach of this great Rishi. Valmiki composed a work on the physical sciences called Bhoota Tatwa Praka-sika. This work is an exhaustive one and has been condensed into a book called the Tatwasagard by the learned scientist Kshiraswami. We have to go into some details before the expressions used in these sciences could be understood and the explanations will show the depth of the intellectual development which the ancient Hindus had attained at the very start of the Aryan invasion. It is alleged FEBRUARY 2012


Vastu, Property and Fourth House BANGALORE NIRANJAN BABU


ASTU AND JYOTISHA are inter-related and inter dependent. Vasati Iti Vastu means the place in which you dwell is Vastu. When we speak of a dwelling we invariably speak of the directions and the five elements of nature. When we speak of directions we speak of rulerships. Vastu identifies the rulership of the four cardinal directions north, east, south and west with Soma or Kubera, Aditya, Yama and Varuna respectively. The four angular directions northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest are assigned to Easha, Agni, Gagana and Pavana respectively while the central sector of an area is assisgned to mother earth – Prithvi. Astrological texts assign the four cardinal directions north, east, south and west to Mercury, Sun, Mars and Saturn while the four angular directions northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest have lordships of Jupiter, Venus, Rahu and Moon respectively. Fourth House The fourth house relates to property – homes, sites and ancestral, apart from habitational needs of peace, happiness, mother, domestic life, conveyances, etc. With this we see that the proper selection of conveyance and property based on both Vastu and astrological aspects can

contribute to peace and happiness (to and from mother too) and harmony in the home. Fourth house in one’s birth chart should be read with respect to the running dasa and bhukti and transits thereof. Based on this the relevant directions/sectors should be made Vastu appropriate to minimize the effects of planetary imbalances and optimize the benefic planetary strengths. This apart based on your ascendant certain planets are benefic and certain malefic. Application If your birth ascendant (in your vedic horoscope) is Taurus (Vrshabha), Saturn is the best benefic since he is lord of the 9th and 10th houses (trine and quadrant) and becomes a yogakaraka . This means the importance of west as a compatible direction is seen for the native. In fact Vastu texts, referring to West, tell us Paschima Pushtivardhanam – West is increase of prosperity and welfare. Mercury - north, Mars - south and the Sun – east, are also benefic. By giving West strength in terms of heavy landscaping in the site and by way of thick walls, heavy furniture, etc within the home and the room of the native, negatives indicated by Saturn in one’s horoscope can be minimized considerably. When we consider the ascendant Cancer (Karkataka – Sri Rama’s ascendant), Mars (5th and 10th lord, yogakaraka) and Jupiter become the benefic planets. This means the south and northeast are the important areas which one should strengthen. Verbatim Use Word for word use of book rules is not right. For instance, if in your horoscope, the fourth house is occupied by Mars or Saturn, the indication is that one will lose his property. This means in the property that you own, the two relevant sectors of South and West, primarily, and other relevant sectors are to be made Vastu appropriate




Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi p³eeseLf e<e ef®evlee efveefOe YAJNAVALKYA (Our senior contributor Yajnavalkya provides you, every month, especially students – some succinct notes on select astrological topics of interest ) Yamakanda and Yamakantaka: Which Is Correct? Are Yamagandakalam and Rahukalam Mahaadoshas or major afflictions? Opinions are different and diverse. While some hold that these are to be avoided for electional purposes others hold that they need not be given much importance. DR. RAMAN has also opined fully in support of the contentions that they need not be bothered about, too much. By way of clarification some have suggested that Yamaganda and Yamakantaka are quite two different factors. They clarify that while Yamaganda is like Rahukalam and is relevant in electional astrology, Yamakantaka is an Upagraha like Mandi and is relevant only to natal horoscopy. Definite or specific scriptural sanction is found lacking to clinch the difference between them. However, the popular view held by scholars like late Mr. V. A. K. Iyer is that only Yamakantaka, with a faulty pronunciation, came to be called as Yamaganda, in due course of time. While there is no dispute to the fact that either Yamakantaka or Yamaganda, in whatever way it is called, is accepted as the son of Jupiter, (illicit or otherwise), the Yamakantaka is held as good as Guru and taken as auspicious. On the other hand, Yamaganda, by popular convention is held as inauspicious and unsuitable for auspicious deeds. Necessarily, therefore, only one of these contentions can stand the test. Phaladeepika speaks very clearly about the auspiciousness of Yamakantaka in chapter 25 slokas 18, 19 and 21. Though later works like Kaalavidhana and other Muhurtha Granthas give malefic attributes to Yamaganda and its kala or period, it must be noted that the earlier works mention only the good effects of Yamakantaka. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

The problem arises because both the Yamakantaka and Yamaganda periods coincide and there can be no one period, which can be deemed as harmful as well as beneficial simultaneously. It is reasonable that the average reader may want to be kept informed of the correct position. There is some strength in the argument of late Mr. V. A. K. Iyer that Yamakantaka is the correct term to be used to signify the time periods attributed to it to dispel the mistaken notion by calling it Yamaganda, which name itself carries with it a specific malefic import. The views of DR. RAMAN also appear to be in conformity with this. The argument is that Yamakantaka, being the son of Jupiter can only be auspicious because Jupiter unquestionably is a benefic according to astrological scriptures. Gulika, deemed to be the son of Saturn, is termed as malefic in horoscopy. However, its ‘kala’ or period is taken as good for auspicious deeds. So, it goes without saying that the nature of the Upagrahas and their role in natal horoscopy are not in agreement with their benefic or malefic qualities for their respective ‘kalas‘or periods of time. Now, how can an average reader and believer in astrology, get out of this confusion? Definitely he will have no other option but to compromise with one of the following two options. As a first option he can take the Yamakantaka Kalas as good except on Thursdays and ignore the adverse Yamaganda Kala results enunciated for the other weekdays. Or else, he can stick on to the Yamaganda Kalas, mentioned in the panchangas as bad and reckon the Yamakantaka Upagraha for natal horoscopy alone, by following its rising time schedules and ignore them for Kala calculation. With everything said and done, these Kalas of Muhurthas are followed only in some parts of the land and their importance is only strictly regional. On the other hand, the Upagraha calculations have wider connotations, in applied astrology. FEBRUARY 2012



Mr. V.R.Soundar Rajan, with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, has served Anna University, Chennai for over thirty years. He has been rendering astrological counseling for two and half decades. Mr. Soundar Rajan’s training has been under Pandit Asuri Venkatachary .

Prime Minister India of


Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, is found sleeping or unprepared to use it, because the lamp has not been kept trimmed for the welcome and the ears are sealed to the call. But thrice woe to them who are strong and ready, yet waste the force or misuse the moment; for them is irreparable loss or a great destruction. – Sri Aurobindo


ndia’s independence is such a period; our nation accepted the moment and welcomed the situation. In India’s independence chart, Lagna was Taurus and Moon sign is Cancer. Starting Dasa was Saturn and sub dasa was also Saturn. Saturn Dasa was completely headed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. During Mercury Dasa, the nation was led by Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri and Mrs. Indira Gandhi. During Ketu Dasa, it was Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. The complete confusion arose during Venus Dasa when Mr. P.V. Narasimha Rao, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and (now) Mr. Manmohan Singh were the popular Prime Ministers. The table indicates Sun Dasa, for the independence chart, began in September 2009. Mahadasa Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter

From 1946-09-10 1965-09-10 1982-09-11 1989-09-10 2009-09-11 2015-09-11 2025-09-11 2032-09-11 2050-09-11 Ascendant Rahu

India Rasi





1965-09-10 1982-09-11 1989-09-10 2009-09-11 2015-09-11 2025-09-11 2032-09-11 2050-09-11 2066-09-11



Moon Saturn (R) Sun,Venus Mercury

Saturn Venus

Rahu Sun




Ketu Mars




Mahasivaratri Its Significance DR. A. SREEKUMAR MENON Dr. Athickat Sreekumar Menon hails from Nallepilly villiage of Palakkad Dist, Kerala . He has excellent academic and professional back ground with a masters and doctorate in Psychology and Management. Has done post-doctoral work in Australia. Recipient of five postgraduate and doctoral fellowships including one from the Ford Foundation, U.S.A., he has held senior positions in India and abroad . Has published five original books on Management of which two have received All India awards. He is also the recipient of N.I.P.M award and Will’s Award of Excellence. Authoring several original articles on Management and Human Values he has delivered many (highly valued) lectures in India and abroad. He is an original thinker , voracious reader , prolific writer and an eloquent speaker. He is keenly interested in human welfare and youth development . He continues to have active professional interest dating back to five decades.


NCIENT INDIAN EPICS and festivals have both religious and moral implications. Moral values are disguised in them and have to be drawn out. Even the religious practices or rituals like prayer, homa (havan) and so on are full of moral values, if we understand their inner meaning. Those moral values are to be imbibed by humanity to meet the materialistic onslaught. Here an attempt is made to analyze Mahasivratri, one of the important Hindu festivals to bring out it’s significance and inner meaning or it’s moral ethical side. Generally, people follow rituals mechanically, which does not help to realize the purpose of festivals. It is hoped that this short article would help the reader to understand the values underlined this festival, to assimilate them and practice in their day to life, thus making life more wholesome and derive enduring happiness. Mahasivaratri or the great night of Lord Siva, being one of the important Hindu festivals, is celebrated with devotion and religious fervor to propitiate Lord Siva. Unlike celebration of other festivals, Mahasivaratri festival is not celebrated with festivities, revelry and gaiety;, on the other hand, it is celebrated with solemnity and piety and devotional fervor.. This is so because, Lord Siva is the very incarnation of’ vyragia’ or renunciation or sacrifice of THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

physical pleasures. and he is in deep meditation in most of the times.Lord Siva is the most powerful deity and one among the trinities,Bhrahma, Vishnu and Mahesvara among Hindu deities. ‘Siva’ means being auspicious and power or energy, the most powerful God of Hindi pantheon.. This year Mahasivaratri falls on 20th February. It is believed as the most auspicious time to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva by day long worship.Due to unique planetary position, a powerful natural upsurge of energy is said to occur on that night in the human system.Worship on this day is considered beneficial for one’s material and spiritual wellbeing. Lord Siva is the destroyer of evil and protector of good. Those who utter the name of Siva on this night is said to be free from one’s past sins and wrong acts committed and would enjoy material prosperity and peace. Celebration starts on the day of Mahasivaratri. Devotees wake up early morning and after ritual bath, wear new clothes and visit Siva temples for worship. They observe strict ‘Vrata ‘or follow acts of discipline. Fasting or going without food is one such act of self-control or being oblivious of body consciousness which lead to unholy life. There are people who do not drink even a drop of water till next day. ‘Sivalingam ‘ or Idol of Siva is worshipped throughout the night. ‘Abbishekam’ or ritual bath is most FEBRUARY 2012



Daivagjnas MADHU N. NAIR


N THE TODAY’S WORLD, in whichever way you turn, you will find invariably every other person claiming to know Jyothisha, as imperfect as possible. However, those who have really mastered this divine science of Jyotisha and more importantly those who could really predict are extremely rare. Astrological prediction is a different set of ball game. It requires specific skills that can be acquired only by divine worship or spiritual Sadhana The truth is, Astrology is not only an art as well as science but is also an expression of spiritual evolution of the Diviner or Astrologer .Our ancients knew that very well. Gaining of knowledge in Horas (Text books) should go hand in hand with the spiritual sadhana of the Astrologer, if his prediction has to come correct was the sermon preached by the great Masters of yesteryears. I would like to introduce our esteemed readers to two gifted Astrologers, who cared least for any type of publicity and whom the world of astrology should and must know. Chellapan Aasan Astrology and Kaniyar community In the entire world, only in the state of Kerala, one can find a caste assigned exclusively for the purpose of casting and delineation of horoscopes and for conducting prasna. They are known as “Kaniyar” THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

In the caste hierarchy, Kaniyars come in the low rung of the ladder; nevertheless, even in those dark age of “untouchables”, the Kaniyars were never denied access to the house of the Royals and the chieftains due to their profound knowledge in Jyothisha with that of Sanskrit and computational skills. Kaniyars believe that they are the chosen ones and learnt Jyothisha directly from the mouth of Lord Subramanya, the presiding deity of Jyothisha. Kaniyars are now rechristened as “Ganakas” or one well versed in computation. Anyway, the new generation has distanced themselves from Jyothisha activities. Early Years of the legend Chellapan was born in the Kaniyar community. As is usual in his community, at that time, he learnt Jyothisha in the traditional way starting with memorizing the slokas of Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira, popularly known as “Hora” in Kerala and other texts like Prasnamarga and of course some rare slokas passed by one generation to the other including that of Skanda Hora, supposed to have written by Lord Subramanya Himself and regarded as the first text book in Jyothisha. Appearance and personality Chellapan stood apart in any crowd due to his majestic appearance .He was more than six feet, clean shaven and with broad shoulders.

Practice and fame Chellapan started practicing at the age of 17 and it is said that he rose to fame in 1950’s, in a prasna connected with a murder case. From the horary, Chellapan himself was able to tell one very clearly for what one approached him and his objectives. It so happened that a Nair feudal landlord after murdering his wife and burying her in the backyard advertised in the local dailies that apt reward will be given to anyone who will provide any information about his missing wife and lodged a complaint with the police. The man came to Chellapan and did a prasna and the former reportedly told him that he murdered his wife and buried her in the backyard of his house. Later when the defence counsel examined Chellapan how he could tell about the fact, Chellapan’s reply was that it was “through Jyothisha” The word “Aasan” is a title of reverence and is synonym with the master or teacher. Chellapan used to be addressed as Chellapan Aasan. It is said that Aasan did the match– making for more than 15,000 couples, through, three generations, with precision and infallibility. This scribe is one of the very few who knew the Aasan’s uncanny ability in “Mushti Prasna” You take anything in your hand; close the fist and ask him what the fist contains. With his cowries (sea-shells) that he uses for all the computations, within seconds, FEBRUARY 2012


This Month for You

FEBRUARY 2012 VARAHAMIHIRA The Sun enters Aquarius on 13th February. Mercury leaves for Aquarius on 10th February and Pisces on 27th. Venus enters Pisces on 3rd February. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are respectively in Leo, Aries, Libra, Scorpio and Taurus.

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1

VRISHABA (Taurus) Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini and Mrigasira 1, 2

The Sun helps you. Mercury graces you Venus also helps you. Others do not.

The Sun is partially favourable. Mercury, Venus and Saturn grace you. Others do not.

This does not offer a good picture. Yet some of the favourable planets give good results. The problems of dislocation and skirmishes that perturb you continue. Your problems in the family also give concern. Some travels, which you do not like also, take place. They may be the constraints caused by profession. You succeed partially in your missions, no doubt. But the overall picture is unsatisfactory. You are often misled by people with evil designs and when you face the problems your associates silently keep away. They may indulge in character assassination and cause numerous problems. With all these, you get wealth and acquire valuable goods. Newly weds enjoy themselves. In conjugal life there will be some happiness. Proposals for marriage may click with great effort at times. On the whole, this is a mediocre period.

This offers a fairly good picture. It is true that you exercise your influence and try to cut the Gordian knot at times. But in the neck and neck fight with your rivals you are the loser. But there are many good experiences which cheer you up. You get recognition in profession and get the well-deserved elevation and enjoy perquisites. There is flow of money and the development of personality helps you. Some of your acts get accolades and you feel that you are a fortunate father.

Aswini: There will be problems of health, giving concern. You vanquish your enemies and earn wealth. There will be some unfavourable currents. Bharani: Many favourable currents cheer you up. You win disputes. There will be favours of senior relatives. Krittika 1: There will be favourable currents and fruitful exercise of influence. Your health gives concern. There will be gains from enemies. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Your relatives admire you for your abilities. Your integrity and truthful words also give you a dignified position. In matters of disputes, your acts of arbitration solve the problems to the extent of losing your image. Occasionally you are misled by people particularly in matters of travel. There are many things to the proud of. But the plans for travel do not succeed. With all these things this is a good period from the point of view of prosperity. Krittika 2, 3, 4: There will be problems of health. Those with be chronic illness should be careful. There will be many favourable currents and success in disputes. Rohini: There will be gains from investments. There will be success in lawsuits. Many unfavourable currents cause dissatisfaction. Mrigasira 1, 2: There will be problems of health. Injuries are likely. There will be many favourable currents and the favour of men of consequence. FEBRUARY 2012


The Astrological eMagazine


February 2012 First column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours. Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generally spurned for auspicious events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346º40’ to 360º and Vyatipata from 213º20’ to 226º40’ of the sum of the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1½ hours or more, when Sraddha is performed by the astute. These two belong to the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the astronomical implications, the Sayana Vydhruti and Vyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are different from the Nityayogas. The Karana is the half of the Tithi. They are mainly classified as Sthira - fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable. The Chara Karanas are seven in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni, Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. The forbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification. We have most of our religious observances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana, Sankataharachaturthi Vrata, Shastivrata, Ekadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga. Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent. Chandradarisana is observed on the evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears for the first time in the west after the Amavasya. Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known as Sankataharachaturthi. The evenings of Sukla and Krishna Trayodasi days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days. The important dates and festivals for December 2011 are as follows:

1. Wed - Krittikavrata; 3. Fri - Jaya Ekadasi. Bhisma Ekadasi; 4. Sat- Bhisma Dwadasi; 5. Sun - Pradosha; 7. Tue - Maghi Pournima. Taipoosam. Pournamipooja. Vadalur Jyothi Darisana; 10. Fri Sankataharachaturthi; 13. Mon - Sayana Vyatipata. Shastivrata; 14. Tue - Ashtaka (Sakashtaka) Vaikkatashatami (Kerala) Kalashtami; 15. Wed - Ramadasa Navami. Anvashtaka; 16. Thu - Birthday of Swami Dayananda Saraswati (Founder of Arya Samaj); 17. Fri - Vijaya Ekadasi (for Smarta); 18. Sat - Ekadasi (for Vaishnava and Vidhava) Satilla Ekadasi; 19. Sun - Pradosha. Sivaji Jayanti; 20. Mon - Maha Shivaratri. Sravanavrata; 21. Tue - Sarva Amavasya; 23. Thu - Chandradarisana. Birthday of Sri Ramakrishna; 25. Sat - Sayana Vaidhruthi. Masa Chaturthi; 28. Tue - Shastivrata. Krittikavrata; 29. Wed - Holastaka. Moon in Mesha enters:

Vrishabha on 1st at 12h.44m; Mithuna on 4th at 00h.07m; Kataka on 6th at 08h.10m; Simha on 8th at 12h.52m; Kanya on 10th at 15h.27m; Thula on 12th at 17h.31m; Vruschika on 14th at 20.13m; Dhanus on 17th at 00h.05m; Makara on 19th at 05h.14m; Kumbha on 21st at 11h.55m; Meena on 23rd at 20h.42m; Mesha on 26th at 07h.57m; Vrishabha on 28th at 20h.50m. The Sun in Sravana enters: Dhanishta Nakshatra on 6th at 23h.52m; and Satabhisha nakshatra on

20th at 04h.24m. The Sun enters Kumbha rasi on 13th February at 13h.58m. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE



My Genealogy* PROF. B. SURYANARAIN RAO I belong to the Mulakanadu Andhra section of the Brahmin Community, and descended from the stock of the venerable Vasishta and claim that Gotra. Twelve generations ago my ancestors resided in Walaja Nagar, under the patronage of the Nawabs of Arcot and the neighbouring Polagars and they had distinguished themselves by performing sacrifices or Yagnas, by simple and holy lives and by the religious fervour of their exemplary and virtuous lives. My family records give me the following names of my ancestors:— 1. Sarana Varjhulu


Had performed Yagnas or sacrifices.

2. Konda Varjhulu


- do -

3. Naga Varjhulu


- do -

4. Mallava Dhanlu

...Religious and holy Brahmins.

5. Malla Bhatlu


- do -

6. Lingappagam


Devoted themselves to public and private business and service.

7. Venkatappagaru


- do -

8. Venkatagiriappagaru


- do -

9. Parayyagaru 10. Venkataramaniahgaru This was my grandfather who was born in 1747 A.D. and died in 1828 A.D. having lived 81 years. He married first Narasamma and had two sons by her. After her death he married Naranamma when he was nearly 60 years. He commanded 500 horse and a suitable corps of infantry under Hyder and Tippu and changing his life into civil, he was an Amildar and became Peshkar of Kikkeri, Channarayapatna and Devanhalli, in which last place Hyder first made his political entry. My grandfather had two daughters and five sons by bis second wife and my father Gopala Rao was the third son and the most lucky among the lot. My father was born on the 17th July 1816 on Friday, the 10th lunar day of the dark half of the month Ashadha, at about 15 ghatis after sunrise when the constellation Bharani ruled with the dasa of Venus, He was only 12 years when his father died and * Ack;Brihat Jataka published by Ms/: Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi


had to educate himself, as best as he could. He was of slender build, energetic, strong and extremely active in work which I have inherited from him to a large extent. My mother Rukminiamma was an intelligent, quiet going and very handsome woman and she died when I was about 10 years old. My father could read and speak about ten languages and filled various posts in the Ganjam District and became Manager or Dewan of Parlakimidi Zamindari. He was an expert in Mantra Sastras, and highly religious and obliging. He would never flinch from doing an obligation and brought me up with great care and love. The following is his horoscope : Mark the positions of planets in all the kendras. In addition to his onerous duties, he Venus completed the gigantic task Sun of completing with his own Rasi hand, one crore and twentySaturn Mars five lakhs of Rama Namas or names of Sri Rama and Ascendant Ketu concluded the religious rites Jupiter connected with them four months before his death. He died in his 76th year on the morning of 27th August 1891 and was therefore 75 years and 40 days according to English calculations. My mother bore six children, four daughters and two sons, and I am the second. My elder brother Jagannatha Rao entered Mysore Service retired as an Amildar and died in December 1915. Moon



I was born on the Rathasaptami, Tuesday, in the month of Magha in Rakshasa at about 14 ghatis after sunrise at Chicacole and my horoscope is given on the next page. An incident occurred in my fifth year which has influenced all my life to a. remarkable extent. My first Akshara-bhyasa, education, began at Parlakimidi in my fifth year and I slept that night with my father. I dreamt that I was taken to Suryaloka to the presence of the Sun, made to sit on his lap, and given some Payasam (wheat preparation) by his wife Chayadevi and after a greal deal of love, the Sun putting his hands on my head, observed that I would live long, be happy and become a great scholar and author. I awoke and related my dream to my father, who had already anticipated FEBRUARY 2012


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