The Jersey Key: Volume 69, Issue 2

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I N T ’L P R O G R A M S


DCON 2016





This service year, while winding down, has been a transformative experience for me. I’ve learned so much from all of you; these past two years especially has taught me what it’s like to lead a life of service, and the extent to which helping others in turn helps the soul. I’m honored to be closing out my service year and my Key Club career with some of the greatest Key Clubbers I’ve ever encountered; I know that, upon the closure of this service year, we will all continue to do wonderful things, Key Club or not. Now that my long-winded bout of sentimentality is over, let’s get down to business. This service year isn’t quite over yet, and it’s imperative that we finish strong! Continue working towards our District Project, the NJ Federation of Food Banks! I’m thrilled at the enthusiasm with which the Key Clubs of New Jersey have adapted to such a new project, and I know you all will continue working as hard as you have to change the lives of New Jersey’s hungry, one step at a time. Consider running for a position on the New Jersey District Board. My two years on the District Board have shaped my life in ways I couldn’t possibly imagine. Should you undertake this commitment and work to the best of your ability, I can guarantee that the time you spend on the NJDB will be a highlight (if not the highlight) of your high school career. Continue your commitments as officers and members. Attend DCMs, promote events, attend district and divisional events, and continue fundraising; this is why you’re in Key Club, to serve! Attend DCON 2016! Aside from the entertainment factor that involves witnessing how much of a mess I am in real life, this DCON is sure to be the pinnacle of your experiences this service year. I highly encourage all of you to attend; I hope to see you all there! As always, I’m proud of us. I’m proud of the amount of change we’ve started, and I’m proud that our efforts to change the world are paying off. I wish you all a very happy New Year, and endless love.


I cannot believe that w

Spike Out Hunger Bi-Divisional T Thank you all so much for supporting hunger our District Project. I was able to attend a fe spirit at each tournament was alive. I hope yo need our help. Please be sure to stay in the loop Out Hunger To

Our District Project this year is th member that people aren’t just hungry during time of year is one of the most fulfilling project more people than you would think. As a distr remember to actively serve the food banks thr hours. Also be sure to properly record any


LTG Elections will be hosted by yo February, depending on your division. If you a understand what you are signing up for by tal have any interest, I encourage you to not be af an LTG is a lot of hard work, it is really ne lowed this advice I’m giving you now, I proba mation can be found in the elections packet w can contact me or Elec

It is scary to think that DCON is o April 1st-3rd at the Ocean Place Resort and Sp DCON, the theme is License to Serve. We hav presentations and activities planned so be sur Key Club is all about. St

Again, I just want to thank you al Working with service oriented people like you and scary, do not be fooled. I am here to hel priority to help you all successfully serve y


we are already in the new year!

Tournaments proved to be very successful! r in New Jersey and getting involved with ew of the tournaments and the Key Club ou all had fun while supporting those who p with updates regarding the District Spike ournament.

I hope you all are having a wonderful school year so far. The first semester has seemed to fly by and holidays are all around us, but that doesn’t mean you should stop serving! My first favorite service happens to occur around the gift giving holidays. If you club is ever running out on hands on service projects or on fundraisers make sure to check out for lots of great projects and tips. If your club hasn’t already they must pay dues! Without dues you don’t get the honor of calling yourself an official Key club member and you miss out on amazing opportunities such as District Convention and International Convention Speaking of International Convention… it’s never too late to start planning! This year International Convention will be held in Atlanta, Georgia from July 6 th10th. The International Board is working hard to make this an unforgettable convention and we would love to see as many people from New Jersey as we can! If your club participated in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF make sure to send in your money before December 31st to count towards the 2015 total. When sending in money please send to: The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation P.O. Box 6457 - Dept #286 Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA ATTN: Trick-or-Treat Also, the Youth Opportunities Fund community granted over $49,000 in grants this year! If your club was granted money you will be notified before January 1st, 2016. Regardless if you applied and received a grant or not everything you are doing in your community is making a difference and I can’t wait to see what you all do throughout the year f you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk to fellow lover of service feel free to email me: I hope to see you all at District Convention in April! Until then, keep serving!

he NJ Federation of Foodbanks. Please reg the holidays and that feeding people any ts your club can partake in. Hunger affects rict, we have some big goals to complete so rough fundraising, donations and service ything you may do for the food banks.

our current LTG sometime in January of are interested in running, be sure that you lking to your current LTG about it. If you fraid of talking to your LTG. While being eat to work on the NJDB. If I hadn’t folably wouldn’t be governor today. All inforwhich was in the December Mailing or you ctions Chair Zierra.

on the horizon. Remember that DCON is pa in Long Branch, NJ. For the 0“70”0 th ve a lot of fun and informative workshops, re to attend this weekend that shows what tart fundraising now!

ll for being such dedicated Key Clubbers. all is the light of my life. If I ever seem big lp you in any way I can! It is my utmost your homes, schools and communities.




Kiwanis Family Conference took place on November 6th through 8th in Black Mountain, North Carolina. From the New Jersey District, the District Governor Josie, District Secretary Farwa, District Treasurer Bobbie, and International Trustee Devin all went to this amazing weekend. Each person was put into a different family group. Each family went to different rooms to accomplish the tasks given to us. From making a skit about the Kiwanis Family and serving others to brainstorming fundraising events all topics were incorporated into the tasks. We met many of new people from across the country along with learning leadership skills. On top of leadership skills, team building and bonding skills were taught at this conference. Some went hiking while others went into town during free time on Saturday. On Saturday night boundary breaking took place. Boundary breaking allowed the families to come together for one last time and open up completely. This brought the family members together as one to show the importance of being your self. Sadly Sunday morning came and so did the end of this beautiful weekend. Kiwanis Family Conference brings every branch of the Kiwanis Family together to show you that each branch is there for one another.

trict treasurer bobbie boettinger


The annual Kiwanis-sponsored Key Leader program was held, this year, from December 4th-6th. Key Leader is a weekend where students from around the state of New Jersey gather together at Camp Crossroads in Port Murray to learn about the fundamentals of Service Leadership – the idea that the person leading is not being served, rather serving. Scott Johnson, district administrator for the Carolinas District of Key Club, was the lead facilitator for the event. Students were split up into eight groups led by a Student Facilitator. These groups were called “neighborhoods”, the purpose of these groups being to create a stronger bond between the members. Friday evening was when the Key Leader craziness started. Dinner started at about 6:00 PM, and following at about 7:00 was the main session. Mr. Johnson gave an overview as to what the weekend was about. We started out with large group activities/icebreakers that got us all on our feet. We then split up into our neighborhoods and created group names, logo, and chant. We followed with more of an overview, and at about 10:30, we adjourned and at 12:00, lights were out. Saturday after breakfast, we started going over the main points of the weekend. Spread out between Saturday and Sunday Morning, we learned about personal integrity, growth, respect, community, and excellence. Saturday afternoon proved to be a fun time with various different activities where we had to work as a group to solve problems. Saturday night saw the bonfire, where the Student Facilitators said a little speech, and everyone was able to throw away what they wanted to change about themselves. We went through the graduation and Circle of Excellence on Sunday morning, and officially left at about 11:30. Key Leader truly is a great time to meet people and learn about yourself as a leader. If you wish to go for a club or district position, this is the perfect place to solidify it. Take a risk and go to Key Leader next year!



S • DEC. 4-6, 2015



Key Club works with many different Outside Organizations. All of the foundations create a plethora of different foundations to work with. Each one is distinct yet different such that Key Clubbers have a wide variety to choose from. Please remember that not everyone is limited to only working with these organizations, but they do have some sort of affiliation with Key Club. Some of the organizations worked with this year include: Toys for Tots, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, Habitat for Humanity, American Cancer Society, The Eliminate Project, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. All of these organizations benefit greatly from the service that Key Club provides. If you would like to find out more about Outside Organizations, please feel free to email either myself <>, or LTG Thomas Beeby <>.


TRICK OR TREAT FOR UNICEF In 1950, UNICEF created Trick or Treat for UNICEF as a way for students to help children by trick or treating for donations rather than for candy. Key Clubbers use the Trick or Treat for UNICEF boxes, and go from door to door calling out “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!” Since 1950, Trick or Treat for UNICEF has raised over $175 million. Trick or Treat for UNICEF allows Halloween to be about more than just getting candy, it allows the holiday to turn into a way to give back. This year, countless clubs in the NJ District of Key Club participated in Trick or Treat for UNICEF as a way to support the ELIMINATE Project. Clubs obtained the boxes and then sent members out on Halloween to collect donations. Trick or Treat for UNICEF has been very successful since its start in 1950, and this year was no exception!

Fall Rally: The largest gathering of Key Clubbers in the New Jersey District at Six Flags Great Adventure. Fall Rally 2015: Probably the best event that has hit the service year for the New Jersey District so far! On October 11th, thousands of Key Clubbers came together at Six Flags Great Adventure for the annual Fall Rally, with this year’s theme being, Oh, the Service You’ll Do!, which is Dr. Seuss. This event began with a huge gathering or session where all of the Key Clubs in the New Jersey District untied to speak about the impact Key Club is making on our lives. The members were reminded that they can all make a difference and change in their homes, schools, and communities. Clubbers were also reminded that having a goal and coming together, anything can be accomplished. The highlight of this meeting is the spirit stick competition! This competition is to see which of the 22 divisions in New Jersey are worthy of taking home the sacred spirit stick. If you did not attend Fall Rally 2015, *spoiler alert*, division 8 took home the spirit stick! And after the session all of the Key Clubbers were allowed to explore Six Flags until the park closed. Overall, Fall Rally 2015 was a great success and was a day of fun and service!

As you all know, the New Jersey District Project this service year is the NJ Federation of Food Banks. As with last years Eliminathons, we are continuing to raise money for the Federation through the Spike Out Hunger Volleyball Tournaments. With 11 co divisional tournaments, we have raised countless pounds of food to be donated to the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks. All the winners from the tournaments will move on to the District Tournament happening in late February. Stay on the look out for the District Tournament announcement! You will not want to miss it! In the meantime, remember to continue fundraising for the New Jersey Federation of Food Banks and filling out the forms to let us know of your contribution!


Since September, the International Programs Committee has been busy away finding innovative and exciting ways to get Key Clubbers involved with other inspiring service organizations like the K-Family!

Perhaps the most popular event, March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Day on November 17th was a day to be forever cherished. Key Club students throughout New Jersey showed off their true purple colors, promoting infant prematurity to their peers. Post-it notes were placed on one of every ten lockers to represent the number of babies who are born prematurely and ribbons were sold to raise money. All in all, the event was fantastic, not only by bringing together communities but also by spreading awareness for a very important cause.

Another way in which we like to promote other charities is by publishing monthly articles about the organization and how to get involved. The committee has decided to award all clubs who raise a significant amount of money for our three service partners: Unicef, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network.

Remember that service has no boundaries and we Key Clubbers must team up with other causes to benefit our homes, schools, and communities for the better! Please contact your LTGs or co-chairpersons Emma Clark ( and Iskander Turan ( if you have any concerns as to how to reach out to local organizations or raise money for our service partners.

ltg iskander turan



There are a great multitude of reasons to atte commonly called, is a fabulous weekend wher have the opportunity to mingle, enjoy activiti workshops led by your District Board. All of w next to the boardwalk. From our informal danc night there will be plenty of time to get to k course of this weekend. During District Conve writing to a talent show to scrapbook contests work you club does will be rewarded. The NJ D vention to reward clubs with other awards pert theme and the food you will not be disappoint trict Convention will be held April 1st throug never



end District Convention in April. Dcon, as it is re Key Clubbers from all around the state of NJ ies with one another as well as attend insightful which you can relish in at a beachside hotel right ce on Friday night to the formal ball on Saturday know your board, as well as your peers over the ention many different contests are also held, from s be assured that your talents as well as the extra District Board also sets aside time during the containing to their achievements. Between, this years ted while attending Dcon. This service year, Disgh to the 3rd and is one weekend you will surely r forget.



There are 58 clubs that have pai

Just a reminder; it is very importa but Key Club will still accept due

Dues are extremely important bec and DCON, they allow for servic

So don’t forget to pay dues as soo

You may wonder why you need to fill out a Club Monthly Report Form (also known as the CMRF.) CMR organization! If you fill out the CMRF on a monthly basis, you will easily be able to see where you want to improve- m the next month, or build your membership! Your Lieutenant Governors also look at your CMRF and are more than w to further improve your club! Additionally, the New Jersey District uses CMRFs to monitor club achievement for awa or DCON! CMRFs are the easiest way for Lieutenant Governors and the District Executive Board to see all the

If you fill out your CMRFs in a timely fashion, it will make filling out the Annual Achievement Report Fo vice year much easier! The AARF is the culmination of all the CMRFs, and therefore all your clubs’ accomplishm helps the New Jersey District gage eligibility for DCON contests, but also aid Key Club International in determinin You must also submit an

As you can see, filling out report forms is very important! Feel free to contact myself or your respective Lieu




id as of December 2nd which brings us to a total of 6,294 members.

ant that you pay dues! Both the Early Bird and the Regular deadlines have passed, es through the Membership Update Center!

cause they keep Key Club running; as well as funding events such as Fall Rally ce projects and charitable works to be possible—the purpose of Key Club!

on as possible!

RF’s are essential to your progress and maybe you want to fundraise more in willing to give you suggestions on how ards given out at District Convention, amazing work you do throughout the service year.

orm (or AARF), at the end of the serments! Filling out the AARF not only ng winners for International Contests! AARF to enter any DCON contests!

utenant Governor with any questions!



CLUBFEATURES Burlington Twp. High School Theatre Development Foundation LTG Zierra Dean

there had a great time, and most even showed up in costumes. We were glad to see that Halloween spirit was in the air! Even our Our Key Club here at Burlington Township High School is very members decided to dress lucky to be given the opportunity to send volunteers to New York up! The kids were delighted City multiple times each year. We are trained to be a part of a to see such characters as unique experience. The Theater Development Foundation gives Mario, Luigi and even a families with Autism the opportunity to attend Broadway Musicals, dinosaur- or, Yoshi maybe? typically something they would not be able to do. The foundaAfter the participants for the event got their fill on games and food, tion makes special modifications to the performance to better suit there was a prize table for the tickets they earned. We had loads of the families. They make prizes, like wiffleball bats and candies for them choose from. All in adjustments to the light all, the event ran fairly smoothly and we made many kids happy and sound. They create that day. Not to mention the money we raised for Unicef. We hope designated areas for when to continue this event next year so that we can keep helping out a the children need a break. great organization and our community. The Theater Development Foundation gives the families an opportuniJ.P. Stevens High School ty to go out and not worry about being judged. YUDA Bands Knowing that we helped LTG Stephania Gonzalez create an atmosphere where these families could come and be themselves without worrying about looks from others. In September, we As one of our first service projects for the 2015 service volunteered as part of Disney’s The Lion King! And as with other year we chose to sell Yuda Bands! Sales from Yuda Bands are used shows we have participated in, it was a truly amazing experience to to build scholarship funds for youth in developing nations who are interact with different families with many different stories. Seeing not able to continue their education beyond the end of public educathe smiles on their faces during and after the performance made me tion—6th grade due to their families’ financial circumstances. A realize that no matter what situation you are in, there is always a Yuda Band is a handmade leather and coconut bracelet from Guareason to smile. You just have to find it. Overall, that life-changing temala. As a club we have raised around $1300 and have sold over experience was one that I will hold near to my heart for the rest of 175 Yuda Bands! my life. Our Key Club executive board chose to sponsor 16 -year-old Willian Lool from Guatemala. He hopes to On October 17th, Bloomfield Key Club High School hosted the continue his studies Haunted Carnival. It was a fun filled event for the children in our so he can support community. All in all, we raised five-hundred dollars for his mom and 3 siblings; he wants to get a good job so he can help Unicef! The event, needless to say, was a huge success! All the his family buy a home. With every Yuda Band our club has sold, it people in attendance had a great time, there were games and enteradds to Willian’s scholarship funds. Selling Yuda Bands is a great tainment for all to enjoy. As you entered, you were given a card to mark of all the games that you played. You were allowed twenty way to bring awareness to the world’s poverty and how youth like us games of your choosing along with a visit to our balloon artist, face can make a difference just by purchasing a Yuda Band. “Join the youth empowering movement that’s changing lives through a simple, painters and the bouncy house! yet powerful youth-run service project.” The games there were a variety of creative carnival-style games. To name a few, there were; “Fish for a Skeleton!”, a “Spider-Infested Ring Toss”, and a “Pick-a-Duck” from a Cauldron. The children

Bloomfield High School Haunted Carnival LTG Josh Mariscal

Even though it’s getting colder outside, there is still plenty of service we do for our homes, schools, and communities! You can partner with other events (like parades or holiday parties) and ask if you can fundraise there to get higher attendance, or you can hold your own event! It is difficult to keep members active throughout the school year, so below are some winter fundraising ideas to help retain active membership! Small Winter Fundraising Ideas: Winter Themed Bake Sales Sell snowman cookies Sell hot chocolate mix Selling Candy Canes This is great for right before the winter break. Candy Canes are a sweet treat that are easy to sell at bake sales or around school to raise money! Competition to have teachers dress up like a snowman/Santa day This fundraiser is a lot of fun and people will want to participate! Here’s how it works: Make sure that you are able to rent a snowman/Santa suit Get four or five popular teachers that are willing to dress up like a snowman/Santa and set up boxes in the main office, cafeteria, or any common area of your school (set up boxes if you are collecting food, or jars if you are collecting money, like ‘penny wars’) Advertise to your school that you are holding this fundraiser! Ask students to donate to the box of whichever teacher they want to see dress up as a snowman/Santa) At the end of the fundraiser (a week would be a good length), count all the pounds (or items) of food or the amount of money raised. The teacher with the most amount of food/money has to dress up as a snowman/Santa for one day! This is a great fundraiser to do before winter break, that way it isn’t too distracting during classes. Selling Teddy bears/chocolate/roses for Valentine’s Day This doesn’t have to be specifically for Valentine’s Day, but it works well with the theme! You could also sell snowflakes or plush snowmen! Big Winter Fundraising Events: Snowball fight When it starts getting colder and it starts to snow, it doesn’t mean that you can’t hold outdoor fundraisers! If you have an open field that isn’t in use after it snows, you can charge people (either money or food) admission to participate in a town-wide snowball fight! Make sure that it is safe and that you get the field reserved. Snowman building contest After it snows, there are so many people who want to get out there and show their creative side! One afternoon, you can invite people or teams to come and build snow sculptures. After everyone is done, you can have judges pick a first place team and they can get a prize! You can also sell carrots, sticks, buttons, etc. for snowmen, and hot chocolate for spectators and builders! Winter-themed anything! You can hold winter-themed dances, dinners, talent shows, beauty pageants, sporting events – anything at which you can charge admission or hold a collection! Good Collection Items: Blankets Clothing: Coats Hats Mittens Socks Shoes (e.g. snow boots) Food! Toys and stuffed animals Other Service Projects: Make cards for veterans/children in the hospital Make hats/socks/mittens for the homeless


It’s chilly outside, pure white snow knee-high blanketing nature. A cup of hot cocoa fogs the air around itself, steam curling off the edges. Just like that cup of cocoa, Key Club seems to lose steam over the idle winter break. After the break, members may begin to slowly vanish, rarely participating in events, seldom attending meetings. Winter is here and, with it, the New Year. Take a nice long break, but remember to make those New Year resolutions. Maybe, your New Year resolution is to keep participation up in Key Club. It can be a challenge to keep members to participate Key Club events, especially after winter break when many students have already earned a sufficient number of hours and seniors have completed their applications. However, the key to more involvement lies in a few factors. Holding a meeting right before break enables you to provide a list of events that will take place after break. If members sign up in advance, before going off on break, they will continue the commitment after break. Having a meeting within the first two weeks is a sure way of checking who is still involved. Also, it allows your club to regroup. This first meeting of the New Year serves as a follow up for all events established before the break. Club meetings should be a time when members bond together and build a community within the school community. Include something for members to look forward to such as a popular ice breaker or food, a proven tactic to bring member to meeting. The more tightknit the community is, the more likely people will continue to be involved in Key Club. Continue to have a plethora of events that people can help out with. Key Clubbers are caring by nature and always on the look out to help. If you need volunteers, they will help. Without events to attend, Key Clubbers are at a lost; they believe their service is no longer required, although it really is! Try to keep your agenda brimming with as many events as it did before break. For example, fundraisers and bake sales are not only easy to set-up and organize, but are also very successful. Lastly, maintain officer involvement. Those in positions of leadership are looked upon as role models. Officer who are enthusiastic chanting, “Key Club is life,” and seem to wear more Key Club paraphernalia than anything else will significantly maintain people’s interest. With these tips in mind, you will surely be successful in your endeavors to continue member interest and participation after Winter Break. Don’t let winter freeze your club. Just pour some hot cocoa and keep Key Club steaming with enthusiasm and pride.



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