DCON, New officer tips - The Jersey Key - Mar 2012

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MARCH 2012

The Jersey Key

You Have Arrived District Convention is here. The beginning of your term is soon. Inside our final issue of The Jersey Key for this year, find tips for convention and for the first few weeks of your term.

The Jersey Key Volume 65, Issue 3 | March 2012

NO PURPLING The district board models their “No purpling” shirts, a play on the rule that no boys can be in girls rooms or vice versa during conventions.


Meet DCON host club Union High School 3 Find new organizations to help at the DCON service fair 3

Caucusing—What to look for in candidates 4 This year’s popular fundraisers 5 Project Showcase raises $1,300 for the Eliminate Project 6



Where will International Convention 2014 be? 8

The new officer How Montville plans one of the handbook most successful How to be more profesfundraisers in the sional 12 district 10 Get organized before eve-

Message from International Trustee Nick DePorzio 8

Need funds for a project? Apply for the $2,000 YOF grant 8 k-family

Marine Academy of Science and Technology President Liz McCormack shares advice for new presidents 11


rything piles up 12

Start committees to involve everyone in a large club 12

Former Key Clubbers join their Circle K district boards 9

College advice from Circle K district board members 9

The Jersey Key is the official publication of the New Jersey District of Key Club International. Each service year, three issues are released. In 2010 at the 64th New Jersey District Convention, the House of Delegates voted that only one issue of The Jersey Key could be printed each year. The District Bulletin Editor is responsible for creating The Jersey Key and is elected into office at District Convention. To submit articles to The Jersey Key, email the District Bulletin Editor at editor@njkeyclub.org.



March 2012



Union High School Meet the District Convention Host Club BY CELINA BAQUIRAN, LT. GOV. DIV. 14


Service. Can you feel the excitement? Here at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch, New Jersey, you’ll be able to experience one of the greatest events a New Jersey Key Club member could ever enjoy–the 66th Annual New Jersey Key Club District Convention. From electing new district executive officers, to meeting your upcoming lieutenant governors for the new service year–from informative workshops full of information like scholarships and how to obtain financial aid for college to winning contests that your club applies for–you’ll experience a weekend like no other, and that’s coming from me – someone who’s attended three New Jersey District Conventions. But more than just the district board deserves recognition. I’d like to thank every advisor, every president, every officer, and most importantly all 10,000 Key Club members in this district for all that you’ve done. You all dedicate countless hours to fundraising for the Eliminate Project, commit your Saturday mornings to cleaning up that one really messy area in your town, and so much more. You are all the base of this organization, you’re the reason Key Club is the largest and most successful high school serviceleadership organization in the world, and I cannot thank each and every one of you enough for that. I ask that you all continue to keep up the great work and all that you do for your homes, schools, and communities. Remember that caring is our way of life. Yours in caring, service, and friendship, Nicole Darrah GOVERNOR NEW JERSEY DISTRICT KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL


March 2012

UNION IS BEST KNOWN FOR ITS HISTORY— ecstatic and even more excited for District

the location of the Hannah Caldwell house Convention.” and the location of a Civil War battle. How- Union was started by the Union Kiwanis, ever, Union is also known for its strong and but unfortunately the Kiwanis dissolved, and active Key Club, the the Union Key Club host club of the was left to support 66th New Jersey themselves. Union has District Convention continued to be one of this year. the strongest clubs in “My first thoughts Division 14. were, ‘Oh my gosh! With two amazing They actually conadvisors, great officers, President Nicole Gradeza sidered us to host,’ and over 100 memwhich I believe is such a big deal, huge oppor- bers, Union continues to shine and is looktunity, and a blessing,” said Club President ing forward to walk the boardwalk of service Nicole Gradeza. “Out of the numerous Key with the rest of New Jersey.  Clubs in New Jersey, we were asked. I was so

“My first thoughts were, ‘Oh my gosh! They actually considered us to host!’”

What other organizations can your club help? Check some out at the service fair in the ballroom lobby BY JENN BRAUN, LT. GOV. DIV. 17 LEARN MORE ABOUT OTHER ORGANIZA-

tions that are in need of your help at the service fair. While attending the fair, test the skills of trained Seeing Eye dogs brought by Seeing Eye, or learn more about our district projects Eliminate and Children’s Specialized Hospital.

Other organizations appearing are To Write Love on Her Arms, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association, and March of Dimes. Learn about causes you may not even know existed, and become passionate about a specific organization you wish to soon begin advocating for.  3



This year’s most popular fundraisers BY NICOLE VENTRONE, LT. GOV. DIV. 8

CHILLING OUT Divisions 19 and 20 held a fundraiser at Rita’s last June. Rita’s donated part of what they made to the Eliminate Project.

Refer to the candidates packet for more info about executive office duties, and also for a list of questions you can ask during caucusing

THIS SERVICE YEAR HAS BEEN support the Eliminate Project, bers.

chockfull of fundraisers. Please with a brand-new district event: check out some of this year’s high- Project Showcase: Saving Lives lights for a year-in-review! Through Talent. Project Showcase was a talent Divisional dances competition with relatively no Last June, Divisions 13 and 15 dance raised money for Eliminate. Dances are also always a fun way to learn more about your division! From a winter wonderland event to a more formal affair, each dance was simply a ball.

The New Jersey District first held a round of Project Showcase events around the state. Once the winners from these divisional/codivisional talent shows were established, the New Jersey District hosted a statewide show on February 11. With acts ranging from hip-hop groups to violinists, there was an act to please all! And most notably, this combination of Showcase events brought in thousands of dollars for the Eliminate Project!

Restaurant nights

From divisional events to clubs fundraisers, the New Jersey DisDistrict Webmaster Wesley trict did a wonderful job of supYuan and Lt. Gov. Div. 19 porting a brand new district focus Jerry Zhang –the Eliminate Project. Great job, restrictions on the act performed. New Jersey!  Whether you sang, danced, or Project Showcase This service year Key Clubbers even did a few magic tricks, you had the exciting opportunity to were welcomed to display your talent for your fellow Key ClubWith food, friends, and fun, what more can you ask for? A restaurant night is a quick and easy way to raise money for the Eliminate Project.



March 2012



Talented high school students perform the final round of Project Showcase to support the Eliminate Project

Learn more about the Eliminate Project at www.theeliminateproject.org so that you can educate your members about our campaign with UNICEF.



Jersey District Board decided to run a series of talent shows to support the Eliminate Project. The district-wide round of Project Showcase: Saving Lives Through Talent took place on Saturday, February 11, 2012, at Millburn High School. As the show went on, the competition got increasingly intense. Small World Cru from Millburn and Rillistic Dance Crew fired up the audience, and the Lobaton Project, Konya Badsa, and Edward Lin all brought pleasure to our ears. Ultimately, the decision was made by our esteemed judges: District Administrator Ed Hutchinson, Zone Administrator Jeanne Hagen, and Katrina Badiola, a renowned dance director.


After much deliberation, singer Ace Taylor and Rillistic Dance Crew tied for third, guitarist Martin Del Prado got second place, and pianist John Franek took home $100 for first place! John said, "To me, showcase is such a wonderful thing because not only do you get to meet a lot of new and friendly people and see some great acts and talent but the money all goes to a great cause at the same time, which is primarily what made my experience at the projects showcase as wonderful as it was." Needless to say, the show was a great success and the NJ District Board is proud to say that we have raised over $1300 with the state-wide round alone, and over $8000 through all divisional rounds, collectively! ď ś

PROJECT SHOWCASE District Governor Nicole Darrah and Lt. Gov. Division 13 Nidhi Gurjar emceed the final round at Millburn High School. From concessions and tickets, the district raised $1,300 for the Eliminate Project.


March 2012




Last year, 12 candidates ran for different positions, a much higher number than previous years. This year there are nine candidates.

How to take advantage of your time meeting the candidates this weekend BY JIAYUN FANG, DISTRICT SECRETARY

VOTE Candidates prepare short speeches and answer a pre-determined question during the Meet the Candidates session on Saturday morning. Above are last year’s candidates at the beginning of the session.

Refer to the candidates packet for more info about executive office duties, and also for a list of questions you can ask during caucusing


LAST YEAR, YOU HAD THE presenting their candidacy.

power to choose the four executives to lead our district. This year, you, again, have the power to vote for your 2012-2013 New Jersey District Executive Board. The positions include Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor. All candidates have been trained at the Midwinter Training Conference earlier in March and have put forth their best efforts at

Before making your decision, you must first consider the duties that are required of every District Executive Board member. Check the candidates booklet at convention for a short description of their duties. During DCON, the best way to get to know the candidates for each position is to ask them questions during caucusing on Friday night.

Though creative questions like, “If Key Club were a kitchen appliance, what would it be?” can reveal character, you may want to ask questions that reveal a candidate’s leadership more. The time limit for the question round at caucusing on Friday night is short, so ask carefully! Best of luck exercising your power to vote! 


March 2012



What are you most excited for this weekend? A thank you from District Administrator Mr. Ed Hutchinson


HAVE YOU EVER PONDERED on the subject, “Where does the

time fly to?” It seems just like the other day I took over as administrator. Then I look back to all that has happened, and I am amazed what this Key Club board and district has accomplished. This board has done a wonderful job fulfilling their duties, from helping the clubs they are assigned to, to preparing and executing their plans for Midwinter, District Convention, and fundraising. I sure hope each of you, students and adults, had the pleasure to attend one of the Key Club Project Showcases for Eliminate Project. I had the privilege to attend the finals at Millburn High School. It was a last minute opportunity, but I am so glad I could. We are blessed with so much talent that these students have, and we get to enjoy and hold dear the experience that their talent offers us. I wish all could have won first place because they are worth it. Next is Key Club International Convention in Orlando, so start making your plans now if you want to attend. It is a great way to end this year and to start a new one. I have enjoyed working with Governor Nicole and her board and my thanks go to them for their work and friendship. They have done a wonderful job running this great district. You all should be proud for your accomplishments. I want to take this time to thanks the Key Club Committee— Anthony, Kaitlin, Marie, Jon, Ron, Laura, and Rob—for their work and desire to help the board and clubs. It is a team effort, and next year we will be a stronger team as we all learn to work together with our new knowledge under our belt. I also want to thank the volunteers—Steve, Jeanne, Matt, and Barrie and Celeste—that stepped forward to help me and the committee to prepare for Midwinter and the conventions.

"DCON is a place where Key Clubbers from all around NJ can get together and have a great time! Not only is it a great place to make new friends, it's a great place to make memories because Key Club isn't about making keys; it about making connections! Are you going to DCON? Akhinav Raval President, McNair Academic High School "The personal experiences I had last year changed me for the better, so I can't wait what changes it will bring this year. " Ankush Kumar Secretary, Dickinson High School “I'm excited to have some fun with the craziest Key Clubbers around!" Melika Behrooz Division 15 Lt. Governor-Elect, McNair Academic High School "Looking forward to be united with fellow Key Clubbers through service!" Omara Ali Vice President, Dickinson High School "I'm excited for all of the contests at DCON!" Damaris Pichardo President, Union City High School "The Key Club gathering will not only be fun, but a wonderful learning experience!" Parth Majmundar Vice President, County Prep High School


Don’t be in the dark Get district updates and leadership tips from our THE JERSEY KEY March 2012 new social media connections


New Jersey District of Key Club International




@njkeyclub 7



Where will International Convention 2014 be? Last January, the Key Club International Board met in Louisiana, where they decided to allocate funds to create a professional promotional video for Key Club. Also, to speed up voting at the House of There are 33 districts in Key Club, and Delegates at International Convention, the the California-Nevada-Hawaii District is the largest geographically and in board approved an electronic voting sysmembership. Their mascot is the bee. tem. The location of the 2014 convention was also decided. For those of you who will still be Key Club members, you’ll have a wonderful time in Anaheim, California! 

Find and share project ideas with the new Kiwanis Service Source Find new project ideas in the Kiwanis Service Source, a directory of fundraising and service project ideas for clubs. It’s interactive! Type in how many people will be involved, how much money you can spend, and how much time you have, and the Kiwanis Service Source will give you a list of projects suited for your needs. You can also submit your successful projects for other clubs to use. Visit spd.kiwanisone.org. 

This summer, find a project you need funding for and apply for a $2,000 grant in October. The Youth Opportunities Fund grant exists to provide extra funding for clubs with ambitions projects. Applications are due each year by October 15. Find the application online at www.keyclub.org, where you also read about how clubs around the country have used the grant.

International updates from Trustee Nick DePorzio How the year did fly! Your International Board has been working to improve our organization. The Translation Application was revised, we instituted new awards, and also approved new practices for International Convention. Last January, the board met in New Orleans. International officers from Kiwanis and Circle K were there too, and it was nothing less than a jubilant time! I have a question to ask you all. Have you ever performed a service project with a nearby club? If not, maybe you should try! To get a better idea of clubs in your area, check out a map at my website at For more trustynick.com, and click the International news New Jersey District informavisit Nick’s website: trustynick.com tion tab. My parting message to you is never to forget the connection you have to each other. We are here out of the love we feel towards each other. Yes, we have a commitment to making a difference, but we must remember to ask ourselves what that difference is. It is the difference we seek to make in the lives of our friends and neighbors, of those we love, that we pursue. So while the entire school begins to feel the effects of senioritis taking over, remember that your service must be as strong as ever, and we will have the power to move mountains. Thank you for all you have done. In caring and support, Nick DePorzio TRUSTEE TO THE OHIO, NEW JERSEY, AND NEW YORK DISTRICTS KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL

CONVENTION REMINDER No one is allowed on the beach between 6:00 pm and 6:00 am. Hotel security will patrol exits to the beach 8


March 2012


Circle K district board members offer college advice to seniors "Get involved! Some of the best friends I've made in college have been a result of community involvement (specifically Circle K)! You'll be connected with people who care about the same things you do, which usually leads to great friendships! Value your time college will fly by!" Conferences & Conventions Chair Rachel Moseson, 2012 Majors: English, Sociology


Bring Up Grades and Terrific Kids Are you familiar with these Kiwanis programs? BY AMI SHAH, LT. GOV. DIV 3A


"Look for volunteer opportunities in your potential field. It's a great way to try it out, make connections, get experience and serve your community at the same time. Also, buy your textbooks used online! It will cost you way less than the campus bookstore." Service Chair Elisabeth Breen, 2011 (BS), 2012 (MA) Major: Special Education, Math Minor: Deaf Studies "Don't be afraid to branch out and meet new people from all walks of life. Go away on trips, join new clubs, and explore all of the opportunities that college has to offer. Remember, college is not only about finding out who you are, its discovering who you are not." Seabreeze Division Lieutenant Governor Danielle Sammut, 2013 Major: Secondary Education, English "Forget everything you know and come in with an open mind. College gives you the opportunity to explore yourself, the world, & the people around you. Never turn down an opportunity and take full advantage of these upcoming years." Club Building & Revitalization Chair Shahrukh Shamshair, 2013 Major: Economics & Psychology Minor: Statistics "Don't take everything too seriously - you're still young and you've got time. Also, leave your doors open the first month of college. It's the best way to make friends." District Governor Jen Hsieh, 2012 Major: Marketing


March 2012

sponsor or co-sponsor with Kiwanis to interact with elementary school students. Visit the Kiwanis International website for more information. Terrific Kids is a recognition program that promotes character development, selfesteem and perseverance in elementary schools. “Terrific” is an acronym for Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible, Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive, and Capable. Students in the program work together with their teachers to improve their behavior, schoolwork, and relationships. Bring Up Grades (BUG) is another elementary school program. It is designed for students who raise and maintain their grades. Ask your sponsoring Kiwanis if they would like to co-sponsor one of these programs with you. It’s a good opportunity to do fulfilling service to elementary school students, and also a way for you and your local Kiwanis to work together. 

Circle K is in 11 colleges and universities in New Jersey, including TCNJ, Rowan, and Kean. 9



How Montville organizes one of the district’s most successful projects Food, music, and member involvement makes Montville’s annual volleyball tournament successful BY JERRY ZHANG, LT. GOV. DIV. 19 VOLLEYBALL MARATHON Last year, 58 teams competed in Montville’s event.

FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS, MONTVILLE HIGH lic relations. Below is a chart that outlines

Montville ran press releases in local newspaKey Club has hosted a volleyball tournament committees and sub-duties of each. pers and hung up flyers months in advance. in February. Last year, there were 58 regis- Food is what makes the amount raised sky- Word of mouth from past participants helped tered teams, making the total amount raised rocket. Because this is a charity event, restau- publicize the event too. almost $6500. rants are likely to donate free food to your As for tournament setup, Montville had a “MTHS's Volleyball Marathon requires the event as long as you have their menu or busi- single knockout bracket where any team that help of over one hundred Montville Key ness cards by the food. Some people come lost a game was eliminated, and the night Clubbers, months of coordicontinued until there were nation and service, and the “The event is six hours of fun, entertainment, and eight teams. They broke to support of our local commuof course, some intense volleyball skills. After all quarterfinals, semifinals, nity,” says Montville’s Vice then finals. The winthe trays of food are gone, the decorations taken and President Vishu Kumar. ning team of the entire tourStudents from surround- down, and the last volleyball is put away, it truly is nament received $100. Kiing towns come, alumni wanis got involved by being a night to remember.” come back to participate, referees, serving food, and Montville Vice President Vishu Kumar and even teachers make helping to publicize. teams. Most teams choose General members got involved by serving as solely for the food, so make sure there is to make uniforms, and a DJ plays hit music. doormen to prevent food from being brought plenty. Make sure to approach businesses with During the dinner break, a dance erupts in into the gyms and also served snacks. A great a letter or other legitimate documentation so the middle of the gym floor. way to increase turnout is to award points or they do not get the impression that you are Setup starts months in advance as the club just trying to get free food. It is a good idea to hours for Key Club members that take part in officers organize committees to cover every lay it out on a table and have people line up the tournament. They can also help with setaspect of the tournament. Committees inting up and cleaning.  to be served. clude food, decorations, invitations, and pub10


March 2012



Advice from the Marine Academy of Science and Technology’s club president BY KIMBERLY LU, DISTRICT TREASURER

Liz McCormack has always been a terrific example of a service leader. After serving as Lt. Governor of Division 8 during the 20102011 service year, she decided to return to her club to focus more of her leadership on service. With her bright smile, she was kind enough to share what she learned from her experiences as a member, a district officer, and a club president.

Why did you step down from running for a district office in order to run for club president? I really considered what would make me happiest and what has always made me happiest in the past is serving others with firsthand volunteering. I feel that Club President was a much more hands on role that allowed me to work one-on-one and alongside with my club members.

unteered so many hours for Children’s Specialized Hospital, and, along with the enhancements we have made, we’ve kept up our usual activities and spirit.

How did your term as lieutenant governor help you as club president? It taught me so much about managing time efficiently. As Lieutenant Governor, you were constantly busy and you constantly had something to work on. Club President is a little different. I Do you feel like you accomplished what you had know what to expect more. I know how to manage meetings, hoped to accomplish as create agendas, and speak in front president? Definitely. We have raised so of others more comfortably. Now, much money for Eliminate, vol- I feel cooler under pressure. THE JERSEY KEY

March 2012

SERVANT-LEADERSHIP This past year, Liz McCormack was president of the Marine Academy of Science and Technology Key Club, one of the strongest in the district.

What would you say is your favorite service project? My favorite service project is volunteering at the Tom’s River CSH. Being able to see the way Key Club affects the kids there is amazing because we’re really able to change their days. I think that the kids there really cherish being around others the same age as them and Key Clubbers also feel that impact.

in Tanzania. Despite the pressure my members and I felt, it turned out to be wonderful. As an individual, I feel that I’ve grown as a leader.

Do you have any advice for new presidents? I know that the role you’re taking on may see big and intimidating, but the rewarding aspect of the job trumps the obstacles you will face. If you have the same kind of wonderful advisor and supportive What do you feel has club that I have had, you are not been your biggest Key doing it alone. You will have peoClub accomplishment? For the second year in a row, my ple helping you along the way.  Key Club held a successful pasta dinner to fund a child’s education 11



How to be more Advice from lieutenant governors on how you can set yourself up for a successful service year professional

The new officer handbook


and community, it’s important to be professional. Here are just a few points to keep in mind:

Organize yourself early BY SARAH DIEFENBACH, LT. GOV. DIV. 4

Get a small filebox Keep a folder or binder just for Key Club work. Knowing where everything is will make things easier and you can pass down your work to the following officers so they can use it as a reference.

and don’t be afraid to ask each other for help or voice a new fundraising project!

Club events.

Be a role model Past President Stephanie Huie Update members through says, “Dedication, commitment, and passion about Key Club and Facebook groups and service are the most important Twitter tips you can receive. To be an Not everyone may come to a officer of any group, you are the meeting check their emails as Call your officers weekly frequently as us Key Clubbers. If leader, so the officers should be If the officers aren’t communicat- you don’t have one already create the most enthusiastic, the most involved out of anyone and ing, then how do you know the a Facebook page or Twitter acmembers are as well? Close officount, this will inform members should be setting the example for others.”  cers will get more accomplished of upcoming meetings and Key

Use committees to involve all members in a large club BY JOSEPH TOUMANIOS, LT. GOV. DIV 18 AMONG THE CORE VALUES OF events,

Key Club is inclusiveness, but in larger clubs it may seem harder to find a job for everyone, or even manage everything all at once. The simple solution is to create committees. Overseen by the Vice President, some common committees that can help organize projects and increase productivity are as follows. Kiwanis-Family Relations committee keeps contact with the rest of the local K-family who can help your club. Public Relations Committee can work with the editor to make newsletters, publicize 12

create marketing campaigns and make Key Club stand out among other clubs. Program Committee is in charge of making sure members stay interested at meetings, that they stay informed, and may present interesting speakers, videos, or other entertainment as they see fit. Project Committee will plan and organize service projects which interest their club, such as organizing a visit to Children’s Specialized Hospital. Social Committee recognizes members for outstanding dedication and work ethic, as well as organizing events such as dances

or talent shows. Membership Development which, as the name implies, recruits new members and shows the joy and accomplishments offered by Key Club, often working with the Public Relations Committee. Though these are only a few current committees feel free to create your own and be creative with what your club needs most. By doing so you offer opportunities for members to get involved, learn leadership through being a committee leader, and enjoy Key Club even more. 

Have a legitimate email address. Communication through email is one of the primary ways a leader disseminate information. Be sure to have a professional name. For example, your first name and your year of birth. Avoid email addresses such as x0xbabii@yahoo.com or thuglyfe@gmail.com. Those emails leave a bad impression on the recipient and cause them to take you less seriously. Dress neatly to all occasions. We may say to never judge a book by its cover, but honestly, we all do. This is not to say you have to wear luxury brands and have your hair professionally done at every event, but rather, be sure to dress cleanly and appropriately for the situation. Don’t dress in a sloppy manner as it affects others perception of your character. Behave. Every action you make reflects your own person, as well as your club. Your friends might be going to parties and engaging in unsafe behaviors such as underage drinking, but as a member of Key Club, you are expected to abstain from such actions. In Key Club, we treat you like adults and entrust you with many responsibilities, and in return, we expect you to act like adults.  ISSUU.COM/NJKEYCLUB

March 2012

Key Club is fun. Disney World, Cirque du Soleil, and 2,000 Key Clubbers from around the world.

Make your summer meaningful INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2012 // July 1 - July 8 // Orlando, FL

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