2010-2011 New Jersey District Handbook

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New Jersey District Handbook

2010 - 2011 Compiled by District Secretary Kevin Sun

TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Secretary’s Welcome Governor’s Welcome 2010-2011 Executive Board Goals Trustee’s Message Key Club International Information Calendar of Events Regional Training Conferences Fall Rally District Convention International Convention District and International Contests New Jersey Scholarships New Jersey Key Club District Board Committees District Project: Children’s Specialized Hospital District Project Overview CSH Fundraising CSH Service Public Relations Public Relations Committee Overview Club Building Membership Growth Club Public Relations Club Reactivation K-Family Relations Circle K Relations District Programs District Programs Committee Overview Advocacy & 2009-2010 Advocacy Focus International Programs International Programs Committee Overview Service Partners Major Emphasis Program Youth Opportunities Fund Key Leader Program District & International Dues Divisional Breakdown: NJ District Organization New Jersey District Key Club Divisional Map New Jersey District Website


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SECRETARY’S WELCOME Dear Key Clubbers, Advisors, and Kiwanians, It is truly my pleasure, as District Secretary of the great district of New Jersey, to present to you the 20102011 New Jersey District Handbook, with articles written by your fellow board members. The District Handbook serves a pivotal purpose for the success of the New Jersey District, acting as the manual to which you refer. The quintessential encyclopedia for all tidbits of New Jersey Key Club knowledge and your guide when you are lost, this handbook will act as your north star. Again, this year, we have adopted the electronic distribution of District Handbooks via CD as to be environmentally friendly as well as remain within the district budget. What is in this handbook you ask? The handbook begins with an overview of large district events to come: Regional Training Conferences, Fall Rally, District Convention, and International Convention. Following the “Calendar of Events,” we come to the functions of each New Jersey District Board Committee. This category includes information on the District Project, Public Relations, District Programs, and International Programs standing committees. These committee subsections are divided into further subsections as they delve into articles that explicate what each of the committees represent. Perhaps more important than the sheer Key Club knowledge contained in this handbook is the contact information for each part of the Kiwanis family that interacts with the District and ultimately, you. Contact information from your International officers, District officers, Circle K officers, and Kiwanis officers are included within the handbook. This contact information is made available to you so that you may contact us, so never hesitate. The largest and most important part of the handbook is the club directory, which includes contact information of every club in the New Jersey District. This information is available to encourage interclub participation on divisional events or other functions, so please, feel free to communicate with them. Communication, after all, is one aspect I hope to emphasize during the service year. On a final note, all of the contact information published within the District Handbook is for Kiwanis Family purposes only. When you become a member of the K-Family, other organizations may ask to retrieve information from you, but we ask that you do not relinquish any personal information to anyone outside the Kiwanis Family. For privacy reasons, the electronic version of the District Handbook available online at www.njkeyclub.org does not include the District Board roster, Circle K District Board roster, Kiwanis District Board roster, or the club directory. If you require additional copies or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Yours in caring and service,

Kevin Sun 2010-2011 New Jersey District Secretary


GOVERNOR’S WELCOME Hello Kiwanis Committee, District Board, Club Advisors, Kiwanians and NJ Key Club Members, My name is Rachel Orbach, and I am fortunate enough to say that I have the pleasure of serving as your New Jersey District Governor for the 2010-2011 service year. I have been a member of Key Club throughout my years at Holmdel High School, starting my journey as a general member, slowly rising through the ranks, and gaining insight and expertise along the way. At the end of my freshman year I was elected as my home club‟s Vice President, and the following year I was elected as the Lieutenant Governor of Division 9. Throughout the year I was presented with many amazing opportunities, met many people and heard many stories. During that year, I learned an immense amount about Key Club while developing my leadership skills. My experience as a Lieutenant Governor opened my eyes up to my own full potential, which is why I decided to take the leap of faith and run for District Governor. That is what brings me here pledging and promising to serve you all to the best of my ability. Throughout this year I would like to focus on improving and restoring lines of communication throughout the district. This applies to improved communication on the club level between officers, advisors, and general members. This also applies to district level, in which I hope to have strong lines of communication with every member of the board. Communication is the key to success, and it is essential that it remains strong in order for the district to operate optimally. In addition, I also aim to strengthen lines of communication between our Kiwanis counterparts to help promote better relations with our Kiwanis Family counterparts. It is essential that Key Club members give back to Kiwanis, our parent organization. Over the past four years, the New Jersey District has created a bond with Children‟s Specialized Hospital. Key Clubs across the state have donated countless hours of service and risen over $300,000 for CSH. Because the past four years have been wonderful, we have chosen to work with Children‟s Specialized Hospital as our District Project for the fifth year in a row! There are plenty of new ideas for all clubs to participate in to promote fundraising. Doing so will allow us to reach and surpass our fundraising goal of $75,401.65. For example, clubs can participate in Generosity Rocks, a district-wide battle of the bands style benefit concert! In addition to fundraising, I would like to put an emphasis on service this year, for it is often times overlooked. Any club of any size can participate in a simple service project to benefit Children‟s Specialized Hospital and help us reach our service goal of 15,700 hours. The best way to get a hands-on feel for the organization which we all dedicate so many countless hours to is to participate in Recreational Therapy at your local CSH location, so don‟t forget to call your designated recreational therapy contact and schedule a visit! Now that you‟ve read about my ideas for the upcoming service year, let‟s make them happen! Together, we can make this service year one of the most successful yet. I am thrilled to work with you all this year, and I have full confidence that we will surpass each one of our goals, including those for UNICEF, March of Dimes, and many other service partners which you will be hearing about throughout the year. I am always eager to hear what clubs have to say, so please, never hesitate to get in touch with me via email, call, etc. I would love to hear any suggestions you may have to improve the quality of our district as a whole, and I‟d be equally as willing to answer any questions that come to mind. Yours in Caring and Service, Rachel Orbach 2010-2011 New Jersey District Governor


2010-2011 EXECUTIVE GOALS Governor Rachel Orbach’s Goals Our mighty New Jersey District is one of the best in Key Club International for this sole reason: we are so mighty in every way. The success of this district can be attributed to the thousands of dedicated Key Club members who selflessly devote themselves to help others. Thanks to the commitment of the Key Club members in this district, we are able to set high standards and reach our goals every year. Along with the service and fundraising goals our district sets for the year, I have personal goals I would like to achieve. My goals are as follows:

  

Improve communication throughout the district between clubs, the district board, and Kiwanians. Communication is the key to success and it is important to always be in contact with your fellow officers, your club and Kiwanis advisors, and your lieutenant governor. Strengthen K-Family ties within the district. It‟s important to give back as much as we receive from Kiwanis, our parent organization Re-instill and reinforce the value of service. Service is easy, it‟s fun, and anyone can get active in a service project, regardless of the club‟s size.

I know that as mighty New Jersey Key Club members, we can fulfill all of our goals and expectations, and I am eager to get started! I am always here to help, so please never hesitate to ask. Let‟s make this the best service year yet!

Secretary Kevin Sun’s Goals Hello! My name is Kevin Sun, your District Secretary for the 2010-2011 service year. I earned your vote on the promise of making this year the best of all service years, and I will tell you this: I do not break my promises. So how are we going to do this, you ask? They say the best way to achieve success is to set goals for yourself. Well, here are a couple of mine:  Streamline the entire Key Club process. What I mean by this is that you, the Key Clubber, are my most important priority. On the District level, we cannot squander time that could be better spent planning the success of your club experience.  Ensure communication throughout the District. Another facet of success comes in the form of sound communication through promoting K-Family relations, helping weaker clubs, and increasing membership for the District in general.  Reinvigorate the spirit of service. This is supposed to be what Key Club is all about, so let us make sure it is our primary focus. The New Jersey Key Club District, I can safely say, is one of the best districts in all of Key Club International, but there is always so much more to do. Let it be said that this year was when our limits have been tested and ultimately overcome. If you have any questions, I invite you to ask away; I am your resource.


2010-2011 EXECUTIVE GOALS Treasurer Devan Corona’s Goals My name is Devan Corona and I am so excited to be your New Jersey District Treasurer for the 2010-2011 service year. It is great to be back in the position for a second term and my first goal is to build on years past. We can all look back and improve and I would like to do that as your Treasurer. As a member of the Executive Board, it is my job to help make your Key Club experience be the best it can be. I encourage every member to contact me directly if they need assistance of any sort throughout the year. I also want to make sure that your dues money is being used wisely. Already, our NJ District of Trustees has approved our operating budget that is designed with every member in mind. There is a new system that ensures dues revenue goes to making sure clubs are receiving the support they deserve. Dues collection is a tough task every year and I want to see a huge improvement this year. There is no reason that a club should be left out of the district because they didn‟t know how to pay or simply did not have the desire. I really feel that we will have a great this year. I have been to District Convention and I have seen the drive and passion this year‟s club and district officers have. These traits can take us to the next level with the right guidance. The entire District Board is here to guide you whenever you may require assistance.

Editor Nicole Darrah’s Goals Hello! My name is Nicole Darrah, and I am excited to serve as your District Editor for the 2010-2011 service year. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be New Jersey Key Club‟s best year thus far! As Editor, it is my job to create three issues of our District‟s official publication, The Jersey Key. My main goal this year is to get Key Clubbers more involved within the District! A few goals I have in mind to accomplish this task is:  To have Key Club members and advisors nominated for the Outstanding Member/Outstanding Advisor award in The Jersey Key (for more information, contact your Lieutenant Governor)  To create service-based newsletters every so often to inform and motivate people about service and fundraising projects  To have more Key Clubbers write articles for The Jersey Key, as well as continue to have them submit art, written prose, photography, or anything else they‟d like to show off to the District  Having members choose the Key‟s theme by voting in a poll on njkeyclub.org I‟m pleased to say one of my goals has already been accomplished with the help of our District Webmaster. The Advice Column, which is located on the District‟s website under The Jersey Key section is more than what I expected, so feel free to check it out! I look forward to having a successful service year as your District Editor! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I‟m just a text message, phone call, or Facebook chat away!


KEY CLUB GENERAL INFORMATION by LTG Division 21 Gabrielle Gutierrez Congratulations! You have chosen to be a part of the oldest and largest service program for high school students: Key Club International! Here are some facts other key facts:   

Key Club is a youth-service leadership organization sponsored by Kiwanis International Key Club is entirely student-led at every level: Key Club International, districts, and individual clubs are all ran by students Today, Key Club exists on more than 5,000 high school campuses, primarily in the United States and Canada, but also in the Caribbean nations, Central and South America, and most recently, Asia and Key Club Pledge

I pledge, on my honor, To uphold the Objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school and community; To serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. Motto

“Caring...our way of life.” Key Club Colors

Blue: Unwavering Character Gold: Service White: Purity New Jersey District Song

New Jersey is the district where the Key Club are the best; New Jersey is the district, we‟re the best of all the rest; We‟ll take „em to the caucuses and when the night is done; You‟ll know who‟s number one! Glory Glory to New Jersey Glory Glory to New Jersey Glory Glory to New Jersey You‟ll know who‟s number one!

Key Club International Objectives:      

To develop initiative and leadership. To provide experience in living and working together. To serve the school and community. To cooperate with the school principal. To prepare for useful citizenship. To accept and promote the following ideals:  To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life.  To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.  To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship, and social contacts.  To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.  To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service, and to build better communities.  To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and good will.

For more information, please visit the Key Club International website at http://www.keyclub.org


CALENDAR OF EVENTS RTCs by LTG Division 2 Meagan Koch

Are you ready to rock? Rock out with service that is! Join the NJ District of Key Club International as we „rock‟ Regional Training Conferences (RTCs). All general members, executive board officers, and advisors are encouraged to come and learn how to have a rockin‟ service year. RTCs are opportunities for you to learn more about your role in this organization and how you can be more involved in your community. From new and informative workshops to fun and invigorating icebreakers, your club is guaranteed to come away with awesome tips to amplify your year. RTCs include workshops about various organizations such as our Children‟s Specialized Hospital, UNICEF, March of Dimes, Children‟s Miracle Network, and Kiwanis International‟s New Worldwide Service Project, the „Eliminate Project‟. Also, at RTCs you can learn how to make your meetings more interactive and fun, how to hold unique and successful fundraisers, and how to publicize for all of your club‟s events. There are also individual enrichment workshops such as public speaking. Plus, each and every executive board member will be able to attend a workshop led by their counterpart on the district board to learn more about their duties and responsibilities for the service year. Whether you are a general member or a club president, you will learn just how important your role is in the mighty New Jersey District. Attending RTCs will allow your club to have a record breaking year. This fall, RTCs will be held in 3 locations. The south RTC will be held at Central Regional High School, Sunday, September 19; the north RTC will be held at Millburn High School, Saturday, September 25; the central RTC will be held at JP Stevens High School, Sunday, September 26. Registration begins at 9:00 am and training will end around 1:00pm. This awesome event is free of charge and breakfast and lunch will be served. Please try to attend the conference that is most convenient for you. Attendance is also encouraged for club officers that would like to be considered for the distinguished officer award, as attending an RTC is part of the criteria. If you have any questions feel free to contact your Lieutenant Governor or chairperson Meagan Koch (ltgdiv18@gmail.com) or visit http://njkeyclub.org/events/rtcs. This is a can’t miss event for all executive board and general members. Join us as we make RTCs a smash hit.


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Fall Rally by LTG Division 9 Sami Fiorino

Every year, thousands of Key Clubbers from across New Jersey gather at Six Flags Great Adventure for the biggest event of the year: Fall Rally. This year, it will be held on Sunday, October 10. As thousands of key clubbers fill the stands of the arena, be prepared for a thrilling day. The morning will start off with a fiftyminute rally and then you can set off on a wild adventure to El Toro or to the top of King Da Ka…if you dare. Enjoy your hour in the park before the general public piles in! At this year‟s Fall Rally, you can “Sing the Song Service,” because the theme is music! So come dressed up as your favorite singer and if your outfit is the best, you will win a prize, so dress to impress! This year’s Fall Rally only costs $32 if you get your payment in by October 1, the early registration deadline. If you pay late, or pay at the door, it will cost you $37. Not only do you get to be in the park before the public, but you also get in for half of the price! And for all of you lucky season pass holders, Fall Rally will only cost you $6! So be a part of the 3,000 Key Clubbers of New Jersey by coming to Fall Rally. However, before all of that, start planning now! Start talking to your clubs about attending, and if your club already attends, talk about how you can get more people to come. Get in touch with your schools and their respective boards of education now about arranging transportation because the situation could get very troublesome if you wait too late. If you are having any trouble planning your transportation or are worried about the cost talk to your schools and sponsoring Kiwanis about it. They are there to help you out! And of course, start getting excited and spreading the word. This year, like every year, we have a goal to reach 3,000 key clubbers. But unlike any other year, we will reach that goal with your help! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Lieutenant Governor. They will help you with any problems you may have and have all of the information that you will need! And don‟t forget to “Sing the Songs of Service” as a part of the 3,000 this year.


CALENDAR OF EVENTS District Convention by LTG Division 14 Jiayun Fang

District Convention (DCON) is a weekend event where Key Clubbers from all over the state gather to celebrate the end of a great service year and the dawn of a new one. Last year, the New Jersey District held its 64th annual DCON from April 16 to18, which welcomed over 700 Key Clubbers. Themed “Traveling the World of Service,” DCON was jam-packed with information sessions, dances, contests, and so much more! At this past year's DCON, we were fortunate enough to have Mr. Palazzolo, the Kiwanis International President, as our Keynote speaker. So, what do you actually do at DCON? There are a variety of educational and motivational workshops, including officer workshops, UNICEF, and simply fun workshops such as last year‟s “Belly Dancing.” If you want to (which most people do), you can go to the talent show, leave for the giant King-of-Prussia mall, and participate in the oratorical and essay contests. And there is no forgetting the incredible Friday night dance where people party the night away! One of the most exciting parts about DCON, however, is the presentation of awards. One after another, high-achieving clubs, officers, and members are distinguished by the Kiwanis and the New Jersey District Executive Board. Later on that day, you will have the opportunity to see the candidates for District office make their speeches and parade through the auditorium. And the dances never end, because Saturday night is our formal dance! Time to look fancy! On the last day, we do what Key Clubbers do best! We perform service by holding a CSH Walk in the morning while having fun doing it! If you are interested in finding inspiration through the awesome words of our Keynote speaker, cheering as loud as humanly possible for your division and winning the spirit stick in doing so, dancing the night away for two nights, watching how talented your fellow Key Clubbers are, and performing service while meeting great new people and having the best three-day weekend of your life, come to next year‟s DCON! It will be our 65th annual DCON to be held, again, at Valley Forge Convention Center from April 8 to 10. We‟ll see you there!


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Intl. Convention by LTG Division 16 Jared Greene

Imagine one week filled with the most incredible people, experiences, and information that you could ever imagine. All of this, imagine, I ask you again, amidst a backdrop of service, caring, and true friendliness seen nowhere else in the world. Impossible, you say? Well, you‟re currently picturing the New Jersey Key Club International Tour. Whether it‟s a thrilling rollercoaster, an exciting visit to a zoo or museum, or a session filled of inspiration and cheers there‟s not a moment when you find yourself without an irreplaceable smile that won‟t seem to vanish. This past year, during the 2010 International Tour we did some amazing things, including a visit to Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley, and a fun day at Cedar Point, the rollercoaster capital of America. Once you arrive at the convention center, the fun really begins! Between an awe inspiring presentation by your Keynote speaker and an awesome service fair that really kindles some great ideas, you begin to realize how special the week will be. While the workshops provide you with information and resources to bring back home, the sessions will have you crying, laughing, and cheering your lungs out. There is one aspect, however, of the convention that will be by far the best part of the week and that‟s the people. Whether you are just grabbing a bite to eat, stepping into an elevator, or simply exploring the city, you are sure to return with a new friend every time. With a hotel filled with thousands of the most inclusive, caring, and friendly people you‟ll ever meet it is impossible to walk 10 yards without making a new friend. Throughout the entire week, the unshakable sense of caring and friendliness is, without a doubt, evident. It creates an atmosphere unlike any other which allows knowledge, friendship, and a whole new understanding of the organization we all love so much grow in the hearts and minds of everybody in attendance. Now get excited, pumped, and ready for next year’s convention in Phoenix, Arizona from July 29 to July 3! When school is over, Key Club is always still there. Key Club continues to serve, continues to nurture, and continues to have fun. There will be more dances and workshops, more fun and laughs, and more key clubbers to create lasting friendships with. It is sure to be another incredible week so do not miss your chance to have the time of your life! Make sure to ask your lieutenant governors about attending ICON when the summer is near! See you there!


DISTRICT AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS by LTG Division 4 Kirsten Reed At District Convention each year clubs are called to receive the awards listed below, bringing honor and prestige to their members and school. Any club can be distinguished in these free contests. The Contest Packet will be available in early December with even more contest details. Club Website Award: Honors the best websites based on layout, content, photos, Key Club logos, font size, general attractiveness, and loading speed of the site. Single Service Award: Recognizes individual Key Clubs for their single best service project. The four categories are based on the various membership sizes of clubs. Club Bulletin Award: Recognizes the THREE best NJ Key Club newsletters written by club editors. Kiwanis Family Relations Award: Distinguishes clubs with the best overall Kiwanis Family Relations. Major Emphasis Program Award: Given to the three Key Clubs with the best MEP Project on the theme. Club Achievement Award: Honors exceptional clubs. MANDATORY submission if attending convention. Tick-or-Treat for UNICEF: One award is given to the club who has raised the greatest amount of money per member and the other is to the club who has raised the most money for UNICEF in total. Dr. Andrew Batsis Outstanding Kiwanis Club Sponsorship Award: Awards a Key Club Kiwanis Advisor who has gone above and beyond his/her responsibilities. Dr. Andrew Batsis Key of Honor: The recipient shall be an individual who has made a life-long positive impact upon youth in general and Key Club in specific, or an organization that should be so honored for a long-term support of youth and the Key Club program. Dominico Gatti Faculty Advisor Award: Recognizes a Key Club Faculty Advisor who has gone above and beyond his/her responsibilities. Traditional & Non-traditional scrapbook Contest: Prizes are given for the top three Scrapbooks in each category pertaining to the Key Clubâ€&#x;s past service year. Robert J. Mascenik Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award: Recognizes a distinguished Kiwanis Advisor who has gone above and beyond his/her responsibilities in serving Key Club and youth. Register for the following contests at convention Impromptu Essay: Clubbers will be given an hour to write an essay which will be judged on content, grammatical accuracy, originality, and clarity. Oratorical Contest: A five minute speech is judged on clarity, depth, originality, reference, grammar, word choice, posture, voice, and audience attention. Talent Contest: Talent presentations in good taste are judged on content, performance, poise, audience response, and personal evaluation. The following are due at DCON Computer & Drawn Poster Contests: Create a poster to recruit new Key Club members. It will be judged based on appearance and effectiveness of message. Video Contest: Create a video designed to promote Key Club, your Key Club, or both. No entry form is required for the following Awards District Project Award: Recognizes two clubs that have made the largest donation to the NJ District Project, Childrenâ€&#x;s Specialized Hospital. Distinguished Officer Award: Given to all club officers who have exceeded expectations throughout the year, and is awarded by your LTG. Big 10 Award: Honors clubs who have increased in membership by ten percent. With this, make sure your dues and online roster are up to date and correct so that you can be considered for this award! Early Bird Dues Award: Awarded to all clubs who paid dues by November 1, 2009.


NJ KEY CLUB SCHOLARSHIPS by LTG Division 13 Joseph Bonaccorso

Key Club offers a variety of scholarships on the district level. They are granted to individuals who successfully fulfill the requirements of a given scholarship. As we progress along the service year, more information about scholarship application will be released, so be ready! Nevertheless, it is never too early to start pondering about these scholarships early. Keep them in mind, seniors! The following is a list of all of the scholarships that the New Jersey District of Key Club International has to offer. To properly apply for one of the scholarships the applicant must submit the following: the common application form (in the Scholarships Packet), an authorized copy of their high school transcript, a description of Key Club projects they have participated in, description of their most-memorable non-Key Club extracurricular activity, one essay on their single favorite Key Club service project they took part in, completed Advisor Verification form (also in the Scholarship Packet), and finally two letters of recommendation. All applications will be due post marked by March 1, 2011.             

The NJ District Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship, $2,000 The George McCrossan Memorial Scholarship $2,000 The Dr. Andrew Batsis Memorial Scholarship $1,000 The Dominico Gatti Memorial Scholarship $1,000 The John Johnson Memorial Scholarship $1,000 The Robert J Mascenik Memorial Scholarship $1,000 The New Jersey District Service Based Scholarship $1,000 The Fred Biggs Memorial Scholarship $1,500 The Dr. Gene Napoliello Leadership Scholarship $1,000 The Celeste and Barrie Werfel Scholarship $1,000 Four scholarships jointly funded by Kiwanis International Foundation and the NJ District Key Club $1000 One NJ District Scholarships $500 each Four NJ District Scholarships $1,000 each


NJ DISTRICT BOARD COMMITTEES Standing Committees Public Relations

District Project Steering

District Programs

District Editor Nicole Darrah (Co-Chairperson) Lt. Governor Brian Cheung (Co-Chairperson)

Lt. Governor Chris Godshall (Fundraising Chairperson) Lt. Governor Ami Shah (Service Chairperson)

Lt. Governor Aimee Meissner Lt. Governor Neepam Shah Lt. Governor Connie Phung Lt. Governor Elizabeth McCormack

Lt. Governor Gabrielle Lt. Governor Meagan Gutierrez Koch Lt. Governor Crystal Ibe Lt. Governor Sami Fiorino Lt. Governor Joseph Bonaccorso Lt. Governor Kirsten Reed

International Programs

District Secretary Kevin Sun (Co-Chairperson) Lt. Governor Julia Dickhaus (Co-Chairperson)

Lt. Governor Jared Greene (Co-Chairperson) Lt. Governor Harsh Swaminarayan (Co-Chairperson) Lt. Governor Sarah Noorani Lt. Governor Kimberly Lu Lt. Governor Tom Kraeutler Lt. Governor Jiayun Fang District Treasurer Devan Corona

Special Events Committees Regional Training Conferences

Fall Rally Programs

Fall Rally Registration

Lt. Governor Meagan Koch (CoChairperson)

Lt. Governor Sami Fiorino (Chairperson)

District Treasurer Devan Corona (Chairperson)

Lt. Governor Brian Cheung Lt. Governor Chris Godshall Lt. Governor Gabrielle Gutierrez Lt. Governor Harsh Swaminarayan Lt. Governor Jiayun Fang Lt. Governor Julia Dickhaus District Secretary Kevin Sun

Lt. Governor Connie Phung Lt. Governor Ami Shah Lt. Governor Elizabeth McCormack Lt. Governor Neepam Shah Lt. Governor Kimberly Lu Lt. Governor Sarah Noorani District Editor Nicole Darrah

Lt. Governor Kirsten Reed Lt. Governor Jared Greene Lt. Governor Crystal Ibe Lt. Governor Aimee Meissner Lt. Governor Tom Kraeutler Lt. Governor Joseph Bonaccorso


DISTRICT PROJECT: CSH Overview by LTG Division 6 Chris Godshall For the fifth year in a row, the New Jersey District of Key Club International will challenge itself with the task of fundraising for and performing service at Children‟s Specialized Hospital. The New Jersey District has, over the past four years, dedicated countless hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars to this extraordinary hospital and we have come to love the patients like our own family. This year it is that very love and dedication that will carry us through and help us reach and surpass our goals. We have shown our devotion to this cause for four years now, but let‟s not get bored; let us show them our devotion again, in another year of service. Children’s Specialized Hospital is the largest pediatric rehabilitation center in the United States. It has eight sites in New Jersey and treats over 16,000 children every year for things like brain and spinal injuries, premature birth, autism, and other life-altering ailments. No child is ever turned away no matter how severe his or her illness or because of the family’s inability to pay. Anyone under the age of twenty-one will be treated at the hospital for as long as is necessary for them to recover and will experience the love, care, and positive attitude of the amazing staff at Children‟s Specialized Hospital. It is because of all of these things that the New Jersey District of Key Club International does its best to fundraise for CSH. The money we raise goes to helping offset some of the costs for the purchasing of special supplies and equipment at the four main CSH sties. This year our Fundraising Goal is $75,401.65. The seventy thousand represents our seven days a week dedication to the patients at Children‟s Specialized Hospital and their families; the five thousand signifies the fifth year of our service to this unbelievable hospital; the four hundred and one denotes the thousands of dollars that the New Jersey District will have raised at the end of this, the fifth, year of service to CSH; and lastly, the sixty-five is in honor of the sixty-fifth anniversary of the New Jersey District of Key Club International. However, this goal is unreachable if we do not work hard this year in our individual fundraisers. Some good fundraising ideas are walks, socials, restaurant nights, CSH merchandise sales, and any other project you can think of. The District as a whole will also be holding its own fundraisers such as the CSH Walk held every year at District Convention. But the New Jersey District doesn‟t just fundraise for Children‟s Specialized Hospital! On any given weekend, you may find a New Jersey Key Clubber serving at the hospital directly. The 2010-2011 Service Goal is 15,700 hours. This number represents 100 hours of service for every Key Club in New Jersey. So think about it; if every club sends a few members to CSH for a couple hours of service throughout the year, we‟ll reach the goal without a problem. The best way to serve at the Hospital is through Recreational Therapy and CSH Week (October 30th to November 7th) is a great time to do it! Children‟s Specialized Hospital needs the help of every Key Clubber in New Jersey. We have reached our goals before, so let‟s do it again! Let‟s make our fifth year of service to these children extraordinary and unforgettable. If you have any questions about the District Project, feel free to contact the District Project Steering Fundraising Chairperson Chris Godshall at chrisltgdiv6@gmail.com or District Project Steering Service Chairperson Ami Shah at amishahltg3@gmail.com.


DISTRICT PROJECT: CSH Fundraising by LTG Division 18 Meagan Koch With a high fundraising goal of $75,401.65, each Key Clubber in New Jersey is needed to dedicate his or her year to helping us reach this goal. Although it may just look like a crazy, random number on paper, this years fundraising goal has meaning, the 7, is for the seven days of service each member will dedicate this year, the 5, for the five years we have worked with this amazing hospital, the 401, equals the amount of money in thousands we will have donated to CSH in five years if we reach this goal, and the 65, represents the sixty-fifth anniversary of New Jersey District Key Club. The money we raise goes towards equipment, medications, children‟s medical bills and so much more. Therefore in order to help us reach this goal we need your support. Listed below are some fundraising ideas for your and your club to participate in: -Bake Sales -Clothing Sales -Car Washes -Street Fairs -Stall Days -Ink Cartridge recycling -Ribbon Sales -Stall Days -Dances -Restaurant Nights -Mini Golf Tournaments -Volleyball Tournaments -Aluminum Can Recycling -Candy Grams

Service by LTG Division 3 Ami Shah Service is one of the most important aspects of giving back to the community and to the Children‟s Specialized Hospital. In fact, Key Club has its foundations on service. Although the District stresses fundraising for the CSH, that does not mean we should forget about service! Service gives Key Clubbers a more direct experience with the children in the hospitals. Even if Key Clubbers cannot visit the hospitals, they still can do other projects that benefit the children and make them feel better on a more personal level. Recreational Therapy gives Key Clubbers an opportunity to gradually improve bodily and mental development. It is one of the best service projects and it can leave a great impact on these children‟s lives. As of now, Key Clubbers can volunteer at three of the four locations. For more information, there is a Recreational Therapy Guidelines Flyer on the District Site. Contact the Recreational Therapist for the corresponding hospital you want to visit. Remember to schedule at least one month in advance and to fill out HIPAA forms for any new volunteers! If Key Clubbers cannot visit the hospital, there is plenty to do right from your hometown! You can send hand- made cards to CSH or send birthday videos to make a child‟s birthday special! You can also volunteer at your own school by combining it with a fundraising project! There are so many ways to get involved, so get involved with service!


PUBLIC RELATIONS Overview by District Editor Nicole Darrah

What are public relations? Is it the process of reaching out to people to advertise something? Spreading the word about an upcoming event to get a high number of attendees? Well, if you Google „public relations‟, that is exactly what you‟ll find. Simply stated, publicizing, building, and informing make up what we know as public relations. The Public Relations Committee, formerly known as the District Relations Committee in previous years, focuses on publicizing Key Club and its work in any way possible. Throughout the service year, this committee‟s work includes, but is not limited to: creating powerpoints and videos, contacting the local media, writing articles, and creating brochures. What if nobody knew what District Convention was? If Fall Rally was not publicized, would people show up? This is the importance of publicity. Say you tell a friend or a family member what Key Club is, and why it is so great, ask yourself: what are you doing? You‟re publicizing Key Club. Without this publicity, there is a probable chance Key Club International wouldn‟t be the incredible organization it is today. This committee must work with Lieutenant Governors to understand their relationship with each Key Club to which they are liaisons, as well as keep a handy list of schools known as “target schools,” they are interested in building clubs in. If the first Key Club wasn‟t built in Sacremento in May of 1925, there would be no Key Club International. By building Key Clubs, we are making this organization more exceptional and bigger than ever! If you were not informed of Key Club at some point in your high school career, you wouldn‟t have known about it, and probably would not have joined. For the most part, the Public Relations Committee directives of publicizing and informing fall along the same lines. Without the Public Relations Committee‟s combined ideas, its publicizing endeavors, and its informing of others in Key Club, this organization wouldn‟t be the international wonder that it is today.


PUBLIC RELATIONS Club Building by LTG Division 20 Brian Cheung To aid the club building process, a uniform step-by-step process has been created. First, a school must be chosen. Scout out a school that has potential for a successful club; this means an enthusiastic and active student body. Second, talk to your Zone Administrator to obtain the “New Club Building Kit #1.” After you‟ve received the kit, find a sponsoring Kiwanis club for the new club. It is imperative that you do this; finding a Kiwanis club will assert the new club‟s footing once it is established. Then, file a club building report form to maintain communication with the district. Also meet with the school principal, to make sure that the club can be supported by the respective school‟s district. Next, start building the club itself. Find a faculty advisor that will responsibly get the club started. Order “New Club Building Kit #2” and file another club building report form to update the district on your progress. Work with the new advisor to recruit members to the new club, organize the club by electing officers, and officially charter it through the district. When you‟re done, file a final club building report form and watch your new club grow. Building a club is not only helping the district expand; it benefits the community in which it has been built. Creating a club may take a lot of commitment, but the ultimate results are rewarding for yourself, the district, and the community.

Membership Growth by LTG Division 12 Aimee Meissner Membership growth is an essential part of Key Club. When clubs are proliferating and prospering, the message of Key Club reaches more people, whether they are students or community members. As Key Clubbers, it is our job to sell Key Club to our peers. Many clubs use Fall Rally as a recruitment tool. This is a fun way to get people interested in joining Key Club. However, there are many more ways to get new members. When clubs are doing a lot of good work, people recognize it. Many citizens recognize Key Clubbers because we have a great reputation. People should want to join Key Club! Parents love Key Club, too. If your school holds a Back-To-School night, set up a Key Club table. Talk about events that have helped the community and are fun to participate in. Parents always want to get their children involved with the right people, and what better people to be involved with than Key Clubbers? Don‟t forget to have fun with it. Come up with creative ways to get new members, and always try to keep them interested. If your club increases membership by 10 percent, you will be recognized with a Big Ten Award at District Convention. It‟s always nice to be recognized for all the hard work you do all year, and membership growth is not too difficult at all! If you had a club of 40 members last year, you need to get a mere 44 members this year to get 10 percent membership growth. It doesn‟t seem like much, but every new member is appreciated and valued! So this year, challenge your club to get the Big Ten Award!


PUBLIC RELATIONS Club PR by LTG Division 19 Neepam Shah No matter the size of your club, or the ambitiousness of your goals, maintaining good public relations both inside and outside your club is essential in having a successful service year. No project of your club will reach its full potential without proper publicizing, whether you do it within your club, your school, or your community. Publicizing within your club is the easiest among the three mentioned groups. You can publicize within your club by simply sending out emails, publishing newsletters, or sending out text message alerts. Publicizing within your school can be done by announcing events over the school‟s loudspeaker, or by hanging posters with information on your various events and collection drives. Finally, and possibly the most difficult of the three, is maintaining good public relations with your community. The old cliché goes, “the more the merrier,” and this has never been more pertinent than with dealing with club -community relations. Keep a good rapport with local media, and contact them when publicizing larger events. When possible, try to have a local newspaper write an article on the event, so that more people know of the amazing things that your Key Club does! Finally, maintaining good K-Family Relations can also help you build strong community ties. Your Kiwanis club can help increase your club‟s potential reach, by helping you publicize in venues where high school students alone might have little say. Public relations‟ benefits could be boundless.

Club Reactivation by LTG Division 1 Connie Phung What can you do if a Key Club near you has become inactive? If you notice that a club is not making any contact with Key Club International or if the club does not even exist anymore, you should take action and help reactivate it! Reactivating an old club is important because each Key Club helps the local and international service community and teaches teens how to become strong leaders. To begin, you should go to the Kiwanis Club that previously sponsored the club and talk to them about the club‟s status and what you are trying to achieve. If they agree to sponsor that club again, you should then make an appointment to meet with the school‟s principal to make your proposal. Make sure the Kiwanis club president attends, along with school board members, school administrators, and the potential faculty advisor of the school to help fight for your case. Once you successfully obtain permission from the school‟s principal, find a faculty advisor for the club if they do not have one already. After you finish those steps, the rest is easy. All you have to do is fill out the Reactivation – Petition for Charter form, which can be found at http://community.kiwanisone.org/media/p/17912.aspx, and mail it along with the $100 reactivation fee to the address listed in the form. To complete the form, you need to recruit at least 15 members and have elections for 5 officer positions. Make sure you start early because reactivating a club is very similar to building an entire new club, and it takes a long time. Once you have accomplished everything, congratulate yourself, because you have just reactivated a Key Club that will help provide caring and service to your community.


PUBLIC RELATIONS K-Fam. Relations by LTG Division 8 Elizabeth McCormack Kiwanis Club International was founded in 1915 in Detroit with their headquarters in Indianapolis. It is a group of community and service-minded individuals focusing on “serving the children of the world.” An organization ninety-six countries strong, Kiwanis also supports organizations for younger individuals with the same goals. These include Circle-K, Key Club, K-Kids, Builder‟s Club, and Aktion Club. Kiwanis provides a very strong support system for all of these clubs, especially Key Club International, the largest service organization for young people in the world. Kiwanis plays a valuable role in guiding Key Clubbers as they strive to reach their service goals. Kiwanians are always available for the needs of Key Clubbers: financial support for International Convention, chaperone supervision, or simply just to enjoy one another‟s time together and bask in the similarity of a common goal of service through barbecues, picnics, dances, etc. The relationships built through the guidance and bonding in the K-Family are ones that will last a lifetime.

Circle K Relations by LTG Division 20 Brian Cheung A part of the K-Family, Circle K is an international service leadership program dedicated to providing its members with an enriching experience of service and leadership. Circle K represents the college demographic through its services, and boasts over 11,000 members representing 17 countries. Like Key Club, Circle K designates international and district projects to direct the way in which its members give back to the community. Such work is delegated through the apportioning of Circle K establishments geographically, similar to the way “divisions” are carved out of “districts.” Ten colleges in New Jersey have Circle K organizations: St. Peter‟s University, Rutgers University, Rider University, The College of New Jersey, Brookdale Community College, Drew University, Kean University, Stockton College, Monmouth University, and Rowan University. Collectively, they make up the New Jersey District of Circle K. Every year, a new executive board is elected to lead and guide this district. For the service year of 2010-2011, the New Jersey District of Circle K is lead by Governor Rob Acerra (a former Key Club Lieutenant Governor), Secretary Anna Friars, Treasurer Elisabeth Breen, and Editor Jen Hsieh. The Lieutenant Governors, in charge of overseeing a number of Circle K clubs, are Roseanne Moy (Metro Division), Teddy John Wohlbold (Seabreeze Division), and Jess Walling (Garden Division). The Circle K organization, as a “big brother” to the Key Club, often collaborates with it to create successful service projects or events. For the service year of 2010-2011, the New Jersey District of Circle K shares a District Project with the Key Club after choosing Children‟s Specialized Hospital. Check out njcirclek.org or email Circle K District Governor Rob Acerra at acerra.cki@gmail.com for more information about exactly what Circle K does and how you or a friend can get involved.


DISTRICT PROGRAMS Overview by LTG Division 5 Julia Dickhaus

The District Programs Committee is composed of sub-committees of Advocacy, District Service, and The Governor‟s Project. This year, all three of these sub-committees are working hand-in-hand to reach a goal of ending poverty. Rachel Orbach, our current NJ District Governor, has decided to base her Governor‟s Project around the idea of educating children around New Jersey, specifically those in impoverished areas. This includes book drives, tutoring and reading to students, and Tools for Schools. Each club can hold book drives in their community, and they are very easy to do. Also, tutoring and reading to students in your community and the communities surrounding your area is a great way to give more educational opportunities to those in need. Finally, the New Jersey District has been doing Tools for Schools at Fall Rally for the past three years. At Fall Rally, we collect school supplies for the Community Food Bank of New Jersey. From there, the school supplies are then distributed to impoverished schools across the state. We have great success with Tools for Schools, and it goes perfectly with Rachel‟s Governor‟s Project. The District Programs Committee is also organized into seasonal focuses. This fall, the focus is education. This is where the Governor‟s Project really comes into play. Through advocating and serving to improve education, we can collect school supplies for Tools for Schools, volunteer to tutor children in our communities and increase the understanding of this subject. This winter‟s focus is shelter. Winter is the most crucial time of the year to ensure that everyone has adequate shelter and warmth. Finally, this spring‟s focus will be hunger. As a district, we can collect food, volunteer at food banks, and hold hunger strikes to shed light on this pressing topic. Now is the time to begin advocating and serving to end poverty. This can be done on the club, division, and even district level. Throughout the year, the District Programs Committee will keep you updated though district mailings and The New Jersey District Key Club Website (www.njkeyclub.org). This year, we see the District Programs Committee reaching great heights, and it is up to all of us to make that happen! If you have any suggestions, questions or comments, feel free to contact the District Programs Committee Chairs, LTG Division 5 Julia Dickhaus at juliadickhaus@gmail.com, and District Secretary Kevin Sun at secretarysun@gmail.com.


DISTRICT PROGRAMS Advocacy by District Secretary Kevin Sun In the Advocacy Subcommittee, we do something truly great. We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves for a separate focus of our choice without detracting from the District Project. Poverty seems like such a strong, foreboding word to most of us reading this right now. Some of us may be confused, some of us may be scared, but most of us are definitely uninformed. That is the precise reason that we, as Key Clubbers, must advocate for poverty-ridden individuals. Of the 307 million citizens in the United States, 13.2% of them live in poverty. That comes to about forty million sufferers of poverty. Of this forty million, thirteen million are children. There are nine million citizens living in New Jersey. Within this number, eight hundred thousand live under the poverty line. So what are we to do? The Advocacy Subcommittee decided to divide the service year into fall, winter, and spring seasons. These seasons are assigned the themes of education, shelter, and hunger respectively. Fall—Education Education serves a dual purpose in its service to poverty victims. In conjunction with the District Governor‟s Project of educating children across New Jersey, the Advocacy Subcommittee encourages providing book drives, tutoring, and participating in Tools for Schools to kindle education among children of all ages. One of the most major causes of poverty is the lack of education, so let us start at the root of the problem. On the other hand, before we can take on any problem, we must educate ourselves. To supplement this information, lieutenant governors will be releasing information about poverty from statistics to methods of mitigating the situation. Winter—Shelter As we move into the winter season, we believe shelter to be the most important issue at hand. Winter brings harsh weather and without the right shelter or proper clothing, chances for survival or even continuing education or minimal. In this month, we ask that Key Clubbers focus on volunteering at homeless shelters and donating clothing to various organizations such as the Salvation Army or Goodwill. In this month, your lieutenant governors will send out information about homelessness and locations where you can donate clothing items. Spring—Hunger The last facet of the focus is combating hunger in spring. We will have educated, provided shelter and clothing, but the only basic need remaining is food. After all, no one can go on without food, but many in poverty must. Food is not something they can take for granted, so we ask that, in spring, you take time to volunteer at soup kitchens and hold canned food drives. Like the previous two seasons, information will be provided by your lieutenant governors on locations and instructions about how to hold canned food drives. The Advocacy Focus is in no way a limiting factor in the battle against poverty, but rather, think of it as a guide. Each season‟s respective service ideas are only ideas to kindle others, and we encourage you to participate in other ways of fighting poverty as well. Nevertheless, we, at the District Programs committee know that we can do this together and together we will.


INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Overview by LTG Division 15 Harsh Swaminarayan Year after year, Key Club International positively affects the lives of millions of children across the world. You may ask how? Well, the answer is simple. Key Club helps children by working with service partners who are committed to aiding children. The International Programs Committee works with and for each of the Service Partners. By setting fundraising goals for March of Dimes and UNICEF and publicizing things by means of the district website and lieutenant governor newsletters, the committee ensures that the entire New Jersey District of Key Club International strives for greatness with Key Club‟s Service Partners.

Other than being accountable for Service Partners, the committee also has the responsibility of publicizing Key Club International Convention and Key Leader. The committee heavily advertises the wonders of being under the same roof with people who share the same passion and love for service, at International Convention each year. The International Programs committee also strives to have maximum attendance at Key Leader each year, working with Lieutenant Governors to have a goal of attendees from their corresponding division.

In 1946, Key Club International challenged all Key Clubbers across the world to make an international impact, which is where the term „Major Emphasis Program‟ (MEP) was coined. The MEP for Key Club is, “Children: Their Future, Our Focus,” and every 2 years, a new service initiative is selected. The International Programs committee has the pleasure of advocating the service initiative and reaching out to the entire District to help better the lives of children across the state and ultimately, to the borders of Key Club International.

Finally, the committee also has the duty of ensuring that every club in the district is informed about „Youth Opportunities Fund‟ through the use of lieutenant governor newsletters. In conclusion, the International Programs Committee has lots of duties to perform but at the end of the day, Key Club wouldn‟t be an international organization if it didn‟t make a worldwide impact, which is where this committee comes into the picture.


INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Service Partners by LTG Division 10 Sarah Noorani Key Club International is an organization focused on providing service to as many people in as many places as possible. In order to help achieve this goal, Key Club has joined forces with three other service partners: UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children‟s Miracle Network. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is one of the largest and most well known children‟s relief organizations around the world. This year, UNICEF launched their new “I Believe in Zero” campaign, which is dedicated to reducing the number of children that die every day from preventable causes from 25,000 to 0. This lofty, but feasible goal can be achieved through medications, education and awareness. Another project that Key Club is working with UNICEF on is Operation Uruguay: Protecting the Children. Operation Uruguay is committed to building community centers where children can have a safe place to grow and develop into successful adults. The fundraising goal for this year is $33,190.25. Every school should fundraise for UNICEF through the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF project and other initiatives in order to raise as much money for the cause as possible. Another Key Club service partner is the March of Dimes. The March of Dimes was originally created in the 1930s and since then it has grown into an organization committed to fighting premature births, infant mortality and birth defects across the country. March of Dimes is committed to raising money to fund research and help families and mothers dealing with premature infants and works with hospitals around the country to build state of art neonatal intensive care units and other facilities. This year the New Jersey District hopes to raise $3,000 for this cause. To get involved contact your local March of Dimes chapter and plan events to raise money for the cause. Your club should also participate in the March for Babies, which is their biggest event all year. Together, we can be champions for all babies! The final service partner is Children’s Miracle Network. This organization partners with over 170 children‟s hospitals around the country and helps the lives of over one million children each year. Children‟s Miracle Network is committed to saving lives by raising funds and awareness for diseases that can be treated. CMN works with countless other organizations to hold fundraisers, and grass roots education programs to help save lives. We, in the New Jersey District, are already working with CMN through our own District Project, Children‟s Specialized Hospital. Therefore, the fundraising goals are the same for both. Be sure to get involved with CMH through toy drives, fundraisers and by getting involved with Children‟s Specialized Hospital and make a difference in a child‟s life.


INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Major Emphasis Program by LTG Division 7 Tom Kraeutler Ever since the term “Major Emphasis Program” was coined back at the 1946 International Convention, Key Clubbers have strived to work towards one program: “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.” Every two years, Key Club International decides on a service initiative that relates back to the major emphasis program. For the third straight year, however, the service initiative for 2010-2011 will remain “Live 2 Learn.” Live 2 Learn provides multiple opportunities for Key Clubbers to give back to their community. First of all, a Key Clubber serves as a mentor for small children during and after tutoring session. As a mentor, the ability to guide a child towards the right decisions is one that can change a life for the better. Secondly, through these actions, a new set of leaders will be born; leaders that will change society as they mature from adolescents into adults. Finally, Key Clubbers can serve primary school children by helping develop social skills of young children, while still subtly teaching them to think creatively. To get involved with the Major Emphasis Program, you can volunteer, fundraise, or work with any organization that benefits children! Any activity that works to benefit a child falls under the Major Emphasis Program from redoing a playground to reading to children on Read Across America Day, to tutoring. In fact, many clubs participate in projects that are considered part of the Major Emphasis Program and don‟t even realize that they‟re helping the Major Emphasis Program. Make a difference in a child‟s life today, work towards “Live 2 Learn” in your club!

Youth Opportunities Fund by LTG Division 17 Kimberly Lu You have a great Key Club. Your Key Club has a great idea for a service project. You have the spirit and determination to finish this project. Why should money be a problem? If your Key Club lacks the necessary funds to finish a project, worry no more. You can receive funding from the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF). This grant is supported by the G. Harold Martin Fellowship money and is awarded annually to diligent Key Clubs that look to serve but lack the appropriate amount of funding. The fund even offers generous scholarships for those that cannot financially seek a higher education. The amounts offered range from two hundred to two thousand dollars. If you‟re interested, then get started! Apply for the YOF. The application is not difficult. It may seem long, but just be as specific as possible. The application can be found at http://slp.kiwanis.org/KeyClub/service/hwf.aspx. The Kiwanis committee will review your application and keeps in mind that your Key Club is making the greatest effort to serve. You are more than likely to receive the reasonable funding you ask for! If you are not sure what a good project would be, take a look at the Key Club International website for ideas: http://keyclub.org/service/youthopsfund.asp. Good luck!


INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Key Leader by District Treasurer Devan Corona

Do you want to be a better leader? Do you want to spend a weekend with Key Clubbers? Do you want to have a weekend that you will never forget? Key Leader provides all of this and so much more. This annual event held at Camp Lebanon in Lebanon, New Jersey was the reason I decided to step out of my comfort zone and run District Treasurer as a club officer. Attending Key Leader will give you the tools and the confidence to achieve your own goals, no matter how far away they may be. The weekend starts off just as any leadership weekend does, registering and awkwardly meeting people; but it transforms into so much more. After registration is finished the program officially begins. The group of around 60 people is broken up into smaller, more personal neighborhoods. The Key Leader Program is a great blend of your smaller neighborhoods and larger general sessions. Some of your time will be spent indoors learning core values and participating in team building activities and some of your time will be outside by the camp fire with your new friends. You will never be bored and the time you spend with your new friends will never be forgotten. If Key Leader seems like something for you here is the information you need. This year New Jerseyâ€&#x;s Key Leader will be held from December 10th-12th at Camp Lebanon in Lebanon New Jersey. To register log onto http://slp.kiwanis.org/KeyLeader/registration.aspx and click the register button. The cost is only $165 for non Key Clubbers and only $140 for New Jersey Key Clubbers. The Key Leader experience will change your life and give you what you need to accomplish your goals.


DISTRICT AND INTERNATIONAL DUES by District Treasurer Devan Corona Reasons for Paying

When/How to Pay

Every year, every Key Club member in the world must pay dues. Some members simply pay the fee without caring where the money goes, some members fully understand why they pay dues, and others simply refuse to pay. For those who refuse to pay and do not see the point, I would like to share where all of this dues money goes.

As soon as the school year begins you need to make dues collection your top priority as the deadline comes up fast. The first dues due date is October 1st. Have dues in this early and you will win the Early Bird Dues Award and receive an award at convention. If you‟re not so far ahead of the game do not worry, the final deadline for dues payment is December 1st.

The main goal of dues money is to keep all 155 clubs in the district in tune with the district. This is important so district project goals can be accomplished, you can attend district events, and every key clubber has an amazing experience. The first and most important way the New Jersey District Keeps in contact with every club is through Lieutenant Governors. The Lieutenant Governor is the liaison between the clubs and the NJ District Board. They train all officers, hold divisional events, and help clubs with any problems they may have. Of course, there are travel and supply expenses associated with this job and money from your dues helps pay for it. The next way we keep in communication is through numerous publications throughout the year such as the Jersey Key, our periodical newspaper. We also have district mailings sent to every club which include vital information on current events in the district. These publications cost money and without dues payment, they would not be possible. The final category that your dues money goes to is board meetings. The New Jersey District Board of Trustees meet 5 times a year throughout the state to plan events, discuss problems, and work together to find solutions. These meetings cost money to hold and we use a lot of supplies.

Once you have the money collected log onto keyclub.org and find the membership update center. Simply update your online roster on the website and your club‟s invoice will be give to you. It shows how many members you have and how much you owe. Print the invoice and send it in with a check for the required amount to the address on the invoice and you are an official club of the New Jersey District of Key Club International.

Dues Breakdown There are three major levels branches you in Key Club: Key Club International, the New Jersey District, and your own club. They each operate both individually and with the help of the others and this means there are expenses involved with each level. Member dues can be broken down into three levels accounting for each branch.  Key Club International charges $6.50 for their dues portion.  The New Jersey District charges $5.50 for their dues portion.  Each club can charge up to $5.50 for their dues portion.

Every cent of your dues money is being used to make your Key Club experience that much better. Although it may seem like a pain, your dues payments are vital to the continued success of our district. Please pay your dues; without them Key Club would not be the same.

This brings the total cost of dues anywhere between $12.00 and $17.50 depending on how much your club chooses to charge for their dues portion. I recommend each club to collect $4.00 per member. This is enough to sustain a successful club and keeps the total dues cost at a reasonable $16.


2010-2011 DIVISIONAL BREAKDOWN Division 1 Absegami Egg Harbor Township Lower Cape May Regional Mainland Regional Middle Township Ocean City Pleasantville

Division 6 Biotechnology Brick Memorial Brick Township Jackson Liberty Jackson Memorial Point Pleasant Beach Point Pleasant Boro

Division 11 Bernards Bridgewater-Raritan Franklin Township Manville Middlesex Ridge Somerville

Division 2 Clayton Cumberland Regional Hammonton Millville Vineland Winslow Township Woodstown

Division 7 Asbury Park Manasquan Monmouth Regional Ocean Township Saint Rose Wall Township

Division 12 Delaware Valley Regional Hunterdon Central North Hunterdon Regional Phillipsburg Voorhees Warren County Vo-Tech Warren Hills

Division 3 Cherry Hill East Clearview Eastern Gateway GCIT Paulsboro Pitman Triton West Deptford Woodbury Division 4 BCIT Burlington City Burlington Township Ewing Hopewell Valley Central Nottingham Rancocas Valley Regional Steinert Division 5 Central Regional Manchester Township Monsignor Donovan Southern Regional Toms River East Toms River North Toms River South

Division 8 Henry Hudson High Technology MAST Middletown North Middletown South Red Bank Regional Rumson-Fairhaven Division 9 Holmdel Keansburg Keyport Marlboro Matawan Regional Raritan St. John Vianney Division 10 East Brunswick Edison John P. Stevens Monroe Township New Brunswick North Brunswick Perth Amboy Piscataway South Brunswick Old Bridge

Division 13 Arthur L. Johnson Elizabeth JFK Woodbridge Metuchen Rahway Union Catholic Westfield Division 14 Chatham Columbia ECLC of New Jersey Jonathan Dayton Madison Millburn Summit Union Division 15 A. Harry Moore HCST County Prep Dickinson Lincoln McNair Academic Union City Division 16 ECLC of Ho-Ho-Kus Fort Lee Hasbrouck Heights Memorial West New York North Bergen Ridgefield Park Secaucus Tenafly


Division 17 Becton Regional Belleville Bloomfield Clifton Glen Ridge Lyndhurst Nutley Passaic Valley Saint Mary’s Division 18 Cedar Grove James Caldwell Livingston Mount Saint Dominic Academy West Essex West Orange Division 19 Butler Montville Mountain Lakes Parsippany Parsippany Hills Division 20 Dover Morris Hills Morris Knolls Morris Catholic Morris County Vo-Tech Morristown Randolph Roxbury Division 21 Hackettstown High Point Mt. Olive Pope John Sparta Sussex County Vo-Tech Vernon Township




The New Jersey District Key Club Website is both a reliable and enriching online source of information available for club advisors, officers, and general members to view as they please. As in previous years, it can be visited by accessing the website: http:// www.njkeyclub.org The District Site in laymanâ€&#x;s terms is a Key Clubberâ€&#x;s "one stop ticket to information." Any information pertaining to the New Jersey District as a whole (e.g. District Project, KFamily, Advocacy) can be seen under the About section of the website. In addition to these pages is a club website directory, a project that began last year which contains a collection of club websites from around the district. If your club website is not listed, please contact webmaster@nkeyclub.org. Before any major District event, information regarding it will be posted under the Events section of the website. Some of these events include Key Leader, District Convention, and of course the ever-so-popular Fall Rally. A new feature this year will be the Event Gallery sub-section of the website, which recaps any major District Event with an assortment of photos taken from any and all key club members. Continuing from last year will be our famous Jersey Key section of the website. This section contains an archive of every Jersey Key written since September 2008. Each article can be viewed in either a PDF form or in a written text format on the website. Along with access to the Jersey Key is a new sub-section known as the Advice Form. Any member desiring advice on a Key Club related problem can simply fill out this form and submit it to our District Editor Nicole Darrah, who will reply by email in less than a week's time. In addition to having their question answered, some lucky members might even get the privilege of seeing their Q&A on the Jersey Key! The Board section of the website is an excellent way for members and advisors to get to know the current New Jersey District board. Viewers will be able to see both the pictures of the new board and each board member's letter of introduction. Information about the Kiwanis Committee and standard Board Committees are also available. The last section of the site, Resources, contains a variety of downloads. Whether you are a District Board Member, Club Advisor, or even a general member, there will always something you may want to download from the Resources section!



New Jersey Key Club District Project for the Fifth Consecutive Year Fundraising Goal: $75,401.65 Service Goal: 15,700 hours

Let’s make this another great year, New Jersey!

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