Division 15 December Newsletter

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Official Newsletter of Key Club International – New Jersey District – Division 15 Dickinson | County Prep | Union City | McNair | A. Harry Moore | Lincoln

Harsh Times

Volume 1 Issue 8

In this issue!

Hey Division 15,

LTG Message.................1

As the month of December quickly dawned upon us, I’d like to start off by wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. As Christmas time rolls around, it should give us more motivation that we are all blessed with a roof over our heads and food on all of our plates. Use this motivation to give someone else the same opportunity that all of us have. Get out there and make a difference in the life of someone else, whether it’s volunteering or planning a clothing drive for a local homeless center or going to rec therapy at Children’s Specialized Hospital, whatever it may be, remember that every little thing you do counts. I’d also like to introduce the 65th annual New Jersey District Convention to all of you which will be held from April 8-10 at the Valley Forge Convention Center in King of Prussia Pennsylvania. As New Jersey Key Club members have often said, District Convention is both an extremely fun yet life changing experience. At convention, you’ll have the opportunity to attend fun workshops, partake in a dance on Friday night and another dance on Saturday night, have the opportunity to vote upon the new executive board and if you’re lucky, you’ll have the opportunity to be hypnotized by world famous hypnotist Steve Meade! You’ll all get lots more information from myself as time progresses but make sure you save the date for District Convention! I hope all of you keep up the great work over the next few months, as always, if you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me, I’m always more than willing to help.

Key Leader Recap…....2

Yours in Caring and Service,

Harsh Swaminarayan

Lieutenant Governor – Division 15 New Jersey District of Key Club International

How to get Distinguished….3 LTG Elections……...........3 Important Dates…….…..4 Member spotlight…….4 Important Contacts……5

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