Div 18 newsletter 7

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Division 18 Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 7

Greetings from Your LTG… Hello Division 18! I would first like to start off by wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season! Congratulations on making it through more than half of the service year! I would also like to congratulate you all on a job well done thus far; you have all been working extremely hard to help your homes, schools, and communities. With that being said, it is time that we all continue our hard work and focus on sticking to the goals that you all have set at the beginning of this service year. If you have not done so already, I encourage you all to visit a Children’s Specialized Hospital near you and either take a tour or participate in recreational therapy. In order to help the NJ District reach their $75,401.65 fundraising goal for CSH, I ask that you fundraise for the hospital as much as possible (more ideas throughout this issue). Also take the time now to plan out your clubs activities for the rest of the service year in order to ensure that you have an effective last few months. December is a great month for us all to appreciate how lucky we are and to help those who are less fortunate. This newsletter is filled with tons of important information, and I ask you to read through it carefully. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me! Yours in caring, service, and friendship, Meagan Koch

In this issue! Club Dues……….......1 Coat Drive…………...2 Generosity Rocks......3 CSH Fundraising Ideas…7 CSH Service Ideas….8 Want to Serve on the District Board….…….9 DCON Info………....10 Volunteer match.org...11 Getting Distinguished...11 Important Events….12 Important Contacts……13 December Issue

Ltg. Div 18

Remember! Each E-Board must attend one OTC

1 Turn in your Club Rosters

Send in cmrfs

Calling all club presidents, treasurers and advisors! With the school year well underway, it is time for your club to collect and submit your dues. Hopefully by now, your club should have had its first meeting. If you have not already done so, your club must collect dues from all of its members. For those of you who don’t know the dues breakdown, you must collect: -$6.50 which will go to Key Club International -$5.50 which will go to NJ Key Club -and your club can charge up to $5.50 meaning that your club can collect anywhere from $12.00 and $17.50, depending on the need of your club. (for more information on why dues are collected, please feel free to contact me, or visit njkeyclub.org)


Once you have collected the money, you or you club treasurer should log onto www.keyclub.org and find the membership update center. Simply update your clubs online roster on the website and your clubs invoice will be given to you. It will show you how many members you have, and how much you owe. You can then print the invoice and send it with a check for the required amount to: 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 ATTN: NJ Dues


Please note that all dues must be sent in by: December 1st. If dues are not postmarked by December 1st you will be considered a delinquent club. If you have any questions, please let me know.

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The NJ Key Club 2010-2011 Fundraising Goal is:


this number may seem random, but it has meaning. The seven denotes our seven-days-a-week dedication to the patients at CSH. The five represents our fifth year of service to CSH. The 401 signifies the thousands of dollars we will have raised over the five years after we reach this year’s goal. Finally, the sixty-five is in honor of the New Jersey District of Key Club International’s sixty-fifth anniversary.

How Can YOU Help: .There are countless different things you can do for CSH including -Walk-A-Thons-Restaurant Nights -Bake Sales -Crayon and Art Supplies Drives -Stall Days -Save or Shave -Volleyball Tournaments -Candygram sales -Ribbon Sales And MUCH MORE! All funds raised will go directly to CSH through the New Jersey District.

Clubs should send contributions to: NJ District Key Club PO Box 447 Roseland, NJ 07068 As soon as possible


This year the NJ District has set a service goal of: 15,700 hours. There are 157 Key Clubs in New Jersey, so this number represents 100 service hours for each club. Try your best to reach and surpass this goal! Service Project Ideas -Recreational Therapy (visit one of the three Children Specialized Hospitals and interact with the children. ) -Make Birthday Cards -Visit a Patient on their birthday -Make Greeting Cards that would brighten a child’s day

Key Clubbers can volunteer to participate in Recreational Therapy at the Mountainside, New Brunswick, or Toms River facilities. They must be in groups of five or less, as long as one of the five is older than eighteen. Taking a group of officers of a club is a great way to get them passionate about the District Project for the fifth year. To set up visits for Rec Therapy or to plan their own event at one of the hospitals, clubs should contact the rec therapist for the facility. When emailing them, clubs should provide your contact information and dates of interest. Soon, there will be a Rec Therapy Request form located online. Clubs must schedule 1 month in advance. If requesting multiple dates, you can spread the appointments over several weeks (i.e. 1st and 3rd Tuesday). After dates are confirmed, you will receive information and a confidentiality form (HIPPA). All new volunteers must submit a signed HIPPA form. Mountainside: contact Lindsay Healy, LHealy@childrens-specialized.org 1-888-244-5373 ext. 5162 Mondays-Fridays, 6:15 PM-7:30 PM Saturdays-Sundays, 2:00 PM-3:00 PM


Serving on the District Board is a tremendous amount of work but is also a very rewarding experience. If you or someone in your club is interested in running for district office please contact me. A formal election packet will be available at the end of the month, however if you are interested in running for Lieutenant Governor of our division the election will be held on January 18th at Livingston High School. Please know that every school must send two voting delegates to this election, regardless of whether or not you have a candidate running. If you are interested in running for district executive board officer, you will run for that position at district convention, please contact me for more details. Listed below is a brief description of each position. Lieutenant Governor A Lieutenant Governor represents each of the twenty-one divisions in the New Jersey District. He or she serves as a liaison between the clubs in his or her division and the NJ District Board, as well as their representative. The Lt. Governor is required to attend the Mid-Winter Training Conference, District and International Convention, all District Board Meetings, Fall Rally, and the Regional Training Conference for his or her division. He or she must publish at least ten newsletters for his or her clubs, file monthly club and board reports, hold Officers Training Conferences until all officers are trained, publish divisional roster, and serve on District committees as needed. He or she must also stay in constant contact with his or her clubs, the executive board, and the Kiwanis Board. He or she is expected to organize divisional service projects, hold President’s Council Meetings, and visit each club in his or her division. The duties are many and the time commitment is large, but the amazing leadership experience obtained is even greater. District Webmaster The District Webmaster is in charge of updating the New Jersey District Key Club Website, www.njkeyclub.org. He or she is expected to update it to include all current projects, committee information, registration for district events, and other important facts. The Webmaster is required to attend District Convention, all board meetings, and the Regional Training Conferences. The Webmaster is not elected. After sending the Webmaster’s Application, interviews may be conducted at District Convention, and he or she is appointed by the incoming District Governor. All District Webmaster candidates are encouraged to attend the Midwinter Training Conference in March. District Editor The Editor has the tremendous task of publishing the four issues of the Jersey Key, the official publication of the New Jersey District. He or she must find a printer, create article logs for each issue, assign and collect articles, edit and layout the entire paper, and distribute them throughout the District. He or she must create newsletters to publish to the District Board, and be present at the Mid-Winter Training Conference, District and International Convention, all board meetings, all Regional Training Conferences, and Fall Rally. District Treasurer The Treasurer should have a very good calculator. He or she must work to collect 100% dues from each Key Club in the state. The treasurer is expected to create monthly financial reports, publish ten newsletters to the District Board and three to club treasurers, and handle all invoices and vouchers. He or she is expected to be in constant communication with the board, especially with the Financial Counselor. Attendance at Mid-Winter Conference, District and International Convention, all Board Meetings, Fall Rally, and all Regional Training Conferences is mandatory. District and International Office Descriptions District Secretary The Secretary is the great communicator. He or she must produce the District Handbook, minutes for each District and Executive board meeting, publish ten newsletters to the District Board and three to club secretaries. He or she is also in charge of all District mailings, publishing the KEYping Up, and submitting a District Convention report, including all contest winners, election results, and a report to the International Office. The District Secretary is expected to receive all District communication; all Lieutenant Governor monthly reports, club reports, and other related reports are sent to him or her. Mandatory events include the Mid-Winter Training Conference, District and International Convention, all Board Meetings, Fall Rally, and all Regional Training Conferences. District Governor The Governor is in charge of the entire District. He or she presides over each Board meeting, publishes ten newsletters to the board, arranges training of all Lieutenant Governors-elect, appoints Board members to committees, and is expected to be in constant communication with the District Board, Kiwanis committee, and the International Trustee. He or she is expected to improve K-family relations by attending as many Kiwanis events as possible and must execute other responsibilities as they arise throughout the year. He or she must be present at Mid-Winter Training Conference, District and International Convention, all Board meetings, all Regional Training Conferences, Fall Rally, and International Convention.


It’s that time of the year again! The time to begin your planning for the 65th annual New Jersey Key Club District Convention. Although it may seem early I would like to take the time to give you all some preliminary information on this years district convention. District Convention, more commonly known as DCON is a weekend long event held each year at the Valley Forge Convention Center in King of Prussia Pennsylvania. It will be held this year from April 8-10th. It is open to all Key Clubbers and Advisors. DCON is an opportunity to celebrate the success of the past service year and to welcome in a new one. It is a weekend filled with elections, service fairs, sessions, guest speakers, workshops, dances, shopping, new people, contests and so much more. I encourage you ALL to attend this amazing weekend. More information about this year’s district convention (including costs and registration specifics) will be available in the next district mailing in the DCON REGISTRATION PACKET. However if you have any questions about this awesome weekend, please feel free to contact me.


Every year, clubs the state over look forward to the epic Awards ceremony during the Saturday night of DCON. But, even though only a few clubs can win on Saturday Night, any club has the chance to be a winner during the Saturday Morning Awards Ceremony! That’s right, every year, outstanding club officers are recognized for their hard work and dedication to both the New Jersey District of Key Club and to Children’s Specialized Hospital! Of course, you may be asking yourself, “Am I eligible to be distinguished?” Well, if you’ve been doing your job as an officer, and have attended necessary District and Divisional events (like RTCs, OTCs, Fall Rally, and, if you’re President, PCMs), then you are certainly on the road to getting distinguished! All you have to do now is to keep up the amazing work for the remainder of your term in office! While with SATs, and, if you’re a senior, various scholarship applications, this may sometimes prove difficult, with proper time management, you can do it. Good luck and have great final few months in office!

In need of service projects for your club to take part in? Find volunteering opportunities with nonprofit organizations by location and interest area. Visit volunteermatch.org


Presidents Council Meeting A Presidents Council Meeting is an informal (but mandatory) gathering of all the club presidents in our division (James Caldwell High School, Livingston, Mount St. Dominic, West Essex, West Orange, and Cedar Grove). At each PCM we will discuss different service projects, updates from the NJ District, important upcoming events, and discuss what’s going on in each others clubs. Not only will they be held many times during the year, but one will be coming up shortly so keep on the look out.

Important Dates: December: 1st: Club Dues Due! 3rd: coat drive ends 10th: Club Monthly Report Form Due! 9th: Generosity Rocks, Parsippany High School 10th-12th: Key Leader!

January 10th- Club Monthly Report Form Due! 18th-LTG Election (ALL CLUBS MUST SEND TOO DELEGATES)

Officers Training Conferences An officers training conference (OTC) is an informal (but mandatory) gathering of me and each member of a club’s executive board. At the OTC, I will go over, in detail, each of your executive roles, your weekly, monthly, and annual duties, and specifically what everyone’s job entails. (You will also receive your official training manual). I will also update you all on Children's Specialized Hospital, Fall Rally, and answer any questions that you all may have. It is very important to attend an OTC, for not only will they benefit you, but they will also benefit your club. For more information, please email me at ltgdiv18@gmail.com.


Meagan Koch Lieutenant Governor Division 18 James Caldwell High School Ltgdiv18@gmail.com

Rachel Orbach District Governor governor.orbach@gmail.com

Kevin Sun District Secretary Secretarysun@gmail.com

Mrs. Werfel Zone Administrator cwkiw@aol.com

Mr. Barrie Werfel District Administrator NJDAWerfel@aol.com

Devan Corona District Treasurer

Nicole Darrah District Editor njkceditor@gmail.com


Missed the first 6 newsletters of our division 18 newsletter? Visit njkeyclub.org under the resource section and click on newsletters and you can read all 6 issues online!


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