Division 21 April Newsletter

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High Point ~ Hackettstown ~ Vernon ~ Pope John ~ Mount Olive ~ Sparta ~ Sussex


April 2010

Volume 1 Issue 1

To the mighty Division 21,

In this scroll

I am excited to steer us into the 2010-2011 service year! As many of you know, I was inducted as your new Lieutenant Governor, succeeding the lovely Ashley Hahn, your previous Lieutenant Governor. I thank you all for your support and I am honored to help lead our division into a successful, service and fun-filled year.

LTG Introduction ......... 1

I know that all of us seem to be miles apart: High Point, Hackettstown, Vernon, Sussex Tech, Mount Olive, Sparta, and Pope John, but we won’t let that damper our hopes for an outstanding service year. And I know that we are a division that seems to be in the Middle of Nowhere, New Jersey, but we won’t let that stop our involvement in the NJ District level of Key Club. We’ll be at Fall Rally, District Convention, and even International Convention, my dears! My goal is to strengthen our communication and friendships so that no club is left behind.

DCON 2010 Recap..... 2 ICON 2010 .................... 3 Meet the 2010-2011 NJDB ....................................... 4 Key Club Lingo .........5-6 Important Reminders . 7 Farewell Letter from IP LTG Ashley Hahn ......... 8 District Contacts ......... 9

As I have said many times, I don’t want to be your Captain, but your teammate, your friend. I want you all to have the time of your lives while carrying out service projects. I don’t want our friendships and communication to only be limited to meetings and email. I predict a wonderful year ahead of us and it’s up to our loving division to work together and make it so. Do not hesitate to contact me at any time, let’s be friends! Yours in Caring and in Service,

Gabrielle Gutierrez Lieutenant Governor of Division 21

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DCON 2010 Recap For the Key Clubbers of our division who attended District Convention (DCON) 2010, you have the many memories of it in your hearts and in the form of photographs. We all surely traveled the world of service! However, for those of you who did not attend, from Friday, April 16th to Sunday, April 18th, the 64th annual District Convention took place at the Valley Forge Convention Center in King-of-Prussia, Pennsylvania. There was a gathering of nearly 700 Key Clubbers from all over New Jersey, ranging from small towns with schools like ours, Vernon and Sussex, to the urban cities with schools like North Bergen, and then to beachy schools in Keansburg and Keyport. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet new people with one thing in common: a love for Key Club and service! Most of you guys know since we share the same division, that High Point, the school I come from, has recently been active in Key Club. You guys have all been going to DCON and having major projects in Key Club while our school was just a baby being nurtured, since we were only charted four years ago. Nonetheless, with the extraordinary effort put forth by previous LTG Ashley Hahn, our club was able to become more active this year and it was our first (and my first) year to attend DCON! It was a wonderful accomplishment and it is my goal to have at least ten members from every club in our division attend!

will be a lot of dancing, music, decorations, spirit, contests, opportunities for your clubs to win awards, the chance to visit the biggest mall on the east coast, the King-of-Prussia Mall, a 1 a.m.

Above: The 2010-2011 New Jersey District board standing beside the past 2009-2010 board

curfew, and most importantly, the best outlet of Key Club information and to find out the scoop of almost everything Key Club related! We were also lucky to hear from key-note speakers Paul Palazzolo, Kiwanis International President as well as Beth Ann Myarick from Children’s Specialized Hospital, which has been chosen to be our District Project again for the 5th year in a row! Start having fundraisers for your clubs to attend DCON now to lessen the costs!

To get you guys thinking about attend ingDCON 2011, let it be known that there

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International Convention 2010

Written by Lieutenant Governor Neepam Shah of Division 19 That’s right, the summer is right around the corner! And with the summer comes Key Club’s annual International Convention, this time in the historic Memphis, Tennessee! This year, the Key Club International has put together an amazing Convention, and the District is planning yet another tour to go along with it! The New Jersey District will travel to Memphis by bus, leaving New Jersey on the morning July 4th, and returning on the evening of July 12th. On the road to ICON, we will stop at many points of interest, including Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio, Graceland, and the Civil Rights Museum. At ICON, the festivities begin with a private concert by Ohio pop-rock superstars Relient K, and continue with appearances by such celebrities as Clay Aiken and Josh Hutcherson, various workshops, caucuses and elections, and dances! It will truly be a week to remember. Anyone interested in attending, please contact me ASAP for more information (including a primer and registration form), as the first payment is due by May 15th. If money is an issue, feel free to ask your Kiwanis Club to help you out with the costs. They would be glad to help!

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Meeting the 2010-2011 NJDB! Here is your 2010-2011 NJ District Board Executive Officers! Please see the last page of this newsletter for their contact information!

Rachel Orbach Governor

Kevin Sun Secretary

Devan Corona Treasurer

Nicole Darrah Editor

Shivam Patel Webmaster

Above: The NJDB 2010-2011 at DCON Lieutenant Governors: Division 1: Connie Phung, ltgcphungdiv1@gmail.com Division 2: Thuyvan Luu, tvluultgdiv2@gmail.com Division 3: Ami Shah, amishahltg3@gmail.com Division 4: Kirsten Reed. kirstenkeyclub@gmail.com Division 5: Julia Dickhaus, juliadickhaus@gmail.com Division 6: Chris Godshall, chrisltgdiv6@gmail.com Division 7: Tom Kraeutler, tomkltgdiv7@gmail.com Division 8: Elizabeth McCormack, elizabeth.j.mccormack@gmail.com Division 9: Samantha Fiorino, sh.fiorino@gmail.com Division 10: Sarah Noorani, sarahltgdiv10@gmail.com Division 11: Crystal Ibe, ibe.crystal@gmail.com Division 12: Aimee Meissner, aim.meissner@gmail.com Division 13: Joe Bonaccorso, jbonaccorso2@aol.com Division 14: Jiayun Fang, keyclubltgdiv14@gmail.com Division 15: Harsh Swaminarayan, harshltgdiv15@gmail.com Division 16: Jared Greene, jaredltgdivision16@gmail.com Division 17: Kimberly Lu, ltg17kimberly@gmail.com Division 18: Meagan Koch, ltgdiv18@gmail.com Division 19: Neepam Shah, nshahltgdiv19@gmail.com Division 20: Brian Cheung, ltgcheung@aol.com Division 21: Gabrielle Gutierrez, gabriellegutierrez@yahoo.com

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Key Club Lingo CMRF, OTC, PCM, and RTC….ABCDEFG?! Have you been receiving emails upon emails from Key Club with all of these abbreviations and acronyms and you have no idea what they mean? Well don’t fret—your fearless leader is here to help!

CMRF: Club Monthly Report Form. These are crucial because they let Lieutenant Governors as well as the New Jersey District Board, know how your club is doing. The form is to be completed by your club Secretary and it is important to have it turned into me by the 10th of each month. In the form, there will be information to write down the service projects, fundraisers, and dates of your meetings as well as how many people attended. There are also spots to mark my communication with you. Some areas of the form will not be applicable and that is quite all right, just leave it blank and fill in as much as you can! I will give you a head up when the due date is approaching. Last year, our division broke the record of having all CMRFs turned on time. Let’s make this the second year of that amazing record!

OTC: Officer’s Training Conference. Officer’s Training Conferences are mandatory for all clubs. In order to carry out your position in the club when we come back to school in the fall, you must be trained by yours truly! Now I know we all want to have a good summer and first week of school and not wanting to be nagged by me wanting to train you, so let’s make an effort to be trained before the end of this school year! As soon as you have your elections, let me know what is a good date for all of your newly elected officers to meet and I will come visit your school to train you all! Please make an effort to make sure all elected officers are present! By completing this task before summer, it ensures that you will be properly trained come September!

PCM: President’s Council Meeting. There will be five of these and more if necessary, throughout the course of the service year. At these meetings, the Presidents of the clubs (or any position of office if the President cannot make it) and myself are to meet up, usually at a restaurant or some nice place, to discuss how your clubs are doing. I am also serving as a liaison to the New Jersey District Board, so I will be letting your clubs know what is going on and upcoming projects. It is imperative your club representative makes these meetings so you know what is going on outside your club. The first PCM for our division is to be announced.

RTC: Regional Training Conference. This is also mandatory for all officers. Here, you will have the experience to meet the New Jersey District Board and attend workshops which will help you have a better understanding of your position as well as workshops that will help spice up your meetings, stir some new ideas for projects, and a great opportunity to meet new Key Clubbers! Because the board knows that we all hail from different schools that could be far away from each other, the RTCs are broken up into three parts: North, Central, and South. Obviously our division would attend the Northern RTC since we are from the northernmost towns. There are RTCs held in the spring and fall. They usually take place on Saturdays or Sundays. The spring one is being held at Morris Knolls High School on Sunday, May 23rd. If you can’t make this one, have no fear because there will be one in the fall as well that is to be announced. If for some reason you cannot make either Northern RTC, you must attend either the Central or Southern RTC. That would mean a lot of driving so please try to make the Northern one, we are lucky it is closer this year, probably about a 45 min-1 hr away from all of us!

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Key Club Lingo (Continued)

Below is other terminology you may see in Key Club emails or handouts. If there are any items missing from the list you have questions about, feel free to ask me about it!

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Important Reminders For the next newsletter, along with an “Important Reminders” page, I will have a little box on the first page (like the brown one on the right) that will have upcoming dates and reminders of important Key Club activities. Things will range from meetings to conventions to fundraisers. Please make sure you read through everything in my newsletters, everything is important, not just these reminders boxes! The following are upcoming events you need to take note of: May 10th: Club Monthly Report Forms (CMRFs) are due to me May 12th: Club Rosters are to be submitted to me. Hold your elections immediately! 15th:

May ICON first payment and registration is due to Mr. Werfel. Please see the attached primer for details! May 22nd: South RTC @ Brick Memorial HS *May 23rd: North RTC @ Morris Knolls HS (mandatory for all newly elected officers)

UPCOMING DATES: May 10th: CMRFs are due to me May 12th: Club Rosters are to be submitted to me May 15th: ICON first payment and registration is due to Mr. Werfel May 22nd: South RTC @ Brick Memorial HS May 23rd: North RTC @ Morris Knolls HS TBA: OTCs and PCMs

Officer’s Training Conferences (OTCs) and President’s Council Meetings (PCMs) are to be announced. *You do not need to attend both RTCs, but the ideal one to attend is the North RTC, being that it is the closest

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Farewell Letter from Immediate Past LTG of Division 21, Ashley Hahn Hey Division 21! I hope that all of you start this service year on the right foot, continuing the success that we had for the 2009-2010 service year! I know that I am already going through Key CIub withdrawal, so I would like to say a final goodbye to you all and let you know what my future plans are in case you were curious. As you know, I am a senior and will be graduating Hackettstown High School in June. From there, currently, I am not completely sure where I will go since I am still waiting for a response from Brown, but it looks like I will be a member of Bryn Mawr’s class of 2014. Wherever I do end up, I plan on studying political science and psychology. Key Club has honestly changed my life. I have learned so much about myself this year and most importantly, I have developed a true passion for service. Because of this, I learned to overcome my past and use my own experiences to help others. I plan on continuing my devotion to my community and making a difference in the lives of others by starting a Circle-K wherever I attend (the college version of Key Club), becoming a family law attorney, and becoming a child and abuse victim advocate. I promise that I will not give up on service and hopefully several years from now you will hear my name or see me doing great things for others. With this in mind, I would like to definitely keep in touch with all of you! Although I am no longer your Key Club contact, I hope our friendships will continue. I have become incredibly close to many of you and will always remember every single person I have met in Division 21 and the New Jersey Key Club District. With your help, this year was honestly one of the best years of my life. You showed me that my hard work and determination can pay off and that someone like me can do great things. You also left me with memories to last a lifetime. Whether it was Sussex Tech President Travis’ sense of humor, late night phone calls with IP Highpoint President Gabby or IP Vernon President Jackie, or my awkward attempt to instate Division Call Day, our Division never had a dull moment. Even with numerous challenges our Division stayed strong. I will always remember how proud I was when I had the honor of announcing Vernon’s awards at Convention and when I visited a Vernon meeting and saw that all of their officers and several members had the Key Club pledge memorized. I can never forget the dedication and interest in service and leadership in the Hackettstown Key Club with the end of meeting rush to sign up for events and projects. I could never forget having the ability to brag that I had a trunk full of toys and supplies for CSH because of Pope John President’s Brian Falduto’s dedication. I will miss receiving the precise and well written notes from Sparta President Kristine Rogers and watching as her club grew with every meeting I attended. Also, I could have never been prouder having High Point’s Meghan’s Pledge Banner hanging at District Convention. Overall, I could have never been more proud or happy to have served this year as your Lt. Governor. Even though I was awarded with the status of a Distinguished Lt. Governor and honored with receiving the Outstanding Board Member Award, nothing could make me happier than seeing Division 21 in the crowd at District and Divisional events. I must thank you all for your support! I honestly will always remember hearing my name chanted at Fall Rally (thank you Sparta officers Sean and Louis) with cries of “Ashley Hahn is my hero”, “there is only one Ashley Hahn”, and “I love Ashley”. Your show of support that day and at DCON made every Lt. Governor jealous. Now, as you all continue your high school career, with either your last few months of high school or your first year, please remember what we have done this year. Learn from it and grow in service and leadership. Never forget the faces of the Children at CSH or how great it feels to help others and see how much every little bit helps. Make sure that you never give up and always give back. Most importantly, overcome every obstacle and remember that every challenge is an opportunity. I promise that I will never forget you, Division 21! Don’t forget to remember me and please keep in touch! Yours in caring and Service, Ashley Hahn IP Lt. Governor Division 21

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District Contacts

Lieutenant Governor of Division 21 Gabrielle Gutierrez District Administrator Mr. Barrie Werfel Kiwanis Club of Livingston NJDAWerfel@aol.com

Zone Administrator Mr. Stephen Gandley Kiwanis Club of Hackettstown stephen.gandley@verizon.net


Governor Rachel Orbach

Secretary Kevin Sun

Treasurer Devan Corona




Webmaster Shivam Patel

Editor Nicole Darrah



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