Division 21 June newsletter

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High Point ~ Hackettstown ~ Vernon ~ Pope John ~ Mount Olive ~ Sparta ~ Sussex Vo-Tech

June 2010

Volume 1 Issue 3

In this scroll

Division 21! I bet you are all excited for summer as much as I am. I am studying abroad in Spain for two weeks in July and following that, I will be visiting my family in California for ten days! What are you guys going to be up to? I know I had recently published my May newsletter and distributed it to you all, but I felt it was necessary for a somewhat closure of the “old” service year and to herald the beginning of a new service year. Plus I need to commend you all on how great of a job you are all doing with our division! Although summer 2010 is going to be amazing, especially since I now know people like you, we should all try to keep our clubs active! In the newsletter, you’ll find some awesome ideas and charities to get your ideas flowing for some summer Key Club fun! Another thing is that although your club may be inactive during the summer, you still have officer duties. You can see more about your requirements on page seven!

Message from your LTG and Save the Date ..........................1 Spring Recap and Summer Shout Outs……..……….2 Fall Rally 2010 ...........3 Summer Plans ..........4 Summer Service……..5 Fall Preview... ...........6 Important Reminders.7 District Contacts......8

I’ve also provided you guys for some information about the fall. I know it’s far away, but it’s good to start early and prepare for events so there are no last minute problems. Well I will see you all hopefully soon! If I don’t see you before you go on vacation, have a wonderful trip! Yours in Caring and in Service,

Gabrielle Gutierrez Lieutenant Governor of Division 21

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Spring Recap and Summer Shout Outs Division 21 has been a leading division of the New Jersey District of Key Club International thanks to all of your hard work and dedication! All of you: whether you’re a club Secretary filling out CMRFs or a general member participating in fundraisers, you have started our service year off to a wonderful start. Here are a few out of the many reasons why you guys are so amazing:

 100% CMRFS collected on time for the months of April and May  100% of collected club officer rosters before due date (and first division, might I add)  6/7 clubs in attendance at the first PCM held on June 13th at the Chatterbox Restaurant in Augusta  97% of officers trained (one more person left!)

In the Spotlight: Name: Ariel Clouse HS: Vernon Twp Position: Secretary Grade: Freshman Ariel has been a wonderful asset to Division 21. She has been the first of all the Secretaries to submit her club’s (Vernon) and early may I add! She maintains excellent communication and was the first to call me on her club call day, letting me know what was going on with her club. I commend Ariel for her amazing work!

Club Thank-Yous Thank you, High Point: for attending the Spring RTC and first PCM! Thank you, Sparta: for attending the Spring RTC and first PCM! Thank you, Mt. Olive: for great communication! Thank you, Vo-Tech: for attending the first PCM and your warm hospitality at your OTC Thank you, Pope John: for attending the first PCM and great communication! Thank you, Vernon: for attending the first PCM, great communication, and speedy CMRFs! Thank you, Hackettstown: for attending the first PCM and great communication!

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Fall Rally 2010

When 3,000 members of the greatest youth service organization gather in one spot amazing things happen. Come join us at Six Flags Great Adventure on October 10, 2010 for Fall Rally as we gather to Sing the Song of Service. The park is opening early for us so we have exclusive access to the park after the Rally. The day will start off with a one hour program filled with speakers to get everyone excited for the service year; and of course there is the coveted spirit stick which will be awarded to the most enthusiastic division! After the rally ends the rest of the day is yours to enjoy in the park riding rides and having a great time with your friends throughout the state. This year will be the first time over 3,000 New Jersey Key Clubbers will gather in one location for one event. Will you be a part of Key Club history? The official registration packet will be sent out very soon and it will also be available for download off of njkeyclub.org. Once again Fall Rally will be held on October 10, 2010 at a cost of only $32 per attendee if registered before October 1st. If you have a Six Flags Season Pass, the coat to attend the rally is only $6. Registration received after October 1st or purchased the day of Fall Rally costs $37. Any clubs using a bus for transportation need to order a complementary bus pas when registering or else they will need to pay $25 at the parking booth. The event only occurs once a year, so do not miss your chance to join over 3,00 Key Clubbers for an

Written by the Fall Rally Committee

inspiring and motivating Fall Rally followed by a full day in the park for no extra cost!

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Summer Plans What are you all doing this summer? Beaches, camping, exotic islands? Here’s some input from your fellow divisional clubs! Alec Gear (High Point HS President): Delaware beach Brittani Hetyei (Vernon Twp. HS Vice President): Ocean City, Maryland Ariel Clouse (Vernon Twp. HS Secretary): Summer stuff, band stuff, key club stuff,

and just chilling!

Bianca Giudici (Pope John HS Editor): Curaçao Anna Plavnicky (Sussex Tech President): Myrtle Beach Jeff Earl (Sparta HS President): California Aldina Mesic (Hackettstown HS Secretary): Going to Myrtle Beach, participating as a

student scholar in the Rutgers Waksman Biology Program for 14 days of the summer, going to sleep away soccer camp, busy busy busy! Raghu Avula (Hackettstown HS Co-President): NJ Governor’s School Maysa Bhat (Hackettstown HS Co-President): Stuck at home 

I hope you guys all have fun! Bring me home something cool!

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Summer Service

Just because school’s out doesn’t mean your Key Club service year has to stop there! Below are some ideas and charities to get your ideas flowing on ways to do Summer Service! Ideas: Summer visit to CSH, Walk/5k, “Fun in the Sun Day,” sports tournament, bonding with other K-Families, picnics

Charities: CSH, UNICEF, Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes, Haiti, Gulf Coast, Poverty-Related Charities, anything that you feel passionate about!

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Fall Preview These are all events that aren’t coming up for awhile, but that’s shouldn’t stop you from getting pumped up for them! They’ll approach quicker than you think!

Fall RTC (North) If you haven’t attended the Spring North RTC last weekend at Morris Knolls High School, it is imperative you attend this Fall Northern RTC being held at Millburn HS. Unfortunately, this is a greater distance than Morris Knolls, but if you chose not to come to the Spring RTC, it is mandatory you attend this one. More details will follow soon regarding times and directions. It will take place on Saturday, September 25th. If for some reason, you cannot attend this one, you will have to go out of your way to attend either the South or Central RTC. They are your last options!

Fall Rally Fall Rally is an awesome gathering of over a thousand Key Clubbers from all over New Jersey who come together at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ to get pumped up for the new service year! It will take place on Sunday, October 10th. Visit page three again for more information! Even though it is not until October, it is vital you begin planning for how your club will go about this. If you wait until school begins again in September, it might be hard for you to gain approval for a bus since your Boards of Education will not meet for awhile. Start having your club members save money, talk to your school’s administration, and plan early. That way, when the fall comes around, you don’t have to worry about getting your Key Club field trip approved and you can ease into Six Flags without any anxiety.

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Important Reminders UPCOMING DATES:

As you may have noticed, there aren’t many important Key Club days coming up since summer is now approaching. A lot of times, clubs fall out of the loop because of the long summer gap and it’s hard to get back to things come September. We realize many of you guys are inactive during the summer However that does not mean your responsibility as a Key Clubber and Executive Officer ends. You are still responsible for: 

Completing CMRFs for the months of June, July, and August: Even if your club is inactive. Simply leave the “service and hours” section blank, but specify PCMs, OTCs, and anything else Key Club related.

Attending PCMs and OTCs coordinated by me: To enhance our communication, I will be holding monthly PCMs during the summer (one in June, one in July, and one in August) Presidents and/or Vice Presidents, you are required to attend these. I will try to come up with a date that is acceptable to all of you. If you missed your club’s OTC, you are responsible to meet with me over the summer to coordinate a training time.

June 16th: OTC @ Hackettstown HS (1 pm) June 17th: OTC @ Mount Olive Panera Bread (1 pm) July PCM: TBA

S U M M E R 2 0 1 0

Preparing to attend the Fall RTC: As you know, the Spring RTCs ended this weekend. That means you are responsible to attend the Fall North RTC in Millburn to be trained. If you cannot make the North RTC, it is up to you to travel to the Central RTC or South RTC.

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District Contacts

Lieutenant Governor of Division 21 Gabrielle Gutierrez District Administrator Mr. Barrie Werfel Kiwanis Club of Livingston NJDAWerfel@aol.com

Zone Administrator Mr. Stephen Gandley Kiwanis Club of Hackettstown stephen.gandley@verizon.net


Governor Rachel Orbach

Secretary Kevin Sun

Treasurer Devan Corona




Webmaster Shivam Patel

Editor Nicole Darrah



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