Division 6 June Newsletter

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Volume 1, Issue 2

June Issue

The Official Newsletter of Division 6 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

Chris’ Chronicle

In this issue! Introduction…..……………1

Hello Division 6!

Goals and Focuses…........2

Greetings Division 6!

Fall Rally…………………....4

Public Relations………..….3

So far this year is going swimmingly! Everyone is doing an Regional Training amazing job so far and I am pleased to announce that DiviConferences…...………….5 sion 6 is very close to being finished with the first few things of the service year. Firstly, so far six of the seven club rosters Reminders and Contacts..6 have been sent in completely and the last will be arriving within the next couple weeks; I’d like to personally thank all of you for your efforts in this area as it is probably the most important “to-do” item. Secondly, I am please to say that IMPORTANT DATES we successfully reached quorum (4/7 clubs in attendance) at the first President’s Council Meeting of the year on May June 20th with six of the seven clubs in attendance. Lastly, 54.8% 10th Monthly Report Form Due of the officers in the Division have been successfully trained July for their positions! th 19 Jersey Articles Due But hey, don’t think that just because the school year is over that Key Club is too! I will still be sending out emails and planning Divisional events and PCMs. Don’t let the summer distract you too much! Yours in Caring and Service, We are well on our way to a productive year and it’s all thanks to you! See all of you


Chris Godshall

Goals and Focuses District Project Children’s Specialized Hospital Fundraising Goal: $75,401.65 7: Our 7 days a week dedication to CSH 5: Fifth year of service 401: The thousands of dollars we will have raised after this year 65: The 65th Anniversary of the NJ District

Service Goal: 15,700 hours 100 hours for each of the 157 Key Clubs in

International Service

New Jersey

Partners UNICEF: The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund Goal: $33,190.25 33: 3.3 million babies that die within a month each year 190: the number of countries UNICEF works in 25: the 25,000 children that die from avoidable causes each year

District Emphasis: Poverty

March of Dimes

This year the New Jersey District will focus on combatting and raising awareness for poverty. We encourage you to hold project benefiting those less fortunate than you in your community.

Goal: $3,000

Children’s Miracle Network

Major Emphasis Program: Live 2 Learn Focus on enriching educational opportunities for young children

A Message from the Public Relations Committee The Public Relations Committee was formerly known as the District Relations Committee…until it was changed back in the 2009--‐2010 service year. The general idea of this committee is simple: Publicize+ Build+ Inform=Public Relations. Throughout the service year, this committee is assigned to create PowerPoints and videos, contact the local media, write articles, create brochures, and to overall publicize Key Club and its work in any way possible. We cannot do what we do without YOU, the members of this organization! It takes work on our part, but it’s a very simple thing for you to do. Why do you love Key Club? What makes Key Club so great? What does Key Club give to you? Instead of answering these questions in your head, answer them by telling your friends! By letting your friends know all about the wonderful thing that is Key Club, you are doing exactly what this committee entails: publicizing! If you have any questions or comments about the Public Relations Committee, contact co-chairs Nicole Darrah (njkceditor@gmail.com) or Brian Cheung (ltgcheung@aol.com)!

Written by District Editor Nicole Darrah and LTG Div. 20 Brian Cheung

Fall Rally 2010

3,000 Key Clubbers. 13 Roller Coasters. 1 Fall Rally. That’s right! On October 10th, 2010, the New Jersey District of Key Club will be Singing the Songs of Service at its annual Fall Rally at the thrill-inducing Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ! Picture a beautiful October day. Now imagine it in the backdrop, reflecting over Kingda Ka’s monstrous 456-foot high peak. Finally, imagine this stunning sight in the distance, as you sit in an arena with 3,000 other Key Clubbers, fighting to win the Spirit Stick, and watching an amazing celebrity look-alike contest. However, the fun doesn’t end there! Once the short and fun-filled session ends, you have the day to roam the park as you wish. Fight your fears of the dark by going on Skull Mountain, or attempt to conquer the beast as you undertake a front-row experience of El Toro. The possibilities are endless! This year, Fall Rally costs only $32 if you get your payment in by October 1st! If payment comes in late, it costs $37. Regardless, you are getting admission into the park for almost half of the regular price. Of course, if you are a season pass holder, the cost of Fall Rally is a mere $6. Presidents and advisors, start talking to your schools and Boards Of Education now about arranging transportation to Fall Rally, since things are difficult to schedule once school starts again in the fall. All officers, start promoting this wonderful event to all of your clubs. And, last not but not least, general members, start getting excited to attend this phenomenal event. If you are having issues arranging transportation for Fall Rally, contact either your Kiwanis Club, who would be glad to help you get transportation to this event, or your Lieutenant Governor, who is equipped with materials that can guide you through any logistical problem you may have in attending Fall Rally. Written by Division 19 Lieutenant Governor Neepam Shah

Regional Training Conferences “Rock Out with Service!” As most of you may know, this past weekend, May 22nd and 23rd, was the Spring Regional Training Conferences. They were held at Morris Knolls High School and Brick Memorial High School. Congratulations to both host clubs on doing a great job! Our RTC chairs, Meagan Koch and Thuyvan Luu, planned a great conference for all of you members, with fun and knowledgeable sessions. All of the attendees truly rocked out with service! But if you missed Spring RTCs, don’t worry! There will be more in the fall. These conferences are to be held on September 19, 25, and 26, at J.P Stevens, Central Regional, and Millburn high schools, respectively. It is really important that you, your executive board members, and even your general members attend a regional training conference. They will teach you all you need to know about Key Club and teach you how to do your job efficiently and well! Also! If you want to share more information with your club, but were unable to attend RTCs, make sure to check out our website at… http://njkeyclub.org/events/rtcs! If I didn’t see you at Spring RTCs, I hope to see you at one of the ones in the fall!

By Division 9 Lieutenant Governor Sami Fiorino


Reminders and Contacts President’s Council Meeting

Officer Training

The next PCM will be held sometime in July at my house.

I will also be contacting those of who have yet to be trained within the next week to determine a convenient time and place for training.

I will be contacting all of you to determine a time that is good for everyone within the next week. It will definitely be held AFTER International Convention (July 4-12).

Club Monthly Report Forms Keep in mind that your CMRFs are due on June 10th. They should be filled out for the month of MAY.

Lieutenant Governor

District Governor

District Secretary

Chris Godshall

Rachel Orbach

Kevin Sun




District Treasurer

District Editor

Devan Corona

Nicole Darrah



District Webmaster

District Administrator

Zone Administrator

Shivam Patel

Barrie Werfel

Kaitlin McCann




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