Division 15 August Newsletter

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Official Newsletter of Key Club International – New Jersey District – Division 15 Dickinson | County Prep | Union City | McNair | A. Harry Moore | Lincoln

Harsh Times LTG Message

Volume 1 Issue 4

In this issue! LTG Message.................1 New International Board .......................2 Important Dates ……….2

Hello Division 15! I hope everyone’s enjoying their summers. As the last few weeks of going to bed late and waking up at noon every day come to an end, it can only mean one thing, the beginning of school! Although the end of summer may come as bad news to some, for us Key Clubbers, it means the beginning of an exciting and eventful service year. As the month of September quickly approaches, there are many Key Club related things which we have to focus upon. Membership recruitment is extremely important so make sure to spread the word about Key Club, information about club meetings as well as the service opportunities that await them if they join. Also, Fall Rally is a highlight of our year and it will be on October 10, the Sunday before Columbus Day, meaning we have that Monday off from school. Please continue to publicize and promote Fall Rally and help the District Board reach our coveted goal of having 3,000 attendees to the amazing event. Other than Fall Rally in October, another event which I urge all officers to attend who have not already done so is the Fall Northern Regional Training Conference which will be held on September 25 at Millburn High School. During this event you will be able to take part in workshops led by the District Board ranging from your specific officer position to Children’s Specialized Hospital and everything in between. I hope every officer who did not attend the Spring RTCs at Morris Knolls High School in May is able to attend this conference as you are being notified of it more than a month in advance. Other than that, I am proud of how our division has been doing so far, I’m here for help if anyone has any questions, comments or concerns. Keep up the good work and continued dedication! Yours in Caring and Service,

Harsh Swaminarayan Lieutenant Governor – Division 15 LTG Contact Information: Harsh Swaminarayan Harshltgdiv15@gmail.com

Youth Opportunities Fund……..................3 Key Leader………….…..4 Important Contacts…….5

Important Events Club Secretaries: The deadline for Club Monthly Report Forms is the 10th of each month. Despite the fact that its summer and your clubs may be inactive, CMRFs are to be sent out each month. If you have not already done so, please send out your CMRF for the month of July as soon as possible. Club Presidents: Although I mentioned in my previous newsletter that the next PCM would be held in the beginning of August, due to vacations and officers stating that they would be unable to attend, I have rescheduled the meeting to Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at Five Corners Library. Although only presidential attendance is mandatory; other officers are urged to attend as well. August 10 – Club CMRFs for the Month of July Due August 25 – President’s Council Meeting September 10 – Club CMRFs for the Month of August Due September 25 – Northern Regional RTCs at Millburn High School October 10 – Club CMRFs due for the Month of September / FALL RALLY

Meet the new International Board Each year at International Convention, hundreds of Key Clubbers from across the world come together to vote and select 13 individuals to serve on the International Board. This year the 11 following Key Clubbers were elected to serve as trustees: Nick Cornell Matt Harper Caleb Lapsley Annie Lewandowski Lisa Nicholson Robert Peck David Velasquez Ashley Williams Stephenie Yuan Nancy Zhang

Will Robertson!(Assigned to NJ District) Also elected were the positions of International President and Vice- President, the Vice-President for the 2010-2011 Service year is Ikwo Morris while the President for the 2010-2011 Service Year is XinLei



KEY CLUB Division 15 Newsletter

Youth Opportunities Fund by, District Treasurer Devan Corona

Is your dream service project just out of reach? Do you have it all planned out and the man-power to execute it but you lack the funds? Maybe you would like to help local children through education or the elderly through recreation. There are thousands of great service projects out there and the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) can help your turn your dream to a reality. The Fund is all about financial support. Your club can be awarded anywhere from $200 to $2000 of assistance for your project. But now you might be thinking, “If someone is just giving out money, there must be strings attached.” There really aren’t; The Youth Opportunities Fund is such a simple process. All you have to do is plan, apply, and complete your project. With those three steps, you’ll be on your way to one of the most successful projects ever! So you have your project idea, where do you go from here? Start with detailed planning to determine if the YOF is even needed to fund the project. Being economical can eliminated many wasteful costs. If you have already planned and your club still cannot fund the entire project, apply for YOF immediately. Don’t be nervous to apply. Even though you have International competition, the YOF is one of the most under-utilized resources Key Club has to offer. Very few people apply so if you enter properly, your chances of winning are pretty good. Also, there is more than one winner. The Committee picks the projects on an individual basis not in competition against one another. The application deadline is October 15th and there is only one funding cycle per year. If you miss out your project may have to go on hold. Start by checking out the Youth Opportunities Fund Webpage where you can find previous winning projects and the application. The application is only two pages long and easy to complete, but here are some tips on entry. Make an effort to partially fund your project without the YOF grant; the committee loves to see that you have put effort into funding the project by yourselves. A precise project timeline and detailed line item budget should be included so the committee knows you are committed to the project and have a solid plan of execution. They only want to fund responsible clubs! The final tip is a detailed application. Chose to be more specific rather than less, the committee that chooses winners does not know your area’s needs. Make sure they understand why this project is vital to your community. With all of that said it is time for you to go out and make your dream a reality. Take your service project idea and run with it; you will end up impacting the lives of so many people. Remember the deadline for application is October 15th, so have your application in way before that. It’s better to be early than late because the mail got lost. I wish you all good luck with the Youth Opportunities Fund, now go out there and get it done!


Division 15 – Official Newsletter

Key Leader Weekend by, Lieutenant Governor Division 7- Tom Kraeutler

Do you have a desire to improve your leadership? Do you want to want to make new friends with similar interests as you? What if I told you that both of these will happen in the same weekend? This isn’t a lie; I’m talking about Key Leader Weekend! Key Leader is run by Kiwanis International with the mission of providing a “life-changing experience that inspires young people to achieve their personal best through service leadership.” The weekend is designed to kick-start a lifelong process of personal leadership growth and development. The program focuses on leadership in three communities: the local community, the state/national community, and the global community. It is a highly esteemed program in New Jersey and its greatness is directly related to the high remarks of our District on the national level. This year, Key Leader will be held Friday, December 10th through Sunday, December 12th at Camp Lebanon in Lebanon New Jersey. It is open to students grades 9-12 from any town. There are no restrictions on the number of attendees from any school, nor do you have to be a Key Clubber to attend. Registration is $175 for all Key Club members, which includes a $25 grant from the Kiwanis International Foundation, and $200 for any non-member. Register by October 15th to ensure your spot in the program. Speak to your Lieutenant Governor about how to sign up or if you have any questions – they’re more than ready to help! See you there!


KEY CLUB Division 15 Newsletter

Important Contacts District Governor Rachel Orbach Governor.orbach@gmail.com

District Secretary Kevin Sun secretarysun@gmail.com

District Treasurer Devan Corona devancorona@gmail.com

District Editor Nicole Darrah njkceditor@gmail.com

Zone Administrator Stephen Gandley stephen.gandley@verizon.net

District Webmaster Shivam Patel Spshivam72@gmail.com

District Administrator Barrie Werfel NJDAwerfel@aol.com

Lieutenant Governor Division 15 Harsh Swaminarayan Harshltgdiv15@gmail.com

Visit the Division 15 Website at:



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