Division 7 Newsletter October

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KEY CLUB The Official Newsletter of Division 7 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

Manasquan / Ocean / Wall / St. Rose / Monmouth Regional

Tom’s Tribune: Your Source for all Things Key Club!

Volume 1 Issue 6

In this issue!

College Ah, October. Time for pumpkin patches, candy, and trick or treating. But while youʼre planning your costume and learning how to put on face paint, take some time to go out and Trick or Treat for another cause: UNICEF. Your school should have received these orange boxes in the mail. If you need any more, let me know. September was a great success; and I owe itʼs success to you! Our service years started off with enthusiasm and clubs have great activities planned for this year (many of which I plan to attend). If you have a special event planned and you need any assistance, donʼt hesitate to ask me for any help; whether it be publicity, set up, or food.

LTG Message .............1

I also want to thank all the people who attended Fall Rally on October 10th (10/10/10) at Six Flags and representing Division 7 amongst 2400 Key Clubbers. While the District did not reach itʼs goal, we surpassed our Divisional attendance goals. Give yourselves a pat on the back for that. October will continue to be busy, as always. Now that youʼve had time to adjust to school, Key Club, and extracirriculars, you should be hitting your stride right about now. Keep up the great work! Yours in Caring and Service,

Tom Kraeutler

Dues .........................2 Key Leader ................3 The Last Word ...........4 Upcoming Dates ........4 Surf Taco Flier ...........5

Dues Payment

By Devan Corona, District Treasurer At the 2010 New Jersey Key Club District Convention, a dues increase was unanimously passed by the House of Delegates.


The Delegation, made of Key Clubbers throughout the state, agreed upon a goal to keep convention costs low in order to allow more members to attend and to allow the New Jersey District to grow with a larger operating budget. The increase was designed with these goals in mind therefore the one dollar ($1) increase is split into two categories. Half of the increase will go to defray the cost of attending District Convention and the other


half will help fund and grow our mighty New Jersey District. The increase will take effect for this year’s dues cycle; therefore dues will no longer be set at $11 when you pay this November. As stated in the amendment, the new dues breakdown will be as follows: • $6.50 collected by Key Club International • $5.50 collected by the New Jersey District • Up to $5.50 collected by individual clubs This brings the total cost of dues in the range of $12-$17.50 depending on how much your club decides to charge. The New Jersey District is recommending for each club charge four dollars


($4) as their membership fee, bringing the total cost to a reasonable $16. If you have any questions on the dues increase or dues payment in general, please contact the New Jersey District Treasurer, Devan Corona, at devancorona@gmail.com.


character building

Key Leader Do you have a desire to improve your leadership? Do you want to make new friends with similar interests as you? What if I told you that both of these will happen in the same weekend? This isn’t a lie; I’m talking about Key Leader Weekend!


Key Leader is run by Kiwanis International with the mission of providing a “life-changing experience that inspires young people to achieve their personal best through service leadership.” The weekend is designed to kick-sart a lifelong process of personal leadership growth and development. The program focuses onleadership in three communitities: the local commnity, the state/national community, and the global community. It is a highly esteemed program in New Jersey an its greatness is directly related to the high remarks of our District on the national level. This year, Key Leader will be held Friday, December 10th through Sunday, December 12th at Camp Lebanon in Lebanon, New Jersey. It is open to students grades 9-12 from any town. There are no restrictions on the number of attendees from any school, nor do you have to be a Key club member to attend. Registration is $140 for all Key Club members, which includes a $25 grant from the Kiwanis International Foundation, and $165 for any non-member. Just remember to use the coupon code: NJKDF at checkout. Register by October 30th to ensure your spot in the program. You can register at http://keyleader.org. If you have any questions, ask me - I’m more than ready to help. See you there!



The Last Word... October has been a busy month for all of us, but there are some things coming up that need to be remembered Trick or Treat for UNICEF - Your club should have received these boxes in the mail. Distribute them to your club members and have them collect around the local neighborhood. If you need more boxes, let me know! Surf Taco Restaurant Night - Monday, November 1st. Have all club members take a copy of the flier and present it at any Surf Taco Location for 20% of their purchase to be donated to Children’s Specialized Hospitals. The flier must be presented in order for the money to be donated, so make sure it is easily accessible to anyone who wants it. There is also a Facebook group for the event “Surf Taco Restaurant Night” Key Leader - It is not too late to sign up for Key Leader! Go to http://key-leader.org to register! Remember to use the coupon code “NJKDF” for $25 off.


Important Contacts! District Administrator Mr. Barrie Werfel NJDAWerfel@aol.com

District Treasurer Devan Corona devancorona@gmail.com

Zone Administrator Miss Kaitlin McCann kaitlin363@yahoo.com

District Editor Nicole Darrah njkceditor@gmail.com

District Governor Rachel Orbach governor.orbach@gmail.com

District Webmaster Shivam Patel Spshivam72@gmail.com

District Secretary Kevin Sun secretarysun@gmail.com

Lieutenant Governor Tom Kraeutler

Tom Kraeutler • tomkltgdiv7@gmail.com

October 31st - Halloween! November 1st - Surf Taco Restaurant Night (all Surf Taco Locations) November 1st-5th - Key Club Week November 10th - CMRFs Due. December 10th-12th - Key Leader

2010-2011 Governor’s Project

“ Operation Educate ” What is it?!


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NJ District of Key Why help? Club International

How can November I help?!

1, 2010

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11am to 9pm


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