Division 18 Newsletter 1

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Division 18 Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 1

A Letter From Your LTG… Dear NJ Key Clubbers and Advisors, Greetings from Division 18! My name is Meagan Koch and I am proud to announce that I will be serving as the Lieutenant Governor for Division 18 for the 2010-2011 service year. Let me start out by saying that I cannot wait to begin working with all of you during this upcoming year. I know that all of us together will achieve greatness. I am a 17 year old junior at James Caldwell High School. As a freshman in my home club I served as class representative and my sophomore year as club secretary. This past year, I was honored to serve as my club’s president. Throughout my time in Key Club I have had so many wonderful experiences that I will treasure forever, and I cannot wait to begin a new chapter in my key club ‘career’. Outside of Key Club, I enjoy playing tennis, not only for my club, but Varsity at my school. I am also a member of the National Honors Society and I also serve on my grades class council. I love the beach, and I can’t wait until summer. My goals for the upcoming service year: * Have all officers trained by October 1st. * Keep in contact with all clubs and try and strengthen weak clubs * Have all clubs have a great relationship with all of the K family clubs in their area. * Have many successful divisional projects and co divisional projects *Ensure that each club has a more active role in the mighty NJ District * Create at least one K Family Club in my area * Show everyone how much fun Key Club can be! It is my hope to take the clubs from division 18 to a new level. I hope that they will become clubs that not only live together but also clubs that work together. I wish to make all of division 18 proud and to aid each club in a successful service year. Feel free to visit our new Division 18 website (kcdiv18.webs.com) that I will be constantly updating with important key club information. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Yours in Caring, Service, and Friendship,

Meagan Koch .

Inside This Issue: -Welcome message….1 -Elections………….2 -Division 18 online!.....2 -cMRF 101………….3 -RTCs……………...3 -09-10 Dist. Project..4 -District Convention...5 -ICON……………..5 -Important Contacts....6 -Calendar…………..6

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In order to ensure a successful service year, it is important to make sure that each club is led by caring and competent leaders. In order to make sure that this happens, (if you haven’t already done so) be sure that you have your club elections immediately! It is very important for your club to hold its elections before school lets out, not only will this allow your executive board to plan for the year over the summer, but it also allows your club to start the school year off ahead of the game. Once you have held your elections and you have a new president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and editor, be sure to send in your officer roster (if you need a copy just let me know) to district secretary Kevin Sun (secretarysun@gmail.com and your lieutenant govenor. This is extremely important in order for the district to provide your club and officers with helpful information and training tools. If you have any questions about club elections or the executive board roster, please don’t hesitate to ask.

A main goal of mine for this service year is to be in constant contact with each club, officer, and general member of division 18. Along with emails, texts, newsletters, and phone calls, I have created a new website dedicated to everything related to Division 18 and Key Club. I will be constantly updating this site as a place where officers and members can come to for ideas, suggestions and information about the new Jersey District and Key club International. You can access the site by visiting www.kcdiv18.webs.com. Feel free to visit it any time. I look forward to your input and suggestions! ☺

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Calling ALL CLUB SECRETARIES! A part of your job as serving as your club’s secretary is to keep accurate records of your clubs activities and service throughout the month. A club monthly report form is (a mandatory) way to highlight your club and show your lieutenant governor and the district everything your have accomplished throughout the month. Each secretary must accurately complete the monthly report form (available online at njkeyclub.org) and send it to your ltg, (ltgdiv18@gmail.com) your zone administrator Mrs. Werfel, (cwkiw@aol.com) and our district secretary Kevin Sun (secretarysun@gmail.com) . Please be sure to complete and send them in by the TENTH of EACH MONTH. For example, the report for due on May 10th includes all activities held from April 10thmay 10th. Also be sure to send them in over the summer. In total, a secretary will send out 11 cMRFs to the 3 contacts listed above. (TIP: an easy way to fill these out is to make sure that you take minutes at each meeting you attend). We look forward to hearing from you on the 10th of every month as we do read these reports. For more information on filling out a cMRF, and for a step-by-step guide, please visit kcdiv18.webs.com or contact your lieutenant governor .

ATTENTION ALL CLUB OFFICERS, are you ready to ROCK OUT WITH SERVICE?! Be sure to join the NJ District at Spring RTCs. At this extremely informative event, executive board members are trained by their counterpart on the district board. You will learn in depth all aspects of your executive board position and will be ready to carry out your role in your club. You will also be able to attend other awesome workshops from CSH to Unicef, to club publicity. YOU definitely will learn a lot! Not only will this be a great event to help you serve on your executive board, you will also be able to bring home with you great ideas, fundraising strategies, and new service projects! RTCS are held in both the spring and fall. (you only have to attend one RTC, however it is best to attend the spring one in order to get a jump start on your service year). Spring North RTC will be held at Morris Knolls High School on May 23rd. More information will be available shortly however if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!

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Two years ago, at the 63rd Annual District Convention, enthusiastic Key Clubbers were ready to kick off their 4th year serving the patients at Children’s Specialized Hospital. With a district wide service goal of 11,679 hours: hours one for each NJ Key Clubber, and a monetary goal of $84,350.16, $84,350.16 Key clubbers across the state were ready to volunteer their time to make a difference. Whether it was by participating in rec-therapy, holding a CSH walk, or even having a successful bake sale, Key Clubbers were ready to make a difference. When the time came for this past convention, where everyone ‘traveled the world of service’ the true impact our district has on the hospital was seen. Each member, advisor, and guest, held their breath to hear the end of year total. We are proud to announce that the NJ District had surpassed our service goal and were able to donate more than $60,000 to CSH! Due to such a successful outcome, the NJ District is proud to announce that CSH has been chosen for the FIFTH year in a row to serve as the New Jersey District Project. It has been a long journey, but it’s not over yet- each key clubber is proud to serve “our hospital” for the FIFTH year in a row! For more information on how to serve Children’s Specialized Hospital, please contact your Lieutenant Governor.

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At the 64th Annual District Convention, Key Club members from across the state of New Jersey traveled by planes, trains and automobiles in order to attend this highly anticipated event. A highlight of each Key Clubbers Service year, District Convention is looked forward to from the start of each year. With a theme of “travel the world of service” each member was excited to say farewell to the past successful service year, and welcome in a new one. Whether it was listening to motivational speeches, asking candidates caucus questions, winning fabulous awards and gaining recognition for your club, participating in a walk for Children’s Specialized Hospital, or dancing the night away, Key Clubbers everywhere had an awesome time. I would like to congratulate our Immediate past Lieutenant Governor Brittney Lerman on receiving the Robert f. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor’s award for her dedication and hard work throughout the service year. I would also like to introduce to you the 2010-2011 New Jersey District Executive Board. Serving as your District Governor will be Rachel Orbach, our District Secretary will be Kevin Sun, District Treasurer will again be Devan Corona, and our District Editor will be Nicole Darrah. With such an amazing District Convention, it looks as if our service year will be just as successful. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s convention!

That’s right, Division 18, the summer is right around the corner! And with the summer comes Key Club’s annual International Convention, this time in the historic Memphis, Tennessee! This year, Key Club International has put together an amazing Convention, and the District is planning yet another tour to go along with it! ICON is a one week convention that drew over 1500 Key Club members , advisors, and administrators last year. During your time in Memphis, you’ll have the opportunity to meet new people, share Key Club Experiences, and leave with a new best friend. You’ll also get a taste of the various caucuses, workshops, elections, and delegations that make Key Club successful and make you a better Key Clubber. The New Jersey District will travel to Memphis by bus, leaving New Jersey on the morning of July 4th, and returning on the evening of July 12th. On the road to ICON, we will stop at many points of interest, including Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio, Graceland, and the Civil Rights Museum. At ICON, the festivities begin with a private concert by Ohio pop-rock superstars Relient K, and continue with appearances by such celebrities as Clay Aiken and Josh Hutcherson! It will truly be a week to remember. Anyone interested in attending, please contact YOUR LTG ASAP for more information (including a primer and registration form), as the first payment is due by May 15th. If money is an issue, feel free to ask your Kiwanis Club to help you out with the costs. They would be glad to help!

“We’ll See You there!”

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Important Dates: May: 10th: Club Monthly Report Form Due! 22nd: RTC SOUTH – Brick Memorial High School 23rd: RTC NORTH- Morris Knolls High School 15th: Icon Primer Due

June: 10th: Club Monthly Report Form Due!

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