Division 7 November Newsletter

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KEY CLUB The Official Newsletter of Division 7 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

Manasquan / Ocean / Wall / St. Rose / Monmouth Regional

Tom’s Tribune: Your Source for all Things Key Club!

Volume 1 Issue 7

In this issue!

Warming Our Hearts... Happy November Everybody! many families will have a meal this holiday season that As the temperature drops they wouldnʼt have had and the snow starts to without our help. We have threaten, we all love to stay made a lasting impact on cozy and warm inside our those families, for which they houses (preferably with a cup will be eternally grateful. of hot chocolate, in my opinion). However, we can We have an exciting event never forget to continue the coming up this month, service to our local Generosity Rocks! It will be community, because there held December 22nd at are people in our town that Monmouth Regional High do not have the luxury of a School. Bands are still warm shelter during this needed, so if you are holiday season. interested, contact me soon! Take a look at the fliers later As a Division, we have been in the newsletter for more breaking out to new heights. information. We have continually been receiving four CMRFs a Keep up the great work! month and have had a tremendous record for service. In addition, we have collected hundreds of cans, boxes, and packages of food Tom Kraeutler between clubs. That means

LTG Message .............1 KFC ...........................2 Generosity Rocks! ......3 Elections ...................4 Dues .........................4 GR! Flier ....................5 GR! Band Contract .....6

KIWANIS FAMILY CONFERENCE leadership On Friday, November 5th, I was fortunate enough to get on a plane to Black Mountain, North Carolina with most of the New Jersey District Board to attend an event called KFC. No, I am not talking about the fast food restaurant I’m talking about Kiwanis Family Conference. This weekend was an incredible experience, overall. I met Key Clubbers, Circle-K members, and Kiwanians from across the East Coast, along with gaining some valuable bonding time with the rest of the Board. Over one single weekend, we sharpened our leadership abilities and grew stronger together.


caring character building

Do YOU want to be LTG? Ever since I was elected to be Lieutenant Governor for this great division, my life has forever been changed for the better. Being LTG has changed my outlook on life, service, and my abilities as a person. However, my term is quickly running out, and I am looking for a capable person to be the next Lieutenant Governor for Division 7. There will be elections on January 23rd, but you first need to fill out the service agreement found in the elections packet. If you or someone you know is interested in running, please talk to me so I can get you the necessary paperwork. I promise, becoming a Lieutenant Governor will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. On a different note, Treasurers, make sure that your club has your dues in. They are due by December 1st. If they aren’t in by then, your club will enter the “deliquent” status. I don’t want to see any of my clubs disappear, so please make sure those are submitted in a timely matter :).


Important Contacts! District Administrator Mr. Barrie Werfel NJDAWerfel@aol.com

District Treasurer Devan Corona devancorona@gmail.com

Zone Administrator Miss Kaitlin McCann kaitlin363@yahoo.com

District Editor Nicole Darrah njkceditor@gmail.com

District Governor Rachel Orbach governor.orbach@gmail.com

District Webmaster Shivam Patel Spshivam72@gmail.com

District Secretary Kevin Sun secretarysun@gmail.com

Lieutenant Governor Tom Kraeutler (c) 732-865-4315

Tom Kraeutler • tomkltgdiv7@gmail.com

December 10-12: Key Leader (Lebanon, NJ) December 22nd: Generosity Rocks! (Monmouth Regional HS) December 25th: Christmas January 1st: New Years Day

2010-2011 Governor’s Project

“ Operation Educate ” What is it?!


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Why help? D2%!)+1$)&'()*+!7*&!(2)1!$&*6%/(!/*?%1!7&*?!?<!.+-<)+3! @*4%!7*&!1%&4)/%=!>!7%%@!(2'(!'1!H%<!I@.E!?%?E%&1! $'&()/)$'()+3!)+!'+!*&3'+)J'()*+!E.)@(!.$*+!(2%!4%2)/@%!*7! 1%&4)/%F!B%!1)?$@<!-*!+*(!1%&4%!%+*.32=!>+!(2%!$'1(!7%B! <%'&1F!(2%!%-./'()*+!1<1(%?!)+!A%B!C%&1%<!2'1!E%%+!*+!'! &'$)-!-%/@)+%!7*&!4'&)*.1!&%'1*+1=!D2)1!$&*6%/(!$&*4)-%1!'+! *.(@%(!7*&!H%<!I@.E!?%?E%&1!(*!1%&4%!(2%)&!/*??.+)()%1! '+-!$&*?*(%!%-./'()*+!(*!/2)@-&%+!)+!+%%-=!

Calling all bands!

Want a chance to show your musical talent in front of a huge audience?

How can I help?!

H%<!I@.E1!/'+!3%(!)+4*@4%-!)+!(*+1!*7!B'<1K!L&*6%/(1!<*.!/'+!2*@-!(*!$&*?*(%!%-./'()*+!)+/@.-%!(2%!7*@@*B)+3M! • !""#$%&'()*+!D2%1%!'&%!'!3&%'(!'+-!%'1<!B'<!(*!1%&4%!(2%!/*??.+)(<K!N*.&!/@.E!/'+!/*@@%/(!E**G1!*7! 4'&)*.1!3%+&%1!'+-!&%'-)+3!@%4%@1!(*!-*+'(%!(*!(2%!1/2**@!@)E&'&<F!@*/'@!@)E&'&<!*&!'+<!*&)3)+'()*+!B)@@)+3!(*!/*@@%/(! (2%?=!N*.!/'+!/*@@%/(!*@-!(%O(!E**G1!'1!B%@@=!P%%@!7&%%!(*!/*+('/(!<*.&!@*/'@!E**G!1(*&%!'1!B%@@!7*&!?*&%!)-%'1!'+-! )+7*&?'()*+=! • ,-."&'/0$$1/2$3)12'/0$."$4.-2)/.*+!I@.E1!/'+!%1('E@)12!'7(%&;1/2**@!$&*3&'?1!'+-!'&&'+3%!-'<1!(*!4)1)(!! To be held at: '+!%@%?%+('&<!*&!?)--@%!1/2**@!(*!(.(*&!'+-!&%'-!(*!1(.-%+(1=!N*.!/'+!%'1)@<!*&3'+)J%!(2)1!B)(2!'+<!1/2**@!'+-!(2%! &%1.@(1!'&%!'@B'<1!$*1)()4%F!<*.!?'<!%4%+!?'G%!'!+%B!@)((@%!E.--<K! Monmouth Regional High School • 3)12$56&"**$57)&'61$%18+$D2)1!+'()*+'@!2*@)-'<!7'@@1!*+!Q'&/2!8F!89::=!Q'G%!1.&%!<*.!6*)+!(2%!&%1(!*7! December 22nd, 2010 (2%!AC!R)1(&)/(!'+-!'&&'+3%!'!4)1)(!(*!'+!%@%?%+('&<!1/2**@!'+-!&%'-!(*!1(.-%+(1!*+!(2)1!-'<!7*&!'!-)1(&)/(;B)-%! 1%&4)/%!-'<K!>(51!'+!%'1<!B'<!(*!3%(!<*.&!)+4*@4%-!'+-!'!3&%'(!$.12!7*&!(2%!%+-!*7!(2%!1%&4)/%!<%'&=!R*+5(!E%!'7&')-!(*! 6:30 PM 3%(!/&%'()4%!'+-!(&<!/*@@'E*&'()+3!'2%'-!*7!()?%!B)(2!(%'/2%&1!'+-!$&)+/)$'@1!(*!$@'+!7.+!'/()4)()%1=!! • 9"::)6.$46;"":$4-<<:')*+!I*@@%/(!'1!?./2!1/2**@!1.$$@)%1!'1!<*.!/'+!'+-!E&)+3!)(!(*!P'@@!S'@@<!'(!T)O!P@'31! U&%'(!V-4%+(.&%!*+!#/(*E%&!:9(2!(*!E%+%7)(!(2%!I*??.+)(<!P**-!W'+G!*7!AC51!"D**@1!7*&!T/2**@10!$&*3&'?!7*&!(2%! (2)&-!<%'&!)+!'!&*B=!N*.!/'+!'@1*!/*@@%/(!1.$$@)%1!(2&*.32*.(!(2%!<%'&!'+-!'&&'+3%!(*!3)4%!)(!(*!<*.&!X)%.(%+'+(! U*4%&+*&=!V@@!1/2**@!1.$$@)%1!)1!'//%$(%-!E.(!?*1(!+%%-%-!)(%?1!)+/@.-%!$%+/)@1F!+*(%E**G1!'+-!E'/G$'/G1=!N*.!/'+! $&*4)-%!<*.&!?%?E%&1!B)(2!&%B'&-1!$%&!%'/2!$*.+-!*7!1/2**@!1.$$@)%1!/*@@%/(%-!Y(2)1!B*&G1!B%@@!)7!<*.&!/@.E! 7*@@*B1!'!$*)+(1!1<1(%?Z=!

Sign up to participate in GENEROSITY ROCKS!



Contact your Key Club President for the competition rules and sign up sheet S'/2%@!#&E'/2;!AC!R)1(&)/(!U*4%&+*&!

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Price to participate: $5! for Individual, or $10 for a Group ,?')@M!!3*4%&+*&=*&E'/2[3?')@=/*?!


Thanks for your interest in participating in Generosity Rocks! For our records, please fill out the following form and return it to your Key Club President by November 30th. Name of Band/Act: _______________________

Name(s) of Members: ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Home High School: _________________________ Do you own all of your own equipment? If yes, what is it? If no, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person Name: __________________________ Contact Person Cell Phone Number: __________________________ Contact Person Email: ___________________________________________________ By signing this form, you agree to abide by the rules set by the Generosity Rocks committee. You will be allowed to perform one song, no more than four minutes long. After the song has been performed, it will be judged by a diverse panel of judges. At the end of the night, the scores will be tallied and the top three acts will move on to the next round of the competition. By signing this form, you also agree to attend the Generosity Rocks battle of the bands on December 22nd, 2010, along with the run-through evening to be held sometime between December 15th and 20th and the full rehearsal on December 21st. __________________________ (Signature)!




___________________________ !

(Print Name)! !



__________ (Date)


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