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Miss Santos, Toda saudade P3
Dear readers,
This term, the theme for ‘The Linguist’ is translation, and we are so excited to share many different articles surrounding this theme. We have included topics varying from pieces of literature, to how languages are translated and the implications behind that, to our use of idioms in our own language. Covering a broad set of countries with many languages, we hope that there is something for everyone in this edition. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed researching and writing it, and that you also learn something new about translation in different languages!
Section One
Keira Cumming, L’Impatto Culturale Di Divina Commedia Rachel Hodes, Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Übersetzung von Werken der Musiktheater Anaya Jaffer, Traduire ‘Harry Potter’ et ses mots inventés
Diora Juraboeva, Translation of traditional Russian fairy-tale “Гуси-лебеди” Fleur Lee, ‘한국어를 이해할 수 없는 사람들은 어떻게 한국 음악을 들을 수 있을까?’
Section Two
Lara D’Amico, Una dimostrazione che Google Translate non funziona. Avinashi Sahota, ¿Qué significa trasaltar de un idioma a otro? Bavini Saravanamuthu, Lo que no necesita ser traducido: las famosas artistas de España
Karel Ohana, Méfiez-vous des faux amis ! P20 Mary Qurban, 中文量词的使用 P22 Anaya Popat, ‘Es como hablar a la pared’ - una conversación entre un principiante y un nativo (traduciendo literalmente) P24
Section Three
Esha Shah, Translation and summary of the Spanish Poem “Hora tras hora, día tras día” Aviva Sharp, Translation of the French poem ‘Coronavirus’ by Stephen Blanchard & how I went about translating it. Sophie Orgler, Translation of a famous Japanese ghost story. Miss Santos, Toda saudade.
Chief Editors: Avinashi Sahota and Bavini Saravanamuthu Front and back cover: Mary Qurban