8 October 2021
校长寄语 尊敬的家长、学生、员工以及NLCS济州朋友们 很高兴在本周看到我们的学生和教师参与到另一个学科拓展周:生物 以及图书馆周的主要活动。本周为学生提供了很多讲座,来自Ms Kym Pritchard养蜂的重要性,以及极地自然摄影师Florian Ledoux的在线讲 座。学生们一直通过社团来领导这些活动,并与社区的很多人互动。所 有社团还有自己的出版物,这让我们为之自豪并证明了他们的高度参与 度。 随着COVID-19 预防措施的放松,本周我们已经能够让少数访客进入校 园,通过混合方式与家长代表进行交流。和往常一样,这是家长向学校 领导提问以及更深入了解学校的机会。然而,我提请家长,如果您有任 何问题和担忧请随时通过正常渠道联系我们的教师和员工,以便我们及 时解决问题。 您诚挚的,
Lynne Oldfield 校长
North London Collegiate School Jeju
最新消息!我们很高兴并自豪地宣布济州北伦敦学校在2021年年度 私立学校 奖中获得年度最佳英国国际学校奖!这充分体现了我们的学生、家 长、教师、支持人员、校友及朋友们的辛勤工 作和奉献精神。你们中的每 一个都成就了今天的我们——世界最佳学校之一! 我们将很快与您分享我们的正式徽章和更多详情,但是如果您希望 了解更多请联系。
图书馆周 本周的图书馆周取得了巨大的成功,馆长Hager Braham和她的团队组织了很多活 动。活动包括极地探险家Florian Ledoux的客座讲座,还有教师在 Poetry In Your Pocket活动上的诗朗诵。
Ms Hager Braham
生物周 本周有很多支持生物周的活动。所有生物社团都参加了活动,Ms Kym Prichard 和她的团队对这些学生主导的活动感到非常高兴,活动包括植物学、解剖和养蜂 等! 我们喜欢Lucida Enterprise的作品,他们创建了一个生物老师正在读什么的指 南。看看12年级学生Yoonseo (Elin) Cha 和 Hyunsuh (Jamie) Koh都发现了什 么,也许你能从中获得启发。 大家好,我们是Lucida Enterprise,NLCS济州学生领导的读书俱乐部。我们的 宗旨是阅读各种体裁、各种语言的书,并分享对这些书的想法。在生物拓展周, 我们决定看看生物部门老师都在看什么书。点击 HERE观看完整采访— 以下是一 些亮点—
老师们阅读的书籍 这些是生物老师正在阅读的书籍。 • Ms Kym Prichard: ‘Anarchy Evolution’ by Greg Graffin and Steve Olson • Dr Julie Cocker: ‘Where the Crawdads’ Sing by Delia Owens • Mr Adam Yates: ‘Moon Over Soho’ by Ben Aaronovitch
生物周 与生物相关书籍的推荐 在采访生物老师时不可遗漏的问题!我们请教三位生物老师向学生们推荐生物书 籍。 • Ms Prichard: ‘My Family and Other Animals’ by Gerald Durrell • Mr Yates: ‘The Selfish Gene’ by Richard Dawkins • Dr Cocker: 1. Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze? And 114 Other Questions 2. Does Anything Eat Wasps? 3. Do Polar Bears Get Lonely? And 101 Other Intriguing Science Questions
小收获:最喜欢的选择 所有读者肯定都有自己最喜欢的选择。以下是老师们的最爱! Ms Prichard: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
‘The Master and the Margarita’ by Mikhail Bulgakov ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’ by John Le Carre ‘The Goshawk’ by T. H. White ‘I’ Claudius’ by Robert Graves ‘My Brilliant Career’ by Miles Franklin
Mr Yates: ‘Cloud Atlas’ by David Mitchell Dr Cocker: ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’ by Thomas Hardy
还有什么? 阅读一些老师们推荐的书籍从来不是一个坏主意。在此文章中可以看到很多作者 的书籍,请随时开始阅读吧。如果你想了解更多生物老师正在阅读的书籍,请查 看生物部门走廊的海报吧!
Ms Kym Prichard
North London Collegiate School Jeju
My first year of school will definitely remain as one of the most fortunate years of my life because I met Reuben and Archie. With them, I spent most of my childhood riding bikes, surfing, and playing.
更多校庆照片 我们的支持人员骄傲地佩戴着校庆十周年徽章和特殊设计的口罩 - Anna Kim (招 生部), Eunjin Kim (中学办公室),Eunjeong Jo (CCA 办公室), Muzi Li (中学 办公室),Yu Ah Yang (学籍部),Jihye Pak (翻译部), Kyungran (Kelly) Kim (招生部) ,DongEun Lee (家校联系部) 和 Ellie Yang (翻译部)。
播客 Shona Park - Episode 5 - Spatium 我们在之前的几期中介绍了Shona Park的播客Spatium,她的各种想法给我们留下 了深刻的印象。本期Shona聚焦多语言。她说— “很多NLCS济州学生精通多门语言,虽然这在我们学校意义重大,但是一些学生 在学业和多语种身份方面感到矛盾。因此,本期我聚集了三位来自不同背景的学 生,他们说三到四种语言,阿拉伯语,西班牙语,法语等。 Jihoon Kim 和Fred Lee与我们一起创办了这一期,这再次证明了距离不会限制我们。” 请在HERE收听!
寄宿 感谢Mr Dan Long分享了小学寄宿生的一些趣味照片。Darangswi一直有很多事情 发生。我们将会及时为您更新寄宿体验和更多进展。
超级学生 釜山市长为社区服务颁奖 - Olive Park - Year 11 Year 11 Olive (Dajeong) Park在9月9日举行的“器官捐赠日”仪式上收到了釜 山市长颁发的证书,因为她积极参与青少年器官捐赠推广和义工工作。今年6月 Olive参与了釜山器官捐赠研讨会,指导访客并参观了各种活动。 她说“参加研讨会后,我对器官捐赠更有兴趣了。我了解了韩国的复杂系统和儒 家思想使在韩国器官捐赠变得困难,我想让更多的人了解器官捐赠的好处。 9月9日是器官捐赠日,因为一个脑死亡的人的捐赠可以挽救九条生命。我希望你 能关注器官捐赠,因为能挽救很多人的生命。”
下周在线信息会议 如您所知,我校非常受欢迎,有关入学的咨询让招生部门异常繁忙。我们定期举 行信息会议让感兴趣的家长了解最新情况,下周我们将有两场咨询会议。如果您 的朋友和家人有意参加,或者现有学生的弟弟和妹妹有意加入我们学校,您可以 在此报名HERE。
中学英语课 Mr Kevin Hill分享了他7年级的英语课堂照片。这堂课基于Tennyson的Charge of the Light Brigade。 他告诉我们“本周7年级学生探索一战的一手材料,他们能够看到真实的宣传,以及人们 是如何被说服的。他们创作了一组戏剧重现了丁尼生的名诗The Charge of the Light Brigade。学生们正在读 Michael Morpurgo的 War Horse(《战马》)。 如果你喜欢以动物为叙述者的书籍,您应该去我们的超级图书馆查阅。中学的英 语课堂总是很精彩!”
Mr Kevin Hill
小学课堂 Krista Merrill - 视觉艺术 感谢Ms Krista Merrill分享3年级3JV班级在Gelli版上制作版画的短视频。我们 喜欢看到学生们对艺术的投入!低年级对艺术的参与和灵感一定是我们IGCSE和 IB视觉艺术考试取得优异成绩的原因之一!
James Lilleywhite - 科学课 科学课在NLCS济州很有意思—无论对哪个年龄段的人来说。Mr James Lilleywhite 分享了这些近期2年级的科学课。他说— “在2年级,我们探索材料和他们的属性。使用不同大小的球,我们测量他们在 不同表面上的弹跳高度,来理解哪种材料的球跳得最高。课程非常有意思,我们 很高兴地宣布橡胶球最有弹跳力。”
小学课堂 Justine Whitney - Year 5 英语 感谢Ms Justine Whitney分享这些5年级的照片,展示了给出明确指示的价值! 他们向蒙眼的学生提供简洁的指示以帮助他们通过障碍。如您所见,这是一个实 用而有趣的学习实践。
学院比赛 A Message from EunSoo (Eunice) Lee - Geomun House Captain 2020 - 21 每年的学院比赛都很激烈,去年Geomun是当之无愧的赢家!学院队长EunSoo Lee 为Geomun学生写下这篇可爱的演讲,述说了Geomun对她意味着什么— “首先,我要感谢所有为Geomun付出热情和参与的学生。如果不是你对Geomun的 奉献和热爱,我们无法度过满是学院比赛的一年。你们是当之无愧的第一名,我 希望你们为自己感到特别自豪。感谢你让我在Geomun的最后一年成为最精彩的一 年,带给我很多骄傲、喜悦和荣誉。我认为我们度过了美好的一年,我希望你们 每个人和我都有相同的感受。 我将想念所有的一切,从蓝色的墙,色彩怪异的沙发到一直持续到夏天的圣诞装 饰,还有偶尔的夏日水仗。我会一直记得那一天,当我是9年级学生时,在雨中 训练一天后赢得足球赛的狂喜。每个人的脸上都洋溢着幸福的笑容。 特别感谢Ms Taylor, Ms Braddell, Mr Perry 和Mr Cronin的所有支持并一直陪 伴我们到最后。我真的很想念和你们住在一起的日子。 最后,我想对去年的所有学院队长说,我知道他们重视学院的程度远比想象的要 多,从学院比赛到他们谈论学院的方式。他们中的每一个都尽全力为每个人创造 最好的机会和记忆,我们非常感激他们为学院付出的时间和精力。 对我来说每一刻都很特别,我希望你们和我一样享受那段时光。”
战争诗歌 很高兴看到整个班级合作的成果。中学英语教师Mr James Munday,分享了他的 班级10R和10S的惊人写作。他们的创造力确实让人联想到战争带来的伤痕和作 为一名士兵的感受。这里的创造性学术英语质量一流。他们所运用的习语、形 容词和富有戏剧性的语言让人惊叹!
Class 10S/Hi_M War Poem Johnnie, get your gun, Fix your gun, We’re heading to the land of kings and Kaisers to save a fire called freedom Although William has lost an eye and one arm by Huns, We advance towards the enemy. Left and right friends and companions fall They go out in a snap The ones who get out will never be the same Scarred for life the things we’ve felt. How thin and sharp the knives are How big and large the tanks are It’s all the weapons in the war. Menacing canons inched closer and closer Sluggishly, intimidatingly, Trampling what laid beyond Towering above a man’s head. Ear-splitting sound smashed into us Machine rattles Resounding noise make soldiers hopeless and shudder Silently but heavily Deafening sound, Overwhelmed and dismantled us Piercing of sound engulf us all Coldly and eerily Sound of the guns flying from all directions Heartbeat that is only heard after my fall
Sound fades with my consciousness. Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of war equals The sound of death. You can hear the sound of the guns passing through soldiers’ bodies You can hear the sound of arrows hitting soldiers’ skin. You can hear soldiers screaming in pain Everyone wants to stop the fight But it goes forever and ever… The sea of yellow evil silently arrived No one had noticed, not even a fly. Gas! Vapour! As soldiers fell on their knees It’s a nightmare, or a never-ending disease. A small fleeting voice tries to warn me, of my nightmares that have just begun. Gas stalked across the trench Followed by blood gargling from froth filled lungs Fear of dark grey clouds loomed over Soldiers with trench foot caught in the sharp cold metal of barbed wire Shell holes littered the horizon. My fear becomes heightened I’m scared every day My death becomes certain I can’t run away At Flanders field, I sweat The rusty, brown guns flashing shiny bullets towards me Under the Trenches, I bleed Red, shiny blood spurting and when I look up the sky I see only the grey foggy sky and man-made birds throwing up black shadows The fears swallow me as it structed my body And I think about what is left for me, what I should do Picking up the rusty cold gun I repeat the word The true will is never defeated. I’m living like today is the last day of my life As Flanders field a green sprout grew in the middle emitting azure bloom At Flanders field the green sprout was crushed down the evening of the twilight.
Inevitable war zone My teeth, hands legs shivering Booms everywhere nowhere to hide That Last war furious of fear One day the war will cease, All will sing with harmony, With our loved ones all in peace, We’ll bring home the victory. In Flanders Fields. Death blooms, Like a flower in the dawn The cries of the rattlesnakes Causing countless valiant soldiers To drop; Like the leaves That inevitably fall, And the snow That fills the fields. The birds chirping lively in the harsh wind, Probably means there’s peace in the disarray, The rise of the stars in the pitch dark sea, Probably means there’s light in the dark. One day soon, the war will end, We’ll grab all the booze that we contend, Our country would be in peace, And the great war will ever cease. Like the lifeless decoration on a tree A Halabong tree stood solitary When it was perfectly ripe one fell then another into the wild Crushed by the soldier passing by The warmth of my hands. The lights in my eyes The blazing smile And the wave of iron rain When a fire dies, only ashes remain.
Class 10R/ Hi B War Poem Downpour of periwinkle and silver Black and white coexist in the twilight Gusts of fumes freeze shadows And ill-lit calamity resumes One’s grumbling, one’s crumbling One’s shooting, one’s screeching I wish one’s despair becomes wisdom When one’s screeching comes as silence; Roars of firearms and trumpets blowing Swish as the bullets cut through the sky Fathomless wail from those bottomless trenches, breaking into my holy grail of tranquillity Sounds like the end of the Earth, Feels like everything is getting destroyed Sounds like small planes flying around me, And I can hear screaming fading There lies shadows of life once lived In the middle of chaos Hesitant to reach up high I wander around for light. A world with no end in sight Perilous and squandered might Reveries of a miraculous firmament All gold is but a fool’s gold Where we shower with lotus seeds When the Roscoes went silent Machine guns rattle, Comrades fly, sprint, fall Sounds of rain, stampede, and thunder Lines made of copper, carrying messages Voices far away tell fatigue and sorrow Rings around and become an echo
Machine guns spitting toxic pellets Tanks approaching with boisterous noise Grenades shouting inaudible languests Gas, I can still hear their voice A huff sends one to where he came from Burns mouth, nose and eyes Burning, but moist Iron boats sliding under, Crashing, colliding But waiting for, blindly Remember only this of us We’re a pawn on the chessboard with feelings An insect’s night is brighter and beautiful than any other night The insect fly towards the flame of fire The fire is dangerous yet attractive in its sound and appearance It flames red and has a hot popping sound It’s a way for the insect to prove himself His braveness and masculinity needs evidence This makes the insect curious and impatient to go towards the fire The fire is full of fear, but it can’t stop the insect from going into the light The fragile bug dies in a short second as it enters the fire It is marvellous, yet in jeopardy The insect passes away without much to do Its journey is done and so is the life. During the time of noise and explosion, the man couldn’t go blind out There were his peers falling down, without any reaction: He couldn’t step forward He wanted to stop, but there was no way to escape. Wherever I stepped on the battlefield was pulpy, As the whole layer of soil was from the dead men I covered myself on the flesh of these men Just so I don’t end up just like one of them
Joy Siwon Hwang
As I lied down and wetting tears, All I saw was lying bodies of my fellow mates, My mates I’ve known for so long back in war Ended up falling down to the trench ground
Shot through bullets just like bowling pins fall I could hear them suffocating to death Looking for their mums till very end A man was sitting alone in a cage, his body is cold and wet Beside him, he could see his friends, his companions, locked in other cages The cages are floating on the ocean His cage slowly and steadily descended, he shivered. but did not say a word Muzzle flashes from the trenches Machine gun bullets rain from the sky Blood splatters everywhere As they shattered into pieces I was shattered too Every day my ears ring with guns and screams. I got shot and I can’t even stand up straight. I can’t fight but watch my friends die and suffer. This pain of mine tells me that I would rather fight. The clamour stalk the land Pigeons whirl through the wind Red flowers bloom on the road But the dead men tell no tales For the Hod, For the Netzach, For the Geburah, Those who unintentionally became the Golachabs are becoming Thagirions Was it because the spear penetrates their bodies Or is it because they yearn for the time when they were enjoying at the Tree Perhaps it won’t happen The last wish before tragedy encounters Millions of hearts getting filthy One more, just one more to be pure.
济州英语教育中心一分钟视频比赛 一个每个人都可以参与的好机会!济州英语教育中心正在举办一分钟视频比 赛。今年的主题是碳中和。在一分钟的视频中表达减少碳排放的主张或行动。 您可以在下面链接的海报和主页上查看更多信息。
MUSIC CORNER 乐器体验课堂 - 报名截止日期11月1日 我希望能为您的孩子提供一个机会,报名参加从11月15日开始为期四周的短期 课程(30分钟或1小时)。也许您错过了8月份的报名截止日期,或者您的孩子 想尝试学习一种新乐器,或者重拾以前的爱好。现在就是绝佳的机会。 KOREAN CHINESE ENGLISH
ABRSM News 请阅读 read here有关ABRSM的最新消息。我们仍然提供在线考试和伴奏支持。 你可以通过此信重点链接报名乐器伴奏课程。该信附有英语,韩语和中文。
Trinity Rock and Pop 我们很高兴地宣布我校是韩国第一个提供这些国际考试的中心,我们摇滚和流 行音乐学生与ABRSM候选人同等重要。如果你对此感兴趣,请通过上面链接报 名, Ms.Kwon (电子琴/钢琴), Mr.Cho (电吉他、低音吉他), Ms.Joo (声音), Ms.Jeong (电吉他) 和 Mr.Song (架子鼓)。 这是一个令人兴奋的新发展,我们很快与您分享更多信息。
Taejoon Kim 感谢2019届校友Taejoon Kim—目前就读康奈尔大学,他代表NLCS济州参加一场特 别的高尔夫锦标赛。他说— “在9月14日, Thomas Park和我代表NLCS济州参加了<OK 금융그룹배 럭비 고교동창 노사이드 채리티 매치>。这是一场高尔夫友谊锦标赛,该赛事由韩国橄榄球联盟 (KRU)主板,橄榄球队毕业的高中生可以参加比赛。参与本身就保证了对NLCS济 州橄榄球队的捐款,所以我们对这个机会倍感兴奋。 高尔夫球场的环境配上完美的天气,这绝对是美好的一天。最重要的是,我们体 会到对NLCS济州的热爱。2019年毕业后,我们能够回馈学校和学生的机会很少。 在我们准备和参与这次活动时,我们想起了在NLCS济州的美好时光,认识到这是 一个回馈学校的机会,因此大家的动力非常大。我们非常感谢KUR主办的这次极佳 的活动。
“再看这个经历,我们认识到NLCS济州将在我们心中一直占有特殊的位置。” NLCS济州校友们为什么不分享你们的故事呢?我们希望听到你的消息!
Thomas Park
校友故事 (2) 我们很高兴收到来自最新校友之一2021届Helen Joung的消息。Helen曾是我们的 女学生会主席,在学校为学生们树立了很好的榜样。她告诉我们过去几个月发 生的事情。 “正如所有的第六学段学生同意的那样,自从IB开始,我们都没有很多时间留 给自己。尽管一开始找事情做有点迷茫,但我能够以一种轻松而愉快的方式让 自己忙碌起来。我一直专注于成为瑜伽人士,我可以做一个完美倒立了。每个 周末,我都在韩国各地爬山,阅读书籍,看一些有趣且打开眼界的纪录片,我 在学习DALF,这样我就不会把法语全忘了。
另外,我正在准备到UCL读书。阅读与我的专业建筑学相关的书籍,学习设计软 件和参加一些设计比赛,预注册大学和参加在线培训,发起一个关于宗教建筑 的小型研究项目并研究一些在韩国的具体建筑。 我已经开始想念在NLCS济州的所有人和那些特别的会议,特别是校队培训,在 Halla有压力但愉快的午夜自修,没有午餐但充满会议的课间休息。然而,我对 在大学学习感到信心十足和兴奋,我在NLCS济州的这几年已经帮我准备好了迎 接挑战的心态。IB组织技能让我为大学做好了准备。” 我们祝愿Helen的下一篇章好运。她正在追随她的热情迈向下一个旅程。她真正 体现了“从这里开始,走向辉煌。”
Helen Joung
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North London Collegiate School Jeju