Cakebread Decorative Arts & Design

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January 24-26 2014

Cakebread Decorative Arts &


In Memoriam

George Rodrigue (1944-2013) A n at i v e of Ne w I b e r i a , L ou i s i a n a , G e or g e R o d r i g u e w a s n ot on l y a n a c c omp l i s h e d a r t i s t , h e w a s a l s o a s av v y bu s i n e s s m a n a n d p h i l a nt h ropi s t . A s t u d e nt of t h e Un i v e r s it y of L ou i s i a n a a n d t h e A r t C e nt e r C o l l e g e of D e s i g n i n L o s A n g e l e s , R o d r i g u e b e g a n h i s c a re e r i n i l lu s t r at i on , b e f ore tu r n i n g t o p a i nt i n g f u l l t i m e . Hi s e a r l i e s t w or k s , s t e e p e d i n t h e Ac a d i a n l ore a n d C aju n h i s t or y of h i s a n c e s t or s a n d s t y l i s t i c a l l y re m i n i s c e nt of t h e Fre n c h pr i m it i v e a r t i s t s , c au g ht t h e at t e nt i on of t h e Eu rop e a n a r t c om mu n it y : i n 1 9 7 4 h e w a s aw a rd e d t h e pre s t i g i ou s Tom m a s s o C a mp a n e l l a G o l d Me d a l f rom t h e Ac a d e m i a Int e r n a z i on a l e d i L e t t e re – A r t i — S c i e n z e i n R om e ; i n 1 9 7 5 h e re c e i v e d a n Hon or a r y Me nt i on f rom L e S a l on d e s A r t i s t e s , Pa r i s . Wit h t h e s e at m o s p h e r i c p a i nt i n g s of t h e L ou i s i a n a l a n d s c ap e a n d it s p e op l e , R o d r i g u e e mp l oy e d a c o l or p a l e tt e of r i c h g re e n s a n d b lu e s , e mp h a s i z i n g t h e d r a m at i c i nt e r p l ay of l i g ht a n d s h a d ow. R o d r i g u e’s m o s t f a m ou s c re at i on , t h e B lu e D o g , w a s a s e re n d ipit ou s a c c i d e nt . C om m i s s i on e d w it h c re at i n g t h e i l lu s t r at i on s f or a b o o k of l o c a l g h o s t s t or i e s , t h e a r t i s t u s e d a v e r s i on of h i s ow n d e c e a s e d d o g Ti f f a ny a s a m o d e r n v e r s i on of t h e C aj u n g h o s t d o g , t h e “ l oup - g a rou”. T h i s i m a g e re s on at e d w it h t h e pu b l i c i n a n e a r l y u npre c e d e nt e d m a n n e r, a n d t h e B lu e D o g s o on att a i n e d t h e s t at u s of a n A m e r i c a n Pop i c on . Wit h t h e p opu l a r it y of t h e B lu e D o g , R o d r i g u e s o on f ou n d h i m s e l f a h i g h l y s ou g ht a f t e r a r t i s t . He re c e i v e d nu m e rou s c om m i s s i on s f or e v e r y t h i n g f rom t h e Ne w O r l e a n s Ja z z a n d He r it a g e Fou n d at i on , t h e i c on i c Ab s o lut Vo d k a a d c a mp a i g n , a n d p or t r a it s of l o c a l lu m i n a r i e s . D u r i n g t h e s e y e a r s , R o d r i g u e b e c a m e i n c re a s i n g l y a c t i v e i n t h e n on - prof it c om mu n it y ; t h i s c u l m i n at e d i n t h e f or m at i on i n 2 0 0 9 of t h e G e or g e R o d r i g u e Fou n d at i on of t h e A r t s , a n on - prof it or g a n i z at i on w h i c h a d v o c at e s t h e i mp or t a n c e of t h e v i s u a l a r t s i n t h e e du c at i on of y ou n g p e op l e . In t h e y e a r s s i n c e it s i n c e pt i on , t h e Fou n d at i on h a s c re at e d s c h o l a r s h ip s , r a i s e d m on e y f or a r t s upp l i e s i n l o c a l s c h o o l s , a n d h a s s p on s ore d art classes. T h e re c ipi e nt of nu m e rou s aw a rd s a n d a c c o l a d e s , G e or g e R o d r i g u e m o s t re c e nt l y re c e i v e d t h e O pu s Aw a rd f rom t h e O g d e n Mu s e u m of S out h e r n A r t . Ne w O r l e a n s Au c t i on G a l l e r i e s w a s s a d d e n e d t o h e a r of G e or g e R o d r i g u e’s p a s s i n g on D e c e mb e r 1 4 , 2 0 1 3 . We w e re h on ore d t o h av e h a d t h e opp or t u n it y t o w or k w it h t h e a r t i s t a n d h i s Fou n d at i on . He w i l l b e g re at l y m i s s e d by t h e a r t c om mu n it y.

Friday, January 24, 2014 12:00 p.m., Lots 1-460

Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:00 a.m., Lots 461-1108

Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:00 a.m., Lots 1109-1650

Evening Preview Reception Thursday, January 23, 2014 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Exhibition Preview January 20-23, 2014

Cakebread Decorative Arts


Design / / 510 Julia Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 / 1-800-501-0277 / 504-566-1849 / (FAX) 504-566-1851 LA Auction License AB-363, Steinkamp #1265, Thomas #1833/23% Buyer’s Premium (3% Discount for Payments Made by Cash, Check, or Wire)

S ess i o n I


LOTS 1 - 4 6 0 1 Chinese Bronze Vessel, 20th century, the bulbous tripodal bronze vessel with two handles, h. 3”, dia. 4”. [200/400] 2 Five-Piece Collection of Chinese Cloisonne, including a pen tray, w. 3-1/4”, l. 8-3/4”; a roller blotter, h. 2”, w. 2-1/2”, l. 5”; a letter opener, l. 7-3/4”; and a pair of pounce pots, h. 1-1/2”. [100/200] 3 Large and Impressive Chinese Cloisonne Covered Bowl, of flattened globular shape with conforming cover, enameled in polychrome enamels with shaded peony flowers and foliage on a cloud ground and edged in a border of ruyi heads, carved wooden stand, dia. 15”. [150/300] 4 Two Chinese Cloisonne Vases, late 19th/early 20th century, now mounted as lamps, the tallest, h. 18-3/4”. [300/500] Illustrated


6 Chinese Blanc-de-Chine Porcelain Figure of Quan Yin, 20th century, h. 15”. [150/300] 7 Two Pieces of Cloisonne, including a 19th-century Japanese bowl, h. 8”, dia. 12”; and a 20th-century Chinese cylindrical vase, h. 11-1/2”. [300/500] 8 Pair of Jade Trees, in hardstone pots with stone flowers and leaves, h. 8-1/4”, w. 7-3/4”. [500/800] 9 Pair of Chinese Cloisonne Vases, ca. 1930, now mounted as lamps, decorated with foo dog handles and enameled banks of lotus flowers and scrollwork, vase, h. 11”, overall, h. 22-3/4”, dia. 6-1/2”. [300/500] 10 Pair of Chinese Famille Noire Vases, late 19th/early 20th century, the baluster-form vases depicting birds amidst prunus branches, bamboo, rocks and lingzhi fungi, the underside bearing a blue and white encircled Kangxi (1662-1722) period mark, h. 14-1/4”. [150/300]

5 Chinese-Style Blanc-de-Chine Foo Dog Lamp, base, h. 27-1/2”. [500/800] Illustrated


11 Pair of Chinese Porcelain Covered Jars, 20th century, with famille jaune decoration of birds and flowers on a floral scroll ground, h. 18”. [300/500] Illustrated




12 Chinese Square Vase, now mounted as a lamp, h. 19”. [250/400]


13 Chinese Porcelain Baluster Vase, the large vase depicting scenes of immortals, h. 23”. [250/400] Illustrated 14 Chinese Bulbous Vase, decorated with figures in landscapes, h. 16”. [300/500] 15 Fifty-Seven Piece Chinese Tea Service, composed of lidded dishes and tea pots, h. 7”, w. 6”, largest. [200/400] Illustrated 16 Chinese Export Porcelain Ginger Jar, ca. 1900, now mounted as a lamp on an ebonized base, and fitted with a carved and pierced cover and a shade, h. 24-1/2”. [100/200] 17 Two Chinese Export Flask-Form Vessels, 20th century, the tallest, h. 16”. [150/250]

18 Chinese Porcelain Baluster Vase, 20th century, h. 15”. [100/200] 19 Pair of Chinese Famille Verte Covered Jars, 20th century, decorated with historical scenes, h. 12-1/2”. [300/500] 20 Pair of Transfer-Printed Double Gourd Vases, first quarter 20th century, in the “Chung” pattern by Wood & Sons, Berslem, England, marked “Chung, Rd No 531664, L & Co.”, h. 11-1/4”, dia. 4-1/2”. [300/500] Illustrated 21 Pair of Chinese Pastel Floral Vases, the colorful vases decorated with a motif of peonies, vines and birds, h. 9”, w. 5-1/2”. [300/500]



26 Chinese-Style Yellow Balustrade Vase, 20th century, now mounted as a lamp, h. 34”. [100/200] 27 Chinese Porcelain Charger, with a Qianlong reign mark on the underside, dia. 15-1/4”. [200/400] Illustrated 28 Three Pieces of Chinese Export Porcelain, comprising a charger in the Rose Canton pattern, decorated with ho ho birds and butterflies, dia. 13-1/2”, a plate in the same pattern, dia. 10-3/4”, and another plate in the butterfly pattern, dia. 9-7/8”. [300/500] 29 Chinese Export Porcelain Charger in the Rose Canton Pattern, ca. 1900, the field decorated with peonies and butterflies, the yellow border decorated with green scrollwork and pink lotus blossoms, dia. 15”. [300/500] Illustrated


22 Monumental Pair of Chinese Famille Rose “Palace” Vases, decorated with reserve panels of court figures and royalty at leisure, h. 42”. [100/200] Illustrated 23 Unusual Faience Vase Mounted as a Lamp, probably Italian, the black lacquer base supporting the garniture vase, decorated with green vines and flowers, applied flowers decorate the rootform handles, mounted with a shade, vase, h. 17”, w. 14-1/4”, d. 10-1/2”, overall, h. 30”. [200/400] 24 Two Famille Rose Vases, 20th century, the first vase with famille rose reserves of flowers on a black ground, h. 6”, and the second balustershaped vase with flowering peonies 27 and a calligraphic poem, h. 11-7/8”. [80/120] 25 Two Chinese Vases, 20th century, both with a “Qianlong” reign mark and drilled to be mounted as lamps, the tallest, h. 16-1/2”. [200/400]


30 Chinese Export Punch Bowl, 20th century, decorated with rocks, flowers, birds and butterflies, h. 6-1/2”, dia. 14-1/4”. [200/400] 31 Chinese Porcelain Rice Cup, the rim with Greek-key enameled decor, the bowl sides depicting a dragon amongst the clouds, the underfoot signed, together with a turned wooden stand, h. 2-1/2”, dia. 4”, without stand. [150/300] 32 Chinese Porcelain Jardiniere on Stand, with reserves depicting images of sages, birds and boys, h. 25-1/12”. [200/400]

33 Chinese Double-Gourd Vase, 20th century, with a sang-de-boeuf glaze, h. 6-1/4”. [350/500] Illustrated



33A Chinese Four-Panel Folding Table Screen, early 20th century, the panels of Kesi tapestry with scenes of warriors, framed in rosewood, carved and pierced with flowers, h. 29”, l. 40”. [300/500] 34 Large Chinese RedGlazed Vase, 20th century, the vessel with “sang de boeuf” glaze and two elephant head faux handles, the underside unglazed and unmarked, h. 11-1/2”, dia. 10”. [200/400]


35 Five-Piece Group of Porcelain, 19th/20th century, consisting of a crackled celadon brush washer, h. 3”, w. 7”, d. 2”; three crackled vases in white, green and blue, h. 2-3/4” to 5”; and a soft paste ware miniature jar with underglaze blue decoration of foo dogs, h. 2-3/4”. [100/200] 36 Chinese Blue-and-White “Apple” Jar, decorated with orange accents, h. 3”, w. 4”. [100/200] 37 Three Small Chinese Pottery Pieces, 20th century, composed of a blue and white glazed piece, a brown piece with four handles in the Northern Song style and a two-handled tiny jug, tallest, h. 3”. [100/200] 38 Sixteen-Piece Lot of Asian Trade Pieces, 19th century and earlier, trade pieces and potteries from Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand and Vietnam, h. 5-1/2”, largest. [250/400] 39 Chinese Blue and White Porcelain Charger, 19th/20th century, dia. 18”. [75/125] 40 Pair of Chinese Blue and White Planters, 20th century, the octagonal footed planters with a floral pattern and drilled on the underside, h. 9-1/2”, dia. 14”. [300/500] 41 Chinese Porcelain Jardiniere, 20th century, the gilded vase with reserves depicting flowers and imperial scenes, with a reign mark stamped below and a painted goldfish within, h. 14-1/2”, dia. 16”. [100/200]

42 Chinese Porcelain White Teapot, 19th/20th century, with metal handle, h. 6-3/4”. [40/70] 43 Chinese Wooden Stool, 20th century, the stool with a painted porcelain top, h. 18-1/2”, dia. 13-1/2”. [100/200] 44 Chinese Cabinet on Stand, the carved wooden cabinet concealing six drawers, and two ceramic bead pulls, h. 32”. [800/1200] 45 Pair of Chinese Huali Chairs, ca. 1950, the back, sides and aprons carved with dragons, pearls and clouds, with animal paw feet, h. 41”, w. 27”, d. 23”. [700/1000] Illustrated 46 Pair of Chinese Red-Lacquered Elmwood Chairs, 20th century, each with a straight crest rail supported by four turned spindles, h. 38”, w. 20-1/2”, d. 16”. [250/400] 47 Pair of Chinese Hardwood Chairs, the chairs pierced and carved with tasseled cushions, h. 46”. [500/800] Illustrated




48 Chinese Black-Lacquered Low Table, late 19th century, h. 15”, w. 23”, d. 14”. [400/700] 49 Chinese Sweetmeat Box/Table, 19th century, the hexagonalform top with gold decoration on a black lacquer ground, opening to reveal an interior with shaped enamel dishes, h. 30”, dia. 27”. [300/500] 50 Chinese Elmwood Altar Table, 20th century, the rectangular top having a wide framed and molded edge, h. 35”, w. 47”, d. 15-1/2”. [350/500] 51 Suite of Four Chinese Ebonized Nesting Tables, early 20th century, each with a shaped rectangular top featuring a gilt and polychrome oriental landscape, raised on bulbous turned legs to runner feet ending in gilt dragon’s heads, h. 28-1/2”, w. 24”, d. 14-3/4”. [700/1000] 52 Pair of Chinese Rosewood Stands, the stands with marble tops, h. 36-1/2”, dia. 13”. [200/400] 53 Pair of Chinese Hardwood and Marble-Top Tabourets, each with a circular top with an inset marble surface, above a bamboocarved frieze and pierced apron, h. 33”, dia. 13-1/2”. [200/400] 54 Chinese Wooden Stand, 20th century, with a carved decorative motif, h. 36”, w. 11”, d. 11”. [100/200] 55 Chinese Stained Hardwood Pedestal Table, early 20th century, the banded square top raised on circular legs, h. 31-1/2”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 15-1/2”. [150/300] 56 Three-Piece Suite of Chinese Rosewood Furniture, first half 20th century, comprised of a pair of chairs and a matching table, the yoke-backed chairs finely carved and pierced with foliation, chair, h. 39-3/4”, table, h. 30-1/2”, w. 15-3/4”, l. 22-1/2”. [800/1200] Illustrated


57 Chinese Lacquered Low Table, 20th century, the rectangular top with floral and avian patterns, h. 16”, w. 39”, d. 20”. [200/400] 58 Chinese Black-Lacquered and Decorated Coffee Table, mid-20th century, the rectangular top mounted to cabriole legs, h. 16-1/2”, w. 41”, d. 21”. [100/200] 59 Chinese Ebonized and Hardstone Cabinet, 20th century, inlaid in hardstone with a scene of ladies in a garden setting, h. 38”, w. 26”, d. 12”. [200/400] 60 Pair of Chinese Rosewood Tambour-Fronted Cabinets, 20th century, h. 30-1/2”, w. 17”, d. 16”. [500/800] 61 Chinese Black-Lacquered Apothecary Cabinet, 19th century, having forty-two brass-mounted drawers, h. 70”, w. 40-1/4”, d. 19-3/4”. [400/700] 62 Chinese Red-Lacquered Bamboo Tall Cabinet, 20th century, the sides and front with open bamboo grille panels, h. 71-1/2”, w. 32-1/2”, d. 14-1/2”. [300/500] Illustrated


67 one of three

63 Chinese-Style Mahogany Narrow Bookshelf, h. 52”, w. 26”, d. 15”. [150/300] 64 Chinese-Style Mahogany Bookshelf, h. 48”, w. 54”, d. 15”. [200/400] 65 Chinese Bamboo Root Display Shelf, late 19th/early 20th century, having nine shelves within an ornately shaped section of root, h. 67”, w. 42-1/2”, d. 24”. [300/500] 66 Chinese Framed Embroidered Panel, depicting two cranes standing on a pine branch and two cranes flying in the distance, h. 20-1/2”, w. 28-1/2”. [150/300] 67 Chinese School (20th Century), group of three woven silks depicting dragons, immortals and foo dogs, sizes range from 23” x 21” to 46” x 44”. All glazed and framed alike. [200/400] Illustrated 68 Chinese Embroidered Silk Purse, late 19th/early 20th century, depicting two roosters, with a drawstring tassel and the character “Fu” or “blessing”, 11-1/4" x 8-1/2". [125/250] 69 Vintage Red and White Embroidered Light Coat, after 1960, this lightweight coat with white bands with red ornamentation at the neck, l. 40-3/4”. [100/200] 70 Vintage Chinese Red Silk Coat, ca. 1961, the coat covered with black rondels, l. 43-1/2”. [100/200]

73 72 Pair of Chinese Lotus Shoes, 19th century, each silk and cotton slipper, colorfully and elaborately embroidered with a floral motif and a design of beautiful women on the ankles, a Buddhist symbol on the back, h. 3”, l. 5-3/4”. [125/250] Illustrated 73 Japanese Tosa School Painting, 17th/18th century, color and ink on silk, overall, h. 25-3/4”, w. 28”. [150/300] Illustrated 74 Keiko Minami (Japanese, 1911-2004), “Untitled”, etching and aquatint, artist proof, pencil signed, sight 16-1/2” x 12”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 75 Three Chinese and Japanese Metal Work Items, late 19th/ early 20th century, including an ivory-handled clothing iron, l. 10-1/2”; a bronze censer, h. 6-1/2”, w. 7”; and a hand mirror, l. 12”. [100/200]

71 Embroidered Chinese Silver Silk Coat, ca. 1960’s, the coat lined with a thin white silk, l. 45”. [100/200]


76 Japanese Bronze Vase, Meiji period (1868-1912), decorated in relief with birds and flowering plants, h. 10”. [100/200] Illustrated 77 Japanese Champleve Enameled Bronze Vase, ca. 1920, decorated with archaic masks and flowers, h. 11-3/4”. [300/500] 78 Two Embossed Metal Works, comprising a 19th-century Japanese lobated bronze planter and a French patinated ring tray with a pair of birds, h. 4”, w. 9”. [100/200] 79 Japanese Bronze Samurai Figure, modeled balancing a candle holder, mounted on a wood base, h. 22”. [1000/1500] 80 Japanese Porcelain Lazy Susan Set, the porcelain with gilding and a mauve landscape, in a wooden box, h. 4”, w. 11-1/2”. [100/200]



89 Group of Three Japanese Ivory Carvings, depicting a fisherman, the god of longevity, and Okame, the goddess of mirth, the largest, h. 6”. [400/700] 90 Japanese Carved Ivory Pine Tree, h. 10-3/4”, w. 2-1/2”. [200/400] 91 Japanese Carved Ivory “Monkey Boat”, l. 6-1/4”. [150/300] Illustrated 95

81 Japanese Arita-Type Blue-and-White Porcelain Charger, ca. 1900, decorated with ho-ho birds in plum branches over lotus flowers, dia. 17-3/4”. [150/300] 82 Pair of Blue and White Plates, possibly Japanese, dia. 10-1/4”. [75/125] 83 Japanese Tea and Coffee Pot Set, 20th century, the two pots with winding dragon decoration on the lids and spouts, on a painted terracotta-colored ground, marked “Kuiani China” on the underside, the largest, h. 8”. [200/400] 84 Japanese Nippon Vase, 20th century, the large green footed vase with two dragons and white birds, h. 18-1/4”. [100/200] 85 Five-Piece Collection of Japanese Nippon Ware, 20th century, the tallest, h. 18-1/2”. [100/200] 86 Six Pieces of Japanese Nippon Ware, 20th century, including a large pitcher, h. 13-3/4”, a small pitcher, h. 8-1/2”, and four mugs adorned with winged dragons, h. 5-1/2”. [100/200] 87 Eight-Piece Group of Japanese Ivory Carvings, depicting Chinese immortals and other assorted figures, all on wood bases, the largest, h. 8”. [250/400] 88 Small Carved Figures with Stand, one carved from wood depicting a lady, and the other on a wooden stand, h. 3-1/2”, tallest. [150/300]


92 Large Chinese Celadon Vase, 20th century, the blue-green celadon-glazed porcelain palace vase with a crackled glaze throughout, with an unglazed and unmarked underside, h. 34-1/2”, dia. 13-1/2”. [200/400] 93 Chinese Export Lacquered Box, 19th century, shaped in the form of a ruyi, the interior fitted with two layers of boxes, w. 14-3/4”, l. 12”. [400/700] 94 Three-Piece Group of Carved Cinnabar Lacquer, early 20th century, including a pair of blue enamel-lined vases, h. 6”, and a lidded box, h. 1-3/4”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 3-3/4”. [300/500] 95 Pair of Chinese Carved Cinnabar Vases, early 20th century, with floral relief details, the body depicting mountainous landscape reserves, h. 8-1/2”. [400/700] Illustrated


106 Eight-Piece Collection of Ivory Pipes and Pistol Handles, late 19th/ early 20th century, the longest, l. 7”. [200/400] 107 Indian Miniature on Ivory, late 19th/early 20th century, depicting Krishna and Radha seated on a terrace, both dressed in ornate garments and jewels, surrounded by an ornate floral border, h. 6”, w. 4-1/4”. [200/400] 108 Pair of Indian Miniature Paintings, 19th century, depicting scenes of mendicants, in European costume, in ink and slight color on heavy paper, framed and glazed, h. 7-3/4”, w. 5”. [100/200]

96 Chinese Porcelain Bottle Vase, 19th century, with famille rose decoration of actors and poems, h. 8-3/4”. [300/500] 97 Two Chinese Hardwood Boxes, one a tiered box and the other a small chest, the tallest, h. 12”, w. 6-1/2”, l. 15”. [300/500]

109 Suite of Four Indian Gouache on 112 Paper Paintings, second quarter 20th century, depicting various figures in a landscape, sight 8” x 3-1/2”. All glazed, handsomely matted and framed. [250/400]

98 Chinese Carved Boxwood Brush Pot, 19th century, surfacecarved in relief with a pine and magnolia tree, h. 4-3/4”. [200/400]

110 Early Stone Temple Carving, 5th century, India, the shard depicting a goddess with a boar’s head, carved in deep relief, h. 9”, w. 6”, d. 2”. [200/400]

99 Chinese Bamboo Brush Pot, 20th century, the surface carved in relief with figures in a palace garden, signed and with a cyclical date, h. 7”, dia. 4-3/4”. [300/500] Illustrated

111 Nepalese Patinated Bronze Buddha on Stand, 18th century, depicting the jeweled figure of a Buddhist divinity, h. 18”. [400/700]

100 Chinese Ink Stone, in a fitted wooden box, both box and stone inscribed, w. 7”, l. 10-1/2”. [300/500]

112 Large Purbha Ceremonial Dagger in the Himalayan Style, the three-sided blade adorned with dragons, and the hilt decorated with deity heads, dragons and horses, l. 21”. [100/200] Illustrated

101 Chinese Ink Stone, in a fitted box, both the box and stone with inscription, l. 8”. [300/500] 102 Chinese Boxed Set of Four Volumes of Calligraphy, 20th century, including photo reproductions of a famous calligrapher, w. 4-1/2”, l. 12-1/2”. [200/400] 103 Two Asian Tusks, 18th/19th century, including a hippopotamus tusk, l. 11-1/2”, and an elephant tusk, l. 20-1/4”. [400/700] 104 Thirteen-Piece Group of Ivory Pendants and Charms, the tallest, h. 2”. [100/200] 105 Large Group of Chinese and European Ivory, the longest, l. 10-3/4”. [150/300]

113 Ten Wooden Containers with Lids, possibly Middle Eastern, some with ivory and metal finials, h. 9”, w. 8-1/2”, largest. [200/400] 114 Middle Eastern Short Sword, with a hardwood handle and hilt, and incised decoration on the brass scabbard, l. 19-1/2”. [50/80] 115 Middle Eastern Calligraphic Sheet, decorated with gold leaf and hand-painted arabesque decoration, mounted in a contemporary silver-gilt frame, h. 17”, w. 15”. [300/500] 116 Pair of Chinese Shadowbox-Framed Jades, the two round jade medallions in black fabric-lined shadowboxes, h. 18”, w. 17-1/2”, d. 2”. [300/500]


125 Chinese-Style Lacquered and Polychromed Four-Panel Screen, incise-carved and painted to depict exotic birds amidst flowers and vines, h. 72”, w. 16”, each panel. [300/500] 126 Egypto-Revival Bronze Clock by Achille Brocot (French, 1817-1878), third quarter 19th century, the base of the case decorated with a winged scarab, symbol of Khepera, the clock works marked “AB” flanking a star, for Achille Brocot, h. 15-1/4”, w. 12-3/4”, d. 5-1/4”. [500/800] Illustrated


120 one of a pair

117 Pair of Chinese Plaques, 20th century, inset with stone depicting flowers and plants in archaic vessels, h. 34”. [150/300] 118 Chinese Gouache on Paper, fourth quarter 19th century, sight 55-3/4” x 33-1/2”. Glazed and framed. [200/400] 119 Two Chinese Paintings on Silk, 20th century, the largest, h. 20-1/2”, w. 17-1/4”. [200/400] 120 Pair of Chinese Paintings on Glass, early 20th century, in wood frames, h. 21-3/4”, w. 15-1/2”. [200/400] Illustrated 121 Four Chinese Paintings of Beauties, 20th century, watercolor on silk, h. 20-1/2”, w. 17-1/2”. [300/500] 122 Japanese Watercolor Group on Rice Paper, early 20th century, the three images of archaistic vessels with plants and flowers, h. 21-1/2”, w. 12-1/2”. [100/200] 123 Jiang Tie-Feng (Chinese, b. 1938), “Green Horse”, serigraph, 1986, signed and numbered “72/260” lower right, printed by Fingerhut Group Publishers, original plate destroyed after printing, verso with a “Dyansen Gallery, New York, N.Y.” label, sight 25-3/4” x 25-3/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [500/800] 124 Chinese Four-Panel Screen, 20th century, each panel of shadowbox form, and having carved hardstone inlaid scenes of birds and flowers, h. 72”, w. 72”. [300/500]


127 Victorian Bronze Cobra-Form Watch Holder, fourth quarter 19th century, English, holding an Elgin 17 jewel Incabloc “crystal ball” pocket watch, h. 7”, w. 4”, d. 3-3/4”. [100/200] 128 French Belle Epoque Gilt-Bronze and Porcelain Clock Set, ca. 1900, in the Louis XIV style, marked “France” on the works, clock, h. 16-3/4”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 3-1/4”, urns, h. 16-3/4”, w. 6”, d. 3-1/4”. [1000/1500] Illustrated 128

129 Louis XV-Style Carved Giltwood Cartel Clock, first quarter 20th century, Swedish, the dial signed “Emil N. Skalin, Stockholm,”, h. 21-1/2”, w. 12-1/4”. [300/500]


130 French Rococo Revival Mantel Clock, third quarter 19th century, decorated with a couple in 18th-century costume, h. 16”, w. 12”, d. 4-1/4”. [150/300] 131 French Marble and Gilt-Metal Three-Piece Clock Set, including a figural clock mounted with “Vendage”, after Henry K. Kossowski II (Polish, 1855-1921), signed on the rear of the figure, clock, h. 25-1/4”, w. 12”, d. 5-1/4”, candelabra, h. 24”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 8-1/2”. [800/1200] 138 136

132 Ansonia Crystal Regulator, first quarter 20th century, New York, h. 15-1/4”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 6-3/4”. [800/1200] 133 French Belle Epoque Gilt-Metal and Porcelain Mantel Clock, fourth quarter 19th century, the case with a scroll-molded base and sides molded with dolphins and a masque, the works marked “CJCC”, h. 20-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 4-1/2”. [500/800] 134 Seth Thomas Gilt-Metal Louis XV-Style Mantel Clock, first quarter 20th century, Thomaston, Connecticut, h. 13-1/2”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”. [300/500] 135 Paris Porcelain Rococo Revival Mantel Clock, Attributed to Jacob Petit, mid-19th century, the enamel dial signed by Henri Marq, Paris, h. 14-1/2”, w. 9”, d. 5”. [500/800] 136 Napoleon III Mantel Clock, third quarter 19th century, with a pendulum in the form of a girl on a swing, the works signed “Chappemat Brevette”, overall dome h. 12”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”. [600/900] Illustrated

137 Impressive French Inlaid Marble Clock Set, third quarter 19th century, retailed by John and James Tosen, London Bridge Station, the Marti works fitted with an exposed escapement, clock, h. 16-1/4”, w. 19-3/4”, d. 6-3/4”, tazzas, h. 10-1/2”, w. 8”, d. 10-1/2”. [2000/4000] Illustrated 138 American Colonial Revival Walter H. Durfee Mahogany Tubular Chiming Tall Case Clock, late 19th century, the movement featuring Westminster and Whittington Chimes, h. 97”, w. 26”, d. 19”. [15000/25000] Illustrated 139 American Colonial Revival Waltham Clock Company, Mahogany Single Tube Tall Case Clock, ca. 1900, having an eight-day movement with time and strike on a single long tube, h. 95”, w. 24”, d. 15”. [1000/1500] Illustrated 140 George III Line-Strung Mahogany Tall Case Clock, ca. 1800, signed “John Hutchinson”, time and strike movement, h. 83-1/2”, w. 18”, d. 9”. [1000/1500]

141 American Federal-Style Banjo Clock, early 20th century, the central eglomise panel depicting the American Eagle, fitted with an electric movement, h. 41”, w. 10-1/2”. [200/400]


142 Brass-Mounted Walnut Vienna Regulator, fourth quarter 19th century, produced in the Alt Deutsch style, h. 35”, w. 13”, d. 8”. [1500/2500] Illustrated

151 Two Nautical Clock/ Barometers, including a Waterbury bronze cased clock/ barometer, pre 1932, Waterbury, Connecticut, h. 20”, and a Schatz clock/barometer, 20th century, German, h. 9”. [100/200]


143 E. Ingraham RosewoodVeneered “Grecian” Mantel Clock, fourth quarter 19th century, Bristol, Connecticut, h. 15-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 4-3/4”. [200/400]

152 American Mahogany Double Decker Weight Driven Mantel Clock, second quarter 19th century, probably Connecticut, h. 31-1/2”, w. 18”, d. 6”. [150/300] 153 Schatz Bronze Cased Nautical Clock and Barometer, 20th century, German, on a mahogany mount, h. 24”, w. 12”. [200/400]

144 Waterbury Regency-Style Mahogany Mantel Clock, first quarter 20th century, Waterbury, Connecticut, signed “Waterbury Clocks, Pat’d Sept 13, 1898”, h. 11”, w. 18”, d. 4-3/4”. [150/300] 145 Ansonia Boudoir Clock, ca. 1900, Brooklyn, New York, in a copper Arts and Crafts case, h. 5-1/2”, w. 4”, d. 2-3/4”. [150/300]


154 Sessions Oak-Cased Arts and Crafts Mantel Clock, first quarter 20th century, Forestville, Connecticut, h. 17-3/4”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 5”. [100/200]


146 Napoleon III Spelter, Black Marble and Gilt-Metal Figural Mantel Clock, third quarter 19th century, decorated with allegorical figures, h. 21”, w. 28-1/2”, d. 7”. [1200/1800] Illustrated 147 Unusual Moorish Revival Boulle-Work Portico Clock, mid19th century, French, works signed by Marti, h. 19-3/4”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 4-3/4”. [600/900] 148 German Neoclassical Wood and Brass Mantel Clock, first quarter 20th century, with works and dial signed by Junghans, h. 14”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 4-1/2”. [200/400] 149 French Restauration Tole-Peinte Wall Clock, first quarter 19th century, signed “Japy Freres”, h. 17”, w. 15”, d. 5-1/4”. [300/500] 150 Six-Piece Collection of Assorted Watches and a Pedometer Under Domes, comprised of two English sterling key wind pocket watches, one retailed by H. Samuel, Manchester, ca. 1890’s, a watch in a silvered case with an “Appleton Tracy” movement from the American Watch Co., ca. 1874, an “Illinois, Bunn Special 21 Jewels” movement watch, ca. 1907, a Swiss travel alarm watch in a gunmetal case, ca. 1900, and a sterling “New Haven” pedometer, the belt loop marked “Tiffany and Co., Maker, Sterling”, dia. 1-3/4” to 2-3/4”. [150/300] Illustrated



155 Waterbury Pressed Oak Two-Dial Calendar Clock, fourth quarter 19th century, Waterbury, Connecticut, h. 28-3/4”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 5-1/4”. [150/300]

159 Parcel-Gilt and Painted 158 Gallery Clock Face of Industrial Design, the elements distressed to simulate patina, dia. 47-1/2”. [200/400] 160 Napoleon III-Style Ebonized Composition Wall Clock, with battery-operated works, h. 29”, w. 24”, d. 3-3/4”. [100/200] 161 Chinese Aubusson-Style Carpet, 8’ 8” x 11’ 11”. [100/200] 156 American Pressed Oak Kitchen Clock, ca. 1900, h. 25-1/4”, w. 15”, d. 4-3/4”. [100/200] 157 European Art Deco Oak Mantel Clock, second quarter 20th century, the lozenge-form steel dial in an oak case trimmed with carved leaves, h. 11”, w. 10-1/4”, d. 5”. [75/125] 158 French Art Deco Stone Clock Set, first quarter 20th century, the black-enameled metal chapter ring set on an alabaster facade, clock, h. 9-1/4”, w. 16-1/4”, d. 9-1/4”, ornaments, h. 7”, w. 6”, d. 3-1/4”. [200/400] Illustrated

162 Peshawar Zeiglar Mahal Carpet, 8’ x 10’ 1”. [1400/1800] Illustrated 163 Patchwork Kilim Carpet, 5’ 3” x 6’ 7”. [350/500] 164 Mashad Carpet, 6’ 6” x 9’ 8”. [200/400] 165 Heriz Carpet, 3’ 4” x 12’. [300/500] 166 Kashan Carpet, 7’ 3” x 10’ 4”. [300/500] 167 Sultanabad Carpet, 8’ 3” x 11’ 11”. [500/800] 168 Chinese Modern Carpet, 6’ x 9’. [75/125] 169 Jaipur Carpet, 6’ x 9’ 2”. [200/400] 170 Hamadan Carpet, 7’ 1” x 10’. [200/400] 171 Agra Serapi Carpet, 10’ x 13’ 4”. [500/800] 172 Patchwork Kilim Carpet, 5’ x 6’ 10”. [350/500] 173 Collection of Oriental Carpet Pillow Cases, primarily Caucasian, comprised of two 16-1/2” x 16-1/2” cases, five 13-1/2” x 18” cases, four 13-3/4” x 13-3/4” cases and two 17” x 24” cases. [200/400] 174 Pair of Baccarat-Style Crystal Candlestick Holders, prismhung and trimmed with gilt, now fitted for electricity, h. 15-1/2”, dia. 5-3/4”. [100/200]



Large CoLLeCtion of Cut gLass

175 English Bronze and Cut Glass Banquet Lamp, ca. 1900, the stepped bronze base holding a strawberry-cut glass standard with a bronze Corinthian capital, now electrified, h. 30”, dia. 7”. [400/700]



176 American Brilliant Period Cut Glass Lamp, with mushroom shade, h. 16-1/2”, dia. 8-1/4”. [500/800] 177 American Brilliant Period Cut Glass Lamp, first quarter 20th century, with mushroom shade, h. 20”, dia. 8-1/2”. [800/1200] Illustrated 178 Two American Brilliant Period Boudoir Lamps, first quarter 20th century, h. 13-3/4”, dia. 5” and h. 14-3/4”, dia. 5”. [300/500] 179 Three American Brilliant Period Cut-Glass Pitchers, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 11-1/2”, dia. 5-1/2”, largest. [200/400] 180 Victorian Cut Glass Pitcher, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 10-1/4”, dia. 5-1/2”. [200/400] Illustrated 181 Three American Brilliant Period Cut-Glass Pitchers, first quarter 20th century, h. 77”, dia. 5-3/4”, tallest. [200/400]




187 Four American Cut Glass Vases, comprised of an American Brilliant Period trumpet vase, ca. 1900, h. 12”, dia. 5”, a cylindrical vase, h. 14”, dia. 4-1/2”, and two Brilliant-style trumpet vases, h. 12-1/2”, dia. 4” and h. 12”, dia. 5-1/4”. [200/400] 188 Czechoslovakian Brilliant-Style Cut-Glass Footed Punch Bowl and Cups, including a footed punch bowl, h. 10-1/2”, dia. 13”, and eleven matching molded cut-glass cups, h. 4”. [1500/2500]

182 Three American Brilliant Period Cut-Glass Pitchers, first quarter 20th century, h. 11-1/4”, dia. 5-1/2”, largest. [200/400] 183 Three American Cut-Glass Pitchers, including a brilliant period pitcher, ca. 1900, h. 9-1/2”, dia. 5-1/4”, and two brilliantstyle pitchers, h. 8-1/2”, dia. 6-1/2” and h. 9-1/4”, dia. 4-1/2”. [200/400] 184 Signed Hoare American Brilliant Period Cut Glass Dish, ca. 1900, Corning, New York, cut with hobstars and Russian panels, signed “J. Hoare & Co Corning 1853” in center rondel, dia. 9-1/2”. [200/400]

189 American Brilliant-Cut Glass Berry Bowl, ca. 1900, Corning, New York, cut with hobstars alternating with palmettes, the bottom signed “J. Hoare & Co., 1853”, h. 3-1/2”, dia. 8”. [125/250] 190 Two Pieces of Impressive American Brilliant Period Cut Glass, fourth quarter 19th century, including a trumpet vase, h. 15”, dia. 6”, and a rare, heavy, two-handled vase, h. 10”, dia. 8”. [200/400] 191 Pair of English Cast Stone and Painted Recumbent Garden Lions, early 20th century, h. 15”, w. 24”, d. 9”. [400/700] Illustrated

195 194

192 Three Rococo Revival Style Cast-Aluminum Garden Benches, with pierced seats, h. 16-3/4”, d. 15”, l. 50-1/4”. [300/500] 185 Four Pieces of American Brilliant Period Cut-Glass, comprised of a celery dish, h. 3”, l. 12-1/4”, and three bowls, h. 4”, dia. 9”, largest. [200/400] 186 Brilliant-Style Cut Glass Tray and Compote, decorated with intaglio-cut birds and flowers, tray, dia. 12”, compote, h. 9-1/2”, dia. 7-1/2”. [200/400] Illustrated

193 Pair of Cast Iron Mask Plaques in the Chinese Taste, h. 24”, w. 22”. [600/900] 194 French Baker’s-Style Iron and Brass Plant Stand, with three pot holders, h. 39-1/2”, dia. 23-1/4”. [300/500] Illustrated 195 Pair of Seated Cast Iron Mermaids, h. 15-1/2”, w. 7-1/2”, l. 45-1/2”. [600/900] Illustrated


196 Figural Cast Iron “Jumping Frog” Fountain, first quarter 20th century, h. 27-1/2”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 20”. [500/800] 197 Pair of Art NouveauStyle Cast Iron Occasional Tables, h. 25-1/2”, w. 18-1/2”, d. 14”. [400/700] 198 Pair of Cast Metal Herons, h. 30-1/4”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 14-1/4”. [400/700] Illustrated


207 Three Lattice-Pattern Aluminum Outdoor Lounge Chairs and Two Matching Occasional Tables,tables h. 17-1/2”, dia. 20-1/2”, lounges h. 37”, l. 60”, w. 22”. [75/125] 208 Suite of Four American Cast Iron Garden Armchairs, Together with a Circular Table, all in like paint, chair, h. 32”, table, h. 26”, dia. 39”. [1000/1500] 209 French Painted Terracotta “Barent” Garden Fountain, second quarter 20th century, depicting a putto supporting a shell, signed “Made in France” and initials over “Barent”, together with a cast iron shell-form catch basin, figure, h. 43”, w. 15”, d. 14-1/4”, basin, h. 3-3/4”, w. 20-3/4”, d. 13”. [300/500] 210 Pair of Continental-Style Iron Strapwork Chairs, with lattice seats, h. 41”, w. 24-1/4”, d. 17”. [300/500]

198A Pair of Cast-Iron Drive Gates, with fleur-de-lis pickets and cone finials on posts, h. 75-3/4”, w. 140”. [1200/1800]

211 Bronze Figure of the Sphinx of Thebes, after the antique, h. 14-1/2”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 18-1/2”. [300/500]

199 Continental Wrought Iron and Marble-Top Conservatory Table, early 20th century, h. 28-1/2”, w. 37”, l. 67”. [500/800]

212 French Art Deco Cast-Iron and Marble-Top Work Table, early 20th century, h. 31”, w. 26-1/2”, d. 18”. [200/400]

200 Chinese-Style Wood and Brass Planter on Stand, h. 24”, w. 16”, d. 16”. [400/700]

213 South American School (19th Century), “Madonna and Child”, oil on canvas, 17” x 9”. In a glass inlaid floral motif wood frame. [200/400]

201 Large French Painted Zinc Reeded Urn-Form Finial, ca. 1900, h. 41”, w. 21”, d. 11”. [250/400] 202 Cast Aluminum “Lattice” Pattern Outdoor Table and Four Chairs, table, h. 29-1/2”, dia. 42”, chairs, h. 32-1/2”. [100/200] 203 Pair of Patinated Metal Detailed Duck-Form Fountains, h. 15-1/4”, w. 17”, d. 5-1/4”. [500/800] 204 Impressive Molded Composition Crocodile, the very large reptile painted in a realistic fashion, h. 10-1/2”, w. 44-1/2”, l. 78-1/2”. [800/1200] Illustrated 205 Regence-Style Plaster Covered Urn, h. 27-1/2”, dia. 12-1/4”. [200/400] 206 Pair of Lattice-Pattern Aluminum Swivel Stools, h. 48”, w. 21”, d. 19. [40/70]


214 Spanish Colonial School (19th Century), “Holy Family”, oil on canvas, 16” x 13”. Unframed. [75/125] 215 Spanish Colonial School (19th Century), pair of oils on canvas of saints, each 9-1/2” x 8”. In matching carved wood frames with mirror inlay. [200/400]


216 South American School (19th Century), “Madonna”, oil on wood panel, 9-1/2” x 9-1/2”. In an exuberantly carved wood frame with mirror inlay. [150/300]


217 Spanish Colonial School (19th Century), “Holy Family”, oil on panel, 16-3/4” x 13”. Framed. [200/400] 218 South American School (20th Century), “Madonna and Child”, oil on wood panel, 10-1/4” x 7-1/4”. Framed. [150/300] 219 Cuzco School (20th Century), “Archangel”, mixed media on canvas, 24” x 15-1/2”. Presented in a carved and pierced giltwood frame. [250/400] 220 Cuzco School-Style (Early 20th Century), “Holy Family on Flight from Egypt”, oil on canvas, inscription on banner lower left, 38” x 51”. Framed. [500/800] 221 Contemporary Icon on Wood by Paul Spheeris, ca. 1965, Indianapolis, Indiana, executed in paint, gold leaf and beads on a wooden panel, and depicting St. Sebastian spearing Buddha, h. 13-1/4”, w. 9-1/4”. Spheeris was a conservator at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and an exhibition tag remains on the back of the piece. [100/200] 222 Spanish Colonial School (19th Century), “Holy Family”, oil on canvas, 12-1/2” x 10-1/2”. Framed. [100/200] 223 South American School (20th Century), “Madonna and Child”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 25” x 18”. In a carved wood frame. [100/200]


224 Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Fireplace Surround, with a foliate-carved frieze centered by a masque and flanked by freestanding classical maidens, w. 76”, h. 49-1/4”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 225 Latin American Giltwood Mirror, decorated with segmented glass, h. 20”, w. 19”. [100/200] 226 Napoleon III-Style Brass-Inlaid Ebonized Corner Vitrine, mid-20th century, the bowed front with a glazed door over a paneled door, h. 67-1/4”, w. 22-1/2”, d. 17”. [150/300] 227 Empire-Style Carved Pedestal of Latin American Origin, fourth quarter 19th century, the fluted standard raised on paw feet, h. 42-1/2”, dia. 22”. [100/200] 228 Baroque-Inspired Stand and Giltwood Pier Mirror, with a projecting cornice over an arched and beveled mirror plate, with a demi-lune shelf over a single drawer, h. 83”, w. 29”, d. 12”. [75/125] 229 Latin American Baroque-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Pedestal, ca. 1900, h. 46-/4”, dia. 11-1/4”. [150/300] Illustrated 230 Latin American Baroque-Style Carved Pedestal, ca. 1900, composed of Spanish cedar, the grape-carved spiral standard with a scrolled capital, h. 38-3/4”, dia. 13-1/2”. [100/200] 231 Spanish Colonial Polychrome Architectural Element, 19th century, in the form of a barley twist column intertwined with a flowering vine, raised on a concave square base, h. 33”, dia. 17”. [100/200] 232 Provincial Spanish Walnut Side Table, late 18th century, the overhanging rectangular top above a frieze fitted with a single drawer, h. 32”, w. 42”, d. 22-1/2”. [30/50] 233 Unusual Peruvian Giltwood Mirror, employing a pair of cockerels and an inset mirror plate, h. 18-1/2”, w. 12-1/2”. [150/300] 234 Latin American Carved and Painted Blanket Chest, ca. 1900, in the Baroque taste, composed of cidrella and lined with red cedar, h. 14-1/2”, w. 38”, d. 19”. [300/500] 235 Molded and Painted Figure of Santo Nino de Cebu, depicting Jesus, the face and hands molded to resemble ivory, h. 14-1/4”, w. 5”, d. 4-3/4”. [300/500] 236 Baroque-Inspired Parcel-Gilt Mahogany Vitrine, ca. 1900, the foliate-carved crest over a door with a beveled glazed panel, the interior back and sides fitted with beveled mirror plates, h. 69”, w. 24”, d. 17-1/2”. [200/400]


237 Pair of Wrought Iron ThreeLight Candle Torcheres, early 20th century, h. 62” to 64”. [100/200] Illustrated



238 Pair of Latin American Masque-Carved and Painted Architectural Brackets, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 23-1/2”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 27-1/2”. [100/200] 239 Baroque-Style Giltwood and Mirrored Torchere, the circular top on a standard modeled with applied mirror glass, h. 68”, dia. 26”. [150/300]

247 Peruvian Leather-Clad Steamer Trunk by Abel de Silva e Hijo, with line incising, metal strapwork and tacks, the interior retaining its striped cotton lining, h. 13-1/2”, w. 39-1/2”, d. 22”. [100/200]

240 Spanish Colonial Carved and Polychromed Blanket Chest, 19th century, h. 22”, w. 36”, d. 21-3/4”. [100/200] Illustrated

248 Empire-Style Carved Mahogany Two-Pedestal Dining Table of Latin American Origin, 20th century, h. 31-1/2”, w. 47”, l. 86”. [300/500] Illustrated

241 Suite of Four Classical-Style Hand-Carved Spanish Cedar Architectural Brackets, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 13-1/4”, w. 6”, d. 19”. [100/200] 242 Spanish Leather-Covered and Tack-Decorated Dome-Top Trunk, late 19th century, h. 23”, w. 33”, d. 19”. [400/700] Illustrated 243 Spanish-Style Iron King-Size Headboard, with brass finials, h. 63”, w. 76”. [200/400]


244 Latin American Giltwood Oval Sunburst Mirror, h. 23”, w. 20-3/4”. [200/400] 245 Latin American Giltwood Sunburst Mirror, with leaf-form “rays”, dia. 22-3/4”. [150/300]


246 Two Carved Wooden Boxes, first quarter 20th century, including a tramp art polychrome miniature trunk, carved for “Grace”, h. 8-3/4”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 7-3/4”, and a chipcarved cigar humidor, h. 3”, w. 8”, l. 11”. [150/300]


250 249 Two Pieces of Pre-Columbian-Style Pottery, including an effigy, h. 8-3/4”, w. 4-3/4”, and an oval bowl, h. 5-1/4”, w. 8”. [450/700] 250 Italian School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “Shepherd and Shepherdess in a Roman Campagna”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 34” x 27”. Presented in a handsome, period giltwood and gesso frame. [800/1200] Illustrated


257 South American School (20th Century), “Portrait of a Dignitary”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 11-1/2” x 9-1/2”. Framed. [100/200] 258 Continental School (19th Century), “Portrait of a Military Officer”, oil on canvas, 12-1/2” x 10”. Framed. [100/200] 259 South American School (19th Century), “The Angel”, oil on canvas, 23-3/4” x 14-3/4”. Framed. [100/200] 260 Continental School (19th Century), “The Confrontation”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 9-1/4” x 6-3/4”. Framed. [100/200]

251 251 Continental School (Third Quarter 19th Century), “The Crusaders”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 31” x 25-1/4”. Presented in a giltwood and gesso frame. [600/900] Illustrated 252 Continental School (19th Century), pair of equestrian portraits in the 16th-century style, oils on board, 11” x 8-1/2”. Both framed. [700/1000] 253 Continental School (19th Century), “Portrait of the 16th Century Emperor Maximilanus”, 26” x 19”. Framed. [450/700]


261 Carved, Painted and Parcel-Gilt Altar Figure, first quarter 20th century, depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe, h. 51-1/2”, w. 20”, d. 8-1/2”. [200/400] Illustrated 262 Italian Carved and Polychrome Mahogany Tall Headboard, flanked by ball-topped columns and ending in disc feet, h. 79-1/2”, w. 52”. [250/400] 263 Latin American Carved Giltwood Floor Lamp, first quarter 20th century, inset with mirror glass, h. 51”, dia. 11”. [150/300] 264 Spanish Colonial-Style Carved and Polychromed Religious Plaque, 20th century, h. 22”, w. 21”, d. 4”. [200/400]

254 Continental School (19th Century), “Portrait of a Bearded Man with a Pipe and a Cane”, oil on canvas, 18” x 14”. Presented in a pierced and carved frame. [100/200]

265 Pair of Spanish-Style Carved Giltwood Mirrors, 20th century, h. 31-1/2”, w. 21”, d. 4-1/4”. [300/500]

255 South American Giltwood and Mirrored Starburst Decorative Wall Panel, centered by a Renaissance-style portrait of a man, h. 35”, w. 32”. [150/300]

267 Pair of Spanish Carved Mahogany Pedestals, 20th century, h. 25”, dia. 11”. [100/200]

256 Spanish Colonial School (19th Century), “Portrait of a Dignitary”, oil on wood panel, 9-1/2” x 7-3/4”. In a shell and foliate motif giltwood frame. [150/300]

269 Peruvian Baroque-Style Eglomise Mirror with Heraldic Crest, h. 29”, w. 13-1/2”. [100/200]

266 Latin American Carved, Painted and Parcel-Gilt Altar Figure, 20th century, h. 41”. [250/400] Illustrated

268 Four Brass-Inlaid and Painted Faux Boulle Panels, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 31”, w. 58” and h. 4”, w. 18-1/2”. [100/200]



270 Baroque-Style Giltwood Lamp Base, of Latin American origin, h. 22-1/2”, dia. 9” . [70/125] 271 Collection of Eleven Jewelry and LifestyleRelated Books, featuring Hollywood and Continental royalty. [100/200] Illustrated 272 American School (20th Century), “Still Life with Books, a Pipe and a Blue Vase”, watercolor on paper, unsigned, sight 12” x 11-1/2”. Glazed and framed. [100/200]

280 Leon Danchin (French, 1887-1939), “Portrait of a Spaniel”, limited edition print, signed in pencil lower right, numbered lower left, sight 15-1/2” x 12”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 281 Leon Danchin (French, 1887-1939), “Bird Dog”, color etching, 1938, pencil signed and numbered, sight 21” x 27-1/2”. Glazed and framed. [100/200]

279 one of two

273 Twenty-Three Books on Art, Antiques and Interiors, [50/80] 274 Fifteen Books on French Art, [100/200] 275 Collection of Six Garden-Related Books. [100/200] 276 Harper’s Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion, in two volumes, published 1866 and 1868, each 16” x 12”. [200/400] 277 Collection of Twenty-Four Cooking-Related Books. [100/200] 278 Collection of Ten New Orleans Cuisine-Related Books, including The Dooky Chase Cookbook signed with an inscription by Leah Chase in 1999. [100/200]


282 279 Toni Kamp (American, 20th Century), pair of pastels on paper of “Dogs”, each signed and dated, sights 15” x 12” and 22” x 17-1/4”. Glazed, matted, and framed. [200/400] Illustrated

282 Fritz. Diller (German, 1876-1946), “Two Hunting Dogs”, 1930, patinated brass, cast signature, titled and dates, sight 6” x 8-3/4”. Framed. [200/400] Illustrated 283 American School (Second Quarter 20th Century), “Pair of Maltese Dogs with Bows”, oil on wood panel, illegibly signed, 12’ x 16’. Framed. [150/300] 284 British School (1st Quarter 20th Century), “Sitting on the Pier”, oil on board, unsigned, 12-3/4” x 16-1/2’. Framed. [200/400] 285 American School (20th Century), “Green-Eyed Cat”, pastel on paper, signed “Stilton”, sight 18-1/4” x 8-1/2”. Glazed, matted and framed. [50/100] 286 British School (Contemporary), “Cows by Stream” and “The Herd”, pair of oils on wood panel, each illegibly signed, each 8” x 10”. Framed alike. [150/300] 287 British School (Contemporary), “Landscapes with Cattle”, pair of oils on canvas, unsigned, 8” x 10”. Framed alike. [150/300]

288 British School (Contemporary), “Haying”, oil on wood panel, unsigned, 24” x 20”. Framed. [250/400] 289 British School (Contemporary), “Saddled Horse”, oil on wood panel, unsigned, 8” x 10”. Framed. [75/125] 290 Continental School (Contemporary), “Barn Scenes with Poultry”, two oils on wood panel, unsigned, 8” x 10”. Framed. [150/300] 291 Continental School (Contemporary), “Wooded Interior with Flock of Sheep”, oil on wood panel, unsigned, 12” x 16”. Framed. [150/300] 292 Collection of Two Currier and Ives Prints, including a “A Dash For The Pole” and “A Race For Blood!”, sight each 19” x 28”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [150/300] 293 Pair of Directoire-Style Eglomise Panels, composed in the style of Percier et Fontaine, in black and white with gilt highlights, exhibiting a whole panoply of classical design, in contemporary giltwood frames, h. 44-1/2”, w. 7”. [300/500] 294 Pair of Faux-Marble Composition Pedestals, of tapering form, h. 44”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 10”. [500/800] 295 Pair of Directoire-Style Painted and Parcel-Gilt PedestalForm Jardinieres, each circular lift-top exposing a brass liner, the pedestal adorned with crossed arrows and brass leonine mounts, h. 37-1/2”, dia. 12-1/4”. [600/900] Illustrated 296 Northern European Giltwood and Polychrome Looking Glass, second quarter 20th century, in the neoclassical taste, the rectangular beveled plate surmounted by a swag-and-urn crest flanked to either side by griffins, within a molded and annulated frame with a pendant foliate finial, h. 74”, w. 26”. [150/300] 297 Gilt-Metal and Pressed Glass Eight-Light Chandelier, in the French Empire style, h. 40-1/2”, dia. 31-1/2”. [100/200] 298 Pair of Directoire-Style Polychrome Sidechairs, 19th century, the rectangular back centered by an urn-carved medallion splat, the padded seat raised on turned tapering circular legs ending in toupie feet, h. 35-1/2”. [800/1200]


299 Suite of Four Neoclassical-Style Polychrome Chairs, early 20th century, comprised of two side and two arm chairs, each with a scrolled crest above a padded back and seat, raised on carved, tapering legs, h. 35”, w. 18”, d. 16”. [700/1000] 300 Directoire-Style Mahogany Fauteuil, with fluted open arms on molded supports, fluted seat rail and turned legs, upholstered in black and gold medallion-pattern brocade, h. 41”. [200/400] 301 Contemporary Empire-Style Ebonized and Parcel-Gilt Side Table, h. 30-1/2”, dia. 18”. [30/50] 302 Brass Bouillotte Lamp, with a red tole shade, electrified, h. 24”, dia. 11”. [150/300]

303 Directoire-Style Gilt-Bronze and Marble-Top Occasional Table, h. 28”, dia. 21-1/2”. [600/900] 304 Continental-Style Gilt-Metal Floor Lamp, the scrolled feet decorated with applied leaves and holding a standard set with raised leaves, h. 57-1/2”, dia. 20”. Provenance: Tara Shaw, New Orleans, Louisiana. [400/700] 305 Empire-Style Mahogany Firescreen, 19th century, the raised crest with an ormolu gadroon frieze and foliate end finials above a fabric screen, h. 46”, w. 24-1/2”. [200/400] 306 Empire-Style Mahogany Settee, late 19th century, the padded rectangular back surmounted by a shell and foliate gilt crest, joined by downswept arms headed by gilt swan’s heads and ending in scrolled uprights at the padded seat, raised on sabre legs, h. 39”, w. 54-1/2”, d. 24”. [700/1000] 307 Pair of French Gilt-Brass-Mounted Mahogany Sidechairs, h. 38”, w. 17”, d. 16-1/2”. [150/300] 308 French Miniature Portrait on Ivory of Josephine Bonaparte, ca. 1900, signed “Stark”, in a brass filigree frame with faux seed pearls, on an easel support, h. 4-1/2”, w. 3-3/4”. [200/400] 309 Empire-Style Fruitwood and Marble-Top Credenza, the rectangular inset grand antique marble top above a conforming case fitted with three frieze drawers over three central drawers, h. 26-1/4”, w. 55-1/2”, d. 15-1/2”. [400/700]


310 Pair of Faux Sienna Marble and Faux Bronze Urns, in the Louis XIV taste, h. 26”, w. 13”, dia. 11”. [30/50]


311 Pair of French Empire Revival Two-Light Bronze Figural Candelabra, first quarter 20th century, cylindrical brown marble plinths support bronze caryatids with a scrolled candle branch in each hand, h. 13-1/4”, w. 8”, d. 5”. [200/400] 312 Signed Darte Freres Bateau-Form Corbeille, first quarter 19th century, Paris, with raised relief decoration in white biscuit, stenciled “Darte Freres a Paris” in rouge de fer, h. 9-1/4”, w. 13”, d. 7-1/2”. [400/700] Illustrated 313 Pair of Brass and Faux Malachite Obelisks, the square bases with faux malachite sides and trimmed in brass, supporting the spears, resting on brass ball feet, h. 21-3/4”, w. 5-3/4”, d. 5-3/4”. [400/700] 314 Pair of Empire-Style Carved, Painted and Parcel-Gilt Urns, mounted as lamps, the tripartite bases supporting monopods with classical masque terminals, h. 34-1/4”, dia. 11-1/4”. [700/1000] 315 Pair of Vintage French Tole Planters, 20th century, with trellis supports, h. 18-3/4”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 5-1/4”. [300/500] 316 Pair of French Empire-Style Bronze and Verde Antico Marble Lamps, second quarter 20th century, the marble urnform standards trimmed in engine-turned bronze and fitted with bronze handles terminating in leopard’s heads, base, h. 16”, overall, h. 29-3/4”, dia. 5”. [1000/1500] 317 Neoclassical Parian Rondel, 19th century, in a contemporary giltwood shadowbox, h. 9-3/4”, w. 9-3/4”. [150/300] 318 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Parian Urns, mid-20th century, now mounted as lamps, urn, h. 20”, overall, h. 44”. [300/500] 319 Empire-Style Mahogany-Veneered and Gilt-Brass-Mounted Secretaire a Abattant, the arched pediment above a paneled fall-front door, opening to a desk interior, over two drawers and a concealed plinth, h. 63”, w. 43”, d. 23”. [800/1200] Illustrated



320 Suite of Nine Empire-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs, comprised of two armchairs and seven sidechairs, each with a backswept scroll-carved crest above a padded panel, h. 35”. [1200/1800] Illustrated 321 Two Horn Vases, mounted on molded brass neoclassical stands, h. 9-1/2”, to 10-1/2”. [300/500] Illustrated 322 Classical-Style Black Marble Spiral Pedestal, 20th century, h. 40”, w. 12”, d. 12”. [300/500] 323 Two Pieces of American Colonial-Style Sterling Silver Small Tableware, mid-20th century, including a Frank M. Whiting brandy pan with turned wooden handle, l. 8-1/4”, w. 4-5/8”, and a Webster porringer with openwork handle, l. 6”, w. 4-1/4”, 5.65 total t. oz. (including wooden handle). [100/200] 319

324 Collection of Thirteen American Sterling Silver Christening Mugs, mid-20th century, various manufacturers, five with monogram or inscription, h. 1-1/2” to 2-1/2”, 16.13 total t. oz. [250/400]



325 Three Pieces of American Sterling Silver Hollowware, 20th century, including a Fisher baluster-form coffeepot, a Webster paneled coffeepot monogrammed “M”, and a Mauser loving cup inscribed and dated 1912, h. 6-1/4” to 10-1/2”, 28.23 total t. oz. [400/700] 326

332 Pair of American Sterling Silver Candelabra, third quarter 20th century, by the Raimond Silver Mfg. Co., Chelsea, Massachusetts, of baluster form, convertible to candlestands or candlesticks, h. 12”, w. 11-1/4”, weighted. [200/400] 333 Nineteen Pieces of American Sterling Silver Stemware, 20th century, h. 5-1/8”, 21.99 total t. oz. (excluding the weighted Hi-Grade sherbets). [500/800] Illustrated 334 Eight Sterling Silver Cordial Cups, third quarter 20th century, including a Web Silver Co. set of six and a National Silver Co. pair, all of inverted bell form, h. 3”, weighted. [100/200]

326 Twenty-Two Pieces of Small Sterling Silver and Silverplate Tableware, 20th century, various manufacturers, 8.93 total t. oz., l. 1” to 4”. [200/400] Illustrated


327 Ten Pieces of Small Sterling Silver Table and Dresser Ware, 20th century, h. 1-1/4” to 4-1/2”, 1.02 total t. oz. (weighable silver). [100/200] 328 Ten American Sterling and Silverplate Creamers and Sugar Bowls, mid-20th century, h. 2-1/4” to 4”, 5.85 total t. oz. (excluding silverplate and weighted pieces). [150/300] 329 Six Assorted American Sterling Silver Trumpet Vases, 20th century, one pierced and lacking its liner, all variously monogrammed/inscribed, h. 8-1/4” to 11”, weighted. [200/400] Illustrated 330 Five Pairs of American Sterling Silver Candlestands, 20th century, various manufacturers, h. 3” to 4-1/2”, weighted (ten total pieces). [125/250] 331 Eleven Assorted American Sterling Silver Candlesticks and Stands, mid20th century, h. 1-1/2” to 9-1/4”, weighted. [150/300]

335 Cased Set of Four Sterling Silver Cordials, third quarter 20th century, by Gorham Corp., Providence, Rhode Island, of inverted bell form, h. 2-3/4”, dia. 1-1/4”, 2.12 total t. oz., in the original harvest gold and avocado green velvet case. [50/80] 336 336 Eight Pieces of Small Sterling Silver Tableware, 20th century, h. 1” to 5-1/2”, 9.96 total t. oz. (weighable silver). [200/400] Illustrated




337 Three Pairs of American Sterling Silver Candlesticks, 20th century, various manufacturers, h. 6-1/2” to 10”, weighted (six total pieces). [150/300] Illustrated


342 Pair of American Sterling Silver Candelabra, second quarter 20th century, by the Mueck-Carey Co., New York, New York, of baluster form, convertible to candlesticks, h. 3-3/4”, w. 12-1/2”, weighted. [100/200] Illustrated 343 Eleven Pieces of Reed & Barton “French Renaissance” Sterling Silver Flatware, the pattern designed in 1941 by George L. Turner, Taunton, Massachusetts, including eight dinner knives, l. 9”, a two-piece carving set, l. 8-1/2” and 10-1/2”, and a cake/ pie server, l. 10”, all with stainless steel fittings, no monograms. [100/200] 344 Twenty-Nine Assorted Sterling Silver Serving Pieces with Steel Fittings, 20th century, l. 6” to 14-1/8”. [200/400] 345 Eighteen Pieces of Reed & Barton “Marlborough” Sterling Silver Flatware, the pattern designed in 1906 by Charles A. Bennett, Taunton, Massachusetts, 19.29 total t. oz. (excluding knives). [300/500] Illustrated

338 Five Pairs of Sterling Silver Salt and Pepper Shakers, mid20th century, all of baluster form, h. 5-1/4” to 6-1/4”, weighted (ten total pieces). [125/250]


339 Nine Pairs of Sterling Silver Salt and Pepper Shakers, mid20th century, all of baluster form, h. 4-1/2” to 6”, weighted (eighteen total pieces). [150/300] 340 Twelve Pieces of Silver and Silverplate Small Tableware, dia. 1-1/2” to 2-3/4”, 2.70 total t. oz. (excluding silverplate pieces). [75/125] 341 Five Pairs of American Sterling Silver Candlestands, 20th century, various manufacturers, h. 3” to 4-1/4”, weighted (ten total pieces). [125/250]


346 Thirteen Pieces of Frank M. Whiting “Victoria/Florence” Sterling Silver Flatware, the pattern introduced ca. 1910, including five cream soup spoons, l. 6”, two luncheon forks, l. 6-3/4”, five iced tea spoons, l. 8-1/8”, and one teaspoon, l. 6”, no monograms, 16.65 total t. oz. [300/500]

354 Shreve & Co. Sterling Silver Loving Cup, dated 1920, San Francisco, California, with an Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine presentation inscription to Alex Hancock, h. 14”, w. 11”, weighted. Alexander Hancock (1882-1958) was Potentate of the Abba Temple in Mobile, Alabama, and the inscription on this trophy coincides with the 1920 Shrine convention in Portland, Oregon. Hancock is better known in Mobile, however, as the longtime President of the Alabama Road Builders’ Association and as the ill-fated Mobile mayoral candidate whose successful 1919 bid to restructure the Mobile three-man city commission and oust Mayor Harry Pillans (1847-1940) was ruled unconstitutional by the Alabama State Supreme Court. The 1921 Masonic Year makes note of Hancock’s political ordeal, which suggests that this trophy may have served as a token of the fraternal organization’s support for Hancock’s civic endeavors. [300/500] Illustrated


355 Four American Silverplate Trays and Platters, mid-20th century. [150/300]

347 Ten Pieces of Whiting “Louis XV” Sterling Silver Flatware, the pattern designed in 1891 by Charles Osborne, Providence, Rhode Island, 14.79 total t. oz. [250/400] 348 Assembled Set of Seventeen Sterling Silver Corn Cob Picks, 20th century, with steel fittings, l. 2-3/4”. [60/90] 349 Five Pieces of American Silverplate Hollowware, [100/200] 350 Three American Sterling Silver Serving Bowls, mid-20th century, all with gadrooned rim, including examples by Gorham, dia. 9”, Watrous, dia. 10”, and Watson, dia. 9-1/2”, 21.73 total t. oz. [300/500] 351 Six Pieces of American Sterling Silver Tableware, first half 20th century, l. 6-1/4” to 11-3/4”, 24.24 total t. oz. [350/500] 352 Four Pieces of American Sterling and Silverplate Tableware, 20th century, all with gadrooned rim, including sterling pieces. [100/200]


353 Five Sterling and One Silverplate Compotes, 20th century, the silverplate example by Gorham, the sterling examples including a pair and three singletons, h. 5” to 6-1/4”, weighted. [125/250]

356 Forty-Two Sterling Silver and Plated Souvenir Spoons, all from the famous 1913 pierced design by George Emmett Nerney (1885-1971), manufactured by Charles M. Robbins, Attleboro, Massacusetts. [250/400] 357 Nineteen American Midwest Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, including a pierced “Milwaukee” example, an enameled “Chicago” example, an unusual Norwegian “Minnesota” example and sixteen others, l. 3-3/4” to 6”, 10.03 total t. oz. [150/300] 358 Eleven American New England Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, 20th century, including a Knights Templar Boston baked beans example, a Longfellow’s home example and nine others, l. 3-3/4” to 5-3/4”, 5.79 total t. oz. [75/125] 359 Four Asian Trade Silver Souvenir Spoons, first half 20th century, including a bamboo “Shanghai / Luck” example, a dragon “Luck” example, a bamboo “Long Life” example, and a dragon example retailed by Gurney & Moore, Durban, l. 3-5/8” to 4-3/8”, 1.67 total t. oz. [50/80] Illustrated 360 Eleven American South Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, 20th century, including a Jacksonville, Florida palm tree example, a Brookhaven, Mississippi example, a Shreveport, Louisiana example and eight others, l. 3-3/4” to 5-3/4”, 4.89 total t. oz. [75/125] 361 English Brass Butcher Shop Shelf Frame, ca. 1900, with bellshaped supports, h. 14”, d. 8-3/4”, l. 49-1/2”. [100/200] 362 Pair of English Brass Butcher Shop Shelf Supports, fourth quarter 19th century, designed to be suspended and hold three shelves, h. 63”, w. 10-1/2”. [100/200]



373 Santos Figure of Christ, fourth quarter 18th century, now painted black, h. 9-1/4”, w. 4”, d. 2”. [200/400] 374 Continental Carved Wooden Altar Figure of a Female Saint, fourth quarter 18th century, depicted in a red gown and a long carved black veil, h. 10-1/4”, w. 5”, d. 3-1/4”. [125/250] 375 Carved Santos Figure of the Christ Child, 19th century, possibly Mexican, h. 13-1/4”, w. 3”, d. 3-1/2”. [200/400] 376 Two Pairs of Continental Figural Oak Bookends, each set depicting the figure of a seated monk in hooded robes, h. 9-1/2”, w. 5”, d. 6”. [75/125]

363 Victorian Tubular Brass and Plate Glass Suspended Butcher Shop Shelves, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 52”, w. 10”, l. 44”. [100/200] 364 Continental-Style Silver Gilt Metal Floor Lamp, the “hammered” standard decorated with applied leaves and raised on scrolled feet, h. 60”, dia. 13-1/2”. Provenance: Tara Shaw, New Orleans, Louisiana. [300/500]

377 Latin American Spanish Cedar Wall Bracket, fourth quarter 19th century, in the neoclassical taste, having openwork acanthus leaves supporting a skirt with inset panels, h. 15-1/2”. [30/50] 383

365 Pair of Metal Dancing Putti, raised on octagonal black stone bases, overall, h. 41”, w. 17-1/2”, d. 23-1/4”. [75/125] 366 Three Bronze Candleholders, 19th century, the tallest, h. 17”. [100/200] 367 Pair of Patinated Metal Pricket-Form Altar Sticks, h. 28”, dia. 7-3/4”. [150/300] 368 Silvered Bronze Crucifix, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 22-1/2”, w. 8-1/2”. [50/80]

378 Scandinavian Dome Top Painted Trunk, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 11-3/4”, d. 12-1/4”, l. 19-3/4”. [200/400]

369 Molded Composition Shield-Shaped Cartouche, with gilded highlights, h. 50-1/2”, w. 28-3/4”. [40/70]

379 Two Graduated Dome-Top Pine Boxes, reminiscent of designs from the Middle Ages, each mounted with incised strapwork hinges and escutcheons, h. 8-1/4” and 10-1/4”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 7-1/4”. [300/500]

370 Pair of Latin American Parcel-Gilt Baroque-Style Mirrors, h. 30”, w. 20-3/4”. [400/700]

380 Louis XV-Style Carved Oak Window Bench, with a storage chest under the seat, h. 24-1/4”, w. 36”, d. 15”. [300/500]

371 Two Carved, Painted and Parcel-Gilt Figures of Our Lady of Guadalupe, second quarter 20th century, the tallest, h. 21”, w. 8”. [200/400]

381 Louis XVI-Style Fruitwood Fauteuil, 20th century, with open arms, scalloped apron and molded H-form stretcher, h. 41”. [450/700]

372 Carved and Painted Hanging Figure of Baby Jesus, ca. 1900, with glass eyes, h. 16”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 9-1/4”. [100/200]

382 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Commode, mid19th century, the rectangular variegated gray, h. 35”, w. 47”, d. 26”. [50/80] Illustrated




385 French Provincial Figured Walnut Armoire, mid-19th century, the molded cornice with canted corners above a conforming case fitted with two long doors, h. 99”, w. 67”, d. 29”. Provenance: Made in France, Houston, Texas. [2500/4000] Illustrated 386 French Sarraguemines Creamware Partial Dinner Service, ca. 1960-1982, made in the rococo-style with burgundy trimmed and molded borders, decorated with bunches of polychrome flowers. [300/500] 383 French Provincial Fruitwood Buffet, late 19th century, the rounded rectangular top above a conforming case fitted with a central drawer over an open shelved compartment, flanked to either side by a shaped cupboard door, raised on shaped legs, h. 40”, w. 69-1/2”, d. 21-1/2”. [400/700] Illustrated 385

387 Pair of French Brass Five-Light Candelabra, fourth quarter, 19th century, set with mercury glass lilies, h. 20-1/4”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 4-3/4”. [200/400] 388 Unusual Provincial Elm and Fruitwood Wine Tasting Table, partially composed of antique elements, the tilting circular top covered in a polychrome canvas featuring a starburst inlay, h. 31”, dia. 59-1/2”. [400/700] 389 Continental Provincial Polychrome Armoire, 19th century, the molded cornice above a case fitted with a single door, inset with a shaped floral-decorated panel, raised on a plinth base, h. 72-1/4”, w. 56-1/2”, d. 22”. [300/500] 390 Painted Pine Hanging Corner Cupboard, the front door mounted on “moustache” hinges, painted with a crowned Mary and Baby Jesus, and the motto “Ora Pro Nobis”, or pray for us, h. 21-1/2”, w. 16”, d. 12-1/2”. [200/400] 391 Rococo-Style Carved Mahogany Jardiniere, the short scrolled feet support the sleigh-form body, with serpentine ends, h. 10-1/2”, w. 22-3/4”, d. 14”. [300/500] 392 Large Pair of Turned and Polychromed Poplar Balustrades, 20th century, h. 30”, w. 11”, d. 11”. [100/200]

384 French Provincial Fruitwood Bookcase, mid-19th century, the molded rounded rectangular cornice above a case fitted with two doors, h. 70”, w. 48”, d. 16”. [1000/1500] Illustrated

393 Trio of Decorative Pottery Barnyard Animals, both the bull and horse depicted in the Chinese style, the bull depicted pawing the earth, as if to charge, h. 10-3/4”, w. 3-1/2”, l. 14-3/4”, the horse depicted with a saddle, h. 15”, w. 5-1/2”, l. 12-1/4”, and the nesting hen in the country French style, h. 12-1/2”, w. 6”, l. 10-1/4”. [300/500] Illustrated



405 Large Variety of Painted Stone Fruit, of life-sized proportions, including forty-three stone pieces and two cast plaster pieces. [300/500] 406 Large French Terracotta Bowl, first quarter 20th century, with a yellow glazed interior, h. 10”, dia. 19-1/2”. [150/300] 407 Mediterranean-Style Forged and Tooled Iron Wall Shelf, 20th century, h. 10”, w. 80”, d. 8”. [250/400]

394 Cast Bronze Boar, depicted with his head down, in the modern style, h. 7-3/4”, w. 3-3/4”, l. 10-1/2”. [350/500] 395 Bronze Wild Boar Sculpture, supported on a trapezoidal wooden plinth, h. 6-1/4”, w. 5-3/4”, d. 3-1/2”. [300/500] 396 Collection of Pewter and Tin Ice Cream and Chocolate Molds, first quarter 20th century. [100/200] 397 French Copper Kugelhopf Mold, first quarter 20th century, h. 4-1/4”, dia. 11-1/2”. [100/200] 398 Assembled Collection of Seven French Graduated Pewter Measures, 19th century, h. 1-3/4” to 7-1/4”. [300/500] 399 Pair of Pewter Chalices, in the 19th-century style, h. 8-3/4”. [100/200] 400 Three Pieces of Pewter, including a pair of English bread and butter plates, fourth quarter 18th century, dia. 6-3/4”; and a neoclassical-style bread tray, first quarter 20th century, w. 8-1/2”, l. 12”. [50/80] 401 English Pewter Cheese/Cake Plate, 18th century, dia. 10”. [50/80] 402 Seven-Piece Collection of Polished Pewter. [300/500] Illustrated 403 Pierced Copper and Iron Bed Warmer, dia. 10”, l. 33”. [100/200] 404 Pair of Conical Blown Glass Compotes, h. 28”, dia. 10-1/2”. [150/300]

408 Collection of Continental and English Framed Wooden Plaques, 19th century and later, h. 17-1/2”, w. 14-1/2”, largest. [450/700] 409 Continental Painted Tole Firescreen, ca. 1900, h. 46-1/2”, w. 24”. [200/400] 410 Painted Metal Tripartite Firescreen, with pierced scrollwork set over a mesh back, h. 35-3/4”, w. 54”. [40/70] 411 Group of Two English Stools, 19th century, composed of a hand-hewn stool, h. 11”, w. 7”, d. 9”; and an oak step-stool, h. 9-1/4”, w. 14”, d. 7”. [50/80] 412 Pair of Tasseled, Velvet-Backed and Metallic RibbonTrimmed Tapestry Pillows, 18th century and later, h. 12”, w. 18” and h. 10”, w. 16”. [250/400] 413 Pair of Elaborately Trimmed and Velvet-Backed Tapestry Pillows Depicting Saint Nicholas, h. 18”, w. 20”. [250/400] 414 Continental Upholstered Ottoman on Casters, 19th century, with peg construction and retaining the original casters, now upholstered in crewel work, h. 17”, dia. 23”. [75/125] 415 Metal and Enamel Five-Light Chandelier with a Matching Pair of Four-Light Wall Sconces, mid-20th century, decorated with porcelain flowers, chandelier, h. 34”, dia. 15”, sconce, h. 17-1/2”, w. 14-3/4”, d. 8-1/2”. [400/700] 416 Pair of Victorian Copper Washed Metal Figures of Knights, fourth quarter 19th century, English, now mounted as lamps, h. 20-1/2”, w. 6-3/4”. [300/500] 417 Contemporary Gilt-Metal Serving Trolley, h. 26-1/2”, w. 33”, d. 19-1/2”. [300/500] 418 Contemporary Chrome and Glass Dining Table, in the midcentury style, with a beveled glass top, h. 30”, dia. 48”. [300/500] Illustrated



423 Pair of Continental Giltwood Finials, now mounted as lamps, including shades, finials, h. 14”, overall, h. 22”. [200/400] 424 Pair of French Gilt-Metal and Glass Table Lamps, the strawberry pattern molded glass bases supporting gilt-metal sheaves of wheat concealing lamp standards, overall, h. 31”, dia. 10-1/2”. [200/400] 425 Pair of Painted Spanish Cedar Table Lamps, first quarter 20th century, in the neoclassical style, with reeded and fluted urn-form bodies, trimmed in carved acanthus leaves, h. 22”, dia. 7-1/2”. [50/80]


426 Suite of Six Contemporary Silver Gilt Armchairs of Neoclassical Inspiration, each with a shaped back, low foliatecarved scroll arm supports and tapering paneled legs, h. 45”. [300/500] Illustrated 427 Group of Post Modern-Style Curtain Valances and Hardware. [100/200] 428 Pair of Chinoiserie Polychrome Wood Lamps, early 20th century, the figural covers retain the original chinoiserie decoration, fitted with custom pleated paper shades, h. to top of finial, 34”. Provenance: Gracie, New York, New York. [600/900]


429 Carved Rosewood Bust of an African Warrior, h. 25-1/2”. [200/400] 430 Fine Carved and Polychromed African Guru Tribal Mask, h. 30”, w. 9”. [250/400] 431 Bronze Figure of a South African Female, depicted wearing neck rings in the style of the Ndebele people, decorated with polychrome enamels, h. 38-1/2”, w. 11-3/4”, d. 10”. [50/80]

419 Napoleon III Mahogany and Gilt-Bronze Oval Center Table, third quarter 19th century and later, now with a pierced brass mirrored tray top, h. 30”, w. 36-1/2”, d. 23”. [600/900]

432 Three American Pressed Glass Pitchers, second quarter 20th century, two marked “Heisey”, h. 9”, dia. 8-1/2” and h. 6-3/4”, dia. 5-1/2”, the other with a metal swing handle, h. 9-1/2”, dia. 5-1/2”. [200/400]

420 Continental Onyx, Brass and Gilt-Metal Ink Stand, ca. 1900, h. 4-3/4”, w. 20”, d. 6-1/4”. [100/200]

433 Italian Mid-Century Modern Ribbed Murano Glass Floor Lamp, h. 56-1/4”, dia. 13”. [400/700]

421 Napoleon III Gilt-Bronze and Alabaster Gueridon, third quarter 19th century, the cast base with hoof feet decorated with cast leaves and scrolls, h. 29-1/2”, dia. 21-1/4”. [800/1200] 422 Stained Wood and Wrought and Cast Iron Stand, with a circular top on wrought legs, joined with cast-metal foliate brackets and a caned low shelf, h. 30”, dia. 13-3/4”. [20/40]

434 Italian Mid-Century Modern Ribbed Murano Glass Floor Lamp, h. 59”, dia. 13-1/2”. [500/800] 435 Set of Ten Minton Porcelain Dinner Plates, ca. 1902-1912, English, retailed by Tiffany & Co., New York, the transfer printed puce mark with a crowned globe reading “Mintons” over “Tiffany & Co., New York, Made in England”, dia. 10”. [350/500] Illustrated



436 Set of Eight Bavarian Porcelain Service Plates, 1909-1929, decorated with gilt rocaille borders framed in raised gilt, and gilt center medallions, dia. 11”. [200/400] 437 Set of Six Hutschenreuther Raised Gilt Service Plates, probably 1931-1946, decorated with baskets and flowers, dia. 10-3/4”. [100/200] 438 Set of Eleven Continental Transfer-Decorated Service Plates, marked “Warranted Cara”, dia. 9-3/4”. [100/200] 439 Set of Eight German Service Plates, decorated with transferprinted flowers, marked “Black Knight Hohenberg Studios Bavaria, Germany, 1925-41”, dia. 10-1/2”. [100/200] 440 Twenty-Seven-Piece Partial Set of Stemware, second quarter 20th century, including ten wine goblets, h 7-1/2", ten champagne coupes, h. 5-5/8", and seven liquor glasses, h. 3-7/8". [300/500] 441 Chinese Cloisonne Beaker-Form Vase, 20th century, decorated with dragons and lotus leaves, marked with a raised Chinese character, h. 12”, dia. 7-1/2”. [300/500] 442 Chinese Cloisonne Vase, 20th century, decorated with polychrome panels of foo dog heads, h. 12-1/2”, dia. 6-3/4”. [300/500] 443 Two Miniature Watercolors of Children, mid-20th century, h. 5”, w. 5”. [200/400] 444 Gold-Tone Metal and Enamel Picture Frame, of rectangular form, decorated with scrolled crest and corner blocks, h. 8-1/2”, w. 5-1/2”. [200/400]



445 Continental Bronze and “Jeweled” Photograph Frame, the oval frame with a surround of topaz “jewels”, h. 4-3/4”, w. 3-3/4”. [50/80] 446 Contemporary Regency-Style Composition and Parcel-Gilt Table, with a circular marble top, h. 30-1/2”, dia. 39”. [250/400] 447 Continental Bronze of a Nude Woman, 20th Century, h. 24”, w. 15”, d. 8”. [200/400] 448 Robert James “Bob” Evans (American/Chicago, b. 1944), “Bird in Flight”, 1971, patinated bronze, signed and dated at edge of self-base, h. 13-1/2”, w. 7”, d. 5”. [150/300] 449 Pair of Taxidermic Pheasants, the male and female birds depicted perched on tree limbs, mounted on a pine base, h. 19-3/4”, w. 36”, d. 16-1/4”. [75/125] 450 Finely-Detailed Porcelain Sculpture of Two Flying Ducks, post 1969, signed “Hutchenreuther, Germany”, h. 14-3/4”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 7”. [600/900] Illustrated 451 Boehm Limited Edition Figure of an Owl on a Stump, made in England, with a horsehead mark, h. 10-1/2”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 5”. [200/400] 452 Boehm “Owl” Covered Box, composed of Belleek-type porcelain, marked and numbered “700-2”, h. 3”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 4-1/2”. [100/200]

459 Andree Ruellan (American, 1905-2006), “Flambeau”, sanguine on paper, signed, sight 20” x 13”. Matted and framed. Provenance: Artist to West School of Art benefit; Private collection, Connecticut. [300/500] 460 German School (18th Century), “Portrait of a Walking Man Holding a Vial”, graphite, ink and wash on paper, sight 8” x 6”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400]

453 453 Otto Bachmann (Swiss, 1915-1996), “At The Theater”, sanguine on paper, signed and dated “1963”, verso with “Le Monde Galleries” label and “Hammer Galleries” stamp, sight 25” x 19”. Glazed, matted and framed. [400/700] Illustrated 454 Adolphe Pierre Leleux (French, 1812-1891), “Portrait of Mrs. Leleux” and “Harvest”, 1870 and 1858, two graphites on paper, both dated, sights 5-1/8” x 3-5/8” to 3” x 5-1/2”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 455 Continental School (Fourth Quarter 18th Century), “St. Anthony the Abbot”, graphite and gray wash on paper, sight dia. 5-1/4”. Glazed, in an eglomise-style mat, and framed. [250/400] 456 Italian School (18th Century), “Multiple Caricatures”, pen, ink, and wash on paper, signed in pencil, sight 5” x 7”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 457 Attributed to Benjamin Robert Haydon (British, 1786-1846), “Figural Study - Mrs. T. Hamilton”, ink on paper, pencil inscription , sight 8-3/4” x 6-1/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [250/400] 458 Attributed to Benjamin Robert Haydon (British, 1786-1846), “Figural Study of a Woman Holding a Dove”, ink on paper, inscribed “DOVE” , 7-3/4” x 5-1/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [250/400]


S ess i o n I I Lots 461 - 1 097 461 Pair of Chinese Carved Pearl Shells, early 20th century, carved and pierced with birds and flowers, with carved fitted stands, h. 7”, overall. [50/80] 462 Chinese Jade Covered Jar, 20th century, with archaic-style decoration of flanges and Kui dragons, with dragon mask jump rings and a kylin finial, with a fitted stand, h. 24”. [2000/4000] Illustrated 463 Elaborate Chinese Carved Dark Green Jade Covered Vase, 20th century, the even spinachcolored stone carved in high relief as the figure of Shou Lao holding his staff, with a wooden stand, h. 9-1/8”, including stand. [700/1000]

465 Set of Four Chinese Carved Soapstone Figures, 20th century, the tallest, h. 8-1/4”. [100/200] 466 Chinese Soapstone Pig on a Wooden Stand, 20th century, the sow with five piglets in brown soapstone on a painted and carved wood base with a pine and rock motif, h. 5”, l. 8-1/2”. [125/250]


467 Chinese Carved Ivory Figure of an Immortal, early 20th century, the figure modeled on the back of a tiger, with a wooden stand, h. 4”, without stand. [75/125] 468 Two Chinese Ivory Lidded Canisters, 19th/20th century, both with intricate lattice carving, h. 5-1/2”. [150/300] 469 Chinese Ivory Carving, first half 20th century, depicting a standing figure of a fisherman, h. 8-3/4”. [300/500]


464 Pair of Chinese Jade Trees, the blue enameled pots decorated with raised brass scrollwork, and set with twig “trees” decorated with plum blossoms of stone and wire flowers, h. 25-1/2”, w. 22”, d. 7-1/2”. [150/300] Illustrated

470 Pair of Decorative Covered Jars, each with a wood frame inset with bone plaques and polychrome decoration, h. 37”. [500/800] Illustrated 471 Chinese Red and White Peking Glass Figure, 20th century, now mounted as a lamp, h. 28-1/2”, w. 5-1/2”. [200/400] 472 Italian Empire-Inspired Faux Travertine Armchair, of generous proportions, in beige brocade, h. 46”. [100/200] 473 Large Contemporary Composition, Cast Iron and Glass-Top Coffee Table, of Tuscan inspiration, h. 21-1/2”, w. 50”, d. 50”. [40/70] 474 Pair of Whimsical Mahogany-Stained Armchairs, each with a backswept, carved crest above a padded back, joined to the like seat by bamboo-carved arms and monkey-formed supports, raised on tapering circular legs, h. 43”, w. 27”, d. 25”. [300/500]


475 Pair of Neo-Renaissance-Style Parcel-Gilt and Fruitwood Stands, each with a circular top supported by a segmented fluted and foliate-carved column, h. 48-1/4”, w. 22”, d. 22”. [70/125] 476 Contemporary Faux Mahogany and Simulated Marble-Top Sofa Table, h. 30”, w. 48”, d. 28”. [75/125]


477 Contemporary Faux Mahogany and Simulated Marble-Top Occasional Table, h. 24-1/2”, w. 25-1/2”, d. 25-1/2”. [30/50]

488 Tufted Circular Hassock, upholstered in white velvet, h. 28”, dia. 34-1/2”. [250/400]

478 Tuscan-Inspired Faux Travertine, and Cast and Wrought Metal Low Table, with an inset glass top, h. 22”, w. 50”, d. 50”. [40/70]

489 Contemporary Overstuffed Settee with Five Pillows, h. 31”, w. 72”, d. 48”. [75/125] 490 Contemporary Overstuffed Settee with Matching Ottoman and Five Pillows, settee, h. 31”, w. 62”, d. 48”, ottoman, h. 28”, w. 43”, d. 23”. [100/200] 491 OPEN 492 Neoclassically Inspired Mahoganized Bench, with a leatherette cushion, h. 23-1/2”, w. 52”, d. 29-1/2”. [50/80]


479 Neoclassical-Style Cocktail Table, with a brass, copper and nickel clad Corinthian capital base and an intarsia inlaid marble top, h. 26-3/4”, dia. 37”. [450/700] Illustrated

493 Italian Neoclassical-Inspired Bowfront Occasional Chest, with a pair of drawers over a door, in a faux distressed burlwood finish, h. 29-3/4”, w. 28-1/2”, d. 23”. [50/80] 494 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Fruitwood Demi-lune Commodes, h. 35”, w. 34-1/2”, d. 28-1/2”. [75/125] 495 Continental Inlaid Mixed Woods Oval Side Table, with pullout sides, h. 30”, w. 26”, l. 33-1/2”, extended l. 52”. [400/700]

480 Contemporary Glass and Argente-Painted Breakfast Table of Neoclassical Inspiration, on a plinth base, h. 29”, dia. 60”. [150/300]

496 Tuscan-Inspired Giltwood and Mahogany Cupboard, the pair of doors opening to reveal an interior fitted with linen drawers, h. 43”, w. 45”, d. 23”. [200/400]

481 Spanish-Style Glass-Top Cocktail Table, on metal feet and trimmed in inlaid stone, h. 29”, dia. 39-3/4”. [100/200]

497 George III Style Mahogany Breakfront Bookcase, by Drexel, h. 82”, w. 64”, d. 26”. [800/1200]

482 Italian-Style Cocktail Table, with a pierced and patinatedbrass base and inlaid marble serpentine top, h. 28”, w. 46”, d. 46”. [300/500]


483 Rococo-Style Carved and Distressed Painted Mirror, late 19th century, h. 52", w. 48". [400/700] 484 Composition Molded and Polychromed Wall Panel with Mirror, in the Louis XV taste, h. 67", w. 32". [200/400] 485 Bacchanalian-Themed Patinated Metal Wine Casket, depicting a putto astride a wine barrel, a bottle and cup in his hand, h. 28-3/4”, w. 25-1/2”, d. 28”. [40/70] 486 Decorative Composition Compote with Silver-Leafed Bowl, fitted with gilded glass balls, h. 22”, dia. 23”. [20/40] 487 Large Contemporary Mahogany Stained and DiamondTufted Ottoman, h. 29”, w. 36”, d. 36”. [100/200]


505 English Bleached Oak Vitrine Cabinet, ca. 2900, the top and all four sides glazed, fitted with two adjustable shelves, h. 67”, w. 27”, d. 27”. [300/500] 506 British School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “Landscape With Fishermen and a Mill”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 16” x 12”. Framed. [500/800] 507 Continental School (Third Quarter 19th Century), “Landscape with Cattle Crossing a Bridge”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 10” x 12-3/4”. Framed. [200/400] 508 British School (Second Quarter 19th Century), “Country Gossip”, oil on panel, unsigned, 13-3/4” x 17-3/4”. In a period giltwood and gesso frame. [400/700] 498

509 Continental School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “Interior Church Scene”, oil on canvas laid on board, 11” x 9”. Framed. [75/125]

498 Art Deco-Style Gilt-Metal Circular Occasional Table, with ram’s head legs and a beveled glass top, h. 28”, dia. 32”. [300/500] Illustrated

510 Continental School (First Quarter 20th Century), “Bad Game of Chess”, oil on panel, unsigned, 9” x 12”. In a period frame. [300/500]

499 Pair of Italian Polychrome and Marble-Top Occasional Tables, 19th century and later, each with an inset quatrefoil Breche d’Alep marble top above a conforming paneled frieze, h. 24”, w. 20”, d. 24”. [900/1200]

511 Italian School (Fourth Quarter 17th Century), “Birth of the Virgin”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 20” x 42”. Unframed. [2000/4000] Illustrated

500 French Art Deco Cast Iron and Marble-Top Coffee Table, second quarter 20th century, h. 29-1/4”, w. 34-3/4”, d. 29”. [250/400] 501 Faux-Marbre-Painted Composite Obelisk, supported on brass recumbent lions, h. 39-1/2”, w. 20”, d. 20”. [250/400]

512 British School (First Quarter 20th Century), “The Older Suitor”, watercolor and graphite on paper, signed “KPLeigh”, sight 8” x 10”. Glazed, matted and framed. [1000/1500] 513 Continental School (19th Century), “Harvest”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 5” x 13-3/4”. Framed. [300/500]

502 American Gilt-Metal Floor Lamp on a Stone Base, first quarter 20th century, mounted with a shade, h. 68-1/4”, dia. 24-1/4”. [100/200] 503 Framed Collection of Jack Nicholson Movie Memorabilia, including reproductions of movie posters and a signed copy of an Oscar award, all in a shadowbox frame, h. 26-1/2”, w. 27”. [75/125] 504 Framed Collection of “Dances with Wolves” Memorabilia, including an autographed poster, photographs and a uniform buckle, h. 34”, w. 42”. [50/80]



521 Italian Neoclassical-Style Center Table, the circular figured bonded marble top on a laminated apron with ormolu mounts, supported by a trio of faux stone caryatids, h. 33-1/2”, dia. 36”. [50/80] 522 Italian Turned Marble Columnar Pedestal, ca. 2900, h. 42”, dia. 22”. [200/400] 523 Italian Neoclassical-Style Brass and Alabaster Urn-Form Ornament, h. 22”, w. 21”, d. 6-1/2”. [30/50] 524 Carved, Painted and Parcel-Gilt Putto on Shell, first quarter 20th century, h. 22-1/4”, w. 8-1/4”, d. 2-1/2”. [100/200] 525 OPEN


526 Pair of Shell-Encrusted Tin Obelisks, in the Italian grotto style, h. 30-3/4”, w. 7-3/4”, d. 7-3/4”. [300/500] 527 Two Similar Latin American Carved Wooden Shields, first quarter 20th century, now mounted as lamps, h. 21”, w. 8”, d. 6” and h. 29”, w. 8-3/4”, d. 3-1/4”. [50/80]

514 Continental School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “Figure in a Wooded Landscape” and “Landscape with a Man Fishing”, two oils on canvas, each signed “S. Henry”, each 17” x 21-1/2”. Both framed. [400/700] 515 French School (Third Quarter 19th Century), “Barbizon Landscape with Figures”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 12-1/2” x 16-1/2”. Framed. [200/400] 516 Continental School (Second Quarter 20th Century),”Landscape with Cottage”. oil on canvas, signed “Major”, 12" x 24". Framed. [300/500] 517 Carlo Polidori (Italian, 19th Century), pair of watercolors on paper, each signed, each sight 9-1/4” x 13-3/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [400/700] 518 Continental School (20th Century), “Girl on Swing”, oil on wood panel, unsigned, 17” x 30”. Framed. [100/200] 519 Continental Decorative Painted Panel of “The Water Carrier”, oil on canvas, 32” x 20”. Framed. [100/200]


520 Andrew Weissman (American, Contemporary), “Woman Gathering Grapes”, oil on canvas, initialed, 28” x 23”. In a giltwood frame. [1000/1500]


528 Italian-Style Pierced Giltwood Mirror, h. 40”, w. 28”. [500/800] Illustrated on previous page


532 Italian Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Chest, mid-20th century, probably Florentine, h. 27-1/2”, w. 24-1/2”, d. 23”. [150/300] 530

533 Polychromed Occasional Table in the Northern Italian Rococo Taste, with scalloped apron, raised on turned legs joined by serpentine stretchers, h. 24”, w. 36”, d. 24”. [800/1200] Illustrated

529 Italian Giltwood Looking Glass, early 20th century, the scrolling and pierced carved crest over the rectangular mirror plate, h. 51”, w. 36”. [800/1200] Illustrated on previous page

534 Italian Neoclassical-Style Alabaster Table Lamp, first quarter 20th century, the urn-form lamp trimmed in acanthus leaves, h. 22”, dia. 3-3/4”, overall, h. 33-1/2”. [100/200]

530 Carved, Painted and Parcel-Gilt Chandelier, mid-20th century, decorated with a monkey, h. 34-1/4”, dia. 27”. [800/1200] Illustrated

535 French Hand-Painted Vase, ca. 2900, signed “C. Rochette”, now mounted as a lamp, vase, h. 21-1/2”, w. 6-1/4”, overall, h. 21-1/2”. [70/125] 536 Italian Walnut Bureau, late 18th century, the rectangular top above a slant front opening to drawers and cubbyholes flanking a central cupboard, h. 41”, w. 41-1/2”, d. 20”. [600/900] 537


531 Louis XV-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Table, second quarter 20th century, h. 28”, w. 55”, d. 32”. [1200/1800] Illustrated


545 Venetian-Style Beveled, Etched and Cut Glass Octagonal Mirror, the central beveled plate framed by cut foliate scroll and banded plates, h. 52”, w. 42-1/4”. [700/1000] Illustrated 546 Venetian-Style Beveled, Etched and Cut Glass Octagonal Mirror, the central beveled plate framed by cut foliate scroll and banded plates, h. 52”, w. 42-1/4”. [700/1000] 547 Pair of Murano Blown Glass Two-Light Sconces, mid-20th century, decorated with flowers, h. 26”, w. 23”, d. 9”. [800/1200] 548 Six-Light Gold Threaded Blown Glass Murano Chandelier, mid-20th century, decorated with blown flowers, h. 35”, dia. 24-1/2”. [1500/2500] 545 549

537 Napoleon III-Style Marble-Top Mahogany Commode, the serpentine top over a conforming case fitted with two short over three long drawers, h. 37”, w. 40”, d. 28”. [200/400] Illustrated 538 Pair of Louis XV-Style Mahogany Bombe Cabinets, early 20th century, h. 34-3/4”, w. 41”, d. 20”. [700/1000] 539 Louis XV-Style Giltwood Console Table, first quarter 20th century, h. 35-1/2”, w. 36”, d. 24”. [100/200] 540 Belle Epoque Giltwood Console Table, ca. 2900, in the Louis XV style, h. 34-1/2”, w. 31”, d. 21-1/2”. [100/200] 541 Venetian Beveled and Engraved Glass Mirror, with engraved scrolls and flowers, h. 39-1/2”, w. 31-1/4”. [400/700] 542 Venetian-Style Lyre-Form Mirror, the lyre-shaped body with a crown-shaped crest, decorated with beveled edges and cut and engraved flowers, h. 56-1/2”, w. 29”. [500/800] 543 Louis XVI-Inspired Brass and Prism-Hung Six-Light Chandelier, the arms with electric candles, h. 28-1/2”, dia. 28”. [150/300] 544 French Belle Epoque Gilt-Metal Four-Light Basket Chandelier, with elk heads supporting the lights, h. 27”, dia. 23-1/4”. [600/900]

549 Murano Colorless and Polychromed Glass Eight-Light Chandelier, with two tiers of stems terminating in polychromed molded glass flowers, h. 30-1/4”, dia. 36”. [1800/2500] Illustrated 550 Italian Gilt-Metal and Porcelain Twelve-Light Chandelier and Matching Three-Light Sconces, chandelier, 34”, dia. 42-1/2”, en suite with a pair of matching sconces ,h. 21”, w. 26-1/2”, d. 23”, the porcelain marked “Capodimonte”. [2500/4000] 551 Baroque-Style Carved, Painted and Parcel-Gilt Twelve-Light Chandelier, h. 50-1/2”, dia. 33-1/2”. [1200/1800] 552 Art Deco Looking Glass, in the Venetian Taste, the elongated plate surrounded by a cushion-form mirrored paneled frieze, h. 54-1/2”, w. 42”. [400/700] 553 Venetian-Style Beveled, Cut and Engraved Mirror, the raised mirrored frame decorated with engraved flowers and scalloped cutting, h. 32-1/2”, w. 39-1/2”. [200/400]


559 Fox’s Book of Martyrs, London, published by Alex Hogg & Co., 1778-1824, leather bound, h. 25-1/2”, w. 20”. [200/400] 560 Forty-Volume Set of Shakespeare’s Works, New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, Ariel Edition, with illustrations, retaining the part-leather and marbleized paper bindings, h. 5”, w. 3-1/2”. [100/200] 561 Louisiana School (20th Century), “Spanish Style House”, oil on board, illegibly signed, 9-1/4” x 12-1/4”. Framed. [300/500] 562 Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language, ca. 2810, London, in two volumes, with gilt stamped leather bindings, h. 21”, w. 9”. [200/400] 563 George III-Style Mahogany Tea Table, fourth quarter 19th century, the rectangular top with shaped corners and a dished edge, h. 29”, w. 31”, d. 20”. [200/400] Illustrated 564 Queen Anne Walnut Side Table, 18th century, the banded and quarter-veneered top above a frieze fitted with a single drawer, h, 29-1/2”, w. 33”, d. 22”. [300/500]

556 one of a pair

554 After Pierre-Paul Prud’hon (French, 1758-1823), “Fair Phyllis”, hand-colored stipple engraving, sight 10” x 7”. Glazed, matted and framed. [50/100] 555 French School (19th Century), “Portrait of an 18th-Century Young Woman”, pastel on paper laid on canvas, sight 17-1/2” x 14”. Glazed and framed. [300/500] 556 French School (First Quarter 18th Century), “Portrait of a Courtier and His Wife”, pair of oval oils on canvas, both unsigned, 39-1/2” x 30”. Framed. [1500/2500] Illustrated

565 George III-Style Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, with a swan’s-neck pediment over a pair of glazed doors, h. 97”, w. 42”, d. 21”. [700/1000] Illustrated 566 Queen Anne-Style Mahogany Wing Chair, 19th century, the padded and domed back joined by shaped sides and outscrolled arms to the cushioned seat, h. 46”. [300/500] 567 Queen Anne-Style Mahogany Wingback Day Bed, fitted with a custom slipcover, h. 34”, w. 28”, l. 73”. [300/500]

557 Two Pairs of Tasseled VelvetBacked Tapestry Decorative Pillows, 19th century and later, in terracotta tones, one pair h. 23”, w. 27”, the other pair h. 23”, w. 23”. [150/300]


8 38

558 Alabaster Figure of a Cupid, ca. 2900, probably Italian, h. 21”, w. 24”, d. 20”. [300/500] Illustrated




570 Queen Anne-Style Mahogany Lowboy, 19th century, the rectangular top above a frieze fitted with a central drawer and two deeper side drawers, h. 28-1/2”, w. 40-3/4”, d. 20-3/4”. [600/900] 571 George I Walnut Lowboy, early 18th century, the rectangular top banded and quarter-veneered above a frieze fitted with a single drawer, h. 27”, w. 30”, d. 28-1/2”. [800/1200] Illustrated 572 Pair of Painted Colonial Revival Chippendale-Style Mirror, 20th century, h. 43-3/4”, w. 25-1/2”. [200/400]

568 George III-Style Oak Tilt-Top Breakfast Table, 20th century, h. 30”, dia. 48”. [150/300] 569 George III-Style Mahogany Demi-lune Side Table, 19th century, h. 29”, w. 45-1/2”, d. 21-1/2”. [500/800]

573 Queen Anne Walnut Drop-Leaf Low Table, partially composed of antique elements, h. 20”, w. 45-1/2”, l. 20”, extended l. 37”. [150/300] 574 Queen Anne-Style Mahogany and Needlework Kneeler, early 20th century, h. 20”, w. 20”, l. 43”. [150/300] 575 Pair of Georgian-Style Patinated Metal Wall-Mount Carriage Lamps, h. 39”, w. 28”, d. 25”. [400/700] 576 Georgian-Style Brass-Trimmed Mahogany Octagonal Tea Caddy, h. 5”, w. 7-1/4”, d. 5-1/2”. [150/300] 577 George V Sterling Silver-Mounted Tortoiseshell Page Turner, hallmarked London, 1910-1911, by Edmond Bennett, monogrammed “IL”, l. 24”. [200/400] 578 English Tortoiseshell Box, first quarter 20th century, the rectangular box with a slightly domed cover, h. 2”, w. 5”, d. 3”. [300/500] Illustrated


579 Two English Snuff Boxes and an Edwardian Tortoiseshell Spectacles Case, 19th/20th century, one black lacquer snuff box with a faux tortoise lid, w. 2-1/4”, l. 2”, the other lacquered treen in the form of a shoe, h. 2-1/4”, w. 2”, l. 3”, together with a tortoiseshell spectacles case, the top with a silver plaque stamped: “Ann. Grinrod.”, w. 2-1/2”, l. 5-3/4”. [150/300]


587 Pair of Chippendale-Style Mahogany Sidechairs, early 20th century, each with a molded and shaped crest rail, and tapering legs with double-knuckled paw feet, h. 41-3/4”. [40/70] 588 English Chippendale-Style Mahogany Dining Table, late 19th century, with one 16-1/2” leaf, h. 29”, w. 40”, l. 53”, extended l. 69-1/2”. [500/800] 589 Pair of George III-Style Mahogany Sidechairs, mid-19th century, in the Chippendale taste, h. 39”. [250/400] 583 580 Georgian Miniature Portrait of a Gentleman, British school, mid-18th century, framed in a later cove-molded ebonized wood frame, h. 4-1/2”, w. 3-3/4”. [200/400] 581 Chippendale-Style Mahogany Veneered and Parcel-Gilt Pierced Mirror, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 35-1/2”, w. 29-1/4”. [100/200]

590 George III-Style Mahogany Sidechair, late 19th century, the earred crest above a pierced and interlacing splat, the padded seat raised on cabriole legs ending in pad feet, h. 33”. [75/125] 591 Extensive Spode “Fitzhugh Red” Partial Dinner Service, ca. 2954-1990, [500/800] Illustrated


582 George III-Style Mahogany Tripod Table, late 19th century, the tilting pie crust dished top raised on a turned and spiral ribbed vasiform standard to three splayed legs headed by foliate carving, h. 27-1/2”, dia. 22-1/2”. [300/500] 583 Edwardian Mahogany Settee, early 20th century, in the Georgian taste, h. 36”, w. 62”, d. 21”. [300/500] Illustrated 584 Georgian Mahogany and Brass Wine Cooler, ca. 2800, the mahogany sides bound with brass dovetailed bands and set with handles, fitted with a lead liner, h.30”, w. 24”, d. 25”. [900/1200] 585 Set of Six Mahogany Dining Chairs, 20th century, in the Philadelphia Chippendale style, h. 39-3/4”. [400/700] 586 Monumental George III-Style Mahogany Dining Table, 20th century, the rounded rectangular top banded and raised on three pedestals, h. 29-1/2”, w. 54”, l. 266”. [1200/1800] Illustrated


592 George III-Style Mahogany Dumbwaiter, late 19th century, h. 36-1/2”, dia. 24-1/2”. [500/800] 593 Victorian-Style Mahogany Occasional Table, early 20th century, h. 27-3/4”, dia. 24-1/2”. [150/300] 594 George III-Style Mahogany Dumbwaiter, mid-19th century, h. 44-1/2”, dia. 23-1/2”. [200/400] 595 George III-Style Mahogany Tilt-Top Side Table, early 20th century, h. 26-1/2”, w. 29”, d. 24”. [100/200] 596 Victorian Fruitwood Piano Stool, third quarter 19th century, h. 29”, dia. 23”. [150/300] 597 Suite of Eight Irish Georgian-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs, early 20th century, the padded seat raised on cabriole legs headed by carving and ending in ball-and-claw feet, h. 42”. [1800/2500] Illustrated 598 George III-Style Mahogany Triple-Pedestal Dining Table, early 20th century, the oval top, in three sections, includes two 14” leaves, h. 29-1/4”, w. 45”, l. 208”, extended l. 236”. [1800/2500]


601 George III-Style Mahogany Tripod Table, the tilting rounded square top raised on a bulbous standard to three shaped legs, h. 27-1/2”, w. 25”, d. 24”. [200/400] 602 Chinese Chippendale-Style Mahogany Tea Table, the rectangular top with a full pierced gallery, raised on clustercolumn legs headed by blind fret carving and ending in block feet, h. 28”, w. 34”, d. 22”. [900/1200]


599 George III-Style Mahogany Highboy, early 20th century, in two parts, the upper section with a broken-arch pediment over a pair of blind doors, the base with four drawers , h. 80-1/2”, w. 37-1/2”, d. 20-1/2”. [800/1000] Illustrated 600 George III-Style Mahogany Cupboard, the rounded square top with a full shaped gallery, above a case fitted with a single cupboard facade as leather-bound volumes, h. 30-1/4”, w. 20”, d. 28”. [300/500]


599 603 George III-Style Ebonized, Polychromed and GiltDecorated Looking Glass, third quarter 19th century, of tall narrow form in the chinoiserie taste, h. 72”, w. 28”. [700/1000] 604 Country English Mahogany Cabinet, mid-19th century, the molded cornice above two glazed doors, opening to a divided shelved interior, h. 84-1/2”, w. 51”, d. 27”. [400/700] 605 George III-Style Mahogany Bachelor’s Chest, mid-19th century, with two short drawers over two long drawers, each with a beaded edge, raised on bracket feet, h, 34”, w. 37”, d. 29”. [300/500] 606 George III-Style Mahogany Desk/Server, late 19th century, the rectangular top with molded edge above a conforming case fitted with two drawers over a single long drawer, h. 46”, w. 53”, d. 24-1/2”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 607 George III-Style Giltwood Looking Glass, 19th century, the rectangular plate surmounted by an eagle crest issuing a ball garland and foliate garlands, surmounted by mirrored panels and an annulated and molded frame, h. 52”, w. 28”. [400/700]




608 Set of Six George III-Style Mahogany Sidechairs, mid-19th century, each with a domed crest above a stylized pierced wheat sheaf splat, the padded seat raised on tapering square legs joined by an H-form stretcher, h. 36”. [800/1200] 609 Suite of Six George III Mahogany Dining Chairs in the Hepplewhite Taste, ca. 2800, each with an arched crest rail, shaped splat and tapering legs joined by an H-form stretcher, now in burgundy and gold patterned cut velvet, h. 36-1/2”. [800/1200] 610 Suite of Eight George III-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs, early 20th century, in the Adam taste, h. 38”. [500/800] Illustrated 611 Hepplewhite-Style Inlaid Mahogany Sideboard, 20th century, h. 37”, w. 72”, d. 24”. [200/400] 612 George III Mahogany Dining Table, late 18th century, in the Hepplewhite taste, the double-banded rounded rectangular top raised on tapering square legs ending in brass caps and casters, with two 22” leaves, h. 30”, w. 48”, l. 66”, extended l. 210”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 613 Classical-Style White Marble Spiral Pedestal, 20th century, h. 40”, w. 22”, d. 22”. [300/500]

617 Five-Piece Collection of English Ceramics in the Imari Palette, comprised of a Spode oval platter, w. 7-1/2”, l. 20-3/4”; a Spode plate, dia. 8”; a pair of Clews oval dishes, l. 7-1/2”; and a Ridgway tureen stand, mid-19th century, w. 25-1/2”, dia. 21”. [100/200] 618 Group of Japanese Meiji Imari Plates, late 19th century, consisting of a pair and three smaller examples, all in the traditional palette with scalloped edges, dia. 7-1/2” to 8-1/4”. [125/250] 619 Two Chinese Export Imari Chargers, dia. 21-1/2”. [100/200] 620 Two Pieces of Japanese Imari, late 19th century, consisting of an octagonal charger with ribbed sides, dia. 22-1/4”, and a bowl with a scalloped edge, dia. 9-1/4”. [250/400] 621 Two Pieces of Japanese Imari Porcelain, fourth quarter 19th century, including an oval fluted dish, w. 8-1/2”, l. 20-1/2”; and a circular fluted plate, dia. 8-3/4”. [75/125] Illustrated 622 Japanese Imari Porcelain Vase, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 6”, dia. 5-1/2”. [75/125]

614 Group of Two Japanese Imari Vessels, early 20th century, consisting of a bowl with a flared lip over a large and elaborate floral vase, dia. 20-3/4”, and a vase of tapering cylindrical form with reserve panels of flowering branches against a ground of geometric bands, h. 22”. [150/300] 615 Chinese Export Porcelain Mug, fourth quarter 18th century, decorated with blue-trimmed panels on an iron-red ground, h. 6”, dia. 4-3/4”. [200/400] 616 Chinese Porcelain Jar, 19th century, the oviform jar in underglaze blue decoration of peonies and a phoenix on a celadon ground, h. 21”. [100/200]



631 Unusual Hepplewhite String-Inlaid Mahogany Double Washstand, early 19th century, fitted with a pair of blue and white Canton-style basins, h. 38”, w. 30”, d. 28”. [400/700] 632 Georgian-Style Oak Dressing Table, 19th century, the bowed front fitted with a single drawer, raised on tapering legs, h. 29-1/4”, w. 30”, d. 20”. [100/200] 633 Bilbao-Style Gilded and Ebonized Composition Neoclassical Mirror, h. 60”, w. 36”. [300/500]


623 Japanese Imari Cylindrical Vase, fourth quarter 19th century, mounted as a banquet lamp, signed “Duplex”, not electrified, h. 26-3/4”, dia. 4-2/4”. [200/400] 624 Thirteen-Piece Group of English Davenport Dinnerware, ca. 2805-1820, in the Imari palette, marked “Davenport Stone China”, including five dinner plates, dia. 20”, five soup plates, dia. 20”, and three luncheon plates, dia. 9”. [400/700] 625 Three Imari Plates, comprised of a Japanese plate with a reticulated border, ca. 2900, dia. 8-3/4”; and two Chinese plates, fourth quarter 18th century, dia. 9” and 9-1/2”. [75/125] 626 Japanese Imari Charger, first quarter 20th century, with a scalloped border and decorated in the Imari palette, dia. 24-1/2”. [200/400] 627 Three Pieces of English Pottery, second quarter 19th century, in the Imari palette, comprised of a coffee cup and saucer, h. 6”, dia. 2-3/4”; and an oval fluted dish, d. 7-1/4”, l. 9-3/4”. [50/80]

634 Pair of Georgian-Style Parcel-Gilt Carved Wooden TwoLight Sconces, h. 28”, w. 21-3/4”. [500/800] 635 Pair of English Giltwood Shield-Form Girandole Mirrors, ca. 2900, in the Adam style, h. 44”, w. 21”, d. 6-3/4”. [1200/1800] Illustrated 636 Pair of George III-Style Polychrome Looking Glasses, in the Adam taste, each with a beveled ovoid plate surmounted by a crest of an urn issuing a foliate garland, h. 33-1/2”, w. 27”. [400/700] 637 George III-Style Line-Strung, Banded and Inlaid Mahogany Corner Table, 20th century, h. 27-1/4”, w. 47-1/2”, d. 35-3/4”. [150/300] 638 Victorian Mahogany Bedside Commode, third quarter 19th century, the shaped backpiece above a hinged upper section, the lower section hinged and lifting to an opening for a pot cupboard, raised on square legs, h. 32-1/2”, w. 22”, d. 28-3/4”. [200/400] 639 George III Mahogany Bedside Commode, first quarter 19th century, h. 31-1/2”, w. 22-1/2”, d. 29”. [300/500]

628 Large English Ironstone Oval Platter in the “Chinese Pattern”, late 19th century, the rim having a gold lustre border with floral decor, the center field featuring an Asian scene, w. 25”, l. 29”. [75/125] 629 Samson-Style Punch Bowl in the Chinese Taste, the exterior decorated with armorial devices and sprigs of flora separated by raised white scrolls and flourishes, h. 6”, dia. 24”. [150/300] 630 George III-Style Mahogany Center Table, 19th century, the circular top with an inset leather surface above a conforming frieze fitted with four small drawers, h. 29-1/2”, dia. 43”. [1000/1500] Illustrated



640 Canadian Five-Piece Silverplate Coffee and Tea Set, mid-20th century, by Henry Birks & Son, in the Regency taste, including a coffeepot, h. 9”, teapot, h. 6”, open sugar bowl, w. 8”, creamer, l. 6”, and tray, l. 28-1/2”, w. 26”, decorated with gadroons and rocaille banding. [600/900] Illustrated



644 Continental Silverplate Monteith, 20th century, of hemispherical form, with applied rococo and mascaron rim, and chased rococo scroll decoration, h. 7-3/4”, dia. 22-1/2”. [300/500]

641 Three Silverplate Serving Trays, 20th century, all with rococo scroll decoration, including an English circular waiter, dia. 25”; a Towle oval tea tray, l. 30-1/4”; and a Continental rectangular tea tray, l. 31”. [100/200]


645 Six Pieces of American Sterling and Silverplate-Mounted Glass Table and Dresserware, 20th century, including silverplate-mounted pieces: a footed caster, a paneled caster and a pressed glass pickle jar monogrammed “L”, with sterling-mounted pieces: a footed cut glass dresser jar, a pair of pear-shaped salt and pepper shakers, and a single pepper shaker, h. 3-3/4” to 9-1/4”, 2.12 total t. oz. (weighable silver). [125/250] 646 Five-Piece Reed and Barton “Victorian” Silverplate Coffee and Tea Service, 1954-1955, Taunton, Massachusetts, including a coffeepot, h. 9-3/4”, a teapot, h. 7-1/2”, a covered sugar bowl, h. 6-1/4”, a cream jug, h. 5-5/8”, and a tray, l. 28”, w. 28-1/4”. [200/400] Illustrated 647 Three American Silverplate Platters, mid-20th century, Wallace salver w. 24-1/2”,International Silver tray designed in 1939 by Jean G. Theobald (1873-1952), l. 28-1/2”, and a rectangular well-and-tree platter with rococo scroll rim, l. 23-3/4”. [150/300]

642 Seven American Silverplate Trays and Platters, 20th century, including a Poole footed oval tray with rocaille rim, l. 25”, an unidentified oval tray with “Chippendale” rim, monogrammed “B”, l. 25-3/4”, a Wilcox circular platter with gadrooned rim, dia. 24”, a New Amsterdam oval tray with integral handles, monogrammed “H”, l. 29-1/2”, a William Rogers circular platter with presentation inscription dated 1973, dia. 27”, a William Rogers oval tray with pierced rim and wave edge, l. 24”, and a Rogers Brothers rectangular “Daffodil” pattern tray, l. 27-1/2”. [400/700] Illustrated 643 Twenty-Six-Piece Set of Illinois Silver Co. “Sulgrave Manor” Silverplate Flatware, the pattern designed in 1926 by Thomas Benton Lashar (1869-1930), Chicago, Illinois, with four six-piece place settings (one teaspoon lacking) and three serving pieces, monogrammed “B”, l. 5-7/8” to 9”, presented in the original case. [75/125]


648 Pair of Silverplate Chambersticks, 20th century, in the William IV taste, with rocaille rim, detachable bobeche and conical snuffer, h. 4-1/4”, dia. 6”. [250/400] 649 Silverplate Bouillotte Lamp, contemporary, by Royal Castle, Sheffield, in the Second Empire taste, with acanthus scroll decoration and conical shade, h. 25”, dia. 21”. [600/900] Illustrated 650 Large American Silverplate Vase, first quarter 20th century, by the Barbour Silver Co., Hartford, Connecticut, of tapering hexagonal section with “Vintage” banding, h. 28”, dia. 7-7/8”. [600/900] 651 Pair of Large Silverplate Casters, 20th century, one BarkerEllis, the other unmarked, of baluster form with engraved decoration, h. 8-1/2” and 8-3/4”. [60/90]

654 Continental Silverplate Cafe au Lait Set, 20th century, in the Louis XVI taste with turned wooden handle, h. 7-1/4”, l. 6-1/4”. [75/125] 655 American Silverplate Chafing Dish, contemporary, by Sheridan Silversmiths, Taunton, Massachusetts, in the “Baroque” pattern, h. 22”, dia. 20”, in the original packaging. [100/200]


652 American Silverplate Waiter, third quarter 20th century, by F. B. Rogers Silver Co., Taunton, Massachusetts, of lobed rectangular form with rococo decoration, raised on four acanthus crested paw feet, l. 24”, w. 21-1/4”. [100/200] Illustrated 653 American Silverplate Lazy Susan, mid-20th century, by the Continental Silver Co., Brooklyn, New York, of circular form with rococo rim, dia. 26-1/2”. [100/200]


656 Pair of Silverplate Relish Trays, contemporary, by the Sheffield Silver Co., Brooklyn, New York, of oval form with pierced gallery and segmented glass tray, l. 24”, w. 20”, both in the original packaging. [100/200] 657 English Six-Piece Silverplate Coffee and Tea Service with American Silverplate Tray, second half 20th century, the service by Kentshire of Sheffield, the tray by Thome Mfg. Co., New York, including a kettle on stand, h. 22”, l. 9”, a coffeepot, h. 9”, l. 20-1/4”, a teapot, h. 5-3/4”, l. 21-3/4”, an open sugar bowl, h. 4”, l. 7-5/8”, a cream jug, h. 3-1/2”, l. 5-3/4”, and a waste bowl, h. 3-1/2”, l. 5”, all with a bulbous rounded rectangular body and narrow gadrooned rim, the tray en suite with pseudo-armorial, 27” x 15-1/2” (seven total pieces). [600/900] 649

658 English Silverplate Hot Water Urn, 20th century, in the neoclassical taste, with arched handles, lion’s paw feet and ebony key finial, h. 25-1/4”, w. 21”. [300/500] Illustrated




659 Pair of English Silverplate Wine Coolers, Royal Castle, Sheffield, each of tapering cylindrical form, with opposing stag’s-head handles and decorated with Greek-key banding, with detachable conforming liner, h. 20-3/4”, dia. 8-1/4”, w. 21-3/4”. [1500/2500] 660 English Silverplate Meat Dome and Platter, contemporary, by Royal Castle, Sheffield, of oval form with gadrooned banding, floral acanthus scroll handles and feet, and recumbent lion finial, the well-and-tree platter above a hot-water reservoir, h. 24-1/4”, l. 26”, w. 27”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 661 Pair of English Silverplate Wine Trolleys, contemporary, by Royal Castle, Sheffield, of chariot form with neoclassical decoration, h. 8-1/4”, l. 21-1/2”. [1000/1500] Illustrated 662 Large Pair of English Silverplate Wine Coasters, contemporary, by Royal Castle, Sheffield, each of waisted cylindrical form, the everted rim with applied floral rococo rim, with turned wooden base, h. 5-1/2”, w. 8-5/8”. [300/500] 663 English Silverplate Double Champagne Cooler, by Royal Castle, Sheffield, of oval form, with stirrup handles, the ice reservoir lid with “button” finial, h. 20”, w. 22-1/2”. [300/500] 664 English Silverplate Plateau, 20th century, with a waisted circular plinth base with beaded rim and conforming beveled mirrored plate, h. 3-1/4”, dia. 27-3/4”. [300/500]

w. 25-1/2”. [350/500] 668 Kerman Carpet, 10’ 5” x 7’ 4”. [500/800] 669 Turkish Oushak Carpet, 5’ 11” x 9’. [800/1200] Illustrated 670 Heriz Carpet, 12’ 1” x 9’ 2”. [1000/1500] 671 Patchwork Kilim Carpet, 5’ 3” x 6’ 6”. [350/500] 672 Kashan Carpet, 12’ 4” x 8’. [700/1000] Illustrated 673 Isfahan Carpet, 6’ 6” x 4’ 8”. [100/200] 674 Heriz Runner, 3’ 6” x 10’ 6”. [200/400] 675 Patchwork Kilim Carpet, 5’ 4” x 7’ 10”. [450/700] Illustrated 676 Spanish Savonnerie Carpet, 6’ x 9’. [700/1000] 677 Patchwork Kilim Carpet, 3’ 4” x 4’ 10”. [200/400] 678 Heriz Carpet, 6’ 3” x 9’ 2”. [200/400]

665 Large Pair of English Silverplate Candelabra, contemporary, by Royal Castle, Sheffield, with a central fluted standard and four scrolling branches, decorated with floral acanthus banding, h. 28”, w. 29”. [2000/4000] Illustrated 666 Pair of Large Silverplate and Ruby Glass Vases, contemporary, by Royal Castle, Sheffield, of tapering cylindrical form, the wirework vase with floral swag decoration and fitted with a ruby glass liner, h. 26-1/2”, dia. 7”. [600/900] 667 Victorian-Style Silverplate and Green Marble Figural Inkstand, contemporary, the oblong marble stand fitted with the figure of a seated putto between two cut glass inkwells, h. 8”, w. 25-1/2”. [350/500]




679 Patchwork Kilim Carpet, 3’ 4” x 5’. [200/400]




680 Heriz Runner, 1’ 6” x 7’ 8”. [50/80] 681 Karajeh Runner, 3’ 9” x 10’ 8”. [300/500] 682 Mashad Carpet, 9’ x 13’. [700/1000] 683 Persian Kerman Carpet, 9’ 9” x 18’. [500/800] Illustrated 684 Pair of Part Silk Mats, approximately 3’ x 4’ each. [200/400] 685 Modern Wool and Silk Carpet, 5’ x 7’. [500/800] 686 Louis XV-Style Kingwood and Mahogany Secretaire a Abattant, early 19th century, the shaped rectangular top banded and quarter-veneered above a case fitted with a single drawer over a floral-inlaid drop front, opening to an interior fitted with an inset leather writing surface and a variety of drawers and cubbyholes, over two long drawers, raised on shaped feet and sabots, h. 57, w. 36”, d. 26”. [1500/2500] Illustrated on next page



690 Empire-Style Mahogany and Ormolu-Mounted Desk, mid20th century, h. 32-1/2”, w. 70-1/2”, d. 30-1/2”. [1200/1800] Illustrated 691 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Vanity Bench, the low caned back surmounted by a floral wreath, h. 28”, w. 29”, d. 28”. [300/500] Illustrated

686 687 Napoleon III-Style Kingwood and Inlaid Marble-Top Parlor Cabinet, h. 42”, w. 39”, d. 26”. [400/700]

692 Set of Seven Gilt-Composition Cornice Boards with Curtains, Swags and Tassels, the neoclassical-style cornice boards, l. 74-1/2”, set with swags and tassels, each with a pair of pleated curtains, l. 281”. Provenance: The Grand Ball Room, Baton Rouge Country Club. [800/1200] Illustrated

688 French Empire-Style Bronze-Mounted Mahogany Dining Table, with one leaf, h. 32”, dia. 60”, extended l. 80”. [800/1200]

693 Two German Meissen Bowls, 20th century, w. 8-1/4”, l. 21-1/2” and dia. 21-1/2”. [75/125]

689 Napoleon III-Style Gilt-Brass-Mounted Mahogany Vitrine, the marble-inset top with curved corners above a conforming case fitted with a glass door and sides, raised on cabriole legs, h. 61”, w. 42-1/2”, d. 24-1/2”. [300/500]

694 Set of Twelve Hutschenreuther Dinner Plates, ca. 2914-1938, Hohenberg, Germany, with raised gilt trim, dia. 9-3/4”. [500/800] Illustrated 695 Three-Piece Porcelain Garniture, post World War II, including a compote, h. 25-1/4”, and a pair of three-light candelabra, h. 21-3/4”. [200/400] 696 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Exotic Woods Tiered Center Table, early 20th century, h. 33-1/2”, w. 35”, d. 20”. [1200/1800]



697 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Writing Table, early 20th century, the rectangular top trisected and inset with a leather writing surface, above two frieze drawers, raised on tapering square legs ending in brass caps, h. 27-1/2”, w. 39-1/2”, d. 21”. [700/1000]

692 set of seven

698 698 French Neoclassical-Style Giltwood Mirror, h. 58-1/4”, w. 24-1/2”. [400/700] Illustrated 699 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Looking Glass, 19th century, within an annulated and molded frame, h. 63-1/2”, w. 29-1/2”. [300/500] 700 Napoleon III Giltwood Mirror, third quarter 19th century, h. 64”, w. 41-1/2”. [700/1000] 694

701 Exceptional Napoleon III Scent Bottle Case, third quarter, marked with an underglaze blue “R”, and with a label of retailer Goebel et Martin, Rue des Quatre Fils, h. 4-1/4”, w. 8-1/4”, d. 6”. [300/500] 702 Meissen-Style Shell-Form Bowl, first quarter 20th century, decorated with encrusted flowers on cherub supports, with a spurious crossed sword over R mark, h. 8-3/4”, w. 24”, d. 22”. [300/500] 703 German Renaissance-Style Metal and Porcelain Greifen Klaue, the drinking horn with a porcelain base mounted with a metal dragon holder, h. 21-1/2”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 6-1/2”. [600/900]


704 Pair of French Gilt-Bronze Cassolettes, ca. 2900, in the Louis XVI style, converting from covered urns to candlesticks, h. 7”, w. 2-1/4”, d. 2-1/4”. [100/200]


705 Pair of Louis XV-Inspired Giltwood Stools in the Rococo Taste, early 20th century, with scalloped apron, the cabriole legs beneath lion masques, h. 29-1/2”, w. 24”, d. 29”. [200/400] 706 Bronze-Mounted Sevres-Style Garniture Urn, ca. 2900, a spurious “Sevres” mark painted under the cover, h. 27-1/2”, w. 4-3/4”. [200/400] 707 French Belle Epoque Porcelain and Bronze Covered Garniture Bowl, ca. 2900, the porcelain elements signed in the Sevres style, h. 9-3/4”, w. 9”, dia. 6-3/4”. [200/400] 708 Louis XV-Style Kingwood and Bronze Encrier, fourth quarter 19th century, the scrolled bronze feet support the kingwood body, h. 6-1/2”, w. 25”, d. 8-1/2”. [300/500] 709 Rococo-Style Gilt-Metal Inkstand with Putto, h. 5”, w. 23”, d. 9-1/4”. [100/200] 710 Continental Polychrome and Marble-Top Work Table, early 20th century, one side fitted with a pair of drawers, h. 30”, w. 39”, d. 23-1/2”. [100/200] 711 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Fauteuils, late 19th century, h. 33-1/2”. [300/500]

714 Continental Polychrome Secretary, early 20th century, the molded domed cornice and pierced crest above a case fitted with a single grilled door, h. 88-1/2”, w. 42”, d. 21”. [800/1200] Illustrated

712 Louis XV-Style Polychrome Double-Chairback Settee, second quarter 20th century, h. 37-1/2”, w. 56-1/2”, d. 30-1/2”. [900/1200] Illustrated

715 Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Window Seat, the padded rectangular top flanked to either side by foliate and fluted armrests, h. 25-1/2”, w. 45”, d. 25-1/2”. [300/500]

713 Louis XV-Style Polychrome Bench, with a padded top raised on cabriole legs, h. 20”, w. 26”, l. 37-1/2”. [250/400]

716 Monumental Gille Jeune Tinted Biscuit Figure of a Gentleman, third quarter 19th century, French, probably modeled by Charles Baury, decorated with enameled flowers, hand-painted flowers and tooled gilt, marked with a printed green anchor, h. 37-3/4”, dia. 22”. Provenance: Harper’s Antiques, New Orleans, Louisiana. [500/800] Illustrated


717 Hand-Painted Limoges Punchbowl and Champagne Coupes, with a Carnival memorial inscription, “March Twenty Seventh Seventone, RPM, MLM, March twenty seventh ninety six”, ca. 2896, marked “T&V Limoges”, bowl, h. 6-1/2”, dia. 24”, coupes, h. 2-3/4”. [300/500] Illustrated 718 Large Pair of Scalamandre Toast Silk Pillows, trimmed with silk rope and down-filled, h. 27”, w. 27”. [400/700] 719 Pair of Satin Grosgrain Striped Pillows, with gold fringe, w. 26”, l. 26”. [75/125]


720 French Giltwood Trumeau Mirror, 19th century, the lower section with a mirror plate, h. 59”, w. 28-1/4”. [400/700]


730 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and LeatherUpholstered Bergeres, h. 33”, w. 26”, d. 21”. [300/500]

721 Continental Neoclassical Giltwood Mirror, fourth quarter 18th century, the mirror frame bordered with beading and molded leaves, h. 39”, w. 25”. [500/800]

731 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and LeatherUpholstered Bergeres, h. 33”, w. 26”, d. 21”. [300/500]

722 Louis XVI-Style Painted Firescreen, fitted with a needlework panel, h. 33-1/2”, w. 22”, d. 24”. [150/300] 723 French Brass Fan-Shaped Folding Firescreen, 20th century, in the rococo taste, h. 34-1/2”, w. 48”. [200/400] 724 Belle Epoque Louis XVI-Style Bronze Chenets with Integral Fender, ca. 2900, French, h. 23-1/4”, d. 4”, l. 46-1/2”. [125/250] 725 French Brass Fan-Form Fire Fender, in the rococo style, the pierced segments held in a stand ornamented with a cast masque, on a scrollmolded base, h. 25-1/2”, w. 42-1/2”, d. 3-1/4”. [200/400]


729 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Stools, early 20th century, h. 20”, w. 28”, d. 28”. [600/900] Illustrated

726 Pair of French Signed Gilt-Bronze Mounts, ca. 2900, impressed “AB” depose on the back, h. 5-1/4”, w. 23”. [350/500] 727 Baroque-Style Composition Gilded Looking Glass, h. 32”, w. 28”. [100/200]

732 Rococo-Style Giltwood Overmantel Mirror, ca. 2900, Latin American, framed in pierced scrollwork, forming a pediment terminating in a shell-form crest, set with a beveled mirror plate, h. 39”, w. 57”. [200/400] 733 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Looking Glass, late 19th century, of rectilinear form, formerly fitted as a painting frame, h. 46”, w. 38”. [200/400] 734 Unusual Napoleon III Rosewood and Kingwood Mechanized Dressing Table, late 19th century, of trefoil form, h. 30”, w. 29-1/2”, d. 20-1/2”. [2000/4000] Illustrated on next page 735 Five-Piece Napoleon III Fruitwood Parlor Suite, third quarter 19th century, in the Louis XV taste, consisting of a settee, h. 35-1/2”, w. 47”, d. 25”, a pair of fauteuils, h. 35-1/2”, and a pair of sidechairs, h. 36-1/2”, [1000/1500] Illustrated 736 Suite of Four Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Sidechairs, mid-20th century, each with a padded shaped back surmounted by a foliate ormolu crest, the padded seat raised above a molded frame on cabriole legs ending in sabots, h. 44-1/2”. [400/700]


728 Pair of Louis XV-Style Giltwood Stools, each with scalloped shell- and foliate-carved aprons, raised on cabriole legs, h. 20”, w. 21”, d. 20”. [150/300]


737 Provincial Louis XV-Style Mahogany Display Cabinet, 20th century, h. 98”, w. 50”, d. 26-1/4”. [1000/1500]

743 Belle Epoque French Bronze Letter Holder, ca. 2900, in the beaux arts style, h. 7-1/2”, w. 8-3/4”, d. 5-1/4”. [300/500]

738 Provincial Louis XV-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Sideboard, early 20th century, h. 74”, w. 45”, d. 21”. [600/900]

744 Provincial Louis XV-Style Oak Bedside Commode, late 19th century, h. 26-1/2”, w. 25”, d. 25-1/2”. [30/50]

739 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Center Table, early 20th century, the oval top with a painted scene of a courting couple in a pastoral landscape, h. 29-1/4”, w. 27-1/4”, d. 20-3/4”. [2000/4000]

745 Continental Fruitwood and Walnut Secretaire a Abattant, ca. 2810, h. 68-1/2”, w. 42-1/2”, d. 22”. [600/900]

740 Louis XV-Style Gilt-Metal-Mounted and Marquetry-Inlaid Kingwood Chest, the serpentine griotte rouge marble top over a case with a trio of conforming drawers, each with foliate and floral inlay, the returns with parquetry panels, h. 33-1/2”, w. 25-1/4”, d. 24”. [400/700] 741 Transitional Louis XV-into-Louis XVI-Style Kingwood Occasional Table, late 19th century, the kidney-form top banded and with a lattice-pattern parquetry inlay, h. 28”, w. 26”, d. 27”. [1000/1500] 742 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Bureau Cylindre, early 20th century, raised on tapering square legs ending in brass caps, h. 52’”, w. 37-1/2”, d. 20”. [300/500]


746 Continental Mahogany and Marquetry Sofa Table, of neoclassical inspiration, with a fold-over top centered by a floral vase inlay, h. 31”, w. 58”, d. 21”, opened 42”. [400/700] 747 Louis XVI-Style Painted, Bronze-Mounted and Parcel-Gilt Games Table, ca. 2900, the top opens to mahogany parquetry, h. 32”, w. 53”, d. 20”, open d. 40”. [700/1000] 748 Louis XV-Style Oak Fauteuil, first quarter 20th century, h. 35-1/2”, w. 22-1/2”, d. 21-1/2”. [150/300] 749 Louis XVI-Style Painted and Parcel-Gilt Three-Piece Parlor Suite, comprised of a settee, h. 28”, w. 50”, d. 24-1/2”, and a pair of armchairs, h. 37-1/2”. [700/1000] 750 Pair of Louis XV-Style Polychrome Fauteuils, early 20th century, each with a rounded padded back surmounted by a floral crest, h. 38”. [500/800] Illustrated 751 Pair of Louis XV-Style Giltwood Fauteuils, early 20th century, each with a floral-carved crest above a shaped and padded back, h. 44”, w. 26”, d. 28”. [2000/4000] 752 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Bergere, early 20th century, the domed and padded top within a molded frame, joined by padded scrolling arms to the cushioned seat, raised on fluted tapering circular legs ending in bulbous feet, h. 37-1/2”. [300/500]




753 Louis XV-Style Painted and Caned Kneeler, mid-20th century, h. 8-1/2”, w. 49”, d. 9”. [300/500] 754 French Belle Epoque Gilt-Bronze and Crystal Two-Light Candelabra, in the Louis XV style, h. 20-1/4”, w. 20-1/4”, d. 5-3/4”. [150/300]

755 Continental Cold-Painted and Patinated Bronze of Eros, 20th Century, after Auguste Moreau (French, 1834-1917), cast signature, on a green marble plinth, h. 21-1/2”, w. 7-1.2”, d. 9-3/4”. [200/400] 756 Pair of Bronze Blackamoor-Form Table Lamps, with feather finials and mounted with shades, blackamoor, h. 29”, overall, h. 31”, w. 20”, d. 20”. [500/800] Illustrated 757 Pair of Unusual Baccarat-Type Molded and Enameled Three-Light Candelabra, fourth quarter 19th century, with a gold lustre finish, h. 28-1/2”, w. 21-1/2”. [100/200]


758 Pair of Chippendale-Style Giltwood Two-Light Sconces, the pierced scrolled rocaille backplates supporting candle arms set with applied scrolls, h. 21”, w. 27”, d. 6”. [700/1000] 759 Latin American Carved and Parcel-Gilt Four-Poster Canopy Bed, in the Baroque taste, h. 99”, inside, w. 75”, l. 79”, outside, w. 88”, l. 98”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 760 Giltwood Sunburst Mirror, with scale-patterned “rays”, dia. 23-1/2”. [300/500] 761 Latin American Small Giltwood Sunburst Mirror, dia. 28”. [150/300] 762 Unusual Continental Giltwood Mask Molded Bracket, fourth quarter 19 century, h. 9”, w. 8”, d. 4-1/2”, together with a giltwood heraldic plaque, h. 23”, w. 27-1/4”. [50/80] 763 Latin American Giltwood Sunburst Mirror, decorated with segmented mirror plates, dia. 28”. [200/400] 764 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Molded and Parcel-Gilt Two-Light Sconces, h. 23”, w. 21-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”. [300/500] Illustrated 765 Pair of Gilt-Metal Sword-Form Two-Light Wall Sconces, mid-20th century, probably French, h. 30”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 5-1/4”. [200/400] 766 Louis XV-Style Gilt-Metal and Porcelain Six-Light Chandelier, the cobalt porcelain standard decorated with metal mounts, having parchment shades fitted over the sockets, h. 21”, dia. 25”. [500/800] 767 Rococo-Style Giltwood Putti Molded Ceiling Medallion, first quarter 20th century, dia. 31-3/4”. [100/200]


768 Pair of Latin American Baroque-Style Giltwood Two-Light Sconces, h. 28-1/4”, w. 21”, d. 20-1/4”. [200/400]


776 American School (First Quarter 20th Century), “River Landscape with Bargemen”, graphite and watercolor on paper, illegibly signed and dated “1925”, lower left, sheet 9” x 11-5/8”. Glazed and framed. [100/200] 777 Jules Andre Smith (American/Georgia, 1880-1959), “Virginia Farm” and “Farm Stream”, pair of watercolors on paper, each signed, each sight 12-1/4” x 17”. Matted, glazed and framed alike. To be sold for the benefit of the Ogden Museum [300/500] 778 Jacob Janssen (Australian, 1779-1856), “Country Path”, oil on canvas, signed, 20” x 28”. Framed. [1500/2500]

770 769 French Carved and Painted Wooden Figure, ca. 2900, depicting an 18th-century dandy leaning on a column base, h. 21”, w. 6-1/4”. [300/500] 770 Dutch School (Second Quarter 20th Century), “Dutch Farmhouse”, signed, dated, and titled, 16” x 20”. Framed. [200/400] Illustrated 771 David B. Thompson (American, Contemporary), “Abandoned House”, 1982, color photograph, signed, titled and dated en verso, sight, 7-3/4” x 9-7/8”. Glazed, matted and framed. [75/125] 772 Lawrence Christie Edwardson (American/New Orleans, 1904-1995), “White House on a Hill”, oil on board, signed, 30” x 23-1/4”. Framed. To be sold for the benefit of the Ogden museum [300/500]

779 American School (Second Quarter 20th Century), two oils on canvas of landscapes, one illegibly signed lower right, 8” x 10” and 11” x 14”. Both framed. [100/200] 780 American School (20th Century), “Field of Bluebonnets”, oil on board, illegibly signed, 12” x 18”. Framed. [200/400] 781 California School (Mid-20th Century), “Coastal Landscape”, watercolor on paper, signed and dated “Shepherd 52”, sight 18” x 23”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 782 English Oak Hanging Corner Cabinet, 19th century, the molded cornice with canted corners above a conforming case fitted with a single astragal-glazed door, opening to a shelved interior, raised on a molded base, h. 43-3/4”, w. 32-1/2”, d. 20”. [500/800] 783 Edwardian Elm Windsor Armchair, ca. 2900, with a braced bow back and dished saddle seat, h. 32-1/2”. [75/125]

773 John Albert Seaford (American/Boston, 1858-1936), “Rose Cottage”, pastel on paper, signed, sight 13” x 15-3/4”. Glazed and framed. [200/400] 774 Roger Carrington (American/Louisiana, 20th Century), “The Cabin”, 1973, watercolor on paper, signed and dated, 7” x 5”. Glazed, matted and framed. [150/300] 775 John Albert Seaford (American/Boston, 1858-1936), “Carolina Village Green”, pastel on paper, signed, sight 17” x 21”. Glazed and framed. [200/400] 784


786 Dutch Marquetry Tantalus, first quarter 19th century, set with Regency carrying handles, the interior lined with watered silk, h. 24”, w. 22”, d. 9”. [800/1200] 787 Dutch Baroque-Style Brass Eight-Light Chandelier, second quarter 20th century, h. 23-1/4”, dia. 33”. [250/400] 788 English Oak Drop-Leaf Table, early 20th century, the top with rounded ends and two deep ovoid leaves, raised on a gate-leg support of barley-twist legs joined by a box stretcher and ending in bulb feet, h. 28-1/2”, w. 36”, d. 29”, ext. l. 55”. [100/200] 789 Dutch-Style Iron Twelve-Arm Chandelier, 20th century, of bell form, fitted for candles, h. 32”, dia. 30”. [200/400] 790 William and Mary-Style Burl Walnut-Veneered Cabinet on Stand, early 20th century, h. 62-1/2”, w. 45-1/2”, d. 28”. [1000/1500] Illustrated 790

784 English Oak Settle, 19th century, of slightly curved form, the solid back paneled and joined to the wooden seat by scrolling arms, the padded front raised on a plinth base, h. 56”, w. 84-1/2”, d. 21”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 785 Dutch-Style Marquetry-Inlaid Side Table, early 20th century, the top and sides with floral inlay, the front having a tambour slide above a single drawer, h. 24-1/2”, w. 20-1/2”, d. 23”. [100/200]

791 English Mahogany Bench, early 20th century, the long padded rectangular top raised on turned and block legs h. 29”, w. 28”, l. 54-1/4”. [400/700] 792 English Oak Looking Glass, partially composed of antique elements, the rectangular plate with a guilloche-carved crest and pendant, h. 23-1/2”, w. 22-1/4”. [50/80] 793 Pair of Victorian Arched Leaded Glass Transoms, set with pebbled glass, h. 23-1/2”, l. 41-1/2”. [100/200]




794 Two-Piece Suite of Carolean-Style Oak Furniture, late 19th century, consisting of a settee and an armchair, all with elaborate floral urn and cherub crests above caned splats, joined by foliate scrolling arms to the caned seat, settee, h. 58-1/2”, w. 65”, d. 25-1/2”, armchair, h. 53-1/2”. [1000/1500] 795 Elizabethan-Style Oak Tester Bed, early 20th century, the tester paneled and raised on a like headboard, h. 78”, inside w. 49-1/4”, inside l. 78-1/2”, outside w. 58-1/2”, outside l. 86-1/4”. [400/700] Illustrated on previous page

803 one of a pair

796 Continental Carved Oak Three-Panel Screen in the NeoRenaissance Taste, late 19th century, richly carved with scrolling foliage, griffins, masques and fruit, h. 80”, w. 60”. [800/1200] Illustrated on previous page 797 Suite of Twelve Neo-Renaissance-Style Oak Dining Chairs, late 19th century, consisting of two armchairs and ten sidechairs, each with a foliate-carved pierced crest and side acorn finials over an elaborately carved splat flanked by barley-twist uprights, the padded seat raised on shaped legs joined by a molded X-form stretcher and ending in ball feet, h. 55”. [3500/5000] Illustrated 798 Henri II-Style Oak Cabinet, early 20th century, the heavily molded cornice with foliate and imbricate carving above a single door inset with a multi-colored leaded glass panel, h. 88-1/2”, w. 35-1/2”, d. 20-1/4”. [400/700]

801 Pair of Italian Carved Wood Pedestals, 19th century, each with a spiraling column entwined with a grapevine, raised on a molded circular base, h. 35-1/2”, dia. 21-1/4”. [100/200]

799 English Carved Mahogany Armchair, fourth quarter 19th century, in the Carolean taste, h. 56”. [300/500] 800 French Aubusson-Style Scenic Tapestry, second quarter 20th century, of Renaissance inspiration, h. 61-1/2”, w. 39-1/2”. [450/700] 805



810 Philip de Castro (Spanish, 19th Century), “Still Life with Peony and Robin’s Egg Nest”, oil on canvas, signed, 9-1/2” x 11-3/4”. In a period cove-molded and etched frame. [200/400] 811 Continental School (20th/21st Century), “Floral Still Life With a Butterfly”, oil on panel, signed lower right “B. Allison”, 21” x 16”. Framed. [600/900] Illustrated 812 Continental School (19th Century), “Still Life with Pink Peonies”, 1896, oil on canvas, signed “Palluis” and dated, 18” x 15”. In a period frame. [300/500] 813 American School (Second Quarter 20th Century), ‘White Lilies”, watercolor on paper, signed and dated lower right “Alma S. Owen, 1952”, sight 22” x 17-1/2”. Glazed and framed. [150/300] 814 Antal Jancsek (Hungarian, 1907-1985), “Floral Still Life”, oil on canvas, signed , 22” x 27”. Presented in a Louis XV-style polychrome frame. [200/400]

808 802 Pair of Continental Painted Wood and Tole Three-Light Candelabra, in the Baroque style, h. 28-1/2”, w. 27-3/4”, dia. 4”. [400/700]

815 Continental School (20th Century), “Still Life with Fruit in a Delft Bowl”, oil on panel, signed, 10-3/4” x 13”. Framed. [200/400] 816 American School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “Abundant Fruit Still Life in a Basket”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 30” x 25”. Framed. [450/700]

803 Pair of Gilt and Silver Gilt Mirrors in the Italian Baroque Taste, h. 54-1/2”, w. 36”. [800/1200] Illustrated 804 Louis XVI-Style Gilt-Metal and Cut Glass Ten-Light Chandelier, early 20th century, of circular cage form, richly dressed with beaded garlands and faceted teardrop pendants, h. 24”, dia. 34”. [200/400] 805 Baroque-Style Exuberantly Modeled Gilt Composition Mirror, h. 59”, w. 41”, d. 5-1/2”. [200/400] Illustrated 806 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Carved Spanish Cedar Architectural Brackets, h. 22”, w. 22”, d. 23”. [70/125] 807 Jacobean-Style Mahogany Console Table, early 20th century, h. 30”, w. 67”, d. 19-1/2”. [150/300] 808 Hildegard Rath (American, 1909-1994), “Still Life with Red Peonies”, oil on canvas, signed, 30” x 22”. Framed. [500/800] Illustrated 809 American School (20th Century), pair of double-sided oils on board, each with a front depicting a “Floral Still Life” and a reverse with a “Village Scene”, both signed, 27” x 23”. Both framed. [300/500]



817 American School (First Quarter 20th Century), “Still Life With Daisies and Vegetables”, oil on canvas, signed lower right “E. Potthast”, 19” x 24”. Framed. [600/900] 818 Regency Mahogany Linen Press, early 19th century, the molded cornice above a case fitted with two doors, h. 85-1/2”, w. 54”, d. 22”. [800/1200] Illustrated 819 Pair of Small Regency-Inspired Line-Strung Mahogany Bookcases, mid-20th century, each with a pair of cross-banded drawers over a pair of shelves, on bracket feet, h. 28”, w. 29-1/2”, d. 20”. [150/300] 820 Two Pairs of English Pressed Brass and Iron Tiebacks, third quarter 19th century, the larger pair decorated with tulips and the smaller pair in the Elizabethan Revival design, and with an original tooled gilt-lacquer finish, dia. 3-1/2” to 6-1/2”. [200/400] 821 Regency-Style Brass-Plated and Metal Two-Light Ram’s Head Sconces, h. 22”, w. 20”. [200/400] 822 Regency Ebonized Armchair, first quarter 19th century, the padded square back within a molded annulated frame joined by like arms to the padded seat, raised on stop-fluted tapering circular legs ending in toupie feet, h. 37-1/2”. [300/500] Illustrated



823 Chinoiserie and Giltwood Bipartite Looking Glass, with a lacquered upper chinoiserie panel depicting a genre scene, the mirror set in a frame molded as clustered bamboo, h. 58”, w. 39”. [500/800] 824 Vernacular Third Republic Mahogany Armchair, late 19th century, with spindle back and turned arms on ring-turned supports, the legs on cap casters, now with a faux leopard loose seat cushion, h. 38”. [200/400] 825 Regency-Style Giltwood and Ebonized Concave Looking Glass, late 19th century, dia. 30”. [400/700] 826 Pair of Unusual Continental Gilt-Bronze Candlesticks, ca. 2900, h. 6-1/4”. [100/200] 827 Pair of Blown Amber Glass Hurricane Shades, h. 28”, dia. 6-1/2”. [250/400] 828 Set of Four Assembled Anglo-Irish Cut Glass Wine Glass Rinsers, first quarter 19th century, English, h. 3-1/2”, dia. 4-3/4”. [100/200] 829 Regency-Style Brass-Inlaid and -Mounted Mahogany Sofa Table, fourth quarter 19th century, the rectilinear top with brassstrung perimeter, and flanked by like drop leaves, h. 28-1/4”, w. 36-1/4”, d. 27”, extended l. 38-1/2”. [2000/4000] Illustrated


835 Twelve-Piece Group of Mason’s Ironstone Porcelain, ca. 2813-1820, English, in the “Blue Pheasant” pattern, including six dinner plates, dia. 9-3/4”, and six broth plates, dia. 7-3/4”, marked with the underglaze blue transfer-printed crown over “patent ironstone china”. [150/300] 836 Seventeen-Piece English Pink Lustre Tea and Coffee Set, second quarter 19th century, comprised of a coffeepot, h. 20-1/4”, a teapot, h. 9-1/4”, a sugar base, h. 7-3/4”, a cream jug, h. 5-1/4”, a waste bowl, h. 4”, six cups, h. 3”, and six saucers, dia. 3-1/2”. [200/400] 837 Regency-Style Mahogany Box-on-Stand, early 20th century, the banded box of sarcophagus form, the interior open and the sides fitted with foliate-carved handles, raised on a turned vasiform standard to four splayed reeded legs ending in paw feet on casters, h. 30”, w. 26-1/2”, d. 20-1/4”. [1400/1800]


830 Regency-Style Brass and Mahogany Two-Tiered Serving Table, mid-20th century, with a pair of graduated dished tops, the upper supported by brass columns, raised on a reeded tripodal base with brass paw cap casters, h. 29”, dia. 26”. [500/800]


831 Regency-Style Mahogany and Tin-Lined Jardiniere on Stand, early 20th century, h. 36-1/2”, w. 30”, d. 23-1/2”. [400/700] 832 Suite of Eight Regency-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs, consisting of one armchair and seven sidechairs, each with a foliate brass-inlaid crest above a like paneled splat, raised on sabre legs, h. 32”. [800/1200] Illustrated 833 Suite of Seven Regency-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs, each with a scrolled crest above a carved splat, over a padded seat, raised on sabre legs, h. 35”, w. 28”, d. 27”. [400/700] 834 Five-Piece Collection of Blue and White Porcelain, 19th/20th century, the largest, w. 25-1/2”, l. 29”. [150/300] Illustrated


838 Regency Rosewood Canterbury, ca. 1825, h. 20”, w. 28”, d. 24”. Similar canterburies were made in America by the noted cabinetmaker Duncan Phyfe. [300/500] 839 Regency-Style Mahogany Drop-Leaf Table, mid-20th century, h. 30”, w. 36”, d. 26”, extended l. 48”. [400/700] 840 George III-Style Mahogany Breakfront Bookcase, the molded cornice above four astragal-glazed doors, raised on a plinth base, h. 84-1/2”, w. 65-1/2”, d. 28-1/2”. [700/1000] 841 Regency-Style Giltwood and Faux Bamboo Stool, in the Brighton Pavilion taste, h. 29”, w. 27”, d. 27”. [200/400] Illustrated on next page 842 Regency-Style Giltwood Faux Bamboo Stool, in the Brighton Pavilion taste, the padded and tufted square top raised on faux bamboo legs joined by a patterned X-form stretcher and ending in splayed feet, h. 28”, w. 27-1/2”, d. 27-1/2”. [200/400]


847 841

843 Anglo-Indian Bamboo Occasional Table, late 19th century, the rectangular top with an inset floral-patterned lacquer panel, h. 28-1/4”, w. 22”, d. 26”. [100/200] 844 Ango-Indian Bamboo Occasional Table, late 19th century, the rectangular top with an inset painting of “The English Pointer”, h. 27”, w. 20-3/4”, d. 25-1/4”. [100/200] 845 Regency Tole, Brass and Cast Iron Plate Warmer, first quarter 19th century, h. 28-1/2”, w. 25”, d. 28-1/2”. [300/500]

846 William IV Mahogany Mechanized Armchair, second quarter 19th century, the padded and concave domed back joined by padded scrolling arms to the like seat, h. 44-1/2”. [350/500] Illustrated 847 Regency Mahogany and Marble-Top Side Table, first quarter 19th century, the rectangular verde antico marble top above an ogee-molded frame, h. 34”, w. 41”, d. 22”. [1000/1500] Illustrated 848 William IV Mahogany Bedside Step Commode, mid-19th century, the upper portion with a hinged leather-inset top opening to a storage compartment, h. 27”, w. 27-3/4”, d. 29”. [500/800] 849 Pair of William IV Patinated Bronze Two-Light Candelabra, second quarter 19th century, h. 9”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 3”. [600/900]


850 William IV Rosewood Server, second quarter 19th century, the backpiece with a serpentine-carved crest over a shelf, h. 61”, w. 47-1/2” d. 22”. [600/900] Illustrated 851 Suite of Eight William IV Mahogany Dining Chairs, second quarter 19th century, consisting of two armchairs and six sidechairs, h. 34”. [1000/1500] 852 Pair of Late Regency-Style Mahogany Sidechairs, each with a shaped crest rail over a reeded horizontal splat, raised on Sheraton legs, h. 33-1/2”. [75/125] 853 Pair of Regency-Style Ebonized and Parcel-Gilt, Caned-Seat Side Chairs, h. 35”, w. 22”, d. 27”. [150/300] 854 Royal Albert Bone China Partial Dinner Service, ca. 2983, in the “Holyrood” pattern. [150/300] Illustrated



860 Victorian Walnut and Mahogany Loo Table, third quarter 19th century and later, the oval top banded and quarter-veneered and with decorative scrolling inlays, now raised on a low columnar standard to four scrolling legs ending in foliate-carved feet, h. 28”, w. 53-1/2”, d. 40”. [200/400] 861 Collection of American Ruby Flashed and Molded Stemware, 20th century, including seven water glasses, h. 7”, two red wine goblets, h. 6-1/2”, eight white wine goblets, h. 5-1/4”, nine cordial goblets, h. 4-1/2”, four low bowls, dia. 4-1/2”, eight flared sherbet dishes, h. 4-1/2”, and a pair of Moser-style double old-fashioned glasses, h. 4-1/4”. [200/400]

855 Scottish William IV Bowfront Chest, the base engraved “Made May 11, 1839”, h. 53-1/4”, w. 49”, d. 24”. [400/700] 856 Early Victorian Flame Mahogany Linen Press, mid-19th century, h. 91”, w. 60”, d. 21”. [700/1000] Illustrated 857 English Victorian Burl Walnut Veneered Rococo Tilt-Top table, mid-19th century, h. 29-1/2”, w. 34-1/2”, l. 47-1/2”. [300/500] 858 Victorian Carved Oak Sideboard, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 75-1/2”, w. 78”, d. 25-1/2”. [800/1200] 859 George III Mahogany Tripod Table, early 19th century, the tilting octagonal top with a raised edge, supported by a tripartite standard to three scrolling legs ending in scrolled feet, h. 27-1/2”, dia. 28”. [600/900]

862 Victorian Mahogany Four-Drawer Chest with Tilting Mirror, mid-19th century, h. 71”, w. 43”, d. 20”. [500/800] 863 Victorian Mahogany and Rosewood Recamier, third quarter 19th century, h. 37-1/2”, w. 31”, l. 63”. [500/800] Illustrated on next page 864 Pair of Belle Epoque Cast Iron and Gilt-Metal Architectural Brackets, ca. 2900, h. 34”, w. 57-3/4”. [100/200] 865 English Cast Iron Umbrella Stand, in the Renaissance Revival style, h. 35-3/4”, w. 29-1/4”, d. 27”. [300/500]




866 Victorian-Style Mahogany Center Table, 19th century and later, the tilting padded octagonal top upholstered with a needlework panel of an exotically garbed figure among foliate patterns, h. 26”, dia. 28”. [250/400] 867 George III-Style Ebonized Center Table, late 19th century, the shaped rectangular top above a shaped and foliate-carved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in paw feet, h. 25-1/2”, w. 35-1/2”, d. 23”. [150/300] 868 Suite of Four Victorian Gilt-Stenciled Ballroom Chairs, third quarter 19th century, each with scalloped top rail over a spindle splat, the turned legs flaring at their base, h. 33”. [200/400]


869 Victorian Marquetry-Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 33-1/4”, w. 41”, d. 24-3/4”. [300/500]

873 Impressive English Victorian Tole Tea Canister, fourth quarter 19th century, gilt-decorated on an olive ground, the front with the initials “GYP” in a wreath, h. 29-3/4”, w. 26-1/4”, d. 29-3/4”. [800/1200] 874 Edwardian Tripodal Occasional Table of Equestrian Inspiration, early 20th century, the upholstered top with horse shoes as a gallery, on crossed supports modeled as riding crops, h. 24”, w. 25”, d. 25”. [70/125] 875 Group of Two Boxes, consisting of a Victorian brass-mounted walnut glove box, third quarter 19th century, h. 3-1/4”, w. 20-1/2”, d. 4”, and a pierced gilt-brass jewel box, 20th century, h. 5-3/4”, w. 8”, d. 6”. [50/80] 876 Extensive Partial Dinner Service in the “Booth’s Washington” Pattern, ca. 2912-1930, including six dinner plates, dia. 20-1/2”, ten luncheon plates, dia. 9-3/4”, nine soup plates, dia. 8-1/2”, five bread and butter plates, dia. 6-1/2”, six salad plates, dia. 7-1/2”, twenty demitasse cups, h. 2-1/4”, eighteen saucers, dia. 5-1/4”, two tea cups, h. 2-1/4”, six saucers, dia. 6”, six cream soup stands, dia. 6-1/2”, a custard dish, dia. 5-1/4”, and three dessert dishes, dia. 6-1/4”. [300/500] Illustrated


870 Pair of Furnival Ironstone Cake Stands, ca. 2878-1890, English h. 6”, dia. 24-1/4”; together with two glass cake covers, h. 6-1/2” to 9-1/2”, dia. 8-1/4” to 12” (four total pieces). [300/500] 871 Blown Glass Display Dome, on a black-lacquered cylindrical base, h. 22”, dia. 20-1/4”. [300/500] 872 English Majolica Jardiniere Stand, ca. 2900, with lion’s head handles, h. 20-1/2”, dia. 26-3/4”. [100/200] Illustrated


877 English Rockingham-Type Porcelain Partial Dessert Service, third quarter 19th century. [200/400]



886 Pair of Staffordshire Pottery Seated Spaniels, third quarter 19th century, h. 21-1/2”. [150/300] 887 Pair of Staffordshire Pottery Whippets, third quarter 19th century, h. 9-3/4”, w. 5”, d. 3-1/2”. [250/400] 888 Collection of Five English Staffordshire Pottery Poodles, ca. 2900, including a mother poodle with two puppies, h. 8”, w. 6”, d. 2-1/2”, and two pairs of seated poodles h. 6-1/2”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 2-1/4” and h. 4-3/4”, w. 3-1/4”, d. 2-3/4”. [125/250]

878 Extensive Royal Doulton “Old Leeds Sprays” Partial Dinner Service, ca. 2912-1922, including six dinner plates, dia. 20-1/4”, eleven luncheon plates, dia. 8-1/2”, nine soup plates, dia. 8-1/2”, seven bread and butter plates, dia. 6-1/2”, a dessert bowl, dia. 6”, six demitasse cups, h. 2”, one demitasse saucer, dia. 4-1/2”, six saucers for coffee cups, dia. 5-3/4”, and two saucers for tea cups, dia. 6-1/2”. [200/400]

889 Victorian Staffordshire Figural Group, fourth quarter 19th century, the figure with a flat back, h. 9”, w. 8”, d. 2-1/4”. [75/125]

879 English Flow Blue Art Nouveau Vase, ca. 2900, signed “Adderly, England”, h. 21-1/2”, dia. 20”. [100/200]

891 English Reform Movement Walnut and Burl Walnut Side Cabinet, h. 36-1/2”, w. 50-1/2”, d. 29”. [200/400] Illustrated

880 English Staffordshire Flow Blue Bowl and Pitcher Set, ca. 2900, signed “Furnival’s”, h. 20-1/2”, dia. 25-1/2”. [100/200]

892 Chippendale-Style Mahogany Low Table, late 20th century, h. 24-1/4”, w. 22”, d. 22”. [300/500]

881 Three-Piece Group of Staffordshire Flow Blue Porcelain, third quarter 19th century, including a platter, l. 27”, w. 24”, a compote, h. 5”, dia. 9-1/2”, and a strainer insert, dia. 7-1/2”. [100/200]

893 Chippendale-Style Mahogany Drum-Form Library Table, second quarter 19th century, with a tooled leather top, h. 29”, dia. 35-1/2”. [800/1200] Illustrated

882 Collection of Five Figural Jugs, 20th century, English and French, including a Royal Doulton “Churchill” jug, h. 9-1/4”, an Onnaing majolica jug, h. 20-3/4”, two Toby Jugs, h. 7” and 9”, and a “Spaniel” jug, h. 8-3/4”. [300/500] Illustrated

890 Victorian Staffordshire Figure, fourth quarter 19th century, depicting Little Red Riding Hood, h. 21-3/4”, w. 6-1/2”, d. 3-3/4”. [100/200]


883 Collection of Character Jugs, 19th/20th century, including a John Barley Corn jug and two majolica figural jugs, h. 21”, largest. [250/400] 884 Group of Continental Glazed Pottery, including a figural jug, h. 8”, and a matching pair of beakers, h. 4”. [50/80] 885 Three Doulton Lambeth Stoneware Jugs and a Teapot, English, ca. 2902-1922, three graduated jugs, h. 4” to 5-3/4”, teapot, h. 5-1/2”. [200/400]


894 German Art Nouveau Hand-Painted Pottery Vase, ca. 2900, signed “Luttgenau” and marked “F. A. Mehlem, Bonn” ,h. 22”, w. 9-1/2”. [300/500] 895 Three Vintage Parasol Handles, fourth quarter 19th century and later, including a flat spiral-carved nacre example with bi-color gilt copper peacock finial, a Continental floral repousse .800 silver example, and a silverplate “wickerweave” example mounted with navette-shaped enameled porcelain galants scenes, all fitted with later parasols, l. 33-1/4” to 35-1/2” [300/500] 896 Miniature Portrait on Ivory, British School, first quarter 19th century, depicting a lady in neoclassical dress, mounted in a period Regency ebonized frame, h. 5-1/4”, w. 4-1/2”. [100/200] 897 Round Miniature Portrait on Ivory, second quarter 19th century, depicting a lady in a lace collar with her hair in a bun, framed in a period ebonized frame with a gilt liner, decorated with engine turning, dia. 4-3/4”. [150/300] 898 Miniature Portrait on Ivory, depicting a gentleman in the style of Archibald Robertson (Scottish American, 1765-1835), h. 3”, w. 2-1/4”. [150/300] 899 Continental Needlepoint Bell Pull, 19th century, w. 20”, l. 86”. [300/500] 900 Three Victorian Beadwork Pillows, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 13”, w. 18” and d. 10”, l. 24”. [200/400] 901 Copper, Brass and Metal Kaleidoscope, on a turned wooden base, h. 21-1/2”, dia. 8-1/4”. [75/125] 902 Belle Epoque French Brass Tester Bed, first quarter 20th century, with pagoda top and urn finial, h. 207”, w. 53”, l. 75”. [800/1200] Illustrated 903 Pair of Rococo Revival Gilt-Bronze Single-Light Sconces, mid-19th century, probably English, hung with prisms, h. 3-1/4”, dia. 2-1/2”, l. 7”. [200/400] 904 Six-Piece Collection of English Brassware, milk pail-form bank, h. 3-1/2”; coal scuttle, h. 4-3/4”; pair of miniature taper sticks, h. 3”; watch case, ca. 2900, l. 3-1/4”; and crumber, l. 22”. [75/125] 905 Six-Piece Collection of English Brassware, [100/200] 906 Collection of Victorian Brass Counter Weights, ca. 2900, comprised of three lead-filled weights, h. 3” to 3-3/4”; together with a mid-19th-century snuffer tray, w. 4-1/2”, l. 9”. [40/70]



907 Two Pairs of Brass Candlesticks, comprising a pair of barleytwist candlesticks, 19th century, h. 22”, and a pair of Colonial Revival examples, h. 9-3/4”. [100/200] 908 Pair of English Brass Open Barley-Twist Candlesticks, in the Victorian style, h. 9-1/4”. [100/200]


913 French School (Third Quarter 20th Century), “Parisian Street Scene with View of Moulin Rouge”, signed lower right “Marchand”, 12” x 16”. Framed. [300/500] 914 Paul Renard (French, 1941-1997), “Autumn Street Scene”, oil on board, signed, 23-3/4” x 14-3/4”. Framed [500/800] 915 Italian School (Second Quarter 20th Century), “Italian Classical Landscape”, oil on canvas, signed lower right “Ozzoni”, 16” x 20”. Framed. [300/500]

912 909 Attributed to Stefano Donadoni (Italian, 1844-1911), “Ponte Sant’Angelo, Rome”, watercolor on paper, unsigned, sight 14-1/2” x 21”. Matted, glazed and framed. [500/800]

916 Italian School (19th/20th Century), “Nomad in the Desert” and “On the Nile”, two oils on canvas, former signed “C. Gallea 97”, latter with a partially legible signature, former 13-7/8” x 21-7/8”, latter 15” x 23-1/2”. Both presented in rococo-style giltwood frames. [500/800] Illustrated 917 Continental School (19th Century), “Mountain Landscape with Figures”, oil on wood panel, unsigned, 5-3/4” x 7”. Framed. [150/300] 918 Continental School (19th Century), “River Landscape with Ruins”, oil on beveled wood panel, unsigned, 4-1/2” x 6-1/2”. Framed. [100/200] 919 Follower of Claude Lorrain (French, 1600-1682), “Seaport Scene”, oil on canvas, 40” x 53”. Framed. [700/1000] 920 Polychromed Reed and Rattan Work Basket on Stand, early 20th century, with a lift top and interior lined in crimson plush, on a bamboo tripodal stand with applied ornament, h. 31”, w. 27”, d. 23”. [300/500]


921 Edwardian Fiddleback Sycamore and Mahogany Carlton House Desk, early 20th century, the superstructure with a pierced brass gallery over six small drawers, h. 37-1/2”, w. 45-1/2”, d. 24-1/2”. [2000/4000] Illustrated

910 American School (20th/21st Century), “Venetian Canal Scene”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 28” x 19”. Framed. [100/200] 911 William Matthew Hale, R.W.S. (British, 1849-1929), “Twilight Scene at Bristol”, watercolor on paper, signed, sheet 8” x 11”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 912 Mario Maresca (Italian, 1877-1959), “Busy Market Scene”, oil on board, signed, 21” x 29”. Framed. [200/400] Illustrated 921


922 Edwardian Mahogany Desk, early 20th century, in the Georgian taste, the superstructure fitted with a concave central shell-form drawer over a cupboard and small drawer, flanked to either side by a mirrored cupboard and a tambour cupboard, h. 44”, w. 50-3/4”, d. 26”. [1000/1500]

927 Georgian-Style Polychromed Mahogany Sideboard in the Adam Taste, with a serpentine front and a central drawer flanked by concave drawers, adorned throughout by swags, gilt and bellflowers, made by Wellington Hall, h. 36-1/2”, w. 20-1/4”, d. 24-3/4”. [800/1200] Illustrated

923 Pair of Edwardian-Style Carved Mahogany Lamp Bases, 20th century, h. 22”, w. 8”, d. 8”. [100/200]

928 Neoclassically-Inspired Brass and Mirrored Glass Low Table, h. 21”, w. 40”, d. 20-1/2”. [400/700]

924 English Carlton House-Style Mahogany Writing Desk, early 20th century, h. 39-1/2”, w. 43-1/2”, d. 25-1/2”. [200/400]

929 Pair of Georgian Revival Brass Two-Light Sconces, first quarter 20th century, English, the quiver-form backplate terminating in an urn-form finial, with scrolled candle branches and reeded candle cups, electrified, h. 25”, w. 20-3/4”, d. 4-3/4”. [400/700]


925 Unusual Edwardian Mahogany Desk/Collector’s Cabinet, early 20th century, h. 30”, w. 50-1/2”, d. 32”. [400/700] 926 Pair of Continental Bentwood and Caned-Seat Sidechairs, possibly Thonet, retaining a partial label, h. 36”, w. 26”, d. 26”. [100/200] 942


930 Unusual Ram’s Horn and Silverplate Wine Bottle Holder, first quarter 19th century, h. 9-1/2”, w. 23”, d. 8-1/4”. [200/400] 931 Three Pieces of English Jasperware, 20th century, comprising a tobacco jar, h. 5-1/2”, and a smaller open jar, h. 3-1/4”, marked “Adams Estb 1657, Tunstall, England”, and a square black box with a handwritten signature reading “John Wedgwood Jan 20, 1965”, w. 3-3/4”, d. 3-3/4”. [200/400] 932 Suite of Three Edwardian-Style Flame Mahogany Nesting Tables, second quarter 20th century, h. 22”, w. 20”, d. 24”. [200/400] 933 Pair of Continental Satinwood and Mahogany Candlestands, mid-19th century, each with an octagonal top and raised edge centering elaborate inlaid banding and a central floral medallion, above a conforming frieze fitted with a single candle slide, raised on slender tapering square legs joined by a shaped stretcher and ending in giltwood ball feet, h. 31”, dia. 24”. [1500/2500] 934 Set of Nine Royal Worcester Hand-Painted Ivory Botanical Cabinet Plates, ca. 2889, English, the plates molded with gilttrimmed shell edges, each carefully decorated with various flora, with details picked out in gilt, marked with Royal Worcester’s puce printed “1889” mark, along with various decorator’s marks, dia. 8-1/2”. [200/400] Illustrated


935 Twelve-Piece Royal Doulton “Welsh Ladies” Wash Set, first quarter 20th century, designed by Charles Noke, including a pitcher, h. 22-1/2”, a bowl, dia. 25-1/2”, a pair of candlesticks, h. 6-3/4”, three dresser jars, h. 2-1/2” to 3-1/4”, a sponge dish with strainer, h. 2-3/4”, dia. 8-1/4”, a covered soap dish with strainer, h. 3-3/4”, dia. 5-1/2”, and a miniature wicker chair, h. 2-3/4”. [200/400]


936 Japanese Gilded Bowl, 20th century, the round bowl with a raised foot, covered with a motif of vines, red and white blossoms and butterflies, h. 4-1/2”, dia. 20”. [200/400] 937 Five-Piece French Gilt-Brass and Enamel Dressing Table Set, ca. 2900. [150/300] 938 Pair of Needlepoint Pillows, depicting birds and flowers, 18-1/2” x 18-1/2”. [100/200] 939 Victorian Mahogany Cupboard, third quarter 19th century, the upper drawer with pressed glass pulls, over a pair of paneled doors, h. 48”, w. 38”, d. 26-1/2”. [200/400] 940 Hepplewhite-Style Mahogany Sidechair, early 20th century, h. 37”, w. 20”, d. 26”. [400/700] 941 Pair of Edwardian Polychromed Maple Armchairs in the Adam Taste, early 20th century, each with swag and bellflower decor, the backs centered by a painted silhouette of a maiden, h. 36-1/4”. [1000/1500] 942 Edwardian-Style Satinwood Vitrine Cabinet, mid-20th century, h. 72”, w. 48”, d. 26”. [1200/1800] Illustrated


943 Napoleon III-Style Brass-Inlaid and Ebonized Corner Vitrine, ca. 2900, adorned throughout with inlaid brass arabesques, h. 68”, w. 22”, d. 26”. [100/200] 944 Two Related Bohemian Mantel Lustres, fourth quarter 19th century, with enamel and gilt decoration, h. 24”, dia. 6-1/2”. [300/500] 945 English Terrestrial Globe, post 1910, the globe supported on a patinated metal figure of Atlas, signed by Geographia, 55 Fleet Street, London, h. 23”, dia. 9-1/2”. [200/400] 946 Edwardian Leather-Covered Chesterfield Sofa, first quarter 20th century, h. 27-1/2”, w. 79-1/2”, d. 33”. [500/800] 947 Edwardian Mahogany Side Table, early 20th century, in the Georgian taste, raised on tapering square legs ending in spade feet, h. 40-1/2”, w. 50-1/2”, d. 24”. [300/500] 948 Pair of Edwardian Satinwood and Kingwood Tiered Shelves, ca. 2900, each with a rectangular top, h. 36-1/2”, w. 45-1/2”, d. 24-1/2”. [3500/5000] Illustrated 949 Edwardian Mahogany and Satinwood Sideboard, early 20th century, h. 37-1/2”, w. 60”, d. 21”. [700/1000] 950 English Arts and Crafts Steel and Brass Fire Fender, ca. 2900, h. 6”, w. 50”, d. 23-1/4”. [300/500] 951 Pair of Waterford-Style Cut Glass Two-Light Sconces, first quarter 20th century, English, h. 23-1/4”, w. 22-1/2”, d. 9”. [400/700] 952 Edwardian Rosewood and Ivory Inlaid Drop-Leaf Writing Desk, late 19th century, h. 32”, w. 24”, d. 29”. [500/800] Illustrated



959 American Silverplate and Glass Flower Stand Card Receiver, third quarter 19th century, by the Meriden Silver Plate Co., Meriden, Connecticut, in the Aesthetic taste, decorated with birds, flowers and insects with a central wheel-cut glass balloon vase, h. 22-1/2”, w. 8”. [100/200] 960 American Coin (.900) Silver Fish Slice, second quarter 19th century, by Hall, Hewson & Co., New York, New York, the scimitarshaped blade pierced, with pointed boss to a filled threaded spatulate handle, monogrammed “MGF”, l. 21-3/4”, 5.27 t. oz. (including filled handle). [75/125] 961 Victorian Silverplate Centerpiece, fourth quarter 19th century, by Boardman, Glossop & Co., Sheffield, comprising a trumpet vase above a pair of tiered fruit bowls separated by three cornucopia joined to a central baluster, the whole decorated with openwork rococo scroll banding and raised on three feet en suite, h. 28”, dia. 21-1/4”. [600/900] Illustrated 962 Good Victorian Silverplate Coffeepot, fourth quarter 19th century, by James Dixon & Sons, Sheffield, of urn form, decorated with calyx gadrooning and elaborately engraved and chased acanthus banding, with animal masque finial and handle mount, h. 21-1/2”, l. 20”. [100/200] Illustrated

953 Pair of Silverplate and Cut Glass Banquet-Style Lamps, mid20th century, h. 32”, w. 6”, d. 6-1/2”. [200/400] 954 Pair of Old Sheffield Plate Candlesticks, second quarter 20th century, with tapering standard and ovolo and gadroon banding, h. 22”, dia. 5-1/2”. [400/700] Illustrated 955 Pair of Old Sheffield Plate Wine Coasters, first quarter 19th century, each of rounded square form, with gadrooned rim and wood base, w. 5”. [300/500] 956 American Silverplate Insulated Ice Water Pitcher, fourth quarter 19th century, by Reed & Barton, Taunton, Massachusetts, of slightly bulbous cylindrical form, with engraved sunflower decoration, h. 21-1/4”, l. 20-1/2”, dia. 6-1/2”. [100/200] 957 American Silverplate Ice Water Pitcher, third quarter 19th century, by Rogers, Smith & Co., Hartford, Connecticut, of tapering cylindrical form with guilloche banding, double-hinged lid and treble-walled insulation, with presentation inscription to Alexis Proctor (1826-1915) of Derry, New Hampshire, h. 22”, dia. 8”. [100/200] Illustrated 958 American Silverplate Tilting Ice Water Pitcher, fourth quarter 19th century, by Reed & Barton, Taunton, Massachusetts, with milled “Renaissance”-style banding and palmette decoration, fitted with an ironstone liner, h. 27”, dia. 20”. [200/400]


963 Edwardian Silverplate Revolving Vegetable Dish, 1903, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, of oval form with acanthus-mounted handles and feet and engraved fern decoration, the liner lacking, h. 9”, w. 24-1/2”. [300/500]


964 Victorian Silverplate Spoon Warmer, the design registered in 1881, by Atkin Brothers, Sheffield, in the form of a stylized conch shell, h. 8”, w. 4-3/4”, with a B. H. Abrahams, London silverplate tablespoon of slightly later date, l. 8-3/4”. [150/300] 965 Victorian Egyptian Revival Cut Glass and Silverplate Biscuit Barrel, the design registered in 1876, of canted rectangular section, with strawberry cane-cut glass body and lotus-banded silverplate lid and stand, with sphinx finial, h. 8-1/2”, l. 8-1/2”, w. 6-3/4”. [250/400] Illustrated 966 Late Victorian Silverplate Cruet Frame, fourth quarter 19th century, by Atkin Brothers, Sheffield, of rectangular form with Neo-Grec ring handle and ball-and-talon feet, fitted with the original six diamond-cut glass bottles, overall, h. 20”, l. 9-1/2”, d. 6-1/2”. [100/200] Illustrated on next page


961 968 Large English Silverplate and Glass Claret Jug, first quarter 20th century, the pear-shaped glass body with wheel-cut stars, the silverplate mounts with “vintage” decoration, h. 25-1/2”, dia. 7”. [400/700] 969 Eighteen Pieces of Mother-of-Pearl-Mounted Silverplate Flatware, fourth quarter 19th century, including a twelve-piece English dessert set, l. 7” and 6-1/8”, and six American dinner knives, l. 9-1/4”. [100/200]

967 Twenty Pieces of American Mother-of-Pearl and Silverplate Flatware, fourth quarter 19th century, including a twelve-piece dessert set, l. 6-3/4” and 8-3/4”, a six-piece serving set (salad serving spoon and fork, cream ladle, cheese knife, butter knife and sugar spoon), l. 5-3/4” to 9-3/4”, and a single fruit knife, l. 7”, and pickle fork, l. 7-5/8”. [100/200] 965


970 Edwardian Silverplate Covered Vegetable Dish, first quarter 19th century, of squat cylindrical form with fitted liner and ivory finial and handles, engraved with the arms of Wallace of Craigie, h. 7”, dia. 8”, w. 20-1/2”. [400/700]


971 Three French and English Silverplate Soup/Punch Ladles, first quarter 20th century, including a Christofle “Spatours” example, a Cailar, Bayard & Cie. threaded gable example, and a William Hutton & Sons “fiddle” example, l. 21-1/2” to 13-1/4”. [125/250] 972 Pair of Louis-Philippe Fused Plate Service Plates, second quarter 19th century, by Charles Balaine, Paris, of circular form with reeded rim, dia. 21-3/4”. [150/300] 973 Continental Silverplate Entree Dish, fourth quarter 19th century, of oval form with ovolo banding and palmette scroll handles, l. 26-1/4”, w. 9-1/4”. [150/300]

977 Dutch William III Second Standard (.833) Silver Scent Box, 1884, by Christiaan Jacobs Brunings, Joure, of rectangular bombe form, h. 2-7/8”, w. 2-3/4”, 0.96 t. oz. [100/200]

974 Christofle “Fiddle Thread” Silverplate Punch/Soup Ladle, first quarter 20th century, l. 23-5/8”. [50/80]

978 Three Silver and Silverplate Boxes and Cases, first half 20th century, including a Hanau, Germany .800 silver oval dresser box with courtly scene, l. 6”, a Japanese .900 silver cigarette case with rural scene, l. 4”, together 15.23 total t. oz., and a Continental silverplate cigarette case with neoclassical scene, l. 4-1/2”. [100/200]

975 German 12 Lot (.750) Silver “Spaten” Platter Spoon, fourth quarter 19th century, probably Prussian, monogrammed “M”, l. 21-7/8”, 3.53 t. oz. [100/200] 976 Two Pieces of Continental Silver, including a Dutch William I second standard (.833) silver and cut glass caster, marked 1833, Amsterdam, by Albertus Homan, in the neoclassical taste, h. 5-3/4”, and a German .800 silver oval dresser box, first quarter 20th century, Hanau, with neoclassical decoration, w. 6”, d. 4-1/2”, 11.63 t. oz. (dresser box only). [200/400] Illustrated


979 Five Pieces of Continental Silver Tableware, including four mid-20th century J. Roca, Barcelona, Spanish first standard (.915) silver leaf dishes, l. 3-1/4”; and a third quarter 19th-century 12 lot (.750) silver “Fiddle Thread” serving spoon, l. 20-1/4”; 9.77 total t. oz. [100/200] 980 French Belle Epoque Cased Three-Piece Silvered Brass Desk Set, fourth quarter 19th century, including a letter opener, l. 7-1/4”, a desk seal, l. 3-3/4”, and a pen, l. 7-1/4”, each with a figural finial bust of Marie Antoinette, engraved “E. Bergeot” or “EB”. [125/250] 981 Two French Louix XVI-Style Cased Silver-Mounted Serving Pieces, first quarter 20th century, Paris, including an Alfred Boismaure first standard (.950) silver asparagus server, l. 20-1/4”, and a pair of Brosse et Cie second standard (.800) silver cheese and pate knives, l. 8”. [150/300] 982 Twenty-Piece WMF Jugenstil Silverplate Punch Set, first 20th century, by the Wurttembergische Metallwarenfabrik, Geislingen, Germany, including a punch pot with inverted pear-shaped body embossed with female profiles and flowers, with openwork “whiplash” handles, fitted lid and glass liner, h. 28-1/2”, w. 5-1/4”, a ladle with female profile medallion and embossed “poppy” bowl, l. 25-1/2”, six champagne coupes with openwork stems and gilt bowls, h. 4-3/4”, dia. 3-7/8”, eleven pierced wineglass stems (only four retaining the glass liners), h. 4” (6-1/4” with liner), dia. 2-7/8”, and an oval tray with applied floral “whiplash” handles and sides, the plateau engraved with stylized irises, l. 30-1/2”, w. 23-1/2”. [400/700] Illustrated



988 Two Miniature Paris Porcelain-Style Corbeilles, 20th century, probably Japanese, the corbeilles holding enameled brass flower arrangements, h. 6-1/2”, dia. 6” and h. 7”, dia. 5”. [100/200] 989 Two-Piece Porcelain Group, 20th century, including an opaline and brass compote, h. 8”, dia. 6”, and a signed Herend cachepot, h. 6”, dia. 4”. [100/200] 990 Set of Four Continental Enameled Two-Light Wall Sconces, second quarter 20th century, decorated with molded white porcelain flowers, h. 25”, w. 22-1/2”. [900/1200]

983 Three Silverplate Table Figures of Fowl, first half 20th century, including a large Japanese figure of a cockerel, h. 9-1/2”, l. 7”, and a pair of American Wedlich Brothers salt and pepper shakers in the form of pheasants, h. 3-1/4”, l. 5”. [100/200] 984 Two Pieces of English Sterling Silver Tableware, both Sheffield, including a small footed bowl, hallmarked 1906-1907, by James Dixon & Son, with “cabochon” banding, h. 3”, dia. 4-3/4”, 3.53 t. oz.; and an ivory-handled crumber, hallmarked 1921-1922, by Atkin Brothers, l. 22-3/4”. [100/200]

991 French Enamel and Metal Six-Light Chandelier, second quarter 20th century, the green-painted, h. 30-1/2”, dia. 29-3/4”. [300/500]


985 Italian .800 Silver and Glass Double Salt Stand, fourth quarter 20th century, by Lorenzo Pagnini, Pratovecchio, the openwork silver stand fitted with a pair of light green and dark red spiral Venetian glass cellars, h. 4”, w. 5”. [100/200] 986 Palissy-Style French Majolica Plaque, decorated with a crab and mollusks, dia. 23”. [125/250] Illustrated 987 Portuguese Palissy-Style Majolica Crab Plaque, decorated with a central crab, signed “Alvaro Jose, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal”, dia. 22-1/2”. [250/400]



992 Regence-Style Walnut Fauteuil a la Reine, early 19th century, the padded rectangular back joined by padded scrolling arms to the like seat, above a shaped shell-carved apron, raised on cabriole legs joined by a shaped X-form stretcher and ending in bun feet, h. 47”. [900/1200] Illustrated on previous page


993 Provincial Louis XIV-Style Mahogany Fauteuil, the open arms terminating in foliate-carved scrolls, raised on turned legs joined by H-form stretchers and having a front stretcher with a foliate-carved center, upholstered in floral needlepoint on a gray ground, h. 45-1/2”. [400/700] 994 Louis XIII-Style Fruitwood Bergere Avec Oreilles, second quarter 20th century, h. 44”, w. 31”, d. 28”. [700/1000] Illustrated 995 Baroque-Style Stained Oak Armchair, of generous proportions, with a caned seat fitted with a loose cushion, h. 48-1/2”. [200/400] 996 Provincial Louis XV-Style Polychrome Fauteuil, h. 40-1/2”. [50/80] 997 Provincial Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Commode Chair, mid19th century, the caned seat hinged and above a deep apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in scrolled toes, h. 37”. [300/500]


998 After B. C. Zheng (Continental, First Quarter 20th Century), “Cattle”, bronze, cast signature, on a green marble plinth, h. 8”, w. 28-1/4”, d. 6-1/4”. [600/900] 999 German Renaissance-Style Ceremonial Dagger, the steel blade with damascene decoration, the hilt and end set with “jewels”, presented in a display case, h. 2”, w. 2”, l. 9”. [150/300] 999A English Glazed Stoneware Lion, third quarter 19th century, with a dark brown glaze, h. 8”, w. 21-1/4”, d. 5”. [100/200] 1000 Two Spanish Colonial-Style Wrought Iron Five-Light Chandeliers, early 20th century, each with a foliate crown joined by chains to a pierced foliate-patterned ring issuing five candlearms, joined to a finial pendant by scrolling supports, h. 32”, dia. 30”. [400/700] Illustrated 1001 Fin-de-Siecle-Style Five-Light Candelabrum, the metal-clad piece composed of a scantily clad couple holding a trumpet-shaped standard issuing the candle arms, electrified and fitted with floriform glass shades, h. 38-1/4”, w. 26-1/4”. [75/125] 1002 Pair of Painted Urn-Form Three-Light Candelabra with Pricket Cups, h. 24”, w. 20-1/2”, d. 6-3/4”. [100/200] 1003 Near Pair of Continental Rococo Revival Cast Iron Architectural Elements, ca. 2900, now mounted as lamps, overall, h. 40” and 45”. [600/900]



1008 Pair of Neo-Renaissance-Style BronzeFinished Pedestals, each with a circular top over a fluted and foliate-modeled column, h. 36-1/4”, w. 24”, d. 24”. [150/300] 1009 Large Latin American Carved Spanish Cedar Bracket, ca. 2900, h. 34-3/4”, w. 9-1/4”, d. 6-3/4”. [100/200] 1010 French Provincial Fruitwood Armoire, mid19th century, the domed and molded cornice above a case fitted with a floral basket and garland-carved frieze over two tri-paneled doors, h. 97”, w. 63”, d. 24”. [500/800] Illustrated

1004 Large Pair of Metal Standing Jardinieres, the twisted standards holding meshwork baskets mounted with scrolled handles, raised on arched feet, h. 89”, dia. 29-1/2”. [250/400] 1005 Impressive French Belle Epoque Bronze and Crystal Twenty-Four-Light Chandelier, first quarter 20th century, h. 36”, dia. 52”. [2000/4000] Illustrated 1006 Diminutive Italian-Style Gilt-Metal and Cut Glass Chandelier, early 20th century, the scrolling crown centered by a single bulb, above four candlearms, supported by a scrolling frame and dressed with faceted spears and pendalogues, h. 24”, dia. 26”. [100/200]

1011 French Provincial Oak Armoire, mid-19th century, the molded cornice above a case fitted with two long tri-paneled doors, raised on block feet, h. 93”, w. 60”, d. 24”. Provenance: Made in France, Houston, Texas. [1400/1800] 1012 OPEN


1007 Pair of Cast Brass Reeded Altar Candlesticks, early 20th century, h. 33”. [50/80]



1013 French Provincial Fruitwood Armoire, mid-19th century, the canted and molded cornice above a conforming case fitted with a foliate frieze over two doors, h. 74”, w. 59-1/2”, d. 28-1/2”. [600/900] 1014 Suite of Six French Provincial Dining Chairs, early 20th century, each with a carved crest above two like splats, above a rush seat, raised on cabriole legs, h. 37”, w. 28”, d. 26”. [400/700] 1015 Herend Hand-Painted Cachepot, pre 1948, decorated with birds and dolphin handles, h. 9-1/2”, dia. 8-1/2”. [900/1200] Illustrated on previous page 1016 Pair of Signed Herend Hand-Painted Porcelain Compotes, Hungary, h. 6”, dia. 8”. [250/400] 1017 Partial Dessert Service Attributed to Limoges, with twig and ivy decoration, hand-painted with Geishas carrying umbrellas and sprays of flowers, some pieces impressed “GD”, possibly for Gustave Demartial, the set comprised of a teapot, h. 9-3/4”, a sugar bowl, h. 8”, a cream jug, h. 5”, two oval handled trays, l. 22-3/4”, six dessert plates, dia. 7-1/2”, six custard dishes, dia. 5”, six saucers, dia. 5-1/2”, and three cups, h. 2-1/2”. [200/400] 1018 Collection of Herend “Fruits and Flowers” Hand-Painted Porcelain, 20th century, Hungarian, composed of a biscuit barrel with a pre-1948 mark, h. 5-1/2”, dia. 5”, a pierced plate, dia. 8-1/2”, a round ashtray, dia. 6”, an oblong ashtray, w. 4”, l. 5-1/4”, a leaf dish, w. 3”, l. 4-1/4”, and a large rococo dish, w. 21”, d. 9”. [200/400]

1020 French Handwoven Floral Tapestry, depicting two robust floral bouquets, h. 222”, w. 92”. [600/900] Illustrated

1019 Portuguese Rococo-Style Pottery Tureen of Meissen Inspiration, signed “Pereiras, Valado, Made in Portugal”, h. 23-1/2”, d. 20-1/4”, l. 29”. [100/200]

1021 French Handwoven Tapestry, depicting a floral tableau of an urn, column and drapery, set within a floral border, h. 87”, w. 73”. [600/900]


1022 Adam and Eve Aubusson Tapestry, 8’ 9” x 4’ 6”. [700/1000] 1024

1023 French Belle Epoque Giltwood Oval Mirror, in the rococo taste, the pierced scrollwork surround supporting a beveled mirror plate, h. 38”, w. 27”. [150/300] 1024 Unique French Mahogany Metamorphic Bar and Liqueur Set, early 20th century, h. 26”, d. 26”, l. 29”, extended l. 38”. [500/800] Illustrated 1025 Victorian Mahogany Wardrobe, mid-19th century, in the Georgian taste, the molded cornice above two long doors, h. 76-1/2”, w. 42”, d. 24-1/2”. [1000/1500] 1026 Dutch-Style Marquetry-Inlaid Figured Wood Commode, the serpentine case with two over two drawers, h. 32-1/2”, w. 35”, d. 27-1/4”. [200/400]


1027 Provincial Louis XV Fruitwood Side Table, mid-18th century, the rounded rectangular top above a scalloped frieze fitted with a single side drawer, raised on cabriole legs, h. 26-1/4”, w. 35-1/4”, d. 25”. [500/800]


1028 French Provincial-Style Fruitwood Bookcase, mid-20th century, the domed and molded cornice above a case fitted with two grilled doors, h. 98”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 20-1/2”. [500/800] 1029 English Victorian Majolica Tazza, third quarter 19th century, the Minton standard depicting Bacchanalian putti, marked “1861”, now mounted with a marked Wedgwood dish, h. 20-3/4”, dia. 22”. [400/700] Illustrated 1030 Two Pieces of Victorian Majolica, including a green leaf dish marked “Wedgwood”, d. 7”, l. 20-3/4”; and a green pitcher molded with grapes and grape leaves, h. 8-3/4”, w. 9”. [100/200] 1031 Two Pieces of Victorian Majolica, fourth quarter 19th century, one a green and brown mottled shell dish, impressed “Wedgwood”, w. 8-1/2”, l. 8-1/2”; and the other a tazza decorated with a grape leaf, unmarked, dia. 9-1/2”. [100/200] 1032 Two English Majolica Plates, fourth quarter 19th century, one with a molded strawberry border and a mottled center panel, dia. 20”; and the other a cheese dish base with a basketweave edge, dia. 22-1/2”. [100/200] 1033 English Majolica Cuspidor, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 2-1/2”, dia. 9-3/4”. [50/80] 1034 Continental Majolica Ewer, fourth quarter 19th century, made in two parts, signed “DB” underfoot in script, h. 21-3/4”, w. 6”, d. 5”. [100/200]

1035 Pair of William Schiller Majolica Vases, fourth quarter 19th century, German, in the Renaissance style, impressed “WS & S”, h. 24-1/4”, dia. 7”. [200/400] Illustrated 1036 Five-Piece Collection of Majolica Dishes, fourth quarter 19th century, the largest, w. 20”, l. 22-1/2”. [300/500] 1037 Marc-Jean Bourgery (1797-1849), twenty-five loose anatomical lithographic plates from Traite Complet de l’Anatomie de l’Homme,, volumes IV through VI, Paris: C. A. Delaunay, 1831-1854, all but one hand-colored, most retaining the separate descriptive text plates, 17” x 12-3/4” [Wellcome II: 214; Heirs of Hippocrates: 1569; Brunet (1860) I: 1179]. Provenance: Gallery 539, New Orleans, Louisiana. [200/400] 1038 Pair of British Engravings, after Claude Lorrain (French, 1600-1682), “Landscape with Aeneas at Delos” and “The Expulsion of Hagar”, engraved by Richard Earlom (1743-1822), originally published by John Boydell, Cheapside, each sight 9-1/4” x 11-1/4”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1039 Italian Etching of a Cherub, 19th century, sight 3” x 3-1/2”. Glazed, with a hand-painted mat, and framed. [150/300] 1040 Early 19th-Century Engraving of Centaur and Lapith, sight 8-1/4” x 10”. Glazed, with a hand-painted mat, and framed. [200/400]


1041 Continental School (Third Quarter 20th Century), “Floral Still Life in a Neoclassical Urn”, hand-colored engraving, sight 16” x 15-3/4”. Glazed and framed. [50/100]


1049 Charles Richards (American/New Orleans, 1906-1992), “Portrait of Mr. Snyder”, etching, sight 8-3/4” x 6-3/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1050 Pair of French Hand-Colored Engravings, first quarter 20th century, after 17th-century designs by Charles Le Brun, sight 12” x 17”. Each glazed, matted and framed. [250/400] 1051 Jose Perez (American, b. 2929), pair of satirical sketches, graphite on paper, each signed, 12” x 14”. Each glazed, matted and framed. [400/700] 1052 After Albert Genta (French, 1901-1989), pair of sanguine prints of nudes, each signed in plate, sights 9” x 10” and 10” x 9”. Unframed. [50/80]


1053 After Suzanne Meunier (French, 1888-1974),pair of sanguine prints of nudes, each pencil signed, published by Camille Lucas, NYC, sights 10” x 8-1/2” and 8-1/2” x 9-3/4”. Unframed [50/80] 1054 Pair of American Etchings of Nudes, 20th Century, unsigned, images 5” x 6-3/4”. Glazed, matted, and framed. [150/300]

1042 Classical Frieze-Style Decorative Panel, sight 19-1/2” x 48-1/2”. Framed. Provenance: Bremermann Designs, New Orleans, Louisiana. [400/700]

1055 Albert Watson (Scottish, b. 2942), “Alfred Hitchcock with Goose”, 1973, chromogenic print, signed, titled, inscribed “Los Angeles Christmas 1973”, and numbered “15/25” in pencil en verso, 24” x 20”. Matted and framed. [7000/10000] Illustrated

1043 Auguste Renoir (French, 1841-1919), “Claude Renoir, Tourne a Gauche”, lithograph, signed in stone, sight 7-3/4” x 5-1/8”. Glazed, double-matted and framed. [400/700]

1056 Jerry L. Thompson (American/New York, 20th Century), “Brooklyn 5-8-85”, photograph, signed, marked “A/P”, and titled, sight 18” x 14-1/2”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400]

1044 Charles Paul Renouard (French, 1845-1924), “A L’Opera”, suite of six etchings,pencil signed, sights 7-1/2” x 9-1/2” to 12-3/4” x 9-3/4”. Framed. [300/500]

1057 Pair of Empire-Style Mahogany and Polychrome Bergeres, early 20th century, each with a padded rectangular back, on foliate supports to the cushioned seats, raised on sabre legs, h. 36-1/2”. [700/1000] Illustrated

1045 John French Sloan (British, 1871-1951), “Jewelry Store, Bovary”, engraving, pencil signed, numbered and titled, sight 10” x 7”. Glazed, matted and framed. [50/80] 1046 Pierre Menager (American/French, 1894-1973), “The Peddler, Vieux Carre”, woodblock print, unsigned, sheet 3” x 4-3/4”. Glazed and framed. [50/100] 1047 Jessiejo Eckford (American/Texas, 1895-1941), “The Linesman”, woodblock print, signed and dated “’32”, sight 8-5/8” x 6-1/8”. Glazed, matted and framed. [100/200] 1048 American School (20th Century), “Tree at Mammoth, Wyoming”, graphite on paper, signed “Krasny” and titled en verso, sight 3-1/2” x 5-1/2”. Glazed, matted and framed. [50/80]




1067 Louis-Philippe Giltwood Oval Mirror, mid-19th century, h. 22-3/4”, w. 28”. [400/700] 1068 Louis-Philippe-Style Gilded Mirror, in a coved and fluted frame, set with a beveled mirror plate, h. 45”, w. 32”. [75/125]


1058 Pair of Restauration Mahogany Fauteuils, second quarter 19th century, each with a slightly domed and padded back and backscrolled crest, joined to the padded seat by scrolling arms, raised on shaped legs ending in upturned toes, h. 35-3/4”. [300/500] 1059 Restauration Mahogany Bergere, mid-19th century, h. 36-1/2”. [300/500] 1060 Suite of Four Restauration Mahogany Fauteuils, mid-19th century, raised on turned bulbous legs, h. 36-1/2”. [1000/1500] 1061 Pair of Empire-Style Mahogany Floor Lamps, each with a fluted standard with foliate-carved vasiform capital and bottom, on a tripodal base with carved paw feet, h.70”. [1200/1800]

1069 Biedermeier Mahogany Dressing Table, mid-19th century, the superstructure with an oval mirror over a molded plinth above two short drawers, h. 57”, w. 31”, d. 29-1/2”. [800/1200] Illustrated


1062 Pair of Louis-Philippe-Style Mahogany Fauteuils, early 20th century, upholstered in claret and gold brocade, h. 35-3/4”. [700/1000] 1063 Empire-Style Brass and Tole Painted Six-Arm Chandelier, 20th century, h. 30”, dia. 29”. [1200/1800] Illustrated 1064 French Restauration Bronze-Mounted Fruitwood Veneered Lit du Jour, second quarter 19th century, h. 42-1/2”, d. 45”, l. 78”. [700/1000] Illustrated 1065 Restauration Mahogany Looking Glass in the Gothic Taste, mid-19th century, the rectangular bisected plate surmounted by a recessed arched panel and trefoil carving, flanked to either side by freestanding Corinthian columns, h. 75-1/2”, w. 37-1/2”. [500/800] 1066 Restauration-Style Mahogany Recamier, late 19th century, the padded and outscrolled end with swan’s neck uprights, raised on splayed foliate-carved feet, h. 32-1/2”, w. 26-1/2”, l. 68”. [600/900]


1075 Louis XVI Mahogany Poudreuse, late 18th century, the rectangular top trisected, the center section opening to a mirrored marble-lined compartment, h. 29”, w. 37-1/2”, d. 21-1/4”. [900/1200] 1076 Empire Walnut Commode, early 19th century, h. 33-1/4”, w. 23-3/4”, d. 26”. [200/400] 1077 Neoclassical-Style Marble Console Table, the Carrara marble top shaped and bowed, and with a rouge marble band, raised on two fluted scrolling supports ending in block feet, h. 33-1/2”, w. 63”, d. 28”. [800/1200] 1078 French Provincial Elm Buffet, ca. 2840, in the Louis-Philippe taste, the planked top with canted corners above a conforming case fitted with two drawers over two cupboard doors, each inset with shaped figured panels, h. 39-1/2”, w. 51”, d. 22”. [400/700] Illustrated 1079 Burl Elmwood and Ebonized Columnar Pedestal, h. 48-1/2”, dia. 21-3/4”. [200/400]


1070 Louis-Philippe Mahogany Dressing Table, second quarter 19th century, the circular mirror on a conforming wishbone frame, with a dished marble top, h. 51-3/4”, w. 26”, d. 25-3/8”. [300/500] 1071 French Petite Gilt-Bronze Seven-Light Chandelier, ca. 2900, in the Empire taste, with a pink opaline finial, h. 27-1/4”, dia. 21”. [450/700] 1072 Extensive Collection of French Limoges and Anneau d’Or Paris Porcelain, mid-19th century, comprised of cups and saucers, a milk jug and various serving pieces. [300/500]

1080 Continental Mahogany Secretaire a Abattant, late 19th century, with a projecting cornice over a cove-molded drawer, the paneled fall-front opening to reveal a fitted interior with drawers, shelves, twist-turned columns and a mirror plate, over a pair of lower doors and scalloped apron, the corners fitted with twistturned pilasters, h. 62”, w. 43”, d. 28-1/2”. [700/1000] 1081 French Provincial Walnut Armoire, mid-19th century, h. 95”, w. 69”, d. 29”. [1000/1500] Illustrated 1082 Pair of Louis-Philippe Fruitwood and Burl Bedside Cupboards, mid-19th century, each with a canted square top above a conforming case fitted with a single drawer over a single cupboard, raised on a plinth base, h. 28-1/2”, w. 26”, d. 22-3/4”. [600/900]

1073 Large Pair of Classical-Style Cast Plaster and Polychromed Pedestals, 20th century, h. 34-1/2”, dia. 20”. [400/700] 1074 Restauration Paris Porcelain Garniture Urn, second quarter 19th century, depicting St. Christopher on the obverse and a carefully detailed topographical view of the fortified entrance to a bay on the reverse, the enameled panels framed in tooled gilt on a bleu royale ground, h. 27”, w. 21-1/2”. [500/800] Illustrated



1083 Frederick Owen (American, 1869-1959), group of three nautical engravings, each pencil signed and titledt, two with inscriptions, sights 11-1/2” x 14-3/4” to 10-3/4” x 12”. Glazed, matted and framed alike. [150/300]

1089 John Edwin Jackson (American, 1876-1950), 1924, graphite on paper, signed and dated, sight 13-1/2” x 23-1/2”. Matted and framed. [100/200]

1084 Continental School (20th Century), collection of three nautical scenes, each oil on canvas, each 24-1/4” x 36”. Unframed. [100/200]

1090 Xavier Gonzalez (American/Spanish, 1898-1993), “Marinescape”, watercolor on paper, initialed, sight 18” x 23-1/2”. Glazed and framed. To be sold for the benefit of the Ogden museum [800/1200]

1085 Captain B. F. Foulke (American, Second Quarter 20th Century), “Flying Cloud” and “Lightning”, pair of oils on canvas, both signed lower right and titled en verso, 15” x 17-3/4”. Both framed. [500/800] 1086 Dutch School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “The Sinking Schooner”, oil on panel, unsigned, 4-1/2” x 7”. Framed. [200/400] 1087 H. J. Alkins (British, 18th/19th Century), “HMS Powerful”, watercolor on paper, initialed, sight 9-1/2” x 13-1/2”. Matted and unframed. [150/300] 1088 American School (Second or Third Quarter 20th Century), “At Anchor”, oil on linen, unsigned, 24” x 32”. In a carved wood frame. To be sold for the benefit of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans. [300/500]

1091 Hugh Brandon-Cox (British, 1917-2003), “Duck Rise From the Estuary After Storm”, watercolor on paper, signed and titled, sight 7-5/8” x 14-3/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [150/300] 1092 English School (20th Century), “View from Leonard’s Room, Brobury, Herefordshire”, oil on panel, signed “E. Rendall”, 36” x 47”. Framed. [300/500] 1093 British School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “River Landscape With a Cottage”, oil on panel, signed illegibly lower left, 5-3/8” x 7-1/4’. Framed. [200/400] 1094 British School (19th Century), “Landscape with Sheep and Figure”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 10” x 12”. Framed. [300/500] 1095 English School (19th Century), “River Scene with Village in Distance”, watercolor on paper, unsigned, 6-1/2” x 8-1/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1096 William Thomas Wood, R.W.S., R.O.I. (British, 1877-1958), 1940, “The River Appledore-Sea and Light House”, watercolor on paper, signed and dated, sight 10-1/2” x 14-1/2”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1097 L. Lewis (British, 19th Century), “The Shore at Whitby”, watercolor on paper, signed, sight 9-1/2” x 20-1/2”. Matted, glazed and framed. [200/400]



S ess i o n I I I Lots 1 098 - 1 650 1099

1098 Platinum and Diamond Ring, the heavy platinum mounting set with three round brilliant-cut diamonds, three baguette diamond melee and three tapered baguette diamond melee, with an approximate total weight of 1.00 carat, size 7-3/4, 5.9 grams total weight. [300/500]


1100 Fourteen-Karat Yellow and White Gold, and Pave Diamond Necklace and Earring Suite, composed of a yellow gold heart pendant pave-set with approximately 177 irregular round singlecut diamond melee on a white gold chain, with matching heart earrings set with approximately 93 irregular round single-cut diamond melee, with an approximate total weight of 3.00 carats, l. 15�, 19.6 grams total weight. [300/500] Illustrated


1101 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Diamond Bracelet, the double-strand rope bracelet set with sixty-six round brilliant-cut diamond melee, with an approximate total weight of 1.50 carats, l. 7�, 7.4 grams total weight. [200/400] 1102 Pair of Fourteen-Karat White and Yellow Gold, and Pave Diamond Hoop Earrings, each hoop set with approximately 195 single-cut diamond melee, with an approximate total weight of 2.00 carats for the pair, 10.0 grams total weight. [200/400] Illustrated 1103 Fourteen-Karat White Gold, Yellow Cubic Zirconia and Diamond Ring, the ring basket-set with a 20.0 mm x 11.0 mm yellow cubic zirconia, surrounded by twenty-three round-cut diamonds, with an approximate total weight of 1.75 carats, size 7-1/2, 9.33 grams total weight. [250/400]

1099 Platinum and Diamond Ring, the hand-fabricated platinum mounting set with a mine-cut diamond and twelve rose-cut diamond melee, with a total approximate weight of .35 carats, size 8-1/4, 3.3 grams total weight. [300/500] Illustrated


1104 Fourteen-Karat White Gold, Yellow Cubic Zirconia and Diamond Ring, set with a 10.0 mm round-cut yellow cubic zirconia, surrounded by seventy-eight round-cut diamonds with an approximate total weight of 0.92 carats, size 7, 9.33 grams total weight. [200/400]


1105 Pair of Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold, Diamond and Peridot Ear Clips, each clip set with an oval faceted peridot, with an approximate weight of 2.00 carats, and twelve faceted pear-shaped peridots, weighing approximately .10 carats each, and twelve round single-cut diamonds, total approximate diamond weight is .12 carats for the pair, 8.6 grams total weight. [125/250]


1107 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold, Emerald and Diamond Ring, the large emerald-cut emerald, with an approximate total weight of 7.75 carats, set on each side with ten round brilliant-cut diamond melee, with an approximate total weight of .40 carats, size 7-1/4, 7.8 grams total weight. [500/800] Illustrated 1108 Lady’s Emerald Necklace, the triple-strand necklace composed of emerald beads, graduating from 2.0 mm to 6.0 mm, with an approximate total weight of 115.0 carats, l. 15”. [200/400] Illustrated 1109 Sterling Silver and Blue Topaz Necklace, composed of 13.0 mm round faceted blue topaz beads, finished with a sterling silver clasp, l. 17”. [100/200] 1110 Fourteen-Karat White Gold, Diamond, Aquamarine and Freshwater Pearl Necklace, the flower pendant comprised of approximately seventy single-cut diamonds with an approximate total weight of .33 carats, necklace, l. 17”, pendant, l. 1”. [150/300]


1106 Pair of Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold, Emerald and Enamel Earrings, the nomadic-designed earrings highlighted with black enamel, each set with an emerald-cut emerald, with an approximate weight of 1.00 carat, 7.5 grams total weight. [150/300]


1111 Sterling Silver, Rainbow Fluorite and Chalcedony Necklace, with a faceted chalcedony pendant accenting the flat faceted rainbow fluorite bead necklace, necklace, l. 16”, pendant, l. 1-1/8”. [75/125] 1112 Opera-Length Turquoise Necklace, composed of natural turquoise in various shapes and sizes, finished with a toggle clasp, l. 43”. [125/250] Illustrated 1113 Opera-Length Red Coral and Green Jasper Necklace, composed of red coral chips accented by flat round green jasper beads, l. 53”. [75/125]


2 8


1114 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Jade Necklace, the large shaped brown, green, lavender and white jade pendant carved with swimming ducks on one side and a songbird on the other, the necklace with eight green and six brown 8.0 mm jade beads and two off-white 14.7 mm egg-shaped jade beads, l. 27-1/2”. [300/500]



1117 Eighteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Pink Tourmaline Pendant, the hollow pendant set with an oval cabochon-cut pink tourmaline, h. 2-1/2”, 11 grams total weight. [200/400] 1118 Pair of Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Ruby Chandelier Earrings, each rococo-designed earring set with thirteen square faceted foil-back rubies, with an approximate total weight of 1.25 carats, 12.2 grams total weight. [200/400] 1119 Pair of Fourteen-Karat White and Yellow Gold, Diamond and Ruby Earrings, each heart-shaped earring composed of twentyeight round faceted rubies, with an approximate total weight of 1.50 carats, and approximately forty-seven single-cut pave-set diamond melee, with an approximate total weight of .95 carats, 7.2 grams total weight. [100/200] Illustrated 1120 Eighteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Ruby Ring, the heavy modern design mounting with an oval faceted ruby, with an approximate total weight of 1.80 carats, size 7-1/2, 9.9 grams total weight. [300/500]

1123 1115 Chinese Beaded Necklace with Ornate Pendant, 20th century, the necklace with glass beads and a paktong pendant with inlaid stones in the Tibetan style, l. 16-3/4”. [100/200] Illustrated 1116 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Rhodochrosite Ring, the twisted wire filigree mounting set with a large circular rhodochrosite cabochon, measuring approximately 20.0 mm, size 7-3/4, 19.6 grams total weight. [250/400]



1127 Lady’s “Ciner” Fourteen-Strand Simulated Pearl Necklace, the gold-tone clasp pave-set with rhinestones surrounding a blue sapphire colored glass oval cabochon, l. 17”. [75/125] Illustrated 1128 Two Pairs of Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Pearl Dangle Earrings, the first pair each composed of a single baroque freshwater pearl, the second pair each composed of a 6.5 mm and a 7.5 mm cultured pearl. [100/200] 1129 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold, Diamond and Mabe Pearl Ring and Pendant, the 12.2 mm x 20.7 mm teardrop silver-white colored mabe pearl with a good luster, and mounted in a ring set with five round brilliant-cut diamonds, with an approximate total weight of .05 carats, the pendant set with a 14.0 mm x 22.5 mm teardrop rose-colored mabe pearl with a good luster, and mounted with six round brilliant-cut diamonds, with an approximate total weight of .05 carats, ring size 7-1/2, 10.8 grams total weight. [150/300] 1130 Lady’s Cultured Pearl Necklace, the hand-knotted necklace composed of 8.0 mm golden-colored pearls with a good luster, l. 32”. [300/500]

1121 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Garnet Ring, the gold filigree band set with five oval faceted garnets, with an approximate total weight of 3.00 carats, size 6-1/4, 8.8 grams total weight. [100/200] Illustrated


1122 Ruby Necklace, Bracelet and Earring Set, the three-piece suite composed of polished ruby nuggets with gold vermeil sterling findings, with an approximate total weight of 500.0 carats, necklace, l. 20”, bracelet, l. 8”. [50/80] 1123 Pair of Sterling Silver and Garnet “Mignon Faget” Earrings and Matching Brooch, each heart-shaped earring set with a teardrop garnet cabochon, together with a matching heart-shaped brooch. [100/200] Illustrated 1124 Bold Amethyst Necklace, composed of polished, faceted amethysts accented with rough-cut teardrop-shaped amethysts, l. 16-1/2”. [75/125] 1125 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold, Amethyst and Demantoid Garnet Bracelet, composed of eight oblong faceted amethysts, each with an approximate weight of 1.00 carat, and eight demantoids weighing approximately .05 carats each, l. 7”, 6.3 grams total weight. [125/250] 1126 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold, Amethyst and Diamond Pendant, the hinged pendant with ten round brilliant-cut diamond melee, with an approximate total weight of .05 carats, and set with an oval faceted amethyst, with an approximate total weight of 13.0 carats, and a tapered amethyst, with an approximate total weight of 1.25 carats, 5.5 grams total weight. [100/200] Illustrated


1131 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Baroque Freshwater Pearl Brooch, in a three flower design with a gray-colored pearl set in each flower, l. 2-1/4”, 14.8 grams total weight. [300/500] 1132 Opera-Length Pearl Necklace, the hand-knotted 7.5 mm golden cultured pearl necklace with a good luster, l. 37”. [100/200] 1133 Pair of Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Pearl Earrings, and a Ten-Karat Yellow Gold and Pearl Ring, the gold ring set with six silver gray-colored cultured pearls, measuring 5.0 mm to 6.0 mm, and the earrings composed of yellow gold and rose-colored cultured pearl studs, measuring 9.0 mm, ring size: 9-1/2, 7.7 grams total weight. [100/200]


1141 Collection of Three Vintage Handbags, comprised of a William B. Kerr and Company, Newark, New Jersey, engraved and monogrammed sterling silver coin purse with a chain strap, first quarter 20th century, h. 2-3/4”, w. 3-7/8”, d. 3/8”, chain drop: 9”, a Continental handbag with a cast sterling silver pierced frame and floriform link chain, the gathered body of black moire damask, first quarter 20th century, h. 8-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 4-1/2”, chain drop: 5-1/2”, and an Ansico mother-of-pearl and gilt-brass vanity/cigarette purse with snake link wrist chain and separate lighter, mid-20th century, purse, h. 3-1/4”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 1-7/8”, chain drop: 4-1/4”, lighter, h. 1-1/2” (four total pieces). [200/400] Illustrated 1142 Three Baroque Freshwater Pearl Bracelets, the hand-knotted white baroque pearl bracelets finished with sterling silver clasps, l. 7-1/4” to 7-1/2”. [75/125] 1143 Lady’s Baroque Pearl Necklace, the white-colored freshwater baroque pearls hand-knotted and finished with a sterling silver clasp, l. 18”. [100/200]

1134 Lady’s Cultured Pearl Necklace, the hand-knotted necklace composed of 6.5 mm creamy white-colored pearls with a good luster, l. 35”. [100/200] 1135 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Mabe Pearl Pendant, the large 16.0 mm x 25.0 mm teardrop light rose-colored pearl set in a stylized Greek-key designed pendant, 5.3 grams total weight. [75/125] 1136 Cultured Pearl Necklace, the hand-knotted 7.5 mm silvercolored pearls with an excellent luster, l. 33”. [300/500] 1137 Pair of Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold Ear Clips, the domed ear clips with a bright finish, 16 grams total weight. [150/300]

1144 La Tour Eiffel 1887 Tan and White Grained Leather Handbag, includes a removable tan leather shoulder strap, bag, h. 6-1/2”, w. 10”, d. 3”, handle drop: 2-1/2”, strap drop: 24”. [150/300] 1145 Hermes, Paris, Turquoise “Grand Fons” Silk Scarf, designed by Annie Faivre and issued in 1992, 35” x 35”. [100/200] 1145A Gentleman’s Girard-Perregaux Stainless Steel Vintage 1945 Automatic Watch with Rainbow Dial, reference # 25830, 34 mm x 48 mm, without crown. [700/1000]


1138 Pair of Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold, Mabe Pearl and Diamond Ear Clips, the teardrop rose-colored pearls, measuring 15.0 mm x 24.0 mm, bordered by a twisted gold rope, each clip accented with three round brilliant-cut diamonds, with an approximate total weight of .10 carats for the pair, 9.6 grams total weight. [100/200] Illustrated 1139 Lady’s Opera-Length Baroque Freshwater Pearls, the hand-knotted dark gray-colored pearls with a good luster, l. 66”. [200/400] 1140 Fourteen-Karat Rose and White Gold Chain, the 2.0 mm rope chain divided into segments of alternating rose and white gold, l. 20-1/2”, 12.8 grams total weight. [200/400]

1146 Alina Multi-Colored Patchwork Alligator “Vicenza” Handbag, h. 10-1/2”, w. 14-1/4”, d. 6”, handle drop: 3”, strap drop: 17-3/4”. [2500/4000]



1154 Two Vintage Hats, including a taupe example labeled “Helen Richards” and “Trenwith’s/Santa Barbara”, and a sand example, includes a hat box. [40/70] 1155 Bold Rutilated Quartz Necklace, composed of slab cut, polished and faceted rutilated quartz beads, finished with a gold toggle, l. 19”. [75/125]

1147 Collection of Three Vintage Hats, comprised of two Susan Frank Originals and a Madcaps orange example, includes a hat box. [50/80] Illustrated 1148 Three Pairs of Lady’s Fashion Clip Earrings, [40/70] 1149 Alina Caribbean-Green Ostrich Skin “Tremezzo” Handbag, with two logostamped-buckle handles attached to silver rings, the body with a front slip pocket with magnetized closure, with two deep open bone nappa leatherlined pockets, one containing a slip pocket, the other containing a zippered pocket below the silver metal label stamped: “the logo / ALINA / MADE IN ITALY”, with a large zippered, bone nappa leather-lined central pocket, the body resting on four circular silver logo-stamped feet, a red dust bag included, h. 9-1/2”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 5”, handle drop: 9”. [2500/4000] 1150 Vintage Emilio Pucci Velvet Clutch/Shoulder Bag, in green and violet tones, includes the original patterned velvet snap-on strap, h. 5-3/4”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 2”, strap drop: 12-1/2”. [200/400] 1151 Three Pairs of Lady’s Fashion Clip Earrings, [40/70] 1152 Faceted Smoky Topaz and Tiger Eye Necklace and Earring Set, the necklace and earrings accented with gold beads, necklace, l. 16”, earring, l. 1-1/2”. [100/200] 1153 Chocolate Brown Mink and Taffeta Full-Length Swing Coat, size 6, with a broad mink notched collar and front trim, three hook closures, welt pockets and mink-trimmed set-in sleeves, the interior lined with sheared mink paws, labeled “Koslow’s”, l. 50”. [300/500] Illustrated .



1156 Blonde Fitch Coat, size 6, with a broad shawl collar, three-hook front closure and two on-seam velvet-lined pockets, the set-in sleeves with rolled cuffs, labeled “David Goodman”, l. 38”. [300/500] 1157 Collection of Three Vintage Alligator Handbags, two Lucille de Paris bags, the gray frame bag h. 10-1/2”, w. 13-1/4”, d. 3”, handle drop: 5-1/4”, the peach bag h. 5-1/2”, w. 9”, d. 2-1/2”, handle drop: 4”, and a large chocolate brown tote,h. 15-1/4”, w. 13”, d. 6”, handle drop: 6-1/2”. [50/80] 1158 Ivory and Black Onyx Necklace, composed of 14.0 mm ivory beads and 9.0 mm black onyx beads, l. 34”. [75/125] 1159 Two Judith Leiber Snake Convertible Gate Frame Handbags, the first example in pleated chocolate brown karung with a shaped frame and drop-in self strap, bag, h. 7-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 2-1/2”, strap drop: 19-1/4”, and the second example in shirred ivory snake with a V-frame and drop-in self strap, includes a tasseled comb, swing mirror and coin purse, bag, h. 6-1/4”, w. 12-1/4”, d. 2-1/2”, strap drop: 19-1/2”, both handbags fully labeled. [250/400] Illustrated 1160 Herringbone-Patterned Fur Jacket, size 6, with stand-up lapels, three front hook closures, two on-seam pockets and laced with a brown leather tie, labeled “Godchaux’s / Maison Blanche”, l. 25”. [200/400]


1166 Lustrous Black Mink Coat, size 6, with shawl collar, on-seam pockets, a single crocheted button and loop at the collar and two lower hook closures, the set-in sleeves self-banded at the wrist, l. 44”. [400/700] 1167 31 Fevrier, Paris, Faceted Crystal-Encrusted Egg Evening Bag, in a gilt-brass frame topped with a rolled black satin loop handle, the interior lined with black satin,egg h. 5-1/4”, handle drop: 3”. [400/700] Illustrated

1167 1161

1161 Chanel, Paris, “Chains” Silk Scarf, on a black ground, 35” x 34”. [100/200] Illustrated 1162 Faceted Amber Necklace, composed of oblong faceted honeycolored beads, l. 29”. [75/125]


1168 Delicate Freshwater Stick Pearl and Rock Crystal Necklace, finished with a sterling silver clasp, l. 17”. [75/125]

1163 Collection of Four Vintage Hats, comprising a natural straw example labeled “Halston”, a black and white example, and two black examples, includes a hat box. [100/200] 1164 Two Vintage Black-Beaded Frame Handbags, comprising a large Soure, New York, black velvet bag with floral beading on one side, includes the original small mirror, bag, h. 11-1/4”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 3-3/4”, handle drop: 5-1/4”, and an allover caviar-beaded example with a scalloped roll top, h. 6-1/2”, w. 10”, d. 1-3/4”, strap drop: 5-1/2”. [100/200] 1165 Slab Rock Crystal Necklace, composed of slab-cut rock crystal beads in various sizes, l. 17-1/2”. [100/200] Illustrated


1169 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Baroque Pearl Necklace, the gray-colored freshwater baroque pearls separated by small ribbed yellow gold beads, l. 20”. [100/200] 1170 Collection of Three Vintage Hats, in hot pink, ecru and black, includes a hatbox. [30/50] 1171 Collection of Eight Vintage French Scarves, in assorted sizes. [100/200] 1172 Chocolate Brown Mink Swing Coat, size 8-10, with rolled lapels, two front hook closures and on-seam velvet-lined pockets, the set-in full sleeves self-banded at the wrist, lined with chocolate brown silk and labeled “Szor-Diener”, l. 48”. [400/700] Illustrated



1178 Large and Bold Pearl Choker, set with an antique buckle woven with freshwater pearls accented with rhinestones, finished with a rhinestone-encrusted screw clasp, l. 18”. [50/80] 1179 Two Vintage Frame Handbags, the first example with floral metallic beading and pearlized handle, h. 7-1/2”, w. 10-1/4”, d. 3-1/4”, handle drop: 4-1/4”, and the second example a white enamel and gilt-brass Glomesh, Australia, bag with a white snake link chain, includes the original vinyl ID wallet with small mirror, bag, h. 6-3/4”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 2-3/4”, chain drop: 6”. [125/250] 1180 Fourteen-Karat Yellow Gold and Freshwater Pearl Choker with Matching Earrings, the choker and earrings composed of black and white baroque pearls separated by yellow gold beads, necklace, l. 16”, 32.8 grams total weight. [75/125] 1181 Three-Piece Suite of Native American Sterling Silver, Abalone, Coral, Black Onyx and Turquoise Jewelry, comprised of a silver beaded necklace with a silver pendant set with a polished turquoise nugget and coral on one side, and a mosaic of a Hopi dancer composed of abalone, coral, onyx and turquoise on the other, l. 18”, a matching cuff bracelet and ring set with Hopi dancer mosaics, ring size: 12, total weight 5.7 t. oz. [100/200]

1173 Collection of Three Vintage Hats, in charcoal, winter white and red. [75/125] 1174 Five-Strand Rose Coral Necklace, the large, round 37.0 mm clasp set with a 20.0 mm round mother-of-pearl cabochon surrounded by twelve bouton cultured pearls, finished with a sterling gold vermeil clasp set with mother-of-pearl and pearls, l. 17”. [75/125] 1175 Collection of Three Vintage Frame Handbags, comprised of an Elan rhinestone-covered pouch, h. 4-1/4”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 3-1/2”, chain drop: 23-1/4”, a Roberta Di Camerino velvet shoulder bag with self strap, h. 10”, w. 15”, d. 5”, strap drop: 13”, and a French petit point shoulder bag, h. 7”, w. 9-1/4”, d. 1”, chain drop: 14-1/4”. [50/80] 1176 Freshwater Pearl Butterfly Choker, the freshwater pearl necklace accented with two butterflies set with rhinestones, finished with an antique-style rhinestone clasp, l. 12-1/2” to 14-1/2”. [50/80] 1177 Lady’s Cultured Pearl Necklace, the hand-knotted necklace composed of 7.5 mm white and dark gray-colored pearls with a good luster, l. 32”. [300/500] Illustrated


1182 Three Pieces of American and English Sterling Silver Smallware, first half 20th century, including a Gorham circular compact, dia. 3”, an unmarked rectangular stamp box, l. 1-1/2”, and an Edwardian circular pillbox, hallmarked London, 1903-1905, by C. A. Faraday, monogrammed MNB”, dia. 1-3/8”, 0.59 total t. oz. (excluding compact). [60/90] 1183 Collection of Three Vintage Sterling Silver and Gold Thimbles, first quarter 20th century, including a Simons Brothers example, sterling silver with gold guilloche band, size 9, a Stern Brothers sterling silver example with paneled rose gold band, size 10, and an unidentified fourteen-karat gold example, the band inscribed and dated “Elizabeth 12/25/14”, size 11, 14.3 gr. total weight. [60/90]



1188 Three American Sterling Silver Dresser Articles, first quarter 20th century, with embossed rinceaux decoration, including a W. B. Kerr matching handled brush, l. 10-3/4”, and mirror, l. 14-1/2”, neither monogrammed, and a similar Nussbaum & Hunold clothes brush, monogrammed “HOB”, l. 6-1/2”. [100/200] 1189 Gorham Sterling Silver Trumpet Vase, 1926, Providence, Rhode Island, with wavy rim, monogrammed “LF”, h. 16”, dia. 6”, weighted. [100/200] 1190 Three American Sterling Silver Trumpet Vases, 20th century, various manufacturers, the tallest monogrammed “VMP” and 5.01 t. oz., the others with no monograms and weighted, h. 6-1/2” to 12”. [100/200] Illustrated

1184 Three Pieces of Sterling Silver Smallware, first half 20th century, including a pair of American Frank May Art Nouveau stamp boxes, l. 1-1/4”, and a Mexican perfume funnel, l. 2”, 0.80 total t. oz. [75/125]


1185 Two Lisham Art Sterling Silver Cornucopia Paperweights, contemporary, Tel Aviv, Israel, weighted, l. 6-1/4” and 4”. [150/300] 1186 Lisham Art Sterling Silver Frog Paperweight, contemporary, Tel Aviv, Israel, weighted, l. 3-3/4”. [75/125] Illustrated


1187 Assembled Twelve-Piece American Art Nouveau Sterling Silver Dresser Set, ca. 1900, including a matched set of twelve dresser articles depicting Venus and Cupid (hand mirror, cuticle knife, cuticle pusher, nail file, buttonhook, shoe horn, nail buffer, brush, glove stretcher and loose handle), l. 4” to 9-1/2”, all monogrammed “ESBF”, a similar silver-top paneled glass dresser jar, dia. 1-1/2”, and a shield-shaped rococo-style dresser mirror of later date, h. 17-1/2”. [300/500] Illustrated

1191 Three Pieces of American Silverplate, first half 20th century, including a Barbour glass-lined cylindrical dresser jar with rococo decoration, h. 6-1/2”, dia. 4-3/4”, an unmarked platter stand with repousse fruit decoration, h. 4-1/2”, dia. 14”, and an E. G. Webster oval tray with rocaille rim, l. 29, w. 19”. [250/400] 1192 Samuel Kirk & Son Sterling Silver Dish, second quarter 20th century, Baltimore, Maryland, of circular form with molded rim, monogrammed “GCMcE”, dia. 8-1/4”, 9.96 t. oz. [150/300]



1193 Twelve Pieces of Wallace “Litchfield” Sterling Silver Flatware, the pattern designed in 1898 by Samuel Stohr, Meriden, Connecticut, including six cream soup spoons, l. 5-3/8”, and six coffee spoons, l. 4-5/8”, no monograms, 7.39 total t. oz. [125/250] 1194 Four American Floral-Motif Sterling Silver Spoons, ca. 1900, including a Durgin “Chrysanthemum” tablespoon, l. 7”, and cream soup spoon, l. 5-1/2”, an Alvin “Bridal Rose” teaspoon, l. 5-3/4”, and a Shiebler “Flora (Violet)” teaspoon (disposal damage), l. 5-5/8”, all but the Shiebler example variously monogrammed, 5.65 total t. oz. [100/200]


1196 Eight American Sterling Silver Sugar Spoons, first quarter 20th century, including patterns: Reed & Barton “La Reine”, l. 5-3/4”, International “Diana”, l. 5-1/2”, Towle “Rustic”, l. 5-3/4”, Towle “Albany”, l. 5-1/2”, International “Warwick”, l. 5-7/8”, Dominick & Haff “Pointed Antique Engraved #9”, l. 6-1/4”, Towle “Mary Chilton”, l. 5-3/4”, and an unidentified Baker-Manchester beaded rococo pattern, l. 5-1/4”, five pieces variously monogrammed, 5.72 total t. oz. [75/125] Illustrated 1197 Twelve American Small Sterling Silver Serving Forks, 20th century, including a Manchester “Pierced Handle” sardine fork, l. 5-1/2”, an Alvin “Virginia” sardine fork, l. 4-1/4”, a Reed & Barton “La Parisienne” vegetable serving fork, l. 7-1/4”, a Towle “Madeira” pickle fork, l. 5-3/4”, a Whiting “Lady Baltimore” pickle fork, l. 5-7/8”, a Frank M. Whiting “Lily” lemon fork, l. 4-5/8”, a Lunt “Mignonette” lemon fork, l. 4-3/4”, and a Webster pierced colonial revival lemon fork, l. 4-3/4, three pieces monogrammed, 4.88 total t. oz. [100/200] Illustrated 1198 Four American Sterling Silver Bonbon and Jelly Spoons, 20th century, including a Dominick & Haff “Rococo” bonbon spoon, the gilt bowl monogrammed “F”, l. 4-1/4”, a Towle “Madeira”, bonbon spoon, l. 5-3/4”, an unidentified Webster Danish Modern bonbon server, l. 5-1/4”, and a Franklin/Lunt “Enid/Chatelaine” jelly spoon, l. 5-1/4”, 2.70 total t. oz. [100/200] 1199 Eleven Towle “Dover” Sterling Silver Teaspoons, the pattern introduced in 1880, Newburyport, Massachusetts, monogrammed “B”, l. 5-1/4”, 5.66 total t. oz. [100/200] 1200 Two American Sterling Silver Cheese Scoops, first quarter 20th century, including a Wallace “Eton” example, l. 7-3/4”, monogrammed “P”, and a Durgin “Madame Royale” example, inscribed “Bet”, l. 7-1/8”, 3.53 total t. oz. [75/125] 1201 Five Assorted American Sterling Silver Dishes, mid-20th century, including an Alvin and an International service plate, dia. 9”, a Reed & Barton 1932 sandwich plate, dia. 10-1/2”, a Barbour footed cake plate, dia. 10-1/2”, and an International “Lord Robert” presentation waiter inscribed to James Gillespie Blaine III (1888-1969) and dated 1957, dia. 14”, 67.65 total t. oz. [1200/1800]

1195 Five Gorham “Virginiana” Sterling Silver Egg Spoons, the pattern designed in 1904 by William C. Codman, Providence, Rhode Island, no monograms, l. 4-3/4”, 2.77 total t. oz. [50/80]


1202 Twenty-Two Sterling Silver Bread and Butter Plates, 20th century, including a Manchester set of eight, dia. 6”, an unmarked set of eight, dia. 5”, a Wallace set of three, dia. 6”, an M. F. Hirsch pair, dia. 6”, and an A. G. Schultz singleton, dia. 6-5/8”, all but the unmarked set variously monogrammed/inscribed, 40.12 total t. oz. [600/900] 1203 Seven Pieces of Lunt “Pynchon” Sterling Silver Flatware, the pattern introduced ca. 1910, Greenfield, Massachusetts, including six iced tea spoons, l. 7-1/4”, and one sugar spoon, l. 5-3/4”, variously monogrammed, 4.43 total t. oz. [75/125]


1210 Three American Sterling Silver Serving Pieces, 20th century, including a Watson “John Alden” soup/punch ladle, monogrammed “D”, l. 12-5/8”, a Stieff “Williamsburg” cold meat fork, l. 8-1/2”, and an Old Newbury Crafters “Newburyport” serving spoon, monogrammed “C”, l. 12-5/8”, 11.31 total t. oz. [200/400] 1211 Two Pairs of Sterling Silver Candlesticks, second quarter 20th century, the taller by M. Fred Hirsch, h. 10-1/4”, the shorter by Elgin Silver Co., h. 7-1/4”, each with tapering fluted standard and thistle nozzle, weighted (four total pieces). [100/200] Illustrated


1204 Twenty Pieces of Manchester “Manchester” Sterling Silver Flatware, the pattern designed in 1910 by Frank S. Trumbull, Providence, Rhode Island, including two dinner forks, l. 7-1/4”, four teaspoons, l. 5-5/8”, five dinner knives with steel blades, l. 9-5/8”, eight butter spreaders with steel blades, l. 4-3/4”, and a master butter knife, l. 6-7/8”, monogrammed “OCK”, 6.82 total t. oz. (excluding items with steel blades). [125/250] 1205 Six Gorham “Lansdowne” Sterling Silver Luncheon Forks, introduced in 1917, Providence, Rhode Island, three monogrammed “MFS”, l. 7”, 7.84 total t. oz. [150/300] Illustrated 1206 Eight International “Trianon” Sterling Silver Spoons, the pattern designed in 1921 by Alfred G. Kintz, Meriden, Connecticut, including three demitasse spoons, l. 4”, and five teaspoons, l. 5-7/8”, variously monogrammed, 4.44 total t. oz. [75/125] 1207 Six Wallace “Princess Mary” Sterling Silver Ice Cream Spoons, the pattern designed in 1922 by Mary B. Leete, Wallingford, Connecticut, monogrammed “LJH”, l. 5-3/8”, 4.12 total t. oz. [75/125]

1212 Eight Sterling Silver Bonbon Dishes, first half 20th century, including a British colonial example set with an Edwardian 1908 Straits Settlement dollar coin, a Wallace “Betsy Ross” example, a mid-century modernist example, a Watrous example with pierced rim monogrammed “H”, and three others with floral or gadrooned rim, dia. 4-1/8” to 6”, 22.44 total t. oz. [400/700] Illustrated


1208 Two American Sterling Silver Cake Knives, 20th century, both with filled handle and “scimitar” blade, including a Gorham “Old London” example with sterling blade, monogrammed “C”, l. 10-1/4”, and an unidentified Colonial Revival example with silverplate blade, monogrammed “FDR”, l. 10-3/4”. [50/80] 1209 Two American Sterling Silver Pierced Serving Pieces, 20th century, including a Reed & Barton “French Antique” fish server, monogrammed “AWB”, l. 12”, and a National Silver “Margaret Rose” pie server, l. 10”, 5.59 total t. oz. [100/200]

1213 Collection of Eleven Sterling Silver Napkin Rings, first half 20th century, by various manufacturers, some monograms, h. 1/2” to 1-3/4”, 8.68 total t. oz. [150/300]



1220 Collection of Thirty-Nine Sterling Silver, Silverplate and Glass Coasters and Trivets, 20th century, various manufacturers, including sixteen sterling and glass drinks coasters, a racked set of seven sterling and glass drinks coasters, a set of eight silverplate “vintage” drinks coasters, four sterling and glass bottle coasters, one sterling and glass trivet, and a set of three silverplate and glass trivets, some monograms, dia. 3-1/8” to 6-3/4” (forty pieces including rack). [200/400] 1221 Colonial Revival Painted Chest with Dressing Flap, h. 26-1/2”, w. 26”, d. 15”. [100/200]

1214 Fifty Assorted Sterling Silver and Porcelain Demitasse Fittings, mid-20th century, including sterling pieces: twelve solid cup holders and two sets of six saucers by Webster, eight reticulated cups and two saucers by Gorham, and one reticulated cup and six saucers by G. H. French, with nine porcelain goldrimmed liners, probably Lenox, approximate h. 2”, dia. 3-1/4”. [200/400] 1215 Eight American Silverplate Footed Bowls, first half 20th century, various manufacturers, with gadrooned, beaded or pierced decoration, dia. 4-1/4” to -3/4”, six weighted, the other two 6.82 total t. oz. [200/400]

1222 Early American-Style Surrey and Rider Copper Weather Vane, h. 59-3/4”, d. 16-1/2”, l. 32-1/4”. [500/800] Illustrated 1223 American Cast Metal Horse and Buggy Weathervane, h. 10-1/2”, l. 30-1/2”. [200/400] 1224 Boston Queen Anne-Style Mahogany Wing Chair, 20th century, h. 45-1/4”, w. 30-1/2”, d. 26-1/2”. [200/400] 1225 American Federal-Style Mahogany Cabinet, second quarter 20th century, with a brass plaque reading “W. & J. Sloane Saw-Kill Furniture”, h. 83”, w. 39”, d. 18-1/2”. [200/400] Illustrated 1226 Vernacular American Stained Poplar Corner Cabinet, ca. 1800, in two parts, on a base with a drawer over a paneled door, on bracket feet, h. 85”, w. 38”, d. 20-1/4”. [300/500] 1225


1216 Six American Sterling Silver Reticulated Sandwich Plates, first half 20th century, various manufacturers, two monogrammed, dia. 8” to 10-1/4”, 41.48 total t. oz. [700/1000] Illustrated 1217 Two American Sterling Silver Bowls, first quarter 20th century, including a Towle “Louis XV” condiment bowl, dia, 7-1/2” and a similar Randahl Shop vegetable bowl, dia. 9-1/2”, the latter monogrammed “K.D.O’N”, 12.02 total t. oz. [200/400] 1218 Two American Silverplate Trays, including a Friedman oval example with pierced gallery, l. 23”, and a Poole rectangular example, l. 26”, both with rococo rim. [125/250] 1219 Set of Twelve Samuel Kirk & Son Sterling Silver and Glass “Repousse” Drinks Coasters, mid-20th century, Baltimore, Maryland, dia. 4”. [125/250]



1237 Almarie Little (American, 1923-2002), “Antoine’s Restaurant”, acrylic on canvasboard, signed and titled, 12” x 16”. Framed. [100/200] 1238 Group of Three Cityscapes, 20th century, including an oil on paper of Venice by Giovanni Casadei (Italian/Philadelphia, b. 1956) and two oils on canvas of New Orleans, signed Battas Alla, sights 12” x 9” to 18” x 6”. All framed. [500/800] 1239 Louisiana School (20th/21st Century), “Rainy Day in the French Quarter” and “Cafe du Monde”, two oil on board, both illegibly signed, 14” x 11” and 12” x 16”. Both framed. [600/900] Illustrated

1227 Pair of American Colonial Revival Brass Steeple-Top Andirons, ca. 1900, h. 24-1/2”, w. 11”, d. 18-1/4”. [200/400]


1228 American Sheraton Maple Bench, first quarter 19th century, New England, h. 33”, w. 72”, d. 20”. [300/500] 1229 Anglo-American Banded and Inlaid Mahogany Camel-Back Sofa in the Chippendale Taste, fourth quarter 19th century, probably New England, upholstered in peach damask, h. 36”, w. 85”, d. 26”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 1230 American Sheraton Mahogany Sideboard, 19th century, probably Baltimore, the rectangular top above a case fitted with two drawers over two paneled side cupboards, h. 36”, w. 33”, d. 19-1/2”. [800/1200]

1240 Rex Robinson (American/Louisiana, 20th/21st Century), “Old Town Villa” and “Green Shutters”, two watercolors on paper, both signed and dated “81”, sights 16” x 12” and 20” x 14”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [300/500]

1231 Vernacular American Cypress Hutch Table, ca. 1800, midAtlantic states, the rectilinear tilt-top on a bench of single board construction, h. 30-1/2”, raised h. 51”, w. 58”, d. 34”, [200/400] 1232 Southern Vernacular Hickory Wood Yarn Winder, early 19th century, h. 26”, w. 21-1/2”, d. 18”. [200/400] 1233 Southern Vernacular Cypress Slant-Lid Desk, late 19th century, h. 35”, w. 31”, d. 32”. [300/500] 1234 Thirteen-Piece Collection of Vintage Painted Wooden Fishing Lures and a Lead and Tin Weight, l. 6” to 8-1/4”. [450/700] 1235 Empire-Style Cypress Bookcase, with adjustable shelves and glass doors, h. 89”, w. 43-3/4”, d. 18-1/2”. [800/1200] 1236 American Folk Art Carved and Painted Dog Figure, the reclining hound dog resting on a sponge-painted wooden plinth, h. 22-1/4”, w. 32-1/2”, d. 15-1/4”. [500/800] Illustrated

1239 one of two

1241 Collection of Five American Works on paper, including a watercolor, etchings, and lithographs, all signed, some titled and numbered, sights 6-1/2” x 4-1/4” to 7” x 6”. All glazed, matted, and framed. [300/500]


1242 1242 Rolland Golden ( American/New Orleans, b. 1931), “The Red Cabin”, 1961, watercolor on paper, signed and dated, sight 18” x 24”. Glazed, matted and framed. [700/1000] Illustrated 1243 Rolland Golden (American/New Orleans, b. 1931), pair of graphites on paper, signed and dated, sights 10” x 13 and 10-3/4” x 7-1/2”. Both glazed, matted, and framed. [300/500] 1244 Collection of Two Louisiana Watercolors, 20th century, “French Quarter Courtyard” and “French Quarter Street Scene”, sights 14-3/8” x 21-3/8” and 29-1/2” x 21”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [300/500]

1251 one of two

1246 Southern School (20th/21st Century), “Portrait of a Cotton Picker”, oil on canvas, signed lower right “P. Morris”, 16” x 12”. Framed. [500/800] 1247 Collection of Three Confederate States of America Bonds, sights 14” x 12”, 16-3/4” x 13-1/2” and 17-1/2” x 15”. All glazed and framed. [200/400] 1248 Robert de Vaugundy (French, 1688-1766), “Map of the Mouth of the Mississippi”, 1763, sight 9” x 7-1/4”, together with a hand-colored engraving of “The Royal or African Company of Merchants”, sight 13” x 17-3/4”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1249 Pair of Currier and Ives Hand-Colored Engravings of Battle Scenes, 19th Century, each signt 9-3/4” x 13”. Glazed, matted, and framed. [100/200] 1250 “Battle of New Orleans” Black and White Engraving, printed by Y. Saurman, published by McCarty and Davis Booksellers, Printers and Stationers, Philadelphia, July 1817, sheet 15” x 19”. Glazed, matted and framed. [250/400]

1245 1245 Nan Simmons (American/Louisiana, 20th/21st Century), “Pepper Pickers-Avery Island”, oil on masonite, signed and titled en verso, 24” x 24”. Framed. [200/400] Illustrated


1251 Collection of Two McKenney and Hall Portrait Gallery of the American Indians, hand colored lithographs of “Julcee-Mathla” and “Pah-She-Pah-How”, second quarter 19th century, sheet size 19-1/2” x 14-3/8”. Both unframed. [250/400] Illustrated

1256 Suite of Six Heraldic Engravings, first quarter 19th century, engraved by G. Aikman, Edinburgh, sight 10-1/2” x 8”. All glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1257 J. Gould and H. C. Richter, J. Wolf and W. Hart (British, 19th Century), “Grus Cinerea” and “Ardea Purpurea”, two hand colored lithographs, sight 14-3/8” x 20” and 13-5/8” x 19-5/8”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [150/300] 1258 John Gould and H. C. Richter (British, 19th Century), two hand-colored lithographs, sight 18-3/4” x 11-3/4”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [200/400]

1260 one of four

1252 Kolene E. Spicher (American/Nantucket, 20th Century), f three watercolors on paper, including: “Portrait of Absalom Boston”, “Phoebe Ann Boston” and “African Meeting House”, each signed and titled, sights 8-3/4” x 10-1/2” - 18-1/2” x 13-3/4”. All glazed and framed. To be sold for the benefit of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans. [800/1200] 1253 Pair of French Napoleonic Engravings of Battle Scenes, 19th century, each sight 19” x 25”. Glazed and framed. [150/300]

1259 J. Gould and H. C. Richter (British, 19th Century), “Platalea Leucordia” and “Botarus Stellaris”, pair of hand-colored lithographs, sight 14” x 20”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1260 J. Gould and H. C. Richter (British, 19th Century), collection of four hand-colored lithographs, each sight 13-1/2” x 20”. All glazed, matted and framed. [400/600] Illustrated 1261 After Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), collection of three hand colored engravings from Illustrations of British Ornitolog y, sight each 29” x 23-1/2”. All glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] Illustrated 1262 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), collection of six lithographs of birds, printed by J. T. Bowen, each sight 6” x 9-1/2”. Each glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 1263 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), collection of three hand-colored lithographs, printed by J. T. Bowen, each sight 5-3/4” x 8-3/4”. All glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1264 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), “Brown Pelican”, offset chromolithograph, 20th century, sight 18” x 14”. Glazed, matted and framed. [100/200]

1261 one of three

1254 French Engraving of Napoleon and Josephine, ca. 1804, from Ceremonies du Sacre et du Couronnement de la Majeste Imperiale NapoleonLe-Grand, sight 19” x 14-3/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1255 Pair of British Lithographed Portraits, of George I and George II, 9th century, each in a cartouche surround with figural supporters and a secondary historical tondo, overall 25” x 20”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400]

1265 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), collection of six lithographs of birds, printed by J. T. Bowen, each sight 5” x 8-1/2”. Each glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 1266 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), collection of four hand colored lithographs, printed by J. T. Bowen, sight each 5-3/4” x 8-3/4” and 6-1/2” x 9”. All glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1267 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), “Spermophilus Spilosoma”, Plate CIX, hand colored lithograph, printed by J. T. Bowen, 1847, sight18-3/4” x 24-3/4”.Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400]


1268 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851), “Hooded Mergauser”, offset lithograph, 20th century, sight 24” x 30”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400]

1277 Pair of American Sheraton Polychrome Fancy Chairs, second quarter 19th century, each with a gilt-stenciled crest rail and splat, rush seat and turned legs with box stretcher, h. 32-1/2”. [150/300] 1278 Group of Eight Framed Colonial Revival Silhouettes, the tallest, h. 6-3/4”. [300/500] 1279 Pair of Early American-Style Silhouettes, 20th century, after William Doyle of Boston, signed “Doyle”, h. 6-1/4”, w. 6-1/2”. [300/500] 1280 American Classical Parcel-Gilt, Brass-Mounted and Stenciled Mahogany Parlor Cabinet, ca. 1825, the projecting cornice over a stenciled frieze and a sliding glazed door, the lower portion with a projecting drawer with stenciled face on turned, carved legs, formerly fitted as a piano, h. 74-3/4”, w. 51”, d. 23-1/4”. [500/800] Illustrated

1276 1269 Set of Four British Hand-Colored Botanical Engravings, late 19th Century, published by W. Curtis, each sight 8-1/2” x 5”. Glazed, matted, and framed alike. [200/400] 1270 Collection of Four Decorative Botanical Prints, each sight 14-1/2” x 11”. Each glazed, matted and presented in a polychrome frame. [400/700] 1271 Edward Joseph Lowe (British, 1825-1900), “Ferns”, suite of eight chromolithographs, London, 1880, sight 9-1/2” x 6”. Glazed, matted, and in green-stained burlwood frames. [350/500] 1272 Suite of Eighteen Hand-Colored Engravings, from George Shaw (British, 1751-1813) and Frederick Polydore Nodder (British, 1770-ca. 1801) The Naturalist’s Miscellany, published London: Nodder & Co., 1790-1813, sheet 9” x 5”. All unframed. [200/400] 1273 Pair of American Lithographs of Grasshoppers, pencilnumbered and titled, each sight 4” x 5-1/4”. Attractively matted, glazed and framed alike. [100/200] 1274 Jay Kemp (American, Contemporary), “Looking for Trouble”, limited edition print, signed in pencil lower right, numbered lower left, sight 18” x 24”. Glazed, matted and framed. [100/200] 1275 After Richard Sloan (American, 1935-2007), “Bald Eagle”, color lithograph, signed, 22” x 28”. Glazed and framed. [200/400] 1276 Terry Redlin (American, b. 1936), “Night Flight”, limited edition print, from the Ducks Unlimited 1983 Artist of the Year Painting, pencil signed lower right, numbered lower left, sight 18” x 27”. Glazed, matted and framed. [500/800] Illustrated


1281 Small Classical Ebonized and Giltwood Looking Glass, second quarter 19th century, English or American, h. 29”, w. 13-1/2”. [100/200] 1282 Late Classical Giltwood Bipartite Looking Glass, late 19th century, h. 38-1/2”, w. 24-1/2”. [300/500] 1283 American Gilt-Brass and Marble Solar Lamp, mid-19th century, probably New York, the marble base supports a fluted, tapered standard and a leaf-molded font, set with a blown, cut and frosted glass shade in the period fashion, h. 23”, dia. 9-1/4”. [150/300] 1280


1288 one of a pair

1284 American Empire Mahogany Tabernacle Mirror, second quarter 19th century, h. 39”, w. 22-1/2”. [150/300] 1285 Pair of Canary Glass Candlesticks, 20th century, the dolphinform candlesticks in the style of Boston and Sandwich, retailed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, h. 10-3/4”. [100/200] 1286 American Sheraton Tall-Post Bedstead, early 20th century, in the style of a New England field bed, h. 77”, inside w. 50-3/4”, inside l. 77-1/2”, outside w. 55”, outside l. 82-1/2”. [200/400] 1287 American Classical Giltwood and Stenciled Mahogany Pier Table, ca. 1825, New York, h. 36-3/4”, w. 42”, d. 17-1/2”. [2500/4000] Illustrated 1288 Pair of American Empire Revival Carved Mahogany Twin Poster Beds, ca. 1900, on ball-and-claw feet, h. 70-1/2”, w. 45”, l. 82”. [700/1000] Illustrated

1293 American Late Classical Mahogany Drop-Leaf Work Table, second quarter 19th century, with a pair of molded drawers on a shaped pedestal, h. 28-3/4”, w. 19”, l. 20”, extended l. 35-1/2”. [300/500] 1294 American Late Classical Mahogany Wash Stand, second quarter 19th century, with a cyma-molded drawer over a pair of doors, h. 28-3/4”, w. 32”, d. 20”. [200/400] 1295 Classical Revival Mahogany-Veneered Box Sofa, ca. 1900, h. 38-3/4”, w. 76-1/2”, d. 33-1/4”. [700/1000] Illustrated


1289 American Sheraton Cherry Tall Post Bed, second quarter 19th century, the head posts supporting a headboard with a scrolling broken-arch crest, h. 76”, inside w. 51”, inside l. 75”, outside w. 59”, outside l. 85”. [300/500] 1290 American Empire Revival Mahogany Shaving Mirror, ca. 1900, h. 25”, w. 27”, d. 11”. [300/500] 1291 American Late Classical Mahogany Work Table, second quarter 19th century, New England, the top flanked by deep leaves, h. 28-1/2”, w. 18”, d. 17”, extended w. 35”. [300/500]

1296 Pair of American Late Classical Mahogany Console Tables, second quarter 19th century and later, h. 28”, w. 35”, d. 17”. [300/500]

1292 American Late Classical Mahogany Drop-Leaf Work Table, mid-19th century, with a pair of molded doors, graduated pedestal and bun feet, h. 28-1/2”, w. 17-1/4”, d. 17”, extended l. 34”. [200/400]

1297 American Empire Revival Mahogany Split-Pedestal Dining Table, first quarter 20th century, h. 29-1/4”, dia. 53”. [800/1200]


1303 American Empire Revival Mahogany Split-Pedestal Banquet Table, fourth quarter 19th century, in the Philadelphia style, the gadrooned top with eight matching leaves with carved edges, includes a wooden storage rack fitted for eight leaves h. 28”, w. 54”, l. 52-1/2”, extended l.166”. [800/1200] 1304 1302

1298 1298 American Late Classical Mahogany and Marble-Top Center Table, second quarter 19th century, the serpentine white marble top over a conforming frieze, raised on scroll legs joined by a central cylindrical rondel, h. 31”, w. 37”, d. 31”. [400/700] Illustrated 1299 American Classical Mahogany Center Table, mid-19th century, h. 29-1/2”, dia. 24-1/2”. [200/400] 1300 Pair of American Late Classical Revival Mahogany Sidechairs, ca. 1900, each with a scrolling rail and splat, saber front legs and slip seat in deep blue and gray brocade, h. 33-1/8”. [50/80] 1301 American Empire Revival Mahogany Pedestal Base Dressing Table and Mirror, h. 65-1/2”, w. 41”, d. 20”. [400/700] 1302 American Classical Mahogany-Veneered Center Table, second quarter 19th century, with a later green marble top, h. 28”, w. 35-1/4”, d. 21-1/4”. [400/700] Illustrated

American Classical Mahogany and Cherry Work Table, second quarter 19th century, in the Sheraton taste, with a pair of figured drawers, on turned legs with ball feet, h. 29”, w. 21”, d. 17-1/2”. [250/400] 1305 American Late Classical Mahogany Work Table, second quarter 19th century and later, with a single frieze drawer, and scroll feet, height reduced, h. 29”, w. 20”, d. 18-1/2”. [50/80] 1306 OPEN 1307


1307 American Late Classical Mahogany Bookcase/Armoire, mid-19th century, with a projecting cyma-molded cornice over a pair of doors, h. 91”, w. 69”, d. 29-1/2”. [800/1200] Illustrated 1308 Pair of Late Classical-Style Mahogany Gondola-Form Sidechairs early 20th century, of the type traditionally dubbed “Signoret chairs” in New Orleans, h. 34”. [200/400]


1316 Knute Heldner (Swedish/New Orleans, 1877-1952), “On the Levee”, oil on masonite, signed, 10-3/4” x 12-1/4”. Framed. [6000/9000] Illustrated 1317 Harrel Gray (American/Louisiana, 1911-1979), “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness”, oil on canvasboard, signed and titled, 16” x 20”. Framed. [500/800] Illustrated

1310 1309 Suite of Six American Late Classical Revival Mahogany Dining Chairs, ca. 1900, now upholstered in faux leopard print, h. 34”. [200/400] 1310 Alexander John Drysdale (American/Louisiana, 1870-1934), “Bayou Landscape with a Live Oak”, oil wash on board, signed and dated “1921”, sight 9-1/2” x 29”. Glazed, matted and framed. [2000/4000] Illustrated

1316 1318 Franco Minei (Italian, b. 1922), “Last Summer Evening”, acrylic on panel, signed, labels en verso, 19-1/2” x 21-3/4”. Framed. [400/700]

1311 1311 Robert Clements (American/Louisiana, b. 1937), “Swamp Idyll”, oil on canvas, signed and dated “1959”, 39-1/2” x 59”. Framed. [300/500] Illustrated

1319 Pair of Boston and Sandwich-Style Glass, Marble and Brass Electrified Lamps, first quarter 20th century, American, mounted with shades, h. 8-1/2”, overall, h. 15”. [200/400]

1312 Southern School (Second Quarter 20th Century), “River Landscape”, watercolor on paper, initialed, sheet 12” x 8-3/4”. Glazed and framed. [200/400] 1313 Louisiana School (Second Quarter 20th Century), “Grand Isle Beach Cottages”, oil on canvas, signed “Bessie Voisin”, 23-3/4” x 36”. Framed. [400/700] 1314 George Dunbar (American/Louisiana, b. 1927), “Abstract Venice”, lithograph, signed in pencil lower right, pencil numbered lower left “10/30”, sheet 12-1/2” x 19-5/8”. Unframed [150/300] 1315 Harrel Gray (American/Louisiana, 1911-1979), “The Merle G”, ink and wash on paper, signed, sight 8” x 12”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500]

1317 1320 Harper’s Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion, ca. 1868, New York, a two-volume set in leatherette bindings, h. 16-1/2”, w. 12”. [200/400]


1325 one of a pair

1325 Rare Pair of American Bench-Made Mahogany Twin Beds, in the manner of C. Lee, early 20th century, h. 72”, inside w. 39”, inside l. 78”, outside w. 48”, outside l. 84”. [2000/4000] Illustrated 1326 American Rococo Revival Walnut Bed, third quarter 19th century, the arched headboard with applied fruit and foliate carving over shaped panels, with a wrap footboard, h. 81”, inside, w. 58”, l. 78”, outside, w. 61”, l. 84”. [300/500] 1327 Pair of “Romeo and Juliet” Model Single-Light Girandoles, mid-19th century, New York, attributed to Dietz, h. 13-3/4”, w. 6”, d. 4”. [200/400] 1332

1321 Victorian-Style Lamp, with a butterfly-decorated pink opaline stem, electrified, h. 18-3/4”, dia. 6-1/2”. [100/200] 1322 Gilt-Brass, Marble and Glass Kerosene Table Lamp, third quarter 19th century, probably New England, the double-stepped marble base supports a tapered and fluted standard, retaining its original gilt-lacquer finish, h. 19”, dia. 6-1/2”. [150/300]


1328 Three-Piece Girandole Set, mid-19th century, the set in “squirrel” and “bird” patterns, retaining most of its original gilt, the largest, h. 16-3/4”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 3-3/4”. [150/300]

1323 Two American Astral Lamps, third quarter 19th century, one a labeled Cornelius and Baker gilt-lacquered example with a marble base and “back-cut Albert” spear prisms, h. 15”, together with a white overlay cut-to-clear example with a milk glass vase, h. 23-1/4”. [300/500] 1324 Good American Cut White Overlay and Milk Glass Astral Lamp, third quarter 19th century, fitted with a vasiform “Vintage”-cut and partially frosted glass shade and a period narrow blown glass chimney, not electrified, h. 23-1/4”, dia.7-1/4”. [200/400]


1329 Three-Piece “Joan of Arc” Girandole Set, mid-19th century, New York or Philadelphia, comprised of a three-light center, h. 19”, w. 14-1/2”, and a pair of single-light flankers, h. 15-1/2”, retaining an original gilt-lacquer surface. [75/125] 1330 Melodeon in Classical Rosewood Case, labeled “Ira Rose, Akron, OH, 1856-61”, h. 32-1/2”, w. 66-1/2”, d. 26”. [500/800] Illustrated 1331 American Empire Mahogany Games Table, second quarter 19th century, New York, h. 28-1/2”, w. 35-1/2”, d. 18-1/2”. [200/400] 1332 American Rococo Revival Faux Rosewood Marble-Top Dresser, third quarter 19th century, probably Cincinnati, Ohio, h. 86-1/2”, w. 41-1/2”, d. 20”. [800/1200] Illustrated

1333 Exceptional Pair of Rococo Revival Carved Walnut Picture Frames, mid-19th century, probably American, h. 24”, w. 24-1/2”. [600/900] 1334 Baroque Carved Walnut Looking Glass, 18th century and later, h. 58”, w. 41”. [4000/7000] Illustrated 1335 American Rococo Revival Mahogany Dresser, mid19th century, with a pierced mirror support, h. 62-1/2”, w. 40-1/2”, d. 19-3/4”. [400/700]


1339 American Rococo Revival Rosewood Center Table, third quarter 19th century, h. 30”, w. 40”, d. 27”. [200/400] 1340 American Renaissance Revival Marble-Top Side Table, third quarter 19th century, the oval marble top over a molded apron, above a molded base with center column and four legs, h. 30”, w. 21”, d. 16-1/2”. [100/200] 1341 American Walnut-Stained Child’s Lincoln Rocker, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 24”, w. 15”, d. 21”. [100/200] 1342 American Rococo Revival Walnut Two-Piece Parlor Group, ca. 1900, comprised of an armchair and a rocking chair, each with a floral-carved crest, corseted back and serpentine seat rail, armchair, h. 38”, rocker, h. 37-1/2”. [125/250]

1336 American Rococo Revival Walnut Looking Glass, second half 19th century, with an arched mirror plate and a crest carved in “vintage” decor, h. 42-1/2”, w. 23-1/2”. [125/250]

1343 American School (Third Quarter 19th Century), “Portrait of a Young Widow with a Gold Chain”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 26” x 21”. Framed. [300/500]

1337 Jacques Guillaume Lucien Amans (French, 1801-1888; Active New Orleans, 1836-1856), “Portrait of a Creole Girl in White”, 1843, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, 16” x 13-1/2”. Framed. Provenance: Collection of Phyllis Hudson, New Orleans, Louisiana. [5000/8000] Illustrated 1338 American Rococo Revival Walnut Bedstead, third quarter 19th century, the arched head- and footboard each with applied foliate, floral and scroll carving, the rails with scroll brackets and the footboard with wrap ends, h. 84”, inside, w. 58”, l. 74”, outside, w. 62-1/4”, l. 82”. [1000/1500]

1345 1344 American School (Third Quarter 19th Century), “Portrait of an Elderly Lady”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 26” x 21”. In a period giltwood and gesso frame. [300/500] 1345 American School (Second Quarter 19th Century), “Portrait of Two Young Women, One Playing a Lute”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 27” x 27”. In a giltwood and gesso frame with a circular window. [4000/7000] Illustrated


1346 Southern School (Third Quarter 19th Century), “Portrait of a Creole Lady”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 30-1/4” x 25-1/4”. Framed. [300/500]


1355 Single Cylinder Swiss Music Box, fourth quarter 19th century, line-inlaid faux rosewood case, playing ten aires, h. 6-1/2”, w. 18-3/4”, d. 8-3/4”. [800/1200] 1356 Swiss Inlaid Walnut Single-Cylinder Music Box with Jacot Safety Check, fourth quarter 19th century, playing ten airs, h. 7”, w. 19-3/4”, d. 9-3/4”. [1200/1800] 1357 American Blown Cranberry Art Glass Epergne, fourth quarter 19th century, with clear appliques, h. 21”, dia. 10-1/4”. [200/400] 1358 Continental Iris-Form Brass Sconce, ca. 1900, with a pink art glass shade, h. 19-1/2”, w. 4-1/4”, d. 8”. [100/200]

1348 1347 Arthur Bowen Davies (American, 1863-1928), “Portrait of a Red-Haired Woman in Profile”, pastel on paper, signed , sight 9” x 7”. Glazed and framed. [300/500]

1359 American Walnut Tall-Post Bedstead, mid-19th century, of the type crafted for the Antebellum Southern market, the octagonal posts capped by conical turnings and supporting a paneled headboard with a scroll top rail, h. 94”, inside w. 77”, inside l. 56-1/4”, outside w. 82”, outside l. 63”. [1000/1500]


1348 Follower of John Hoppner (British, 1758-1810), “Portrait of a Child in White, in a Landscape, Holding a Rake”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 44” x 34”. In a giltwood and gesso frame. [300/500] Illustrated 1349 Ernest Moore (British, 1865-1940), “Portrait of Col. C. H. Nevill”, oil on canvas, signed lower left, 37” x 28”. In a giltwood and gesso frame. [400/700] 1350 American School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “Portrait of a Man”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 34” x 27”. In a period giltwood and gesso frame. [400/700] 1351 American School (19th Century), “Portrait of a Woman” , pastel on paper, unsigned, period carte-de-visite portrait inset lower right, sight 21” x 17-1/2”. Framed. [200/400] 1352* British School (Second Quarter 19th Century), “Portrait of a Girl in Blue”, oil and pastel on canvas, unsigned, 26-1/2” x 22-1/2”. Glazed and framed. [125/250] 1353 Two Miniature Portraits of Gentlemen, 19th century, both watercolors on ivory, the largest, h. 5-3/4”, w. 4-3/4”. [150/300] 1354 Swiss Single-Cylinder Music Box, fourth quarter 19th century, in a marquetry-inlaid case with a carved ivory escutcheon, playing twelve airs, h. 7-3/4”, w. 27-1/2”, d. 10-1/4”. [2000/4000] Illustrated


1360 American Rococo Revival Oak Sideboard, third quarter 19th century, the period marble top on a case with a pair of drawers over a pair of doors with fruit- and foliate-carved panels, h. 42-1/2”, w. 53-1/2”, d. 19-1/2”. [300/500] 1361 American Rococo Revival Carved Walnut Armoire, third quarter 19th century, now glazed and fitted as a bookcase, h. 104-3/4”, w. 60”, d. 18”. [700/1000] 1362 American Rococo Revival Walnut Double-Door Bookcase, third quarter 19th century, h. 99”, w. 54-1/2”, d. 12-1/2”. [700/1000]

1363 Classical Revival Carved Marble Floor Lamp Standard, ca. 1927, probably Italian, the bold paw feet support the covemolded base, carved with swags, the tapered leaf-carved standard supports four interlocking carved putti, under the upper acanthus leaf-carved standard, h. 71”, dia. 17-1/2”. Provenance: Saenger Theatre, New Orleans, Louisiana. [1500/2500] Illustrated


1364 Carved Mahogany Bed in the Rococo Taste, with a carved head and footboard, manufactured to accommodate a contemporary king-size mattress, h. 60”, inside, w. 78-1/4”, l. 81-1/2”, outside, w. 81”, l. 92”. [300/500] 1365 American Rococo Revival Giltwood Looking Glass, third quarter 19th century, of oval form with a pierced foliate crest with a central shield in the cartouche, h. 61”, w. 29”. [300/500]

1373 Chromolithograph Printed Masonic Record, dated 1876, by Carson and Barnard, New York and Chicago, in a period walnut frame, h. 30-3/4”, w. 24-3/4”. [100/200] 1374 Pair of Enameled Metal Candlesticks, in the Egypto-Revival style, h. 15-3/4”, dia. 4-3/4”. [200/400] 1375 George Bauer Dunbar (American/Louisiana, b. 1927), “Coin du Lestin”, gold and palladium leaf over red clay, signed lower right, 24” x 36”. Framed. [9000/12000] Illustrated 1376 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013), “Blue Dog”, mixed media on board, including silkscreen, signed lower left, 18” x 14”. Framed. [4000/7000] Illustrated 1377 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013), “Home On the Moon”, offset lithograph, signed lower right, sight 12-1/2” x 24”. Glazed, matted and framed. [800/1200] Illustrated 1378 American School (Fourth Quarter 20th Century), “Walking Figures in Blue”, oil on canvas, signed “T. Harris”, 38” x 38”. Framed. [400/700] Illustrated


1366 American Renaissance Revival Gilt-Incised Walnut Looking Glass, third quarter 19th century, h. 56-1/2”, w. 28”. [50/80] 1367 American Gothic Revival Mahogany-Veneered Mirror, third quarter 19th century, h. 41-1/4”, w. 24-1/4”. [100/200] 1368 Unusual American Gothic Revival Walnut and Cast Iron Work Table, third quarter 19th century, h. 31”, w. 27”, d. 18”. [500/800] 1369 American Renaissance Revival Burled Walnut and Walnut Cylinder Secretary, third quarter 19th century, in two parts, h. 87”, w. 43”, d. 25”. [600/900] Illustrated 1370 American Allegorical Bronze of “Commerce and Industry”, 19th century, the female figure with caduceus and anchor, h. 18-1/4”, w. 7”, d. 4-1/2”. [200/400] 1371 American Walnut Aesthetic Pier Mirror, fourth quarter 19th century, with a marble-top bracket and incised decoration, h. 97-1/2”, w. 24-3/4”, d. 10”. [400/700] 1372 Two Oval Mirrors in American Walnut Frames, third quarter 19th century, h. 29”, w. 25” and h. 25-1/2”, w. 21-1/2”. [150/300]







1387 Seven-Piece Brunt Art Ware Pottery Ale Set, fourth quarter 19th century, comprising a jug and six matching tankards, each marked “Brunt Art Ware”, the jug also marked “Warranted WPB Co.”, jug, h. 12”, dia. 6-1/4”, tankards, h. 4-1/2”, dia. 4”. [200/400] 1388 American Metal-Bound Wooden Camelback Trunk, first quarter 20th century, h. 24”, w. 30”, d. 19-1/4”. [150/300] 1389 Stained Pine Steamer Trunk, ca. 1900, with slightly domed top and metal strapwork, h. 23-1/2”, w. 34”, d. 21”. [150/300] 1390 American Empire Revival Mahogany Pedestal, h. 35”, w. 14”, d. 14”. [100/200] 1391 American Incised Walnut and Marble-Top Center Table, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 28-1/4”, w. 27”, d. 19-1/2”. [100/200] 1386 1379 J. van Leeuwen (Dutch, 20th Century), “Repose”, oil on wood panel, signed lower right, 20” x 16”. Framed. [400/700] 1380 Emmanuel Lamotte (American, 1916-1998), “Woman in Teal”, 1962, oil on canvas, signed, 20” x 14”. Framed. [200/400]

1392 American Aesthetic Movement Mother-of-Pearl, Mixed Metal and Marquetry Inlaid Mahogany Occasional Table, fourth quarter 19th century, attributed to Herts Brothers, New York, h. 34”, w. 15-1/4”, d. 15-1/4”. [900/1200] Illustrated


1381 Marcel Vertes (Hungarian/American, 1895-1961), “Girl with Purple Flowers”, oil on canvas, signed, verso “Arthur Lenars & Cie, Paris” label, 24” x 18”. Framed. [1500/2500] 1382 Igor Pantuhoff (Russian, 1911-1972), “Portrait of a Young Girl”, oil on canvas, signed lower right, 34-1/2” x 16”. Unframed. [200/400] 1383 American School (Fourth Quarter 20th Century), “Study of Dancers”, pastel and chalk on paper, illegibly signed lower right, sight 14-3/4” x 9-1/2”. Glazed, matted and framed. [75/125] 1384 Jean-Marie Carzou (French, 1907-2000), “Femme au Partique”, etching in colors, 1963, pencil signed, dated, and numbered, verso with “London Grafica Arts” label, sight 17-1/4” x 21-3/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 1385 David Outhwaite (American, Contemporary), “Study for Los Cerrillos #2”, acrylic on canvas, 1977, signed and dated verso canvas, 45” x 66”. Framed. [700/1000] 1386 Marie Atkinson Hull (American/Mississippi, 1890-1980), “Still Life with Red Roses”, oil on canvasboard, signed, 12” x 16-3/4”. Framed. [1500/2500] Illustrated



1401 American Aesthetic Movement Ebonized Occasional Table, fourth quarter 19th century, with a rectilinear inset leather top, and a molded and scalloped support, the legs joined by box stretchers, each with a gilt-incised panel, h. 29”, w. 33”, d. 24”. [200/400] 1402 American Brass Two-Light Desk Lamp with Steuben-Style Shades, first quarter 20th century, the shades bearing spurious signatures, h. 23-3/4”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 5-1/4”. [300/500] 1403 1397

1393 American Aesthetic Movement Ormolu-Mounted Mahogany Single-Drawer Stand, fourth quarter 19th century, attributed to Herts Brothers, New York, h. 30-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 12”. [400/700] 1394 American Parcel-Gilt and Ebonized Aesthetic Mirror, third quarter 19th century, with gilt incising, h. 44-1/2”, w. 41”. [900/1200] Illustrated 1395 Renaissance Revival Walnut Hall Chair, third quarter 19th century, carved with an owl with glass eyes, h. 39-3/4”, w. 18-1/2”, d. 17-1/2”. [300/500] 1396 Carved and Painted Octagonal Tabouret, probably Indian, with a hinged base, h. 19-1/2”, dia. 17-3/4”. [200/400] 1397 American Renaissance Revival Brass Eight-Light Gasolier/ Electrolier, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 56”, dia. 41”. [1800/2500] Illustrated 1398 Pair of French Bronze Two-Light Mirrored Sconces, first quarter 19th century, with aesthetic details, h. 17-3/4”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 4”. [200/400] 1399 Hand-Painted Willets Belleek Vase, Trenton, New Jersey, decorated with egrets, signed “AMJ 09” and transfer-printed with the brown Willets mark, h. 10-1/4”, dia. 5-1/2”. [250/300] 1400 American Aesthetic Movement Ebonized and Gilt-Incised Drop-Leaf Games Table, fourth quarter 19th century, bearing a stamped label inside the drawer “Manufactured by A. Cutler & Son, Buffalo, N.Y. Patented June 29, 1875”, h. 29”, dia. 36”. [400/700]


American Hand-Enameled Rubina Verde Blown Glass Bride’s Basket, fourth quarter 19th century, in a silverplate frame by E. G. Webster and Sons, Brooklyn, New York, h. 11-3/4”, w. 13-3/4”, dia. 10-3/4”. [200/400] 1404 Three Continental Automatons, 20th century, one with a single bird and faux enamel trim, h. 11-1/2”, one with two birds in a gilded cage encrusted with “rubies”, h. 10”, and one with a single bird on a matte-finished base, h. 10-1/4”. [800/1200] Illustrated


1405 Gilt-Brass Enameled Music Box, second quarter 20th century, German or Swiss, h. 2”, w. 4”, d. 2-3/4”. [100/200] 1406 Chelsea Bronze-Cased Marine Clock, 20th century, Boston, mounted on a mahogany back, the circular ship’s clock with a silvered dial marked “Chelsea Clock Co., Boston, U.S.A. Ship’s Bell”, h. 10-1/2”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 4-1/2”. [150/300]

1415 Daum Nancy Art Deco Glass Lamp Base, French, second quarter 20th century, the molded and acid-frosted Art Deco base signed “Daum Nancy, France”, along with the cross of Lorraine, h. 10-3/4”, dia. 7-3/4”. [100/200] 1416 Baronial-Style Brass, Patinated Brass and Opalescent Glass Five-Light Chandelier, early 20th century, in the Gothic taste, h. 34”, dia. 25”. [1000/1500] Illustrated 1417 Contemporary Feathered Art Glass Vase, by Orient & Flume, Chico, California, marked on the base, h. 7-1/2”, dia. 6-1/4”. [100/200] 1418 Seven-Piece Collection of American Cranberry Opalescent Glass, 20th century, including a daisy fern pitcher, h. 6-1/2”, and a pitcher, h. 9-3/4”, and five tumblers in a related pattern, h. 4”. [200/400]


1407 Vintage United States Navy Sextant, in an oak case, marked “US Navy no 777”, h. 5”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 9-1/2”. [200/400] 1408 Vintage Bausch and Lomb Microscope, in a fitted oak case with a nickel-plated handle, h. 13-1/2”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 8”. [100/200] 1409 French Signed Seismograph, first quarter 20th century, in a bronze and beveled glass case, signed “Naudet et Cie”, h. 5-1/2”, w. 5-1/4”, l. 8-1/2”. [100/200] 1410 Enterprise Coffee Grinder, fourth quarter 19th century, Philadelphia, the side wheels signed “Enterprise Mfg Co, Philadelphia U.S.A., Pat’d Dec. 9, 1873”, h. 12-1/4”, w. 10”, d. 8-3/4”. [300/500] 1411 Collection of Four Folk Art Carved Walking Sticks, 20th century, l. 36” to 81”. [200/400] 1412 Patinated Metal Figure of an Owl, on a domed base, h. 17”. [250/400] 1413 Antique Cast Iron “Nipper”, the RCA Victor Dog, h. 18”, w. 4-3/4”, d. 14-1/2”. [200/400] 1414 Unusual Reverse-Painted and Decoupage Hurricane-Form Lamp, 20th century, the base lushly decorated with decoupaged flowers and birds on a reverse-painted ground, base, h. 17”, overall, h. 31-1/4”, dia. 6-1/4”. [300/500]

1421 1419 Set of Moser-Style Gilt and Enamel-Decorated Stemware, first quarter 20th century, including six goblets, h. 6”, two liqueur glasses, h. 3-1/2”, two vodka cups, h. 4”, and a punch cup, h. 2”. [250/400] 1420 American Late Victorian Mahogany Banquet Table, late 19th century, the circular top mounted to a split pedestal base with four outstretched legs ending in ball-and-claw feet, accompanied by five 12” leaves, h. 29”, dia. 48”, extended l. 108”. [600/900] 1421 Robert Gordy (American/New Orleans, 1933-1986), “Fourth of July”, ca. 1950’s, oil on board, unsigned, 24” x 18”. Framed. Together with a letter from the original owner. Provenance: Gift of the artist; private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana. [800/1200] Illustrated


1422 Louise Guidry (American/Louisiana, b. 1930), “Rie’s Dream II”, acrylic on canvas, signed, 30” x 24”. Unframed. [900/1200] Illustrated 1423 Johnny Friedlander (German, 1912-1992), “Untitled”, etching with aquatint, signed and inscribed, sight 29” x 21”. Glazed, matted and framed. [400/700]

1429 one of four

1431 American Quarter-Sawn Oak Center Table, ca. 1900, the rectilinear top on turned and ring-turned canted legs with brass paw and glass ball feet, h. 29”, w. 42”, d. 27-1/2”. [200/400]

1422 1424 Ann Moise (American/Contemporary), “Heart ‘N Hand”, watercolor on paper, signed and titled, 22-3/4” x 17”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1425 Michael David (American/Nevada, b. 1954), “Untitled #204”, 1991,mixed media on paper, initialed and dated, 26” x 20”. Glazed and framed. [400/700]

1432 Oak Cased Columbia Graphophone, ca. 1900, Bridgeport, Connecticut, the gramophone with a wax cylinder, case, h. 12-1/4”, w. 14-1/4”, d. 8-1/2”. [200/400] 1433 American Late Victorian Oak Recamier, mid-19th century, h. 23”, w. 29”, l. 78”. [200/400] 1434 American Oak Dining Table in the Arts and Colonial Revival Inspiration, early 20th century, with a circular top, an octagonal central pedestal and turned legs, h. 31-1/2”, dia. 49”. [100/200]

1426 Lee White (American/Atlanta, 20th Century), “Untitled”, mixed media on paper, signed, sheet 30-1/4” x 22”. Float mounted. [300/500] 1427 Tony Evans (American/Contemporary), group of three abstract mixed media on glass, each sight 4” x 4”. Mounted, matted and framed. [100/200] 1428 John Morris (American, b. 1965), “Balloon Ride”, oil on canvasboard, signed, 12” x 16”. Framed. [450/700] 1429 Maria Scotti (American, 1942-2012), “Florence Flood of 1966”, four oils on wood panels, 1989, all signed and dated, sizes 5” x 6-1/8” to 6-1/8” x 9-1/2”. [700/1000] Illustrated 1430 American Victorian Oak Pedestal, ca. 1900, h. 40-1/2”, w. 14”, d. 14”. [150/300]



1435 American Late Victorian Quarter-Sawn Oak Dining Table, fourth quarter 19th century, in the manner of R. J. Horner, New York, having four winged griffins surrounding the central turned pedestal, the apron deeply carved and accompanied by three 12” leaves, all with matching carved aprons, h. 30”, dia. 52”, extended l. 88”. [5000/8000] Illustrated

1441 American Victorian Cast Iron and Nickel-Plated Brass Telescopic Floor Lamp, fourth quarter 19th century, the tripartite base with trefoil feet, supporting a central standard with spiral wrapping, h. 75”, dia. 18”. [300/500] 1442 Rare American Quarter-Sawn Oak Examination Table, ca. 1900, bearing the label “Frank S. Betz, Co. Chicago”, h. 31”, w. 43”, d. 22”. [500/800] 1439 1436 1436 Suite of Nine Neo-Renaissance Walnut Dining Chairs, late 19th century, comprised of an armchair, h. 44-1/2”, and eight sidechairs, h. 42”. [800/1200] Illustrated 1437 Fine American Cast Brass Eight-Arm Chandelier, early 20th century, h. 24”, dia. 20”. [800/1200] Illustrated 1438 Hand-Painted Vase, first quarter 20th century, probably Nippon, h. 12-1/4”, dia. 6-1/2”. [100/200]


1443 Arts and Crafts-Style Metal and Slag Glass Lamp, mounted with an antique font, electrified, h. 24-1/2”, w. 11”, d. 11”. [150/300] 1444 Niloak Pottery Mission Ware Vase, first quarter 20th century, Eagle Pottery Co., Benton, Arkansas, with impressed mark and a partial original label, h. 9-1/2”, dia. 4-1/2”. [100/200]


1439 American Late Victorian Mahogany Sideboard/Buffet, ca. 1900, attributed to R.J. Horner, New York, the top with a beaded and beveled mirror plate within foliate-carved S-scroll brackets, the case with a pair of drawers over a trio of drawers and with a full-width drawer below, all adorned with foliate carving, raised on carved paw feet, h. 59”, w. 72”, d. 28”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 1440 American Late Victorian Slag Glass Panel Lamp, ca. 1900, h. 24”, dia. 18”. [200/400] Illustrated



1452 Tiffany Studios Gilt-Bronze “Abalone” Pen Tray, first quarter 20th century, signed “Tiffany Studios, New York, 1159”, w. 2-1/2”, l. 8”. [250/400] 1453 Pair of Continental Art Nouveau Molded Bronze Iris-Form Candlesticks, ca. 1900, h. 11-1/2”, w. 6”. [200/400]


1445 Five-Piece Collection of Roseville, Ohio, “Donatello” Art Pottery, decorated in green and brown with classical figures in bas-relief, comprising a vase marked “Donatello, RPCo”, in a circle, h. 8-1/2”, dia. 4-3/4”, a jardiniere, marked, h. 6-1/4”, dia. 7-3/4”, a footed flowerpot, unsigned, h. 6”, dia. 7-1/4”, a smaller footed flowerpot, h. 5-1/4”, dia. 6-3/4”, and a wall pocket, signed, h. 11-1/2”, w. 5-1/2”. [125/250] 1446 Shearwater, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, Pottery Seagull, ca. 1978, with an antique green glaze and marked with Shearwater’s fiftieth anniversary mark “Shearwater, 1928-78”, h. 5-1/2”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 4-1/4”. [125/250] 1447 Five-Piece Collection of Signed Roycroft Copper Accessories, first quarter 20th century, East Aurora, New York, including a trumpet vase, h. 4-1/2”, a letter holder, h. 3”, w. 5-1/2”, a letter opener, l. 7-1/2”, and a pair of Roycroft bookends, h. 8-1/2”. [300/500] Illustrated 1448 Arts and Crafts Copper Desk Blotter by Frederick E. Fifield, marked “The Art Shop, Hancock, NY, FEF”, w. 26”, d. 17-3/4”. [300/500] 1449 Arts and Crafts Wrought Iron and Brass Log Holder, first quarter 20th century, h. 15”, d. 22-1/2”, l. 25”. [200/400]

1454 Jugendstil Mauve Art Glass Vase, first quarter 20th century, decorated with pewter overlay of grapes and grape leaves, h. 12-1/4”. [300/500]


1450 Arts and Crafts-Style Brass Jardiniere on Stand, of shaped octagonal form, on a graduated pedestal, adorned with “handhammered” panels, h. 31”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 16-1/2”. [300/500] 1451 Tiffany Studios Gilt-Bronze “Abalone” Inkwell, first quarter 20th century, set with a conforming pressed glass ink pot, marked “Tiffany Studios, New York, 1157”, h. 3”, w. 3-1/2”, d. 3-1/2”. [250/400]


1455 Unusual Patinated Bronze Plaque, ca. 1900, depicting a young woman sitting on a draped ring of flowers, h. 27-3/4”, dia. 19-1/2”. [600/900] Illustrated 1456 Giltwood Mirror with Back-Cut Plate, first quarter 20th century, h. 30-1/4”, w. 18”. [100/200] 1457 Miguel Fernando Lopez (Milo) (Portuguese, b. 1955), “Figure of a Woman”, patinated and cold-painted bronze, cast signature, h. 22-1/2”, w. 9”, d. 8”. [800/1200] Illustrated 1458 Marc Chagall (Russian/French, 1887-1985), “Le Cirque”, color lithograph, unsigned, Mourlot, 1960, 12-1/2” x 9-1/2”. Glazed and framed. [350/500]

1459 After Salvador Dali (Spanish, 1904-1989), “La Colosita” from Divine Comedy, woodcut in colors, 12” x 9-1/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [350/500] 1460 After Salvador Dali (Spanish, 1904-1989), “Visions of Venice (Gondola)”, etching, sight 7-5/8” x 16”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400]

1466 Yaacov Agam (Israeli/French, b. 1928), “Abstract Composition”, serigraph in colors, signed lower right, numbered lower left “110/180”, sheet 15” x 12-1/2”. Glazed and framed. [250/400] 1467 After Henri Matisse (French, 1869-1954), “La Danse”, color lithograph, unsigned, printed by Mourlot, 1938, published by Verve, Paris, sight 11-3/4” x 15-3/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [400/700] 1468 Albert Earl Gilbert (American, b. 1939), “artist proof, 1978-79 Federal Duck Stamp, together with a 20th Century mixed media on paper of a bird, sight 12” x 14” and 9-3/4” x 12”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1469 Alexander Calder (American, 1898-1976), pair of lithographs, unsigned, each sheet 15” x 10-1/2”. Each glazed and framed. [200/400] 1470 Peter Green (American, 20th/21st Century), “Marine Form No. 1”, limited edition woodblock, signed and dated lower right, titled and numbered lower left, sight 29-1/2” x 19-1/2”. Glazed, matted and framed. [150/300] 1471 After Georges Braque (French, 1882-1963), “Eros and Eurybia”, etching, sight 18” x 12”. Glazed, double matted and presented in a silver-painted frame. [250/400]

1464 1461 After Salvador Dali (Spanish, 1904-1989), “El Cid”, etching, numbered, sheet 22” x 15”. Glazed and framed. [200/400]


1462 Joan Miro (Spanish, 1893-1983), “The Lady Bugs” and “Joan Miro”, two color lithographs, both unsigned, originally front and back cover designs for Joan Miro, published by Maeght, Paris, 1956 and printed by Mourlot, sight 9” x 7-1/4”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 1463 Joan Miro (Spanish/French, 1893-1983), “Composition”, lithograph on Arches paper, sight 15-1/8” x 28”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 1464 Victor Vasarely (Hungarian/French, 1906-1997), “Op Art”, silkscreen, pencil signed and numbered, with a “Denise Rene Editeur” blindstamp, sight 32-1/2” x 23-3/4”. Glazed and framed. [400/700] Illustrated

1472 After Jules Cheret (French, 1836-1932), “Madame B Assise”, offset lithograph, blind stamped lower right “Princeton Art & Gallery”, signed in plate, sight 13-3/4” x 10”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400]

1465 Victor Vasarely (Hungarian/French, 1906-1997), “OP Composition”, serigraph in colors, signed lower right “Vasarely”, numbered lower left “57/250”, sight 21” x 13”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500]

1473 Jules Cheret (French, 1836-1932), “Carnival”, color lithograph, trial proof, signed in plate, publisher’s stamp lower right margin, blind stamped lower left margin, sight 12-3/4” x 9-3/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500]


1474 Guillaume A. Azoulay (Moroccan, b. 1949), “O’Salto”, serigraph with gold leaf, signed, titled, numbered “2/3”, and dated “1988”, sight 29” x 39”. Glazed, matted and framed. [500/800] 1475 Umberto Faini Abstract Poster, 1984, sight 28-3/4” x 38-3/4”. Framed. [75/125]

1479 Collection of Six Louisiana Works on Paper, 20th century, inlcuding a black and white photograph by C. Bennette Moore, titled “Shadows of Old New Orleans” and five etchings of various New Orleans scenes, all illegibly signed, sights 6-3/8” x 4-1/2” to 13-3/4” x 22-3/4”. All glazed, matted and framed. [500/800] 1480 Collection of Three Louisiana Works on Paper, including an etching by Eugene Loving (1908-1971), “Sunlight and Shadows”, and two graphite sketches by Arnold Turtle (1892-1954), “On Bourbon St.” and “Bienville and Bourbon”, sights 8” x 6” and 9-1/2” x 6-1/2”. All glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1481 Collection of Two American Early 20th Century Etchings, sights 6-1/2” x 8-3/4” and 12” x 8-1/2”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [250/400] 1482 Collection of Four Louisiana Works on Paper, depicting New Orleans scenes, including an etching by George F. Castleden (1861-1945), two etchings by Eugene Loving (1908-1971), and an offset print after William Woodward (1859-1939), sights4-1/2” x 5-5/8” to 10-5/8” x 7-1/2”. All glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1483 James Carl Hancock (American/New Orleans, 1890-1966), pair of engravings of New Orleans, each pencil signed and titled, each sight 6-3/4” x 5-1/4”. Glazed, matted and framed. [250/400]

1489 one of seven

1476 Collection of American Engravings Relating to the Civil War and the Southern Region, 19th century, including selections from Harper’s Weekly and Illustrated News among other publications, some titles included are “Emancipated Slaves, White and Colored”, “Scene on a Mississippi River Steamer - The Parting Song” and “The Riot in New Orleans - Siege and Assault of the Convention by the Police and Citizens”, various sizes, most matted. All unframed and accompanied by a document box. Provenance: From the collection of the late historian and collector Ray Samuel and being sold to benefit The Ogden Museum of Southern Art. [150/300] Illustrated 1477 Collection of American Engravings Relating to Steamships and the Mississippi River Region, 19th century, including selections from Harper’s Weekly and Illustrated News among other publications, various sizes, most matted. All unframed and accompanied by a document box. Provenance: From the collection of the late historian and collector Ray Samuel and being sold to benefit The Ogden Museum of Southern Art. [150/300] 1478 Collection of Five American Etchings, depicting New Orleans scenes, including one by Leo Bautista (b. 1952), one by Jo Pennell (1857-1926), two by Horace Dewitt Welsh (1888-1942) and one by Art Werger (b. 1955), sights 6-1/2” x 9-1/4” to 11-1/2” x 14-3/4”. All glazed, matted and framed. [400/700]


1484 Conrad Albrizio (American/Louisiana, 1894-1973), “Cathedral”, etching on paper, sight 25” x 18-1/2”. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] 1485 Xavier de Callatay (American/Louisiana, 1932-1999), “La Parade”, woodblock print, signed and titled, sight 13” x 9-3/4”. Glazed and framed. [50/80] 1486 Morris Henry Hobbs (American/Louisiana, 1892-1967), “Seated Nude”, etching, pencil signed, sight 2” x 1-1/2”. Glazed, matted and framed. [50/80] 1487 Morris Henry Hobbs (American/Louisiana, 1892-1967), “Patio at the Bosque House”, etching, signed, titled and numbered, sight 10” x 6-5/8”. Glazed, matted and framed. [100/200] 1488 Robert Bledsoe Mayfield (American/Louisiana, 1869-1934), collection of four etchings of New Orleans scenes, all titled and numbered, sights 5” x 8” to 8-5/8” x 5-1/2”. [400/700] 1489 Robert Bledsoe Mayfield (American/Louisiana, 1869-1934), collection of seven etchings of French Quarter scenes, all titled in pencil, sights 6-3/4” x 5-3/4” to 7” x 9”. All glazed, matted and framed. [400/700] Illustrated

1490 Robert Bledsoe Mayfield (American/Louisiana, 1869-1934), four etchings of French Quarter Scenes, each numbered and titled, sights 5-3/4” x 4-1/2” to 8-1/2” x 5-1/5”. Each glazed, matted and framed. [400/700]

1497 Philip Sage (American/Louisiana, b. 1942), collection of eight etchings of New Orleans scenes, all signed, titled and dated, sights 5” x 6-1/2” to 16” x 6-3/4”. All glazed, matted and framed. [600/900]

1491 Eugene E. Loving (American/New Orleans, 1907-1971), “The Claiborne Court”, etching, pencil signed and titled, sight 10-1/4” x 7-1/4”. Matted, glazed and framed. [200/400]

1498 Eugene Delcroix (New Orleans, 1891-1967), tinted photograph, signed, h. 9-1/2”, w. 7-1/2”. In the original frame. [200/400] 1499 Philip Sage (American/Louisiana, b. 1942), collection of four etchings of New Orleans scenes, all signed, numbered, titled and dated, sights 5-1/4” x 6-1/4” to 9-3/4” x 12-3/8”. All glazed, matted and framed. [400/700] 1500 Steven G. Rutledge (New Orleans/Contemporary), pair of photographic prints from the “Scenes of Mississippi”; “Edge of a Barbwire Fence”, image 8” x 11”, and “Old Barn Left Behind, MS”, image 7” x 7”, each pencil signed and titled, inscribed en verso. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500] Illustrated


1501 Steven G. Rutledge (New Orleans/Contemporary), pair of photographic prints from the “Scenes of Mississippi” : “Gully, Outskirts”, image 7” x 7”, and “Property Line, MS”, image 8” x 11”, each pencil signed and titled, inscribed en verso. Glazed, matted and framed. [300/500]

one of a pair

1492 Eugene E. Loving (American/New Orleans, 1907-1971), “Cabildo Alley”, etching, pencil signed and titled, edition of 200, sight 10-1/4” x 7-1/4”. Matted, glazed and framed. [200/400] 1493 Eugene Loving (American/New Orleans, 1907-1971), group of six engravings of New Orleans, each pencil signed, numbered, and titled, sights 6” x 5” - 10”x 7”. Glazed, matted, and framed. [500/800] 1494 Eugene E. Loving (American/New Orleans, 1907-1971), a group of four etchings of New Orleans, each pencil signed and titled, sights 3” x 3-1/2” to 8-1/2” x 7”. Glazed, matted and framed. [400/700] 1495 Phillip Sage (American/Louisiana, 20th Century), “Steamboat Delta Queen” and “The Olympia Brass Band”, pair of etchings, each pencil signed, titled, and numbered, each sight 18-3/4” x 24-1/2”. Both glazed, matted and framed. [500/800] Illustrated 1496 Philip Sage (American/Louisiana, b. 1942), collection of eight etchings of Louisiana scenes, all signed, titled and numbered, sights 5-1/4” x 6-5/8” to 8” x 10”. Framed. [600/900]

1500 one of a pair

1502 George Valentine Dureau (American/New Orleans, b. 1930), “Battiste”, silver gelatin print, signed in ink. titled and marked artist’s proof, sheet 18-1/2” x 16”. Unframed. [200/400]



1506 Continental Ebonized Marble-Top Center Table, in the Renaissance Taste, third quarter 19th century, the circular specimen marble top mounted to a base supported by four outstretched legs ending in carved paw feet, h. 29”, dia. 29”. [1500/2500] Illustrated 1507 Napoleon III Walnut Prie-Dieu, mid-19th century, h. 36”, w. 22”, d. 18-1/2”. [300/500] 1508 French Faux Bamboo Twin Bed, with pedimented headboard, h. 47-1/2”, w. 44”, l. 77-1/2”. [300/500] 1509 French Bamboo, Rattan and Marble-Top Wash Stand, fourth quarter 19th century, with tile backsplash, h. 43”, w. 30-1/4”, d. 17-1/2”. [300/500] 1510 Louis XV-Style Mahogany-Inlaid and Ormolu-Mounted Center Table, ca. 1900, h. 30”, w. 38”, d. 26”. [300/500] 1511

1503 Phillip Sage (American/Louisiana, 20th Century), “Watermelon Man, Exhibition Poster”, lithograph, signed upper left, sight 24” x 17”. Glazed, matted and framed. [200/400] 1504 Napoleon III Ormolu- and “Sevres” Porcelain-Mounted Ebonized Occasional Table, late 19th century, the top fitted with a porcelain charger depicting Louis XVI and his court, h. 27”, dia. 20”. [1800/2500] Illustrated


1511 Pair of French Sevres-Style Bronze-Mounted Porcelain Garniture Vases, decorated with raised gilt rocaille panels depicting couples in an Arcadian landscape, on a bleu celeste ground, h. 18-1/2”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 8-1/2”. [400/700] Illustrated 1511A Doulton Burslem Transfer-Printed Umbrella Stand, fourth quarter 19th century, England, the base impressed “Doulton” and marked “Doulton’s Magnolia” h. 40-1/2”, dia. 12”. [200/400]

1505 Two Borghese Intaglio Profiles of Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie de Montijo, first quarter 20th century, Italian, h. 9”, w. 7-1/2”. [100/200]


1512 Large Paris Porcelain Vase, h. 17”. [100/200] 1513 Large Paris Porcelain Handled Vase, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 16-3/4”. [100/200]

1514 Hand-Painted Floral Cheese Dish and Cover, bearing a spurious “RS Prussia” mark, h. 5”, dia. 8-1/2”. [100/200]


1515 Three Paris Porcelain Claret-Ground Vases, third quarter 19th century, the smaller vase drilled for a lamp, h. 10-3/4” to 12-1/2”. [100/200] 1516 Pair of French Cobalt-Ground Fan Vases, third quarter 20th century, with traces of gilt, h. 14”, w. 7”, d. 4-1/4”. [100/200] 1517 Electrotype Copper Plaque, fourth quarter 19th century, depicting Demeter and a putto, signed “L Oudry Pre Editeur”, h. 16”, w. 12”. [200/400] Illustrated

1522 Tinted Biscuit Bust of a Jeune Fille, mid-19th century, attributed to Gille Jeune, Paris, unsigned, h. 18-1/4”. [300/500] 1523 Bing & Grondahl Porcelain Figure of Two Jesters, ca. 1915-1947, Danish, after Axel Locher (Danish, 1879-1941), and inscribed “Axel Locher 1910”, h. 15-1/4”, w. 8”, d. 4-3/4”. [250/400]

1517 1518 Pair of Bronze Putti, Now Mounted as Lamps, ca. 1900, on later stands, the figures depicted playfully holding wheat over their faces, mounted with fringed watered silk shades, h. 50-1/2”, dia. 18”. [1200/1800] Illustrated

1524 Plaster Bust of a Jeune Fille, first quarter 20th century, after Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (French 1824-1887), marked “A Carrier-Belleuse” on the back, h. 29”, w. 15”, d. 9-1/2”. [200/400]


1519 Napoleon III Champleve Enamel Cross, third quarter 19th century, h. 11-3/4”, w. 7-3/4”. [200/400] 1520 Three Unusual Blown Art Glass Vases, ca. 1900, two mounted on bronze stands, the tallest, h. 25-1/2”. [150/300] 1521 Marble Figure of a Water Nymph, modeled reclining on an upturned shell and holding a water ewer, on a marble-clad pedestal, h. 41-1/2”, w. 43-1/2”, d. 24-1/2”. [500/800] Illustrated


1525 Baccarat “Beluga” Decanter and Pair of Double OldFashioned Glasses, signed in two places, decanter, h. 8-1/4”, dia. 5”, glasses, h. 3-3/4”, dia. 4-1/4”. [250/400] 1526 Nine-Piece Collection of Pressed and Cut Glass Articles, first quarter 20th century, American and English, the tallest, h. 4-3/4”. [100/200]

1535 Limoges Porcelain Bateau-Form Basin and Jug, 20th century, hand-painted en grisaille in the 18th-century style, marked “Decore’ main, France, Rx”, jug, h. 10-1/4”, basin w. 8-1/4”, l. 16-1/4”. [500/800] Illustrated 1534

1527 Pair of French Gilt-Bronze and Cut Glass Three-Light Sconces, first quarter 20th century, in the neoclassical taste, h. 12”, w. 15-1/4”, d. 8-1/4”. [200/400] 1528 Three Pieces of Hand-Painted Old Limoges, including a waste bowl, dia. 8”, a cream jug, h. 7”, and a sugar base without the lid, dia. 5-1/2”. [75/125] 1530 1536 Hand-Painted Bleu Celeste-Ground Tray, mounted in a cast bronze stand, with a spurious shield mark, w. 25-1/4”, d. 13-1/4”. [500/800] 1537 Pair of Paris Porcelain-Style Cachepots, decorated with portraits of the Empress Josephine, h. 13”, dia. 12-1/4”. [600/900] 1529 Schneeballen Covered Bottle Vase, in the Meissen manner, marked “23/257”, h. 12-3/4”, dia. 4-1/2”. [100/200]


1530 Pair of Paris Anneau d’or Porcelain Corbeilles, mid-19th century, on paw feet, h. 4-1/2”, dia. 9-1/4”. [200/400] Illustrated 1531 Thirty-Five-Piece Paris Porcelain Partial Dessert Service, mid-19th century, French, decorated with gilt scrollwork, the set comprised of a teapot, h. 7”, a cream jug, h. 6-1/2”, a sugar basin, h. 6”, a waste bowl, dia. 6-3/4”, two plates, dia. 9-1/4”, eight dessert plates, dia. 7-1/4”, nine cups, h. 2-1/2”, and twelve saucers, dia. 5-1/2”. [200/400] 1532 Fine Paris Porcelain Black-Ground Veilleuse with Chinoiserie Decoration, second quarter 19th century, possibly by Darte, of oval form in three parts, h. 9-1/2”, w. 5”, d. 4”. [200/400]

1538 Set of Eleven Rosenthal Service Plates, third quarter 20th century, German, the plates decorated with transfer-printed flowers on an apple-green ground, dia. 10-1/2”. [100/200] Illustrated 1538

1533 Jacob Petit Spill Vase and Platform, mid-19th century, French, the vase depicting a jeune fille gathering flowers, signed “J.P.” in underglaze blue, h. 9”, w. 5-1/2”; together with a platform, signed “Jacob Petit”, h. 2”, w. 6-3/4”. [300/500] 1534 Pair of Paris-Style Cobalt-Ground Campana-Form Garniture Urns, with topographical-style decoration and Sevres-style marks, h. 18-1/2”, dia. 15-1/2”. [1200/1800] Illustrated


1539 Set of Twelve Bavarian Raised Gilt Service Plates, first quarter 20th century, signed “Hemrich & Co.”, dia. 11”. [300/500] 1540 Pair of Rare French Paris Porcelain Hot Water Dishes, second quarter 19th century, decorated with buff-colored borders, each with a fan-shaped gilt and white handle, and a corresponding gilt and white water aperture, h. 2-1/4”, w. 11-3/4”, d. 9-3/4”. [150/300]

1548 American School (19th Century), pair of landscape paintings, one oil on canvas, unsigned, 4” x 6”, the other oil on board, monogrammed “CA”, 3-1/4” x 6”. Each framed. [100/200] 1549 Collection of Four American Oils on Board of Landscape Scenes, 20th century, sizes 8” x 10” to 14-1/2” x 17-1/4. All framed. [700/1000] 1550 American School (Third Quarter 19th Century), “Moonlight Fishing Scene”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 6” x 9”. Framed. [200/400] 1551 American School (Second Quarter 20th Century), “Coastal Landscape”, oil on board, signed lower right “Michael Lynch”, 12” x 16”. Framed. [75/125] 1552 Charles Killgore (American/California, 1889-1979), “California Landscape”, oil on canvas, signed, 25-1/2” x 31-1/2”. Framed. [500/800]

1544 1541 Seven-Piece Limoges Cake Set, including a serving tray, dia. 12-1/2”, and six dessert plates, dia. 8-3/4”, marked “Elite, L. France”. [150/300] 1542 Napoleon III-Style Giltwood Mirror, 58-1/4” x 47-1/4”. [300/500]

1553 American School (Third Quarter 20th Century), “Autumnal River Landscape”, oil on canvas, signed “Reynolds”, 40” x 50”. Framed. [40/70] 1554 Edith Varian Cockcroft (American, 1881-1962), “Autumnal Mountain Landscape”, pastel on paper, signed, sight 21” x 14”. Matted, glazed and framed. To be sold for the benefit of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans. [400/700]

1543 Christopher High Shearer (American/Pennsylvania, 1846-1926), “Bonfire On the Lake”, oil on canvas, signed lower right, 8” x 16”. Framed. [200/400] 1544 Sylvia L. Charlock (American/Hawaiian, 20th Century) “Expansive Hilo, Hawaii Coastal Landscape with Volcano Visible in the Distance”, 1927, house paint on wood panel, 51” x 96”, signed, dated and inscribed lower right “Sylvia L. Charlock 1927 Hilo”. Framed. [1000/1500] Illustrated 1545 American School (First Quarter 20th Century), “Western Landscape with Snow-Capped Mountains”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 16-1/2” x 28-1/2”. In a period giltwood frame. [400/700] 1546 M. S. Young (American, 19th Century), “Pudding Pond, New Hampshire”, 1866, oil on canvas, signed, dated and titled, 12” x 18”. Framed. [200/400] 1547 American School (20th Century), “Harvest”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 16-1/4” x 20-1/4”. Framed. [400/800]

1556 1555 Edith Varian Cockcroft (American, 1881-1962), “Harvest Moon”, pastel on paper, signed, sight 18-1/2” x 23-1/2”. Matted, glazed and framed. To be sold for the benefit of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans. [400/700] 1556 Ace (Asa Lynn) Powell (American/Taos, 1912-1978), “The Lookout”, oil on canvas, signed with artist’s mark, 12” x 18”. Framed. [1800/2400] Illustrated


1557 American School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “Wooded Autumnal Landscape”, signed lower left “A. B. Daniel”, 12” x 8”. Framed. [300/500]

1562 American School (First Quarter 20th Century), “Mountainous Western Landscape with a Cabin”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 36” x 60”. In a period giltwood and gesso frame. [300/500] 1563 Charles Eames Laminated Walnut and Leather Lounge Chair and Ottoman, fourth quarter 20th century, manufactured by Herman Miller Co., Zeeland, Michigan, each retaining a Herman Miller sticker, chair, h. 33-1/2”, ottoman, h. 17”, w. 26”, d. 22”. [500/800] Illustrated 1563A Faux Leather and Burlwood Bombe Occasional Table, on a wrought iron base, the case with a bank of three drawers, h. 32”, w. 23-1/2”, d. 19”. [30/50]


1560 1558 Charles H. Walther (American, 1879-1937), “Autumnal Landscape”, oil on board, signed , sight 12” x 15-1/2”. Glazed and framed. [400/700] 1559 American School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century), “Autumnal Landscape with Hay Stacks”, oil on canvas, signed lower left “A. B. Davis”, 10” x 16”. Framed. [200/400]


1564 John Perry (British/California/Contemporary), bas-relief dolphin, carved slate on a black wooden base, h. 15-1/4”, w. 13”, d. 5-1/4”. [200/400] 1565 Pair of Contemporary Parcel-Gilt and Ivory-Painted Recamiers, each of S-scroll form, with shell-form rear legs and black and gold cut velvet upholstery, h. 31”, w. 32”, l. 68”. [400/700] 1566 Contemporary Gilt-Metal and Mirrored Tray-on-Stand, the handled tray with a mirrored surface, on a faux-branch, X-form stand, h. 28”, w. 23-1/2”, d. 15”. [400/700] 1560 Attributed to Ralph Albert Blakelock (American, 1847-1919), “Wooded Landscape at Sunset”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 9” x 12”. In a giltwood frame. [1200/1800] Illustrated 1561 American School (Second Quarter 19th Century), “Hudson River Landscape with Sailboats”, oil on canvas, unsigned, 12” x 16”. Framed. [200/400]


1567 Pair of Unusual Brass and Aluminum Nautical-Style Hanging Lamps, with porthole covers, h. 22”, dia. 17-3/4”. [450/700] Illustrated 1568 Contemporary Tapering Fluted Pottery Lamp, with gilt finish, h. 25”, dia. 7-3/4”. [20/40]

1569 Contemporary Gilded Pottery Table Lamp, with a black sgraffito-decorated central panel, mounted with a matching shade, base, h. 18”, overall, h. 30”, w. 12-1/2”. [20/40] 1572

1575 Contemporary Metal Skull, the hollow skull in a single piece, h. 6”, l. 8”. [100/200] 1576 Post Modern Looking Glass, with three graduated beveled mirror plates in a colorless glass and chrome frame, h. 32”, w. 31-3/4”, d. 1”. [400/700] 1577 Contemporary Lucite and Circular Plate Glass Center Table, h. 29”, dia. 48”. [500/800] 1578 Mid-Century Modern Chrome and Glass Eight-Light Chandelier, of traditional inspiration, the basket-form base concealing four candle sockets lighting the base, and four directed to the upper fringe of prisms, h. 24”, dia. 20”. [300/500]

1570 Post-Modern “S” Scroll Metal and Lucite Floor Lamp, h. 73”, dia. 20-1/4”. [50/80] 1571 Fossilized Fish on Stand, the rectangular-cut fossil mounted on a contemporary chrome-plated stand, h. 10-1/4”, w. 6”, d. 2-2/4”. [200/400] 1572 Pair of Ebonized Armchairs, early 20th century, in the manner of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, each with a pierced block back joined by shaped arms to the cushioned seat, raised on square legs joined by a box stretcher, h. 38”. [900/1200] Illustrated


1572a 1579 Pair of Chinese Silver Lustre Ginger Jars, the pottery jars with domed covers and a silver lustre glaze, h. 21-3/4”, dia. 10-1/2”. [200/400] 1580 Two Beautiful Silver-Leafed Nautilus Shells on Stands, h. 12” and 20-1/2”. [75/125]

1572A Mid-Century Modern Steel, Leather and Cowhide Reclining Armchair and Ottoman, second half 20th century, chair, h. 33-1/4", w. 41", d. 34", extended l. 54", ottoman, h. 16", w. 30", d. 26". Illustrated 1573 Faux Zebra Rug, made by Minuano, Brazil, and labeled on the back, w. 74”, l. 76”. [150/300] 1574 Contemporary Decorative Print of a Woman in Black, sight 25” x 36”. Glazed, matted and framed. [20/40]

1581 Unusual Pair of Boudoir Lamps, employing bronze painted star-form bases, the sinuous standards supporting Medusainspired decorative elements, with matching shades, overall, h. 37-1/4”, dia. 10”. [40/70] 1582 Lalique Molded Crystal “Auriac” Double Candle Holder, signed “Lalique France” in etched script, h. 3-1/4”, w. 1-1/2”, l. 9”. [125/250] 1583 Bennett Bean (American, b. 1941), probably 1980s, large earthenware bowl, pit-fired, painted and gilded, with the impressed “bean” signature and marked “112” in white, h. 10”, dia. 14”. [1800/2500] Illustrated


1584 Contemporary Blown Glass Bowl of Mottled Green Glass, probably Murano, with a pillar molded base, h. 4”, dia. 17-1/4”. [100/200]

1595 Group of Three Green-Over-White Plated Pillar-Molded Blown Glass Vases, mid-20th century, h. 10-1/2” to 15-1/2”, dia. 7” to 9-1/2”. [30/50]

1585 Two Swirled Blown Glass Contemporary Sculptures, of organic form in mauve in blue, h. 5”, dia. 18”, largest. [300/500]

1596 Two-Piece Group of Art Glass, comprised of a pillar-molded bowl, mid-20th century, signed “Baccarat”, h. 7-1/2”, dia. 13”, and an organic-form blown vase, h. 7-1/4”, dia. 5-1/4”. [50/80]

1586 Molded and Frosted Floral Glass Vase, attributed to Consolidated Glass Co., Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, possibly from their Martele line, h. 11”, dia. 6-1/2”. [100/200]


1597 Signed Baccarat Brilliant Period Cut Glass Decanter and Glass Set, ca. 1900, French, comprising a decanter, h. 11-1/2”, and two glasses, h. 5-1/2”. [200/400] 1598 Contemporary Polychrome and Mirrored Bedside Commode, fitted with a drawer over a pair of doors, h. 27”, w. 25”, d. 18”. [200/400] 1599 Contemporary Polychrome and Mirrored Dresser, fitted with three graduated drawers, h. 35”, w. 42”, d. 19-1/2”. [300/500] 1600 Contemporary Polychrome and Mirrored Dresser, fitted with three graduated drawers, h. 35”, w. 42”, d. 19-1/2”. [300/500]

1587 Two Pieces of Mount Washington Art Glass, including a biscuit barrel with a silverplate cover, h. 7”, and a signed Crown Milano vase, h. 7-1/2”. [250/400]

1601 Vintage Stendig Chrome and Glass Dining Table, 1960’s, the feet adjustable to accommodate uneven floors, overall, h. 29-1/2”, w. 44”, l. 78”. [500/800] Illustrated

1588 Czechoslovakian Enameled Art Glass Bowl, Attributed to Loetz, ca. 1927-1928, in the “Etrusk” pattern, h. 6-3/4”, dia. 5-3/4”. [100/200]

1602 Contemporary Silvered Metal and Mirrored Occasional Table, h. 26”, w. 12”, d. 12”. [200/400]

1589 Pair of Contemporary Mahogany Armchairs, of neoclassical inspiration, both with open arms and leatherette upholstery, h. 33”. [30/50]

1603 Art Deco-Inspired Four-Shelf Baker’s Rack/Etagere, the shelves with glass insets and supported by serpentine front legs, h. 73-1/4”, w. 40-1/4”, d. 15-1/4”. [150/300]

1590 Contemporary Lacquered Gold Leaf Coffee Table, in the style of New Orleans, Louisiana designer, Christopher Maier, h. 14-1/2”, w. 47-1/4”, d. 25-1/2”. [500/800] 1591 Two Blown Glass Contemporary Sculptures, of organic form in blue and mauve, h. 6”, dia. 16-1/2”, largest. [300/500] 1592 Two Blown Glass Contemporary Sculptures, of organic form in blue and mauve, h. 5”, dia. 19”, largest. [300/500] Illustrated 1593 Group of Four Vintage Blown Glass Sculpture Bowls, mid20th century, h. 6-3/4” to 12-3/4”, w. 9-3/4” to 17”. [150/300] 1594 Roberta Eichenberg (American, b. 1957), dusty blue blown glass vase depicting a female torso in a dress, pontil signed “R. Eichenberg, 1998”, h. 13-1/4”, dia. 4-1/2”. Provenance: LeMieux Galleries, New Orleans, Louisiana. [150/300]


1601 1604 Contemporary Patinated Metal and Glass-Top Occasional Table, the rectangular top raised on circular legs joined by an X-form stretcher adorned with a bird amongst leafy branches, h. 23”, w. 16”, d. 24”. [200/400]

1605 Suite of Four Empire-Inspired Brass and Wrought-Iron Folding Chairs and Table, each chair with a lyre-form back capped with swan’s heads, curule base and brass paw feet, h. 36”, the table with circular inset glass top, wrought base and swan’s head ornament, h. 30”, dia. 42”. [900/1200]


1610 Seventeen Pieces of Continental Luxury Railway Silver Plate, ca. 1910-1930, including Christofle, Paris pieces: two cream jugs, a covered sugar bowl, and six breakfast bowls, a set of five Felix Freres, Toulouse, graduated serving bowls with shell handles, an Ercuis, Paris coffeepot, a B. Bohrman, Frankfurt teapot, and an unmarked cream jug, all but the Felix set and unmarked cream jug engraved with the “WL” logo of Wagon-Lits, h. 2-1/4” to 6-1/2”, dia. 3-1/2” to 9-1/4”. La Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (The International Sleeping Car Company), founded in 1874 by Belgian Georges Nagelmackers, is the premier European purveyor of on-train catering and sleeping car services, best known as the historical operators of the renowned Orient Express, Nord Express and Le Train Bleu. [250/400] Illustrated

1615 1606 Mid-Century Modern Brass Six-Light Chandelier, of Directoire Inspiration, the clustered J-form arms supporting tubular columns with electric candles, h. 31-3/4”, dia. 26”. [200/400] 1607 Four Continental Ivory Spheres, 19th century, dia. 1” to 2”. [100/200] 1612

1611 Collection of Four Silver Cigar and Cigarette Boxes, mid-20th century, all rectangular and cedar-lined, including an English sterling example, hallmarked London, 1947-1948 by Padgett & Braham, w. 4”, a Belgian .835 silver example by Wolfers Freres, Brussels, w. 6-3/4”, both the preceding with a presentation inscription dated 1949, a Mexican sterling example, w. 8”, and an unidentified Continental .900 silver example, w. 8”. [100/200] 1608 Pair of Gorham Art Deco Sterling Silver Condiment Dishes, 1928, Providence, Rhode Island, each of elongated octagonal form, the upswept ends stepped and embossed with “skyscraper” reeding, the rim en suite, monogrammed “K.E.O’N”, l. 6-3/4”, w. 4”, 7.33 total t. oz. [125/250] 1609 Four French Art Deco Silverplate Tablespoons, second quarter 20th century, by Apollo, Societe Generale de Coutellerie et d’Orfevrerie, Paris, of canted spaten form with stepped geometric threading, l. 8-1/2”. [100/200]

1612 Two Good Pairs of Sterling Silver Salt and Pepper Shakers, including an Edwardian pair, hallmarked London, 1909-1910, by Stewart Dawson & Co., of paneled urn form, and a Modernist pair, ca. 1925, by A. M. Soffel, Newark, New Jersey, of stylized baluster form, monogrammed “W”, h. 4-1/4”, 8.16 total t. oz. [150/300] Illustrated 1613 German Cased .800 Silver and Steel Twelve-Piece Dessert Set, third quarter 20th century, by Karl Kaltenbach/Auerhahn, Altensteig, including six dessert forks with three gilt-steel tines, l. 6”, and six dessert knives with stainless steel “New French”shaped blades and sterling silver “Chippendale”-style handles, l. 7”, presented in the original blue jersey and white linen-lined fitted faux alligator case, 10-3/4” x 7-3/4”. [100/200]


1614 Two American Sterling Silver Leaf Dishes, mid-20th century, including an International Silver naturalistic example, l. 7”, and an unmarked stylized example, l. 6-3/8”, 7.84 total t. oz. [125/250]


1615 Silverplate Cocktail Shaker and Flask, mid-20th century, the cocktail shaker American and of baluster form, h. 10-1/2”, dia. 4-1/2”, the flask German and with a hammered finish, h. 7-1/2”, w. 3-3/4”, the latter monogrammed “GRL”. [75/125] Illustrated

1616 1620 Four-Piece Gorham “Paul Revere” Silverplate Tea Set, fourth quarter 20th century, including a teapot, h. 10-1/2”, a covered sugar bowl, h. 4”, a cream jug, h. 3-3/4”, and a waste bowl, h. 2-1/4”. Astute viewers might recognize the sugar bowl here as identical to that used by Kathy Bates in the current season of American Horror Story: Coven as the special “cosmetics” jar of her character, New Orleans’ notorious Madame LaLaurie. [75/125] 1621 Eighteen Pieces of Gorham “Camellia” Sterling Silver Flatware, the pattern designed in 1942 by James Russell Price, Providence, Rhode Island, including four cream soup spoons, l. 6-3/4”, four teaspoons, l. 5-3/4”, six dinner forks, l. 7-1/4”, and four salad forks, l. 6-1/2”, no monograms, 22.12 total t. oz. [300/500] 1622 Pair of Pairpoint Silverplate and Glass Candelabra, 20th century, the cobalt glass base and clear bubble ball knop supporting three candle arms of varying heights, h. 13”, w. 9”. [100/200] Illustrated

1616 American Silverplate “Town Crier” Cocktail Shaker, mid20th century, the novelty shaker in the form of a large handbell, h. 11”, dia. 5-1/4”. [75/125] Illustrated 1617 Two Sets of Six Norwegian Sterling Silver Guilloche Enamel Demitasse Spoons, second quarter 20th century, one set by David-Andersen, Oslo, l. 3-3/4”, the other by Aksel Holmsen, Sandefjord, l. 3-5/8”, 3.79 total t. oz. (twelve total spoons). [75/125] 1618 American Modernist Sterling Silver Covered Sugar Bowl, mid-20th century, by the International Silver Co., Meriden Connecticut, of squat ovoid form with threaded rim, the shallowdomed, fitted lid with stylized leaf ring finial, h. 2-3/4”, dia. 5-1/4”, 7.78 t. oz. [125/250] 1619 Two Pieces of American Mid-Century Modern Silverplate, including a Leonard lotus-form three-piece flower frog, h. 3-1/2”, dia. 6-1/2”, and an unmarked fruit bowl with marbleized green and yellow bakelite foot, h. 3-1/2”, dia. 9”. [75/125] Illustrated




1626 Two Mexican Silverplate and Hardstone-Mounted “Parrot” Pieces, 20th century, including a Los Castillo, Taxco, nacre “cockatoo” double jigger, h. 4”, and an unmarked malachite “parrot” pitcher, h. 9-1/4”. [300/500] Illustrated 1627 Mexican Silverplate and Hardstone-Mounted Vase, 20th century, probably Los Castillo, Taxco, spiral-lobed with green hardstone collar, h. 8”, dia. 6-1/4”. [250/400] Illustrated 1628 Mexican Sterling Silver Dish, mid-20th century, in the form of a stylized ivy leaf, l. 6”, w. 5-1/2”, 3.98 t. oz. [60/90] 1627

1623 Salvador Dali 1972 Lincoln Mint Sterling Silver Plate, “Dionysus and Pallus Athena”, #2340 of 10,000, dia. 8”, 9.25 t. oz. [150/300] Illustrated 1624 Pair of Mexican “Metalles Castillo” Mixed Metal Dishes, mid-20th century, Los Castillo, Taxco, of circular form, divided into asymmetrical wedges of copper, brass, silver and nickel, dia. 6-1/2”. [100/200]

1626 1629 Peruvian .900 Silver Platter and Bowl, 20th century, including a circular vegetable bowl, dia. 11-1/2”, and an oval meat platter, l. 20”, w. 12-1/2”, both with shaped acanthus rim, 51.95 total t. oz. [800/1200] Illustrated 1629

1625 Two Mexican Silverplate and Hardstone-Mounted “Dragonfly” Pieces, 20th century, probably Los Castillo, Taxco, including a lobed pitcher, h. 6-1/4”, and a footed dish, dia. 5-1/4”. [250/400]

1630 American School (Second Quarter 20th Century), “Blue Still Life”, oil on canvas, signed and dated “Summer 1934” verso, 25” x 28”. Framed. [100/200]


1634 Paul A. J. Spheeris (American, 20th Century), “Japanese Dream”, oil on panel, signed, overall 13-1/2” x 12”. Framed. [100/200]

1635 1631 Italian Print on Canvas of “Two Oranges”, unsigned, 24” x 28”. Framed. [300/500] 1632 American School (20th Century), “Still Life with Oranges”, oil on canvas, illegibly signed, sight 22” x 27-1/2”. Framed. [250/400]

1641 1635 Fred Marcellino (American, 1939-2001), “The Toy Closet”, watercolor on paper, signed and dated “84” lower right, sheet 22” x 26”. Glazed, matted and framed. [700/1000] Illustrated 1636 American School (Mid-20th Century), “Tea Party”, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right “Judith Small 1957”, 14” x 36”. Framed. [450/700] 1637 Will Barnett (American, 1918-1992), “Reflections”, serigraph, signed, titled, and numbered, 23” x 15”. Matted, glazed and framed. [500/800] 1638 Antique Mahal Carpet, 9’ 2” x 12’ 3”. [1800/2500] Illustrated 1639 Peshawar Zeiglar Mahal Runner, 4’ x 14’ 10”. [800/1200] 1638 1633 Max Standley (American/Kansas, b. 1942), 1969, “Composition in Green”, oil on board, signed, dated, and titled, 11” x 22”. Framed. [250/400]


1640 Tabriz Carpet, 12’ 8” x 9’ 8”. [500/800] 1641 Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet, 9’ 3” x 12’ 3”. [1400/1800] Illustrated

1642 Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet, 9’ 2” x 12’. [1200/1800] 1643 Semi-Antique Aubusson Carpet, 10’ 11” x 17’ 3”. [2000/4000] 1644 Patchwork Kilim Carpet, 5’ 10” x 7’ 9”. [500/800] Illustrated 1645 Isfahan Carpet, 17’ x 10’ 4”. [600/900] Illustrated 1646 Kashmir Carpet, 7’ x 10’ 8”. [600/900] 1647 Patchwork Kilim Carpet, 5’ 10” x 7’ 9”. [500/800] 1648 Agra Carpet, 9’ 4” x 12’ 6”. [800/1200] Illustrated 1649 Kazak Carpet, 10’ 8” x 7’ 2”. [400/700] 1650 Sarouk Carpet, 9’ 1” x 12’ 11”. [300/500]





I n d e x of A rt i s t s a nd P r in t m a k e r s

January 24-26, 2014

Agam, Yaacov 1466

Danchin, Leon 280, 281

Albrizio, Conrad 1484

David, Michael 1425

Alkins, H. J. 1087

Davies, Arthur Bowen 1347

Amans, Jacques Guillaume Lucien 1337

De Callatay, Xavier 1485

American School 272, 283, 285, 776, 779, 780, 781, 809, 813, 816, 817, 910, 1048, 1088, 1092, 1241, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1350, 1351, 1378, 1383, 1481, 1545, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1551, 1553, 1557, 1561, 1562, 1574, 1630, 1632, 1636

De Castro, Philip 810

Audubon, John James (after) 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268 Azoulay, Guillaume 1474 Bachmann, Otto 453 Barnett, Will 1637 Bautista, Leo 1478 Bean, Bennett 1583 Blakelock, Ralph Albert (attributed) 1560 Brandon-Cox, Hugh 1091 British School 284, 286, 287, 288, 289, 506, 508, 512, 1038, 1040, 1093, 1094, 1255, 1256, 1269, 1352 Calder, Alexander 1469 Carrington, Roger 774 Carzou, Jean-Marie 1384 Casedei, Giovanni 1238 Castleden, George 1482 Chagall, Marc 1458 Charlock, Sylvia L. 1544 Cheret, Jules 1473 Cheret, Jules (after) 1472 Chinese School 67 Clements, Robert 1311 Cockcroft, Edith Varian 1554, 1555 Continental School 251, 252, 253, 258, 260, 290, 291, 455, 507, 509, 510, 513, 514, 516, 518, 811, 812, 815, 917, 918, 1041, 1084, 1270

De Vaugundy, Robert 1248 Delcroix, Eugene 1498 Diller, Fritz 282 Donadoni, Stefano (attributed) 909 Drysdale, Alexander John 1310 Dunbar, George 1314, 1375 Dureau, George Valentine 1502 Dutch School 770, 1086 Eckford, Jessiejo 1047 Edwardson, Lawrence Christie 772 English School 1095 Evans, Robert James (Bob) 448 Evans, Tony 1427 Faini, Umberto 1475 Foulke, B. F. 1085 French School 515, 555, 556, 913, 1050, 1254 Friedlander, Johnny 1423 Genta, Albert 1052 German School 460 Gilbert, Albert Earl 1468 Golden, Rolland 1242, 1243 Gonzalez, Xavier 1090 Gordy, Robert 1421 Gould & Richter 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260 Gray, Harrel 1315, 1317

Currier and Ives 292, 1249

Green, Peter 1470

Cuzco School 219

Guidry, Louise 1422

Cuzco School-Style 220

Hale, William Matthew 911

Dali, Salvador (after) 1459, 1460, 1461

Hancock, James Carl 1483

I n d e x of A rt i s t s a nd P r in t m a k e r s

January 24-26, 2014

Haydon, Benjamin Robert (attributed) 457, 458

Moreau, Auguste (after) 755

Heldner, Knute 1316

Morris, John 1428

Hobbs, Morris Henry 1486, 1487

Nodder, Frederick Polydore 1272

Hoppner, John (follower) 1348

Outhwaite, David 1385

Hull, Marie Atkinson 1386

Owen, Frederick 1083

Indian School 109

Pantuhoff, Igor 1382

Italian School 250, 456, 511, 915, 916, 1039, 1631

Pennell, Jo 1478

Jackson, John Edwin 1089

Perez, Jose 1051

Jancsek, Antal 814

Perry, John 1564

Janssen, Jacob 778

Polidori, Carlo 517

Kamp, Toni 279

Powell, Ace (Asa Lynn) 1556

Kemp, Jay 1274

Prud’hon, Pierre-Paul 554

Killgore, Charles 1552

Rath, Hildegard 808

LaMotte, Bernard 1380

Redlin, Terry 1276

Leeuwen, J. van 1379

Renard, Paul 914

Leleux, Adolphe Pierre 454

Renoir, Auguste 1043

Lewis, L. 1097

Renouard, Charles Paul 1044

Little, Almarie 1237

Richards, Charles 1049

Lorrain, Claude (follower) 919

Robinson, Rex 1240

Louisiana School 561, 1239, 1244, 1313, 1479

Rouault, Georges (after) 1471

Loving, Eugene 1480, 1482, 1491, 1492, 1493, 1494

Ruellan, Andree 459

Lowe, Edward Joseph 1271

Rutledge, Steven 1500

Marcellino, Fred 1635

Sage, Philip 1495, 1496, 1497, 1499, 1503

Maresca, Mario 912

Scotti, Maria 1429

Matisse, Henri (after) 1467

Seaford, John Albert 773, 775 Selby, Prideaux John (after) 1261

McKenney & Hall 1251

Shaw, George 1272

Menager, Pierre 1046

Shearer, Christopher High 1543

Meunier, Suzanne (after) 1053

Simmons, Nan 1245

Minami, Keiko 74

Sloan, John French 1045

Minei, Franco 1318

Sloan, Richard (after) 1275

Miro, Joan 1462, 1463

Smith, Jules Andre 777

Moise, Ann 1424

South American School 213, 218, 223, 257

Moore, Ernest 1349

Southern School 1246, 1312, 1346

I n d e x of A rt i s t s a nd P r in t m a k e r s

January 24-26, 2014

Spanish American School 216, 259 Spanish Colonial School 214, 215, 217, 222, 256 Spheeris, Paul J. 1634 Spicher, Kolene E. 1252 Standley, Max 1633 Thompson, David B. 771

Glossary New Orleans Auction Galleries does not make any express or implied warranty as to the authorship of works of art and fine art. Please note that all of the terms and descriptions used in this catalogue are intended as our qualified opinions only and are subject to the Conditions of Sale set forth elsewhere.

Thompson, Jerry L. 1056 Tie-Feng, Jiang 123 Turtle, Arnold 1480 Vasarely, Victor 1464, 1465 Vertes, Marcel 1381 Walther, Charles H. 1558 Watson, Albert 1055 Weissman, Andrew 520 Welsh, Horace Dewitt 1478 Werger, Art 1478 White, Lee 1426 Wolf & Hart 1257 Wood, William Thomas 1096 Woodward, William (after) 1482 Young, M. S. 1546 Zheng, B. C. 998

The Artist’s Name: In our qualified opinion, a work by the artist. Attributed to: In our qualified opinion, a work of the period of the artist that may be in whole or in part the work of the artist. School of: In our qualified opinion, a work by a follower of the artist. Circle of: In our qualified opinion, a work of the period of the artist and showing his/her influence. Manner of: In our qualified opinion, a work in the style of the artist, possibly of a later period. After: In our qualified opinion, a copy of a known work by the artist. Signed: In our qualified opinion, has the signature which is that of the artist. Bears Signature: In our qualified opinion, has a signature which may be the signature of the artist. Dated: In our qualified opinion, is so dated and was executed on or around that date. Bears Date: In our qualified opinion, is so dated and may have been executed at about that date.

New Orleans Auction Galleries Susan Krohn

Tessa Steinkamp


Director of Auctions

Ashton Thomas President

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Ireys Bowman

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Cakebread Decorative Arts January 24-26 2014 / / 510 Julia Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 / 1-800-501-0277 / 504-566-1849 / (FAX) 504-566-1851

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