New Orleans Auction galleries
Featuring Important Property from the
Lauré Chustz Flatt Collection DECEMBER 4-6, 2015
CA M I L L E BO M B O I S (French, 1883-1970), L’Arbre Abattu, oil on canvas, 25⅝” x 19⅝”
J EA N D U F Y (French, 1888-1964), Nature Morte, 1928, oil on canvas, 21â…?" x 18"
CA M I L L E B O M B O I S (French, 1883-1970), Le Couple, Pêcheur, circa 1940, oil on canvas, 37⅞” x 25½”
FRA N Ç OI S G A L L (French/Hungarian, 1912-1987), Quai des Grands Augustins , oil on canvas, 30½” x 37¾”
MA XI M I L I EN L U C E (French, 1858-1941), La Mer Méditerranée à Saint Tropez , circa 1893, oil on canvasboard, 8” x 10”
FE RD I NA N D D U P U I G AU D EAU (French, 1864-1930), Meules de Foins et Coquelicots à Batz , oil on panel, 7¼” x 9”
CAMILLE B O MBOIS (French, 1883-1970), La Marne d'Champigny , oil on canvas, 17¼” x 22”
CA M I L L E B O M B O I S (French, 1883-1970), Bouquet de Roses dans un Vase Orange , oil on canvas, 9½” x 12¾”
CAM I L L E BO M B O I S (French, 1883-1970), Les Enfants du Châtelain , circa 1928, oil on canvas, 21⅝ x 18⅛”
(French, 1861-1936), Notre Dame de Paris et la Seine , oil on canvas, 18⅛” x 21¾”
(French, 1873-1958), Au Bord de la Mer , oil on canvas, 15” x 18”
FR ANÇ O IS GALL (French/Hungarian, 1912-1987), Café Pigalle, oil on canvas, 22½” x 32”
CHAR LES LEVIER (French, 1920-2003), Dans Atelier , oil on canvas, 50” x 36”
SAM SZAFRAN (French, b. 1934), Atelier aux Feuillages , pastel on paper, 40⅝” x 29¼”
NEW ORLEANS auction galleries
Featuring Important Property from the LaurĂŠ Chustz Flatt Collection
Estates Auction :
D ec emb er 4 - 6 , 2 0 1 5 Exhibition:
N ovemb er 2 3 - Dec em b er 3 , 2 0 1 5 Monday - Satu rd ay, 9 a . m . - 5 p.m Evening Rece p ti on :
T h ur s d ay, Dec em b er 3 , 2 0 1 5 5 - 8 p.m.
Italian/French School (late 17th/early 18th century) Old Master Drawing of a Classical Scene , pen and ink on paper (detail) LA Auction License AB-363, Steinkamp #1265, Thomas #1833, Eichenwald #1922 | 25% Buyer’s Premium (3% Discount for Prompt Payments Made by Cash, Check, or Wire)