NOAG Interiors: August 29, 2020

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NOAG i n t e r i o rs presenting a wide selection of furniture, paintings, prints, silver, lighting, decorative arts and more


NOAG i n t e r i o rs

August 29, 2020 new orleans auction galleries 333 Saint Joseph Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 | | 504-566-1849 LA Auction License AB-363, Steinkamp #1265, Eichenwald #1922 | 25% Buyer’s Premium

Pictured Left: Lot 234 | Front Cover: Lot 193 & 411 | Back Cover: Lot 282

EXHIBITION: August 24-28 Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. By Appointment Only

LOT SCHEDULE: Please note that times are approximate Saturday, August 29, 10 a.m. CT Lots 1 - 628 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 1:00 1:00 - 2:00 2:00 - 3:00 3:00 - 4:00 4:00 - 4:30

1 - 100 101 - 200 201 - 300 301 - 400 401 - 500 501 - 600 601 - 628

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1 Large French Provincial-Style Polychrome Entertainment Cabinet the upper case with a carved frieze above a pair of shaped and framed raised panel doors, the lower section fitted with two long drawers. h. 100”, w. 64”, d. 27” 1

$800-$1,200 2 Camille Bernier (French, 1823-1903) “La Source pres de Ferme” oil on linen signed lower left. Period giltwood and gesso frame. 37-3/4” x 27-3/4”, framed 49” x 39-1/4” Provenance: Frances Aronson Fine Art, Atlanta, Georgia. $500-$800 3 Provincial Louis XV Oak Buffet late 18th century, the rounded rectangular top above a conforming case fitted with two drawers over two cupboard doors, each inset with a shaped panel and above a scalloped apron, raised on cabriole feet ending in pointed toes. h. 52”, w. 50-1/2”, d. 23-1/2” $600-$900




4 French Provincial Walnut Parquetry-Inlaid Refectory Table in the 18th-century style, the framed top with a molded edge and pull-out leaves, over a carved and scalloped apron, raised on cabriole legs. h. 30”, w. 41”, l. 67-1/2”, ext. l. 109-1/2” 6 Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figure

$600-$900 5 Three Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figural Objects second quarter 19th century, including a Staffordshire-style spill vase decorated with a nanny goat nursing a kid, h. 7”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 4-1/4”, a covered duck-form box, h. 4-1/2”, w. 3”, d. 7”, and a covered box depicting Cupid riding a swan, h. 8”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 6-3/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.

mid-19th century, depicting a girl holding eggs in her skirt, and a donkey with market baskets, on a pierced base, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 8-1/2”, dia. 8” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700

6 5



7 Five Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Objects second quarter 19th century, including an encrier with a cupid cover on a vermicelli ground, the interior with an inkpot and sander, h. 4”, w. 3-3/4”, d. 3”, a pair of putti hatching from an egg, supported on a pillow, h. 3-3/4”, w. 3-3/4”, d. 3-3/4”, two graduated boxes with sheep on the covers and Schneeballen bases, h. 3” to 4”, w. 4” to 4-3/4”, d. 2-1/4” to 2-3/4”, and a delicate basket, h. 2”, dia. 3-1/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500 8 Five Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Animalier Figures second quarter 19th century, including a seated pug wearing a red bow, h. 6”, w. 4-3/4”, a seated shepherd in the grass, signed “Tabajoie”, probably the decorator, h. 5-1/4”, dia. 4-1/4”, a recumbent leopard, h. 3”, w. 5”, a white Staffordshire terrier, h. 2”, w. 4-1/4”, and a playful bulldog on a cushion, probably a cover for a box, h. 4”, w. 5”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700 9 Two Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Dog Figures second quarter 19th century, including a foxhound sniffing out quail hiding under leaves, h. 5”, w. 7-1/4”, d. 5-1/2”, and a recumbent Saint Bernard, h. 4-3/4”, w. 8-3/4”, d. 4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500



10 Two Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Canine Figural Encriers second quarter 19th century, the larger example with a greyhound and a pair of ink pots, h. 4-3/4”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 8-1/2”, and the smaller one depicting a dog chasing a swan, h. 3-1/2”, w. 4-3/4”, d. 3-3/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10


11 Pair of French Porcelain Animalier Master Salts Attributed to Jacob Petit mid-19th century, one with a pair of monkeys, the other with a tiger and a leopard, both supporting a shell-form dish, unmarked. h. 7”, w. 5”, d. 3-1/4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $700-$1,000 11

12 Two Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Monkey Figures second quarter 19th century, including a jug modeled as a monkey in 18th-century gentleman’s dress, with the top of the hat serving as a cover, h. 8-1/2”, w. 3”, d. 6”, and the figure of a monkey dressed as a gypsy, with a pet monkey drummer, h. 9”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 5-1/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700



14 13

13 Pair of Metal and Faux Marbre-Painted Wooden Candelabra 20th century, in the Italian baroque taste, now mounted as lamps, each with a gilt-trimmed urn-form standard and leafcarved base, fitted with shades. h. 45”, w. 23-1/2”, d. 16-1/2” $600-$900

14 Victorian Wire and Stained Maple Birdcage late 19th century, the domed top with a turned finial, above a sloped roof cage with various doors and hatches. h. 37”, w. 18”, d. 10” $300-$500

15 Continental Enameled Metal Oval Mirror mid-20th century, decorated with flowers and rope-twist trim. h. 44-3/4”, w. 22” $700-$1,000



16 French Provincial-Style Polychrome Armoire the domed ogee-molded cornice above a case fitted with two bi-paneled doors opening to a shelved interior, raised above a scalloped apron on pointed toes, the whole with polychrome foliate patterns. h. 90-1/2”, w. 60”, d. 26-1/2” $700-$1,000


17 Pair of French Baroque-Style Silver-Gilt and Glass Sconces 20th century, each marked “L. Bontemps, 1807”, with acanthus-carved backplates and pineapple-form cut glass shades with silver-gilt wooden finials, electrified. h. 15”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 9” $600-$900 17



18 Machine-Woven Tapestry with figures in a lush park setting, and a palmette and floral border. h. 51”, w. 79-1/2” $300-$500

19 Carved and Painted Mirror in the Rococo Taste 20th century, decorated with carved scrolls and flowerheads. h. 50”, w. 37-3/4” $300-$500



20 Pair of Molded Plaster Urns in the Baroque Taste fourth quarter 19th century, with fluted sides and flame-form “covers”. h. 22”, w. 17-1/2”, d. 9” $600-$900

21 French Paint-Decorated Mirror in the Neoclassical Taste 20

20th century, the crest with a quiver of arrows and a pair of lovebirds framed with a laurel wreath, the sides with sprays of oak leaves, the surround carved with lotus leaves and a beaded liner. h. 61-3/4”, w. 36-1/4” $600-$900

22 Directoire Cherrywood Work Table 18th century, the framed top with protruding corners over scalloped and carved aprons, one end fitted with a drawer, raised on fluted tapering square legs, of pegged construction. h. 29”, w. 39-1/2”, d. 30-1/2” $600-$900





23 Louis XV-Style Mahogany Bureau Plat the projecting top over a scalloped center drawer flanked by deeper drawers with beaded perimeters, raised on cabriole legs. h. 29-3/4”, w. 67-1/2”, d. 28-3/4” $500-$800


24 Charles X-Style Porcelain Cachepot and Stand late 19th century, Chinese, hand-painted, Marked “United Wilson 1897” on the bottom. h. 4-1/4”, w. 5-3/4”, d. 5” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $150-$300

25 Charles X Giltwood and Metal Picture Frame Clock second quarter 19th century, period cove-molded frame with egg-and-dart trim, the steel dial with an engine-turned bronze bezel. h. 17”, w. 14” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $300-$500




26 Opulent French Gilded Age Bronze Sconce


fourth quarter 19th century, in the Louis XV taste, the backplate lushly molded with scrollwork, rocaille work and a ram’s head, the center with molded leaves and grapes, the scrolled arms set with rocaille-molded drip pans and matching candle cups, electrified. h. 21”, w. 17”, d. 16-1/2”

28 French Walnut, Glass and Tapestry Three-Panel Folding Screen first quarter 20th century, with carved rosette finials on each corner and a twisted ribbon surround, each panel set with four beveled mirror plates over tapestry panels. h. 52-1/2”, w. 58-1/2”

$600-$900 27 Louis XV-Style Giltwood Armchair


the tub-back chair on a swivel base, in foliate-carved decor with a circular seat, conforming rails and cabriole legs. h. 34-3/4” $200-$400



29 French Art Nouveau Patinated Bronze Bust of an “Elegante” first quarter 20th century, in the manner of Hippolyte Moreau (French, 1832-1927), cast signature along side, on a carved wood fluted columnar plinth. overall h. 20-1/2”, w. 10”, d. 7-1/2” $600-$900 30 French Gilt-Bronze and Glass Pendant Hall Light second quarter 20th century, the rococo-style frame decorated with scrollwork and flowerheads and set with an iridescent gold art glass shade, drilled and electrified. h. 38-1/4”, dia. 8” $600-$900 31 Louis XV-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Bergere 29

ca. 1900, of barrel-back form, the molded back extending to closed arms, bowed seat rail and cabriole legs, fitted with a loose seat cushion. h. 39” $200-$400 32 Louis XV-Style Kingwood Occasional Table 30

19th century, the banded and shaped rectangular top quarterveneered and with projecting corners, above a frieze fitted with a single drawer, raised on slender cabriole legs headed by ormolu mounts and ending in sabots. h. 28-3/4”, w. 16”, d. 12-1/2” $900-$1,200




33 detail


33 Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772), West Indian Maps from the Petit Atlas, v. I

34 Louis XV-Style Mahogany Bureau Plat late 19th century, the shaped rectangular top inset with a leather writing surface, above a frieze fitted with three drawers to one side and three faux drawers to the other, raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots, the whole richly decorated with ormolu mounts and millwork. h. 33”, w. 63”, d. 33-1/2”

[Paris]: J. N. Bellin, 1764. “L’Amerique septentrionale et les Isles Antilles”, telliere folio, a fragmentary copy with flyleaf, title page, half title page, two leaves of introductory material, dedication page and two leaves of the table, and retaining 34 (of 102) maps and plans, 22 folio and 12 half sheet, mostly of Hispaniola, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Grenada, Barbados and other islands of the Lesser Antilles, but including “Suite du Cours du Fleuve St. Louis dupuis le Riviere d’Iberville jusqua celle des Yasous et les Parties connues de la Riviere Rouge”; i.e. the Mississippi River between Bayou Manchac and the Yazoo River and known parts of the Red River. [Phillips 3508] leaves 30.4 cm x 21.3 cm, full sheets 42.6 cm x 30.4 cm


Detailed list of maps available on request. $1,500-$2,500



35 37

35 French Gilt-Metal Eight-Light Chandelier 20th century, with leaf-molded arms, decorated with gilt-metal roses and lilies. h. 21”, dia. 23-1/2”

37 Louis XV Polychrome Fauteuil 18th century, the frame with foliate-carved details, raised on cabriole legs, of pegged construction. h. 36”, w. 26”, d. 18”

$300-$500 $700-$1,000 36 French Gilt-Metal Eight-Light Chandelier mid-20th century, with leaf-molded arms, decorated with giltmetal roses and lilies. h. 25-1/2”, dia. 24”

38 Rococo Revival Giltwood Oval Mirror third quarter 19th century, the frame in foliate decor and retaining elements of its period water gilding. h. 47-1/2”, w. 42”

$300-$500 $300-$500




39 Three Pieces of Jacob Petit and Other Paris Porcelain second quarter 19th century, including a pair of Jacob Petit potpourri vases/bulb pots decorated with trophies, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue, h. 7”, dia. 4-3/4”, and a hand-painted scent bottle, possibly by Jacob Petit, h. 9-1/4”, dia. 4”.

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. 39


40 Three-Piece Collection of Gilded Paris Porcelain French, including a ewer with a masque-molded handle and a border of flowers over a tooled gilt grid, first quarter 19th century, h. 10-3/4”, w. 5”, d. 4-1/2”, and a tureen and underplate decorated with borders of flowers on a solid gilt ground, mid-19th century, h. 11”, dia. 9-1/4”. $200-$400 40

41 Rare Bronze Dore and Porcelain Clock Attributed to Jacob Petit second quarter 19th century, French, richly decorated with Rococo Revival dore trim, the base with grape-trimmed Silenus masques forming the feet, the clock with pierced scrollwork, rocaille work and stippling, the porcelain body covered in delicately hand-painted flowers on a gilt stippled ground. h. 20-1/2”, w. 15-3/4”, d. 8-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900




42 Five Pieces of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain

43 Collection of Jacob Petit Bacchanalian-Themed Paris Porcelain

second quarter 19th century, including a pair of ewers, h. 8-1/2”, w. 3-3/4”, d. 4”, a pair of dolphin-molded potpourri vases, h. 6-1/2” and 8”, dia. 4-1/4”, and a bottle vase, h. 6-1/4”, dia. 4-3/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.

mid-19th century, including three graduated jugs based on Minton’s “Silenus” jugs, h. 4-1/4” to 7-1/4”, w. 3-3/4” to 7-1/4”, d. 2” to 3-1/2”, and a chalice, the base molded with serpents, h. 9-1/2”, dia. 4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana.

$400-$700 $400-$700



44 Louis XVI-Style Bronze-Mounted Fruitwood ThreeTier Dessertoir early 20th century, with three lozenge trays edged with bronze cross-tied ribbon trim, and supported by trestleform ends with brass medallion mounts. h. 29-1/2”, w. 20”, shelf d. 8”, leg d. 12” $500-$800 45 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Bureau Cylindre early 20th century, the rectangular marble top within a three-quarter pierced brass gallery, above three small drawers, over a paneled cylinder opening to a pull-out leather-inset writing surface and a variety of drawers and cubbyholes, with a central drawer flanked by two smaller drawers to each side below, raised on fluted tapering circular legs ending in brass caps. h. 48”, w. 54”, d. 26-1/2”


$1,500-$2,500 46 French Belle Epoque Bronze and Brass Chandelier first quarter 20th century, the twelve-light fixture exhibiting a mixture of Rococo and Art Nouveau designs, the ball-form body wrapped with latticework and supported on a standard with a vine of flowers, the arms set on two tiers with six lights each, with pierced latticework on the top tier and scrollwork and leaves on the bottom tiers. h. 61-1/2”, dia. 31” $500-$800 46



47 Pierre-Auguste Renoir (French, 1841-1919) “Le Chapeau Epingle”, 1894 etching on wove paper signed in plate lower left, frame backing with certificate of authenticity issued by “Societe de Verification de la Nouvelle Gravure Internationale”. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 5” x 3-5/8”, framed 11-1/4” x 9-3/4” $300-$500

48 Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Window Seat


20th century, the long cushioned seat flanked to either end by padded outscrolled armrests, raised above a paneled frieze on tapering circular legs, the outer two spiral-fluted, with three removable back cushions. h. 25”, w. 105”, d. 29” $1,000-$1,500

49 Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Occasional Table late 19th century, the banded and shaped quarter-veneered top centered by an inlaid floral spray, hinged and opening to a storage space, joined to a lower shelf by slender cabriole legs terminating in splayed feet. h. 27-1/2”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 12-3/4” $900-$1,200 49



50 Transitional Louis XV/XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Cabinet early 20th century, the rounded rectangular marble top above a conforming case fitted with two quarter-veneered cupboard doors, raised on splayed feet ending in sabots. h. 35”, w. 34-1/2”, d. 16-1/2” $600-$900


51 Pair of Italian Carved, Parcel-Gilt and Faux Marbre Wooden Urns 20th century, now mounted as lamps, painted to resemble rouge marble and carved with drapes, fitted with shades. h. 35”, dia. 22” $500-$800


52 Transitional Louis XV/XVI-Style Kingwood Occasional Table early 19th century, the circular banded and quarter-veneered top above a conforming frieze fitted with a single drawer, joined by square supports to a like lower shelf, raised on shaped legs ending in sabots. h. 29-1/4”, dia. 16-1/2” $800-$1,200




53 Suite of Eight Louis XV-Style Mahogany Side Chairs 20th century, each with a padded shield-form back surmounted by an ormolu foliate crest, the padded seat raised on cabriole legs headed by ormolu capitals and ending in sabots. h. 44-1/2” $700-$1,000

54 Nicolas de Larmessin III (French, 1640-1725) “Les Oyes de Frere Philippe”, after Nicolas Lancret etching unsigned, bottom inscribed with artist’s and engraver’s names. Matted, glazed and framed. pl. 12” x 14-1/2”, framed 20-1/2” x 22-1/4”


Provenance: Lucullus, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900

55 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Corner Consoles each with a serpentine variegated rouge and grey marble top over a conforming apron centered by shell, floral and foliate carving and raised on a cabriole leg. h. 37”, w. 33”, d. 18” $700-$1,000



56 57

56 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Bergeres first quarter 20th century, French, each with a domed padded back, joined by padded arms to the cushioned seat, raised on fluted tapering circular legs headed by floral capitals and ending in toupie feet. h. 35”

58 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Fauteuils


each with a molded medallion back joined to open arms, molded seat rail and fluted legs, upholstered in printed linen. h. 40-1/4”

57 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Firescreen


ca. 1900, the laurel wreath- and ribbon-carved crest over a tapestry panel, flanked by fluted columns and supported by foliate-carved and fluted legs. h. 44-1/4”, w. 24-1/2” $500-$800




59 Two Zuber “El Dorado” Wallpaper Panels first quarter 20th century, French, after the 1849 original first edition, the panels adjacent in the panoramic scenic vista, both mounted flush on conservation-grade aluminum, with hardware attached for display. h. 74”, w. 20-1/2” Provenance: Private residence, Richmond, Virginia. 59

Literature: Odile Nouvel-Kammerer, French Scenic Wallpaper 17951865 (Paris: Flammarion/Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 1990), p. 312. $900-$1,200 60 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Fauteuils each with a molded medallion back joined to open arms, molded seat rail and fluted legs, upholstered in printed linen. h. 40-1/4” $500-$800 61 French Bronze and Crystal Chandelier second quarter 20th century, of neoclassical inspiration, the main basket-form body set with strings of glass drops, the laurel-molded central ring set with three scrolled arms set with leaf-molded bronze shade holders and floriform frosted glass shades. h. 26”, dia. 20” $700-$1,000




62 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Settee 20th century, the padded medallion back surmounted by a floral crest, joined by padded foliate-carved arms to the like seat, raised on stop-fluted tapering circular legs ending in toupie feet. h. 41-1/2”, w. 54”, d. 25” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $700-$1,000 63 Louis XV-Style Giltwood and Slate-Top Console Table 20th century, of tall form, the shaped top on a pierced and carved frame centered with shell and laurel leaf swags, raised on cabriole legs joined by a cartouche-carved stretcher, presented in a dramatic gold-leaf surface. h. 39”, w. 38”, d. 20”


$600-$900 64 Three-Piece French Gilt-Bronze-Mounted Porcelain Garniture Set mid-19th century, in the Rococo Revival taste, comprised of a covered urn with griffin-form handles and supported by dolphins on a rococo base, the cover with a dolphin knop and the body with a hippocampus mount, h. 20-1/2”, w. 8-1/4”, d. 4-1/2”, together with a pair of ewers, each with a swanform handle and matching rococo base, and the body with a seahorse mount, h. 13-1/4”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 3-1/2”. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,200-$1,800



65 Louis XV-Style Kingwood, Burlwood and Marble-Top Commode 20th century, the shaped marble top above a conforming bombe case fitted with two drawers, each inset with a burled panel, the sides en suite, raised on splayed legs ending in sabots. h. 28-1/2”, w. 33-1/4”, d. 17-1/4” $900-$1,200

66 Paul Simonet (French, act. 19th Century)


“Still Life with Strawberries” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 11-1/2” x 14-1/8”, framed 15” x 17-1/2” Provenance: Lucullus, New Orleans, Louisiana. $700-$1,000


67 Pair of French Giltwood “Porthole” Mirrors ca. 1900, in the rococo taste, the circular plates trimmed with giltwood rocaille work, the upper and lower portions with mirrored backs, scrollwork and bellflowers, set with pierced rocaille crests. h. 33”, w. 14” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. 67





68 Louis XV-Style Kingwood Bureau Plat early 20th century, the shaped rectangular top with an inset leather surface and ormolu corner accents, above a conforming frieze fitted with three drawers, all with latticepatterned parquetry inlay, verso and sides inlaid en suite, raised on cabriole legs headed by espagnolettes and ending in sabots. h. 32”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 25-1/2”

70 Pair of Louis XV-Style Mahogany, Kingwood and Marble-Top Petite Commodes early 20th century, each with a shaped marble top above a conforming bombe case fitted with two quarter-veneered drawers, raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots. h. 27-1/2”, w. 21”, d. 15” $400-$700


69 Louis XVI-Style Painted and Patinated Metal Chandelier third quarter 20th century, the quiver-form standard and arms terminating in cockerel heads, set with patinated metal cherubs. h. 38-1/2”, w. 17”, d. 11” $600-$900



71 Pair of Gilt-Bronze Sconces in the Louis XV Taste second quarter 20th century, French, the two-light sconces with acanthus leaf backplates, issuing fluted, scrolled arms with conforming candle sockets and bobeches. h. 14-1/2”, w. 14-1/4”, d. 9-1/4” $200-$400 71

72 Follower of Jacques-Philippe Caresme (French, 1734-1796) “Bacchanal” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 20-3/8” x 25-3/8”, framed 25” x 30” $500-$800

73 Pair of Napoleon III Gilt-Bronze Candlesticks third quarter 19th century, now mounted atop the sockets with 19th-century blue opaline glass shades. h. 22-1/4”, w. 6-1/4”, d. 5-1/2” $500-$800

74 Pair of Chinese Small Famille Rose Porcelain Vases 20th century, each of baluster form, with raised foot and flared rim, decorated to the exterior with birds perched amid flowering plants and cherry blossoms between gilt borders, the reverse with a four-line inscription, the base with an apocryphal six-character Qianlong mark. h. 5-1/4”







75 Transitional Louis XV/XVI-Style Inlaid, Ormolu-Mounted and Marble-Top Commode


ca. 1900, the breakfront violet marble top over a conforming case with a single shaped long drawer and three cabinets below, the central door with a faux Sevres plaque. h. 36”, w. 50-1/2”, d. 18-1/2”

77 Three Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Scent Bottles mid-19th century, in the Rococo Revival taste, including a pair of melon-ground bottles set with molded troubadour figures against hand-painted flowers, h. 9-1/2”, dia. 3-3/4”, and a blue-ground bottle decorated with delicately molded shells and leaves, h. 10”, dia. 4-1/2”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.

$500-$800 76 Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Scent Bottles second quarter 19th century, with dolphin feet, decorated with garlands of flowers and ribbons, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 6-3/4”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 5-1/4”

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500




78 Two Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Potpourri Vases second quarter 19th century, each with a blue ground, one with an exceptional pierced cover of encrusted flowers, h. 10-1/2”, w. 5-3/4”, d. 3-1/4”, and the other with molded dolphin-head handles, h. 8-3/4”, w. 5-3/4”, d. 5-1/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500 79 Three Exceptional Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Objects mid-19th century, including a large box decorated with a ribbon-tied sprig of flowers and a cupid aiming his arrow, nestled in a rose, all on a fringed pillow, h. 6-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 8”, a flower-encrusted crown sitting atop a pillow, concealing a scent bottle, h. 7-1/4”, w. 6-1/2”, d. 6-1/2”, and a flowerencrusted pillow scent bottle, h. 6”, w. 6-1/2”, d. 6-1/2”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 80 Three PIeces of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain mid-19th century, including a pair of leaf-molded vases decorated with encrusted flowers, h. 7-1/2”, w. 6-1/4”, d. 3-3/4”, and a Rococo Revival-style hand-painted pitcher, h. 7”, w. 5”, d. 3-1/4”, each piece signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500 80


81 Pair of Rhyton-Form Porcelain Vases Attributed to Jacob Petit mid-19th century, French, the vases painted with couples in landscapes and supported by hippocampi. h. 10-1/2”, w. 7-1/2”, d. 4-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500


82 Three Pieces of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain second quarter 19th century, including a centerpiece with panels of hand-painted flowers and a base raised on paw feet, h. 10”, w. 13”, d. 7-1/2”, an oval fruit basket with hand-painted fruit and a bird, h. 3”, w. 10-3/4”, d. 5-3/4”, and a pen tray, l. 11-1/4”, w. 5”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700 82

83 Rare Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Campana-Form Urn mid-19th century, decorated with hand-painted flowers on a pale green ground, raised on lion’s-head paw feet, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 12”, dia. 10-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800




84 Set of French Shell-Molded Crystal ca. 1900, comprised of a compote with a molded putto standard and tree-of-life-style molding, the edges trimmed in gilt, h. 15”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 11”, and six shell-form dishes, w. 8-3/4”, d. 9”. $500-$800 85 French Baccarat Loop Molded Crystal Dessert Stand ca. 1900, with three graduated plateaus and a posy holder on the top, the base with a molded “Baccarat” mark. h. 21-1/4”, dia. 9-3/4” $700-$1,000


86 Two French Bronze-Mounted Molded Crystal Wine Decanters third quarter 20th century, each with a figure above foliage. h. 9-1/2”, dia. 4-1/2” and h. 13-1/2”, dia. 6” $500-$800

87 French Pottery and Brass Fan-Form Box 20th century, decorated with figures and putti in Arcadian landscapes, with spurious Sevres mark, the painted lid signed “Aube”. h. 3”, w. 13”, d. 9” $500-$800




90 88

88 French Baroque-Style Gilt-Bronze Chandelier

90 Pair of French Belle Epoque Bronze Putti on Marble Plinths

early 20th century, the standard with a ball and fluted vasiform section mounted with winged angels, issuing eight arms with bellflower decor. h. 28”, dia. 33”

ca. 1900, the male and female figures poised with their hands aloft, sitting on tall verde antique marble bases. h. 15”, w. 3-1/2”, d. 4” $800-$1,200

$600-$900 89 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Server early 20th century, fitted with a single central drawer flanked by two faux end drawers, joined to two like-shaped open shelves by fluted bulbous uprights, raised on turned toupie feet. h. 38, w. 53-1/2”, d. 18”

91 Empire-Style Ormolu-Mounted Mahogany Pier Table the rectilinear marble top over a conforming frieze with giltlacquered mounts, raised on columns with ormolu capitals and bases, the low shelf backed by a mirror plate. h. 36-1/2”, w. 45-1/2”, d. 21-1/2” $700-$1,000





92 French Belle Epoque Marble and Gilt-Bronze Encrier fourth quarter 19th century, on bold paw feet, mounted with a single inkpot trimmed with engine-turned gilt bronze, flanked with finials, the front with an inset pen tray, the facade with a gilt-bronze mount. h. 8-1/4”, w. 17-1/2”, d. 10-1/2” $800-$1,200 92

93 Louis XVI-Style Ormolu-Mounted Marble and Onyx Pedestal mid-20th century, the shaped top with various segmented marble veneers and mounted to a tapered standard and platform base. h. 32”, dia. 21” $500-$800


94 Set of Six Bohemian Cobalt and Amber Glass Brandy Snifters mid-20th century, decorated with raised gilt scrollwork. h. 7-1/2”, dia. 4-3/4” $500-$800



95 Pair of Empire Mahogany and Marble-Top Cabinets 19th century, each with a square marble top above a conforming case fitted with a frieze drawer over a single paneled cupboard door, flanked to either side by an ormolumounted pilaster, raised on ormolu ball-and-claw feet. h. 37”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 18-3/4” $1,200-$1,800


96 Empire-Style Ormolu-Mounted Mahogany Center Table late 19th century, the circular top above a frieze with bronze mounts and supported by large scrolled legs ending in carved paw feet on a triangular platform base. h. 29-1/2”, dia. 38-1/2” $600-$900


97 French Gilt-Bronze and Green Onyx Figural Clock fourth quarter 19th century, decorated with a figure of a musketeer on horseback, the onyx case set with a Japy Freres movement. h. 20-1/2”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 6-1/2” $700-$1,000



100 98

98 Pair of French Gilt- and Patinated Bronze Candelabra 20th century, in the Empire taste, each with a tapered and reeded standard set with scrolled candle branches, decorated with griffin’s heads and flowers, on two tiers, and turned candle cups and drip pans, raised on a paw-footed tripartite base decorated with winged angel’s heads. h. 41-1/2”, dia. 17-1/2”

100 Louis-Philippe Walnut and Marble-Top Pier Table mid-19th century, the rectangular marble top with projecting paneled corners, above a conforming frieze fitted with a single paneled drawer, joined by a mirrored back and scrolling supports to a shaped stretcher shelf, raised on splayed paw feet. h. 35”, w. 42”, d. 20-1/2”

$700-$1,000 $900-$1,200 99 Louis-Philippe Mahogany Settee

101 Pair of Restauration Patinated Bronze Lighting Devices on Marble Bases

mid-19th century, the back with a deep wooden frieze surmounted by a foliate scrolling crest, the bottom half padded and joined to the padded seat by downswept arms ending in carved, scrolling dolphin uprights, raised on shaped legs ending in splayed toes. h. 41”, w. 71”, d. 28

second quarter 19th century, each with a threaded finial and removable tank, with acanthus leaf details and raised on paw feet. overall h. 15”, dia. 9”







102 Pair of French Siena Marble and Bronze Five-Light Candelabra


ca. 1900, in the Empire taste, composed of patinated and gilt bronze, each center nozzle with a removable flame finial insert. h. 22-1/4”, w. 7-1/4”, d. 7-1/4” $200-$400

103 Louis-Philippe Mahogany Center Table mid-19th century, the circular table with an inset leather top above a conforming frieze fitted with four drawers and four faux drawers, and raised on a turned and ribbed urn-form standard to three legs ending in paw feet on casters. h. 30-1/2”, dia. 45” $600-$900

104 French Silvered Metal Figure of a Cavalier fourth quarter 19th century, now mounted as a lamp, the figure in 17th-century costume, on an ebonized wooden base, mounted with a pleated shade. h. 29”, dia. 16”



105 Two Glass and Metal Epergnes 19th/20th century, including a French example on a lozengeform mirrored base, set with cut glass tulip-form vases, h. 14-1/2”, w. 17-1/2”, and an English silverplate example, h. 23-3/4”, dia. 10-1/2”. $500-$800



106 Fine French White Marble Roundel of Napoleon III third quarter 19th century, the Emperor sculpted in high relief and in profile, now in a custom-made easel-form mahagony and ebonized wood presentation frame. roundel dia. 30”, frame h. 42-1/2”, w. 37”, d. 21-1/2” Provenance: Ronald Wright, Brussels, 1998; Collection of Christopher Forbes (VP of Forbes Publication), New York, New York, 1998-2016; Osenat Auction, Paris, March 5, 2016, lot 277; Collection of the Count of Raban, 2016-present. $2,000-$4,000 107 French Patinated Metal Sculpture of a Blacksmith after Auguste Moreau (French, 1855-1919), cast signature along edge of self-base, on a conforming marble base. overall h. 21-3/4”, w. 7-3/8”, d. 7-1/4” $500-$800 108 Pair of Napoleon III Bronze and Marble Figural Candlesticks


third quarter 19th century, now mounted as lamps, the fluted column-form marble bases supporting a bronze female and male figure, respectively, each draped and holding aloft a candle socket, the lamps mounted with fabric shades over glass shades. h. 36”, dia. 16-1/4” $300-$500




109 Monumental Napoleon III Walnut and Marble Mirror third quarter 19th century, in the Aesthetic taste, the arched crest decorated with egg-and-dart carving, the sides with Corinthian pilasters mounted with marble plaques, the pilasters supported on bases carved with strapwork, anthemia and flowers, and accented with gilt incising and trim. h. 105-1/2”, w. 70” $800-$1,200


110 Napoleon III Burl and Fruitwood Bureau de Dame third quarter 19th century, the superstructure fitted with a central mirrored cupboard, flanked to either side by a lower bank of three small drawers, all surrounded by a partial pierced brass gallery, the shaped lower section centered by an inset leather surface and above a frieze fitted with a single drawer, raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots, the whole accented with delicate inlaid scrolling patterns and ormolu mounts. h. 47-1/2”, w. 44”, d. 26” $500-$800




111 Napoleon III Ebonized and Boulle-Inlaid Center Table third quarter 19th century, the top with elaborate inlaid tortoise and Boullework, with a cast bronze molded edge and bronze mounts, one side fitted with a drawer and raised on cabriole legs. h. 30-1/2”, w. 53”, d. 30-1/2” $800-$1,200 112 Napoleon III Ebonized and Boulle-Inlaid Center Table third quarter 19th century, the top with elaborate inlaid tortoise and Boullework, with a cast bronze molded edge and bronze mounts, one side fitted with a drawer and raised on cabriole legs. h. 30-1/2”, w. 53”, d. 30-1/2” $600-$900


113 French Patinated Metal Lantern in the Neo-Grec Taste second quarter 20th century, the lantern with fleurs-de-lis and Moorish crests and tulip-form finials above panels of pierced leafage, the corners with pierced scrollwork and the sides having vines pierced with quatrefoils. h. 39”, dia. 21” $600-$900 114 Pair of Signed Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Gothic Revival Scent Bottles second quarter 19th century, of hexagonal spire form, decorated with swags of encrusted flowers, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 11-3/4”, dia. 5” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700

112 114




115 Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Merlin and Morgana Scent Bottles second quarter 19th century, on faux marbre bases, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 14-3/4”, w. 4-1/4”, d. 4-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500

116 Brass and Glass Pendant Hall Chandelier second quarter 20th century, the base molded and pierced in the rococo taste, set with a gold threaded art glass shade. h. 21-3/4”, w. 8-1/4”, d. 5-3/4” $600-$900

117 French Neoclassical-Style Giltwood Mirror first quarter 20th century, the surround decorated in “vintage motif” with molded grapes and grape leaves, the outside edge with egg-and-dart molding, the mirror plate in two sections. h. 75”, w. 45-1/2” Provenance: Lucullus, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,200-$1,800



118 Laristan Tabriz Carpet 7’ 10” x 10’ 10” $1,400-$1,800


119 Bamboo Silk Serapi Carpet 8’ 9” x 12’ 3” $900-$1,200



120 Persian Nain Carpet 6’ 4” x 9’ 3” $900-$1,200


121 Persian Nain Carpet 9’ x 12’ 3” $2,000-$4,000



122 Semi-Antique Kerman Carpet 4’ x 6’ $400-$700

123 Louis XVI-Style Needlepoint Carpet 17’ 4” x 20’ 5” $500-$800




124 Russian Silver “Meteorite” Trinket Box marked St. Petersburg, 1859, assayer Aleksandr Nikolayevich Mitin, the maker’s marks obliterated, 84 zolotnik (.875) silver, in the form of a meteorite, with hinged lid and gilt interior, the underside monogrammed “BB” and inscribed “Meteor”. 3-1/4” x 3-3/4”; 9.60 t. oz. Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas. $500-$800 124

125 Nineteenth-Century Austrian Silver Hot Water Urn 1853, Vienna, by Mayerhofer & Klinkosch, 13 lot (.750) silver, the convex saucer-shaped body with waisted collar, fitted domed lid with floriform finial, lyriform handle with turned bone grip, and rocaille stirrup key with coquille bone finial, raised on four large threaded “fiddle”-shaped legs with scroll feet joined by a wirework stretcher to a spirit burner with bone handle and conical cap, monogrammed on the body “LS”. h. 13-3/4” (16” with handle), dia. 9-1/2”, l. 12-3/4”; 71.93 t. oz. $800-$1,200

126 Italian Sterling Silver Center Bowl third quarter 20th century, by Ricci & Co., Alessandria, in the Empire taste, of navette form with gadrooned calyx, leaf-anddart edging and displayed demi-swan handles, raised on a conforming gadrooned pedestal foot. h. 7-3/8”, l. 16-1/2”, w. 7-1/2”, 32.0 t. oz. $800-$1,200




128 127

127 Pair of Louis-Philippe Silverplate Candelabra

129 Pair of French Silver Sauceboats-on-Stand

second quarter 19th century, by Pierre Augustin Lambert (1809-1866), Paris, each with knopped columnar standard above a gadrooned base, surmounted by a central short finial flanked by a pair of scrolling arms each terminating in a candlesocket and chimney ring (chimneys lacking), the whole decorated with floral and acanthus banding. h. 20-1/4”, w. 21”, base dia. 6-3/8”

first quarter 20th century, by Albert Schiffmacher, Paris, first standard (.950) silver, each of bateau form with wavy rim and everted ends, fixed to an oval stand, both with annulated edge, the rim of the stand engraved with comital armorial. h. 4”, l. 9-1/2”, w. 5-3/4”; 34.60 total t. oz.



Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas.

130 Sterling Silver Box with Napoleonic Medal 128 Second Empire Silverplate Jewel Chest third quarter 19th century, Paris, of square form with projecting flat-column corners, hinged lid and toupie feet, the whole decorated with elaborate floral Vitruvian scrolls and demiputti, the interior lined in blue silk. h. 4-1/4”, w. 9-3/4

20th century, American, of short cylindrical form, the fitted lid inset with an 1810 silver medal by Claude-Antoine Mercie (1751-1812), struck by the Paris mint and issued by the city of Lyon in commemoration of the marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise, the obverse with dual profiles within laurel wreaths, the reverse with an allegorical figure of Lyon. h. 3”, dia. 5-1/8”; 13.71 t. oz.



129 130


131 Pair of British Carved Giltwood Neoclassical Brackets mid 19th century, with acanthus and lotus leaf carvings on the front and honeysuckle on the side, the top set with cove-molded trim. h. 17”, w. 6”, d. 9-1/2” $800-$1,200


132 Pair of Italian Neoclassical-Style Parcel-Gilt Alabaster Lamps 20th century, on similar gilt composition bases, the figures inspired by Josiah Wedgwood’s “Dancing Hours”. h. 20-1/2”, w. 7” to 8-1/4”, d. 7” to 8-1/4” $200-$400

133 Pair of Biedermeier Inlaid Mahogany Mirrors and Consoles 19th century, each with a shaped crest over bisected mirror plates, on bases with brackets centering a floral-inlaid panel, adorned with line stringing throughout, the crest with embossed brass mounts. h. 88-1/2”, w. 24”, d. 12-1/2” $700-$1,000

132 133



134 Two Biedermeier Fruitwood Center Tables

135 Suite of Five Biedermeier Parcel-Ebonized Fruitwood Dining Chairs

mid-19th century, one with a highly figured circular top above a paneled columnar standard to a concave tripartite base with scrolled feet, h. 30”, dia. 39-1/2”, and the other with a circular top with a sunburst veneer forming a floriform design and an ebonized edge above a paneled columnar standard supported by three splayed legs, h. 28-3/4”, dia. 42”.

erly 19th century, each with a molded crest rail over an ebonized splat, raised on gently tapering legs. h. 34-3/4” $600-$900




136 Pair of Hand-Colored Engravings after Classical Greek Pottery each numbered and inscribed in plate. Each matted, glazed and framed alike. 12-3/8” x 8”, framed 29-3/4” x 25-1/4” $300-$500


137 Three Engravings after Classical Greek Pottery each frieze with red-ground figures against a black body. Matted, glazed and framed alike. each sight 5” x 7-7/8”, framed 13-5/8” x 14-1/8” $300-$500



138 Interesting Neo-Grec Bronze Three-Section Mirrored Plateau fourth quarter 19th century, now mounted as a coffee table on a later carved wood and ebonized base. h. 23”, w. 52”, d. 24-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


139 Italian Carved Marble Bust of Caracalla first quarter 20th century, the Roman Emperor with his distinct scowl and curled hair and beard, on a black marble columnar plinth. bust h. 31”, w. 19”, d. 11, plinth h. 21” $1,000-$1,500


140 Italian Patinated Bronze of Mercury ca. 1900, after the 1580 sculpture by Giambologna (Flemish/ Florence, 1529-1608) now conserved at the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, the messenger of the gods with winged feet and helmet, one foot delicately balancing on a symbol of the wind, on a columnar base. h. 35-3/4”, w. 8”, d. 16” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $400-$700





141 Pair of Large Italian Painted Metal and Wood Sconces 20th century, the five-light sconces in the baroque taste, electrified. h. 49-1/2”, w. 19-1/4”, d. 10-1/4” $600-$900

143 Italian School (18th Century) “Interior Designs Illustrations” pair of hand-colored copperplate engravings by Michelangelo Pergolesi (act. 1760-1801). Both handsomely matted, glazed and framed alike.

142 Pair of Continental Carved Giltwood Altar Sticks ca. 1800, the tapering tripartite sticks decorated with scroll and leaf carving, and set with tin fluted drip pans and pricket candle holders. h. 34”, dia. 9”

sights 16” x 10” and 18-1/2” x 11”, framed 31” x 24” and 28” x 22” $400-$700





144 Roman School (17th Century)

145 Pair of Venetian-Style Polychrome Commodes

“Putti Playing on Clouds” pen and ink wash on paper laid down on cardboard inscribed “da Guido Reni” lower right corner, partially visible Luigi Grassi (L. 1171b) stamp en verso, “P. & D. Colnaghi, London” label on frame backing. Matted, glazed and framed. 4-3/4” x 5-3/4”, framed 17-1/4” x 18-1/2”

each case with a pair of drawers and raised on tapering square legs, the drawers and sides painted in neoclassical foliate decor. h. 35”, w. 43”, d. 20-1/2” $500-$800 146 Painted and Parcel-Gilt Wood, Gilt-Metal and Crystal Candelabrum

Provenance: Luigi Grassi, Florence, Italy; Probably the sale of Grassi’s Italian School drawings, Sotheby’s, London, U.K., May 13, 1924; P. & D. Colnaghi, London, U.K., 1954; Christie’s, London, U.K., July 5, 2006, lot 501; Private collection, Louisiana.

20th century, in the Italian neoclassical taste, the nine-light candelabrum with a column-form standard mounted with a giltwood pineapple, hung with prisms. h. 35”, dia. 19-1/4”







147 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Ivory-Painted and Parcel-Gilt Chairs each of generous proportions, with a fan-carved crest over a concave tablet back, the stiles with acanthus-carved brackets and fluted flaring legs, upholstered in cut velvet with a loose seat cushion. h. 38-1/2”



148 Italian Carved Alabaster Odalisque first quarter 20th century and later, now mounted as a lamp, the female figure, en deshabille, standing against a column fitted with a metal standard and double lamp sockets, fitted with a milk glass shade decorated with grisaille anthemia. h. 54-1/2”, w. 16”, d. 18” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $500-$800

149 Neoclassical-Style Carved Marble Pedestal 20th century, the circular base supporting three putti around the standard, the upper portion with rope-twist carving alternating with acanthus leaves. h. 48-1/4”, base dia. 14” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $400-$700 149


150 Brass-Mounted Malachite Casket fourth quarter 19th century, probably Russian, the dome-top casket with brass campaign-style corners, a brass lock hasp and cover bezel. h. 5”, w. 7”, d. 4-3/4” $600-$900 151 Gustavian Painted and Parcel-Gilt Mirror ca. 1800, Swedish, the pierced crest with an urn-form finial with gilt leaves, framed by scrollwork and decorated with flowerheads, the gilt-trimmed surround on fluted and beaded turned feet. h. 50”, w. 22”


$900-$1,200 152 Continental Polychrome Bowfront Hanging Corner Cabinet early 19th century, the foliate-pierced gilt crest above a bowed case fitted with a single drawer, paneled and featuring various figural classical scenes, on a molded base. h. 38”, w. 19”, d. 14-1/2” $700-$1,000




153 Pair of Balinese-Style Carved and Painted Wood and Metal Figural Torcheres 20th century, on rococo-style bases, the heads set with giltmetal seven-light candelabra, electrified. h. 81”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 9-1/4” $700-$1,000

154 Carved Wood Figure of Saint Peter fourth quarter 18th century, possibly Italian, on a baroque base with scrolled corners, carved with winged angel heads, the saint standing and gazing heavenward, one arm raised. h. 30-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 8-1/2” $800-$1,200 155

Pair of Composition Sconces in the Italian Baroque Taste 20th century, with flame finials and hanging tassels. h. 32-1/2”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 12-1/4” $600-$900





156 Italian Walnut and Fruitwood Center Table late 18th century, the banded and rounded rectangular top centered by decorative inlays, above a plain frieze, raised on cabriole legs headed by carved shells and ending in peg feet. h. 28”, w. 27”, d. 20” $1,000-$1,500


157 Maria Johanna Wilhelmina Becht (Dutch, 1881-1953) “Still Life of Fruit, Wine Glass and Pottery” oil on board signed upper right. Framed. 4” x 5-3/4”, framed 10” x 11” $500-$800


158 Pair of French-Style Bronze and Porcelain Mirrored Sconces 20th century, each two-light sconce set with handpainted floral plaques with turquoise grounds and a crest with a lovebird holding a wreath of flowers, with beveled mirror plates. h. 20-3/4”, w. 15”, d. 3-1/4” $500-$800 158


159 Pair of Neoclassical Silvered Metal Table Lamps first quarter 20th century, Continental, with faux marbre bases, the standards in the form of a pair of putti, mounted with ruffled blue glass shades. h. 20-1/2”, dia. 9” $700-$1,000


160 Unusual Enameled Glass, Brass and Mirror-Plated Covered Drinking Horn fourth quarter 19th century, probably Bohemian, the horn enameled with grapes and grape leaves, and suspended on ball-form chains. h. 19-1/4”, dia. 10-1/4” $500-$800


161 Pair of German Brass, Steel and Leather Candlesticks early 20th century, in the form of sword handles, a portion of the blade marked “D.R.G.M.” and “Clemens & Jung, Solingen”. h. 11-1/2”, w. 4”, d. 4” $200-$400




162 Dutch Mahogany and Marquetry Sleigh Bed second quarter 19th century, the paneled headboard with an outscrolled crest centered by a masque inlay, the whole with elaborate scrolling floral and foliate inlays, the lower headboard en suite, raised on block feet. h. 41”, inside w. 56”, l. 83”, outside w. 59”, l. 94” $900-$1,200

163 Dutch Mahogany and Marquetry Vitrine 20th century, the molded and domed cornice centered by a foliate carving and above two glazed doors and glazed sides, the lower section fitted with two banks of two drawers, raised on scrolling legs joined by a shaped H-form stretcher and ending in bun feet. h. 88”, w. 56”, d. 16-1/2” $800-$1,200




164 Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (Dutch, 1606-1669) “First Orientalist Head”, 1635 (Bartsch 286) etching on wove paper 3rd state - White and Boon and Biorklund. Matted, glazed and framed. plate 6” x 5”, framed 10” x 7-1/8” $800-$1,200


166 Sterling Silver-Mounted Enameled Glass Decanter ca. 1896-1897, the silver made in Hanau, Germany, probably J. D. Schleissner Sohne, and imported to London by Berthold Mueller, hallmarked on the base. h. 10-1/2”, w. 4”, d. 4” $300-$500

165 Follower of Jan Joseph Horemans I (Flemish, 1682-1759) “Tea Party Table Side with Manservant and Samovar” oil on linen unsigned, frame backing inscribed with artist’s name. Framed. 18-3/4” x 23-1/4”, framed 25” x 30”

167 Czech Glass “Basket of Fruits and Flowers” Lamp second quarter 20th century, with brass fittings and faceted glass beads concealing an interior light bulb. h. 10-3/4”, w. 10-3/4”, d. 7-3/4” $300-$500






168 Imposing Pair of French Barbotine Majolica Musicians on Pedestals first quarter 20th century, the polychrome musicians, one female and one male, dressed in 18th-century costume, the tapered pedestals decorated with sculpted flowers, swagging and scrolled feet, with faux marbre painted tops. h. 77-3/4”, w. 17”, d. 13” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. 168


169 Continental Majolica Figural Grouping of Musicians ca. 1900, decorated in cobalt blue, of a harpist and a lute player in 18th-century costume, a whippet at their feet, stamped “2847” on the bottom. h. 20-1/4”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 8-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $300-$500

170 Biedermeier Rosewood and Mahogany Breakfast Table 19th century, possibly Flemish, the circular top quarter veneered and centered by a square banded panel with central star inlay, and raised on a bulbous standard to three shaped legs ending in scrolled toes. h. 31”, dia. 41” Provenance: Dupont Antiques, Palm Beach, Florida; Bruce McCashin Collection. 170



171 Continental School (Fourth Quarter 18th Century) “Portrait of a Young Woman with a Lace Ruff and Shawl” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 26” x 22”, framed 29-1/4” x 25” $500-$800

172 Bohemian “Peachblow” Art Glass Epergne ca. 1900, with trumpet vases alternating with flower baskets hanging from delicate scrolls. h. 24-3/4”, dia. 12-1/4” $500-$800 173 Two Bohemian Silverplate and Glass Epergnes ca. 1900, one example mounted with vaseline glass trumpet vases with opalescent edges, h. 14-1/2”, dia. 9-1/2”, and the other example mounted with colorless glass trumpet vases with opalescent trim, h. 18-3/4”, dia. 7-1/2”.



173 172


174 Bohemian Glass Epergne fourth quarter 19th century, decorated with aubergine threading, the opalescent ruffled edges trimmed with aubergine. h. 20-1/2”, dia. 9-3/4” $500-$800



175 Bohemian Opalescent Vaseline and Colorless Glass Epergne first quarter 20th century, now set with a pair of English fairy lamps, one marked “Clark’s Patent Cricklite Trademark”, mounted on a mirrored base. h. 12-1/2”, dia. 13-1/2” $500-$800

176 Impressive Pair of Bohemian Overlay, Cut and Engraved Glass Pokals ca. 1900, with amber overlay cut-to-clear, decorated with a ground of strawberry cutting and oval panels of delicate floral engraving, the covers decorated to match. h. 17”, dia. 6-1/2” $700-$1,000



177 Flemish School (Mid-18th Century) “Fish Market” oil on linen unsigned. Framed. 22-1/2” x 18-3/4”, framed 29” x 24-3/8” $800-$1,200


178 Pair of Royal Dux Porcelain Figures of Water Carriers ca. 1918-1945, Czechoslovakian, modeled as a female with a pottery jar and a male with wooden pitchers, each figure at a pump, marked on the bottom, the male with a label on the back. h. 23-1/4”, w. 7-1/4”, d. 6-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $200-$400



179 Early George III Sterling Silver Inkstand hallmarked London, 1768-1769, by William Plummer, of compartmented rectangular form, with scrolling pierced gallery and wavy gadrooned rim, fitted with two glass wells (ink and pounce) with silver caps, the whole raised on openwork acanthus scroll feet. h. 2”, l. 7-1/4”, w. 3-3/4”; 11.55 total t. oz. (excluding glass wells) $500-$800


180 Victorian Silverplate and Glass Biscuit Barrel and Claret Jug fourth quarter 19th century, English, the cut glass biscuit barrel with a griffin-form knop, h. 9”, w. 8-1/2”, and the claret jug engraved with ferns and flowers, h. 12-1/2”, dia. 5”. $500-$800 180

181 Pair of Victorian Elkington Silverplate Candelabra Birmingham, 1874, in the neoclassical taste, with a narrow Corinthian columnar standard above three haunched paw feet separated by openwork palmettes and surmounted by a lotus-form receptacle fitted with a central and two scrolling gadrooned arms, each terminating in a lotus-banded nozzle. h. 20”, w. 11-1/4”, d. 4-1/4” $500-$800 181


182 Victorian Elkington Silverplate Centerpiece fourth quarter 19th century, Birmingham, with a central gadrooned standard above a tripodal base with recumbent sea griffins, surmounted by a knopped baluster with three dolphin-head stepped arms en suite, all terminating in a beaded vasiform cup fitted with central large and three smaller surrounding frosted glass dishes with clear Greek-key decoration. h. 24-1/4”, w. 15-1/4” $800-$1,200 183 Victorian Silverplate Warwick Vase third quarter 19th century, by Henry Wilkinson & Son, Sheffield, after the Roman antique discovered at Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, of campana form, with Bacchic masques and twining handles. h. 9-3/4”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 6-3/4” $800-$1,200 184 Victorian Silverplate and Glass Centerpiece fourth quarter 19th century, the lobed baluster standard decorated with applied scrolls, raised above a conforming foot with acanthus scrolls, applied birds and a central cartouche, and surmounted by a trumpeting receptacle surrounded by three scrolling arms each terminating in a lotus-form drip pan and short nozzle, the central receptacle fitted with a later shaped glass bowl decorated with frosted and cut acanthus fronds, engraved on the cartouche with the arms of Gilstrap impaling Haigh. h. 22-1/2”, w. 14-1/4”


$500-$800 The arms here are those of Sir William Gilstrap, 1st Baronet (1816-1896) and his wife Elizabeth Haigh (1822-1891), who were married on June 2, 1847 at Christ Church, Woodhouse, Huddersfield parish, York.

184 183


185 Harrods Sterling Silver Fruit Bowl hallmarked London, 1970-1971, by Harrods Ltd., of shallow circular form with stepped foot ring, richly detailed grapevine banding and opposing acanthus-crested stirrup handles. h. 3-3/8”, w. 11-3/4”, dia. 9-1/4”; 24.01 t. oz. $700-$1,000

186 English “Georgian/Queen Anne” Silverplate Flatware Set first half 20th century, various makers, including Mappin & Webb, Simons & Co., James Dixon & Sons and Wright, Ltd., comprising nine twelve-piece place settings (one coffee spoon lacking), five serving pieces, and a twenty-six-piece fish service, presented in a handsome oak chest with brass campaign-style hardware and two doors opening to three fitted, Pacific-cloth lined drawers, 10” x 20” x 16” (the chest without fittings for the fish service).


Detailed list of pieces available on request. $600-$900



186 detail



187 Wallace “Grand Baroque” Sterling Silver Dessert Flatware the pattern designed in 1941 by William S. Warren (18881965), Wallingford, Connecticut, including: sixteen dessert/soup spoons, l. 6-3/4”; and fourteen ice cream forks, l. 5-1/2”; no monograms. 30 pieces total 43.76 total t. oz.

189 Three Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver Dishes first half 20th century, New York, New York, plain with molded rim, including: a small oval platter, pattern 13561 (1898), monogrammed “MF”, 13-1/2” x 6”; a service plate, pattern 20287 (1824), monogrammed “W/ML”, dia. 10-1/8”; and a vegetable bowl, pattern 22551 (1937), monogrammed “D”, 10-1/2” x 6-1/2”. 49.94 total t. oz.

$500-$800 188 American Sterling Silver and Glass Tea Screen first quarter 20th century, by Lebkuecher & Co., Newark, New Jersey, retailed by Udall & Ballou of New York, New York, Newport, Rhode Island, and Palm Beach, Florida, the semicircular frame with central astragal and stirrup handle, fitted with a pair of conforming beveled glass panes. h. 6-1/4”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 5”


Provenance: Greenleaf & Crosby, Palm Beach, Florida; Bruce McCashin Collection. $100-$200




190 Chinese Blue and White Porcelain Urn Qing Dynasty, 19th century, of baluster form, with everted shallow neck, decorated to the exterior with scenes of women with attendants in a garden setting, within foliate borders, the base with apocryphal four-character Kangxi mark. h. 11”, dia. 9” Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas. $500-$800 191

191 Queen Anne Oak Desk partially composed of antique elements, the molded top over a shaped apron with a central drawer flanked by deeper drawers, raised on tapering front legs with pad feet. h. 31”, w. 41”, d. 20-1/8” $500-$800

192 English Oak Highboy in the Queen Anne Style 19th century and later, comprised of antique elements, the upper case fitted with a pair of side-by-side drawers over three long drawers, the base with three side-by-side drawers, the carvings likely added in the late 19th century. h. 64”, w. 39”, d. 23-1/2” $600-$900 192




193 Two Carved Labradorite Objects 20th century, including a leaf, w. 10-1/4”, d. 5-1/4”, and a fish, h. 2-3/4”, w. 2-3/4”, l. 10”. Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $500-$800

194 Two Carved Labradorite Frogs 20th century, each modeled on an integral shaped base. h. 3”, w. 4-3/4”, d. 6”


Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $200-$400

195 English Oak Coffer comprised of antique elements, with a hinged lift lid opening to a void interior, the front with three banded raised panels over two drawers, raised on bracket feet. h. 33”, w. 54”, d. 23” $600-$900

196 Queen Anne-Style Mahogany Wing Chair 20th century, with rolled armrests, reversible cushion and raised on short Queen Anne-style legs. h. 51”, w. 33”, d. 31” $500-$800



197 Queen Anne Mahogany Games Table 18th century, the rectangular top with turreted corners, hinged and opening to a baize-lined interior, with corner and side wells for gaming pieces, above a conforming frieze, raised on cabriole legs ending in pad feet. h. 28-1/2”, w. 36”, d. 18” (closed) $800-$1,200 197

198 Two Porcelain Objects 19th/20th century, Continental, including a hand-painted flared basket marked “Royal Danube / #1886”, h. 2-1/2”, dia. 6-1/2”, and a latticework cachepot, with an iron-red mark, h. 5-3/4”, dia. 6”.

Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. 198


199 Gilt-Bronze Warwick Vase fourth quarter 19th century, after the Antique, probably French, of classic form, with vine-twist handles, the sides with molded classical heads. h. 8”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 9” $600-$900



200 201

200 Pair of George II-Style Burr Walnut and Parcel-Gilt Mirrors 20th century, each with a giltwood swan’s-neck crest on a latticed ground. h. 58-1/2”, w. 31-1/2”

202 George III-Style Mahogany Sideboard 20th century, in the Hepplewhite taste, the projecting center with a drawer with an oval satinwood panel over a deep drawer with faux tambour decor, the curved corners with a single door, raised on fluted tapering legs. h. 37”, w. 70”, d. 22”

$400-$700 201 Pair of George II-Style Walnut Veneer and Parcel-Gilt Mirrors


20th century, each with a parcel-gilt swan’s-neck pediment and set with a beveled mirror plate. h. 64-1/2”, w. 31-1/2” $500-$800




203 English Partial Dessert Service mid-19th century, comprising twelve plates, dia. 9”, and a pair of of tazzas, h. 5-1/4”, dia. 9”, each featuring a decorative landscape. $200-$400

204 George III Mahogany Dining Table 19th century, the D-end top raised on three pedestals, each with a turned columnar standard to three splayed cabriole legs ending in reeded feet on casters, with two 12” leaves. h. 29”, w. 44”, l. 74”, extended l. 98”



205 Pair of George III-Style Mahogany Stools 20th century, in the Chippendale taste, each with a padded seat covered in a scenic cut-velvet fabric with lions, raised on cabriole legs with acanthus-carved knees and ending in ball-andclaw feet. h. 19”, w. 24”, d. 18” $700-$1,000




206 Near Pair of Exceptional English Bronze and Marble Banquet Lamps fourth quarter 19th century, the hexagonal marble bases set with patinated bronze fittings molded with griffins, supported on reeded standards set with oil tanks decorated with gilt-bronze ram’s heads and swagging, the mounts on each lamp with slight variations, mounted with frosted and cut ball shades. h. 48”, dia. 8”


$800-$1,200 207 George III-Style Mahogany Commode 19th century, in the Chippendale taste, the bowed top with projecting canted corners and a floral-carved edge, above a conforming case fitted with two drawers, over an ogee-molded blind fret- and foliate-carved apron, raised on acanthine-carved cabriole legs ending in ball feet. h. 34”, w. 43”, d. 23-1/2” $700-$1,000 208 Chippendale-Style Giltwood Mirror 20th century, the ogee surround decorated with carved scrollwork, the pierced crest with carved scroll and rocaille work, the scrollwork corners with flowerheads, set with a beveled mirror plate. h. 57”, w. 34”




209 Pair of Charles X Paris Porcelain Cachepots second quarter 19th century, decorated with polychrome flowers in gilt-outlined scrolled panels on a mazarine blue ground with gilt flowers and vines, with gilt foo dog head handles, retaining the original underplates. h. 7-1/2”, dia. 8-1/2” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $400-$700 209

210 George III Mahogany Wake Table of Diminutive Scale 19th century, comprised of antique elements, the top flanked by curved drop leaves supported by fly legs, the straight “Marlborough” legs with beaded edges. h. 30-1/8”, w. 16-3/4”, l. 80-3/4”, ext. w. 45” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. Escutcheon Antiques, Vero Beach & Cape Cod. $1,000-$1,500


211 George III Mahogany Sideboard early 19th century, the bowed top above a conforming case fitted with a central drawer over a recessed well drawer, flanked to either side by a deep drawer, all within banding, raised on ring-turned tapering circular legs ending in peg feet. h. 36”, w. 49”, d. 24” $1,000-$1,500





212 Pair of Japanese Satsuma Vases 19th century, each of compressed baluster form with flared lip, the neck mounted with floral loop handles, the body decorated with figural panels on a yellow ground. h. 10-3/4”, dia. 6-1/2”

214 Pair of George III Mahogany Armchairs

Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection.

late 18th century, each with a domed crest with earred corners, above an interlacing splat, joined to the padded seat by shepherd’s crook arms with incised accents, raised on chamfered square legs joined by an H-form stretcher. h. 38”

$200-$400 213 George III Mahogany Serving Table


late 18th/early 19th century, probably Irish, of rectangular form, the top mounted to a straight apron with applied lower molding, raised on fluted tapering square legs ending in spade feet. h. 33”, w. 59”, d. 27” $700-$1,000




215 Large Pair of Chinese Porcelain Palace Vases Adaptable as Occasional Tables 19th-20th century, each baluster-form vase with a soft foliate rim and applied gilt-painted foo dogs and lizards to the neck, the body decorated with a panoramic scene depicting the Hongs of Canton, between key-pattern and foliate borders, the base with an apocryphal six-character Guangxu reign mark, each fitted removable with a circular glass top. h. 36-5/8”, dia. 20” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $400-$600 216 George III Mahogany Secretary Bookcase 18th century, the molded rectangular cornice above a conforming case fitted with two doors, each inset with a mirrored panel, the lower section fitted with a slant front opening to a variety of drawers and cubbyholes surrounding a central cupboard, over two short drawers and three graduated long drawers, raised on bracket feet. h. 87”, w. 41-1/2”, d. 22”


$800-$1,200 217 George III Banded and Line-Strung Mahogany Commode ca. 1800 and later, in the Hepplewhite taste, the case with a pair of doors, each with figured circular veneer panels, over a deep drawer, raised on flare feet. h. 28-3/4”, w. 22-1/4”, d. 19-1/4” $500-$800




218 Continental School (Mid-19th Century) “Young Girl with Basket of Cherries” oil on canvas unsigned, a French shipper’s label on frame backing. Framed. 24-1/8” x 19-3/4”, framed 29” x 25” $700-$1,000

219 George III-Style Mahogany Secretary Bookcase 219

20th century, the upper case with a dentillated overhanging molding above a pair of glazed doors and a row of four sideby-side drawers, the slant lid opening to a fitted interior, with four long drawers below and raised on ogee bracket feet. h. 79”, w. 38”, d. 19” $400-$700

220 After James Ward, R.A. (British, 1769-1859) “Poultry Market” 19th-century mezzotint in colors engraved by James Ward, R.A., artist and title printed lower margin. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 17-1/2” x 21-1/2”, framed 26-1/2” x 32-1/2” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $100-$200



221 Rare George III Inlaid Mahogany Kneehole Desk late 18th century, the top with a banded edge, the front with a pullout interior supported by the front legs, with a top row of faux drawer fronts, with a partitioned interior behind, the legs with bellflower and mariner’s compass inlays. h. 34-1/2”, w. 48”, d. 30” $800-$1,200 222 Pair of Cast Metal, Brass and Glass Argand Lamps second quarter 19th century, English, the metal bases with dragonheaded monopodia, set with reproduction frosted and cut glass ball shades. h. 23-1/2”


$600-$900 223 School of James Ward (British, 1769-1859) “Military Horse and Mule Donkey Camp” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 11-3/4” x 15-1/2”, framed 13-1/4” x 17-1/8” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $300-$500 224 Period Federal Mahogany Retrofitted Washstand in the Sheraton Taste


first quarter 19th century, the shaped backpiece and sides above a bowed top, now inset with a functioning faucet and French provincial dough bowl wash basin, above a conforming frieze fitted with a small drawer to either end, over a skirted shelf with a single drawer below, raised on bulbous turned legs ending in ball feet. h. 38-1/4”, w. 19-1/4”, d. 15-1/4” Provenance: Skinner Auctioneers and Appraisers, Boston; Bruce McCashin Collection. $500-$800

223 224


225 After William Shayer (British, 1787-1879) “Racing Incidents” “Steeplechase Incidents” two 19th-century colored engravings printed after Shayer paintings, published by Arthur Ackermann, London. Matted, glazed and framed alike. plate 18” x 25-1/2”, framed 28-1/2” x 35-3/4” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $400-$700


226 After George Goodwin Kilburne (British, 1839-1924) From the Coaching series “News from Town” and “A Fast Stag”, 1900 two chromolithographs on paper signed in plate lower left and printed titles and dates lower margin, former with “Arthur Tooth & Sons, Dealers in Works of Art, New York” label en verso. Matted, glazed and framed alike. sight 7-1/2” x 10”, framed 15” x 17-3/4” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $200-$400



227 English Late Classical Silverplate Double-Arm Argand Lamp mid-19th century, possibly Bright & Co., mounted with a tole fluid tank and later glass shades. h. 21”, w. 19-1/4”, d. 5-1/4” $600-$900


228 Late Regency Rosewood Desk second quarter 19th century, the inset tooled leather top over a central drawer flanked by a bank of two drawers, raised on turned and reeded legs. h. 28-3/4”, w. 42-3/4”, d. 21-1/4” $500-$800


229 Regency Mahogany Davenport second quarter 19th century, in the manner of Gillows, Lancaster, the top with a three-quarter brass gallery above a slanted, hinged leather-inset writing surface, opening to two small drawers and two faux drawers, each side fitted with a pull-out slide, one side fitted with a pull-out compartmented drawer, hinged to fit flush with the side, all over a pull-out storage well, raised on turned, ribbed tapering circular legs ending in brass caps and casters. h. 34-1/2”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 21-1/2” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $700-$1,000



230 Pair of Italian Regency-Style Giltwood Eagle Sconces mid-20th century, with pierced bowknot crests, the eagles framed with sprays of wheat, set with spiral-carved candle arms and matching candle sockets, decorated with carved medallions, the backs with “Made in Italy” labels. h. 44-1/4”, w. 12”, d. 10-1/4” $500-$800

231 Regency-Style Brass-Inlaid Rosewood Console Table/ Jardiniere mid-20th century, with a cross-banded top over a frieze drawer with brass inlay, stepping down to rounded corners, the fret columns with carved capitals and bases with reeded bands, the rear columns of scroll form, on a shaped base, the curved ends with removable lids opening to void interiors. h. 30-3/4”, w. 48-1/2”, d. 16” $500-$800

232 Regency-Style Brass-Inlaid Rosewood Console Table/ Jardiniere


mid-20th century, with a cross-banded top over a frieze drawer with brass inlay, stepping down to rounded corners, the fret columns with carved capitals and bases with reeded bands, the rear columns of scroll form, on a shaped base, the curved ends with removable lids opening to void interiors. h. 30-3/4”, w. 48-1/2”, d. 16” $500-$800




233 Nigel Waymouth (British, b. 1941) “Welsh Borderlands” printed folding triptych titled and inscribed en verso “Ho-Ho-Ho/Love, Nigel”. Presented in a shadowbox. sight 3-3/8” x 17”, framed 11-1/4” x 24-1/4” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $150-$300 233

234 Pair of Regency Gilt-Bronze and Marble Figural Candelabra second quarter 19th century, each with a carefully detailed tree mounted with a pair of leaf-molded candle sockets and drip pans, and a horse trampling a serpent wrapped around the tree. h. 12”, w. 11-3/4”, d. 4-1/4” Provenance: Lyon & Turnbull Auctioneers, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 20, 2016, lot 250; Bruce McCashin Collection. $800-$1,200


235 Regency Mahogany Sunderland Drop-Leaf Table second quarter 19th century, the top constructed of single-board stock and mounted to a swing-leg base, the ends joined by a turned stretcher, the feet ending in cast brass toes. h. 28-1/2”, w. 33”, l. 7”, ext l. 44” $700-$1,000




236 Two English Rococo Revival Mirror-Inset Bronze Girandoles second quarter 19th century, consisting of a six-light girandole, h. 19”, w. 26-1/2”, d. 4-1/2”, and a smaller fourlight example, h. 16”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 6”, both examples now electrified.



238 English Regency-Style Bronze, Brass and Glass Chandelier

237 Regency Mahogany Sofa

second quarter 20th century, the three-light fixture having arms mounted with classical scrollwork, a flame-form upper finial and leaf-molded canopy, and a cone-form pendant finial, set with frosted glass flame-form shades. h. 30”, dia. 13”

ca. 1825, the crest rail with a figured panel flanked by reeded scrolls, the scroll arms of dolphin form, raised on foliate-carved scroll feet with a like panel on the seat rail. h. 35”, w. 87”, d. 25-1/4”

$600-$900 $1,000-$1,500



239 Two Victorian Opalescent Glass Epergnes fourth quarter 19th century, one example with a shell-molded silverplate stand marked “Philip Ashberry & Sons”, and mounted with a yellow opalescent bowl and trumpet vases, h. 24-1/4”, dia. 10-3/4”, and the other example a tulip-form opalescent glass epergne mounted on a mirrored base, probably Bohemian, h. 17-1/2”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 9-3/4”. $500-$800


240 Regency-Style Chinoiserie-Decorated Coffee Table 240

the top depicting a genre scene and set in a parcelgilt frame with shaped fluted legs joined by a shelf. h. 22”, w. 41-1/2”, d. 21-1/2” $500-$800

241 Regency School (19th Century) “Mother and Children” watercolor unsigned. Glazed and framed. sight 11-1/2” x 8-1/2”, framed 17” x 14” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $300-$500






242 Regency-Style Mahogany Cabinet early 20th century, the D-form top above a conforming case fitted with two cupboard doors, each paneled and with an inlaid cut-brass foliate band, flanked to either side by an engaged spiral-ribbed pilaster, raised on bun feet. h. 38-1/2”, w. 51-3/4”, d. 20-1/2” $600-$900 243 Pair of English Baroque-Style Silverplate Sconces second quarter 19th century, each two-light sconce framed with pierced cupids, roses and scrollwork, marked “Made in England” on the back. h. 11”, w. 7-3/4”, d. 5-1/2”

244 English/French School (Second/Third Quarter 19th Century) “Bolberry Mill, Devon, England” “French Mill”, 1839 two graphite on paper drawings the first titled and indistinctly signed “Wm Bolyell(y)/Blylelly” lower right; the second dated in French “25 fevrier 1839” lower left. Each matted, glazed and framed. sights 9” x 11-3/4” and 11-1/4” x 14-1/4”; framed 20” x 22-1/2” and 22-3/8” x 24-7/8”, respectively Provenance: Lucullus, New Orleans, Louisiana. $700-$1,000



245 William IV Mahogany Adapted Pole Screen and Now Brass Floor Lamp 20th century, on scrolled and reeded feet, the mahogany standard reeded and rope-turned, with bronze mounts and a fluted brass lamp support, mounted with a shade. h. 67-1/4”, dia. 12-1/2” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $200-$400 246 William IV Figured Oak Barometer second quarter 19th century, with a carved crest, the dial signed “Murray & Heath, 69 Jermyn St., London”, serviced and functioning. h. 25-1/2”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 1-3/4” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $300-$500 247 Pair of Japanese Imari Porcelain Vases


ca. 1880-1920, now mounted as lamps, on carved wooden bases, fitted with shades. h. 23”, dia. 16” $500-$800 248 Japanese Imari Charger first quarter 20th century, with a scalloped rim and chrysanthemums in the center panel, the bottom with character marks. dia. 24” $500-$800 245




249 Chinese Export-Style Carved Wood Pedestal second half 20th century, the slightly tapering standard wrapped with a five-claw dragon chasing the flaming pearl, above a square base with floral design, the whole surmounted with a circular top with studded border. h. 48”, w. 15-3/4”, d. 15-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $300-$500 250 William IV Inlaid Figured Mahogany Tablet Mirror second quarter 19th century, the tablet outlined with inlay and trimmed with rosewood crossbanding, the corner blocks with inlay-outlined rosewood panels, the mirror plate flanked by spiral-twisted pilasters. h. 42-1/4”, w. 24-1/2” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $200-$400 251 British School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century) “Mischievous Child”


oil on canvas signed “Susan Byrd Bailey” lower left and pencil-inscribed en verso of stretcher bar. Framed. 40” x 28”, framed 50” x 38” $1,000-$1,500





252 William IV Mahogany Sideboard

253 Suite of Seven Hepplewhite-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs

second quarter 19th century, the D-form top with projecting turret corners and central section, above a conforming case fitted with a central cutlery drawer flanked to one side by a spiral-ribbed upright and cupboard door and to the other side by a spiral-ribbed upright and a cellarette drawer, all with inlaid ebonized foliate accents, raised on ribbed tapering circular legs ending in brass caps and casters. h. 40”, w. 83”, d. 34”

late 19th century, comprised of one armchair and six side chairs, each with a shaped crest rail and “Prince of Wales”carved plume in the back, raised on tapering square Marlborough legs ending in spade feet. armchair h. 36”, w. 22”, d. 19”, side chair h. 38”, w. 21”, d. 18” $1,000-$1,500




254 Hoeun Chung (Korean/American, 1943-2012) “Portrait of Winston Churchill”, 1981 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Framed. 40” x 40”, framed 47-1/2” x 47-1/2” $700-$1,000


255 Pair of William IV Gilt- and Patinated Bronze and Glass Argand Lamps


second quarter 19th century, English, set with reproduction frosted and engraved glass shades, electrified. h. 15-1/4”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 5” $700-$1,000

256 William IV Mahogany Center Table mid-19th century, the rounded rectangular top with an inset leather writing surface above a frieze fitted with two drawers to either side and a drop-front slotted compartment to either end, raised on a paneled square standard to four splayed legs ending in brass caps and casters. h. 29”, w. 42”, d. 36” $600-$900






257 Impressive Victorian Piano Lamp fourth quarter 19th century, with a gilt-brass Corinthian column standard, raised on paw feet, the copper-washed acanthusmolded font mounted with a frosted glass shade decorated with dragons. h. 67-1/2”, w. 13-3/4”, d. 6” $700-$1,000 258 Pair of Victorian Brass and Glass Sconces 20th century, the two-light sconces with rope-twist arms and set with engraved glass shades. h. 9-1/2”, w. 32”, d. 12” $600-$900


259 Pair of Victorian Mahogany Hall Chairs with Painted Crests third quarter 19th century, one back with the polychromed crest of the Baronets Walker of Sand Hutton, Yorkshire, and the other of Allen, Blades, Griffin et. al., each chair with a shaped back with perimeter reeding and a central painted panel, a wooden seat and saber-form front legs, and each with a loose down or feather seat cushion. h. 33-3/4” $600-$900

260 Victorian Mahogany Tripod Table late 19th century, the octagonal tilting top with a full pierced gallery, and raised on a fluted and spiral-ribbed standard to three splayed legs headed by foliate carving and ending in ball-and-claw feet. h. 28”, dia. 31-1/2” $700-$1,000


261 Pair of Large Cast Iron Outdoor Altar Pricket and Flower Pot Stands 19th century, English or Continental, with fluted baluster supports on lotus-molded bases, the upper portions with urn-form sockets supporting the candle holders, with reeded edges. h. 41”, w. 10”, d. 10” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $600-$900 261

262 Victorian Burlwood and Mahogany Davenport second half 19th century, the slant-lid lift-top with an inset tooled leather writing surface, raised on turned columns supporting a medial and low shelf, raised on bun feet. h. 32-1/2”, w. 20”, d. 16-3/4” $500-$800






264 Two Chinese Porcelain Vases

263 Edwardian Chinese Chippendale-Style Mahogany Etagere the pagoda-form crest above three shelves supported by turned uprights, raised on a scrolled base. h. 40”, w. 11”, d. 10”

Republic period (1912-1949), each of baluster form with gilt rim, decorated to the body with figural scenes in the famille rose palette to the front, and poetic inscription to the reverse, one example with pierced “butterfly” handles below a fourcharacter inscription. the taller h. 17”, dia. 8” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $500-$800

Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $150-$300

265 Edwardian-Style Mahogany Side Table the rectangular top above a frieze fitted with two drawers and two end pull-out slides, raised on lyre-form supports joined by a turned stretcher and ending in splayed feet, the whole with polychrome accents. h. 25”, w. 32-1/4”, d. 18” $500-$800


266 Pair of English Hepplewhite Inlaid Mahogany Knife Boxes ca. 1800, now retrofitted as decanter holders, with cut corner slides, crossbanded and inlaid with stringing, the front mounted with Sheffield plate ring pulls, escutcheons and shields. h. 15”, w. 9”, d. 10-1/4” $700-$1,000


267 Painted Cast Iron Doorstop early 20th century, in the form of a double-sided royal mail coach. h. 7-1/4”, w. 12”, d. 2-1/4” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. 267


268 Painted Cast Iron Doorstops early 20th century, Hubley quail doorstop, marked “Everett 34”, h. 7-3/4”, w. 6”, d. 2-1/2”, Nathanael Greene House doorstop, h. 5”, w. 7-3/4”, d. 2”

Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $200-$400 268


269 Semi-Antique Sultanabad Runner 5’ 8” x 15’ 7” $600-$900

270 Agra Serapi Carpet 9’ x 12’ 2” $1,500-$2,500

271 Kerman Carpet 5’ 2” x 8’ 3” $300-$500





272 Sultanabad Carpet 6’ 2” x 8’ 10” $300-$500

273 Semi-Antique Bakhtiari Runner 3’ 6” x 10’ 10” $500-$800

274 Semi-Antique Heriz Carpet 8’ x 10’ $1,000-$1,500 272

274 273









275 Diamond Necklace gold vermeil, the necklace mounted with slice-cut diamonds weighing approximately 12.8 carats in total. l. 16”, total weight 34.7 grams

278 Diamond Ring and Earrings gold vermeil, the ring and earrings mounted with slice-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.60 carats in total. ring size 6, earrings l. 2”, total weight 5.70 grams



276 Two Diamond Bangle Bracelets gold vermeil, the hinged bracelets mounted with slice-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.50 carats in total. inside circumference 7-1/4”, total weight 57.4 grams

279 Wide Diamond Bangle Bracelet gold vermeil, the hinged bracelet mounted with slice- and round-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.38 carats in total. w. 2”, inside circumference 7-1/4”, total weight 93.8 grams

$800-$1,200 $800-$1,200 277 Diamond Necklace gold vermeil, the necklace mounted with slice-cut diamonds weighing approximately 4.90 carats in total. l. 19” to 22”, total weight 6.7 grams

280 Diamond Necklace gold vermeil, the necklace mounted with slice-cut diamonds weighing approximately 5.40 carats in total. l. 19” to 22”, total weight 6.3 grams

$500-$800 $500-$800



281 Group of Twelve Chinese and Japanese Metal Hair Ornaments

282 Group of Fourteen Chinese Metal and Coral-Style Hair Ornaments and Pins

first half 20th century, comprising various hair pins and slides, with floral and foliate details and embellishments. various sizes, largest measures h. 4”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 1-3/4”

first half 20th century, of various styles, with distinctive salmonpink beading complimenting the delicate filigree detail. various sizes, longest measuring l. 8”, w. 2”






283 Louis Vuitton Limited Edition Camel Motard Monogram “After Dark” Fold- Over Clutch 2008, gold hardware, designed in collaboration with American artist, Richard Prince, in patent and suede lambskin, with integral gold metal handles stamped “Louis Vuitton”, the bronze silk satin-lined interior with a slip pocket labeled “Louis Vuitton/Paris/Made in Italy”, includes a care booklet which also describes the collaboration. overall h. 12”, when folded h. 6-1/4”, w. 10”, d. 2” $500-$800

283 detail


284 Chanel Small Red Satin and Kidskin Camera Bag 2009-2010, gold hardware, leather-threaded chain, the kidskin-trimmed top with zippered closure ending in a “quilted” metal-clasped kidskin tassel, the quilted satin body centered on one side with trapunto “CCs”, the matching kidskin-lined interior with one zippered pocket gilt-labeled “Chanel” with “Made in Italy” on the opposing side, includes a dust bag. h. 5”, w. 7-1/2”, d. 2-3/4” Provenance: Private collection, Mobile, Alabama. $600-$900


285 Vintage Louis Vuitton “Keepall 55” Leather Weekend/Travel Bag 1995, France, the bag with a red epi leather exterior and a raw leather interior, and brass hardware. Date code: SP0975 h. 11-1/2”, w. 22”, d. 10”, handle drop 4” $700-$1,000



286 Vintage Louis Vuitton “Keepall Bandouliere 50” Monogram Travel Bag 1990, France, the bag with a brown coated canvas exterior and a cocoa brown fabric interior, with Vachetta leather handles and removable strap, and brass hardware. Date code: VI0930 h. 11”, w. 20”, d. 8-3/4”, handle drop 4”, adjustable shoulder strap maximum 18” $700-$1,000


287 Vintage Louis Vuitton Monogram “Evasion GM” Weekend/ Traveler Bag 2003, France, the bag with a brown coated canvas exterior and a brown fabric interior, Vachetta leather handles, luggage tag and trim, and brass hardware, together with a dust bag. Date code: VI1003 h. 16”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 9-3/4”, handle drop 3-1/2” $600-$900


288 Vintage Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene “Neverfull PM” Tote 2008, France, the bag with a brown coated canvas exterior and a red striped fabric interior, and brass hardware. Date code: VI3098 h. 8-1/2”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 5-1/4”, shoulder strap drop 7” $900-$1,200



289 Vintage Louis Vuitton Monogram “Keepall” Travel Bag 1985, France or Italy, the bag with a brown coated canvas exterior and a cocoa brown fabric interior, Vachetta leather handles, luggage tag and trim, and brass hardware. Date code: 854SA h. 11”, w. 21-1/2”, d. 10”, handle drop 5” $600-$900 290 Vintage Louis Vuitton Monogram “Cartouchiere” Crossbody Bag 1985, the bag with a brown coated canvas exterior and a leather interior, Vachetta leather strap, flap and trim and brass hardware. Date code: 854 h. 7-1/4”, w. 8-1/4”, d. 3”, shoulder strap drop maximum 21-1/2”


$500-$800 291 Vintage Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene “Broadway” Messenger Bag 2002, France, the bag with a brown coated canvas exterior and an orange fabric interior, and brass hardware. Date code: TH1022 h. 9”, w. 14”, d. 5”, handle drop 2”, adjustable strap drop maximum 22” $700-$1,000 292 Vintage Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene “Thames” Shoulder Bag 2008, France, the bag with a brown coated canvas exterior and an orange fabric interior, and brass hardware. Date code: MI4088 h. 8-1/4”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 3-1/2”, adjustable shoulder strap drop maximum 10”








293 Vintage Louis Vuitton Monogram “Cabas Piano” Tote 2005, France, the bag with a brown coated canvas exterior and a cocoa brown fabric interior, Vachetta leather shoulder straps and brass hardware. Date code: DU0035 h. 9-1/2”, w. 10-3/4”, d. 4-1/2”, shoulder strap drop 9” $800-$1,200

294 Vintage Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene “Zippy” Wallet 2013, France, the wallet with a brown coated canvas exterior and a brown leather interior, with brass hardware, together with a dust bag and original box. Date code: CT0113 h. 4”, w. 8” $400-$700

295 Dark Chocolate Brown Full-Length Mink Coat size 6, with small lapels, two hook closure and on-seam pockets, the inset slightly puffed sleeves jewel length, the black satin-lined interior with self tie and forward glove pocket, labeled “Koslow’s”, monogrammed. l. 44” Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $600-$900



296 Sapphire Ring

299 Sapphire Cuff Bracelet

sterling silver, the ring in the form of a flower and mounted with round-cut blue and yellow treated sapphires weighing approximately 4.20 carats in total. size 6-3/4”, top w. 1-3/8”, total weight 10.8 grams

sterling silver, the bracelet mounted with square-cut treated pink, yellow, orange, white and red sapphires weighing approximately 4.50 carats in total. w. 1”, inside circumference 7”, total weight 44.1 grams



297 Pair of Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby Earrings

300 Diamond and Ruby Snake Bracelet

sterling silver, the earrings mounted with oval cabochon-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 1.80 carats in total, oval cabochon-cut treated sapphires weighing approximately 0.30 carats in total, and oval-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 0.16 carats in total, accented throughout with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.35 carats in total. l. 2-1/4”, total weight 8.8 grams

sterling silver, the hinged bracelet in the form of a snake, mounted with round-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.00 carats in total, and round-cut rubies accenting the eyes, weighing approximately 0.15 carats in total. inside circumference 7”, total weight 21.0 grams


301 Pair of Tourmaline Earrings

298 Jade and Diamond Earrings and Ring sterling silver, the earrings and ring mounted with jade disks, accented with single- and rose-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.50 carats in total. ring size 7, earring l. 2-3/8”, total weight 22.6 grams $600-$900



18k white gold, the dangle earrings mounted with faceted tourmaline beads and polished gold drops, accented on the bottom with a brushed gold drop. l. 3”, total weight 8.8 grams $500-$800

296 297











308 302


302 Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the unusual square top mounted with old minecut diamonds weighing approximately 1.25 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 5.3 grams $600-$900 303 Pair of Diamond Earrings sterling silver, the earrings mounted with slice-cut and rosecut diamonds weighing approximately 8.00 carats in total. l. 1-1/8”, total weight 8.0 grams $400-$700 304 Diamond Choker sterling silver, the necklace mounted with round-cut diamonds weighing approximately 10.47 carats in total. l. 12” to 16”, w. 1”, total weight 60.2 grams

306 Pearl Necklace 14k yellow gold, the necklace composed of 8.3 mm creamcolored pearls with a fair luster, finished with a gold clasp accented with single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.08 carats in total. l. 35”, total weight 82.2 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $100-$200 307 Garnet, Diamond and Mother-of-Pearl Ring 14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a kite-shaped garnet weighing approximately 2.50 carats, and round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.49 carats in total, accented with mother-of-pearl. size 7-3/4, total weight 9.0 grams $800-$1,200 308 Anne Pratt Jewelry Suite

$800-$1,200 305 Pair of Pearl and Diamond Earrings sterling silver, the earrings mounted with 13.00 mm white pearls, accented by round-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.38 carats in total. l. 1-3/4”, total weight 14.2 grams

18k yellow gold, including a pair of earrings mounted with baroque pearls accented with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.31 carats in total, l. 1-1/4”, and a brooch mounted with baroque pearls, accented with an ovalcut pink tourmaline weighing approximately 4.41 carats, l. 1-3/4”. total weight 45.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein.

$300-$500 $900-$1,200


309 Diamond Ring

311 Lady’s Baume and Mercier Diamond Watch

14k yellow gold, the ring with a chain-link design and mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.24 carats in total. size 6, total weight 2.6 grams

18k yellow gold, the quartz watch with a bezel mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.32 carats in total, and a cabochon-cut sapphire stem, the ovalshaped face stamped “Baume & Mercier, Geneve”, the back stamped “961680” and “38 236”, the Italian gold mesh band stamped with the Baume & Mercier logo and “Italy, 750”. l. 6-1/4”, total weight 51.7 grams

$500-$800 310 Pair of Diamond Earrings

$700-$1,000 14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.87 carats in total. l. 2”, total weight 1.3 grams $700-$1,000

312 Two Victorian Bracelets gold-filled, the adjustable sliding bracelets with buckles set with seed pearls and oval-cut garnets weighing approximately 1.00 carat in total. inside circumference 8-1/4”, total weight 50.5 grams $600-$900









315 313


313 Blue Topaz Ring and Aquamarine Earrings 14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut blue topaz weighing approximately 11.31 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.12 carats in total, size 6-1/2, and the earrings mounted with oval-cut aquamarines weighing approximately 2.84 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.20 carats in total, l. 3/4”. total weight 12.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $900-$1,200

315 Pair of Aquamarine and Diamond Earrings sterling silver, the earrings mounted with oval- and marquisecut aquamarines weighing approximately 5.60 carats in total, accented by round-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.50 carats in total. l. 3-1/2”, total weight 12.9 grams $600-$900 316 Pair of Aquamarine and Diamond Earrings

314 Chalcedony Necklace

sterling silver, the earrings mounted with emerald- and pearcut aquamarines weighing approximately 6.30 carats in total, accented with round-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.21 carats in total. l. 1-1/2”, total weight 5.6 grams

14k yellow gold, the necklace composed of chalcedony briolettes accented with yellow gold beads, and finished with a yellow gold toggle clasp. l. 17”, total weight 86.0 grams





317 Opal and Diamond Necklace sterling silver, the necklace mounted with round-cut opals weighing approximately 41.00 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.60 carats in total, finished with a diamond lobster-claw clasp. l. 18�, total weight 44.7 grams $800-$1,200

318 Opal and Diamond Bangle Bracelet sterling silver, the hinged bracelet mounted with rows of round-cut opals weighing approximately 18.81 carats in total, accented by rose-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.42 carats in total. w. 3/4”, inside circumference 7-1/4”, total weight 42.8 grams $600-$900 319 Squash Blossom Necklace sterling silver, the necklace mounted with turquoise cabochons and stamped on the pendant “W. HALEY”. l. 24-1/2”, pendant l. 3-1/2”, total weight 181.1 grams 318




320 Turquoise Cuff Bracelet sterling silver, the bracelet mounted with three bands of turquoise and accented with silver “nuggets”, stamped “MJC”. w. 1-3/8”, inside circumference 6-3/4”, total weight 140.6 grams $125-$250 321 Two Pairs of Cufflinks and a Money Clip 14k white gold, one pair of cufflinks mounted with a chrysoberyl weighing approximately 1.00 carat in total, accented by single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.20 carats in total, size 3/4” x 1/2”, together with another pair of cufflinks and matching money clip, mounted with single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.60 carats in total, cufflink size 3/4” x 5/8”, money clip l. 1-3/4”. total weight 29.8 grams




322 Arnold Nicoud 40 mm Key Wind Pocket Watch 18k yellow gold, the watch with an enamel face and Roman numerals, one side stamped “No 29144”, “ANCHOR LEVY” and “CHAUX-DE-FONDS” and the other side stamped “State Stamp of Neuchatel for 18 Carat Gold”, together with the winding key and the original box. total weight 47.0 grams $500-$800



323 Collection of Three Crystal and Gold Perfume Bottles 20th century, French, the collection including a pair of engraved crystal bottles with crystal applicators mounted with 14k yellow gold engraved caps, h. 5-1/2”, dia. 3”, and a Baccarat shell-form bottle for Annick Goutal, with an engraved mark and numbered “7/150”, h. 5-3/4”, w. 3-1/4”, d. 1-3/4”. $500-$800 324 Jay Strongwater Large “Twig and Acorn” Table Frame gilt metal, edged with enameled and Swarovski “jewel”-set twigs, acorns and floral vines, the removable back enameled with a hinged reticulated stand, fitted to display an 8” x 10” image, labeled “Jay Strongwater”. h. 10-3/4”, w. 8-1/2” Provenance: Private collection, Mobile, Alabama. $500-$800 324

325 Three Jay Strongwater Enameled and Jeweled Bronze Objects 20th/21st century, each signed, including a boudoir clock decorated with butterflies and fruit, h. 4-3/4”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 2-1/2”, a box with a hinged cover, h. 1”, w. 3-3/4”, d. 3”, and an oblong tray, h. 1-1/2”, w. 10”, d. 5”. $700-$1,000





327 Daum France “Physalis” Perfume Bottle 326 Thirteen-Piece Collection of Jay Strongwater Enameled and Jeweled Objects 20th century, including a glass vase with a butterfly-mounted neck, h. 6”, dia. 4-1/4”, a glass perfume bottle with a butterflymounted stopper, h. 7-3/4”, w. 4-1/4”, three miniature Chinesestyle stands, h. 1/2” to 1-3/4”, a box in the form of a bunch of asparagus, h. 3”, a potpourri holder with a pierced cover, h. 1-1/4”, w. 2-1/4”, a floriform bookmark, l. 2”, a flower-molded folding double mirror, dia. 2-1/2”, a pansy brooch, dia. 1-1/2”, a pair of dragonfly brooches, h. 3-1/4”, d. 2-1/4”, and a dragonfly figure, w. 4-1/2”, d. 3-1/4”, each piece signed. $800-$1,200

20th century, the vine-covered bottle with a flower stopper, marked “Daum France”. h. 5-1/2”, w. 4”, d. 3-1/2” $200-$400 328 Five-Piece Collection of Crystal Figural Objets d’Art 20th century, American and Continental, including a signed Simon Pearce acorn, h. 3”, w. 4”, an unsigned acorn, two Orrefors frogs, one signed, and a signed Val St. Lambert frog. h. 1-1/4” to 3-1/2” w. 1-3/4” to 4” h. 1-1/4” to 3-1/2”, w. 1-3/4” to 4” $300-$500





330 American Federal Cherrywood Box on Stand early 19th century, the chest with gently bowed sides, the top with inlaid stringing and opening to reveal an interior with a row of three mortised-in compartments on each end, raised on tapering and cuffed Hepplewhite legs, white pine secondary wood. h. 26-5/8”, w. 24-5/8”, d. 12-3/4”



329 American Walnut Tall Chest in the Chippendale Taste

331 American Federal Inlaid Mahogany Sideboard

mid-18th century, with three-over-two over a bank of four graduated drawers, raised on bracket feet. h. 63-1/4”, w. 41-1/2”, d. 22-1/4”

first quarter 19th century, the bowfront center section with a long drawer above a pair of cabinets, and flanked by a straight drawer and cabinet on each side, raised on turned and reeded legs. h. 38-1/2”, w. 68-1/2”, d. 24-1/2”





332 American Classical Mahogany Double-Pedestal Dining Table second quarter 19th century, each section with rounded corners, raised on spiral-reeded legs with brass cap casters and retaining two leaves. h. 29-1/2”, w. 50”, l. 54”, ext. l. 106-1/2” $700-$1,000 333 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851) “Scarlet Ibis, No. 80, Plate 397” offset lithograph on paper accompanied by a printed sheet on Scarlet Ibis. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 26” x 38-1/2”, framed 37-3/4” x 44-1/2” 332



334 Vernacular American Cherry and Yellow Pine Armoire early 19th century, Southern, the projecting molded cornice over a pair of paneled doors with mitered corners, opening to reveal an interior fitted with a medial belt of three drawers, the stiles extending to tall square legs. h. 89-3/4”, w. 54-1/4”, d. 19-1/2” $700-$1,000



335 Map of “Louisiana and Mississippi” from A New American Atlas by Henry Schenck Tanner (American, 1786-1858), handcolored engraving, published London, 1820. Unframed. 29-1/2” x 27-1/8” $1,000-$1,500

336 American Late Classical Mahogany Sleigh Bed mid-19th century, with a scroll-form head- and footboard, each with a crotch-veneered top rail, the uprights with foliate carving, joined by shaped rails adorned with applied carving, crafted to accommodate a modern queen-size mattress. h. 42”, inside w. 62”, l. 81”, outside w. 64”, l. 96” $600-$900




337 Empire Parcel-Gilt Mahogany Swivel Piano Chair second quarter 19th century, the curved back with fan veneers and string inlay, and down-curved supports joining the seat, and mounted to a turned and carved standard with three outstretched ormolu-mounted legs. h. 32”, dia. 14” $600-$900



338 New York-Retailed English Brass and Glass Double-Arm Argand Lamp second quarter 19th century, labeled “Imported by P. Morton & Co., New York”, mounted with Colonial Revival cut and frosted glass shades. h. 15-1/2”, w. 15-3/4”, d. 5” $600-$900 339 Loud & Brothers, Philadelphia (Active 1822-1837) Stenciled and Bronze-Molded Mahogany Piano second quarter 19th century, in the classical taste, of upright form, the projecting top with gadrooned molding and supported by columns with gilt-bronze capitals, centered by a panel in sunburst upholstery, a figural fold-over lid opening to reveal the keyboard, stenciled decor and brass maker’s plate, raised on boldly reeded legs with gilt capitals. h. 63-1/2”, w. 45”, d. 26” $600-$900 A Loud & Brothers upright piano dated 1831 is in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.



340 Rare Classical Rosewood and Brass-Mounted Stool second quarter 19th century, of scrolled form, each side with grape-and-leaf carving and an inset brass pinwheel rosette, raised on cast brass feet with shell motifs, appearing to retain its original needlework covering. h. 8-1/2”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 16-1/2” $700-$1,000


342 American Late Classical Mahogany Four-Post Bed second quarter 19th century, with turned and acanthuscarved foot posts and smooth, turned head posts, the shaped headboard with a central urn-form finial. h. 95”, inside w. 54-1/2”, l. 61-1/2”, outside w. 77”, l. 80-1/2” $500-$800


341 American Classical Mahogany Tilt-Top Center Table ca. 1825, Philadelphia, school of Quervelle, the top with figured sunburst mahogany veneers, extending to purpleheart lunettes and a rosewood band, raised on a vasiform pedestal with swags and joined to a concave base on paw feet with foliate-carved brackets. h. 29”, dia. 41-1/2”, h. with top lifted 53-1/4” Literature: A drawing of a similar table top from the sketch book of Anthony Quervelle is illustrated on page 107 of Boor, Philadelphia Empire Furniture. $800-$1,200 342



344 American Classical Mahogany and Marble-Top Pier Table second quarter 19th century, the rectilinear marble top with a molded edge, on a conforming frieze with a scroll-carved apron, raised on shaped columns flanked at the top by bellflower-carved pendants, with a concave low shelf and block feet. h. 36-3/4”, w. 48-1/2”, d. 24-1/2”



343 Large American Giltwood Classical Mirror

345 American Late Classical Mahogany Sleigh Bed

second quarter 19th century, with cove-molded sides, the corner blocks ornamented with lotus-molded medallions, set with an old mirror plate, possibly original. h. 70”, w. 43-1/2”

mid-19th century, with a matching headboard and footboard and broad straight rails. h. 48”, inside w. 64-1/2”, l. 78”, outside w. 68”, l. 85” $500-$800





346 American Late Classical Mahogany Dining Table late 19th century, the circular top on a columnar split pedestal opening to accommodate leaves, on a serpentine base with carved paw feet. h. 30-3/4”, dia. 55-1/2” 348 Three American Metal Figural Table Lamps

$800-$1,200 347 Three American Metal Figural Gas Newel Post Lamps fourth quarter 19th century, possibly Philadelphia, each electrified, with period glass shades, including a silvered metal classical male on a painted base, and two similar Renaissance figures of males, one patinated metal and the other solid brass. h. 22-1/2” to 23-3/4”, overall h. of example with chimney 27-1/2”, w. 6” to 6-1/2”, globe dia. 6-1/2”

second half 19th century, including a Cornelius & Co., Philadelphia, patinated bronze caryatid lamp, with an iron weight in the base marked “C & Co / 61”, shade holder marked and two metal gas lamps cast as Renaissance figures, the smaller example on a painted metal base, each electrified, with 19th-century glass shades. “Hooper & Co., Boston, Solar”. h. 22-1/2” to 29”, dia. 6-1/2” to 7” $700-$1,000





349 Impressive Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Urn second quarter 19th century, the Rococo Revival urn decorated with an Elizabethan court scene, the base molded with cabochon “jewels”, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 21-1/2”, w. 11-1/4”, d. 5-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800


350 Assembled Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain GrapeMolded Garniture mid-19th century, the set including a pair of mazarine blue and yellow ewers, h. 9-3/4”, dia. 3-1/2”, and a centerpiece with a hand-painted bowl and a pierced base, h. 7-3/4”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 5-1/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800


351 Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Three-Piece Garniture mid-19th century, the blue-ground garniture comprised of a pair of vases with figures of boys, h. 7-1/4”, w. 5”, d. 3-1/4”, and a basket, h. 4-3/4”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 4-1/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500



352 Carved Hardwood Figural Pedestal 20th century, the tapered standard carved with a female bust over panels of carved vines and scrolled feet. h. 55-1/4”, w. 19”, d. 19” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $200-$400 353 American Renaissance Revival Walnut Music Cabinet third quarter 19th century, the top with a display plinth flanked by scroll supports, the case with a single door with an oval panel, adorned throughout with gilt ormolu mounts, raised on a cheval base with hoof feet. h. 39”, w. 20”, d. 14” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $200-$400



354 Pair of Rococo Revival-Style Cast Brass Sconces 19th century, the scrolled arms decorated with cast leaves and cupids, and set with Neo-Grec-style engraved glass shades. h. 15-1/2”, w. 8”, d. 19” $700-$1,000



355 American Carved Walnut Vitrine/Cabinet fourth quarter 19th century, probably Philadelphia, the gadrooned broken-arch pediment centered by a carved cartouche and finial, the carved frieze with carved putto heads at each corner, over twist-carved columns flanking a bowfront glazed door, the bowfront base with wrap-around ends and a pair of doors with carved panels. h. 96”, w. 42”, d. 19-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $1,000-$1,500 356 American Neo-Grec Gilt-Bronze Gasolier third quarter 19th century, the fluted standard decorated with anthemia and medallions, and supporting curved, incised arms set with urn-form finials, the burner holder molded to resemble classical oil lamps, set with molded ruffled glass shades decorated with flowers and arabesque scrollwork. h. 36”, dia. 29”




357 American Rococo Revival Giltwood Porthole Frame Mirror third quarter 19th century, with a rococo surround, the liner with delicately molded corner decorations. h. 25-1/2”, w. 22-1/2” $200-$400




358 Four Pieces of Jacob Petit and Other Paris Porcelain second quarter 19th century, including a scent bottle with paw feet, mounted with winged Minerva heads, h. 5-3/4”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 5-1/4”, a matching basket with fruit and flowers on the handle, h. 5”, w. 5”, d. 5”, a bronze-mounted centerpiece decorated with grapes, h. 9-1/4”, w. 9”, d. 5”, and a bronzemounted bottle vase, h. 9”, dia. 3-1/2”, three signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700 359 Pair of French Porcelain Rhyton-Form Vases Attributed to Jacob Petit


second quarter 19th century, with ram’s-head terminals decorated with hand-painted flowers, with spurious “J.P.” overglaze marks. h. 12-3/4”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 6-1/4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 360 Pair of French Porcelain Vases Attributed to Jacob Petit second quarter 19th century, decorated with polychrome floral panels on the obverse and raised gilt panels on the reverse. h. 15-3/4”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 5” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900




361 Two Pairs of Paris Porcelain Vases Attributed to Jacob Petit second quarter 19th century, French, each decorated with raised gilt, including a pair of open urns with panels of troubadour figures painted on the obverse and flowers on the reverse, with scroll-molded handles, together with a pair of potpourri urns with rope-twist handles and pierced covers with floriform knops, the obverses with panels of hand-painted flowers. h. 13-1/2” to 14-1/4”, w. 7” to 9-1/4”, d. 5” to 6” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 362 Assembled Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Clock second quarter 19th century, the case with a figure of Neptune at the crest, a putto riding a sea monster in the center and a couple fishing on the base, the case trimmed with molded shells and coral, the silk-string suspension movement marked “Jacob Petit a Paris”, the complementary base signed “Margaine”. h. 20-1/2”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 10-1/2”


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 363 Assembled Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Scent Bottles second quarter 19th century, each with dolphin feet, handpainted floral panels and raised gilt, one with mazarine blueground corner panels, the other with green, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 9-1/2”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 4-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 363


364 Three Pieces of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain second quarter 19th century, all with green grounds, including a vase, h. 8-3/4”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 3-3/4”, and a pair of flower pots, h. 3-3/4”, w. 3-1/4”, d. 3-1/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.

Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $200-$400 365 Feuillet/Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Bulb Pot ca. 1830-1834, with Pegasus feet, the sides decorated with carefully painted bucolic panels, marked “Feuillet” in gilt overglaze and “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 12”, w. 8”, d. 8”


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800 366 Two Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Potpourri/Bulb Pots second quarter 19th century, each with lion’s-head paw feet, one decorated with white-ground floral panels and the other with Renaissance-style brown-ground fruit, flower and vegetable panels. h. 9”, w. 6”, d. 6” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $700-$1,000 367 Three Paris Porcelain Scent Bottles Attributed to Jacob Petit mid-19th century, each hand-painted, the two tallest of the same form, with paw feet mounted with swans and pierced gallery edges, and the shortest in a gilt-bronze base mount, decorated with flowers and birds. h. 6-1/4” to 9-1/4”, w. 3-1/2” to 4-3/4”, d. 3-1/2”


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500

366 367


368 French Gilt-Bronze and Porcelain Jewel Casket second quarter 19th century, possibly Jacob Petit, the bronze mounts with winged figures at each corner, the porcelain decorated with couples in Arcadian landscapes. h. 5-1/2”, w. 9”, d. 5-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800 368

369 Two Signed Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Encriers second quarter 19th century, each with a green ground with polychrome hand-painted flowers, the larger with a central inkpot flanked by shallow ones, h. 3-3/4”, w. 12”, d. 8-1/2”, the smaller one with an oval urn mounted behind a base with an inkpot and sander, h. 5-3/4”, w. 7”, d. 5-3/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 369

370 Two Pieces of French Porcelain mid-19th century, including an encrier with gilt-bronze inkpots and trim molded with cattails, with a hand-painted porcelain base, h. 4-1/4”, w. 7-1/2”, d. 5-1/4”, and a gilt-brass card tray with a hand-painted porcelain panel, h. 4-1/4”, w. 9”, d. 7-1/4”. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500 370

371 Three Pieces of Jacob Petit and Other Paris Porcelain second quarter 19th century, all with green grounds, including an exceptional quill holder with a dragon-molded handle, pierced rim and polychrome panels of flowers and birds, h. 5-3/4”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 8-1/2”, a peacock encrier with a tail pierced for quills, h. 7-3/4”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 4-3/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue, and a scent bottle decorated with flowers, attributed to Jacob Petit, h. 5-3/4”, w. 4-3/4”, d. 4-3/4”. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700



372 Pair of Porcelain Potpourri/Bulb Pots Attributed to Jacob Petit second quarter 19th century, French, with green grounds, painted with pairs of children, the sides with Bacchanalian masques. h. 7-1/4”, w. 4-3/4”, d. 5” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900

373 Pair of Exuberant Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Rhyton-Form Vases


mid-19th century, with fully developed Rococo Revival scrollwork and decorated with lush swags of flowers, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 11-3/4”, w. 9-1/4”, d. 5” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $700-$1,000

374 Four Pieces of Jacob Petit and Other Paris Porcelain mid-19th century, including a pair of white-ground vases molded with swans, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue, h. 11”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 4-1/2”, and two rhytonform vases molded with swans, with green- and black-ground decoration, attributed to Jacob Petit, h. 7-3/4 to 10”, w. 5-3/4” to 7-3/4”.


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500



375 Margaine Porcelain Figural Mantel Clock second quarter 19th century, French, in three parts, the scrolltrimmed base decorated with raised gilt grapes on a green ground, the figures depicting a family in Renaissance dress, enjoying a musical evening, with a singer and lute player, a boy in the back playing with a dog, signed “MA” on the bottom in underglaze blue, the blank attributed to Jacob Petit and the decoration to Margaine. h. 22”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 11-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,200-$1,800


377 American Rococo Revival Laminated Rosewood and Marble-Top Center Table third quarter 19th century, attributed to J. & J. W. Meeks, New York, the marble top of tortoise form over a pierced foliate- and scroll-carved apron centered by a cabochon, on cabriole legs joined by serpentine stretchers centered by a finial. h. 29-1/2”, w. 42-3/4”, d. 29-1/2” $1,500-$2,500


376 Bohemian Cased, Cut and Enameled Glass Banquet Lamp second quarter 20th century, with a white-plated cut-togreen font and standard, enameled with scattered flowers and set with a matching ball shade, mounted on a molded and pierced brass-plated base. h. 34”, dia. 7-1/4” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $200-$400 377



378 American Rococo Revival Giltwood Overmantel Mirror mid-19th century, the cove-molded arched top surround decorated with a pierced and carved crest depicting grape leaves. h. 63-1/2”, w. 50-1/2” $700-$1,000 379 Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Rhyton-Form Vases second quarter 19th century, French, each decorated with swags of encrusted flowers, the ground with raised gilt flowers, the vase molded with medallions and scrollwork, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 9”, w. 7”, d. 3-1/2”


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 380 Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Blackamoor Figures second quarter 19th century, depicting peddlers carrying market baskets, raised on pierced bases, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 9-1/2”, w. 4”, d. 4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500



381 Three French “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” Porcelain Fan Vases mid-19th century, Limoges, including a pair of gold and white vases with biscuit figures, the upper portions with scattered hand-painted roses, h. 11”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 5”, and a tinted biscuit example, probably from the same mold, depicting Little Eva hanging flowers around Uncle Tom, h. 11-1/2”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500 Similar examples are illustrated in “Fragile Lessons: Ceramic and Porcelain Representations of Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Jill Fenichell, in Ceramics in America, 2006, edited by Robert Hunter.


382 Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figural Quintal Vase mid-19th century, decorated with a woman in 18th-century costume, reading a book in a flower garden, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 9”, w. 8-3/4”, d. 4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700 383 Three Pieces of Jacob Petit and Other Paris Porcelain mid-19th century, including a Jacob Petit encrier with a woman reading, a youth and a cat, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue, h. 5-3/4”, w. 8-1/4”, d. 5-1/2”, a Jacob Petit scent bottle with encrusted flowers, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue, h. 7”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 3-1/2”, and a vase with a reclining putto, decorated with encrusted flowers, unsigned but probably Jacob Petit, h. 5-1/2”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 3-1/4”.


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700 384 Five Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figural Objects mid-19th century, including two seated figures in 18th-century costume on pierced bases, h. 6-1/4”, w. 3-1/4”, d. 3-3/4”, a match/spill holder of two men holding a cask, one seated on a carton of tobacco, h. 6-1/2”, w. 6”, d. 3”, a fowl peddler after “Cries of Paris”, h. 6”, w. 5”, d. 3-3/4”, and a girl riding on a pet goat, h. 4-1/4”, w. 1-3/4”, d. 3-1/2”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue.


Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800



385 Three Unusual Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figures in Barrel Seats mid-19th century, including a seamstress, h. 6-1/2”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 4-1/4”, and a cobbler, h. 6-1/2”, w. 4-3/4”, d. 4-1/2”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue, and a cobbler in a giltdecorated barrel, unsigned, h. 7”, w. 5”, d. 4-3/4”. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800 386 Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain “Happy” and “Sad” Figures of Babies


mid-19th century, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 7” to 7-1/2”, w. 3-3/4”, d. 3” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $200-$400



387 Three Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figures mid-19th century, including two scent bottles modeled as flower vendors, based on “Cries of Paris”, h. 9-1/2” to 10”, w. 3-1/4”, d. 4”, and the other depicting a male figure leaning on a flowerencrusted spill vase, h. 9-1/2”, w. 5-3/4”, d. 3-1/2”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700 388 Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figural Potpourri Vase mid-19th century, decorated with a courting couple picking encrusted flowers, a pedestal behind them with a bleu celesteground pierced urn set with a cupid finial, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 17”, w. 9”, d. 9-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900



389 Large Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figural Encrier second quarter 19th century, with a blue ground, decorated with a Bacchanalian putto and a pair of troubadour figures, signed “J.P.” on bottom in underglaze blue. h. 6-3/4”, w. 15”, d. 6” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900


390 Signed Margaine Figural Encrier mid-19th century, French, decorated with a boy in Elizabethan costume playing with a dog, above a blue-ground base fitted with an inkpot and sander, signed “MA” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 8-1/2”, w. 10-3/4”, d. 7” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 391 Unusual Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figural Writing Table Case


second quarter 19th century, decorated with a group of children playing with a dog in a dress, the scroll-decorated base set with a porcelain-fronted cardboard drawer, fitted for inkpots and stationery, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 12”, w. 11”, d. 8” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800


392 Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Covered Potpourri Urn second quarter 19th century, with dragon-headed handles, a pierced cover decorated with Elizabethan heads, and putti at the base, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 15-1/4”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 6-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800



393 Near Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Potpourri Vases mid-19th century, both with polychrome figural scenes, one vase with a mazarine blue ground, now fitted with a brass cover, h. 14”, dia. 5-1/2”, and the other example with a claret ground, h. 13-3/4”, dia. 5-1/2”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700 394 Assembled Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Sweet Meat Dishes


mid-19th century, inspired by similar Meissen examples, decorated, respectively, with a male and female figure in 18th-century costume on a flower-encrusted base, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 9”, w. 8” to 8-1/2”, d. 5-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $500-$800 395 Two Pieces of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain


mid-19th century, including a double vase decorated with encrusted flowers, mounted with a seated female figure, on a pierced base, h. 11”, w. 10-3/4”, d. 4-1/2”, and a female figure in a farthingale skirt, carrying a peacock feather fan, h. 9-1/2”, w. 6-1/4”, d. 4-3/4”, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500 396 Assembled Pair of Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Figural Candlesticks 395

second quarter 19th century, depicting a couple in 18th-century costume posed by tree trunks with climbing flowers, on pierced bases, signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 15”, dia. 4-3/8” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $400-$700 A nearly identical pair of candlesticks is in the National Museum, Geneva, Switzerland, and illustrated in Regine de Plinval de Guillebon, Faience et Porcelain de Paris, XVIIIeXIXe Siecles (Dijon: Faton, 1995).



397 Three-Piece Dresden-Style Clock Set fourth quarter 19th century, German, the set with cobalt trim and decorated with porcelain cupids and encrusted flowers, comprised of a clock, h. 15-1/2”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 4-1/2”, and a pair of candelabra with removable branches, h. 18”, dia. 9-1/4”, marked “Bros. Voight, Sitzendorf”. Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $600-$900



398 Suite of Four Rococo-Style Brass, Mahogany and Glass Sconces 20th century, the pierced brass sconces set on carved mahogany backs and mounted with two pairs of similar cut glass hurricane shades. h. 17-1/2”, w. 6”, d. 12”


$600-$900 399 Two 19th-Century Family Bibles including The Illustrated Family Bible, ed. Rev. John Eadie, title page missing but probably E. Pike and Sons, 1885, with black and white illustrations, and The Self-Interpreting Family Bible, ed. Rev. John Brown, Glasgow: James Semple, 1880, with sepia and color illustrations, both with gilt-enhanced leather covers with metal hinges and clasps. each 13” x 10-1/2” $200-$400 400 American School (19th Century) “Portrait of a Young Woman with a Sprig of Flowers at the Lace Collar” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 26” x 22”, framed 33” x 28” $600-$900 400


401 American Brass and Glass Electrolier ca. 1900, now electrified, the base originally gas, the top electric, the polished brass scrolled frame decorated with leaves and scrollwork, set with engraved glass shades. h. 51”, w. 14”, d. 11-1/2” $600-$900 402 Kohler Vitreous Artist Edition Wash Basin the oval framed and scalloped bowl in gilt and polychrome decoration depicting “Prairie Flowers of the Midwest”. h. 10”, w. 25-3/4”, d. 17-1/2” $500-$800 403 Two American Opalescent Glass and Silverplate Figural Vases ca. 1900, including an epergne with a quilted opalescent trumpet vase and bowl, on an unmarked standard, h. 21-1/2”, w. 10”, and a yellow opalescent vase on an Art Nouveau silverplate base marked by E. G. Webster, Brooklyn, New York, h. 22-1/2”, dia. 8-3/4”. $500-$800 404 Three Pieces of Opalescent Art Glass


fourth quarter 19th century, including a vaseline glass vase, possibly Italian, h. 12-1/2”, w. 9”, a blue opalescent epergne on a silverplate base, American, h. 14-1/2”, dia. 9”, and a blue opalescent compote on a silverplate base, possibly American, h. 7”, dia. 10-1/4”. $500-$800


404 403



405 Eight-Piece Collection of Longwy Pottery-Mounted Aesthetic Lighting Devices fourth quarter 19th century, American, English and French, including a four-light candelabrum on a black marble base, h. 16”, dia. 8”, a pair of electrified three-light candelabra, h. 13-1/2”, w. 7”, d. 4-1/2”, a prism-hung candlestick, h. 11-1/2”, dia. 4-1/4”, a kerosene lamp with a cut glass font and a polished steel base, h. 16”, w. 5-1/2”, an electrified kerosene lamp with beaded fringe, h. 19-1/2”, dia. 11”, a silvered brassmounted lamp with a standard mounted for electricity, h. 20-1/4”, dia. 6-1/2”, and a kerosene lamp standard, h. 10-1/2”, dia. 6-1/2”. $500-$800

407 406

406 John William Mogan (American, 20th Century)

407 American Brass and Crystal Aesthetic Movement Hall Light

“Street Scene with Bridge and French Flags”

fourth quarter 19th century, hung with prisms and set with three sockets, electrified. h. 44”, w. 11-3/4”, d. 7”

oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 20” x 24”, framed 28-1/2” x 32-1/4” $1,200-$1,800



408 Pair of American Brass and Glass Gas-Type Sconces 20th century, in the Aesthetic taste, mounted with engraved glass shades. h. 15-1/4”, d. 11-1/2” $600-$900



409 Mitchell & Rammelsberg Furniture Co. Supplement to Illustrated Catalogue published in 1880 by Cohen & Company, Designers and Engravers and Color Printers, No. 175 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, featuring 52 pages of furniture, valances, curtains and mattresses. h. 10”, w. 12” $500-$800 410 American Brass and Glass Aesthetic Gasolier fourth quarter 19th century, decorated with pierced aesthetic spandrels, electrified. h. 27”, w. 17-1/2”, d. 4-3/4”


$600-$900 411 American Polished Bronze Aesthetic Encrier fourth quarter 19th century, with two ink pots flanking a pen rest on a tray, all impressed with Middle Eastern-inspired scrollwork, with spurious Tiffany impressed marks. h. 5-1/4”, w. 13-3/4”, d. 6-3/4” $500-$800 411




412 Albion Harris Bicknell (American, 1837-1915) “Sunset Landscape” oil on wood panel signed lower right. Framed. 15” x 21”, framed 22” x 28-1/4” $1,000-$1,500 413 Charles E. Duncan Rodick (American, 1874-aft. 1940) “Maine - Winter Trout Brook” oil on board signed lower right, titled and signed en verso. Framed. 26” x 32”, framed 30-1/2” x 36” $600-$900 414 “Jefferson” Arts and Crafts Table Lamp


ca. 1908-1933, Follansbee, West Virginia, the lamp with a reverse-painted shade depicting a scenic sunset, indistinctly signed, the lamp base and matching painted shade ring stamped “Jefferson”. h. 21-1/4”, dia. 14” $600-$900 415 Signed Handel Arts and Crafts Table Lamp first quarter 20th century, Meriden, Connecticut, the Mosserine cased glass amber shade molded with a basketweave pattern on a cracked ice ground, marked “Mosserine, Handel, 5635/2”, the patinated metal base marked “Handel”. h. 20”, dia. 10-1/2” $600-$900 415


416 After Frederic Sackrider Remington (American, 1861-1909) “Scalp”, late 20th century patinated bronze cast signature on side of self-base, mounted on a composite marble base with a brass artist plaque. h. 24-1/2”, w. 23”, d. 12” Provenance: The Estate of Donald J. Hurst, Waterloo, Iowa. $300-$500


418 Harry Jackson (American, 1924-2011) “Steer Roper - Hard and Fast (Bustin’ One)”, 1959 patinated bronze cast signature, dated, titled and copyright marked along right edge of self-base, a number “9” at left edge, on a black marble plinth. overall h. 13-1/2”, w. 23”, d. 14-1/2” Provenance: Deaccessioned property of a Southern institution. $1,000-$1,500 417

417 After Frederic Sackrider Remington (American, 1861-1909) “Mountain Man” patinated bronze 20th century, cast signature with copyright mark at side, on a stone base with artist plaque. overall h. 29”, w. 14”, d. 12” Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900 418



419 Henry Raschen (American, 1854-1937) “Indians in Camp” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 26-1/4” x 46-1/4”, framed 31-3/8” x 50-1/4” Provenance: Shannon’s Fine Art Auctioneers, October 26, 2017, lot 45; Shirley and Benjamin Flayderman Collection, Boston, Massachusetts; by descent to the present owners. $1,500-$2,500

421 Francis Marion Tuttle (American, 1839-1910) “Trout Brook”, 1885, probably Wyoming County, Western New York oil on millboard signed lower left, signed, titled and dated en verso with “F. Devoe and Co., New York” supplier label. Framed. 16-1/8” x 12”, framed 22” x 18” $700-$1,000



422 George Howell Gay (American, 1858-1931) “The Road, Late Autumn” watercolor signed lower right. Glazed and framed. sight 13” x 26-1/2”, framed 17” x 30-1/2” $200-$400 423 Gilt-Bronze Chandelier in the Gothic Taste first quarter 20th century, the hexagonal body set with sockets and borders of pierced trefoils, supported on a rod molded with oak leaves, the lower portion mounted with additional sockets and decorated with pierced leaves. h. 27”, dia. 12”


Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $600-$900 424 Pair of Paris Porcelain Baluster Vases mid-19th century, French, hand-painted with imperial figures in gardens, now mounted on giltwood bases. h. 16-1/2”, dia. 6-1/2” $500-$800 425 Three Jacob Petit Paris Porcelain Pagoda-Form Scent Bottles second quarter 19th century, including a mazarine blue round bottle and a pair of green bottles, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue. h. 7-1/2” to 9-1/2”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 3-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500


425 424


426 Four Jacob Petit and Other Paris Porcelain Mandarin Figures second quarter 19th century, including three scent bottles with similar figures on black bases, with hat-form covers, each signed “J.P.” on the bottom in underglaze blue, and a figure with a green base, probably a cover, unsigned. h. 7-1/4” to 10”, w. 2-1/2” to 3-1/2”, d. 2-1/2” to 3-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana. $300-$500




427 Semi-Antique Mashad Carpet

428 Heriz Carpet

3’ 7” x 5’ 8”

3’ 8” x 4’ 5”




429 Lilihan Carpet 3’ 7” x 5’ 8” $300-$500 430 Semi-Antique Kashan Carpet 8’ 8” x 5’ 6” $400-$700 431 Agra Serapi Runner 2’ 7” x 23’ 10” $700-$1,000







432 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “Blue Dog” silkscreen in colors signed lower right, numbered “82/190” lower left. Unframed. sheet 15” x 12” $1,000-$1,500 433 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “Blue Dog” silkscreen in colors signed lower right, numbered “85/190” lower left. Unframed. sheet 15” x 12” $1,000-$1,500



434 St. Louis Cobalt-Plated Contemporary Vase 20th century, French, the round, tapered vase cobalt-plated and cut with colorless fluting, with an etched signature on the bottom. h. 12-3/4”, dia. 8-1/4” $200-$400



435 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “Our Love Blooms” silkscreen signed lower left, numbered “1/90” lower right. Framed. sight 22-3/4” x 29-3/4”, framed 25” x 32” $1,200-$1,800

436 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “We Will Rise Again” offset lithograph signed in pencil lower right, printed title lower center. Framed. sight 28” x 20”, framed 30-1/2” x 22-1/2” 435


437 William Thomas “Tom” Young (American/Louisiana, 1923-2014) “Zarahemla”, 1959 oil and wax on canvas board signed lower right, and signed, titled and dated en verso. Framed. 12” x 15”, framed 13-1/2” x 16-1/2” $400-$700




438 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival (Pete Fountain)”, 1996 silkscreen on paper signed by the artist and Pete Fountain, and numbered “4333/10,000” lower margin. Unframed. 35” x 21” Provenance: The official poster for the 1996 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Literature: Illustrated in George Rodrigue Prints: A Catalogue Raisonne, 1970-2007, New York: Abrams, p. 220. $1,000-$2,500

439 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “Butterflies are Free”, 1996 color silkscreen pencil-signed and inscribed “To Thresa” lower left and “Artist Proof” lower right. Unframed. 24-1/2” x 38” $1,000-$1,500





440 John Tarrell Scott (American/Louisiana, 1940-2007) “Untitled” painted steel garden sculpture h. 58-1/2”, w. 125”, d. 9” $5,000-$8,000

441 Tokio Miyashita (Japanese, 1930-2011) “Work-Y4”, 1965 woodcut and etching pencil-signed lower right, numbered “12/35” lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. 25” x 36”, framed 35-1/2” x 44-1/2” $300-$500




442 Molly Stone (American, b. 1950) “Untitled”, 1995 blown glass Cohn-Stone Studios, California, body of red with iridescent golden bars, interior of 24kt. gold foil, incised signature and dated at bottom. h. 5-1/2”, dia. 8-3/4” $200-$400

443 Louisiana School (Mid-20th Century) “Shadows Beneath the New Spring Trees”, 1966 oil on canvas indistinctly signed “M... Sm/pall” and dated lower left, and titled on label on stretcher. Framed. 46” x 39”, framed 47-1/4” x 40-1/4”



444 William Thomas “Tom” Young (American/Louisiana, 1923-2014) “Land of Amuton”, 1958 oil and wax on board signed and dated lower right, and signed, titled and dated en verso. Framed. 30” x 40”, framed 30-1/2” x 40-1/2” $400-$700



445 Kit Karbler (American, Contemporary) Michael David (American, Contemporary) “Inverted Arch” blown and cold cut glass, with Blake Street Glass Studio, Denver, Colorado, incised signature, marked and numbered “2926B”. h. 8-1/2”, w. 8-3/4”, d. 4-1/2” $300-$500

446 Leon Applebaum (American/Ohio, b. 1945)


“Textured Vessel” blown and formed glass swirls of red, green and blue within a clear body, incised signature at bottom. h. 7-1/2”, widest dia. 7-1/2” $300-$500

447 William Thomas “Tom” Young (American/Louisiana, 1923-2014)


“Moroni”, 1958 ink and wax on paper signed and dated lower right, an exhibition label from Staten Island, N.Y. with title and brochure on Tom Young, The University Gallery, The University of Mississippi, Oxford, 1961 en verso. Glazed and framed. sight 14-3/4” x 19-1/4”, framed 15-3/4” x 20-1/4” $400-$700


448 Manner of Frank Stella (American, b. 1936) “Untitled - Fragment” mixed media on shaped canvas unsigned. Mounted and framed. 30” x 14”, framed 37” x 20-3/4” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. 447



449 Kit Karbler (American, Contemporary) Michael David (American, Contemporary) “Untitled” blown and cold cut glass, in the shape of a faceted diamond, with Blake Street Studio, Denver, Colorado, incised signature and marked at bottom edge. h. 3-3/4”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 3-1/2” $200-$400


450 Mildred Nungester Wolfe (American/Mississippi, 1912-2009) “Peach Orchard”, 1966 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right, titled on stretcher. Framed. 18” x 26-1/4”, framed 21-1/2” x 29-3/4” $1,400-$1,800


451 American Art Glass Vase clear glass with pink and white “confetti” and thin black striations, folded rim form, unmarked. h. 8-1/8”, w. 11”, d. 5-3/4” $75-$125



452 Pair of Baker Furniture Upholstered Armchairs each so labeled and having a back with a scalloped crest rail, closed rolled arms, loose seat cushion and upholstered skirt. h. 41-1/2” $300-$500 453 James Pratt (New Zealand, 20th Century) “Spanish Steps” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 16” x 20”, framed 20” x 24” $800-$1,000 452

454 Contemporary Iron and Glass Cocktail Table of neoclassical inspiration, the rectilinear beveled glass top with canted corners, on a conforming painted iron base with cast iron rosettes at each corner, raised on shaped legs joined by a stretcher. h. 16-1/2”, w. 48”, d. 26” $200-$400




455 Janine Carol Richards (American/St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, 20th Century) “Persian Dancers”, 1971 mixed media on paper signed and dated lower right, signed, titled, dated and localized “St. Thomas” en verso. Printed artist’s biography and a “DuBose Gallery/Houston, Texas” label en verso of framing. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 16” x 11-1/2”, framed 21-1/4” x 20-3/4” $300-$500

456 Gilt-Composition Sunburst Mirror 20th century, of French inspiration, mounted with a beveled mirror plate. dia. 40”




457 Scott Gentry (American/Texas, Contemporary) “Dancing Muse”, 2002


polished bronze signed, dated and numbered “2/20” at back of proper right shoulder, on a beveled black marble base. sculpture h. 12-1/2”, overall h. 15”, w. 12”, d. 5” $600-$900




458 Adolf Dehn (American, 1895-1968) “Consumption”, 1923 “Three Girls”, 1924 ink drawings on paper each signed and dated lower right. Matted, glazed and framed alike. 19” x 14” and 17” x 15”, respectively; framed 26-1/4” x 22” and 25-3/4” x 23-1/4” Provenance: Estate of Elaine Levy Proler, Houston, Texas. $800-$1,200

459 Pressed Brass “Jeweled” Hall Lantern first quarter 20th century. h. 28”, dia. 9-3/4” $600-$900




460 Milton Clark Avery (American/New York, 1885-1965)


462 Paul Willsea (American, 20th Century) and Carol O’Brien (American, 20th Century) of Willsea Glass Studio

“Female Nude and Head Study”, ca. 1956 “Pyramid Bowl” flobrush pen on paper signed lower right, titled “Head and Body” and dated on “Pembroke Gallery, Houston” label on frame backing. Matted, glazed and framed. 17” x 14”, framed 25” x 21”

blown glass, squared foot of clear glass with gold foil inclusions, body of opalescent white, incised signature at bottom. h. 8-1/2”, dia. 17-1/2”

Provenance: Estate of Elaine Levy Proler, Houston, Texas.



461 Milton Clark Avery (American/New York, 1885-1965) “Female Nude”, ca. 1946 flobrush pen on paper signed lower right, titled “Mirrored Nude” and dated on “Pembroke Gallery, Houston” label on frame backing. Matted, glazed and framed. 17” x 14”, framed 25” x 21-1/4” Provenance: Estate of Elaine Levy Proler, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500 462


463 Liz Lacey (South African, Contemporary) “Untitled”, 2011 blown glass swirled design in red, orange and green, incised signature and dated at bottom. h. 13”, dia. 14-3/4” $150-$300 463

464 Contemporary Wrought Steel and Marble-Top Gueridon the circular marble top in a conforming frame, the shaped legs supporting a ring at their top and wrapping around a circular stretcher, in a patinated copper finish. h. 29-1/2”, dia. 37” $700-$1,000


465 George Valentine Dureau (American/Louisiana, 1930-2014) “Bal Masque” ink on paper initialed lower right. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 8-3/4” x 11-3/4”, framed 18-3/4” x 21-3/4” $400-$700



466 Itzchak Isaac Tarkay (Serbian/Israeli, 1935-2012) “One Hot Day” watercolor on blind-stamped paper signed lower right, verso affixed with “Certificate of Authenticity”. Linen-matted, glazed and framed. sight 9” x 9”, framed 25” x 25” $600-$900

467 Liz Lacey (South African, Contemporary) “Untitled”, 2007 blown glass blue/lime/yellow body, incised signature, dated and marked “Red Hat Glass” at bottom. h. 13”, dia. 13-1/2”



468 Pair of Labeled Ro Sham Beaux “Malibu” Chandeliers 21st century, American, raffia-wrapped and hung with strands of crystals and polished stones. h. 30”, dia. 24” $700-$1,000





469 Jacques Renard Lejeune (French, 1930-2003) “Jolie Femme sur la Terrasse” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 39-1/2” x 39-1/2”, framed 47” x 47” $3,500-$5,000

470 Pair of Scrolled Metal Architectural Fragments now mounted as lamps, with scattered fragments of old paint, on stepped bases, fitted with shades. h. 31-1/2”, w. 15”, d. 10” $500-$800 470


471 Continental Hardwood Cabinet 20th century, in the Italian Renaissance taste, the single framed door with inset wrought iron grilles, the interior with a medial shelf, raised on a scalloped base. h. 55”, w. 19”, d. 13” Provenance: From the French Quarter residence of Lenny Kravitz. $300-$500 472 Nicola Simbari (Italian, 1927-2012) “Wind on the Beach” oil on canvas signed mid-right, titled en verso stretcher. Framed. 28” x 39-1/2”, framed 34-1/2” x 46” 472



473 DKH Studio “Fish Vase” 1997, blown and applied glass, incised marking, dated and copyright-marked at bottom, body ombre navy to green. h. 17-1/8”, dia. 5-5/8” $50-$75



474 Jamie Harris (American/New York, Contemporary) “Untitled” blown and carved glass incised signature at bottom, opaque stripes of blue, green and frosted clear. h. 12”, w. 13”, d. 7” $100-$200


475 Romare Bearden (American/North Carolina, 1911-1988) “The Lantern”, 1979 lithograph in colors an Artist Proof, signed in plate lower right. Unframed. sheet 28-1/2” x 19-3/4” $300-$500

476 Contemporary Bronze Alligator Sculpture 20th century, modeled as an alligator swallowing a fish. h. 21”, w. 17-1/2”, l. 29-1/2” $300-$500





477 French School (Fourth Quarter 19th Century) “Reptiles and Amphibians” suite of five hand-colored lithographs of various sizes. All handsomely matted, glazed and framed alike. sights 7” x 4-1/4” and 4-1/2” x 6-1/2”, framed 18” x 15” and 15” x 17” $500-$800



478 Collection of Twenty-Two Canes, Walking Sticks and African Spears

479 Collection of Twenty-Three Folk Art Canes and Walking Sticks

l. 28” to 73”

l. 25” to 52”

Provenance: From the collection of Ambassador Richard Carlson.

Provenance: From the collection of Ambassador Richard Carlson.






481 Collection of Twenty Carved Folk Art Canes and Walking Sticks

480 Collection of Twenty Folk Art Canes and Walking Sticks l. 27” to 44”

l. 31” to 49”

Provenance: From the collection of Ambassador Richard Carlson.

Provenance: From the collection of Ambassador Richard Carlson.






482 Collection of Twenty Folk Art Canes and Walking Sticks

483 Collection of Twenty Canes and Walking Sticks

l. 26” to 47”

l. 29” to 48”

Provenance: From the collection of Ambassador Richard Carlson.

Provenance: From the collection of Ambassador Richard Carlson.





484 Pair of Large Terracotta Jars decorated with molded devil masques and lug handles, the interiors glazed, raised on metal stands. h. 37”, dia. 17-1/4” $600-$900

485 Pair of Large Terracotta Jars decorated with molded devil masques and lug handles, the interiors glazed, raised on metal stands. h. 37”, dia. 17-1/4” 484


486 Collection of Twelve Folk Art Carved Wooden Walking Sticks early to mid-20th century. l. 30” to 49” Provenance: From the collection of Ambassador Richard Carlson. $1,000-$1,500





487 Collection of Twelve Folk Art Carved Wooden Walking Sticks early to late 20th century. l. 28” to 58” Provenance: From the collection of Ambassador Richard Carlson. $1,000-$1,500

488 G. Patrick Riley (American/Oklahoma, 20th Century) “Body Meditation #2”, 1971 assemblage of bamboo, wire, armadillo carapace, leather and ginger root h. 120”, w. 68” Provenance: Deaccessioned property of a Southern institution. $200-$400 The mixed media artist Patrick Riley creates complex assembled masks and sculptures, referencing the motifs and symbols of earlier cultures. Inspired by his childhood visits to the museum on the campus of St. Gregory’s University in his native Oklahoma, where he was first exposed to African ritual masks and the art of taxidermy, he utilizes the various natural materials available. 488


489 Pair of Henri Studio Terracotta-Stained Jardinieres of neoclassical Inspiration, each cylindrical vessel with projecting rim and molded body with shaped panels, supported by four paw feet, each inscribed “C 1989 Henri Steele Palatine Ill 7465”. overall h. 26-3/4”, dia. 33-3/4” $600-$900

490 Suite of Eight Wrought Iron Garden Armchairs 489

20th century, each having a tall back with interlacing rods in a heart motif and joined to open scroll arms, a slat seat and shaped wrought iron legs joined by an X-form stretcher. h. 38-1/4” $600-$900

491 Pair of Asian-Inspired Gray Metal Planters 20th century, with tapered sides, mounted with ring pulls and straps, the interiors with drainage holes. h. 15-1/2”, w. 16”, d. 16” $500-$800 491




492 Jon Von Letscher (American, Contemporary) “She Lost Her Keys”, 2009 collage on wood panel signed in pencil, titled, dated and with “doodles” en verso. 46” x 96” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $300-$500

493 Patrick Renner (American/Texas, Contemporary) “Untitled”, 2017


painted reclaimed wood assemblage signed and dated en verso. 27” x 21” x 2” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $400-$700

494 Luis Cogley (American/New Mexico, Contemporary) “Untitled”, 2000 cut and painted metal and found objects sculpture whimsical gathering of figures attached via colorful wire, signed and dated at lower back. 58” x 54” Provenance: Luis Cogley Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $500-$800



495 Luis Cogley (American/New Mexico, Contemporary)

496 American School (20th/21st Century)

“Song of the Siren”

“Yellow-Hatted Man”, 1987

cut and painted metal and found objects sculpture figures attached via colorful wire, signed at lower back. h. 72”, w. 31”, d. 26”

painted steel sculpture marked “RW87” at base. h. 70-3/4”, w. 30”, d. 24-1/2”

Provenance: Luis Cogley Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico;Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas.

Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas.






497 Michael Richardson (American/Texas, Contemporary) “Wing Series II, #3” acrylic and sawdust on masonite mounted on wooden planks a “Watson/de Nagy & Co./Houston, Texas” label en verso with title, artist and medium. 10” x 45” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $300-$500

498 Carved and Polychromed Wood Borneo Bird the brightly colored figure in three parts. h. 39-1/2”, w. 71”, d. 7” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $300-$500





499 Michael Richardson (American/Texas, Contemporary) “Untitled” acrylic and sawdust on masonite double-sided “boomerang” sculpture, with hardware for hanging. 34” x 93” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $200-$400

500 Brian Taylor (American, Contemporary) “Window Heart - First Love”, 1988 mixed media sculpture signed, dated, titled, and copyright-marked en verso. h. 38”, w. 40”, d. 10” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $500-$800 500


501 Peter Voulkos (American, 1924-2002) “Open Vessel” wheel-thrown partially glazed stoneware shades of rust to brown, with all-over incised leaf motif design, incised signature at bottom. h. 4-5/8”, dia. 5-1/2” $600-$900

502 Contemporary Teak and Iron Cocktail Table the wooden latticework panel top set in a conforming iron frame of box form. h. 17-3/4”, w. 61”, d. 35-3/4”




503 Continental School (20th Century) “Floral Still Life” oil on linen indistinctly signed lower left “Takh Ci/lo”. Framed. 25-3/4” x 19-3/4”, framed 38-3/4” x 32-5/8” $300-$500




504 Interesting Leather and Glass-Top Table with Four Chairs 20th century, the circular plate-glass top over a conforming leather-upholstered frame with four downswept steel legs joined by curved stretchers, h. 29”, dia. 40”, together with four leather-covered armchairs of matching form, h. 34”, w. 20-1/2”, d. 19”. $700-$1,000 505 Lithographed Tin “Hercules” Toy Ferris Wheel ca. 1930-1950, New York, now mounted as a lamp, made by the J. Chein Company, the wind-up toy featuring sideshow freaks on the lower side panels, mounted with a shade. h. 15-1/4”, w. 16-1/4”, d. 16-1/4” $400-$700


506 Stylish Brass-Bound and Wooden-Strapped Steamer Trunk of contemporary manufacture, adorned with decals of international destinations and carriers of the early 20th century. h. 18-3/4”, w. 31”, d. 20” $700-$1,000



507 Philip Koch (American, b. 1948) “August Morning, Red Barn” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 40” x 60”, framed 46” x 66” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $400-$700 508 Philip Koch (American, b. 1948) 507

“Twin Bridges” oil on board signed lower right, signed and titled en verso, verso with “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas” label. Thin gallery frame. 21” x 29”, framed 22” x 30” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $300-$500 509 Contemporary Red Leather Sleeper Sofa and Ottoman the sofa with loose seat and back cushions, concealing a pullout bed mechanism, the ottoman with a cushion lifting to reveal a storage well, labeled “Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Super Luxe Sleeper, Taylorsville, North Carolina”. sofa h. 35”, w. 80”, d. 37”, ottoman h. 16”, w. 36”, d. 25” $800-$1,200




510 After Kees Verkade (Dutch, b. 1941) “Mother and Child” patinated bronze cast signature and dated “81” along back of self-base. h. 6-3/4”, w. 1-3/4”, d. 1-3/4” Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas. $500-$800 511 Wayman Elbridge Adams (American/Louisiana, 1883-1959) “Sleeping Baby” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 24” x 18”, framed 27-1/2” x 21-1/2” 511



512 Jerry Venditti (American/California, b. 1942) “Indian Blanket”, 1984 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right, verso with multiple “Altermann & Morris Galleries” labels. Framed. 19” x 26”, framed 24” x 31-1/2”


Provenance: Altermann & Morris Galleries, Dallas, Texas; Hancock Whitney Bank Collection; Acquired through American Bank, Houston, Texas. $300-$500




513 Jack Charney (American/New Mexico, Contemporary “Tang Horse” crackle-glazed stoneware h. 36”, w. 20”, d. 9” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $400-$700 514 Pair of Contemporary Leather Wing Chairs of Georgian inspiration, each with a tufted wrap-around barrel back, closed arms, loose seat cushion and tapering square legs, retaining the maker’s label of the “WHL Collection”. h. 45”, w. 36”, d. 37”


$700-$1,000 515 Japanese Art Glass Vase blown glass, body of orange-red with amorphous blue to gray shapes and silver and gold flecks, unmarked. h. 11-1/4”, dia. 8-1/4” $75-$125 516 Bunny Music Box by Bunny Lane (American/Mississippi, Contemporary), taxidermied rabbit with lace- and bead-embellished hat and saddle, perched atop a rotating musical pedestal, from the “Cirque de Reincarne” collection. h. 8”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 3-3/4” $400-$700



517 Large, Contemporary Mahogany and Faux Zebra Ottoman the printed hide cover on a molded frame supported by lobed and turned legs on brass caps, the low shelf with a brass edge. h. 21”, w. 40”, d. 40” $700-$1,000


518 Pair of Gold-Leafed Gemsbok Skulls both retaining their horns. h. 42” w. 25” and h. 44”, w. 26” $400-$700


519 Pair of Silver-Plated Brass-Mounted Hunting Horns ca. 1900, probably German, on molded bases, the tips and ends with silver-plated mounts. h. 13-3/4”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 5-3/4” $500-$800



520 Neoclassical-Style Leather and Giltwood King-Size Bed “Consulate Napoleon Sleigh Bed” model by Century Furniture, of traditional form with a headboard panel upholstered in black leather, joined by concave rails to a like foot rail on turned legs, manufactured to accommodate a contemporary king-sized mattress. h. 59-3/4”, inside w. 79”, l. 83”, outside w. 87”, l. 93” $700-$1,000

521 Continental School (Fourth Quarter 19th/First Quarter 20th Century) “Floral Still Life” gouache on paper unsigned. Eglomise-matted and glazed in a giltwood frame. 26-1/2” x 19-3/4”, framed 34-1/2” x 24-1/2” $200-$400




522 Neoclassically-Inspired Bronze-Patinated Iron and Glass Coffee Table set in a frame on foliate-decorated cast iron legs joined by a shaped stretcher. h. 18-1/4”, w. 44”, d. 22” $400-$700


523 Neoclassically-Inspired Bronze-Patinated Iron and Glass Coffee Table set in a frame on foliate-decorated cast iron legs joined by a shaped stretcher. h. 18-1/4”, w. 44”, d. 22” $400-$700


524 David Giese (American, 20th/21st Century) “Trophy for Falconing Attended by Venus”, 2005 concrete, flotage, paint and mixed media from “The Villa Bitricci” series. 66” x 60” x 14” Provenance: OK Harris Gallery, New York, New York; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana. $600-$900




525 Contemporary Inlaid and Ormolu-Mounted Mahogany Table of Empire inspiration, the circular inlaid top over an apron adorned with geometric and classical figural mounts, on a columnar pedestal draped with swags and joined to four legs with foliate mounts and brass paw feet. h. 31-1/2”, dia. 45-3/4”


$200-$400 526 French School (20th Century)

527 Marble and Glass Table in the Neoclassical Taste

“Nature Morte”

the long rectangular beveled glass top raised on two marble supports in the form of addorsed griffins on a plinth base. h. 28-1/2”, w. 95”, d. 30”

oil on canvas signed and dated “05” lower right, inscribed “a ma Niece M. Carliez de ma profinde amitie, Mars 05 E. Got” en verso canvas. Framed. 36” x 25-1/2”, framed 41-3/4” x 30-1/2”


Provenance: Lucullus, New Orleans, Louisiana. $800-$1,200



528 Venetian Black Glass Chandelier 21st century, the six-light chandelier with a baluster support and bellflower-form drops. h. 41”, dia. 27” $500-$800

529 Cohn-Stone Studios Blown Glass Pedestal Bowl Richmond, California, the exterior in a tortoiseshell design of mottled brown and black, with black rims, the interior iridescent, unsigned. h. 13-1/4”, dia. 18-3/4” $100-$200



530 French Bronze-Mounted Mahogany Floor Lamp first quarter 20th century, with an urn-form socket support and a flame-form finial. h. 76”, dia. 20” $500-$800



531 Debra May (American/New Mexico, 20th Century) “Orange Bloom”, 2004 blown glass with sand carving incised signature and dated at bottom, body of orange to green, textural surface of meandering forms. h. 10”, dia. 9” $100-$200 532 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Pickled and Stained Oak Side Cabinets each with a projecting top over a dentillated cornice and a band of three drawers, raised on bun feet. h. 30”, w. 24”, d. 19-1/2”


$500-$800 533 Sandra Russell Clark (American, b. 1949) “Italian Portico with Classical Sculptures” “Italian Portico with Equestrian Sculpture” pair of photographic prints each signed lower right. Each matted, glazed and framed. sight 9” x 12”, framed 16-3/4” x 19-1/4” $500-$800





534 Luke Fontana (American/Louisiana, Contemporary) “The Hand of Matthew ‘Fats’ Houston” “Louis Cottrell” “Louis Cottrell Onward Brass Band” two silver gelatin prints and an enhanced giclee on gallerywrapped canvas each print signed lower right, former titled lower left, giclee signed and copyright-marked lower right, inscribed upper left. Prints matted, glazed and framed. photos sights 9-3/4” x 13-3/8” and 9-5/8” x 13-1/2”, framed 16” x 20” and 15-1/4” x 19-1/4”, respectively; giclee 24” x 36” $700-$1,000



535 Romare Bearden (American/North Carolina, 1911-1988)

536 Leather Chesterfield Sofa of traditional form, the tufted back joined to closed scrolled arms, fitted with a pair of loose seat cushions, upholstered in black leather. h. 27”, w. 82”, d. 38”

“Stomp Time” color lithograph signed and numbered “156/175” lower left. Float-mounted, glazed and framed. 24” x 34”, framed 36-5/8” x 46-1/2”





537 Whimsical Art Glass Figure Mid-Cartwheel blown glass, incised signature “Lila Monaco (?) OA” at bottom. h. 12-1/2”, w. 10”, d. 6” $200-$400

538 Modern Aluminum and Black Glass Coffee Table the square glass top with rounded corners and supported by a black metal pedestal with four legs. h. 16”, w. 39-1/2”, d. 39-1/2” 537


539 Feliciano Bejar (Mexican, 1920-2007) “Magiscope Cube”, 1968 enameled steel and cut glass h. 6-1/4”, w. 6-1/4”, d. 6” $600-$900




540 Fernando M. Agostinho (Portuguese, b. 1959) “Untitled” blown glass perfume bottle from the “Car” series, incised inscription “F. M. Agostinho/01” at bottom. h. 13”, w. 11” $75-$125 541 Jamie Harris (American/New York, Contemporary) 540

“Untitled”, 2003 blown and carved glass body of red with black and yellow, incised signature and dated along lower edge. h. 23-1/2”, w. 7”, d. 3-3/8” $150-$300 542 American School (20th Century) “Three Angels Diptych” two acrylics on canvas one illegibly signed lower right, both illegibly signed, titled and dated en verso backing paper. Both framed. each 29-5/8” x 29-5/8”, framed 31” x 31” $75-$125




543 Chromed Steel and Glass “Barcelona” Cocktail Table after a design by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, first produced in 1929, the square glass top supported by chromed steel legs joined by an X-form support. h. 15-3/4”, w. 39-1/2”, d. 39-1/2” Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $500-$800 544 Ten Georg Jensen and Other “Danish Modern” Sterling Silver Serving Pieces including: three ornamental pattern #21 sugar spoons, designed ca. 1908 by Georg Jensen (1866-1935), one monogrammed “MLN”, l. 5-1/4”; an ornamental pattern #38 serving spoon, designed in 1912 by Georg Jensen, l. 9-3/4”; an ornamental pattern #35 serving spoon, designed in 1913 by Georg Jensen, monogrammed “G”, l. 8-3/4”; an “Acorn” pattern serving fork, designed in 1915 by Johan Rohde (1856-1935), l. 9”; an “Acorn” cheese plane, designed in 1915 by Johan Rohde (1856-1935), with steel blade, l. 8-1/2”; a “Cactus” pattern cheese plane, designed in 1930 by Gundorph Albertus (1887-1954), with steel blade, l. 8-1/4”; together with: a Cellini Craft pie server, l. 9-1/8”; and a Frank M. Whiting “Princess Ingrid” pattern serving spoon, designed in 1941 by Harry A. Malinowski (1896-1994), l. 9”. 21.85 total t. oz. (excluding cheese planes)


Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas. $500-$800 545 Georg Jensen USA Sterling Silver “Dublin” Tiffin Dish second quarter 20th century, New York. h. 1-3/4”, dia. 16”; 52.08 t. oz. 545





547 Alvin Sterling Silver Fruit Bowl 546 Mexican Sterling Silver Tea Set third quarter 20th century, by C. Zurita, Mexico City, in the Danish Modern taste, including: a teapot, h. 7-3/4”, l. 8-1/2”; a creamer, h. 4”, l. 5”; a covered sugar bowl, h. 4-1/4”, w. 5-1/2”; and a tray, l. 19”, w. 12-1/4” the hollowware with ovoid bodies, stylized “blossom” finials and arched handles with beaded mounts, the oval tray with handles en suite. 80.79 total t. oz. Provenance: Collection of Mark M. Johnson, Montgomery, Alabama. $1,000-$1,500

mid-20th century, Providence, Rhode Island, in the Danish Modern taste, the oval bowl with scalloped rim and raised on four floral acanthus-scroll legs above a conforming fluted base with four button feet. h. 3-1/4”, l. 11-3/4”, w. 7-1/2”; 30.49 t. oz. $500-$800 548 Pair of American “Danish Modern” Sterling Silver Candlestands third quarter 20th century, by J. Wagner & Son, New York, New York, each with a semicircular base fitted with three candlesockets, each raised above a knopped standard flanked by annulated scrolls. h. 3-3/4”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 4-7/8”; 22.13 total t. oz. $800-$1,200




549 Unusual Blown Crystal and Chrome-Plated Metal Wine Cooler 20th century, the scrolled chrome holder decorated with molded grapes. h. 8-3/4”, dia. 9-1/2”, overall w. with holder 20” $300-$500

550 Swid Powell (est. 1982) Sterling Silver Pitcher


for Calvin Klein, New York, manufactured by Guido Galbiati, Milan, of cylindrical form, with triangular spout, strap “C” handle, and flat fitted lid with cylindrical finial. h. 9”, l. 6-3/4”, dia. 3-7/8”; 33.74 t. oz. $600-$900



551 Emilia Castillo Sterling Silver, Copper and Malachite Candelabrum contemporary, Taxco, Mexico, the rounded rectangular base with seven gradually scrolling copper stems, each with a pair of silver banded malachite leaves and terminating in a silver flowerhead candlesocket, the copper elements with verdigris finish. h. 13”, w. 25”, d. 4-3/4” $600-$900

552 Art Deco-Style Chrome and Marble-Top Console Table mid-20th century, the rectangular marble top supported by a pair of interlocking U-form chrome standards mounted to an ebonized platform base. h. 36”, w. 54”, d. 20” $600-$900



553 Ben Smith (American/Georgia, b. 1941) “Processional Figure with Arrows”, 1970 woodblock on canvas pencil-signed, dated, titled and numbered “6/7 IMP” along lower edge. Thin gallery frame. 114” x 55-1/2”, framed 115” x 56-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 553



554 Suite of Four Danish Black Wicker-Style Woven Armchairs by Cane-line and so labeled, each with a shaped back extending to closed arms, supported by a tubular metal base. h. 32-3/4” $300-$500

554A Takis Cotopouleas (Greek, 1919-2016) “Portrait of a Woman, Seated” oil on canvas signed lower left, signed and “Gallery James Bute Company, Houston, TX” label en verso. Framed. 32” x 24”, framed 38-1/2” x 30” $500-$800


555 Contemporary Minotti Ottoman of circular form, upholstered in black and white plaid, labeled “Minotti” on the bottom. h. 10-1/4”, dia. 35” $400-$700



558 David Lasher (American, Contemporary) “Untitled”, 1990 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Unframed. 61” x 38-5/8” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $200-$400


556 Calman Shemi (Argentinian, b. 1939) “Life in Nature” oil on canvas signed lower left, signed and titled en verso, a “Circle Fine Art” label en verso. Unframed. 31” x 39”, framed 34-3/4” x 42-3/4” $600-$900

557 Frighetto White Leather Sectional Sofa and Pillows in two parts, with loose cushions and a pair of pillows. h. 26”, w. 96”, d. 43” $700-$1,000 558



559 Contemporary Chrome and Cut Crystal Chandelier the eighteen-light chandelier with a frame inspired by tree branches, each light mounted with spherical-cut crystal faceted shades. h. 58”, dia. 47” $300-$500 560 Andy Brott for New Orleans School of Glass Works Blown Glass Sculpture of blue and yellow spheres on a black and white woven ground, unmarked. h. 5”, w. 13”, d. 9” $100-$200 562 Molly Stone (American, b. 1950) “Black and White Shell” blown glass with Cohn-Stone Studios mark, exterior of swirled black and white, interior of mauvepink, signed. h. 4”, l. 5” $75-$125






563 Leather-Clad and Marble-Top Coffee Table the circular rim with an inset marble, raised on four leatherwrapped triangular legs. h. 15-1/2”, dia. 47-1/4” $400-$700 564 Molly Stone (American, b. 1950) “Amor Semper Vivant” blown glass with Cohn-Stone Studio, California, black and white striped branch with two black birds, separate small clear nest and matte black egg with title, incised signature and dates at end of branch. h. 10-5/8”, w. 15”, d. 8-1/4” $700-$1,000 565

565 Contemporary Chrome and Acrylic Chandelier the six-light chandelier mounted with a floriform shade. h. 33”, dia. 25-1/2” $600-$900




566 Suite of Four Contemporary Leather Armchairs

567 Contemporary Marble Dining Table

each with a tall rectilinear back joined to closed arms, raised on ebonized tapering square legs, retaining the label of “Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams, Taylorsville, North Carolina”. h. 42”

the slab top with rounded corners and applied underside molded edge, supported by a rectilinear box base.



h. 29-3/4”, w. 39-7/8”, l. 78-3/4”



568 Queen Anne Elmwood Wing Chair 18th century, of generous proportions with a tall back, deep wings and out-scrolled arms. h. 48”, w. 39”, d. 29” $1,200-$1,800


569 E. Bigeard (French, 19th/20th Century) “Coastal Landscape”, 1916 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Framed. 11-3/4” x 16”, framed 17” x 21-1/2” $800-$1,200 569

570 August Lohr (German/American, 1843-1919) “Boats off Rocky Harbor”, 1909 watercolor signed, dated and indistinctly localized lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 12-3/4” x 19-3/4”, framed 19-1/4” x 26-1/4” $1,200-$1,800




571 Suite of Four Contemporary Barrel-Back Swivel Armchairs each back wrapping around to closed arms, with a projecting bowed-front seat cushion, upholstered in leaf-and-vine cut velvet, labeled as the “Queen Anne Chair”, designed by Sally Sirkin Lewis for J. Robert Scott & Associates, Inc. h. 30-1/4” $500-$800


572 Contemporary Polychrome and Travertine-Top Cocktail Table

573 Three Vintage Pressed Botanicals

of drum form, the inset circular travertine top set in a wooden frame, above a metal cylindrical base with embossed bands over painted decor. h. 22-1/2”, dia. 47-3/4”

each pencil-titled and localized (in English) and indistinctly signed lower center. Each matted, glazed and framed alike. sight 23” x 15”, framed 30” x 22”





574 Pair of Signed Brass and Cast Iron Floor Lamp Standards fourth quarter 19th century, Boston, now mounted as electric lamps, the painted brass-trimmed bases with scrolled feet, the brass extensions signed “R. Hollings & Co., Boston, USA”. h. 56”, w. 16-1/2” $400-$700

575 Pair of Empire-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Gueridons each with a circular top in faux travertine and decorated with a laurel-carved edge, the shaped legs with ram’s head capitals and hoof feet, joined by a ring-form stretcher. h. 29-3/4”, dia. 30-1/2” $500-$800


576 William Skilling (British/American, b. 1949) “Mermaid” and “Merman” pair of oils on canvas both signed lower right. Presented in matching faux tortoiseshell frames. each 36” x 48”, framed 41-1/5” x 54” $2,000-$4,000




577 Pair of Donghia “Grand Flute” Armchairs 1970s, the wood frames with an anthracite finish, the seats and backs upholstered in olive and gray Donghia fabric. h. 38” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $600-$900


578 Bronze-Patinated Steel and Travertine Cocktail Table contemporary, the inset stone top in a fluted frame, raised on a boxed tubular base. h. 19-1/2”, w. 61”, d. 37-1/2” $500-$800

579 Pair of Louis XIV-Style Painted Wooden Candlesticks 20th century, Continental, now mounted as lamps, the standards decorated with carved leaves and scrollwork, above three-sided bases supported on paw feet. h. 35-1/2”, w. 9”, d. 9” $400-$700




580 Georges Dominique Rouault (French, 1904-2002) “Marche de la Rue” watercolor signed lower right. Framed. sight 12-3/8” x 9-5/8”, framed 19-1/4” x 16-1/2” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $300-$500


581 Suite of Four Louis XVI-Style Oak Dining Chairs each molded medallion back with a cane panel, above a shaped seat with molded rails and fluted legs. h. 40-1/2” $300-$500 582 After Pablo Picasso (Spanish/French, 1881-1973) “Au Pont Des Arts - Galerie Lucie Weill” 1956 exhibition poster Glazed and framed. sight 25” x 17”, framed 27” x 19”





583 Henri Matisse (French, 1869-1954) “Tete Voilee” lithograph signed and dated “51” in plate, numbered on mat “140/200”. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 12-3/4” x 17-1/2”, framed 20-1/2” x 24” $700-$1,000

584 Suite of Six Ralph Lauren Louis XV-Inspired Mahogany Dining Chairs 583

each with an upholstered back and seat, molded serpentine apron and cabriole legs, the backs leather, the seats upholstered in cloth, retaining Lauren labels. h. 42” $600-$900

585 Todd White (American, b. 1969) “The Wine Drinkers” limited edition giclee on canvas numbered “AP 3/3” lower left, signed lower right. Float-mounted and framed. 32” x 39-1/2”, framed 45-3/4” x 53-1/2” Together with a copy of The Todd White Book, #67. $200-$400





586 Todd White (American, b. 1969) “The Sommeliers” limited edition giclee on canvas numbered “AP 10/12” lower left, signed lower right. Float-mounted and framed. 12-1/2” x 25-1/2”, framed 23-1/2” x 37” Together with a copy of The Todd White Book, #68. $200-$400


587 Martin Zerolo (Spanish, 1928-2004) “Bodegan” oil on canvas signed lower right, verso with “Wally Findlay Galleries” label. Frame affixed with artist plaque. 19-1/2” x 24”, framed 24-1/4” x 28-1/2” $500-$800


588 After Salvador Dali (Spanish, 1904-1989) “Lincoln in Dalivision” after “Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea”, 1977+

photolithograph in colors unsigned in print, cast signature on brass artist plate, frame backing affixed with certificate of authenticity issued in 1981 by Morales-Galofre, Cadaques, Spain. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 12-1/8” x 9-1/8”, framed 24-1/2” x 21-5/8” $500-$800 588


591 partial 589

589 Don Wright (American/Louisiana, 1938-2007) “Clowns”, 1973 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Framed. 36” x 24”, framed 37” x 25”

590 French Brass-Mounted Wrought Iron Gueridon 20th century, in the neoclassical taste, the circular top with an inset plate-glass top, supported by three curved legs joined by a circular stretcher. h. 31”, dia. 32” $800-$1,200


591 Felix Martin Furtwangler (German, b. 1954) “Untitled Portfolio” “Formen Zwiespalt”, 1979 25 woodblocks in color and 10 woodblocks on paper former each pencil-signed and numbered “2/5” lower center, one inscribed in pencil lower center and with personal note en verso, latter each pencil-signed lower center. All unframed. former 24 sheets 19-3/4” x 12-3/4”, one sheet 17-3/4” x 12-3/4”; latter 8-1/2” x 12” Provenance: Collection of Mark M. Johnson, Montgomery, Alabama. $300-$500





592 French Cast Iron and Marble-Top Bistro Table early 20th century, the oblong white marble top above a base with two cast iron ends joined by an X-form stretcher, the ends marked “Made in France, Godin”. h. 28”, w. 65”, d. 25” $400-$700

593 Japanese/French School 20th Century “Sans Titre”, 1966 print on paper pencil-signed and dated lower right, marked “Epr. d’Artiste” lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 26” x 19-3/4”, framed 29-3/4” x 23-5/8” $300-$500


594 Shigeo Okabe (Japanese, 1912-1969) “Work W II” oil impasto on canvas backed by board signed lower left, titled en verso. Framed. 14-3/4” x 17-3/4”, framed 25” x 28” $400-$700




596 Kari Russell-Pool (American/Connecticut, b. 1967)


“Crib” 595 American School (Contemporary)

pulled glass rods yellow frame with floral vine base in pink, blue and green. h. 14”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 10-1/2”

“Untitled Portrait” $700-$1,000 oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 30” x 24”, framed 37-1/2” x 31-1/2”

597 Suite of Four Mid-Century Modern Stow Davis Chrome Swivel Armchairs 20th century, with downswept arms and mounted to an adjustable swivel base, covered in a woven houndstooth fabric, each bearing the Stow/Davis metal tag under the seat. h. 33”, w. 29”, d. 20”

Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $200-$400





598 Suite of Four Mid-Century Modern Stow Davis Chrome Swivel Armchairs 20th century, with downswept arms and mounted to an adjustable swivel base, covered in a woven houndstooth fabric, each bearing the Stow/Davis metal tag under the seat. h. 33”, w. 29”, d. 20” $1,000-$1,500

599 Moorish-Style Bronze, Brass and Glass Lantern second quarter 20th century, with turned bronze side standards set with half-moon finials, the pierced brass frame with Moorish arched sides set with textured amber glass, under a pierced onion dome top, the tapered base pierced with stars and decoration. h. 41”, w. 18”, d. 18” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $500-$800 599


600 Turkish Silk and Wool Prayer Carpet 4’ x 6’ 5” $500-$800 601 Oushak Carpet 9’ x 12’ $700-$1,000 602 Peshawar Sultanabad Runner 2’ 9” x 7’ 9” $500-$800



212 602



603 Oushak Carpet

604 Khotan Carpet

10’ x 14’

8’ x 10’



605 Agra Sultanabad Carpet

606 Agra Carpet

9’ 2” x 11’ 10”

8’ x 10’ 2”






607 Chinese Carved Wood Four-Panel Screen with a foliate-carved panel over fretwork, the lower panels depicting flora and birds in shallow relief. h. 79-1/4”, w. 76” $500-$800

608 Chinese Carved Wood Four-Panel Screen with a foliate-carved panel over fretwork, the lower panels depicting flora and birds in shallow relief. h. 79-1/4”, w. 76” $500-$800



609 Chinese Bronze and Cloisonne Figure of a Seated Laughing Budai 19th century, modeled draped in a robe decorated with various flowers and “shou” and “cash” symbols depicted in red, blue and yellow enamels, the base with apocryphal sixcharacter Xuande reign mark. h. 7-1/4”, w. 12-3/4”, d. 6-1/4” Provenance: Bruce McCashin Collection. $500-$800



611 Suite of Six Chinese Rosewood Armchairs early 20th century, each with a shaped crest above a pierced and carved splat with animal patterns, joined by foliate-carved arms to the banded seat, raised on square legs joined by a box stretcher. h. 38-1/2” $2,000-$4,000

612 Chinese Rosewood Altar Table first half 20th century, the narrow rectangular top set within a conforming frame with a concave floral frieze, over a carved and pierced paneled apron, with scrolling floral supports, the whole raised on four straight, squared legs. h. 44-3/4”, w. 83-7/8” $700-$1,000


610 Monumental Chinese Blue and White Porcelain and Brass Punch Pot 20th century, in the 18th-century style, the pot with a brass swing handle, brass trim on the edge of the cover and mouth of the spout, and character marks on the bottom, on a bluepainted wooden base. pot h. 23-1/2”, w. 21”, overall h. with stand 37” $500-$800 612



614 Carved Hardwood Panel of Pandawa “Bima” first quarter 20th century, Java, Indonesia, the rectangularform panel depicting the distinctive image of a standing Bima, with all his traditional attributes. h. 56-3/4”, w. 25” Provenance: Estate of John Stockwell Samuels III, Galveston, Texas. $500-$800 615 Chinese Ancestor Portrait


first half 20th century, ink and color on paper, depicting a likeless of the Emperor Kangxi in his later years, in full court dress seated on a throne chair covered with tiger skins, on a detailed floral rug with mirrored cranes in the foreground, mounted and framed. sight 51-1/2” x 26”, image 37-3/4” x 22-1/2”, framed 53-1/2” x 28-1/8” $1,000-$1,500


613 Associated Pair of Chinese Hardwood Side Tables 20th century, each with a squared top within a conforming frame, having a solid, shaped frieze with a single short frieze drawer, raised on four slender legs terminating in neat scroll feet, joined by a second tier. h. 30-5/8”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 15-1/2” and h. 30-1/4”, w. 15”, d. 15-1/4” Provenance: Estate of Zoe Barrow Talbert, Tyler, Texas. $500-$800 615



616 Japanese Four-Panel Folding Screen 19th century, ink and mineral pigments on gold paper, depicting battle scenes of a cavalry engagement. h. 36”, w. 72” Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $500-$800

617 Chinese Hanging Scroll 20th century, “Seven Stallions”, ink on paper, signed with a single seal upper right corner. overall h. 41”, w. 22-1/2” Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $500-$800




618 Pair of Patinated Bronze Foo Dogs

619 Large Pair of Japanese Bronze Urns on Hardwood Stands

late 19th century, the bodies with chased designs and encrusted with glass mosaic decor, with rock crystal eyes and breastplates. h. 33”, w. 11”, l. 26”

20th century, each of baluster form with a trumpet neck, decorated to the exterior in high relief with dragons and birds, within geometric scroll borders, raised on fitted hardwood stands. urn h. 29-1/4”, w. 14”, stand h. 12-1/4”, w. 15-3/4”, overall h. 40-3/4”


$700-$1,000 620 Chinese Peach Bloom Porcelain Bottle Vase second half 19th century, the bell-form body extending into a narrow neck with slightly flared lip, with all-over peach bloom glaze, incorporating reds and greens, the base with an apocryphal six-character Kangxi mark. h. 6”, dia. 3-1/4” $1,200-$1,800






621 Chinese Sang-de-Boeuf Vase, Converted to a Table Lamp second half 19th century, of baluster form, with flared lip, having an all-over deep oxblood glaze, with purple and gray tones, later mounted as a table lamp with twin bulb fixture. overall h. 32”, dia. 9” Provenance: Estate of John Stockwell Samuels III, Galveston, Texas. $500-$800 622 Chinese Carved and Polychromed Wood Figure of Guanyin 20th century, modeled standing on a lotus base, with hands raised in Namaskara Mudra, with polychrome decoration throughout, including gilt and floral detail. h. 47”, w. 11”, d. 10-1/2” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $600-$900 623 Chinese Carved and Polychromed Wood Figure of Guanyin 20th century, the figure modeled standing on a lotus base, holding a Ruyi scepter, in traditional robes and headpiece. h. 52”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 15” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $600-$900 623


626 Chinese Six-Panel Room Divider 20th century, each panel inlaid with cloisonne, hardstones and resins depicting various auspicious objects, with carved gilt panels above and below, the reverse decorated with a garden landscape, between vacant panels. h. 79-1/4”, w. 97-1/2”, d. 1-1/2” $600-$900


624 Three Chinese Carved Jade and Jadeite Pendants 19th/20th century, including two circular white jade pendants with auspicious characters, dia. 2”, and a green jadeite pendant with pierced flowers and bright areas, size 2-1/4” x 1-1/2”. $400-$700 625 Pair of Unusual Chinese Blanc-de-Chine Vases Qing Dynasty, ca. 1900, with molded foo dog handles and salamanders on the shoulders. h. 25-1/2”, w. 8-1/2” 625





627 Chinese Elm and Hardwood Altar Table the frieze with a spindle and disc gallery, with shaped brackets, each on carved and molded legs. h. 38-3/4”, w. 77”, d. 16-1/2” $500-$800

628 Pair of Blanc-de-Chine-Style Porcelain Vases 20th century, now mounted as lamps, decorated with applied flowers on gilt-trimmed wooden bases, fitted with shades. h. 32”, dia. 19-1/4” $1,000-$1,500




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Rev. 01/04/17

(c). Catalogue and other descriptions. (i) All statements made by NOAG as to condition, authorship, period, culture, source, origin, measurement, quality, rarity, provenance, importance, or historical relevance, whether in the Catalogue entry for the Lot, in the Condition Report, and/ or in a bill of sale, or made orally or in writing elsewhere, are qualified statements of opinion only and are not to be relied on as statements of fact. Such statements do not constitute a representation, warranty or assumption of liability by NOAG of any kind. References in the Catalogue entry or the Condition Report to damage or restoration are for guidance only and should be evaluated by personal inspection by the Bidder or a knowledgeable representative. The absence of such a reference does not imply that an item is free from defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. (ii) Without limiting the foregoing, none of the Seller, NOAG, or any of NOAG’s officers, employees or agents, are responsible for the correctness of any statement of whatever kind concerning any Lot, whether written or oral, nor for any other errors or omissions in description or for any faults or defects in any Lot. (iii) Any Estimates provided should not be relied on as a statement that this is the price at which the item will sell or its value for any other purpose. Any written or oral appraisal, Estimate or other statement of NOAG or our representatives with respect to the estimated or expected selling price of any Lot of Property is a statement of opinion only and shall not be relied upon by Bidders or prospective Bidders as a prediction or guarantee of the actual selling price. (iv) NOAG shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in catalogue or other descriptions of the Property. Neither NOAG nor the Seller is responsible in any way for errors and omissions in the catalogue, or any supplemental material. (d). Further acknowledgement. As a Bidder and prospective Buyer, you further agree and acknowledge that:

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3. At the Auction (a). Registration before bidding / Bidding requirements. In order to be accepted as a Bidder and allowed to place a Bid, all Bidders must meet all of the following requirements: (i) A Bidder must complete and sign the attached registration form and provide identification to NOAG; (ii) NOAG may require the production of bank or other financial references or any other additional information; (iii) When making a Bid, a Bidder is accepting personal liability to pay the Purchase Price in full in the event that the Bidder submits the Winning Bid, unless it has been explicitly agreed in writing with NOAG before the auction of the Lot that the Bidder is acting as agent on behalf of an identified third party acceptable to NOAG, and that NOAG will only look to that principal for payment (iv) All Bids are to be made in U.S. currency unless agreed upon between NOAG and the Bidder; and (v) At NOAG’s sole discretion, NOAG may require any Bidder to post a cash deposit in an amount set by NOAG at its sole discretion. Such deposit may include, without limitation, a deposit of 25% of the Maximum Bid (or another amount set in NOAG’s sole discretion) in the case of Absentee Bids (defined below). (b). Refusal of admission / Rejection of Bidders. NOAG has the right, at its complete discretion, to refuse admission to the premises or participation in any Auction. NOAG reserves the right to reject any Bidder for any reason whatsoever and in NOAG’s sole discretion. (c). Absentee bids / Telephone bids. (i) As a convenience to Bidders, NOAG may allow a Bidder to submit an absentee bid (“Absentee Bid”) or telephone bid (“Telephone Bid”) by filling out (in full) the section of the attached registration form marked “Absentee Bids / Telephone Bids.” In order to submit an Absentee Bid or Telephone Bid for an Auction, that registration form must be filled out and submitted to NOAG no later than 5:00 p.m. central time on the last business day before the commencement of the Auction. (NOAG reserves the right to accept late Absentee Bid or Telephone Bid submissions in NOAG’s sole discretion.) All Absentee Bid submissions must include a maximum bid amount (“Maximum Bid”). (ii) If an Absentee Bid is submitted and accepted, at the time of the auction of the affected Lot, the Auctioneer or other NOAG staff will place the Absentee Bid at the amount of the opening bid amount, and will increase the amount as necessary until the earlier of (x) the Absentee Bid is the Winning Bid; or (y) the amount reaches the Maximum Bid. All such actions in this paragraph are at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer and/ or NOAG. If NOAG receives Absentee Bids on a particular Lot with identical Maximum Bid amounts, and at the Auction these are the highest bids on the Lot, the Lot will be sold to the person whose Absentee Bid was received and accepted first. In the event of a tie bid between an Absentee Bid and a Bid submitted by a Bidder physically present at the Auction (or a Telephone Bid), the Lot will be sold to physically present Bidder (or bidder submitting the Telephone Bid).

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(iii) If a Telephone Bid is submitted and accepted, at the time of the auction of the affected Lot, NOAG staff shall attempt to contact the Bidder using the telephone number provided. If successfully contacted, the Bidder shall then be afforded the opportunity to place a Bid on the Lot by telephone. Telephone Bids may be recorded. By submitting a Telephone Bid, the Bidder consents to the recording of the conversation and the placing of the Bid. (iv) Execution of Absentee Bids and Telephone Bids is a free service undertaken subject to other commitments at the time of the Auction and neither NOAG nor the Auctioneer shall have any liability for failing to execute an Absentee Bid or Telephone Bid or for errors and omissions in connection therewith. (d). Video or digital images. At some Auctions there may be a video or digital screen. Errors may occur in its operation and in the quality of the image and we do not accept liability for such errors. NOAG reserves the right to video tape and record proceedings at any Auctions. Any personal information obtained will be held in confidence by NOAG but may be used or shared with our affiliates and marketing partners for customer analysis purposes and to help us to tailor our services to buyer requirements. Any Bidder attending an Auction in person who does not wish to be video-taped may make arrangements to make a Telephone Bid in accordance with Section 3(c) above. (e). Reserves. All Lots are offered subject to a reserve, which is the confidential minimum price below which the Lot will not be sold (the “Reserve”). The Reserve for a Lot will not exceed the low Estimate for that Lot. The Auctioneer may open the bidding on any Lot below the Reserve by placing a bid on behalf of the Seller. The Auctioneer may continue to bid on behalf of the Seller up to the amount of the Reserve, either by placing consecutive bids or by placing bids in response to other bidders. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Lot may be sold at a Hammer Price below the Reserve, at the discretion of the Auctioneer and NOAG, in any manner consistent with the agreement between NOAG and the Seller. (f). No bidding by Seller. Under no circumstances shall Seller (as agent or principal), whether by itself or through its representatives, employees or agents (except as through the Auctioneer as set forth in Section 3(e) above), enter or cause to be entered a Bid on Seller’s Lot. (g). Auctioneer’s discretion. The Auctioneer has the right at his or her absolute and sole discretion to refuse any Bid, to advance the bidding in such a manner as he or she may decide, to withdraw or divide any Lot, to combine any two or more Lots, and in the event of any error or dispute, to determine the Winning Bid, to continue the bidding, to cancel the Sale or to reoffer and resell the Lot or item in dispute. If any dispute arises after the Sale, NOAG’s sale record is conclusive. Unless otherwise announced by the Auctioneer at the time of Sale, all Bids are per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue and no Lot shall be divided for Sale. NOAG and/or the Auctioneer may withdraw any Lot at any time before such Lot is offered at Auction, for any reason and in their sole and absolute discretion. (h). Successful bid and passing of risk. The Auctioneer shall have absolute discretion in determining the Winning Bid and the striking of the Auctioneer’s hammer marks the acceptance of the highest and best bid as the Winning Bid and the conclusion of a contract for sale between the Seller and the Buyer. Risk and responsibility for the Lot but not its title passes to the Buyer immediately upon announcement of the Winning Bid at the Auction. (i). Post-auction sale. In the event that there is no Winning Bid at Auction for a Lot, or the Lot is withdrawn from the Auction, or the Sale is cancelled for non-payment pursuant to Section 4(g) below, NOAG may sell the Lot at public or private sale at any time thereafter, in a manner consistent with the agreement between Seller and NOAG. (j). NOAG assumes no responsibility for failure to execute Bids for any reason whatsoever.

4. After the Auction (a). In order to consummate and complete the Sale, the Buyer must tender payment in full of all of the following amounts (all such amounts together being the “Purchase Price”) to NOAG: (i) the Hammer Price; and (ii) the “Buyer’s Premium” consisting of a premium of 25% of the Hammer Price (discounted to 22% if the method of payment is by check, cash, or wire transfer [subject to a $30 fee for domestic wires and a $60 fee for international wires] by the end of the day on the fifteenth calendar day following the conclusion of the Auction - note that there is no discount for LiveAuctioneers and Invaluable bidders) up to and including a Hammer Price of $200,000 and 10% of the amount by which the Lot’s Hammer Price exceeds $200,000; and (iii) Any applicable Louisiana, state, local, and federal or other taxes, calculated as required by law. Any documentation of tax exemption must be provided by the Bidder contemporaneously with the execution of the attached registration form. (b). Payment and passing of title. The Buyer and any other Bidders are responsible for contacting NOAG for Auction results during the week after the conclusion of the Auction. Subject to the provisions of Section 4(i) below which may require earlier payment, the Buyer must pay the full Purchase Price no later than 4:30 pm central time on the fifteenth calendar day following the conclusion of the Auction. Payments may be submitted during business hours to: New Orleans Auction Galleries, 333 St. Joseph Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130, Telephone number: 504-566-1849. Payments may be made by certified check, cash, wire transfer, or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express). Payments will be accepted by non-certified check only in NOAG’s sole discretion, from Buyers that have been qualified by NOAG in NOAG’s sole discretion. Title to the Lot does not pass to the Buyer until the full amount of the Purchase Price has been tendered and received by NOAG in good cleared funds, even in circumstances where the Lot has been released to the Buyer. (c). Credit Cards. Your signature on this form constitutes permission to charge the full amount of the Purchase Price on your credit card, if you are the Buyer on a Lot and payment is not received within five business days of the close of the Auction. Your signature on this form also constitutes permission to charge the full amount of Storage Charges (defined below), if and when accrued, on a periodic basis on your credit card. (d). Release of Lot to Buyer. No Lot will be released to the Buyer unless and until NOAG receives full payment of the Purchase Price, and such payment has cleared and NOAG has received confirmation of all funds owed. At its sole discretion, NOAG may release a specific Lot at any time, notwithstanding the foregoing provision. In addition, NOAG may require that Lots not be released until the Buyer has cleared additional checks in NOAG’s sole discretion, including without limitation, any anti-money laundering or antiterrorism financing checks to NOAG’s satisfaction. In the event that a Buyer fails to complete any anti-money laundering or anti-terrorism financing checks to NOAG’s satisfaction, NOAG shall be entitled to cancel the Sale and take any other action permitted or required under applicable law. In addition, notwithstanding the foregoing, Lots cannot be released until after the conclusion of the Auction. (e). Export/Import license and Dealers. It is the Buyer’s sole responsibility to obtain any relevant export or import license. The denial of any license or any delay in obtaining licenses shall not justify the rescission of any sale nor any delay in making bill payment for the Lot; and shall not limit or alter any of the obligations of the Buyer herein. Dealers purchasing for resale must enter appropriate their Dealer Resale Number on the attached registration form and provide NOAG with proper documentation. Rev. 01/04/17

(f). Storage charge. Subject to the foregoing provisions, any Lot that is not picked up by the end of the day on the fifteenth calendar day following the conclusion of the Auction is subject to an additional storage charge of $5.00 per Lot per day (“Storage Charge”) for as long as the Lot is stored at NOAG’s facilities. The outstanding amount of this Storage Charge must be paid in full (in addition to the Purchase Price) before such Lot will be released to the Buyer. Such Storage Charge accrues on a daily basis and is billed monthly. All items handled or stored will be at the Buyer’s risk. NOAG is not liable for any damage to Lots after the conclusion of the Auction. (g). Remedies for non-payment. If the Buyer fails to make payment in full of the Purchase Price in good cleared funds within the time required by Section 4(b) above, or payment in full of any applicable Storage Charge when incurred, NOAG shall be entitled in its absolute discretion to exercise one or more of the following rights or remedies (in addition to asserting any other rights or remedies available by law): (i) to charge outstanding amounts to the Buyer’s credit card; (ii) to charge interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month (but not to exceed the highest amount chargeable under applicable law); (iii) to hold the Buyer liable for the total amount due and to commence legal proceedings for its recovery together with interest, legal fees and costs to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law; (iv) to exercise any other remedy or remedies available under the law, including but not limited to a second sale of said item in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, including the subsequent enforcement of any deficiency against the initial buyer; (v) to cancel the sale; (vi) to resell the property publicly or privately on such terms as we shall think fit; (vii) to pay the Seller an amount up to the net proceeds payable in respect of the amount bid by the defaulting Buyer; (viii) to set off against any amounts which NOAG may owe the Buyer in any other transactions, the outstanding amount remaining unpaid by the Buyer; (ix) where several amounts are owed by the Buyer to NOAG, in respect of different transactions, to apply any amount paid to discharge any amount owed in respect of any particular transaction, whether or not the Buyer so directs; (x) to reject at any future Auction any Bids made by or on behalf of the Buyer or to obtain a deposit from the Buyer before accepting any Bids; (xi) to exercise all the rights and remedies of a person holding security and/or privilege over any property in our possession owned by the Buyer, whether by way of pledge, security interest or in any other way, to the fullest extent permitted under Louisiana law (including without limitation under La. Civil Code art. 3247, La. R.S. 10:7-209 and 10:7-210 and other applicable law), or (xii) to take such other action as NOAG deems necessary or appropriate. In connection with the item (xi) above, the Buyer will be deemed to have granted such security to NOAG and NOAG may retain the affected Lot and any property of the Buyer as collateral security for such Buyer’s obligations to NOAG and to the Seller

If we resell the property under Section 4(g)(vi) above, the Buyer shall be liable for payment of any deficiency between the total amount originally due to us and the price obtained upon resale as well as for all costs, expenses, damages, legal fees and commissions and premiums of whatever kind associated with both sales or otherwise arising from the default. If we pay any amount to the Seller under paragraph (vii) above, the Buyer acknowledges that NOAG shall have all of the rights of the Seller, however arising, to pursue the Buyer for such amount. (h). Shipping and packing. All shipping, packing, and transportation of Lots from NOAG’s facilities is the responsibility of Buyer. NOAG may, as a courtesy, assist Buyer with necessary arrangements, but by doing so, NOAG assumes no responsibility or liability for shipping, packing, moving, or transportation, including without limitation damage to Lots, damage to Buyer’s vehicle, or any personal injury of any persons involved. (i). Earlier payment may be required. For any specific Lot, and notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4(b) above, NOAG may require, in its sole discretion, that the Hammer Price for the Lot be paid immediately upon the striking of the Auctioneer’s hammer and announcement of the Winning Bid, with the balance of the Purchase Price being due by the close of the Auction.

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7. Data Collection In connection with the operation of our auction business, NOAG may need to seek personal information from Bidders or obtain information about Bidders from third parties (e.g., credit checks from banks). Such information will be processed and kept by us in confidence. Some of Bidders’ personal data may also need to be shared with third party service providers (e.g., shipping or storage companies) for Bidders’ benefit. By participating in an Auction, you agree to all previously stated disclosure.

8. Law and Jurisdiction The rights and obligations of the parties with respect to these Conditions of Sale, the conduct of the Auction and any matters connected with any of the foregoing shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Louisiana. By bidding at the Auction and/or through execution of the attached registration form, the Bidder consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Louisiana and the Federal courts of the United States of America located in the Eastern District of Louisiana.

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New Orleans Auction Galleries 333 Saint Joseph Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 | 504-566-1849 | Fax: 504-566-1851 |

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