JULY 29-30, 2023

JULY 29-30, 2023
JULY 29-30, 2023
JULY 29-30, 2023
JULY 17-28, 2023
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 22 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Bidding is available in-person, by telephone, absentee and live online with LiveAuctioneers and Invaluable.
Last month, I had the pleasure of experiencing the magic of the Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse in New York during its triumphant return after a three-year hiatus. The first thing I noticed about the historic Beaux Arts-style mansion selected for this year’s event was its opulent façade. The front door, flanked by two imposing columns and topped with a crest, provided a venerability that holds its weight among the city's towering skyscrapers.
As I basked in the presence of this architectural gem, known as one of the Upper West Side’s “Seven Beauties,” I couldn’t help but consider the context and intentionality with which it was built. Constructed between 1899 and 1902, the home’s dramatic Beaux Arts design – inclusive of striking ancient Roman and Greek architectural forms, opulent Baroque and Rococo details and grand scale – was meant to project stability, power and wealth.
As the world weathered World War I and the Great Depression, Beaux Arts design gave way to Art Deco, seeking to instill a calmness and signaling a new normal. Clean lines, marble and steel replaced flowery, over-the-top details, reflecting the new era’s focus on minimalism, modernity and progress.
One of the most important Italian architects of the early 20th century, Piero Portaluppi, exemplifies this stylistic shift. His designs are chic, geometric and layered with meaning. An unrealized 1920 design for a New York skyscraper that was to serve as the headquarters of a major corporation, shows a building towering above Beaux Arts skyscrapers from the turn of the century – the design serving as much as a corporate marketing piece as commentary on society’s shifting values.
Other cities, including New Orleans, followed suit, picking up speed with the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and constructing buildings in the Art Deco style. In 1933, the city opened its first airport, a state-of-the-art facility on a filledin area of Lake Pontchartrain. At the time of its opening, the Shushan Airport was the largest airport in the U.S. and was the first combined land and seaplane air terminal in the world.
An often-overlooked Art Deco masterpiece, the layered marble and ornate design motifs of the New Orleans Lakefront Airport, as it is now known, tell a story of adventure, progress and aspiration. Thanks to an extensive restoration, the historic terminal reopened in all of its original 1933 glory in September 2013. Ninety years after its monumental opening, the airport now offers travelers the opportunity to step back into 1930s New Orleans in elegant style. I encourage you to read more about the airport’s fascinating history in the pages that follow.
It may come as no surprise that our team selected the New Orleans Lakefront Airport as the backdrop for this catalogue to celebrate the beauty of progress, change and Art Deco elegance. Fittingly, our July 29-30 Estates Auction features the estate of
a lifelong pilot, aviation enthusiast and entrepreneur, David Oreck. Oreck’s business acumen and vision propelled him and his eponymous vacuum cleaner brand to a household name (and a beloved staple of many homes). Oreck’s fascination with adventure, innovation and utilitarian design can be seen in his diverse collection, which includes natural history specimens and aviation-inspired furniture.
We are also honored to offer fine art, furniture and more from Nancy Brown Negley, an artist, philanthropist and ardent supporter of historic preservation. The sale also features furniture and decorative arts from the estate of another avid collector, philanthropist and accomplished artist, Catherine Wentworth. Wentworth famously bequeathed her collection of French silver to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which continues to anchor the museum’s silver galleries today.
Additionally, we are thrilled to offer the New Orleans estate of Daniel A. Glaser, or “Dapper Dan” as he was affectionately called. From antiques to wine, Glaser had an appreciation for the finer things in life. His collection is no exception, including a selection of rare and early Lalique, mid-century and antique furniture, silver and more.
I invite you to join us at our gallery during our two-week exhibition, beginning Monday, July 17. The July 29-30 Estates Auction begins at 10 a.m. CST each day; bidding is available in-person, by phone, absentee and live online (in advance or during the auction) on our website, and on LiveAuctioneers and Invaluable.
We hope that in the pages that follow and through the nearly 800 lots offered in this sale, you feel yourself enraptured by design’s powerful storytelling.
See you at the auction,
Taylor Eichenwald Assistant DirectorThe sounds of piston engines and propellers filled the sky. Stylishly dressed passengers walked directly to awaiting aircraft – a Lockheed Vega, Curtiss Condor or Douglas DC-3 airliner – with hardly a fence in their way. The terminal buzzed with excitement and with the chatter of those awaiting the arrival of their loved ones on rocking chairs sprawled throughout. Glasses clinked in celebration at the terminal’s restaurant and ballroom…
In 1933, just 30 years after the Wright Brothers’ famous first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, New Orleans opened its first airport, a state-of-the-art facility on a filled-in area of Lake Pontchartrain. At the time of its opening, the Shushan Airport was the largest airport in the U.S. and was the first combined land and seaplane air terminal in the world.
A year after its opening, it hosted the 1934 Pan-American Air Races as part of its opening ceremonies and just a few years later would become one of Amelia Earhart’s last-known stops – her second during her 1937 attempt to fly around the world. “I’ve flown over your airport here numerous times, and it
looked so nice from the air that I decided to land and see how it looked from the ground,” she was reported having told the crowd of curious citizens and reporters who had assembled at the tarmac to catch a glimpse of the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
From its opening through 1946, the Shushan Airport was host to every airline serving New Orleans. Since then, the airport – twice renamed, New Orleans Airport in 1940 and New Orleans Lakefront in 1964 – has consistently remained one of the most active business and recreational airports in the country.
The Shushan Airport’s terminal was characterized by its unique and impressive Art Deco style, designed by the same team that built the Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge. No details were spared, with rich yet subtle ornamentation throughout, all intentionally envisioned to highlight the symbols of both aviation and of the human ingenuity that made the endeavor possible.
In 1936, an extensive $250,000 beautification project funded by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) added additional landscaping, paving and the installation of a sculpture by Enrique Alférez. The Fountain of the Four Winds, featuring four nude sculptures, represents the nation’s recovery from the Great Depression.
Additionally, visitors walking into the airport during these early years would’ve also been greeted by eight distinctive murals. Designed by Spanish painter and sculptor, Xavier Gonzalez, a favorite of the New Deal-era agencies that commissioned artists to decorate public buildings, these 10-by-10-foot murals were arranged in a circular display around the terminal, positioned to coincide with the terrazzo compass inlaid in the center of the waiting area’s floor.
Nearby, at the Walnut Room, a bustling entertainment venue tucked within the terminal, visitors and awaiting passengers alike, delighted in dancing, dining and drinking – evoking the lively spirit of New Orleans in the late 1930s.
Today, the historically restored Art Deco terminal building offers a one-of-a-kind portal into commercial aviation in both its infancy and, arguably, its finest.
To recapture the building’s beauty, craftsmen and artisans from around the country were hired to ensure that every detail mirrored its original appearance. Every aspect was painstakingly researched. From door frames and pay phone signs to frescos and marble and granite floors and walls, no diligence was spared in bringing back the airport’s original and distinctive 1930s allure.
"Few restored Art Deco airport terminals exist in the United States. The Shushan Airport terminal is by all indicators and its early completion date, possibly the oldest surviving Art Deco terminal in the nation restored to its true original grandeur. This restoration also reminds Louisiana citizens and visiting passengers of the vision of prosperity that inspired so many individuals to find strength on the road to recovery during one of our nation's darkest periods, the Great Depression."
September 2013
In 1964, the airport, now named New Orleans Lakefront Airport, received a makeover (or, rather, under) that tragically covered up its 1933 Art Deco look. The building’s original façade was encased in a steel frame and white stucco, and its opulent interior was redesigned.
When Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans in 2005, the airport was severely damaged. According to news reports, when FEMA saw what lay hidden beneath the now destroyed façade, they agreed to return the terminal building to its Art Deco design.
After an extensive $18-million historic restoration, what was once old became new again when the terminal reopened in September 2013 in all of its original 1933 glory. Ninety years after its monumental opening, the airport now offers travelers and visitors alike the opportunity to step back into the 1930s in a thoughtful and elegant style.
The original panels on the exterior of the building depict the story of man’s mastery of flight. Indoors, the main waiting room is a vast, light-filled two-story space, with a mezzanine balcony wrapped around the second floor. The walls are adorned with colorful marble, and the painted, coffered ceiling is enhanced with a band depicting 1930s-era airplane designs.
Colorful marble adorns the walls, while a painted coffered ceiling soars above. A frieze bands the space just below the ceiling and depicts 1930s-era design and construction of airplanes.
Most notably, seven of the original eight aviation murals by Gonzalez are proudly displayed in the terminal, and Alférez’s symbolic sculpture has also been restored. And of course, the iconic Walnut Room is welcoming back travelers and visitors for a bite, a drink or a private celebration.
Fittingly, a visit to New Orleans Lakefront transports visitors back in time while propelling them to new heights.
A special thanks to the team at New Orleans Lakefront Airport for allowing NOAG to capture the images featured in this catalogue in this inspiring Art Deco space. We could dream up no more fitting backdrop for our July Estates Auction than a snapshot of 1930s New Orleans.
“Lalique …revealed the beauty of glass as glass. His relief technique, with its adroitly selected design, gave full effect to rich material and rare craftsmanship…In a style which was altogether French.“
- Guillaume Janneau, "Modern Glass," 1931
The famed jeweler and glass designer, René Lalique had an almost instinctual talent for elevating seemingly mundane items, such as perfume bottles, vases and decanters, into undisputed works of art, deftly melding utility and beauty into a single, distinctive item. He was truly the embodiment of William Morris’s famous assertion to “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be beautiful or believe to be useful.”
Lalique trained as a fine jeweler at the height of the Belle Époque, an artistically fecund period of opulence and exuberance, and was soon inspired by such diverse styles as Japonisme and the English Arts and Crafts Movement. Initially experimenting with the inclusion of glass elements in his jeweled necklaces and brooches, Lalique inevitably turned toward the design and production of the glass vessels for which he would soon become so well known. Employing virtually every known glass technique – blowing, molding, pressing, pâte de verre, cutting, opalescence and tinting – the resultant works were first representative of the Art Nouveau and, later, Art Deco movements that briskly swept across France and the world.
His preferred motifs were figural, natural and stylistically geometric, and his exceptional ability at rendering these in glass is evident in the fine selection of items offered here: the deft combination of the geometric Greek key with naturalistic birds and leafy vines picked out in sepia-patine of the “Gimpereaux” vases of lot 68; the classically composed “Lutteurs” vase with its base of hunched wrestlers in smoke-patine supporting the bulbous frosted glass bowl of lot 67; or the highly stylized “Rennes” vase with its ram antlers of aggressive swirls which almost obscure the delicately formed bodies of lot 66.
Lalique was artistically creative, technically trained and daringly inventive; his work has weathered the test of time.
- Michele Carolla, Fine Art Specialist-Glass as Glass-
Seemingly determined to take on the world from the very beginning, David I. Oreck, was once known as a small, red-headed boy with a propensity to get into fights with the bigger kids in his native Duluth, Minnesota. It would be his steadfastness and scrappiness that would ultimately cement Mr. Oreck’s legendary status as one of America’s most iconic entrepreneurs.
The founder of and spokesman for the Oreck Corporation, the renowned vacuum cleaner company, dropped out of his freshman year in college to join what was then the Army Air Corps. His experiences serving as a Boeing B-29 Superfortress navigator in the Pacific Ocean during World War II instilled in Mr. Oreck a deep sense of patriotism and pride, leading to his lifelong commitment to American-made products.
A lover of aviation, Mr. Oreck was an active pilot well into his 80s and built a significant collection of historically important aircraft, which included a Stinson Reliant SR 10J, a Waco WMF, an Aviat Husky Amphibian and an American Champion Decathlon, among others.
Yet, Mr. Oreck’s true passion was for storytelling and for capturing consumers’ minds, something for which he had a natural gift.
Following the war, Mr. Oreck joined General David Sarnoff in New York, honing his sales skills as a salesman for the then-exclusive distributor of RCA television and Whirlpool appliances. After 17 years, Mr. Oreck eventually took over as the CEO of the RCA distributorship for Louisiana and Mississippi, a role in which he created and led an array of distinct national marketing campaigns.
It was in 1963, when he was 40 years old, that Mr. Oreck cemented himself as a pioneer in the use of direct marketing when he founded Oreck Corporation, initially serving as the exclusive national distributor for Whirlpool-branded vacuum cleaners. His creative, strategic and compelling marketing strategies allowed direct mail and direct sales to be hugely successful.
But just as his direct marketing strategies defied the conventional approach of the time, Mr. Oreck also believed he could sell a radically different kind of vacuum cleaner. Steadfast in his belief that a quality vacuum cleaner could be both powerful and durable, yet lightweight, Mr. Oreck personally pitched his eight- pound Oreck vacuum on television commercials. By the time the Oreck Corporation was sold in 2003, the now iconic Oreck ▶
"I think in the final analysis, a measure of a man's worth in the relatively short life we have on this planet basically is what favorable impact you've had on others. When I think about it, in the Oreck Corp., we've had 1,400 employees, millions of people who use the product and swear by it, love it. I can't help but feel that makes me the proudest."
vacuum had become the premier high-performance floor-care product – an estimated 10 million of which have been sold!
Staying true to his natural storytelling talents, Mr. Oreck became a featured lecturer at more than 40 leading universities around the country, offering his insights on entrepreneurship and branding. He was also soulfully committed to educating younger generations about the U.S.'s role in World War II.
While it was business interests that first led Mr. Oreck to New Orleans, he fell in love with the South, where he split his time between the Crescent City and Poplarville, Mississippi. He was a generous contributor to the New Orleans community, including to The Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, the Isidore
Newman School and the National World War II Museum. He was also actively involved in real estate and purchased and operated the Security Center in downtown New Orleans, where Oreck Corporation’s corporate headquarters were also once based.
At his expansive 600-acre farm in Poplarville, which includes a hangar, runway, main house, guest house and stables, Mr. Oreck relished walking, cruising one of his two HarleyDavidson motorcycles and flying one of his pristinely maintained aircraft.
Mr. Oreck, along with his son Bruce, was also an avid collector of natural history specimens. Mr. Oreck made significant contributions and donated important examples to mineralogical institutions such as the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
Mr. Oreck passed away in February 2023 at the age of 99. He is survived by his wife, Jan, his sons, Thomas and Bruce, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
NOAG is honored to offer natural history specimens, fine art, aviation-inspired furniture and more from the succession of David I. Oreck.
An artist, philanthropist and ardent supporter of the arts, Nancy Brown Negley’s lifelong passion for historic preservation and for the arts left an indelible mark on communities throughout the world.
Nancy developed an appreciation for the arts and a commitment to giving back from a young age. She was born in 1927 to prominent Houstonians Alice Pratt and George R. Brown, whose construction company, Brown & Root Inc. became one of the
largest in the world and positioned him as an important civic and political leader. In 1951, George and his brother, Herman, would go on to found The Brown Foundation, focusing on arts and education.
In 1948, Nancy earned her Associate’s Degree from Pine Manor College in Newton, Mass. The following year, she married Alfred W. Negley, a prominent rancher and businessman. The couple moved to A.S. Gage Ranch in West Texas, where they raised their
three children. While ranching was far removed from her Houston childhood, Nancy loved horseback-riding and the cattle drives. With a capacious hunger for adventure, she enjoyed sport, wing shooting and flyfishing.
An avid traveler, Nancy spent much of her adult life in South Texas, Maine and the South of France. It was in France that she pursued her passion for art, focusing both on her own painting and on supporting other artists through the formation of an artist residency program.
After spending time at the American Academy in Rome and in Southern France, where she studied at the Lacoste School of the Arts, Nancy bought a home in Ménerbes, which overlooked a residence that Pablo Picasso had purchased for artist Dora Maar in 1944. After Ms. Maar passed away in 1997, Nancy purchased
and renovated the home, transforming it into a space for hosting one- to two-month residencies for mid-career arts and humanities professionals.
Since its opening, The Brown Foundation Fellows Program at the Dora Maar House has hosted more than 300 fellows from more than 25 countries, with partnership and support from the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. In 2011, Nancy was recognized by the French Government with the Legion of Honor, Chevalier, for her contributions to the South of France and for her support of artists.
In addition to her work at The Brown Foundation, where she served as Chair of the Board in 19841988 and 2005-2009, Nancy was involved with a variety of cultural organizations, including the Whitney Museum of American Art, American Academy in Rome, Dia Art Foundation, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, San Antonio Museum of Art, World Monuments Fund, Smithsonian Institution Archives of American Art, and the McNay Art Museum, to name just a few. She was also the first woman to serve as Vice Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party.
Nancy passed away peacefully in July 2022, leaving behind a legacy of philanthropy, enthusiasm, optimism and devout dedication.
New Orleans Auction Galleries is honored to offer fine art, furniture and more from the Estate of Nancy Brown Negley.
Subtlety, eloquence, gravitas, finesse, mastery and gracefulness have all been used to describe the prowess of Catherine D. Wentworth’s brush strokes. While she displayed a remarkable artistic ability from a young age, particularly in drawing and sketching, no one could have predicted she would cement herself as one of the world’s most acclaimed – and Paris’s most treasured – artists during the height of her fame in the 1920s.
Born in 1865 in Rock Island, Illinois, she was one of seven children of the influential Catherine Bloedel Denkmann and Frederick C.A. Denkmann, the president of Weyerhaeuser & Denkmann Company, considered to be the “lumber kings” of the time.
After graduating from Wellesley College and receiving her early training at the Art Institute of Chicago, Catherine moved to Europe to study with several artists, including Carl Marr in Munich and at Académie Julien in Paris, where she became the first woman to be awarded first prize in the school’s annual competition. In her later work, the great French painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau would remain one of her masters. Considered to be a direct and truthful artist, Catherine’s intimate works notably captured the unaffected gracefulness of feminine features ▶
“One appreciates the naturalness of her arrangement, the happy grace she achieves without resorting to tricks, in her feminine types, the quality of masculine gravity she attains without, however, any suggestion of stiffness.
We also call attention to the eloquent treatment of hands in all her canvases. This important side of portraiture testifies not only to her merits as an artist but to her keen sympathy and intelligence.”
M. Arséne Alexandre
and just as poignantly depicted portraits of men – all works remarkable in the artist’s beautiful handling and eloquence of her subjects’ hands. Additionally, her subtle use of somber color, marvelous use of lighting and finesse in portraying the delicate lines of the human figure set Catherine apart as both a draftswoman and colorist.
The excellence of Catherine’s technique, the adherence to the masters’ sound tradition, the scope of her brush and the simple yet powerful depiction of her subjects quickly won her the unstinted commendation of critics on both sides of the Atlantic.
Despite having studios in both Paris and New York City, Catherine produced almost the entirety of her work in Paris. It was here that Catherine gained fervent recognition among the great colony of world artists that called the City of Lights home in the early 20th century.
In the words of one of France’s foremost art critics, M. Arséne Alexandre, “Catherine is one American whose painting all Paris respects.” Needless to say, she quickly became an adopted and highly respected Parisienne.
In 1925, Catherine held a highly celebrated exhibition at the famous galleries within the hotel Jean Charpentier,
displaying an impressive 32 portraits, 18 other paintings and 11 pieces of sculpture.
Her portrait of Léon Melchissédec, the great singer of France’s National Opera, was considered one of the finest and noblest of Catherine’s works and was eventually purchased by the French government to be hung in the museum at Clermont-Ferrand in central France, Melchissédec’s birthplace. Examples of the artist’s portraiture are also found in Muséum de Toulouse’s permanent collection.
Following the death of her husband of more than three decades, Edward S. Wentworth, an opera singer and son of a prominent Boston family, Catherine purchased an oceanside estate and resided in Santa Barbara. A member of the New York Society of Women Artists and an officer of Académie des Palms, Paris, Catherine continued to travel, nourishing her interest in painting and further exhibiting her work, including at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, until her passing in 1948.
NOAG is honored to offer the Estate of Catherine D. Wentworth, including French furniture, silver, decorative arts and fine carpets.
With his perfectly coiffed hair, signature style (a sport coat for any occasion) and nicknames like “Dan the Man” and “Dapper Dan,” it’s no surprise that Daniel A. Glaser was known as a distinguished gentleman with an affinity for the finer things in life.
A lover of culinary experiences, wine and champagne, Dan enjoyed dining out every night. Among his treasured New Orleans restaurants was Clancy’s, which he visited every week for more than 30 years and where he was known to often order “one more glass.”
Dan was an avid traveler, heading to New York City every December and to Carmel-by-the-Sea in California every Fourth of July.
In fact, for his 50th birthday, he took five separate trips, one for every decade. Among his favorite cities were Boston, Charleston, Palm Beach, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, Lisbon and Madrid, collecting different mementos along the way.
Yet, despite traveling the world over, New Orleans remained Dan’s favorite place to be. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the New Orleans Opera, the New Orleans Ballet Theatre, Mardi Gras, the Jazz & Heritage Festival and Tulane’s Summer Lyric Theatre. As a devoted season ticket holder, he could also be found cheering on the New Orleans Saints and LSU Tigers.
Dan’s charming New Orleans home was a showcase of everything he loved, including Lalique crystal, silver, decorative objects and antique furniture, many of which
reflected his love for lions and griffins – each piece filled with a personal memory or story. A warm and welcoming host, he frequently hosted gatherings and relished sharing his newfound treasures with family and friends. Inarguably, however, his most prized possession was his family, including his son, daughter, sisters, brother, nieces, nephews and two granddogs, as well as his partner of more than 30 years, the late Dr. Stephen “Jerry” Scully, who he married in 2017. Together, they enjoyed traveling, antiquing and visiting museums.
A former Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force and a graduate of De La Salle High School, University of New Orleans and Tulane University, Daniel earned his Master of Social Work (MSW) degree and went on to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, dedicating his career to helping others. For more than three decades, he lectured nationally on topics related to trauma-based disorders, behavioral addictions and other related topics.
Dan passed away in 2022 after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer, following what was a memorable family trip to Washington, D.C. with his daughter, son and ex-wife, with whom he maintained a close friendship. It seems fitting perhaps that some of his last memories were made in one of his favorite cities and among his most beloved.
NOAG is honored to present the Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, which includes a diverse selection of furniture, fine art and more.
“By the Sea”, 1977 acrylic on canvas signed, titled and dated en verso stretcher, affixed with “Simonne Stern Gallery, New Orleans, LA” label. Integral frame.
31-3/4” x 66-3/4”, framed 32-3/4” x 67-3/4”
Provenance: Simonne Stern Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Robert Gordy (American/Louisiana, 1933-1986)
“Nude in the Woods” marker on paper unsigned.
Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 28” x 22”, framed 32-1/2” x 27”
“Folly”, 1980
screen print
pencil-signed and “artist’s proof” lower margin. Glazed and framed.
25” x 33”, framed 25-1/2” x 33-1/2”
oil on linen signed upper right edge, verso with “Jere Allen, Whitten
“Nobody’s Home”
tempera on board
signed lower right, titled and exhibition labels for “Will Hinds: Artist of Deep South”, The R. W. Norton Art Gallery, Shreveport, LA, 1972 and Pace Galleries, Inc., Houston, TX en verso. Framed.
25-3/4” x 21-3/4”, framed 33-1/2” x 29-1/2”
Provenance: Pace Galleries, Houston, Texas.
Exhibited: “Will Hinds: Artist of Deep South”, R.W. Norton Art Gallery, Shreveport, Louisiana, 1972; Pace Galleries, Inc., Houston, Texas.
“Horseback Rider”
embroidered cloth with letter identifying artist en verso. Artist-enhanced frame with title.
16” x 10-1/2”, framed 21-1/2” x 15-1/2”
A frequent visitor to New Orleans, Chris Roberts-Antieau opened the Antieau Gallery in the French Quarter in 2010. A Michigan fiber artist, Roberts-Antieau creates whimsical embroidered tapestry.
“Untitled: Abstraction”, 1971
acrylic on paper signed and dated “2, Feb. 1971” lower center. Glazed and framed.
26” x 20”, framed 27” x 21”
“Blue Dog with Cypress Trees”, 1994 cameo glass in collaboration with Kelsey Murphy and the Pilgrim Glass Company of West Virginia, dated, numbered “7/35” and with Pilgrim Glass mark etched at bottom. h. 5-1/4”, dia. 9”
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Literature: Illustrated in Rodrigue, George, George Rodrigue Prints: A Catalogue Raisonne, 19702007, Abrams: New York, 2008, p. 173.
“Pink House”, 1994
oil on canvas signed lower left and signed, dated and inscribed en verso.
30” x 24”, framed 36” x 30”
oil on canvas signed “Mitchell” lower left and signed “Mitchell”, titled and dated en verso.
30” x 24”, framed 31” x 25”
Pair of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe “Barcelona” Ottomans
1978, with applied “Knoll International” manufacturer’s labels, each with a cognac leather button-tufted cushion on a chromed steel base, the seat cushions resting on leather straps and held in place with a small buckled leather strap at each corner underneath.
h. 15”, w. 24”, d. 23-1/2”
Provenance: Collection of Michael Plante, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Aviator-Style Aluminum-Clad and Leather “Tomcat” Club Chairs
based on a design by Timothy Oulton, the exterior shell paneled in aluminum, and covered in light brown leather. h. 28-1/2”, w. 28-1/2”, d. 36”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
based on a design by Timothy Oulton, the exterior clad in aluminum panels, the kneehole opening flanked by two drawers on each side.
h. 30-1/2”, w. 60”, d. 25”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500
Aviator-Style Aluminum-Clad
Valkyrie” Writing Desk
based on a design by Timothy Oulton, the aerodynamic form clad in aluminum panels, one end fitted with three open shelves.
h. 30-1/2”, w. 76”, d. 35”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
metal and found objects intertwined “DO” brand of David Oreck on proper left hip, monogrammed on base. h. 90”, w. 70”, d. 40”
Provenance: Commissioned from the artist; Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
“Eternal Struggle”
patinated bronze cast signature, dated, copyrightmarked and numbered “4/25” along rocky outcropping. h. 26-1/4”, w. 21”, d. 28”
“Lemon Tree, Provence”, “Legs and Tentacles, Greece”, “Les Chaise”, “Palm Tree on the Nile”, “Strap Chairs, Burcote”, “Quimper, 5 PM” and “The Tavana’s Cat”
seven lithographs on paper each pencil-signed and number in lower margin.
Each framed in a plexiglass shadowbox. 22” x 29-1/2” or 29-1/2” x 22”, framed 23-1/2” x 31-1/4” or 31-1/4” x 23-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Pair of Murano Glass Table Lamps
20th century, probably Empoli, the shaded gray ovoid bases decorated with elongated bubbles and chrome fittings, on acrylic bases and mounted with shades.
h. 32-1/2”, dia. 16”
Pair of Art Deco-Style Chocolate Brown Leather Swivel Chairs
the pebble grain leather stitched in bold decorative panels, both chairs with an attached neck roll and a loose lumbar pillow, both resting on a brushed steel swivel rod attached to a circular base.
h. 29-1/2”, w. 35”, d. 31-1/2”; seat h. 18”, w. 20”, d. 22”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Collection of Three Black Fendi Casa Faux Crocodile Tables
Italian, including a Parsons-style side table, h. 16”, w. 25-3/4”, d. 25-3/4”, a smaller example, h. 13”, w. 18”, d. 18”, and a small side table with a chrome base, h. 14-3/4”, w. 23-3/4”, d. 12”, all chrome-labeled “Fendi”.
Joan Miro (Spanish, 1893-1983)
color lithograph
pencil-signed and numbered “27/100” lower margin. Glazed and framed.
sheet 27-1/2” x 20-1/4”, framed 28-1/2” x 21-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Joan Miro (Spanish, 1893-1983)
“Joan Miro, Maravillas con Variaciones Acrosticas en El Jardin de Miro (Wonders with Aristocratic Variations in Miro’s Garden)”, 1975
color lithograph
pencil-signed lower right, numbered, “1/V” lower left, and pencil-inscribed “MOD 13” en verso. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 29-1/2” x 20-7/8”, framed 36” x 27”
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
metal, gears, enameled metal elements, wired for electricity. h. 83”, w. 23”, d. 18”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
lithograph in colors on Arches paper pencil-signed lower right, from an unnumbered edition of 600, published by the Founder’s Society, Detroit Institute of Arts, printed by Mourlot, Paris.
Glazed and framed. sight 21-3/4” x 29-1/4”, framed 25” x 32-1/4”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Feliciano Bejar (Mexican, 1920-2007)
“Sin Titulo”, 1974
wool tapestry signed and dated lower right, now with rod for display. 72” x 72”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Richard Anuszkiewicz (American, 1930-2020)
“Tapestry”, 1968
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
“Les Indes Galantes V”, 1973
offset lithograph in colors
pencil-signed, dated and numbered “A.P. 13/20” lower margin.
Glazed and framed. sheet 16-1/8” x 22”, framed 19-1/2” x 25-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
“Red Barn”, 1969
screen print in colors
pencil-signed, dated and ed. number “162/250” lower margin.
Published by Gabriele Mazzotta Editore, Milan, with blind stamp lower right. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 18-1/2” x 23-3/4”, framed 27” x 32”
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Exhibited: Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 1-April 10, 2007.
Nahum Tschacbasov (Russian/American, 1899-1984)
“Mother, Child and Birdcage”, 1950
oil on canvas
signed and dated lower right, and titled, “John Heller Gallery, Inc., New York” label with artist and “The House of Heydenryk Frame, New York” label en verso.
36” x 30”, framed 47” x 41”
Provenance: John Heller Gallery, Inc., New York, New York.
Nahum Tschacbasov’s Russian Jewish family immigrated to America at the turn of the century. After working as a successful businessman, Tschacbasov turned his attention to art and moved to Paris in 1932 where he studied with Adolph Gottlieb and Fernand Leger. After returning to New York City, he exhibited in 1935 at Galerie Secession and along with Mark Rothko, Joseph Solman, and Adolph Gottlieb, forming a group identified as “The Ten,” who shared common intentions in their art of social consciousness with an expressionist and abstract style.
Tschacbasov exhibited at the Whitney Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art and Art Institute of Chicago. In 1944, he had a one-man exhibition of his works at the Arts and Crafts Club in the French Quarter of New Orleans.
The painting “Mother, Child and Birdcage” was likely exhibited at Joseph Heller Gallery, Inc. as part of a one-man show in 1950. Tschacbasov had consecutive one-man shows at Joseph Heller Gallery from 1950 to 1953.
“Clown with Ball”
oil on board initialed upper left, and titled on “Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York” and “Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, Inc., New York” labels en verso. Framed.
10” x 7”, framed 14” x 11”
Provenance: Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, New York; Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, Inc., New York, New York; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
“Roberts the Clown”, 1940
watercolor and ink on paper initialed and dated lower right, titled on a “Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York” label en verso. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 10” x 8”, framed 16-1/2” x 14-1/2”
Provenance: Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, New York; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Reach Out of the Box Iron and Granite Console Table manufactured by Global Views, with a figural iron support in the manner of Alberto Giacometti (Swiss, 1901-1966), the top and base of black granite. h. 35”, w. 40”, d. 12”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
40 Paul Klee (Swiss/German, 1879-1940)
“Kopf (Bartiger Mann)”, ca. 1925 lithograph on paper pencil-signed lower right, marked “1925 R4” in plate lower center.
Matted, glazed and framed. image 8-3/4” x 5-1/2”, sight 13-3/4” x 10-3/4”, framed 23-3/4” x 18-3/4”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
“Hollywood Star”, 1971
etching on paper
pencil-signed and numbered “5/15” lower margin, and titled and dated in plate lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 10-1/4” x 7-1/4”, framed 19” x 15-1/4”
“Autorretrato”, 1964
watercolor and ink on paper signed and dated lower right. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 7” x 5”, framed 20-1/2” x 17-1/2”
44 Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987)
“In the Bottom of My Garden (IV.86A/IV.86B)”, ca. 1956
offset lithograph and watercolor inscribed “Andy Warhol” mid center. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 8-1/2” x 11”, framed 15-1/4” x 17”
Literature: Feldman, Frayda and Claudia Defendi, Andy Warhol Prints: A Catalogue Raisonne, Fourth Edition Revised and Expanded, Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Inc., Edition Schellmann, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., 2003, pp. 338-341.
While still working as a commercial illustrator, Andy Warhol created a series of offset lithographs of whimsical fairies and cherubs for his book In the Bottom of My Garden in 1956. He enlisted the help of his friends to do some of the hand-coloring, and had his mother, Julia, with whom he shared an apartment on the Upper East Side of New York City, write the script text.
The title came from a song by Rose Fyleman and Liza Lehmann entitled “There are Fairies in the Bottom of Our Garden”, which was popularized by singer and comedian Bea Lillie, who was romantically linked to Tallulah Bankhead and became a queer icon.
Jose Vermeersch (Belgian, 1922-1997)
“Untitled Figure, Standing” painted terracotta artist stamp at back, with a steel presentation stand.
h. 40-1/2”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 13-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Jose Vermeersch (Belgian, 1922-1997)
“Untitled Figure, Seated” painted terracotta artist stamp at back, with a square black base.
h. 25-1/2”, w. 13”, d. 19”, base h. 9”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
George Valentine Dureau (American/Louisiana, 1930-2014)
“Reclining Male Nude” mixed media on paper signed lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 28-1/2” x 38-1/2”, framed 38” x 48”
Aerin Lauder “The Laight” Circular End Table
20th century, gold-leaf wood, brass plaque-labeled “AERIN” underneath.
h. 28-3/4”, dia. 39-1/4”
49 Pair of Mario Villa (Nicaraguan/Louisiana, 1953-2021) Side Chairs
1999, mixed metal, in the neoclassical style, one signed and dated along edge.
h. 34”, w. 18-1/4”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
After Pablo Picasso (Spanish/French, 1881-1973)
“156 Series, No. 30” (B.1885), 1970
Estate stamp lower right, pencil-numbered “40/50” lower left and dated in plate upper left.
Matted, glazed and framed.
sight 6” x 3-1/2”, framed 17-1/4” x 12-3/4”
from Cyan Design’s Vetrai Collection, with an amber and colorless glass standard set with scrolled colorless arms and amber shades concealing sockets, in a matching base.
early 20th century, labeled “Baker”, each with a padded back and downswept arms to a ribbed torpedo-form hand rest, over the cushioned seat, raised on slender, tapered circular legs, the whole with brass tack accents.
Antiqued Gold Leaf and Black Lacquer Bar/Cabinet
1980s, Philippines, having two doors opening to a part-mirrored and lighted interior with parallel suspended brass stemware holders, the doors with brass rod bottle guards at the adjustable shelves, with a long drawer and lower shelf below, the doors and drawer fitted with gilt-brass “door knocker” pulls, the whole raised on tapered square legs ending in brass ferrules.
h. 70-1/2”, w. 40-1/4”, d. 24”
Provenance: Southeastern Galleries, Charleston, South Carolina; Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Giltwood and Metal Sun Ray Sconces
20th century, the giltwood backplates inspired by Louis XIV design, set with scrolled metal candle arms terminating in turned giltwood sockets, electrified.
h. 33”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 7”
Milo Baughman for Thayer Coggin Burl Dining Table
1970s, in the Parsons taste, includes two leaves. h. 29”, w. 40”, l. 71-1/2”; 110-1/2” with leaves
Pair of Mid-Century Modern Upholstered Armchairs
mid-20th century, with tufted backs and loose seat cushions, resting on a walnut frame with tapered square feet, each bearing a metal “True/Grand/Rapids/Certified” label.
h. 37-1/2”, w. 27-1/2”, d. 34”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Chinese Blanc de Chine Porcelain Vases
now mounted as lamps, decorated with raised phoenix birds in clouds and scrollwork, on acrylic bases, mounted with shades and ornate filigree finials.
h. 30”, dia. 15-1/2”
18th/19th century, the figure dressed for battle, on a wooden stand, in a fragmentary state.
of bowl form, and comprised of shaped and segmented wooden blocks joined to form the walls and top.
Luxurious Long, Padded and Cushioned Sofa
the horizontal padded and tufted back supporting three tufted loose back pillows, the seat with three loose cushions, the wood frame and tapering feet loosely carved in French motifs, upholstered in pale sand silk faille, the cushions covered in a silk damask jungle design with stylized leopards amid foliage.
h. 35”, w. 109-1/2”, d. 38-1/2”
61 Contemporary Murano Molded Glass Ceiling Fixture
the embossed, diamond-quilted frosted glass shade fitted with four sockets and suspended by a brass rod.
h. 8”, dia. 15-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass “Helene No. 1”
Perfume Flacon
1945-52, decorated with molded Art Deco panels accented with sepia patinated wash, the base marked “Lalique, France” in etched script.
h. 9”, dia. 3-3/4”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Cased Opalescent “Plumes” Vase
ca. 1920, decorated with molded swirling feathers, the base marked “R. Lalique” in molded block letters.
h. 8-1/2”, dia. 6-3/4”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass “Archers” Vase
ca. 1921, decorated with molded archers beneath a bird-filled sky, with an aqua patinated ground, the base marked “R. Lalique” in molded block letters. h. 11”, dia. 7”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Molded and Frosted “Bacchus” Vase
ca. 1938, decorated with fawns frolicking among ivy garlands, with a smoke-colored, patinated wash, the base marked “R. Lalique” in etched block letters. h. 7”, dia. 5-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass “Rennes” Bowl
ca. 1933, decorated with stylized rams and accented with a smoky patinated ground, the base signed “R. Lalique” in etched script.
h. 4-3/4”, dia. 6”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass “Lutteurs” Vase
ca. 1914, the base decorated with a frieze of nude wrestlers supporting the upper vase, accented with a smoke-colored, patinated wash, marked “R. lalique” in etched script.
h. 5-1/4”, dia. 6-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Lalique “Grimpereaux” Molded and Frosted Crystal Vases/Wine Coolers
ca. 1926, decorated with panels of birds on leafy vines, with a sepia-patinated ground, the bases signed “R. Lalique” in etched script.
h. 8-1/2”, dia. 6”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Georgian-Style Custom Mahogany Linen Press/Bar Cabinet
labeled Century, the pierced, stepped crest above an ogee-molded frieze, over two paneled doors opening to a part-mirrored interior fitted with adjustable glass shelves and electrified, above two drawers, the door interiors set with rectangular Lalique frosted glass figural plaques with contemporary interpretations of the 1928 “Figurines et Raisins” panel, both signed on the lower molded glass “Lalique France” in script, the lower section fitted with two paneled cupboard doors, raised on bracket feet. h. 84”, w. 41-1/2”, d. 21”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ralph Lauren Giltwood and Chocolate Leather “Spencer” Chair
the wing chair with an arched back joined to brackets extending to open arms, the seat with a serpentine front rail and raised on cabriole legs joined by stretchers, the leather with nailhead trim, labeled “Ralph Lauren Home”.
h. 45-1/2”, w. 29”, d. 24”, seat h. 19-1/2”
Unusual Giltwood Figural Mirror in the Art Deco Taste
second quarter 20th century, probably French, the circular mirror with a conforming frame carved with two peacocks perched on a tree stump and peering into the mirror, and a vine ornamented with leaves and flower heads.
h. 41”, w. 42-1/2”, d. 17-1/2”
Neoclassical-Style Bronze and Plate Glass Coffee Table
mid-20th century, the oval glass top with an ogee-molded edge, above a conforming base with a banded bronze rim, supported by six tubular legs ending in hoof feet and joined by bar stretchers with finials.
h. 17”, w. 52”, d. 28”
Neoclassical-Style Brass, Steel and Glass Etagere
mid-20th century, in the manner of Maison Jansen, the steel frame with brass ram’s-head finials, the sides with steel X-form stretchers decorated with brass medallions, raised on brass hoof feet, fitted with plate glass shelves. h. 76-1/2”, w. 21”, d. 13”
Pair of Neoclassical-Style Brushed Steel and Brass Side Chairs
in the manner of Maison Jansen, with brass ram’s-head finials above an X-form back, the padded, circular seat raised on splayed legs joined by a rounded stretcher and ending in brass hoof feet. h. 36”, w. 18”, d. 15”
Pair of Neoclassical-Style Brushed Steel and Brass Side Chairs
in the manner of Maison Jansen, with brass ram’s-head finials above an X-form back, the padded, circular seat raised on splayed legs joined by a rounded stretcher and ending in brass hoof feet. h. 36”, w. 18”, d. 15”
Albert de Belleroche (British, 1864-1944)
“Woman with Shawl”, 1916 lithograph
pencil-initialed lower right and “Gerhard Wurzer Gallery, Houston, TX” label en verso.
Matted, glazed and framed. sight 22-1/2” x 16”, framed 31” x 24”
Provenance: Gerhard Wurzer Gallery, Houston, Texas.
77 James Abbott McNeill Whistler (American/British, 1834-1903)
“The Long Gallery at the Louvre”, 1894
“The Smith’s Yard”, 1895
“Fulham (Chelsea)”, 1879
suite of two lithographs and an etching and drypoint two lithographs with the blindstamp (The Studio printing 1894 and 1895).
sheet: 8-1/4” x 11-1/2”; 8-1/4” x 11-1/2”; 5-1/8” x 8”
“Marie at the Window”
etching on wove paper signed in pencil with cypher and inscribed “Imp” lower right. (Cortissoz/Clayton 230).
Matted, glazed and framed. sight 11-1/4” x 7-1/4”, framed 21-1/2” x 17”
Provenance: Craig F. Starr Associates, Inc., New York, New York.
“Eglise et ferme d’Eragny”, 1890 etching
signed and annotated in pencil lower right, titled and inscribed “2e etat No..” lower left. (Delteil 96: II/VI).
Matted, glazed and framed. sight 7-1/2” x 10”, framed 17” x 19”
Provenance: Hill-Stone, New York, New York.
“Cleo de Merode”, ca. 1903
color etching and aquatint pencil-signed and numbered “8/50” lower margin, signed and titled in plate upper right, and “Gerhard Wurzer Gallery, Houston, TX” label with artist, title and date en verso. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 15-1/4” x 14”, framed 30” x 27-3/4”
Provenance: Gerhard Wurzer Gallery, Houston, Texas.
“Bacchus”, 2001
patinated bronze cast signature, dated, and numbered “4/48” along back, now on a marble base, together with a letter of authentication from the artist. sculpture h. 17”, w. 7”, d. 4-3/4”, base h. 4”, w. 7”, d. 5”
Provenance: Steven Whyte’s, Carmel, California; Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Jean de Roncourt (French, active 1930s)
“Lanceur de Lance”, 1930s
bronze-patinated spelter on an integral black marble base with onyx inserts.
h. 15”, w. 32”, d. 12”
Provenance: Carlton Dailey, Charleston, South Carolina; Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Brutalist Limestone and Bronze Cocktail Table in the Giacometti-Chodoff Style
fourth quarter 20th century, set with a limestone top with beveled edges, over turned and molded bronze legs and an X-form stretcher molded with a serpent.
h. 19”, w. 48-1/4”, d. 36”
Pair of Brutalist Bronze and Limestone Side Tables in the Giacometti-Chodoff Style
20th century, set with limestone tops with beveled edges, over molded and turned bronze legs and X-form stretchers.
h. 25”, w. 26”, d. 26”
Clyde Connell (American/Louisiana, 1901-1998)
“Whooping Cranes and Roseate Spoonbills”
watercolor initialed “C.C.” lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 14-1/2” x 23-1/2”, framed 22-1/2” x 31-1/2”
John Koch (American/France, 1909-1978)
“View of Manhattan Over the Hudson Piers”, ca. 1930 oil on canvas initialed lower right. Framed.
53” x 60”, framed 57” x 64”
Provenance: Thomaston Place Auction Galleries, February 28, 2021, lot 3057; Private collection, Atlanta, Georgia.
Pair of Mid-Century Modern-Style Walnut Occasional Tables
each with a round top supported by a conical-form base.
h. 26”, dia. 21”
John Boone, New York, Art Deco-Style Sofa
the padded horizontal back joining outswept rolled arms, with a single long seat cushion, the whole raised on reeded conical front feet and back-swept rectangular rear feet, upholstered in gold-washed pale sand fabric, labeled “John Boone”.
h. 35”, w. 109-1/2”, d. 38-1/2”
John Boone, New York, Art Deco-Style Sofa
the padded horizontal back joining outswept rolled arms, with a single long seat cushion, the whole raised on reeded conical front feet and back-swept rectangular rear feet, upholstered in gold-washed pale sand fabric, labeled “John Boone”.
h. 35”, w. 109-1/2”, d. 38-1/2”
Ashley Longshore (American/Louisiana, Contemporary)
“Audrey with Gem”
mixed media on gallery-wrapped canvas signed along proper right edge of canvas.
36” x 36”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of German Mid-Century Modern Brass and Crystal Sconces
third quarter 20th century, by Palwa for Palme & Walter, the curved screen of brass blocks set with molded glass prisms, concealing the backplates, set with triple sockets, with original labels on the backs.
h. 8”, w. 9-1/2”
Rubelli “Kiki”-Covered Scroll-Arm Sofa With Two Cushions
20th century, Venetian fabric, the sofa with a tailored, pleated skirt.
h. 31-1/2”, w. 78-1/2”, d. 37”
Art Deco-Style Faux Bois Gilt-Bronze and Plate Glass
Coffee Table
ca. 1960, attributed to P. E. Guerin, New York, the bronze branch-form legs supporting the thick plate glass top and lower shelf.
h. 18-1/2”, w. 24”, d. 18”
Pair of Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Fauteuils
20th century, each with a padded, rectangular back within a molded frame, joined by padded arms to the like seat, raised on fluted, tapered circular legs headed by floral block capitals and ending in toupie feet.
h. 40”, w. 23”, d. 20”
Pair of Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Fauteuils
20th century, each with a padded, rectangular back within a molded frame, joined by padded arms to the like seat, raised on fluted, tapered circular legs headed by floral block capitals and ending in toupie feet.
h. 40”, w. 23”, d. 20”
Pair of French Glass and Gilt-Metal Sconces
second quarter 20th century, in the Bagues taste, the quiver-form backplates supporting parrots and scrolled gilt-metal candle branches, set with glass flowers and leaves, terminating in faceted glass candle cups set into leaf-form gilt-metal drip pans.
h. 26”, w. 15”, d. 5-1/2”
Pair of Large Italian Venetian Pier Mirrors
second quarter 20th century, the beveled mirrored crests with central scalloped panels flanked by scrollwork engraved with tendrils and leaves, the beveled mirror plates with beveled mirror surrounds engraved with scrollwork, flowers and cruciform medallions.
h. 75”, w. 33-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Italian Gilt-Metal and Glass Ceiling Light
third quarter 20th century, the eight-light fixture with a central Murano gilt-spangled blown glass medallion supporting giltmetal scrolled leaves set with flowers, formed with faceted glass petals and metal centers, the back with eight tulip-form socket holders.
Pair of Chinoiserie Polychrome Cabinets
early 20th century, each with a molded, rectangular cornice above a case fitted with an arched opening with adjustable shelves, raised on bracket feet, the whole with gilt and polychrome accents in the chinoiserie taste.
h. 81-1/2”, w. 39”, d. 15”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Louis XV-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Fauteuils
20th century, each with a padded and rounded square back surmounted by a floral crest, joined by padded, scrolling arms to the like seat, raised on molded cabriole legs headed by floral carving and ending in scrolled toes.
h. 39”, w. 28”, d. 26”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
“Portrait of a Seated Woman”, 1976 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Framed.
39-1/2” x 31-1/2”, framed 41-1/2” x 33-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
102 American School (Early to Mid-20th Century)
“Portrait of a Woman” oil on canvas unsigned.
20” x 16”, framed 23-3/4” x 20”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
103 American School (Early to Mid-20th Century)
“Portrait of a Child” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed.
12-1/2” x 11”, framed 15-1/2” x 14-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Pair of Chinese Bottle Vases now mounted as lamps, the orange lamps of traditional form, on acrylic bases.
h. 24”, dia. 9-1/2”
Peshawar Birds of Paradise Carpet
8’ x 9’ 8”
Pair of Rare French Art Deco “Eucalyptus” Vases by Henri Dieupart
first quarter 20th century, composed of molded and frosted glass and decorated with molded eucalyptus, designed by Henri Dieupart (1888-1928) for Simonet Freres, with molded mark, “Dieupart” and “Edition/Simonet Freres”. h. 12”, dia. 7”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
A green version of this vase is in the collection of The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas.
1999, limited edition produced for the grand opening of the Lalique Boutique in New York, central glass panel with “Masque de Femme” motif against the Coutard panels, with original tags. h. 4-1/4”, w. 11-3/4”, d. 9”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass “Martinique” Vase
20th century, decorated with a molded amber bud in a colorless vase, after the 1993 design by Marie-Claude Lalique, signed on base.
h. 15”, w. 8”, d. 4-1/4”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Molded and Frosted Black Glass “Nymphales” Vase
late 20th century, decorated with molded butterflies on a frosted ground, marked “Lalique France” with etched script signature on base.
h. 8-1/2”, dia. 6-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass “Martinet” Vase
late 20th century, decorated with martinets in flight, the base with an etched script mark.
h. 10”, dia. 6”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass
“Femmes” Barware
late 20th century, consisting of a “Femmes Antiques” decanter, h. 9-3/4”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 4-1/4”, and four highball glasses of unknown figural design, h. 5”, dia. 2-3/4”, each with etched “Lalique France” mark.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Molded and Frosted Zeila Panther Sculpture
20th century, attributed to Lalique, unsigned, the panther modeled in a stealth position, designed by Marie-Claude Lalique.
h. 4-1/2”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 2-1/4”
Lalique Clear and Frosted Glass
“Poissons Deux” Sculpture
late 20th century, of two koi joining to form a circle, marked with an etched “Lalique France” at base, after the 1953 design by Marc Lalique.
h. 11-3/4”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 5”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Collection of Four Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass Toiletry Articles
including a “Medicis” cendrier with a pale aqua patina, ca. 1924, marked with “R. Lalique” in molded block letters and engraved “R. Lalique, France” and a faint number, w. 6”, d. 3-1/2”; an aqua “Filicaria” vase molded with leaves, h. 4-3/4”, w. 4-3/4”, d. 2-1/4”, engraved “Lalique, France” in script; an amber box, the top with writhing serpents, h. 2”, dia. 2-1/2”, engraved “Lalique, France” in script; and a teal “Psyche” perfume bottle with molded masques, h. 6-3/4”, dia. 3-1/2”, engraved “Lalique, France” in script.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Two Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass Car Mascots, Including “Tete d’Aigle” and “Tete de Paon” later production after a 1928 design, each with engraved “Lalique, France” mark.
h. 4-1/2”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 3” and h. 7-1/4”, w. 4”, d. 2-3/4”, respectively
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Collection of Lalique Molded and Frosted Glass
Objets de Toilette
late 20th century, including a “Duncan” stoppered perfume bottle, h. 8”, w. 4-3/4”, d. 1-3/4”, a “Duncan” lidded trinket box, h. 2-1/4”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 3-3/4”, a “Dahlia” perfume bottle, h. 5-1/4”, w. 4”, d. 1-1/2”, a “Palmette” perfume bottle, h. 5”, w. 2-1/2”, d. 1”, a “Hittite” perfume bottle, h. 4”, w. 2-1/2”, d. 1”, and a pair of “Singapore” perfume bottles, each h. 4”, w. 3”, d. 1”, each signed “Lalique, France” in engraved script.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Three French Lalique “Bucolique” Vases
21st century, the ovoid-form, meadow-green crystal vases decorated with molded and frosted dandelions, with etched mark and original label, together with the original boxes.
h. 5-3/4”, dia. 3-1/2”
Suite of Six Polished Steel and Brass Curule-Base Armchairs
in the style of Maison Jansen, each contemporary chair with brass finials, a back with three parallel rails, dished seat and curule base, fitted with loose cushions in faux leopard upholstery.
h. 38”, w. 17-1/2”, d. 16”
Contemporary Bronze Mosaic of Cleopatra
second half 20th century, scantily clad and wearing her vulture headdress, an asp molded on the right side, the tiles molded to mimic aged pottery tiles.
h. 52-1/2”, w. 39-1/4”
Three-Piece Collection of Desert Rose Crystal Clusters
including two large specimens, approximate h. 13”, w. 20”, d. 14-1/2” and h. 13”, w. 23”, d. 18”, and one smaller specimen, approximate h. 7-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 8-1/4”.
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Three Large Amethyst Crystal Geodes
including a cathedral-style specimen, approximate h. 26”, w. 22”, d. 18”, and two smaller specimens, approximate h. 22”, w. 18”, d. 12-1/2” and h. 8”, w. 7-1/2”, d. 11-1/2”.
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Large Fossilized Ammonite Cluster Display Panel on Stand
the museum-quality cluster displayed on an acrylic stand, panel h. 48”, w. 32”, stand h. 65”, w. 32”, together with a small fossilized Orthoceras panel, h. 13-1/2”, w. 15”.
Collection of Crystal and Mineral Specimens
including a large quartz specimen, approximate h. 8-1/2”, w. 21”, d. 19”, together with a variety of specimens, including lapis lazuli, pyrite, tourmaline, amethyst, smoky quartz and quartz, approximate h. 1” to 4-1/2”, w. 2” to 14-1/2”, d. 3” to 8”, and ten stands.
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ida Rittenberg Kohlmeyer (American/Louisiana, 1912-1997)
“Untitled”, 1992
painted wood sculpture signed and dated at bottom. h. 11-1/2”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 3-1/4”
Julie Silvers (American/Louisiana, Contemporary)
“Untitled: Abstraction”
“Untitled: Abstraction”
two oil and mixed media on canvas each signed lower right. Each unframed. each 36”
Six Pierre Cardin for Roche-Bobois Dining Chairs
1970s, Italian, with black-lacquered legs and back, the split backs joined by four laminated wood splats, the seats covered in black faux leather.
h. 35-1/2”, w. 19”, d. 20
Provenance: Collection of Michael Plante, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Steinway & Sons, New York, Hamburg, Ebonized Baby Grand Piano and Bench
ca. 1917, serial number 186043, of traditional form and featuring a patented duplex scale, together with an ebonized lift-seat bench.
piano h. 38-1/2”, w. 68”, d. 64-1/2”, bench h. 17-1/2”, w. 34”, d. 15-1/2”
Dale Chihuly (American b. 1941) Two-Piece HandBlown Glass “Persian” Set
2004, Portland Press, Seattle, Washington, Studio Edition, comprising two organic hand-blown glass forms, both tango red with blue lip wrap, the smaller element engraved “pp 04” on the pontil and signed “Chihuly” on the ruffle, presented in the original Plexiglas display case, accompanied by certification “848.pp2p.04” including suggestions on lighting the sculpture and cleaning the Plexiglas. larger element h. 9”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 11”; smaller element l. 6-1/2”; display case h. 13-1/2”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 12-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
James Massena March (American, 1953-2021)
“Northern Lights”
acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas signed en verso, titled on inventory label en verso. 48” x 48”
134 James Massena March (American, 1953-2021)
“Cassini #8”
acrylic on canvas signed lower left, signed and titled en verso. In a thin gallery frame. 38” x 38” framed 39-1/2” x 39-1/2”
Erika Blumenfeld (American, b. 1971)
“Fractions of Light and Time - June 18, 2006, 5:51 p.m., Marfa, Texas”
ilfochrome paper mounted to aluminum panel signed, dated and titled on artist’s label en verso. 23” x 17-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Artemide “Mezzachimera” Table Lamp
1966, Italy, designed by Vico Magistretti, molded white opaque acrylic diffuser on a white-enameled base, fully labeled underneath. h. 31”, dia. 7-3/4”
Provenance: Collection of Michael Plante, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Literature: Charlotte & Peter Fiell, eds. 1000 Lights, Vol. 2: 1960 to Present (Cologne: Taschen, 2005), pp. 128-129.
White Oval “Tulip”-Style Dining Table
in the manner of the Eero Saarinen design for Knoll, with an oval gray-figured marble top resting on a white molded base. h. 28”, w. 77-1/4”, d. 48”
Twelve Milo Baughman Chrome and Cane High-Back Dining Chairs
1970s, for Thayer Coggin, comprising two armchairs and ten side chairs, all upholstered in vintage textured sand faux leather, most retaining the Thayer Coggin, Inc. label.
h. 43”, w. 18-1/2”
Provenance: Hurwitz Mintz, New Orleans, Louisiana; Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Contemporary Murano Blown Glass Chandelier
20th/21st century, the twelve-light chandelier with a vasiform glass-clad standard, supporting twelve scrolled candle arms set with hemispherical drip pans and candles, the base with a blown glass finial, with chrome fittings. h. 30”, dia. 36-1/2”
$1,000-$1,500 139
Walter Murch (Canadian, 1907-1967)
“Forms in Light”, 1965
graphite and mixed media on paper pencil-signed and dated lower left. Glazed and framed. sight 25-1/2” x 19-1/2”, framed 26” x 20-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Pair of Chinese Blanc-de-Chine Porcelain Ginger Jars
now mounted as lamps, on acrylic bases. h. 18-1/2”, dia. 10-1/4”
Pair of Mahogany and Upholstered Benches
in the Regency taste, each with a long, padded, rectangular top raised on splayed sabre legs. h. 20”, w. 41”, d. 18”
Pair of Contemporary White Tufted Silk-Satin Slipper Chairs
of generous proportions, with buttontufted scroll backs and seats, deep blue and taupe twist cording above the corner-pleated skirts. h. 36”, w. 25-1/2”; seat h. 16-1/2”, d. 20-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
146 Tom Richard Cavanaugh (American/Louisiana, 1923-2019)
“Dancing in the Dark”, 2005
oil on canvas monogrammed lower left, and titled, signed and dated en verso. Framed.
36” x 46”, framed 39” x 48”
Steuben Crystal and Plated Sterling “Ice Penguin” Sculpture
20th century, after a design by James Houston (Canadian, 19212005), the plated sterling penguin looking down to an engraved bird below the surface, unsigned.
h. 6-3/4”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 2”
Steuben Crystal and Plated Sterling “Arctic Fisherman” Sculpture
20th century, after a design by James Houston (Canadian, 1921-2005), sculpted as a cut and frosted block of ice, the plated sterling fisherman with his spear on top, an engraved fish on the facade and the hook of his spear on the reverse, unsigned.
h. 6-1/2”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 2-1/4”
Literature: This piece is illustrated in Steuben Glass: An American Tradition in Crystal by Mary Jean Madigan, p. 134.
Steuben Engraved Crystal Roundel
20th century, decorated with a beaver, after a 1979 design by James Houston (Canadian, 1921-2005) and Bernard X. Wolff, unsigned.
h. 8-3/4”, w. 7-3/4”, d. 2-1/2”
Partial Baccarat “Harmonie” Set of Glassware
20th century, French, comprised of a pair of decanters, h. 12-1/2”, dia. 3-1/4”, six double old-fashioned glasses, h. 4”, dia. 3”, and a vase, h. 8”, dia. 3-1/4”.
second quarter 20th century, Brazil, .800 silver, the realistically detailed fowl posed in combatant attitudes.
h. 7”, l. 8-1/2”; 22.73 total t. oz.
Provenance: H. G. Robertson Fine Silver, Atlanta, Georgia; Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
mid-20th century, William Suckling, Ltd., Birmingham, each of traditional form in three pieces: body, lid (with strainer and juicer) and cap with rooster finial.
h. 11-1/2”, dia. 3-1/2”
German Novelty “Parrot” Sterling Silver Cocktail Shaker
contemporary, in the form of a realistically detailed parrot, the mouth a faux spout fitted with a chained “stopper”, the head fitted with glass eyes and removing to reveal the detachable strainer.
h. 7-1/4”, l. 4-1/2”; 21.00 t. oz.
Pair of Belgian Silver Pheasant Table Garnitures
second half 20th century, .835 silver, the male and female figures realistically detailed and posed in different attitudes.
h. 3-1/4”, l. 7-1/4”; 9.10 total t. oz.
German Novelty “Eagle” Sterling Silver Cocktail Shaker
contemporary, in the form of a realistically detailed eagle, the mouth a faux spout fitted with a chained mouse “stopper”, the head fitted with glass eyes and removing to reveal the detachable strainer.
h. 8-1/2”, l. 3-1/4”; 29.53 t. oz.
Unusual Cast Iron Flower Cart
mid-20th century, the body with pierced, cast sides decorated with grapes and grapevines, the functioning wheels decorated with grape leaves, with a grid-form pierced floor. h. 33-1/2”, w. 31”, l. 61-1/4”
mid-20th century, New York, comprised of a pair of armchairs and ten side chairs, decorated with leaves and fruit, the backs with oval upholstered pads, the pierced arms with scrollwork and the balloon seats with pierced grid bottoms, on molded paw feet, labeled on the upper rear seat frames. armchair h. 37”, w. 28”, d. 19-1/2”, side chair h. 36”, w. 17”, d. 19-1/2”
Large Patinated Bronze Sculpture of a Parrot with carefully delineated feathers, the bird perched on a tree trunk.
h. 50-1/2”, w. 19-1/4”, d. 19-1/2”
Pair of Bronze Garden Cranes of Japanese Inspiration with a green-patinated finish, one crane looking skyward and the other preening its feathers.
h. 59”, w. 16”, d. 12” and h. 48-1/2”, w. 13-3/4”, d. 15-1/2”
Pair of Architectural Iron Fragments
first quarter 20th century, now mounted as lamps, in the neoclassical taste, with scroll-framed bellflowers mounted over a central lozenge with central medallions, trimmed in pierced scrollwork, on acrylic bases.
h. 28”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 6”
Suite of Nine Botanicals of Pressed Hydrangeas
2023, each initialed “SW” and dated lower right, in various shades of blues and creams. All glazed and framed alike. each framed 17-1/2” x 13-1/2”
Pair of Metal Tree Tubs of Classical Inspiration
20th century, with ball finials at the corners, the sides with “X” stretchers with center medallions, inset with liners. h. 26”, w. 24”, d. 24”
Pair of Metal Tree Tubs of Classical Inspiration
20th century, with ball finials at the corners, the sides with “X” stretchers with center medallions, inset with liners. h. 19-1/2”, w. 18-1/4”, d. 18-1/4”
Six-Piece Painted Metal Garden Set
20th century, of Directoire inspiration, including a settee, h. 35-1/2”, w. 78-1/2”, d. 19-1/2”, and four chairs with X-form splats, the corners with ball finials, woven metal seats and loose seat cushions, h. 35-1/4”, w. 18-1/4”, d. 17-1/4”, and a matching glass-topped cocktail table, h. 28-1/4”, w. 47-1/2”, d. 16-1/2”.
Bronze and Cast Stone Armillary Sphere on Pedestal
20th century, the armillary sphere with bronze scroll-decorated meridians and a sun masque with a green patina, on a molded stone base, the bombe-form cast stone pedestal in the Baroque taste and decorated with molded scrollwork.
h. 57-1/2”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 16-1/2”
Unusual Glass, Enameled Metal and Brass Vasiform Lamp
20th/21st century, Murano, attributed to Banci Firenze, the tulip-form glass shades concealing the sockets, and set amidst enameled metal leaves in a crystal vase, above a stepped brass base.
h. 27-1/2”, dia. 17-1/2”
Five-Piece Suite of “Mt. Vernon” Pattern Painted Aluminum Garden Furniture
20th century, attributed to John Salterini, New York, decorated with pierced scrollwork and ivy leaves, with strapwork backs and seats, on molded feet and with loose cushions, the suite including a sofa, h. 35”, w. 73-1/2”, d. 29-1/2”, a lounge chair on rear wheels with an adjustable back, highest h. 38-1/2”, w. 29-3/4”, d. 37-1/2”, an armchair, h. 32”, w. 30-1/4”, d. 31”, an ottoman, h. 18”, w. 22-1/4”, d. 22-1/4”, and a glass-top cocktail table, h. 16-1/2”, w. 37”, d. 19”.
Louise Guidry (American/Louisiana, b. 1930)
“Spring in the Himalayas”
acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas Signed lower right. Unframed.
48” x 48”
Pair of Vanguard Brown Leather Club Chairs and One Ottoman
the chairs with a loose cushion back and seat, the leather trimmed with brass tacks, raised on tapered, fluted legs, h. 40”, w. 26”, d. 39”, together with a matching leathercovered ottoman, h. 17”, w. 26”, d. 21”.
Pair of Large, Polychrome-Decorated Cast Stone Clydesdales
first half 20th century, probably British, wearing horse collars, bridles and tacks, standing on molded green “grass”.
h. 26”, w. 10-1/4”, l. 40-1/2”
Pair of Bronze and Mother-of-Pearl Parrots
20th century, the patinated bronze birds decorated with mother-of-pearl feathers, each posed on a bronze tree stump.
h. 23” to 28-3/4”, w. 8” to 10”, d. 7-1/2” to 10”
Elephant-Form Hardwood Table of Asian inspiration, carved from a solid tree trunk, the elephant’s legs serving as the table legs.
h. 19”, w. 19”, l. 25-1/2”
Elephant-Form Hardwood Table of Asian inspiration, carved from a solid tree trunk, the elephant’s legs serving as the table legs.
h. 19”, w. 19”, l. 25-1/2”
Large Bronze Figure of a Bear with a brown patina, standing on all fours, with a placid look on its face.
h. 24”, w. 32”, d. 9-3/4”
English Three-Cushion Sofa by George Smith Ltd. covered in kilim upholstery and raised on turned legs ending in brass cup casters.
h. 32”, w. 96”, d. 46”
Pair of Chinese Export Porcelain Cockerels the roosters with a sang-de-boeuf glaze and posed standing in grass.
h. 16-1/2”, w. 8”, d. 4-3/4”
Italian Brass and Chrome Console Table
1970s, attributed to Romeo Rega, the rectangular top inset with glass.
h. 29”, w. 63”, d. 19-3/4”
Two Philip and Kelvin LaVerne Figural Plaques
1963, New York, patinated bronze and pewter, the first titled “Women in Despair”, signed “P. K. LaVerne”, the second titled “Claire”, signed at lower left “Philip. Kelvin Laverne”. each h. 10”, w. 10”
Provenance: Wooster Gallery, New York, New York; Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rare Philip and Kelvin LaVerne Square “Medici” Coffee Table
1965, New York, patinated bronze and pewter with etched figural motifs, raised on square legs joined by flat bar stretchers, the top signed “Philip Kelvin LaVerne”. h. 17”, w. 31”, d. 31”
Provenance: Wooster Gallery, New York, New York; Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
with track arms, four loose back pillows and a single long, shallowtufted loose seat cushion, with a half-round walnut frame and legs, upholstered in vintage harvest gold and sage striped fabric. h. 28”, w. 88”, d. 34”
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Pair of Mid-Century Modern Brass-Clad Iron CockerelForm Andirons
third quarter 20th century, with iron backings, the roosters decorated with brass plates incised with “feathers”, raised on horseshoe-form feet.
h. 13-1/2”, w. 7-3/4”, d. 14”
Neoclassical-Style Iron Bench
the ends of sleigh form with three iron support bars each, with a padded seat and out-curved legs.
h. 30”, w. 54”, d. 20”
Neoclassical-Style Iron Bench
the ends of sleigh form with three iron support bars each, with a padded seat and outcurved legs.
h. 30”, w. 54”, d. 20”
Set of Twelve Brown Jordan “Classic II” Aluminum Garden Armchairs
20th century, American, of neoclassical inspiration, the tub chair-form armchairs with pierced back splats, lattice woven seats and curule legs ending in pad feet, the left front legs stamped “BJ” on the top rear. h. 29-1/2”, w. 24-1/4”, d. 19-1/2”
Patinated Bronze and Ebonized Wood Figural Table Lamp
of Regency inspiration, decorated with a bronze recumbent whippet on an ebonized wooden base, mounted with a shade, electrified. h. 26”, w. 24-1/2”, d. 12-1/4”
Pair of JANUS et Cie Iron and Brass Armchairs with Ottomans
20th century, American, the classically inspired chairs and ottomans with woven metal seats and backs, the arms of the chairs with brass ball finials, and with curule stretchers, all pieces with loose seat cushions, impressed marks to the backs. chair h. 36-1/2”, w. 23-1/2”, d. 21”, ottoman h. 18”, w. 24-1/2”, d. 22”
JANUS et Cie “Almalfi” Tuxedo Sofa
20th/21st century, American, the iron and brass sofa set with brass ball finials on the corners, the sides, back and bottom composed of woven metal, with loose cushions and bolsters, labeled “JANUS”.
h. 38-1/4”, w. 79-1/2”, d. 36”
JANUS et Cie Labeled “Amalfi” Settee
20th/21st century, with an adjustable back, the seat and back composed of woven metal, the back corners and arms decorated with brass balls, the base with X-form stretchers.
adjustable h. 40-1/2”, w. 72-1/2”, adjustable d. 36”
Pair of Labeled JANUS et Cie “Amalfi” Lounge Chairs
20th/21st century, American, with adjustable backs, the backs and seats composed of woven metal, decorated with brass balls on the arms and backs, with cross stretchers. adjustable h. 36-1/2”, w. 26”, adjustable d. 40-1/4”
Pair of Maitland-Smith Steel, Brass and Composite Marble Wall Brackets
20th century, each with a semicircular composite marble top above a shaped steel support mounted with a brass ram’s head, labeled.
h. 12-1/2”, w. 16”, d. 8”
Pair of Marble, Chrome and Acrylic Lamps in the Art Deco Taste
the acrylic stands mounted with leaf-carved white marble capitals, the bases composed of black and white marble, with chrome fittings and mounted with shades.
h. 25”, dia. 13”
Charles Arnoldi (American, b. 1946)
“Untitled”, 1976 graphite on paper signed and dated lower left, a “Charles Cowles Gallery, Inc., New York” label en verso.
Float-mounted, glazed and framed. sheet 28-3/4” x 23-1/8”, framed 32” x 26”
Provenance: Charles Cowles Gallery, Inc., New York, New York; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Loic Le Groumellec (French, b. 1957)
“Croix”, 1989
lacquer on canvas signed, dated and titled en verso. Unframed.
13-1/4” x 9-3/4”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Loic Le Groumellec (French, b. 1957)
lacquer on canvas signed, dated and titled en verso. Unframed.
9-7/8” x 9-7/8”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Brian Portman (American/Texas, b. 1960)
“Aloft”, 2008
oil and mixed media collage on canvas signed, dated and titled en verso, a “Meredith Long & Co.” label en verso.
Glazed and framed. 20” x 24”, framed 22” x 26”
Provenance: Meredith Long & Co., Houston, Texas; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Tom Richard Cavanaugh (American/Louisiana, 1923-2019)
“Skowhegan Section Gang”, 1948 oil on canvas signed lower right, and dated, titled and inscribed with artist name en verso backing. Integral slat frame.
22” x 28”, framed 22-1/2” x 29”
In 1957, Tom Richard Cavanaugh left the Midwest to join the faculty School of Fine Arts at Louisiana State University where he taught for over 25 years. Cavanaugh grew up in Danville, Illinois and served in World War II with the 448th Military Police in Iceland. With an interest in art, he attended the Farnsworth School of Art and graduated from the University of Illinois with a bachelor’s in fine arts.
In 1948, he attended the recently opened Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in Maine. The painting “Skowhegan Section Gang” was painted at this time and depicts laborers working on the Swinging Bridge, which is a suspension footbridge that connects Skowhegan Island with the south side of the Kennebec River.
Richard Baker (American, b. 1959)
“Plane”, 1992
oil on paper on canvas titled on a “Washburn, New York” label and signed and dated en verso.
16” x 14”, framed 20-3/4” x 18-3/4”
Provenance: The Washborn Gallery, New York, New York; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Richard Baker (American, b. 1959)
“Beetle and Biscuit”, 1993
oil on canvas titled on a “Washburn, New York” label and signed and dated en verso.
12” x 12”, framed 17” x 17”
Provenance: Washburn Gallery, New York, New York; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
199 Richard Baker (American, b. 1959)
“Untitled - Tools”, 1991/2
mixed media on bifold paper initialed and dated lower left, signed and dated lower right, a “Washburn, New York” label en verso.
Float-mounted, glazed and framed. sheet 16-7/8” x 9-1/4”, framed 20-1/2” x 12-1/2”
Provenance: Washburn Gallery, New York, New York; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
200 Judy Haas (American, b. 1953)
“Atlantic Salmon”, 1991
pastel and gold paint on handmade paper signed and dated lower left.
Float-mounted, matted, glazed and framed. sheet 30” x 45”, framed 39-1/2” x 53-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
$1,000-$1,500 199
Rufino Tamayo (Mexican, 1899-1991)
“Perro Prehispanico”
lithograph in colors signed lower right, numbered “16/110” lower left. Float-mounted and presented in a lucite shadowbox frame. 34” x 26”, framed 40” x 32”
Dean Meeker (American, 1920-2002)
“Untitled”, 2000 bronze cast signature and dated at back, on an integral wooden base. h. 12”, w. 6-1/2”, d. 5”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Zvi Raphaeli (Israeli, 1924-2005)
“Mea She’arim Street Scene, Jerusalem”
oil and mixed media on canvas faintly signed lower left and right. Framed.
24” x 24”, framed 29” x 28-1/2”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Buccellati Sterling Silver Candelabra
contemporary, Milan, in the Settecento taste, quartered with serpentine lobes, each with a baluster standard above a deep cavetto-domed base and surmounted by a cannon-form nozzle with fixed circular bobeche, fitted with a detachable superstructure of a shorter central standard surrounded by four scrolling arms, all ending in candle nozzles en suite.
h. 15”, w. 12-3/4”, base dia. 5-3/4”; 121.47 total t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Buccellati Sterling Silver Center Bowl
contemporary, Milan, of oval form with lobed and fluted bowl, raised on a conforming short pedestal foot.
h. 4-3/4”, l. 10-1/4”, d. 8”; 21.68 t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
206 Italian Silver Tray
third quarter 20th century, by Giuseppe Sala, Milan, .800 silver, of oval form with gadrooned rim and applied floral scroll rim and handles en suite.
26” x 16-1/4”; 87.45 t. oz.
Large Buccellati Sterling Silver Bowl
contemporary, Milan, of oval form with lobed rim and bowl, with everted narrow ends, raised on a conforming short pedestal foot. h. 7-1/4”, l. 18-1/4”, d. 8-1/2”; 34.95 t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Large Italian Polished Pewter Figural Champagne Cooler
contemporary, by Figura Piero for Atena, Milan, in the form of a female head adorned with shells, corals and starfish. h. 18-3/4”, dia. 11”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
9’ 9” x 12’ 7”
Antique Tabriz Carpet
10’ 3” x 14’ 10”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (Dutch, 1606-1669)
“Descent from the Cross”, 1633
etching and engraving on laid paper with a fleur-de-lis watermark
(Bartsch; White & Boon 81), 5th state of five. Unframed.
plate 20-3/4” x 16-1/8”
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (Dutch, 1606-1669)
“Abraham Entertaining the Angels”, 1656
etching and drypoint on laid paper with a partial watermark, inscribed in the plate lower left corner: “rembrandt f. 1656”
(Bartsch: White & Boon 29), only state. Unframed.
plate 6-1/4” x 5-3/16”
Albrecht Durer (German, 1471-1528)
“Christ Taking Leave from His Mother”, ca. 1508 woodcut on laid paper from “The Small Passion” (Holstein VII). Unframed. plate 5” x 3-7/8”
217 Albrecht Durer (German, 1471-1528)
“The Lamentation”, 1511 woodcut on laid paper from “The Large Passion”. Unframed. sheet 15-3/8” x 11”
Dutch-Style Burl Walnut Cabinet-on-Stand
early 20th century, the rectangular, acanthinecarved crest above a case fitted with two cabinet doors with ornate, pierced hardware and over two cushion-form drawers, raised on a stand of exaggerated cabriole legs joined by a shellcentered, shaped stretcher and ending in scrolled toes.
h. 58”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 18”
Pair of Flemish-Style Carved Fruitwood Fauteuils
each with a tall, domed crest above an elaborately pierced scrolling foliate- and shell-carved back, joined by outswept foliate-carved arms to the padded seat, raised on shaped legs joined by a pierced shield stretcher and ending in scroll toes.
h. 54”, w. 28”, d. 21”
After Ferdinand Leeke (German, 1859-1923)
“Siegmund, Hunding, and Sieglinde: Act I, Die Walkure (The Valkyrie)”, 1927
oil on canvas erroneously signed “Leeke”, localized “Munchen”, and dated lower left.
39-1/2” x 47-1/2”, framed 48-1/2” x 57”
Provenance: Sold in these galleries August 22, 2015, lot 404.
20th century, in the Flemish taste, each with an arched, padded back, curved arms with scrolled knuckle grips, pierced arm supports, and legs joined by block-and-turned stretchers.
h. 56”, w. 32”, d. 28”
realistically modeled with carefully articulated antlers, on oak backplates.
h. 28-3/4”, w. 18-1/2”, d. 17-1/2”
“View of a Village on Hallstatt See” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed.
27” x 42”, framed 35” x 50”
fourth quarter 19th century, Swiss, the shield-form clock with a crest carved with a pineapple and a quiver, the clock dial framed with pomegranates, grapes and corn, and the bottom with a bagpipe, a quiver and various other trophies.
h. 35”, w. 22”, d. 6-1/4”
Continental Ebonized Cassapanca
19th century, the cornice above a paneled, scrolling foliate- and masque-carved back, joined by sphinx armrests to the hinged seat, opening to a void interior, the front carved en suite, above a gadroon apron, raised on large paw feet. h. 43”, w. 67”, d. 20-1/2”
French Carved Walnut Court Cupboard in the Renaissance Taste
18th century, the upper case supporting a large molded and paneled pediment with a winged angel face in the peak, above a crowned coat of arms depicting the Canon Counts of Brioude, flanked by turned finials, above a case fitted with two deeply molded, framed and paneled doors, flanked by twisted columns, the base of similar design with two side-by-side drawers below the protruding deck. h. 102”, w. 68”, d. 28-1/2”
Pair of Exuberantly Modeled Iberian Baroque-Style Giltwood and Composition Throne Chairs
late 19th century, each with a crowned shield crest flanked by figural finials, above a domed and padded back, joined by molded downswept arms to elaborately scrolled hand rests, the padded seat raised on scrolling legs headed by figural capitals, joined by a pierced foliate masque with a stretcher centered by an elaborate headdress and ending in large foliate scroll feet.
h. 72”, w. 38”, d. 28”
Continental Painted and Parcel-Gilt Mirror
fourth quarter 19th century, in the Baroque taste, the serpentine crest decorated with a bold, scrolled leaf carving, the cove-molded surround with scroll- and leaf-carved trim, set with a beveled mirror plate.
h. 55-1/2”, w. 46-1/2”
late 19th century, the rectangular top with canted corners, above a frieze fitted with a single long drawer with scrollcarved details, the corners with lion masques and supported by two large, bulbous, turned and carved standards at each end, joined by a carved stretcher.
Continental Oak and Olivewood Commode
19th century, the double-bowed top above a conforming case fitted with three long drawers, all with quarter veneering, raised on bun feet. h. 35-1/2”, w. 47”, d. 24”
each decorated with ribbon-bound fruit, the outside edge carved with leaves and the liner carved with lotus. dia. 31-1/2”
18th century, now mounted as lamps, each with carved corbels over recessed panels painted with flowers and scrollwork, on acrylic bases and mounted with contemporary off-white linen shades.
h. 38”, dia. 18”
Contemporary Upholstered Knole-Style Sofa
the padded back and sides accented with artichoke finials, above the deeply cushioned back, raised on a skirted base, the whole with brass tack accents.
h. 39”, w. 94-1/2”, d. 37”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Carved and Painted Sarcophagus-Form Religious Architectural Element
second quarter 19th century, the upper portion painted with Siena faux marbre, the base with portoro faux marbre, with parcel-gilt trim, the facade with a cartouche reading “SSMI”Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate.
h. 22-1/2”, w. 36-3/4”, d. 15”
Provenance: Collection of James Carville and Mary Matalin, New Orleans, Louisiana.
After Andrea del Sarto (Italian, 1486-1530)
“John the Baptist”
oil on canvas
signed “Eugenio Cappelli” lower left, further signed and localized “Lungarno Torrigiani N1A” [Florence, Italy],” with remnants of a red wax seal.
37-1/4” x 26-1/8”, framed 47-1/2” x 36”
Provenance: Estate of Neville N. Simmons-Smith, Brooklyn, New York; Doyle, New York, New York, January 29, 2013, lot 42.
Latin American Carved Wooden “Salvator Mundi”
18th century, the adolescent savior of the world standing on an orb, holding up one hand, now mounted on a contemporary stand.
h. 34-1/2”, w. 11”, d. 6-1/2”
242 Semi-Antique Senneh Carpet
5’ 1” x 6’ 1”
243 Semi-Antique Ladik Prayer Rug
3’ 10” x 6’ 5”
Antique Bidjar Runner
3’ 6” x 18’ 6”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Attributed to Enrico Fanfani (Italian, 1824-1885)
“The Poet Torquato Tasso Entering the Monastery of Sant’Onofrio”
oil on canvas unsigned.
Framed with artist plaque.
55” x 42”, framed 67” x 53”
Provenance: Hugh King, Sr., Pennsylvania; Hugh King, Jr., Tulsa Oklahoma; John (Jack) King, Tulsa, Oklahoma; William Frank Tucker, Jr., Tulsa Oklahoma; Angelique Tucker Bruner, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Noe Bordignon (Italian, 1841-1920)
“In the Convent Garden”, 1880 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Presented in the frame fillet. 38” x 28-1/2”, framed 40” x 30”
Monumental Italian Giltwood and Polychrome Cassone
19th century, the carved, hinged top opening to a void interior, the front and side panels painted with village scenes, raised on carved paw feet. h. 47”, w. 78”, d. 32”
Italian Giltwood Mirror in the Renaissance Revival Taste
fourth quarter 19th century, the upper tablet decorated with leaf-molded scrollwork terminating in medallions, framed with winged angel heads over pilasters with leaf-molded capitals, the paneled sides with flower vines, the bases decorated on each side with polychrome armorial shields.
h. 39-1/4”, w. 33-1/4”
Pair of French Baroque Giltwood Altar Sticks
third quarter 18th century, now mounted as lamps, the faceted standards carved with scrollwork, on bombe-form bases, raised on carved, scrolled feet.
h. 30”, w. 8”
Pair of French Restauration Giltwood and Tole Altar Sticks
second quarter 19th century, set with tole candle sockets and fluted drip pans, the tapered, column-form standards with leaf-carved capitals and bases, supported on leaf-carved plinths, raised on scrolled feet.
h. 33”, dia. 8”
Giltwood Mirror in the Rococo Taste
the pierced scrollwork surround decorated with rocaille work and trailing flower heads down each side, the bottom with flower heads framed by pierced scrollwork.
h. 45”, w. 27-1/2”
Dresden Porcelain Nine-Light Chandelier
second quarter 20th century, unmarked, German, in the rococo taste, shaded pink and green, with gilt-edged scrollwork, the lower arms with putti playing instruments, the upper arms hung with encrusted flower drops alternating with porcelain scrolls, decorated overall with encrusted flowers, the lights with unusual porcelain candle sleeves painted with flowers.
h. 34-3/4”, dia. 30-1/4”
Pair of Italian Fruitwood Armchairs
each with a tall, domed and padded back joined by large, outswept arms on scroll hand rests to the padded seat, raised on shaped legs joined by an arched front stretcher and ending in scrolled toes.
h. 47”, w. 28-1/2”, d. 26-1/2”
Pair of Carved Fruitwood Altar Sticks in the Baroque Taste
20th century, now mounted as lamps, the vasiform carved and fluted standards on bombe-sided bases with corner scrollwork, raised on paw feet.
h. 34-1/2”, dia. 8”
Louis XIII-Style Os de Mouton Fruitwood Center Table
19th century, the canted, rectangular top with a glass insert covering a floral-patterned needlework panel, above a conforming frieze fitted with a single long drawer, raised on molded legs joined by a shaped, X-form stretcher and ending in in-scrolled toes.
h. 28-1/2”, w. 34”, d. 26-1/2”
Paul Desire Trouillebert (French, 1829-1900)
“Au Bord de la Riviere” oil on canvas signed lower right.
19-34” x 24-1/4”, framed 32” x 36”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Anton Mauve (Dutch, 1838-1888)
“Shepherd with His Flock on a Country Road” oil on panel signed lower left. Framed.
9” x 12-3/4”, framed 17” x 22”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Provincial Regence Fruitwood and Marble-Top Commode
18th century, the bowed marble top above a conforming case fitted with two small drawers over two long drawers, all with decorative hardware, raised above a scalloped apron on short cabriole legs.
h. 38-1/2”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 26”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Continental Provincial Cherry and Elmwood Draper’s Table
late 19th century, the long, rectangular top above a conforming frieze fitted with a shaped, floral spray-carved frieze to the front and two drawers to the back, raised on turned and tapered circular legs ending in ball feet.
h. 29-1/2”, w. 94”, d. 31-1/2”
Assembled Partial Service of Bordallo Pinheiro
Pottery Dinnerware
20th century, Portuguese, in the basketweave pattern, the service including twenty-six dinner plates, dia. 10-1/4”, twentyfour salad/dessert plates, dia. 8-1/4”, twelve cereal bowls, dia. 8-1/4”, two open bowls, h. 2”, dia. 7-1/2”, sixteen cups, h. 2-3/4”, dia. 4”, with four matching saucers, dia. 6-1/4”, a salad bowl, h. 3-1/2”, dia. 10-1/2”, a water pitcher, h. 9”, dia. 5-1/2”, a sugar bowl marked “Tiffany & Co., Made in Portugal”, h. 4-1/2”, dia. 3-1/2”, a fruit compote, h. 4-1/2”, w. 9-3/4”, d. 8”, a pair of short candlesticks, h. 3-3/4”, dia. 4-1/4”, three tall candlesticks, h. 6-1/4”, dia. 4-1/4”, and twelve napkin rings, h. 2”, w. 2-3/4”.
Suite of Eight Louis XIII-Style Fruitwood Chairs
late 19th century, each with a padded and domed rectangular back above a padded seat, raised on shaped legs joined by H-form stretchers and ending in scrolled toes, upholstered in striped velvet with brass-headed tacks. h. 42”, w. 19”, d. 18”
Franz de Beul (Belgian, 1849-1919)
“Shepherd with His Flock” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed.
25-1/2” x 31-5/8”, framed 32-1/2” x 39”
Provincial Bleached Oak Drop-Leaf Table
early 19th century, the rounded top with two oval leaves, raised on urn-form end supports joined by a shaped stretcher and ending in runner feet.
h. 31-1/2”, w. 51-1/2”, d. 17-1/2”, ext. l. 44-1/2”
Provincial Louis XV Fruitwood and Burlwood Commode
18th century, the fruitwood commode having a slightly bowed top, above a conforming case fitted with two long drawers inset with burlwood panels and fitted with elaborate hardware, raised above a scalloped apron on cabriole legs ending in scrolled toes.
h. 34”, w. 49”, d. 22”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
265 Provincial Louis XV Fruitwood Bureau
18th century, the rectangular top above a star-inlaid slant front opening to two small central cupboards, surmounted by a variety of drawers and cubbyholes, over a single, long drawer, raised on molded cabriole legs.
h. 40”, w. 42”, d. 20”
Large French Provincial Walnut Armoire
18th century, in the Louis XV taste, each framed and paneled door with a central carved panel, the shaped and molded cornice above a carved frieze centered by a shell-carved cartouche, the interior fitted with a pair of drawers and shelves.
h. 111”, w. 74”, d. 30”
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Albert-Gabriel Rigolot (French, 1862-1932)
“Paysage a L’Etang”
oil on canvas
20” x 36”, framed 30-1/2” x 49”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
S. J. Hunter (British, 19th/20th Century)
“Fisherman’s Departure”
“Return at the End of the Day”
two oils on canvas each signed lower left, the latter titled on brass artist plaque.
20” x 30”, framed 30” x 39-3/4”
Pair of Italian Baroque Walnut Demi-lune Tables
18th/19th century, the tops with a molded edge, supported by scroll-cut legs, joined by a stretcher and a pair of scroll-cut braces.
h. 29”, w. 47”, d. 23”
late 18th century, the rounded, rectangular top above a conforming case fitted with three drawers above two cupboard doors, each inset with a shaped panel, all with inlaid decorative banding, raised above a scalloped apron on molded toes.
h. 37”, w. 48-1/2”, d. 21”
Giltwood Mirror in the Italian Rococo Taste
20th century, New York, the pierced, scrollwork and rocaillecarved crest and sides on scrolled and pierced feet, set with a beveled mirror plate, a Mirror Fair label on the back.
h. 67”, w. 36-1/2”
18th century, the shaped oak top supported by a conforming body with three doors featuring carved reserves, over a shaped apron, and raised on scrolled feet. h. 47”, w. 74”, d. 26”
Continental Olivewood Desk
early 20th century, in the Louis XV taste, the shaped and bowed top banded and above a central drawer, flanked to either side by two short drawers, raised on cabriole legs headed by foliate carving and ending in molded toes.
h. 31”, w. 46-1/2”, d. 22”
Provincial Louis XV-Style Fruitwood and SlateTop Center Table
19th century, the rectangular top with a full raised edge around the black slate top, above a conforming scalloped frieze and with foliate scroll carving, fitted with a small drawer to each end, raised on molded cabriole legs ending in foliate toes.
h. 28”, w. 44-1/2”, d. 26-1/2”
275 Leon Richet (French, 1847-1907)
“La Chaumiere a Fontainbleau”, 1872
oil on panel signed and dated lower left, verso with “Callan Fine Art, New Orleans, LA” label en verso. Framed.
19-3/4” x 27-1/16”, framed 25-3/4” x 33-3/8”
Provenance: Callan Fine Art, New Orleans, Louisiana; Salis et Vertes, Munich, Germany, March 1996; Van Ham Kunstauktionen, Cologne, Germany, April 21, 2007, lot 253; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Johan Barthold Jongkind (Dutch/French, 1819-1891)
“Paysage en Bleu”
oil on canvas signed lower right, verso with label. Framed.
13” x 19”, framed 23” x 31”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Provincial Louis XV-Style Walnut Commode
18th century, the rectangular, serpentine top with stepped edges, above a conforming case with a bank of three drawers mounted with foliate hardware, paneled sides, and a serpentine skirt, raised on cabriole legs. h. 37”, w. 50”, d. 26”
Suite of Six Louis XIII-Style Walnut Dining Chairs
20th century, each with a domed and padded back above a like seat, raised on turned legs joined by a shaped, X-form stretcher and ending in bun feet. h. 46”, w. 19”, d. 18”
Large Pair of Cold-Painted Vienna Bronze Fighting Cockerels
20th century, the fowl posed in combatant attitudes, realistically detailed and polychromed.
h. 8-3/4”, l. 8-3/4” and h. 6-1/2”, l. 11-1/2”
French-Style Iron and Marble-Top Baker’s Table
the rounded, rectangular marble top above a pierced pendant frieze, raised on a scrolling base with brass accents.
h. 30-1/2”, w. 42-1/2”, d. 25”
Pierced Cast Iron Firescreen
second quarter 20th century, probably Continental, with a central satyr masque set into a beaded surround, against a ground of molded laurel branches, on bold, scrolled supports, painted black with gilt accents.
h. 22”, w. 26-1/2”, d. 14-3/4”
Set of Four Mid-Century Iron Garden Armchairs
of neoclassical inspiration, with scrollwork, pierced backs, rolled arms and woven metal seats with cushions, over curule bases,
h. 29”, w. 39-1/4”, d. 19-1/2”
Painted Metal Cow’s Head in the French Boucherie Style
the gray- and black-painted cow’s head mounted on a metal shield-form backplate.
h. 19-1/2”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 12”
284 Henry Schouten (Belgian, 1864/7-1927)
“Farm Scene with Dogs Pulling a Cart”
oil on canvas signed lower right.
26” x 30”, framed 34-1/2” x 39”
285 Charles-Emile Jacque (French, 1813-1894)
“Bergere au Repos avec Son Troupeau”
oil on canvas signed lower left.
19” x 31-1/2”, framed 32” x 44-1/2”
Provenance: Atelier Charles-Emile Jacque, Paris, France, 1894; Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, France; Callan Fine Art, New Orleans, Louisiana; Keil’s Antiques, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2008; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Exhibited: Return to Nature: J. F. Millet, the Barbizon Artists and the Renewal of the Rural Tradition, Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Kofu.
The Barbizon Artists: Coexistence with Nature, Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Kofu, 2001.
Jean-Pierre Chambon confirmed the authenticity of this painting for Callan Fine Art.
Joseph Koch (German, 1819-1871)
oil on canvas signed lower right.
34” x 45-1/2”, framed 40” x 52”
Antonio Cortes y Aguilar (Spanish, 1827-1908)
“Cows, Sheep and Goat in the Pasture” oil on canvas signed lower right.
25-1/2” x 36”, framed 36” x 46-1/2”
Pair of Italian Walnut Petite Commodes
19th century, each with a bowed top and canted corners, above a conforming case fitted with three drawers, all banded, raised above a shaped apron on cabriole legs ending in pointed toes.
h. 32-1/2”, w. 25”, d. 14-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Italian Walnut and Fruitwood Commode
18th century, the shaped and slightly bowed top above a conforming case fitted with three long drawers, all inset with three shaped and burled panels, raised on cabriole legs ending in scrolled toes.
h. 34”, w. 37-1/2”, d. 22-1/2”
Continental Gilt- and Silvered Brass Singing Bird Automaton Box
early 20th century, Swiss or Austrian, the rectangular box with canted and rounded corners, the sides and underside engraved with flowers on a guilloche ground, the lid with Swiss enameled panels of flowers centering an oval lid with Alpine landscape opening, by means of a sliding switch on the front of the box, to reveal a mechanical songbird with flapping wings; the winding key concealed in a compartment on the back of the box.
h. 1-1/2”, w. 3-3/4”, d. 2-3/8”
Unusual Italian Giltwood Mirror in the Baroque Taste
mid-18th century, the crest with a central roundel carved with bellflowers, flanked by carved scrollwork and eagle’s heads, sitting atop a leaf-carved, cove-molded giltwood frame, the beveled mirror plate framed with pilasters decorated with carved Ionic capitals and fluted mirror plate bodies.
h. 65-1/2”, w. 41”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
292 Italian School (Fourth Quarter 18th/First Quarter 19th Century)
“Capriccio, Ships Docked Amid Ruins”
oil on linen unsigned.
31-1/8” x 41-1/8”, framed 37-1/4” x 47-1/8”
Provenance: Parc Monceau Antiques, Atlanta, Georgia, February 20, 2012.
Patinated Bronze Figural Group of Hercules Capturing the Golden-Antlered Hind of Ceryneia
20th century, after the antique, representing the third labor of Hercules, on a black and white marble base.
h. 26”, w. 10”, l. 27”
Cast Stone “Hercules” Figural Planter
20th century, the planter decorated with molded lion’s heads, supported by the classical male figure, above a pedestal molded with wreaths.
h. 69”, w. 18”, d. 18”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Assembled Pair of Italian Grand Tour Marble and Bronze Figures
fourth quarter 19th century, the figures of Larunda and Mercury on turned black marble bases set with bronze plaques of putti, Larunda with a flame to light the pathway for the dead to the underworld, h. 22-3/4”, w. 7-1/2”, and Mercury carrying his caduceus, h. 21-1/2”, w. 5”, d. 6-1/2”.
Collection of Bronze and Marble Neoclassical Grand Tour Souvenirs
19th/20th century, Italian, including a bronze Roman gladiator on a white-veined black marble base, h. 20-1/2”, w. 16”, d. 4”, a bronze and marble circular temple with a classical figure inside, h. 13-1/2”, dia. 6”, a copy of the “Discobolus, h. 10-1/2”, w. 5-3/4”, a bronze after the “Winged Victory of Samothrace”, on an Ionic column, h. 9”, w. 3”, d. 2”, and a bronze after “The Dancing Faun”, h. 6”, w. 2-1/2”, d. 2”, together with a later winged Michelangelo’s “David”, on a composition marble base, h. 15-1/4”, w. 5”, d. 5”.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
After Giambologna (Italian, 1529-1608)
“Ratto delle Sabine”
patinated bronze
20th century, after the 1579/83 monumental figura serpentina marble created for Cosimo de Medici and now conserved at the Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence, on a square black marble base with title plaque.
h. 41-1/2”, w. 19”, d. 15”
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Collection of Grand Tour Plaster Medallions
second quarter 19th century, the medallions of various neoclassical subjects, two with gilt paper surrounds, now mounted in contemporary giltwood frames on black backing.
h. 10-1/2”, w. 9” and h. 22”, w. 5-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Parcel-Gilt Mirrors in the Baroque Taste
third quarter 20th century, the mirror plates lined with leaf-carved giltwood against an ebonized cove molding, with an outer giltwood carved edge. h. 54-1/2”, w. 30-1/2”
Continental Ebonized Chinoiserie Console Table/Shelf
late 19th century, the shaped, rectangular top within a three-quarter shaped gallery and featuring gilt and gesso chinoiserie figural scenes, above a single, open shelf, raised on slender cabriole legs. h. 32-1/4”, w. 37-1/2”, d. 12”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Continental Ebonized Chinoiserie Console Table/Shelf
late 19th century, the shaped, rectangular top within a three-quarter shaped gallery and featuring gilt and gesso chinoiserie figural scenes, above a single, open shelf, raised on slender cabriole legs. h. 32-1/4”, w. 37-1/2”, d. 12”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Italian Giltwood Candelabra in the Baroque Taste
ca. 1900, now mounted as lamps, the pierced candelabra decorated with leaf-carved vases supporting carved leaves framed in scrollwork and accented with flower heads, above rectangular bases decorated with carved flowers on a stippled ground, on acrylic plinths and mounted with contemporary off-white linen shades.
h. 34”, dia. 19”
303 Giltwood Mirror in the Italian Rococo Taste
20th century, the large, pierced crest decorated with scrollwork and rocaille work, over scrollwork on the upper side, the outer surround carved with leaves and flower heads, the inner mirror-platelined surround with leaf carving, on scroll-carved and pierced feet.
h. 70”, w. 36”
304 Italian Giltwood and Upholstered Headboard
in the rococo taste, the pierced and carved frame with floral and vine motifs, centered by an open shell cartouche, and painted with sprays of flowers, fitted with a padded panel.
h. 58”, w. 68”, d. 4”
Neoclassical-Style Iron and Parcel-Gilt Coffee Table
the plate glass top with rounded corners and resting on a twisted iron base with animal-form legs joined by an X-form stretcher and ending in hoof feet.
h. 18”, w. 43”, d. 27”
Pair of English Lead Garden Urns
19th century, inspired by the Warwick Vase, each with an egg-and-dart rim and molded sides set with twisted handles, raised on fluted bases.
h. 13”, w. 24”, d. 17-3/4”
Bronze and Marble Table in the Etruscan Taste
20th century, the later circular, fossilized black and white marble top resting on a conforming skirt decorated with ram’s heads supporting swags of leaves, the tripod base decorated with seated sphinxes resting on monopodia, set with pierced and scrolled cross stretchers, on a molded plinth base.
h. 30”, dia. 24-3/4”
Bronze and Frosted Glass Floor Lamp in the Neoclassical Taste
20th century, the hemispherical, frosted glass shade supported on a cluster of turned standards secured with bronze rope and tassel “ties”, on a triangular base with lotus-molded ogee edges, raised on paw feet.
h. 65-1/2”, dia. 16”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Continental Provincial Polychrome Commode
early 20th century, the rounded, rectangular top above a conforming case fitted with two short drawers over three long drawers, all with painted scrolling foliate designs, raised on tall toupie feet.
h. 36”, w. 41”, d. 21”
Pair of Painted Metal Tree Tubs in the Neoclassical Taste
each with cone-form finials on the corners, the paneled sides decorated with wreath-form mounts, raised on bun feet.
h. 22-1/2”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 16-1/2”
Pair of Painted Metal Tree Tubs in the Neoclassical Taste
each with cone-form finials on the corners, the paneled sides decorated with wreath-form mounts, raised on bun feet.
h. 22-1/2”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 16-1/2”
Venetian Mirror in the Rococo Taste
20th/21st century, the crest with an engraved basket of flowers framed with scrollwork, the cushion-form surround lined with spiral-blown glass accented with blown glass flowers and scrollwork, the panels engraved with flowers and sprays of flowers.
h. 50”, w. 33”
Unusual Iron and Mirrored Occasional Table
the circular, mirrored top raised on a clustered-column standard to a scrolling base accented with argente grape clusters.
h. 24-1/2”, dia. 19”
Gilt-Metal and Glass Chandelier of Russian Inspiration
the six-light chandelier having a corona decorated with sprays of glass-beaded leaves, over a ring set with swags of drops, the leaf-molded arms terminating in turned candle sockets and prism rings, alternating with gilt-metal sprays of glass medallions, the arms hung with swags of drops and the bottom with a faceted ball.
h. 35-1/2”, dia. 29-1/2”
early 20th century, each with a padded, rectangular back within a molded frame, joined by rounded and turned arms with ebonized accents to the cushioned seat, raised on turned, circular legs ending in ebonized ball feet.
h. 38”, w. 25”, d. 21”
the segmented and veneered top with a central inlaid medallion, above a frieze fitted with a drawer, raised on tapered square legs with ebonized stringing and ending in turned feet, bearing a label on the underside.
h. 30”, w. 35-1/2”, d. 35-1/2”
second quarter 19th century, German, each rounded bracket with a rosewoodveneered top over a tapered fruitwood and walnut-crossbanded standard, set with a turned pendant finial.
h. 13”, w. 22”, d. 10-1/2”
Pair of Neoclassical-Style Fruitwood Fauteuils
20th century, each with a slightly curved crest above a rectangular splat with an inlaid classical figure, joined by downswept arms to the cushioned seat, raised on sabre legs with small ebonized accents, covered in woven horsehair fabric.
h. 34”, w. 23-1/2”, d. 20”
Pair of Neoclassical-Style Fruitwood Commodes
each with a banded, rectangular top above a conforming case fitted with three long drawers, all with decorative banding, the sides banded en suite, raised on tapered square legs.
h. 36-1/2”, w. 43-1/4”, d. 19-1/2”
Giltwood, Gilt-Metal and Tole Chandelier
in the Italian provincial taste, the six-light chandelier with a fluted and leaf-carved vasiform standard set with scrolled, metal candle arms hung with wooden tassels, mounted with tole candle sockets on fluted drip pans.
h. 33”, dia. 38-1/2”
Pair of Large Cast Stone Garden Figures in the Neoclassical Taste
20th century, including Artemis, goddess of the hunt, with her dog and clutching an arrow, h. 67”, w. 23”, d. 21”, and her companion, Apollo, holding his bow and quiver of arrows, h. 71”, w. 21-1/2”, d. 22-1/2”.
Pair of Unusual Italian Carved Pine Architectural Pilasters
first half 20th century, carved with busts with scrolled headdresses, on scroll- and leaf-carved bases, the tapered, paneled pilasters decorated with carved, trailing fruit at the top, the bases with cove-molded trim. h. 89-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 6”
After Emil Teschendorff (German, 1833-1894)
“Antigone and Ismene”, 1896
oil on canvas laid down on board titled, illegibly signed and dated lower left. Framed.
37” x 29-1/2”, framed 47-1/2” x 39”
Continental Neoclassical Fruitwood and Mixed Woods Secretaire a Abattant
19th century, the D-form top above a conforming trompe-l’oeil-inlaid edge and case, fitted with a paneled frieze drawer over a drop front, featuring a marquetry scene of a fisherman battling a sea monster within a landscape, opening to two drawers and storage compartments over three long drawers, flanked to either side by a rounded cupboard door, with decorative banding and elaborate scroll inlays, the whole raised on tapered square legs.
h. 61-1/2”, w. 66”, d. 19”
Louis XV-Style Creme-Peinte and Parcel-Gilt Bench
19th century, the padded, long seat above a shaped frieze with applied foliate and floral accents, raised on cabriole legs ending in molded feet on pegs.
h. 17-1/2”, w. 45”, d. 15”
Continental Neoclassical-Style Giltwood Occasional Table
19th century, the rounded, square top with a glass inset over a polychrome and gilt chessboard, within a floral garland band, raised on a scrolling foliate support to a molded circular base to foliate feet.
h. 22”, w. 23”, d. 23”
Pair of Continental Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Occasional Tables
each with an inset rectangular marble top raised on a naturalistically rendered standard of intertwined branches, with carved leaves and birds, to a tripod base ending in scrolled toes on pad feet.
h. 32-1/2”, w. 17”, d. 14”
20th century, the rocaille-carved surround accented with pierced scrollwork at the crest and corners, the crest ornamented with a swag of flowers, the corners with carved shells and the ogee liner carved with leaves. h. 54-1/2”, w. 46”
20th century, composed of mottled brown and cream marble, the campana-form urns with reeded bodies, on matching fluted pedestals. overall h. 56-1/2”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 14-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
20th century, in the Baroque taste, each painted with a pair of putti supporting a Baroque framed mirror in a landscape, the beveled mirror plates and exteriors with giltwood surrounds.
early 19th century and later, in the neoclassical taste, the banded and quarter-veneered slant front centered by an oval panel with an inlaid star, and opening to an interior fitted with a baize-lined writing surface and a variety of drawers and cupboards, over three long drawers, all banded and quarterveneered, raised on tapered square legs.
Parcel-Giltwood, Metal and Tole Chandelier
in the Italian provincial taste, the six-light chandelier with a corona of giltwood tassels, supported on a painted and parcel-gilt vasiform standard accented with reeding, set with scrolled candle arms decorated with leaves and terminating in turned and parcel-gilt wooden candle sockets.
h. 37-1/2”, dia. 37”
Continental Bleached Mahogany and Marble-Top Center Table
mid-19th century, the circular marble top with a molded edge, above a conforming plain frieze, raised on a columnar standard with foliate carving to a concave base on acanthine scrolled feet.
h. 31”, dia. 44”
Italian Alabaster Lamp in the Neoclassical Taste
ca. 1900, the ball shade carved with swags of laurel leaves and square medallions, and perched atop a standard decorated with putti frolicking in a grape orchard, on a covemolded base.
h. 28-1/2”, dia. 9-1/4”
Pair of Neoclassical-Style CremePeinte and Parcel-Gilt Stools
each with a padded, rectangular top over a curule-form base centered by a gilt patera and ending in molded feet.
h. 20”, w. 25”, d. 17-1/2”
343 Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Wood and Metal Chandelier
in the Italian provincial taste, the nine-light chandelier with a spray of giltwood tassels forming the corona, the carved wooden standard set with metal leaves and a giltwood bellflower pendant drop, the scrolled metal arms with giltwood tassels and turned candle cups with giltwood trim.
h. 41”, dia. 41”
Suite of Six Baltic Neoclassical-Style Stripped and Bleached Beechwood Armchairs
each with a fan-form crest above an annulated horizontal splat, joined by scrolling arms to the padded seat, raised on sabre legs ending in bulbous feet.
h. 35”, w. 23”, d. 20”
Italian Neoclassical Alabaster Figure of a Nymph on a Pedestal
ca. 1900, the standing nymph dressed in a diaphanous gown with green enamel incised wave-form trim, marked on the base, “A. Cesti”, the pedestal standard decorated with bands of carved grapes and grape leaves, the upper portion fluted and the lower portion stop-fluted.
h. 78”, w. 14”, d. 14”
Large Silvered Bronze Sphinx of Memphis
first quarter 20th century, the recumbent sphinx with the death mask of a pharaoh, decorated with hieroglyphs, probably made after the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922.
h. 26-1/2”, w. 25-1/2”, l. 49-1/2”
Pair of Anglo-Indian-Style Argente Metal-Clad Stools
each with a padded square top above a paneled floral-modeled frieze, raised on foliate-modeled cabriole legs ending in ball-and-claw feet.
h. 21-1/2”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 16-1/2”
19th century and later, the rectangular top above a conforming case fitted with a Greek-key-painted frieze drawer over two long, recessed drawers, flanked to either side by a foliate, ormolu-applied upright, raised on stepped block feet.
h. 36”, w. 46”, d. 24-1/2”
20th century, now mounted as lamps, in the Baroque taste, the reeded vasiform bodies set with fluted tole drip pans and bird-head-carved handles, on cove-molded bases and mounted with contemporary pleated silk shades. h. 28”, dia. 16”
late 19th century, the rectangular top deeply canted and above a conforming case fitted with a long, central drawer over two paneled cupboard doors, flanked to either side by a small canted drawer over a paneled cupboard, the whole with polychrome trim accents and raised on block feet.
h. 47”, w. 68”, d. 23-1/2”
Pair of Italian Parcel Giltwood, Metal and Tole Candelabra
20th century, in the neoclassical taste, with three tiers of scrolled candle arms set with parcel-silver giltwood trumpetform candle supports, mounted with prickets and floriform drip pans, on urn-form bases painted gray with fluted giltwood trim. h. 54-1/2”, w. 27”, d. 9-1/2”
Allison Stewart (American/Louisiana, b. 1941)
“River Log #3”, 2008 mixed media on paper signed lower right, and “Arthur Roger Gallery, New Orleans” label with artist, title and date en verso. sheet 23” x 22-3/4”, framed 28-1/2” x 27-3/4”
Provenance: Arthur Roger Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana; Private collection.
Trained as a biologist, Allison Stewart’s paintings reflect her interests and concerns about the natural environment.
Continental Provincial Polychrome Commode
early 20th century, the canted, rectangular top above a case fitted with three long drawers, all with polychrome banded accents, raised on tapered square legs. h. 34-1/2”, w. 39”, d. 19-1/2”
Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet
9’ x 11’ 8”
355 Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet
8’ 1” x 10’
356 Turkish Angora Oushak Runner
2’ 8” x 19’ 7”
Theo van Rysselberghe (Belgian, 1862-1926)
“Mimosas, St. Clair”, 1912
oil on canvas monogrammed lower left, verso with artist label inscribed with the title and a partial “Galerie Georges Giroux” label. Framed.
17” x 20”, framed 24” x 26-1/2”
Provenance: Galerie Georges Giroux, Brussels, Belgium; Sotheby’s, New York, June 22, 1983, lot 20; Collection of Monica Perls and the late Hugo Perls (1886-1977), New York; The Estate of Gary Baxter Webb, Houston, Texas; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Literature: Feltkamp, Ronald. Theo van Rysselberghe, 18621926. Paris: Editions de l’amateur, 2003, no. 1912-028.
Theo van Rysselberghe was a talented Belgian NeoImpressionist, who was one of the founding members of the Brussels avant-garde group Les Vingt (The Twenty). The group, comprised of twenty independent artists, promoted diverse styles that rejected the traditions of the art academies and the Salon which sanctioned them through state-funded exhibitions. Instead, they exhibited annually on their own in concert with twenty other invited international artists. Through these exhibitions, van Rysselberghe was introduced to French NeoImpressionism and the divisionist technique of employing dots of pigment and allowing the eye to mix them through a complex understanding of color theory and optics rather than mixing them on the palette. The painting offered here is a fine example of his early exploration with divisionism, whereas this oeuvre, painted after he moved to Paris in 1897, shows a far greater command of the technique in the juxtaposition of the mimosas with the complimentary colored decorative background. Though not dated, van Rysselberghe painted three other paintings of mimosas in 1912 that, according to Ronald Feltkamp, are consistent with the style in this example.
“La Lectrice au Jardin”, 1909
oil on canvas signed and dated lower right, with Sotheby’s label on stretcher. Framed.
18-1/4” x 21-3/4”, framed 26” x 31”
Provenance: Machoir & Bailly, Versailles, October 29, 1989, lot 113; Sotheby’s Arcade, New York City, sale 1433, June 30, 1993, lot 53; The Estate of Gary Baxter Webb, Houston, Texas; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
“La Fenaison”
oil on canvas signed lower right, “Galerie Felix Vercel” stamp en verso. Framed.
47-1/2” x 21-1/2”, framed 59” x 33”
Provenance: Galerie Felix Vercel, Paris, France; Sotheby’s, New York, sale 6770, November 9, 1995, lot 439; The Estate of Gary Baxter Webb, Houston, Texas; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Cherry Jeffe Huldah (American/Florida, 1901-2001)
“Entre Nous”, 1944
oil on canvas signed lower left, signed, titled and dated en verso canvas. Framed.
44” x 37”, framed 53-1/2” x 45”
Provenance: Howard Young Estate; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
363 Albert Decamps (French, 1862-1908)
“Cerisiers en Fleurs, pres de Picard”
oil on canvas signed lower right, “Mon. Hess L. Besnard Gerant” suppliers stamp en verso.
23-1/4” x 31-3/4”, framed 30-3/4” x 39”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
364 Hugues Claude Pissarro (French, b. 1935)
“Chemin des Clayes au Printemps”
pastel on paper signed lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 13” x 18-3/4”, framed 23-1/2” x 30”
Provenance: Galerie Le Minotaure, Paris, France; Estate of Elmira Ann Harrison Parnell Gregorie, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
365 Narcisse Guilbert (French, 1878-1942)
“Cours-La-Reine, Martin d’Ete, Rouen”
oil on canvas signed lower left “Guilbert”, titled and signed en verso canvas, verso affixed with “Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd., London” gallery label.
18” x 23-1/2”, framed 23” x 29”
Provenance: Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd., London, England; Christie’s, London, June 29, 1982, lot 356; The Estate of Gary Baxter Webb, Houston, Texas; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
366 Edmond Marie Petitjean (French, 1844-1925)
“La Riviere dans L’apres-midi”
oil on canvas signed lower left, and “Kurt E. Schon Ltd. Fine Art, New Orleans, LA” label with artist and title en verso.
21-1/2” x 29”, framed 29” x 36-1/2”
Provenance: Kurt E. Schon Ltd. Fine Art, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Baltic Neoclassical-Style Polychrome Settee
19th century, of box form, the slatted back and sides within a clustered, guilloche-carved frame, joined by columnar uprights to the cushioned seat, raised on tapered circular legs headed by floral block capitals and ending in bulbous feet. h. 36”, w. 75”, d. 29”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Italian Provincial Parcel-Giltwood, Crystal and Metal Chandelier
the five-light chandelier with a spray of glass drops, medallions and swags forming the corona, supported on a vasiform parcelgiltwood standard with scrolled candle arms set with candles, hung with strands of faceted beads and accented with star-form glass medallions hung with drops.
h. 30”, dia. 21-1/2”
Continental Provincial Polychrome Commode
early 20th century, the shaped, rectangular top above a case fitted with four long drawers, raised on bracket feet. h. 39-1/2”, w. 49”, d. 21”
370 Frank Myers Boggs (American/French, 1855-1926)
“Harbor - Venice”
oil on canvas signed lower left, verso with “Richard York Gallery, New York, N.Y.” label.
27-1/8” x 12”, framed 35” x 19-1/2”
Provenance: Richard York Gallery, New York, New York; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
of circular form with padded seats and conforming aprons, raised on turned and fluted legs.
Northern European Polychrome Side Table
19th century, the bowed and shaped painted wood top above a conforming frieze, raised on cabriole legs joined by an urncentered, X-form stretcher and ending in shaped toes.
Dramatic Neoclassical-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Four-Post Canopy Bed
the carved tester frame with a central shell cartouche and supported by reeded and vinecarved posts, fitted with a padded and tufted headboard.
h. 95”, inside w. 78”, l. 84”, outside w. 91”, l. 97”
374 Italian Rococo-Style Polychrome Console Table
composed of antique elements, the serpentine top with a beaded edge, over an apron with canted corners, raised on scrolling, acanthinecarved legs ending in scroll toes.
h. 29”, w. 64”, d. 29”
Pair of Italian Provincial Polychrome Hall Chairs
19th century, in the Renaissance style, each with a cartouche-carved back, over a seat raised on supports centered by a medallion carving.
h. 36”, w. 12”, d. 15”
Pair of Chinese Hu-Form Vases
now mounted as lamps, with a celadon crackled glaze and mounted on giltwood bases.
h. 16”, dia. 7”
377 John C. Terelak (American, b. 1942)
“Lower Broadway, at Dusk”, 1984
oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Framed.
12” x 16”, framed 15-1/2” x 19-1/2”
378 Jean Dufy (French, 1888-1964)
“Bateaux de Peche a Honfleur”
watercolor and gouache on paper signed lower right. Glazed and framed. sight 18-1/2” x 24”, framed 28” x 35”
Provenance: Private collection, Montreal, Canada; Hammer Galleries, New York, New York; Richard Webb Estate, North Carolina.
Certificate of authenticity no. 3175 from Leondre Quesnel, February 1996, Paris.
Niek van der Plas (Dutch, b. 1954)
“Venice, Rialto Bridge”
oil on wood panel signed lower right. Framed.
19-1/2” x 21-1/2”, framed 27-1/4” x 29-1/4”
Pair of Painted Altar-Style Pricket Sticks
of Baroque inspiration, the tripod-form sticks with scroll-cut sides and circular, molded tops set with iron prickets. h. 55”, dia. 16”
Parcel-Giltwood and Metal Chandelier of Baroque Inspiration
the six-light chandelier with a pierced crown forming the corona, supporting the main ring, set with scrolled candle arms terminating in turned candle sockets, alternating with Baroque-style carved scrollwork mounts, with a gilt tole and carved wooden medallion pendant finial.
h. 32”, dia. 35”
French Provincial Polychrome Buffet
19th century, the rectangular top above a conforming case fitted with two drawers over two paneled cupboard doors, raised on a plinth base with low, molded feet.
h. 38-1/2”, w. 54-1/2”, d. 25-1/2”
Continental Carved and Bleached Beechwood and Marble-Top Trestle Table
ca. 1900, the gray breche marble top set within a carved frame and supported by heavily carved trestle ends with angels and sprays of fruit and flowers, the underside with turned and carved balustrades mounted to a large stretcher.
h. 30”, w. 63”, d. 35-1/2”
John Torina (American/Memphis, b. 1953)
“Sunset Over a River Landscape”
oil on canvas signed lower right.
37” x 48”, framed 41-1/2” x 54”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Provincial Italian Fruitwood Writing Desk
20th century, the shaped, rectangular top above an ogee-molded frieze fitted with three drawers, raised on cabriole legs.
h. 29-1/2”, w. 41-1/2”, d. 21”
Giltwood Mirror in the Italian Rococo Taste
20th century, the crest inset with mirror plate and carved with scrollwork and acanthus leaves and a central cabochon, the side panels carved to match, the base with scroll-framed mirror plate and scrollcarved feet on each side.
h. 58”, w. 35-1/2”
Pair of Louis XV-Style Bleached Fruitwood Bergeres
the domed and trisected back surmounted by a floral crest, joined by downswept sides and padded arms to the cushioned seat, raised on molded cabriole legs headed by floral carving and ending in scrolled toes.
h. 38”, w. 29”, d. 21”
each with a padded and rounded back surmounted by a foliate crest, joined by padded, scrolling arms to the like seat, raised on molded cabriole legs ending in scrolled toes.
h. 37-1/2”, w. 28”, d. 23”
20th century, the eight-light chandelier having a glass-clad frame set with a corona of cut glass drops, terminating in scrolled arms set with molded glass prism rings, the arms hung with swags of faceted prisms and various cut glass drops.
h. 20”, dia. 27”
mid-20th century, the molded back frame with a central floral cartouche over a padded back and reversible cushion, raised on turned and fluted legs.
h. 32”, w. 53”, d. 29”
Large Polychrome and Marble-Top Buffet
in the Louis XVI taste, the breakfront white marble top above a conforming case fitted with three frieze drawers, all with patera guilloche carving above two central paned doors, flanked to either side by a fluted columnar upright and a paneled cupboard door featuring a torchere festoon, further flanked by a like upright, raised on short, fluted, tapered circular legs.
h. 44”, w. 77”, d. 23”
French-Style Carrara Marble Fireplace Mantel in the Rococo Taste
the serpentine mantel shelf carved with scroll-framed shells, framed with sprays of flowers, the vertical side panels mount at an angle on the corners and are decorated with carved leaves with sprays of flowers and leaf-carved corbels above the baseboard plinth.
h. 45-1/2”, w. 62”, d. 13-1/2”, inside h. 35”, w. 40-1/2”
French-Style Carrara Marble Fireplace Mantel in the Rococo Taste
the serpentine mantel shelf carved with scroll-framed shells, framed with sprays of flowers, the vertical side panels mount at an angle on the corners and are decorated with carved leaves with sprays of flowers and leaf-carved corbels above the baseboard plinth.
h. 45-1/2”, w. 62”, d. 13-1/2”, inside h. 35”, w. 40-1/2”
Continental Paint-on-Canvas Three-Panel Screen
trimmed with yellow marbleizing on a wooden frame, one side decorated with a sweeping peasant woman in 18th-century costume, and scroll-trimmed panels of various plants, and the other side decorated with scroll-trimmed panels of various animals.
h. 79-1/2”, w. 92”
Italian Neoclassical-Style Polychrome Commode
20th century, the rectangular pine top with a molded edge, above a conforming case fitted with two long drawers, raised on tapered square legs, the whole painted in a decorative scrolling pattern.
h. 34-1/2”, w. 43-1/2”, d. 18”
Italian Neoclassical-Style Polychrome Commode
20th century, the rectangular pine top with a molded edge, above a conforming case fitted with two long drawers, raised on tapered square legs, the whole painted in a decorative scrolling pattern.
h. 34-1/2”, w. 43-1/2”, d. 18”
Seven Pieces of Egyptian and Greek Revival Silverplate
19th and early 20th century, including:
a Pair of WMF Vases, amphora-form with palmette-crested lion’s paw feet on a triangular plinth base, h. 12-3/4”, w. 4”; a Neo-Grec Vase, ovoid with laurel banding, recessed classical medallions and arched tubular handles, h. 10”, w. 4-1/4”; a Tea and Sugar Box, oval with ringed lion’s masque handles and sphinx finial, monogrammed “MP”, h. 5-1/4”, w. 6-1/4”; a Center Bowl, navette-form with openwork band of laurel wreaths and griffins, fitted with a cobalt glass liner, l. 13-3/4”, w. 6”;
a Fruit Basket, .800 silver, by Franz Reusswig, Hanau, oval with openwork band of Melusines and cornucopia, with ball feet and swing handles, fitted with a cobalt glass liner, h. 4-1/4” (9-1/2” with handle), l. 9-7/8”; 16.08 t. oz. (excluding liner); and
a Hot Water Urn, with Greek-key banding, caryatid feet, ringed lion’s masque handles and sphinx finials on the lid and stretcher plateau, h. 16-3/4”, w. 11-1/2”.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Three Pieces of Empire-Style Sterling and Silverplate contemporary, including: an English sterling silver coffeepot, hallmarked Birmingham, 1996, by Victoria Silverware, h. 10”, l. 8-1/2”; a French silverplate center bowl, Christofle, Paris, h. 5-3/4”, dia. 9”; and a French silverplate tea tray, Christofle, Paris, l. 21-3/8”, w. 12-1/2”; all variously decorated with leaf-and-dart banding, eagle’s heads and acanthus-crested reeding.
15.37 t. oz. (sterling coffeepot only)
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
fourth quarter 20th century, Paris, France, including forty-five place pieces and eight serving pieces, no monograms, together with a large assortment of Christofle boxes and individual piece storage pouches.
53 pieces (plus boxes & pouches)
75.72 total t. oz. (weighable silver)
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Detailed list of pieces available on request.
Good French Belle Epoque Silver Tea Set
ca. 1900, Paris, in the Louis XVI taste, first standard (.950) silver, including by Charles Folliot: a kettle-on-stand, h. 13-1/4” (15-1/2” with handle), l. 10”, dia. 6-1/4”; a coffeepot, h. 10-1/2”, l. 8-1/4”; a teapot, h. 8”, l. 9-1/4”; a hot milk pot, h. 7-1/4”, l. 5-3/4”; a covered sugar bowl, h. 7-1/8”, w. 6-1/4”; a cream jug, h. 6-1/4”, l. 4-1/2”; and a waste bowl, h. 4-1/4”, w. 7-3/4”; all decorated with reed-and-laurel fluting, floral-mantled quiver-and-torch trophee banding, with floral bouquet finials and acanthus cresting, monogrammed MCD”; together with associated pieces: a tea caddy, Maison Puiforcat, cylindrical with laurel and beaded banding, h. 5-1/4”, dia. 3-1/2”; and a tray, probably Charles Barrier, rectangular with canted and rounded corners, with reed-and-laurel banding with floral-mantled quiver-and-torch trophee corners, 26-1/2” x 17-3/4”, both monogrammed “CDW” conjoined.
289.03 total t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
401 Large Art Deco Silverplate and Glass Centerpiece
first quarter 20th century, probably WMF, Wurttemberg, Germany, of navette form, the ends fitted with glass dishes, the center with a tall plinth with leonine masques and surmounted by a figure of a lioness, the whole decorated with triglyphs, fans and waves.
h. 13-3/4”, l. 27-1/2”, d. 12-1/4”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
402 German Jugendstil Metal Tableware
early 20th century, including:
a WMF Britannia metal card receiver, model 246, marked on the underside, with a winged water sprite holding a dove, with large lily pads forming the card tray, h. 8-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 9”; and a pair of silverplate and brass candelabra, unmarked but after WMF model 269, each in the form a sheerly-draped maiden cradling one branch and reaching for the other, h. 10-3/8”, w. 8”, d. 5-1/4”.
Meiji period, first quarter 20th century, including, with mark of Sanku Sanju, Yokohama:
a teapot, h. 6”, l. 6-1/2”;
an open sugar bowl, h. 3”, w. 5-1/4”; and a cream jug, h. 3-1/2”, l. 3-1/4”; all of baluster form, decorated with applied and enameled chrysanthemums; together with:
a tea caddy in the form of a garden stool, with enameled flowers, the underside with ideogram, h. 2-1/4”, dia. 1-1/4”; and
a Roger-Williams, Providence, Rhode Island, sterling salver, octagonal with reeded edge and applied wisteria decoration, dia. 10”.
39.54 total t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Hammerman Bros. Diamond and Onyx Brooch
platinum/18k yellow gold, the black onyx brooch in the form of the earth, split down the center to expose an interior mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.85 carats in total, stamped “H.B.750.OR PT950”. dia. 2”, total weight 61.4 grams
Unusual Mechanical Diamond “Gear” Ring
14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 1.65 carats in total, accented with movable “gears” when engaged with the upper and lower border of the ring. size 7, total weight 9.4 grams
Diamond Cocktail Ring
14k yellow gold, the large openwork ring mounted with round brilliant-cut and baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.41 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 9.3 grams
Diamond Ring
14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.40 carats in total. size 6-1/4, total weight 9.0 grams
Diamond Bangle Bracelet
14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.50 carats in total. inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 7.8 grams
Diamond Necklace
14k yellow gold, the necklace mounted with bezel-set round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.50 carats in total. adjustable l. 16” to 18”, total weight 2.9 grams
Diamond Bangle Bracelet
14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.02 carats in total. inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 5.8 grams
Pair of Diamond Oval Hoop Earrings
14k yellow gold, the inside-outside earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.65 carats in total. l. 1-1/2”, total weight 6.5 grams
Gold Necklace and Bracelet
14k yellow gold, the necklace and bracelet composed of brushed gold cushioned disks. adjustable necklace l. 16” to 18”, bracelet l. 7”, total weight 29.0 grams
Open Cuff Diamond Bracelet
14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with graduated round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.80 carats in total. inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 3.8 grams
Pair of Diamond Earrings
18k yellow gold, the diamond stud-style earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.70 carats in total. dia. 5/16”, total weight 3.3 grams
Tiffany & Co. “Spiro Swirl” Bracelet
18k yellow gold, the bracelet composed of swirled gold links, stamped “TIFFANY & CO. 750 1993”, l. 7-1/2”, together with the inner and outer Tiffany & Co. boxes. total weight 65.2 grams
Pair of Tiffany & Co. “Spiro Swirl” Earrings
18k yellow gold, the earrings in a swirled pattern, stamped “T & Co. 750”, l. 1”, together with a Tiffany & Co. blue cloth bag. total weight 19.2 grams
Tiffany & Co. “Atlas” Gold Bangle Bracelet
18k yellow gold, the bracelet stamped “TIFFANY & CO. 1995 750 ITALY”, w. 3/4”, inside circumference 6-1/2”, together with a Tiffany & Co. blue cloth bag. total weight 64.5 grams
Tiffany & Co. Citrine Ring
18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut citrine weighing approximately 3.00 carats, stamped “TIFFANY & CO. 750 ES”, size 7, together with a Tiffany & Co. blue cloth bag. total weight 10.9 grams
Pair of Tiffany & Co. Paloma Picasso “Splash” Citrine
18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with cabochon-cut citrines weighing approximately 7.00 carats in total, stamped “TIFFANY & CO. 750 Paloma Picasso”, dia. 7/8”, together with a Tiffany & Co. blue cloth bag. total weight 18.3 grams
Tiffany & Co. Paloma Picasso Brooch
18k yellow gold, the brooch in the form of a curved arrow, stamped “TIFFANY & CO. 750 Paloma Picasso”, size 1-7/8” x 1-1/2”, together with a Tiffany & Co. blue cloth bag. total weight 21.5 grams
Pair of Tiffany & Co. Paloma Picasso “Splash” Amethyst
18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with cabochon-cut amethysts weighing approximately 7.00 carats in total, stamped “TIFFANY & CO. 750 Paloma Picasso”, dia. 7/8”, together with a Tiffany & Co. blue bag. total weight 17.6 grams
Amethyst and Diamond Ring
18k rose gold, the ring mounted with an emerald-cut amethyst weighing approximately 14.40 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.38 carats in total. size 7, total weight 6.9 grams
Art Deco-Style Ruby and Diamond Bracelet platinum, the bracelet mounted with square-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 13.15 carats in total, accented with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.06 carats in total. w. 3/8”, l. 7-1/4”, total weight 43.7 grams
Ruby and Diamond Ring
18k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut treated ruby weighing approximately 1.31 carats, accented by rose-cut, baguette-cut and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.78 carats in total. size 7, total weight 5.5 grams
Ruby and Diamond Bracelet
14k white gold, the bracelet mounted with oval-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 12.52 carats in total, accented by princess-cut and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.66 carats in total. l. 7-1/4”, total weight 19.2 grams
Late Victorian Pearl and Paste Necklace
late 19th century, 18k yellow gold, with seven graduated “flowers” each comprising bead-set split pearls centering a reduced collet-set pink paste “gem”, attached to a modified foxtail chain decorated with collet-set split pearls and with pawl clasp. l. 15”, total weight 45.0 grams
Art Moderne Gold Bracelet
18k yellow gold, the bracelet composed of mesh panels separated by bars accented with ball finials. w. 1-1/8”, inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 64.0 grams
435 Swivel Watch Fob/Locket on Men’s Watch Chain
14k rose gold, the swivel watch fob mounted with chalcedony panels on both sides, opening to reveal a locket interior, l. 2-1/4”, suspended from a 14k rose gold watch chain, l. 22-1/2”. total weight 33.3 grams
South Sea Pearl, Diamond and Onyx Ring
14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a yellow South Sea pearl measuring approximately 11.20mm in diameter, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.13 carats in total and black onyx. size 7, total weight 5.6 grams
South Sea Pearl Necklace
14k yellow gold, the necklace composed of graduated yellow South Sea pearls ranging in size from 12.80mm to 15.20mm, with a very good luster, finished with a polished gold grooved ball clasp. l. 18”, total weight 112.9 grams
South Sea Pearl, Diamond and Emerald Ring
14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a yellow South Sea pearl measuring approximately 12.2mm in diameter, accented by square-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 0.21 carats in total and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.41 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 6.1 grams
Cultured Pearl and Diamond Necklace
18k yellow gold, the necklace composed of graduated white cultured pearls ranging in size from approximately 11.80mm to 14.50mm, with a very good luster and finished with a gold clasp mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.05 carats in total. l. 17-1/2”, total weight 92.5 grams
Diamond and Pearl Rope Necklace
18k white gold, the necklace composed of 7.50mm white cultured pearls with a good luster, finished with a white gold clasp mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.36 carats in total. l. 103-1/2”, total weight 198.9 grams
Diamond Necklace
14k white gold, the necklace mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 8.42 carats in total. l. 18”, total weight 17.0 grams
Diamond Bracelet
14k white gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 3.30 carats in total, approximate color G-H-I and clarity VS2-SI3. l. 7”, total weight 8.4 grams
Pair of Diamond Stud Earrings
14k white gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.06 carats in total. total weight 1.5 grams
444 Diamond Tennis Bracelet
14k white gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 16.00 carats in total, approximate color G-H-I and clarity SI1-I1. l. 7”, total weight 23.6 grams
445 Diamond Eternity Band
14k white gold, the band mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 6.00 carats in total. size 7, total weight 4.5 grams
Diamond Crossover Bracelet
14k white gold, the bracelet mounted with graduated round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.33 carats in total. inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 9.8 grams
Diamond Necklace
14k white gold, the necklace with a fixed diamond pendant weighing approximately 0.45 carats. adjustable l. 16” to 17-1/2”, total weight 1.8 grams
Pair of Diamond Earrings
18k white gold, the stud-style earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.46 carats in total. dia. 5/16”, total weight 2.1 grams
Diamond Bangle Bracelet
14k white gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.65 carats in total. inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 4.8 grams
Beautiful Diamond Necklace
18k white gold, the necklace mounted with graduated baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 10.42 carats in total. l. 16”, total weight 44.7 grams
Beautiful Emerald and Diamond Ring
18k white gold, the ring mounted with an emerald-cut Columbian emerald weighing 4.52 carats, IGL report #2319343001, accented by baguette-cut and round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 1.77 carats in total. size
7, total weight 7.7 grams
Diamond, Demantoid Garnet and Spinel Crab Brooch
14k yellow gold, the brooch in the form of a crab and mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.53 carats in total, round-cut demantoid garnets weighing approximately 0.55 carats in total and round-cut spinels accenting the eyes weighing approximately 0.01 carat in total. size 1-1/4” x 3/4”, total weight 11.0 grams
Malachite and Diamond Jewelry Suite
18k rose gold, the necklace and earrings mounted with fanshaped malachite, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.55 carats in total. adjustable necklace l. 14-1/2” to 16”, pendant l. 1”, earring l. 3/4”, total weight 9.5 grams
Pair of Emerald and Diamond Earrings
14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with square-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 1.30 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.75 carats in total. l. 7/8”, total weight 4.7 grams
Emerald and Diamond Ring
14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a marquise-cut treated emerald weighing approximately 0.30 carats and graduated marquise-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30 carats in total. size 6, total weight 2.64 grams
Mario Buccellati Gem-Set Brooch
18k yellow gold, the brooch in the form of flowers, one flower mounted with carved lapis lazuli “petals”, centered by a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.10 carats, and smaller gold flowers with round-cut ruby centers weighing approximately 0.60 carats in total, accented throughout with carved emerald “leaves”, stamped “MARIO BUCCELLATI”. l. 2-1/4”, total weight 14.3 grams
Pair of Federico Buccellati Sapphire/Emerald and Diamond Earrings
18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with rose-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.05 carats in total, accented by carved sapphire and emerald “leaves”, stamped “FEDERICO BUCCELLATI”. l. 1-1/4”, total weight 18.0 grams
Pair of Mario Buccellati Emerald Earrings
18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with round cabochoncut emeralds weighing approximately 2.20 carats in total, stamped “750 M. BUCCELLATI”. l. 3/4”, total weight 9.9 grams
Mario Buccellati Turquoise Rose Pendant on Chain
18k yellow gold, the gold rose pendant mounted with a center turquoise cabochon weighing approximately 1.50 carats, stamped on the back “MARIO BUCCELLATI”, l. 1”, suspended from an 18k yellow gold rope chain, l. 15-1/2”. total weight 30.6 grams
Diamond and Turquoise Bangle Bracelet
14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.75 carats in total, accented by round cabochon-cut turquoise weighing approximately 0.80 carats in total. inside circumference 6-3/4”, total weight 7.2 grams
Pair of Turquoise and Diamond Earrings
14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with pear-shaped cabochon-cut turquoise weighing approximately 5.28 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.45 carats in total. l. 1-1/4”, total weight 6.1 grams
Turquoise and Diamond Ring
14k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval cabochon-cut turquoise weighing approximately 30.16 carats, accented by rose-cut and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.49 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 13.5 grams
460 461 462
Opal and Diamond Pendant Necklace
14k yellow gold, the necklace with a pendant mounted with a faceted pear-cut opal weighing approximately 1.50 carats, surrounded by a border of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.12 carats in total, l. 3/4”, suspended from an 18” 14k yellow gold chain. total weight 2.2 grams
Cartier Trinity Pendant Necklace
18k rose/white/yellow gold, the three-strand necklace with a trinity pendant, marked “Cartier 750 XZ0865”, together with a red Cartier necklace envelope. necklace l. 18”, pendant l. 1”, total weight 16.2 grams
Diamond Pendant Necklace
18k rose gold, the pendant mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.50 carats in total, suspended from an adjustable gold chain, l. 15-1/2” to 16-1/2”. total weight 5.1 grams
Diamond Snake Bracelet in the Bulgari Style 18k rose/white gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 1.00 carat in total. inside circumference 6-3/4”, total weight 21.7 grams
Diamond Pendant Necklace
18k rose gold, the necklace mounted with a fixed quatrefoilshaped pendant mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.60 carats in total. adjustable l. 15-1/2” to 16-1/2”, total weight 4.0 grams
Diamond Bracelet
14k yellow gold, the crossover bracelet accented on the ends with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.27 carats in total. inside circumference 6-7/8”, total weight 9.6 grams
Diamond and Mother-of-Pearl Two-Charm Necklace
18k rose gold, the necklace set with two charms, the quatrefoilshaped charm with a mother-of-pearl inset and the other charm mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.25 carats in total. adjustable l. 15” to 16”, pendant l. 1”, total weight 5.0 grams
Pair of Diamond Earrings
14k rose gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.60 carats in total. l. 3/4”, total weight 3.3 grams
Diamond Necklace
18k rose gold, the necklace composed of gold dangles mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.45 carats in total. adjustable l. 15” to 16”, total weight 5.5 grams
Pair of Diamond Earrings
14k rose gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.04 carats in total. l. 3/8”, total weight 3.4 grams
Diamond Necklace
14k yellow gold, the necklace mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 12.75 carats in total, approximate color K-L-M and clarity VS2-SI3. l. 16”, total weight 19.8 grams
Diamond Bangle Bracelet
14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30 carats in total. inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 4.8 grams
Pair of Diamond Hoop Earrings
14k yellow gold, the inside-outside earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 4.87 carats in total. dia. 1-3/8”, total weight 12.8 grams
Diamond Band
18k yellow gold, the band mounted with emerald-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.05 carats in total. size 7, total weight 3.5 grams
Diamond Necklace
14k yellow gold, the necklace mounted with bezel-set pear, oval-, emerald- and marquise-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.95 carats in total. adjustable l. 15-1/2” to 17-1/2”, total weight 2.7 grams
Diamond Bracelet
14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.75 carats in total. inside circumference 6-3/4”, total weight 6.2 grams
Diamond Band
18k yellow gold, the band mounted with emerald-, marquiseand pear-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.80 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 2.6 grams
Yellow and White Diamond Band
14k white gold, the ring mounted with two rows of cushion-cut yellow diamonds weighing approximately 2.15 carats in total, bordered on the top and bottom by a row of round brilliant-cut white diamonds weighing approximately 0.88 carats in total. size 7, total weight 7.6 grams
Pair of Yellow and White Diamond Earrings
14k white gold, the earrings mounted with oval- and round brilliant-cut yellow diamonds weighing approximately 0.84 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut white diamonds weighing approximately 0.70 carats in total. l. 7/8”, total weight 5.7 grams
Diamond Band
18k white gold, the ring mounted with baguette-cut and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.00 carat in total. size 6-1/4, total weight 4.7 grams
Pair of Diamond Dangle Earrings
14k white gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut and emerald-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.20 carats in total. l. 1/2”, total weight 2.5 grams
Diamond Ring
18k white gold, the ring mounted with round brilliant-cut and baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.23 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 3.4 grams
Pair of Diamond Earrings
14k white gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut and baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.50 carats in total. l. 3/8”, total weight 2.8 grams
Diamond and Sapphire Ring
18k white gold, the ring mounted with a central round brilliantcut diamond weighing approximately 1.01 carats, surrounded by calibre-cut treated sapphires weighing approximately 1.66 carats in total and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.43 carats in total. size 7, total weight 6.7 grams
Diamond Pendant Necklace
14k white gold, the necklace mounted with a fixed round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.50 carats. adjustable l. 16” to 18”, total weight 2.1 grams
Diamond Ring
18k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.50 carats, surrounded by a double halo of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40 carats in total. size 7-1/4, total weight 3.6 grams
Diamond Eternity Ring
18k white gold, the ring mounted with marquise-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.15 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 2.60 grams
Panerai Ferrari “Gran Turismo Rattrapante” Watch stainless steel, the three register chronograph watch with a 42-hour power reserve automatic movement, a 45.00mm stainless steel case, the original black crocodile strap and a Panerai rubber strap, and a deployant clasp, reference #FER 00005, serial #A059/500, together with original box and tags and booklet. inside circumference 7-3/4”, total weight 158.8 grams
Group of Four Factice Perfume Bottles
including Sublime by Jean Patou, h. 12-1/2”, dia. 7-1/4”, Mitsouko by Guerlain, h. 12”, w. 7”, Shalimar by Guerlain, h. 17-1/2”, w. 12-1/2”, and Doulton by Royal Doulton, h. 10-3/4”, dia. 7”.
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Group of Four Factice Perfume Bottles
including Passion by Elizabeth Taylor, h. 12-1/2”, w. 9”, Obsession by Calvin Klein, h. 6”, w. 11”, Champs-Elysees by Guerlain, h. 15”, w. 9-3/4”, and Poison by Christian Dior, h. 12”, dia. 10-1/2”.
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Group of Five Factice Perfume Bottles
including First by Van Cleef & Arpels, h. 12-1/2”, w. 9”, Live in Love by Oscar de la Renta, h. 13”, dia. 5-1/2”, Tiffany, h. 7”, w. 9-3/4”, White Shoulders by Evyan, h. 10-3/4”, w. 4-1/4”, and Venezia by Laura Biagiotti, h. 15”, w. 9”.
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Group of Four Factice Perfume Bottles
including Versace, h. 10-1/2”, w. 9-1/2”, Sun, Moon and Stars by Karl Lagerfeld, h. 10-1/4”, dia. 7-1/4”, Ysatis by Givenchy, h. 15-3/4”, w. 5-1/2”, and Boucheron, h. 10”, w. 9”.
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Group of Five Factice Perfume Bottles
including Flore by Carolina Herrera, h. 13-1/2”, w. 9”, Ralph Lauren, h. 17-3/4”, w. 5-1/4”, Nina by Nina Ricci, h. 11-1/4”, w. 8-1/2”, Mariella Burani, h. 8-1/2”, w. 6-3/4”, and St. John by Marie Gray, h. 11”, w. 7”.
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
497 Richard Hayley Lever (American, 1876-1958)
“Summer Afternoon, St. Ives”, ca. 1910
oil on canvas
signed lower right, verso with two “Bernard Black Gallery, New York, N.Y.” labels, listing the artist’s name, title, medium and exhibition history.
49” x 59”, framed 56-1/2” x 67”
Provenance: Bernard Black Gallery, New York, New York; The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Exhibited: “Hayley Lever: Selected Works, ca. 1910-1933”, April 1967, Bernard Black Gallery.
Why am I so incredibly and incurably romantic about Cornwall? One’s past, I suppose; I see children running in the garden... The sound of the sea at night... almost forty years of life, all built on that, permeated by that: so much I could never explain.”
-- Virginia Woolf, 1921.
Best known for his marine paintings, Hayley Lever’s long artistic career resulted in works of various subjects in numerous styles, from impressionistic to expressionistic. He was born in South Australia in 1875 and after completing and excelling at art classes at Prince Alfred and Norwood Art School, he moved to England in the 1890s, studying art in London and painting at St. Ives, a fishing port and popular artistic colony on the Cornish coast. There, Lever shared a studio with Frederick Waugh, and studied painting with Albert Julius Olsson and Algernon Talmage. A painting by Frederick Waugh is included in our July auction, lot 501.
“Summer Evening, St. Ives” was produced during his stay in the small fishing town that has captured the imagination of artists and writers since the early 1800s, drawn to the dramatic landscapes, and the light illuminating the waters from dawn to dusk, a result of the bay’s geographical position.
While St. Ives greatly contributed to the revolutionary styles of British Modernism, many European and American marine artists flocked to the picturesque village, finding inspiration in the soft light and turquoise waters.
In this quiet painting of fishing boats, moored in the little harbor, captured on a warm summer afternoon, one can feel the sunlight upon one’s face, each color brightened in the sun-drenched harbor.
The artist has chosen to execute the scene in the wide, thick brushstrokes, reminiscent of the great impressionist Vincent Van Gogh whom Lever idolized. We are invited to linger and meditate on the colors and shapes of an environment that is essentially timeless as it is devoid of people and landmarks.
“Sailboats in Gloucester Harbor”
oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed.
25” x 30”, framed 31-1/4” x 36-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
“Boats at the Pier”
oil on canvas signed lower left and en verso. Framed.
19” x 24”, framed 25” x 30”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
oil on canvas signed lower right.
Framed with artist and title plaque. 26” x 34”, framed 31” x 39-1/2”
“Sand Dunes”
oil on wood panel signed lower right, and a “The Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, GA” label with artist and title en verso.
12” x 16”, framed 19-1/2” x 23-1/2”
Provenance: The Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia.
The British-born artist Julyan Davis has painted the American South for over thirty years. Davis earned a B.A. in art from Byam Shaw School of Art in London. In 1988, he made a painting trip to America and developed an interest in the landscape and history of the South.
Mexican Sterling Silver Water Pitcher
second quarter 20th century, by Plateria I. Vigueras, Mexico City, of ovoid form with chased gadroons, integral collar and spout, flat-crested handle and domed foot.
h. 11-1/8”, dia. 5”, l. 7-1/4”; 35.52 t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Twelve Mexican Hand-Crafted Sterling Silver Service Plates
fourth quarter 20th century, by Plata Artistica, Taxco, in the Spanish Colonial taste, each of circular form with double threaded rim, monogrammed on the rim “F*J/B”. dia. 11”; 214.43 total t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
second quarter 20th century, including:
a teapot, h. 8-1/2”, l. 10-5/8”;
a coffeepot, h. 10-3/4”, l. 9-1/2”;
a covered sugar bowl, h. 5-1/2”, w. 6-1/4”; and
a cream jug, h. 5”, l. 5-1/2”; each of ovoid form with chased gadroons, with narrow “gooseneck” spouts, arched, crested handles, domed lids with toupie finials and domed oval pedestal feet.
98.38 total t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
the pattern introduced in 1904, this example before 1907, New York, New York, of oval form, the broad rim decorated in relief with neoclassical scrolls adorned by fruit and quartered by addorsed ram’s and boar’s heads, with “Gothic window” banded edge, the recessed plateau with scrollwork en suite, l. 24-3/4”, w. 18-1/2”; 154.9 t. oz.
Eight Gorham “Chantilly-Countess” Sterling Silver Water Goblets
Providence, Rhode Island, no monograms (one inscribed on the underside “Christmas ‘67”). h. 6-1/2”, dia. 3-3/8”; 23.94 total t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gorham “Chantilly-Countess” Sterling Silver Tea Set
1982-83 (waste bowl 1973), Providence, Rhode Island, including: a coffeepot, h. 11”, l. 9-3/4”; a teapot, h. 9”, l. 9-1/4”; a covered sugar bowl, h. 6”, w. 6-3/4”; a cream jug, h. 15-1/2”, l. 4-3/4”; and a waste bowl, h. 4-1/4”, dia. 4-1/2”; together with a silverplate “Chantilly” tea tray, 26-1/4” x 19”; no monograms.
85.21 total t. oz. (excluding silverplate tray)
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hemeter, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
the pattern designed in 1944 by J. Russell Price (19071974), Providence, Rhode Island, including sixteen five-piece place settings (three pieces lacking) with an additional twelve place pieces and eleven serving pieces, presented in a wooden lift-top case with mahogany finish and bow front, the fitted interior lined in Pacific cloth, 3-3/4” x 15-3/4” x 11-7/8”.
100 pieces plus case
127.90 total t. oz. (weighable silver)
the pattern introduced in 1911, Providence, Rhode Island, including: a kettle-on-stand, h. 10” (13” with handle), l. 10-1/4”; a teapot, h. 6-3/4”, l. 11-3/4”; a coffeepot, h. 9-1/4”, l. 11-1/2”; a covered sugar bowl, h. 6”, w. 8-1/4”; a cream jug, h. 6-1/2”, l. 5-3/4”; a waste bowl, h. 4-1/4”, l. 6”; and a tray, 24-1/2” x 18”; all monogrammed “MBG” for Margaret Bear Gardner, the tray with date-mark for 1930. 233.55 total t. oz.
Provenance: Ann Margaret Bear Gardner (1918-1996), of Chicago, Illinois & Fort Myers, Florida, wife of Livingston Gifford Gardner (1916-1995), married in Chicago on June 28, 1941. The set was a gift from her new father-in-law, Henry Alansin Gardner (1883-1968), prominent attorney, founder of the firm Gardner, Carton & Douglas and president of the Chicago Bar Association.
$5,000-$8,000 509
Unusual Southern Walnut Press
early 19th century, one piece, the stepped and molded cornice above a pair of four-pane glazed doors, over three recessed long drawers, the sides of the case framed and paneled with mortise-and-peg construction. h. 72-1/2”, w. 44-1/2”, d. 22”
Provenance: Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey G. Jennings, Galax, Virginia.
Clementine Hunter (American/Louisiana, 1886/87-1988)
“Cotton Picking” oil on board monogrammed mid right. Framed.
16” x 24”, framed 21” x 29”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Grondvlakte van Nieuw Orleans, de Hoofdstad van Louisiana, De Uitloop van de Rivier Missisippi (Ground Plan of New Orleans...)
hand-colored engraving, 1769, by Isaak Tirion (Dutch, 17051765), published in Amsterdam.
Float-mounted, glazed and framed. sheet 13” x 17-3/4”, framed 20-3/4” x 25”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
1853 U.S. Coast Survey Map of New Orleans, Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi Delta
hand-colored lithograph, inscribed “U.S. Coast Survey, A. D. Bache Superintendent, Sketch H, Showing the progress of the Survey in Section No. 8, 1846-1853”, inscribed “No. 31” at upper left margin, printed by P. S. Duval & Co., Philadelphia. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 15” x 26-3/4”, framed 22-1/2” x 33-7/8”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
William Henry Buck (Norwegian/Louisiana, 1840-1888)
“Sunrise Over Bayou St. John”
oil on canvas signed lower right. Period frame with artist and title plaque. 18” x 30”, framed 27” x 38-3/4”
Provenance: Purchased from the artist; thence by descent in the family; to be sold for the benefit of Griffith Homeplace Museum, Terrell, Texas.
The Norwegian-born painter William Henry Buck arrived in New Orleans in 1869, and studied with prominent artists of the day including Richard Clague and Andres Molinary. Buck became an active member of the city’s emerging art community of the late 19th century and achieved recognition for his plein-air paintings of the Louisiana landscape. In 1708, Native American Indians shared with Jean-Baptiste Bienville that Bayou St. John, which they called Bayouk Choupic, was a natural portage to the Mississippi River. Because it offered a route from the lake to the river, Bayou St. John played an essential role in the founding of New Orleans. After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the Carondelet Canal was dug which connected the back of the city with the Bayou St. John.
In the mid-19th century, Marie Laveau was known to perform voodoo ceremonies including inviting the public to St. John’s Eve ritual on Bayou St. John.
In the painting “Sunrise Over Bayou St. John”, Buck captures the break of day, as the sun rises over the bayou filled with Spanish moss-draped live oak trees.
After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)
“American White Pelican, Male Adult, No. 63, Plate 311” Birds of America, Princeton Edition
color lithograph
pencil-numbered “VIII/V” lower left margin. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 37-1/2” x 24-1/2”, framed 47” x 35”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)
“Turkey Buzzard, Cathartes Aura, Male 1, Young 2, No. 31, Plate CLI (151)”, 1832
hand-colored aquatint engraving engraved, printed and coloured by Robert Havell, London, from Birds of America
“Whatman, 1838” watermark upper right. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 38-1/4” x 25-1/2”, framed 47-1/2” x 34-1/2”
After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851)
“California Vulture, Cathartes Californianus Illiger, Old Male, No. 86, Plate CCCCXXVI (426)”, 1838
hand-colored aquatint engraving engraved, printed and coloured by Robert Havell, London from Birds of America
“J. Whatman, Turkey Mill, 1838” watermark upper right.
Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 38-1/8” x 25-1/8”, framed 47-1/2” x 34-1/2”
first half 20th century, the opposing pair of architectural fragments seated on spherules, with their heads turned toward the center, the exteriors painted, on cove-molded bases.
second quarter 20th century, in the Art Deco taste, the eagle posed for flight with its head aloft, perched on a rocky outcropping, resting on a cove-molded base.
Important Louisiana Faux Bois Cypress Armoire
ca. 1815-1830, the projecting cove-molded cornice over a pair of tripartite doors, each section with raised diamond-point panels, over a scalloped apron, raised on cabriole front legs, each side with a pair of panels bisected by a rail, one drawer retaining its period embossed brass escutcheon, the interior fitted with a later medial belt of two drawers and shelves, and retaining an old surface.
h. 85-1/4”, w. 65-3/8”, d. 32”
Provenance: Descended in the Antoine Prudhomme family of Natchitoches, Louisiana; thence to the collection of Thomas Wells, where it has resided in the creole Buard-Wells House in the city of Natchitoches; thence to his heirs.
Literature: The present armoire is discussed on page 209 of Furnishing Louisiana: Creole and Acadian Furniture, 1735-1835 by Holden, Bacot, Gontar, et al. It is also illustrated on the back slip cover. According to the authors, it is one of two known faux bois armoires in the body of work.
Painted Wooden Model of a Church
first quarter 19th century, probably American, in the Gothic taste, the faux brick building over a stone foundation, decorated with a clock tower mounted with a spire and louvered windows, a rose window over the front door and Gothic windows around the building.
h. 33-1/2”, w. 19-1/2”, l. 37-1/2”
American Late Classical Mahogany Armoire
second quarter 19th century, Richmond, Virginia, the top with a large, flared cornice over an in-curved frieze, above a pair of framed and paneled doors, each with a large, octagonal column, the interior fitted with drawers and shelves, raised on large, scrolled legs in the front and classic Richmond turned legs in the rear.
h. 90”, w. 76”, d. 30”
Jean Joseph Vaudechamp (French, 1790-1866; active New Orleans 1831-1839)
“Portrait d’Homme”, 1827 oil on canvas signed and dated upper right. Period gilt frame.
25-1/2” x 21-1/4”, framed 32” x 28”
Provenance: Private collection, France.
While studying at Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, Jean Joseph Vaudechamp apprenticed in the studio of Anne-Louis Girodet. An accomplished artist, Girodet was a student of the renowned Neoclassical painter Jacques-Louis David. Favoring portraiture, Vaudechamp;s paintings reflect his talents at refined draftsmanship and capturing the sophistication of his sitters. In 1832, Vaudechamp began to make annual trips for ten years to New Orleans where his portraits were highly regarded and came to define the prosperous merchants and planters of French descent.
Dated 1827 "Portrait d'Homme" was painted while Vaudechamp was still in France and is among his earliest portrait work. The skillfully rendered portrait reflects the elements that would become representative of Vaudechamp's work in Louisiana including the elegantly dressed sitter depicted in a bust-length view. Interestingly, Vaudechamp employed a simple olive brown background that he would favor in his later Louisiana portraits.
William Aiken Walker (American/South Carolina, 1839-1921)
“Black Man with Cane, Standing in a Cotton Field” oil on canvasboard signed lower right, and labels from “Didier’s” and Louisiana State Museum en verso. Period frame with artist plaque. 13-1/4” x 8-1/2”, framed 19-1/2” x 13-1/2”
Provenance: Purchased from Didier’s, 18th and 19th Century American, Rue Royal St., New Orleans, September 1972; Private collection, Opelousas, Louisiana; Private collection, New Orleans.
Exhibited: “The World of William Aiken Walker”, Louisiana State Museum, Dec. 1972.
Literature: Illustrated in Exhibition of Southern Genre Paintings by William Aiken Walker, booklet, April 1972, Didier’s, Rue Royal, New Orleans.
The Magazine Antiques described James Donald Didier, as “one of the most idiosyncratic, engaging, and gifted minds in the world of American antiques and preservation.” After studying at LSU, he opened Didier’s 18th and 19th Century American gallery on 830 Royal Street in the French Quarter. Don was an early aficionado and dealer of Louisiana fine art, antiques, and decorative objects. He was a member of the River Road Historic Society where he consulted on the restoration of many historic homes and plantations.
“The Family, Cabin Scene”, 1910
oil on academy board signed lower left, “F. W. Devoe & Co.” art supplier’s label and pencil-inscriptions including “A. J. Boudeaux, March 28, 10” en verso.
9” x 12”, framed 11-3/4” x 14-3/4”
“Family Wash Day, Cabin Scene”
oil on academy board signed lower left.
6” x 12”, framed 8-3/4” x 14-3/4”
American Late Classical Bronze-Mounted Mahogany and Scagliola-Top Center Table
second quarter 19th century, school of Duncan Phyfe, New York, the circular top with a banded and parcel-gilt edge, and featuring a painted tondo of a castle with stone bridge, cattle and a herdsman with a dog, supported by a tapered, cylindrical and gilt-bronze ring and mounted to a triangularform platform base.
h. 29-1/2”, dia. 36-1/4”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Pair of Labeled Henry Hooper Bronze and Glass Argand Lamps
second quarter 19th century, Boston, Massachusetts, the central turned oil tanks decorated with serpent-molded handles, the arms terminating in burners and labeled “Manufactured By H. N. Hooper & Co., Boston”, set with frosted and cut glass shades, on turned bases, retaining much of their original tooled gilt-lacquer surfaces.
h. 17-1/4”, w. 15-1/4”, d. 5-1/4”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
$1,000-$1,500 527 detail
527 528
American Federal Inlaid and Line-Strung Mahogany Serpentine Sideboard
ca. 1800, New York, in the Hepplewhite taste, the central bowed drawers over a pair of conforming doors flanked by concave panels, the ends with concave doors, the tapering line-strung legs capped by bookend inlay, the base of each leg with conforming light wood cuffs.
h. 40-1/2”, w. 73”, d. 30”
American Late Classical Mahogany Work Table
second quarter 19th century, the upper case fitted with three drawers, the top drawer opening to a hinged writing deck and partitioned inkwell compartments to one side, mounted to an acanthus-carved standard with four outstretched legs ending in paw feet.
h. 30-1/2”, w. 22”, d. 16”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Pair of Large Paris Porcelain Urns
second quarter 19th century, French, decorated with carefully executed panels of harbor scenes, the sides set with swanform handles with white biscuit wings, the reverse with gilttooled anthemia hung with swags and flanked by a caduceus on each side, the bases with faux marbre decoration.
h. 16-1/2”, w. 8-3/4”, d. 5-1/4”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Rare Pair of American Late Classical Rosewood Recamiers
second quarter 19th century, possibly Baltimore, of opposing form, each with a molded back frame and applied carved rosettes, the lower back with carved grapevines, raised on large scrolled legs.
h. 40”, w. 65”, d. 25”
Rare American Classical Mahogany Swing-Leg Drop-Leaf Table
first quarter 19th century, Boston, the single-board top and leaves supported by a swing-out structure with downswept and reeded legs ending in cast bronze paw feet.
h. 28”, d. 45”, l. 12-1/2”, ext. l. 52-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
20th century, in the neoclassical Florentine taste, set on scrolled rests, the fluted surrounds mounted with giltwood and wire vines on each side, the crest comprised of a basket of fruit flanked by bellflower swags and finials, set with a beveled mirror plate.
h. 60-1/2”, w.
ca. 1850, the double ogee canopy supported by tapered complex molded posts and joined by a paneled headboard with fruit-carved details, stamped “C. LEE 1529”.
h. 104”, inside w. 64”, l. 76”, outside w. 81”, l. 86”
third quarter 19th century, probably New York, having a complex, molded cornice above a pair of glazed doors, the lower case with a mechanical cylinder roll and pull-out writing desk, the kneehole opening with a recessed cabinet and flanked by additional cabinets to each side. h. 98”, w. 55”, d. 28”
Provenance: M. S. Rau Antiques, New Orleans, Louisiana.
De Scott (David) Evans (American, 1847-1898)
“Blossoms of Spring”, 1893
oil on canvas signed, dated and localized “New York” lower right, and auction labels en verso. Framed.
20” x 16”, framed 30-1/2” x 26-1/2”
third quarter 19th century, probably Baltimore, Maryland, consisting of a high-back bedstead, with a triple-panel headboard and elaborate pierced and scrolled crest, h. 99”, inside w. 68-1/2”, l. 81”, outside w. 72”, l. 97”, a marbletop dressing bureau, h. 91”, w. 54”, d. 25-1/2”, a marble-top washstand, h. 40”, w. 40”, d. 21”, and an associated marble-top half commode, h. 32-1/2”, w. 22-1/2”, d. 19”.
fourth quarter 19th century, attributed to R. J. Horner, New York, profusely carved, the lid opening to a fitted interior above a base with five drawers supported by seated, winged griffins, mounted to an incurved, open platform base.
h. 47-1/2”, w. 42-1/2”, d. 22”
Three-Piece American Neo-Renaissance Oak Parlor Suite
fourth quarter 19th century, in the manner of R. J. Horner, New York, consisting of an open-arm settee with a padded and tufted three-section back, carved griffin crest and winged griffin arms, h. 96-1/2”, w. 67”, d. 31”, and a pair of armchairs of the same form, h. 46-1/2”, w. 31”, d. 31”, each covered in burgundy leather.
American Neo-Renaissance Walnut Side Table
fourth quarter 19th century, the triangular top with canted corners and a molded and carved rim, supported by a tripodal base with winged griffin supports and paw feet. h. 32”, w. 37”, d. 32”
Pair of Large French Copper-Washed-Bronze Torchere Stands
pre-1878, in the Neo-Grec taste, the circular tops supported by sphinxes resting on fluted and leaf-molded standards, above pierced bases with molded anthemia and paw feet, one base marked “J. J. Ducel et Fils”. h. 77-1/2”, dia. 22-1/2”
J. J. Ducell (1801-1878) was a prominent Parisian iron and bronze casting firm. One of their catalogues is in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York.
Impressive Bronze Griffin on a Stepped Marble Base
fourth quarter 19th century, English or Continental, the creature modeled with wings out and sitting on a stepped, white-veined brown marble base, with one paw resting on a shield.
h. 41-3/4”, w. 13-3/4”, d. 29-1/2”
Rococo-Style Bronze Dore et Patine Gasolier, in the Manner of Starr, Fellows & Co., New York
fourth quarter 20th century, the six-arm gasolier having a lower body molded with masques, the complex, vasiform Rococo Revival standard decorated with hanging bellflowers, the canopy molded with masques and the lattice-pierced branches with lotus-form gas keys, set with six Greek-key cut and frosted glass gas-style shades.
h. 47”, dia. 41-1/4”
Rococo-Style Bronze Dore et Patine Gasolier, in the Manner of Starr, Fellows & Co., New York
fourth quarter 20th century, the six-arm gasolier having a lower body molded with masques, the complex, vasiform Rococo Revival standard decorated with hanging bellflowers, the canopy molded with masques and the lattice-pierced branches with lotus-form gas keys, set with six Greek-key cut and frosted glass gas-style shades.
h. 47”, dia. 41-1/4”
fourth quarter 19th century, the case attributed to R. J. Horner, New York, and the movement bearing the “Tiffany & Co.” retailer’s label, the hood and case of bombe form with carved winged griffins with lion’s heads, spray of floral vines and raised on carved paw feet, the movement with a rotating moon dial and quarter chiming Westminster or Whittington, the tubes engraved “Walter H. Durfee, Providence, R.I.”. h. 106-1/2”, w. 27”, d. 18”
late 19th century, the case attributed to R. J. Horner, New York, the hood with a pair of griffins in the frieze, carved figures of “Father Time” at the front corners, a pair of maidens flanking the mid door and seated griffins in the base, the face dial bearing a “Tiffany & Co.” retailer’s tag, the movement with a moon dial and quarter chiming Westminster.
h. 108”, w. 28”, d. 17”
$15,000-$25,000 547
fourth quarter 19th century, each with a carved and paneled crest above a padded back and seat, the arms in the form of winged griffins, raised on trumpet-form legs joined by turned stretchers.
third quarter 19th century, the arched top with a central roundel, above a conforming arched and glazed door, the interior fitted with shelves, the base with a pull-out writing drawer above a pair of cabinets.
Three-Piece Neo-Renaissance-Style Carved Mahogany Parlor Suite
late 20th century, in the manner of Karpen Bros., consisting of a sofa with a scrolling foliate-carved crest rail and seated winged griffins on the arm fronts, upholstered in faux crocodile red leather, h. 46-1/2”, w. 78”, d. 38”, and a pair of armchairs of similar form, h. 44”, w. 35”, d. 36”.
Newcomb Pottery Matte-Glazed Vase
ca. 1915, decorated by Sadie Irvine, New Orleans, Louisiana, with flowing crocus flowers, and painted green and blue, marked with an incised “NC”, Sadie Irvine’s script initials, a painted “HE-21” registration number, an incised “265” and “73”. h. 7”, dia. 4”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Colette Pope Heldner (American/New Orleans, 1902-1990)
“Patio - Antoine’s Famous Restaurant (Old Spanish Commandancia)”
“Antoine’s Restaurant, St. Peter St.”
“Old Creole Courtyard, French Quarter”
oil on wooden box oil on metal cigarette case oil on wood tray each signed lower left.
7-1/4” x 4” x 2”, 3” x 6-1/4” x 1/4” and 8-1/2” x 8-1/2” x 1”, respectively
553 Jim Blanchard (American/Louisiana, b. 1955)
“Houmas House”
watercolor and collage on paper unsigned.
Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 24-1/2” x 37”, framed 33” x 44”
Pair of Rococo-Style Brass and Glass Gasoliers
20th century, after the Starr, Fellows & Co. mid-19thcentury original, the four-light gasoliers with pierced, leaf-molded canopies, on spiral-molded standards set with scrolled arms decorated with molded leaves and panels of pierced diapering, terminating in frosted cut glass shades, supported on leaf-molded shade holders, the canopies bearing a Vintage Hardware label. h. 60”, dia. 35-1/2”
555 American Renaissance Revival Rosewood and Bronze-Mounted Etagere
ca. 1865, attributed to Pottier & Stymus, New York, the arched crest with ebonized and parcel-gilt details and a central, oval inlaid plaque, the body with a central, beveled mirror flanked by a tall, concave niche to each side, fitted with circular shelves, and a gilt-bronze mount of a maiden at the upper front corners, the incurved base with a cast-bronze trim. h. 95-1/2”, w. 63”, d. 17”
A near identical etagere is illustrated in "American Furniture of the 19th Century 1840-1880", by Eileen and Richard Dubrow, page 212, photograph courtesy of Sotheby Parke Bernet.
Monumental Napoleon III Giltwood Pier Mirror
third quarter 19th century, the arched crest decorated with a carved bust, above a swag of fruit, the ogee-molded sides carved with scrollwork, supported on an egg-and-dart-carved entablature, set with a beveled mirror plate.
h. 116”, w. 53-1/2”
After Giuseppe Ferrari (Italian, 1840-1905)
“Il Picador”
patinated bronze
first half 20th century, cast signature along front edge of selfbase.
h. 16”, w. 21”, d. 10”
After Frederic Sackrider Remington (American, 1861-1909)
“Coming Through the Rye”
patinated bronze cast signature along edge of self-base, on a conforming green marble base.
h. 28”, w. 28”, d. 30”
559 Raphael Lillywhite (American, 1891-1958)
“Wrangling the Herd” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed.
24-1/2” x 30”, framed 33” x 39”
560 Stanley Borack (American, 1927-1993)
“Cover Art for Shadow of the Wolf”, 1980s signed mid-right.
Matted, glazed and framed together with a copy of the cover of the book.
sight painting 23” x 16”, framed 40” x 24-1/2”
Texas Longhorn Circular Occasional Table
ca. 1900, the top covered in brown leather and with a conforming protective glass top, mounted to a cluster of longhorns forming the legs and base.
h. 27-1/4”, dia. 23”
ca. 1900, the back and seat covered in tooled brown leather, the horns bound in tooled leather as well, the seat with leather fringe and raised on horn legs.
h. 52”, w. 31”, d. 29”
Unusual Texas Longhorn Settee
ca. 1900, the segmented back separated by protruding horns, the crest with a pair of deer antlers, the back surround, arms and legs mounted with horns.
h. 54”, w. 45”, d. 23”
Texas Longhorn and Hide-Covered Armchair
ca. 1900, the padded back and seat covered in cowhide, along with various horns trimmed in cowhide, raised on horn legs ending in ball toes. h. 35”, w. 29”, d. 27”
Catherine Porter
Talbot (American, 1859-1938)
“A Gray Day”, 1919
signed lower left, and “Portland Society of Art, Portland, Maine, Spring Exhibition 1919” label with artist and title en verso. Glazed and framed.
14” x 20”, framed 23-1/2” x 29-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Exhibited: Portland Society of Art, Portland, Maine, Spring Exhibition 1919.
Carl Wagner (American/Florida, 1938-2011)
“Soaring Eagle”, 1986
patinated bronze cast signature, dated, numbered “8/60” and copyrightmarked along lower support element, presented on a marble columnar plinth.
h. 36”, w. 15”, d. 12”, plinth h. 40”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
567 Patinated and Enameled Bronze Figure of Jockeys Racing Horses
after Ray Renfroe (American, 1918-1989), the jockeys’ uniforms and saddles with enamel highlights, signed on the base.
h. 19-3/4”, d. 13-1/2”, l. 45-1/4”
Cast Aluminum Three-Tiered Fountain
20th/21st century, in the Victorian taste, the graduated upper tiers supported on fluted standards, the bottom tier on molded swans and raised on a tapered base with arched feet, presented in a patinated bronze finish. h. 79”, dia. 26-1/2”
Bronze Figural Garden Fountain
20th century, in the Romantic taste, modeled as a water nymph and putto seated on steps, nestled into a plethora of aquatic plants, the nymph holding a shell piped for water which spills into the shell, held by the putto. h. 50”, w. 27”, d. 20”
Bronze Garden Figural Group of Two Playful Putti
with a green-patinated surface, one putto standing and the other seated. h. 37-1/2”, dia. 19-1/2”
Pair of Cast Iron Urns on Pedestals in the Victorian Taste
the campana-form urns with egg-and-dart rims, decorated with scrollwork sides and reeded bases, supported on pylon-form pedestals with panels of scrollwork.
h. 41-1/2”, dia. 19”
Pair of Cast Iron Urns on Pedestals in the Victorian Taste
the campana-form urns with egg-and-dart rims, decorated with scrollwork sides and reeded bases, supported on pylon-form pedestals with panels of scrollwork.
h. 41-1/2”, dia. 19”
Pair of Cast Iron Benches in the Gothic Revival Taste
the backs decorated with pierced lozenges inset with quatrefoils, the arms and skirts decorated with pierced Gothic tracery, the seats pierced in a hexagonal grid. h. 25”, w. 54-1/2”, d. 23-1/2”
Pair of Monumental Victorian Cast Iron Garden Urns
fourth quarter 19th century, in the classical taste, decorated with egg-and-dart rims and reeded bowls, supported on fluted, conical bases, raised on pedestals decorated with wreath-form mounts.
h. 51”, dia. 35”
Pair of Monumental Victorian Cast Iron Garden Urns
fourth quarter 19th century, probably by M. A. Sweeney, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the lobed bowls on griffin heads and raised on carefully detailed rococo tripod supports, on molded platform bases.
h. 45-1/2”, dia. 44-1/2”
Pair of Cast Iron Benches in the French Gothic Taste
the pierced backs with rows of lozenges set with quatrefoils, the rounded arms and skirts with Gothic piercing, with pierced grid-form iron seats, the legs with stretchers.
h. 34”, w. 55-1/2”, d. 22”
Two Pairs of Similarly Molded Stone Baskets of Fruits and Flowers
second quarter 20th century, each with a lush arrangement of fruits and flowers, and resting on a reeded urn above a square base.
h. 15” to 19”, dia. 11”
578 detail
Set of Four Large Carved Marble Allegorical Depictions of Le Quatre Saisons
in the classical taste, the goddesses in diaphanous gowns, each with elements symbolic of her season; fall with a scythe in one hand and a sheaf of wheat by her side, winter carrying firewood under one arm, spring with a lush sash of flowers and summer with a fruit-filled cornucopia.
h. 63” to 68”, w. 19” to 21”, d. 13-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Set of Twelve English Bone China Fish Plates
fourth quarter 19th century, hand-painted and signed by William Birbeck on George Jones blanks, the reserve panels with aquatic plants and pairs of fish, the borders with a cobalt ground and decorated with gilt coral, the edges with raised scrollwork, marked "George Jones", and that of the retailer, D. B. Bedell & Co., New York, and the gilder's mark.
dia. 8-3/4”
Karl Heilmayer (German, 1829-1908)
“Stormy Evening with View of a Lighthouse”
oil on canvas signed lower left.
21-3/4” x 30”, framed 30” x 38-1/4”
“Sunset Over Choppy Waters”
oil on board signed lower right, verso with “Fine Art Exhibit” label. Framed.
10-1/8” x 18”, framed 17-1/8” x 25”
Large Model of the Titanic
20th century, the carefully detailed model complete with rigging, lifeboats and the distinctive smoke stacks, mounted on a mahogany base with brass supports, a celluloid tag on the base reading, “R.M.S. “Titanic”, Built & Engined by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast -1911 for White Star Lines, Length: 882,5 feet, Gross Tonnage: 45,000 tons, Engines: Triple Expansion and Turbine, Top Speed: 24-25 Knots”. h. 22”, w. 74”, d. 11-1/4”
George III Sterling Silver Teapot and Sugar Basket
late 18th century, including:
a teapot, hallmarked 1793-1794, by Solomon Hougham (17461818; free 1786), of navette form with straight sides and fluted panels, decorated with pricked and bright cut banding and cartouches, with tapering straight octagonal spout and crested wooden handle and finial, monogrammed “AJ”, h. 6-3/4”, l. 11”, w. 3-1/2”; and a sugar basket, hallmarked 1786-1787, by Charles Chesterman II (1752-1813; free 1766), of navette form with upswept ends and reeded rim, quartered by narrow raised panels, with brightcut and pricked banding and cartouches and engraved floral swags, raised on a conforming pedestal foot and with reeded swing handle, monogrammed “FCH”, h. 4” (6-1/8” with handle), l. 5-1/4”, w. 4-1/4”.
20.07 total t. oz. (including wooden elements)
Late Georgian Sterling Silver Tea Set
hallmarked London, 1808-1809, by Duncan Urquhart & Naphtali Hart (active 1791-1812), including: a teapot, h. 5-3/4”, l. 10-3/4”; an open sugar bowl, h. 4-3/8”, w. 7-5/8”; and a cream jug, h. 4-1/4”, l. 5-1/4”; each of rounded rectangular section with torus band decorated with pricked Greek-key and bright-cut oak branch banding, with squared handles, the pot with spout of square section and conforming finial. 29.01 total t. oz.
William IV Sterling Silver Cake Basket
hallmarked London, 1832-1833, by Thomas Wimbush, of circular form with spiral-fluted and gadrooned rim quartered by realistic repousse flowers, with domed foot ring and swing handle en suite. h. 4-1/4” (10-3/4” with handle), dia. 13-5/8”; 37.24 t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Early Victorian Sterling Silver Tea Set
hallmarked London, 1838-39, by John Wrangham & William Moulson, including a teapot, h. 6-1/2”, l. 11-1/2”, open sugar bowl, h. 5-1/5”, w. 7-7/8”, and cream jug, h. 4-1/4”, l. 6-1/2”, and a coffeepot hallmarked 1841-1842 by William Moulson, h. 10-1/2”, l. 9-3/4”, all decorated with repousse flowers and rococo scrolls, with fluted acanthus-mounted spouts, acanthus-crested scroll handles and feet, and floriform finials, the 1838-39 pieces engraved with the arms of Greene of Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire opposing a crest of a demi-lion rampant collared and chained, holding a cinquefoil, slipped; together with a 20th-century Mappin & Webb, Sheffield, silverplate tray of rounded rectangular form with gadrooned rim and rocaille corners and handles, 29-1/2” x 18-3/4”.
86.36 total t. oz. (excluding tray)
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Good Victorian Orientalist Silverplate Table Garniture Suite
the design registered March 30, 1865, comprising:
a pair of candelabra, h. 23”, w. 11-3/4”; a fruit bowl and vase centerpiece, h. 21-1/2”, dia. 10-1/2”; and a pair of tazze (glass bowls lacking), h. 7-1/2”, w. 6-1/2”; each with a tripodal silverplate base in the form of a draped pedestal flanked by three recumbent camels, the whole decorated with tassels and arabesques and surmounted by an annulated hemispherical dome, the candelabra and centerpiece decorated with acanthus scrolls and griffin’s and lion’s heads, the centerpiece with wheel-engraved and parcel frosted glass bowls decorated with grapevines and arabesques; together with:
a circular silverplate plateau of like date, the ogee-molded base with applied floral swags and three acanthus feet, fitted with a conforming mirrored plate, h. 3-3/4”, dia. 17”.
English Silverplate Surtout de Table
mid-20th century, of rounded rectangular form, in three sections, with embossed gallery of floral swags on a basketweave ground, raised on addorsed acanthus scroll feet, each section fitted with a conforming beveled and mirrored plate.
h. 3-1/4”, w. 18”, l. 55-1/2” overall (ends l. 18-3/4”, center l. 18”)
English Silverplate Tea Tray
second quarter 20th century, of elongated octagonal form, the raised gallery with serpentine reed-andleaf rim and pierced Greek-key banding and integral handles, the plateau engraved with bands of floral acanthus scrolls on a lattice ground, raised on four acanthus scroll feet.
23-1/2” x 17-1/2”
English “King’s” Pattern Sterling Silver Flatware Set
hallmarked Sheffield, 2003, by Carr’s of Sheffield, including a dozen five-piece place settings and seven serving pieces, no monograms, presented in the “Chelsea” model canteen with mahogany finish, lift-top and lift-out-tray, lined in indigo cotton velvet and with silverplate maker’s plaque, 6-1/4” x 19-1/4” x 12-5/8”.
67 pieces plus case
121.24 total t. oz. (weighable silver)
Detailed list of pieces available on request.
Edwardian Sterling Silver Footed Tray
hallmarked Birmingham, 1902-1903, by Barker Brothers, of oval form, with beaded serpentine-lobed edge and rocaille rim, the plateau engraved with a large rococo cartouche, with acanthus-mounted handles and beaded scroll feet.
l. 22”, w. 15”; 91.31 t. oz.
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Georgian-Style Bleached Fruitwood Server
19th century, the rectangular top with rounded corners, above a frieze fitted with three drawers, raised on cabriole legs ending in pointed toes.
h. 31”, w. 68-1/2”, d. 29”
early 20th century, the molded cornice above a pierced frieze with two shelves below, the lower section fitted with two paneled drawers over two paneled cupboards, the whole raised on a plinth base.
h. 77”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 19-1/2”
late 19th century, the upper section with an open shelf above a pair of framed and paneled doors, the whole fitted on an iron base.
h. 57-1/2”, w. 43”, d. 11”
20th century, decorated in the Chinese export style with gilt-trimmed rust flowers, the service comprised of a soup tureen, h. 10-1/4", l. 12", d. 7-1/4", twelve dinner plates, dia. 9-3/4", twenty soup plates, dia. 9-3/4", fifteen salad plates, dia. 8-1/2", eighteen bread-and-butter plates, dia. 6-3/4", twenty dessert dishes, dia. 8", fourteen flat cups, h. 2-1/4", dia. 3", with six matching saucers, dia. 5-3/4", and twelve demitasse cups, h. 2", dia. 2", with eleven matching saucers, dia. 4-1/2", each piece marked; together with three signed Herend Rust "Chinese Bouquet" Leaf dishes, h. 1-1/4", l. 4".
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
18th century, possibly Irish, the thick Breche Violette marble top above a molded frame and relief-carved frieze, with pierce-carved corner brackets, the fluted legs with carved Corinthian capitals and ending in wrap-around molded feet. h. 30”, w. 55”, d. 27”
Provenance: This table was purchased by the present owner at the on-site estate auction of Mrs. Louis Clews Timpson, held at her home, “Grasmere” in Rhinebeck, New York in 1969. The original catalog of the auction (held by D. Rundle Gilbert) depicting the table illustrated, will accompany this lot. Built from 1775 for Janet Livingston (1743-1828) and her Irish husband, General Richard Montgomery (1738-1775). Grasmere was built for the first high-ranking officer to be killed in the American Revolution. Mrs. Timpson was the former eleventh Duchess of Argyll, and was the daughter of sculptor Henry Clews, Jr. Mrs. Timpson purchased Grasmere in 1954 and lived there until her passing in 1970. In 1987, Grasmere was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
late 18th century, the hinged, hexagonal lid opening to a void interior, the brass-bound body raised on a stand with a fluted frieze on square legs ending in brass caps. h. 25-1/2”, dia. 15-1/2”
18th century, the banded, rectangular top above a conforming case fitted with two short drawers over three long, graduated drawers, all banded, raised on bracket feet. h. 33”, w. 37-1/2”, d. 19”
“Portrait of John Freeman of Gaines, County Hereford, and His Sons John and Thomas”
oil on canvas unsigned, later inscription upper right with bibliographical information on sitters.
50” x 40”, framed 57-1/2” x 47”
Provenance: Estate of Ida Gray Reeves Graham, Ruston, Louisiana.
Literature: Burke, John, Esq., Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland,London: R. Bentley, 1836, Vol. III, p. 642.
According to genealogical and contemporaneous accounts, John Freeman wed Abigail Jones of the Orchards, Hereford in 1762 and they had five children. In addition to the two sons included in the portrait offered here, they also had three daughters, Betty, Abigail and Ann. Abigail died April 21, 1762, bequeathing her family estate to her eldest son and various other property and goods to the remaining four children and her husband. John Freeman died September 3, 1764, by which time he had been preceded in death by his daughter Abigail.
Suite of Ten George III-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs
comprised of two armchairs and eight side chairs, each with a domed, foliate-carved crest over a pierced and interlacing splat, the shaped and padded seat raised on cabriole legs headed by acanthine scroll carving and ending in ball-andclaw feet, bearing the label, “Made Exclusively for Georgian Furnishing Co., Ltd. New Orleans, LA in Seoul, Korea”. h. 38”, w. 23”, d. 19”
Georgian-Style Burl Walnut Banquet Table
early 20th century, the oval top with a banded border and gadroon-carved edge, and raised on large, carved legs ending in ball-and-claw feet, opening to receive one 47” leaf. h. 30-1/2”, w. 48”, l. 96”, ext. l. 143”
Chinese Export Rose Canton Baluster Vase
third quarter 19th century, now mounted as a lamp, decorated with a mandarin figural panel framed in a key-form border, the ground decorated with smaller mandarin figural panels and scattered sprigs of flowers, set with gilt foo dog ring handles, with a brass-molded cap and a handsome, carved and pierced hardwood base. h. 28”, dia. 9-3/4”
Giltwood Mirror in the George III Taste
20th century, the pierced crest with a sheaf-of-wheat finial, flanked by pierced scrollwork, the surround with carved square corner medallions and carved running bellflowers.
h. 51”, w. 28-1/2”
Suite of Fourteen Regency-Style Creme-Peinte and ParcelGilt Dining Chairs
comprised of two armchairs and twelve side chairs, each with a padded, shield-form back within a molded frame, the cushioned seat raised on tapered square legs ending in block feet.
h. 38”, w. 23”, d. 18-1/2”
Harriett Ann McDougal-Phillips (Canadian, Last Half 19th Century)
“Young Girl in White Dress”
oil on canvas
signed lower left.
Accompanied by typewritten note from The Studio Shop, Charlotte, N.C., with artist and title. Framed.
24” x 18”, framed 29” x 23”
Giltwood and Composition Mirror in the Louis XVI Taste
the reeded surround with a “curtain rod” crest hung with swags of drapery, raised in the center with a pierced bowknot to form a finial, set with a beveled mirror plate.
h. 45”, w. 30-1/2”
George III-Style Mahogany Sofa
19th century, the padded camel back joined by padded, flat arms to the padded, bowed seat, fitted with two bolsters, raised on tapered square legs joined by stretchers and ending in casters, upholstered in yellow damask.
h. 36”, w. 63-1/2”, d. 26”
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
609 British School (First Quarter 19th Century)
“Portrait of a Gentleman in a Fur-Collared Coat, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, in the Background”
oil on canvas unsigned, inventory and old canvas-maker’s stencils en verso along with a label from “Hal Hunt Auction”. Framed.
30” x 25”, framed 37-1/2” x 32-1/2”
Regency-Style Ebonized and Parcel-Gilt Window Seat
the long, cushioned seat flanked to either end by a padded and outscrolled side, raised on sabre legs headed by a gilt, spiral-ribbed capital.
h. 29”, w. 42-1/2”, d. 17-1/2”
Pair of Regency-Style Ebonized and Parcel-Gilt Armchairs
late 19th century, each with an elongated oval crest featuring a gilt classical scene, joined by scrolling arms on paw uprights to the deep, padded seat, raised on ring-turned sabre legs.
h. 33-1/2”, w. 23”, d. 20”
Unusual Bronze and Faux Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy
20th century, in the Regency taste, the bronze frame decorated with swags of laurel leaves, the base with pelican mounts on each side and scrolled feet terminating in shells, the interior lined with Spanish cedar and the interior cover with a mother-of-pearl knob.
h. 5-1/2”, w. 5”, d. 4-3/4”
George III-Style Mahogany Chest
20th century, the banded, rectangular top with a molded edge, above a case fitted with two short drawers over four long, graduated drawers, all banded and flanked to either side by an engaged pilaster, raised on ogee-molded bracket feet.
h. 44-1/4”, w. 55-1/2”, d. 22”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
George III-Style Mahogany Sideboard
19th century, the bowed top above a case fitted with a central drawer, flanked to one side by two drawers and to the other side by a single, deep drawer faced as two drawers, raised on tapered square legs.
h. 36”, w. 54”, d. 27”
comprised of two armchairs and six side chairs, each with a shaped, eared, foliate-carved crest above a pierced splat, the padded seat raised on cabriole legs headed by foliate shield carving and ending in ball-and-claw feet.
h. 40”, w. 26”, d. 22”
mid-20th century, the top and leaves in highly figured mahogany veneers, mounted to a pair of pedestals with downswept legs ending in cast paw feet with casters, accompanied by an additional table top which can be used as a leaf, l. 47-3/4”, and two leaves, l. 23-1/2”.
h. 29-1/2”, w. 45”, l. 96”, ext. l. 143”
fourth quarter 19th century, with a rich, blue decoration of peonies and willow trees, a bridge to one side, the borders decorated with peonies and other flowers, framed with diapered borders, w. 15”, l. 18”
late 19th century, the domed and padded back joined by downswept, molded arms to the bowed and padded seat, above a shell-carved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in paw feet.
h. 43”, w. 40”, d. 22”
late 18th century, the bowed top above a conforming case fitted with a central drawer, flanked to either side by a small, deep drawer, raised on tapered square legs ending in spade feet.
h. 31”, w. 41”, d. 21”
Pair of English Brass Andirons in the Neo-Gothic Taste
fourth quarter 19th century, with molded spire finials and Gothic capitals, the octagonal, faceted standards decorated with Gothic panels, on arched feet molded with central masques and Gothic tracery.
h. 31”, w. 10”, d. 23-1/2”
Regency Giltwood Supra Porta Carving
first quarter 19th century, carved with a pair of griffins facing each other, holding carved swagging and supporting a leafcarved shield with a central painted cabochon.
h. 15-3/4”, w. 47”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Regency-Style Ebonized and Parcel-Gilt Window Seat
20th century, the padded seat covered in Fortuny fabric, and flanked to either side by in-scrolled arm rests, raised on a curule-form base with gilt accents and up-scrolled toes.
h. 24”, w. 36”, d. 16”
Fine Regency Giltwood and Marble-Top Pier Table
second quarter 19th century, the rectangular marble top with rounded front corners, above a shaped and molded frame with Vitruvian-style scrollwork details, supported by turned columns and stylized dolphin/swan supports, mounted to a platform with a faux-marbre-painted deck and a beveled mirror plate in the back, retaining a Sotheby’s lot number sticker on the back.
h. 39”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 24-1/2”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Pair of Regency Gilt-Bronze Argand Lamps, Attributed to Thomas Messenger & Sons
first quarter 19th century, set with acanthus-molded oil tanks flanked by arms labeled by retailer “J. DeVille, 367 Strand, London”, on stands with three lion-headed monopodiae above a paw-footed base, retaining much of their original giltlacquer finish, set with frosted and cut glass shades.
h. 21-1/4”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 7”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Pair of Cast Iron Hitching Posts in the Victorian Taste
mid-20th century, mounted with horse’s heads grasping square rings in their mouths, on fluted, tapered column-form standards with leaf-molded capitals and bases, on square plinths.
h. 43-1/2”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 9-1/2”
Seven-Piece Collection of Cast Iron Horse Heads
20th century, including iron horse-head sculptures on square plinths and retaining an old patina, h. 11-3/4”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 4”, and hitching post heads set with rings, h. 9-1/2” to 14”, w. 7-1/2” to 9”, d. 4-1/2”.
Regency Rosewood Tea Caddy Table
first half 19th century, the hinged, circular top opening to a fitted interior, supported on a turned, carved and tapered standard, mounted to a triangular platform base with scrolled feet.
h. 29-1/2”, dia. 19-1/2”
Patinated Bronze and Crystal Chandelier in the Regency Taste
the eight-light chandelier with a glass-clad, vasiform standard set with two graduated glass prism rings, the leaf-molded body set with scrolled, leaf-molded candle arms with molded cups and paneled glass prism rings, the lower portion with two graduated cut glass prism rings and spherical cut glass pendant finial, electrified. h. 33”, dia. 28”
Regency-Style Rosewood Occasional Table
the circular top with a double-string-inlaid banding centering a bone-inlaid scrolling foliate medallion, above a like-inlaid conforming frieze, raised on tapered square legs joined by a small stretcher shelf and ending in brass caps and casters, the underside bearing the label “J. Plucknett & Co., Cabinet Works, Warwick”. h. 24-1/2”, dia. 28”
630 Regency Rosewood Breakfast Table
19th century, the circular top with a banded and inlaid outer edge, and mounted to a shaped, square standard and triangular platform base with carved paw feet. h. 29”, dia. 51-1/2”
Important Antique Tribal Carpet
late 19th century, from the Zagros Mountains, made on contract for a clan chieftain or tribal Kahn leader.
Regency Mahogany Double-Door Bibliotheque
early 19th century, the molded and dentillated cornice above a pair of astragal-glazed doors, each with three faux drawer fronts below, raised on bracket feet. h. 78”, w. 53”, d. 14”
Extensive English Chamberlain’s Worcester Regent China Partial Dinner Service
first quarter 19th century, decorated in the famille rose style, the center panels with ribbon-bound bouquets of peonies and crysanthemums, and the borders with panels of peonies on a diapered ground alternating with ruyishaped panels, marked in script, “Chamberlains Regent China Worcester & 155 New Bond Street London”, the service including a covered soup tureen, h. 11”, dia. 10-3/4”, a pair of covered vegetable dishes, h. 7”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 9-1/2”, a covered vegetable dish, h. 8”, w. 10”, d. 9-1/2”, an open vegetable dish, h. 2-1/4”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 9-1/2”, a pair of covered sauce tureens on stands, h. 5-3/4”, dia. 6-1/2”, a large platter with a strainer insert, w. 16-1/4”, l. 21”, four platters, w. 9-1/4”, l. 12-1/2”, a salad bowl, h. 2-3/4”, dia. 11-1/4”, eight graduated platters, w. 11-1/2” to 16-1/2”, l. 14” to 21-1/4”, fifty-nine dinner plates, dia. 10”, twelve bread-and-butter plates, dia. 2-1/4”, and seventeen soup plates, dia. 10”.
Provenance: Sotheby’s New York, A Celebration of the English Country House including Silver, Russian Works of Art, Paintings, Ceramics, Furniture & Decorations, Sale N07884, May 1, 2003, lot 602; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
detail 633
each with diamond tufting and a loose seat cushion, raised on turned legs.
h. 40”, w. 39”, d. 33”
English Mahogany Pembroke Table in the Sheraton Taste
first quarter 19th century, the broad top with two drop leaves and a carved, reeded leading edge, the front fitted with a single drawer and the back side with a matching faux drawer, raised on turned and fluted legs.
h. 29”, w. 29-1/2”, d. 27-1/2”, ext. w. 56-1/2”
early 20th century, each with a D-form banded top with projecting center section, above a conforming case fitted with two central banded drawers flanked to either side by a banded cupboard door, raised on tapered square legs with inlaid decorative stringing.
second half 20th century, decorated with panels of hunting scenes against a cobalt ground with gilt scrollwork, set with gilt salamanders on the shoulders and gilt foo dog handles, on ebonized bases with cabriole legs.
the shaped, rectangular top banded and with concave corners and a projecting front, above a conforming case fitted with three paneled drawers over three cupboard doors, the central one with an inlaid oval panel, raised on toupie feet ending in brass caps, the upper drawers bearing the label, “Replica Important Furniture by Theodore Alexander”.
h. 36”, w. 64”, d. 14”
early 20th century, comprised of two armchairs and six side chairs, each with a back-scrolled crest above a baluster-form splat, the padded seat raised on cabriole legs headed by scroll carving and ending in pad feet. h. 40”, w. 24”, d. 19”
640 Victorian-Style Mahogany Dining/Center Table
20th century, the circular top with a foliate-carved edge, above a rosette- and foliate-applied frieze, raised on a paneled, tripartite standard with applied scroll carving and ending in scrolled toes, above a concave, tripartite base to squat bun feet. h. 31”, dia. 68”
Partial Service of Royal Crown Derby “Old Imari” and “Old Imari Border” Dinnerware
20th century, the service comprised of thirteen “Old Imari” dinner plates, dia. 10-1/2”, thirteen “Old Imari Border” dinner plates, dia. 10-1/2”, thirteen “Old Imari” salad/dessert plates, dia. 8-1/2”, twelve “Old Imari” bread-and-butter plates, dia. 6-1/4”, and twelve “Old Imari” demitasse cups and saucers, h. 2-3/4”, dia. 4-1/2”, each piece marked, and with various date letters.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
641 detail 641
Collection of Royal Crown Derby “Old Imari”
20th century and with various dates, including bone china dinnerware and decorative objects, the collection comprised of a soup tureen and underplate, h. 10-1/2”, dia. 12-1/2”, a sauce tureen and underplate, h. 6-1/2”, dia. 8-3/4”, a small covered tureen, h. 6”, w. 7”, d. 2-3/4”, an oval covered vegetable dish, h. 6”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 8”, an oval platter, l. 16”, w. 13”, a round punch/salad bowl, h. 4”, dia. 9-1/2”, eight teacups and saucers, h. 2-1/2”, dia. 5-3/4”, a cream jug, h. 3-3/4”, w. 5-3/4”, d. 2-3/4”, a sugar bowl, h. 3-3/4”, w. 5-1/2”, d. 3”, three oval open vegetable dishes, h. 2”, l. 10”, w. 7-3/4”, eight cream soup bowls, h. 2”, dia. 7”, with six matching stands, dia. 6-1/2”, a decorative ewer, h. 10-1/4”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 3-1/4”, a decorative “egg” on stand, h. 5-1/2”, dia. 2-3/4”, a frog figure, h. 3”, dia. 3-1/4”, a seated eagle, h. 7”, w. 3”, d. 3-3/4”, a bell, h. 5-1/4”, w. 3-1/4”, a garniture urn, h. 17-1/4”, dia. 4”, a bulb pot, h. 4-1/2”, w. 7-1/4”, d. 3-1/2”, a cache pot on stand, h. 5”, dia. 7”, and a ginger jar, h. 4-1/2”, dia. 3-1/2”, each piece marked.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Red Leather Chesterfield Sofa
20th century, diamond tufted throughout and raised on turned bun feet. h. 28”, w. 76”, d. 35”
late 19th century, the rectangular top with a three-quarter gallery with corner ball finials, joined by turned uprights to a lower shelf with two paneled cupboard doors below, raised on tapered circular legs to brass caps and casters. h. 43-1/2”, w. 47”, d. 18”
20th century, the andirons decorated with a unicorn and a lion, respectively, from the British royal crest, with molded cast iron billet bars.
h. 14” to 16-1/2”, w. 24” to 26”, d. 12”
mid-20th century, including a pair of large boxes with "leather" bindings and various titles, h. 18-1/2", w. 17-1/2", d. 16-1/4", and a smaller box with colorful bindings, h. 6”, w. 11-1/4”, d. 8”.
646 645
late 19th century, the cove-molded cornice with applied balls, above two ebonized, astragal-glazed doors opening to a shelved interior, the lower section fitted with a drop-front drawer opening to an inset leather surface and a variety of drawers and cubbyholes over three long, graduated drawers, the whole raised on splayed bracket feet.
h. 89”, w. 43”, d. 22”
Chinese Champleve Enamel and Bronze Floor Lamp
first quarter 20th century, the turned standard decorated with red enamel lotus blossoms with cobalt ruyi centers, and green enamel pagodas against a ground of flowers, in a square grid, supported on a pagoda, resting on the back of an elephant, both decorated with cobalt enamel flowers and dragon, on an enameled circular base and mounted with a shade.
h. 67”, w. 16”
Chinese Rosewood and Marble-Top Center Table
19th century, the thick, circular, dished porto marble top above a pierced floral Greek-Key frieze, raised on acanthine-carved cabriole legs headed by lion masques, joined by an urncentered X-form stretcher and ending in paw feet.
h. 29-1/2”, dia. 48”
Attributed to Frederick Richard Lee (British, 1798-1879)
“Fisherman Above the Breakers, Scotland” oil on canvas signed lower left, partial old handwritten label en verso stretcher”.
Presented in an antique frame. 22-1/2” x 19”, framed 27” x 24”
fourth quarter 19th century, the eight-legged table with inlaid details along the lower edge of the aprons, accompanied by a rare double-door cabinet with a recursive image of this table, pool players and this cabinet inlaid on the front, opening to a fitted interior featuring a scoreboard, cue holders and four long storage drawers.
pool table h. 34”, d. 80”, l. 150”, cabinet h. 84-1/2”, w. 55”, d. 21”
Provenance: M. S. Rau Antiques, New Orleans, Louisiana.
This table relates very closely to the No. 28 Imrie Model, which the company described as their “more elaborate table - for the discerning gentleman!” James Ashcroft was awarded the Gold Medal for Excellence of his Billiard Table in 1886 at “The International Exhibition of Navigation-Traveling, Commerce and Manufacturing”.
Unusual Carved Wood and Faux Leather Club Fender
second quarter 19th century, the faux leather cushioned seat secured with brass nailheads, above arched rails supported by tapered leaf-carved balusters. h. 23”, w. 83-3/4”, d. 25-1/2”
first quarter 20th century, the facade inlaid with a figured wood lozenge and trimmed in cross-banding, opening to a fitted blotter and calendar, the leather-lined cover fitted for personal toilette articles, the back fitted with letter racks, drawers and compartments, the sides with brass carrying handles, on the base with tapered inlaid legs with a central drawer flanked by cabinets.
h. 44”, w. 24-1/2”, d. 10-3/4”
Faux Leather and Steel King-Size Sleigh Bed in the equestrian taste, with “leather” bed posts, the headboard and footboard composed of faux leather “bridles” in a latticework pattern.
h. 56”, inside w. 76-1/2”, l. 83”, outside w. 78-1/2”, l. 94-1/2”
oil on beveled wood panel signed lower right.
7” x 9-3/4”, framed 11” x 13-1/2”
oil on beveled wood panel signed lower right.
9-3/8” x 11-5/8”, framed 13-1/4” x 15-1/2”
“At Rest”
oil on beveled wood panel signed lower right.
9-1/2” x 11-5/8”, framed 13-1/4” x 15-5/8”
oil on canvas signed lower left.
21-3/4” x 25”, framed 25-1/2” x 29”
“Ducks and Ducklings”
oil on beveled wood panel signed lower left.
9-3/8” x 11-3/8”, framed 13-1/2” x 15-7/8”
Edwardian Mahogany Nine-Tube Quarter Chiming Tall Case Clock
ca. 1900, unsigned, with a traditional broken-arch pediment, the hood door and mid case door flanked by fluted columns with cast bronze capitals, the weight-driven movement with sub dials for Westminster and Whittington chimes, along with a silent/chime switch.
h. 100-1/2”, w. 22”, d. 13-1/2”
Unusual Red Leather Chesterfield Recamier
20th century, the back, arm and seat upholstered in diamond-tufted red leather, raised on turned legs ending in brass caps.
h. 30”, w. 31”, l. 68”
Victorian Mahogany Etagere
19th century, the rectangular top with corner finials, above three like shelves divided by turned and bulbous supports, the whole raised on turned and bulbous legs to brass caps on casters.
h. 60”, w. 18”, d. 14”
Provenance: The Estate of Nancy Brown Negley, Houston, Texas.
Large Chinese Hanging Scroll Portrait
19th century, ink, color and gilt on paper, depicting the consort of an official in a dragon robe and fur surcoat, now matted and framed.
overall h. 70-1/4”, w. 44-3/4”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
664 detail
Scroll of Ducks, Birds and Flowering Trees
probably first quarter 20th century, ink and colors on silk laid down on paper, with cloth-covered storage box.
74” x 24”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Large Japanese Meiji Period Patinated Bronze Vase
ca. 1868-1912, the pierced upper rim over a dragon wrapping around the neck, the body decorated with an eagle perched on a mountain, in pursuit of cranes in flight, a seal mark on the bottom.
20th century, in the chinoiserie taste, after a design by William Chambers, with bamboo frames and caned seats, the back, arms and front skirts pierced in chinoiserie patterns, the set including a settee, h. 36-1/2”, w. 41-1/2”, d. 20”, and four armchairs, h. 36”, w. 22-3/4”, d. 21-1/2”.
Impressive Cinnabar and Black Lacquer, Parcel-Gilt and Hardstone Nine-Panel Asian Screen
20th century, each section with twelve panels, variously decorated with bas-relief mandarin figures with pierced, painted or gilt surrounds, flat painted surfaces, panels of hardstone Chinese motifs, including bats and foo dogs on pierced surrounds and smaller panels of flowers and Chinese motifs, both gilt and painted.
h. 90-1/2”, w. 81” (fully extended)
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Chinese Cloisonne Baluster Vases
first half 20th century, decorated with pairs of phoenix birds flanking double happiness medallions, supported by foo dog heads, in polychrome decoration on a cobalt ground, the upper rims and bases with “Greek-key” border trim, the brass bases with partially obscured impressed character marks, formerly mounted as lamps.
h. 19”, dia. 6”
Pair of Large Chinese Cloisonne Horses
mid-20th century, decorated with scrollwork on a turquoise ground, set with brilliant yellow saddle cushions and Chinese red shields hanging from their harnesses, their manes brushed to one side and their tails, ears and hooves in brass.
h. 25”, w. 27”, d. 8”
ca. 1900, decorated with cobalt dragons and polychrome phoenix birds on a green ground scattered with flowers and scrollwork, on a lotus-molded brass base marked “China”, and with eight auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism, leading to freedom from suffering and enlightenment.
h. 14-1/2", dia. 7-1/4"
Large and Impressive Chinese Buddhist Icon
Ming period, 17th century, painted in ink color and gilt on textile, probably silk, the figure of Amida wearing an elaborate headdress and earrings, with a fur-trimmed and embroidered robe, seated in an armchair and surrounded by lineage figures, now in a Regency-style frame. sight h. 61-1/2”, w. 36”, framed h. 70”, w. 44-1/2”
Delicately Painted Chinese Paper Fan
19th century, decorated with a couple riding horses and an attendant, within a landscape with a figure and pine trees, and mountains in the background, on a gilt ground with a calligraphic signature on the upper left, h. 10”, w. 21”, now laid on a larger paper backing, h. 15-1/4”, w. 25-1/2”.
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Heavily Carved and Ebonized Burmese Teakwood Settee
early 20th century, the pierced, carved and undulating back with relief-carved figures at each end and in the center, surrounded by elaborate floral vines, fitted with a slip seat cushion covered in faux leopard fabric. h. 35”, w. 68”, d. 33”
Moroccan Polychrome and Inlaid Center Table
20th century, the canted rectangular top with a stepped edge and elaborate star and geometric mother-of-pearl inlays, and raised on a vasiform stretcher to four splayed legs, all with geometric inlays.
h. 23-1/2”, w. 30-1/2”, d. 22-1/2”
Suite of Six Ebonized Chinese Chippendale-Style Armchairs
each with a tall, domed back above a quatrefoil-pierced back, joined by like-pierced arms to the padded seat, raised on square legs joined by an H-form stretcher.
h. 45-1/2”, w. 26”, d. 20”
Suite of Four Ebonized Faux Bamboo Armchairs
in the Chinese Chippendale taste, each with a pierced and patterned faux bamboo back and arms, above a caned seat, raised on ring-turned, circular legs.
h. 36-1/2”, w. 23”, d. 19”
Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet
12’ 3” x 15’
Turkish Angora Oushak Runner
2’ 7” x 20’ 1”
Turkish Oushak Carpet
10’ x 13’
Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet
9’ x 11’ 8”
Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet
9’ 1” x 12’
Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet
8’ x 9’ 10”
French Giltwood Chandelier in the Baroque Taste
20th century, the eight-light chandelier with a carved standard decorated with pierced scrolls, acanthus leaves and ram’s heads, supporting scrolled arms carved with masques and lotus leaves, and terminating in reeded and turned candle cups, the candles mounted with shades, electrified. h. 37-3/4”, dia. 36-1/2”
Regence-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Commode
20th century, in the manner of Francois Linke, the shaped and bowed marble top with a molded edge, above a conforming bombe case fitted with two long, parquetry-veneered drawers, raised on splayed legs to sabots, the whole richly ornamented with ormolu hardware and millwork. h. 35”, w. 52-1/2”, d. 23”
Pair of Louis XIV-Style Fruitwood Fauteuils a la Reine
20th century, each with a padded, slightly domed back, joined by downswept carved arms to the padded seat, raised above a foliate shield-carved apron on cabriole legs ending in foliate scrolled toes, upholstered in custom mohair fabric.
h. 45”, w. 29”, d. 25”
Louis XV-Style Parquetry-Inlaid and Marble-Top Commode
early 20th century, the Breche d’Alep marble top with beveled edges, over a bombe-form case fitted with three long drawers, the corners with ormolu mounts.
h. 34”, w. 48”, d. 22”
French Petite Giltwood Chandelier in the Louis XV Taste
first quarter 20th century, the six-light chandelier having a vasiform standard decorated with guilloche and acanthus leaf carving, supporting leaf-carved and scrolled arms set with fluted candle cups and leaf-carved drip pans, the base with a carved artichoke pendant finial, mounted with pleated silk clamp-on shades, electrified.
h. 19-1/2”, dia. 22”
Louis XV Fruitwood, Kingwood and Marble-Top Petite Commode
18th century, the shaped marble top above a conforming bombe case fitted with two banded drawers, raised on splayed legs ending in sabots.
h. 33”, w. 25-1/2”, d. 15”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Louis XIV-Style Fruitwood Fauteuils a la Reine 20th century, each with a tall, padded back surmounted by a foliate shield crest, joined by downswept arms to the padded seat, raised above a foliate shield apron on cabriole legs joined by an X-form stretcher and ending in scrolled toes. h. 50”, w. 29”, d. 25”
691 Continental School (19th Century)
“The Hunting Party” and “Charity”
pair of oils on wood panel Unsigned. Framed alike.
16-1/2” x 22”, framed 24” x 30-1/2”
Giltwood Mirror in the Italian Rococo Taste
20th century, the flower-carved crest framed with leaf-carved scrollwork and rocaille trim, above a mirror-backed surround, the mirror plate lined with carved, scalloped leaves, the base decorated with a scroll-trimmed shell, and resting on scrollcarved feet.
h. 48-1/2”, w. 30-1/2”
early 20th century, each with a domed and padded back surmounted by a floral crest, joined by padded arms to the cushioned seat, raised on molded cabriole legs headed by floral carving and ending in scroll toes on pegs.
h. 33”, w. 25”, d. 20”
late 19th century, each with a shaped marble top above a conforming case fitted with two cabinet doors, each featuring an inlaid floral spray and opening to a shelved interior, raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots, the whole accented with ormolu mounts and millwork.
h. 37”, w. 46”, d. 18-1/2”
of Louis XV-Style Giltwood Bergeres 694 Pair of Regence-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Cabinets 692695
French Belle Epoque Gilt-Bronze and Porphyry Clock
fourth quarter 19th century, in the Louis XV taste, a figure of Cupid forming the finial, the clock with a dial, set in an urn and signed “Le Roy a Paris”, and decorated with swags of roses, a neoclassical female figure lounging at the base, the bottom with ram’s heads on the corners and oval panels of porphyry framed with swags of flowers.
h. 18-3/4”, w. 6”, d. 6”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
French Belle Epoque Elaborately Molded Gilt-Metal Jewelry Casket
fourth quarter 19th century, the fluted, cove-molded cover decorated with an image of Vesta, the goddess of hearth and home, fanning a smoking brazier, the top opening to a silk-lined interior, the bombe base with leaf-molded scrolled feet, and a nymph set among swirling tendrils of plants and flowers.
h. 7”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 12”
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Bureau Cylindre
the banded, rectangular top with a three-quarter pierced gallery, above a roll-top centered by a musical-inlaid oval within an ormolu frame, opening to a pull-out leatherinset surface and a variety of drawers and cubbyholes, over three drawers, the center one with an ormolu putti mount, raised on tapered square legs ending in brass caps, the whole with ormolu mounts and millwork.
h. 44-1/2”, w. 44-1/2”, d. 26”
Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Bergere avec Oreilles
20th century, the padded and trisected back joined by downswept and padded arms to the cushioned seat, raised on tapered circular legs headed by floral carving and ending in toupie feet.
h. 44”, w. 29”, d. 23”
Louis XV-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Console Table
early 20th century, the shaped marble top above a conforming pierced and carved apron, raised on cabriole legs joined by stretchers with a central fan cartouche.
h. 36-1/2”, w. 47”, d. 13-1/2”
French Giltwood Mirror in the Rococo Taste
fourth quarter 19th century, the arched and pierced crest decorated with a scroll framed with rocaille work, flanked by sprays of flowers, the surround with egg-and-dart molding and a beaded liner.
h. 62-1/2”, w. 32-1/2”
Pair of Louis XV-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Occasional Tables
20th century, each with a turtle-form marble top within a brass banding, above a conforming frieze fitted with a single drawer, joined by cabriole legs to a quarter-veneered shelf and continuing to sabots. h. 30-1/2”, w. 27”, d. 18-1/2”
“Kittens with a Bowl of Milk”
oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed.
21-3/4” x 25-1/2”, framed 29” x 32-1/2”
Louis XV-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Occasional Table
early 19th century, the shaped, rectangular Breche d’Alep marble top within a brass band and above a conforming frieze featuring inlaid foliate accents, raised on cabriole legs, joined by a lower stretcher shelf and ending in sabots. h. 29”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 13”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Regence-Style Burl Walnut and Marble-Top Commode
20th century, the shaped and bowed marble top above a conforming bombe case fitted with four long drawers, all with decorative trailing foliate inlays, raised on sabre legs. h. 35-1/2”, w. 49”, d. 23”
Karl Calzada (Austrian, b. 1824)
“The Bawdy Tale”
oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed.
27” x 22”, framed 32” x 26-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Mahin Forrest, Houston, Texas.
Pair of Bronze and Marble Urns in the Neoclassical Taste
the green marble bodies having bronze handles wrapped with molded serpents and bronze rims molded with lotus leaves, supporting anthemia-molded covers, the bodies supported by rocaille-molded bronze fittings above bases with egg-and-dart trim.
h. 28-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 10”
Suite of Twelve Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Side Chairs
first quarter 20th century, each with a shaped, floral-carved crest above a caned back with partial fabric overlay, above the cushioned, caned seat, raised on molded cabriole legs headed by floral carving and ending in scrolled toes.
h. 38-1/2”, w. 21”, d. 17-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
French School (18th Century)
“Portrait of a Gentleman Holding a Rose”
oil on canvas
35” x 28”, framed 42” x 34”
Louis XVI-Style Polychromed and Parcel-Gilt Trumeau Mirror
early 20th century, with an inset oval oil on panel of figures in a lush garden.
h. 59-1/2”, w. 48”
Louis XVI-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Nightstand
early 20th century, the rounded, rectangular marble top above a conforming case fitted with a single drawer over a drop-front pot cupboard, raised on faux-fluted, tapered circular legs ending in toupie feet.
h. 30-1/2”, w. 20”, d. 14-1/2”
Bronze and Crystal Basket Chandelier
second quarter 20th century, in the French Empire taste, the twelve-light chandelier having a corona with gilt leaves hung with swags of drops, the gilt-bronze frame hung with swags of faceted prisms, set with a central, scroll-molded ring supporting scrolled candle arms, mounted with leaf-molded prism rings and turned sockets.
h. 38”, dia. 25-1/2”
709 710 711
early 20th century, the rectangular marble top above a conforming frieze fitted with a single, long, arch-fluted drawer, joined by fluted, fruitcarved supports to a concave shelf, raised on block feet.
the inset D-form marble top with a projecting center section, above a conforming fluted and floral guilloche-carved frieze centered by a floral medallion and with pendant floral garlands, raised on fluted, tapered circular legs headed by foliate capitals, joined by an urn-centered stretcher and ending in floral blocks to toupie feet.
Directoire Oil-on-Canvas Three-Panel Screen
ca. 1800, the trompe-l’oeil screen with Cupid’s-bow crests and “windows” across the top, painted with curtain swags, a bridge, a mill, an aqueduct, and fishing and courting scenes, the lower portion with a Greek-key chair rail over gray-painted wainscoting, fluted pilasters and classical urns, the reverse painted with wooden structures and trees executed en grisaille.
Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Duchesse Brisee
20th century, consisting of three parts, each end with a domed back with floral crest and downswept, padded arms to the cushioned seat, the central piece also cushioned, all raised on fluted, tapered circular legs headed by floral block capitals and ending in peg feet.
h. 40”, w. 24”, l. 60”
Pair of Handsome French Bronze Dore Candelabra
fourth quarter 19th century, of Renaissance inspiration, the vasiform, masque-mounted standards set with scrolled candle arms terminating in foliate medallions, mounted with fluted candle cups and flower-molded drip pans, on bold bronze bases decorated with fluted columns terminating in Ionic capitals and hung with swags of flowers, the backs gilded and decorated with mounts of scrollwork, tendrils of laurel leaves and bellflowers. h. 31”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 17-1/2”
Provenance: Harris Antiques, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Large French Bronze and Crystal Chandelier of Rococo Inspiration
mid-20th century, the thirty-five-light chandelier with a vasiform, leaf-molded standard, supporting two tiers of scrolled candle arms set with molded candle cups and scalloped drip pans, the corona with bronze scrolls supporting swags of crystal drops and the arms hung with large prisms. h. 43”, dia. 41”
Empire Aubusson-Style Carpet
7’ 10” x 11’ 6”
Louis XVI Aubusson-Style Carpet
8’ 3” x 10’
Gilt-Composition Mirror of Louis XVI Inspiration
the pierced crest decorated with a crossed quiver and torch, a wreath behind them, and sprays of roses on each side, the beveled mirror plate with a gilt surround decorated with a ribbon-wrapped reed, the lower corners with carved scrollwork.
h. 59-1/4”, w. 35-1/2”
$1,000-$1,500 718
Three-Piece Louis XVI-Style Parlor Suite
early 20th century, comprised of a settee, h. 45”, w. 60”, d. 26”, and a pair of side chairs, h. 39-1/2”, w. 20”, d. 19”, each with a padded, oval back within a floral ribbon-carved frame surmounted by a shield-form crest, the padded seats raised on stop-fluted, tapered circular legs headed by a beaded lotus capital and ending in toupie feet.
Transitional Louis XV/XVI-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Semainier
early 20th century, the rectangular marble top with canted corners, above a conforming case fitted with seven drawers, all banded and quarter-veneered, the top six drawers covered in Pacific cloth, raised on molded legs to sabots. h. 57-1/2”, w. 25-1/2”, d. 16”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Transitional Louis XV/XVI-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Semainier
early 20th century, the rectangular marble top with canted corners, above a conforming case fitted with seven drawers, all banded and quarter-veneered, the top five drawers covered in Pacific cloth, raised on molded legs to sabots.
h. 57-1/2”, w. 25-1/2”, d. 16”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Louis XV-Style Ormolu-Mounted Kingwood and MarbleTop Center Table
early 20th century, the shaped Rouge de France marble top set within a conforming bronze rim, the aprons and cabriole legs ornamented with gilt-bronze mounts.
h. 31-1/2”, dia. 32”
French Gilt-Metal and Crystal Chandelier
mid-20th century, the six-light chandelier of Baroque inspiration, the gilt-metal frame accented with molded leaves and set with a leaf-molded corona hung with prisms and swags of drops, set with circular prism rings holding candles, hung with a profusion of various cut glass drops and swags of drops between each section.
h. 27-1/2”, dia. 20-1/4”
Pair of Louis XVI-Style Creme-Peinte and Parcel-Gilt Fauteuils
each with a padded and domed back surmounted by a gilt foliate crest, joined by padded, foliate scrolling arms to the cushioned seat, raised on fluted, tapered circular legs headed by a block floral capital and ending in toupie feet.
h. 43”, w. 24-1/2”, d. 22”
Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Wing Chair
early 20th century, the floral-carved frame with a central ribbon-carved crest, with a padded seat and raised on turned and fluted legs.
h. 44-1/2”, w. 30”, d. 25”
Pair of Louis XVI-Style Gilt-Bronze Five-Light Sconces
the quiver-form backplates set with pierced bowknot crests and large shield-form mounts, the acanthus-molded arms set with leaf-molded shade holders, securing the frosted floriform shades.
h. 31”, w. 12”, d. 8”
Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Commode
early 20th century, the breakfront marble top above a conforming case fitted with a single long drawer, with an ormolu guilloche band over two long drawers centered by an inlaid oval classical landscape medallion, raised on fluted, tapered circular legs ending in ormolu foliate caps.
h. 35-1/2”, w. 58”, d. 24-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Follower of Francois Boucher (French, 1703-1770)
“Sleeping Nymphs Surprised by Satyrs” oil on canvas
Presented in an oval giltwood frame surmounted by a ribbon-carved crest.
28” x 36”, framed 38” x 42”
Louis XVI-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Nightstand
early 20th century, the rounded, rectangular marble top within a brass band and above a conforming case fitted with a single ormolu guilloche-applied drawer, over a cupboard door, opening to a pot cupboard, raised on fluted, tapered circular legs ending in toupie feet.
h. 30-1/2”, w. 18”, d. 14-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Rare French Belle Epoque Bronze Patine Figural Annular Clock
fourth quarter 19th century, the top figure of a cupid riding a snail, the base decorated with a ram’s head, trophies and swags, above the circular hour and minute “dials”, raised on snail-form feet, the works accessed through the bottom. h. 15”, dia. 5-1/4”
Pair of French Gilt-Bronze and Marble Potpourri Urns
ca. 1900, in the Louis XV taste, the pear-form marble urns mounted with bronze fluted covers over pierced necks, and set with swan-form handles supporting swags of flowers, on molded bronze bases. h. 21-1/2”, w. 7-3/4”, d. 5-3/4”
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
French Belle Epoque Bronze Chandelier
ca. 1900, of Louis XV inspiration, the six-light chandelier with a rope-twist center standard, with cupids holding the arms and riding the leaf-molded frame, supporting scrolled arms terminating in leaf-molded shade holders, set with frosted glass floriform shades, the top with a patinated bronze spherule set with gilt-bronze fleurs-de-lis. h. 35”, dia. 24”
late 19th century, in the manner of 18th-century French ebeniste, Joseph Sinz, the rectangular marble top with turreted corners, above a conforming case fitted with a single frieze drawer over a drop front, opening to a leather-inset writing surface and a variety of drawers and cubbyholes, over two cupboard doors, opening to two drawers to one side and open on the other, raised on tapered circular legs ending in brass caps, the whole accented with ormolu mounts and millwork, the top of the drop front bearing the impressed mark “J. Sinz”.
h. 57-1/2”, w. 37-1/2”, d. 16”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Pair of Chinese Polychrome Porcelain Vases
in the Rose Canton style, decorated with figures on a flowerdecorated ground, set with green and yellow pierced handles.
h. 22-1/2”, dia. 7-3/4”
Pair of Monumental Chinese Export Rose Canton Palace
20th century, decorated on one side with panels of mandarin figures and on the other side with panels of figures in pagodas, on a ground of scattered flowers, with gilt salamanders on the shoulders and foo dog handles, the necks with panels of peonies.
h. 43-1/4”, dia. 13”
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Pair of Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Side
20th century, each with a rectangular marble top within an ormolu frame, above a case fitted with two long drawers, both bi-paneled, raised on fluted and tapered circular legs ending in brass caps.
h. 27”, w. 26-1/2”, d. 18-1/2”
Pair of Louis XVI-Style Fruitwood Bergeres
early 20th century, each with a padded and domed back within a ribbon-carved frame surmounted by a floral crest, joined by beaded and acanthine-carved, padded arms to the cushioned seat, the guillochecarved seat frame raised on fluted, tapered circular legs indistinctly carved with numbers and script heading the rear legs, all legs ending in toupie feet, now upholstered in a petit fleur-embroidered tan silk faille.
h. 40”, w. 27”, d. 23”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Louis XV-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Side Table
early 20th century, the ovoid marble top within a brass band and above a conforming case fitted with a single drawer above a quarter-veneered pot cupboard, raised on molded cabriole legs joined by a stretcher shelf and ending in sabots. h. 29-1/2”, w. 19”, d. 14-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Pair of Louis XV-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Fauteuils
early 20th century, the carved and molded frames with a central floral cartouche, padded back and seat, and raised on cabriole legs with floral knees and scrolled toes.
h. 41”, w. 29”, d. 24”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Monumental French Patinated Bronze and Marble Clock Set
fourth quarter 19th century, in the Renaissance Revival taste, the architectonic clock with a temple-form top, set with marble panels decorated with torch mounts and crowned with a pierced dome with a central spire, the clock dial with enameled numerals in the chapter ring, flanking Tuscan marble columns, the works signed “Barrard & Vignon, Fts D’Horlogerie, Rue Commines 7, Paris”, the sides decorated with bronze caryatids on bracketed bases, h. 42”, w. 21”, d. 12-1/2”, the matching candelabra with domed finials set with spires, and leaf-molded candle arms supporting molded candle cups and pierced drip pans, set into vases supported by pairs of caryatids resting on marble plinths, h. 37”, w. 23, d. 18”.
Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Settee
20th century, the padded back within a molded frame with finial accents, joined by downswept arms to the cushioned seat, raised on stop-fluted, tapered circular legs headed by floral-block capitals and ending in toupie feet, upholstered in Fortuny-style fabric.
h. 32”, w. 51”, d. 24”
Suite of Eight Louis XVI-Style Bleached Fruitwood Dining Chairs
comprised of two armchairs and six side chairs, each with a padded, rectangular back within a molded frame, the padded seat raised on fluted, tapered circular legs ending in toupie feet. h. 38”, w. 24”, d. 19”
Partial Service of Hache & Cie. Porcelain Dinnerware
fourth quarter 19th century, Vierzon, France, with a scalloped edge, the delicate pattern with a gilt- and black-threaded lavender band and six pairs of pendant arabesques (the smooth-rimmed cups and saucers with three pairs), the service including eleven dinner plates, dia. 9-3/8”, eleven dessert plates, dia. 8-1/2”, twenty-three salad plates, dia. 7-7/8”, eleven soup plates, dia. 9”, ten fruit bowls, dia. 5-1/8”, seven condiment bowls, dia. 5-1/8”, twelve teacups, dia. 3-3/4”, with twelve saucers, dia. 6-5/8”, eleven demitasse cups, h. 2-3/8”, with eleven saucers, dia. 4-5/8”, and a pair of footed dessert stands, h. 3-1/2”, dia. 9”, all but the dessert stands and saucers with elaborate conjoined monogram “AFC” in gilt, red and black, all pieces stamped on the underside in overglaze gray or rouge with the Ad. Hache & Pepin Lehalleur [Fils] mark in use from 1878 or in brown with the Alfred Hache & Cie. mark in use from 1889, some additionally in green with “H & PL/V” or “AH & Cie./France”, respectively.
The firm of Hache & Cie. was located in Vierzon on the Cher River and in the department of the same name. Successors to the firm of Petry & Ronsse (which itself could be traced back to the early days of the Restauration), the company was founded in 1845 by brothers-in-law Adolphe Hache and Leon PepinLehalleur. The new industrialized manufacturing techniques introduced by Hache & Pepin-Lehalleur - coupled with the region’s rich supplies of clay and firewood - established Vierzon as a major porcelain manufacturing center of France, which it would remain until the French economic crises of the 1970s. Pepin-Lehalleur retired in 1872, succeeded in the firm by his sons, after which the firm was known as Hache & Lehalleur fils. Following Adolphe Hache’s retirement in 1885, he was succeeded by his son and son-in-law as Alfred Hache, Jullien & Cie., known from 1893 simply as A. Hache & Cie. These companies received numerous exhibition awards, including silver medals in Paris in 1858 and 1867, a prize medal in London in 1862, gold medals in Paris in 1867 and 1878, diplomas of honor in Vienna in 1872 and Paris in 1889. Adolphe Hache was awarded the Legion d’Honneur in 1886, and Alfred Hache served as the President of the Ceramics Jury in the Paris Exposition of 1900. See Chavagnac & de Grollier, Histoire des Manufactures Francaises de Porcelaine (Paris: Picard & fils, 1906), pp. 694-695, for a brief history of the company and their marks.
Empire Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Console
19th century, the rectangular white marble top above a conforming painted frieze with applied giltwood ornamentation, raised on lion-form legs and having a mirrored back.
h. 32”, w. 46-1/2”, d. 13-1/2”
747 Painted Wood, Metal, Parcel-Silver-Gilt and Crystal Chandelier
the eight-light chandelier of provincial inspiration, the turned wood standard accented with silver-gilt trim and carved silvergilt palmettes, the corona with swags of drops secured with glass medallions and strands of cut glass beads, leading to the scrolled candle arms, set with metal prism rings and candles. h. 40”, dia. 32”
Collection of Royal Copenhagen “Flora Danica” Porcelain comprising a large rim soup bowl, model 3545, depicting “Ranunculus bulbosus L.”, dia. 9-3/4”; two dinner plates, model 3549, depicting “Leontodon obliquus Horn.” and “Plantago arenaria Kit.”, dia. 10”; and a pickle dish, model 3543, depicting “Saxifraga cernua L.”, h. 2”, w. 7”, d. 4”; all fully marked and dated mid to late 1960s; along with two salad/dessert plates depicting “Potentilla maculata. (Gronlana)” and “Aira flexursa.”, dia. 8-1/2”, both otherwise marked solely with underglaze wavy blue lines and variations to the rim decoration, possibly late 19th century.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
ca. 1954-1989, American, composed of cut crystal with etched and gilded trim, the service including fourteen water goblets, h. 6-3/4”, dia. 3-1/2”, ten champagne coupes/sherbets, h. 5-1/2”, dia. 4”, ten liquor cocktail glasses, h. 5-1/4”, dia. 3-3/4”, and six claret glasses, h. 6-1/4”, dia. 2-1/4”, unmarked.
750 Contemporary Polychrome Cabinet in the Neoclassical Taste
the rectangular top with decorative polychrome banding, above a case fitted with two drawers over two cupboard doors, all with like decorative banding, raised on a plinth base. h. 36-1/4”, w. 56-1/2”, d. 20”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Contemporary Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Dining Table
the oval top with cartouche-painted borders and a gilded, molded edge, mounted to four shaped, tapered square legs with maple leaf decor. h. 30”, w. 55”, l. 115”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Suite of Ten Louis XV-Style Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Caned Dining Chairs
mid-20th century, comprised of two armchairs with floralcarved cartouches and caned backs, raised on cabriole legs, h. 40”, w. 26”, d. 23”, and eight side chairs in the same form, h. 40”, w. 20”, d. 19”.
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
French Onyx and Gilt-Bronze Floor Lamp
first quarter 20th century, the column-form standard having a capital decorated with masques accented with swagging, supported on a carved, lobed base, and raised on gilt-bronze feet in the form of swan’s heads, mounted with a silk shade.
h. 62-1/2”, dia. 24”
Pair of French Beaux-Arts Gilt-Bronze and Onyx Garniture Urns
first quarter 20th century, the leaf-molded urns set with scrollmolded handles and covers with flame-form finials, the ogeemolded giltwood, cylindrical bases set with onyx.
h. 18”, w. 7-1/2”
Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Bergere avec Oreilles
early 20th century, the domed and padded back surmounted by a foliate-carved crest and finials, joined by padded, downswept sides and arms to the cushioned seat, raised on spiral-fluted, tapered circular legs ending in toupie feet.
h. 36-1/2”, w. 27-1/2”, d. 25”
Pair of French Cut Glass and Gilt-Bronze Table Lamps
third quarter 20th century, in the Empire taste, possibly Baccarat, the vasiform column-form, strawberry-cut standards set with engine-turned capitals, on matching cylindrical bases with leaf-molded bronze trim, on acrylic plinths.
h. 26-1/2”, dia. 5-3/4”
French Baccarat “Helios” Crystal Chandelier
the six-light chandelier with a vasiform, diamond-pointmolded standard strung with cut glass prisms, supporting rope-twist and scrolled arms, set with diamond-point inverted bell-form candle cups and matching prism rings.
h. 29”, dia. 26”
Pair of Bronze and Crystal Sconces in the Baccarat Taste
fourth quarter 19th century, the quiver-form backplates set with flame finials and leaf-molded, scrolled candle branches, set with fluted candle cups and molded crystal prism rings, hung with swags of cut glass prisms and various cut glass drops.
h. 21”, w. 14-1/2”, d. 12-1/2”
Herend “Rothschild Bird” Partial Luncheon Service
20th century, Hungarian, decorated with birds and insects, each piece marked, the service including twelve luncheon plates, dia. 10-3/4”, twenty soup plates, dia. 9”, thirteen dessert dishes, dia. 8”, nineteen demitasse cups and saucers, h. 3-1/2”, dia. 4-1/2”, and a coffeepot, h. 9”, w. 6-1/2”; together with a “Queen Victoria” triple relish dish with a bird handle, h. 5-1/4”, dia. 12”.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Partial Service of Baccarat “Paris” Crystal Stemware
ca. 1931-1993, the service comprised of sixteen water goblets, h. 7”, dia. 3-1/4”, fourteen claret glasses, h. 5-3/4”, dia. 2-1/2”, twentythree port glasses, h. 5-1/4”, dia. 2-1/4”, nine cordial glasses, h. 3-1/2”, dia. 1-1/2”, and eight champagne coupes, h. 5”, dia. 3-3/4”, each piece signed.
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
759 detail
Partial Service of St. Louis “Chantilly” Cut Crystal Stemware
20th century, Belgian, the service comprised of four burgundy glasses, h. 7”, dia. 3”, four continental goblets, h. 7-1/2”, dia. 3”, and twelve champagne flutes, h. 7-1/2”, dia. 2”, each piece marked.
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Unusual French Patinated Bronze and Crystal Chandelier
second quarter 20th century, the nine-light chandelier with a molded glass-clad standard, the flared corona with crystal flowers and swags of drops, supporting bronze chains hung to the scrolled candle branches, set with inverted bell-form candle cups and circular prism rings, hung with swags of faceted crystals and drops, and terminating in a cut glass spherical pendant finial.
h. 35”, dia. 18-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of John Macaulay Bruton, Mexico City, Mexico and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Louis-Philippe-Style Bleached Walnut and Marble-Top Commode
20th century, the rectangular top with canted corners, above a conforming case fitted with four long drawers, raised on a plinth base to low feet.
h. 30”, w. 31”, d. 19”
Pair of Giltwood Consulate Bergeres
19th century, each with a padded back and downswept arms to ram’s-head hand rests, the cushioned seat raised above a foliate-carved apron on tapered circular legs headed by floral block capitals and ending in foliate feet.
h. 32”, w. 29”, d. 22”
Louis XVI-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Center Table
19th century, the inset oval marble top within a molded frame and above a conforming wave-carved frieze, raised on ribbed and tapered circular legs headed by a floral block capital joined by a shaped, X-form stretcher and ending in foliate feet.
h. 33-1/2”, w. 36”, d. 25”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
French Gilt-Bronze and Marble Coupe-Form Garniture
fourth quarter 19th century, decorated with masques framed with ivy, the pierced and scrolled handles supporting molded leopards, on fluted stems raised on lotus-molded foot rims, supported on a black marble base.
h. 9”, w. 11-1/4”, d. 9”
Provenance: Cedric Dupont, West Palm Beach, Florida; Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Handsome French Bronze Dore et Patine Garniture Urns
mid-20th century, in the Empire taste, the acanthus-molded urns with upper egg-and-dart rings, on rectangular bases decorated with laurelwreath mounts and lotus-molded trim.
h. 14-1/2”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 4-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Unusual Louis XVI Bronze and Marble Portico Clock
fourth quarter 18th century, the bronze finial decorated with flags and a battle axe, the clock suspended between bronze-mounted cannon-form columns, with cannon mounts and flame “explosion” finials on the top, the white marble base with bronze cannon balls below the cannon, the silkstring suspension movement with a lower mount decorated with laurel leaves and set with an oval jasperware plaque, the white marble base resting on bronze toupie feet.
h. 16”, w. 11”, d. 3-3/4”
Provenance: Estate of Catherine Denkmann Wentworth, Paris, France; Santa Barbara, California; by descent to the family.
Louis-Philippe Giltwood Mirror
mid-19th century, the ogee-molded surround decorated with incised running vines, the mirror plate lined with beading. h. 55”, w. 38-1/2”
Sophisticated French Bronze Dore et Patine Clock
first quarter 19th century, in the Egyptian taste, the pylon-form case with a cove-molded, lotus-decorated top over an engineturned dial, the lower body with a mount of “Apis”, the bull god, the base with a canopic jar framed with lotus blossoms, the silk-string suspension works signed by Claude Hemon (French, 1770-1820), the case possibly by Pierre Ledure. h. 14-3/4”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 5”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Pair of Empire-Style Giltwood Fauteuils
20th century, each with a shaped crest over a foliate-carved frieze, joined by padded and elaborate swan-carved arms to the cushioned seat, raised on tapered circular legs headed by foliate carving and ending in ball feet. h. 45”, w. 30”, d. 28”
Provenance: Reuben L. “Buzz” Harper, Natchez, Mississippi.
French Signed “Tahan” Bronze and Mosaic Hardstone Jewel Casket
third quarter 19th century, in the Neo-Grec taste, the cover set with panels of malachite anthemia framed with running Greek frets set into onyx, with matching side panels, the bronze frame with fluted side panels and scrolled crests, raised on paw feet, the lock plate engraved “Tahan Fr. de l’Empereur”.
h. 5-1/2”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 6-1/2”
20th century, made by Vintage Hardware, the nine-light chandelier with a pierced, leaf-molded, vasiform standard supporting trumpeting angels, set with leaf-molded arms terminating in frosted glass shades, with additional arms set in the body, separated by angels.
h. 49”, dia. 26-1/2”
20th century, made by Vintage Hardware, the nine-light chandelier with a pierced, leaf-molded, vasiform standard supporting trumpeting angels, set with leaf-molded arms terminating in frosted glass shades, with additional arms set in the body, separated by angels.
h. 49”, dia. 26-1/2”
mid-19th century, in the Rococo Revival taste, the cove-molded surround set with a pierced crest with a central rocaille ornament framed with scrollwork, flanked by putti resting on acanthus leaves, supporting trailing garlands of flowers, the exterior of the mirror lined with rope-twist trim and the lower corners with scrolled trim. h. 73”, w. 57-1/2”
French Giltwood Mirror in the Rococo Taste
fourth quarter 19th century, the crest with a pair of winged angel’s heads framed in scrollwork, and lovebirds on each side, the side panels with nymphs supported on scrollwork, the beveled mirror plate with a giltwood surround decorated with ribbon-wrapped leaves, the mirror-backed panel decorated with scrollwork and leaves.
h. 68-1/4”, w. 41-1/4”
Assembled Pair of Royal Vienna-Style Portrait Plates
ca. 1900, one plate with a black border and decorated with a young woman in neoclassical dress, and the other plate with a polychrome border and decorated with a young woman rendered in the Pre-Raphaelite manner, both with underglaze blue “beehive” marks and mounted in period Italian giltwood frames.
dia. 17”
Exceptional Louis XV-Style Mahogany and Parcel-Gilt Armoire
early 20th century, the top with a central carved cartouche above a complex molded cornice, the front with a large beveled mirrored door, flanked by conforming shaped and paneled doors to each side, the interior fitted with shelves, raised on large carved paw feet.
h. 104”, w. 76”, d. 26”
Unusual Italian Patinated Bronze Pendant Light
first quarter 20th century, in the form of three putti holding aloft a brazier with scroll-molded sides and pierced palmette borders, supported on bronze chains hung from a grape-leafmolded canopy.
h. 18”, dia. 15”
Pair of Napoleon III-Style Ebonized Fauteuils
late 19th century, each with a domed and crowned shield crest above a padded back, flanked to either side by fluted uprights continuing to padded arms, the padded seat raised on turned and fluted, tapered circular legs ending in toupie feet.
h. 43-1/2”, w. 25-1/2”, d. 24”
Pair of French Art Deco Marble and Gilt-Bronze Pedestals
second quarter 20th century, the verde antique marble pedestals with stepped tops on elongated standards, each side mounted with gilt-bronze plaques decorated with leaves, scrollwork and sunflowers, the stepped bases with leaf-molded mounts, raised on tapered feet.
h. 43-1/2”, w. 14”, d. 14”
Provenance: Estate of David I. Oreck, New Orleans, Louisiana.
$1,000-$1,500 780 781
Unusual Napoleon III Sormani Bronze-Mounted Mahogany Vitrine
late 19th century, labeled “Vve P. Sormani & Fils, 10 r. Charlot, Paris”, the angled side cabinets with gilt panels and painted scenes, and having gilt-bronze ribbon bows above, the central door fitted with beveled glass, and having a larger gilt-bronze ribbon bow above, the arched top with four cast bronze pineapple finials.
h. 96”, w. 82”, d. 23”
Provenance: Estate of Norma Crawford Myers, Dallas, Texas.
Continental Patinated Bronze Bust of “Lucius Aurelius Verus”
on an integral brass base atop a marble stepped base with swag and name.
bust h. 15-1/2”, overall h. 23-1/2”, w. 9”, d. 9-1/2”
Provenance: Estate of Daniel A. Glaser, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Italian Patinated Bronze of the “Crouching Venus” 20th century, after the 2nd century AD Roman marble (itself a copy of a 2nd century BCE Hellenistic sculpture), on a black marble base.
h. 22”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 12-1/4”
French Patinated Spelter Figural Grouping of the Battle Between Vercingetorix and Julius Caesar
first quarter 20th century, unsigned, title plaque at front. h. 31”, w. 22”, d. 11”
After Henri-Alfred-Marie Jacquemart (French, 1824-1896)
“Serpent et Gazelle”
patinated bronze
first half 20th century, cast signature on self-base. h. 13”, w. 15”, d. 7”
French Patinated Bronze of Two Maidens
20th century, in the style of Auguste Moreau (French, 18341917), faint cast signature along side of self-base, on a marble plinth.
h. 19”, dia. 9”
Pair of Unusual French Rococo Revival Patinated Bronze Petite Chandeliers
mid-19th century, each five-light chandelier supported on a pierced and scroll-molded standard, the tapered and spiral-molded upper portion set with scrolled and molded arms terminating in drip pans molded with cabochons and matching, inverted bell-form candle cups.
h. 26”, dia. 14”
“Nature Morte avec Les Fleurs” oil on canvas signed lower right.
24” x 21”, framed 35-1/2” x 31-1/2”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
“In the Rose Garden” oil on wood panel signed lower right.
Framed. 24” x 30-1/4”, framed 31” x 36”
Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
“The Guardian”
oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed.
46” x 34”, framed 52” x 38”
fourth quarter 19th century, the twelve-light chandelier with a pierced canopy “hung” with fringed bronze drapery, supporting strands of crystal beads leading to the arms, the body pierced with laurel leaves and set with scrolled, leafmolded arms terminating in masques, alternating with cones, set with reeded, swag-molded candle cups on molded and scalloped drip pans.
h. 34”, dia. 22”
Pair of French Belle Epoque Mirrors
fourth quarter 19th century, with pierced crests composed of acanthus leaves and scrollwork, framed with trailing flowers, the surrounds molded with ribbon-bound laurel leaves and berries, supporting inner oval surrounds composed of ribbonbound reeds, on scrollwork.
Belle Epoque Bronze Electrolier
ca. 1900, the eight-light electrolier set with a reeded standard wound with bronze leaves and set with alternating gas and electric reeded arms, the arms decorated with molded leaves, with matching leaves on the socket covers and drip pans, the bottom with a shield-form rococo finial, set with frosted glass floriform shades.
Allen, Jere Hardy, 4
American School, 102, 103
Anuszkiewicz, Richard, 32
Arnoldi, Charles, 192
Artz, Constant David Ludovic, 659
Attributed Fanfani, Enrico, 245
Audubon, John James (after), 515-517
Baker, Richard, 197-199
Bejar, Feliciano, 31
Belleroche, Albert de, 76
Beul, Henri de, 262
Blanchard, Jim, 553
Blumenfeld, Erika, 135
Boggs, Frank Myers, 370
Borack, Stanley, 560
Bordignon, Noe, 246
Boucher, Francois (follower of), 731
British School, 599, 609
Brunel de Neuville, Alfred-Arthur, 702
Buck, William Henry, 514
Calder, Alexander, 30
Calzada, Karl, 705
Cauchois, Eugene Henri, 789
Cavanaugh, Tom Richard, 146, 196
Chihuly, Dale, 132
Connell, Clyde, 85
Continental School, 234, 691
Cortes y Aguilar, Antonio, 287
Cuevas, Jose Luis, 43
Danilovitch, Gorovykh Evgeni, 101
Davis, Julyan, 500
De Haas, Mauritz Frederik Hendrik, 581 de Roncourt, Jean, 82
Decamps, Albert, 363
del Sarto, Andrea (after), 240
Dufy, Jean, 378
Duke, Alfred, 656
Dureau, George Valentine, 47
Durer, Albrecht, 216, 217
Emery, Lin, 17
Evans, De Scott (David), 537
Fairman, James, 657
Ferrari, Giuseppe (after), 557
French School, 708
Giambologna (after), 297
Goodall, Thomas Frederick, 655
Gordy, Robert, 1-3
Guidry, Louise, 168
Guilbert, Narcisse, 365
Haas, Judy, 200
Hassam, Childe, 78
Heilmayer, Karl, 580
Heldner, Colette Pope, 552
Hinds, Will, 5
Huldah, Cherry Jeffe, 362
Hunter, Clementine, 511
Hunter, S. J., 268
Italian School, 292
Jacque, Charles-Emile, 285
Jacquemart, Henri-Alfred-Marie (after), 786
Jeanmaire, Edouard, 658
Johnson, Lucas, 42
Jongkind, Johan Barthold, 276
Joslin, Jerry, 20
Klee, Paul, 40
Kline, Martin, 35
Koch, John, 86
Koch, Joseph, 286
Kohlmeyer, Ida Rittenberg, 127, 129
Kuhn, Walt, 37, 38
Le Groumellec, Loic, 193, 194
Lee, Frederick Richard (attributed to), 650
Leeke, Ferdinand (after), 220
Lefort, Jean, 790
Legrand, Rene, 791
Lever, Richard Hayley, 497-499
Lichtenstein, Roy, 34
Lillywhite, Raphael, 559
Longshore, Ashley, 90
MacDonald, Margaret, 21
March, James Massena, 133, 134
Mauve, Anton, 257
McDougal-Phillips, Harriett Ann, 606
Meeker, Dean, 202
Michalopoulos, James, 8, 11, 12
Miro, Joan, 27, 28
Montezin, Pierre-Eugene, 361
Muller, Alfredo, 80
Murch, Walter, 140
Petitjean, Edmond Marie, 366
Picasso, Pablo (after), 50
Pissarro, Camille, 79
Pissarro, Hugues Claude, 364
Portman, Brian, 195
Raphaeli, Zvi, 203
Remington, Frederic Sackrider (after), 558
Renfroe, Ray (after), 567
Richet, Leon, 275
Rigolot, Albert-Gabriel, 267
Roberts-Antieau, Chris, 6
Rodrigue, George, 9, 10
Rysselberghe, Theo van, 359
Schorre, Charles, 7
Schouten, Henry, 284
Silvers, Julie, 128
Smith, David, 41
Stella, Frank, 33
Stewart, Allison, 352
Sultan, Donald Keith, 26
Surls, James, 25
Swenson, Richard, 18, 19
Talbot, Catherine Porter, 565
Tamayo, Rufino, 201
Terelak, John C., 377
Teschendorff, Emil (after), 330
Thoma, Josef, 223
Torina, John, 384
Trouillebert, Paul Desire, 256
Tschacbasov, Nahum, 36
Vallee, Ludovic, 360
van der Plas, Niek, 379
van Rijn, Rembrandt Harmenszoon, 214, 215
Vaudechamp, Jean Joseph, 523
Vermeersch, Jose, 45, 46
Villa, Mario, 49
Wagner, Carl, 566
Walker, William Aiken, 524-526
Warhol, Andy, 44
Waugh, Frederick Judd, 501
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 77
Whyte, Steven, 81
New Orleans Auction Galleries does not make any express or implied warranty as to the authorship of works of art and fine art. Please note that all of the terms and descriptions used in this catalogue are intended as our qualified opinions only and are subject to the Conditions of Sale set forth elsewhere.
The Artist’s Name: In our qualified opinion, a work by the artist.
Attributed to: In our qualified opinion, a work of the period of the artist that may be in whole or in part the work of the artist.
School of / Follower of: In our qualified opinion, a work by a follower of the artist.
Circle of: In our qualified opinion, a work of the period of the artist and showing his or her influence.
Studio of: In our qualified opinion, a work possibly associated with the studio of the artist and showing his or her influence.
Manner of: In our qualified opinion, a work in the style of the artist, possibly of a later period.
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(f). Storage charge. Subject to the foregoing provisions, any Lot that is not picked up by the end of the day on the fifteenth calendar day following the conclusion of the Auction is subject to an additional storage charge of $5.00 per Lot per day (“Storage Charge”) for as long as the Lot is stored at NOAG’s facilities. The outstanding amount of this Storage Charge must be paid in full (in addition to the Purchase Price) before such Lot will be released to the Buyer. Such Storage Charge accrues on a daily basis and is billed monthly. All items handled or stored will be at the Buyer’s risk. NOAG is not liable for any damage to Lots after the conclusion of the Auction.
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If we resell the property under Section 4(g)(vi) above, the Buyer shall be liable for payment of any deficiency between the total amount originally due to us and the price obtained upon resale as well as for all costs, expenses, damages, legal fees and commissions and premiums of whatever kind associated with both sales or otherwise arising from the default. If we pay any amount to the Seller under paragraph (vii) above, the Buyer acknowledges that NOAG shall have all of the rights of the Seller, however arising, to pursue the Buyer for such amount.
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(i). Earlier payment may be required. For any specific Lot, and notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4(b) above, NOAG may require, in its sole discretion, that the Hammer Price for the Lot be paid immediately upon the striking of the Auctioneer’s hammer and announcement of the Winning Bid, with the balance of the Purchase Price being due by the close of the Auction.
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In connection with the operation of our auction business, NOAG may need to seek personal information from Bidders or obtain information about Bidders from third parties (e.g., credit checks from banks). Such information will be processed and kept by us in confidence. Some of Bidders’ personal data may also need to be shared with third party service providers (e.g., shipping or storage companies) for Bidders’ benefit. By participating in an Auction, you agree to all previously stated disclosure.
The rights and obligations of the parties with respect to these Conditions of Sale, the conduct of the Auction and any matters connected with any of the foregoing shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Louisiana. By bidding at the Auction and/or through execution of the attached registration form, the Bidder consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Louisiana and the Federal courts of the United States of America located in the Eastern District of Louisiana.