September 26-27, 2020 Estates Auction

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New Orleans Auction galleries

Estates Auction September 26-27, 2020

Estates Auction September 26-27, 2020

New Orleans Auction galleries

333 Saint Joseph Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 | | 504-566-1849 LA Auction License AB-363, Steinkamp #1265, Eichenwald #1922 | 25% Buyer’s Premium

Pictured Left: Lot 1011 | Front Cover: Lot 253 | Back Cover: Lot 838

Exhibition: September 14-25, 2020 Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (by appointment only)

Lot Schedule: Please note that times are approximate

Saturday, September 26, 2020 Lots 1-600 10:00 - 11:00


11:00 - 12:00






























Sunday, September 27, 2020 Lots 601-1088 10:00 - 11:00




11:00 - 12:00
























Pictured: Lot 837 (detail)


1050 - 1088

Letter From the Assistant Director of Auctions

From our country’s inception, election years have always been important milestones and periods of reflection in America. This year is no exception, in part, because it marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed and protected women’s right to vote. As we approach our country’s 59th presidential election, I can’t think of a better time to reflect on, recognize and celebrate the immense contributions of women in politics throughout American history, both in the spotlight and behind the scenes.

Just like Abigail Adams, B.A. wasn’t merely supporting her husband’s ambitions or following his lead; she truly believed in Lloyd’s platform because it was very much her own. As you flip through the catalogue, you’ll see a trove of political memorabilia and documents, examples of her work and the recognition she received, including a telegram from Robert Kennedy giving advance notice of his plans to run against Johnson in 1968 and a letter from Vice President and Democratic nominee Hubert Humphrey thanking her for her support in the election (both included in lot 823).

The list of influential female voices in politics is endless, but many of the most important voices never formally held a political office. One example is Abigail Adams, the wife of President John Adams and also his most trusted advisor and confidante. Opponents went as far as to call her “Mrs. President” – while meant to be an attack on her husband, it underscores her influential role.

The auction will also offer fine art, furniture, carpets, lighting and much more. We invite you to make an appointment to preview the sale during our two-week exhibition beginning Monday, September 14. If you are unable to make it to the gallery, we are always happy to provide extra photos or answer any questions you may have about any item in the sale.

When John Adams was called upon to serve on the Continental Congress to help draft the Declaration of Independence, she wrote him in March 1776 to, “Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.” She went on to say, “If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”

I hope you’ll join me in reflecting on the impact of B.A. and so many other influential women in politics as we all exercise our right to vote this November. And, in Abigail Adam’s words, “remember the ladies” as we observe the centennial of the 19th Amendment, because she knew that every voice counts.

NOAG is proud to offer the estate of another dynamic political duo in our September 26-27 Estates Auction: The Honorable Lloyd and Beryl Ann “B.A.” Bentsen. Lloyd’s political career was impressive (he was a U.S. representative, four-term senator, vice presidential nominee and secretary of the Treasury); however, you can’t tell the story of Lloyd’s career without recognizing B.A.’s immense contributions.


Taylor Eichenwald Assistant Director of Auctions


The Honorable Lloyd and Beryl Ann "B.A." Bentsen Lloyd and Beryl Ann “B.A.” Bentsen, beloved Texans and treasured fixtures in Washington’s political and social milieus, lived a remarkable life together. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bentsen were brilliant, hard-working and dedicated to improving the world around them. Never one to fade into the background, B.A. Bentsen was a driving force behind Lloyd’s political success—the couple was a dynamic team whose shared passion and grit earned them immense respect. B.A.’s partnership was certainly not lost on Lloyd; he even playfully explained that B.A.’s initials really stood for “Best Asset”.

The Honorable Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. By any measure, Lloyd Miller Bentsen, Jr. led an extraordinary life of accomplishment, but the roles which best reflect his devotion to public service include World War II bomber pilot, a United States Congressman (1947-1955), a four-term United States Senator (1971-1993), a Vice-Presidential nominee (1988) and Secretary of the Treasury (1993-1994). During his long career in public office, Mr. Bentsen was involved in many important legislative battles. Those close to him described him as, “a man of courage, wisdom and civility.” The Bentsen family’s Texas roots run deep—Lloyd Bentsen, Sr. moved to Texas with his brother after World War I. Following successes in large-scale land development, he became involved with ranching, oil and banking. Lloyd, Jr. was born February 11, 1921 in Mission, Texas. He grew up on The Arrowhead Ranch, one of the biggest ranches in the Rio Grande Valley. Soon after receiving a law degree from the University of Texas, Lloyd enlisted in the Army in 1942 and became a commissioned officer in the Army Air Forces. B.A. and Lloyd married before he departed for Europe in 1943. While serving in World War II as a B-24 pilot, Bentsen flew 35 missions including bombing the infamous Ploesti oil refinery and also missions in support of American troops in Italy. He received several recognitions for his service, including the Distinguished Flying Cross, and left the Army with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After returning to Texas, Lloyd was elected as Hidalgo County Judge in 1946. Just two years later, he was elected to the House of Representatives as the then-youngest member of Congress at age 27. After serving in Congress for six years, Lloyd left public service to enter the private sector. In 1955, he founded the Consolidated American Life Insurance Company (Calico), and eventually expanded to other businesses. Lincoln Consolidated became the holding company for a diverse portfolio of business ventures and, as noted by The New York Times, “was one of the first [companies] in Texas to use data processing technology.” Mr. Bentsen’s business successes earned him admiration and positions on numerous boards including Continental Oil and Lockheed Corporation. In 1970, Bentsen decided to re-enter politics. He defeated incumbent Ralph W. Yarborough in the Democratic primary for Senate, then beat George H. W. Bush, a Congressman at the time, in the general election. After two years in the Senate, Bentsen was selected to serve on the powerful Finance Committee, where he passed the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), securing the pensions for

millions of American workers. Bentsen continued to serve as an influential and highly respected voice in the Senate for three more terms, ultimately becoming the Chairman of the Finance Committee. During his tenure in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, he promoted fiscal responsibility and free trade, supported civil rights and protected children and older Americans. While already nationally recognized as a Senator, Bentsen became a household name in 1988 when Michael Dukakis, the Democratic nominee for President, selected him as his running mate. Bentsen’s decades in public service and bipartisan respect undoubtedly led to his appointment as Secretary of the Treasury in 1993 under President Bill Clinton. As Secretary of the Treasury, he worked to bring greater opportunity and prosperity to the country. Bentsen was granted the great honor of being awarded the prestigious United States Medal of Freedom in 1999 as acknowledgment of his decades of service.

Beryl Ann “B.A.” Bentsen Beryl Ann “B.A.” Longino was born February 4, 1922 in Lufkin, Texas. Tragically, B.A. experienced hardship early in her life— she was orphaned at the age of twelve and raised by her aunt. After graduating from Lufkin High School at 16, she went on to study at the University of Texas at Austin, and then moved to New York City to work at the renowned Harry Conover Modeling Agency. Lloyd Bentsen had met B.A. while they were both at the University of Texas, and reintroduced himself while she was living at the Barbizon Hotel for Women in New York. After six dates, the two were married. She lived with Lloyd’s family in McAllen, Texas until he returned from serving in Europe. Throughout Lloyd’s decades-long political career, B.A. not only provided him with unwavering support, but also played a crucial role in his successes; she championed Lloyd’s causes because they were also her own. Moreover, a formidable woman, she raised three children amidst her and Lloyd’s busy schedules, travelling back and forth between Washington, D.C. and Texas and setting up “house” 28 times in 30 years. She even served as the National Democratic Committee Woman from Texas at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. When B.A. returned to Houston in 1994 and settled into the next chapter of her and Lloyd’s post-Washington life, her expertise and business acumen were highly sought after. She served on the boards of the Houston Symphony, the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, and the YMCA. She also served on the boards of Criterion Capital of Houston, Transamerica Funds of San Francisco, and their successor, John Hancock Mutual Funds of Boston.


The Honorable Lloyd and Beryl Ann "B.A." Bentsen ABOUT THE COLLECTION The papers of the Honorable Lloyd Bentsen, Jr. are conserved at the Briscoe Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin. His family retained some of his personal letters and photographs, however, many of which are offered in this sale. Included are signed photographs of Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., and, of course, Clinton. Bentsen’s prized photo, however, was of his political mentor, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, also to be offered. A scrapbook of Bentsen’s early years (with signed letters from Harry Truman, Bess Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Sam Rayburn, Estes Kefauver, J. Edgar Hoover, and Supreme Court Justices Tom Clark and Fred Vinson) is sadly water-damaged but still a veritable treasure trove of Bentsen’s numerous accomplishments during his years in the House of Representatives. In the 1960s, having temporarily left politics to build his insurance business, B.A. Bentsen became the family presence in Democratic politics, and her papers from this time reflect this: invitation to prayer services before Lyndon Johnson’s 1965 inaugural, a telegram from Robert Kennedy giving her advance notice that he plans to run against Johnson in 1968 and a letter from Vice President and Democratic Nominee Hubert Humphrey thanking her for her support in the election. Most touching among these is doubtless a letter dated four days after the assassination of President Kennedy from Mrs. Bentsen’s close friend Lady Bird Johnson: “it seems an eternity ago since I heard your sweet voice, B.A., only five days ago”. Another close Texas friend was Barbara Bush, who found her husband running for President against B.A.’s husband as Vice President in 1988. (“I will not campaign against you with any joy,” Mrs. Bush wrote, while Lady Bird Johnson offered “those three plus years in the Vice Presidency were one of the happiest times of my life.”) That campaign provided the single moment for which Lloyd Bentsen is best remembered, his blistering retort to Dan Quayle during the Vice Presidential debate: “Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.” This sale will offer the evidence of that famous riposte: Bentsen’s personal autographed copy of Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage.

Bentsen’s Vice-Presidential bid, however, was but one year in his decades of service as Congressman, Senator and Treasury Secretary. His personal papers include signed letters and books from First Ladies Lady Bird Johnson, Betty Ford, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and Hillary Clinton (including a signed photograph of all six), Senators Bob Dole, Al Gore and Daniel Patrick Moynahan, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Texas notables Ann Richards, Nellie Connally, Henry E. Catto and James A. Baker III. His tenure as Secretary of the Treasury is represented by several signed letters and photos of President Clinton, correspondence and honors from Mexico from his NAFTA negotiations, framed bills with his signature, and farewell gifts and honors upon his retirement from public service in 1994. New Orleans Auction Galleries is honored to offer not only this important collection of political memorabilia and ephemera, but also fine art, silver, antiques and more from The Estate of Lloyd and Beryl Ann Bentsen.



Saturday, September 26, 2020 Lots 1 - 600 295


1 Early American-Style Cherry Drop-Leaf Dining Table 20th century, in the Queen Anne taste, of oval form with a gateleg support for each leaf. h. 30”, w. 78”, closed l. 20”, open l. 60” $1,000-$1,500 2 “Carte de la Nouvelle France ou se voit le cours des Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississippi...” by Nicolas de Fer ( 1646-1720), hand-colored engraving, published Paris, ca. 1719. Glazed and framed. sight 21-1/4” x 23-1/4”, framed 22-3/8” x 24-3/8” $800-$1,200


3 American Walnut Slant-Lid Desk in the Chippendale Taste second half 18th century, the slant lid with a beaded edge, opening to reveal a compartmentalized interior with a central shell-carved door, flanked by columnar document drawers on a case with a graduated bank of four drawers, raised on ogee bracket feet. h. 38-3/4”, w. 36-1/4”, d. 19-1/4” $1,000-$1,500




4 “Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae nec non Partis Virginiae Tabula” early New England map after Nicolaes Visscher (Dutch, 1618-1709), color facsimile printed on wove paper, ca. 1900, watermarked “Van Gelder Zonen”. Matted, glazed and framed. image 17-7/8” x 21-1/2”, framed 21-5/8” x 25-3/8” $3,000-$5,000


5 “Americae Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio” by Abraham Ortelius, a rare hand-detailed engraved map laid down on cardboard, published Antwerp, 1584. Glazed and framed. sheet 17” x 21-1/4”, framed 17-3/4” x 22-1/4” $2,000-$4,000 Note: “Americae Sive Novi Orbis” is the first atlas of the world and one of the rarest and oldest maps of the Western Hemisphere that delineates the Americas.

6 Impressive American Berlin Woolwork Portrait of George Washington early 20th century, in a variety of stitches, including tent and half cross, rendered in wool, cotton, silk, chenille, and metallic threads, “jet” buttons to frock coat and vest, red “jewels” on shoe buckles, based on an 1850s pattern, itself after the 1796 Portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart now conserved at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Glazed and in a fine 1850s gessoed and carved giltwood frame. sight 36-1/2” x 28-3/4”, framed 51” x 41” $1,000-$1,500 A similarly sized, earlier version of this embroidery is in the permanent textile collection at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.



7 Two New York Federal Mahogany Chairs ca. 1800, in the Hepplewhite taste, each with a shield back, one with a backsplat with foliate, vine and swag carving, h. 36-1/2”, and the other with three upright splats, the center one with a fan top and the back on unusual double serpentine supports, h. 39-1/2”. Provenance: The chair with foliate, vine and swag carving was reputedly purchased by the consignor from Ginsburg & Levy, New York. Literature: A similar chairback to the example with the fan top is illustrated in Montgomery, American Furniture of the Federal Period, pl. 56, p. 109. $1,000-$1,500 8 Group of Four American Federal Mahogany Chairs ca. 1790-1800, in the Hepplewhite taste, comprised of a side chair with a circular splat, with beaded edges and carved volutes, on supports extending from an inlaid fan, probably Rhode Island or Connecticut, h. 39-3/4”, two chairs with fancarved backs, probably Rhode Island or Connecticut, h. 36-3/4” and 38-1/2”, and a chair with a splat with carved Prince of Wales feathers, flanked by volutes, h. 39”.


$1,500-$2,500 The last example is similar to a chair associated with the school of George Shipley, New York. 9 Collection of Six Pieces of Porcelain 19th century, Chinese and Continental, produced for the American market, with clipper ship decoration, including a navette-form footed dish, h. 2”, w. 10-3/4”, d. 7-3/4”, a pair of sauceboats, h. 3”, w. 9”, d. 7”, a pair of celery dishes, w. 8-1/4”, d. 5-1/4”, and a plate, dia. 9”.


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500



10 Pair of Federal Hepplewhite Mahogany Armchairs ca. 1800, New York, each with a shield back with a leaf-carved splat, joined to shaped arms, dished seat and outswept legs. h. 39-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 11 Group of Three Federal Mahogany Side Chairs ca. 1800, comprised of a square-back chair with a beaded splat with three crossed uprights, h. 35-1/4”, a square- and ellipticalback chair with a tablet depicting swags on a star-punched ground, in the Salem manner, h. 37-3/4”, and a square-back chair with elliptical corners and a contrasting light wood figured panel, h. 36-3/4”. Literature: The first example is similar to a chair illustrated in Montgomery, American Furniture of the Federal Period, pl. 27, and the third example is similar to a chair illustrated in the same book, pl. 25.



12 Four Pieces of Eagle-Decorated Porcelain 20th century, in the Chinese export style, including a covered tureen, h. 10-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 8-1/4”, a tureen stand, h. 2-1/4”, w. 13”, d. 11”, and a pair of plates, dia. 9-1/4”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,400-$1,800




13 Chinese Export Eagle-Decorated Porcelain Dish first quarter 19th century, of navette form and decorated in the American Federal taste, the eagle grasping an olive branch in one talon and arrows in the other, framed with a carefully detailed border. h. 2”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 7-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200

14 American Classical Mahogany Scroll-Arm Sofa


first quarter 19th century, Boston, the rolled crest rail with four framed and inset figured mahogany panels, the arms gracefully scrolled and supported by a turned post, raised on carved legs ending in hairy paw feet, covered in a classical Greek-key striped fabric. h. 34”, w. 71”, d. 23” $1,500-$2,500 15 American School (19th Century) “Portrait of a Mother and Child in Beribboned Bonnets” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 30-1/2” x 25-1/4”, framed 36” x 28-3/4” $1,500-$2,500




16 American Classical Mahogany Bookcase with Stand ca. 1835, Baltimore, attributed to Anthony Jenkins, in two parts, the upper section with a projecting cornice over a pair of glazed doors, each mounted with leaf-carved tracery, and with a band of drawers below, on a base with a burlwood top over a faceted drawer flanked by panels with Gothic arches, supported by columns with Ionic capitals, joined to a concave low shelf, raised on carved paw feet. h. 82-1/2”, w. 45-1/2”, d. 26” $3,000-$5,000 17 American Classical Mahogany Double-Pedestal Dining Table first quarter 19th century, comprised of two drop-leaf tables, each fitted with a drawer at each end, supported by a square molded standard mounted to a shaped platform base with four outstretched legs ending in cast brass paw feet. each h. 28-1/2”, d. 45”, l. 31” (with leaves down), overall ext. l. 106” $2,000-$4,000


18 Pair of Colonial Revival Inlaid Mahogany Knife Boxes first quarter 20th century, possibly Baltimore, the unusual square urns with lattice-inlaid covers, cross-banded bodies and oval satinwood panels on the bases, the covers supported on telescopic standards, the interiors fitted. h. 24-1/2”, w. 10-1/4”, d. 10-1/4” 18




20 19

19 Restauration Bronze and Cut Glass Argand Chandelier second quarter 19th century, set with a distinctive cut glass fuel tank and cut and frosted shades, labeled by retailer Clark, Coit & Cargill, New York, electrified. h. 26-3/4”, dia. 26” $1,000-$1,500

20 American Classical Stenciled Mahogany Pier Table ca. 1825, Philadelphia, school of Anthony Quervelle, the top centered by an inset marble, over a cove-molded frieze with a carved bottom edge, supported by dolphin-carved columns, the dolphins perched upon a cylindrical pedestal, the shaped low shelf with fan-cut crotch mahogany veneers and backed by a mirror plate with gilt perimeter moldings and stenciling. h. 38-3/4”, w. 48”, d. 26” $1,500-$2,500

21 American Late Classical Mahogany Tester Bed second quarter 19th century, the segmented posts with acorn finials over octagonal, vasiform and square sections on turned legs, the headboard with an octagonal top rail over an oval panel, fitted with a mahogany tester with rods and drop finials fronting drapery rods. h. of posts 89”, h. with tester 90”, inside w. 66”, l. 72”, outside w. 90”, l. 84” 21




22 Federal Composition and Yellow Pine Fireplace Surround in the Manner of Robert Wellford

23 French Provincial Walnut and Slate-Top Table/Desk

first quarter 19th century, Philadelphia, the main tablet decorated with a scene from a Bacchanalian feast, flanked by American eagles, the sides with bellflowers tied from bowknots, the upper edge with molded drapery and latticework, and the upper edge of the tablet and sides trimmed with acorns and flowers. h. 46-1/2”, w. 62”, d. 7-3/4”

mid-19th century, in the Directoire taste, the rectangular framed top with an inset slate work surface, one side fitted with a drawer, concealed in the apron frieze, raised on tapering square legs. h. 30”, w. 47”, d. 33-1/2”

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.





24 Pair of Rococo-Style “Fiber-Clay” Garden Urns on Pedestals the vasiform urns decorated with Bacchanalian masques and swags of fruit, the shoulders and bases molded with oak leaves, the pottery urns resting on molded rectangular pedestals, all with a faux patine finish. h. 65”, w. 18”, d. 18” $1,500-$2,500

25 Continental Verdigris-Patinated Bronze Figure of a Cherub 20th century, the winged figure modeled kneeling. h. 21”, w. 18”, d. 22” $1,500-$2,500



26 Patinated Bronze “Hear No Evil” Monkey 20th century, the seated monkey with crossed legs and arms covering its ears, incised three at bottom, on an integral metal support base. overall h. 32”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 14” $1,000-$1,500



28 27

27 Bronze Garden Sculpture of a Deer 20th century. h. 41”, w. 34”, d. 16” $1,500-$2,500

28 Bronze Garden Sculpture of a Ram 20th century. h. 38”, w. 38”, d. 14” $1,500-$2,500

29 Pair of Bronze Garden Sculptures of Herons 20th century, in the Japanese style. h. 56-1/2”, w. 22”, d. 8” and h. 47”, w. 23”, d. 8” $1,500-$2,500



30 Bronze Neoclassical-Style Bird Bath 20th century, the bowl mounted with figures of putti playing various musical instruments, the lower edge mounted with panther’s heads, on a fluted, tapered column-form standard with a lotus-leaf-molded base. h. 37”, dia. 36-1/2” $2,000-$4,000

31 Pair of Unusual Neoclassical-Style Bronze Garden Urns fourth quarter 19th century, mounted with putti sitting on molded leaves, over lion’s heads grasping pulls, the sides decorated with swags of flowers, the upper portion molded in a basketweave pattern. h. 32-1/2”, w. 32”, d. 18-1/2” $2,000-$4,000


32 Three-Piece Victorian-Style Cast Aluminum Garden Suite in the “Fern” pattern, comprised of a pair of armchairs, h. 31-3/4”, and a bench, h. 31-3/4”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 19-1/2”, each modeled as fronds wrapping around to closed arms, with dished seats. $1,000-$1,500




33 Pair of American Gothic Revival Chestnut Bookcases third quarter 19th century, each in two parts, the step-back upper section with a projecting cornice with drop finials, over a fretwork frieze and scroll brackets, the pair of segmented glazed doors flanked by applied scroll-sawn fretwork, on a base with a pair of doors with linenfold panels. h. 102-1/4”, w. 52”, d. 19-1/4” $1,500-$2,500

34 American Patinated Metal and Brass Gasolier mid-19th century, mounted with a figure of a conquistador, hung from rope-twist rods, the pan molded with ivy, set with putto heads and scroll-decorated arms, fitted with period-style frosted and cut glass shades, electrified. h. 34”, dia. 26” $1,000-$1,500




35 Pair of American Rococo Revival Laminated Rosewood Side Chairs third quarter 19th century, attributed to John Henry Belter, in the pattern commonly referred to as “Rosalie with Grapes”, each with a deeply carved fruit-and-floral crest, round seat, and rose-carved front apron and legs. h. 35-1/2”, w. 18”, d. 20” $1,000-$1,500 36 Spectacular American Rococo Revival Gilt-Bronze, Patinated Metal and Brass Gasolier mid-19th century, the standard decorated with Pan figures seated on scrolls, beneath a corona decorated with hanging grapes, the gilt-bronze arms decorated with stippled leaves and scrollwork, supporting a set of six period cut- and frosted glass scalloped-edged shades decorated with lyres and framed with sprays of wheat. h. 67-1/2”, dia. 41”


$3,000-$5,000 37 American Rococo Revival Rosewood Night Stand third quarter 19th century, of the style frequently sold in New Orleans by vendors such as P. Mallard or the McCracken firm, the marble top over a molded frieze fitted with a drawer and a paneled door below, framed by beaded molding, its corners with carved brackets, the back veneered and finished. h. 30-1/4”, w. 18-1/2”, d. 18-1/2” $1,000-$1,500




38 New Orleans Market Rosewood Bed in the Rococo Taste third quarter 19th century, of the group associated with the warerooms of Prudent Mallard, the faceted head and foot posts with molded panels, the headboard with a floral-basket crest over a cabochon-carved center cartouche, the lower panel framed by beaded molding, joined by scalloped rails with applied carving. h. 73”, inside w. 64-1/2”, l. 83”, outside w. 73”, l. 94” $2,000-$4,000 39 American Rococo Revival Rosewood Dresser third quarter 19th century, in the manner of those sold by Prudent Mallard, New Orleans, in two parts, the upper section with an arched mirror plate set in a frame with a broken-arch pediment centered by a carved floral basket, the sides with a pair of graduated demi-lune candle stands, on a marble-top base with three drawers framed by beaded molding and a slipper drawer below. h. 89-1/4”, w. 46-1/4”, d. 22” $1,500-$2,500





40 Set of Three Handsome Rococo Revival Gilt-Brass Girandoles mid-19th century, attributed to Henry Hooper, Boston, the fivebranch center flanked by three-branch ends, set with distinctive morning glory candle cups, removable foliate bobeches, and leaf-molded prisms rings, on scrolled rococo bases decorated with stippling. tallest h. 20-1/4”, w. 18-1/2”, d. 5”


Literature: A closely related pair are illustrated in Nineteenth Century Lighting, Candle-Powered Devices, 1783-1883, by H. Parrott Bacot and now in a collection in the Anglo-American Art Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 41 Rococo Revival Gilt-Brass Gasolier mid-19th century, Philadelphia, attributed to Cornelius, suspended from a quilted standard and a scroll-mounted body, decorated with scrollwork and lattice panels, and mounted with four cut and frosted glass shades, electrified. h. 38”, dia. 32”

42 American Rococo Revival Mahogany Bedstead third quarter 19th century, bearing the stenciled label of Mitchell & Rammelsberg Furniture Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, with an arched and paneled headboard with an elaborately floralcarved crest, the footboard with a foliate spray applied to the panel, reduced in height. h. 69”, inside w. 62”, l. 79”, outside w. 71”, l. 83” $1,500-$2,500




43 Rococo Revival Brass and Patinated Bronze Gasolier/ Chandelier mid-19th century, possibly New England, the angel-molded arms originally powered with gas, the other nine arms fitted for candles, the center with a kneeling Eros holding a bow, supported in three rope-twist arms fitted with gas lines and decorated with banana leaves, the pierced canopy decorated with passion flowers, electrified. h. 42”, dia. 23-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


44 Antebellum New Orleans Coin Silver Mug 1851-1852, by Terfloth & Kuchler, the thistle-form body decorated with repousse acanthus banding below an oval cartouche with floral and engraved panel mantling, with crested “S”-scroll handle and domed foot. h. 4-3/8”, dia. 3-1/2”, l. 4-3/4”; 4.55 t. oz. $1,200-$1,800 44

44 detail

The short-lived silversmithing firm of Terfloth and Kuchler was active in New Orleans from 1859 to 1861, the partnership of German immigrants Bernard Terfloth (1829-aft. 1905) and Christopf Christian Kuchler (1820-1894), at 115 Customhouse (now Iberville, between Bourbon and Royal). Terfloth was evidently trained as a jeweler, and Kuchler became a master goldsmith in his native Hesse in 1846. Their work was of the highest quality, but the business quickly dissolved. Terfloth would spend the Civil War as a supplier of sabres, canteens and straps to the Confederate Army, and later took out several mechanical patents (not the least of which was a propelling system for the New Orleans streetcars). Kuchler spent the war in San Francisco, briefly returning to New Orleans in 1867 before going back overseas to Germany. He returned to New Orleans by 1870, though, working first in a brief partnership with silversmith August Jansen (1834-1898) before joining the firm of Constant H. Zimmerman (1838-1875) as the foreman of Zimmerman’s small silver manufactory. Kuchler returned permanently to his native Hesse in 1873, however, where he became a manufacturer of sewing machines; and died there in 1894. Terfloth traveled the United States after the war, living briefly in Colorado and Idaho and returning occasionally to New Orleans (no doubt to the exasperation of his estranged wife, Elizabeth Karbon (ca. 1839-1918)). He was in Manhattan in 1900 and finally appears in the 1905 Watervliet, New York census, age 77, as an “inventor”; he was very possibly associated with the nearby Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. After that, however, he drops from the record entirely and his ultimate fate is unknown.


T h e W o rt e n d y k e S e r v i c e This magnificent set was made around 1852 by John Hoit Woodward (1812-1891) & Charles Grosjean (ca. 1819-1865), who were among a handful suppliers of fine silver to Tiffany & Co. before the Civil War. (One of these suppliers, John C. Moore would become the exclusive supplier around 1860 and go on to create Tiffany's in-house manufactory). Woodward was a native of Massachusetts and Grosjean of Bavaria, Germany, and their output was a successful blending of New England forms and exuberant German decoration.

45 Important 19th-Century Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver Tea Set third quarter 19th century, by Grosjean & Woodward for Tiffany & Co., New York, New York, including: a coffeepot, h. 11-1/4”, l. 9-3/4”; a teapot, h. 9-3/4”, l. 9-1/4”; a covered sugar bowl, h. 8”, w. 7-1/2”; a cream jug, h. 7-1/4”, l. 5-1/2”; a waste bowl, h. 4-3/4”, dia. 6”, each with a pear-shaped body decorated with textured wavy basket pattern, with shield-mounted oval cabochons, raised on a circular foot with rope-twist edge, the pots with gooseneck spout and arched handle en suite, the domed lids with coronal finials, together with an unmarked silverplate tray with gadrooned edge and handles, the plateau with wide engraved arabesque band, 30” x 20”, each piece monogrammed “CARW”. 128.12 total t. oz. (excluding silverplate tray)

The original owners of the set were Cornelius R. Wortendyke (1812-1877) and his wife Ann Berdan (1812-1879). Wortendyke was a wealthy ice merchant, and both he and his wife were scions of old Bergen county New Jersey families. The couple were married in the Greenwich Dutch Reformed Church in New York City on February 15, 1832. They had two daughters, Margaret Wortendyke (1832-1884) and Rachel A. Wortendyke (18351870), and divided their time between their houses in New York and Bergen county. Given the date, it is likely that this set was a twentieth wedding anniversary commemorative piece for the family. A short time later, in 1858, Wortendyke commissioned portraits of the entire family from Brooklyn artist James C. Platt. (See next lot.) Rachel Wortendyke married commission merchant James Anderson (ca 1838-1903) on February 11, 1867, in Bergen county. Sadly, in the next decade she would lose her sister, father and mother and inherit all of the family property, including the tea set and portraits. They have descended among the family to the present; the portrait of Cornelieus R. and Ann Berdan Wortendyke remain in private hands.

Provenance: Cornelius R. Wortendyke and & wife, Ann Berdan Wortendyke; to their daughter Rachel A. Wortendyke (Mrs. James Anderson); to their son Cornelius Woertendyke Anderson; to his daughter Margaret Anderson (Mrs. Eugene Franklin Emmons) thence by descent in the family to the consignor. $10,000-$15,000




46 James C. Platt (American, 1818-1882) “Portrait of Rachel Ann Woertendyke (1835-1870)”, 1858 “Portrait of Margaret Woertendyke (1832-1884)”, 1858 pair of oils on canvas each signed and dated mid-left. Each in a period frame. 30” x 25”, framed 43” x 35” and 30” x 25”, framed 40-1/2” x 35”, respectively Provenance: Cornelius R. Wortendyke and & wife, Ann Berdan Wortendyke; to their daughter Rachel A. Wortendyke (Mrs. James Anderson); to their son Cornelius Woertendyke Anderson; to his daughter Margaret Anderson (Mrs. Eugene Franklin Emmons) thence by descent in the family to the consignor $2,000-$4,000

James C. Platt was born on October 6, 1818, on Staten Island, New York, though nothing is known of his early life and education. He may well be the James C. Platt whom ship manifests show visiting England in 1844, but he is most certainly the "J.C. Platt, pupil of Mr. Huntington, the celebrated painter of New York" who advertised the opening of his studio in the Franklin Building in the Brooklyn Evening Star of October 30, 1850. He was listed as an active member of the Brooklyn Art Untion Gallery from 1851 and as an exhibitor at the Brooklyn, New York and New York City National Academy of Design 1852-1856. He advertised his portraits in New York newspapers and art magazines thoughout the 1850s, moving his studio to 599 Broadway in New York by 1860. He had returned to Brooklyn by the 1870s, and his works became quite popular, with sales of his works at Cole & Murphy in December 1870, the Brooklyn Art Association in March 1872, and the Institute Studios in April 1873. A notice in the June 7, 1876 Brooklyn Union noted that Platt "is one of the oldest artists in the city, in point of long residence, as his studio at No. 394 State street near Bond. He has a number of paintings just completed, or on the easel, among them a number of panel pictures in oil and several water-color studies . . . An upright panel painting of the celebrated Delaware Water Gap in autumn shows a good deal of bright warm color in the landscape, which contrasts well with the blue of the sky, which is flecked with fleecy clouds. Among the water colors were . . two cabinet pictures [of] Catskill Creek and Kauterskill Cove." It was doubtless, however, portraits such as the present lot for which he was most celebrated. His portrait of George Washington Dixon (1808-1861) is in the National Portrait Gallery. Platt died on Christmas Eve 1882, and is buried in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.



47 George W. Shiebler Sterling Silver Tea Set fourth quarter 19th century, New York, New York, including: a kettle-on-stand, h. 14-1/2”, dia. 8”; a teapot, h. 7”, dia. 6”; a coffeepot, h. 8”, dia. 6”; a covered sugar bowl, h. 5-1/2”, dia. 5”; a cream jug, h. 4”, dia. 4”; and a waste bowl, h. 3”, dia. 5-1/2”; each of baluster form and decorated with elaborate repousse flowers, with hinged, domed lids and monogrammed on the underside “VHC”. 124.98 total t. oz. $2,000-$4,000 48 American Sterling Silver Cake Basket ca. 1900, by Black, Starr and Frost, New York, New York, of shaped navette form with gadrooned rim with rocaille accents, the body pierced and engraved with floral stalks and scrolls, with swing handle en suite, the whole raised on a conforming pedestal foot. h. 4-3/4” (12” with handle), l. 15-1/4”, w. 12-1/4”; 45.10 t. oz.


$1,200-$1,800 49 Victorian Silverplate Epergne with Tiffany Sterling Silver Bowls the unmarked frame fourth quarter 19th century, raised on four molded legs on shell feet joined by an annulated band to a central circular plinth with urn finial and surrounded by four scrolling arms and surmounted by a tall waisted standard, fitted with four small and one large sterling silver bowls by Tiffany & Co., New York, 1892-1902, scalloped with bead-andbobbin edge. overall h. 15”, w. 24-1/4”; 34.21 total t. oz. (sterling bowls only) $1,200-$1,800



50 American Sterling Silver Fruit Basket 1909, by Dominick & Haff, New York, New York, for J. E. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of circular form with wavy openwork lattice rim decorated with realistic apple blossoms, with swing handle en suite. h. 2-1/4” (7-1/2” with handle), dia. 9-3/4”, 35.91 t. oz. $1,000-$1,500

51 Gorham “Kensington” Sterling Silver Flatware Set the pattern designed in 1893 by George Wilkinson (18191894), including a dozen nine-piece place settings (eight pieces lacking) with an additional dinner knife, strawberry fork and six tablespoons, all monogrammed “DSB”, presented in a fitted, Pacific cloth-lined wooden case with lift-top and single drawer, 7-3/4” x 17” x 12”. 108 pieces total 77.59 total t. oz.


Detailed list of pieces available on request. $1,800-$2,500


52 Rare Set of Ten Tiffany & Co. 18K Gold Demitasse Spoons the pattern introduced ca. 1895, probably Paulding Farnham (1859-1927), New York, New York, each monogrammed “H.C.B. Jr.” and dated on the reverse “July 4th” of subsequent years 1915 to 1927, with two of the original cream velveteen labels. l. 4”; 127.7 gr. Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas. $2,000-$4,000



53 Fine Pair of Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver Gilt Ewers the pattern introduced in 1895, New York, New York, dated 1905, the ovoid body decorated with applied cartouches of putti allegorical of the seasons, above floral-crested petal calyx and lobed, domed foot with acanthus-crested scroll feet, with waisted collar en suite and arched “C”-scroll handle en suite, engraved with elaborate monogram “1855 / GEN / 1905”, the underside with presentation inscription “From A.L. Norrie / Gordon Norrie / and / Emily F. Norrie / April 11th 1905”. h. 23-1/4”, l. 9-1/2”, dia. 7-1/2”; 161.71 total t. oz. $10,000-$15,000


Ambrose Lanfear Norrie (1857-1910) was a wealthy New York businessman, having discovered iron ore in the Upper Michigan Peninsula in 1882. His paternal grandfather, Adam Norrie (1796-1882), was a Scots-American iron merchant who had trained in Sweden, and his father was Gordon Norrie (1830-1909), also an iron merchant. His mother, Emily Frances Lanfear (1836-1917) was born in New Orleans, and he was named after her father, Ambrose Lanfear (ca. 17871869), another Anglo-American iron merchant, who served as Swedish Norwegian Consul in New Orleans and later became a sugar planter in St. Charles Parish. Gordon Norrie and Emily Frances Lanfear were married in New Orleans on April 11, 1855, joining the two wealthy iron empires; they would have six children, all of whom would become prominent members of New York society during the Gilded Age. This extravagant pair of ewers is exemplary of those glittering days; it was presented by A. Lanfear Norrie to his parents in 1905 on their golden wedding anniversary at their home in New London, Connecticut.

54 Gorham “Buttercup” Sterling Silver Flatware the pattern introduced in 1899, Providence, Rhode Island, including a dozen seven-piece place settings, with an additional three place settings and twelve serving pieces, no monograms, presented in a fitted, Pacific cloth-lined wood case with lift-top and single drawer, 6-3/4” x 11-1/2” x 17”. 99 pieces total (plus case) 101.63 total t. oz. Detailed list of pieces available on request. $1,500-$2,500






55 Jose Francisco Xavier de Salazar y Mendoza (Spanish, 1750-1802) “Portrait of Captain Anthony Knapp (1770-1832)”, 1801 oil on canvas signed, dated and localized “New Orleans” in Latin lower right, frame backing affixed with handwritten label of family member. Framed. 35-1/2” x 30-1/2”, framed 45-1/2” x 36-3/4” Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitter - with the son Humphrey Cook Knapp (1812-1898); his daughter Louisa Knapp Curtis (1851-1910); her daughter Mary Curtis Bok Zimbalist (1876-1970); her son Cary William Curtis (19051970) and his wife A. Margaret “Stormy” Bok (1920-2018); Estate of A. Margaret Bok, Rockport, Maine; Skinner, Boston, Massachusetts, August 12, 2019, lot 636; Private collection, Louisiana. Exhibited: Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary (1885) City Hall, Council Chamber, Newbury. June 1885 Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia [Loan]. 1970-1973 Literature: Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Newbury [Massachusetts]: June 10, 1885, Newburyport: Historical Society of Old Newbury, 1885, p. 134. $60,000-$80,000 This imposing portrait of a young mariner painted in New Orleans exemplifies the New World; a rare portrait that merges maritime history and New England Founding Fathers with Colonial Louisiana via Caribbean trade routes. Knapp’s legacy persists through the six generations through which this portrait has passed; his scions-mariners, newspaper magnates and philanthropists- were equally formative to the militia and culture of America. Captain Anthony Knapp was a direct descendent of the first settlers of Watertown, Massachussetts, later settling Essex County and the Connecticut Colony that came over from England in 1630 with Sir Richard Saltonstall. His ancestors were all seamen following in the same exploratory path. His great grandfather, Isaac, a shipwright, served in the Quebec Expedition with the New England militia, sailing with the fleet of 700 at the Battle of Port Royal under Sir William Philips. His service was rewarded by land grants in the Canada township, and his grandfather died in the French-Indian War in the famous battle of St. Louisbourg which ended French colonialism in the Canadian Atlantic. Knapp’s father, uncle William and great uncle Anthony served in the American Revolution. William commanded the New Hampshire brigantine Pallas in 1779, and Anthony, a lieutenant on the Massachusetts privateer Dalton, was captured by the British in 1777 and imprisoned in Mill Prison in England. Following his release the elder Capt. Anthony was joined at sea by the younger until his death in 1792. As the fine accoutrements of the dapper Capt. Knapp illustrate, he was a figurehead in the mercantile trade of the Louisiana Purchase, privateering through both Spanish and French rule. He was boarded by the English; he was a victim of pirateering; he courageously defended cargos and ports during maritime warfare. He later served in the War of 1812, and was severely wounded by a musket ball in the defense of Fort Eerie against the British in 1814. From 1794-1804, the young Capt. Knapp appears throughout shipping news as an accomplished captain, commanding Caribbean-bound schooners, brigantines, frigates and armed barques from Massachussets ports to Cuba, Curacao, Martinique and Trinidad with return sojourns through

New Orleans- the largest port of the South that spearheaded the cotton and sugar exports of the New World to Europe. In New Orleans, Capt. Knapp would have encountered the merchant shipper Abraham Kortright Brasher, Captain Samuel Lewis, and the epoynmous Major-General James Wilkinson (later 1st Governor of Louisiana), all three of whom had their portraits painted by Salazar in the two years preceeding this work. Through these contemporaries, Capt. Knapp likely commissioned his portrait after two maritime victories in early 1800: the capture of nine barges and four hundred prisoners from the Haitian revolutionary Andre Rigaud in the War of the South; and a gunfire battle in which looting privateers were thwarted from pirating several sloops Knapp escorted en route to Boston back from Trinidad. Captain Knapp’s portrait by Salazar, the most prominent portraitist in the city, was a statement; it was a debut into the “who’s who” of the maritime port of New Orleans. The imposing scale rendered in a classic roundel, the direct gaze and “Napoleonic” hand-in-waistcoat (gesture of leadership) is further showcased by Knapp’s dress. The fine silk pin-striped waistcoat with dazzling herringbone weft, the embroidered silk bowtie with neckcloth, and the subtle, yet not so subtle, gold knop of his pocket-watch, firmly establish Knapp within the caliber of Salazar’s other eminent sitters in government and military. The importance was not lost on his progeny. Four of Knapp’s sons were naval captains, his son Humphrey through which this portrait passed was a shipping merchant whose daughter Louisa was one of the most prominent philanthropists of Philadelphia. She and her daughter Mary, who founded the Curtis Institute of Music, loaned the painting of Capt. Anthony Knapp to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Newbury, Massachusetts, which their son/grandson would loan again nearly a century later to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. This rare portrait, a true testament of history, affords a rare glimpse into both Colonial Creole maritime trade and the genealogy of stalwart Founding Fathers.



56 William Aiken Walker (American/South Carolina, 1839-1921)

57 Alexander John Drysdale (American/Louisiana, 1870-1934)

“Biloxi’s General View after Storm of October 2nd, 1893”

“Bayou Landscape with a Live Oak” oil wash on board signed lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 13-1/2” x 19-1/4”, framed 25” x 30”

oil on canvas signed lower left, pencil-titled and inscribed “Painted on Oct. 5th, 93 whilst ...on the way to New Orleans on Tug Julius-Elbert.” Framed. 12” x 20”, framed 16” x 24”

Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Literature: To be included in John Fowler’s forthcoming catalogue raisonne.






58 Alexander John Drysdale (American/Louisiana, 1870-1934) ‘Louisiana Bayou Landscape” oil wash on board signed lower right. Glazed and framed. sight 18” x 29”, framed 23” x 35” $2,000-$4,000 59 George Riecke (American/New Orleans, 1848-1930) “Two Cows in the Pasture” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 12” x 16”, framed 16-1/4” x 20-1/4”


$1,000-$1,500 60 After John James Audubon (American, 1785-1851) “Bay-breasted Warbler”, no. 44, pl. LXIX hand-colored engraving with aquatint from The Birds of America (1826-1838), Robert Havell edition, with “J. Whatman/1829” watermark. Matted, glazed and framed. plate 19-3/8” x 12-1/4”, framed 48-7/8” x 38-3/8” $1,500-$2,500



61 Chester Harding (American, 1792-1866) “Portrait of John McDonnell (1807-1863)”, ca. 1842 oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 27-1/8” x 22-1/8”, framed 34-1/8” x 29-1/8” Provenance: With the McDonnells, thence by descent to their eldest daughter, Cora Ann McDonnell McGraw (18391906); to her daughter, Cora McGraw Law (1867-1957); to her niece, Lucille “Lucy” McGraw Collins (1893-1950); to her son Frederick Hunter Collins, Jr. (1921-1967) and his wife Josephine Thomas Collins Watkins (1924-1992); to their son Frederick Hunter Collins III (b. 1949). $1,000-$1,500 Exhibited: Cabildo, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, 1942; National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky. Washington, D.C., 1985. Literature: Accompanied by select correspondence with the heirs, including two 1942-1943 exhibition letters from the Louisiana State Museum sent to Cora Law; a 1984 letter from the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute sent to Josephine Collins confirming the inclusion of the painting in its exhibition catalogue; and a 2003 letter from a conservator to the current owner.


Mrs. Thomas Nelson Carter Bruns, Louisiana Portraits, New Orleans, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1975, p. 180; Leah Lipton, A Truthful Likeness: Chester Harding and His Portraits. Exh. cat. National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky. Washington, D.C., 1985.

“I need not extol John McDonnell’s catering. He is too well known in that particular to make it at all necessary. From the opening of the old St. Charles Hotel, in New Orleans, his early connection with Pass Christian, the City Hotel, in Natchez, to his present admirable restaurant in Common street (no. 147), he has ever proved himself a most excellent and bountiful provider of everything good to eat and drink.” --“Letter from the Lakefront”, Special Correspondence, Ocean Springs, Miss., June 8, 1856 As the caption above states, the sitter of this portrait, John McDonnell, was the ultimate hotelier/restauranteur, the consummate host, well regarded for the luxury resorts he established. In 1837 McDonnell married Henrietta Tarascon Gilly (see lot 63) and launched the famous St. Charles Hotel, one of the first great hotels in the United States that preceded the Astor. A. Oakley Hall, later Mayor of New York City, hailed the hotel- “a palace of creature comforts; a college for the study of human nature, and an exchange for money and appetite” on par with an “exchange in London” or a “Palace in St. Petersburg.” Both McDonnell’s daughters Cora Ann and Alice (1840-1848), pictured in lot 62 with their mother, were born in the hotel, and resided there at the time they sat for their portrait by Harding- a probable guest of the St. Charles. The Carrollton Hotel in New Orleans on the waterfront at the terminus of the St. Charles rail line and the New Brighton Hotel in Pass Christian followed with equal accolades.


According to reviews, the former was situated on a four acres garden with a racetrack, at which dinner was prepared nightly after the races. Additional resorts were established along the Gulf and Mississippi River in Ocean Springs and Natchez, and a final restaurant, McDonnells. In 1858 McDonnell was joined by his sonin-law, Cora’s husband Morris McGraw, who operated the Pass Christian Hotel. Morris and Cora had eight children. Following the Civil War in which McGraw served as a Private in the 5th Louisiana Infantry, he left the hotel business and established a woodenware business on Gravier Street until his death in 1903. His daughter Cora Law, named after his Mother, had the paintings preserved and exhibited at the Louisiana State Museum. Her niece Lucy McGraw Collins, who inherited the portraits, was a philanthropist; she established the New Orleans chapter of the American Women’s Voluntary Services and served on the board of Charity Hospital. The McDonnell portraits and Clendinen portraits in lots 64-65 descended in the same family through the Collins/Thomas marriage when Lucy McGraw Collins’ son Frederick Collins II (1921-1967) married Josephine Thomas Collins Watkins (19241992). Collins Watkins’ maternal grandmother was a Catchings and the great-granddaughter of the Clendinens in lot 64-65. In 1975, she and her daughters are listed as the owners of these portraits by the Colonial Dames’ Louisiana Portraits text.


62 Chester Harding (American, 1792-1866) “Portrait of Mrs. McDonnell and Daughters Cora Ann and Alice”, ca. 1842 oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 36-3/8” x 29-1/8”, framed 43” x 35-3/4” Provenance: With the McDonnells, thence by descent to their elder daughter (pictured), Cora Ann McDonnell McGraw (1839-1906); to her daughter, Cora McGraw Law (1867-1957); to her niece, Lucille “Lucy” McGraw Collins (1893-1950); to her son Frederick Hunter Collins, Jr. (1921-1967) and his wife Josephine Thomas Collins Watkins (1924-1992); to their son Frederick Hunter Collins III (b. 1949).

Exhibited: Cabildo, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, 1942; National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky. Washington, D.C., 1985. Literature: Accompanied by select correspondence with the heirs, including two 1942-1943 exhibition letters from the Louisiana State Museum sent to Cora Law; a 1984 letter from the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute sent to Josephine Collins confirming the inclusion of the painting in its exhibition catalogue; and a 2003 letter from a conservator to the current owner. Mrs. Thomas Nelson Carter Bruns, Louisiana Portraits, New Orleans, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1975, p. 180; Leah Lipton, A Truthful Likeness: Chester Harding and His Portraits. Exh. cat. National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky. Washington, D.C., 1985.




63 Chester Harding (American, 1792-1866)

Exhibited: Cabildo, Louisiana State Museum, New Orleans, 1942; National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky. Washington, D.C., 1985

“Portrait of Mrs. Henrietta ‘Harriet’ McDonnell, nee Tarascon Gilly (1821-1851)”, ca. 1842 oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 30” x 24”, framed 31-1/2” x 27-1/2”

Literature: Accompanied by select correspondence with the heirs, including two 1942-1943 exhibition letters from the Louisiana State Museum sent to Cora Law; a 1984 letter from the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute sent to Josephine Collins confirming the inclusion of the painting in its exhibition catalogue; and a 2003 letter from a conservator to the current owner.

Provenance: With the McDonnells, thence by descent to their eldest daughter, Cora Ann McDonnell McGraw (18391906); to her daughter, Cora McGraw Law (1867-1957); to her niece, Lucille “Lucy” McGraw Collins (1893-1950); to her son Frederick Hunter Collins, Jr. (1921-1967) and his wife Josephine Thomas Collins Watkins (1924-1992); to their son Frederick Hunter Collins III (b. 1949).

Mrs. Thomas Nelson Carter Bruns, Louisiana Portraits, New Orleans, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1975, p. 180; Leah Lipton, A Truthful Likeness: Chester Harding and His Portraits. Exh. cat. National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky. Washington, D.C., 1985.




64 Southern School/South Carolina (First Quarter 18th Century) “Portrait of Robert Clendinen (1784-1830), of Yorkville, South Carolina”, ca. 1820-1825 oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 34-1/2” x 30-1/2”, framed 42” x 38-1/4” Provenance: With the sitters, to their daughter Nancy Clendinen Catchings (1821- 1891); to her son General Thomas Clendinen Catchings (1847-1898); to his son Oliver Whitehead Catchings (1873-1916); to his daughter Josephine Elizabeth Catchings Thomas (1900-1988); to her daughter Josephine Elizabeth Thomas Collins Watkins (1924-1992); to her son Frederick Hunter Collins III (b. 1949).

Robert Clendinen was a prominent attorney and statesman who served in Congress as a senate delegate of the district of York and married Mary Ellen Myers, a landed debutant from Mississippi. Clendinen died prematurely in 1830, and was later characterized by fellow lawyer and judge Belton O'Neal: "He received from nature much quickness of intellect and sound judgment, which by judicious application in youth he had made most effective instruments to his success…He was the kind and indulgent protector of the younger members of the bar, specially of those who unfortunately had their opportunity circumscribed by poverty and the absence of influential patronage…Had he lived, he might have risen to the highest dignities of the state”

Literature: Mrs. Thomas Nelson Carter Bruns, Louisiana Portraits, New Orleans, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1975, p. 60. $1,000-$1,500



65 Southern School/South Carolina (First Half 18th Century) “Portrait of Mrs. Mary Ellen Clendinen Hemingway, nee Myers (1802-1843), of South Carolina”, ca. 1825-1835 oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 35” x 31”, framed 42-3/4” x 38” Provenance: With the sitters, to their daughter Nancy Clendinen Catchings (1821- 1891); to her son General Thomas Clendinen Catchings (1847-1898); to his son Oliver Whitehead Catchings (1873-1916); to his daughter Josephine Elizabeth Catchings Thomas (1900-1988); to her daughter Josephine Elizabeth Thomas Collins Watkins (1924-1992); to her son Frederick Hunter Collins III (b. 1949). Literature: Mrs. Thomas Nelson Carter Bruns, Louisiana Portraits, New Orleans, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1975, p. 60. $1,000-$1,500 Mary Ellen Myers was born at Fort Marion Plantation in 1802, into a socially prominent, wealthy, and political South Carolina family. Her father, David Myers, was a Colonel in the War of 1812, and was involved in the state legislature. Her mother, Phalby Mills, was from a family with Loyalist leanings; her father had sided with the English in the Revolutionary War, ultimately attaining the commission of a


Major in the British Army. After narrowly avoiding capture, he astutely forged alliances with the emerging local government. Both maternal and paternal sides of the family owned numerous plantations in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Mississippi. What little is known about Mary Ellen reveals a woman of abundant charm and grace, and of a decidedly artistic nature. Described as a great beauty with dark auburn tresses and flashing black eyes, she was also well-educated and received a surprisingly comprehensive education for a young lady of her time. She attended the Morovian School of Salem (now Salem Academy/College), only the second school of higher education for girls founded in the country. While at the Academy she studied drawing and several examples of her fine watercolor work was preserved by her family for generations. One of the most endearing anecdotes concerning Mary Ellen is that she danced with General Lafayette at a ball in Columbia during his whirlwind 1825/6 tour of the states-while wearing white satin slippers adorned with the Generalís hand-painted portrait! Considering what we know of her and her artistic pursuits, one wonders if the portraits were by her own hand. Several years after the death of her first husband, Mary Ellen wed Dr. William Hemmingway and the couple relocated to Fleetwood, one of her familyís plantations in Hind's County, Mississippi. Fleetwood was known for its impressive and impeccably maintained gardens and grounds; bequeathed to her daughter, it was eventually sold to the brother of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and was ultimately burned to the ground by Federal troops. Mary Ellen died in 1843, while travelling between two of her Mississippi properties and was interred in a local cemetery. In 1893, her grandson had her remains relocated to a family cemetery.

66 Paul Edouard Poincy (American/Louisiana, 1833-1909) “Portrait of Celeste Durel, the Artist’s Wife”, 1878 oil on canvas signed and dated “1878” lower right. In the original, period frame. 24” x 19-1/8”, framed 31-1/2” x 25-1/2” Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitter to the present owner, Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $5,000-$8,000 Celeste Durel was the artist’s second wife and sister to his first wife.



68 Lulu King Saxon (American/Louisiana, 1852-1927) “House Boat on the Mississippi”, 1897 watercolor on paper signed and dated “99” lower right. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 9-1/4” x 13”, framed 15” x 19” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500


67 Knute Heldner (Swedish/Louisiana, 1877-1952) “Shrimp Boats Docked” watercolor on paper signed lower right. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 10-5/8” x 14-1/2”, framed 18-3/4” x 22-5/8” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,200-$1,800 68

69 American Renaissance Revival Burl Walnut Rolltop Desk third quarter 19th century, the top with a back gallery above an S-curved tambour roll, opening to a fitted interior with an inset burgundy leather desk blotter, the exterior with framed burl walnut panels and the drawers with branch-and-leaf-carved panels. h. 60”, w. 54”, d. 36” $1,200-$1,800



70 American Aesthetic Brass Gasolier fourth quarter 19th century, the arms decorated with pierced scrollwork panels, the standard with molded scrollwork and a reeded finial, set with etched and molded glass shades, electrified. h. 34”, dia. 36” $1,000-$1,500

71 American Renaissance Revival Rosewood Parlor Suite, Attributed to Herter Brothers ca. 1869, comprised of a settee, h. 47”, w. 60”, d. 32”, and a pair of side chairs, h. 39-1/2”, w. 20”, d. 19”, each with a leaf-carved crest centered by a painted plaque depicting a head in profile, the settee with closed arms, the front seat rails with marquetry inlay, raised on characteristic Herter trumpet-form legs and retaining their period gilt incising throughout. $1,500-$2,500 70

A parlor suite in this pattern is presently in the collection of the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum in Norwalk, Connecticut. Their suite was purchased ca. 1877 by the home’s second owner, Charles Mathews, because it “matched what LeGrand Lockwood had ordered.”




72 George Inness, Jr. (American, 1854-1926) “Sol’s Glory”, 1924 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Framed. 20” x 30”, framed 29” x 39” Provenance: Private collection, Florida, commissioned directly from the artist, thence by descent through 2005; Christie’s, New York, September 15, 2005, lot 49; Private collection, Florida.

73 Fine English Neo-Renaissance Mahogany Library Table fourth quarter 19th century, bearing the stamped signature “Gillow & Co.” and the number “135”, with an inset leather top with a tooled Greek-key border, fitted with two side-byside drawers, the ends with classical columns centered by a relief-carved panel and mounted to a trestle base joined by a stretcher. h. 28-1/2”, w. 48”, d. 28” $2,000-$4,000

Exhibited: Oxford Gallery, Rochester, New York, September 22-October 14, 2011 $4,000-$7,000 When this painting sold at Christie’s in 2005, it was accompanied with copies of the original May 1924 correspondence from the artist in his studio in Cragsmoor, New York, that explains the scene and the significance of the painting’s title: “I hope it will please... I consider it one of my finest things... I have no real title for the picture but I have written a few lines in an attempt to describe what I wished to express: When Sol bursts forth and thrusts the clouds away, he smiles; and smiling, spreads a light that gladdens all the earth... To give you of my best was my object.” 73


74 75

74 Rare Labeled “Leeds & Co.” New Orleans Cast Iron Sugar Kettle

75 Pair of Cast Iron Benches in the Coalbrookdale Style

third quarter 19th century, with a flared upper rim and bearing the embossed “Leeds & Co. NO” label in two places along the inside rim. h. 19”, dia. 48-1/2”

20th century, based on a pattern known as the “Peacock”, with the center reminiscent of a peacock’s spread tail feathers, flanked by molded leaves, with slatted iron seats, the sides with pierced scrollwork. h. 37-1/2”, w. 47”, d. 22”



Leeds & Co. was originally known as Leeds Foundry and dates back to 1825. It was one of the country’s earliest woodworking machinery companies. Records show that they had 250 employees in 1874 and the company remained in business through the 1890s. They were also listed in the 1874 work, Wiley’s American Iron Trade Manual of the Leading Iron Industries of the United States, citing they manufactured steam engines, boilers, sugar machinery of all kinds, saw mills, gins, grate bars and ordinary castings.

76 Pair of Victorian-Style Cast Iron Benches in the “Dog and Fern” Pattern 20th century, English, after a Coalbrookdale design, the central back medallions depicting hunting dogs in a glade of ferns, flanked by botanical medallions and pierced bird medallions under each eagle-headed arm, with wood slat seats. h. 39”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 18” $1,000-$1,500



77 John Harrison Mills (American, 1842-1916) “Mountain River Gorge” oil on canvas signed lower left, “Petro-Lewis Corporation” label on frame backing. Framed. 36-1/4” x 23”, framed 43-3/8” x 33-1/4” Provenance: The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500


78 Paul Penczner (Hungarian/American/Tennessee, 1916-2010) “Our River, Barges on the Mississippi”, 1952 oil on canvas on wood panel signed and dated lower right, titled and dated on period handwritten labels en verso. Framed. 30” x 40”, framed 35-3/4” x 43-3/4” $2,000-$4,000


79 Pair of Renaissance Revival Cast Iron Garden Urns fourth quarter 19th century, the bowls decorated with draped female masques, the standards in the form of fluted columns, supported on stepped plinths. h. 31”, dia. 23-1/2” $1,000-$1,500



80 Unusual American Neo-Grec Cast Bronze Chandelier fourth quarter 19th century, set with three pairs of scrolled gas arms, with matching pierced ball finial at the base and plates under the gas jets, with an anthemion-pierced ring holding a shade for the central gas jet, fitted with frosted glass shades, electrified. h. 44”, dia. 22” $1,000-$1,500

81 American Aesthetic Nickel-Plated Brass and Glass Gasolier fourth quarter 19th century, the rope-twist standard hung with spear-point prisms, above a pierced prism ring in the center, the gas keys with incised decoration, set with four aestheticstyle glass shades, electrified. h. 49”, dia. 33” $1,000-$1,500



82 American Aesthetic Brass Gasolier fourth quarter 19th century, the standard set with a scrollpierced spherule, the arm supports molded with anthemia, the gas keys with tulips, hung with ball-form prisms and set with period ruffled glass shades etched with flowers, electrified. h. 19-1/2”, dia. 24” $1,000-$1,500 81


83 Aesthetic Faux Bamboo Stained Maple Pier Mirror fourth quarter 19th century, American or English, framed with faux bamboo, decorated with a carved spray of flowers, the lower corners with bull’s-eye turnings. h. 84”, w. 37-1/2” $2,000-$4,000



84 Brass and Glass Electrolier first quarter 20th century, possibly American, the standard decorated with pierced bowknots supporting swags of leaves and anthemia, the three gas arms set into shells, the “candles” in pierced cylinders, the leaf-molded electric lights set with swirled opalescent glass shades. h. 28-1/2”, dia. 16” $1,000-$1,500

85 American Late Victorian Rosewood and Marquetry-Inlaid Vitrine ca. 1900, attributed to R. J. Horner, New York, the top with a pierced brass gallery, the upper section with a central beveled glass door flanked by curved and beveled glass windows to each side, the base with a marquetry-inlaid door flanked by curved marquetry-inlaid panels to each side. h. 67-1/2”, w. 44-1/2”, d. 18” $1,200-$1,800 85


86 Frank Duveneck (American, 1848-1919) “Patriarch” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 15-3/4” x 12”, framed 25” x 22” Provenance: C. G. Sloan & Company, 1982; The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500



87 Frederic Sackrider Remington (American, 1861-1909) “The Caravan” oil on canvas signed lower left “Frederic Remington, from photograph”. Framed. 15-1/2” x 25-1/2”, framed 20-3/4” x 30-1/2” $10,000-$15,000 88 American Late Victorian Mahogany Tall Case Clock fourth quarter 19th century, attributed to the Herschede Clock Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, as so marked on the tubes, the carved case with fluted columns and a foliate crest, the movement with rotating moon dial, time, strike and fitted with nine tubular chimes, featuring Westminster and Whittington. h. 99”, w. 27”, d. 19” $2,500-$4,000 88


89 William Malcolm Cutts (Canadian, 1857-1943) “After the Squall” oil on canvas signed lower right. Giltwood frame with exhibition plaque. 32” x 40”, framed 39” x 48-3/4” $1,000-$1,500


90 George Ames Aldrich (American/Indiana, 1872-1941) “Pulling on to the Riverbank” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 30” x 36”, framed 37-1/2” x 43-1/2” $3,000-$5,000



91 Arts and Crafts Copper-Washed Brass Gasolier first quarter 20th century, the five-light gasolier with a signed Quezal gold iridescent glass shade in the center. h. 29-1/4”, dia. 19” $1,000-$1,500


92 American Victorian Cast Iron Stag fourth quarter 19th century, probably New York or Philadelphia, the stag standing with its head turned to one side, on a rectangular plinth base. h. 62-1/2”, w. 48”, d. 18” $4,000-$7,000



93 Newcomb College Art Pottery rare high-glazed vase, 1903, probably decorated by Harriet Joor with alternating pea pods and linear bands over a green base ground with blue and yellow underglaze, base marked with Newcomb cipher, decorator’s mark H.J. (with center line of H connecting through the J), Joseph Meyer potter’s mark, reg. no. “II76” and “Q” for buff clay body. h. 7”, w. 5” $4,000-$7,000


94 Newcomb College Art Pottery rare high-glazed tyg, decorated by Henrietta Bailey in blue and green underglaze with one side incised with the Newcomb College seal of the live oak tree designed by Ellsworth Woodward, centering the school’s initials and localized “N.O. LA.”; the other two sides with conforming roundels of flowers and Pi Beta Phi Sorority arrows, base marked with Newcomb cipher, decorator’s mark, Joseph Meyer potter’s mark, reg. no. “BJ63” and “W” for white clay body. h. 5”, dia. 7” $3,000-$5,000 94

95 Newcomb College Art Pottery matte-glazed covered jar with fluting, 1926, decorated by Sadie Irvine with a shoulder band of incised flowers, in blue, green and pink underglaze, base marked with Newcomb cipher, decorator’s mark, Jonathan Hunt’s potter mark, reg. no. “PS1” and shape no. “29”. h. 5-1/2”, w. 4-1/2” $1,800-$2,500




96 J. Ambrose Pritchard (American/Massachusetts, 1858-1905) “The Picnic Tent” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 37” x 50”, framed 43-1/2” x 56” $5,000-$8,000

97 Willard Leroy Metcalf (American, 1858-1925) “Oak Trees, Autumn Study”, 1907 oil on canvas board signed lower right, signed and dated en verso with framer inscription and “Devoe Canvas Boards” label. Framed. 10-1/8” x 9-1/4”, framed 12-1/2” x 12” $2,000-$4,000 97


98 After Frederic Sackrider Remington (American, 1861-1909) “Coming Through the Rye” patinated bronze 20th century, cast signature and copyright-marked on composite stone base. h. 29”, w. 29”, d. 15-1/2” Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,000-$1,500

99 J. Vrancx (Belgian, 19th Century) “Still Life of Grapes, Plums and Peaches”


oil on wood panel signed lower left, verso with two hand-inscribed labels and a “Provenant de la succession de Mme Helleputte-Schollaert” label. Period frame. 15” x 11-1/2”, framed 24” x 21” $1,000-$1,500

100 Set of Six Steel and Bronze Sconces in the Baronial Taste second quarter 20th century, the steel backplates decorated with scrollwork and roping, and fitted with leaf-molded bronze arms set with bronze candle sockets and scalloped steel drip pans, labeled by an unidentified maker. h. 12-1/2”, w. 10-1/4”, d. 5-1/2” $1,000-$1,500





101 Peter Caledon Cameron (British, 1852-1934) “Niagara Falls in Winter”, 1885 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 11-3/4” x 29-3/4”, framed 21” x 38” Provenance: Hulbert Harrington (H. H.) Warner, Rochester, New York, 1885, purchased from the artist; Sotheby’s, New York, May 19, 2004, lot 64. Literature: When the painting sold at Sotheby’s in 2004, it was accompanied by a transcription of correspondence between the artist and his patron E. H. Thompson. $8,000-$12,000

Peter Caledon Cameron, an eccentric perfectionist known for fastidious detail, eerie photo realist lighting, and lengthy records detailing the topographical and meteorological conditions under which he worked, has been overlooked by history. He was registered by the British government as a certified art master in South Kensington before coming to the U.S. in 1883-1884, where he obliterated all obscurity through the sensationalism of his epic painting, the “Niagara Falls in Winter” - whereby he had himself suspended by tackle over the Falls so that he might be able to make his studies in mid-air, in near zero weather. In December of 1884, Cameron’s 9 by 18 foot masterpiece was unveiled and immediately purchased for an extraordinary $30,000 by Hulbert Harrington (H. H.) Warner of Rochester, New York and founder of Warner Observatory. Following the sale, the painting was widely exhibited throughout Rochester and Detroit before it was sent to Europe. In 1887, the painting came to an untimely demise and was destroyed by fire after its exposition at the Crystal Palace in London. At/or shortly after the colossal painting made its debut, this much smaller panoramic-sized painting/study of the Falls, dated 1885, was painted and also purchased by H. H. Warner. The New York Times recorded its sale on January 9, 1885, for $3,000, and Mensing and Stetcher printers produced a lithograph of it for Warner. In addition to this lot, two other paintings of “Niagara Falls in Winter” were made by Cameron: an even larger replacement copy for the one that burned in 1887 that measured 10 by 21 feet (completed in 1890), and the larger companion work to this one that sold at Sotheby’s in 2016 and is inscribed “Niagara Falls in Winter/Began Feb 10th 1884/Finished Nov. 1 1884/First two months on the spot.”


102 Studio of Yulievich Klever (Russian, 1850-1924) “Winter Evening”, 1889 oil on linen signed in Cyrillic and dated lower right. Framed; together with a copy of the Sotheby’s sales catalogue. 29” x 22-1/2”, framed 38-1/2” x 32-1/4” Provenance: Sotheby’s, Olympia, London, November 30, 2006, lot 26. $2,000-$4,000



103 Polychrome Wrought Iron and Marble-Top Console first quarter 20th century, in the manner of Oscar Bach (German/New York, 1884-1957), the shaped Egyptian marble top above a conforming frieze with a swirling iron grill and floral swags, supported by scrolled legs with applied acanthine decor. h. 31”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 16” $1,200-$1,800

104 Lorenzo E. Ghiglieri (American/Oregon, 1931-2020) “Eagle”, 1979 patinated bronze cast signature, dated, copyright-marked and numbered “15/50” along proper right edge of self-base, on a carved wooden base. overall h. 29-5/8”, w. 20”, d. 16” Provenance: The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $3,000-$5,000




105 Heriz Runner 2’ 6” x 21’ $1,000-$1,500

106 Semi-Antique Mashed Carpet 4’ 5” x 6’ 7” $1,000-$1,500



107 Agra Heriz Carpet 8’ 10” x 11’ 7” $1,500-$2,500

108 Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet 9’ 3” x 12’ $1,000-$1,500

109 Persian Nain Carpet 6’ 7” x 10’ $1,500-$2,500






110 Semi-Antique Kashan Carpet 12’ 11” x 18’ 3” $1,200-$1,800

111 Heriz Carpet 11’ x 15’ 5” $1,500-$2,500




112 Semi-Antique Bidjar Carpet 8’ x 10’ 9” $1,000-$1,500


113 Semi-Antique Silk Bidjar Carpet 8’ x 11’ $2,000-$4,000




114 Semi-Antique Turkish Sivas Carpet 7’ 10” x 11’ $1,000-$1,500

115 Hamadan Runner 3’ 6” x 15’ 4” $1,000-$1,500





116 Louis XV-Style Polychrome and Marble-Top Console 19th century, the thick, demi-lune-form breche Medicis marble top over a conforming frame with bas-relief foliate blocks and interlocking flowerheads, and raised on cabriole legs joined by a shaped stretcher with an urn and flower finial. h. 34”, w. 39-1/2”, d. 18” $1,500-$2,500

117 Pair of Transitional Louis XV/XVI-Style Polychrome and Marble-Top Consoles early 20th century, of demi-lune form, the inset marble tops above carved and reticulated apron friezes, raised on carved cabriole legs. h. 30”, w. 19”, d. 10” $1,500-$2,500

118 Suite of Nine Dried and Pressed Hydrangea Botanicals 20th century, mounted, glazed and presented in giltwood frames with beaded molding, each 17-1/2” x 13-1/2”. $1,200-$1,800



119 Suite of Four French Polychrome Side Chairs late 19th century, in the Louis XV taste, each with a shaped and carved back crest rail and shell-carved aprons, raised on cabriole legs joined by a swirling X-form stretcher. h. 37”, w. 20”, d. 18” $1,000-$1,500


120 French Neoclassical Cut Glass Chandelier fourth quarter 20th century, possibly Baccarat, the twelve-light chandelier with a cut glass standard set with scrolled candle arms on two levels, the canopy decorated with glass scrolls set with bellflowers, festoons of glass drops hung to the arms, the lower cut glass pan hung with two levels of spear-point prisms framing the lower finial. h. 48-1/2”, dia. 31” $3,000-$5,000 121 French Marble Fireplace Surround 19th century, in the Louis XV taste, the shaped deck with a molded edge, above an in-carved scalloped and paneled frieze, the side supports with scrolled brackets and carved panels. overall h. 42”, w. 53”, d. 15”, opening h. 33”, w. 36” $2,500-$4,000 120




122 Louis XV-Style Polychrome Lit de Jour early 20th century, the serpentine and outscrolled padded arms over a cushioned seat, raised on cabriole legs headed by a patera carving and ending in scroll feet. h. 33”, w. 26”, l. 66” $2,000-$4,000 123 French Baroque-Style Bronze and Crystal Chandelier second quarter 20th century, the twenty-four-light chandelier with a molded glass-clad standard set with scrolled bronze arms terminating in bell-form unelectrified candle sockets, and glass finials on two levels, the upper portion decorated with sprays of cut glass prisms, the lower standard with three electrical sockets. h. 44-1/2”, dia. 24-3/4” $1,400-$1,800


124 Pair of Italian Silver-Leafed Fauteuils early 20th century, in the Louis XV taste, each with a serpentine carved crest over a padded back, joined to the like seat by open arms, raised on cabriole legs. h. 38”, w. 23”, d. 18-1/2” $1,500-$2,500




125 French Carved and Painted Boiserie Over-Door Panel of 18th-century inspiration, the center with pierced and carved leaves hung with swags of laurel leaves, flanked by pierced scroll and leaf carving. h. 16”, w. 62-3/4” $1,500-$2,500

126 Continental/English School (First Quarter 20th Century) “Allegory of the Arts and Sciences” pair of oils on canvas unsigned. Presented in decorative shaped frames with acanthus reliefs. 26” x 43-1/2”, framed 35-1/2” x 52-3/4” $2,500-$4,000


127 Louis XV-Style Polychrome Bench 20th century, the linen-padded serpentine seat accented with brass tacks, above a conforming apron carved with scrolling foliage, raised on like-carved cabriole legs, joined to the shaped stretcher and ending in scroll feet on carved blocks. h. 18-1/2”, w. 45”, d. 20” $1,000-$1,500



130 Suite of Eight Louis XV-Style Polychrome Chairs 20th century, each with a carved serpentine crest over a conforming padded back, above a like seat and a carved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in pad feet. h. 39”, w. 22”, d. 16” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500


128 French Bronze and Crystal Chandelier mid-20th century, the ten-light chandelier having a glass-clad standard set with scrolled bronze candle arms, the canopy with sprays of drops and festoons of drops hung to the arms, the lower portion hung with swags of drops and a ball-form pendant finial. h. 24”, dia. 24” $1,000-$1,500 129 Semi-Antique Aubusson Carpet 6’ 10” x 10’ $6,000-$9,000 129



131 Louis XV-Style Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Occasional Table 19th century, the shaped marble top inset into a conforming edge, above a pierced frieze with pendant floral swags, raised on molded cabriole legs ending in acanthine scrolled toes. h. 29-1/2”, w. 26-1/2”, d. 17” $1,800-$2,500 132 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Trumeau Mirror ca. 1900, the painting of a pair of courting couples in an oval giltwood frame with sprays of leaves and bellflowers, and unfurled ribbons on either side, sitting atop the lower mirror joined with vertical reeding framed with scrollwork. h. 63-1/2”, w. 39-1/2” $1,500-$2,500


133 French Polychrome and Floral-Painted Bench early 20th century, in the Louis XV taste, the padded seat over a scalloped frame with floral-painted sprays and raised on slender cabriole legs. h. 22”, w. 42”, d. 17” $1,000-$1,500





134 Suite of Eight Louis XV-Style Creme-Peinte Side Chairs 19th century, each with a shaped, caned back above a padded seat, over a serpentine apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in toupie feet. h. 35”, w. 19”, d. 16” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500


135 Pair of Louis XV-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Console Tables early 20th century, of demi-lune form with conforming marble tops, the carved legs with ram’s heads and ending in clovenhoof feet. h. 33”, w. 19”, d. 9-1/2” $1,500-$2,500



136 French Needlepoint Carpet 9’ 9” x 13’ 9” $1,000-$1,500

139 137

137 Leonie Mottard van Marcke (Belgian, 1862-1936) “Nature Morte aux Fleurs” pair of oils on canvas each signed. In matching period, ornate giltwood frames. each 11” x 16-1/4”, framed 21” x 26-3/4” $1,500-$2,500 138 Giltwood and Woven Reed Jardiniere on Stand early 20th century, the ovoid basket with a guilloche-molded lip and mounted with floral swags, raised on tall legs capped by satyr masques. h. 47-1/2”, w. 26”, d. 13-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 139 Fanciful French Bronze, Porcelain and Glass Chandelier fourth quarter 20th century, the four-light chandelier in the form of a bronze flower basket, set with a porcelain parrot sitting amid porcelain flowers on bronze stems and leaves, with four arching arms set with light sockets and beaded crystal shades. h. 54”, dia. 18”




140 Herend “Rothschild Bird” Porcelain Soup Tureen 20th/21st century, Hungarian, the tureen with a lemon knop and applied encrusted flowers, and painted birds and butterflies, with a post-1990 mark on the base. h. 9-3/4”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 10-1/2” $1,000-$1,500



141 Louis XV-Style Parcel-Giltwood and Wire Oval Birdcage second quarter 20th century, the white-painted cage with scroll-carved giltwood crests around the top, gilt scrollwork carving on the four corners and scrolled gilt feet. h. 21-1/2”, w. 20”, d. 14-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 142 Louis-Philippe Aubusson-Style Carpet


10’ 9” x 17’ 4” $1,400-$1,800 143 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Settee early 20th century, the serpentine crest surmounted by a floralspray carving at each end, over a conforming caned back, joined to the like seat by carved scrolling arms, over a ribbonand floral-carved apron, raised on turned tapering circular legs headed by a block-patera carving and ending in toupie feet, fitted with an Aubusson-style cushion. h. 35”, w. 53”, d. 22” $1,000-$1,500



144 Louis XV-Style Painted and Parcel-Gilt Mirror second quarter 20th century, with an ogee-molded giltwood surround, the serpentine crest decorated with pierced rocaille, scrollwork and flowerheads, the upper panel with a thin giltwood surround on a tan ground, the corners with gilt scrollwork. h. 70-1/2”, w. 46-1/2” $1,200-$1,800 145 Fine Pair of Louis XV-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Console Tables early 20th century, each with its original shaped Breche Violette marble top above a conforming pierce-carved foliate frieze centered by a shell-carved cabochon and raised on cabriole legs. h. 31-1/2”, w. 51”, d. 15-1/2” $1,800-$2,500


146 Pair of Louis XV-Style Walnut and Parcel-Gilt Bergeres-avec-Oreilles early 20th century, each with a rocaille- and floral-carved crest above a padded back, joined to the cushioned seat by like arms with acanthine carving, over a floral tendrilscarved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in scroll feet. h. 45”, w. 27”, d. 22” $2,000-$4,000




147 Louis XV-Style Marquetry-Inlaid Mahogany Vitrine Table ca. 1900, the lift-top with foliate and line inlay, centered by a beveled glass panel with an ormolu frame, the frieze with like-glazed panels, the interior retaining a velvet-lined bottom, raised on cabriole legs with foliate ormolu mounts at the knees and feet. h. 30-3/4”, w. 24”, d. 16” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500


149 French Gilt-Bronze Chandelier in the Neoclassical Taste first quarter 20th century, the eighteen-light chandelier with a lower standard molded as a quiver with its feathered arrow tops displayed, the vasiform upper portion molded with laurel leaves, the delicate leaf-molded and spiral-reeded arms set with fluted drip pans and flower-molded candle cups. h. 44”, dia. 29” $1,500-$2,500


148 Louis XV-Style Ormolu-Mounted Kingwood and Mahogany Vitrine second half 20th century, the upper case with an arched front crest with string inlay and a central cast brass cartouche, the corners with pineapple finials above a pair of glazed doors, the interior with a mirrored back, the base with two conforming curved drawers, raised on cabriole legs with brass mounts. h. 72”, w. 36”, d. 20” $1,000-$1,500




150 Antique Aubusson Carpet 12’ x 15’ $3,000-$5,000 151 Set of Eleven Omeco Raised Gilt Service Plates second quarter 20th century, Czechoslovakian, with claret and cream borders, decorated with raised gilt scrollwork, marked “Omeco Czechoslovakia” on the back. dia. 10-3/4”


$1,000-$1,500 152 Interesting Gilt-Bronze and Coromandel Console Table 20th century, in the Louis XV taste, the inset coromandel top decorated with a bird perched on a blooming branch, the cast bronze base with cabriole legs, floral knees, scrolled feet and joined by a cross stretcher with a central cabochon. h. 33”, w. 38”, d. 13” $1,000-$1,500



153 Pair of Louis XV-Style Gilt- and Patinated Bronze Figural Chenets fourth quarter 19th century, one with girl holding a bird, the other with a boy holding a paddle, set into molded and pierced gilt-bronze scrollwork decorated with stippling, set with cast iron billet bars. h. 10-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 20-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 153

154 Pair of French Gilt- and Patinated Bronze Chenets fourth quarter 19th century, in the Louis XV style, each autumnthemed chenet having pierced gilt scrollwork with grapes and a patinated putto, one holding grapes and the other threshes of wheat. h. 17”, w. 10”, d. 4” $1,000-$1,500 155 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Trumeau Mirror early 20th century, the upper section with an oval oil-on-artistboard depiction of a courting scene, with ribbons and floral sprays in the frieze surround, and set above a shaped and broadly beveled mirror. h. 79”, w. 42” $1,000-$1,500


156 French Gilt-Bronze Candelabrum first quarter 20th century, the pierced basket-form base supporting bronze rose bushes bound with bowknots, the two outside flowers mounted with candle sockets, the central rose supporting a putto, electrified. h. 25”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 9” $1,000-$1,500




157 Louis XV-Style Ormolu-Mounted Rosewood and Elmwood Bureau Plat mid-20th century, the serpentine top with bronze edge moldings and decorative corners, and an inset tooled leather blotter, the front fitted with three side-by-side drawers, raised on cabriole legs with ormolu mounts. h. 30-1/2”, w. 54-1/2”, d. 28” $1,000-$1,500

158 Louis XV-Style Gilt-Bronze Cartel Clock fourth quarter 19th century, French, the case decorated with pierced scrollwork and flowerheads, a pierced grill inset below the signed Marti works, set with an enamel dial. h. 18-1/2”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500


159 Italian Crystal, Gilt-Metal and Giltwood Chandelier third quarter 20th century, the six-light chandelier with a scrolled metal frame hung with swags of glass beads and crystal drops, the scrolled arms set with giltwood candle cups and glass prism rings. h. 30”, dia. 27” $1,000-$1,500




160 Louis XV-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Console Table the inset marble top with a serpentine front, projecting ovolo corners and concave sides, in a conforming frame with asymmetrical pierced carving, raised on cabriole legs with shell and leaf carving and French toes, joined by serpentine stretchers. h. 39-1/2”, w. 65”, d. 21” $1,000-$1,500

161 Luis Alvarez Catala (Spanish, 1836-1901)


“The Poetry Reading” oil on board signed lower left. Framed. 14-1/2” x 19-1/2”, framed 28” x 33” $5,000-$8,000

162 Louis XV-Style Carved Mahogany Canape early 20th century, the serpentine crest over a conforming padded back, joined to the like seat by undulating, scrollend arms, raised on cabriole legs headed by shell carving and ending in scroll feet. h. 38”, w. 69-3/4”, d. 24” $1,000-$1,500




163 Mirror-Backed Carved Giltwood Panel of Louis XVI Inspiration 20th century, the beaded central panel intersected with carved swags held with a bowknot, the lower portion decorated with carved acanthus leaves. h. 52-1/2”, w. 48” $2,500-$4,000

164 Pair of Louis XV-Style Ormolu-Mounted Kingwood Side Tables early 20th century, in the manner of Paul Sormani, the inlaid top with a three-quarter pierced brass gallery and projecting canted corners with decorative string inlays, above a conforming case fitted with a frieze drawer opening to a leather-inset push-back writing surface over two long drawers with conforming string inlay, raised on ormolumounted cabriole legs ending in sabots. h. 31-1/2”, w. 26”, d. 20”




165 Monumental Louis XV-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Trumeau Mirror first half 20th century, the arched crest over a frame inset with a painting of figures in a garden, in the manner of JeanAntoine Watteau (French, 1684-1721), above a shaped mirror plate surmounted by a shell-carving. h. 88”, w. 50” $1,200-$1,800



167 166

166 Louis XV-Style Painted Beechwood Duchesse Brisee mid-20th century, in two parts, the armchair of generous proportions, with an arched and molded floral-carved crest extending to closed arms with scroll ends, with bowed seat rail and cabriole legs, the conforming ottoman with scalloped apron and cabriole legs. h. 39-1/4”, w. 35-1/4”, l. 58” $1,000-$1,500 167 Pair of Polished Bronze Sconces in the Louis XV Taste 20th century, the backplates decorated with harlequin figures carrying parasols, the scrolled candle arms molded with stippled leaves, electrified. h. 18-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 3-1/4”


$1,200-$1,800 168 Louis XV-Style Ormolu-Mounted Mahogany Bureau Plat the top with figured hardwood panels framed by line stringing, the perimeter framed with brass moldings, the scalloped apron with a band of four drawers, raised on cabriole legs with figural mounts above the knees and toupie feet. h. 32-1/2”, w. 61-1/2”, d. 33” $1,000-$1,500 169 Louis XV-Style Kingwood and Mahogany Inlaid Games Table second half 20th century, the reversible top with a raised molded border, inlaid with a checkerboard on one side and felt-lined on the other, the interior of the table well inlaid with a backgammon board, raised on slender cabriole legs. h. 30-1/2”, w. 36”, d. 22-1/2” $1,200-$1,800 169



170 Assembled Three-Piece Sevres-Style Ormolu-Mounted Porcelain Garniture Set 19th century, including a pair of cylindrical-form lidded vases with hand-painted courting scenes, signed “Henry” and bearing blue interlaced “L’s” centered by a “D” and the blue Louise-Philippe “Sevres 1846” mark along with an iron-red “Chateau des Tuileries” within a crown, h. 18”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”, together with a double-handled compote with a handpainted Venus and Cupid scene, signed “E. Grisard” and bearing the psuedo Sevres interlaced “L’s” mark under the base, h. 13”, w. 18”, d. 9-1/2”. $1,000-$1,500


171 Louis XV-Style Gilt-Bronze-Mounted Occasional Table early 20th century, the brass-bound oval parquetry top over a serpentine apron, raised on cabriole legs, the whole with ormolu mounts. h. 29”, w. 29”, d. 19-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 172 French Giltwood Mirror in the Louis XV Taste ca. 1900, of oval form, with a pierced crest decorated with musical instruments, the outer surround molded with ribbonwrapped beading, with panels of mirror plate forming an inner surround, with overlapping leaf carving. h. 48”, w. 37” $1,500-$2,500 172


173 Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Occasional Table early 20th century, the rectangular top with canted projecting corners and a gilt-tooled leather surface under a glass panel, above a conforming frieze fitted with a single drawer, raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots. h. 29-1/2”, w. 24”, d. 17” $1,800-$2,500

174 French Bronze and Crystal Figural Chandelier first quarter 20th century, of Baroque inspiration, the eighteenlight chandelier with a baluster-form standard mounted with seated putti holding crystal-tipped spears, the upper portion with molded masques, the scrolled candle arms decorated with molded leaves on two levels, the sockets set with prism rings. h. 42”, dia. 21” $1,500-$2,500



175 Sevres-Style Gilt-Bronze, Cobalt and Polychromed Porcelain Jewel Casket late 19th century, in the Louis XVI style, the case of rectilinear form, opening to reveal an interior lined in tufted silk, the underside marked with crossed “L’s”. h. 5-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 6” $1,000-$1,500




176 Unusual Napoleon III Giltwood Dressing Table Mirror third quarter 19th century, in the rococo taste, the oval mirror framed with delicately pierced garlands of fruits and flowers, supported on either side by a putto sitting on a scrollwork-carved base. h. 35”, w. 26-1/2”, d. 6”



178 Louis XV-Style Bronze-Mounted Mahogany Bureau Plat

177 Continental School (Fourth Quarter 18th Century)

the tooled and inset leather top set on a shaped frame edged with brass molding, the conforming frieze with a single drawer and adorned with bronze moldings extending to cabriole legs with figural mounts. h. 30”, w. 54-3/4”, d. 29”

“Portrait of Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, in an Ermine-Trimmed Gold Silk Robe” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 37” x 29”, framed 46” x 35-1/4”





179 Louis XIV-Style Gilt-Bronze and Tortoiseshell Bracket Clock ca. 1900, the case frame veneered with tortoiseshell and decorated with gilt-bronze scrollwork and flowerheads, the brass dial set with an enamel chapter ring, the works signed by an unknown maker, “OC, France”, along with “Sonerie Progres, B & c S.G D.D”. h. 27”, w. 13-3/4”, d. 5-3/4” $1,800-$2,500 180 Transitional Louis XV/XVI Kingwood and Marble-Top Commode 18th century, the rounded rectangular breakfront marble top above a conforming case fitted with three short drawers, all with parquetry inlays, over two long drawers, tri-paneled and with decorative banding, the sides en suite, raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots, indistinctly stamped on the top of the right front leg. h. 35-1/2”, w. 51-1/2”, d. 23-1/2”


$2,500-$4,000 181 Pair of Transitional Louis XV/XVI-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Commodes each with a breakfront marble top above a conforming case fitted with an ormolu guilloche-applied frieze drawer over two long drawers, each with parquetry inlay and a central floral panel, raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots. h. 34”, w. 51”, d. 20” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $2,000-$4,000




182 Jan Hamkens (Dutch, 19th Century) “A Stag Hunt” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 60” x 36”, framed 68” x 45” $5,000-$8,000 183 R. Moseley (British, 20th Century) “Ready for the Hunt” oil on canvas signed lower right, verso frame with “Paragon Fine Arts, Macclesfield, Cheshire” label. Framed. 12-1/4” x 16”, framed 16-3/4” x 20-3/4” $1,200-$1,800 184 John McLeod (British, 19th Century) “A.T. in the Stable” oil on canvas signed and dated “18...” lower left. Framed. 20” x 26”, framed 23-1/2” x 29-1/2” $1,200-$1,800 182




185 George Siejka (Austrian, b. 1946) “Wivenhoe Park, Essex”, after John Constable (British, 1776-1837) oil on canvas signed and inscribed “after J. Constable” lower right. Giltwood frame. 24” x 36”, framed 31-3/4” x 43-3/4” $3,000-$5,000


186 George Morland (British, 1763-1804) “The Gypsy Encampment” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 25” x 30-1/8”, framed 32-3/8” x 37-3/8” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $5,000-$8,000



187 Elizabethan-Style Ebonized Four-Post Bed mid-19th century, with an elaborate carved and spindle-turned headboard, joined to spiral-turned posts with carved finials. h. 85”, inside w. 66”, l. 81”, outside w. 76”, l. 93” $1,000-$1,500



188 British School (Fourth Quarter 18th/First Quarter 19th Century) “Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton (1573-1624)” casein and gouache on paper laid down on glass sitter identified, dated “1624” and monogrammed “GJ” upper left, verso inscribed at length in script with biography of the sitter. Matted, glazed and framed. 11-1/8” x 8”, framed 13-3/8” x 10-1/4” $1,000-$1,500 The charming and dashing Wriothesley was initially a favorite at the Court of Elizabeth I before earning the Queen’s wrath by entering into a secret marriage with one of her maids of honor - an act the queen deemed dishonorable and disrespectable (though jealousy may have had a role in her reaction). He was briefly interred in the notorious Fleet Prison, as was his pregnant wife, a harsh punishment that afforded him time to reflect upon the dangers of earning the queen’s displeasure. Upon his release he somewhat foolishly joined forces with Robert Devereaux, Lord Essex in the latter’s ill-fated rebellion against Queen Elizabeth. Banished to the Tower of London, he was sentenced to death for his role in the treasonous act but the penalty was eventually commuted to life imprisonment. It was not until James I ascended the throne that he was freed, and once again immersed himself in the intrigues of court life, eventually being named a Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Wriothesley was a vocal champion of the arts, and was most notably a patron of William Shakespeare; the narrative poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece were dedicated to him. 189 Suite of Fourteen Jacobean-Style Oak Dining Chairs 188

ca. 1900, consisting of four armchairs and ten side chairs, with turned legs joined by mortised and pegged stretchers, and sausage-turned front cross stretchers, covered in a woven crimson fabric. armchair h. 47”, w. 23”, d. 23”, side chair h. 42”, w. 20”, d. 18” $1,500-$2,500




190 Elizabethan-Style Oak Refectory Table ca. 1900, the extending top over a plain frieze, raised on two bulbous, turned and carved pedestals, ending in plinth feet. h. 31”, w. 39”, l. 96-1/2”, ext. l. 152-1/2” $1,500-$2,500


191 Pair of Elizabethan-Style Oak Stools early 20th century, each with a linen-padded top accented with brass tacks, raised on block and barley-twist turned legs joined by a like H-form stretcher and ending in turned pad feet. h. 20”, w. 18-1/2”, d. 17-1/2” $1,200-$1,800 192 Queen Anne-Style Burl Walnut and Circassian Walnut Double-Dome Secretary 19th century and later, the upper case with a deeply molded double-arched crown, above a pair of conforming glazed doors and candle slides below, the slant lid opening to a fitted interior with a slide-back lid and secret compartments behind the central section, and the front with a faux drawer above two side-by-side drawers and two long drawers. h. 85”, w. 44”, d. 24” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000



193 Pair of Franco-Japanese Gilt-Brass and Satsuma Pottery Carcel Lamps fourth quarter 19th century, the bases decorated with Japanese figures highlighted with raised gilt, fitted with giltbrass fluted oil tanks decorated with masques and swags of fruit, set with molded and pierced lamp elements. h. 43”, dia. 7-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


195 George III Mahogany Bedside Commode ca. 1800, the carved and pierced galleried top over a case fitted with a pair of oval string-inlaid doors, above a like-inlaid drawer, raised on tapering square legs ending in brass casters. h. 35-1/2”, w. 19”, d. 18” $1,000-$1,500


194 Edwardian Chinoiserie-Decorated Mirror first quarter 20th century, in the Queen Anne taste, the tombstone-form mirror with a reverse-painted chinoiserie top, the surround decorated with japanning, and gilt painted in the Chinese taste, with raised gilt figures. h. 80”, w. 34-1/2” $1,200-$1,500 195


196 Large Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain Bowl first half 19th century, the steep-sided bowl with broad, flared rim, decorated to the interior with alternating designs of courtly figures and auspicious symbols amid floral sprays, all within floral and gilt borders, the exterior with individual floral motifs. h. 5”, dia. 16-1/2” Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500 196


199 Chinese Export Supper Set second quarter 19th century, the nine-part set of porcelain decorated with insects and flowers in the famille rose palette, with blue key pattern borders, and presented in a rosewood case. h. 3-1/4”, w. 11”, d. 11” 197

197 Fine Hepplewhite Rosewood Bookcase

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

early 19th century, the chamfered and carved cornice over a case fitted with a pair of astragal-glazed doors above an apron with two drawers, raised on sabre legs. h. 95”, w. 58”, d. 14” $1,500-$2,500 198 Pair of Chinese Porcelain Vases ca. 1900, now mounted as lamps, decorated with plum branches, the reverses decorated with character marks, fitted with non-matching shades. h. 31”, dia. 18” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.





200 Qing Dynasty Porcelain Ginger Jar

201 Suite of Eight George III-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs

ca. 1900, decorated with red lotus blossoms on a green scrolled ground, mounted with a turned and pierced hardwood cover. h. 10-1/4”, dia. 5-1/2”

early 20th century, consisting of two armchairs and six side chairs, each with a shaped crest rail, pierced splat and raised on Marlborough legs, the slip seats covered in silk damask. armchair h. 37-1/2”, w. 27”, d. 20”, side chair h. 37-1/2”, w. 22”, d. 18”

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.





202 George III Mahogany Tall Case Clock early 19th century, the dial marked “Marsh & Co. Dublin”, fitted with a time and strike movement, the case with an arched hood and circular glazed window, framed and paneled mid-section door and raised on ogee bracket feet. h. 84-1/2”, w. 18”, d. 9-1/2” $1,000-$1,500

203 British School (18th Century) “Portrait of a Lady in a Blue Silk Dress” oil on copper unsigned. Framed. 12-1/4” x 9-1/2”, framed 14-1/2” x 12-3/8”



204 George III Mahogany Chest of Drawers ca. 1800, the satinwood-inlaid banded top over a case fitted with two short drawers over three graduated long drawers, all with like inlay, raised on bracket legs. h. 38-1/2”, w. 41”, d. 26” $1,200-$1,800




205 George II Giltwood Mirror in the Rococo Taste 18th century, the ogee-carved surround decorated with a pierced crest carved with leaves, framed with scrollwork and flanked with carved flowerheads, the rocaille-carved surround pierced with ovals and framed with scrollwork, the back with the label of Thomas Stanley-Johnson, Swansea, the framemaker and gilder. h. 44”, w. 24” $2,000-$4,000

206 Kittinger Mahogany Settee in the Chippendale Style 20th century, of camelback form and with out-rolled arms, raised on square legs with blind fretwork joined by stretchers, covered in a “floral and bird” pattern Chinese fabric, bearing the Kittinger label under the reversible cushion. h. 33”, w. 72”, d. 32” $1,000-$1,500





207 Suite of Eight George III-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs in the Chippendale taste, comprised of a pair of armchairs and six side chairs, each with a serpentine crest rail over a pierced splat, slip seat and cabriole legs with shell carving above the knees and ball-and-claw feet. armchair h. 39-1/2”, side chair h. 39” $1,000-$1,500


208 Group of Thirty-Eight English Porcelain Plates second quarter 19th century, in the Imari palette, decorated with cobalt pots of orange peonies, with floral borders and scalloped rims. dia. 9-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,400-$1,800

209 Chippendale-Style Pickled Pine Oval Mirror mid-20th century, the top carved as a Chinese temple with hanging bells and a pagoda roof, the oval frame with a pierced and carved rococo fret border and a phoenix bird on each side. h. 55”, w. 35” $1,000-$1,500



210 Chinese Chippendale-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Cabinet-on-Stand 20th century, the Chinese fretwork-carved and pierced gallery crest over a case fitted with a pair of “pagoda” astragal-glazed doors, over a stand with a blind-fretwork-carved apron, raised on pierced and carved square legs. h. 80”, w. 61”, d. 17” $3,000-$5,000 211 British School (18th Century) “Portrait of a Lady with Pearls” oil on canvas unsigned, old inventory labels en verso. Framed. 30” x 25”, framed 37-1/2” x 31-1/2” $2,000-$4,000 211



212 Pair of George III-Style Mahogany Armchairs ca. 1900, each with an acanthine-carved crest over a pierced splat, joined to the padded seat by scrolling open arms, raised on square legs joined by an H-form stretcher. h. 36”, w. 24-1/2”, d. 20” $1,000-$1,500

213 George III Mahogany Secretary Bookcase ca. 1800, in two parts, the upper section with a pair of mullioned doors on a fall front, the base with a pair of paneled doors, raised on splay feet. h. 64-1/4”, w. 42”, d. 12-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


214 George III-Style Mahogany Dining Table the rounded rectangular top raised on three pedestals, each with a turned vasiform standard and four splayed and reeded legs ending in brass caps and casters, with two 23-1/4” leaves. h. 29”, w. 47”, ext. l. 139-1/2” 212





215 Suite of Twelve Hepplewhite-Style Mahogany Dining Chairs

216 William Moore (British, 1790-1851)

fourth quarter 19th century, consisting of two armchairs and ten side chairs, each with a shield back centered by a carved urn medallion, the padded seat raised on paneled, tapering square legs headed by bellflower carving and ending in molded peg feet. h. 37”

"Portrait of the Actress and Author Fanny Kemble with Her Spaniel", 1833 oil on copper signed and dated lower left. Framed. 14” x 12”, framed 17-1/4” x 15-1/4”






217 British School (19th Century) “Portrait of Sir Walter Scott in His Study” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 30” x 25”, framed 34-1/4” x 29-1/4” $10,000-$15,000

218 Early Victorian Rosewood Center Table mid-19th century, the highly figured circular top with a ribbed edge and raised on a large foliate-carved columnar standard to a concave tripartite base on large paw feet on casters. h. 29”, dia. 53” $1,200-$1,800



219 Three-Piece Classical Revival Brass and Crystal Argand Lamp Set ca. 1900, English, including a rare three-light center lamp, h. 17-3/4”, w. 11-1/4”, d. 5-1/4”, and a pair of single-arm lamps, h. 18-1/2”, w. 11-1/4”, d. 5-1/4”, with column-form standards molded with lotus leaves, supporting sprays of cut glass prisms hung from anthemion-molded rings and molded tanks, set with cut and frosted glass shades. $1,200-$1,800

220 Three Victorian Brass, Metal and Glass Gas Sconces 219

mid-19th century, English, including a pair of sconces decorated with metal shields and battle axes, set with leafmolded arms and later glass shades, and a single sconce with a patinated metal knight holding a brass sword and shield, the leaf-molded arms molded with ivy, all on later backplates, electrified. h. 12” to 13-3/4”, w. 10-1/2” to 11”, d. 7-1/4” to 11” $1,000-$1,500

221 Regency-Style Mahogany Triple-Pedestal Banquet Table each section supported by a reeded vasiform pedestal on three rounded legs terminating in brass paw casters, the top with line-strung and cross-banded perimeters, accompanied by a pair of like leaves. h. 29-1/2”, w. 48”, l. 102”, ext. l. 142-1/2”


Provenance: Manheim’s, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,400-$1,800



222 Pair of English Chinese Export-Style Footed Compotes first half 19th century, decorated with initials and a lion armorial device. h. 4”, dia. 8” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200


223 Two Pieces of Chinese Export Porcelain with Armorial Decoration ca. 1800, including a gravy boat with an orange handle and a rim with green and blue scrollwork, h. 4-3/4”, w. 6-1/2”, d. 2-1/2”, and a dish decorated to match, w. 5”, l. 8”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200


224 Porcelain Tureen in the Chinese Export Armorial Style 20th century, the famille rose trim decorated with roses and bamboo, set with orange boar’s-head handles and a scrolled knop, an armorial device painted on the cover and sides. h. 8-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 8-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 224

225 Two Pieces of Chinese Export Porcelain with Armorial Decoration mid-18th century, including a famille rose platter decorated with flower sprigs and a gilt lancet border, w. 12-3/4”, d. 10”, and an Imari plate with gilt scrollwork and lancet border, dia. 9”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 225


226 Pair of William IV Bronze Gothic Revival Argand Lamps second quarter 19th century, each with a patinated and giltbronze finish, set with an urn-form fuel tank, the rectangular base molded with Gothic arches, set with frosted and cut glass shades, electrified. h. 18-1/2”, w. 17-1/2”, d. 5-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 227 William IV Bronze and Glass Argand Lamp


second quarter 19th century, with Bacchanalian decoration, the standard and tank decorated with masques and bunches of grapes, the standard raised on paw feet, the arms now set with frosted glass prism rings hung with prisms, and periodstyle shades. h. 23-1/2”, w. 18” $1,000-$1,500 228 William IV-Style Mahogany Sideboard 20th century, the protruding center section with a row of four felt-lined flatware drawers above four cabinets, the central cabinets fitted with sliding shelves with back and side galleries. h. 35-1/2”, w. 90-1/2”, d. 22” Provenance: Manheim Galleries, New Orleans, Louisiana; Private collection, Houston, Texas $1,000-$1,500




229 Three Pieces of Regency Treenware 19th century, including a pear-form tea caddy with a carved stem, inlaid escutcheon and the remnants of foil lining, h. 6”, dia. 3-3/4”, a turned wooden urn with brass ring pulls, h. 8”, dia. 4-1/4”, and a walnut covered low bowl, h. 2-1/4”, dia. 4-1/2”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500


230 Regency Mahogany Fold-Over Games Table second quarter 19th century, the rectangular top with rounded corners, opening to a gaming surface, over a conforming frieze, raised on a turned pedestal joined to a carved plinth base ending in brass paw feet on casters. h. 29”, w. 36”, d. 17-3/4”, ext. l. 35-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


231 Late Regency Rosewood Center Table second quarter 19th century, the circular tilting top raised on a foliate-carved columnar standard to a concave tripartite base to scrolling feet on casters. h. 29”, dia. 48” $1,000-$1,500



232 Suite of Four William IV Hall Chairs second quarter 19th century, each with a swag-carved crest over a paneled splat centered by a lion-head stencil within a carved oval, above a circular seat, raised on tapering sabre legs. h. 35”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 16-1/4” $2,000-$4,000

233 George II Northumbrian Sterling Silver Coffeepot hallmarked Newcastle, 1743-1744, by William Partis, the pearshaped body with scroll-divided “gooseneck” spout, hinged, domed lid with toupie finial and molded circular foot-ring, with crested “S”-scroll wooden handle, engraved with the crest of Royall above “R” and opposing “William Royall”. h. 10”, l. 8-1/2”, dia. 4-1/2”; 28.83 t. oz. (including wooden handle)



234 Early George III Sterling Silver Chocolate Pot hallmarked London, 1767-1768, by the unidentified WF/IK, the pear-shaped body with elaborate palmette- and acanthusmounted gooseneck spout and domed, gadrooned foot-ring, the hinged domed lid with a reclining Mandarin finial detaching to receive the muddler, with crested “S”-scroll wooden handle, engraved with the arms of Elton of Berkshire and London. h. 12”, l. 8-1/4”, dia. 4-3/4”; 29.07 t. oz. (including wooden handle) $1,500-$2,500




235 Early George III Sterling Silver Coffeepot hallmarked London, 1769-1770, by “EI”, of tapering conical form with conical spout, waisted, domed hinged lid and crested “S”-scroll wooden handle and finial, engraved with the crest of Astley-Corbett et al. (an elephant statant, with trappings, on the back a castle triple-towered). h. 6-1/2”, l. 6-3/4”, dia. 3-1/2”; 13.90 t. oz. (including wooden fittings) $1,000-$1,500 236 Set of Four Matthew Boulton Old Sheffield Plate Candlesticks first quarter 19th century, Birmingham, England, each with a tapering standard above a gadrooned knop and cavettodomed foot, and surmounted by a vasiform nozzle and detachable bobeche, gadrooned en suite. h. 12”, dia. 5-1/2”


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 237 Regency Paul Storr Sterling Silver Inkstand hallmarked London, 1812-1813, of rectangular form with gadrooned rim and shell and scroll corners, fitted with a central nibs box with taperstand lid with reeded banding, flanked by two silver-capped diamond-cut glass wells, all between two pen trays, the whole raised on acanthus-leaf feet, the pen tray engraved with the arms of Spencer-Stanhope with Pulleine in pretence. h. 4-1/2”, w. 10-3/4”, d. 7-3/4”; 34.83 total t. oz. $3,500-$5,000 The arms here are those of Walter Spencer-Stanhope (17491822) of Cannon Hall, West Riding, Yorkshire, and his wife Mary Winifred Pulleine (1763-1850). Spencer-Stanhope, heir to an iron fortune, was educated at Oxford and studied law at Middle Temple, London and served as M.P. in 1775, 1780 and 1784. He married Mary Winifred Pulleine, only child and heir of Thomas Babington Pulleine, on October 21 1783; the couple had fifteen children, all but three of whom survived in to maturity. The couple are buried in Cawthorne Cemetery, Barnsley, South Yorkshire.

237 detail




238 Set of Four Old Sheffield Plate Candlesticks first quarter 19th century, each in the form of a Corinthian column with bellflowers and gadroons, above a cavettodomed square base decorated with acanthus-mantled urns and surmounted by a candle nozzle with detachable bobeche. h. 12-1/2”, w. 5” $1,200-$1,800


239 Good Old Sheffield Plate Meat Dome and Platter second quarter 19th century, by James Dixon & Sons, Sheffield, the quarter-lobed dome with gadrooned band and robust acanthus scroll finial handle, the conforming platter banded en suite with well-and-tree plateau, turned wooden handle and raised on four scroll-crested claw-and-ball feet, engraved with the crest and arms of Welles of Holme House with another in pretence. overall h. 13-1/2”, l. 24”, w. 17-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 239

240 Large Victorian Sterling Silver Two-Handled Cup hallmarked Sheffield, 1891-1892, by Walker & Hall, the ovoid body with arched, reeded handles and raised on a knopped pedestal foot, the whole decorated with repousse ribboned floral garlands. h. 15”, w. 10-3/8”, dia. 6”; 43.37 t. oz. $1,400-$1,800



241 Pair of Victorian Sterling Silver Vases hallmarked London, 1893-1894, by Sibray, Hall & Co., each of tapering cylindrical form and decorated with repousse acanthus scrolls and flowers, with everted rim and domed foot. h. 10”, dia. 4-1/4”; 26.83 total t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $600-$900 242 Victorian Sterling Silver Monteith hallmarked London, 1895-1896, by Daniel & John Wellby for Charles Stuart Harris, the bowl decorated with repousse spiral gadroons of flowers and acanthus scrolls, with molded band and acanthus scroll collar crested by putti masques, with lion’s masque stirrup handles and raised on a domed foot decorated en suite. h. 7-1/2”, dia. 11-1/4”; 63.93 t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.


$1,200-$1,800 243 Good Victorian Sterling Silver Seafood Dish hallmarked London, 1872-1873, by Alexander Macrae, of coquille form, with applied “whelk shell” handle and feet, the hinged lid opening to reveal the interior with hot-water reservoir. h. 4”, w. 10-1/4”, d. 8-3/4”; 43.43 t. oz. $2,500-$4,000



244 Impressive Edwardian Sterling Silver Gilt Covered Punch Pot hallmarked London, 1905-1906, by Garrard & Co. (Sebastian Henry Garrard), the bucket-shaped bowl with acanthus calyx, acanthus-crested “S”-scroll handles and raised on a molded circular foot-ring, the fitted lid with large acanthus bud finial mounted above a whorl of acanthus fronds, the whorl repeated on the interior, engraved with the arms of the Marquess of Winchester. h. 10”, dia. 8-3/4”, w. 14”; 106.47 t. oz. $3,500-$5,000 244



245 Good George V Cased Sterling Silver and Mother-ofPearl Dessert Set hallmarked Sheffield, 1927-1928, by John & William Deakin, including a dozen each dessert forks and knives, with sterling silver tines and blades and spatulate carved motherof-pearl handles, presented in a cream satin- and velvetlined, fan-shaped mahogany case with inset marquetry patera. forks l. 5-5/8”, knives l. 7-1/4”; case 15-1/2” x 11” $1,000-$1,500

246 Assembled Late Victorian Silverplate Fish Serving Set ca. 1900, Sheffield, including: a Harrison, Fisher & Co. cased fish set, with twelve each fish forks, l. and knives, l. 8-3/8”, presented in an indigo velvetlined case, 13-1/4” x 10”; and a Walker & Hall fish serving fork, l. 9-3/4”, and knife, l. 12-3/4”, all with celluloid handles. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200



247 English Regency Bronze Argand Chandelier second quarter 19th century, the lobed pan set with molded arms and a reeded central fuel tank, supported by anthemionmolded chains from a floriform canopy, the pan decorated with applied leaves, set with frosted and cut glass shades, electrified. h. 26”, dia. 22” $1,000-$1,500



248 Pair of Regency Mahogany Armchairs ca. 1800, each with a delicate reeded scroll patera-carved top rail, the shaped curved, closed arms on segmented spherical and paneled supports, with reeded front and outswept rear legs ending in brass cup casters, the back, arms and seat caned, together with seat cushions upholstered in Impruneta silk and linen brocade by Antico Setificio Fiorentino. h. 37” Provenance: Sotheby’s, London, UK, October 28, 2014, lot 124; Bruce McCashin Collection. $1,800-$2,500 249 Regency Rosewood Etagere second quarter 19th century, the superstructure with pierced brass-galleried shelves, joined to the lower case by scrolling and spindled supports, above a rectangular top and a pair of grilled doors, flanked by reeded and scrolling pilasters, over a beaded apron, raised on reeded bun feet. h. 53-1/2”, w. 36”, d. 15-3/4” $2,000-$4,000 249


250 Pair of Regency Revival Cut Glass and Gilt-Bronze Girandoles fourth quarter 19th century, extensively decorated with strawberry-cut glass and hung with prisms, each with a pair of candle holders flanking a cone-form finial, all mounted with glass prism rings, mounted with gilt-bronze arms molded with scrollwork. h. 18”, w. 14-1/4”, d. 4-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 251 Monumental Regency Giltwood Mirror first quarter 19th century, the sides with pairs of molded Corinthian columns terminating in blocks decorated with images of Psyche, supporting a bracketed top cornice set with an ogee crown molding above a classical verre eglomise tablet, possibly depicting Greek tragedian Aeschylus. h. 110”, w. 69” $2,000-$4,000



252 Interesting Regency Rosewood, Mahogany and MarbleTop Cabinet second quarter 19th century, the projecting variegated Siena marble top over a conforming frieze, above a case fitted with a pair of tooled leather book-spine-fronted doors flanked by rounded pilasters joined to the plinth base. h. 37”, w. 40-1/2”, d. 15” $2,000-$4,000




253 John William Godward (British, 1861-1922) “A Brunette”, 1898 oil on canvas signed and dated upper left, a partial “Oscar Herner, Galerias Iturbide, Mexico City” label en verso. Framed. 18” x 16”, framed 23” x 21-1/2” Provenance: D. M. Lewis, sold Christie’s London, October 30, 1942; bt. Messrs. M. Newman, London; sold July 1945; bt. Messrs. Richard Haworth, Blackburn; sold back to M. Newman on August 24, 1945; Oscar Herner/Galerias Iturbide, Mexico City; Private collection.

Literature: Swanson, Vern. John William Godward: The Eclipse of Classicism. Antique Collectors’ Club: Suffolk, 1997, p. 196. $75,000-$125,000 The classical beauty in profile left is the model and actress Ethel Warwick, Godward's preferred model from this period. New Orleans Auction Galleries would like to thank Dr. Vern G. Swanson for his kind assistance with this catalogue entry.


254 Regency Rosewood and Parcel-Gilt Tilt-Top Table first quarter 19th century, the rectangular banded and brassinlaid top over an octagonal pedestal, above a quadruped plinth base ending in reeded bun feet. h. 30”, w. 35-5/8”, l. 48” $2,000-$4,000

255 Pair of Regency-Style Chinoiserie Tea Canisters 20th century, now mounted as lamps, decorated with polychrome Chinese figures, framed in Gothic arches on a gilt ground, the remainder painted in black, on ebonized wooden bases. h. 24-3/4”, dia. 10-1/2”



256 Suite of Twelve Regency Ebonized and Parcel-Gilt Chairs mid-19th century, each with an outscrolled crest over a caned and pierced back, above a caned seat fitted with a leather cushion, raised on turned, faux-fluted tapering circular legs ending in toupie feet. h. 33”, w. 18”, d. 15-1/4” $5,000-$8,000




257 Rare Chinoiserie Ebonized and Stenciled Fernery third quarter 19th century, decorated with Asian-inspired “figures in a landscape” decor, raised on serpentine trestle legs joined by a turned stretcher and ending in splayed cabriole legs, the whole with gilt-stenciled scrolling foliage decoration, retaining its zinc liner. h. 34”, w. 27-1/2”, d. 11-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


258 George III-Style Chinoiserie Black-Lacquered Pedestal Desk ca. 1900, the top with an inset tooled leather blotter, the front with a row of three drawers above two banks of three drawers each. h. 30-1/2”, w. 53-1/2”, d. 27-1/2” $1,800-$2,500 259 Unusual Regency Giltwood Mirror first quarter 19th century, the sides with Corinthian columns supporting panels ornamented with arabesque scrollwork, supporting the bracketed crest ornamented with polychrome carved medallions, the verre eglomise tablet illustrating a classical myth, framed with gilt painted “mounts”. h. 85”, w. 60” $2,500-$4,000




260 Rare English Regency Gilt-Brass and Patinated Metal Argand Chandelier first quarter 19th century, with a leaf-molded central fuel tank, the arms with breathers molded to match the pan, decorated with leaf-molded gilt-bronze mounts and hung from scrollmolded chains, set with frosted glass shades, electrified. h. 26-1/2”, w. 26”, d. 16-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 261 Late Regency Mahogany and Specimen Marble-Top Center Table second quarter 19th century, the circular top inset with various stones, above a conforming apron supported by a turned and carved vasiform column, with a shell- and scroll-carved tripodal base. h. 30”, dia. 35-1/2” $1,500-$2,500


262 Regency Faux Malachite, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Pier Table second quarter 19th century, the variegated white marble top over a patera- and foliate-carved frieze, above a mirrored support, joined to the shaped plinth base by scroll-carved legs ending in like-carved feet. h. 32-5/8”, w. 34-3/4”, d. 14-1/4” $1,800-$2,500




261 detail

263 Faux Malachite Pottery and Gilt-Bronze Jardiniere 20th century, the vasiform jardiniere with a reeded rim and molded strapwork set with lion’s heads grasping rings, raised on paw feet. h. 17-1/2”, dia. 14-1/4” $1,500-$2,500 264 Three Malachite Boxes 20th century, with brass fittings, the smallest box on scrolled feet and with a pierced finial. h. 2-1/4” to 2-1/2”, w. 2” to 4-1/4”, d. 1-3/4” to 2-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 263

265 Regency Ebonized, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Credenza mid-19th century, the verdigris variegated marble top with a molded edge and rounded corners, over a conforming case fitted with fabric and brass-grille-inset doors, flanked by a bank of open shelves on each side, raised on paw feet. h. 37”, w. 62”, d. 17” $1,000-$1,500 264




266 Collection of Six Various Pompeiian Wall Decorations all color lithographs and all presented in matching “malachite green” marbleized mats and giltwood frames. each overall 21” x 28-3/4” $1,000-$1,500

267 Collection of Six Hand-Colored Botanical Illustrations of Caribbean Plants 17th/18th century, all presented in matching Florentine mats and rope-molded giltwood frames. overall 20” x 15”; 11-1/4” x 12-1/2”; 12-1/2” x 11” $1,000-$1,500 267



268 Suite of Eight Faux Malachite and Parcel-Gilt Dining Chairs

269 Karl von Enhuber (German, 1811-1867)

in the Regency taste, comprised of a pair of armchairs and six side chairs, each with a concave top rail over a lyre-carved splat, molded stiles extending to the rails and legs, a leather-covered slip seat and adorned with black tassels. armchair h. 37”, side chair h. 34-3/4”

“Two Dachshunds”, 1855



oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 33-1/2” x 41”, framed 43-1/2” x 51”



270 Francois Veroustraete (Belgian, 1858-1930) “On the Scent” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 24-1/4” x 26-3/4”, framed 29-1/4” x 34-1/2” $2,000-$4,000

271 Heinrich Sperling (German, 1844-1924) “After the Hunt” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 14” x 12”, framed 19” x 17” $2,000-$4,000





272 Simon Ludvig Ditlev Simonsen (Danish, 1841-1928) “’Bange’, a Pointer Puppy, with Two Hound Puppies by a Drinking Bowl”, 1917 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left, titled en verso stretcher. Framed. 14-1/2” x 21-1/2”, framed 20” x 27” Provenance: Burlington Paintings, London, Ref. S2928. $4,000-$7,000

273 Henry Schouten (Belgian, 1864/7-1927) “Two Setters” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 18-1/2” x 16”, framed 25-1/2” x 23” $1,200-$1,800





274 Henry Schouten (Belgian, 1864/7-1927) “Two Setters in a Wooded Landscape” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 24” x 17-1/2”, framed 29-3/4” x 23-3/4” $1,200-$1,800 275 English Colonial Revival Brass and Glass Chandelier ca. 1900, in the Argand style, with bold leaf-molded cornucopia-form arms, the main body with egg-and-dart molding, hung from a molded canopy on pierced chains, set with engraved glass shades, electrified. h. 23-1/2”, w. 27”, d. 12” $1,000-$1,500


276 William Riviere (British, 1806-1876) “Portrait of a Distinguished Family”, 1847 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right, previously sold as “Portrait of the Fenwick Family”, faint pencil inscription “Fenwick Family, Brewers” en verso stretcher. Framed. 38” x 48”, framed 44” x 55” Provenance: Sotheby’s, London, U.K., April 9, 1974, lot 97; Private collection; Sold in these rooms, July 28, 2018, lot 252. $3,000-$5,000 An accomplished portraitist, William Riviere dedicated most of his career to art education, first at Cheltenham College, Gloucestershire, England (where he was instrumental in creating a highly respected art school) and later at Oxford University (where he stressed the importance of practical art instruction in higher education). He received his earliest training from his father, a well-respected drawing master himself, before attending the Royal Academy School of Art. While at the RA, he was lauded by his professors and fellow students as a precise and talented draughtsman. The compelling family portrait presented here is a wonderful example of the fineness and detail of Riviere’s work - the complex multi-figural composition, the lush fabrics and glinting metals which almost revel in their textural variety, the welldelineated background filled with elements of wealth and prestige. Riviere was a consistent, if infrequent, exhibitor at the Royal Academy and the British Institution. His son was the artist Briton Riviere, R.A. (1840-1920).



278 277

277 English Cased Brass Theodolite fourth quarter 19th century, the compass dial engraved “W. Watson & Son, 313 High Holborn, London”, retaining its custom mahogany dovetailed case, fitted with brass bail handles. case h. 8-1/2”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 13” $1,000-$1,500

278 Set of Eleven English Coalport Raised Gilt Luncheon Plates ca. 1890-1920, decorated in pattern COA 155, and retailed by Davis, Collamore & Co., New York, with retailer’s and gilder’s marks. dia. 9” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

279 Fine Edwardian Rosewood and Inlaid Secretary Bookcase fourth quarter 19th century, the crest with a broken-arch pediment centered by a turned finial, above a pair of astragalglazed doors, the base with a cylinder roll opening to a pull-out leather-inset writing surface and recessed drawers, with a kneehole opening below, flanked by a cabinet to each side. h. 91”, w. 42”, d. 20-1/2” $2,000-$4,000




280 Heywood Hardy (British, 1843-1933) “The Saxons’ Tribute to King Edward”, 1872 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 39-1/4” x 62-3/4”, framed 48-7/8” x 72-3/4” Exhibited: 1872 Royal Academy Exhibition, London, inventory #358. Literature: Algernon Graves, The Royal Academy Exhibitions, Vol. III (London: Chiswick Press) 1905/6; London Society: An Illustrated Magazine of Light and Amusing Literature, Vol. XXI (London: W. Clowes & Sons) 1872, p. 279.

“(Hardy) will win further fame by his Saxon Wolf-Hunters returning with their tribute of wolves-heads. Mr. Heywood Hardy illustrates, on a canvas over five feet long, an incident common enough, doubtless in the days of King Edgar, who, bent on exterminating the beasts from these islands, demanded a yearly tribute of wolves-heads the whole scene, vigorous in action, novel, and admirably painted, must make its mark.” ­–London Society 1872



281 Parcel-Gilt Lincrusta and Mahogany Four-Panel Screen the guilloche self-framed front panels depicting frolicking putti amidst fruit, flora and vines, the rear panels in the manner of William Morris, the frame with a beaded perimeter molding. overall h. 72-1/2”, w. 100-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 282 Pair of Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal Cabinets ca. 1900, in the Adam taste, each with a stepped square top above a case fitted with a fluted frieze over a single cupboard door, with corner carved ram’s heads supporting a garland medallion centered by a carved wheat sheaf, raised on plinth bases. h. 43-1/4”, w. 21”, d. 21” $1,200-$1,800 282





283 Heriz Carpet 10’ 5” x 14’ 5” $1,500-$2,500 284 Heriz Carpet 5’ 8” x 10’ $800-$1,200 285 Antique Sultanabad Carpet 10’ 5” x 13’ 3” $5,000-$8,000



286 Antique Mahal Carpet 10’ 4” x 14’ 7” $4,000-$7,000 287 Semi-Antique Oushak Carpet 10’ x 14’ 6” $1,000-$1,500 288 Malayer Runner 3’ 3” x 19’ $2,500-$4,000







289 Peshawar Sultanabad Carpet 8’ 2” x 10’ 4” $1,000-$1,500 290 Semi-Antique Mashad Carpet 9’ 11” x 13’ $2,000-$4,000 291 Antique Sultanabad Carpet 11’ 5” x 17’ $8,000-$12,000



292 Antique Sultanabad Carpet 10’ 5” x 13’ 8” $6,000-$9,000


293 Antique Tabriz Carpet 10’ x 13’ 5” $6,000-$9,000




294 Qum Silk Carpet 6’ 6” x 9’ 10” $3,000-$5,000


295 Louis van der Pol (Dutch, 1896-1982) “In the Cafe” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 40” x 30”, framed 48” x 38” $1,000-$1,500


296 Antal Berkes (Hungarian, 1874-1938) “Winter in Budapest” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 20” x 28”, framed 26-1/2” x 34” $1,800-$2,500


297 Antal Berkes (Hungarian, 1874-1938) “Busy Street Scene with a Yellow Omnibus” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 16” x 19-3/4”, framed 21” x 25” $1,400-$1,800




298 Constantin Kluge (Russian/French, 1912-2003) “La Porte St. Denis, Paris” oil on canvas signed lower right, titled en verso stretcher. Framed. 29” x 46”, framed 35-1/2” x 52-1/2” $4,000-$7,000

299 Jean Ferdinand Monchablon (French, 1855-1904) “Paturage a Chatillon, Vosges” oil on canvas signed lower right, inscribed lower left “CE 158”, signed and titled en verso. Framed. 24-1/4” x 18-1/4”, framed 30-3/4” x 25-3/4” $5,000-$8,000



300 Andre Gisson (American/French, 1921-2003) “Rainy Street Scene, Paris” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 24” x 36”, framed 31” x 43” $1,500-$2,500

301 Gail Sherman Corbett (American, 1871-1952) “Rainy Day on the Boulevard” 300

oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 36” x 24”, framed 41” x 32” $1,000-$1,500


302 Gail Sherman Corbett (American, 1871-1952) “View of the Louvre from the Tuileries Garden” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 21” x 25-1/2”, framed 30-1/2” x 35” 301



303 Gaston Balande (Spanish/French, 1880-1971) “Panoramic View of the Port of Rouen”, 1928 oil on canvas signed lower left, verso inscribed “Rouen 28”. Framed. 21-1/4” x 29”, framed 28-1/2” x 36” $3,000-$5,000

304 Maxime Roubinet (French, 20th Century) “Provencal Town with a Bridge over a Stream” oil on board signed lower left. Framed. 25-1/2” x 19-1/2”, framed 34” x 28” 303




305 Pair of Louis XIII-Style Fauteuils a la Reine early 20th century, each having an upholstered back with an arched top rail, joined to open arms with scroll ends on baluster supports, the turned legs joined by like stretchers. h. 44-1/2” $1,200-$1,800 306 Flemish Tapestry of the Judgment of Paris late 19th century, the young Trojan nobleman holding the golden apple from the Garden of the Hesperides, the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite before him vying for the title of most beautiful. h. 77”, w. 100” $1,500-$2,500 305



307 French Carved and Stained Oak Cartel Clock fourth quarter 19th century, carved with a wolf’s head beneath the crest, with carved fruit swags flanking the dial, the dial set with enamel characters on the chapter ring, a carved anthemion at the base. h. 31-1/2”, w. 25”, d. 6” $1,000-$1,500

308 Pair of Baroque-Style Bronze Dore et Patine Gas Sconces fourth quarter 19th century, French, with acanthus-molded backplates, the scrolled arms decorated with molded leaves, the leaf-molded shade holders set into beaded bezels, electrified. h. 16-1/2”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”




309 Kashmir Fleur-de-Lis Carpet 9’ 1” x 11’ 9” $1,200-$1,800



310 Circle of Charles Beaubrun (French, 1604-1692) “Portrait of a Young Noble Woman” oil on canvas unsigned, stretcher with numerical stencils and various partial labels, including an auction one with the consignor “Mulliken”. Framed. 51-1/4” x 39-1/2”, framed 64-1/2” x 54” Provenance: Collection of Felix Astoin, France/New York, 1883; Collection of the late Alfred H. Mulliken (Together with Property of John H. Mulliken), Anderson Galleries, New York, April 12-13, 1933, lot 162, sold as a portrait of “Dame van Montfoort” by a follower of Pieter van Mierevelt. $3,000-$5,000

311 Regence-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Bombe Commode late 20th century, the shaped breche marble top above a conforming case fitted with two side-by-side drawers over two long drawers, the corners with elaborate bronze mounts featuring female busts. h. 35”, w. 52-1/2”, d. 20”





312 Brass and Wooden Birdcage in the Regency Taste 20th century, with brass set into vasiform terminals, the domed top set into a molded parapet decorated with brass finials, set with a ball-form finial terminating in a circular hanging ring. h. 43-1/2”, dia. 13-3/4” $1,000-$1,500

313 Regence-Style Kingwood and Marble-Top Commode 19th century, the rectangular top with a bowed center section, above a conforming case fitted with two short drawers over two long drawers, all quarter-veneered and banded, the sides en suite, raised on rounded feet with sabots. h. 33”, w. 50”, d. 24-1/2” $2,000-$4,000





314 Set of Four Louis XIV-Style Patinated Bronze and Crystal Sconces

315 Wilhelm Schutze (German, 1840-1898)

second quarter 20th century, the backplates set with spear-point crystal finials, flanked by scrolled candle arms, draped with swags of crystal beads and aubergine, colorless and smoke-colored drops. h. 29”, w. 9”, d. 5”

“The Stolen Treat”, 1872 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 22” x 18-1/2”, framed 30-1/2” x 26”





316 John Henry Dolph (American, 1835-1903)


“A Watchful Eye”, 1901 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 16” x 20”, framed 23” x 27-3/16” $6,000-$9,000 317 Hamilton Hamilton (American, 1847-1928) “Helen Reading”, ca. 1894 oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 30” x 20”, framed 41” x 31” $4,000-$7,000 Hamilton Hamilton, not a heteronym gone awry, or the eponymous Federalist shot by Aaron Burr, but a Scotsman of equal merit (in the arts) on the American frontier. Hamilton, a protege of John Ruskin, was a celebrated landscape artist of the New York hinterlands and the pioneering West. In an 1873 expedition to Colorado, Hamilton created forty-seven landscape paintings for the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia before embarking on a six-year sojourn to Brittany where he painted en plein air alongside Barbizon School painters. Hamilton was also an accomplished portraitist and genre painter, preferring these mediums after he married and settled in the 1890s in Norwalk, Connecticut with wife and twin daughters, Helen and Marguerite, both of whom served as young models to their father and later became artists of merit. This fine portrait of Helen reading exemplifies Hamilton’s keen ability to combine portraiture and domestic quietude in the wake of bourgeois ennui.




318 William Frederick Yeames (British, 1835-1918) “Companions”, 1880 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 30-1/4” x 21-3/4”, framed 39” x 31” $7,000-$10,000


319 Jean-Jacques Henner (French, 1829-1905) “The Ideal Head” oil on panel signed upper left, verso with artist biography and title of work. Period giltwood frame with artist plaque. 11” x 8-3/4”, framed 18-1/4” x 16” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $3,000-$5,000



320 Robert de Pauw (Belgian, 1842-1914) “Interior with Woman Reading” oil on panel signed lower right. Period frame with artist plaque. 26” x 14”, framed 30” x 23-1/2” $1,500-$2,500

321 Fritz Wagner (German, 1902-1976) “Planning a Journey” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 16-1/2” x 24-1/2”, framed 24” x 32” $1,800-$2,500




322 Leon de Meutter Brunin (Belgian, 1861-1949) “Scholar” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 21” x 17-1/2”, framed 27” x 23” $1,500-$2,500


323 School of Petrus van Schendel (Belgian, 1806-1870) “Market Scene by Candlelight” oil on wood panel backed by cradleboard unsigned. Framed. 19-1/4” x 15-3/6”, framed 30” x 27” $2,000-$4,000




324 Jean Beraud (French, 1849-1936) “Escrimeuse” oil on wood panel signed lower left, verso with “F. Dupre” stencil and various stenciled numbers. Framed. Accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity issued by Patrick Offenstadt, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, November 20, 2019. 21-1/4” x 13”, framed 26-1/2” x 17-1/2” $25,000-$40,000


325 Constant Aime-Marie Cap (Belgian, 1842-1915) “Jeune Femme Contemplant un Tableau”, 1872 oil on wood panel signed and dated lower right. Framed. 18-1/4” x 13-1/2”, framed 22-1/2” x 18” $3,000-$5,000



326 Felix Gogo (Belgian, 1872-1953) “L’Atelier” oil on canvas signed “F. Gogo” lower left. Framed. 15-1/4” x 11-7/8”, framed 23-1/2” x 20-1/8” $4,000-$7,000

327 Antoine Daens (French/Belgian, 1871-1946) “Allegorie du Printemps” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 39-1/2” x 48”, framed 44” x 53” $2,500-$4,000





328 Gaston La Touche (French, 1854-1913) “A Change of Seasons” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 36” x 35-3/4”, framed 38-1/4” x 38” $8,000-$12,000 According to Sotheby’s Feb. 1, 2019 sale catalogue, this work will be included in the Gaston La Touche catalogue raisonne being prepared by Selina Baring Maclennan and Roy Brindley.

329 Philip de Laszlo (Hungarian/British, 1869-1937) “The White Bonnet” oil on canvas signed lower left, titled lower center on frame. Framed. 24” x 20”, framed 32-1/8” x 27” $1,000-$1,500



330 Continental Polychrome Armoire ca. 1900, the domed, molded cornice with canted corners, above a conforming case fitted with a pair of shaped doors, raised on tapering square legs, the whole decorated with floral and C-scroll designs. h. 73”, w. 47”, d. 21” $1,000-$1,500


331 Venetian Parcel-Giltwood and Painted Mirror fourth quarter 19th century, in the Baroque taste, the surround decorated with an alternating blue- and redpainted ground with flowers and scrollwork, the pierced giltwood crest with a shell decorated with flowerheads and a masque framed with scrollwork, the beveled mirror plate cut with a star and engraved clouds. h. 56-1/4”, w. 24” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500



333 Venetian-Style Silver-Leaf Bombe Commode the serpentine top with a molded edge, over a conforming case fitted with three drawers, above a carved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in block hoof feet. h. 36”, w. 58”, d. 22” $1,500-$2,500 334 Italian Giltwood Mirror in the Rococo Taste mid-20th century, the mirror-inset frame with a cushion surround with notched giltwood, the pierced and scrolled crest with leaf-carved flourishes and a central tablet, the lower pierced crest carved to match. h. 63-1/2”, w. 38” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500


332 Suite of Eight Venetian Polychrome Armchairs late 19th century, each with a rocaille-carved and pierced crest over a like splat, joined to the padded serpentine seat by open, scroll-end arms, raised on cabriole legs ending in balland-claw feet. h. 43-1/4”, w. 26”, d. 20”





335 Decorative French Painted Four-Panel Screen late 19th century, consisting of four panels, with two examples hinged together, each an oil on canvas laid down on canvas, with an overall Jacobean-style meandering floral vine motif. each h. 83”, w. 21”, overall w. 84” $1,200-$1,800

336 Pair of Venetian Rococo-Style Polychrome and ParcelGilt Mirrors early 20th century, each of cushion form, with a pierced and carved rocaille-work crest, a like lower portion, and scrollwork and floral carving in the upper and lower corners. h. 34”, w. 19” $1,000-$1,500 336



337 Pair of Amusing Italian Faience Monkey Tabourets second quarter 20th century, trimmed in yellow, one with a monkey playing a guitar and the other playing a saxophone, with molded fringe on the edges of the top and base. h. 19-1/2”, dia. 15-1/2” $1,000-$1,500

338 Italian Painted and Parcel-Gilt Mirror fourth quarter 19th century, in the rococo taste, the rocaillecarved frame with a gilt scroll-carved liner, with a pierced, scroll-carved crest, the corners decorated with flowerheads and the sides with carved leaves framed with pierced scrollwork. h. 64-1/2”, w. 39-1/4”




339 Stone and Giltwood Shadowbox Picture 20th century, assembled with a crushed hardstone center in a giltwood “O”, forming a sunburst of giltwood scrollwork alternating with natural crystals, in a Spanish Baroque-style giltwood frame. h. 39”, w. 33-1/2” $1,000-$1,500



340 Venetian Walnut Sofa in the Rococo Taste 19th century, with a camel-form back joined to closed scroll arms, serpentine front seat rail and cabriole legs, recently upholstered in Bergamo silk damask and fitted with a down seat cushion. h. 40-1/4”, w. 78”, d. 29” $1,200-$1,800

341 Pair of Italian Polychrome and Giltwood Hanging Corner Etageres 20th century, each with mirrored backs with Chinese eglomise painted scenes, three graduated scalloped shelves supported by scrolled brackets and a flame finial at the top, bearing a metal tag reading “Harris Interior Arts, Inc., New York City”. h. 57”, d. to corner 17-1/2”





342 Pair of Italian Rococo-Style Giltwood Mirrors early 20th century, each of arched form, the outer mirror plate with C-scroll and floral accents, surmounted by a tripartite rocaille- and floral-carved crest inset with mirror plates. h. 56”, w. 36” $2,000-$4,000

343 Continental Maple and Burlwood Secretary late 18th century and later, the molded and double-domed cornice above a conforming case fitted with two mirrored doors, opening to an arrangement of fourteen drawers centering a central cupboard door, all banded, the lower section fitted with a slant front opening to an inset baize writing surface and a variety of drawers and cubbyholes, with two short drawers and three long drawers below, all banded, the whole raised on bun feet. h. 77”, w. 43-1/4”, d. 20” $1,500-$2,500






344 Italian Fruitwood and Elm Commode

346 Two Handsome Hand-Painted Porcelain Plaques

early 19th century, in the rococo taste, the banded and shaped top inset with two panels with decorative corner inlays, above a conforming case fitted with three long drawers, all paneled and with like inlay, above a pierced foliate-carved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in foliate toes. h. 34”, w. 38”, d. 22-1/2”

ca. 1900, probably German, one depicting the Duchess of Devonshire, after Thomas Gainsborough (English, 17271788), with an impressed Hutschenreuther mark, and the other depicting The Goddess Diana, each mounted in Italian pierced scrollwork giltwood frames with easel supports. h. 8-1/2”, w. 6”



345 Pair of Italian Rococo-Style Giltwood Oval Mirrors

347 Italian Gilt-Bronze Boudoir Mirror in the Rococo Taste

20th century, each with a scrolling foliate frame, circling at the top and tying at the bottom. h. 44-1/2”, w. 23-1/2”

20th century, decorated with pierced scrollwork and flowerheads, with scroll-molded feet, resting on an easel support. h. 16-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 6-1/2”







348 Venetian Polychrome Secretary Bookcase 19th century, the upper case with an arched top and peaked corners, above a pair of conforming framed and paneled doors, opening to an interior fitted with two scalloped shelves, the base with a slant lid and an interior fitted with small drawers and cubbyholes, the sides of serpentine form and the front with two side-by-side drawers over two long drawers. h. 85-1/2”, w. 38”, d. 18-1/2” $1,500-$2,500 349 Italian School (18th Century)


“Fishermen on the River Banks Outside a Town Wall” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 32-1/4” x 46-1/2”, framed 43” x 56-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 350 Pair of Italian Rococo-Style Silvered Mirrors early 20th century, of oval form, each with a pierced and carved rocaille and floral crest, the sides decorated with floral and C-scroll carvings, ending in a like-carved and pierced lower section. h. 53”, w. 29” $2,000-$4,000 350



351 Franco-Bohemian Brass and Crystal Chandelier 353

fourth quarter 19th century, the twelve-light chandelier lushly hung with spear-point prisms, the upper portion with rings of horizontal glass finials and festoons of drops, the prism-hung shade holders set with engraved ruffled shades, the lower portions with three graduated rings of prisms, electrified. h. 39”, dia. 44”

353 Pair of Italian Parcel-Gilt and Walnut-Veneered Mirrors


first quarter 20th century, in the neoclassical taste, each with a pierced giltwood crest decorated with a central reeded and acanthus-carved urn supporting trailing vines wound with ribbons, the walnut-veneered surround on leaf-carved vasiform feet. h. 44-1/4”, w. 21-1/2”

352 Venetian Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Chair-Back Settee late 18th century, with quadruple shell-carved crests, each over a carved splat decorated with an acanthine design, flanked to both sides by open arms, above caramel leather seats and a carved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in scroll-carved feet. h. 47-3/4”, w. 84”, d. 18”





354 Large Pair of Italian Pietra Dura Design Panels offset lithographs in colors, featuring large vases of flowers and trees. Glazed and presented in parcel-gilt faux marbre wooden frames in the neoclassical style. sight 38” x 22”, framed 45-1/4” x 28-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


355 Exuberantly Carved Pine Bench mid-19th century, the scrolling foliate-carved and pierced back joined to the plank seat by acanthine-carved arms, above a dentillated apron, raised on dolphin-carved trestle-form legs. h. 40”, w. 47-1/2”, d. 13” $2,000-$4,000


356 Pair of Carved Pine Architectural Fragments ca. 1700 and later, now mounted as lamps, in the form of pilasters with composite capitals and panels of “scroll and urn” carving, mounted on acrylic bases. h. 28”, w. 8”, d. 5-1/2” $1,000-$1,500





357 After Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio, Italian, 1483-1520)

359 Pair of Italian Renaissance-Style Walnut Bedside Commodes

“Madonna della Sedia”

20th century, each with a rectangular, projecting top over a guilloched frieze, above a case fitted with a drawer and a cupboard door, flanked by swagged armorial carving, on an egg-and-dart-carved apron, raised on tapering block feet. h. 28”, w. 25-3/4”, d. 14”

oil on canvas unsigned, titled and inscribed in French en verso. Presented in an elaborate gesso and giltwood frame. 29” x 29”, framed 58” x 48-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of Frank Fasullo, New Orleans, Louisiana.



358 Follower of Guido Reni (Italian, 1575-1642) “Virgin in Prayer”, 18th century oil on canvas laid on wood panel inscribed en verso. Presented in a rococo elaborately carved giltwood frame. 16-1/2” x 11-3/4”, framed 33” x 20” $7,000-$10,000 359


360 Carved Wooden “Salvator Mundi” Figure 18th century, Continental, depicting Christ with one arm raised, the other grasping a globe. h. 19-1/2”, w. 16-3/4”, d. 11-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 361 Stone Bust of a Woman in the German Medieval Style 20th century, wearing a veil, wimple and fillet. h. 19”, w. 12-3/4”, d. 9-1/2”



Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500

363 Italian Gothic-Style Giltwood and Polychrome Mirror

362 Italian School (18th Century) “The Infant St. John the Baptist with Lamb” oil on canvas unsigned. Unframed. 29-1/2” x 23-1/2”

early 20th century, the arched, pierced cornice centered by a patera carving, over a molded frame with shell-carved mirror rests. h. 41”, w. 30-1/2” $1,000-$1,500

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000

362 363



365 Three Pairs of Gilt and “Stone” Composition “Borghese” Bookends second quarter 20th century, Gaithersburg, Maryland, including four plumed helmets and a pair of pierced shells, all on faux stone bases, with three labels. h. 7-3/4” to 8”, w. 4” to 5-1/2”, d. 3” to 4-1/4” 364

$1,000-$1,500 366 Suite of Eight Sebastian Walch (Swiss, 1721-1788) Mezzotints

364 Gilt-Metal Plaque of “St. George Slaying the Dragon” 20th century, in the Russian or Eastern European style, the plaque with a ground of stippled scrollwork, in a beechwood shadowbox surround. h. 19”, w. 15-1/2”

depicting various Zurich mayors, ca. 1756, based on portraits painted by Zurich artist Johann Caspar Fussli (1706-1782). All glazed and presented in handsome ebonized and parcelgilt frames. each sight 12-3/4” x 8-1/4”, framed 18” x 13-1/2”

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.



8 150


367 detail


367 Italian Renaissance-Style Carved Desk-on-Case mid-19th century, executed in walnut, in two parts, the upper section with a projecting molded and dentillated cornice, the case molded throughout with figural carvings depicting aboriginal peoples, the highly figured fall front opening to reveal three-over-three carved doors, the base with a pair of drawers, over paneled doors, flanked by like figural carving. h. 61-1/4”, w. 31”, d. 16” $1,500-$2,500

368 Italian Silver-Gilt-Metal and Mirror Glass Chandelier second quarter 20th century, the eight-light chandelier with a strapwork frame decorated with molded leaves, the lower portion with panels of mirror glass, and scrolled candle cups set with lancet-form drip pans, the scrollwork canopy decorated with matching leaves and a ring-form support. h. 43”, dia. 32-1/2” $1,000-$1,500



369 Italian Polychromed and Faux Marbre Elmwood Altar/Console 17th century, of bombe form, with a raised and molded shelf across the back, the whole faux marbre-painted and raised on a molded plinth base. h. 41”, w. 66”, d. 23” Provenance: Crown & Colony Antiques, Fairhope, Alabama. $1,400-$1,800 370 Flemish School (Fourth Quarter 16th Century/First Quarter 17th Century) “Crucifixion with Mary and St. John the Baptist” oil on wood panel backed by cradle board unsigned. Framed. 15-1/8” x 11-14”, framed 21-3/4” x 18” Provenance: Collection of Bert Piso, Louisiana. Exhibited: Probably “The Bert Piso Collection of Dutch Art”, New Orleans Museum of Art, November 22, 1981-February 7, 1982. $5,000-$8,000 Bert Piso, a Java-born Dutchman, was an art historian, appraiser and dealer in the Mississippi/New Orleans area for more than three decades, and was one of the leading authorities on 17th-century Dutch art and fine Chinese porcelain. He served on numerous city boards and renovated an old home in the French Quarter at 829 Barracks Street in 1967. In 1981, the New Orleans Museum of Art honored the late Piso with an exhibition of his 17th-century Dutch/Flemish collection, which included works by de Heem, van de Velde, Berchem, Cuyp, and Berckheyde, not to mention lesser-known works which likely included this fine crucifixion scene.




371 Albrecht Durer (German, 1471-1528) “Adoration of the Shepherds”, 1503 woodcut on laid paper with partial watermark monogrammed in print, later impression with trimmed borders. Unframed. 11-3/4” x 8-1/4” $1,500-$2,500


372 Jacobus Plasschaert (Belgian, ca. 1730-1765) “Tromp l’oeil with Prints and Documents”, 1741 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 20-1/2” x 20-1/2”, framed 27-1/2” x 27-1/2” $7,000-$10,000



373 Circle of Francois Clouet (French, 1510-1572) “Probably a Portrait of Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre”, ca. 1570-1572 oil on wood panel backed by cradle boards unsigned, “Fogg Art Museum” and inventory number en verso, brass plate inscription attributing it to Jeanne d’Albret, Queen Regnant, and mother-in-law of Valois. Presented in an elaborate frame. 14-1/8” x 11-1/4”, framed 24-1/2” x 19-1/2” $10,000-$15,000 373

Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre, was the daughter of Henri II of France and Catherine de Medici from the House of Valois-Angouleme. In 1572 she married Henri III/IV, King of Navarre, from the House of Bourbon. Her portrait was drawn and painted numerous times by Francois Clouet, who succeeded his father as court painter to Francis I of France. Clouet, an extraordinarily gifted portraitist, also served under six successive kings of France and Navarre, executing numerous portraits of the Albrets and Bourbons of Navarre. Marguerite's mother-in-law, Jeanne d'Albret (Joan III), served as the Queen Regent until she mysteriously died (poisoned by Catherine de Medici?) just before her son's wedding and Marguerite ascended the throne as Queen of Navarre. Given the titular similarities and semblance of features, notably curly hair and long nose, the two are often mistaken. The portrait offered here is more consistent with the coloring, setting of the eyes and lips of other extant portraits of Marguerite, particularly Clouet's 1571-1572 portraits executed during her engagement.


This work likely belongs to this corpus of commission, many of which were copied within the workshop of Clouet or his circle for other royal members or clergy. Clouet often worked on a small scale, perfecting miniatures and portable panels measuring 12-18 inches in height. A set of six of these works by Clouet depicting the queens, queen regents and consorts of France were commissioned for the Cardinal's Palace in the late 1500s and passed to the duchess of Aiguillon after the death of her uncle Cardinal Richlieu in 1643. Each was slightly larger, with an ebonized background that depicted the women in three-quarter profile with elaborate pearls, gowns and accoutrements. This work was likely acquired from an auction or ex-collection in the early 1900s. In 1935, it was loaned, probably to the Fogg Art Museum as the inventory number is consistent with the museum system, though no online record has yet been located by the Museum's register. This elusive portrait is as rich in history and mystery as the sitter's opulence and persona.


374 Italian Renaissance-Style Fruitwood Credenza


18th century and later, the rectangular top with a molded edge, over a frieze fitted with four drawers, above a pair of paneled doors, raised on a stepped plinth base. h. 42”, w. 69”, d. 27” $3,000-$5,000

376 Circle of Paolo Veronese (Italian, 1528-1588) “Portrait of a Venetian Noble Woman”

375 Unusual Parcel-Giltwood Mirror of Baroque Inspiration

oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 29” x 24”, framed 38-3/8” x 33-3/8”

fourth quarter 19th century, the circular mirror framed with a wreath of deeply carved giltwood flowers, “carried” by a pair of parcel-gilt cherubs with white-painted bodies and giltwood wings. h. 22”, w. 33”





377 Impressive Continental Carved Walnut Cabinet fourth quarter 19th century, in the Renaissance taste, profusely carved with an elaborate crest with a pair of winged griffins centered by a carved shield, above a pair of carved and paneled doors with mythological masques and female busts, the base with a pair of drawers above four cabinets with lion’s masques and winged griffins. h. 102-1/2”, w. 91”, d. 26” $2,000-$4,000 378 Dutch School (18th Century) “Still Life of Flowers in an Urn” oil on canvas laid on board unsigned. Framed. 48” x 42-1/2”, framed 52-1/2” x 46-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $5,000-$8,000 379 Pair of Italian Painted Tole Hexagonal Lanterns fourth quarter 19th century, each with a pierced, domed top, the parapet set with pots of flowers, the sides decorated with pairs of pierced columns framing glass panels, concealing triple electric sockets, the domed lower portion decorated with strapwork. h. 27”, dia. 10”







380 Italian Boldly Carved Walnut Armchair late 19th century, in the Baroque Rococo taste, the back with an open-carved crest depicting flora and foliage, and joined to open arms with floral-carved scroll brackets with volutes, the arms terminating in carved lion’s heads, with carved seat rail and carved legs capped by female masques. h. 56-1/2” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas $1,000-$1,500

381 After Pieter Bruegel the Elder (Dutch, ca. 1523-1569) “The Blind Leading the Blind” oil on canvas a copy by Egide Godfried Guffens (Belgian, 1823-1901), signed and inscribed lower left “Kopy op doeck G. Guffens / Bruegel MDXVIII”. Framed. 34-1/2” x 61”, framed 45-1/2” x 72” $1,500-$2,500 “The Blind Leading the Blind”, an ancient idiom referenced in the Bible, was a popular motif depicted in Protestant 16th-century art that privileged proverbs and landscapes over forbidden religious icons. One of the last paintings Bruegel painted was of this subject, cleverly combining various types of eye afflictions on a motley crew of blokes trudging alongside a Dutch canal, the diagonal composition as off-kilter as the blind procession itself. The juxtaposition of the scurrilous leader grounded in a ditch with the Roman Catholic church of St. Anna in the background is often read as political mockery of the Spanish Netherlands government, which issued mass arrests and executions of Protestants through the brutal edict, the Council of Troubles (1567).


Bruegel’s interpretation of the “Blind Leading the Blind” has inspired numerous period and 19th-century copies; his son, Bruegel the Younger, painted a larger copy; Charles Baudelaire and William Carlos Williams reference it in their poems, and Godfried Guffens, a prominent member of the Nazarene movement (German Romantic painters with a predilection for Christian art), also pays tribute to the master and fellow Protestant in the depiction offered here.




382 Italian Capodimonte Armorial Partial Dinner Service post-1914, decorated with molded polychrome figural borders and armorial centers, each marked with an underglaze cobalt crowned “N” and an overglaze “Made in Italy”, the service including fourteen dinner plates, dia. 10-1/4”, fourteen dessert plates, dia. 7”, fourteen covered ecuelles, h. 4”, dia. 6”, fourteen cups, h. 3”, and fourteen saucers, dia. 5-3/4”. $1,200-$1,800

383 Pair of Monumental Baronial Bronze Andirons fourth quarter 19th century, decorated with lions grasping shields, putti and satyr masques, the feet modeled as open-mouthed dragons. h. 33-1/2”, w. 22-1/2”, d. 29”



384 Baroque-Style Ebonized Wood and Capodimonte Porcelain Jewel Casket fourth quarter 19th century, the case set with arabesque carved corner columns over a gadrooned base, the Capodimonte panels set on all four sides, the cover depicting Bacchanalian revelers and the Titan War, with Zeus ascending to heaven on his eagle. h. 10”, w. 12-1/4”, d. 10” $1,200-$1,800




385 Baroque-Style Blanc de Chine Chandelier 20th century, in the Dresden style, the eight-arm chandelier with applied flowers to the central stem, bowl and arms, electrified. h. 24”, dia. 24” $1,000-$1,500 386 Italian Glazed Terracotta Wall Fountain late 20th century, in three parts, the arched upper section with a concave shell above a child holding a fish and flanked by fluted columns, the center section with a large lobed reservoir bowl supported by the base with three dolphins resting on a deeply molded stepped riser. h. 64”, w. 34”, d. 17” $1,500-$2,500 387 Italian Specimen Marble-Top Table


20th century, the circular top with a central inlaid star and surrounded by oval specimen marble pietra dura panels of various floral botanicals, mounted to a white marble spiral-twist pedestal. h. 30”, dia. 59” $2,500-$4,000


387 detail


388 Venetian Neoclassical-Style Eglomise Cushion-Form Mirror first quarter 20th century, the mirrored frame decorated with scrolling and flowering foliage, one side with a figure of Minerva and the other with a Maenad, the top portion centered by a medallion of classical ruins. h. 58”, w. 30” $1,200-$1,800


389 Pair of Italian Carved Marble Architectural Fragments fourth quarter 19th century, decorated with nesting eagles grasping serpents in their mouths, supported on urns of fruit, with mythological creatures at the base, now mounted on metal bases. h. 21”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 5” $1,500-$2,500 389

390 Pair of Italian Carved Marble Architectural Fragments fourth quarter 19th century, depicting Eros, perched on a shell with intertwined serpents, winged mythological creatures on his head, dragons at his feet, now mounted on metal bases. h. 23-1/2”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 5-1/4” $1,500-$2,500



391 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Polychrome and Marble-Top Console Tables each with an inlaid marble top over a dentillated frieze, supported by a column joined to a stepped base with foliatecarved molding. h. 37-1/2”, w. 37”, d. 16-1/2” $2,000-$4,000

392 Unique Italian Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Table


third quarter 20th century, the circular top with painted scenes depicting the continents in the center and the zodiac symbols around the border, above a carved base with three large classical dolphins, resting on a triangular platform base and signed by the artist, “G. Cavatorta”. h. 31”, dia. 50” $3,000-$5,000

393 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Polychrome Commodes second half 20th century, each with a shaped top with projecting corners, above a conforming case fitted with two drawers, each painted with a classical urn of fruit and draperies, the sides with swag accents, raised on tapering block legs. h. 32-1/4”, w. 31-1/2”, d. 19-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.






394 Suite of Four Neoclassical-Style Painted and Parcel-Gilt Side Chairs of Italian inspiration, each with a lyre-form backsplat and circular upholstered seat, raised on shaped legs with paw feet, adorned with carved griffin heads throughout. h. 33-1/2”, w. 17”, d. 16”

396 Neoclassical-Style Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Mirror 20th century, the carved frame surmounted by a frieze with relief-carved griffins guarding a flaming urn. h. 63”, w. 27” $1,000-$1,500

$2,000-$4,000 395 Italian Neoclassical-Style Giltwood and Travertine-Top Table 20th century, the rectangular travertine top over a molded frieze, raised on turned legs joined by an incise-carved and pierced stretcher and ending in toupie feet. h. 33-1/2”, w. 36”, d. 20-1/4” $1,000-$1,500

395 396


397 Handsome Italian Neoclassical-Style Alabaster Lamp first quarter 20th century, the bas-relief-carved urn-form lamp with a reclining neoclassical goddess, framed with rope-twist handles, the neck decorated with masques alternating with carved medallions, the fluted foot supported on a brass base. h. 29”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 9” $1,000-$1,500

398 Large Italian Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Table mid-20th century, the circular specimen marble top with segmented wedges, the center with three inset swans and the outer border in a grape-and-leaf motif, the base with a circular rim and bronze mounts, separated by four pairs of outside columns mounted to a shaped platform base with a central carved urn and four bracket-form buttresses. h. 30”, dia. 69”



399 Large Pair of Neoclassical-Style Hand-Painted Architectural Panels depicting urns in the manner of Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Italian, 1720-1778), presented in matching carved hardwood frames decorated with corner medallions and carved guilloche. h. 53”, w. 44-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 398



400 Louis XVI-Style Painted Three-Part Floor Screen ca. 1900, decorated with fishing scenes above panels of various classical urns, separated by a band of Greek-key trompe-l’oeil design, the reverse with trompe-l’oeil chinoiserie scenes. each panel h. 79”, w. 27” $2,500-$4,000 401 Pair of French Bronze-Mounted Rouge Griotte Marble Urns ca. 1900, now mounted as lamps, decorated with swags of flowers and raised on black stone bases, fitted with shades. h. 25”, dia. 12” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 402 Carved Mahogany Console/Library Table 20th century, in the Neo-Renaissance taste, the rectangular top with molded edges and shaped ends, above a relief-carved frieze on all four aprons, raised on turned and carved legs. h. 30-1/2”, w. 88”, d. 22” $1,500-$2,500


402 401



403 French Belle Epoque Bronze and Marble Petite Clock Set


fourth quarter 19th century, the clock centered by a putto supporting a ball-form timepiece with a lovebirds crest and serpent hands, the candlesticks depicting cherubs supporting candle sockets, all on rouge marble bases set with gilt-bronze mounts. clock h. 10”, dia. 3”, candlestick h. 6-3/4”, dia. 2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 404 Pair of Large French Gilt-Bronze Sconces mid-20th century, in the Louis XVI taste, the quiver-and-arrowform standards supported by bowknots, the leaf-molded arms hung with swags of roses and set with tulip-form candle sockets and molded drip pans. h. 32-1/2”, w. 17”, d. 11” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,200-$1,800 405 Fine Bleached Pine and Lindenwood Trumeau Mirror 18th century and later, the carved elements attributed to Grinling Gibbons (1648-1721), depicting naturalistic fruit and leaves with swags of twigs and flora, likely removed from the paneling of a room, the framing of later construction. h. 80”, w. 54” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Literature: Similar carving examples can be found in Grinling Gibbons and the Art of Carving, by David Esterly, published by H. N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1998. $3,000-$5,000




406 Gracie Studio, New York, Framed Wallpaper Panel the garden scene depicting birds, fruit and lush foliage beside a low garden wall, on a misty peach ground, pattern SY 303, presented in a giltwood frame. overall h. 59-1/2”, w. 37-1/4” $1,000-$1,500 407 French Gilt-Bronze and Crystal Chandelier, Attributed to Baccarat


second quarter 20th century, the eight-light chandelier with a standard clad in molded glass balusters, and three tiers with sprays of drops, alternating with colorless and smokecolored prisms, set with scrolled bronze candle arms with molded sockets and floriform drip pans. h. 41”, dia. 24” Provenance: Manheim Galleries, New Orleans, Louisiana; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,500-$2,500 408 Pair of Directoire-Style Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Console Tables 20th century, each of demi-lune form with a conforming marble top, a foliate-carved frieze and raised on fluted tapering square legs. h. 36”, w. 37”, d. 18” $1,500-$2,500




409 Herend Rust “Chinese Bouquet” Partial Dinner Service

410 Pair of Louis XVI Walnut Fauteuils

1990s, Hungarian, the service including eight dinner plates, dia. 10”, fifteen dessert/luncheon plates, dia. 8”, six footed cups and matching saucers, h. 6”, dia. 5-3/4”, five chocolate cups and matching saucers, h. 2-1/2”, dia. 5-1/2”, an oval open vegetable dish, h. 2-3/4”, w. 10”, d. 8”, and a coffeepot, h. 9-1/4”, w. 6-1/2”, d. 4”.

18th century, each with an arched crest flanked by carved finials, over a conforming padded back, joined to the like seat by open, scroll-end, downswept arms, raised on fluted tapering circular legs headed by block patera carving and ending in toupie feet. h. 37-1/2”, w. 26”, d. 23” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.






411 Near Pair of Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Side Tables one 19th century and one 20th century, each with a bowed and turreted marble top above a conforming frieze fitted with a single central drawer flanked to either side by a bowed cupboard door, raised on fluted tapering circular legs ending in brass caps. h. 34”, w. 49-1/2”, d. 19-1/2”

413 Giltwood Mirror in the Louis XVI Taste 20th century, the rectangular mirror plate lined with lotus leaves on the outside and beading on the inside, the top with a carved urn of roses supporting a swag of laurel leaves against carved scrollwork. h. 43-1/2”, w. 26-1/2” $1,000-$1,500

$2,000-$4,000 412 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Bronze Wall Sconces mid-20th century, the quiver-form backplates supporting urn-form leaf-molded finials, the scrolled candle arms set with beaded candle cups and drip pans. h. 14-1/2”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 4-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $700-$1,000




415 414

414 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Fauteuils second half 19th century, each with a crisply carved and beaded crest rail and stiles, open arms with foliate-carved scroll ends, bowed seat rail and fluted legs, retaining antique needlepoint upholstery and under-upholstery. h. 38-1/4”

416 French Limoges Raised Gilt Porcelain Partial Dinner Service ca. 1894-1930, decorated with rich raised gilt scrollwork and flourishes of polychrome enamel decoration, marked by Charles Ahrenfeldt and retailer, Godin, the service including twelve dinner plates, dia. 10-1/4”, twelve salad/dessert plates, dia. 8-1/2”, ten bread-and-butter plates, dia. 6-1/2”, eleven demitasse cups, h. 2”, and twelve saucers, dia. 4-1/2”.

$1,200-$1,800 415 Pair of French Molded Bronze Chenets third quarter 19th century, the urn-form chenets draped and set with flame-form finials, the pierced sides balustraded and hung with swags. h. 15-1/2”, w. 15”, d. 5”


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500



417 Baccarat Gilt-Bronze, Glass and Jasperware Chandelier in the Russian neoclassical taste, the bobeches signed Baccarat, the primary frame set with figural arms set with glass drip pans and turned candle sockets, alternating with spear-point finials, hung from a canopy with a jasperware mount and sprays of drops, the center hung with a monumental cut glass sphere. h. 36”, dia. 31-1/2” $2,500-$4,000 418 Pair of French Bagues-Style Rock Crystal, Gilt-Metal and Molded Glass Sconces second half 20th century, the backplates decorated with perched parrots, the scrolled candle arms with rock crystal flowers and leaves, set with molded glass candle sockets, electrified. h. 18”, w. 11”, d. 4-1/2” $1,400-$1,800 419 Pair of French Bagues-Style Rock Crystal, Gilt-Metal and Molded Glass Sconces


second half 20th century, the backplates decorated with perched parrots, the scrolled candle arms with rock crystal flowers and leaves, set with molded glass candle sockets, electrified. h. 18”, w. 11”, d. 4-1/2” $1,400-$1,800 420 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood and Marble-Top Center Table 19th century, the shaped marble top over a conforming scrolling foliate-carved and pierced frieze, centered by a medallion depicting Medusa’s head, raised on fluted columnar legs headed by Corinthian-capital carvings, joined by a shaped stretcher and ending in toupie feet. h. 37”, w. 47”, d. 27” $3,000-$5,000






421 Pair of Louis XV-Style Polychrome Bergeres

422 French-Style Carved and Giltwood California King-Size Headboard

second half 20th century, each with a carved and molded crest over a conforming padded back, joined to the cushioned seat by like arms, raised on fluted tapering circular legs headed by block carving and ending in toupie feet. h. 36”, w. 26”, d. 20”

in the Louis XVI taste, the outer frame deeply molded and adorned with carved rosettes in the corners, the posts with urncarved finials, the padded insert in a wheat-colored linen-type fabric. h. 53”, w. 78”





423 Louis XVI-Style Giltwood and Polychrome Mirror fourth quarter 19th century, the projecting gadrooned and beaded cornice over a foliate-carved frieze centered by a medallion depicting the “Sun King”, above a like surround and ending in a stepped base with floral and foliate carving. h. 57-3/4”, w. 31” $1,000-$1,500 424 Louis XVI-Style Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Pedestal second quarter 20th century, the round variegated white marble top over an egg-and-dart-molded apron, raised on carved, scroll-end and footed legs centered by guilloche carving, joined by a like-carved circular stretcher and ending in a concave plinth base. h. 27”, dia. 17” $1,000-$1,500 425 Set of Twelve Limoges Porcelain Raised Gilt Plates ca. 1900, French, the raised gilt borders decorated with scrollwork, leaves and bellflowers, made and marked by “Tresseman & Vogt, Limoges” and the New York retailer, “Higgins & Seiter”. dia. 10-1/2” $1,200-$1,800 423





426 Suite of Six Louis XVI-Style Parcel-Gilt and Silver-Leaf Side Chairs second quarter 20th century, each with a molded and carved frame, padded seat and back, and raised on fluted tapering square legs, of mortised and pegged construction. h. 36” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500

427 Napoleon III Giltwood Overmantel Mirror fourth quarter 19th century, in the Louis XVI style, the projecting cornice over a ribboned floral-wreath crest, above a leafmolded and beaded frame. h. 72”, w. 56” $1,200-$1,800



428 Louis XVI-Style Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Console Table 19th century, the demi-lune Carrara marble top over a conforming guilloche- and swag-carved frieze, raised on tapering, acanthine-carved legs ending in turned feet, joined by a shaped stretcher centered by a swagged urn carving. h. 34-1/2”, w. 40-1/2”, d. 18-3/4” $1,200-$1,800 429 German Polychrome and Parcel-Gilt Architectural Panel fourth quarter 18th century, with a relief-carved pendant trophy of hunting paraphernalia suspended from a beribboned garland, within a carved and shaped frame. h. 52”, w. 49-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000 430 French Giltwood Barometer


fourth quarter 18th century, the crest with a plaque of two hearts pierced by an arrow, beneath a laurel spray and flanked by tassels, the hand-painted dial signed “Par Galding”, the sides pierced and leafcarved, and the base with a pendant flame finial. h. 38-1/4”, w. 15-1/2” $1,000-$1,500





431 Pair of Exceptional Bronze Chenets


third quarter 19th century, after a design by royal gilder and bronzier Quentin-Claude Pitoin (French, 1725-1777), the standard with a pierced lyre decorated with satyr heads and raised on paw feet, above a lion’s head masque, the center bar with winged torches, a molded torch on the end, each stamped “EC48”. h. 16-1/2”, w. 15”, d. 5”

433 Louis XVI-Style Writing Table


early 20th century, the rectangular top with an inset leather writing surface within a molded edge, above a conforming frieze fitted to one side with a central drawer with an applied ormolu plaque, flanked to either side by an ormolu-edged drawer, the verso with a faux arrangement, raised on tapering square legs ending in ormolu ball feet, the whole accented with ormolu mounts and millwork. h. 29-1/2”, w. 62-1/2”, d. 31-1/2”

432 Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-Top Tiered Table early 20th century, the ovoid marble top banded and within a full pierced brass gallery with a handle to either end, joined by splayed ormolu-mounted supports to a larger like-shaped lower shelf, raised on stop-fluted tapering circular legs ending in ormolu toupie feet. h. 40-1/2”, w. 36”, d. 26”







434 Pair of Monumental Bronze Sconces 20th century, of Baroque inspiration, each with a winged caryatid backplate supported on leafmolded scrolls, the curved candle arms set with scalloped drip pans. h. 32-1/2”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 13” $1,200-$1,800

435 Pair of French Marble and Polished Bronze Garniture Urns ca. 1900, with verde antique marble bodies and bases, mounted with mermaid-form bronze handles and laurel swags, the bases decorated with shellform mounts framed with sprays of laurel leaves. h. 19-1/2”, w. 6”, d. 6” $1,000-$1,500

436 Directoire-Style Painted and Parcel-Gilt Trumeau Mirror mid-20th century, with a tan ground, the mirror plate with a gilt cove-molded surround and the upper tablet decorated with a panel of musical trophies on sprays of roses, below a gilt cove-molded crest. h. 70-3/4”, w. 51-1/2” $1,200-$1,800




437 Suite of Twelve Louis XVI-Style Polychrome Chairs 20th century, with framed and padded backs and molded and beaded edges, raised on turned and fluted legs. h. 41-1/2”, w. 19”, d. 19” $3,000-$5,000 438 Louis XVI-Style Polychrome and Marble-Top Center Table the circular marble top with a molded edge, above a conforming paneled frame with lattice-patterned incising and carved patera accents, raised on paneled tapering square legs joined by an X-form stretcher and ending in peg feet. h. 30-1/2”, dia. 42”


$1,500-$2,500 439 Pair of Louis XVI-Style Giltwood Fauteuils early 20th century, each with an arched, guilloche crest centered by a ribboned bay leaves carving, over a padded back trimmed with brass tacks, joined to the like seat by carved, open arms, raised on fluted tapering circular legs headed by block-patera carving and ending in toupie feet. h. 36-3/4”, w. 24-1/2”, d. 20” $1,000-$1,500



440 French Belle Epoque Bronze and Marble Figural Clock fourth quarter 19th century, in the Louis XVI taste, the clockworks mounted in a bronze column section with an applied bowknot and garlands, and topped by a patinated bronze cherub, poised to shoot the arrow of love, on a bronzetrimmed white marble base. h. 14-3/4”, w. 6”, d. 4-3/4” $1,000-$1,500


441 Pair of French Gilded Age Bronze and Marble Candelabra fourth quarter 19th century, the draped putto-form standards supporting scrolled candle branches terminating in patinated candle sockets set with gilt-bronze bobeches and drip pans, supported on fluted white marble bases with molded bronze feet. h. 23-1/4”, w. 13-1/4”, d. 10-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


442 Pair of French Bronze Dore et Patine Chenets ca. 1900, in the Neoclassical taste, decorated with putti sitting on tasseled drapery, warming their hands on firepot finials, raised on fluted and tapered legs. h. 14-1/2”, w. 14”, d. 9” $1,000-$1,500 442



443 Rare Regency Ebonized and Parcel-Gilt Sofa

444 Rare Regency Gilt-Stenciled and Ebonized Sofa Table

second quarter 19th century, presently upholstered in Scalamandre silk, the fabric from the Newport, RI collection. h. 35-1/2”, w. 83”, d. 31”

first quarter 19th century, the top with a central chinoiserie penwork stencil, edged with foliate stenciling, above a frieze with a pair of drawers, raised on a cheval base with baluster ends joined to foliate-carved legs with brass paws and casters. h. 29”, w. 36”, d. 28”, ext. w. 56”




444 detail


445 Pair of Egypto-Revival-Style Gilt- and Patinated Bronze Sconces third quarter 20th century, each having a mummiform backplate decorated with wings and wreaths, and fitted with a pair of quiver-form candlearms, electrified. h. 23”, w. 11-1/2”, d. 2-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 446 Fine Pair of Charles X Marquetry-Inlaid and Line-Strung Bird’s-Eye Maple Side Chairs first quarter 19th century, of gondola form, the molded top rail joined to stiles curving to join above the saber legs, the seat rail with central marquetry, the marquetry and stringing executed in rosewood. h. 31”


$1,000-$1,500 447 Fine Charles X Marquetry-Inlaid and Line-Strung Bird’sEye Maple and Marble-Top Secretaire a Abattant second quarter 19th century, the variegated gray and white marble top over a case with a single drawer over a fall front, opening to expose a fitted interior, with three drawers below, the drawers and front with contrasting rosewood inlay, employing various Neoclassical motifs, raised on bracket feet. h. 56-1/2”, w. 29-1/4” $1,200-$1,800




448 Charles X Figured Maple and Inlaid Lounge Chair early 19th century, with scrolled arms and inlaid stringing, the shaped crest rail panel with phoenix birds, raised on turned legs. h. 37”, w. 22-1/2”, d. 33” $1,000-$1,500


449 Fine and Rare Dutch Neoclassical Lacquered and Inlaid Mahogany and Maple Occasional Table early 19th century, the circular top with a central octagonal lacquered chinoiserie panel edged in banding and set in a figural maple ground, the perimeter of the top with maple and mahogany rope banding, supported by a delicate curvate base of cast iron consisting of three legs, all veneered in mahogany with maple edging, the base joined by a circular central shelf with silk fringe along the bottom edge. h. 30-1/2”, dia. 29-3/4” $1,000-$1,500


450 Fine Northern European Neoclassical Giltwood, Bird’s-Eye Maple and Marble-Top Cabinet first quarter 19th century, possibly Russian, the black marble top over a cyma-molded frieze, the case with a pair of cupboard doors, each flanked and separated by pilasters with gilt foliate-carved bases and lotuscarved capitals, each door panel now with pleated sunburst bronze silk. h. 33-1/2”, w. 47-1/2”, d. 18” $1,800-$2,500




451 Suite of Six Neoclassical Parcel-Gilt Elmwood Side Chairs

453 Biedermeier Walnut Looking Glass

19th century, each with a curved crest over a grape-leaf-andribbon relief-carved splat, above a linen-padded serpentine seat trimmed with brass tacks, raised on tapering square legs. h. 36”, w. 19”, d. 16”

19th century, the mirror plate set in a frame with a molded arched cornice over a recessed arch, flanked by ebonized pilasters with turned capitals and bases. h. 67-1/2”, w. 38”, d. 4”



452 Italian Neoclassical Fruitwood Commode 19th century, the rectangular top banded and with a chevronveneered central panel, above a conforming case fitted with two long drawers, each with decorative banding and chevron veneers, the sides veneered en suite, raised on tapering square legs ending in brass caps. h. 33”, w. 51-1/2”, d. 26-1/2” $1,800-$2,500






454 Large Patinated Bronze and Composite Stone Centerpiece 20th century, stamped “Tiffany & Co.”, likely a retailer’s mark, in the Neoclassical style, the oval urn mounted with winged figural handles and an egg-and-dart border over a reeded body supported on a stepped base mounted with lotus-leaf-molded bronze trim. h. 20”, w. 19-3/4”, d. 11” $1,500-$2,500 455 Pair of Italian Grand Tour Temple-Form Garnitures fourth quarter 19th century, the marble bases and caps set with brass columns and bronze busts of the Goddess Diana. h. 9-3/4”, dia. 4-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 456 Large and Dramatic French Empire-Style Bronze and Crystal Chandelier mid-20th century, the twenty-eight-light basket-form chandelier with festoons of drops from the domed crown to the acanthus-molded main frame, this outer ring set with six pairs of two-light leaf-molded candle branches, an additional twelve sockets concealed on the interior, and four sockets in the upper beaded ball at the top. h. 74”, dia. 46” $3,000-$5,000 456



457 Fine Restauration Five-Piece Carved Mahogany Salon Suite first quarter 19th century, retaining the extremely rare “Aesop’s Fables” Aubusson tapestry upholstery, comprising four fauteuils and a canape en suite, all with pedimented crest rails carved with addorsed horizontal foliate scrolls, the front legs of klismos form. fauteuil h. 38”, canape h. 39-1/2”, w. 71”, d. 24” $7,000-$10,000

457 detail


457 detail

457 detail

457 detail

458 Directoire Mahogany and Marble-Top Center Table ca. 1800, the circular gray and rose dished marble top above a plain frieze, raised on three supports to a concave tripartite plinth base. h. 29-1/2”, dia. 40-1/2” $1,500-$2,500


459 Louis-Philippe Walnut Bergere second quarter 19th century, the back with shaped and pegged crest rail, the stiles joined to closed scroll arms, with bowed seat and saber legs, now upholstered in Scalamandre silk brocade with a down seat cushion. h. 40” $1,000-$1,500 459

460 Attractive Restauration Mahogany and MarbleTop Pier Table second quarter 19th century, in Cuban mahogany with a Gris Turquin marble top, the upper apron drawer supported on a pair of carved paw-footed console brackets, the incurvate plinth supported on bun feet of mahogany. h. 36-1/2”, w. 51-1/4”, d. 19-1/2” $1,200-$1,800




461 Pair of Continental Neoclassical-Style Inlaid Rosewood and Walnut Vitrines/Bibliotheques second quarter 19th century, each with a glazed door above a paneled lower door, flanked by full columns with marquetryinlaid standards, the upper frieze with inlaid palmettes and classical motifs. h. 85”, w. 48”, d. 21” $2,500-$4,000

462 Karl Johan Mahogany Salon Jardiniere first quarter 19th century, the bowl containing a tole liner and decorated with Gothic tracery, the triangular stem fronted by acanthus scrolls, the hexagonal pedestal displaying columns and arches, on a projecting plinth. h. 40”, dia. 31-1/2” $1,800-$2,500




463 Charles X Scarlet Lacquer Tole Tray-on-Stand


second quarter 19th century, the oval tray with vintage border centered by a finely executed landscape including a royal barge of oriental inspiration, the faux bamboo stand of a later date. h. 21-1/4”, w. 23-1/4”, d. 30-3/4” $1,200-$1,800 464 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Bronze, Steel and Tole Bouillotte Lamps ca. 1900, each having a lattice-pierced circular basket-form base supporting a column-form standard with a steel support set with triple-molded bronze candle arms and an adjustable red tole shade. h. 25-1/2”, dia. 15-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 465 Vincente Garcia de Paredes (Spanish, 1845-1903)


“Napoleon and Josephine in the Salon at Malmaison” watercolor and gouache on paper signed lower right. Glazed and framed. sight 19-1/2” x 30-3/4”, framed 27” x 39” $1,200-$1,800 466 Pair of French Empire-Style Bronze Dore et Patine Sconces second quarter 20th century, each with a circular eaglemounted backplate mounted with a patinated human-form arm supporting a caduceus-form candelabrum set with a pair of leaf-molded candle sockets flanking wings, electrified and fitted with black paper shades. h. 19-1/4”, w. 7-3/4”, d. 7” Provenance: Manheim Galleries, New Orleans, Louisiana; Private collection, Houston, Texas.




467 Restauration Bronze Dore, Marble and Patinated Metal Clock second quarter 19th century, depicting Athena wearing her plumed warrior helmet and carrying a lance, leaning on a shield mounted with the dial, the dial decorated with the head of Medusa and framed with arabesque scrollwork, above bronze dore-trimmed red griotte marble base, fitted with a silkstring suspension movement. h. 24-1/4”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 6” $1,500-$2,500 468 Pair of Restauration Patinated Metal and Brass Candelabra second quarter 19th century, the tripartite bases molded with paw feet and triangular tapered standards decorated with scrollwork and leaves, the scrolled branches set with engineturned bell-form candle sockets set with matching bobeches and leaf-molded drip pans, one signed “AC” under the base. h. 26”, dia. 11-1/4” $1,000-$1,500 469 Pair of Directoire-Style Ebonized, Parcel-Gilt and MarbleTop Pedestals


20th century, each with a circular variegated black marble top over a frieze carved with griffins and anthemions, and raised on tubular and X-form supports headed by carved winged heads, centered by medallions and ending in paw feet, above a shaped concave plinth base. h. 42-1/2”, dia. 12-1/2” $2,000-$4,000





470 French Bronze Dore Mantel Clock first quarter 19th century, depicting Eros leaning against the clock case, his chin resting on his bow, his torch and quiver to one side, the case base decorated with arrows and wreaths of flowers, set with a silk-string suspension movement, the silvered dial indistinctly signed, possibly “Le Heares a Lisieux”. h. 16-3/4”, w. 12”, d. 4-1/4”



472 Empire-Style Mahogany Daybed

471 Handsome French Gilt-Bronze Six-Light Chandelier 20th century, the chandelier with a standard molded with flowers and leaves, the fluted urn-form body set with leafmolded arms terminating in gadrooned candle cups, the lower portion with a pinecone pendant finial. h. 37-3/4”, dia. 15” $1,000-$1,500

19th century, the headboard and footboard each paneled and with a rounded crest, fronted by a freestanding ormolumounted column, joined by shaped rails and raised on turret feet. h. 43”, inside w. 44”, l. 74”, outside w. 50”, l. 77” $1,000-$1,500




473 French Empire Circassian Walnut and Parcel-Gilt Pier Mirror second quarter 19th century, the crest with a band of anthemion carving, over a rectangular mirror plate flanked by columnar sides, ending in paw-carved feet. h. 63”, w. 31-5/8” $1,500-$2,500 474 Restauration Bronze Dore et Patine Figural Clock


second quarter 19th century, the figure depicting Napoleon astride his horse on a rocky outcropping mounted with the works, the works set with an enamel dial, the gilt-bronze base decorated with a Napoleonic Eagle grasping laurel and oak leaves, on scrolled feet. h. 18-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 4” $1,000-$1,500 475 Restauration Mahogany Settee 19th century, the back with a molded top rail, the closed arms with reeded scroll ends on carved supports, with bowed seat rail and shaped feet, fitted with a loose seat cushion. h. 38-1/4”, w. 56-1/2”, d. 25-1/2” $1,200-$1,800




476 Collection of Twenty French Bat-Printed Creamware Plates

477 Collection of Eighteen French Bat-Printed Creamware Soup Plates

first half 19th century, some by Montereau, others by Paillart et Hautin, including thirteen canary-bordered plates depicting notables, a canary "puzzle” plate, a canary topographical plate, a pair of blue-printed plates depicting scenes from the play “L’Enfant Prodigue”, by Voltaire, and three black printed plates. dia. 8-1/2”

first half 19th century, with various marks, including Stone, Coquerel et Le Gros, Creil, Choisy and Paillart et Hautin, decorated with various notables, topographical and historical scenes, and scenes from Voltaire’s “L’Enfant Prodigue”, including seven hexagonal examples, dia. 8” to 8-1/2”, and eleven circular examples, dia. 8-1/2” to 9-1/2”.

Provenance: Estate of John Stockwell Samuels III, Galveston, Texas.

Provenance: Estate of John Stockwell Samuels III, Galveston, Texas.





478 Rosenthal “Aide 2970” Pattern Partial Dinner Service


ca. 1939-1956, German, decorated with gilt scrollwork on a claret ground, the service including eighteen dinner plates, dia. 10”, thirty-five salad/dessert plates, dia. 7-1/2”, fifteen coffee cups, h. 1-3/4”, and fourteen saucers, dia. 4-1/2”, each piece marked. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500 479 Pair of French Empire-Style Cut Crystal and Gilt-Metal Urns 479

20th century, attributed to Cristal Seiler, Paris, the diamondcut campana-form urns with gilt engine-turned metal rims, masque-molded handles and base trim with molded paw feet. h. 14”, w. 7-3/4”, d. 8-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 480 Directoire Walnut Sideboard first quarter 19th century, the top with breadboard ends and canted corners, above a pair of drawers over two cabinet doors flanked by turned half-columns with brass ring mounts. h. 39”, w. 74”, d. 20” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500



481 Pair of French Giltwood, Bronze and Glass Mirrored Sconces ca. 1900, in the Neoclassical taste, the mirrored panels engraved with ovals and framed with delicate vines and birds, the giltwood surrounds with bowknots and laurel pierced crests, the sides molded with leaf-bundled reeds, set with pairs of Empire-style bronze three-light sconces. h. 31”, w. 24-1/2”, d. 6-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500 482 Empire Polychrome, Parcel-Gilt and Marble-Top Console Table


second quarter 19th century, the rectangular white marble top above a frieze with applied sunflowers and classical motifs, supported by large tapered columns with carved capitals. h. 39”, w. 50”, d. 25” $2,500-$4,000 483 Louis-Philippe Beechwood Lit du Jour


second quarter 19th century, the ends of sleigh form, the upholstered headboard and footboard on shaped posts terminating in swan’s heads, now fitted with a loose seat cushion and a pair of cylindrical bolsters. h. 35-3/4”, w. 81”, d. 36” $1,000-$1,500 484 Pair of French Neoclassical-Style Bronze, Wood and Glass Sconces second quarter 20th century, the gray-painted wooden backplates mounted with swagged bronze ram’s heads supporting the molded bronze candle arms, set with candle cups with beaded bobeches and molded glass drip pans. h. 12”, w. 21-3/4”, d. 11-3/4”






485 Louis-Philippe Mahogany and Marble-Top Console Table mid-19th century, the black and gray marble top with rounded ends, above a conforming, shallow ogee frieze concealing a long drawer, supported by scrolled brackets and resting on an incurved platform base. h. 33-1/2”, w. 38”, d. 16-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 486 Pair of Empire-Style Mahogany Boudoir/Hall Chairs early 20th century, each with a curved back and delicately carved swan’s heads at the upper corners, covered in a traditional “bumblebee” fabric and with a pleated silk back. h. 34-1/4”, w. 19”, d. 18”


487 Empire-Style Faux Rosewood and Marble-Top Center Table 19th century, the circular marble top above a conforming plain frieze, and raised on three molded scrolling supports ending in gilt paw feet on a concave tripartite base. h. 31”, dia. 27-1/2” $1,500-$2,500 488 Pair of Louis-Philippe Cased Glass, Bronze and Marble Rhyton-Form Vases second quarter 19th century, each blue cut-to-clear vase set in a bronze ram’s head mounted on a rectangular “Egyptian” marble base. h. 9-3/4”, w. 7-1/4”, d. 5-1/4”







489 Pair of Baccarat Crystal Dolphin-Molded Candelabra


20th century, French, the frosted dolphin-form standards set with arms supporting candle sockets fitted with partially frosted prism rings, hung with spear-point prisms and fitted with engraved hurricane shades, the centers set with spearpoint finials, with Baccarat’s engraved “decanter” mark on one base. h. 27”, dia. 12” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,500-$2,500 490 Louis-Philippe Bleached Mahogany and Marble-Top Console Table mid-19th century, the black and gray marble top over a conforming ogee-molded frieze with a concealed drawer and supported by large scrolled brackets, above a shaped platform base with outstretched carved paw feet. h. 36”, w. 39”, d. 17-1/2”


$1,500-$2,500 491 Pair of Louis-Philippe Pierced Giltwood Brackets mid-19th century, of large scale, each with a serpentine shelf, the bracket decorated with pierced scrollwork framing flowers, the lower portion with a cabochon. h. 26-1/4”, w. 20-1/4”, d. 13” $1,200-$1,800 492 Rare French Gothic Revival Bronze Dore et Argente Figural Clock second quarter 19th century, the cathedral-form clock with works in the clock tower, probably depicting Queen Elizabeth I bestowing a knighthood, against a pierced Gothic screen, the side towers with Gothic niches decorated with knights, mounted with silk-string suspension works. h. 22”, w. 11-3/4”, d. 5-3/4” $1,200-$1,800



493 After Auguste Rodin (French, 1840-1917) “Le Baiser” patinated bronze cast signature along back, an “Alexis Rudier, Fondeur Paris” inscription along proper left side, after the ca. 1882 marble created to represent “Paolo and Francesca” from Dante’s Inferno, originally meant to be a part of the monumental bronze “Gates of Hell”, which was intended as the entrance to the Musee des Arts Decoratifs, sculpture and gates now conserved at the Musee Rodin, Paris. h. 33-1/8”, w. 13-3/4”, d. 15” Provenance: Galleries Maurice Sternberg, Chicago, Illinois, 1980; Private collection. $20,000-$40,000


493 detail


494 Louis Kronberg (American, 1872-1965) “Dancer in Green” pastel on board signed lower right, with extensive inscriptions en verso, including artist name and address, medium and title, as well as several labels, including a “Guarisco Gallery” label. Glazed and framed. 29” x 20”, framed 39-1/2” x 30-1/2” $7,000-$10,000


495 Gustave Loiseau (French, 1865-1935) “Vase de Fleurs”, 1928 oil on board stamped “Atelier Louiseau” lower left, numbered, titled and dated en verso for estate sale and on “Acquavella Galleries, New York” label; additional British and French shipping stamps and labels en verso. Framed. 21-1/2” x 18-1/4”, framed 32-1/2” x 29” Provenance: Sale, Atelier Loiseau, April 27, 1936; Aquavella Galleries, New York, New York; The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $14,000-$18,000



496 Raoul Dufy (French, 1877-1953) “Bouquet de Roses Rouges”, 1941 watercolor and gouache on arches paper laid down on card stock signed and dated lower right. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 19-1/2” x 25-1/2”, framed 32-3/8” x 37-7/8” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $8,000-$12,000


497 Edmund Greacen (American, 1873/76-1949/51) “Southport Harbor” oil on canvas board verso with “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas” label inscribed with artist name and title of work. Framed. 8” x 10”, framed 14” x 16” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000



498 Fine French Gilt-Bronze and Porcelain Repeater Carriage Clock fourth quarter 19th century, with a double train movement and repeater function, the four sides and dome with finely beveled glass panels, the porcelain face with Arabic chapters and surrounded by a gilt-bronze filigree panel, each corner with a Corinthian column. h. 8”, w. 4”, d. 4” $1,500-$2,500 499 French Pressed Brass and Mirror-Plate Three-Part Boudoir Mirror



ca. 1900, in the rococo style, with hinged, adjustable panels, the scroll-molded brass surrounds mounted on conforming wooden frames. h. 22” to 29-1/2”, each section w. 15-1/2”, fully extended w. 46-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 500 Unusual French Bronze, Tole and Glass Chandelier second quarter 20th century, the eight-light chandelier having a serpentine body with painted tole sides and bronze trim, and set with four molded rococo candle arms and four interior sockets over a frosted glass base, with a bronze rococo-molded support. h. 17”, w. 27”, d. 13-1/2”


$1,000-$1,500 501 Napoleon III Bronze and MirrorPlate Three-Part Surtout de Table third quarter 19th century, in the Empire taste, the pierced bronze sides decorated with molded lotus leaves and honeysuckle blossoms, resting on molded paw feet. h. 3-1/4”, w. 21-1/2”, l. 48-3/4”





502 Set of Twelve Michelaud Freres Porcelain Plates ca. 1900, Limoges, France, the center panels decorated with various hand-painted polychrome fruit, the cobalt borders with raised gilt, marked “MF Limoges” on the back. dia. 10-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 503 Italian Patinated Bronze of “Mercury” first quarter 20th century, after the 1580 sculpture by Giambologna (Flemish/Florence, 1529-1608) now conserved at the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence, the messenger of the gods with winged feet and helmet, one foot delicately balancing on a symbol of the west wind, incised “JDCBologne” along side of self-base, on a shaped black marble base. overall h. 20-1/2”, w. 4”, d. 7-1/2”


$1,000-$1,500 504 After Jules-Felix Coutan (French, 1848-1939) “Eros” patinated bronze fourth quarter 19th century, poised with his bow, a quiver on his back and lovebirds at his feet, cast signature and inscribed “Rome” h. 25-3/4”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 7” $1,500-$2,500 505 After Louis Gossin (French, 1846-1928) “Dionysus” patinated bronze 20th century, the god of wine-making and fertility with a bunch of grapes in one hand and a kylix in the other, cast signature on self-base, on a square black marble base. overall h. 21-1/2”, w. 7-1/2”, d. 6”





507 506

506 Napoleon III-Style Ebonized, Boulle and Marble-Top Bar/Cabinet third quarter 20th century, the rectangular marble top above a single frieze drawer over two cabinet doors, each inset with a Boulle panel centered by an ormolu classical youth figure, the drawer with mechanized function, opening both doors to reveal a mirrored interior and two banks of rounded mirrored shelves, raised on bun feet. h. 42”, w. 48-1/2”, d. 18-1/2” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,400-$1,800 507 Rare Second Empire-Style Wooden and Wire Birdcage ca. 1900, probably Continental, composed of varnished and painted wood, the wave-edge cornice dentilled and bracketed, the roof lined with dormers, the center two set with mirror glass, the others with colorless glass, the interior divided into two rooms with parlor doors and set with perches. h. 30”, w. 38-1/4”, d. 19-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 508 Napoleon III Giltwood Cushion-Form Mantel Mirror third quarter 19th century, the removable crest with a gadroon-molded crown and a central urn with flame flanked by eagles, the mirror frame with a floral border and ornate molded corner ornaments. h. 80”, w. 49” $1,200-$1,800





509 French Gilt-Bronze and Tortoiseshell Boullework Encrier fourth quarter 19th century, the corners with sphinx-headmolded feet, the sides with a masque, the top with a pair of covered inkpots, one with a cut glass insert, and small and large pen trays. h. 4-1/4”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 9-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 510 Napoleon III Ebonized, Boulle and Ormolu-Mounted Tall Case Clock third quarter 19th century, of bombe form, the hood with the figure of Chronos seated on a bronze ball, the face fitted with Roman numeral porcelain chapters, time and strike movement on a single spring chime. h. 93”, w. 32”, d. 15” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $3,000-$5,000 511 Labeled Brass-Inlaid Inkstand ca. 1837, labeled by artisan Lucy Leuchars, London, the inkstand inlaid with brass scrollwork on an ebonized ground, and mounted with a brass carrying handle flanked by ink pot compartments, the center stamp box labeled on the bottom. h. 6”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 10-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 Leuchars worked from 1829-1837, her final year being Queen Victoria’s first year on the throne. The label on the bottom advertises her wares and is marked “To Her Majesty and the Royal Family”.




512 Napoleon III Gilt-Bronze Chenets and Integral Adjustable Fender

513 Suite of Nine Gilt-Enhanced Chromolithographs of Sevres Porcelain Designs by Edouard Garnier

third quarter 19th century, the urn-form chenets decorated with neoclassical masques framed with “rays” and set with tool hooks, the pierced fender with urn finials and decorated with bellflowers on a stippled ground. h. 19-1/2”, w. 53”, d. 5-3/4”

from The Soft Porcelain of Sevres, John C. Nimmo: London, 1892. Matted, glazed and presented in Empire-style ebonized and parcel-gilt frames. sheets 12-3/4” x 17-3/4” and 17-3/4” x 12-3/4”, framed 21-1/2” x 25” and 25” x 21-1/2”

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.





514 Hippolyte Camille Delpy (French, 1842-1910) “Village au bord de la Riviere” oil on canvas signed lower left center, “Christie’s, New York”, labels en verso. Framed. 14-1/8” x 20-1/8”, framed 19-5/8” x 25-1/2” $4,000-$7,000


515 George Hetzel (American, 1826-1899) “Wooded Landscape with a Creek” oil on board signed lower left. Framed. 8-5/8” x 12”, framed 16” x 19” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500


516 Barbizon School (French, Second Half 19th Century) “Au Bord de la Riviere” oil on canvas signed lower right “Trouillebert”. Unframed. 21-1/2” x 25-3/4” $1,000-$1,500



517 Alfred Godchaux (French/Italian, 1835-1895) “Alpine Landscape” oil on canvas signed lower right. Period giltwood frame. 18” x 22”, framed 27” x 31” $2,000-$4,000


518 Henri Schouten (Belgian, 1860-1922) “Rooster and Hens” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 26” x 31-1/2”, framed 35” x 41” $1,800-$2,500



519 Provincial Louis XV Fruitwood Buffet 18th century, the top with rounded corners and breadboard ends, above two side-by-side carved drawers with inset panels and stars, the framed and paneled doors with scroll- and shell-carved details, raised on short cabriole legs. h. 42-1/2”, w. 56”, d. 23” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500

520 Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Ottoman


early 20th century, the raised and padded cushion over a conforming frame with one in-curved side, with scalloped and molded aprons and raised on cabriole legs. h. 19”, w. 30”, d. 22” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200


521 Eugene Henri Cauchois (French, 1850-1911) “Bouquet de Fleurs de Pavots et Pivoines” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 45-3/4” x 32”, framed 47-1/4” x 33-1/4” $5,000-$8,000



522 Eugene Henri Cauchois (French, 1850-1911) “Bouquet de Fleurs de Marguerites et Pivoines” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 45-3/4” x 32”, framed 47-1/4” x 33-1/4” $5,000-$8,000 523 Provincial Louis XV-Style Walnut Commode 19th century, the rectangular top with rounded corners, over a conforming case fitted with three foliate-carved drawers, above a like-carved apron, raised on tapering cabriole legs. h. 32”, w. 32”, d. 16” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 524 Provincial Louis XV Walnut Panetiere 18th century, the carved and shaped crest flanked by turned finials, over a spindled case centered by a door accented by a stylized vase-of-wheat carving, over a carved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in scroll toes. h. 32”, w. 32-1/4”, d. 16” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.







525 Provincial Transitional Louis XV/Louis XVI Stained Oak Bibliotheque 18th century, the projecting molded cornice with canted corners, above a scrolling tendril-carved frieze, over a case fitted with three grille-paneled doors, each over a drawer, with a serpentine carved apron, raised on cabriole legs. h. 89”, w. 104-1/2”, d. 24” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $3,000-$5,000


526 Joseph Jodocus Moernhout (Belgian, 1801-1874/75) “Departing the Country Inn”, 1850 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 20” x 15”, framed 27” x 23” $1,500-$2,500

527 Henry Schouten (Belgian, 1864/7-1927) “Heading out into the Fields” oil on canvas signed lower right. Period frame. 32” x 48”, framed 42-1/2” x 58”





528 Provincial Louis XV Walnut Table late 18th century, the inset tooled leather top in a frame with a molded edge and ovolo corners, the scalloped apron with a single frieze drawer, raised on cabriole legs with hoof feet. h. 25-3/4”, w. 29-1/2”, d. 20-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 529 Two Large Pairs of Continental Brass Altar Sticks second half 19th century, the taller pair with drip pans over balusterturned stems on tripartite bases, h. 37”, dia. 10”, and the shorter pair with baluster-turned stems on scalloped bases, h. 23”, dia. 7”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.


$1,000-$1,500 530 Pair of Continental Brass Altar Sticks first quarter 20th century, now mounted as lamps, with lion’s head masques and raised on scrolled feet, fitted with shades. h. 31”, dia. 18” and h. 33-1/2”, dia. 19-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 531 Louis XV-Style Mahogany Games Table 19th century, the pivoting fold-over top above a plain frieze with beaded button edge, extending to legs with shell-carved knees and foliate-carved hoof feet. h. 28-1/4”, w. 32”, d. 15-3/4”, ext. l. 31-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.








532 Provincial Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Games Table 20th century, the square top with an inset leather surface, above a frieze fitted with a small central drawer to each side, raised on cabriole legs headed by foliate carving and ending in foliate-carved hoof feet. h. 26-1/4”, w. 31-1/2”, d. 31-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 533 Henri Jean Pontoy (French, 1888-1968) “Environs de Paris”, 1932 oil on canvas signed lower left, titled and inscribed en verso. Framed. 13” x 16”, framed 16” x 19” $1,000-$1,500 534 Provincial Louis XVI Polychrome Armoire 18th century, the domed crest over a conforming case fitted with a pair of doors inset with carved panels, above a scalloped apron centered by a stylized urn-of-flowers carving, raised on cabriole legs. h. 82”, w. 56”, d. 25” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 534



535 Two Provincial Louis XV-Style Work Tables

536 Pair of Louis XV Carved Fruitwood Fauteuils

including a walnut example, 18th century, with a serpentine top over a carved frieze with an end drawer, raised on tapering cabriole legs, h. 28”, w. 30”, d. 17-5/8”, and a fruitwood example, 19th century, with a lift-top, opening to reveal a segmented storage area, over a scalloped frieze, raised on tapering cabriole legs, h. 27”, w. 20-1/2”, d. 17-1/4”.

18th century, with caned seats and backs, and floral-carved crest rails, arm fronts and aprons, raised on cabriole legs, now fitted with loose cushions. h. 39”, w. 26”, d. 22” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.





537 Cornelius Bouter (Dutch, 1888-1968) “Cattle at a Watering Hole” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 12” x 16”, framed 19-1/2” x 23” $1,200-$1,800


538 William Watson, Jr. (British, 1847-1921) “Highland Cattle” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 13” x 16-1/2”, framed 23-1/2” x 27-1/2” $1,200-$1,800


539 Andre Cortes (Belgian, b. 1866) “On the Road to the Market” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 21-1/2” x 25-1/2”, framed 31” x 35” $2,000-$4,000



540 Provincial Louis-Philippe Fruitwood Writing Table second quarter 19th century, the projecting top over a covemolded frieze with a single drawer, raised on cabriole legs with shell and foliate carving above the knees and foliate carving at the feet. h. 27-1/2”, w. 34”, d. 22-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

541 Pair of Provincial Louis XV-Style Occasional Tables each with a square top with a raised beaded edge, a scalloped apron fitted with a shallow frieze drawer and raised on cabriole legs. h. 25”, w. 25-3/4”, d. 25-3/4”


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500



542 James Bourne (English, 1773-1854) “Farm Scene”, 1850 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 19-1/4” x 29”, framed 26” x 35-1/4” $1,400-$1,800


543 Giovanni Bartolena (Italian, 1866-1942) “Village Scene” oil on canvas signed lower right. Presented in a giltwood frame. 25” x 31-1/2”, framed 35-1/2 x 43” $2,000-$4,000


544 Willem Roelofs (Dutch, 1822-1897) “Landscape with Lake and Wading Cows” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 16” x 24” framed 28-5/8” x 36-5/8” $2,000-$4,000



545 Provincial Louis XV Walnut Buffet 18th century, the rectangular top with rounded corners, above a frieze centered by a patera carving and a case fitted with a pair of doors, each inset with a shaped panel, centered by a fluted accent, over a like-carved apron, raised on scroll toes. h. 36”, w. 52”, d. 24” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500


546 Provincial Louis XV Fruitwood Bureau Plat 18th century, the rectangular top surmounted by a hutch fitted with open shelves, flanked by a door inset with shaped panels, over a kneehole flanked to each side by a drawer, raised on tapering cabriole legs. h. 37-1/2”, w. 54”, d. 27-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500


547 Provincial Louis XV-Style Oak Buffet a Deux Corps in two parts, the step-back serpentine upper section with a central door flanked by a pair of sliding doors, and with carved panels, on a base with a pair of drawers centered by a floral-carved basket, the shaped paneled doors with vine leaf and floral carving, with a carved apron and cabriole legs. h. 59-3/4”, w. 55”, d. 21-1/2” $2,000-$4,000



548 Henri de Beul (Belgian, 1845-1900) “Farm Scene” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 15-1/2” x 20-1/2”, framed 21-1/2” x 26” $1,800-$2,500


549 Amedee Servin (French, 1829-1884) “Farm Scene” oil on canvas signed lower left, "Deforge & Carpentier" supplier stencil en verso, frame back with handwritten label. Framed. 16-1/2” x 23-3/4”, framed 23-1/2” x 32” $2,000-$4,000


550 Francois-Etienne Musin (Belgian, 1820-1888) “Bringing in the Boats on the Stormy Sea” oil on wood panel signed lower right. Framed. 8” x 11”, framed 14-1/2” x 17” $1,200-$1,800




551 Provincial Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Canape 19th century, the carved serpentine crest over a conforming padded back, joined to the cushioned seat by like, outscrolled arms, above a shaped apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in scroll feet. h. 31”, w. 76”, d. 31” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500 552 French Provincial Fruitwood and Marble-Top Center Table early 20th century, the circular gray-veined white marble top above a conforming carved base with scalloped aprons and raised on cabriole legs. h. 27-1/2”, dia. 36-1/2”


$1,000-$1,500 553 Provincial Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Bureau Plat 19th century and later, the rectangular top with canted corners, above a scalloped kneehole flanked by a drawer on each side, raised on cabriole legs. h. 29”, w. 71”, d. 25-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,200-$1,800



554 555

554 Frans van Damme (Belgian, 1858-1925)

556 Henry Schouten (Belgian, 1857-1927)

“Dutch Landscape with a Windmill and a Farmer with His Cattle”

“Farmer with His Cattle”

oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 27-1/2” x 40”, framed 35” x 47-1/2” $1,000-$1,500

oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 24” x 36”, framed 30” x 42” $1,500-$2,500

555 Edmund de Pratere (Belgian, 1826-1888) “Horse Cart” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 28” x 21-1/2”, framed 36” x 30-1/4” $1,200-$1,800



557 French Provincial Stained Oak Buffet a Deux Corps 18th century, the upper case with a pair of carved and glazed doors, and raised on short cabriole legs, the base with a row of three drawers above three framed and paneled doors with carved details, and also raised on short cabriole legs. h. 97”, w. 80”, d. 23” $1,200-$1,800 558 Unusual Provincial Louis XV-Style Fruitwood Buffet 19th century, the rectangular top over a case fitted with a pair of cupboard doors inset with shaped panels, flanked by fluted sides, above a scallopedcarved apron, raised on cabriole legs ending in scroll feet. h. 51”, w. 54”, d. 24” $1,000-$1,500 559 After Paul Dubois (French, 1829-1905) “Le Petit Porteur d’Eau” patinated bronze cast signature along back of self-base, on a marble base. h. 26-3/4”, w. 8-1/2”, d. 7-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


558 559



560 French Provincial Fruitwood Farm Table 20th century, the molded rectangular top with incut corners and parquetry inlay, mounted to a frame with shaped and carved aprons and raised on carved legs. h. 31”, w. 35”, l. 86” $1,500-$2,500 561 Italian Porcelain Bull-Form Soup Tureen


mid-20th century, decorated with a wreath of sculpted flowers, the cover with a flower knop and matching label, signed “372/25, Italy”. h. 9-3/4”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 9” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200 562 Provincial Louis XV Walnut Commode 18th century and later, the serpentine top over a case fitted with two elaborately carved drawers, above a scrolling foliate-carved and pierced apron, the sides with cartouche and shell carving, raised on cabriole legs ending in scroll feet. h. 37”, w. 51”, d. 24”


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,800-$2,500 563 Pair of French Provincial-Style Fruitwood Footstools 20th century, with carved knees and aprons, cabriole legs joined by a swirling X-form stretcher, and covered in a soft faux leather, the undersides branded “Made in Italy”. h. 16-1/2”, w. 19”, d. 17-1/2” $1,000-$1,500



564 Pair of Continental Brass Candlesticks 19th century, in the Flemish or Spanish Baroque taste, now mounted as lamps, with drip pans over baluster turnings and bell-form bases, fitted with shades. h. 24”, dia. 14” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 565 Provincial Louis XV Fruitwood Tall Chest 18th century, the rectangular top over a case fitted with six drawers, above a carved apron, raised on cabriole legs. h. 56-3/4”, w. 32-1/2”, d. 16” $1,200-$1,800 564

566 Jos Nauwens (Belgian, 1830-1886) “Still Life of Fruit, Ewer and a Fan” oil on canvas signed and indistinctly dated lower left. Frame with artist plaque. 24-1/4” x 19-1/4”, framed 33-1/2” x 28-1/2” $1,400-$1,800

565 566



567 French Provincial Fruitwood Draw-End Dining Table

568 Pair of Provincial Louis XV-Style Occasional Tables

18th century, the plank top with breadboard ends and slideout extensions mounted to the base, with scalloped aprons and raised on cabriole legs. h. 31-1/2”, w. 36”, l. 72”, ext. l. 138”

each with a square top with a raised beaded edge, a scalloped apron fitted with a shallow frieze drawer and raised on cabriole legs. h. 25”, w. 25-3/4”, d. 25-3/4”

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.





569 Cornelis Verschuur (Dutch, 1888-1966) “In the Stable” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 23” x 39-1/2”, framed 28” x 43-1/2” $2,000-$4,000


570 Alexis de Leeuw (Belgian, 1828-1898) “Pulling Logs in the Snow” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 33” x 50”, framed 38” x 57-1/2” $4,000-$7,000


571 Josef Thoma (Austrian, 1828-1899) “Summertime in the Norwegian Fjord” oil on canvas laid on board signed lower left. Framed. 26-1/2” x 41-1/2”, framed 35” x 50” $2,500-$4,000



572 Henri de Pratere (Belgian, 1815-1890) “Family on the Road to the Market” oil on canvas signed lower left. Framed. 32” x 26”, framed 41” x 34” $1,500-$2,500


573 Laurent Herman Redig (Dutch, 1822-1861) “Pulling the Nets” oil on wood panel signed lower left. Framed. 17” x 25”, framed 21-1/4” x 30-3/4” $1,500-$2,500






574 Semi-Antique Heriz Runner

575 Heriz Carpet

576 Antique Kazak Carpet

3’ 3” x 18’ 2”

11’ 10” x 17’

5’ 8” x 6’ 9”







577 Antique Oushak Carpet 11’ 3” x 14’ 6” $5,000-$8,000 578 Semi-Antique Silk Tabriz Carpet 4’ 1” x 6’ 7” $1,000-$1,500 579 Tabriz Carpet 9’ 7” x 13’ 8” $3,000-$5,000



581 580

580 Persian Nain Carpet 9’ 8” x 14’ $3,000-$5,000 581 Peshawar Sultanabad Carpet 8’ x 10’ $1,000-$1,500 582 Oushak Carpet 10’ x 13’ 10” $3,000-$5,000





583 Agra Sultanabad Carpet 10’ x 14’ 2” $2,000-$4,000 584 Antique Sivas Carpet 10’ 2” x 13’ 9” $1,200-$1,800 585 Laristan Tabriz Carpet 8’ 1” x 10’ $1,500-$2,500




586 Chinese Eight-Panel Coromandel Folding Screen 19th century, each side with relief-carved traditional scenes against an ebonized background. h. 59”, w. 98” $2,000-$4,000

587 Dong Son Culture Patinated Bronze Drum Southeast Asia, also know as a “Frog Drum”, the circular chased top with hatch marks in concentric rings, framing a central star medallion and applied “rain frog” decoration, the circular base with a broader top accented with concentric rings and one side with a group of graduated parading elephants, with double strap handles on each side. h. 17-1/2”, dia. 24” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500



588 Japanese Hardwood Two-Part Mizuya Tansu late Meiji period, fourth quarter 19th/first quarter 20th century, the upper section with paneled sliding doors, the lower section with four short drawers having loop handles, over a second sliding panel door. h. 65”, w. 50-3/4”, d. 17” Provenance: Estate of Elaine Levy Proler, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500

589 Interesting Indian Rosewood, Bone and Mixed Woods Inlaid Panel first half 20th century, depicting a traditional village scene with animals, farmhands, trees and foliage, formerly a table top. h. 24-1/2”, w. 60” $1,000-$1,500






590 Chinoiserie Richly Carved Giltwood and Silk Headboard

591 Chinese Hanging Scroll

20th century, the corners depicting battle scenes, the top center band with figures in a domestic setting above bands of various carved leaves, with an arched padded silk center. h. 68-1/2”, w. 77”, d. 2-3/4”

18th/19th century, with blue and green Sung-style landscape, ink and color, signed lower right. overall 80” x 22”, image 47” x 16-1/2”





592 Gu Luo (Chinese, 1762-1837) “The Birthday Gift” color and ink on paper depicting a kneeling woman offering another woman a gift, symbolic of immortality, beside a tree with blossoming flowers, against a vivid blue ground, with signature to lower left, within silk mounts, later framed. 71-1/2” x 42-1/4”, framed 75-3/4” x 46-1/4” Provenance: Estate of John Stockwell Samuels III, Galveston, Texas.


$1,000-$1,500 593 Chinese Ebonized and Cloisonne-Mounted Coffee Table 20th century, the top with an incised and paint-decorated border along with a Greek-key-carved edge, inset with three large circular cloisonne discs, with scalloped aprons and cabriole legs, also with incised floral-carved details. h. 18-1/2”, w. 50”, d. 24” $1,000-$1,500 594 Pair of Chinese Cloisonne Urns Mounted as Lamps first quarter 20th century, with turquoise grounds decorated with lotus flowers and yellow roundels with dragons, on carved wooden bases and fitted with turned wooden covers, mounted with shades. h. 26-1/2”, dia. 16” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500





595 Pair of Antique-Style Tibetan Cloisonne and Wood Manuscript Covers mid-20th century, each cover with metal scrollwork inset with turquoise and coral glass centering a mandorla with a lapislazuli glass bodhisattva seated over deities made of colored stones and glass, each cover affixed to a wood panel. h. 14”, w. 11”

597 Chinese Elmwood Altar Table 18th century, with a single-plank top and sides, the ends with a pierced and carved Ruyi. h. 35”, w. 85”, d. 11-1/2” $1,000-$1,500

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

596 Pair of Chinese Patinated Bronze Vases first quarter 20th century, now mounted as lamps, the baluster-form standards with bas-relief molding and dragon-form handles, fitted with shades. h. 36”, dia. 18” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 597


598 Chinese Rosewood, Mother-of-Pearl and SilkEmbroidered Table Screen 19th century, the silk panel finely embroidered and depicting “The Hundred Birds”, the frame and stand profusely inlaid with mother-of-pearl depictions of scholars, deer, plants and trees, the upper right corner bearing the embroidered signature and chop marks. h. 41-1/2”, w. 29-1/2”, d. 11-1/2” $1,500-$2,500 599 Chinese White Jade Pendant Qing Dynasty, 19th century, of rectangular form, carved to each side with a design depicting two opposing dragons symmetrically carved in light relief in an archaic style, with geometric scroll and stud form detail. h. 2-1/4”, w. 1-3/8”, d. 3/8” $1,000-$1,500 600 Chinese Carved Jadeite Box with Coral Finial probably first quarter 20th century, the rectangular-form box carved from a single piece of spinach jade, with stylized cloud design to the top, and oval opening with conforming cover mounted with delicately carved figural coral finial. overall h. 3”, w. 2-1/2”, d. 1-1/4”


Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500





Sunday, September 27, 2020 Lots 601 - 1088

601 Diamond Bracelet 14k white gold, the flexible chunky link bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut and princess-cut diamonds weighing approximately 10.60 carats in total. l. 7-1/4”, total weight 65.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $2,000-$4,000 602 Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with round brilliant-cut and baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.57 carats in total. size 7, total weight 7.1 grams $1,400-$1,800 603 Diamond Necklace 18k white gold, the necklace mounted with baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.93 carats in total. adjustable l. 15-1/2” to 17-1/2”, total weight 3.8 grams $1,000-$1,500 604 Pair of Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings in the form of clusters and mounted with pear- and marquise-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.02 carats in total. l. 3/8”, total weight 4.8 grams $3,500-$5,000


605 Le Vian Diamond Band 18k white gold, the wide band ring mounted with round brilliant-cut and baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.70 carats in total. size 8-1/2, total weight 11.2 grams $1,200-$1,800 606 Diamond Bangle Bracelet 18k white gold, the hinged bracelet mounted with baguetteand round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.48 carats in total. inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 18.4 grams $3,500-$5,000 607 Pair of Diamond Dangle Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings with dangles suspended from hoops and mounted with baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.99 carats in total, approximate color E-G and clarity VVS1-VS1. l. 1”, total weight 4.0 grams $1,500-$2,500




605 604

607 606









608 Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the five-row ring mounted with baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.92 carats in total. size 7, total weight 6.5 grams $2,000-$4,000 609 Diamond Bangle Bracelet 18k white gold, the hinged bracelet mounted with baguetteand round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 5.49 carats in total. w. 3/4”, inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 26.7 grams $6,000-$9,000 610 Diamond Eternity Band 18k white gold, the band mounted with baguette-cut diamonds and bordered on the top and bottom by round brilliant-cut diamonds, with an approximate total diamond weight of 1.48 carats. size 7, total weight 4.0 grams $1,000-$1,500

611 Pair of Rose-Cut Diamond Stud Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with round rose-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.00 carat in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.26 carats in total. l. 3/8”, total weight 2.4 grams $1,800-$2,500 612 Diamond Pendant with Chain 18k white gold, the pendant mounted with a rose-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.25 carats, surrounded by a halo of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.08 carats in total, suspended from an adjustable gold chain. l. 16” to 18”, total weight 2.6 grams $1,000-$1,500 613 Rose-Cut Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with a cluster of round rosecut diamonds weighing approximately 1.00 carat in total. size 7, total weight 3.3 grams $1,200-$1,800



614 Pair of Diamond and Baroque Pearl Earrings 14k white gold, the earrings featuring a white baroque freshwater pearl measuring approximately 10.0 mm x 10.0 mm in diameter, suspended from a cluster of diamonds, each cluster including a European-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.86 carats, approximate color G-I and clarity VVS2-VS1, and baguette-, marquise- and round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 2.46 carats in total, approximate color E-I and clarity VVS2-VS2. l. 1-1/2”, total weight 17.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $2,000-$4,000 615 Tahitian Pearl and Diamond Ring platinum, the ring mounted with a 12.00 mm Tahitian pearl with a high luster, accented on the ring shank by princess-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.78 carats in total. size 7-1/2, total weight 17.0 grams $1,200-$1,800 616 Pearl and Diamond Ring 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a white 12.0 mm South Sea pearl with a high luster, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.50 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 10.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,000-$1,500


617 South Sea Pearl Necklace 14k yellow gold, the graduated necklace composed of white South Sea pearls with a good luster, ranging in size from 11.6 mm to 14.3 mm, and finished with a 14k yellow gold clasp. l. 17-1/2”, total weight 89.8 grams $1,800-$2,500 618 Pearl and Diamond Pendant/Brooch 14k yellow gold, the pendant/brooch mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.50 carats in total, l. 1-1/4”, suspended from two necklaces composed of rice pearls, l. 18”. total weight 15.8 grams $1,400-$1,800 619 Pair of South Sea Pearl and Diamond Earrings 18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with 10.5 mm cream South Sea pearls with a good luster, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.41 carats in total. l. 1-1/4”, total weight 9.8 grams $1,200-$1,800 620 South Sea Pearl Necklace 14k yellow gold, the necklace composed of 14.00 mm to 17.00 mm golden South Sea pearls with a good luster and finished with a yellow gold ball clasp. l. 17-1/2”, total weight 128.5 grams $1,800-$2,500


616 617


619 620



621 622



8 244


621 Lady’s Rolex “Cellini” Wrist Watch 18k yellow gold, the manual wind nineteen jewels mechanical movement signed “Rolex, Geneva, 19 Rubies, Swiss, 1600”, the original champagne-colored dial signed “Rolex, Geneva, Cellini”, the case stamped “Montres Rolex S.A., Geneva, Switzerland, 3653J”, with Swiss hallmarks and engraved with reference #3685, and with a textured mesh band, the buckle stamped “750 CB”. l. 6-3/4”, total weight 60.0 grams

624 Pair of Gold Ear Clips 18k yellow gold, each ear clip in the form of a shell. l. 1-1/8”, total weight 33.0 grams


Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein.

625 Lady’s Franck Muller Wrist Watch 18k rose gold, the quartz movement watch with a silver satin-colored guilloche dial signed “Franck Muller, Geneve, Curvex, Swiss made”, the rose gold torneau-shaped case stamped “Franck Muller, Geneve, No 1462, 1752QZ”, with Swiss hallmark and measuring 35.0 mm x 25.0 mm, without the crown, the buckle stamped “750” and with the Franck Muller logo. maximum l. 7-1/4”, total weight 41.2 grams



623 Two Pairs of Ear Clips 18k yellow gold, one pair of ear clips with a ribbed design and the other with a row of round coral beads. l. 1” and 1-1/4”, total weight 58.7 grams

626 Pair of David Webb Ear Clips 18k yellow gold, the heavy ear clips with a hammered finish, stamped, “WEBB 18K”. l. 1-3/8”, total weight 62.5 grams

622 Gold Necklace 14k yellow gold, the flat tapered necklace with a polished finish. l. 17-1/4”, total weight 69.4 grams

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,400-$1,800

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000


627 Diamond Bracelet 18k yellow gold, the flexible bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.53 carats in total. inside circumference 7-1/4”, total weight 6.0 grams $1,200-$1,800 628 Pair of Diamond Earrings 18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.56 carats in total. l. 1/2”, total weight 5.4 grams $1,400-$1,800 629 Diamond Ring 14k white/yellow gold, the ring mounted with round brilliantcut and princess-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.85 carats in total. size 7-1/2, total weight 4.1 grams $1,000-$1,500 630 Pair of Diamond Earrings 18k yellow gold, the long earrings mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 1.95 carats in total. l. 2”, total weight 4.1 grams $1,500-$2,500


631 Wide Diamond Band 18k yellow gold, the wide band mounted with invisible-set princess-cut diamonds weighing approximately 6.24 carats in total, approximate color E-G and clarity VS1-SI1. size 8-1/2, total weight 19.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,400-$1,800 632 Diamond Bracelet 14k yellow gold, the flexible bracelet mounted with graduated round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.95 carats in total. inside circumference 7-1/2”, total weight 8.1 grams $1,500-$1,800 633 Wide Diamond Band 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.28 carats in total. size 7-1/4, total weight 12.6 grams $2,500-$4,000









634 Collection of Three Vintage Hermes Silk Scarves comprising “Selles A Housse” designed by Christiane Vauzelles in 1968, 35” x 35”, “Passementerie” designed by Francoise Heron in 1960, 35” x 35”, and “Hiver en Poste” designed by Philippe Ledoux in 1975, 35” x 35”, and presented in the original Hermes box. $900-$1,200


635 Hermes Red Epsom Bearn Card Holder and Three Silk Scarves the card holder with palladium “H” tab keeper, the interior with slots for business or credit cards, one top edge silverstamped “Hermes/Paris/Made in France”; the scarves include “Astres et Soleils” designed by Annie Faivre in 1994, “Passementerie” designed by Francoise Heron in 1960 and “La Ronde des Heures” designed by Loic Dubigeon in 2000. card holder h. 2-3/4”, w. 4”, d. 3/4”; scarves 34” x 34” and 35” x 35” $1,200-$1,800




636 Set of Three Hermes Bracelets including a narrow “Clic Clac H” black enamel bracelet, palladium-plated and stamped “HERMES”, inside circumference 6-3/4”, a wide enamel bangle, 18k yellow goldplated, stamped “MADE IN AUSTRIA” and “HERMES PARIS”, w. 3/4”, inside circumference 8”, and a wide enamel bangle, 18k yellow gold-plated, stamped “Made in France + 2” and “HERMES PARIS”, w. 3/4”, inside circumference 7-1/2”. $1,400-$1,800

637 Lady’s Hermes Clipper CL5.410 Automatic Watch stainless steel, the watch with a white/silver dial and date, and a deployant clasp, together with the original box and booklets. inside circumference 7”, total weight 76.3 grams $1,200-$1,800



638 Hermes “Birkin 35” Blue Jean Togo Leather Handbag 2008, with palladium hardware and white contrast stitching, the forward strap plate labeled, the strap reverse blindstamped “166 S” and “L” within a square, the upper front silver-stamped: “Hermes/Paris/Made in France”, with clochette having lock and keys all numbered “101”, the matching blue jean chevre leather-lined interior with a long zippered pocket opposite a long slip pocket, resting on four conical feet, includes a leather care leaflet with embossed envelope, a rain protection packet and labeled dustbag. h. 10-1/2”, w. 14”, d. 7-1/2”; handle drop: 4” $14,000-$18,000


639 Hermes “Birkin 35” Orange Clemence Leather Handbag 2008, with gold hardware, the forward strap plate labeled, the strap reverse blind-stamped “86.S” and “L” within a square, the upper front gilt-stamped “Hermes/Paris/Made in France”, with clochette having lock and keys all numbered “162”, the matching orange chevre leather-lined interior with a long zippered pocket opposite a long slip pocket, resting on four conical feet, includes a leather care leaflet with embossed envelope, a rain protection packet and labeled dust bag. h. 10-1/2”, w. 14”, d. 7-1/2”; handle drop: 4” $14,000-$18,000



640 Hermes “Birkin 35” Polished Miel Porosus Crocodile Handbag 2008, with palladium hardware, the forward strap plate labeled, the reverse blind-stamped “50 S” and “L” within a square, the upper front silver-stamped “Hermes/Paris/Made in France”, with clochette having a skin-clad lock and keys numbered “101”, the matching miel chevre leather-lined interior with a long zippered pocket opposite a long slip pocket, resting on four conical feet, presented in the original Hermes box, includes a rain protection packet and labeled dustbag. h. 10”, w. 14”, d. 7”; handle drop: 4” $30,000-$50,000


640 detail











641 Fire Opal and Diamond Ring 14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut fire opal weighing approximately 1.75 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.38 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 5.2 grams

645 Opal and Diamond Ring 14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with an oval cabochon-cut opal weighing approximately 7.78 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.63 carats in total. size 7, total weight 5.4 grams



642 Pair of Pink Opal and Diamond Earrings 14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with pear-shaped pink opal cabochons weighing approximately 7.85 carats in total, accented by pear-cut opal cabochons weighing approximately 0.53 carats in total and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.26 carats in total. l. 1-1/8”, total weight 5.6 grams

646 Pair of Opal and Diamond Earrings 18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with oval- and pearshaped opal cabochons weighing approximately 16.72 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.17 carats in total. l. 1-7/8”, total weight 20.8 grams



643 Pink Opal and Ruby Ring 14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a cabochon-cut pink opal weighing approximately 25.47 carats, accented by a stylized design mounted with round-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 0.37 carats in total. size 7, total weight 13.5 grams

647 Opal, Sapphire and Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the ring mounted with a marquise-shaped cabochon-cut opal weighing approximately 2.00 carats, accented by round-cut treated sapphires weighing approximately 0.64 carats in total and single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.44 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 13.1 grams



644 Opal and Diamond Earrings and Brooch 14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with marquise-cut opals weighing approximately 1.64 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.10 carats in total, l. 3/4”, and the brooch mounted with marquisecut opals weighing approximately 4.81 carats in total, and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.26 carats in total, l. 1-1/2”. total weight 40.0 grams

648 Pair of Black Opal and Diamond Earrings 14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with black opal doublets weighing approximately 19.50 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.45 carats in total. l. 1-7/8”, total weight 9.6 grams $1,200-$1,800

Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,000-$1,500







649 Jean Mahie Lapis Lazuli and Gold Necklace 22k yellow gold, the necklace composed of 10.0 mm lapis lazuli beads accented with free-form gold beads, stamped “Mahie, 22k”. l. 16”, total weight 90.1 grams $2,000-$4,000 650 Blue Topaz, Diamond and Paraiba Tourmaline Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with two pear-cut blue topazes weighing approximately 14.60 carats in total, accented on the border by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.96 carats in total, and further accented on the sides by round-cut paraiba tourmalines weighing approximately 0.60 carats in total. size 7, total weight 13.6 grams $1,400-$1,800

651 Pair of Blue Topaz and Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with faceted tear-dropshaped blue topaz drops weighing approximately 25.10 carats in total, suspended from “web-like” tops mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.74 carats in total. l. 1-7/8”, total weight 12.9 grams $1,000-$1,500 652 Zircon and Diamond Ring platinum, the ring mounted with an oval-cut blue zircon weighing approximately 7.94 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40 carats in total. size 7-1/2, total weight 7.5 grams $1,200-$1,800






653 Pair of Aquamarine and Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with emerald-cut aquamarines weighing approximately 2.90 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.20 carats in total. l. 2�, total weight 7.5 grams $2,000-$4,000 654 Aquamarine and Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the ring mounted with an emerald-cut aquamarine weighing approximately 11.00 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.30 carats in total. size 7-1/2, total weight 13.6 grams $1,400-$1,800

655 Aquamarine and Diamond Bracelet 18k white gold, the bracelet mounted with emerald-cut aquamarines weighing approximately 9.00 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.85 carats in total. l. 7-1/8�, total weight 20.5 grams $4,000-$7,000 656 Aquamarine and Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut aquamarine weighing approximately 11.00 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.58 carats in total. size 7, total weight 10.5 grams $1,400-$1,800





657 Multi-Colored Sapphire and Diamond Bracelet 14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with oval-cut orange, pink, green, blue and yellow treated sapphires weighing approximately 25.54 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.84 carats in total. l. 7�, total weight 21.3 grams $3,500-$5,000 658 Pink Sapphire and Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut pink sapphire weighing approximately 2.70 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.30 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 11.0 grams

659 Multi-Colored Sapphire and Diamond Necklace 14k white gold, the necklace mounted with oval-cut pink, blue, green, orange, blue and purple treated sapphires weighing approximately 23.08 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 6.55 carats in total. l. 16-1/2�, total weight 44.0 grams $7,000-$10,000

Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,200-$1,800


660 Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with a central princess-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.46 carats, approximate color F and clarity VS1, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.36 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 3.0 grams $2,000-$4,000 661 Diamond Bracelet 14k white gold, the bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 4.00 carats in total. l. 7-1/4”, total weight 13.8 grams $2,000-$4,000

662 Pair of Diamond Dangle Earrings 14k white gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 4.14 carats in total. l. 2”, total weight 9.4 grams $1,800-$2,500 663 Diamond Tennis Necklace 18k white gold, the necklace mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 9.71 carats in total, approximate color G-I and clarity VS2-SI2. l. 17”, total weight 17.3 grams $10,000-$15,000 664 Diamond Bracelet 14k white gold, the three-strand bracelet mounted with graduated round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 6.51 carats in total. l. 6-1/2”, total weight 19.5 grams $9,000-$12,000








665 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Pegase 55” Large Rolling Weekend/Travel Bag the coated canvas bag with a fabric interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware, lock and keys, and dustbag. Date code: H520 067 h. 21-1/2”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 7-3/4”; handle drop: 2-1/2” $1,200-$1,800


666 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Keepall 50” Travel Bag 2012, France, the coated canvas bag with a fabric interior, Vachetta leather trim, luggage loop, brass hardware and dustbag. Date code: DU0172 h. 11”, w. 20”, d. 9”; handle drop 4” $900-$1,200 666

667 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Housse 2 Cintres” Garment Bag 2016, France, the coated canvas bag with a fabric interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware, two interior hangers and removable, adjustable strap. Date code: BA0156 open l. 42”, w. 24-1/2”, closed l. 21-1/2”, w. 24-1/2”; handle drop: 3-1/2”, adjustable strap: 16” to 24” $1,000-$1,500



668 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Eole 60” Trolley Luggage/ Suitcase 2013, France, the coated canvas bag with a fabric interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware, luggage loop and dust bag, designed to carry or roll with a retractable handle, hidden in a zipper compartment on the side. Date code: BA3163 h. 14”, w. 23”, d. 13”; handle drop 6” $1,400-$1,800


669 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Boite Chapeaux 40” the coated canvas hat box with a fabric interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware and a dustbag. Date Code: MS1144 h. 14-1/2”, w. 16”, d. 7”; handle drop 4-1/2” $1,500-$2,500


670 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Carryall” Bag 2016, France, the coated canvas bag with a fabric interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware, luggage loop, lock and key, and dustbag. Date code: TJ2126 h. 11”, w. 16-1/4”, d. 9”; handle drop 5-3/4” $900-$1,200



671 Louis Vuitton Monogram Suitcase/Travel Bag the coated canvas hardside suitcase with a leather interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware, the center closure with integral lock and keys, luggage tag, dustbag and customfitted zippered case. Date code: 107 3717 h. 17”, w. 25-1/2”, d. 7”; handle drop: 2-1/2” $2,500-$4,000


672 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Boite Bouteilles et Glace” 2012, France, the coated canvas travel trunk with a leather interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware, keys and a dustbag. Date code: MZ03259 h. 8”, w. 16”, d. 9” $1,500-$2,500 672

673 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Icare NM” 2017, Italy, the coated canvas bag with a fabric interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware, a lock, a removable and adjustable strap, and a dustbag. Date code: NZ5107 h. 11-1/2”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”; handle drop 5”, adjustable strap 17” to 27” $1,000-$1,500




674 Three Louis Vuitton Monogram Travel Accessories

675 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Sac Chasse” Hunting Bag

including a coated canvas fragrance travel case, 2017, Italy, with a microfiber interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware and a dustbag, Date code: PL4107, h. 5-1/4”, dia. 2-3/4”, a coated canvas three-watch case with a microfiber interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware and a dustbag, dia. 3”, l. 8”, and a king-size coated canvas toiletry bag with a coated canvas interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware and a dustbag, h. 6”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”.

2012, France, the coated canvas travel bag with a fabric interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware and detachable, adjustable strap. Date code: BA0162 h. 16”, w. 20”, d. 8”; handle drop 2”, adjustable strap drop 14-1/2” to 22” $1,200-$1,800









676 Diamond Necklace sterling silver, the necklace mounted with slice-cut and roundcut diamonds weighing approximately 18.35 carats in total. l. 18”, total weight 146.7 grams $1,000-$1,500 677 Diamond Cuff Bracelet sterling silver/14k yellow gold, the sterling silver wide cuff bracelet mounted with various shapes of brown, yellow and white rose-cut and slice-cut diamonds in 14k yellow gold ropetwist borders, weighing approximately 2.05 carats in total. w. 1-3/4”, inside circumference 7”, total weight 68.0 grams $1,200-$1,800

678 Pair of Diamond Dangle Earrings 14k yellow gold/sterling silver, the earrings with three drops that hang independently from the top, each mounted with roseand single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.29 carats in total. l. 2-3/4”, total weight 18.0 grams $1,400-$1,800 679 Pair of Diamond Ear Clips 18k white/yellow gold, the French clip earrings in a crossover design, mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.28 carats in total. l. 3/4”, total weight 14.4 grams $1,500-$2,500



680 Stunning Yellow and White Diamond Ring 18k white/yellow gold, the ring mounted with a cushion-cut Fancy Yellow diamond weighing 6.27 carats, clarity SI2, GIA report #2338743653, flanked on either side by a trapezoid-cut white diamond weighing approximately 0.48 carats in total. size 7-1/2, total weight 7.6 grams $30,000-$50,000 681 Yellow and White Diamond Bracelet 14k white gold, the bracelet mounted with cushion-cut and round brilliant-cut Fancy Yellow diamonds weighing approximately 3.25 carats in total, accented by round brilliantcut white diamonds weighing approximately 1.81 carats in total. l. 7”, total weight 21.8 grams $5,500-$8,000 682 Yellow and White Diamond Bangle Bracelet 18k white/yellow gold, the hinged bracelet mounted with fancy yellow pear- and oval-cut diamonds weighing approximately 5.45 carats in total, accented by white round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.89 carats in total. inside circumference 7”, total weight 23.9 grams $6,000-$9,000 683 Pair of Yellow and White Diamond Earrings 14k white gold, the earrings mounted with pear-cut faint yellow diamonds weighing approximately 0.56 carats in total, approximate color N-O and clarity VS1-SI1, suspended from round brilliant-cut white diamonds weighing approximately 0.65 carats in total, approximate color E-G and clarity VS2-SI2. l. 3/4”, total weight 3.0 grams $1,000-$1,500 684 Yellow and White Diamond Bracelet 18k white/yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with princesscut yellow diamonds weighing approximately 2.16 carats in total, and round brilliant-cut white diamonds weighing approximately 1.23 carats in total. l. 7-1/2”, total weight 9.2 grams $3,000-$5,000


685 Pair of Diamond Earrings 14k yellow gold, the square-shaped earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.96 carats in total. l. 5/8”, total weight 5.9 grams $1,000-$1,500 686 Diamond Band 14k white gold, the crossover-style ring mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.56 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 9.3 grams $1,000-$1,500 687 Citrine and Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with a pear-cut citrine weighing approximately 15.75 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.64 carats in total. size 7, total weight 15.2 grams $1,200-$1,800 688 Lady’s Rolex Oyster Perpetual Watch 18k yellow gold/stainless steel, the non date self-winding mechanical movement with original silver satin-finished Rolex dial, reference #6719, serial #7469, and a Rolex 18k/stainless steel jubilee band and deployant clasp, reference #62523D.18 H9. inside circumference 6-1/2”, total weight 48.6 grams $1,500-$2,500 689 Pair of Citrine and Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with square-cut citrines weighing approximately 8.10 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.16 carats in total. l. 1-3/4”, total weight 10.6 grams $1,000-$1,500



















690 Pair of Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the loop earrings mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.85 carats in total. l. 1”, total weight 3.6 grams $1,000-$1,500 691 Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the wide ring in a free-form design, mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.84 carats in total. top of ring w. 1”, size 6-1/2, total weight 7.6 grams $1,400-$1,800 692 Diamond Bracelet 18k white gold, the chain link bracelet mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.94 carats in total. l. 7-1/8”, total weight 12.0 grams $1,800-$2,500 693 Pair of Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the long loop earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.03 carats in total. l. 1-1/2”, total weight 5.1 grams

694 Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with a central oval-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.29 carats, accented by pear- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.90 carats in total. size 7, total weight 7.0 grams $2,500-$4,000 695 Diamond Necklace 14k white gold, the necklace with a bar pendant mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.54 carats in total, fixed on an adjustable white gold chain. l. 17” to 19”, total weight 3.7 grams $1,000-$1,500 696 Onyx and Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the free-form ring mounted with a polished onyx base, accented on top by a stylized design mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.05 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 14.1 grams $1,800-$2,500



697 Pair of Emerald and Diamond Earrings platinum, the earrings mounted with emerald-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 4.94 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.57 carats in total. l. 2”, total weight 14.4 grams $5,000-$8,000 698 Emerald and Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the ring mounted with an emerald-cut treated emerald weighing approximately 3.21 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40 carats in total. size 7-1/4, total weight 6.2 grams $3,000-$5,000 699 Pair of Emerald and Diamond Earrings 14k white gold, the earrings mounted with emerald-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 1.92 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.26 carats in total. l. 3/8”, total weight 2.5 grams $1,000-$1,500


700 Stunning Convertible Emerald and Diamond Bracelet/ Pendant 18k white gold, the bracelet mounted with an emerald-cut treated emerald weighing approximately 12.44 carats, accented by baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 12.68 carats in total, l. 7”, the detachable emerald mounted with a retractable bail, allowing it to be worn as a pendant, l. 1”. total weight 37.1 grams $18,000-$25,000 701 Emerald and Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with an emerald-cut treated emerald weighing approximately 7.29 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.54 carats in total. size 7-1/4, total weight 8.0 grams $6,000-$9,000




700 detail




708 702








702 Emerald, Diamond, Rock Crystal and Onyx Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with a central emeraldcut treated emerald weighing approximately 1.06 carats, surrounded by a border of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.21 carats in total, accented by a border of carved rock crystal and black onyx. size 7, total weight 7.0 grams

706 Sapphire, Emerald and Diamond Between-the-Finger Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with a cushion-cut treated emerald weighing approximately 0.55 carats and a cushion-cut treated sapphire weighing approximately 1.02 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.47 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 3.0 grams



703 Emerald and Diamond Ring platinum, the ring mounted with a central round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 1.25 carats, approximate color I and clarity I1, surrounded by a halo of trapezoidand square-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 1.23 carats in total, and an outer halo of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.41 carats in total. size 7, total weight 10.1 grams

707 Pair of Sapphire and Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with oval-cut treated sapphires weighing approximately 6.92 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.30 carats in total. l. 1-1/2�, total weight 8.2 grams


708 Sapphire and Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut treated sapphire weighing approximately 1.49 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.91 carats in total. size 7-1/2, total weight 4.9 grams

704 Emerald and Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with an emerald-cut treated emerald weighing approximately 3.48 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.59 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 6.3 grams $4,000-$7,000 705 Emerald and Diamond Bracelet 14k white gold, the bracelet mounted with oval-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 8.51 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.53 carats in total. l. 7�, total weight 13.5 grams $3,000-$5,000


$1,500-$2,500 709 Pair of Sapphire and Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with oval-cut treated sapphires weighing approximately 4.65 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.85 carats in total. l. 1-1/4�, total weight 5.4 grams $1,200-$1,800


710 Sapphire and Diamond Necklace 14k white gold, the necklace mounted with graduated ovalcut treated sapphires weighing approximately 38.57 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 7.24 carats in total. l. 17-1/4�, total weight 34.2 grams $7,000-$10,000 711 Sapphire and Diamond Bracelet 18k white gold, the bracelet mounted with oval-cut treated sapphires weighing approximately 7.00 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.20 carats in total. l. 7�, total weight 10.1 grams $2,000-$4,000

712 Sapphire and Diamond Ring 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a natural oval-cut sapphire weighing approximately 1.95 carats, surrounded by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 7.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,400-$1,800 713 Sapphire and Diamond Ring 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a pear-cut treated sapphire weighing approximately 22.95 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.41 carats in total. size 7-3/4, total weight 15.5 grams $1,200-$1,800








714 Two Vintage Louis Vuitton Bags including a black epi leather “Keepall 50” travel bag with a raw leather interior, brass hardware, luggage tag and dustbag, 1994, France, Date Code: VI0954, h. 8-1/4”, w. 20”, d. 11”, handle drop 4”, and a blue epi leather “Alma PM” handbag with a microfiber interior and brass hardware, 1996, France, Date Code: MI1916, h. 9”, w. 12”, d. 6”, handle drop 3-1/2”. $1,400-$1,800

715 Two Vintage Louis Vuitton Handbags including a “Noe PM” red epi leather shoulder bag with a microfiber interior and brass hardware, 1996, France, Date Code: AR0916, h. 10-1/4”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 7-1/2”, adjustable shoulder strap drop 11” to 13”, and a “Randonnee” Kenyan Fawn epi leather shoulder bag with a microfiber interior and brass hardware, 1995, France, Date Code: AR0955, h. 16”, w. 11”, d. 6”, cinch strap drop 12”.



716 Two Vintage Louis Vuitton Handbags including a coated canvas damier azur ivory “Hampstead PM” shoulder bag with a microfiber interior, Vachetta trim and brass hardware, 2007, France, Date Code: MI4087, h. 9-1/2”, w. 11”, d. 6-3/4”, handle drop 7”, and an ivory jacquard cotton monogrammed “Sabbia Besace” shoulder bag with a fabric interior, ivory leather trim, brass hardware, and lock with no key, 2010, Italy, Date Code: FO4170, h. 13-1/4”, w. 11-3/4”, d. 5-1/2”, adjustable strap drop 13” to 18”. $1,800-$2,500 717 Louis Vuitton Monogram “Musette GM” Messenger Bag and Toiletry Pouch





the coated canvas messenger bag with a Vachetta leather strap, microfiber interior and brass hardware, 2001, France, Date Code: SD0011, h. 14”, w. 13-1/4”, d. 3”, adjustable strap drop 15-1/4” to 20”, and the coated canvas toiletry pouch with an ivory leather interior and brass hardware, 1982, Date Code: 822, h. 6-1/2”, w. 11”, d. 3”.

including a coated canvas “Cabas Mezzo” tote bag with a canvas interior, Vachetta leather handles and brass hardware, 1999, France, Date Code: AR0949, h. 12-3/4”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 6”, strap drop 10”, and a coated canvas “Popincourt Haut” tote bag with a canvas interior, Vachetta leather trim and brass hardware, 2008, France, Date Code: FL4028, h. 9-1/2”, w. 11”, d. 5”, adjustable strap drop 6” to 10”.



718 Vintage Louis Vuitton Monogram”Danube” Bag and Check Holder

720 Two Vintage Monogram Louis Vuitton Travel Bags

the coated canvas bag with a coated canvas interior, Vachetta leather trim and brass hardware, 2003, France, Date Code: SL0063, h. 8”, w. 6”, d. 1-3/4”, adjustable strap drop 18” to 21”, and the coated canvas bifold check holder with three slots and a coated canvas interior, 2018, Spain, Date Code: CA3168, h. 6-1/2”, w. 3-3/4”. $1,000-$1,500 719 Two Vintage Monogram Louis Vuitton Handbags

including a coated canvas “Keepall 50” travel bag with a canvas interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware, luggage loop and luggage tag, 1999, France, Date Code: FL0969, h. 10-1/2”, w. 19-1/2”, d. 8-1/2”, handle drop 3-1/2”, and a coated canvas “Keepall Bandouliere 55” travel bag with a canvas interior, Vachetta leather trim, brass hardware and shoulder strap, 1999, France, Date Code: SP0939, h. 11”, w. 21-1/2”, d. 9-3/4”, handle drop 4”, adjustable strap drop 16” to 20”. $1,500-$2,500

720 718


721 Large Amethyst and Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut amethyst weighing approximately 20.95 carats, surrounded by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.90 carats in total. size 7-1/4, total weight 13.0 grams $1,500-$2,500 722 Pair of Amethyst, Citrine and Diamond Ear Clips 18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with carved amethyst and citrine, and accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.14 carats in total. l. 2”, total weight 22.8 grams Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 723 Amethyst and Diamond Ring 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with three oval-cut amethysts weighing approximately 13.15 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.65 carats in total. size 7-1/2, total weight 10.9 grams $1,000-$1,500 724 Amethyst and Diamond Ring 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut amethyst weighing approximately 5.62 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.81 carats in total. size 6, total weight 10.3 grams $1,200-$1,800 725 Amethyst and Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the ring mounted with a square-cut amethyst weighing approximately 30.21 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 12.9 grams $1,200-$1,800

726 Pair of Gem-Set Earrings 14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with oval-cut blue topazes weighing approximately 2.00 carats in total, emeraldcut amethysts weighing approximately 1.80 carats in total, pear-cut citrines weighing approximately 1.50 carats in total, cabochon-cut emeralds weighing approximately 0.40 carats in total, cabochon-cut sapphires weighing approximately 0.40 carats in total and cabochon-cut rubies weighing approximately 0.40 carats in total. l. 1”, total weight 15.6 grams $1,000-$1,500 727 Diamond and Ruby Brooch 18k yellow gold, the brooch with an open free-form design, mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.34 carats in total and round-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 2.70 carats in total. size 2-1/4” x 3”, total weight 39.4 grams Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 728 Ruby and Diamond Ring 18k yellow/white gold, the ring mounted with a central oval-cut treated ruby weighing approximately 0.75 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.62 carats in total and square-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 0.84 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 12.8 grams $1,400-$1,800 729 Pair of Ruby and Diamond Earrings 14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with oval-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 1.50 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.28 carats in total. l. 1”, total weight 4.20 grams $1,500-$2,500 730 Pair of Ruby and Diamond Earrings 14k yellow gold, the half hoop earrings mounted with a row of baguette-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 2.40 carats in total, flanked on either side by a row of round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 1.60 carats in total. l. 3/4”, total weight 11.8 grams $1,000-$1,500






724 729



723 727







738 735



731 Ruby and Diamond Necklace 18k yellow gold, the hinged necklace mounted with an oval cabochon-cut treated ruby weighing 11.92 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.10 carats in total. l. 15-1/2”, total weight 43.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein.

735 Ruby and Diamond Band 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a row of square-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 0.80 carats in total, flanked on the top and bottom by a row of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.55 carats in total. size 7-1/2, total weight 6.3 grams



732 Pair of Ruby and Diamond Earrings 14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with oval cabochoncut treated rubies weighing approximately 2.82 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.95 carats in total. l. 1”, total weight 15.0 grams

736 Ruby and Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut treated ruby weighing approximately 0.36 carats, accented by baguetteand round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.00 carat in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 4.0 grams

Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein.


$1,000-$1,500 733 Pair of Ruby and Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with oval-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 4.50 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.20 carats in total. l. 1-3/4”, total weight 11.0 grams $1,500-$2,500 734 Diamond and Ruby Ring platinum, the ring mounted with a central round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.40 carats, accented by square-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 0.21 carats in total and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.09 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 2.8 grams

737 Pair of Ruby and Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with round-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 2.00 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.90 carats in total. l. 1-5/8”, total weight 8.8 grams $1,400-$1,800 738 Ruby and Diamond Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut treated ruby weighing approximately 0.75 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut and single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.72 carats in total. size 9-1/4, total weight 6.7 grams $1,000-$1,500



739 Diamond Ring 18k rose/white gold, the ring mounted with princess-, baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.75 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 3.5 grams $1,200-$1,800

743 Diamond Crossover Ring 18k rose/white gold, the ring in the form of a leaf, mounted with pear-, marquise- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.03 carats in total, approximate color F-G and clarity VVS2-VS2. size 6-1/4, total weight 3.0 grams $1,200-$1,800

740 Pair of Diamond Earrings 18k rose gold, the earrings mounted with baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.72 carats in total. l. 1/2”, total weight 4.0 grams

744 Multi-Colored Diamond Ring 18k rose gold, the ring mounted with pear-cut brown and yellowish-green diamonds weighing approximately 0.89 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut white diamonds weighing approximately 0.48 carats in total. size 7, total weight 8.4 grams



741 Fancy Brown Diamond Ring 14k rose gold, the ring mounted with round brilliant-cut fancy brown diamonds weighing approximately 1.62 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 5.1 grams

745 Alexandrite and Diamond Ring 18k white/yellow gold, the crossover-designed ring mounted with one oval-cut alexandrite weighing 1.55 carats, with a color change from yellowish green to gray, GIA report #5191717323, and one oval-cut alexandrite weighing 1.36 carats, with a color change from yellowish green to yellowish brown, GIA report #6207568501, the whole accented with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.00 carats in total. size 6-1/2, total weight 11.4 grams

$1,200-$1,800 742 Pair of Diamond “Leaf” Earrings 18k rose/white gold, the reticulated earrings in the form of a leaf, mounted with round brilliant-cut and marquise-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.60 carats in total. l. 1-7/8”, total weight 7.5 grams $1,800-$2,500

$5,000-$8,000 746 Pair of Diamond Earrings 14k white/yellow gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.60 carats in total. l. 1-7/8”, total weight 9.7 grams $1,500-$2,500













748 751




747 Diamond Ring 14k yellow gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut diamond weighing approximately 1.10 carats, approximate color G and clarity VS2, flanked on either side by a pear-cut diamond weighing approximately 1.05 carats in total, approximate color H-I and clarity VS1-SI1. size 5, total weight 4.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $2,000-$4,000 748 Pair of Diamond Earrings 18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 2.38 carats in total. l. 2-1/2”, total weight 11.5 grams $1,800-$2,500 749 Diamond Ring 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with a triangle rose-cut faint yellow diamond weighing approximately 0.40 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut white diamonds weighing approximately 0.45 carats in total. size 6-1/4, total weight 3.6 grams

750 Pair of Diamond Earrings 14k yellow gold, the hoop earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.82 carats in total. l. 1-1/2”, total weight 4.8 grams $1,000-$1,500 751 Pair of Diamond Stud Earrings 18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.04 carats in total. total weight 1.1 grams $1,200-$1,800 752 Diamond “Leaf” Pendant and Earrings 14k gold/gold vermeil, the articulated pendant and earrings mounted with rose-cut diamonds weighing approximately 4.94 carats in total, the pendant suspended from an 18” 14k gold chain. pendant l. 3”, earrings l. 3-1/4”, total weight 33.9 grams $1,000-$1,500



753 Emerald and Diamond Necklace 14k yellow gold, the necklace mounted with oval-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 3.00 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.84 carats in total. l. 16”, total weight 58.3 grams $2,500-$4,000 754 Emerald and Diamond Bracelet 14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with oval-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 2.20 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.90 carats in total. l. 7”, total weight 14.4 grams $2,500-$4,000 755 Emerald and Diamond Ring 18k yellow gold, the bypass ring mounted with oval-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 4.88 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.58 carats in total. size 7-1/4, total weight 5.4 grams

757 Emerald and Diamond Brooch 14k yellow gold, the brooch mounted with oval-, marquiseand round-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 4.84 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.64 carats in total. l. 1-3/4”, total weight 11.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,000-$1,500 758 Pair of Tourmaline and Diamond Earrings 14k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with square step-cut green tourmalines weighing approximately 12.80 carats in total, accented by baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.22 carats in total. l. 5/8”, total weight 12.3 grams $1,000-$1,500 759 Pair of Elizabeth Locke Earrings 18k yellow gold, the earrings mounted with a glass intaglio of a cupid, stamped “18k” and with the Elizabeth Locke logo. l. 7/8”, total weight 18.2 grams



756 Emerald and Diamond Bracelet 14k yellow gold, the bracelet mounted with oval-cut treated emeralds weighing approximately 3.00 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.89 carats in total. l. 7”, total weight 26.4 grams

760 Diamond and Ruby “Bird” Brooch 18k yellow/white gold, the brooch mounted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.46 carats in total, and round-cut treated rubies weighing approximately 0.20 carats in total, accented with cabochon-cut lapis lazuli, turquoise, angel skin coral and enamel. l. 3-1/4”, total weight 26.0 grams


Provenance: Private collection, Mobile, Alabama. $1,400-$1,800











761 Vintage Chanel Black Aged Kidskin Shoulder Tote 2009-2010, ruthenium hardware, with leather-threaded chain and magnetic closure, a quilted “CC”-labeled band around the top, both lower sides with a large open pocket centered with an inverted pleat, resting on four domed feet, the black twill-lined interior with a long zippered pocket patch-labeled in silver “Chanel/Made in France” opposite two slip pockets, retains a small leather strap with lobster claw clasp at one side, includes a labeled dust bag. h. 10”, w. 13”, d. 7”; adjustable strap drop: 9-1/2” to 18” $1,400-$1,800

762 Chanel Fantasy Tweed Medium 2.55 Double Flap Bag


2005-2006, gold hardware, with rear slip pocket and “CC” turn lock tab closure stamped “Chanel/Paris” on the reverse plate, the convertible leather-threaded chain sliding through paired grommet openings, the outer flap with a long zippered pocket above a deep pocket, the interior flap with snap closure and trapunto “CCs” on the underside above gilt-labeled “Chanel/ Made in France”, with two half-gusseted pockets flanking a small open pocket and a deep outer pocket, the entire interior ecru kidskin-lined, includes a box, authenticity card, care card and dust bag. h. 6”, w. 10”, d. 2-3/4”; chain drop: 9” doubled and 16” singled Provenance: Private collection, Mobile, Alabama. $1,500-$2,500


763 Chanel Almond-Beige Kidskin Surpique Hobo 2002-2003, gold hardware, with tapered flat shoulder strap, the zippered top closure with a matching leather “CC” tab, the logo fabric-lined interior with opposing large zippered pockets, one patch-labeled “Chanel/Made in Italy”, resting on four domed feet. h. 11”, w. 15”, d. 4”; strap drop: 6-1/2” $1,200-$1,800 763


764 Vintage Chanel Chestnut Caviar Leather Large Shopping Tote ca. 1998, with flat tapered and contoured straps, the front with trapunto “CC”, the matching kidskin-lined open interior with a large semi-attached zippered pocket gilt-stamped “Chanel”, includes the authenticity card and a Chanel care booklet. h. 12-1/2”, w. 16-1/4”, d. 4-1/2”; strap drop: 11” $1,000-$1,500


765 Vintage Chanel Red Lambskin Bucket Bag ca. 1990, gold hardware, with adjustable drawstring closure and two “quilted” gold balls attached at one side, on a structured banded base with trapunto “CC”, the self-lined interior gilt-labeled “Chanel”, a zippered pouch with “CC” tab attached at one upper side, includes the authenticity card. h. 10”, w. 8-3/4”, d. 5-1/2”; strap drop: 9” and 19-1/2” $2,000-$4,000


766 Vintage Chanel Mocha Lambskin Classic Double Flap Bag ca. 1990, gold hardware, with rear slip pocket and “CC” turn lock closure stamped “Chanel/Paris” on the reverse plate, with convertible leather-threaded chain, the cover flap with a long zippered pocket above a deep pocket, the interior flap with trapunto “CC” above gilt-stamped “Chanel” and two halfgusseted pockets with a forward slip pocket, snap closure, includes the authenticity card and dustbag. h. 6”, w. 10-1/4”, d. 2-3/4”; strap drop: 9-1/2” and 16-1/2” $3,500-$5,000





770 768

767 Pair of Tanzanite and Diamond Earrings 18k white gold, the earrings mounted with oval-cut tanzanites weighing approximately 5.44 carats in total, accented by baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.52 carats in total. l. 1”, total weight 10.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,800-$2,500 768 Tanzanite and Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut tanzanite weighing approximately 6.96 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.78 carats in total. size 7-3/4, total weight 5.2 grams $1,400-$1,800 769 Tanzanite and Diamond Pendant with Chain 14k white gold, the pendant mounted with a pear-cut tanzanite weighing approximately 2.58 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.25 carats in total, l. 1-1/4”, suspended from an 18” white gold chain. total weight 9.6 grams $1,400-$1,800


770 Tanzanite and Diamond Ring 14k white gold, the ring mounted with a cushion-cut tanzanite weighing approximately 3.07 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.18 carats in total. size 6-3/4, total weight 6.3 grams $1,200-$1,800 771 Tanzanite Jewelry Suite 14k yellow gold/sterling silver, the suite including a sterling silver necklace finished with a 14k yellow gold clasp, l. 17-1/2”, a sterling silver bracelet finished with a 14k yellow gold clasp, l. 7-1/2”, a sterling silver ring, size 7, and a pair of sterling silver earrings, l. 1/4”, all mounted with trilliant-cut tanzanites, with an approximate total weight of 55.90 carats. total weight 19.4 grams $1,500-$2,500




779 775







772 Gentleman’s Natural Sapphire and Diamond Ring 18k yellow gold, the ring mounted with an oval-cut natural sapphire weighing approximately 1.60 carats, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.36 carats in total. size 11-1/4, total weight 12.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $1,200-$1,800 773 Gentleman’s Diamond Bracelet 18k yellow gold, the bracelet with large open links accented by sections mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.14 carats in total. l. 8”, total weight 31.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500 774 Gentleman’s Emerald and Black Quartz Ring 18k white gold, the ring mounted with a pyramid-cut treated emerald weighing approximately 9.94 carats, accented on each side with a tapered baguette-cut black quartz weighing approximately 1.12 carats in total. size 9-3/4, total weight 19.0 grams Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $1,500-$2,500 775 Gentleman’s Rolex Day-Date Wrist Watch 18k yellow gold, the self-winding, sweep second non-quickset calendar self winding mechanical movement watch with an after market silver-colored dial set with round brilliant-cut and baguette-cut diamonds, the dial signed “Rolex, Oyster Perpetual, Day-Date, Superlative Chronometer officially certified”, the brown leather strap with a gold-plated Rolexstyle buckle, reference #1803, serial #1,077,XXX. total weight 63.0 grams

776 Five Pairs of Cufflinks including a pair of 18k yellow gold and black enamel cufflinks mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.02 carats in total, l. 1-1/4”, and four pairs of 14k yellow gold cufflinks, one in the shape of an oval, l. 7/8”, one mounted with carnelian, l. 7/8”, one in the shape of the state of Texas and mounted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.02 carats in total, l. 3/4”, and one pair of Tiffany & Co. United States Senate cufflinks, l. 3/4”. total weight 58.5 grams Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,200-$1,800 777 Tiffany & Co. Onyx Cufflink and Stud Set 14k yellow gold, the set mounted with polished onyx and stamped “TIFFANY & CO.”. l. 7/8”, total weight 23.4 grams $1,000-$1,500 778 Fine Pair of Ruby and Diamond Cufflinks 18k/14k white gold, the cufflinks mounted with square-cut rubies weighing approximately 0.90 carats in total, accented by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40 carats in total. l. 1/2”, total weight 10.0 grams $1,400-$1,800 779 Diamond and Onyx Cufflink and Stud Set 18k white gold, the set mounted with old mine-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.45 carats in total. l. 1/2”, total weight 17.1 grams $1,200-$1,800




780 Cased Set of Sixteen 50 Pesos Mexican Gold Coins 21.6k yellow gold, the coins dating from 1921-1931 and 1943-1947, each coin weighing 37.5 grams, mounted between acrylic sheets with date notations. overall size 8-5/8� x 11-1/4� Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $30,000-$50,000

780 detail


781 American Eagle 1 Oz. Fine Gold $50 Proof Coin 22k yellow gold, with outer case and booklet. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000 781

782 American Eagle 1 Oz. Fine Gold $50 Proof Coin 22k yellow gold, with outer case and booklet. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000 782

783 American Eagle 1 Oz. Fine Gold $50 Proof Coin 22k yellow gold, with outer case and booklet. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000 783

784 American Eagle 1 Oz. Fine Gold $50 Proof Coin 22k yellow gold, with outer case and booklet. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000 784

785 American Eagle 1 Oz. Fine Gold $50 Proof Coin 22k yellow gold, with outer case and booklet. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000 785


786 Thomas Jefferson Signed Letter to Mr. Laurence, dated “Washington Oct.14.08”, thanking him for the “sample of Spanish Wheat . . . and the offer of a further portion for trial”, noting that “my love of agriculture, more than my skill in it, will ensure it a fair trial & liberal distribution of the proceeds if found to have merit” with instructions on how to send the sample, signed “Th. Jefferson”, on quarter-folded note paper, presented on board, glazed and framed. sight 9-5/8” x 7-7/8”, framed 11-3/4” x 9-7/8” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500 This letter was written during Jefferson’s second term as President. 787 George Deem (American, 1932-2008) “A Limited Guide to Famous Portraits”, July 1964 oil on canvas signed, titled and dated en verso. Framed. 42” x 36”, framed 43” x 37”


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000 788 Rare Liverpool-Type Transfer-Printed Creamware Jug first quarter 19th century, possibly Herculaneum, the small jug decorated with “The Politicians” on the obverse and a view of “Merry Andrew” on the reverse. h. 6-3/4”, w. 6-3/4”, d. 4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500




789 Engraved Ostrich Egg on Stand 20th century, decorated in the 18th-century Masonic fashion with the Great Seal of the United States, Masonic compass and trowel, and a portrait of “Gen’l. Washington”, on a molded brass stand. h. 7-1/2”, dia. 6” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 790 Andrew Johnson Autograph and Carte de Visite mounted on board, glazed and framed, the reverse with typewritten precis of the scarcity of Johnson’s autographs and Washington, D.C. framer’s label. carte sight 4” x 2-3/8”, autograph sight 2-1/2” x 3-11/16”, framed 9-3/4” x 6-7/8” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. 789

$500-$1,000 791 Harry S. Truman Autographed Photograph autographed “Kindest regards to Hon. Lloyd Bentsen M.C. Harry Truman”, glazed and framed. sight 10-3/4” x 13-3/4”, framed 11-3/4” x 14-5/8” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000




792 Dwight D. Eisenhower Autographed Photograph signed “For the Honorable Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., M.C., with best wishes, Dwight D. Eisenhower” and dated by hand “December, 1951”, matted, glazed and framed. 9-5/8” x 7-7/8”, framed 14-5/8” x 11-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $500-$1,000 In December 1951, Bentsen was serving in Congress as Representative for the Texas 15th Congressional District and Eisenhower as the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. 793 John F. Kennedy Autographed Photograph presented on board autographed “To Lloyd Bentsen - with the high esteem and best regards, his old colleague, John Kennedy”, glazed and framed. sight 9-1/2” x 7-1/2”, framed 14-1/2” x 11-1/2”


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 794 John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage Lloyd Bentsen’s personal copy (New York: Harper & Brothers, ca. 1960), signed on the flyleaf “To Lloyd Bentsen with very best wishes, John Kennedy”, in blue half cloth, the spine with gilt title and lettering; no dust jacket. 8-1/2” x 6” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.





794 detail

795 John F. Kennedy, The Strategy of Peace (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960), first edition, first printing, signed on the flyleaf “With very best wishes, John Kennedy”, in black cloth, the spine with red lettering, with original dust jacket. 8-1/2” x 6” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $1,000-$1,500 796 Lyndon B. Johnson Autographed Photograph presented on board autographed “To Lloyd Bentsen with affection, Lyndon Johnson”, glazed and framed. sight 13” x 9-3/4”, framed 17-1/2” x 13-1/2”


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 797 Gerald Ford Autographed Photograph with Lloyd Bentsen, presented on board with calligraphic presentation inscription to Senator Lloyd Bensten and autographed “and with appreciation of our fine friendship, very best wishes, Jerry Ford”, glazed and framed. sight 13-1/4” x 15-5/16”, framed 14-1/2” x 16-1/2”

795 detail

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000




798 Jimmy Carter Autographed Photograph shaking hands with Lloyd Bentsen, autographed “To my good friend Lloyd Bentsen, Jimmy Carter”, presented on board, glazed and framed. sight 11-1/2” x 10-1/2”, framed 12-3/4” x 11-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000


799 Ronald Reagan Autographed Photograph seated with Lloyd Bentsen in the Blue Room of the White House, autographed “Dear Lloyd - It was great having you here. Very best wishes & regards. Ronald Reagan”, glazed and framed. sight 7-1/2” x 9-3/8”, framed 8-3/4” x 10-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 799

800 George H. W. Bush Autographed Photograph at breakfast with Lloyd Bentsen, presented on board and autographed “Dear Lloyd - Thanks for your terrific leadership on ‘Fast Track’ - Now Let’s Eat - George Bush”, glazed and framed. sight 7-5/8” x 9-3/4”, framed 8-3/4” x 10-7/8” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000


8 300

801 Bill Clinton Autographed Photo laughing at a podium with Lloyd Bentsen, presented on card autographed “To Lloyd Bentsen, with thanks for offering me a little more maturity - & hope this isn’t our last laugh! Bill Clinton”. glazed and framed. sight 7-1/2” x 9-1/2”, framed 12” x 13-1/4” The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $500-$1,000 801

803 Seven Pieces of Congressional Silver and Silverplate


802 Four Autographed Presidential Books including: Lyndon Baines Johnson, The Vantage Point: Perspectives of the Presidency, 1963-1969; Richard Nixon, Seize the Moment: America’s Challenge in a One-Superpower World (with letter); Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President; and Jimmy Carter, We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work, each signed and inscribed by the author to Lloyd or B.A. Bentsen.

third quarter 20th century, including: a Reed & Barton silverplate oval footed tray, 1950, Taunton, Massachusetts, the underside engraved “Presented to Congressman Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. in appreciation for job well done March 11, 1954, from your Rio Grande Valley friends”, 28-3/4” x 19-1/2”; a Tane, Mexico City, Mexico sterling silver receiving tray engraved “Senator Lloyd Bentsen”, 10” x 6”, 10.36 t. oz.; a set of four Kirk-Stieff, Baltimore, Maryland silverplated pewter Revere bowls, engraved with authorized seal of the U.S. Senate and signature “Lloyd & B.A. Bentsen”, h. 4-3/4”, dia. 9”; a Salisbury Pewterers, Easton, Maryland silverplated pewter bottle coaster, engraved with the authorized seal of the U.S. Senate and signature “John C. Stennis” (D-MS), dia. 5-7/8”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed descriptions available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000



804 Collection of Six Pieces of Presentation Glassware Owned by Lloyd Bentsen including a molded glass water pitcher, h. 7-1/2”, w. 7”, and three ashtrays, h. 2”, w. 6-1/2”, engraved with the authorized seal of the US Senate and Lloyd Bentsen’s signature, an Orrefors cut crystal ice bucket with an engraved seal on the obverse reading “Houston Hall of Fame, Lloyd Bentsen” and “The Sixth Day of May, Nineteen Hundred Ninety Nine” on the reverse, signed “Orrefors” and an illegible number on the base, Swedish, h. 6”, w. 8-1/2”, and a Steuben “teardrop” cocktail shaker, engraved “LMB” and signed “Steuben” on the base, h. 10”, dia. 3-3/4”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.


$800-$1,000 805 Lloyd Bentsen Letters and Ephemera, 1940s-1970s including an early scrapbook (with signed letters from Harry Truman, Bess Truman, Estes Kefauver, J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, and invitations to the 1949 Truman Inaugural Ball, the 1953 Eisenhower Inauguration, and a barbecue at the LBJ Ranch), autographed photographs of Sam Rayburn, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and John Glenn, a letter from Lady Bird Johnson written four days after the assassination of President Kennedy, and other items. 14 pieces Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of items available on request. 805

The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.

806 Speaker Sam Rayburn Autographed Photograph and Memorabilia


including: a Photograph of Sam Rayburn, D-TX (1882-1961), by Robert Lee Shoaf, Sr. (1918-1971), mounted on board with autograph inscription “To my friend Lloyd Bentsen who likes ugly things - Sam Rayburn”, glazed and framed, sight, 17-1/2” x 15-1/4”, framed 21-1/2” x 17-1/4”; C. Dwight Dorough, Mr. Sam: A Biography of Samuel T. Rayburn, Speaker of the House (New York: Random House, 1962), with autographed presentation inscription from the author to Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., 9-1/2” x 6-3/4”; and a sheet of fifty 1962 Sam Rayburn 4-cent stamps in presentation folio to Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., sheet, 9” -10-1/4”, folio 10-1/4” x 9-5/8”. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. 807

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $500-$1,000



807 Lloyd Bentsen Letters and Ephemera, 1980s

808 Lloyd Bentsen Letters and Ephemera, 1990s

including letters from Lady Bird Johnson and Kitty Dukakis, and autographed photographs of Jimmy Carter and Michael Dukakis, commemorative stamps, a 1989 W Congressional Bicentennial $5 gold piece and other items. 11 pieces

including signed letters from Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Bob Dole, autographed photographs of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George H. W. Bush and Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, and other items. 16 pieces

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

Detailed list of items available on request

Detailed list of items available on request.

The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.

The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.





809 Framed Set of Series 1993 U.S. Bank Notes including $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100, with brass plaque “Lloyd Bentsen / Secretary of the Treasury” in which capacity his signature appears on the bills, matted, glazed and framed. notes 2-5/8” x 6-1/8”, plaque 1-1/2” x 3”, framed 30-1/2” x 12-3/8” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 810 Collection of Lloyd Bentsen Secretary of the Treasury Memorabilia including: an autographed photograph of President Bill Clinton with Lloyd Bentsen laughing in the Cabinet Room of the White House, ca. 1994, signed “To Sec. Bentsen - It’s nice to have something to laugh about! Thanks, Bill Clinton”, sight 7-1/2” x 9-1/2”, overall 9” x 11”; a Bronze Door Plaque of the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, Room 3330 of the Treasury Department, with the arms of the Treasury and “Lloyd Bentsen, The Secretary of the Treasury”, presented in a glazed shadowbox frame with brass presentation plaque to Bentsen from his “Friends at the Department of the Treasury”, sight 8-1/2” x 8-1/2”, framed 17-1/2” x 14-1/2”; a U.S. Series 1993 One Dollar note, 2-1/2” x 6”, and a 1993 Congressional Medal of Lloyd Bentsen, 69th Secretary of the Treasury, designed by Thomas D. Rogers, dia. 3”, in double shadowbox frame and glazed, the reverse with portal to view the medal reverse, overall 14” x 11-3/4”; a 1994 Silver Eagle 1 oz. coin, dia. 40.6 mm, presented in a black velvet case, 2-5/8” x 2-5/8”, minted during Bentsen’s tenure as Secretary of the Treasury; and a Japanese Series D 1000 Yen note, matted, glazed and framed, the matte with calligraphic presentation inscription to Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen “This and a Bentsen buck will get you a cup of coffee - in Tokyo - The Treasury Press Corps - 1/20/1993-12/21/1994” and signed by 22 members of the Corps, bill sight 3” x 5-3/4”, overall 9-1/2” x 12-1/2”.


811 Bill Clinton Letter and Photograph the holographic letter on White House stationery to retiring Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, dated December 6, 1994, “This was a hard day for me & I have leaned on you, perhaps more that you know . . . Thanks for everything. You did your country proud” and signed “sincerely, Bill”, matted, glazed and framed, sight 10” x 6-7/8”, framed 13-1/2” x 10-5/16”; together with a photograph of Bill Clinton with Lloyd and B.A. Bentsen, presented on card and autographed “To Lloyd & BA - You look great - and you are! Thanks, Bill Clinton”, glazed and framed, sight 7-1/2” x 9-1/2”, framed 8-3/4” x 11”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.

The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.









812 Bill Clinton Autographed Books and Photograph

814 Eisenhower Leadership Prize and Associated Memorabilia

including copies of Between Hope and History, My Life and Back to Work: Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy, with a photograph of Clinton with Lloyd Bentsen in the Cabinet Room, all signed and inscribed to Lloyd or B.A. Bentsen from Clinton. 4 pieces

including: The Eisenhower Leadership Prize: a patinated bronze bust of Dwight D. Eisenhower by Nison A. Tregor (1904-1972), New Art Foundry, Baltimore, Maryland, presented on a wood base with brass presentation plaque to Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, June 15, 1994, h. 17-1/2”, w. 5-3/8”, d. 6”; Memorabilia from the June 15, 1994 presentation of the Eisenhower Leadership Prize to Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, including two staple-bound copies of the introductory speech by Dr. Donald B. Rice, 9” x 4”, two staplebound dinner programs, 10-1/2” x 8-1/2”, a Fall 1994 copy of the Fall 1994 Bulletin of the Eisenhower World Affairs Institute covering the presentation and with photograph of Bentsen receiving the award, 11” x 8-1/2”; and Four cased proof 1971 Eisenhower One Dollar coins, dia. 1-1/2”, in plastic case and pasteboard box, overall 7-1/2” x 5-1/4”. 14 pieces

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed descriptions available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 813 Lloyd Bentsen Letters and Ephemera, 2000s including signed letters and photographs from Bill and Hillary Clinton, a Clinton commemorative punch bowl, presentation of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle, and other items. 10 pieces Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of items available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 Nison Tregor, a Lithuanian-born artist who used his talents to create reconstructive models of soldiers’ damaged faces for plastic surgeons during World War II, was later appointed by Eisenhower to be one of the acclaimed “Monuments Men” responsible for securing the recovery of looted artworks.




815 Lloyd Bentsen Collection of Campaign Buttons presented on a framed velvet board, including McKinley, Roosevelt, Wilson, Coolidge, Hoover, Al Smith, Alf Landon, FDR, Willkie, Dewey, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, with several from Lloyd Bentsen’s own campaigns as Senator, President and Vice-President, and many others. 66 buttons framed 17-5/8” x 21-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $500-$1,000


817 Seventeen Autographed Books by 20th-Century Notables 816 816 Twelve Autographed Senatorial and Congressional Books

including books signed by Bob Dole, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, Daniel Patrick Moynihan (one cheekily inscribed “Blessings - written exclusively for money!”), George J. Mitchell, Paul Simon and others. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of books available on request.

including works by Alan Greenspan, Madeleine Albright, George R. Will, Bob Woodward, David Brinkley, Katharine Graham, James Kenneth Galbraith and others, all autographed, most with presentation inscriptions to Lloyd or B.A. Bentsen. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list available on request.

The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.

The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.




818 Walter D. Richards (American, 1907-2006) “Annual Hunt at the Palomas Ranch, Texas, with President Lyndon B. Johnson, Governor John Connally, Senator Lloyd Bentsen, amongst others”, December 9, 1972 watercolor on paper inscribed lower left “Sketch, Walter D. Richards”. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 13” x 25”, framed 22-3/4” x 34” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $600-$900 818

819 Lady Bird Johnson Autographed Print of the LBJ Ranch limited edition of 200, autographed and dated on the matte “For Lloyd and B.A., who shared our days with constancy, and added purpose and sparkle along the way. Christmas 1973. Devotedly, Lady Bird”, matted, glazed and framed. sight 5-3/8” x 7-3/8”, framed 11” x 13” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 819

820 Autographed Photograph of Six First Ladies 1990s, including Lady Bird Johnson, Betty Ford, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and Hillary Clinton, presented on board with calligraphic presentation inscription to B.A. Bentsen and autographed by each First Lady, matted, glazed and framed. sight 10-3/8” x 13-3/8”, framed 18” x 21” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 820


821 Collection of First Lady Autographs and Memorabilia including autographed copies of Lady Bird Johnson’s White House Diary, Barbara Bush’s Millie’s Book and Memoir, Hillary Clinton’s It Takes a Village, an autographed photograph of Nancy Reagan with Barbara Bush and B.A. Bentsen, Senate Ladies’ Lunch souvenirs from Betty Ford and Rosalyn Carter, and other items. 12 pieces total Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of items available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. 821

$500-$1,000 822 Louise VandenBergh Altson (Belgian/American, 1910-2010) “Portrait of Beryl Ann Longino (Mrs. Lloyd) Bentsen in a Pearl White Silk Gown”, 1961 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 32” x 26”, framed 40” x 34” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 823 B.A. Bentsen Letters and Ephemera, 1960s-1970s including signed letters from Lady Bird Johnson, Rosalyn Carter and Joan Mondale, an autographed photograph of Lyndon B. Johnson, a telegram from Robert Kennedy informing her of his intent to seek the Democratic Presidential nomination in 1968, an autographed autobiography of Lady Bird Johnson, and other items. 15 pieces


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000



824 B.A. Bentsen Letters and Ephemera, 1980s including letters and notes from Nancy Reagan, John D. Rockefeller III, Russell Long, and long-time friend Barbara Bush (one alluding to the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, another lamenting the circumstances that saw their husbands on opposing tickets in the 1988 election), autographed photographs of Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush, and other items. 18 pieces Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of items available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity.


$500-$1,000 825 B.A. Bentsen Letters and Ephemera, 1990s with signed letters/notes from Ann Richards, Lady Bird Johnson, Tipper Gore, Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter, with autographed photograph of Bill Clinton and other items. 9 pieces Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.


Detailed list of items available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 826 B.A. Bentsen Letters and Ephemera, 2000s including letters/notes from Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Luci Baines & Lynda Bird Johnson, with an autographed photograph of Al Gore and other items. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of items available on request.


The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 827 Eleven Autographed Books on Texas Politics with autographed books from Ann Richards, Nellie Connally, James A. Baker III, William P. Hobby and Henry E. Catto, Jr., all autographed by the author (with Nellie Connally for John Connally), most with presentation inscription to Lloyd or B.A. Bentsen. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of titles available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000



828 Eleven Books of Texas Interest all autographed by the author, most with presentation inscription to Lloyd or B.A. Bentsen. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of titles available on request. The family will be donating their proceeds from the sale of this lot to charity. $500-$1,000 829 Three Texas Currency and Loan Notes including : An 1836 Stephen Fuller Austin (1793-1836) et al. signed Texian Loan Certificate, dated January 11, 1836, quarto broadside, imprint of Benjamin Levy, New Orleans, part-printed “Received of [Robert Triplett] Thirty-Two Dollars, the First Installment on a Loan of Three Hundred and Twenty Dollars made by him to the Government of Texas” etc., No. [192] and within a decorative border “Government of Texas / Texian Loan / Six Hundred and Forty Acres of Land”, additionally signed by Texas founding fathers Branch Tanner Archer (1790-1856) and William Harris Wharton (1802-1839), 9-7/8” x 8”, presented in an oak and linen frame and glazed, 15-3/4” x 14”;


An 1838 Government of Texas $10 change note, Smith/Houston, no 2306, dated Nov 15, 1838, presented on board and glazed and framed, 3” x 7”, overall 5-3/4” x 9-3/4; An 1860 Samuel Houston (1793-1863) et al. signed State of Texas Treasury Warrant, dated September 27, 1860, issued to James W. Simmons for Joseph Walter, Atty, for $18.91 for the “protection of the Frontier” for “services rendered as private in Capt John Walker’s Company”, additionally signed by Treasurer Cyrus H. Randolph (1817-1899) and Comptroller Clement R. Johns (1816-1886), 3-5/8” x 8”, glazed with outer linen matte, overall 8-1/2” x 12-3/4” (frame and backing lacking).


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $500-$1,000 830 After Charles Marion Russell (American, 1864-1926) “The Bronc Twister” patinated bronze cast signature along front of self-base, with presentation plaque reading “The Texas Cowboys Pavilion, October 2, 2004, Give the best you have to Texas, and the best will come back to you”, on a conforming marble base. overall h. 12-1/4”, w. 5-1/4”, d. 6-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 830


831 detail


831 Fifty Texas Under Six Flags Silver Medallions

832 Franklin Mint Thomason Medallic Bible

1968-1969, Texas Medallions Inc., Alamo, Texas, containing fifty medals of Texas historical scenes, presented in a blue coin binder (cover lacking). each dia. 1-3/4” (45 mm); overall 9-1/2” x 8-1/2”; approx. 60.00 total t. oz.

1967-1970, Wawa Pennsylvania, after the 1830 originals by Sir Edward Thomason (ca 1769-1849), containing sixty medals of biblical scenes, presented in a red coin binder, each dia. 1-3/4” (45 mm); overall 9-1/2” x 8”; approx. 75.00 total t. oz.

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.




832 detail


833 William Anzalone (American/Texas, b. 1935) “Fence”, 1997 oil on canvas signed lower right, signed, titled and dated on stretcher, verso with “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas” label. Framed. 36” x 48”, framed 42” x 54” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500 833

834 Larry Horowitz (American, b. 1956) “The Clove” oil on canvas signed lower left. In a thin gallery frame. 50” x 50”, framed 51-1/2” x 51-1/2” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500



836 Jacob Collins (American, b. 1964) “Yaddo Lake”, 1997 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right. Framed. 44” x 60”, framed 52-1/2” x 70-1/4” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $3,000-$5,000


835 William Anzalone (American/Texas, b. 1935) “Last Light”, 1997 oil on canvas signed lower left, signed, titled and dated on stretcher, verso with “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas” label. Framed. 30” x 40”, framed 36” x 46” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500



837 Dorothy Hood (American/Texas, 1919-2000) “The Mirror in the Hall” collage signed lower right, a "Meredith Long & Company, Houston Texas" label en verso Matted, glazed and framed. sight 19” x 15”, framed 25” x 20-3/4” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $4,000-$7,000


838 Dorothy Hood (American/Texas, 1919-2000) “Copper Light V - Tanzania” oil on canvas signed upper left. In a thin gallery frame. 70” x 60”, framed 71-1/4” x 61-1/2” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $20,000-$40,000



839 John Alexander (American/Texas, b. 1945) “Trails to Oz”, 1972 oil on canvas signed lower right, signed and dated en verso. In a thin gallery frame. 40” x 60”, framed 41” x 61” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $6,000-$9,000


840 Barnaby Fitzgerald (American/Texas, b. 1953) “Operatic Kale” oil on canvas unsigned. Framed. 16” x 20”, framed 19” x 22” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,500-$2,500 840

841 William Anzalone (American/Texas, b. 1935) “The High End of the Dam”, 1997 oil on canvas signed lower left, signed, titled and dated on stretcher, verso with partial “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas” label. Framed. 30” x 40”, framed 36” x 46” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500



842 Barnaby Fitzgerald (American/Texas, b. 1953) “Straw Hair”, 1995 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right, signed, titled and dated en verso, “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, TX” label en verso. Framed. 32” x 36”, framed 33-1/2” x 37-1/2” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $2,000-$4,000

843 Charles Umlauf (American/Texas, 1911-1994)


“Head Study of a Young Woman” “Madonna and Child” pair of works on paper former pencil on paper, signed lower left; latter ink on paper, signed lower right. Both matted, glazed and framed. each sight 13-1/4” x 10-1/2”, framed 20-3/8” x 16-1/8” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500


844 James Drake (American/Texas, b. 1946) “Praetorian Guard”, 1985 conte crayon, pencil, charcoal and watercolor on paper signed and titled bottom center and right, verso with “Texas Gallery, Houston, TX” label. Float-mounted, glazed and framed. 40” x 69-3/4”, framed 43-1/2” x 73” Provenance: Texas Gallery, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $3,000-$5,000 844



845 Charles Schorre (American/Texas, 1925-1996)

846 Charles Schorre (American/Texas, 1925-1996)



mixed media on paper signed and titled lower left. a "Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas" label en verso. Float-mounted, glazed and framed. sheet 27” x 19-1/2”, framed 32” x 26”

mixed media on paper signed and titled lower left, a "Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas" label en verso. Float-mounted, glazed and framed. sheet 22” x 30-1/2”, framed 29-1/4” x 37-1/2”

Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas.

Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas.









847 Pair of Anglo-Indian Silver Metal-Clad Armchairs early 20th century, in the Regency taste, each of klismos form with an embossed concave top rail terminating in ram’s heads, open arms and saber legs. h. 34-3/4” $1,200-$1,800 848 Contemporary Chromed Steel and Petit Granit Gueridon of Empire inspiration, the stone top on shaped legs with ram’sheads capitals and hoof feet, joined by a central shelf with a stone top, and low curved stretcher with a floral roundel. h. 28-1/2”, dia. 28-1/2” $1,800-$2,500


849 Lucien Gibert (French, 1904-1988) “L’Archer” patinated bronze cast signature and marked “bronze” along right edge of selfbase, on a marble base. overall h. 30”, w. 33-1/2”, d. 7” $1,000-$1,500 850 Pair of Hollywood Regency-Style X-Form Stools in the manner of Billy Baldwin, covered in cut velvet. h. 21”, w. 30”, d. 21” $1,000-$1,500

851 Regence-Style Ebonized and Parcel-Gilt Commode the serpentine top with a molded edge, over a conforming case fitted with three drawers, raised on block feet. h. 40”, w. 51-1/2”, d. 25” $1,500-$2,500 852 Pair of Neoclassical-Style Gilt- and Patinated Brass Sconces mid-20th century, each mounted with a bold Prince-of-Wales feathers finial and scrolled candle arms set with spherical candle sockets and floriform drip pans, electrified. h. 25”, w. 14”, d. 9”


$1,000-$1,500 853 Suite of Eight Wrought Iron Dining Chairs early 20th century, in the manner of Ilana Goor, comprised of two armchairs and six side chairs, each with a tall back and iron stiles joined by a segmented wrought iron crest rail, with scrolled front legs joined to the stiles with H-form stretchers, covered in faux ostrich leather. armchair h. 49”, w. 21”, d. 26”, side chair h. 48”, w. 19”, d. 26” $2,000-$4,000




854 Pair of Wood and Metal Tree Tubs of Neoclassical Inspiration the exteriors with lattice-patterned black wooden frames, the interiors with gray metal planter inserts. h. 26”, w. 16-1/2”, d. 16-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 855 Verdigris-Patinated Bronze Horse 20th century, caught mid-stride, its head slightly tilted. h. 45”, w. 11”, l. 56” $1,400-$1,800




856 (Romain de Tirtoff) Erte (Russian/French, 1892-1990) “The Wave”, 1988 patinated and cold-painted bronze marked “Chalk & Vermilion and SevenArts”, dated, numbered “161/375” and copyright-marked along proper right side, cast signature along left side, on a black marble base. overall h. 17-1/2”, w. 17”, d. 8” $1,500-$2,500 857 James Montgomery Flagg (American/New York, 1877-1960) “Model in the Artist’s Studio” pen and ink on paper signed lower right. Glazed and framed. sight 28-1/2” x 22”, framed 31-1/2” x 25-1/2” 857



858 Jean-Gabriel Domergue (French, 1889-1962) “La Parisienne aux Gants Bleus”, ca. 1939 oil on masonite signed lower right. Framed. 24” x 20”, framed 32” x 27” $8,000-$12,000

859 Marcel Delmotte (Belgian, 1901-1984)


“Bouquet de Fleurs dans un Paysage Surrealiste”, 1969 oil on panel signed and dated lower left. Framed. 37” x 24-1/4”, framed 42” x 29-1/2” $1,500-$2,500

860 Charles Levier (French, 1920-2003) “Le The” oil on canvas signed lower right, titled and signed en verso. Framed. 36” x 24”, framed 45-3/4” x 33-1/2” $3,000-$5,000

859 860

861 Martin Zerolo (Spanish, 1928-2003) “Surrealist Coastal Landscape with Driftwood, Boat and Tower” oil on canvas signed lower right, verso with “Wally Findlay Galleries, New York” label. Framed. 26” x 32”, framed 30-1/2” x 36-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 861



862 Contemporary Bronze and Glass-Top Figural Table the circular smoked glass top supported by a bronze pedestal modeled as a pair of mermen, holding the top aloft. h. 30”, dia. 51” $1,200-$1,800 863 Louis Chalon (French, 1866-1940) “Sea Sprites” bronze argente on a base of stone and sterling silver cast signature along back edge of figure, incised signature and titled along front edge of silver base. overall h. 5-1/2”, w. 5-7/8”, d. 3-3/8”


Provenance: Estate of Louis Tenenbaum, Houston, Texas. $2,000-$4,000 864 Six-Piece Collection of Coral and Seashells including white coral, h. 9”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 7-3/4”, a clam shell, h. 3-1/2”, w. 12”, d. 9”, a pair of conch shells, h. 7-1/2”, w. 8-3/4”, d. 7-1/2” and h. 8-1/4”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 8-1/2”, and two shells with mauve accents, h. 3-1/2”, w. 7-1/2”, d. 5-1/2”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200



865 Carved Pine and Parcel-Gilt “Wheat Sheaves” Dining Table attributed to Chelini, Florence, model 176, the base lightly white-washed with gilded highlights and designed in the form of wheat sheaves tied together with a central strap, the oval plate-glass top with a beveled and ogee-molded edge. h. 30”, w. 50”, l. 70” $1,500-$2,500 866 Dramatic Pair of Blackman Cruz Flared Cactus Torcheres with finished ribbed cactus segments overall, the standards curving upward to uneven top edges, resting on circular self-ribbed banded bases, each bearing the metal label: “Blackman Cruz/Los Angeles”, electrified. h. 92” $1,000-$1,500




867 Four Chinese Graduated Red Lacquer Boxes first quarter 20th century, each decorated with delicate hand-painted black penwork. h. 5-1/2” to 9”, dia. 4-1/4” to 8-1/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 867

868 Diminutive Continental Polychrome and BrassBound Trunk-on-Stand ca. 1900, floral decorated and trimmed with brass edging and corners along with brass-headed brads, resting on a later ebonized stand. trunk h. 10”, w. 25”, d. 12-1/2”, overall h. 27”, w. 27”, d. 15” $1,000-$1,500


869 Four Cambodian Lacquerware Vessels ca. 1920, including two bowls with contrasting banding, a spire-form vessel with like banding and a red-ground bowl, each retaining its lid. h. 2-1/4” to 18”, dia. 5” to 7-3/4” $1,000-$1,500



870 Large Japanese Wood and Red Lacquer Low Table late Meiji period, fourth quarter 19th/first quarter 20th century, the large circular-form paneled top raised on four short legs terminating in splayed feet, with all-over deep red lacquer finish. h. 12-1/2”, dia. 71” Provenance: Estate of Elaine Levy Proler, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500 871 Chinese Wood and Red Lacquer Pedestal Table first half 20th century, having a shaped top over a solid frieze, raised on four elegant legs joined by humpback stretchers. h. 38-1/2”, w. 21-1/4”, d. 17-3/4” Provenance: Estate of Elaine Levy Proler, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500




872 Chancay Framed Woven Textile 1300-1500, Peru, in reds, tan, white and browns, with alternating squares of stylized birds and stepped frets, the stylized tan border fringed, brass shadow box-framed. textile h. 44”, w. 25-1/2”; overall h. 52”, w. 32-1/2” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,500-$2,500 873 Chancay Framed Woven Textile 1300-1500, Peru, in cream, reds and browns, with alternating squares of stylized birds and angular frets, acrylic-framed. textile h. 56”, w. 20-3/8”; overall h. 57-1/2”, w. 22-1/2” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $2,000-$4,000


874 Two Framed Peruvian Textile Fragments including a Chimu example, 1300-1500, in tans and reds with black and white accents, with vertical bands of stylized human figures, h. 17”, w. 12-1/4”; and a Chancay example, A.D. 900-1400, in reds, tans and ochre, with stylized bands of animals and birds, h. 11”, w. 12”, both examples matted and framed. Chimu overall h. 23”, w. 19”; Chancay overall h. 17-1/2”, w. 19” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $800-$1,200





875 Three Framed Peruvian Textile Fragments including a Huari example, ca. 550-900, in tan, reds with black and white accents, with stylized bird figures in horizontal bands, h. 5-1/4”, w. 4-1/2”; a Nazca example, 250 B.C.-A.D. 500, in tan, red and black with white accents, depicting a single male figure, h. 5-1/2”, w. 2-1/2”; and a Chancay example, A.D. 900-1400, in tans and ochre on a red field, with stylized animals, possibly llamas, h. 5-1/2”, w. 2-1/2”, all examples matted and framed. Huari overall h. 12-3/4”, w. 12”; Nazca overall h. 13-1/4”, w. 10-1/4”; Chancay overall h. 15”, w. 10-1/2” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 876 Polychromed and Fired Terracotta Gourd Vessel ca. 900-1400, Peru, with a flared top spout, the red gourd top scored around the “stem” end, the body with a black-trimmed red and white vertically-striped band, the rounded base undecorated. h. 9-1/2”, dia. 6-1/4”


Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 877 Painted, Glazed and Fired Clay Toad Effigy Vessel Late Classic, ca. 500-900, Panama, the broad tan body with black-rimmed rust-red spots and an upward-curved rust-red handle. overall h. 5-1/4”, w 5-3/4”, d. 7” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500



878 Chancay Black-Painted White Clay Goat Effigy Vessel early Post-Classic, 900-1200, Peru, decorated with spots and bands, with an opening at the center of the back. h. 4-1/4”, w. 6”, d. 2-1/4” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 879 Chancay Painted Clay Double-Bodied Vessel


Early Post-Classic, 900-1200, Peru, black-painted white clay, the figure wearing a double-horned headdress standing atop one vessel body, the other vessel body with a vertical spout, the vessels raised on flared circular bases. h. 9-3/4” h. 9-3/4”, w. 7-1/4”, d. 2-3/8” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500


880 Nazca Fired, Painted and Glazed Terracotta Bowl ca. 200-500, Peru, depicting three spotted birds with red legs and beaks on a like-spotted charcoal ground, with red-painted interior, presented on a rubber ring for display. bowl h. 3-3/4”, dia. 5-5/8”, overall h. on band 4-1/2” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 879

881 Nazca Painted and Glazed Terracotta Figural Stirrup Spout Vessel ca. 100-500, Peru, depicting a female figure dressed in dark red topped with a dramatically decorated shawl/jacket above two small stylized hands, with a flat arched handle connecting the head to the narrow spout, the rounded bottom unpainted. h. 6-5/8”, dia. 6-5/8” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. Exhibited: 1966-67, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. $1,500-$2,500



882 Gustavo Montoya (Mexican, 1905-2003) “Nina en Lila Chal” oil on canvas signed lower right, verso with partial “Galeria Central de Arte Moderno” label. Framed. 22” x 18”, framed 24” x 20” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $4,000-$7,000


883 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Reclining Woman”, 1974 conte crayon and pastel on paper signed and dated lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 18” x 24”, framed 25-3/4” x 31” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500


884 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Four Robed Figures”, 1974 charcoal and watercolor on paper signed and dated lower right. Glazed, float-mounted and framed. sheet 18-3/4” x 24”, framed 31” x 36-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500



885 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Woman Seated on a Stool”, 1974 charcoal and white crayon on paper signed and dated lower left. Glazed, float-mounted and framed. sheet 25” x 18-1/2”, framed 37” x 30-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500


887 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Two Women Kneeling”, 1973 pastel on paper signed and dated lower right. Glazed, float-mounted and framed. sheet 18-1/2” x 25”, framed 30-1/2” x 37” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500 886

886 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Seated Woman”, 1972 charcoal and white crayon on paper signed and dated lower left. Glazed, float-mounted and framed. sheet 24-1/2” x 18-1/2”, framed 37” x 30-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500 887


888 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Two Women in a Doorway”, 1974 charcoal and white conte crayon on paper signed and dated lower left. Glazed, float-mounted and framed. sheet 24-1/2” x 18-1/2”, framed 37” x 30-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500


889 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Two Women”, 1974 conte crayon on paper signed and dated lower left. Glazed, float-mounted and framed. sheet 18-1/2” x 24-1/2”, framed 31” x 37” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500



890 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Woman in White with Arms Crossed”, 1973 charcoal and conte crayon on paper signed and dated lower right. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 24-1/2” x 18-1/4”, framed 31” x 24-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500


891 Francisco Zuniga (Mexican, 1912-1998) “Two Women”, 1974 pastel on paper signed and dated lower right. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 18-1/2” x 24-1/4”, framed 30-1/2” x 36-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500




892 Pair of Art Deco-Style Leather Club Chairs each with an upholstered back joined to shaped arms, and fitted with a loose seat cushion, upholstered in medium brown leather with contrasting dark piping. h. 32-1/4” $1,800-$2,500


893 Interesting Oushak Carpet-Covered Ottoman composed of antique Oushak carpet fragments stitched together as an upholstery covering. h. 18”, w. 42”, d. 42” $1,000-$1,500 894 Pair of Cedric Hartman Brass and Chrome Floor Lamps second half 20th century, each with an adjustable brass-banded chrome standard and brass tent shade, the bases stamped “Cedric Hartman” in block and script letters and “090266” and “800021”, respectively. h. 32-3/4” to 48”, w. 11”, d. 13” Provenance: Cedric Hartman, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska; H. Russell Albright, M.D., New Orleans, Louisiana; thence to the consignor. 894



895 Carved Giltwood Plein Air Beveled Mirror early 20th century, with relief-carved details and fitted with a beveled mirror plate. overall h. 44”, w. 39”, rabbet dimensions h. 30-1/4”, w. 25-1/4” $1,000-$1,500 896 Pair of French Neoclassical-Style Bronze and Crystal Lamps 20th century, the fluted column-form standards mounted with gilt-bronze fittings, raised on square acrylic bases. h. 26-1/4”, w. 6”, d. 6” $1,200-$1,800


896 897

897 Collection of Six Stone Boxes including an example with a charoite cover and marble sides, three lapis lazuli boxes, a green marble box, and a green and tan marble box with a copper salamander mount and paw feet. h. 1-1/2” to 1-3/4”, w. 2-1/2” to 4-1/2”, d. 2-1/4” to 3” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 898 Four Brass-Mounted Stone Boxes 20th century, including a large box composed of tiger eye, two smaller boxes composed of rhodochrosite, and a small box composed of rouge griotte marble. h. 1” to 1-1/2”, w. 2-1/4” to 5-3/4”, d. 1-1/2” to 4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500



899 Two Similar Tiffany & Co. Brushed Brass Boudoir Clocks 20th century, each with a dial marked “Tiffany & Co.”, one marked “Swiss Quartz Movement” and the other marked “Made in Germany”. h. 2-3/4” to 3-1/2”, w. 2-3/4” to 3-1/2”, d. 3/4” to 1-1/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 899


900 Two Similar Tiffany & Co. Brushed Brass Boudoir Clocks 20th century, each marked “Tiffany & Co.”, one with a presentation engraving, “B. A. Bentsen Criterion Funds/ Transamerica Funds 1986-1994”, h. 3-3/8”, w. 3-1/4”, d. 1-1/4”, and the other with a presentation engraving, “To Lloyd Bentsen with Thanks for Your Support Dianne Feinstein August 27th, 1994”, and “Swiss Quartz” on the back, h. 4”, w. 4”, d. 1-3/4”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

900 detail


901 Hiro Yamagata (Japanese, b. 1948) “Runaway” patinated and cold-painted bronze cast signature, numbered “156/375” and with a Martin Lawrence Limited Editions mark at back, on a black marble base. overall h. 13-3/4”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 8” Provenance: Martin Lawrence Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 902 Hiro Yamagata (Japanese, b. 1948)


“Spring Breeze”, 1988 cold-painted bronze cast signature, dated, numbered “98/275” and with a Martin Lawrence Limited Editions mark at back, on a white marble base. overall h. 20-1/4”, w. 8”, d. 8” Provenance: Martin Lawrence Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 903 Hiro Yamagata (Japanese, b. 1948) “End of the Day”, 1989 patinated and cold-painted bronze cast signature, dated, numbered “109/375” and with a Martin Lawrence Limited Editions mark at back, on a black marble base. overall h. 19-3/4”, w. 10”, d. 8-1/2”


Provenance: Martin Lawrence Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 904 Hiro Yamagata (Japanese, b. 1948)


“Dreamer” patinated and cold-painted bronze faint cast signature and Martin Lawrence Limited Editions mark at back of proper right buttock, on a black marble base. overall h. 19-1/4”, w. 9-1/2”, d. 9-1/2” Provenance: Martin Lawrence Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 904


905 Regency-Style Brass and Plate-Glass Desk/Console 20th century, the rectangular plate-glass top resting on a five-legged base with tapered standards, each with a lion’s head at the top, with a ring pull in its mouth, and ending in paw feet, one side concave. h. 29”, w. 48”, d. 23” $1,000-$1,500 906 Brass-Mounted Velvet Knole Sofa the upholstered back with an arched crest rail flanked by spherical brass finials, with serpentine closed arms and fitted with a loose seat cushion, adorned throughout with brass-head tacks, the arms folding out with a mechanical mechanism. h. 39-1/4”, w. 62”, d. 35”, ext. l. 100” $1,500-$2,500


906 detail


907 Patinated Bronze Celtic Cross with incised geometric details and five agate/hardstone inset “jewels”. h. 30”, w. 12”, d. 5-1/4” $1,000-$1,500 906


908 Large English Scrubbed Pine Welsh Dresser 19th century, the upper section with four open shelves separated by a medial divider, the base fitted with three side-by-side drawers and raised on square legs of mortised and pegged construction. h. 91”, w. 96”, d. 22” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 909 Large Pickled Pine Farmhouse Table in the Northern European taste, the rectangular top with three framed sections, each with inset parquet panels in a herringbone pattern, raised on large, square cut and molded standards joined by a flat plank stretcher. h. 30-1/2”, w. 96”, d. 42” $1,400-$1,800 910 Niek van der Plas (Dutch, b. 1954)


“Venice” oil on panel signed lower right. Framed. 24” x 30”, framed 31” x 36-1/2” $2,000-$4,000 911 Niek van der Plas (Dutch, b. 1954) “Sail, Amsterdam” oil on panel signed lower right, titled and signed en verso. Framed. 12” x 15”, framed 17-1/2” x 20-1/2”

911 910




912 Niek van der Plas (Dutch, b. 1954) “Venice Grand Canal” oil on wood panel signed lower right. Framed. 24” x 30”, framed 32” x 38” $3,000-$5,000

913 Niek van der Plas (Dutch, b. 1954)


“Beach Scene” oil on wood panel signed lower right. Framed. 11-3/4” x 19-3/4”, framed 19” x 27” $2,000-$4,000

914 Pair of Rock Crystal Obelisks


20th century, probably French, each example resting on spheres above a rectangular base. h. 17”, w. 4-1/2”, d. 4-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,500-$2,500


915 Pair of Acrylic Baluster-Form Lamps 20th century, American, designed by E. F. Chapman and Kyle Myers, with chrome fittings and mounted with shades. h. 28”, dia. 17” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 915


916 917

916 Lalique Molded and Frosted Crystal “Libellule Grande” Mascot second quarter 20th century, the large dragonfly ornament engraved “R. Lalique France”. h. 8”, w. 7-1/2”, d. 2-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 This piece was designed in 1928 and marketed by Lalique as either a hood ornament or a paperweight. 917 Pair of Jacques Adnet and Baccarat Table Lamps ca. 1930-1939, French, each with a Baccarat crystal ball resting on a circular nickel-plated bronze base, model 7706, fitted with white paper shades and European electrical wiring. overall h. 10-3/4”, dia. 5” $4,500-$7,000 918 Two Art Deco Revival Glass Panels After Dennis Abbe (American, 1941-1995)


each smoke-colored glass panel depicting a female figure, one with birds and the other nestled in plants against a night sky, with Saturn in the foreground, one signed “Abbe” on the lower right. h. 57-1/2”, w. 27-3/4” $1,000-$1,500 919 Custom Karl Springer Macassar Ebony Dining Table 1980s, in the Parsons style, the top with rounded edges and ebony corners, raised on square legs. h. 29-1/4”, w. 65”, d. 65” Provenance: Estate of Elaine Levy Proler, Houston, Texas. $3,000-$5,000



920 Twenty-Seven-Piece Collection of Steuben Glassware 20th century, American, including a pair of Steuben liqueur decanters with stoppers, designed by Donald Pollard, 1953, signed on the bottom, h. 11-3/4”, dia. 3-1/2”, ten Steuben “teardrop” martini glasses and fifteen wine stems, h. 4” to 6-1/2”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

920 twenty-seven piece collection

921 Set of Fifteen Marc Lalique “Angel” Molded and Engraved Champagne Flutes 20th century, French, the stems with molded and frosted angel heads, the bowls with engraved wings, script-engraved “Lalique/ France” underneath the foot. h. 8”, dia. 2-3/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 921 detail


922 Partial Service of Crown-Engraved Carder/Steuben Crystal Tableware

922 detail

post-1933, Frederick Carder, Corning, New York, including fifteen red wine goblets, h. 6-3/4”, twenty champagne coupes, h. 5-3/4”, one water goblet, h. 8-1/4”, twelve finger bowls, h. 2”, dia. 4-3/4”, eight finger bowl stands, dia. 6”, sixteen dessert plates, dia. 7”, and eight salad plates, dia. 8-1/2”, some pieces marked with an engraved “S”. Literature: Identical unengraved pieces are illustrated in Steuben Glass, An American Tradition in Crystal, by Mary Jean Madigan, p. 70. $1,000-$1,500

922 eighty pieces


923 Regency-Style Mahogany and Cream Leather Side Chair early 20th century, the shaped and padded back with nailhead accents, above a like seat, raised on sabre legs. h. 34”, w. 21-1/2”, d. 17” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 924 Pair of Cartier Cut Crystal Brandy Snifters in a Mahogany Presentation Case 20th century, the snifters signed “Cartier”, h. 5-1/2”, dia. 3-1/4”, the case with a brass plaque reading, “BA B L”, h. 6-1/2”, w. 10-1/2”, d. 5-3/4”. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 923

924 detail


925 Victorian Cut Crystal, Oak and Silverplate Tantalus fourth quarter 19th century, including three decanters cut in a variation of the “Russian” pattern, in their original oak and silverplate caddy with locking handle. h. 11-1/4”, w. 13-1/4”, d. 5-1/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $600-$900 925


926 thirty-eight-pieces

927 926 detail

926 Thirty-Eight-Piece Partial Set of Gilt-Engraved Crystal Stemware 20th century, probably French, the collection including ten red wine goblets, h. 5-3/4”, eleven port/sherry glasses, h. 4-1/2”, six liqueur glasses, h. 3-3/4”, nine champagne coupes, h. 4-1/2”, and two similar coupes of the same size. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 927 Interesting Patinated Bronze “Rope & Tassel” Circular Occasional Table 20th century, in the form of knotted rope, the fret ending in a tassel, and with an inset plate glass top. h. 24”, dia. 24-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 928 White-Glazed Faience Seated Whippet 20th century, probably Italian, set with glass eyes, seated on a tasseled cushion. h. 35”, w. 13-1/2”, d. 15” $1,200-$1,800



929 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “Blue Dog” silkscreen in colors signed lower right, numbered “16/190” lower left. Unframed. 15” x 12” $1,000-$1,500

930 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “Blue Dog”



silkscreen in colors signed lower right, numbered “135/190” lower left. Unframed. 15” x 12” $1,000-$1,500

931 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “We Will Rise Again” offset lithograph signed lower right. Framed. sight 28” x 20”, framed 30-1/2” x 22-1/2” $1,000-$1,500


932 George Rodrigue (American/Louisiana, 1944-2013) “Our Love Blooms” silkscreen signed lower left, marked “AP” lower right. Framed. sight 22-3/4” x 29-3/4”, framed 25” x 32” $1,200-$1,800



933 Unusual Regency-Style Ebonized and Faux Decoupage Lacquered Coffee Table the circular top on a turned pedestal, raised on splayed feet ending in brass-capped casters. h. 19”, dia. 47-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 934 Contemporary Leather Sofa


the back with a pair of loose cushions, the deep seat with a pair of cushions between square armrests, labeled “Restoration Hardware”. h. 33-1/2”, w. 92-1/2”, d. 45” $1,000-$1,500 935 Contemporary Bronze and Marble-Top Center Table in the Directoire taste, the circular inset marble top raised on cluster-column supports, joined by a quatrefoil-pierced stretcher, on splay feet on pads. h. 28”, dia. 29-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 936 Pair of Serge Roche-Style Ebonized Composition “Palm Tree” Torchere-Form Sconces 20th century, each example brass-banded around the base and upper trunk, electrified and mounted for hanging. h. 80”, w. 37”, d. 19” $1,000-$1,500





937 Taxidermy-Mounted India Blue Silver Pied Peacock perched on an ebonized wooden stand. h. 67” $1,000-$1,500 938 Peter Woytuk (American, b. 1958) “Raven on Goat” “Raven Tree” two patinated bronze and naturalistic rock sculptures former h. 11”, w. 7-1/2”, d. 3”; latter h. 9-1/2”, w. 8-1/4”, d. 5-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 939 Stephanie Freid Perenchio (American, Contemporary) “Elephant Tusks” photographic print Glazed and framed. sight 30” x 24”, framed 39-1/2” x 33-1/2” $1,000-$1,500





940 Dan Ostermiller (American, b. 1956) “Savannah Dispute”, 1989 patinated and polished bronze cast signature, dated, numbered “14/20” and copyright-marked along back edge of bronze, on a black marble base. overall h. 21-3/4”, w. 28”, d. 12” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $4,000-$7,000 941 Stylish Faux Alligator-Veneered Writing Desk in the Art Moderne taste, the rectangular top trisected and above a frieze fitted with a single drawer, raised on square legs narrowing to splayed feet. h. 30-1/2”, w. 63”, d. 33-1/4”


$1,500-$2,500 942 Rachel Levy (French, b. 1955) “Chamrock”, “Rose Kronembourg” and “Rose” three digital photographic prints unsigned. Glazed and framed. each sight 32-3/4” x 23”, framed 34-1/2” x 24-1/2” $1,200-$1,800





943 Four Vintage Charles and Ray Eames for Herman Miller “Shell” Side Chairs ca. 1960, with elephant gray fiberglass seats, on tubular chromed steel legs with white disc feet, each with an original paper label and embossed Cincinnati Milacron/Mercedes star, the Herman Miller logo and “Herman Miller”. h. 32” $1,000-$1,500 944 Mid-Century Modern Chrome and Plate-Glass Dining Table, Attributed to Romeo Rega


with an inverted arched base and long tubular feet, and supports for the plate-glass top. h. 30”, w. 32”, l. 72” $1,200-$1,800 945 Eduardo Cardozo (Uruguayan, b. 1965) “A la Vista del Espectador”, 2005 mixed media on canvas signed lower right, verso with “Galeria Sur” label. Unframed. 34-1/4” x 63” Provenance: Galeria Sur, Uruguay; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $2,000-$4,000 945


946 Leucos, Italy, Chromed Steel and Glass Floor Lamp 1980s, in the Post-Modern taste, the chromed and enameled steel stand supporting a large, flared blown glass shade, the Newsound “New Little Dimmer” included. h. 67”, dia. 25-1/2” Provenance: Estate of Elaine Levy Proler, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500 947 Pair of Poul Kjaerholm “PK22” Leather and Steel Lounge Chairs 2003, each with a satin-brushed steel frame with camel leather, manufactured by Fritz Hansen and distributed by Knoll Studio and so labeled, the frame with circular impressed “Poul Kjaerholm/Denmark/Fritz Hansen”. h. 28-1/2” Provenance: H. Russell Albright, M.D., New Orleans, Louisiana; thence to the consignor. $1,800-$2,500



948 Vintage Italian “Triennale” Floor Lamp, Attributed to Arredoluce


ca. 1960, with three adjustable chrome arms having white metal cone shades and leatherwrapped handles, the leather-wrapped chrome standard stamped on top “Made in Italy”, on a circular marble base marked underneath “Made in Italy”, the cord partially recessed. h. 69-1/2” $1,400-$1,800 949 Two Charles and Ray Eames for Herman Miller RAR Chairs designed in 1950, each rocking chair of molded fiberglass, zinc-plated on black oxide steel, birch and rubber, including a grayish/green chair retaining a paper Eames label and a printed mark, ca. 1957-1959, h. 26-1/2”, and a beige chair with a molded insignia and “Herman Miller”, ca. 1959-1989, h. 27-1/4”. $1,000-$1,500



950 Kathe Kollwitz (German, 1867-1945) “Self-Portrait at the Table”, 1893 etching, aquatint and drypoint signed in pencil lower right, further inscribed in pencil lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 8” x 5-1/2”, framed 15” x 12-3/8” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500


951 Thomas Hart Benton (American, 1889-1975) “Back from the Fields”, 1945 lithograph pencil-signed lower right, published by Associated American Artists. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 10” x 13-1/4”, framed 16-1/8” x 18-5/8” $1,500-$2,500


952 Theodore Fonville Winans (American/Louisiana, 1911-1992) “Helping Hand - Black Lives Matter” silver gelatin print laid on board later printing, signed and dated 1940 lower left, pencilinscribed and marked 696A en verso. Unframed. 16-1/4” x 20” Provenance: The Fonville Estate Collection. $1,200-$1,800 Exhibition of the artist's works, A Colorful World in Black and White: Fonville Winan's Photographs of Louisiana opened July 2020, Capital Park, Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 952


953 Theodore Fonville Winans (American/Louisiana, 1911-1992) “Untitled” silver gelatin print later printing, signed and dated “1931” lower right, pencilinscribed en verso “Robert L. Winans PN 176” lower right, “221A” upper right and “176” upper left. Unframed. 20” x 16” Provenance: The Fonville Estate Collection. $1,200-$1,800




954 Sandra Russell Clark (American/Louisiana, b. 1949)

955 Sandra Russell Clark (American/Louisiana, b. 1949)

“Greenwood”, 1997

“Isola Bella, Italy”

silver gelatin print from the “Elysium” series, pencil-signed, titled, dated, numbered “2/50”, marked “SRC/1009” and copyrightmarked en verso. Unframed. 16” x 19-7/8”

hand-painted silver gelatin print from the “Gardens of Reflection” series, pencil-signed, titled, numbered “27/50” and copyright-marked en verso. Unframed. 16” x 19-7/8”




956 Charles Lindsay (American, b. 1961) “Hatch”, 1998 silver gelatin print signed, dated, titled and numbered “1/10” en verso backing. Glazed and framed. sight 37-1/8” x 37-1/8”, framed 42” x 42” $1,500-$2,500


957 Charles Lindsay (American, b. 1961) “Bent Rod”, 1998 silver gelatin print signed, dated, titled and numbered “1/10” en verso backing. Glazed and framed. sight 37-1/8” x 37-1/8”, framed 42” x 42” $1,500-$2,500



958 Robert Burns Motherwell (American, 1915-1991) “Africa no. 6”, from the Africa Suite, 1970 screenprint signed in plate, and monogrammed and numbered “81/100” in pencil lower margin, frame backing with “Joan E. Kaplan Fine Contemporary Art" label. Matted, glazed and framed. 31-3/4” x 25-1/2”, framed 40-1/2” x 32-1/8” Provenance: Joan E. Kaplan Fine Contemporary Art, New York, New York; The corporate collection of FreeportMcMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,500-$2,500


959 Christian Fossier (French, 1943-2013) “Malaise” etching and aquatint on “Les Editions de la Torture, Paris”-blind-stamped paper signed in pencil lower right, titled lower center, numbered “8/15” lower left. Glazed and framed. sheet 39” x 58”, framed 41” x 60” $1,000-$1,500


960 Agnes Denes (Hungarian/American, b. 1938) “Probability Pyramid” lithograph with metallic silver signed and dated lower left, numbered “35/40” and inscribed with hieroglyphs and equations lower right, frame backing with "Joan E. Kaplan Fine Contemporary Art, New York" label. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 28” x 40”, framed 37-1/4” x 48-1/4” Provenance: The corporate collection of FreeportMcMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500 960


961 Robert Rauschenberg (American, 1925-2008) “Deposit”, from America: The Third Century”, 1975 color screenprint with hand additions from a portfolio of five lithographs and screenprints, three collotypes, three screenprints, and two lithographs signed in plate, and monogrammed and numbered “81/100” in pencil lower margin, frame backing with “Joan E. Kaplan Fine Contemporary Art" label. Matted, glazed and framed. sheet 30” x 22-3/16”, framed 37-1/4” x 28-1/4” Provenance: The corporate collection of FreeportMcMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500


962 Natvar Prahladji Bhavsar (Indian/American, New York, b. 1934) “Untitled”, 1970 color silkscreen penciled-signed, dated and numbered “31/50” lower margin. Matted, glazed with plexiglass and framed. sight 27-1/2” x 25-1/4”, framed 32-3/8” x 34-1/2” Provenance: The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500



963 Natvar Prahladji Bhavsar (Indian/American, New York, b. 1934) “Ri-Tya VI”, 1974 color silkscreen signed, titled, dated and numbered “30/34” lower margin, frame backing with “Joan E. Kaplan Fine Contemporary Art, New York" label. sight 11-1/2” x 36-1/2”, framed 32-1/8” x 48-1/8” Provenance: Joan E. Kaplan Fine Contemporary Art, New York, New York; The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,500-$2,500


964 Natvar Prahladji Bhavsar (Indian/American, New York, b. 1934) “Ri-Tya V”, 1974 color silkscreen signed, titled, dated and numbered “6/39” lower margin, frame backing with “Joan E. Kaplan Fine Contemporary Art, New York" label. Framed. 12” x 36”, framed 31-3/4” x 54-1/8” Provenance: Joan E. Kaplan Fine Contemporary Art, New York, New York; The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,500-$2,500


965 Carlos Merida (Guatemalan, 1895-1984) “El Abuelo Ixmucane”, 1966 silkscreen on paper pencil-signed lower right and numbered “21/50” lower left, stamped and dated lower center and en verso. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 19-1/2” x 14-3/4”, framed 26-3/4” x 22” Provenance: Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500



966 Bernard Buffet (French, 1928-1999) “Bouquet” lithograph in colors signed in pencil lower right, numbered “47/50” lower left. Matted and framed. sight 16-1/2” x 12”, framed 26” x 21” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500


967 Rufino Tamayo (Mexican, 1899-1991) “La Paysanne” lithograph in colors signed in pencil lower right, numbered “XXI/XXV” lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 28-1/4” x 21-3/4”, framed 36-3/4” x 30” Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,200-$1,800


968 Rene Magritte (French, 1898-1967) “La Belle Captive”, 1965 color lithograph, ed. Atelier Mourlot pencil-signed lower right margin, signed in plate lower left, “Atelier Mourlot” blind stamp en verso. Matted. sheet 17-1/8” x 23-1/4” $1,000-$1,500



969 Georges Braque (French, 1882-1963) “Oiseau et Lotus” lithograph in colors signed in pencil lower right, numbered “5/20” lower left, verso with “i.f.a. Galleries, Washington, D.C.” label. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 7-1/4” x 4-3/4”, framed 15-1/4” x 12-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $4,000-$7,000


970 Gino Severini (Italian, 1883-1966) “Commedia dell’Arte” lithograph in colors signed in pencil lower right, numbered “IV/XX” lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 16” x 12”, framed 24-3/4” x 20-1/2” 970

Provenance: Collection of Jacqueline H. Howell, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500

971 Peter Max (American, b. 1937) “American Flag” mixed media on paper signed lower right, with dedication lower left “Bravo! to Senator Lloyd & B.A. Bentsen”. Unframed. 14” x 12” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 971


972 James Rosenquist (American, 1933-2017) “Miles”, 1975 color screenprint with pochoir on Arches paper pencil-signed and dated lower right, numbered “164/200” and titled lower left. Float-mounted, glazed and framed. sheet 30” x 22”, framed 34-1/4” x 26-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 973 Kiki Smith (American, b. 1954) “Silk Moth”, 2018 risograph mounted on Arches paper pencil-signed and dated lower right and marked “Edition of 100” lower left, printed by the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop under the auspices of Smith’s Thirteen Moons publishing imprint. Matted, glazed and framed. image 9-7/8” x 7-7/8”, sight 11-1/2” x 9-3/8”, framed 18-1/2” x 16-3/8” Provenance: Thirteen Moons, New York, New York; Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana.


$1,000-$1,500 Together with a copy of the print documentation from Thirteen Moons. 974 Donald Keith Sultan (American, b. 1951) “Peppers, May 30, 1989” “Pears, November 1989” “Red Pears, June 1989” three silkscreens each pencil-titled and initialed along left edge, first numbered “75/100” lower right, other two marked “HC” lower right. Each float-mounted, glazed and framed alike. each sheet 23” x 22”, framed 27-1/4” x 26-1/2” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $2,000-$4,000




975 Gary Patterson and Marion Barnes (American, Contemporary) “The Party” mixed media on canvas signed lower right, titled en verso. Framed. 48” x 36”, framed 58” x 45-1/2” Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,800-$2,500


976 Robert Natkin (American, 1930-2010) “Untitled” acrylic on paper from the “Apollo Series”, signed lower left. Matted, glazed and framed. sight 24-1/2” x 30-1/4”, framed 35” x 40-1/2” $4,000-$7,000




977 Rod Kagan (American, b. 1940) “Totems”, 2002


three patinated bronze items including a vase and two pedestals; the vase with incised signature and date at bottom. each h. 11-1/2”, vase w. 6”, d. 6”, each pedestal w. 6”, d. 5-1/2” $1,000-$1,500 978 Patinated Bronze of a Mother and Child 20th century, incised “297” along front. h. 19”, w. 10”, d. 9” Provenance: Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500 979 Dan Christensen (American, 1942-2007) “Bannock”, 1979 oil on canvas signed, titled and dated en verso. In a thin gallery frame. 68” x 84”, framed 69” x 85”


$2,000-$4,000 980 Harold E. Carney (American/Louisiana, 1929-1985) “Landscape”, 1962 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right and en verso. Framed. 36-1/2” x 39-1/2”, framed 37-1/2” x 40-1/2” $1,200-$1,800 980




981 Liu Kuo-Sung (Taiwanese, b. 1932) “Green Dream” ink and color on paper with silk damask border signed, inscribed, and sealed upper left. Unframed. overall 27-1/2” x 41-3/4” Provenance: Lee Nordness Gallery, New York, New York; Private collection. Exhibited: Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, Washington, March 7-April 7, 1968; The Taft Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 8, 1968-January 2, 1969 Literature: Accompanied with a copy of the original sales receipt. $15,000-$25,000 982 Jonathan Thomas (Canadian, 1946-2005) “Fragments”, 1999 seven mixed media sculptures each mounted on a metal presentation stand. h. 33” - 72”, each panel w. 5-1/2”, d. 2”, base 8” x 8” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500

Liu Kuo-Sung, often hailed the “father of modern ink painting”, is a pioneering figure in the modern art movement in post-war Taiwan. He rejected early 20th century social realism, and has challenged the boundaries of guohua- traditional Chinese brush painting within Eastern aesthetics, calling for a more expressive use of ink and brush painting. Through writing, manifestos and more than ninety solo world-wide exhibits, Liu has championed for the liberation of calligraphy’s and landscape painting’s innate abstraction that privileges the infinite over the finite in an ever evolving cycle of life and seasons born of ancient Daoist tenets- the yin and yang or the jade bi that fold back onto themselves. Calligraphy need not be imitative and landscape paintings- typically captured by expansive skies and mountains over tiny terrestrial figures connected by serpentine waterways- need not be bound by representation. In 1957, Liu launched the Fifth Moon Group with fellow graduates from the Art Department at the National Taiwan Normal University. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the group celebrated freedom and innovation by drawing upon bold Western color and form, namely American abstraction, and mixed-media to reconceptualize ink and brush art in a distinctly modern Chinese aesthetic. Fong Chung Ray employed collage to combine calligraphy and abstract figures; Cheng-Tin Shih experimented with lithography through the use of bagasse platesfibrous pulpy boards made from sugar cane allowing the innate flaws and cracks to inform the work; and Sung created, by chance, his famous ink rubbing technique by which a composition is created by painting with ink on water and then rubbing a ball of paper over it to create spontaneous lines and movements. The work offered here, “Green Dream”, is a visual manifesto of the Fifth Moon Group. Exhibited twice in the U.S. in the 1960s, it represents, par excellence, the bravura of Liu’s ink rubbing technique. Here layers of pale green, redolent of fine jade, reverberate through nuanced rubbings are both punctured and punctuated by bold calligraphic marks.


983 Curtis Scott (American/Texas, Contemporary) “Lake Sahara”, 1971 acrylic on canvas signed en verso stretcher. Presented in the original thin gallery frame. 66” x 90”, framed 66-3/4” x 91-3/4” $1,200-$1,800


984 Barbara Wright (American, Contemporary) “Herd of Elephants” oil on masonite signed lower right. Framed. 32” x 48”, framed 33-1/4” x 49-1/4” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200


985 Adrian Pujol (Venezuelan, 20th Century) “Playa Vallecito 1”, 1989 acrylic on canvas signed and dated lower right, signed, titled and further inscribed en verso. Framed. 47” x 57”, framed 49-1/2” x 60-1/2” $1,200-$1,800



986 Ira Yeager (American, b. 1938) “Untitled”, 1979-80 wood and mixed media on gallery-wrapped canvas signed and dated lower right. 78” x 84” Provenance: Estate of Hurley Wayne Gray, Houston, Texas. $3,000-$5,000 987 Zita Feger Querido (American/Austrian, 1917-2003) “Manhattan”, 1950 oil on canvas inscribed en verso stretcher “Querido” with “The House of Heydenryk, New York, N.Y.” framer’s label. Framed. 28” x 108”, framed 30” x 110”


$1,200-$1,800 988 Geza Brunow (German/American, Contemporary) “Oracle”, 2006 oil and mixed media on board signed and titled upper left. Framed. 40” x 30”, framed 48” x 40” $1,000-$1,500




989 David Adickes (American/Texas, b. 1927) “Still Life of Flowers in a White Pitcher” oil on canvas over board signed lower right. Framed. 36” x 40”, framed 37” x 41” $3,000-$5,000

990 David Adickes (American/Texas, b. 1927) “Untitled, Surrealist Figural Group”, 1957 oil on canvas over masonite signed and dated lower center. Framed. 40” x 36”, framed 44” x 40”




991 Italo Scanga (Italian/American, 1932-2001) “Untitled I”, 1986 “Untitled II”, 1986 pair of polychromed wood sculptures each signed and dated on a copper plaque at front, former numbered “64” at bottom, latter signed, dated and numbered “1139” at bottom of base. former h. 29”, w. 11-3/4”, d. 12”, latter h. 19”, base dia. 12-1/2” Provenance: Sold in these rooms, September 21, 2002, as lots 1422 and 1423. $1,000-$1,500 990


992 Clementine Hunter (American/Louisiana, 1886/87-1988) “Church Procession and Baptism” oil on canvas board monogrammed lower right. Framed. 16” x 20”, framed 21” x 25” $3,000-$5,000 We are grateful to Mr. Tom Whitehead, Professor Emeritus at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana, for his assistance in verifying the authenticity of this work. 992

993 Jose-Maria Cundin (Spanish/Louisiana, b. 1938) “Untitled” four watercolors on card paper bottom right example signed and dated “1969” lower right. All framed together. each 5-3/4” x 3-3/4”, framed 18” x 14” $1,500-$2,500


994 William Tolliver (American/Mississippi, 19512000) “Horses” oil on wood panel signed lower left. Framed. 48-1/2” x 84”, framed 52” x 87-1/2” $3,000-$5,000



995 William Ralph “Bill” Dunlap (American/Mississippi, b. 1944) “Old Rudy” polymer on canvas signed lower left. In a gallery wood frame. 34” x 24”, framed 35” x 25” $3,000-$5,000 996 Alex Beard (American/Louisiana, b. 1970) “Bird and a Bee” ink and gouache on paper signed with dedication and dated “2000” lower center and left. Attractively matted and presented in a “malachite green” frame. sheet 13” x 11”, framed 19-1/2” x 17-1/4” $1,000-$1,500 997 George Valentine Dureau (American/Louisiana, 1930-2014)


“Masked Figure” ink on paper monogrammed lower right. Matted and unframed. sheet 9” x 12” $1,000-$1,500 998 Mark Chatterley (American/Michigan, 20th Century) “Untitled - Figure” crater-glazed ceramic h. 46”, w. 15-1/2”, d. 25” $1,000-$1,500





999 Justin Forbes (American/Louisiana, 1967-2017) “Portrait of a Man with a Snake Tattoo”, 1992 oil on canvas signed and dated lower left. Framed. 30” x 25”, framed 30-1/2” x 25-1/2” $2,500-$4,000


1000 Carol Leake (American/Louisiana, 20th Century) “Crest, No. IV”, 1985 oil on linen signed lower right, titled and dated on “Mario Villa” label en verso, “Petro-Lewis Corporations” label on frame backing. Framed. 36” x 36”, framed 36-3/8” x 36-3/8” Provenance: Mario Villa, Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana; The corporate collection of FreeportMcMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500



1001 Zella Funck (American/Louisiana, 1917-2009) FourPanel Screen depicting a “Reclining Venus” on the obverse and a “Louisiana Garden” on the reverse, rendered in oil and pastel. h. 67”, each panel w. 24” $1,500-$2,500 1002 Zella Funck (American/Louisiana, 1917-2009) “They Always Cared for Sundays”, 1989 oil and pastel on canvas signed, titled and dated lower right. Framed. 44” x 48”, framed 45” x 49”


$1,000-$1,500 1003 Edmund Pramuk (American/Louisiana, b. 1936) “Terrace”, 1978 acrylic on cotton duck signed and dated en verso, with a label printed with artist name, title, date and medium. Thin gallery frame. 61-1/2” x 109-1/2”, framed 63” x 111” Provenance: The Pan American Life Center Art Collection, 601 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500





1004 George Valentine Dureau (American/Louisiana, 1930-2014) “Invitation to St. Francisville”, 1980 oil and crayon on canvas triptych signed on the far right panel, lower left. Unframed. each panel 75” x 96” Provenance: The Pan American Life Center Art Collection, 601 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. Literature: Gregory Roberts, “Art in High Places: Corporate New Orleans Bids Farewell to the Framed Duck Print”, TimesPicayune, 27 Nov. 1983, D11; Roger Green, “Pan American Life Gives Big Boost to La Artists”, Times-Picayune, 10 Dec. 1980, 3D. $20,000-$40,000 In 1980, the Pan American Life Insurance Company commissioned the Chicago-based architecture firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) to design its $60 million building at 601 Poydras Street. The company’s vision was to incorporate public art spaces into corporate working places, creating a lifeline between the people of Louisiana and its rich cultural heritage. Under the collective guidance of NOMA, the Contemporary Arts Center and Galerie Simonne Stern, SOM’s interior designers - Judy Ridge and Patrick McConnell - purchased more than 200 pieces, including works by Kohlmeyer, Emery, Dunbar, Gordy and Tannen. After seeing a smaller landscape by Dureau in a Chicago catalogue, the interior designers were so impressed that they approached the artist, asking if he could produce an impressionistic largescale landscape representative of Louisiana. Dureau chose three elements rendered in three panels - blue skies, verdant trees and a sandy clearing, and called it an “Invitation to St. Francisville”. At a public opening in the building in 1983, Dureau stated that it was “one of his favorite paintings” - “I get totally passionate over landscapes. Nobody gets angry when I love the trees so much.”


1005 Ashley Longshore (American/Louisiana, Contemporary) “Untitled, Champagne and Bubbles” acrylic and resin on gallery-wrapped canvas signed along lower left edge. 60” x 48” $6,000-$9,000


1006 Joe Ruiz Grandee (American/Texas, b. 1929) “Dismounted Dragoon”, 1963 oil on canvas signed lower right and copyright-marked, titled and dated on artist plaque; together with a U.S. Officer’s cavalry sword and scabbard. Framed. 30” x 22”, framed 37-1/2” x 29-1/2” Provenance: The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,500-$2,500 1006

1007 Raymond L. Knaub (American/Nebraska, b. 1940) “Passing Rainbow - Wheat Harvest”, 1983 oil on canvas signed lower right, titled and dated en verso stretcher. Framed. 16” x 28”, framed 22-1/2” x 34-1/2” Provenance: The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500


1008 Tallie Moore (American/Texas, b. ca. 1933) “Cloud Flight - Davis” oil on board signed lower left, titled on a “Harris Gallery, Houston, Texas” label en verso. Framed. 24” x 36”, framed 28-5/8” x 41” Provenance: Harris Gallery, Houston, Texas; The corporate collection of FreeportMcMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500



1009 Leal Mack (American/New Mexico, 1892-1962) “Landscape with Fence and a Barn in the Distance” oil on canvas signed lower right. Framed. 20” x 24”, framed 28” x 32-1/4” Provenance: The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500


1011 Tim Saska (American/Texas, 1935-2006) “Mill Pond Reflections”, 1980 acrylic on canvas signed lower right, titled and dated on stretcher, “Petro-Lewis Corporation” label on frame backing. Framed. 44” x 36”, framed 44-1/4” x 36-3/8” Provenance: The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $1,000-$1,500


1010 Harold Gregor (American, 1929-2018) “Illinois Landscape #17”, 1976 oil and acrylic on canvas signed lower right, signed, titled and dated en verso. In a thin gallery frame. 60” x 84”, framed 61” x 84-1/2” Provenance: The corporate collection of Freeport-McMoRan, New Orleans, Louisiana. $4,000-$7,000` 1010


1012 Jacob Collins (American, b. 1964) “Yaddo Cloud”, 1997 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right, verso with “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas” label. Framed. 19” x 19”, framed 25-1/2” x 25-1/2” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $2,000-$4,000


1013 Richard Bogart (American, b. 1929) “Hanging in the Evening Stream”, 1979/81 oil on canvas signed and dated en verso,with remnant of "Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas" label. In a thin gallery frame. 47” x 55-1/4”, framed 48-1/4” x 56-1/2” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,000-$1,500



1014 Al Barnes (American/Texas, b. 1937) “South Fork” oil on canvas signed lower right, verso with “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas” label. Framed. 30” x 40”, framed 36” x 46” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,500-$2,500


1015 Jacob Collins (American, b. 1964) “Yaddo Tree Line”, 1997 oil on canvas signed and dated lower right, a "Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas" label en verso. Framed. 23” x 26”, framed 31-1/2” x 34-3/4” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $2,500-$4,000 1015



1016 Catherine Behrent (American, b. 1947) “Poolside” oil on canvas signed lower right, verso with “Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas” label. Framed. 30” x 40”, framed 36” x 46” Provenance: Meredith Long & Company, Houston, Texas; Private collection, Houston, Texas. $1,200-$1,800


1017 Kyra Markham (American, 1891-1967) “Haitian Scene”, 1962 oil on masonite signed lower right. Framed. 24” x 30”, framed 29” x 35” $4,000-$7,000


1018 Workshop of Henry Hensche (American/Louisiana/Massachusetts, 1899-1992) “Autumn Landscape with a Cottage” oil on masonite inscribed upper right. Framed. 16” x 20”, framed 26” x 30” Provenance: Estate of Russell C. Klein, M.D. and Donna Guinn Klein. $1,500-$2,500







1019 Oushak Carpet

1021 Semi-Antique Sarouk Carpet

10’ x 13’ 7”

8’ 6” x 10’ 4”



1020 Pictorial Tabriz Carpet

1022 Persian Nain Carpet

10’ 6” x 15’ 5”

9’ 7” x 13’ 2”








1023 Turkoman Carpet

1025 Oushak Carpet

6’ x 9’ 6”

7’ 2” x 10’ 7”



1024 Oushak Carpet

1026 Tabriz Carpet

11’ 10” x 14’ 10”

9’ 6” x 13’ 3”




1028 1027



1027 Agra Carpet

1028 Laristan Sultanabad Carpet

1029 Agra Sultanabad Carpet

1030 Uzbek Kazak Runner

8’ 10” x 12’

8’ 1” x 10’

8’ 2” x 10’

4’ 1” x 15’ 8”







1031 Sixteen Portuguese Silver Service Plates third quarter 20th century, by Horacio Rodrigues Pacheco for W. A. Sarmento, Lisbon, first standard (.916) silver, each with molded and gadrooned serpentine-lobed rim with circular recessed plateau. dia. 10-1/2”; 285.30 total t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $5,000-$8,000 1032 Portuguese Silver Center Bowl and Plateau


third quarter 20th century, by Artur da Rocha Rafael, Porto, second standard (.833) silver, including an oval center bowl decorated with large repousse rocaille scrolls, with scrolling handles and feet, the steeply scalloped rim fitted with a detachable imbricate-pierced flower screen, h. 6-3/4”, l. 14”, w. 5-3/4”; presented on a shaped oval plateau, the silver frame with repousse decoration en suite and centering a beveled mirrored plate, 18” x 13-1/2”. 34.08 t. oz. (bowl and screen only) $1,000-$1,500 1033 Set of Four Large Sterling Silver Kiddush Cups contemporary, manufactured in Florence, Italy for Hazorfim, Tel Aviv, Israel, each with a thistle-form bowl with applied grapevine decoration and gilt interior, above a knopped baluster standard and domed foot en suite. h. 11-1/4”, dia. 4-3/4”; 62.37 total t. oz. $2,000-$4,000



1034 1036

1034 German Novelty Sterling Silver “Bear” Cocktail Shaker contemporary, Ludwig Neresheimer Co., Hanau, in the form of a realistically detailed standing bear, holding a fishing pole with dangling fish, its mouth a faux spout fitted with a chained “stopper” of a half-swallowed fish, the head fitted with glass eyes and removing to reveal the detachable strainer. h. 9-3/4”, l. 4-1/2”; 27.42 t. oz. $4,500-$7,000 1035 Japanese Silver-Clad Rosewood Glove Box first quarter 20th century, of rectangular form, the silver lid decorated in repousse irises on a matte ground, extending to the sides, opening to the rosewood interior, the interior lid with silver plaque. h. 1-3/4”, w. 12-1/2”, d. 4-1/2” Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200



1036 Danish Sterling Silver Tea Set third quarter 20th century, by A. Dragsted, Copenhagen, in the 18th-century taste, including: a teapot, h. 6-3/4”, l. 7-1/2”; an open sugar bowl, h. 3-1/4”, w. 4-1/2”; a cream jug, h. 3-1/2”, l. 3-1/2”; and a tray, 15” x 12-1/4”, the hollowware with lobed, pear-shaped bodies and raised on four scrolling pad feet, the tray oval with “Chippendale” rim, all decorated with chased acanthus scrolls. 52.71 total t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500

1037 Second Empire “Fiddle Thread” Silver Flatware Set third quarter 19th century, Paris, by Pierre Elvire Queille (1834-1896), including a dozen each place forks and place spoons, monogrammed “LR”, conjoined. 24 pieces total forks l. 8”, spoons l. 8-1/4”; 53.47 total t. oz. $1,000-$1,500 1038 Impressive French Belle Epoque Silver Tea Set first quarter 20th century, by Tetard Freres, Paris, first standard (.950) silver, including: a hot water urn, h. 16-1/4”, w. 6-1/2”; a coffeepot, h. 11-1/4”, l. 9”; a teapot, h. 8-1/2”, l. 10”; a covered sugar bowl, h. 6-1/2”, w. 6”; a cream jug, h. 5-1/4”, w. 5-1/2”; a tea strainer-on-stand, dia. 2-3/4”, l. 6”; and a two-handled tea tray, 28” x 19”; the pear-shaped bodies decorated with acanthus calyx and collar, with rose-mantled rococo cartouches, handles and “gooseneck” spouts, the domed lids en suite with floral finials, the urn with painted wood insulated handles and feet. 328.87 total t. oz. (including painted wood insulators)





1039 Dunhill Leather Traveling Dresser Case second quarter 20th century, Paris, the case by Alfred Dunhill, Ltd., the silver fittings by Emile Poureyon, the rectangular black leather case opening to reveal the dark burgundy leather interior and a smaller case, the latter fitted with three silver-capped glass bottles, three silver-capped glass jars, a silver hairbrush, a silver clothes brush, a silver hand mirror, a table mirror, a shoe horn, a five-piece manicure set (one piece lacking), a hairpin case, a soap case and a jewelry box, all in a canvas and leather cover monogrammed “C.D.W.” outer case 5-3/4” x 19” x 13”, inner case 3-3/4” x 12” x 8-1/2” Provenance: Purchased by the consignor from the Estate of Campbell’s soup heiress Charlotte Dorrance Wright (19111977), June, 1978, Ravenscliff, St. Davids, Pennsylvania, Christie’s, June 1978. $1,000-$1,500


1040 Buccellati Sterling Silver Fruit Basket Centerpiece


fourth quarter 20th century, by Italo Gori, Florence, after a design by Mario Buccellati, Milan, with realistically detailed, life-sized grapes, pear, strawberries, pomegranate, banana and apple on a bed of grape leaves, lifting from a strap-woven and rope-twist-edged oval basket base. overall h. 6”, l. 10-1/4”, w. 8-1/2”; 57.58 t. oz. $3,000-$5,000

1041 Buccellati “Torsade” Sterling Silver Flatware Set contemporary, Milan, Italy, comprising a dozen eightpiece place settings, no monograms. 96 pieces total 154.01 total t. oz. (weighable silver) Detailed list of pieces available on request. $5,000-$7,000

1041 8 382


1042 Pair of Georg Jensen Sterling Silver Candelabra 1933-1934, Copenhagen, Denmark, model 537A, designed by Harald Nielsen (1892-1977), each with an imbricate floral standard with two pairs of outscrolled arms, each terminating in a cup-shaped candlesocket and raised above an oval base. h. 9”, w. 12-1/4”, d. 4-1/8”; 65.10 total t. oz. $7,000-$10,000 1043 Georg Jensen “Cypress” Sterling Silver Flatware Set the pattern designed in 1953 by Tias Eckhoff (1926-2016), Copenhagen, Denmark, including eight five-piece place settings (two pieces lacking) with an additional nine place pieces and one tablespoon, no monograms. 48 pieces total 44.36 total t. oz. (weighable silver) Detailed list of pieces available on request. $1,500-$2,500 1043

1044 Set of Continental Polished Pewter Tableware contemporary, including: eighteen service plates, dia. 11-7/8”; eighteen salad/dessert plates, dia. 7-1/2”; and a large serving dish, dia. 14-5/8”. 37 pieces total Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500




1045 Trio of Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver Tazze

1046 Good American Sterling Silver Serving Platter

the pattern introduced in 1915, New York, New York, each of circular form with milled leaf-and-dart rim, raised on a knopped pedestal foot with beaded rim. h. 3-1/4”, dia. 7-1/2”; 40.77 total t. oz.

first quarter 20th century, by Black, Starr and Frost, New York, New York, of oval form with milled beaded laurel rim and removable carved wood “well-and-tree” insert. l. 26”, w. 15”; 81.16 t. oz. (excluding insert)





1047 Grand Reed & Barton “Hepplewhite” Presentation Sterling Silver Tea Service the pattern designed in 1907 by Charles Augustus Bennett (1869-1939), Taunton, Massachusetts, dated 1912, retailed by J.J. Sweeney Jewelers, Houston, Texas, including: a kettle on stand, h. 12-3/4”, l. 10-1/2”; a coffeepot, h. 9-1/4”, l. 10”; a teapot, h. 7”, l. 10-1/2”; a cream jug, h. 5-3/4”, l. 5-1/2”; a covered sugar bowl, h. 6-1/4”, l. 5-1/2”; a waste bowl, h. 4-1/4”, l. 5-1/2”; a covered entree dish, l. 10-3/4”, w, 7-1/2”; a vegetable dish, l. 11-3/4”, w. 8-1/2”; and a tray, 26-1/2” x 17-1/2”, each piece monogrammed “F”, the tray with presentation inscription to Thornwell Fay from the Sunset-Central Lines Railroad, August 31, 1912, presented in a dark green velvetlined mahogany display chest with brass handles and plaque, 16-1/4” x 13-1/4” x 21-1/4”, with the original Sweeney storage pouches. 288.53 total t. oz.

Thornwell Fay was born on March 13, 1861 in Minden, Louisiana to gunsmith Edwin Hedge Fay and his wife Sarah Shields, and moved with his family to Fayette, Mississippi after the Civil War. He began work in 1878 as a telegraph operator with the Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship Company. From 1880 to 1884 he was a station agent and train dispatcher, and then for a year he served as private secretary to the company president. In 1885 he became secretary to the general manager of the Atlantic Southern Pacific, and in 1902 became vice president of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas. In 1904 he became vice president of the Southern Pacific lines in Texas, and finally in 1911 he became president of the latter. He announced his resignation and retirement on August 17, 1912 effective September first, and this handsome set was presented to him on the eve of his retirement by the "Sunset-Central Lines", which comprised Morgan's Louisiana & Texas RR & Steamship Co., the Louisiana Western RR Co., the Iberia & Vermilion Railroad (for whom his brother Charles Fay [1867-1946] worked), the Houston & Texas Central Railroad Co., and several others. Fay died in Houston on April 2, 1932, and is buried there in Glenwood Cemetery.



1047 detail




1048 Gorham/Durgin “Fairfax” Sterling Silver Flatware Set the pattern designed in 1910 by Barton Pickering Jenks (18701941), including a dozen seven-piece luncheon settings (four pieces lacking) with an additional sixteen place pieces and fifteen serving pieces, twenty pieces monogrammed, presented in a fitted, Pacific cloth-lined wood case with lift-top and single drawer, 6-3/4” x 11-1/2” x 17”. 111 pieces total 106.5 total t. oz. (weighable silver) $1,000-$1,500 1049 American Sterling Silver Gilt Chalice and Paten inscribed January 1919, by Benziger Brothers, New York, New York, the chalice with plain cup and hexagonally-lobed node and collar, the former faced with cherubim, above a stepped base with alternating portrait (Jesus, Mary and Joseph) and openwork scroll medallions, the latter each centering a paste jewel, the underside with a gilt-metal insert engraved with a presentation inscription from a Hungarian couple; the plain paten engraved with the IHS Christogram within a cross and crown of thorns. chalice h. 10-1/8”, base dia. 6”, paten dia. 6”; 21.73 total t. oz. (excluding gilt-metal insert) Provenance: Private collection, Mobile, Alabama. $1,000-$1,500



1050 American Sterling Silver Gilt Chalice dated 1943, by Phillip Marcus Kohl (1877-1959), Minneapolis, Minnesota, the bowl above a tapering octagonal standard with conforming knop and base, the latter with engraved laurel band centering a Canterbury cross set with an emeraldcut imitation aquamarine, the underside with presentation inscription “To Rev. Alberic Kullman S.O.Cist. Ordained June 6, 1943, loving remembrance from his father”. h. 7-1/2”, dia. 5-1/4”; 16.20 t. oz. (including interior elements; see Notes) $1,000-$1,500 The bowl, standard and base are sterling silver gilt, but the interior joining bolt fixed to the bowl and its retaining nut are gilt base metal. Alberic Carl Kullmann (1905-1973), later known as Carl J. Kullman, was born in New Jersey and studied at the Cistercian Monastery in Okauchee, Wisconsin; he was ordained at the St. John’s Abbey Church in Collegeville, Minnesota. He later served in Mississippi and San Diego, California, where he is buried.

1051 Set of Twelve Sterling Silver Large Cordials


second quarter 20th century, by the Manchester Silver Co., Providence, Rhode Island, each of inverted conical form above a circular foot, monogrammed “HSC”, one dated 1932 h. 3”, dia. 2-1/2”; 29.11 total t. oz. $1,000-$1,500 1052 Set of Eight Sterling Silver Tumblers third quarter 20th century, by the Preisner Silver Co., Wallingford, Connecticut, of tapering cylindrical form with everted rim, monogrammed “B”. h. 5-1/2”, dia. 3-1/8”; 31.52 total t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.


$700-$1,000 1053 Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver Revere Bowl third quarter 20th century, New York, New York, of traditional form. h. 4-3/8”, dia. 8-1/2”; 21.07 t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.


$800-$1,200 1054 American Sterling Silver Revere Bowl and Sandwich Plate third quarter 20th century, including: a Stieff, Baltimore, Maryland Revere bowl of traditional form; and an Old Wallingford/Wallace, Wallingford, Connecticut sandwich plate, circular with serpentine-lobed rim. bowl h. 4-1/2”, dia. 8-1/2”; plate dia. 10-1/2”; 39.09 total t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $800-$1,200



1055 Wallace “Coventry” Sterling Silver Tray mid-20th century, Wallingford, Connecticut, of oval form, with integral cut-out handles and molded rim. 20” x 14”; 53.75 t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500 1056 Gorham “King Edward” Sterling Silver Flatware the pattern designed in 1936 by James Russell Price (19071974), Providence, Rhode Island, including a dozen elevenpiece place settings (two pieces lacking) with an additional forty-four place pieces and three serving pieces, most monogrammed “B”, presented in a fitted, Pacific cloth-lined case with lift-top and single drawer, 8-1/4” x 17-1/2” x 12-3/4”. 177 pieces total (plus case) 164.73 total t. oz. (weighable silver)


Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. Detailed list of pieces available on request. $1,400-$1,800 1057 American Sterling Silver Water Pitcher and Goblets mid-20th century, by Fisher Silversmiths, Jersey City, New Jersey, including a pitcher in the the “Victoria” pattern, h. 10-1/4”, l. 9-3/4”, dia. 5-1/2”; and sixteen goblets, each with ovoid body decorated with acanthus-framed panels, with with baluster stem and domed foot, h. 4-1/4”, dia. 3-3/8” all monogrammed “B”. 130.69 total t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $2,000-$4,000 1056




1058 Reed & Barton “Francis I” Sterling Silver Tea Set the pattern designed in 1907 by Ernest Meyers, Taunton, Massachusetts, this set 1948, including a coffeepot, h. 9-1/4”, l. 10-1/4”, a teapot, h. 8-1/4”, l. 10-1/2”, a covered sugar bowl, h. 6-1/2”, w. 8”, a cream jug, h. 5-3/4”, l. 5-3/4”, and a waste bowl, h. 4-1/4”, w. 5-1/4”, monogrammed “B”; together with a 1949 Reed & Barton silverplate tray, 29” x 19-1/2”, and Whiting “King Edward” sterling silver sugar tongs, l. 3-3/4”. 7 pieces total 125.89 total t. oz. (excluding silverplate tray) Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen.

1059 Cased Set of Eight Alphonse LaPaglia (1907-1953) Sterling Silver Cordials second quarter 20th century, for Georg Jensen USA, New York, New York, each with an inverted bell-form bowl above a standard with a spherical knop and openwork floral-scroll domed base, presented in a gray velvet- and cream satin-lined textured black cloth case, 2” x 13” x 5-1/2”. each h. 3”, dia. 1-1/4”; 11.58 total t. oz. Provenance: The Estate of The Honorable Lloyd & Beryl Ann Bentsen. $1,000-$1,500





1060 Twelve Silverplate Figural Napkin Rings

1061 Twelve Silverplate Figural Napkin Rings

contemporary, cast and assembled from vintage elements, with floral, foliate, grapevine and spiral rings, including two “Kate Greenaway”-type children (one with dog, one riding a seahorse), a Scottie with dish, a Pug with bone and a seated doberman, two with single frogs and one with a kissing pair, an alligator, a peacock and a Texas Longhorn. h. 1-1/2” to 3”, l. 2-1/4” to 4”

contemporary, cast and assembled from vintage elements, with floral, foliate, grapevine and spiral rings, including a frog, a pair of kissing frogs, a pig and piglet, the tortoise and the hare, a squirrel, a Bulldog, a Doberman, a dolphin, a cat and kitten, a bison, a horse and a goat-drawn cart. h. 1-3/4” to 3-1/4”, l. 3” to 4-1/2”








1062 Turkish Oushak Carpet

1063 Turkish Angora Oushak Runner

1064 Laristan Serapi Carpet

8’ 4” x 10’ 6”

2’ 7” x 19’ 2”

8’ x 9’ 8”







1065 Turkish Angora Oushak Carpet 12’ x 14’ 8” $1,200-$1,800 1066 Oushak Carpet 13’ 2” x 15’ 7” $1,800-$2,500 1067 Agra Serapi Carpet 9’ x 12’ $1,000-$1,500





1068 Antique Sultanabad Carpet


9’ 6” x 11’ $7,000-$10,000 1069 Turkish Angora Oushak Runner 2’ 6” x 23’ 6”

1070 Semi-Antique Persian Bidjar Carpet 3’ 9” x 7’ $900-$1,200



1071 1072



1071 Semi-Antique Tabriz Carpet

1072 Sultanabad Carpet

11’ 4” x 14’ 10”

13’ 9” x 20’ 5”




1073 Signed Semi-Antique Persian Isphahan Carpet 10’ x 13’ 4” $1,500-$2,500

1074 Tabriz Raj Carpet 9’ 9” x 13’ 9” $6,000-$9,000

1075 1076

1075 Antique Malayer Carpet 4’ 3” x 6’ $2,000-$4,000

1076 Signed Antique Persian Mahal Carpet 9’ x 11’ 5” $5,000-$8,000

1077 Turkish Oushak Carpet 8’ 4” x 10’ 4” $1,000-$1,500





1078 Antique Tabriz Carpet 9’ x 12’ $4,000-$7,000

1079 Antique Tabriz Carpet 10’ x 15’ 10” $2,500-$4,000

1080 Antique Heriz Carpet 8’ 8” x 13’ 6” $6,000-$9,000






1081 Antique Kerman Carpet

1082 Antique Heriz Runner

1083 Antique Tabriz Carpet

11’ 8” x 15’ 3”

3’ 3” x 20’ 3”

11’ 7” x 14’ 7”





1084 Antique Lilihan Carpet 12’ x 16’ 4” $2,000-$4,000


1085 Antique Oushak Carpet 13’ x 15’ 9” $7,000-$10,000






1086 Semi-Antique Oushak Carpet

1087 Antique Eagle Kazak Carpet

1088 Antique Malayer Runner

5’ x 7’

4’ 5” x 7’ 2”

2’ 10” x 23’






1. Introduction (a). These Conditions of Sale (“Conditions of Sale”) contain all the terms governing Auctions (defined below) conducted by Cakebread Art Antiques Collectables, Inc. d/b/a New Orleans Auction Galleries (“NOAG”), and all the terms under which NOAG and the Seller (defined below) of a Lot (defined below) contract with the Buyer (defined below). These Conditions of Sale may be amended by posted notices or oral announcements made during the Auction. (b). Under these Conditions of Sale, the following capitalized terms are defined as follows: • An “Auction” is a public auction conducted by NOAG, at which Bidders may place Bids to purchase one or more Lots offered for sale by NOAG. An Auction takes place over one or more days and includes separate auctions of one or more Lots within an event conducted by NOAG; • The “Auctioneer” is the auctioneer calling the Auction conducted by NOAG; A “Bid” is a bid made by a party at the Auction to purchase a Lot; • A “Bidder” is (i) a person making a Bid at the Auction (whether in person, through an absentee bid, through electronic or internet means, or through telephone bidding); and/or (ii) a person who attends the Auction and registers to make a Bid (whether in person, through an absentee bid, through electronic or internet means, or through telephone bidding); • A “Buyer” is the party that commits to purchase a Lot by submitting the Winning Bid at Auction; • “Buyer’s Premium” is defined in Section 4 below; • “Catalogue” is the Auction catalogue utilized by NOAG to list the Lots offered at Auction; • The “Estimates” are the high and low estimates of value for each Lot set forth in the Catalogue presented by NOAG in connection with the Auction or otherwise set forth and/or announced at the Auction; • The “Hammer Price” for a Lot is the amount of the Winning Bid at the Auction, as announced by the Auctioneer, exclusive of commissions, Buyer’s Premium, expenses, and any taxes or other charges; • A “Lot” is specific item of property offered for sale at Auction; The “Reserve” is defined in Section 3 below; • The “Purchase Price” is defined in Section 4 below; A “Sale” of a Lot occurs when a Winning Bid is declared at Auction for the Lot; • The “Seller” of a Lot is the party who consigned the Lot with NOAG for purposes of selling the Lot, or is otherwise the seller of the Lot; • The “Winning Bid” is, as to a particular Lot, the Bid recognized by the Auctioneer as the highest and best Bid for that Lot.

(c). Except as otherwise stated, NOAG acts as consignment agent for the Seller. The contract for the sale of the Lot is therefore made between the Seller and the Buyer. (d). By bidding at the Auction as a Bidder or Buyer, and/or by your signature below, you agree to be bound by these terms.

2. Before the Auction (a). ALL SALES ARE “AS IS, WHERE IS” WITH NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. (i) NEITHER NOAG NOR THE SELLER PROVIDES ANY GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY AS TO THE NATURE, DESCRIPTION, GENUINENESS, PROVENANCE, IMPORTANCE, OR CONDITION OF THE LOT. All Sales and Auctions are without any representation or warranty of any kind by NOAG or the Seller. Bidders and Buyers are responsible for satisfying themselves concerning the condition of the Lots and the matters referred to in the catalogue entry, the Condition Report, or in any other statement or writing provided. All Sales are final and are “AS IS WHERE IS.” (ii) No warranty of redhibition. ANY WARANTY AGAINST REDHIBITORY DEFECTS IS WAIVED AND EXCLUDED. NOAG and Seller provide absolutely no warranty against redhibitory defects, including without limitation: (x) any defects rendering a Lot useless or its use inconvenient; and (y) any defects diminishing the usefulness of a Lot; and any such warranties are waived and excluded. In addition, NOAG and Seller provide no warranties, guarantees, or representations as to whether a Lot is fit for its ordinary use, fit for Buyer’s intended use or for Buyer’s particular purpose. (iii) No warranty against eviction. ANY WARRANTY AGAINST EVICTION IS WAIVED AND EXCLUDED. In the event that Buyer is evicted from possession of whole or part of the Lot, neither NOAG nor Seller have any duty whatsoever to return any part of the Purchase Price to Buyer. Buyer is buying at Buyer’s sole risk and peril as to third parties who may claim rights in the Lot after the Sale. (iv) No warranty as to authorship. NOAG does not make any express or implied warranty as to authorship of works of art and fine art. No statement in the Catalogue or elsewhere, orally or in writing, shall be construed as an express or implied warranty, representation or limitation of liability as to authorship. Any such warranty is WAIVED. (v) No warranty of peaceful possession, etc. The following warranties are waived and excluded: the absence of hidden defects, peaceful possession, and ownership. NOAG and Seller provide absolutely no warranty that the Lot is free from hidden defects, or for peaceful possession, or for ownership. (vi) No other warranties. None of the Seller, NOAG, or any of NOAG’s officers, employees or agents, give any representation, warranty or guarantee or assume any liability of any kind in respect of any Lot with regard to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, description, size, quality, condition, attribution, authenticity, rarity, importance, medium, provenance, exhibition history, literature or historical relevance. Except as required by local law, any express or implied warranty of any kind whatsoever is excluded by this Section 2(a). (b). Examination of property / Condition Reports. Prospective Buyers and Bidders are strongly advised to examine personally any property in which they are interested, before the Auction takes place. As a convenience, Bidders may request that NOAG produce a Condition Report (“Condition Report”) for a Lot, which, if produced, will provide additional detail concerning the condition of the Lot as observed by NOAG’s staff. NOAG reserves the right to decline to produce a Condition Report for any specific Lot, for any reason and in NOAG’s sole discretion.

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(c). Catalogue and other descriptions. (i) All statements made by NOAG as to condition, authorship, period, culture, source, origin, measurement, quality, rarity, provenance, importance, or historical relevance, whether in the Catalogue entry for the Lot, in the Condition Report, and/ or in a bill of sale, or made orally or in writing elsewhere, are qualified statements of opinion only and are not to be relied on as statements of fact. Such statements do not constitute a representation, warranty or assumption of liability by NOAG of any kind. References in the Catalogue entry or the Condition Report to damage or restoration are for guidance only and should be evaluated by personal inspection by the Bidder or a knowledgeable representative. The absence of such a reference does not imply that an item is free from defects or restoration, nor does a reference to particular defects imply the absence of any others. (ii) Without limiting the foregoing, none of the Seller, NOAG, or any of NOAG’s officers, employees or agents, are responsible for the correctness of any statement of whatever kind concerning any Lot, whether written or oral, nor for any other errors or omissions in description or for any faults or defects in any Lot. (iii) Any Estimates provided should not be relied on as a statement that this is the price at which the item will sell or its value for any other purpose. Any written or oral appraisal, Estimate or other statement of NOAG or our representatives with respect to the estimated or expected selling price of any Lot of Property is a statement of opinion only and shall not be relied upon by Bidders or prospective Bidders as a prediction or guarantee of the actual selling price. (iv) NOAG shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in catalogue or other descriptions of the Property. Neither NOAG nor the Seller is responsible in any way for errors and omissions in the catalogue, or any supplemental material. (d). Further acknowledgement. As a Bidder and prospective Buyer, you further agree and acknowledge that:

(i) You are not relying on NOAG’s skill or judgment in selecting to purchase any Lot; (ii) No oral or written statements in the Auction Catalogue, Condition Report, or elsewhere are the cause of or reason behind your purchase of any Lot; and you would have incurred such purchase regardless of any oral or written statements about condition, attribution, kind, quality, value, or authorship made in the catalogue or elsewhere; (iii) NOAG did not and could not have known that condition, attribution, kind, quality, expressed value, or authorship is the cause or reason why you decide to purchase any Lot; (iv) Your purchase of any Lot is not intended to gratify a nonpecuniary interest; and (v) NOAG did not know, nor should it have known, that any oral or written statement about a Lot in the catalogue, Condition Report or elsewhere would cause a nonpecuniary loss to a Buyer.

3. At the Auction (a). Registration before bidding / Bidding requirements. In order to be accepted as a Bidder and allowed to place a Bid, all Bidders must meet all of the following requirements: (i) A Bidder must complete and sign the attached registration form and provide identification to NOAG; (ii) NOAG may require the production of bank or other financial references or any other additional information; (iii) When making a Bid, a Bidder is accepting personal liability to pay the Purchase Price in full in the event that the Bidder submits the Winning Bid, unless it has been explicitly agreed in writing with NOAG before the auction of the Lot that the Bidder is acting as agent on behalf of an identified third party acceptable to NOAG, and that NOAG will only look to that principal for payment (iv) All Bids are to be made in U.S. currency unless agreed upon between NOAG and the Bidder; and (v) At NOAG’s sole discretion, NOAG may require any Bidder to post a cash deposit in an amount set by NOAG at its sole discretion. Such deposit may include, without limitation, a deposit of 25% of the Maximum Bid (or another amount set in NOAG’s sole discretion) in the case of Absentee Bids (defined below). (b). Refusal of admission / Rejection of Bidders. NOAG has the right, at its complete discretion, to refuse admission to the premises or participation in any Auction. NOAG reserves the right to reject any Bidder for any reason whatsoever and in NOAG’s sole discretion. (c). Absentee bids / Telephone bids. (i) As a convenience to Bidders, NOAG may allow a Bidder to submit an absentee bid (“Absentee Bid”) or telephone bid (“Telephone Bid”) by filling out (in full) the section of the attached registration form marked “Absentee Bids / Telephone Bids.” In order to submit an Absentee Bid or Telephone Bid for an Auction, that registration form must be filled out and submitted to NOAG no later than 5:00 p.m. central time on the last business day before the commencement of the Auction. (NOAG reserves the right to accept late Absentee Bid or Telephone Bid submissions in NOAG’s sole discretion.) All Absentee Bid submissions must include a maximum bid amount (“Maximum Bid”). (ii) If an Absentee Bid is submitted and accepted, at the time of the auction of the affected Lot, the Auctioneer or other NOAG staff will place the Absentee Bid at the amount of the opening bid amount, and will increase the amount as necessary until the earlier of (x) the Absentee Bid is the Winning Bid; or (y) the amount reaches the Maximum Bid. All such actions in this paragraph are at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer and/ or NOAG. If NOAG receives Absentee Bids on a particular Lot with identical Maximum Bid amounts, and at the Auction these are the highest bids on the Lot, the Lot will be sold to the person whose Absentee Bid was received and accepted first. In the event of a tie bid between an Absentee Bid and a Bid submitted by a Bidder physically present at the Auction (or a Telephone Bid), the Lot will be sold to physically present Bidder (or bidder submitting the Telephone Bid).

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(iii) If a Telephone Bid is submitted and accepted, at the time of the auction of the affected Lot, NOAG staff shall attempt to contact the Bidder using the telephone number provided. If successfully contacted, the Bidder shall then be afforded the opportunity to place a Bid on the Lot by telephone. Telephone Bids may be recorded. By submitting a Telephone Bid, the Bidder consents to the recording of the conversation and the placing of the Bid. (iv) Execution of Absentee Bids and Telephone Bids is a free service undertaken subject to other commitments at the time of the Auction and neither NOAG nor the Auctioneer shall have any liability for failing to execute an Absentee Bid or Telephone Bid or for errors and omissions in connection therewith. (d). Video or digital images. At some Auctions there may be a video or digital screen. Errors may occur in its operation and in the quality of the image and we do not accept liability for such errors. NOAG reserves the right to video tape and record proceedings at any Auctions. Any personal information obtained will be held in confidence by NOAG but may be used or shared with our affiliates and marketing partners for customer analysis purposes and to help us to tailor our services to buyer requirements. Any Bidder attending an Auction in person who does not wish to be video-taped may make arrangements to make a Telephone Bid in accordance with Section 3(c) above. (e). Reserves. All Lots are offered subject to a reserve, which is the confidential minimum price below which the Lot will not be sold (the “Reserve”). The Reserve for a Lot will not exceed the low Estimate for that Lot. The Auctioneer may open the bidding on any Lot below the Reserve by placing a bid on behalf of the Seller. The Auctioneer may continue to bid on behalf of the Seller up to the amount of the Reserve, either by placing consecutive bids or by placing bids in response to other bidders. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Lot may be sold at a Hammer Price below the Reserve, at the discretion of the Auctioneer and NOAG, in any manner consistent with the agreement between NOAG and the Seller. (f). No bidding by Seller. Under no circumstances shall Seller (as agent or principal), whether by itself or through its representatives, employees or agents (except as through the Auctioneer as set forth in Section 3(e) above), enter or cause to be entered a Bid on Seller’s Lot. (g). Auctioneer’s discretion. The Auctioneer has the right at his or her absolute and sole discretion to refuse any Bid, to advance the bidding in such a manner as he or she may decide, to withdraw or divide any Lot, to combine any two or more Lots, and in the event of any error or dispute, to determine the Winning Bid, to continue the bidding, to cancel the Sale or to reoffer and resell the Lot or item in dispute. If any dispute arises after the Sale, NOAG’s sale record is conclusive. Unless otherwise announced by the Auctioneer at the time of Sale, all Bids are per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue and no Lot shall be divided for Sale. NOAG and/or the Auctioneer may withdraw any Lot at any time before such Lot is offered at Auction, for any reason and in their sole and absolute discretion. (h). Successful bid and passing of risk. The Auctioneer shall have absolute discretion in determining the Winning Bid and the striking of the Auctioneer’s hammer marks the acceptance of the highest and best bid as the Winning Bid and the conclusion of a contract for sale between the Seller and the Buyer. Risk and responsibility for the Lot but not its title passes to the Buyer immediately upon announcement of the Winning Bid at the Auction. (i). Post-auction sale. In the event that there is no Winning Bid at Auction for a Lot, or the Lot is withdrawn from the Auction, or the Sale is cancelled for non-payment pursuant to Section 4(g) below, NOAG may sell the Lot at public or private sale at any time thereafter, in a manner consistent with the agreement between Seller and NOAG. (j). NOAG assumes no responsibility for failure to execute Bids for any reason whatsoever.

4. After the Auction (a). In order to consummate and complete the Sale, the Buyer must tender payment in full of all of the following amounts (all such amounts together being the “Purchase Price”) to NOAG: (i) the Hammer Price; and (ii) the “Buyer’s Premium” consisting of a premium of 25% of the Hammer Price (discounted to 22% if the method of payment is by check, cash, or wire transfer [subject to a $30 fee for domestic wires and a $60 fee for international wires] by the end of the day on the fifteenth calendar day following the conclusion of the Auction - note that there is no discount for LiveAuctioneers and Invaluable bidders) up to and including a Hammer Price of $200,000 and 10% of the amount by which the Lot’s Hammer Price exceeds $200,000; and (iii) Any applicable Louisiana, state, local, and federal or other taxes, calculated as required by law. Any documentation of tax exemption must be provided by the Bidder contemporaneously with the execution of the attached registration form. (b). Payment and passing of title. The Buyer and any other Bidders are responsible for contacting NOAG for Auction results during the week after the conclusion of the Auction. Subject to the provisions of Section 4(i) below which may require earlier payment, the Buyer must pay the full Purchase Price no later than 4:30 pm central time on the fifteenth calendar day following the conclusion of the Auction. Payments may be submitted during business hours to: New Orleans Auction Galleries, 333 St. Joseph Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130, Telephone number: 504-566-1849. Payments may be made by certified check, cash, wire transfer, or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express). Payments will be accepted by non-certified check only in NOAG’s sole discretion, from Buyers that have been qualified by NOAG in NOAG’s sole discretion. Title to the Lot does not pass to the Buyer until the full amount of the Purchase Price has been tendered and received by NOAG in good cleared funds, even in circumstances where the Lot has been released to the Buyer. (c). Credit Cards. Your signature on this form constitutes permission to charge the full amount of the Purchase Price on your credit card, if you are the Buyer on a Lot and payment is not received within five business days of the close of the Auction. Your signature on this form also constitutes permission to charge the full amount of Storage Charges (defined below), if and when accrued, on a periodic basis on your credit card. (d). Release of Lot to Buyer. No Lot will be released to the Buyer unless and until NOAG receives full payment of the Purchase Price, and such payment has cleared and NOAG has received confirmation of all funds owed. At its sole discretion, NOAG may release a specific Lot at any time, notwithstanding the foregoing provision. In addition, NOAG may require that Lots not be released until the Buyer has cleared additional checks in NOAG’s sole discretion, including without limitation, any anti-money laundering or antiterrorism financing checks to NOAG’s satisfaction. In the event that a Buyer fails to complete any anti-money laundering or anti-terrorism financing checks to NOAG’s satisfaction, NOAG shall be entitled to cancel the Sale and take any other action permitted or required under applicable law. In addition, notwithstanding the foregoing, Lots cannot be released until after the conclusion of the Auction. (e). Export/Import license and Dealers. It is the Buyer’s sole responsibility to obtain any relevant export or import license. The denial of any license or any delay in obtaining licenses shall not justify the rescission of any sale nor any delay in making bill payment for the Lot; and shall not limit or alter any of the obligations of the Buyer herein. Dealers purchasing for resale must enter appropriate their Dealer Resale Number on the attached registration form and provide NOAG with proper documentation. Rev. 01/04/17

(f). Storage charge. Subject to the foregoing provisions, any Lot that is not picked up by the end of the day on the fifteenth calendar day following the conclusion of the Auction is subject to an additional storage charge of $5.00 per Lot per day (“Storage Charge”) for as long as the Lot is stored at NOAG’s facilities. The outstanding amount of this Storage Charge must be paid in full (in addition to the Purchase Price) before such Lot will be released to the Buyer. Such Storage Charge accrues on a daily basis and is billed monthly. All items handled or stored will be at the Buyer’s risk. NOAG is not liable for any damage to Lots after the conclusion of the Auction. (g). Remedies for non-payment. If the Buyer fails to make payment in full of the Purchase Price in good cleared funds within the time required by Section 4(b) above, or payment in full of any applicable Storage Charge when incurred, NOAG shall be entitled in its absolute discretion to exercise one or more of the following rights or remedies (in addition to asserting any other rights or remedies available by law): (i) to charge outstanding amounts to the Buyer’s credit card; (ii) to charge interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month (but not to exceed the highest amount chargeable under applicable law); (iii) to hold the Buyer liable for the total amount due and to commence legal proceedings for its recovery together with interest, legal fees and costs to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law; (iv) to exercise any other remedy or remedies available under the law, including but not limited to a second sale of said item in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, including the subsequent enforcement of any deficiency against the initial buyer; (v) to cancel the sale; (vi) to resell the property publicly or privately on such terms as we shall think fit; (vii) to pay the Seller an amount up to the net proceeds payable in respect of the amount bid by the defaulting Buyer; (viii) to set off against any amounts which NOAG may owe the Buyer in any other transactions, the outstanding amount remaining unpaid by the Buyer; (ix) where several amounts are owed by the Buyer to NOAG, in respect of different transactions, to apply any amount paid to discharge any amount owed in respect of any particular transaction, whether or not the Buyer so directs; (x) to reject at any future Auction any Bids made by or on behalf of the Buyer or to obtain a deposit from the Buyer before accepting any Bids; (xi) to exercise all the rights and remedies of a person holding security and/or privilege over any property in our possession owned by the Buyer, whether by way of pledge, security interest or in any other way, to the fullest extent permitted under Louisiana law (including without limitation under La. Civil Code art. 3247, La. R.S. 10:7-209 and 10:7-210 and other applicable law), or (xii) to take such other action as NOAG deems necessary or appropriate. In connection with the item (xi) above, the Buyer will be deemed to have granted such security to NOAG and NOAG may retain the affected Lot and any property of the Buyer as collateral security for such Buyer’s obligations to NOAG and to the Seller

If we resell the property under Section 4(g)(vi) above, the Buyer shall be liable for payment of any deficiency between the total amount originally due to us and the price obtained upon resale as well as for all costs, expenses, damages, legal fees and commissions and premiums of whatever kind associated with both sales or otherwise arising from the default. If we pay any amount to the Seller under paragraph (vii) above, the Buyer acknowledges that NOAG shall have all of the rights of the Seller, however arising, to pursue the Buyer for such amount. (h). Shipping and packing. All shipping, packing, and transportation of Lots from NOAG’s facilities is the responsibility of Buyer. NOAG may, as a courtesy, assist Buyer with necessary arrangements, but by doing so, NOAG assumes no responsibility or liability for shipping, packing, moving, or transportation, including without limitation damage to Lots, damage to Buyer’s vehicle, or any personal injury of any persons involved. (i). Earlier payment may be required. For any specific Lot, and notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4(b) above, NOAG may require, in its sole discretion, that the Hammer Price for the Lot be paid immediately upon the striking of the Auctioneer’s hammer and announcement of the Winning Bid, with the balance of the Purchase Price being due by the close of the Auction.

5.Copyright The copyright in all images, illustrations and written material produced by or for NOAG relating to a Lot including without limitation the contents of the Catalogue, is and shall remain at all times the property of NOAG and shall not be used by the Buyer or Bidder, nor by anyone else, without our prior written consent. NOAG and the Seller make no representation or warranty that the Buyer of a Lot will acquire any copyright or other reproduction rights in it.

6. Severability If any part of these Conditions of Sale is found by any court to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that part shall be discounted and the rest of the conditions shall continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

7. Data Collection In connection with the operation of our auction business, NOAG may need to seek personal information from Bidders or obtain information about Bidders from third parties (e.g., credit checks from banks). Such information will be processed and kept by us in confidence. Some of Bidders’ personal data may also need to be shared with third party service providers (e.g., shipping or storage companies) for Bidders’ benefit. By participating in an Auction, you agree to all previously stated disclosure.

8. Law and Jurisdiction The rights and obligations of the parties with respect to these Conditions of Sale, the conduct of the Auction and any matters connected with any of the foregoing shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Louisiana. By bidding at the Auction and/or through execution of the attached registration form, the Bidder consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Louisiana and the Federal courts of the United States of America located in the Eastern District of Louisiana.

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New Orleans Auction Galleries 333 Saint Joseph Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 | 504-566-1849 | Fax: 504-566-1851 |

ABSENTEE / TELEPHONE BID FORM Name (Please Print): ______________________________________________

Date: ______________________

Business Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Dealer Resale # (Dealers must also sign official State of Louisiana document): _______________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________

State: ____________ ZIP: ___________________

Telephones: Work (_____)_____________ Home (______)______________ Fax (______)_______________ E-mail Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Conditions of Sale: Conditions of sale are as set forth in the applicable New Orleans Auction Galleries catalogue. Placing a telephone bid and/or absentee bid in the auction constitutes acceptance of all Conditions of Sale posted by NOAG as amended by any posted notices or oral announcements during the sale.

Lot #

Bid Amount (not including buyer’s premium) OR Telephone Number to Call:

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ VISA / MasterCard #: ____________________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ CVV #: _______________ I have read and agree to the Conditions of Sale. I agree that a buyer’s premium will be charged on each lot purchased at 25% up to and including $200,000 plus 10% of the hammer price greater than $200,000. For purchases made by cash, check or wire transfer [subject to a $30 fee for domestic wires and a $60 fee for international wires], the buyer’s premium shall be discounted 3% of this 25%. Note that there is no discount for LiveAuctioneers and Invaluable bidders. Your signature on this form constitutes permission to charge successful bids to your credit card, including the 25% buyer’s premium, if payment is not received within five days of the auction.

Signature (Required): ___________________________________________________________________ Please fax this form by 5:00 p.m. the day before the auction to 504-566-1851 or scan and email to

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