Camp Hill Newsletter - May 2021

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Camp Hill newsletter M ay 2 0 21

w w w . c a m p h i l l s d . k 1 2 . p a . u s

w w w . c a m p h i l l b o r o u g h . c o m


Sponsored by:

SUMMER Soirée a destination day of shopping, dining art & music

in Downtown Camp Hill


12-9pm Rain or shine

Follow us for more information

David & Jeanne



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Camp CampHill HillBorough, Borough,in incooperation cooperationwith withthetheCamp Camp Hill Hill American American Legion Legion Post Post 43,43, would would like like to to invite invite you you allallto toourourCemetery CemeteryCeremony Ceremonyto tohonor honorourour Veterans Veterans onon May May 31,31, 2021 2021 at at 9:30 9:30 am. am. AsAswewetrytryto toplan planspecial specialevents eventsduring duringthethe pandemic pandemic and and have have them them in in a safe a safe way, way, wewe need need to to consider consider a lot a lot of of factors. factors.SoSo with with a heavy a heavy heart heart again, again, wewe won’t won’t bebe holding holding ourour parade parade or or fesfestivities tivities in in Willow Willow Park. Park. We Wewill willhowever howeverhold holdthetheCemetery CemeteryCeremony Ceremonyat ata new a newtime, time, 9:30am 9:30am and and wewe hope hope many many of of you you will will join join us us in in celebrating celebrating ourour vetveterans. erans.We We will will have have guest guest speaker speaker Lieutenant Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Matthew Matthew P. P. Smith Smith who who is is currently currently thethe State State Staff Staff Judge Judge of of thethe Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Army Army National National Guard Guard (PAARNG). (PAARNG).HeHe hashas served served in in thethe milimilitary tary forfor over over 2525 years years in in various various positions positions such such as as Ammunition Ammunition Platoon Platoon Leader, Leader, Intelligence Intelligence Officer, Officer, Instructor, Instructor, Trial Trial Counsel, Counsel, and andDeputy DeputyStaff StaffJudge JudgeAdvocate, Advocate,amongst amongstothers. others.HeHehashas deployed deployed overseas overseas three three times, times, once once each each to to Nicaragua, Nicaragua, Iraq, Iraq, and and Kuwait. Kuwait.HeHe also also was was a civilian a civilian prosecutor prosecutor forfor over over 1818 years years and and served served in in various various capacities capacities such such as as Assistant Assistant and and Senior Senior Assistant Assistant District DistrictAttorney, Attorney,Chief Chiefof ofAppellate Appellateand andTrials TrialsDivisions Divisionsand and Acting Acting District District Attorney, Attorney, and and recently recently was was elected elected Judge Judge to to thethe Court Court of of Common Common Pleas, Pleas, Cumberland Cumberland County County in in 2020. 2020.His His awards awards include include thethe Bronze Bronze Star Star forfor Meritorious Meritorious Service, Service, Meritorious Meritorious Service Service Medal, Medal, Joint Joint Meritorious Meritorious Unit Unit Award, Award, Meritorious Meritorious Unit Unit Citation, Citation, Combat Combat Action Action Badge, Badge, and and Airborne Airborne and and AirAir Assault Assault Badges, Badges, amongst amongst others. others.HeHe is is married married to to Krista, Krista, and and hashas two two children. children. Also Also as as part part of of thethe ceremony ceremony will will bebe student student speaker, speaker, Addie Addie Mueller, Mueller, a senior a senior at at Camp Camp Hill Hill High High School. School.Taps Taps && Echo Echo will will bebe performed performed byby Matthew Matthew Lutkins Lutkins and and Gavin Gavin Davis. Davis.


• Approved • Approved December December 9, 9, 2020 2020 minutes. minutes. • Approval • Approval to to amend amend thethe proposed proposed Park Park Hour Hour Ordinance Ordinance to to bebe more more specific specific to to Schaeffer Schaeffer Park. Park. • Approval • Approval of of payment payment of of checks checks forfor December December 2020 2020 in in thethe amount amount of of $541,738.39. $541,738.39. • Approval • Approval of of agreement agreement with with thethe Cohen Cohen Law Law Group Group to to negotiate negotiate thethe Borough’s Borough’s Cable Cable TV TV Franchise Franchise Renewal Renewal with with Comcast. Comcast. • Approval • Approval of of a 2-year a 2-year extension extension of of thethe Penn Penn Waste Waste Trash Trash Contract, Contract, effective effective April April 1, 1, 2021. 2021. • Approval • Approval of of 19th 19th && Chestnut Chestnut Pedestrian Pedestrian Refuge Refuge Island Island to to provide provide permanent permanent pavement pavement restoration restoration in in lieu lieu of of cold-patch. cold-patch. • Approval • Approval to to adopt adopt a resolution a resolution request request forfor thethe Multimodal Multimodal Transportation Transportation Fund Fund Grant Grant of of $1,500,000 $1,500,000 from from thethe Commonwealth Commonwealth Financing Financing Authority Authority to to bebe used used forfor thethe Market Market Street Street Streetscape Streetscape Project. Project. • Approval • Approval to to keep keep thethe Borough Borough Office Office and and indoor indoor facilities facilities closed closed to to visitors visitors as as


a precaution a precaution against against COVID COVID until until February February 1111 and and to to revisit revisit thethe question question of of remaining remaining closed closed each each month. month. • Approval • Approval of of new new appointments appointments to to Commissions Commissions and and Boards. Boards.


• Approved • Approved January January 13,13, 2021 2021 minutes. minutes. • Approval • Approval of of Bobby Bobby Latham’s Latham’s Eagle Eagle Scout Scout Project Project forfor improvements improvements to to thethe Goddard Goddard Trail. Trail. • Approval • Approval of of Ordinance Ordinance 2021-01, 2021-01, estabestablishing lishing park park hours hours forfor certain certain unlit unlit parks parks in in thethe Borough. Borough. • Approval • Approval of of payment payment of of checks checks forfor December December 2020 2020 in in thethe amount amount of of $1,868,822.03 $1,868,822.03 • Approval • Approval to to ratify ratify and and approve approve thethe Stormwater Stormwater Management Management Agreement Agreement and and thethe Stormwater Stormwater Lease Lease Agreement Agreement with with Camp Camp Hill Hill Borough Borough Municipal Municipal Authority. Authority. • Approval • Approval of of thethe Debt Debt Ordinance Ordinance forfor Note Note Borrowing Borrowing Series Series 2021 2021 AA and and BB forfor Stormwater Stormwater projects projects and and thethe Streetscape Streetscape project. project. • Approval • Approval to to advertise advertise Ordinances Ordinances to to bebe


1212 – Council – Council Meeting Meeting – 7– pm 7 pm 1818 – Election – Election Primary Primary – 7– am 7 am to to 8 pm 8 pm 2929 – Community – Community Pool Pool opens opens – 12 – 12 pmpm 3131 – Memorial – Memorial Day Day – Borough – Borough Offices Offices closed closed 3131 – Memorial – Memorial Day Day Ceremony Ceremony – begins – begins 9:30 9:30 amam


5 –5 Summer – Summer Soiree Soiree – 5– pm 5 pm to to 8 pm 8 pm 9 –9 Council – Council Meeting Meeting – 7– pm 7 pm 1111 – Box – Box Lunch Lunch – 11:30 – 11:30 amam – 1– pm 1 pm 2222 – Planning – Planning Commission Commission – 6– pm* 6 pm* 2525 – Box – Box Lunch Lunch – 11:30 – 11:30 amam – 1– pm 1 pm


4 –4 Independence – Independence Day! Day! 6 –6 Recreation – Recreation Commission Commission – 6– pm 6 pm 9 –9 Box – Box Lunch Lunch – 11:30 – 11:30 amam – 1– pm 1 pm 1414 – Council – Council Meeting Meeting – 7– pm 7 pm 2020 – Planning – Planning Commission Commission – 6– pm* 6 pm* 2323 – Box – Box Lunch Lunch – 11:30 – 11:30 amam – 1– pm 1 pm


6 –6 Box – Box Lunch Lunch – 11:30 – 11:30 amam – 1– pm 1 pm 1111 – Council – Council Meeting Meeting – 7– pm 7 pm 1717 – Planning – Planning Commission Commission – 6– pm* 6 pm* 2020 – Box – Box Lunch Lunch – 11:30 – 11:30 amam – 1– pm 1 pm

Visit Visit forfor dates/times dates/times of of other other regularly regularly scheduled scheduled public public meetmeetings. ings.

These These meetings meetings areare heldheld at the at the Borough Borough of Camp of Camp HillHill Municipal Municipal Offices, Offices, 2145 2145 Walnut Walnut Street, Street, Camp Camp Hill,Hill, PA PA 17011 17011 andand areare open open to the to the public. public. If you If you areare a a person person withwith a disability, a disability, please please note: note: 48 48 hours hours notice notice is requested is requested for for anyany individual individual withwith a disability a disability whowho needs needs an an accommodation accommodation to participate to participate in ainborough a borough meeting, meeting, program, program, service, service, or employment or employment procedure. procedure. Individuals Individuals wishing wishing to attend to attend these these public public meetings meetings whowho require require an an auxiliary auxiliary aid aid service service or other or other accommoaccommodations dations to participate to participate in the in the meetings meetings please please contact contact thethe Borough Borough of Camp of Camp HillHill at (717) at (717) 737-3456 737-3456 or via or via e-mail: e-mail: Residents Residents requiring requiring TDDTDD service service should should callcall 1-800-654-5984. 1-800-654-5984.


CONTACT DIRECTORY Emergency ...........................................911 Mayor – Mark Simpson ............ 737-8596 Police Chief – Stephen Margeson Police Dept (non-emergency).....737-1570 Fire Chief – Mark Simpson........737-4623 EMS Supervisor – Fred Wadlinger Fire Dept (non-emergency) ........737-4623 Ambulance Membership.............737-4623 Camp Hill Borough Office Telephone.................................737-3456 Fax ..........................................730-3961 TDD ..............................1-800-654-5984 Borough Manager Sara Gibson ..............................................ext 1042 Recreation Director – Audrey Logar ...........................................ext 1019 Codes Enforcement Officer – Chris Miller ...........................................ext 1014 Codes Enforcement Officer – John Brenner ...........................................ext 1023 Codes Enforcement Officer – Barb Butler ...........................................ext 1023 Utility Billing................................ext 1022 Public Works Department Lester Lanman ........................730-3694 Camp Hill Borough Office Hours Monday–Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Mailing Address: 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 website: general email: Borough Council Leigh Twiford President Carl Schultz Vice-President Bonnie Bentz, Richard Guerin, Alissa Packer, Erin Vroman, Zach Williard Solicitor – E. Lee Stinnett All council members are accessible by email through the Borough website

Tax Collector – Diane Neiper ....737-5324

District Justice Court...................761-0583 Camp Hill Post Office .................737-1461 Camp Hill School District ..........901-2400 Camp Hill Pool ............................909-3148 Cleve J Fredricksen Library.........761-3900 Humane Society...........................564-3320 Cumberland County Courthouse Directory .....1-888-697-0371 Elections Bureau ..........................240-6385 County Tax Assessment...............240-6350 Cumberland Co Tax Bureau .......590-7997 County Recycling Authority .......240-6489 State Representative – Greg Rothman ....................975-2235 or 783-2063 State Senator – Mike Regan ....................432-1730 or 787-8524 Attorney General Office Consumer Protection .......1-800-441-2555 Contractor Problems...................772-2425 Penn Waste........................1-866-575-8720 PA American Water ..........1-800-565-7292 PPL/Street Light Problems1-800-342-5775 Chamber of Commerce...............761-0702

Actions of borough in compliance of Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System. • Approval to request a sanitary sewer change that would approve work on the pipe east of 25th Street. • Approval to advertise the DCNR grant and to hold a public hearing an hour before the March Council Meeting. • Approval of the request from Canadensis to stage a BBQ event at the firehouse on April 10, and to allow a temporary sign board at Willow Park in advance of the event. • Approval to send the proposed changes of the Zoning Map and Table of Allowed Uses to the Camp Hill Borough Planning Commission and the Cumberland County Planning Commission. • Approval to keep the Borough Office and indoor facilities closed to visitors as a precaution against COVID until March 11. • Approval of the hiring of Sara Gibson as the new Borough Manager, effective February 16. • Approval of the promotion of Julie Hill to Communications and Community Coordinator, effective March 1.


• Approved February 10, 2021 minutes. • Approval to authorize the DCNR grant application submission for the Siebert Park Trail. • Approval of the closure of Market St. from 21st. St. to 24th St. on June 5, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for the DCHA Summer Soiree, and authorization for the Borough to provide a Certificate of Insurance naming PennDOT as an Additional Insured for the event. • Approval of payment of checks for February 2021 in the amount of $907,415.11. • Approval for payment of $11,757.08 to Pipe Services Corporation for pre-lining inspection of the 2020 Sewer improvements project area. • Approval of a retainer agreement with HRG and their sub-consultant for a fixed fee/lump sum of $85,000.00 to perform Flow Assessment Services for two drainage basins. • Approval of a Contractor’s Application


for Payment #1 for 2020 Sewer Rehabilitation project to Mobile Dredging and Video Pipe, Inc. in the amount of $72,177.38. • Approval for 2020 Sewer Rehabilitation Project to change the contract with Mobile Dredging and Video Pipe, Inc. to allow a 79 day extension with completion by May 9, 2021 and to increase the amount of the contract by $21,027.75, for a total contract price of $342,604.75 to perform permanent paving restoration. • Approval to accept the $1,164 donation from the Foundation for Enhancing Communities on behalf of Harry and Nancy Preis for Siebert Park. • Approval to advertise a hearing on April 13th at 6:00 p.m. to consider Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map amendments. • Approval to designate Sara Gibson as Borough Secretary. • Approval to appoint Sara Gibson as Right-to-Know Officer for the Borough of Camp Hill. • Approval to keep the Borough Office and indoor facilities closed to visitors as a precaution against COVID until April 14, with the exception of the School District’s use of the athletic training room and authorized allowances for small classes or meetings with staff by appointment.


Sara Gibson has joined our staff as the Borough Manager. Sara has 18 years of experience in local government management and management consulting. She most recently served as the Manager of Rapho Township in Lancaster County. Sara is a graduate of Dickinson College and holds a Master’s degree in Government Administration from the University of Pennsylvania. Sara lives in Lancaster County with her hus-

Public Works band, three sons, and their rescue dog. When she is not working, she loves music, reading, and hiking with her family. Lester Lanman is the new Borough Public Works Director. Lester has many years of experience in public works and utilities management, most recently as the Director of Public Works Director and Municipal Authority Manager in Lower Swatara Township in Dauphin County. When he is not working, Lester enjoys fishing, golfing, and watching his kids play sports.

Downtown Camp Hill —A Destination!

We’re proud of our small-town spirit and resilience this past year, and we’re ready to celebrate Summer with our friends and neighbors! #ThriveHere in vibrant Downtown Camp Hill and support more than 30 local small businesses. Visit our coffee shops, shop at our clothing and gift boutiques, and stop in for fresh flowers, artisan jewelry, and makeup and skin care. Linger over lunch and fresh pastries, or enjoy a glass of wine with dinner at our restaurants. Don’t Miss the Summer Soirée & Plein Air Festival on Saturday, June 5, from 12 noon to 9 pm. A destination day full of art, music, dining, and shopping for the whole family! • Kids’ Art in the Park Event – More details to come! • Plein Air Quick Draw Competition, Exhibit, and Sale • Artwork Judging & Award Presentation at Reager & Adler • Inaugural Outdoor Mural Unveiling & Reception • Evening Summer Soirée: Stroll, shop, sip, and dine in our downtown. Celebrate the Summer Solstice and enjoy live music and outdoor art.


• Harvest Hop – Saturday, October 2, 10 am to 4 pm • Candy Cane Walk – Sunday, November 21, 12 noon to 4 pm • ‘Twas the Night Before… – Thursday, December 9, 5 pm to 8 pm

card, please complete registration form on our website. The Borough may close the facility at any time due to lack of operational space or material processing. Mulch loading service will begin on Monday, April 5th. Mulch loading service available on Mondays & Fridays ONLY, from 7:30 am to 8:30 am.


WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: mpHill/ INSTAGRAM: amp_hill_association/ The Downtown Camp Hill Association (DCHA) is a volunteer Main Street organization that was formed to strengthen the Camp Hill Business District along Market Street between 15th and 25th Streets. If you would like to get involved or be added to our email list to receive event information, contact Julie Hill at



Daily (Monday-Sunday) 6 am to 6 pm (for material drop off and pick up). The Compost Facility reopened Monday, January 11th for 2021. If you would like a 2021 Compost Facility access

Mail completed form from the website and payment (payable to Camp Hill Borough) to Camp Hill Borough, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill PA 17011. Alternately, you may use the secure drop box located at the Administration Building, on the wall outside the middle set of double doors. Upon processing, an access card will be mailed to you. If you already have an access card, it will be reactivated when your application and payment are processed. • The cost is $15 for residents and $800 for approved Camp Hill Borough contractors. Access cards are valid on a calendar year basis. Replacement cards are $5. • Do not throw away your access card. It will be reused each year upon renewal. • You must submit your completed Registration Form at the time you purchase the access card. • Access cards may NOT be shared with any persons NOT living in your household. • The automated gate and facility is under surveillance to assure only authorized persons and acceptable materials enter the facility. • Please keep your access card in your car. • Upon entry, Please make sure the key card is facing the reader with the numbers to the LEFT and the arm will lift.

No One Should Be Hungry! The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be giving food to all qualified Camp Hill residents in need of food assistance at the Christian Life Assembly Church at 2645 Lisburn Rd in Lower Allen Twp. Please stop by between 9 am and 12 noon on the following Tuesdays: May 11th, June 8th and July 13th. A utility bill from your residence is the only requirement. Please stop by if your family is in need !



The Club’s only goal is to try to preserve /improve Camp Hill’s water, air, land, flora and fauna. We are always looking for members who share our interests in the environment and to energize our organization. To apply pick up an application, call 737-4548, email the Rec. Dept., or come to a CHEC meeting. We meet several times a year at the West Shore Plaza Restaurant to discuss plans and ideas. Meeting dates are May 8, July 10, Oct 16. For additional information or to suggest future program ideas, contact Paul Garrett at 514-3546 or When able, CHEC will continue our efforts to recycle at the Siebert Park athletic events and Little League Baseball games. We have adopted Market Street in the Borough and clean it 4 times a year, as well as, other areas in Borough during warmer weather. New for 2021, we will help maintain some newly planted trees along the Conodoguinet Creek at the back of Siebert Park. Between May and September, CHEC helps the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association clean out sections of the creek. Our cleanups are 5/15, 6/19, 7/17, 8/21, & 9/18. Let’s talk about RECYCLING. HAZARDOUS WASTES. Cleaning out the basement? Lots of old paints and cleaning supplies? Cumberland County is hosting a series of drop off hazardous materials recycling events at its Carlisle facility – 6/5, 8/21 and 10/28. Visit 2021 Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Program | Cumberland County, PA - Official Website ( for details on what is accepted and how to sign up. There is a charge for the drop off. BATTERIES. Alkaline batteries can be placed in the normal trash collection. It is recommended that you place a strip of electrical tape over the plus (+) end. Rechargeable batteries should never be put in the trash but taken to Lowe’s or Home Depot for proper disposal and recycling. FREON APPLIANCES. If you have any appliances with Freon in them, please contact Penn Waste at 717-767-4456 to schedule a special pick-up. Some examples of appliances with Freon are: refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners and water coolers. For more information, please visit the Borough website

Codes Enforcement • Upon exit, approach the arm slowly and the arm will raise so you may exit. • Please follow the instructions posted on the new signs at the compost facility, drive slowly, and exercise care as you enter and exit the facility.


Leaf Mulch – Did you ever consider leaving your fall leaves (leaf litter mulch) in your flower beds for the winter? The benefits of leaf litter mulch can help buffer soil temperatures to keep soil warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, thereby protecting plants. Leaf mulch can also help in retaining soil moisture which lessens the need for irrigation. Leaf Compost – Did you know that we produce leaf compost each year? Leaf composting makes a dark, rich, earthy organic matter that can be used like soil. It adds nutrients to garden soil and the larger particle size helps enhance the tilth and loosen compacted earth. Compost will also help retain moisture and repels weeds when used as a top dressing or mulch.




Blowing or sweeping grass clipping and green waste into a public right-ofway is prohibited. This is a violation of both Borough Code and E.P.A. MS4 Permitting. Please refrain from this practice.


Section 302-1 of the International Property Maintenance Code states that each property shall be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. Pools, spas, hot tubs, fish ponds and ornamental water devices shall be kept in a clean and properly treated condition at all times. Do not allow garbage can lids, old tires or any vessel to harbor standing water as they might become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.


302.4 WEEDS

All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of six (6) inches. All noxious weeds are prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens.


All exterior property and premises, and the interior of every structure, shall be free from any accumulation of rubbish or garbage


Every occupant of a structure shall dispose of all rubbish in a clean and sanitary manner by placing such rubbish in approved containers.


The owner of occupied premises shall supply approved covered containers for rubbish, and the owner of the premises shall be responsible for the removal of rubbish.


Refrigerators and similar equipment not in operation shall not be discarded, abandoned or stored on premises without first removing the doors.


Every occupant of a structure shall dispose of garbage in a clean and sanitary manner by placing such garbage in an approved garbage disposal facility or approved garbage containers



a. No person shall plant, cut, trim or remove any shade tree under the jurisdiction of the Shade Tree Commission or fasten any sign, wire, rope or other materials to, around or through any such shade tree or deposit, place, store or maintain any stone, brick, sand, concrete or other material which may impede the free passage of water, air or fertilizer to the roots of any such shade tree unless he shall first obtain a permit from the Shade Tree Commission so to do.

Emergency Management Application for said permit shall be available at the Borough office. b. No person shall move any building or other object on or over any public street within the Borough in such a manner as to damage or injure any shade tree or shrub in such street unless he first obtains a permit from the Shade Tree Commission so to do. c. As a condition to any permit to move any building or object on or over any public street, the Shade Tree Commission may require the applicant to furnish bond in the amount sufficient to cover any damage or injury to any shade tree or shrubs in such street, and it may direct the route of any such moving so as to minimize damage or injury to shade trees and shrubs. Permits for trimming of trees for clearance purposes performed by or on behalf of utilities must be obtained in advance for other than emergency work. Permits may be requested on an area basis.


The Shade Tree Commission shall trim or require trimming of branches from any trees overhanging the sidewalks, streets and highways of the Borough so that the trees shall not obstruct the light from any streetlight and so that in the center of the street there shall be a clear height of 18 feet above the surface of the street; from a distance of six feet from the curb to the curb a clear height of 12 feet from the surface of the street; and over the sidewalks a clear height of eight feet.


It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to dump or discharge any liquid or semiliquid substance in or on any of the streets or alleys in the Borough of Camp Hill, so as to constitute a public nuisance or a menace to public health. This section shall not be construed to mean the natural drainage of surface water produced by rain or the melting of snow or ice on a building or property.



Helping to save lives one tip at a time Fact: Hundreds of people die each year in the United States due to heat waves, hurricanes, lightning, flash floods, powerful thunderstorm winds, and winter storms or winter cold. Additionally, thousands of people are injured by these weather events each year. Fact: If you are aware of what weather event is about to impact your area, you are more likely to survive such an event. To stay on top of the weather, utilize NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards receiver units that can be purchased at most electronic stores. Make sure the model you purchase has a battery-backup. The programmable types allow you to selectively screen out those county warnings you are not interested in. Most homes have a smoke detector; shouldn’t your home also have a weather radio? You should also obtain the latest weather information from commercial TV/radio, cable TV, the internet/web and newspapers.


1. Postpone outdoor activities if thunderstorms are imminent. Lightning can travel 5-10 miles away from the thunderstorm and strike the ground with blue sky overhead. The storm doesn’t have to be overhead in order for you to be struck. 2. Move to a sturdy shelter or vehicle. Do not take shelter in a small shed, under isolated trees, or in a convertible-top vehicle. Stay away from tall objects such as trees or towers or poles. 3. If in your vehicle when lightning strikes – don’t touch a metal surface. You are safer in a vehicle than being outdoors. 4. Remember that utility lines or pipes can carry the electrical current underground or through a building. Avoid electrical appliances, and use telephones or computers only in an emergency. 5. If you feel your hair standing on end – get down into a baseball catcher’s position and plug your ears with your fingertips so if lightning does hit it will not blow your ear drums out. Do not lie flat.


6. 30/30 rule – if the time between lighting and thunder is 30 seconds or less, go to a safe shelter. Stay there until 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder.


1. Nearly half of all fatalities in a flash flood involve a person driving a vehicle. Do not drive into a flooded area – Turn Around, Don’t Drown! It takes only 2 feet of water to float away most cars. 2. It takes only 6 inches of fast-moving water to sweep a person off their feet – don’t walk through a flooded area. 3. If you are camping in a river valley, move to higher ground if thunderstorms with heavy rains are in the area. Do not attempt to drive away. 4. Don’t operate electrical tools in flooded areas. 5. Most flash flood deaths occur in the middle of the night when it is more difficult to see rising water levels.


1. Don’t underestimate the power of strong thunderstorm winds known as straight-line winds – they can reach speeds of 100 to 150 mph. Hurricaneforce winds start at 74 mph. Pennsylvania does experience these kinds of winds. 2. If a severe thunderstorm warning contains hurricane-force wind speeds seek shelter immediately (as you would for a tornado situation). 3. Stay away from windows and go to the basement or interior room/hallway. Do not use electrical appliances. 4. Be aware that tall trees near a building can be uprooted by straight-line winds – that tree can come crashing through the roof of a home and crush a person. 5. Powerful straight-line winds can overturn a vehicle or even make a person air-borne when they get up over 100 mph. 6. One type of a straight-line wind event is a downburst, which is a small area of rapidly descending rain-cooled air and rain beneath a thunderstorm. A downburst can cause damage equivalent to a strong tornado.

Police Department



We appreciate your attendance and participation in Camp Hill’s National Night Out activities every year. National Night Out has been a great opportunity for community members to gather, visit, have some snacks and refreshments, and allow us to help promote crime prevention and personal safety. National Night Out is one of the many events which makes Camp Hill a great community!! Unfortunately, due to the continuing COVID-19 Pandemic situation we are all facing, and the uncertainty about its progression, and the public gathering guidelines which will be in place in August, we are cancelling the 2021 Camp Hill National Night Out. Although we hope the situation would improve enough by August 3rd to hold the event, we cannot be sure of that. Public Safety is our main concern. Since the planning for National Night Out would need to start now, and this pandemic has already caused disruption and financial challenges to so many, we feel it would be best to err on the side of caution at this point in time. We certainly appreciate your support and participation in previous National Night Out events. We plan on making the 2022 National Night Out bigger and better than ever!! We hope to see you there!!


The Club, established in 1950, is a philanthropic and social organization of women from Camp Hill and the surrounding area. Our goal is to raise money through various fundraisers to donate to local charities. We are proud to give donations this year to the following: Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, Bethesda Missions, Domestic Violence of Cumberland & Perry Counties, Downtown Daily Bread, and St. Francis Soup Kitchen. Thank you to the community for supporting our curbside sales of lasagna, homemade soups and chili over the past year. If you are interested in joining our Club, please visit and Facebook.


Hello from the Camp Hill Lions Club. It is some time since we presented an article in this newsletter, so will go back for a bit, to thank all who purchased a Christmas tree. We sold out in a timely manner which gave us some working capital to maintain our charities. We also packed several dozen boxes of goodies, such as candy, socks, toothpaste, etc. to be sent to overseas military from Pennsylvania. Due to Covid we regretfully have had to cancel our annual pancake jamboree. We are ready and eager to flip pancakes in 2022 and hope to see you there. During this time we have conducted business via computer and Zoom meetings. We were pleased to donate to two Boy Scouts for their Eagle projects. We also awarded our annual scholarship to a senior who will be attending HAAC. It is unfortunate we are unable to meet these young people at these times, but we are proud and honored to help where we can. We will begin our outdoor meetings in June. If you would like to join us for an outdoor meeting and perhaps give a thought to joining the Lion’s Club, please call Jo Bailey (717) 761-8129.


Emma Chaplin, CHHS Junior, has earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, She has been working with The Earl Besch Project since 2019 to secure space for a food pantry that serves students and their families in the CHSD. Thanks to a partnership with Camp Hill Little League, Emma and the EB Project were able to house the pantry in the Fiala Building starting in July 2020. Now that Little League is back in action this spring, the pantry was moved into another temporary location in the Camp Hill United Methodist Church in March 2021. Emma would like to thank the leaders of the EB Project, her advisor Kristine Kaleida, her scout leader Aryn Lentz, Camp Hill Little League and the CH United Methodist Church, the CH



An opportunity for boys and girls with birth years 2017-2014, to develop fundamental soccer competencies in ball control, passing, shooting, and defending while having fun with their peers. This 8 week program will consist of group activities during the week that culminate in an intramural smallsided game on Saturday mornings. Shin guards, cleats, and masks are required during activities and games. All other equipment will be provided.

QUESTIONS? EMAIL BRUCE CHAMPION AT VPYOUTHDEVELOPMENT@ CAMPHILLSOCCER.ORG business owners and churches, the many students and volunteers who have helped with this project, and especially the C H S D whose board and administrators continue the process of finding perm a n e n t pantry space. If you would like to get involved with The Earl Besch Project, please follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or send an email to: To donate to the project, please visit The Lion Foundation’s website at: and note the Earl Besch Project.

Historical Society

The View from 19th and Chestnut Street

Transport yourself to South 19th Street, with cat-o-nine-tails and other lower hands on her hips, glaring at us when we just one block south to growing wild grasses. passed by. Maybe girls only rated glares – the intersection with boys got the broom! Chestnut Street. At the foot of 19th There’s a new trafficStreet, where it meets island in the middle of the railroad tracks, that huge macadam stood a huge barn plot! When you stand that was home to the there, imagine how it J.S. Kirkland Builders was last year, and then Supply Store. In this 75 or 100 years ago. photo from c. 1963, Drawing by Dorothy Kendall, Well over 100 years you can read the CHHS Art teacher until 1960, of ago, that area was phone numbers Robert Whitehill’s 1772 home facing Drawing by Mary Enterline owned by a Mr. Hyde. painted on the build19th Street at Market Fenical, Art teacher at Camp Hill He’d added onto the ing – 7-2511 and 7Schools, for her children, Bill Fenical, 1770 limestone home of 9598. These numMary Martha Fenical, and Sue Robert Whitehill, a national political force bers became Regent Turn a bit left, toward Fenical Mahn. who promoted what became our first ten 7-2511 and then the east, and you will see Amendments to our Constitution. today’s 737-2511. a lone, tall house at the Whitehill became a member of the U.S. top of the hill. Kermit Holler remembered House of Representatives until his death the house and the woman in 1813. [This is now the Myers-Harner who lived there. He and his Funeral Home]. Mr. Hyde had a large friends referred to her as J.A. barn behind his house, at the corner where “The Witch”. She seemed Kirkland there is now a hearing aide business. The to know when children Builders late Kermit Holler told the story of passing were passing, and would go Supply at by, as a kid, while that barn burned to the outside, brandishing a South 19th ground in the early 1900’s. broom, and yell at the chiland the Now, turn toward the south west corner, dren, as if they were going railroad where there are now handsome brick to attack her! 75 years ago, tracks. apartment buildings and single-family she was still going out to homes. 75 years ago, that area was filled stand on her stoop with

CAMP HILL FIRE COMPANY #1 2021 CHICKEN BBQ SCHEDULE Hello Camp Hill Residents, The Coronavirus has forced all of us to look at things differently this year regarding the CH Chicken BBQ. We are going to have 4 separate sales – May 8th, June 12th, August 14th, and September 11th with no rain dates. The price for the dinner will be $10, which includes chicken, potato, applesauce, roll and butter. There will be no presales (door to door), so mark your calendars! Sales will be on a first come/first served basis, starting at 11:00 am until we sell out. There will be a drive through for pickup on Walnut Street in front of the firehouse. One final note, this is the only fundraiser of the year for our volunteer Fire Company. The monies we receive after the cost of the food go directly to updating our technology and equipment, to ensure the safety of all residents. We are always looking for volunteers to assist in all aspects of running a volunteer fire company. If you are interested, please stop by the firehouse on any Monday night at 7:00 pm or talk to us at the Chicken BBQ. You may also email Dave Apgar at



2 0 21 T e n n i s M e m b e rs h i p Tennis membership may be purchased by Camp Hill Borough residents, property owners and business owners. Memberships is non-transferable; all playing household members, regardless of age, must purchase an individual membership. The courts are accessible with your Siebert Park stadium access card; access card applications are available at the Borough Administrative Office. Membership is effective for the calendar year: January through December. Fees are not prorated; early registration is strongly recommended. Memberships are activated weekly, on Fridays. Please plan your registration accordingly. Parking on the grass near the tennis courts is prohibited. Violators will be fined. Parking is available next to the municipal swimming pool. Members are required to close the security gate when entering and leaving the courts. Tennis court users must produce their access card to validate their membership when requested by the Police Department or Borough Staff. When members leave the courts, their guests must depart as well. Failure to follow these rules will result in membership revocation and forfeiture of membership fee. FIRST-TIME MEMBERSHIP Name: _______________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________

Phone Number: ______________________________

Name of business and address (if applicable) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Members Names

Age (children only)

1. 2. 3. 4. Adult (18+) $15.00

Youth(17 & under) $8.00

Payment: Amount: __________ Check#:

________ or Cash

________ Credit/Debit Card (complete below)

Make check payable to Camp Hill Borough. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and debit cards accepted. Credit/debit card transactions will include a processing fee. Credit/debit card #: ____________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: __________ Security Code: _______ Name as it appears on the card: _______________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________

By purchasing a tennis membership, I understand and agree to follow the conditions listed above. Failure to abide by the conditions may result in suspension of privileges and/or forfeiture of membership. _______________________________________________ Print Name ____________________________________________ Signature

Camp Hill Recreation is offering tennis lessons this summer. Information regarding lessons can be found in the Recreation Section of the newsletter. THE BOROUGH DOESN’T PROMOTE, ENDORSE OR RECOMMEND ANY CONTRACTOR OR BUSINESS ADVERTISED IN THE NEWSLETTER OR IN GENERAL PRACTICE.


2 0 21 M u n i c i p a l P o o l S e a s o n TO PURCHASE A POOL MEMBERSHIP Camp Hill Borough offers pool memberships through the Active Network program. To purchase a pool membership, visit There are two options to proceed. Under the “I Want To” section (at the bottom of the screen), click “Purchase a pool membership”. Or, select the Recreation Department and click the large green button in the right-hand corner labeled “Register for Activities”. Both steps will bring you to the same screen. If you have an Active Network account established, click the blue “Sign In” button. Otherwise, click “Create an Account” under the blue button. Do not create a new account if you have registered for other Borough-sponsored recreational activities in the past; in that case, you already have an established Active Network account. Simply access your existing account and purchase your membership. When creating an account, please completely spell out your address. Add all household members five years of age and older to the account. If you have a nanny, this person must be added to the account using the following guidelines. Use the word “Nanny” for the first name and your last name for the last name. For example, the nanny for the Smith family would be Nanny Smith. For the nanny’s address, use your address. For the nanny’s date of birth, choose a date that keeps the age under twenty-three years (23) old, for example 1/1/2000. These guidelines are necessary so you are not overcharged for your membership. If you need clarification, please call the Borough Office. Once your account is established, you may proceed and purchase the pool membership that best suits your household. Active Network only accepts credit or debit card payments. For those who wish to pay by cash or check, you must still visit the Borough

Office; Borough staff will assist you in completing your transaction. For those interested in purchasing the grandparent membership (5-visit swipe card), make sure your Active Network account is established before visiting the Borough Office to complete your transaction. Borough Staff will not do this for you. Once your membership is purchased, you may go to the pool. When your pool membership cards are created (usually within 1 or 2 days), ask for them at the pool front desk. Each person, with the exception of a nanny, will have their photograph taken at the pool front desk. Returning members will use their cards issued from previous years.

MEMBERSHIP RATES & INFORMATION Membership Rate: Resident Non Resident Family* $160.00 $320.00 Adult (18+) $121.00 $242.00 Child (5–17) $105.00 $210.00 Senior (60+) $ 66.00 $132.00 Grandparent Plan (5-visit punch card)** $ 50.00 $100.00

*Restricted to household members. For purposes of this application, "household" is defined as two adults and four children five years of age and older. Each additional child (five years of age and older) is $20 more. Children include individuals up to 23 years of age who are in school. A nanny is an additional $25. Each additional adult or senior in the household must pay the separate applicable rate. **Purchased at Borough Office, not online. Create an account on the Active Network through the Borough website before visiting the Borough Office. Non Residents - membership is available only to residents of the following municipalities: Lemoyne Borough, Wormleysburg Borough, Hampden Twp, Lower Allen Twp,


East Pennsboro Twp


• Memorial Day Weekend: May 29 – 31 • June 5 & 6 • Pool will open daily, weather permitting, beginning Saturday, June 12th through Labor Day, September 6th (subject to change due to school make-up days). When the Camp Hill School District is in session, the pool is closed on weekdays. • Sunday thru Saturday 12 pm – 8 pm • Adult Swim (18 years & older) Mon, Wed & Fri, 6:30 am – 8 am • Hours vary on occasion due to aquatic events. Affected dates will be posted at the pool. • Inclement weather and pool closures: call (717)909-3148 for the pool front desk. • Daily rate for Borough residents five years and older: ten dollars ($10) • Daily rate for non-residents will NOT be available in 2021 • Daily rate for up to 4 guests accompanying a pool member: eight dollars ($8) per guest. • Visiting family members pay separately and will not be added to an existing family membership. • Discounts are not available. Rates remain the same throughout the season. Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable. • Membership cards must be presented at the pool entrance to access the pool grounds. • Do not discard membership cards at the end of the season, they will be re-used. • $10.00 to replace each lost or discarded membership card; capped at $25 per family. • A child must be 11 years old to enter the pool grounds without an adult. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.




RReeccrreeaatti ioonn DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt

AAMessage MessageFrom Fromthe theDirector... Director... I Ihope hopeyou youare areallalldoing doingwell welland andenjoying enjoyingyour yourspring springsosofar. far. Although Althoughwe weare arestill stillinina apandemic pandemicwe wehave havefound foundways waystotooffer offer some someprograms programsand andspecial specialevents eventsthis thisspring. spring.More Morethan thansixty sixtychilchildren drenenjoyed enjoyedour ourBunny BunnyEggstravaganza EggstravaganzaononNorth North22nd 22ndStreet Streetdurduring ingthe theSpring SpringFling Flingevent. event.We Weare arealso alsooffering offeringsome someoutdoor outdoor classes classesand andsome someindoor indoorclasses classesstarting startingininApril. April.Looking Lookingforward forward totoseeing seeingmany manyofofyou youatatour ourMemorial MemorialDay DayService ServiceononMay May31st 31statat 9:30 9:30am. am.More Moredetails detailscan canbebefound foundininthis thisnewsletter. newsletter. ItIttook tooka alittle littlelonger longerthan thannormal normalbut butI Iam amhappy happytotosay saywe wehave have our oursummer summercamp campinformation informationininthis thisnewsletter. newsletter.We Wehave havefound found ways waystotohold holdmany manyofofour ourcamps campsinina asafe safeand andfun funway wayininsmaller smaller numbers. numbers.BeBesure suretotoread readover overallallthe thedetails detailsabout aboutcamps campsprior priortoto registering registeringasasthere therehave havebeen beensome somechanges changestotomaximum maximumoccupanoccupancies ciesdue duetotothe thepandemic. pandemic. Please Pleasenote notethe thechanges changestotothe therefund refund policy policyasaswell. well. We Wehave haveinformation informationabout aboutour ourBox BoxLunch LunchReview Reviewininthis this newsletter. newsletter.For Forallallthe thedetails detailsabout aboutlunch lunchand andguidelines guidelinesfor forattendattending ingplease pleaseread readover overinformation informationininthe thenewsletter. newsletter.We Wealso alsohave have updated updatedpool poolmembership membershipinformation. information.

Reminder: Reminder:IfIfyou youalready alreadyhave haveananestablished establishedActive ActiveNet Netaccount, account, please pleaseuse usethat thataccount accountwhen whenregistering registeringfor foractivities, activities,camps campsoror memberships. memberships.Do Donot notcreate createa anew newaccount accountunless unlessthis thisisisyour yourfirst first time timeregistering registeringfor forany anyofofour ourofferings. offerings. Please Pleaseremember rememberthat thateach eachNewsletter Newslettercovers coversapproximately approximately3 3 months monthsofofactivities activitiesand andevents. events.AsAswith withallallCamp CampHill HillRecreation Recreation programs, programs,registration registrationisisonona afirst firstcome comefirst firstserved servedbasis. basis.Please Please read readover overallallregistration registrationprocedures proceduresfor foreach eachprogram programcarefully, carefully,soso you youdodonot notmiss missany anyimportant importantdeadlines. deadlines.IfIfyou youhave haveany anyquestions, questions, concerns concernsororideas ideasfor fornew newprograms, programs,please pleasecontact contactthe therecreation recreation office officebybyphone phoneatat(717)737-4548 (717)737-4548ororbybyemail Iam ama aone oneperson personoffice, office,sosoI Iam amnot notalways alwaysable abletoto answer answermy myphone phonewhen whenititrings. rings.IfIfI am I amnot notavailable availabletotoanswer answeryour your call, call,please pleaseleave leavea adetailed detailedmessage messageand andI Iwill willreturn returnyour yourcall callasas soon soonasaspossible possible(usually (usuallywithin withinone onebusiness businessday). day). Thank Thankyou, you,

Audrey AudreyJ.J.Logar Logar


Jon JonArosell, Arosell,Dustin DustinChapman, Chapman,Nick NickDecker, Decker,William WilliamForrey, Forrey,Borough BoroughManager ManagerSara SaraGibson, Gibson,Patty PattyGilroy, Gilroy,Melanie MelanieGurgiolo, Gurgiolo, Superintendent SuperintendentDaniel DanielSerfass, Serfass,Mayor MayorMark MarkSimpson, Simpson,Doug DougSnyder Snyderand andPaul PaulWhite White



Camp CampHill HillRecreation Recreationreceived receiveda a$1,164.00 $1,164.00donation donationfrom fromthe the Harry Harryand andNancy NancyPreis PreisSiebert SiebertPark ParkFund FundofofThe TheFoundation Foundationfor for Enhancing EnhancingCommunities Communitiestotobebeused usedininSiebert SiebertPark. Park.Camp CampHill Hill Recreation Recreationwould wouldlike liketotothank thankHarry Harryand andNancy NancyPreis Preisand andThe The Foundation Foundationfor forEnhancing EnhancingCommunities Communitiesfor forthe thegenerous generousdonation donation and andwe wewill willbebeputting puttingitittotogood gooduse useininSiebert SiebertPark. Park.


AsAswe wework workthrough throughthe theimpacts impactsofofCOVID-19 COVID-19and anddetermine determine ways waystotorecreate recreatesafely, safely,we wemust mustmake makesome somevery verydifficult difficultdecisions. decisions. There Thereisisnothing nothingwe wewould wouldlike liketotododomore morethan thanhold holdour ourannual annual Kite KiteFestival, Festival,where wherekids kidsmake makea akite kiteand andrun runfreely freelyaround aroundwith with smiles smilesonontheir theirfaces facesand andwatch watchGrandpop GrandpopBubbles Bubblesmake makebubbles. bubbles. ItItisiswith withheavy heavyhearts, hearts,we weneed needtotocancel cancelthis thisevent eventfor for2021 2021due duetoto the theCOVID-19 COVID-19pandemic. pandemic.

Camp Camp Hill Hill Borough, Borough, inin cooperation cooperation with with the the Camp Camp Hill Hill American AmericanLegion LegionPost Post43, 43,would wouldlike liketotoinvite inviteyou youallalltotoour our Memorial MemorialDay DayService Servicetotohonor honorour ourVeterans VeteransononMay May31, 31,2021 2021atat 9:30 9:30am. am.AsAswe wetrytrytotoplan planspecial specialevents eventsduring duringthe thepandemic pandemicand and have havethem theminina asafe safeway, way,we weneed needtotoconsider considera alotlotofoffactors. factors. SoSo with witha aheavy heavyheart heartagain, again,we wewon’t won’tbebeholding holdingour ourparade paradeororfestivfestivities itiesininWillow WillowPark. Park.We Wewill willhowever howeverhold holdthe theMemorial MemorialDay Day Service Serviceatata anew newtime, time,9:30 9:30am amand andwe wehope hopemany manyofofyou youwill willjoin join ususinincelebrating celebratingour ourveterans. veterans.We Weare areencouraging encouragingeveryone everyonetotowear wear a amask maskand andhelp helpwith withsocial socialdistancing distancing ononthe thecemetery cemeterygrounds groundstoto show showyour yoursupport supportfor forallall our our veterans. veterans. We We are are encouraging encouraging everyone everyone toto bring bringtheir theirown ownlawn lawn chairs, chairs,but butwe wewill willhave have some somechairs chairsavailable availableififneeded. needed.



If you are interested in having access to utilize the stadium when it is not being used for an event, call 717-737-3456 or email To enter the stadium access the Siebert Park Stadium near the Athletic House. Just swipe your card and push on the access gate. It will turn to let one person enter. If you lose your card, you need to notify the Borough immediately, so we can deactivate your card. Replacement cards, are $5.00 each.


In 2021 the Camp Hill Recreation Commission will conduct its meetings at 6 PM at the Borough Building of Camp Hill Municipal Office in the conference room, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011, on the following dates: Tuesdays, July 6 and October 5, (Dates may be added as needed.)


Due to Covid-19 circumstances, facility rentals are not available until further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience, information will be available on our website when rentals can resume.


If you have a class idea or would like to look into becoming an instructor, please call Audrey Logar, the Recreation Director at (717) 737-4548 or email If this type of class is of interest to you or you are someone willing to teach this type of class, we would love to hear from you.


This Award Winning Event is back again and will be in Willow Park from 11:30 - 1:00 pm. If it rains, it will be held the following Friday. We would like to invite all of you to come to the park on

Date: June 25 Sponsored by Conte Wealth Advisors Mid Penn Bank

available within the park. Zoom information will be sent to zoom participants via email 8am Sunday Morning. If inclement weather all students who were to attend live class will be sent zoom information as well. Registration is online for as many classes as you would like! Sundays Dates: May 2 – August 29 (No class 7/18, 7/25, 8/1) Time: 8:30 am – 9:20 am Location: Parking Lot by Basketball Court in Siebert Park or on zoom Cost per class: $10 and register for each week individually



opening day and enjoy the great music. At this time of publication we won’t be selling lunch at the park but you are welcome to bring your lunch or purchase lunch at one of our local eating establishments. We encourage you to practice social distancing and to bring a chair or a blanket to sit on.


Date: June 11 Sponsored by Service 1st Restoration


Date: July 9 Sponsored by Mid Penn Bank


Date: July 23 Sponsored by Sponsor by Highmark

SCOTT RIVERS (GUITARIST) Date: August 6 Sponsored by HRG


Date: August 20 Sponsored by Camp Hill Borough

ADULT CLASSES BARRE CLASSES (LIVE & ZOOM OPTION) (Instructor: Megan Lesko) Barre is a total body workout consisting of lower and upper body strength training that uses mostly bodyweight, raises your heartrate, and finishes up with core training. Bring a mat, light weights (1-3 pounds/canned food or 2 water bottles can be substituted), and a small loop band (available for purchase for $3 at class). Sneakers or bare feet. If we are unable to hold class on any given Sunday, we will post class information on the CH Parks and Rec Facebook Page and the Barre Class Instagram Page. Also all participants need to bring along a mask to be worn only if social distancing is not possible. Students will be spread out during the class and a mask doesn’t need to be worn, but can be worn if that is what the participant chooses to do. Port-a-Johns


Sign up for a zoom lunch date to get your body moving. Push that desk chair aside and turn it into a barre for fun, 30-minute express class that will work your entire body. No dance experience necessary to sculpt your body with pliés, squats, lunges, arm and core work. Great for all levels. Goal is to leave feeling toned, accomplished, and ready to tackle your afternoon. Link will be emailed 30 minutes prior to class with prop list (usually mat or soft surface, light weights or canned goods, chair). Registration is online for as many classes as you would like! Tuesdays Dates: May 4 – August 31 (No class 7/20, 7/27) Time: 12-12:30 pm Location: zoom Cost per class: $7 and register for each week individually

JACKI’S AEROBIC STEP (Instructor: Sandy Cronin) Jacki Sorensen's Strong Step is a lowimpact, high energy, maximally effective fitness class that's fun and easy! Using a STEP to increase lower body resistance, the subtly choreographed routines have an athletic style that appeals to anyone interested in getting a head-to-toe workout. In your Get-It-All-Together class you'll stretch, squat, press, crunch and "aerobic condition" yourself into a total body fitness while enjoying music from The Hot 100, Adult Contemporary, Latin, Rock 'n Roll, Country, Hip Hop and more! Come and experience the effectiveness and excitement (TM)

Recreation Department of our regular roll-out of new routines to keep you challenged and motivated. Grab your water bottle, and put on your athletic shoes! Must be pre-registered and space is limited. There will be a waiver to sign for class. Temperatures will be taken prior to entering the building for class. Mask will need to be worn into building until you are able to social distance for class. Each student will have their own step that they will sign out for this session. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Session: April 27th – May 27th Time: 4-5:00 PM Location: Borough Hall – Enter through center door on garden side of building. Cost: resident $100 / non-resident $105

YOUTH/TEEN PROGRAMS TENNIS LESSONS FOR AGES 6–8 & 9–14 Instructor Greg Herb This program will assist you in learning how to play or will assist you in enhancing the skills you already have. Participants are asked to bring their own racquet. Tuesday – Thursday: July 13-15 July 20-22 Time: 8:30 am - 9:15 am, ages 6 – 8 (beginners) Time: 9:30 - 10:30 am, ages 9-14 (beginners and intermediate) Location: Siebert Park Tennis Courts Time: resident $60/non-resident $70 (Min. 5 / Max. 20 participants) Registration is due one week before session.

SUMMER CAMPS Please note: Due to the planning and coordinating of summer camps there will be NO refunds for any cancellations of summer camps.


Camp Hill Recreation will be able to have Siebert Park Day Camp for up to 45 children to start the summer. Campers will enjoy sports, arts and crafts, swimming and other theme based activities. When registering full payment per week will be required. Due to the challenges of planning and coordinating of camp, no refunds will be given, once registered. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Friday: June 14 - August 13 Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Ages: Open to elementary aged children who have completed kindergarten through the summer following 5th grade. Cost per week: resident $154 / non- resident $170


Camp will be offered the following weeks and you can register for as many as you wish if there is space. Each week we will include art, music, learning centers and of course, stories (Mercer Meyer books and lots more). We will also enjoy theme based yoga activities each week with Ann Fields, founder of Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Thursday: June 14th – August 6th Times: 9 – 12 pm Location: Trinity Lutheran Church Cost per week: resident $85/non-residents $95


Explore the mysterious realms of sea and space as you enter the exciting worlds of marine biology and astronomy! Dive in and examine weird wonders of the sea, observe the anatomy of a real fish and learn the ancient technique of gyotaku or “fish rubbing”, and discover the ocean’s living fossils. Then blast off to discovering space and stars as you make an out-of-this-world solar system model, prepare for lift-off as you build and launch your own stomp rocket while learning about Newton’s Laws of Motion, complete a mission to the Moon, and design and build a space capsule that will safely bring your “eggstronaut” in for a landing. Please send a snack and drink with your child. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Friday: July 26 – 30 Ages: 7-11 Times: 9 – 12 pm Location: Community Room Cost per camp: resident $240.00/ non-resident $250.00


REFUND POLICY A refund will not be granted for any cancellation of a session $50 or less. This includes any program offered by the Recreation Department. For all programs greater than $50, a refund will be granted according to this schedule:

Refund Request Date

Amount of Refund

>90 days before program

75% program cost

60-90 days before program

50% program cost

30-59 days before program

25% program cost

Less than 30 days before program

No refund

Due to the challenges of planning and coordinating of summer camps 2021, there will be NO refunds for any cancellations of summer camp. If any program or camp is canceled by the Recreation Department at no fault of the participant, a full refund will be granted.


Science Explorers has compiled our favorite camp experiments into this weeklong adventure! Make a groovy lava lamp test tube, mix up chemical reactions, erupt a volcano, make chalkboard and fluffy slime, build a solar oven to make treats, launch pompoms with your own catapult, create your own motorized invention, make a foaming “matter monster”, and go on a fossil dig. (Formerly known as “Greatest Hits” camp). Please send a snack and drink with your child. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Friday: July 12- 16 Ages: 7-11 Times: 9 – 12 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $240/ non-resident $250


Calling all science fanatics! If you didn’t get a chance to experience our 2020-21 club topics, then this is the camp for you! Get ready to concoct cool chemistry creations, formulate new physics ideas, engineer solutions to problems, investigate how your own body works, and best of all, learn some really cool science magic tricks to play on your siblings or wow your relatives at the family reunion. You’ll uncover the mysteri-

Recreation Department ous world of microbes, make “gassy” putty, build a working lung model, participate in an engineering challenge, compete in a bristle-bot race and experiment with vanishing ink! Please send a snack and drink with your child. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Friday: August 9 - 13 Ages: 7-11 Times: 9 – 12 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $240.00/non-resident $250.00


Summer volleyball camp is for beginner players with little to no experience with the sport. The camp will teach players the basics through games, challenges and fun activities. You will learn how to serve, pass, and hit. On the last day of camp, we hope to run a tournament. Participants should wear sneakers and bring a water bottle. Players are also encouraged to bring a long-sleeved t-shirt to help with passing drills. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Jen Klos lives in the borough with her husband and three school-aged kids. With extensive experience as a teacher of middle school aged students, she knows how to motivate and encourage kids to learn something new. She played volleyball in high school and college and coached high school volleyball for 6 years. Monday – Thursday: July 12 - 15 Grades: Entering 6th – Entering 8th Times: 9 - 11 am Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $87/non-resident $97


Camp Hill Recreation, in conjunction with the Camp Hill High School Boys Basketball program, will be offering three Boys Basketball Camps this summer. The camps will be run by Scott Barrows, Camp Hill High School Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach and his coaching staff, along with several of the High School players. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC.


Lions Future Stars Camp will be offered to boys entering 4th grade through boys entering 9th grade. This camp will include skill development, competitive team games, individual contests, and sportsmanship. Participants are to bring their lunch and water bottle. Reversible shirts for those registered by June 1st. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Thursday: June 21-24 Times: 9 - 4 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $148/non-resident $158

provides lacrosse players with lacrosse training from our expert coaches – while also stressing the importance of developing leadership skills and being a good sport. With a commitment to provide individualized development, you’re sure to develop a newfound confidence and passion for the sport of lacrosse! Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Thursday: July 19 - 22 Grades: Entering 3rd – Entering 6th Times: 4:30 – 6 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $75/non-resident $85



Elite Lion Basketball Training will be offered to boys entering 7th through boys entering 9th grade. This is a concentrated skills camp for the serious basketball player to hone his individual abilities and improve agility through focused basketball-specific training. Participants are to bring a water bottle. Reversible shirts for those registered by June 1st. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Thursday: June 28 – July 1 Times: 3 – 5 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $110/non-resident $120


Little Lions Basketball Camp will be offered to boys entering K through boys entering 3rd grade. This camp will emphasize fun and provide age appropriate instruction highlighting skills and games to get the boys excited about basketball. Participants are to bring a water bottle. T-shirts for those registered by June 1st. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Thursday: June 28 – July 1 Times: 6 – 7:30 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $82 /non-resident $92

CO-ED LACROSSE CAMP (Instructor: DJ Healey) If you’re looking to improve your individual lacrosse skills, have fun and meet new friends , then the best thing you can do is attend our Co-ed Lacrosse Camp. Our lacrosse camp is geared to lax players of all ability levels from experienced players to beginners. Our four-day LAX camp


Camp Hill Recreation with Mark Clarke, Camp Hill Varsity Basketball Coach, will be offering a Basketball Camp. During the camp the players will work with coaches & VARSITY players on skills, contests & games. All participants should bring a water bottle. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Thursday: July 5 - 8 Ages: Entering 3rd – Entering 8th Grade Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $93/non-resident $103


Camp Hill Recreation will be offering a Field Hockey Camp for elementary through middle school players this summer. Run by CHFH Coaches, Julie Colestock and Julie Reisbane,, with the assistance of the Camp Hill HS/MS Field Hockey Staff and players, camp is designed for all levels of skill with the focus on Fitness, Fun and the love of Field Hockey. During camp the players will work on individual skills, small group instruction as well as age appropriate competitive games and contests. We will separate camp into an elementary group and plan to run a separate program for the upcoming middle school girls who may be preparing for the fall season. All participants will receive a field hockey ball while supplies last. Field Hockey Sticks will be available for use at camp; if you need equipment or information with an interested in buying a stick reach out to Julie Colestock at All

Recreation Department campers should come prepared for activity with shin guards, water bottles and mouth guards (strongly suggested). Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Monday – Thursday: August 2 - 5, if needed Friday, August 6, the time TBD for makeup day Ages: Entering 2nd – Entering 8th Time: 6 – 8 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $93/non-resident $103


Introduce your child to the beautiful game. Current players, sharpen your skills. Players will train with and learn from the High School team and the Camp Hill High School Assistant Boys Coach and Middle School Head Coach, Matt Earhart. Sessions are for both boys and girls and are designed to teach skills through fun drills and games. Advanced players may be asked to move up an age group after the first session. Players should wear cleats (or sneakers) and shin guards, bring a ball, and bring water to the camp. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Questions? email Matt Earhart at Rain dates if needed will be on the Friday of the week your child is participating in camp. Times TBD.


Through storytelling and creative play, the instructors will develop themed plays that cultivate basic acting skills in a fun and purposeful environment. This program is for children entering 1st through entering 4th. Masks will be required according to CDC. Monday - Friday Camp 1: Fairy Tales all mixed up Camp 2: The wishing well where wishes come true Grades: Entering 1st thru entering 4th Dates: June 21-25 & August 2 - 6 Time: 9:30 – 11 am Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Cost per session: resident $80/nonresident $90 Descriptions of Classes: Will be available on our website soon.

REFUND POLICY DUE TO THE CHALLENGES OF PLANNING AND COORDINATING OF SUMMER CAMPS 2021, THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS FOR ANY CANCELLATIONS OF SUMMER CAMP. If any program or camp is canceled by the Recreation Department at no fault of the participant, a full refund will be granted.


Our theater camps this summer are limited in size due to the pandemic. All productions will be lead by Tom Naran and he will have a number of students and adults assisting him. All the Theatre Camps are limited in space, so register early. Masks are required as recommended by the CDC. Please note: Due to the planning and coordinating of summer camps there will be NO refunds for any cancellations of summer camps.



Monday – Thursday: June 7 – 10 Time: 5 – 5:45 pm Location: Fiala Field Cost: resident $40/non-resident $50


Monday – Thursday: June 7-10 Time: 6 – 8 pm Location: Fiala Field Cost: resident $93/non-resident $103


Monday – Thursday: June 14-17 Time: 5 – 5:45 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $40/non-resident $50

10 – 12 YEAR OLDS

Monday – Thursday: June 14-17 Time: 6 – 8 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $93/non-resident $103


Grades: Entering 4th Grade to 17 Grades: Entering 6th Grade to 12th Grade Dates: June 14 – July 1 Shows: June 30 and July 1, 10 am and 7 pm Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Time: Must be available 8:00-3:30 M-F. On show days camp is 8– 12 pm and 5 – 9 pm Cost: resident $405/non-resident $455

Grades: Going into 3rd - 5th Dates: July 5 – 22 Shows: July 21 and 22, 10 am and 7 pm Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Time: 8:00-12:00 pm July 5 - July 16, 8 - 3 pm on July 17 - July 19 and on show days 8-12 am and 5 - 9 pm. Cost: resident $305/non-resident $355


Grades: Entering 6th Grade to 12th Grade Dates: July 26 – August 12 Shows: August 11 and 12, 10 am and 7 pm Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Time: Must be available 8:00-3:30 M-F. On show days camp is 8– 12 pm and 5 – 9 pm Cost: resident $405/non-resident $455



The Lion Foundation 2021-2022 Board Of Directors

Making Things Happen in Camp Hill

Officers Assistant Treasurer Dave Berkebile Secretary Melissa Corbin Assistant Secretary Jen Chaplin

President Lisa Reeves Vice President DJ Healey Treasurer Mike Breon

Board Members Aaron Boor Jennifer Branstetter Angela Couloumbis Jenny Crane, CHEA Representative Tina Darchicourt, Superintendent Rep. Vera DiPietro Randy Gale, School Board Representative

Chad Gallaher Kirsten Jones Carrie Knight Tate Livelsberger Janice Mullin Leslie Sarvis Ken Serafin Vlad Serdar Doug Snyder Rita Steele Ron Tomalis

Staff Kelly Falck, Executive Director Shari Sponic, Project Manager Julia Hoke, Office Administrator Contact The Lion Foundation for more information or to donate: 2627 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-775-5170 Web Site: Email: or visit us on Facebook


The Lion Foundation would like to thank the following outgoing board members for their time and dedication over the years: Aaron Boor, who served as Treasurer; Chad Gallaher, Leslie Sarvis, Rita Steele, and Ron Tomalis. We couldn’t do what we do without our wonderful volunteer Board of Directors! We would like to welcome the following new members to our Board: Tom Beckley, Robbe Bendick, Crissy Dopkowski, and John Hyams. They join a team of 20 other talented volunteers who help raise money to support programs and projects in our schools that are not covered by taxpayer dollars.

Our Children, Our Community, Our Future WE ARE because YOU Give… “It takes a village to raise a child,” the saying goes. In the past year, we have witnessed this firsthand. I would like to thank everyone who has stepped up to help us educate our children and get us through the year: office, kitchen and custodial staff, teachers, administrators, parents, grandparents, students, neighbors, local businesses, and our volunteers and donors. Being a tight-knit community shows its value as we support each other during these unpredictable times. This will be my last update to you as The Lion Foundation’s executive director. The Foundation has hired Kelly Falck to take on the position. Please join me in welcoming and supporting her as she guides the Foundation’s mission of supporting our children and schools. Just like we have been there in the past to help, The Lion Foundation will be there in the future, with your support. This year alone, your donations made it possible for our teachers and students to adapt to remote learning, address increased safety needs in the classrooms, and feed food insecure families in our community through the Earl Besch Fund. Thanks to the Pollock Endowment, The Pollock Performing Arts Center was able to continue to provide arts programming for our students, even if it looked and felt a little different this year. My hope is that we can all enjoy a more normal 2021 soon. Thanks to the continued support of our donors, Camp Hill schools will continue to grow stronger and better. It has been an amazing 13 years as your executive director. As I look back on this time, I am proud of all we have accomplished together. Thank you for supporting “Our Children, Our Community, and Our Future.” WE ARE because YOU Give! My best,



THE LION FOUNDATION WELCOMES KELLY FALCK The Lion Foundation is pleased to introduce Kelly Falck as the new Executive Director. Kelly brings more than 20 years of professional experience in informal education settings and non-profit organizations. As a graduate of Elizabethtown College, her academic training in social studies led to an early career in museum education at a science center in Columbus, Ohio, and later at a county historical society in Ithaca, New York. After returning to Central Pennsylvania, Kelly began a rewarding tenure as the Director of Faith Formation for Trinity Lutheran Church in Camp Hill. During her time at Trinity Lutheran, she came to know many Camp Hill families and grew to appreciate the unique and wonderful qualities of our community. In addition to her professional experience, Kelly has developed her education foundation leadership skills as a member of the board of the Polar Bear Foundation in Dillsburg. During her time on the board, she has served as Fundraising Chair, Events Co-Chair, and most recently as Board President. Through this work, she gained even greater knowledge of fundraising, grant management, event coordination, and the importance of building a vibrant board of directors. Kelly is also a member of the National School Foundation Association, and recently completed several courses toward earning her Certificate in Education Foundation Leadership. When asked about her new role, Kelly shared that “The Lion Foundation is a well-respected education foundation at the local, statewide, and national level. It is a true honor to build on past successes as we set a course for the future. I look forward to working with the Foundation’s leadership team to tackle fundraising goals, spread the word about the work of the Foundation, and make a positive difference in the lives of students and teachers throughout the district. I’m happy to become part of the Lion Pride.”

LION FOUNDATION FUNRAISING EVENTS IN 2021 In response to COVID-19, The Lion Foundation canceled the Winter Celebration, our biggest fundraising event of the year that is held in February. We missed seeing everyone! This summer and fall, we are offering other ways for you to support our schools in a more COVID-safe way. Mark your calendars for the following dates, and visit our website,, for more information:


The Lion Foundation's Inaugural Sporting Clay Shoot Fundraiser is sure to be a fun Friday afternoon and evening of sporting clays, games, prizes and a barbeque. All proceeds will support academic, athletic and cultural programs for Camp Hill schools, as well as learning and safety priorities. Check your email and mailbox for registration information in the coming weeks! WHEN: June 25, 2021 WHERE: Central Penn Sporting Clays, 75 Quarry Road, Wellsville, PA, 17365


WHEN: July 24, 2021 WHERE: 26th Street in Camp Hill More information to come!


WHEN: October 11, 2021 - Columbus Day WHERE: West Shore Country Club

EARL BESCH PROJECT 5K TRICK OR TROT 1 MILE MONSTER FUN RUN WHEN: October 30, 2021 WHERE: Camp Hill United Methodist Church / Fiala Field (Dickinson & 22nd Streets)


The Earl Besch Fund supports families by providing food at the free pantry, hygiene items, school supplies and resources in the school buildings. THANK YOU Camp Hill community for supporting this fund. Facebook: @earlbeschproject Twitter handle: @EBeschProject Instagram: the_earl_besch_project



Because of YOU, we were able to fund more than $163,000 in grants in 2020 for our students and schools. Your support allowed us to establish and prioritize our TECH/CONNECT program to upgrade and enhance technology and remote learning, and address student and staff safety programs. In mid-January, we awarded another $45,000 in grants to our schools. This includes a TECH/CONNECT grant for $25,902 to enhance livestreaming initiatives for K-12 remote and hybrid learners; $1,696 for technology decontamination stations for our kindergarten classes; and $2,592 for instructional tablets for middle and high school math teachers. YOU also funded: the K-5 special education Everyday Speech program, the Eisenhower PBIS program, Wiggle chairs for 3rd grade, 5th grade hands-on science materials, 5th grade JA Biztown, and the 6th grade online Spelling City program. You also provided support for establishing an online High School Athletic Electronic Wall of Honor, The Athletic Senior Banners, and for purchasing security cameras for College Park. These are programs and projects that otherwise would not be funded, but thanks to YOU, they are! YOU ARE having an impact with every donation you make, and WE ARE having an impact in our schools! Check out our website or follow us on Facebook to see the impact your donations have!



Thanks to a generous donation by Capital Blue Cross, Camp Hill high schoolers are getting the opportunity once again this year to learn real-life skills through the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program. When students successfully complete this hands-on, full-year initiative — which is done in partnership with HACC — they will emerge with an EMT certification and a credit toward graduation. As importantly, they will also gain invaluable experience that could lead to a career in health care. Thank you Capital Blue Cross!

NexTier Bank will once again sponsor our 5th Biztown program, which will look a little different Even though the Biztown facility in York is currently closed, our 5th grade teachers are working diligently to plan a Camp Hill version of JA Biztown, starting on May 7th. As part of this effort, they will use the Biztown curriculum books for the pre-event work, then try to set up a Career Day in the school. Stay tuned for more details on the format, which will depend on new COVID numbers at that time. This is all possible thanks to NexTier Bank’s through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Thank you NexTier Bank!


grade JA this year.

donation program.

The Class of 2020, which saw so many of its graduation activities and rites of passage altered or canceled last year because of the pandemic, has generously donated just under $9,500 toward The Lion Foundation’s mission of supporting Camp Hill schools, teachers and students. This was money the class had raised for a senior class trip that was canceled — and generously decided to donate to us. To honor the Class of 2020, $500 will be used to plant a tree at Hoover Elementary. Thank you Class of 2020!








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